#Devian Art
unicorb · 7 months
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kivihattu · 6 months
Searched my old DA username here on Tumblr. Always funny to find that someone has reposted something super old of mine. It is fine now, all there is old. Especially ASoIaF fanarts were painfull to look at thou xD But I had fun time drawing them back then, like more than 10 years ago.
I kind of want to delete them, but no. It is fun to keep DA as some type of archive
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nart-is-a-monster · 6 months
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🍉daily clicks // support Palestine
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💥Aro/Ace⁠✧Infj✧Esp/Eng⁠✧🏳️‍⚧️⁠✧He/him✧ 20 💥
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the art tag! where all the silly stuff i draw are collected :3
😺art tag💥
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And some of my other social media (that i dont really use tehee)
🎸Cara ‼️
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Im mostly active here in tumblr because keeping up with multi platform is exhausting
I don't use Instagram anymore bc in Colombia there are no laws for personal information n stuff and I don't want my stuff to be feed up to fucking Ai
So, in case you see a pin of mine that has a link to instagram... is bc i uploaded them to instagram but i had to delete all my artwork from there sdkjhgkjhgkf
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For my bestie: :3c
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Sorry for being a self indulgent bastard (it will happen again)
I draw fictional characters in fictional situations.. mayhaps homosexual situations
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゚。・*. ゚constantly inconsistent in being in other fandoms゚。・*. ゚
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Painting programs I use:
Those are the ones I use the most, but for some other details sometimes I go to
Ibis paint
Hi paint
Magma (web)
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If you want to ask something in the ask box, please keep it respectful or silly
゚。・*. ゚I love little asks :3 ゚。・*. ゚
But if you're the fucking anon who asks all the time the vat7k fandom the same shit I rather you go and log off, search a life and perhaps touch some grass.
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a-halcyon-e · 1 year
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colddeepwater · 7 days
I can't explain it but these guys could start weirdmageddon 2.0
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(The micheal drawing is by rei-pinto on devian art)
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kapeeshkapoosh · 10 months
true love’s kiss
a/n: cute idea i had, inspired by an armin story from ages ago that i read on devian art LMFAO, idk what it’s called but credit to that - however mine is very cliche and has bad writing
synopsis: Gojo signed up for the latest play from the theatre club for one sole reason, the true love’s kiss.
contents: gojo oneshot, gojo x reader, gojo has a massive crush, teenage gojo, no curses au, regular high school, little bit of swearing, cliché play plot, 1.4k words, shoko and geto not helping w gojo’s crush at all, oblivious reader, no use of y/n!
Gojo Satoru x F! Reader
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When Gojo first found out that you had signed up for this year’s annual play from Shoko, he was quick to put his name on the list.
At first, he was cocky and fully sure in himself that he would get the main love interest with his natural charisma, since you were auditioning for the main role. However, once he heard you practicing for your audition with Shoko, he was shaking in his boots. Simply put, if Gojo wanted to be the main male lead role so that he could get the ‘True Love’s Kiss’ at the end of the play, he had to put in the work.
Every day from then on, he was devoted to becoming a (temporary) actor. Once you found out about this, you were eager to help him out. Considering that you were part of the theatre club and signed up for the play every year, he was happy to get your help.
He was also bursting with joy that his crush was willing to help him get the love interest of her character.
He remembers the morning of try-outs vividly.
You sat next to him in the hall as others did their auditions. It was early Saturday morning, and everyone was rather pumped up.
You seemed confident, but goosebumps trailed up your arms as it got closer and closer to your turn. Gojo wanted to help calm your nerves, but this guy was also shitting himself as his name was up next and he was unsure of whether he would fumble or not.
When his name got called out, shortly after the incredibly enchanting audition by one of his underclass men, he got up nervously and gingerly walked up onto the stage.
At first, the teacher could easily sense his nervousness, so she started off with some simple lines. Once Gojo eased into them, he really started to shine. He was good at everything, of course he would be good at acting as well.
Once his audition finished, you had stars in your eyes; you were truly stunned by what had just happened. When he returned to his seat, he was confused by your expression.
You were awe-struck, but also insanely motivated to give the audition your all.
After a few more people, your name was finally called, yours being the last audition before the try-outs would be closed. Most, if not all, students had left by now; only Gojo and your theatre teacher were in the room.
Your teacher was excited for your audition; she started off with lines that matched your level of acting, and you quickly got into character.
Now if Gojo’s audition was motivational, yours was life-changing.
Sure, Gojo had been at your plays before during other school events, but he had never really focused. Usually messing with Geto and Shoko as they tried to concentrate on the play.
Once yours was done, he was glad yours was the final one; no one else had been there to witness it but you and him, as well as your theatre teacher. He now understood the importance of saving the best for last.
You and Gojo left shortly after, greeting your teacher goodbye and going to get a celebratory bite at the café.
The next Monday, when you returned to school, you and Gojo both promised to not look at the results without each other. You rushed to school early that day, finding Gojo already in the classroom with Geto and Shoko. You and Gojo quickly ushered over to the bulletin board; a hoard of students were already looking.
A bunch of ‘aww’s and ‘yes!’s were heard as you pushed your way through, holding onto Gojo firmly by his wrist.
Your eyes followed the text on the pink sheet of paper. A squeal left you as you turned to Gojo. “We got it!” You shook his shoulders, giving him a bone-crushing hug after.
When the two of you returned to the classroom, hand in hand, you beaming and Gojo’s pale face flushed with red, Geto and Shoko burst out laughing.
After every Wednesday practice, which usually lasted till 6, you and Gojo would go out to some place to eat. Not that you didn’t do this before, but now it was just you and Gojo.
He had discovered much more that he didn’t know about you before, like how when you got a line wrong during practice, you would immediately laugh, causing everyone to laugh behind stage. Everyone seemed to like you in the theatre club, and it was no surprise when he saw how much you helped.
On most days of practice, you would stay back way later to help the lighting crew and the people doing the background props.
Meaning Gojo had to wait, which he didn’t mind, but it made him look like a lousy actor who was too lazy to help. (He eventually got assigned as the errand boy that had to buy drinks from the vending machine every practice)
He wasn’t as popular on the set as you were; sure, the girls fawned over him, but the males seemed jealous and always shined the stage lights in his eyes during practice. This worked out badly in their case, since you would stop all acting and make sure he was okay. This took especially long since Gojo was the biggest diva known to man. Also because he was more than happy to piss the jealous boys off as he smiled smugly at them while he pretended to be temporarily blinded.
After a few weeks, everything was done.
Apart from the kiss.
Everyone had seemed to tiptoe around the subject, per your request.
You had wanted to kiss Gojo once, and you wanted it to be perfect. Gojo hadn’t forgotten about the kiss though, but he couldn’t get an answer as to why it was never practiced, always getting brushed off and told, “Go buy more drinks, errand boy.”
Slowly, the big night was coming up.
The tickets had all been sold, and everything was practiced perfectly, to a point where you were dreaming about it in your sleep.
However, the entire week building up to the night, Gojo had spent his time trying to piece together the mystery of 'the true love’s kiss.’ He had even asked the teacher, who had given him a vague answer as well.
So, the last option was you.
Everyone was stressed out about the performance, the lights, and the sound.
But Gojo could only think about you.
Today was a big night for the third years, possibly the biggest night for those wanting to continue with musical arts and theatre.
Meaning you should, in theory, be stressing and shitting yourself. But it was the opposite; you were making peace with the cast, and when Gojo approached you, you weren’t fazed. It was almost as if you had expected it, preparing the answer to his question for weeks.
“I didn’t want to kiss you a ton of times and lose the magic; we can only do it once, and I want it to be the best.”
Gojo was stunned and wasn’t given that much time to recover, as the teacher started to count down when you had to be on stage.
“Do your best, okay?” You grinned at him before running to the edge of the curtain, waiting for your queue in the song.
Gojo swore he could hear the sounds of teenage boys growling behind him.
The very cliché plot of the play was the very reason Gojo had signed up in the first place: ‘the true love’s kiss’, that would fix everything.
And it was finally happening.
His breath hitched as he neared closer to you, and the song he had just been singing came to a close.
As you lay in the artificial bed of flowers and greenery, he took a deep breath in. You looked up at him with one eye, your eye glistening underneath the stage light. But nonetheless, a reassuring smile rested on your lips as you peeked up at him, his worries fled as he returned the smile, leaning in for the kiss happily. When he pulled away, just like in the story, you awoke, reciting the final lines of the play. On queue, the dark red curtains closed before you, the audience’s cheering and applause fading as you gave Gojo your most precious grin while his face started to flush an uncontrollable crimson.
Gojo still wasn’t able to confess his feelings after that night, but he had kissed you; that must mean something, right?
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hiyutekivigil · 1 year
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map of our galaxy from devian art
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sombraoscura15 · 9 months
Fissure viaja por el multiverso y de vez en cuando encuentra lugares donde su hermano termina asi, usando su poder logra derrotar al humano y forzar el reset para que esto no vuelva a pasar. -----------------------------------------------Artista ------------------------------------------------- hank999/yenk9999
Canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa16LCHcJOQqM4AQbj1MbZw
Devian Art:
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New tr spin off dude looks like those cringy gacha devian art ocs
Lmaoo you don't like him??? Love how his name is not even known yet and he's already getting wrecked
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ossimoro7 · 5 months
La Fretta un giorno si fermò. Il Tempo guardò Fretta e continuando a correre le disse: "Sbrigati, non puoi fermarti a riposare, lo sai, sono le regole della Vita! Se tu ti fermi dovrò fermarmi anche io e moriremo insieme". Fretta visibilmente stanca rispose:"Ne sei sicuro, Tempo?". "Certo che ne sono sicuro". "Va bene, allora mi limiterò a rallentare" disse Fretta cominciando a camminare lentamente. "Ma io e te non possiamo rallentare, dobbiamo correre". "Mi sono sempre fidata di te caro Tempo, per una buona volta puoi fidarti tu di me?". "Ehm… Va bene, allora rallentiamo… ". Fretta e Tempo si ritrovarono così a camminare e scoprirono che la Vita non era solo una fredda strada asfaltata da percorrere a massima velocità ma era cielo, mare, fiori e profumi.
"Scelta saggia, amica mia, è bello rallentare". "Sai, arriva un giorno in cui capisci che a volte fermarsi o andare piano non significa essere meno bravi, meno capaci, ma vuol dire semplicemente iniziare a mettere vita nei giorni, vuol dire ascoltarsi e ascoltare. Tutti prima o poi abbiamo bisogno dei nostri giorni lenti per sentirci e per amarci, per osservare, per ricordare, per respirare un po' a pieni polmoni". "Fretta, sento che devo ricominciare a correre". "Vai, Tempo, vai, tu devi correre, lo so, ma io mi fermerò a riposare. Il Tempo va sempre, la Fretta no, non deve. Aspetterò il tuo ritorno". "Senza fretta?". "Senza fretta".
~ Sabrina Ferri
Illustrazione: Devian Art
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darkest-fantasy · 5 months
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There is some mentions to the Throne of Glass Series!
First Art: via shirayukicat on Devian Art. Second art: @ obliviondream comissioned by @stephdaydreams. Third art: @ kloartz on insta!
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kivihattu · 1 year
omg I visited DA and there was a commen xD It has probably been years since I received a comment there, really. Of course it is the same for me, I haven't been commenting on anyones' work even though I occasionally visit the site
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hogwartsnews · 5 months
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Hogwarts Blog #1
Hello Wizards, Witches and Muggles! You have stumbled on our muggle media page! Hogwarts is currently open! Classes are (surprisingly) normal (except for DADA)!
Please feel free to owl us! We will try to answer! Remember: Be nice and follow school rules!
Remember that students are not allowed in the corridors late at night! And don’t forget that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds!
Also remember that common room’s are only for the houses! (Intended for Harry…)
Map of Hogwarts: (Since people get lost in here…)
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[Provided by Prof. Mcgonnagal.]
-🦁📚 Hermione ‘Head girl’ Granger (PS: It’s LeviOsa not LeviosAUR)
(OOC: Map by gamma-ray-burst on devian art)
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✨the haters trio✨
Lucca comics and games 2012
Credits to: “Mokachiko” on Devian art
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beanetto · 3 months
Hey! Hope you’re doing alright, all that hate seems really harsh. I don’t really have any pets lol but I got a bunch of crazy looking fishes that may make you laugh
( also I read your Devian art profile because it was in your Tumblr profile and you seem cool!! Your art is super pretty! )
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heheh silly fish <3
Tysm about my art, it rlly means a lot to me! I love drawing but it’s just so hard to finish stuff, so the praise really means so much to my praise absorbing mind hehe <3
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kirrafrfr · 11 months
Introduction (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
(REALLY long introduction)
Before starting here's the question that are too personnal and i don't want to answer 😋:
My age , My name or last name , my religion , a face reveal etc...
My pronouns are in my bio,i'll change them if i feel the need to :) I still don't know if i'm genderfluid or demiboy/demigirl , or just cis ?
My sexuality is bisexual/pansexual (i still don't know wich one i am 😭)
You Can call me Kirra,Kira,Kia.. and anything you want 😻!(except for rude nicknames or something sexualizing me Ofc)
I'm a minor so don't sexualize me pls-
If you want,we Can play Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite or Animal crossing new horizons together ^^
Random accounts :
Tiktok : anonymoususer098766
Discord : Kotaku68
Devian art : KiraYoshi23
Facebook : KiraYoshi23
Youtube : KiraYoshi23
Pinterest : Amocouscous
Second Pinterest account :KiraYoshi23
Wattpad : KiraYoshi23
Video games accounts :
Minecraft : Kira Yoshi68
Roblox : KirraYoshikage2
Fortnite : KiraYoshi23
Nintendo Switch accounts:
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I'm french btw 🙀🇨🇵 So i Can speak french,and kinda english but i'm not VERY good at it
I like to listen to music,draw,animate, watch videos..
Btw french youtubers i like :
You Can ask me to send u the link of my Spotify playlists :]
I'm in many fandoms (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
I'm kinda cringe yeah
I like South Park 😽😽
I have another Tumblr blog named @rileyfantasia23 but it's in french,this blog is about a wattpad i write
And i'll create a blog to post only m'y drawings
A bit random but i drew my profile picture myself,and i'm matching with @inkyslimee
Sometimes i'm in a bad mood so i can be dry or smth and i'm sorry about that
Reasons why you should totally follow me :
-i'm nice ig ?
-i don't judge u 😽
-and uuuh i have cool interests ?
-i post random stuffs,ig it's a reason 'cause some poeple like random stuffs
Cool poeple u should follow too 'cause they're actually nice and cool:
@inkyslimee @numbers8 @patipati @catluvrnico and uuh i think that's all lol
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