#Deviser dog
foxdrawdoodles · 6 months
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I have finished Deviser and I have to say I liked it, it was definitely very graphic at times so read the warnings first before you listen to it.
This is the second horror podcast I’ve listened to, the first one being The Magnus Archives which I haven’t finished yet (I’ve just finished season 2) and I’m really loving listening to them, I have a couple other horror podcast lined up for when I finish TMA but if anyone have any suggestions for other horror podcasts I’d love to hear them <3
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greyfingers · 1 month
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finhere · 1 year
Deviser spoiler without context:
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whatthesquids · 1 year
Wow so like ANY fanart for deviser is gonna be a spoiler huh
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supermarine-silvally · 8 months
The Tōka Tōka no Mi / Pass Pass Fruit
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At last, the meta post for my fan-made Devil Fruit! Tried to write it like a wiki entry (below the cut!). No spoilers for the anime as the events described below are purely my own lore.
The Tōka Tōka no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows for anything with a physical presence to pass through the user’s body and vice versa. It was eaten by Bravada Yara prior to her joining the Whitebeard Pirates. 
Tōka (透過) is Japanese for “transmission”, “transparency” or “permeation”
In English, it is known as the “Pass Pass Fruit”
The fruit is round in shape with a blue spherical core. Attached to the core are smaller yellowish-green spheres which are partially submerged into the core, as if passing through it. A twisted green stem extends from the top of the fruit, part of which is curled around itself.
The Tōka Tōka no Mi is primarily a defensive fruit, granting the user the ability to negate any regular physical attack by allowing that attack to pass straight through their body. Barring the application of seastone or strong haki, physical weapons of all types are rendered completely ineffective. This includes but is not limited to blades, projectiles, elemental attacks such as lightning or fire, and hand-to-hand combat. Even a simple unwanted touch will not affect the user, as the offender will not be able to make physical contact and will instead pass through the user’s body. While the immunity to physical attacks that this fruit grants shares some similarities with the effects of an elemental Logia fruit, the Tōka Tōka no Mi is unique in that it enables the user to in turn bypass any obstacles in their path simply by walking right through them, whether it be walls, barricades, or even other people. 
The user may also choose to deactivate the fruit’s powers at their will, which becomes particularly effective when the user has embedded part of themselves within an object or even an enemy’s body, which will cause breakage around whatever the user has chosen to embed themselves within. 
Like other Paramecia fruits, this fruit is capable of being awakened. In its awakened form, the Tōka Tōka no Mi allows its user to transmit the fruit’s powers to any person or object the user touches, which if used effectively can alter the physics of a battlefield itself. The effects last until the user’s haki runs out. 
Unlike the vast powers of a Logia fruit, the Tōka Tōka no Mi grants no combat boons other than possible deactivation at a key moment to do damage to the user’s surroundings or to an opponent’s body. The deactivation is in of itself risky, however, as it can leave the deactivated parts of the user’s own body vulnerable. Furthermore, haki which is sufficient to overpower that of the user’s will negate the fruit’s effects and allow the attacker to land a blow on the user’s physical body regardless. 
The user is also not immune to non-physical secondary effects of physical attacks such as a toxic gas released from a poisonous substance or smoke inhalation from a fire. Although the user cannot be crushed by a falling object, they will still take damage if they themselves fall. Otherwise, the user is affected by the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses. 
Since the Tōka Tōka no Mi grants very little in the way of attack powers, it is most effectively utilised in combination with martial arts or weaponry. As a swordswoman, Yara has adapted the fruit’s abilities into her combat style. Known for her vicious slashing attacks, she is able to withstand what would otherwise be reckless close-quarters combat since most opponents she confronts are unable to do her any damage. By effectively utilising the fruit’s immense defensive capabilities with strong, precise swordplay, Yara has become a fearsome fighter well worth her significant bounty. 
The fruit is also useful for navigating battlefields since the user can ignore any regular obstacles in their path. At the battle of Marineford, Yara is seen charging directly through rows of Marine soldiers, only stopping when encountering the seastone-infused walls surrounding the bay. Yara also uses the fruit’s powers to essentially create shortcuts for herself. She can quickly pass through solid barriers, preventing opponents from reaching her with their weapon. This also prevents them from pursuing her, making them lose sight of her as soon as she is on the other side of the barrier. With these applications, Yara can use the battlefield’s terrain to her advantage. 
Outside of battle, Yara is frequently shown using her powers for trivial purposes. A running gag has her startling her crewmates by walking unannounced through the walls of the Moby Dick rather than using the door. In one scene, Ace finds himself unable to give her a hug when she employs her powers to keep him from touching her until he has taken a shower. 
The fruit resided for an unknown amount of time at the Sisters of Heavenly Mercy Convent on Phestris Island in the Grand Line, where it was kept locked in a wooden box in the convent’s vault alongside other treasures thought to contain significant holy or unholy powers. It remained there untouched until the Phestris Island Incident, when a cell of Cipher Pol 5 agents led by Commander Thalamo Gustus ransacked the convent in order to locate an item thought to offer insight into the decryption of the Poneglyphs. 
The Phestris Island Incident
Though the full details of this event were not made public, a record of it still exists in the classified Cipher Pol archives. It was triggered by intelligence received by a different Cipher Pol cell relating to a mysterious artifact known only as “the codex”, the existence of which has not been definitively proven. According to government theories, the codex is a partial record that survived the Void Century and could be used to potentially decipher some of the symbols displayed on the Poneglyphs. The intelligence suggested that this artifact was being kept at a vault of sacred objects in a small convent on Phestris Island, so a small cell of CP5 agents under the command of Thalamo Gustus were dispatched to quickly recover it. 
At first, the relationship between the CP5 agents and the nuns at the convent were cordial, as the Mother Superior Margureta granted them permission to examine the artifacts in the large, sprawling vault to find what they were looking for. However, after three days of searching turned up no results, Gustus began to grow impatient. Suspecting that the nuns were hiding the codex’s true location, he ordered his agents to continue their search; this time much more forcefully. Walls were torn down and anything deemed ‘useless’ was trampled underfoot. When the nuns protested against the harsh treatment CP5 gave to their sacred artifacts, they were met with violence. 
After an additional three days of searching turned up no results, Gustus ordered every single person in the convent, both the nuns and the orphaned girls they cared for, to be rounded up. They were held in the vault for twenty-four hours without food, water, or sleep. Guns were kept pointed at every person as CP5 interrogated each of the adults one at a time. A child who made any noise at all was immediately shot at. Gustus continued to demand that the nuns give up the codex, their pleas that they didn’t know what he was talking about falling on deaf ears. 
When one of the older nuns passed out from the torture inflicted upon her, thirteen-year-old Yara, then one of the wards at the convent, took the opportunity presented by the ensuing confusion to try to escape. She successfully got through the door and ran down the labyrinthine corridors of the vault with the CP5 agents in hot pursuit, eventually making it to a small room that CP5 had already ransacked. She shut and locked the heavy door behind her and tried to formulate a plan, only then noticing a damaged wooden box. Opening it in hopes of finding a weapon, she instead discovered a strange-looking fruit. Recognizing what it was, and with CP5 about to break down the door, Yara made the split-second gamble to consume the Devil Fruit. Upon eating it, she learned it was called the Tōka Tōka no Mi, and barely had enough time to grasp the concept of its powers before CP5 broke down the door. 
With her new abilities, Yara passed through the CP5 agents and headed back into the main room, where she discovered, much to her horror, that Gustus had begun his interrogation of the convent’s beloved old librarian, Sister Martha. Yara demanded that he stop, but Gustus, unaware that she had just consumed a Devil Fruit, merely laughed mockingly in response. He approached her, brandishing his baton, and took a swing at her, only for it to pass straight through her body. However, before Gustus had a chance to register that his attack had no effect, Yara drew back her fist and attempted to punch him. Unable to control her newly-acquired powers, her fist passed through his chest then suddenly deactivated, striking the man’s heart and crushing it instantly. 
The CP5 agents who had left the room in pursuit of the girl came back just in time to see their commander slumped over, dead, in front of the escaped teenager, whose arm was now soaked in blood. There was nothing Yara could do except run. With only the clothes on her back, she made it out of the convent and sprinted towards the docks. Using her new powers, she hid in the walls of a departing cargo ship, holding her breath as CP5 searched the area. When they were unable to find her on board, they fanned out to search the rest of the island. The ship sailed away, and Yara was safe-- for now.
Cipher Pol chose to retreat from Phestris Island shortly after in order to lay their commander’s body to rest, leaving behind a partially-destroyed convent and a ton of broken artifacts. The codex was not recovered (it was later begrudgingly admitted that it had probably never been there in the first place and the initial intelligence received had been incorrect) and the mission was ultimately deemed a failure. Within only a few days of the incident, a bounty was issued for a teenage girl-- a ruthless killer who had viciously murdered a brave, innocent government agent in cold blood-- worth 48,000,000 Berry.
taglist: @auxiliarydetective @oneirataxia-girl
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val-does-stuff · 1 year
Why would Harlan Guthrie produce a new horror podcast and put a dog in it? I think we all know the dog will come to harm, and I will cry over it for hours.
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aibari · 1 year
starting deviser podcast with no idea what it's about other than "uhhhh horror with ai maybe" and I guess I should really have been expecting all the screaming
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bones-edition · 1 year
Crying over a goddamn fucking dog. How could you. Other Son how could you. Harlan how could you.
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mira-arty · 3 months
Son just going 'What's this one?? Huh?? Huh boy??' to dog, pointing at a vat of warm coolant is just.. so wholesome and insane to me-
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mag-madness · 1 year
Finished ep5 of Deviser and I'm enjoying it so much that I'm going to start posting my thoughts during each episode.
Sorry for starting half way through but I might relsiten to it one day!
This episode had plenty of sobbing from our main man, as he loses his sense of reality, and the despair of his painful and eternal isolation sinks in!
When Dog reappeared, I switched so quickly from delight to anguish as I realised what it meant.
Can someone create a 'does the dog die?' site dedicated to podcasts? (I'm aware that the Deviser website has a full list of content warnings for each episode) It would be convenient to have it all in one place.
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plan-3-tmars · 1 year
don't mind me just *adding deviser to my list of horror podcasts with cute pet animals in it*
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foxdrawdoodles · 6 months
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Spoiler for Deviser, Episode 4 They murdered my boy, how COULD you Other Son!!!
Close up of Dog
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kenanda · 1 year
started listening to deviser and my predictable ass immediately went like this with all the religious undertones
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coconut530 · 1 year
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…hahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🐶🧍🏽‍♂️📡😈
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thesecondsnowflake · 1 year
Just gonna cry about Dog for a minute IM FINE
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bless i try to write fluff and it becomes angst. i try to write angst (a little vengeance, as a treat) and now they're buying waffles i. what is happening. why am i dunking on chicken and waffles. i've never had chicken and waffles. also why is this all happening in a john wick au,
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