#Devil May Cry OC Week Day 5
sattorntempura · 3 months
UPDATE on the Devil May Cry -OC comic
Hey guys, it's meeee agaaain. I have a few updates and information regarding this comic I have been working on ("Who asked!? It's an OC comic. No one will read it"-ACKSHUALLY, ☝️🤓 IT'S for those who DID ASK... *cries in the corner*)
Change of date:
It WAS July 7th, but now it will be in November. No day, but it WILL be in that month (watch me post it on the last day-) HEAR ME OUT... So, during my first week of school, I barely managed to do anything relating to drawing or tweaking up the story. And the closer I was to my previous uploading date, the more I was like, "crap, I have to do this- but wait, I need to prioritize this first- well how am I going to make it- dang it, I'm going to have to announce the change of plans"
And it's really a bummer because as much as I want to show you guys the story I built so far, I also didn't want it to be rushed. I was only able to catch 2 hours of free time per day to mess with the story. Even at weekends, I didn't have enough time to mess around so much.
So yeah, November is the month. That month sounds far, but trust me, we'll get there in no time, especially if we consider how busy our lives can get...
So I already mentioned in my previous posts some information about the comic, you guys can check it out if you'd like :)
First post
And then the 2nd one, I might edit it..
I've been replaying the 1-5 games to get a refresher of what happened and added a little bit into my story. I've taken note of specific items from all games, certain demons, antagonists, settings... etc. I want to keep it DMC themed, of course, because, like I said in the previous post, what's dmc without their stylish theme? Lol. But not only that, I want it to take it a little to the extreme. But not TOO0 extreme where "this is no long devil may cry!". I want to take a step deep into the dark themes, the fights, especially the dialogues between characters. There is going to be a bit of retelling from canon characters, too. I also keep forgetting to take note of what's canon and canon events that are no longer canon(?) I thought maybe if there is information regarding to it not being canon anymore, then maybe we can make it possible in the comic, or try to make sense out of unexplained moments in the canon story that caused it to no longer be canon.
Anyway I think I'm going to have to add a warning on each post (for the gore and violence and all that) then add the tab before showing the comic because fighting with demons can get a little bloody.
Lastly, I've already mentioned this in my past 2 posts, (going to mention it again so nobody gets caught in a suprise and start tweaking over it. I've heard of people saying that they had bad experience from a fanbase- even though I've never experienced it myself so far nor have I ever seen it happen to someone) but this does include an oc and canon character ship. This ship won't be all up in the face (also, I'm too shy to draw anything remotely romantic LOL, but.. I'll try-) MAINLY because this story will start off from the very beginning of my oc's life. Ezra (oc) doesn't even meet the main characters until the present day (before dmc5 events). So you guys don't have to deal with the lovey-dovey theme/moments until we get to the present, lol.
ANYWAY, HERES SOME DRAWINGS!!! (still messing with the shadings and tweaking their designs w/ my style so they might look a little different in the future, lol). Oh gosh, I love these huge ahhh images
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Dante and Nero are the easiest ones to draw... so far lol. MA!!! WHO'S FUCKING BIRD IS THAT!??!?!?!
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I wanna work on V's face a bit more. And I need to create a separate reference sheet for his markings....
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Vergil, again with the snapcube refs. semi-realism/anime style is kinda hard to draw him in. I want to keep his facial features there because without em he'll just look like the dmc3 version that I drew-
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He looks more anime-ish in the pic with the chaos emerald because thats when i was experimenting with my styles and trying to fit him into it.
Bro is so angry, and for what? OK, I kinda know why in this pic, but still---
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And then here's Ezra being... his usual self
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I kinda changed up Ezra's clothing design a teenie bit, so the one you guys are seeing in the previous posts is him... It's just a little different compared to the way I draw him now.
Thank you for taking the time to check this post out, I really appreciate it :,) I always get nervous going online and post things (anything, really), lol.
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waywardxrhea · 6 months
Chapter 6 - Jet Black Heart
What happens when you lie to the Devil? How long can one woman keep a lifetime of secrets from the Devil of Hell's Kitchen? The answer may surprise you...
installment list
pairing: Matt Murdock x enhanced!fem!OC
series content: coffee shop AU, fluff, humor, friends to lovers, pining, language, canon typical violence, angst, drinking, implied smut, medical emergencies, mental health disorders (PTSD, panic disorder).
"i've got a jet black heart and there's a hurricane underneath it..." jet black heart, 5 seconds of summer
word count: 2.9k
Crystal has a WPW episode at the shop plus karaoke night and more flirting!
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“Hello? Earth to Crys! Come on, let’s go, we have people needing to be caffeinated!” Raeyes called out as she snapped her fingers in front of Crystal’s tired eyes. “Is everything all right? You’re more out of it than usual…”
“Oh, yes, sorry, I just didn’t get much sleep last night, the coffee should kick in soon I hope,” she told her before getting started on the next ticket in line. 
“You know you shouldn’t be drinking caffeine,” Raeyes scolded with a light tap on Crystal’s wrist.
“I know, I know, but I got desperate when I could barely open my eyes this morning,” she replied, stifling a yawn as she grabbed the requested pastry out of the case. 
“Long night at the gym?” Raeyes asked as she began working on the customer’s drink. 
That phrase had turned into their code so they could talk freely about what Crystal did at night without anyone prying about what they were discussing. With this in mind, she replied, “Yeah, we made some good progress last night. I’m hoping we’ll be done soon because it’s wearing on me.”
“Yeah, I know, you need to take it easy, Crys, I’m worried about you…” Raeyes told her, her tone of voice soft. 
“I’ll be fine, just give it a few more weeks,” Crystal replied, stifling another yawn.
“Okay, you need to not be handling hot liquids right now, take over orders,” Raeyes told her sternly as she guided her to the register right as the bell over the door chimed. She looked over and smirked, telling Crystal, “And would you look at that, your favorite regular is here.”
“Oh piss off,” Crystal replied with a laugh before greeting Matt, Karen, and Foggy. “Court today?” she asked, noticing the multitude of papers in Karen’s arms. 
“Yes, so extra shots of espresso for all of us,” she replied before heading to a nearby table to relieve herself of the load in her arms. 
“Regular order otherwise?” she asked, finally taking a glance over to Matt, who looked nearly as exhausted as she was. 
“That would be great, thank you,” he told her with a small smile. 
“Everything all right? You seem exhausted,” she pointed out before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth in shock before blurting out, “I am so sorry that was an incredibly invasive question I- forget I said anything, and uh…coffee is on me today.”
The awkward moment seemed to perk Matt up, evidenced by his usual wide smile making its way onto his lips in response. He chuckled before telling her, “Don’t worry about that, thank you for asking though. I just had a long night preparing for this case.” 
“Well I’m sure you’ll do amazing, all of you,” she said, throwing a smile in Foggy’s direction. 
“In part thanks to the caffeine and pastries,” Foggy said brightly before he paid for the order and the two walked off to sit with Karen at their usual table. 
When there was a lull in customers a few minutes later, Crystal and Raeyes stepped back to examine the coffee bar and decide what needed restocking. Once determining that they were in desperate need of mocha chips, Crystal looked up at the high shelf the jar was sitting on and asked, “Remind me why we still don’t have a bloody step stool after the last one broke?”
“Because of shipping delays,” Raeyes replied with a roll of her eyes. She sighed before asking, “Why did Carlos have to call in today of all days when we only have short people working?”
“Because of Murphy’s Law…” Crystal replied before grabbing a rag to begin cleaning off tables. 
The rag was quickly snatched away from her hands before Raeyes said, “I’ll clean the tables, you jump up and get the chips. You’re the one who works out. I believe in you!”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence I guess.” She sighed before looking up at the chips with determination in her tired eyes. 
Forcing aside the temptation to use her abilities to knock down the jar somehow, Crystal jumped up and snatched the mocha chips off the shelf, a sense of victory filling her chest. As she landed though, she felt her heart give an irregular stutter and a feeling of breathlessness filled her chest in its stead. “Shit…” she whispered as she dropped the jar to the ground with a loud clatter, leaning onto the counter for balance. 
Heat felt like it was engulfing her entire body and black was threatening to encase her vision as she tried to make her way to a chair to sit down. Before she could make it there though, her knees buckled under her weight and she fell to the ground. Using what remained of her strength, she forced herself to lean her back against the counter. 
“Crys!” she heard Raeyes’s voice through what felt like cotton in her ears. Within seconds she felt her friend’s presence beside her and then felt her fingers gently tapping her cheek to rouse her. “Come on Crys, deep breaths…” Raeyes mumbled, her voice steady despite what was happening. Unfortunately, it had become all too routine lately for her roommate to get her out of these episodes…
Another voice joined Raeyes’s that Crystal recognized as Karen asking, “Is she okay? What’s going on?”
“Should we call 911?” Foggy asked, panic evident in his voice. 
“No hospital…” Crystal managed to whisper in response, slightly shaking her head in protest. 
“I know, I know, no hospital,” Raeyes told her gently. “Karen, get me a straw.”
“A straw?” 
“Yes, a straw! Hurry!” Raeyes pleaded as she held Crystal’s shaking hand. 
Crystal could hear rustling nearby before the straw was being presented to her mouth by Raeyes. On instinct, Crystal blew into the straw and within a few seconds she could feel her heart kick back into a normal rhythm. She took the straw out of her mouth and leaned her head against the counter as she took a few more deep breaths to calm herself. 
A few seconds of silence passed before Raeyes asked, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I…uh… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause a scene…” Crystal whispered, heat creeping up her neck knowing that Matt, Foggy, and Karen were right there beside her on the floor, Matt’s dark lenses trained oddly accurately at where her heart sat in her chest. 
“What happened? Why’d you collapse?” Foggy asked, concern laced in his voice. 
“It’s nothing, just a heart problem I have…” Crystal replied as she stood up on shaking legs, still keeping her hand on the counter for support. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Raeyes asked quietly. “These episodes have been happening a lot more lately, I’m worried about you…”
“I… I know it’s not my place, but maybe you should go see a doctor…” Karen offered tentatively, taking a glance over to Matt whose face had concern written all over it as his lenses continued to be trained on where Crystal’s heart sat in her chest. 
Crystal instantly shook her head and replied, “It’s just something I have to live with. I’ve been dealing with this since I was a kid, I can handle it. I appreciate the concern, but…” As she trailed off, the bell above the door rang and she told them, “Duty calls. Good luck on the court case today.”
She picked up the jar of mocha chips and placed them on the counter where they belonged before attending to the customer who just walked in, ignoring the conversation Raeyes was having with the group just outside of earshot. 
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Later that evening after getting off from a double, Crystal immediately went into the shower to clean off the day’s sweat and coffee scent. When she emerged and changed into pyjamas, reassuring Raeyes once again that she was fine, she finally got comfortable on the couch before checking the notification center of her phone. What greeted her was a text from an unknown number that caused her to cock an eyebrow in confusion. 
Unknown at 6:26: Hey Crystal. This may be a little unprecedented, but I just wanted to check in on you after this morning at the shop. Make sure you’re okay. 
Unknown at 6:28: This is Matt by the way, I believe Raeyes wrote your number on a napkin with a winking face today when she made our drinks.
“Raeyes!” Crystal called into the relative silence of the flat, causing her roommate to come running from her room, half of her hair curled and wearing a look of concern on her face. “Did you give Matt my number?!”
Relief instantly flooded Raeyes's face as a mischievous smile made its way onto it instead. She sighed in her relief before saying, “Yes, yes I did. I was tired of watching the two of you pine after each other without anything happening so I gave him your number when I took them their order this morning! I think what you’re trying to say is, ‘Thank you Rae, you’re the best wingwoman ever!’” She gasped dramatically before throwing herself on the couch beside Crystal, asking, “Did he text you? Did he ask you out to celebrate their win in court?! Tell me!!”
“He texted me yeah, but not asking me out. He’s asking about the near heart attack I had this morning…” Crystal muttered, showing her the text. She groaned as she leaned her head back against the couch, saying, “That was so embarrassing, why did that have to happen in front of him…? He didn’t even say anything when it happened… If he was interested, I’m sure he isn’t now knowing how messed up I-”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that just because your heart is messed up doesn’t mean you are messed up,” Raeyes said sternly. “I’m sure he just wasn’t sure how to react. And he’s texting you about it now, so you just need to text him back and see where this goes. I’ll be in my room finishing getting ready for my date tonight, but if you need your wingwoman, just call, okay? You got this.”
“Thanks Rae…” Crystal whispered, trying to push her doubt aside as she finally looked back at the messages from Matt. 
Me at 7:23: Hey Matt, thanks for checking in on me. It doesn’t usually get that bad, but I’m doing a lot better now that I can rest. Sorry if I delayed you guys getting to court on time this morning.
Matt Murdock at 7:36: Don’t apologize for a disability, you can’t help it. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. May I ask what happened?
Me at 7:38: Oh, I have this condition called Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. Long story short it causes an arrhythmia in my heart and today that episode was triggered by a perfect storm of bad ideas haha. 
Me at 7:39: I had a long night and didn’t sleep much so I had a small cup of coffee before the shift started and I really shouldn’t have done that because caffeine is just about the worst thing I can have with this condition. 
Cringing at her oversharing, Crystal got up from the couch and threw the phone into the cushions as she made her way to the kitchen to find something to eat for dinner to distract herself from how much she was embarrassing herself. Within a few seconds, Raeyes emerged dressed for her date, asking, “So?”
“You look great, as usual,” Crystal replied off-handedly as she paced the kitchen. 
“No, not that! How’s texting Matt going?” she asked with a laugh. 
“I just started word-vomiting about my condition and I feel like I completely embarrassed myself…” Crystal muttered, running a hand through her hair. 
“Oh honey, no, I bet you didn’t,” Raeyes said, wrapping her in a quick hug. 
“Then why do I feel like I just don’t have a filter around him lately and that it’s messing up everything?” she asked, a sigh of frustration leaving her mouth. 
“If it was messing everything up then he wouldn’t be texting you,” Raeyes said while heading over to the couch to retrieve the device. As she handed it back to Crystal, she said, “Now when I come back tonight I want to know what happens in the rest of this conversation. And I expect there to be a date to come out of this!” 
“Don’t get your hopes too high,” Crystal said with a playful roll of her eyes as she closed the door behind Raeyes before looking back at her phone to see that Matt had responded. 
Matt Murdock at 7:43: Wow, working at a coffee shop and you can’t even drink the product? I’m even more impressed with you now.
Matt Murdock at 7:45: On a more serious note though, I am glad you’re okay. 
Me at 7:47: That means a lot, thank you Matt.
Matt Murdock at 7:54: Well we’re heading to Josie’s soon, how do you feel about meeting us to celebrate our win today? If I remember correctly, you said you’re looking forward to the next time when I walked you home after Josie’s before. 
A furious blush made its way onto her cheeks at the vague memory of the night as she debated on how to respond to the text. With shaking hands, she finally decided to reply after a few minutes.
Me at 8:00: Oh if I wouldn’t be intruding…
Matt Murdock at 8:01: Never. I look forward to it. 
With shaking hands, Crystal placed the phone on the counter as she let out a quiet squeal of delight at the text. It had been so long since she had felt the rush of texting someone she fancied and it was honestly exhilarating. After quickly eating the rest of her leftovers, Crystal got dressed into something decently nice to meet the group, knowing that it wasn’t a date, but still wanting to feel confident. 
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A few nights later Crystal and Raeyes got dressed before heading out to Stardust for karaoke night – the first one they were planning on participating in rather than hosting. The previous morning, Crystal had boldly invited Matt and his friends to join them for the evening, but as the time got closer, her nerves started to settle in. 
“God, why did I invite him? I wasn’t thinking, I just-” Crystal rambled on as she adjusted her necklace for the fifth time. 
“Crys! Crystal! Take a breath!” Raeyes shouted with a laugh, steadying her friend by firmly grabbing her shoulders. Once she stopped talking, Raeyes said, “For real, what’s there to worry about? You had a great night at Josie’s with them the other night, you and Matt have been talking on the phone a lot more, what is worrying you?”
Not really having an answer, Crystal sighed and admitted, “I guess it’s just nerves…”
“Well that’s nothing a few glasses of rosé can’t fix!” Raeyes said excitedly as she grabbed Crystal’s hand to guide her out their flat door. “If we get there before them we can totally pregame a little bit and you’ll be fine by the time he gets there!”
“I hope you’re right…” Crystal mumbled as she followed her friend out into the night. 
As it turned out, Raeyes was right. After getting there before the group of Matt, Karen, Foggy, and Marci showed up, Crystal drank nearly two glasses of rosé and was starting to feel more confident in herself. Her confidence only grew when Karen and Marci joined her and Raeyes in matching each other glass for glass as people began taking the stage to poorly sing karaoke music. 
“Come on you three, I have a great song idea!” Crystal said with a giggle as she grabbed Karen and Raeyes’s hands and began dragging them away from their table and toward where Carlos was manning the computer for the evening. 
From there, Crystal took a mic and the four of them went into a high energy performance of Wannabe by the Spice Girls, all four laughing together as they made their way back to the table with Matt and Foggy. As they returned, they were met with slow clapping from Foggy, who told them, “What a performance ladies!”
“Why thank you, Foggy Bear,” Marci told him before pulling him in for a kiss. 
Karen laughed before saying to Crystal, “You know, I am impressed you were able to sing all of Mel B’s lines considering you’re, what? Over a bottle in?”
“Never question my love for the Spice Girls!” Crystal said with a giggle as she went to take her place standing next to Matt once again at the tall table. 
As she did though, she tripped over her boots and ended up stumbling into Matt. His arms quickly reached out and caught her, chuckling as he quietly told her, “We seem to end up like this a lot.”
“Sorry, I, uh-” she started to stutter out as she stood once more. 
“Don’t apologize,” Matt whispered as he snaked his arm around her waist discreetly, his hand landing on her hip. “I quite enjoyed your song choice,” he told her, his hand squeezing her hip. 
“I…I was hoping you would,” she whispered back breathlessly, her filter no longer functioning.
“I suppose then once you two sober up, there may be a conversation that needs to happen with Raeyes?” Matt asked with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“I, uh-” Crystal tried to respond, but was interrupted by Raeyes grabbing her hand and dragging her toward the counter to get more drinks with the girls, the conversation dropping there, but the tension in the air not leaving for the rest of the night.
next chapter
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toschiworlds · 1 year
5 comfort characters & 5 tags
Thank you so much for tagging me @sonderlativ​
I put this under a cut because it ended up being a litter longer and I don't want to just put a wall of a post on someone’s dash. So, in no particular order, my comfort characters are:
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Nero (Devil May Cry)
It was a head to head race to the finish line between Nero and Vergil but I ultimately picked Nero simply because I can relate to him more. Absent fathers, not a whole lot of friends growing up, more or less ignored/disliked by most people around you, wacky uncles. I just like him a lot. And if I keep talking, I might dive into some very personal stuff that I’m not necessarily comfortable discussing openly.
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Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom)
*quick disclaimer: I won’t mention anything about TotK here because it’s only been out for little over a week and I don’t want to spoil anything for people who haven’t completed the game yet*
Boy, where do I even start? Zelda spends the majority of her childhood and teenage years under extreme pressure to awaken her bloodline’s abilities and while she understands that it’s important, she just wants to study the ancient Sheikah tech. She wants to do what makes her happy but can’t because the entire world depends on her. Which leaves her severly stressed and if that isn’t a mood and a half I don’t what is. Wanting to do something you love but not being able to. While this is not my favourite incarnation of the character (that honour goes to Skyward Sword Zelda), she is definitely the one I understand the best in terms of stress and heavy expectations.
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Erik (Dragon Quest 11)
Words cannot express how much I love Erik. He’s literally the best character in the entire game. His arc is amazing and heartbreaking. He is there from almost the beginning and stands with the main character without question, leaving behind his life of crime for not entirely altruistic reasons at first but staying because he really does want to help. I love how he rolls with the punches, looks at all the weirdness of a JRPG and goes ‘this is so weird, you know that? But we’re doing it anyway’. And he is a real doofus at some points. 
(I also happen to ship him with the MC).
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Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon Black/White, Black2/White2)
Ok, here we are. My OG blorbo. The one I’ve had for far longer than the others. This man has been living in my head rent free ever since I first played Gen 5. At the core of his being, N just wants to do good and help pokémon, protect them from abuse but the man who raised him just uses him for his own gains and made him think that all pokémon who are not living in the wilds away from humans are being mistreated. Over the course of the first game, he begins to understand that this might not be as true as he thought it was through his friendship/rivalry with the player character and seeing how much their team loves them. Then years later, N is able to stand up to his father and not only saves the new protagonist from being killed but also helps to end Team Plasma’s plans for good (more or less anyway, his arrival did enable part of the climatic battle). Also, he can literally talk to pokémon and understand them. I just adore his development over the games so much.
And last but not least, I’m gonna cheat a little and include an OC of mine because you can’t stop me
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Morgan Julian Hale (D&D, and so many other things at this point)
Morgan started out as my very first dnd character and has since then cemented himself as a personal favourite, having been put into a lot of my favourite worlds over time. When I wrote his original backstory, I didn’t realise how much a self-insert I made him. I only figured that out when a friend literally pointed it out to me. Morgan was raised by a single mother, is a social outcast and not really a people person. Give him a book and he’ll be good for the rest of the day, leave him around people and he’ll shut down faster than you can blink. The last part being incredibly funny when considering that he’s a sorcerer, a class that uses the charisma stat primarily. He’s also being hunted by a cult that wants his magical dragon blood. I don’t know what part of my psyche is represented by that and at this point I’m too afraid to ask. (Also, the picrew didn’t have an option for pointed ears but just fyi, he’s a half-elf)
Honourable mentions: obv Vergil who just barely didn’t make it, Byleth from Fire Emblem - Three Houses and Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition.
As for tagging, @queenmuzz​ and since I don’t know anyone else well enough to feel comfortable tagging them I’m just gonna open this up to anyone who wants to jump in.
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melodiaemfrp · 1 year
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s twelfth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period of Monday, May 8th to Sunday, July 7th.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Saturday, July 15th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by or before the next inbox run (Tuesday, July 18th)
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Saturday, July 15th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) have failed two consecutive checks, and are ineligible to be reapped this way unless they are an OC. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Saturday, July 22nd.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on Saturday, July 15th will be removed from the server by our inbox run on Tuesday, July 18th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
- The Melodiae Team
Ryuunosuke Naruhoudou (Mica)
Ernesto Salas (Tequila) (Hika)
Ling (Hika) *
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Flora) *
Nikolai Gogol (Kit)
Sigma (Rosel)
Power (Satsujin)
Suzaku Kururugi (Laur)
Lucien Tavelle (Aria)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Myco)
Light Yagami (Light)
Matt (Mail Jeevas) (Aria)
Kris (Willow) *
Rengoku Kyojuro (Rose)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Rose)
Hakuba Saguru (Lucifer)
Dante (Willow)
Charlie (Emberlyn)
Tomix Danao (Birb)
Raven Cronwell (Nova Imperator) (Sadie)
Ibara Saegusa (Aria)
Enkidu (Lancer) (Aria)
Romani Archaman (Linette)
Amour Darling (Pax)
Ardbert (Mica)
Breakfast Sandwich (Emil) *
Charlenaux Valmont (WOL RPR) (Star)
Hilda Ware (Rhia)
Osial viator Lacus (OC) (Owl)
Shara Ruivert (WOL SGE) (Jun)
Zero (Myco)
Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Owl)
Lyon (Jun)
Kaeya Alberich (Laur)
Zhongli (Ree)
Lucilius (Aria)
Zagreus (Moshi)
Elysia (Mikey) *
Dan Heng (Xing)
Jing Yuan (Hika)
Pom-Pom (Satsujin)
Stelle (Rhia)
Rudbeckia de Borgia (Alice)
Inumaki Toge (Jun)
Joseph Joestar (Stan)
Leone Abbacchio (Tom)
Foo Fighters (Tom)
Julius Caesar "Gyro" Zeppeli (Derrick)
Hana Natsuki "Aguilera" (Lucifer)
Yukimi Igarashi (Lottie)
Aruto Hiden (Isu) *
Jin (Lottie) *
Fran (Carmen)
Dark Link (Pax)
Megamind (Birb) *
Sherlock Holmes (Rosel)
Alfyn Greengrass (Shae)
Temenos Mistral (Shae)
Trousseau (Shae)
Erika Ishikawa (Rhia)
Grey (Cee)
Shimmer (Rhia)
Witch Princess (Pax)
Elizabeth (Aria)
Minato Arisato (Athiel)
Morgana (Satsujin)
Hokma (Rosel)
Demian (Rosel)
Don Quixote (Swub)
Faust (Tian)
Galeas Sturm (Fris)
Gregor Samsa (Ghost)
Ryoshu (Rosel)
An Shiraishi (Kyuu)
Ena Shinonome (Rhia)
Hatsune Miku (Mikey)
Rui Kamishiro (Fris)
Figaro Garcia (Ree)
Ai Minato (Carmen)
Misao Mondo (Nox)
Spy (Red) (Birb)
Michael (Myco)
Chip Revvington (Xanthe)
Souza Samonji (Rose)
Millions Knives (Eris)
Fai D. Fluorite (Ashley)
Malleus Draconia (Laur)
Morrigan Desrosier (Fris)
Noel Levine (Lottie)
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pandalandalopalis · 1 year
just binge read all of the devil may cry wolf in one sitting and had to let you know i love it. i'm not gonna be annoying and ask when an update is coming cause as a fellow fic author i know these things take time but..... is there and sneak peaks you'd be willing to share if i say pretty please? if not i get it and i will be patient even though patience is not in my dna. also i love wolf as a character so so so much i was just wondering if you had a playlist for her or just any songs that you relate to her (i love making playlists for my ocs and just figured i'd ask cause i need background music while i theorize about what's coming)
im so glad you've been enjoying it!
i have a law program right now which is basically a simulation of working at a law firm ... it keeps me quite busy with 10-hour days, 5 days a week. i havent had much of time/motivation/inspiration to write a new chapter.
that being said, i do have the entire rest of the story figured out, chapter by chapter.
hmmmm, maybe i could give you something...
as for a playlist, yeah i have one! the link is on the masterlist, but you can also find it [here]. i also love making playlists for OCs.
Devil May Cry Wolf - Matt Murdock x Reader
preview of next chapter and spoilers under the cut
"Erase my memories or I'll kill you."
"No, you won't. You made a promise."
"Stay out of my fucking head."
“You still want to kill him. The Winter Soldier.”
“So what if I do? What if I did kill him? Matt would forgive me. That’s what God’s all about. Forgiveness. Repenting. And I will spend the rest of my life repenting, to kill him. Just him. And then I’ll never kill another living soul.”
"Matt would forgive you. But would you forgive yourself?"
"Fuck you."
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Devil May Cry OC Week Day 5
Hello and welcome to @dmc-oc-week Day 5: Weapons/Abilities| Jobs/Hobbes!
I feel like this will be a partial retread of things I’ve already said this week, but that’s fine either way. I like talking about Sirrus! So let’s go topic by topic and flesh things out! And as always, I’m trying to keep it as spoiler free as possible. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything of if you have questions or just simply have input. Thanks!
Weapons: Sirrus only has one physical weapon. His dark blade, Kilnsbane. Due to it’s construction consisting of about 2/1 Damascus Steel, 1/4 meteorite, and 1/4 other nebulous metals like tungsten, his blade contains naturally occurring carbon nanotube. Needless to say, it’s basically indestructible despite the fact that’s a damn swept hilt rapier with a thin blade. But, due to the blade’s incredible melting point (Approximately 3,400C due to the presence of tungsten, which is about double the heat of one of his hottest flame abilities, blue flame.) it’s the perfect match to his abilities.
Abilities: Sirrus has several nebulous powers that can’t be explained without spoiling what he is, but I can explain how they work and their uses. In addition to things like increased agility, speed, stamina, increased healing speed, and endurance, his most notable abilities are his flame ability that are technically not flame, and his dark powers.
1. His flame ability comes from an inborn gift to control light. Essentially he causes things to ignite by raising the heat index of the light around him. he’s basically creating localized flash burns. That’s also how he keeps himself from burning. He can cause an imbalance in the temperature around his body. His skin isn’t fire retardant.
2. His dark powers manifest in nebulous ways such as increased night sight and higher sensory abilities in dark environments. As such, he’s difficult to sneak up on, but he can sense things around him in a greater radius when in dark environments. But due to the duality of his abilities and nature, he also feels the pull of darkness, and as such, he uses his darker abilities sparingly. He fears losing control of them and overwhelming his own allies. He also has other abilities, but they will be revealed later. That’s spoilers territory. You’ll see...
Jobs: He has two main jobs, but while one is as a direct result of boredom (see #1 in this section) his other is more for personal reasons than anything else. He feels a sense of responsibility those less powerful than him due to the power and standing he possesses, so he does what he can to keep the world from folding in on it’s self. Here is a better breakdown:
1. As an adjudicator, he’s job is to go to regions and cities that are having supernatural activity, find the source, and solve the problem. He doesn’t strictly deal with just demonic activity. He sometimes deals with curses, tears in reality, and even serves as a mediator between powerful factions to avoid full on conflict. As such, he’s well read on legal maters that relate to his employers, and is able to read several languages including Adamic, Enochian , Latin, and even a little bit of Coptic, but that’s mostly just for the fun of it. His favorite among the languages is Gaelic, however. He considers it beautiful, and occasionally barrows a word or two from it in casual conversation. Makes you wonder how he became so fluent in it...
He also has a deep respect for the more disrespected religions in modern society, and doesn’t like seeing them portrayed in a negative, inaccurate light. Examples include Voodoo being considered entirely evil and Pagan’s and Wicca's being considered silly, evil, or hedonistic. He respects the tenacity of their cultures and the fact that they have survived so much oppression, though he does not practice any of them himself. But as far as he is concerned, believing is not intrinsically linked to respecting. He doesn’t have to understand to be tolerant and respectful of other cultures beliefs.
2. As an ally to the team. He came to town at the behest of his “superiors” and at the request of his father’s divorced second wife’s sister, magnolia. (His family tree is a mess. I have to post it sometime) to investigate the fact that in like 2o years there had been at least 8 known large scale demonic attacks. But upon arriving, he came to the conclusion that there was a need for him to stay and assist the team. His boss was just going to have to be irritated at the lack of desk work getting done. And after an extremely powerful Devil got involved, he was firm in his convictions. Being personally injured by that demon didn’t have anything to do with that. Nope. Sirrus is totally immune to petty grudges. Yup.
Hobbes: In his spare time, Sirrus likes to take in the arts. He participates in a few of them as well, ranging from sketching and drawing, to writing and even a light bit of photography when he has the time. One of his favorite pastimes is actually dancing, something that he doesn’t mention, but would totally be down to do at a moment’s notice. He comes from a somewhat transient background on his mother’s side (She’s from a Gypsy background, but left it to strike out on her own during her youth due to unfortunate and somewhat involuntary circumstances, but some of her culture remained and she passed it on to her son. This is part of his respect for marginalized and disrespected cultures) so  Maybe he could teach V sometime.
He loves nature, and spending time in it is always agreeable. He just hates bright sun. The migrains are NOT worth it.
Here are the other days if you need them!
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harmony-redgrave · 4 years
I had told @lady-of-spades that her oc was hot and mine would totally hit on her to make Vergil jealous and she was like "aight do it".
And then this happened. So here ya go. Hope I didn't mess up writing Sinn too much
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roleplayfinder · 3 years
☆ -
─ hello ! ♡ my name is belladonna. i use she / her pronouns and i am 19. i am studying in college, so replies will be as often as i can make them come out, since they will be long and detailed. i thought i’d make this post since it is much longer and covers more of what i wanted to post! so here it goes! i am looking for a very literature or novella type roleplay partner, who would like to flesh out a very long term roleplay! i would prefer tumblr roleplays, but if you’d prefer a different media to use, please let me know! 
─ i am really looking for an original fandomless roleplay. i double only as i find doubling very fun, and i don’t like one sided roleplays as i lose interest in them very quickly. these are the plots i really enjoy ! ( for my side, i would like either wlw or mlw, i have not decided yet ! ) i do also like integrating dark themes into some roleplays ! like violence/gore/jealousy. we of course do not have to do any of those if you do not wish! it is all up to you and your comfort!��
─ i am looking for a very long term roleplay partner that will be patient with some hiatus's when they come, and will headcanon with me ! you must be willing to double up, don't reach out if you wont ( this specific paragraph is what im looking the most for ) 
─ i LOVE talking about ocs with people, and being able to headcanon and talk through the creation process of ocs with people! please be willing to do this with me if you’d like to roleplay with me, the more i get invested in this roleplay the better it will be trust me hehe /hj
→ victorian plot ( period drama )
→ historical plots 
→ royal/kingdom plots
→ vampires !!! ( i love this one, will 10000% be always down to roleplay vampire plots )
→ medieval fantasy 
→ steampunk 
and more! these can be mixed and matched, and you can give me ideas and we can always swap ideas as well! 
important! for nsfw!
under no circumstances will minor characters be involved in any and all nsfw roleplays. while i absolutely enjoy spicy scenes in roleplays and i will put my all into keeping them descriptive and fun to read, i will not purely roleplay nsfw. i want to incorporate lots of drama and plot, and the nsfw scenes make sense for the characters and their relationship.
─ what i require in a roleplay partner
being flexible with my reply time, it may take me a few days or a week, if you don’t like waiting please don’t reach out
quality over quantity. i would prefer a really engaging smaller paragraph than something that feels long and drawn out!
i tend to write a lot maybe even 2000-3000 words per reply, i love LOVE writing out long replies, but again don’t feel the need to match my word length if you can not. 
you need to be 18+ to reply any and all adult themes with me, i will not roleplay those themes with minors. 
you will plot and talk with me !! i would love to make friends and chat throughout the plotting process (which im hoping will be very thorough!) 
you like aesthetics ! i love using images, symbols and lowercase aesthetic in my replies. please let me know if you’d like proper grammar. 
─ fandoms that i also roleplay!
resident evil (all games & media )
alice in wonderland (?) if this counts as a fandom
elder scrolls v: skryim ( i would love to do this one!! ) 
star wars ( all media, movies, and shows)
devil may cry ( just 5 at the moment )
─ contact!
please feel free to message me on tumblr, also let me know of your time zone/age/name/pronouns when we communicate! here is my blog page. i will get back to you as soon as i can, i do find it hard to reply very quickly but i hope you will be patient with me. thank you for reading this..terribly long post, but i hope i piqued your interest. have an amazing day/night/evening!!
with love, belladonna
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findroleplay · 2 years
─ hello ! ♡ my name is belladonna. i use she / they pronouns and i am 19. i am studying in college, so replies will be as often as i can make them come out, since they will be long and detailed. i thought i’d make this post since it is much longer and covers more of what i wanted to post! so here it goes! i am looking for a very literature or novella type roleplay partner, who would like to flesh out a very long term roleplay! i would prefer discord roleplays, but if you’d prefer a different media to use, please let me know! 
─ i am really looking for an original fandomless roleplay. i double only as i find doubling very fun, and i don’t like one sided roleplays as i lose interest in them very quickly. these are the plots i really enjoy ! ( for my side, i would like either wlw or mlw, i have not decided yet ! ) i do also like integrating dark themes into some roleplays ! like violence/gore/jealousy. we of course do not have to do any of those if you do not wish! it is all up to you and your comfort! 
─ i am looking for a very long term roleplay partner that will be patient with some hiatus’s when they come, and will headcanon with me ! you must be willing to double up, don’t reach out if you wont ( this specific paragraph is what im looking the most for ) 
─ i LOVE talking about ocs with people, and being able to headcanon and talk through the creation process of ocs with people! please be willing to do this with me if you’d like to roleplay with me, the more i get invested in this roleplay the better it will be trust me hehe /hj
→ victorian plot ( period drama )
→ historical plots 
→ royal/kingdom plots
→ vampires !!! ( i love this one, will 10000% be always down to roleplay vampire plots )
→ medieval fantasy 
→ steampunk 
and more! these can be mixed and matched, and you can give me ideas and we can always swap ideas as well! 
important! for nsfw!
under no circumstances will minor characters be involved in any and all nsfw roleplays. while i absolutely enjoy spicy scenes in roleplays and i will put my all into keeping them descriptive and fun to read, i will not purely roleplay nsfw. i want to incorporate lots of drama and plot, and the nsfw scenes make sense for the characters and their relationship.
─ what i require in a roleplay partner
being flexible with my reply time, it may take me a few days or a week, if you don’t like waiting please don’t reach out. i would also ask to refrain from reminders, they really take out my want to reply to you :(
do not reach out if you are not willing to double up , or are going to ask me to only play the male role 
quality over quantity. i would prefer a really engaging smaller paragraph than something that feels long and drawn out!
im am tired or giving all the ideas or “ carrying ” a roleplay , you must engage in plotting with me or just delete our sever / leave it. i don’t want to waste energy.
i tend to write a lot maybe even 2000-3000 words per reply, i love LOVE writing out long replies, but again don’t feel the need to match my word length if you can not. 
you need to be 18+ to roleplay any and all adult themes with me, i will not roleplay those themes with minors. 
you will plot and talk with me !! i would love to make friends and chat throughout the plotting process (which im hoping will be very thorough!) 
you like aesthetics ! i love using images, symbols and lowercase aesthetic in my replies. please let me know if you’d like proper grammar. 
─ fandoms that i also roleplay!
resident evil (all games & media )
alice in wonderland (?) if this counts as a fandom
elder scrolls v: skryim ( i would love to do this one!! ) 
star wars ( all media, movies, and shows)
devil may cry ( just 5 at the moment )
─ contact!
please feel free to message me on tumblr, also let me know of your time zone/age/name/pronouns when we communicate! here is my blog page. i will get back to you as soon as i can, i do find it hard to reply very quickly but i hope you will be patient with me. thank you for reading this..terribly long post, but i hope i piqued your interest. have an amazing day/night/evening!! you may dm me , or add me on discord 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚#2742 ( exactly as its written )
with love, belladonna
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rodentsunite · 3 years
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Devil May Cry OC Week: Mercenaries (2/4) Royalguard and Swordmaster
What is known of the OCs so far (subject to change)
Agent Marcella Aguilar [Royalguard]
6 ft 2 in (188 cm)
Half human (Latina on her father’s side) and half demon (mother’s side)
Raised by her single father who still lives. Mother does not comprehend human tendencies, is an absent parent as she wanders the world collecting information.
Mother was a fierce fighter under the rule of Mundus. She was one of the first to be approached by Sparda concerning his rebellion. Agrees to join as she does not particularly care for humanity, but humanity’s creations. 
Marcella has mommy issues
Fears abandonment so she keeps to herself. Has trust issues. Don’t let the confident energy fool you. Natural leader because she’s naturally calm and focused. 
As this takes place in canon DMC timeline, none of the four have ever met the Sparda family nor have lived near Red Grave City, but some know of it. 
Marcella shoulders the responsibility of protecting humanity more out of moral obligation than genuine concern. Hides the demon side of her from her partner and crush so as to not lose her, but is otherwise proud of devil trigger form. 
Close combat fighter. Is not ideal for most so she references humans like Lady to defend against any suspicion. Her devil trigger form is where she has the most fun reenacting kaiju scenes from Pacific Rim.
Became a mercenary because it aligns with her ideals, plus the pay from [Company name TBA] isn’t bad. Sends what she can to help her father even though he’s doing just fine. 
He is a Pulitzer Prize winner and well-known author of several war novels covering his own personal experience as an amputee with PTSD. He holds all of the money received by Marcella so he could return it when she comes home much to her displeasure. 
Loves his daughter so much. Is incredibly proud of her. Will show off her baby pictures with immense pride.  
Marcella likes being tall. She loves brushing her hair after a long day but does not get how it can look silky when it’s loose but the ends are frayed in her classic braids (she’s humming bird themed ( Huitzilopochtli)).  
Is the cool, quiet, loner type but enjoys hanging out with loud and energetic people. Enjoys getting dirty but if she does not have access to a shower right after she will throw hands. Is a hopeless romantic. Asexual. 
Agent Suraya ??? [Swordmaster]
5 ft 5 in (168 cm)
100% human. Mother is from Georgia (the country) and her father is from the U.S. Both are alive.
Is the middle child. Suraya’s older sister and her sister’s wife own a successful salon. Their younger brother is 16, likes to shade Suraya for her interest in K-Pop. 
Suraya’s parents signed her and her siblings up for Tae Kwon Do classes only for her to end up as the only one out of the 3 to love martial arts. 
Then bounced to karate. Once she started getting into shonen anime she also fell in love with sword users (Still believes the sheathing and unsheathing of a katana is the coolest thing).
Started off with fencing, and when she felt it wasn’t enough she practiced kendo, then gatka. 
Where Marcella focuses on taking out the threat (demons), Suraya prioritizes human lives. She does not take the lives of any human. This is also why she took up using a shield alongside her specialized sword. 
Suraya’s parents, happy that their daughter is a prodigy, do not like that she is a part of such a high-risk career, and often call out of concern/in hopes of changing her mind. Suraya believes that she is doing the right thing so their pleas don’t work. 
Is hesitant to even bring up accomplishments because she knows her parents will try to convince her that what she is doing is dangerous. Why can’t they just say that they’re proud of her?
The neighborhood she grew up in fell under siege of a large demonic portal. Luckily, she and her family were able to escape, but she hated feeling of helplessness. 
Initially volunteered to get rid of demons but likes receiving income so she now works with [Company name TBA] where she met Marcella.
Whatever money she makes she saves it just in case. Yearns to live in a cottage with a nice garden. 
Suraya is confident in her swordsmanship. Can be rather reckless and impulsive, but her skills are often more than enough to get the job done. 
If she was a playable character, she would collect various swords throughout the story with a multitude of fighting styles. 
Is optimistic and full of energy. Out of the four demon-hunters, she makes friends the easiest. 
Is kinda maybe sort of oblivious to people liking her romantically. You’d figure that a woman that watches novelas should be aware of at least a few signs. 
Likes playing with make up. Marcella has a hard time saying no to her. 
Immediately takes the role of leader in group work, though she gets impatient and wants to do things herself soon after.  
Does have feelings for her partner but for the longest time believes those feelings are of friendship. 
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bloodykora · 3 years
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Day 1: Introduction
This is Ina Blanchet.
I created her in June because I only joined the DMC fandom this year. I do have drawings of her that I will be posting later in the week.
Ina is in her early 20's in DMC 5, her birthday is April 18th and she is a human. Ina is 5'9"/1.7m, and she's 190 lbs/86kg.
The best way to describe Ina is honestly a slightly calmed and "happy" gen z kid. She tries to stay positive and jovial for those around her and herself, she can be lazy on her "days off". She is not known around the group to be the smartest but she's not dumb, Ina will analyze whoever poses a threat and royally cuss them out. People who first meet her assume she's a bimbo, most of the time it's proven wrong when she has to do a job. Ina can have a slight french twang? (I don't wanna say accent cause that seems more prominent then what she actually has) It normally pokes it's head out when she's tired or pissed off.
Ina works with Dante and the gang at Devil May Cry, and she tends to get along with everybody, she likes working there. Ina is not exactly afraid of dying or getting hurt by demons they fight. She wouldn't consider herself really close with anyone.
I imagine Ina to have a similar voice to Florence Pugh in Little Women, the higher octaves when she is feeling emotional but has a lower range too. Her hair is dyed but it's naturally a dark brown, her style of dress is more feminine/ "girly" bad ass with skirts, bright colours, etc. Ina has a flower tattoo on her left shoulder. (Author fact, it's the same tattoo I have)
I'm gonna leave it here for now cause the next days will be a lot more. If anyone does take interest in her and follows along then I'm warning you it's gonna be a bumpy ride. It will all take place/around DMC 5 and a bit after.
This is the picrew I used for her design: https://picrew.me/image_maker/283552
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dmcweek · 4 years
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We're pleased to announce the first ever DMC Week, a seven-day fan event in celebration of all things Devil May Cry! Whether you're an artist, a writer, or a maker of gifs and edits, we welcome you to join us in creating content for this wacky, stylish series!
The week will run Sunday, October 4, through Saturday, October 10. Post your creations throughout the week and we’ll reblog them here for everyone to see. Since Devil May Cry is M-17, NS//FW works will be allowed, although we ask content to be placed under a read-more cut. All other content is welcome, including fics, fanart, gifs, edits, OCs, reader inserts, and any other SSS content for DMC! To help get you started, we've come up with some prompts with the help of some of the fandom's most involved creators. You're not required to follow all of the prompts, but we hope they'll spark a bit a creative inspiration! Day 1: Bone | Blood | Weapon Day 2: Monster | Cryptid | Demon Day 3: Fight | Reunion | Loss Day 4: Food | Style | Music Day 5: Hurt | Heal | Happiness Day 6: Home | Family | Belonging Day 7: AU | Free Day We'll be tracking the tags #dmcweek and #dmcweek2020, so please make sure those are in your first five tags so we can find and reblog your posts. We also have a Twitter over at @/dmc_week, so make sure to check us out there and follow for even more DMC content!
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sofssims · 3 years
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                        ~Navigation for Desktop & Mobile~
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LGBTQ+ Proud Pride Recolor 2019
LGBTQ+ Worm on a String Recolor 2020
Chase Atlantic Recolor
Asian Inspired Recolor
Baby Girl/Kawaii Recolor
Floral/Hawaiian Summer Collection Recolor
Devil May Cry 5 V Tattoos
Crybaby Paradise Eyes Recolor
Infinite Love Pose Pack
Random Poses #1 Pose Pack
Two Player Game Pose Pack
Edgy Essentials Pose Pack
Keeping it Casual Pose Pack
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Character Intros
Ichigo Miku
Hiro Kagami
Ichigo & Hiro
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
1 || 2 || 
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My Lookbooks
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || LGBTQ+ Pride || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15
OC Recreation
Bao || ACNH Shino || ACNH Dom || ACNH Stella || ACNH Kyle || ACNH Plucky || ACNH Merengue || ACNH Sherb || ACNH Sprinkles || ACNH Raymond || ACNH Audie || ACNH Pekoe || ACNH Cyd || ACNH Cookie || ACNH Cherry || ACNH Poncho ||
CAS Challenges
Hazelsims 8 Week Challenge
Strawberry Milk
Bucket Hat
25 Day Lookbook Challenge (abundanceofpixels)
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20 || 21 || 22 || 23 || 24 || 25
Otome Challenge (Lilypixels)
Kazuyuki Mori 
Sim.Trait & Kiwisims Favorites Challenge
Favorite Dessert
Favorite Cartoon
Favorite Supernatural Being
Favorite Zodiac Sign
Favorite Time of Day
Favorite Vegetable
Rainbow Challenge (Hufflepuff-sims)
Yua Mizuno
Witchtober 2021 (Incandescentsims)
1 || 3 
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MM/Alpha Sims Edits
Halloween Maia Edit
Martzia & Yu-Jun
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Get to Know Me Tag
1 || 2 || 
Shuffle My Playlist Tag
1 || 
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Devil May Cry OC Week Day 4!
I’m actually really excited for @dmc-oc-week day for because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Sirrus without delving into spoilers! Yay loopholes!
This contains slight spoilers, but nothing super important. Just keep that in mind. it won’t effect anything, but if you want to go in totally blind, tread carefully.
Note: if your wondering why I did dislikes first, it’s because that’s just how Sirrus is lol! He’s not a downer, but he likes to think of himself as a realist, but he’s slightly closer to being a pragmatic nihilist, and that lack of optimism lingers in his day to day life because he’s naturally going to have his guard up at all times. He can’t be disappointed if his expectations are nonexistent. Big mood, Sirrus.
1. His father. As previously mentioned, Sirrus is not on good terms with his father. At all. In fact, he’s actively waiting for his father’s hubris to catch up to him along with some of the enemies he’s made along the way so that he himself doesn’t have to confront him and possible end him because he knows he has it coming, but he doesn’t have it in him to do it himself. He’s probably powerful enough, but he just doesn’t have the heart. Despite everything, he’s still got a small ounce of compassion in his heart towards his father that he can’t let go of, something that he loathes about himself. It’s pretty unhealthy.
2. People that abuse power, authority, or social standing. This is actually a large issue in his own immediate family, and that’s part of why his dislike for it is so powerful. He genuinely believes that you should positively contribute to the lives of others if you have the means to, and if nothing else, that you should not detract from them. As a result, he’s developed a dislike of a large portion of people in power because, I mean, fair enough. But his family does not escape this designation, and that’s a large part of why he does what he does. Not because he believes he has superior judgement or standing over others, but because he cannot solve a problem that he does not understand. So as a result, he has to go out into the field and learn from those his work effects. Assuming that he knows what’s best for everyone while simultaneously never having met those people is literally what he hates most about most people in positions of power, and he strives to not do the same. Being powerful doesn’t mean that your smart, and he knows that first hand. I feel like Sirrus would be into the “eat the rich” thing if it was a thing in the DMC universe. Very into it.
3. His mother. I feel like this one may come as a bit of a surprise to some of you who know more about him from the fic since he’s literally only mentioned her once, and doesn’t speak of her in any broad sense, but Sirrus isn’t on the best of terms with his mother, either. He doesn’t harbor any negativity towards them for splitting up when he was young. In fact, he considers it the best thing that either of them has probably ever done. But he has his reasons for not being on good terms with him mom. Day 6 will cover family and background, so I’ll get to go in depth on that day! For now, lets just put it under the broad but totally accurate category of “extremely toxic and codependent relationship” and go from there. Maybe I’ll make a family tree you you can see how messed up everything is! Yea, that would be fun! Would you like to see that?
4. Extreme heat and sun. In truth, while he does in fact become more powerful in bright sunlight, he still hates it. Why? Simple. It gives him migraines due to one of his existing (but not yet disclosed) abilities. And he just hates to be hot. He’s on the pale side (Ok, he almost makes V look like he has a tan.) so he gets sun burned. And because he’s used to a cooler climate, hot places drive him NUTS. I suppose you could say that “Discomfort” is a dislike of his, too.
5. Desk work. This one probably seems pretty random, but as an adjudicator, he actually has to occasionally file reports, and he ABSOLUTELY HATES EVERY SECOND OF IT. He’s good at what he does, no question there, but it’s kind of like being good at sending corporate emails when you hate the fake corporate politeness that you have to maintain, and you basically despise half of the company you work for. Why does he keep the job? Simple. Because no one can abuse the power of the position he’s in if he does it himself. And for him, that’s worth hating a large aspect of his job,
1. V. Yup you read that right. Sirrus absolutely adores V, something that he himself is not used to. At this point, he’s not entirely sure what he feels towards him since they haven’t known one another for very long, but he does realize that he means quite a bit to him. After V saved his life in the fic, he really started to pay more attention to him. Before, they were friendly and he had to admit that he actually did find both V and Nero (and Nico, for that matter) really cute, but that was about it. And then as they started spending more time around one another, Sirrus realized that perhaps he liked being around V for a reason. He’s still working on understanding what he feels, but with everything going on in the fic, for now he’s just there to help and figure out what’s going on so that everything turns out alright. Then he can worry about everything else. But for now, he’s just working it out as he goes and trying to distract V from everything going on in the fic. He realizes that he’s got a lot going on, and he genuinely just wants him to be happy for a few damn minuets.
2. Being around equally strange people. Sirrus feels like an outcast most of the time, so as a general rule, he tries to associate with people as little as possible. That being said, the DMC crew makes him feel right at home, and the supreme otherness that he feels much of the time dissipates when he’s with them. It’s a welcome feeling to be sure.
3. Wine. Sirrus actually enjoys wine quite a bit! It’s something he likes the taste of, and due to his biological inability to drink, it’s something he can basically enjoy without consequence. That being said, his favorite wine is absolutely disgusting to basically everyone who’s ever tasted it (aside form V, much to his surprise) and that may be because of a certain added ingredient that was put into it for flavor. What can I say, he has unorthodox tastes!
4. Cooking good food. Sirrus doesn’t actually need to eat, but he does like to entertain those around him. If he likes you, he will cook for you. It’s that simple. It’s something from his own culture that’s been instilled in him; the idea of taking care of those that show kindness to you. And believe me, that doesn’t happen to him very often. He’s largely ostracized in most social interactions despite the fact that he says and does nothing to cause this. Its a key reason as to why he doesn't talk about what he is. It makes people... uncomfortable. And to add to that, he has a sort of aura to him that unnerves people. The way he tends to look at people at though he’s looking through them instead of at them doesn’t help.
5. Fine arts. Something that doesn’t come up much in the books is that Sirrus has hobbies. And a love for the fine arts. All of them. The more unorthodox, the better. Sirrus is that person who is dead inside and will stare at a piece of artwork for ridiculous amounts of time, pondering it’s meaning. Not in a pretensions way, but in a “what the hell am I doing with my life” sort of way. He’s a walking essential crisis, but he’s nothing if not self aware. But in regards to the arts, if it’s a form of expression, then he’s all for it. And he will probably ask you to teach it to him or become a financial patron to your work. He thinks that art and the people that make it are under appreciated, and the idea of art dying out genuinely scares him to death. He doesn’t think a world without art is worth living in. As an extension to this, he loves history. He considered much of it distasteful, but he recognizes it’s importance.
Bonus: Sirrus likes to send extravagant gifts. This is partially due to the fact that he has a very large sum of money and nothing to spend it on. It’s a regular occurrence that you will mention liking something in passing and then end up having it sent to your house out of nowhere. Sirrus did this to V with basically an entire house of furniture, and V is still trying to process it. But this isn’t the only time he’s going to do something like that. Not by a long shot.
Let me know if you have any questions! I love answering them :D And if you have any input, I’ve love to hear that, too!
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bratzkoo · 4 years
GUCCI pt. 1
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Author: bratzkoo | navi Pairing: Editor-in-Chief! OC x Creative Director! Taehyung Word Count: 2.5k  Genre: fluff, angst Rating: NC-17 Possible Warnings: implied sex, mentions of sex, taehyung is a horny bitch tbh many ocs im very sorry, it’s still valentine’s day and i wanna eat chocolates and cry [established relationship! au, fashion designer! au] Summary: Vante, a fashion designer and creative director of Gucci who keeps his life in private. No one really knows him aside from what he shares in public, no surprise when the media goes gaga over the leaked sketches of Vogue’s editor-in-chief Y/N Black in his journal. aka Taehyung is very secretive and he loves his girlfriend so much. -
Taehyung stares in awe at the sight of you wearing a black Madame Grès evening gown in front of the full mirror wall in your shared bedroom. "So, what do you think?" you ask Taehyung, looking unsure whether wearing a Madame Grès for the annual ball The Isle's host is a good idea. Taehyung watches you with fondness as he relaxes into the pillows. "You look exquisite, my darling, as always," Taehyung says seriously. "But I rather have you come back to bed, preferably naked." Taehyung still doesn't understand why you would ask him for his opinion, when you’ve always been an excellent dresser. You’re the editor-in-chief of Vogue, you know fashion like the back of your hand. You look at him, expressionless. "You want me to attend the ball naked?" You ask, stripping off the gown to hang it in the rack full of possible clothes you might wear for the ball and wear the new floral Gucci robe Taehyung gave you last month."Wouldn't they like to see that... Y/N Black- High Priestess of Fashion, stark naked in the Isle Ball." You pause before saying, "I hope they'll like what they see." in a teasing manner. Taehyung's cheeky grin slowly drops, he glares at you laughing as you walk over to your massive bed crawling next to him. You look up to Taehyung's glare and decide to tease him more. "Wouldn't I look pretty, Vante?" You say, using your boyfriend's fashion pseudonym. "You would also look pretty in ski jackets and pants, how about that? Make sure your ankles don't show or other men would go crazy." Taehyung says as he plays with the hem of your robes, kissing your forehead lightly. You lean towards Taehyung, finding comfort in his warmth. "Y/N Black shows her ankles in the Isle Ball. What a whore." You giggle with your imagination. Taehyung pulls you to the point where you're on top of him facing each other, Taehyung holds your face with gentleness and pulls you into a kiss. "Y/N— Dear heavens, they're going at it!" They hear Adriela's voice and pull away. Taehyung groans, head dropping down to his pillow. He really wants to change their passcode but you think you don't have to, but with their family and friends cockblocking him he really doesn't care what you say. You laugh and turn into a position where you’re lying on your back in Taehyung's chest. Adriela enters their bedroom with full makeup on and styled hair but still wearing her robes on. "The ball starts at 7 pm and you're having sex at 5 pm, may I remind you that you're not supposed to show up together much more, showing up late together?" Adriela says. "We should be having sex at 5 pm, now get out so we could continue," Taehyung says. Adriela scoffs at Taehyung's retort. "Get ready, Kim Taehyung and you," Adriela points at you with her perfectly manicured nails. "Your closet now." Adriela drags the clothing rack near the mirror inside as she disappears from your sight. "Sorry, Darling. I need to follow Adriela." You roll away from your boyfriend despite his protest and join Adriela inside your walk-in-closet. "I apologize for interrupting your lovey-dovey time with your darling, I just want you to know that the car will be arriving soon," Adriela says as she scans the dresses in the rack and stops to pull out a linen dress. "Buttercup-yellow gown... is this what I think it is?" You nod, "I have another Madame Grès too, I tried it on earlier." Adriela pulls out the black dress and lets out a sigh, "This is pure talent, pure art." "Ela, don't wet the clothes with your tears," You say. Adriela rolls her eyes and hands you the black dress. "Wear this and I'll come back in a few, I'll check on Taehyung." Adriela exits your sight and not a minute later hears her annoyed tone addressing Taehyung. "I will murder you, Kim Taehyung." "I'm up!" You giggle hearing Taehyung's panic tone when Adriela threatens him. You sit on your vanity to do your makeup. - Though Taehyung wants to indulge in the idea that he doesn’t have to attend the Isle’s ball, he arrives in the living room wearing a suit from the latest collection of Gucci. He sees you and Adriela eating cheesecake at the counter wearing your gowns. “My love, why are you eating cheesecake when we’re about to leave?” Taehyung asks you, coming up behind you and presses a kiss at the top of your head before he goes to open the fridge to get yogurt milk. "You are about to leave, Taeh. We're staying for 30 more minutes and arriving late." Adriela says, opening her phone wondering why her phone is flooding from notifications. "I hate that you have to ruin--" Adriela cuts what Taehyung was about to say and shoves her phone to his face. "What the hell is this?" Adriela asks with annoyance visible in her tone. "The announcement is scheduled next week, now I have to answer a lot of questions at the ball and I have to be seen with you at least twice in pictures!” Gucci announces working with Ada Rosier as the new global brand ambassador "You want me to save you from working for Yves Saint Laurent and this is how you repay me for doing so?" Taehyung retorts, welcoming you as you stand between his legs and leaning back into him. "That's because I have to tweet about my secret crush on Kim Seokjin because they think we're dating and Y/N’s being a jealous bitch. Technically, you owe me." Adriela says, they’re trying to link me to the wrong kim, she thought. You ignore your best friend's insult but scoffs at the reminder of the news 3 months ago, "Why would they even think that the two of you are dating when you can barely stand each other without bickering?" "I know, my love. Don't they know that she's not my type?" Taehyung says in a teasing manner, he receives a spoon Adriela throws in his way. "Hey, I'm holding Y/N!" "That's why I specifically aimed for your head. Better luck next time then," Adriela smirks and bites a spoonful of the cheesecake she's eating. Taehyung frowns and raises his middle finger towards Adriela. "Nice. Classy." Adriela sarcastically says. "I hate you Ada, and I have to go." Taehyung pecks your lips. "I'll see you later. Love you." "Love you too," you say. You hold Taehyung hands slowly letting go trying to make him stay. Adriela notices that it looks like it physically pains both you and Taehyung to be away from each other, she wonders how the media doesn't see the way you are so disgustingly in love. She's about to comment on how she's such a third wheel but decides to tease Taehyung instead. "Hey, why don’t I get an I love you from you, Taeh?" Adriela tries to say without laughing but fails. "Go to hell, Adriela," Taehyung says. "Make sure to save me a seat!" Adriela retorts. "I'm sure the devil would offer you his, you evil brat!" Taehyung says just before he closes the door. Adriela laughs at how she can easily annoy Taehyung. You sigh, "I miss him already." Adriela scrunches her nose, disgusted with the couple. "By the way," You straighten your back before continuing. "Is Lopez coming?" Adriela laughs. "You need to stop calling Kina with her last name." You roll your eyes, "Just answer my question." "No, Kina's in France preparing for fashion week," Adriela informs. "Besides, this fashion week is her biggest project yet, good for her." "She's not attending the ball and Kerhea's okay with that?" You ask in disbelief. "I guess this project is so big that she's fine with experiencing Kerhea's wrath for skipping the ball this year." You hum in agreement. "I guess so. Taehyung's going back to France next week, too. I’ll be in Italy in three days." You sigh, you might not even see Taehyung until the Gucci show because of your busy schedules during fashion weeks. Adriela stands up to collect the dessert plates and puts them in the dishwasher. "We need to go, we're past that fashionably late time." You nod, "How long is this ball going to last?" "I don't know, I leave when you leave. You're Y/N Black, it doesn't matter if you show up for 10 minutes and leave. They'll only care that you showed up." "I know that. I'll probably stay for 30 minutes tops and go to the office to get some work done." "Oh Y/N, never change!" Adriela says before laughing that you’re still the workaholic bitch that you are. - You step out of the car with your assistant- Sandra, trailing behind you as you walk on the red carpet. There are paparazzi waiting behind the ropes capturing your every move. You pay no effort to smile at them but you do stop for two questions. After all, Taehyung's the one who prefers staying away from the media. You enter the building, a footman handing you lilies of the valley just like what Charles IX did at Fontainebleau every May Day. The building is so delightful to the eyes and you took the time to take all the decorations in your mind. Right before you descend from the stairs, Kerhea Isle pounces on you and greets you with two cheek kisses. "I am so glad you could make it, Y/N," Kerhea says. "I have been informed by my secretary that you would only be staying for half an hour, I suggest getting the champagne they are absolutely delightful and I'll send a few hors d'oeuvres on your way." You nod and smile in appreciation of Kerhea's considerate attitude towards you, "Always grateful for you, Isle." Your friendship is something even the both of you find peculiar but you’re glad to have each other. "Always grateful for you too, Black." Kerhea returns the smile. "I'll go ahead and greet the other guest, Vante looks edible in his Gucci suit." You suppress your frown with Kerhea's comment about your boyfriend but you only graciously nod again, "You go do your thing, Isle." Kerhea leaves you alone to yourself as you both know you hate holding conversations in public more than it's supposed to go. You sigh as a server passes by with a tray of champagne glasses, you get two glasses knowing you need it to survive the thirty minutes you plan to stay in the event. You live with the fact that you can never tell Kerhea about your relationship status despite knowing each other for more than a decade, You would love to but telling her will result in Kerhea telling her sisters at some point during one of their monthly dinners at Le Dante's. Knowing her sister; Keisha Isle, it would result in being the hot topic of gossip blogs and front pages of newspapers overnight. So yes, you would rather listen to Kerhea's thirsty comments over Taehyung than have the whole world probe every detail about your dating and sex life. You shake your thoughts away when fashion designers and models approach you with friendly smiles. - Taehyung does his best to not keep his gaze on you and how you always manage to brighten every place you grace with your presence. Taehyung stops coming to events unless you decide your coming, as he only finds you important. He does go to fashion shows of his friends but prefers to stay at home or in his office than to go to parties. You understand that Taehyung simply didn’t find the need for them anymore now that he has his name established in the industry and he’s content with the friends he made, he doesn’t hook up with any of the guests even back then when he was single so there was really no need for attending anymore. This event, in particular, requires him to attend because he could never say no to Karlene Isle. “Vante, you made it.” Taehyung turns to smile at the matriarch of the Isle who’s standing behind him with a matching smile.It seems that time is very good for the 45-year-old woman with four children. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mrs. Isle,” Taehyung says as she pulls him into a hug which he returns. That’s a lie, I did try to miss it. If it weren’t for my love; Y/N and that dumb; Adriela. “I told you already, call me Auntie Karlene,” she says. “How’s the preparation for the fashion week? I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come to your show in Paris the last time but I’ll be sure to attend your Rome show, so please do save a sit for me.” Karlene gets a champagne glass after greeting Taehyung. “You know I never talk about what plans I have for fashion week, Mrs. Isle. I’ll have the invitation be sent to your home in Rome by tomorrow,” he replies. “I’m excited to see the collection this season, the last one was so groundbreaking everyone is praising your vision and what you have done to Gucci.” Taehyung bashfully smiles, he always reacts shyly when people praise his work. “I do my best, as long as I do my best I’m happy.” “Let’s see each other next week for the fashion show, and maybe plan a dinner with your cara mia.” Taehyung prevents himself from frowning at Mrs. Karlene trying to push him in meeting his girlfriend that she accidentally found out because she keeps on telling him to marry one of her daughters. “I’d love to have dinner with you and mi querida but she’s equally as busy as me, if not more.” He replied. “You just want to keep her all to yourself.” “I wish I could, but she has lots to do and I love watching her do the things she loves.” “Well, let’s all get together in the near future. I have to get back to overseeing everything I just wanted to say hello.” Karlene smiles warmly at him before she walks towards someone to greet them. Taehyung fumbles to get his phone in his suit pocket and sends a quick text to his driver to pick him up in 5 minutes before he opens your contact. to: mi cielita baby I’ll be at home Gonna order pizza Can we have sex after? Taehyung prevents himself from laughing out loud when he sees the three dots waiting for you to reply. from: mi cielita was about to go to the office today to do more work you’re so annoying text me when you get home He imagines you rolling your eyes typing your reply but he knows you’ll see each other at home. They always do.
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oc-rp-ads · 3 years
☆ - the moon beckons
─ hello ! ♡ my name is belladonna. i use she/her pronouns and i am 19. i am studying in college, so replies will be as often as i can make them come out, since they will be long and detailed. i thought i’d make this post since it is much longer and covers more of what i wanted to post! so here it goes! i am looking for a very literature or novella type roleplay partner, who would like to flesh out a very long term roleplay! i would prefer tumblr roleplays, but if you’d prefer a different media to use, please let me know! 
─ i am really looking for an original fandomless roleplay. i double only as i find doubling very fun, and i don’t like one sided roleplays as i lose interest in them very quickly. these are the plots i really enjoy ! ( for my side, i would like either wlw or mlw, i have not decided yet ! ) i do also like integrating dark themes into some roleplays ! like violence/gore/jealousy. we of course do not have to do any of those if you do not wish! it is all up to you and your comfort! 
─ i LOVE talking about ocs with people, and being able to headcanon and talk through the creation process of ocs with people! please be willing to do this with me if you’d like to roleplay with me, the more i get invested in this roleplay the better it will be trust me hehe /hj
→ victorian plot ( period drama )
→ historical plots 
→ royal/kingdom plots
→ vampires !!! ( i love this one, will 10000% be always down to roleplay vampire plots )
→ medieval fantasy 
→ steampunk 
and more! these can be mixed and matched, and you can give me ideas and we can always swap ideas as well! 
important! for nsfw!
under no circumstances will minor characters be involved in any and all nsfw roleplays. while i absolutely enjoy spicy scenes in roleplays and i will put my all into keeping them descriptive and fun to read, i will not purely roleplay nsfw. i want to incorporate lots of drama and plot, and the nsfw scenes make sense for the characters and their relationship.
─ what i require in a roleplay partner
being flexible with my reply time, it may take me a few days or a week, if you don’t like waiting please don’t reach out
quality over quantity. i would prefer a really engaging smaller paragraph than something that feels long and drawn out!
i tend to write a lot maybe even 2000-3000 words per reply, i love LOVE writing out long replies, but again don’t feel the need to match my word length if you can not. 
you need to be 18+ to reply any and all adult themes with me, i will not roleplay those themes with minors. 
you will plot and talk with me !! i would love to make friends and chat throughout the plotting process (which im hoping will be very thorough!) 
you like aesthetics ! i love using images, symbols and lowercase aesthetic in my replies. please let me know if you’d like proper grammar. 
─ fandoms that i also roleplay!
soul calibur (all games) i would love to do this one !!!
resident evil (all games)
star wars (all media, movies, and shows)
devil may cry (just 5 at the moment)
─ contact!
please feel free to message me on tumblr, also let me know of your time zone/age/name/pronouns when we communicate! here is my blog page. i will get back to you as soon as i can, i do find it hard to reply very quickly but i hope you will be patient with me. thank you for reading this..terribly long post, but i hope i piqued your interest. have an amazing day/night/evening!!
with love, belladonna.
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