#Deuteronomy 30:3
storytour-blog · 9 months
The Magic Pomegranate Seeds
The pomegranate eaten on Rosh Hashanah has great significance, The most outstanding aspect of the pomegranate is its seeds. As we say before eating the pomegranate on Rosh Hashanah, “May it be Your will, G-d and G-d of our fathers, that we be filled with mitzvot (good deeds) like a pomegranate is filled with seeds.” The times were bad, a poor woman was having a hard time finding food for her…
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touchofgoddotworld · 1 year
Follow His Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (195) – May 27 2023
LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST The Lord endeavors to lead His creation away from evil and captivity and into a better place in relationship with Him. Out of the Kingdom of Darkness and into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son, Jesus (Colossians 1:13). He led His chosen children of Israel in the pillar of cloud and fire day and night. His Spirit led His Only Begotten Son into the wilderness to be tried and…
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joycrispy · 10 months
I'm seeing some confusion out and about over the title A Companion to Owls (generally along the lines of 'what have owls got to do with it???'), so I'd like to offer my interpretation (with a general disclaimer that the Bible and particularly the Old Testament are damn complicated and I'm not able to address every nuance in a fandom tumblr post, okay? Okay):
It's a phrase taken from the Book of Job. Here's the quote in full (King James version):
When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness. My bowels boiled, and rested not: the days of affliction prevented me. I went mourning without the sun: I stood up, and I cried in the congregation. I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. --(Job 30:29)
Job is describing the depths of his grief, but also, with that last line, his position in the web of providence.
Throughout the Old Testament, owls are a recurring symbol of spiritual devastation. Deuteronomy 4:17 - Isaiah 34:11 - Psalm 102: 3 - Jeremiah 50: 39...just to name a few (there's more). The general shape of the metaphor is this: owls are solitary, night-stalking creatures, that let out either mournful cries or terrible shrieks, that inhabit the desolate places of the world...and (this is important) they are unclean.
They represent a despair that is to be shunned, not pitied, because their condition is self-inflicted. You defied God (so the owl signifies), and your punishment is...separation. From God, from others, from the world itself. To call and call and never, ever receive an answer.
Your punishment is terrible, tormenting loneliness.
(and that exact phrase, "tormenting loneliness," doesn't come from me...I'm pulling it from actual debate/academia on this exact topic. The owls, and what they are an omen for. Oof.)
To call yourself a 'companion to owls,' then, is to count yourself alongside perhaps the most tragic of the damned --not the ones who defy God out of wickedness or ignorance, and in exile take up diabolical ends readily enough...but the ones who know enough to mourn what they have lost.
So, that's how the title relates to Job: directly. Of course, all that is just context. The titular "companion to owls," in this case, isn't Job at all.
Because this story is about Aziraphale.
The thing is that Job never actually defied God at all, but Aziraphale does, and he does so fully believing that he will fall.
He does so fully believing that he's giving in to a temptation.
He's wrong about that, but still...he's realized something terrifying. Which is that doing God's will and doing what's right are sometimes mutually exclusive. Even more terrifying: it turns out that, given the choice between the two...he chooses what's right.
And he's seemingly the only angel who does. He's seemingly the only angel who can even see what's wrong.
Fallen or not, that's the kind of knowledge that...separates you.
(Whoooo-eeeeee, tormenting loneliness!!!)
Aziraphale is the companion.
...I don't think I need to wax poetic about Aziraphale's loneliness and grappling with devotion --I think we all, like, get it, and other people have likely said it better anyway. So, one last thing before I stop rambling:
Check out Crowley's glasses.
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(screenshots from @seedsofwinter)
Crowley is the owl.
Crowley is the goddamn owl.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
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The Return of the King title page // Heading to Zechariah 9
The Song of the Eagles // The Holy Bible
Psalm 30:4; Isaiah 25:8a; Revelation 20:14a; Zechariah 9:9a; Psalm 130:6 & Hebrews 6:10; Psalm 107:16; Zechariah 9:9b; 1 Corinthians 15:54b & John 16:33b; Philippians 4:4; Hebrews 9:28a; John 1:14; Luke 1:75; Revelation 22:2b; Isaiah 2:2a; Deuteronomy 28:3a & Psalm 87:3; Psalm 149:1
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statisticalcats2 · 2 months
Seven Cat Calls fandom event
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What is this event about?
This event is for celebrating your favorite Cats performers!
What types of works are allowed?
Anything you'd like! Gif-sets, fanart, meta posts or essays, anything! Anyway you'd like to share your love for your favorite performers!
When does this event start and end?
This event will begin the week of May 11th and end the week of October 26th (treat these dates as the beginning of their respective weeks.)
General rules/info:
This event is for any and all productions of Cats!
Each prompt/character gets a week and you can post at any time during that week.
Don't worry about being late! I mean for this to be a fun, casual event. If you miss a certain week, you can still make a post for it!
Please tag your event posts with #sevencatscalls2024 Since tumblr can be glitchy with tags at times, also feel free to tag me @statisticalcats2 in your posts!
I will not reblog from people who are anti-fiction/anti-ship.
If you have any other questions, my ask box is open!
Event schedule (below the cut):
Week 1 (May 11-17) - Grizabella
Week 2 (May 18-24) - Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus
Week 3 (May 25-31) - Rum Tum Tugger
Week 4 (June 1-7) - Coricopat
Week 5 (June 8-14) - Asparagus/Gus the Theatre Cat
Week 6 (June 15-21) - Jellylorum
Week 7 (June 22-28) - Rumpleteazer
Week 8 (June 29 - July 5) - Bustopher Jones
Week 9 (July 6-12) - Bombalurina
Week 10 (July 13-19) - Carbucketty/Pouncival
Week 11 (July 20-26) - Alonzo
Week 12 (July 27 - August 2) - Old Deuteronomy
Week 13 (August 3-9) - Victoria
Week 14 (August 10-16) - Mistoffelees
Week 15 (August 17-23) - Demeter
Week 16 (August 24-30) - Admetus/Plato
Week 17 (August 31 - September 6) - Jemima/Sillabub
Week 18 (September 7-13) - Cassandra
Week 19 (September 14-20) - Jennyanydots
Week 20 (September 21-27) - Tantomile
Week 21 (September 28 - October 4) - Macavity
Week 22 (October 5-11) - Mungojerrie
Week 23 (October 12-18) - Munkustrap
Week 24 (October 19-25) - Skimbleshanks
Week 25 (October 26 - November 1) - Rare characters/swings/production specific characters
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1 Samuel 15:23 • Psalms 40:2 • Genesis 3:23 • Philippians 3:20-21 • Hebrews 11:40 • Genesis 30:3 • Romans 10:9 • 1 John 4:16 • Matthew 25:21 • Deuteronomy 2:10 • Isaiah 45:23 • Ezekiel 7 and the Permanent Efficacy of Grace
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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The Lord Has Told You
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? — Micah 6:8 | New King James Version (NKJV) The Holy Bible; New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 5:22; Deuteronomy 10:12; Deuteronomy 30:15; Proverbs 21:3; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Isaiah 56:1; Isaiah 57:15; Isaiah 66:2; Jeremiah 22:3; Ezekiel 33:14; Hosea 6:6; Hosea 12:6; Amos 5:24; Micah 6:9; Zechariah 7:9; Luke 12:14
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hiswordsarekisses · 4 months
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The best way to view the Bible when you are reading it, is to realize you are having a conversation. The fact that He is speaking to you through those words is as real as if He were sitting beside you and the words were coming out of His mouth instead of from the pages.
However we view or handle - or possibly dismiss - The Word of God, we have to keep in mind Who we are viewing and handling and dismissing. John chapter one explains that God and His Word are one and the same. And He says He never changes. And He never has. We are warned not to add to it, not to take away from it, not to change it, not to neglect it - we are commanded to heed it, to study it, to abide in it… and we are encouraged to love it, and tremble at it.
“If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting” 2ndTimothy 1:10
“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7
“And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.”1stCorinthians 2:13
“Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.” Psalm 119:89
“Every word of God is flawless; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you and prove you a liar.”Proverbs 30:5-6
“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8
“He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.” Titus 1:9
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”2Timothy 3:16-17
“Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” 2Timothy 4:2
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
“You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.” Deuteronomy 4:2
“Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do. You shall not add to it or take from it.” Deuteronomy 12:32
“Repent at my rebuke - then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings. But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you - when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you.” Proverbs 1:23-27
“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.” 1 Samuel 15:23
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albertfinch · 6 months
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I love You, God, because You first loved me. (1 John 4:19)
You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus, to this earth out of Your love for me and for others.  I have believed on Him and now, I will not perish  -  I have everlasting life.  You did not send Jesus to condemn me, but to save me, and I thank You for that!  (John 3:16,17)
God, if You loved me that much, I should give love to others. (1 John 4:11)
So, I will love others.  It's a sign that I've been born of You, because You are love.  But if I fail to love others, I fail to love You.  Help me to always love!  (1 John 4:7,8)
I put on love each day, as if it's a coat, because I know that You consider it the highest of all virtues  -  Your love binds every other good virtue together  and makes them one.  (Colossians 3:14)
Love is the most important sacrifice to another person that I can make.  I will love God with all my heart, soul, mind and all my strength, Lord, and I will love my neghbor as myself. (Mark 12:33)
Help me to love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me.  I do this in obedience to You, my Father in Heaven.  (Matthew 5:44)
I love others because You have loved me, and people will know that I'm a disciple of Yours because of the love that I show.  (John 13:34-35)
Circumcise my heart, God.  Consecrate me and help me to love You with all my heart and soul so that I may truly live well!  (Deuteronomy 30:6) 
Father, help me to remain in Your love just like Jesus.  He always obeyed Your commands and always remained in Your love.  (John 15:10)
Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit!  Through Him, You have poured Your great love into my heart!  (Romans 5:5)
God, I know the Your love matters the most  -  though I speak many words, including the tongues of angels,  if I don't love others, my words are nothing but a lot of noise!  I can prophesy, understand everything there is to know, and have faith enough to move mountains.  I can give everything I have to feed the poor, even if I give my own body as a sacrifice to You, but without love, none of these things do any good at all:  Love matters most!  (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
Help me to see Your love for what it is  -  patient and kind, never envious, boastful, proud, rude, self-seeking, or easily angered.  You love stops me from keeping a record of wrongs or delighting in what is evil.  Your love helps me to rejoice in truth and always protect, trust, hope, and persevere!  (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
Whatever I do, Lord, help me to do it in love!  (1 Corinthians 16:14)
The covenant I have with You, God, is not because of something physical, like circumcision.  My covenant was made through Jesus Christ  -  and my faith works by love!  (Galatians 5:6)
The fruit of your Spirit is love.  (Galatians 5:22)
I was called by God to be free!  But, I don't use my freedom as an excuse to live in sin and do only what I want.  Instead, I serve others in the way of love.  (Galatians 5:13)
God, You are rich in mercy and because of Your great love for me,  You have made me alive with Christ!  Even when I was dead in sin, you made a way of grace so that I could be saved!  (Ephesians 2:4-5)
I am being rooted and established in love.  I'm gaining the power to grasp the amazing measurements of Your love.  I realize that it surpasses all knowledge, but in "seeking" to find its measurements, I am being filled with the fullness of God.  (Ephesians 3:17-19)
I'm a volunteer prisoner of You and I will live a life worthy of Your calling.  In humility, gentleness, and patience, I will bear what others do in love.  I will strive to always keep the unity of Your Spirit and keep the peace.  (Ephesians 4:1-3)
I speak the truth in love and it causes me to grow up in all things  -  I'm a part of the body of Christ and we serve under the Head of the Church,  Jesus Christ!  We work together in love and this unites the whole body of Christ!  (Ephesians 4:15,16)
Like a child imitates those he admires, I imitate You Jesus, and live a life of love!  Because You loved me and gave Yourself for me as a good-smelling offering to God,  I will give myself to others, as an offering to You.  (Ephesians 5:1)
I will speak peace, love, and faith over all my brothers and sisters today!  (Ephesians 6:23)
Thank You for correcting my heart when I do wrong.  I know that You discipline those You love.  (Hebrews 12:6)
I will live in harmony with others and be sympathetic, compassionate, and humble.  (1 Peter 3:8)
Above it all, I will love others deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.  (1 Peter 4:8)
I have known and believed in the love that You have for me.  You are Love and I make my life in You.  Your great love is being perfected in me day-to-day.  I will be able to have boldness in the day of judgment because I have a life of love!  1 John 4:16,17)
I won't fear!  Your love in me casts fear out!  I'm being made perfect in Your love day by day!  (1 John 4:18)
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steveezekiel · 12 days
“AND you shall REMEMBER the Lord your God, FOR IT IS HE WHO GIVES YOU POWER TO GET WEALTH, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day." Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)
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God gives ABILITY or POWER to whoever He wanted to Bless.
The ABILITY or POWER given by God is the Blessing, NOT the material possessions per SE.
A man or woman with DIVINE ABILITY or POWER will prosper anywhere—in any part of the world.
This ABILITY or POWER will make a way for whoever has it—those who are Believers in Christ Jesus. a. This ability or power was found in Jacob. When he got to Laban, all he, Laban, had began to increase (Genesis 29:27-30). b. This same ability or power was found in Joseph, when he got to Potiphar's house, all he had began to increase (Genesis 39:2-5).
God will not give or rain down any physical cash, so to speak, If He wanted to bless an individual believer. He will simply give the ability or power to make Money.
It is the power or the ability that makes the difference wherever you go or be, or find yourself.
This power or ability causes you to be favoured. You will be distinguished, preferred to others—among those who are your contemporaries: 2 THE LORD WAS WITH JOSEPH, AND HE WAS A SUCCESSFUL MAN; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. 3 And his master saw that the LORD WAS WITH HIM AND THAT THE LORD MADE ALL HE DID TO PROSPER IN HIS HAND. 4 SO JOSEPH FOUND FAVOUR IN HIS SIGHT, AND SERVED HIM. THEN he made him OVERSEER of his HOUSE, AND all that he had HE PUT UNDER HIS [Joseph's] AUTHORITY. 5 SO it was, FROM THE TIME THAT HE HAD MADE HIM OVERSEER OF HIS HOUSE and ALL THAT HE HAD, THAT THE LORD BLESSED THE EGYPTIAN'S HOUSE FOR JOSEPH'S SAKE; and THE BLESSING OF THE LORD WAS ON ALL that HE HAD in the HOUSE and in the FIELD" (Genesis 39:2-5 NKJV). READ: Genesis 39:21-23
Now, If you are not born-again, you have no access to God's supernatural ABILITY or POWER, and you cannot cut a covenant with Him (Ephesians 2:12).
Until you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, you are not considered to be part of the covenant—thus supernatural ability or power to get wealth being discussed here could not be yours: 13 CHRIST HAS REDEEMED US FROM THE CURSE OF THE LAW, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), 14 THAT THE BLESSING OF ABRAHAM MIGHT COME UPON THE GENTILES IN CHRIST JESUS, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 29 AND IF YOU ARE CHRIST'S, THEN YOU ARE ABRAHAM'S SEED, AND HEIRS ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE" (Galatians 3:13,14,29 NKJV).
There are terms and conditions for the covenant of wealth or blessings or abundance.
Any number of Christians failed at the area of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the covenant for abundance—wealth. Some who professed to Believers, who are tightfisted, are against the principle of Giving in the church today.
God will not bend His principles. He has a system that He built for whoever wants to be blessed in His Kingdom on the earth.
If you operate the system, live by the principles, you will experience the faithfulness of God in terms of material blessings.
God works with principles. God has put the power, or the ability for Blessing on His children who walked in line with the principles given in His Word—the Bible.
The ability to prosper materially is harnessed through the practicing of the principles of the Bible.
Money is spiritual.
The power or ability to get material Blessings is given by God through the practicing of His Word; when you walked in line with the principles that govern it.
Every child of God is potentially Rich. When the power for abundance or wealth is activated, because it was deposited in you through the new birth, as you practice the principles of the covenant, you cannot but PROSPER materially.
Some of the basic principles: (a) Living your life according to the Word of God: 22 BUT BE DOERS OF THE WORD, AND NOT HEARERS ONLY, deceiving yourselves. 25 But he who LOOKS into the perfect law of liberty [the Word of God] AND CONTINUES IN IT, AND IS NOT A FORGETFUL HEARER BUT A DOER OF THE WORK, THIS ONE WILL BE BLESSED IN WHAT HE [she] DOES" (James 1:22,25). (b) Kingdom mindedness. (c) Giving (d) Being sensitive to divine directions, that is, being divinely led by God. (e) Understanding the principle of timing. (f) Submission to the spiritual authority ordained by God to bless your life. That is, knowing your prophet or pastor, who has or carried the anointing that you need, in order to be whatever God has ordained you to be. (g) Being diligent in your work, whatever assignment you are ordained to do. (h) Dealing with opposition in prayers, the devil, who might want to stand against what God has purposed to do in your life, or those identify with you.
If these highlighted principles are followed, you cannot but experience the faithfulness of God in financial Blessings—in walking in abundance or wealth.
You will not fail in Jesus' name.
Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare your healing now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Whatever God has not planted which is working against your health, such is rebuked and rooted up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Peace!
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study-with-aura · 5 months
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Monday, January 15, 2024
I was supposed to volunteer today with my Girl Scout troop, but the city postponed the event because the weather was frigid. However, I do not have ballet tonight because it is a holiday here, so I was able to do a bit of extra studying in my CLEP course. These readings are so long, so I'm not finished with the second reading yet. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow.
I plan on doing an online ballet class tonight so I still have dance. There are many classes on YouTube that I've used before, but after a quick search, I found another one that I would like to try. It's barre only, but that's fine. I'll do a 30-ish minute pointe class after, and that will equal out to a full night.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed inscribed angles + learned about inscribed quadrilaterals + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 13-15 vocabulary + read two WWII articles + reviewed non-fiction writing terms + began planning my written biography assignment (I am deciding between Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe)
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 3
World History - Read about the causes and effects of the American Revolution + wrote a paragraph on the causes of the American Revolution
Biology with Lab - Completed tutorial activity on di-hybrid crosses
Foundations - Read more on loyalty + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + read about the importance of word and the 3 Cs of effective language use
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour sessions
Khan Academy - Completed World History Unit 5: Lesson 1 + completed High School Geometry Unit 8: Lesson 8 + completed second half of High School Biology Unit 5: Lesson 1
CLEP - Completed Module 2 assigned reading “Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment" + "Europe: A.D. 1701 to 1800" 4.32.1 + Module 2.0-2.3 lecture videos
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 107-139 of Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
Chores - Cleaned my bathroom + cleaned windows in my bedroom and in the study + took the trash and recycling out
Activities of the Day:
Online ballet class + pointe class
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful that, despite looking forward to it, they postponed the day of service due to the freezing cold temperatures.
Quote of the Day:
Horrible things have happened to us, are still happening to us, will happen every day for the rest of our lives, probably. What defines us is not our ability to never let them break us – what defines us is not letting them own us.
-Ice Like Fire, Sara Raasch
🎧Consolation No. 2 in E Major - Franz Liszt
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discocactusblogs · 1 month
For my Christian nerds, here's a breakdown of Biblical parallels in the Lantern Corps.
Key verses: Galations 5:13-26; Psalms 46:1-3; Romans 12:9-15 Life: John 14:6; Romans 6:23; John 3:16; John 10:10; Romans 5:15-21; Romans 6:11-14; John 11:25-26
Hope: John 15:13; Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 39:7; Jeremiah 17:7-8; Daniel 3:17-18; Romans 5:1-5; Romans 8:24-25; Romans 15:13;
Willpower (perseverance): 1 Peter 5:8-9; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; 2 Corinthians 4:8-9; Galations 6:9-10; Romans 8:18;
Mercy: Luke 6:35-36; Ephesians 2:1-7; Luke 10:25-37; Romans 11:30-32;
Love: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; 1 John 4:16-21; Romans 5:4-5; Romans 5:8; Matthew 5:43-47; Luke 6:27-35;
Death: Romans 6:23; Romans 5:12; Romans 8:6-8; Genesis 2:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:56;
Rage: Proverbs 29:22; Ephesians 4:26-31; Colossians 3:8;
Fear: 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18; Proverbs 28:1;
Greed: 1 Timothy 6:9-10; James 5:1-6; Luke 12:15;
Edit: Oddly enough, all of these are the foundations for a good superhero.
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freebiblestudies · 10 months
Line Upon Line Lesson 007: Get on the Boat!
Genesis 7:1 - Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.”
Many people think God commanded Noah to build the ark solely to save the animals and his own family.  However, this is actually not true.
Let’s read together Ezekiel 14:14-20; Habakkuk 2:4; and Hebrews 11:6-7.
Noah was considered righteous by God because Noah believed in God. Noah demonstrated His faith in God through his obedience to God’s commands. Noah built the ark even though there was no evidence or prior history of floods in the world.
Note that the Bible clearly states Noah could not save anyone else with his righteousness.  This means Noah’s wife, his three sons, and their wives each had an individual faith in God. They also believed in God and were obedient to His words.
Let’s read together Psalm 142:7; Isaiah 42:6-7; 1 Peter 3:18-20; and 2 Peter 2:5.
The Bible described Noah as a preacher of righteousness. God used Noah to deliver a message of repentance. Noah wasn’t just building the ark for one hundred and twenty years. He was warning the entire world about God’s judgment and the impending flood.
Let’s read together Deuteronomy 30:19-20;  Matthew 24:37-39; Luke 17:26-27; and Ephesians 4:17-32.
In essence, Noah’s message was, “Repent now and get on the boat! If you do not, you will be destroyed by the coming flood!  This is the only way you can be saved!”
Unfortunately, no one listened to Noah. Their hearts were so set on sin, the Holy Spirit could not reach them.  God wanted to save them all, but they chose not to be saved.
Let’s read together Acts 4:10-12.
God gives us all the same choice today that He gave the people of the Antediluvian age. Repent now and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. There is no other way to be saved. Will you choose Jesus?
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psalmonesermons · 1 year
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Staying fresh with the Lord Part 2 Suggestions as to how we might keep freshness in our relationship with the Lord In Part 1 we considered three suggestions (based on my personal experience) that might help us stay fresh in our relationship with the Lord. They were 1. Not taking the Lord for granted 2 Keeping a child-like humility 3 Always committing our way to the Lord We are now going to consider a further 4 suggestions (4-7) that might help us stay fresh with the Lord. These suggestions may all help as before and are based on my own experience. 4 Walking in the Spirit Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. So often, we start in the Spirit but end up in the flesh performing what has become a ritual. The ritual becomes a tradition which then becomes a tablet of stone. Walking in the Spirit entails being responsive to the voice (wind) of the Spirit. When a yachtsman sets off on a voyage, he must catch the wind at the right angle so that the yacht will be propelled by the prevailing wind. However, he will not have gone far before he will need to adjust his sails to keep moving in the desired direction. So, it is with the Lord we need to keep going back to the Lord for redirection and course correction. If the yachtsman is sailing at night, he must navigate by his compass or by the stars (if it is a cloudless sky). Modern navigation is assisted by satellites which allow the navigator to triangulate their location. However, the sailor or airplane pilot must keep making constant checks on their direction to avoid drifting off course and into danger and so we must keep referring to the Lord for fresh directions. 5 Cleave (cling) to the Lord Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before your life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 20 That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdfG54Iek7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hosea Redeems his Wife (Zechariah 2:6-13)
1 Then said the LORD to me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine. 2 So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: 3 And I said to her, You shall abide for me many days; you shall not play the harlot, and you shall not be for another man: so will I also be for you. 4 For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: 5 Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days. — Hosea 3 | American King James Version (KJVUS) The American King James Version is Produced by Stone Engelbrite. It is a simple word for modern word update from the King James English. Cross References: Genesis 31:19; Genesis 31:34; Exodus 34:15; Deuteronomy 4:30; Deuteronomy 21:13; Ruth 4:10; 2 Samuel 6:19; 1 Chronicles 16:3; Isaiah 2:2-3
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Numbers in the Bible are significant! Over the next few weeks I'm going to share the meaning of some of them. (Although, this is just what we humans think they mean. Only God really knows what He means by all the numbers in the Bible. Amen!)
“The Meaning of Numbers in the Bible: The Number 40” By Kevin Halloran:
“Mentioned 146 times in Scripture, the number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation. During Moses' life, he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery.
Moses was also on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, on two separate occasions (Exodus 24:18, 34:1 - 28), receiving God's laws. He also sent spies, for forty days, to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance (Numbers 13:25, 14:34).
The prophet Jonah powerfully warned ancient Nineveh, for forty days, that its destruction would come because of its many sins. The prophet Ezekiel laid on His right side for 40 days to symbolize Judah's sins (Ezekiel 4:6).
Elijah went 40 days without food or water at Mount Horeb. Jesus was tempted by the devil many times during the 40 complete days he fasted just before his ministry began. He also appeared to his disciples and others for 40 days after his resurrection from the dead.
The number forty can also represent a generation of man. Because of their sins after leaving Egypt, God swore that the generation of Israelites who left Egyptian bondage would not enter their inheritance in Canaan (Deuteronomy 1). The children of Israel were punished by wandering the wilderness for 40 years before a new generation was allowed to possess the Promised Land.
Jesus, just days before his crucifixion, prophesied the total destruction of Jerusalem (Matthew 24:1 - 2, Mark 13:1 - 2). Forty years after his crucifixion in 30 A.D., the mighty Roman Empire destroyed the city and burned its beloved temple to the ground.
Appearances of the number forty: The book of Exodus, with its 40 chapters and 1,213 verses, is the seventh longest book. The longest is the Psalms.
From the time they entered the Promised Land, to the time of King Saul, Israel was sporadically governed by a number of individuals known as Judges. Though they did not rule like a king, they nevertheless had a tremendous influence on the people, as they represented God and were inspired to execute his will. Judges who served 40 years include Othniel, Deborah and Barak, Eli and Gideon.
The first three human kings over the children of Israel, Saul, David and Solomon, each ruled for forty years (1050 to 930 B.C.). After the united kingdom split into two separate pieces, King Joash served forty official years (39 actual years) as one of Judah's better kings.
Abraham tried to bargain with God to not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if forty righteous people were found (Genesis 18:29). Both Isaac and Esau were forty years old when they were first married (Genesis 25:20, 26:34).
God flooded the earth by having it rain for forty days and nights (Genesis 7:12). After the patriarch Jacob (Israel) died in Egypt, the Egyptians spent forty days embalming his body (Genesis 50:3).”
These are just some of the examples of the number 40 in the Bible. And the Bible was written by forty different people! Now, none of this is “coincidence.” Amen!
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