#Dhawan Master x you
txrdish · 7 months
the moment doctor who showrunners use the names theta and koschei on-screen is the day i can die peacefully. imagine an emotionally charged scene between the master and the doctor then suddenly one of them drops the academy nickname on the other. it can go 2 ways
either the other gets all "you don't get to use that name on me, they're dead." or they crumble over the name and just. Breaks Down™.
(bonus points if it's in front of a companion)
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lofan · 3 months
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dang-dood · 7 months
first date idea: i bring you to the remains of our home planet and flirt with you while you’re in a cage as i tell you a story that will change the directory of your life <3
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clowns0cks · 4 months
Russell T Davies tied to a chair in a dark room, except for a feeble light directly on him, and me with a gun in my hand to his head.
"spygatwa season 3", I say, threatening to pull the trigger. He shakes his head. I shoot at his right foot, repeating in a louder tone
He screams in agony. After some protests, he gives up.
"spygatwa season 3..." he says. And I let him go with a warning
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corallapis · 10 months
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DOCTOR: He'd see me dead tomorrow. MASTER: Gladly, Doctor. [looking to the Valeyard] But I'm not prepared to countenance a rival.
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Here are some of my favourite thoschei fics:
(for @hadesbullshit )
The Deca (Series One) by Victory (Barnable) -
And when push comes to shove by ichabodcranemills -
You don't have to kill me, just lead me there by z_in_a_blue_box -
Theseus' paradox by Lis_zimoy - https://archiveofourown.org/works/51052750
Second Draft by Verayne - https://archiveofourown.org/works/43899492
The only hell I'm going to by orphan_account - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12853668
the dying of the light by lupescx - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27632762
locked in orbit by yonderdarling - https://archiveofourown.org/works/3044741
after me comes the flood by Aria - https://archiveofourown.org/works/73096
Doctor Who Season Four by Aria - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13433
Need by Lamiel - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20320687
Timeless Horror by CheerfullyCynical - https://archiveofourown.org/works/34569250
suffer does the wolf, crawling to thee by ProdigalPragmatist - archiveofourown.org/works/52101307
The Game by Veryane - archiveofourown.org/works/48231109
Time Lord Victorious by Veryane -
Inhale by Veryane -
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Headcanons: Dhawan!Master with a companion who has migraines
@asexualaromosafezone’s request: “could I request a Master x platonic reader… …Where the reader is having a bit of a brain fog cause by a migraine coming on... ...or after where the reader is sluggish really not there and shutdown to *reboot* and falling a sleep… …I get sleepy after a attack. Master pick up on the changes of his dear pet. Master just takes care of them and keep a eye on them, knowing full well that the feeling in their hand is not back just yet.”
A/N: Sorry this took a while, but here you go! Your description of your migraine symptoms helped a ton, so thank you for including it – I hope you like this!
The reader here is gender-neutral. These imagines are written to be fully platonic!
Content warnings: None.
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You’re the Master’s closest friend, not that he would admit that to you. Despite him not being open enough to express it verbally, however, it often shows in his actions towards you.
One example of this is how he notices immediately when your migraines start to develop, having learnt to recognise the brain fogginess as a sign leading up to them.
The moment he notices you becoming more disoriented and unfocused, he’ll prioritise finding you somewhere to relax – whether it be on the TARDIS, or somewhere near you during a trip.
He always tries to find somewhere quiet and dim, with a place for you to sit down, so you don’t have to suffer as much during the migraine.
If you two were in the middle of an adventure, he’ll quietly guard you nearby with the TCE, more than ready to cut anyone who may disturb you down to size…
…unless you ask him to stay with you, in which case he’ll either get an ally you’ve gained during the trip to stand guard, or use a transmat to get you and him back to the TARDIS (he started to keep them with him each time you travel together, just in case).
If you start shivering or losing the feeling in your hands while holding something important, he’ll be sure to pick it up again for you before you leave, if possible.
He knows you might get angry at yourself for not being able to stay steady enough to keep assisting him, so he makes sure your efforts weren’t for nothing. It's his way of looking out for you.
Has a quiet room on the TARDIS, designed to suit your needs during migraines. The lights can be adjusted to your liking, the walls are soundproof, and it includes both beanbags and a bed, so you can rest well during the aftermath.
The Master’s temper is volatile and easily triggered - but over time, he's learnt to be more patient when you become irritable during migraines.
He'll help you when you're at your most vulnerable not only because you're his loyal companion, but also because you're not-so-secretly his favourite human.
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praxeus-13 · 2 years
Pairing: Dh!Master x Reader
Word Count: 4900
Summary: The Doctor and the fam are hanging out on the TARDIS one day when they realise they haven’t seen you or The Master all day, none of them quite expect the sight that greets them when they find you.
Warnings: none
A/N: Reader is gender neutral in this. Also yay! I finally have time to write and post! I have a lot of fics planned, so hopefully I’ll be able to find the time to write them over winter break, tho I do have a shit ton of uni work still to do 😅
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It was quiet, that wasn’t completely unusual on the TARDIS, but considering the recent addition of The Master to Team TARDIS it had The Doctor on edge. He’d begrudgingly joined them on their adventures after The Doctor had come across him moping about at the edge of a deserted galaxy, The Master hadn’t even been destroying anything, he was just sitting all alone on what he’d called an unimportant planet. The Doctor, of course, had been concerned by his uncharacteristic behaviour and had forced encouraged him to join them aboard the TARDIS. Understandably, her fam had objected, especially after he started to occupy himself by finding as many ways to inconvenience her friends as possible.
It had been eight months since The Master had joined them, and he had yet to stop annoying Graham, Ryan and Yaz - despite the numerous interventions and talks she had had with him about it. Much to The Doctor’s surprise, she never found you complaining about The Master’s antics, though she had suspected that he had developed a bit of a soft spot for you. After all, you had been the first out of her friends to welcome him - probably helped by the fact that you joined the group after The Master revealed himself, and thus only met him eight months back.
Recently The Doctor realised that she’d grown used to this new normal, that she was used to the occasional yelling of her friends after The Master had yet again hid half of their clothes, or simply jump-scared them - often accompanied by The Master’s maniacal laughter. However, she had yet to hear anything like that this morning, not one complaint about missing items from her fam, not one cackle out of The Master, she hadn’t even seen anyone all morning.
It was almost peaceful.
Which definitely meant that something was wrong.
Quickly The Doctor got up, abandoned her tools, and headed in the direction of the kitchen. It was about lunchtime, which meant that her friends would probably be gathered together making food, she just hoped that one of them would have seen The Master. Of course, she’d usually just ask the TARDIS where he was, but the circuits she’d been upgrading were the internal communication circuits, so that was currently out of the question.
“FAM!” The Doctor exclaimed as soon as she rounded the corner, standing dramatically in the doorway to the kitchen.
All of her friends had startled as soon as she appeared, it made her feel bad, but she currently had more pressing matters to focus on.
“Have any of you seen The Master today?!”
“…uh, no?” Ryan was the first to answer, still looking a little shocked from her entrance but trying to play it cool.
Graham took a dramatic sigh before answering, “Not yet luckily.”
“I haven’t either, why’re you asking?” Yaz replied, pausing making her lunch and turning all of her attention to The Doctor.
“It’s quiet, too quiet, and I haven’t seen him since last night. Which most likely means that he’s up to something.”
Graham groaned, “Why do we have to assume he’s up to something? Can’t we at least wait until after lunch to assume he’s doing something evil?”
The Doctor simply gave him a look, causing him to groan again, though he put his sandwich down. However she was quickly distracted by a nagging feeling in the back of her mind, she was missing something, something obvious. She looked back at her friends, and then she realised.
“Where’s Y/N?”
Her friends seemed to only notice your absence once it was pointed out, all looking around the room before looking back at The Doctor with blank faces.
“I haven’t seen them since last night.” Yaz told her.
“Me neither.” Ryan and Graham agreed with her.
Suddenly The Doctor felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. You were clearly The Master’s favourite out of the fam, what if he’d done something to you? Naively, The Doctor had hoped he was developing a soft spot for you - but what if it was simply an obsession? What if this had been his plan all along, to get close enough to harm you?
The fam seemed to come to a similar conclusion, horror dawning on all their faces.
“You don’t think-“
The Doctor didn’t give Ryan an answer, just turned around and ran through the TARDIS halls. She’d been at the TARDIS console most of the night, so at least she knew the two of you were still on board. Her first instinct was to head to the library, both you and The Master spent a fair amount of time there, it would have been the perfect place for an ambush.
The Doctor slowed once she entered the library, and she could hear the footsteps of her fam slow down as well. The library was surprisingly quiet as well, but The Doctor was still on edge. The fam followed her and she weaved her way through the aisles, coming to a sudden stop right before the rows of bookshelves gave way to one of the reading areas.
Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted them. On one of the plush purple sofas The Master was laying down, fast asleep. That in itself would have been enough to shock The Doctor. However he wasn’t alone, you were laying next to him, curled into his side and fast asleep as well.
The Doctor had known that The Master was developing a soft spot for you, but she definitely didn’t suspect anything like this. It was almost cute.
“Are they- Are they actually cuddling?” Graham was the first to speak, slightly startling the rest of them despite his voice being barely above a whisper.
“Uhhh… yeah, certainly seems like it.”
“Does anyone else think this is horrifying yet adorable?” Yaz queried, gaining agreement from the rest of them. “Glad it’s not just me.”
“What do we do? Do we wake them up?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah, what if he’s done that hypno- whatsit on Y/N?” Graham butted in.
“Hypnotism, I mean it would be a very odd thing to hypnotise Y/N to do, but we can’t rule it out I suppose.” The Doctor’s thoughts were zipping around in her brains, desperately trying to find all the signs she missed.
And there was so much she missed.
The Master’s ‘practical jokes’ had been lessening lately - both in frequency and maliciousness. The Doctor had chalked this up to him finally starting to settle in properly, but maybe that was the result of him spending more time with you? She hadn’t seen you around as much either, but with four humans plus The Master on board, she had hardly noticed. Then, the most obvious, there was the fact that the two of you had started to pair off more on adventures. Honestly, she had just thought that you were becoming good friends!
Maybe you were just friends? After all, friends were allowed to hug each other. Sure, the position you were in definitely leant more towards romantic entanglement rather than platonic, but that didn’t always mean something.
Just when The Doctor was about to reply, she and the fam were distracted by movement on the couch. You stretched slightly, but then snuggled even closer to The Master, your face smushing into his neck as you smiled. In turn The Master hummed contentedly, somehow bringing you even closer and wrapping his arms around you protectively. The Doctor could have sworn she saw a smile on his face.
Okay, probably not just friends.
The Doctor didn’t know what to do, she hadn’t considered this possibility. Regrettably, she was not prepared for The Master being romantically involved with you at all, which meant that she needed time to think. Putting a finger up to her lips, she turned to her companions and gestured for them to return the way they had came. For now, you and The Master had no clue that the rest of them knew about whatever was going on between the two of you. So, she had time to think, to observe the two of you, to find out if he was hypnotising or manipulating you, or if whatever this was was something genuine on both your parts.
Once they were back out in the hallway The Doctor explained everything to the other members of the fam, all of them agreeing to keep an eye on the two of you. The Doctor then walked off back to the console room, she needed to be alone with her thoughts for a little while.
You were warm and cosy, that was what you registered first. Of course, it wasn’t unusual to be warm and cosy when you woke up, but these days it was a new constant in your life, all because of one (alien) man. The Master.
When he had come onboard the TARDIS eight months ago you, you would have never imagined how your relationship developed. He’d pissed you off at first, especially since most of his ‘pranks’ had been directed at you. Once he had decided to take all of your jumpers and hoodies, just after you had returned from a particularly frosty adventure in Antarctica, causing you to confront him.
���You!” You sneered accusingly at The Master, who was lounged on one of the sofas in the library.
He placed his book down and raised an eyebrow, “Can I help you?”
“Give me my jumpers and hoodies back, now.” You tried to sound demanding, but you were still shivering from the lingering cold.
“No.” He smirked at you.
“No? What do you mean no?! I’m cold! I need layers to keep warm!” You pouted at him, unable to keep up the scary demeanour.
He chuckled slightly, “Well, that’s easily solved.” And then he lifted up the blanket that was laying over him and shuffled to make room for you.
You simply stood there in shock, not quite believing that The Master of all beings was inviting you to cuddle with him!
“Come on love, if you stand there any longer you’ll probably end up freezing to death.”
Hesitantly, you stepped closer and closer to the sofa, until you were stood inches from The Master, looking down at him. He offered his hand to you, and you gave him yours in turn. Then, slowly, he pulled you down into his hold, and covered you with the blanket. With his warmth enveloping you, you soon stopped shivering, though you didn’t leave him.
After that, cuddles in the TARDIS library became a regular for the two of you, soon turning into cuddles and kisses in your respective bedrooms, sneakily holding hands on adventures, and being there for one another behind closed doors. You loved him, not that you had told him yet, but you truly did.
Part of your hesitancy towards telling him was due to the fact that you were still keeping your relationship hidden from your friends. It wasn’t as though you didn’t want to tell your friends, you just didn’t know how to tell them, and you were scared for their reactions.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind you stretched and finally opened your eyes. Your first sight was The Master, still asleep, and you took a moment to appreciate him. Then you took in your surroundings and your heart leapt in your chest as you realised you had fallen asleep in the library, where anyone could have walked in.
“Master.” You shook him slightly.
He woke with a questioning hum, sleepy eyes looking at you with curiosity.
“We fell asleep in the library.” You half-whispered.
“…And?” The Master replied.
“Anyone could have walked in and seen us!”
“Mm, but they didn’t love, otherwise we would have been woken up.” He told you, his voice still rough from sleep, as he pulled you closer again.
You didn’t reply, instead giving him a worried look. He sighed and sat up, moving you with him.
“It’ll be okay love,” He cupped your face with both his hands, observing you until he seemed satisfied that you believed his words - and you did believe him, even if you needed a little reassurance sometimes.
The Master smiled at you, “Come on, shower and breakfast is in order.”
“More like brunch by now.” You retorted, checking your phone to see that it was already past 11am.
The Master chuckled and lead you out of the library.
In the past week, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, at least nothing that was out of the ordinary for your life. A couple of trips back in time, a couple adventures on distant planets, an ungodly amount of running, and sneaking into The Master’s bedroom once your friends had gone to sleep each night. Yep, completely ordinary week for you.
Which is why your friends’ strange behaviour made absolutely no sense.
You couldn’t quite explain it, but they’d been acting weird around you, jumpy as though they were keeping something from you. However there weren’t any holidays coming up and your birthday had already passed this year, so their weird behaviour was worrying you.
You’d tried asking all of them about it individually, The Doctor had pretended not to hear while doing some engineering on the TARDIS, and the other three had come up with various excuses that you didn’t believe. It frustrated you that something was wrong but they weren’t willing to tell you. Luckily, you still had one person on the TARDIS who wasn’t acting weird around you.
You knocked on The Master’s door and let yourself in. His living space was becoming one of your favourite rooms on the TARDIS, it had dark wood panelled walls and an overall regal look with lots of purple accents. There was also a lot of clutter, mostly little projects and pieces for said projects. Occasionally you’d ask him about whatever he was working on, and he’d talk you through his whole process (secretly you’d only ask him to hear his voice, but he didn’t need to know that). He’d also gotten used to you being in his rooms, hence why you walked right in.
The Master was sat on his couch, reading a book that he placed on an end table once he saw you.
“Hello, love.” He grinned at you, making room for you to sit down next to him.
“Hello Master,” You smiled at him, cuddling into his chest as he wrapped an arm around you.
He hummed and nuzzled your neck, “How are you today, my darling?”
The combination of the pet name and him speaking so close to your ear caused you to shiver. It almost got rid of the knot of worry that had nestled itself in you, almost. The Master seemed to notice something was wrong, as he pulled back slightly so he could look at you properly.
“Have you noticed the others being kind of… off, this week?” You queried, not quite knowing how to word it.
“Quite honestly love, I don’t pay much attention to anyone else on this ship.” He smirked, and you rolled your eyes.
“You and I both know that’s not true, you may not like Ryan, Graham or Yaz, but they’re still my friends - which means you still keep an eye on them at the very least.” You retorted.
“Mmm, you know me so well.” He leaned in to kiss your cheek, causing you to relax further into him.
It had surprised you, at first, just how physically affectionate The Master was. You’d assumed after the first cuddle session that it would be a one off, that he’d kill you if you ever mentioned it to anyone (not that they’d believe you), but he’d only gotten more and more cuddly as your relationship had grown.
“Okay, yes, I have noticed they were behaving stranger than usual this week. I’d just assumed it was something to do with me, and I didn’t care enough to find out what.”
“Definitely not just you, they’ve been weird around me too. I tried to ask them what was wrong but they all made up little excuses and scurried off. The Doctor even pretended she didn’t hear me!” You exclaimed gesturing wildly, “I just- they’re my friends, and I’ve obviously done something to upset them, but I don’t know what!”
You flopped back into The Master’s hold and sighed, for a moment he simply held you close, rubbing circles on your back.
“Look, whatever it is they’ll probably get over it soon enough. It can’t be that bad if they’re still talking to you.” He reassured you, already helping you feel much calmer than you had all week.
“But, what if they found out about us somehow?”
“The Doctor probably would have kicked me off the TARDIS already love, and your friends would have helped her.” You glared at him, unamused.
“No they wouldn’t, I wouldn’t let them.”
The Master’s expression softened.
“Of course not love, I’m just teasing. I’m sure that whatever it is will be forgotten about soon enough.”
“In the meantime, would it perhaps help if I could take your mind off them for a while?” The Master suggested, leaning in to kiss you again.
“Hmm, I think it might.” You replied with a giggle, kissing him back eagerly.
As The Master had predicted, your friends soon went back to normal. You still had no clue what had caused their strange behaviour, but you didn’t bring it up again. Instead you focused on your adventures and your relationship with The Master, separately of course.
After a few rather hectic adventures, The Doctor had decided that you all needed a bit of a break, in the form of a 38th century cruise spaceship. The Doctor had explained that there were many fun activities taking place on the cruise, but the main one was the ball. An evening of dancing, eating and socialising to help you and the rest of the fam relax a bit.
You were all looking forward to it, and you could tell The Master was excited too - not that he acted like it. Sometimes you thought he tried a little too hard to protect his reputation, but then you remembered just how lucky you were that he allowed you to see the real him when so many others were denied the chance.
Currently, you were in the TARDIS wardrobe getting ready for the ball with the others. You had elected to wear a simple black suit with a dark purple lining and accents, partially because you liked the look of it, and partially because you thought it would go with whatever The Master decided to wear. You may be hiding your relationship from your friends, but you still wanted the subtle sign that he was yours (and you were his in turn). Exiting your dressing room you smiled at Graham and The Doctor, both wearing suits as well.
“Nice suit, it suits you!” The Doctor told you, looking very pleased with her terrible pun.
You rolled your eyes and huffed out a laugh while Graham simply groaned. Ryan exited next, wearing a suit as well, tho it had a neon-coloured cubic pattern speckled over it. Then The Master exited.
He was wearing a black suit as well, though it had flowers embroidered in dark grey thread on it. He’d paired it with a reddish-purple waistcoat, a matching bow tie, and a dark grey shirt. He looked stunning, and in that moment you found yourself yearning for the freedom of a more public relationship, simply so you could tell him just how good you thought he looked. Instead you raked your eyes over his body and gave him an appreciative look, knowing he’d understand.
To your surprise he seemed to do the same to you, his eyes studying your appearance in a way that made you blush slightly, and giving you a far more suggestive look than you had given him. He was usually very subtle about your relationship, especially in front of The Doctor, but you weren’t going to complain in this moment.
Just then Yaz walked out of her dressing room, though your eyes lingered on The Master for a few moments longer. Taking advantage of the distraction, The Master winked at you, causing you to grin coyly before finally turning your attention to Yaz.
She was wearing a lovely rose gold coloured dress, it wasn’t overly flashy or attention grabbing, but you knew she’d still get a fair amount of admiration at the ball (though you suspected most of that would come from The Doctor).
The Doctor soon lead you all out of the wardrobe into the console room, piloting to your destination. You gazed in awe at the ship once the doors opened, it was decorated in a baroque-esque style and almost made you feel as though you didn’t quite belong in the ship. Still, you followed The Doctor through the hallways until you came to the ballroom. It was stunning, the room itself had the same baroque-esque look to it, though it was even more extravagant. Instinctively, you looked back to The Master and grinned, gaining a soft smile in return.
“Alright fam, all the food and drink should be good for human consumption - but if you’re unsure just ask! Let’s say two hours of mingling, then we’ll reconvene back here?” The Doctor addressed you all, gaining agreement before everyone started to dart off in different directions.
You had hoped that you would get some time alone with The Master, unfortunately it seemed that Yaz had other ideas as she invited you over to the bar with her to get some drinks.
An hour later you had finally managed to ditch your friends, it wasn’t as though you didn’t like hanging out with them - of course you did - but at an event like this you’d rather spend time with your partner. Once you found him you felt yourself relax, previously unaware of how tense you’d been without him. Larger social gatherings like this definitely made you anxious, but having The Master by your side helped a lot, mostly because you knew he’d never let anything bad happen to you.
He smiled at you and then nodded his head to the entrance. Intrigued, you followed him as he lead you out of the ballroom.
“Where are we going, Master?” You queried, grabbing a hold of his hand.
“You’ll see.”
Eventually the two of you came to another ballroom, though it was completely empty. There was a layer of dust over every surface, giving you the impression that this room hadn’t been used in a long time. The distant music from the party echoed through the halls into the ballroom giving it a haunted feel, but not a creepy kind of haunted, mor like the sort of haunted feeling you got from a placed that had so clearly been loved once, as though that love and warmth was still living in the walls.
After looking around the room you turned back to The Master, only to find him stood with one hand behind his back and the other stretched out towards you.
“Care to dance, my love?” He asked you charmingly, causing you to blush wildly.
“Of course, Master.” You replied, taking his hand eagerly and grinning.
He pulled you in close and began to guide you through a waltz, in time with the music from the ballroom. In that moment you felt as though you could spend the rest of your life with him, even if it was just the two of you alone in the universe, you’d always feel content by his side. That realisation seemed to finally give you the boost of confidence you had needed.
“I love you.”
The Master stopped dancing, looking at you with a mix of shock and awe.
“I love you, Master. You don’t have to say it back, I just wanted you to know.” You told him truthfully.
“I love you too, so much.” He replied, grinning wide with tears in his eyes.
The Master leant in to kiss you, and your lips met his halfway. You’d kissed him hundreds of times before, but this time felt different, it felt perfect. The two of you started dancing again, still keeping in time with the music but completely lost in each other’s presence. The Master moved his arm around your waist, you rested your head on his shoulder and let the world fall away around the two of you.
The Doctor had been keeping a close eye on both you and The Master in the past few weeks, and to her surprise she had seen nothing sinister, nothing potentially dangerous. In fact, all she had seen was subtle glances and secretive smiles between the two of you, she’d caught both of you looking at the other while they were distracted, and neither of you had anything but love to look at each other with. On one occasion she’d even seen the two of you holding hands when faced with a particularly terrifying enemy!
The Doctor had known The Master for nearly his whole life, and therefore always knew that he had a softer side to him. What she never expected was for him to develop feelings for a human, considering his general hatred of Earth’s sentient inhabitants. She’d had her reservations at first, knowing full well that whatever was going on between the two of you could just be another one of his schemes. However, given how secretive the two of you were, and all the little interactions she’d witnessed, The Doctor believed that The Master had genuine feelings for you.
Nevertheless, The Doctor had continued to keep on the eye on the two of you - just in case. Therefore, she noticed pretty quickly when the both of you disappeared from the ballroom. At the end of the day The Master was still The Master, no matter how much progress he had seemed to make these past few months. Luckily, the rest of her fam had noticed your disappearances as well.
“Come on fam.” The Doctor started to lead the way out of the ballroom.
“Doc, are you sure we should go looking for them, I mean what if they’re, y’know…” Graham asked, looking rather uncomfortable.
“Snogging?” Ryan snickered.
“Yes, we should, because there’s still a chance that Y/N could be in danger.”
The Doctor continued on through the halls, looking through each of the rooms to see if she could find the two of you. Finally, she came to another ballroom and was surprised by the sight of the two of you slow dancing in each other’s arms.
Well, at least you weren’t in danger.
It seemed that she had sped off a bit too quickly, as Ryan, Graham and Yaz soon came jogging up behind her, startling both you and The Master (who hadn’t noticed her approach). For a few moments everyone stood and stared at each other in complete silence, no one knowing quite what to do. The Master still had his arms around your waist, and The Doctor could see that he tightened his grip on you, as though he was afraid you’d be taken from him.
You coughed, gaining everyone’s attention, “So, uhhh..”
“You two are together?” Yaz asked.
You looked to The Master and smiled softly, getting a small smile in return. “Yeah, we are.”
There was another moment of awkward silence before you spoke up again. “Wait, none of you seem surprised?”
“We caught you two sleeping on one of the library couches a couple weeks back.” Ryan told you, causing you to playfully hit The Master’s arm.
“I told you!”
The Master rolled his eyes, “How was I supposed to know? I was asleep as well!” He laughed along with you.
“Is that why you were all acting weird around us?” You queried.
“Yeah, sorry about that cockle, it was just a bit of a shock is all. Still is to be honest!” Graham chuckled, putting all of you at ease.
“How long have the two of you been together anyway?” Yaz asked.
“Uhh, just over four months now - right?” The Master nodded in response to your question.
“How did you two manage to keep it a secret for so long?” Ryan exclaimed.
“Lots of sneaking around, though it does help when your partner has alien hearing that’s at least 10 times better than humans’.” You replied, smirking in a way that showed how much you liked showing off about The Master.
On the way back to the TARDIS Graham, Ryan and Yaz asked you quite a lot of questions, most of which you answered happily while holding The Master’s hand. Despite having watched the two of you for the past few weeks to make sure this wasn’t just another one of The Master’s schemes, The Doctor finally felt as though she could relax. You were safe, and both of you were happy, she was glad that The Master had managed to find someone who he could be himself around, someone who he could love. Stopping just outside the TARDIS doors, you turned back to look at her.
“You’re alright with this, yeah?”
“You’re happy?” The Doctor asked, addressing the both of you.
“Very.” You replied, while The Master simply looked down at you and nodded.
“Good, I’m happy for you - both of you.” She made sure to address The Master, who looked slightly surprised before he rolled his eyes at her.
“Now, movie night?” She suggested, gaining nods of approval from everyone.
It was going to take some getting used to, but The Doctor was truly happy for the both of you. Later that evening she looked over to see that you had both fallen asleep in each other’s arms, she smiled looking at the two of you, glad you had each other.
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oswildin · 2 years
Observing {Dhawan!Master x ND!Reader}
Summary: Whilst travelling with the Doctor, you often face certain challenges the others don’t. But it turns out, the person you least expected to understand, is the one who helps you the most. CANNON-DIVERGENCE // SHORT ONESHOT
A/N: A little bit self-indulgence doesn’t hurt right? This is based off my own struggles and experiences with my own neurodivergence tendencies. So if something doesn’t relate to you, that’s fine, everyone’s experiences are different! Ofc, it’s also a popular theory/opinion that the Timelords themselves are also ND. Keep yourself safe, happy and ensure you get rest!
Warning: Depictions of anxiety/overstimulation.
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Travelling with The Doctor was amazing. But sometimes it felt too much, like everything was happening so fast and so loud. Sometimes your brain was working in overload, firing quicker than the others, and other times it was the opposite, like you couldn’t quite get it into gear. Sometimes you wanted to shut down, lock yourself away and not have any communication for days, and other times you wanted to be around everyone and talk for hours. It was exhausting. Everyone aboard the TARDIS was understanding, they tried their best to help when they could.
When The Master joined you all, you weren’t sure about it. There was obvious history between the two Timelords that made you feel a little uneasy. More for the fact that any source of tension in a room would make you feel on edge. The Master was mostly on the quieter side, making quips here and there, making cheap shots about humans and often disobeying The Doctors orders, but thankfully not to the level of destroying planets or killing anyone. The only reason he was with you was so The Doctor could keep an eye on him.
Stepping out of the TARDIS, you were suddenly faced with a bustling market, as you instantly blinked, trying to adjust yourself to the scene before you.
“The famous market of Urania!” The Doctor cheered, gesturing to the stalls that surrounded you all. “Anything and everything you could ever think of, this market will definitely have it!” She grinned, as Yaz smiled as her eyes scanned the area. The Master stepped out of the ship, standing beside you as he took in the surroundings also. “Well, nearly anything and everything.” The Doctor added. “Now, remember, don’t wander too far-“ She eyed The Master as he folded his arms, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “And meet back here in around an hour?” She looked at you all for confirmation as you weakly nodded, forcing a smile.
Once she was happy, The Doctor spun on her heel, heading off towards some of the stalls as you heard her go ‘oooh’ in delight as Yaz followed closely behind, smiling at her friend. You stood still, eyes scanning everything around you, completely forgetting about the other Timelord that was still standing beside you.
“Are you going to stand here all day?”
You jumped at his voice as you whipped your head to look at him.
“May as well have a look.” He shrugged slightly as he began to walk forwards. You took a breathe before quickly following him, not wanting to be left alone in the crowd. “Most of this stuff is space junk and tat.” The Master spoke as you tried to focus on his words, trying to tune out the loud voices that flooded your ears. “And these sellers charge an arm and a leg for it. Unsuspecting tourists don’t know the difference.” You hummed at his words, as you kept your eyes focused on his back, hoping to block out what was happening around you. Suddenly you felt a shove, as you fell forwards, going into The Master as you gasped. Your head snapped round to see a tall, green man glaring down at you. The Master quickly turned, seeing you staring up at the disgruntled alien as he instantly glared at them.
“Oi!” He snapped. “You should watch where you’re going.” He stared up at the alien, not standing down as he narrowed his eyes, tilting his head slightly. The alien made a noise before walking round the two of you, The Masters gaze still focused on them as they huffed in annoyance, making their way past. You could feel your heart beginning to beat faster, as the noise began to flood back into your ears. You instinctively began tapping your fingers together in a self soothing motion, focusing on the sensation to keep you grounded.
“And people say I have no manners.” The Master clicked his tongue as he finally turned back to look at you. He could see your anxiousness on your features as he peered down to see your tapping. He pursed his lips as he observed you. “Come on, let’s go somewhere a bit quieter with less idiots.” He gestured with his head as he nodded in another direction. What you didn’t expect was him to hold out his hand, offering it to you as you furrowed your brows, before hesitantly taking it, allowing him to guide you out of the crowd.
You kept your gaze focused down as he took you both towards the edge of the market, where less people gathered. Finally, you came to a halt, as he let go of your hand, causing you to look up at him.
“Better?” He asked, as you nodded, feeling slightly more content being away from the majority of the crowd. “Good.” He simply said as you stood in silence for a few minutes, allowing yourself to adjust once again to the surroundings. You found yourself finally being able to properly take in the place, observing from the sidelines as you watched all the different aliens approach the different stalls.
“Thank you.” You finally spoke, finding your voice as he peered over at you. He gave you a small nod as you both peered back out at the crowd.
Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
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sleep-i-ness · 9 months
I Know (Dhawan!Master x Reader, Thirteen x Reader)
Part 6 of 'Shackled' Masterlist | Previous Part
Alone. Endlessly isolate, stuck in a silent solitude, imposed by a madman who knew the way loneliness saturated into weary bones. Silence held words too quiet to hold immediate weight, a slow enemy, but the years wore sores, whispers worming into the brain. The universe's discordancies had melded together, swirling, enrapturing in this new silence. Solitude would drive you mad, the only company your thoughts.
But you knew that. And he hated the power it had imbued you with.
The roar of his rage still rang in your ears. Alone. But not quite. That red pulsing fury had ebbed, seeping out of you and leaving you so numb. Simple, fickle, human emotions so empty, pale, meaningless in comparison.
It listened. It whispered in your mind, trying desperately to destroy the rebellious thoughts that welled up against its dam of control. The river had grown too strong, the words rushing up against it, overpowering.
He still couldn't leave you alone.
Obsessive, manic, desperate to return you to the dull, droopy peace that had settled into your bones. He couldn't control you anymore. Nothing worked. You'd been through it before. And now you understood.
He hated it.
Thinking of me? Still? How... pitiful.
Derisive, mocking, cruel. Almost laughable. You smothered a smirk, resting your head against the cool metal of the dingy cell.
He had lost.
I don't lose.
But despite the protests in your mind, you laughed. How could he ever expect to win now?
@underratedhotties @mxacegrey
@startrekkingaroundasgard @queerconfusionthings
13th Doctor
@better-dead-than-smeg @fromflametofire @Natalia-Helena-alianova-romanov @ghostlystudentpersonasludge @wewaitinthatspace @Sylumarts @gurkiloni @trying414 @meandthebirdss @averyisbackinthetrashcan
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lariskapargitay · 8 months
Chapter Update
Filing in the gaps when the Doctor was prisoner. Yaz and the Master talk a bit
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doctorwhocrossovers · 2 years
Here is a little bit of my crossover
P.S the master will be in this as well
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how-masterful · 2 years
Dhawan!Master X Reader
The Power of The Doctor- Part Four
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Summary: The world is about to end. Only Yaz stands in your way, and your personal score is destined to be settled. But the Master has no clue what he’s about to go through, no clue what toll a forced regeneration will take on the body- and he’s about to learn just what happens when the moment hasn’t been prepared for, and you don’t want to go...
Notes: Oh. My. God. I cannot believe this is the end. What a ride it’s been! This has to be the most effort i’ve put into one fic (excluding the whole of October of course!) I just wanted to say thankyou for all the support that has been shown to not only this fic but this series in general. Your comments mean the absolute world to me. I hope you enjoy this final chapter of the Power of the Doctor- I hope you all don’t mind an extended finale! Also, @plethora-of-imagines​ - I look forward to finding out exactly what the word count is over all these parts. To think I didn’t even do the TARDIS scene! Maybe one day, as a bonus feature. But who knows?
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mentions of death 
The Winter Palace was just as you’d left it, the TARDIS materialising in a whirlwind of machinery as she landed in the same spot she had before. An echoed thump danced across the tiled floor, the circular room still lined with the army of Cybermen and the dalek squadron, ready and waiting for the destruction of the planet. 
The wooden doors to the TARDIS opened wide, creaking on their hinges as the Master stepped out, basking in the glory of his victory. He took prideful strides, his grey coat billowing behind him like a cape. His hand was intertwined with your own, your fingers laced together, a purposeful act of antagonisation towards Yaz. 
He’d seen the twist of your intention. No longer was she a toy to be played with. She was a bug to be squashed. A pawn to be destroyed in the rampage of the queen as she passed across the chess board. And who was he to stand in the way of such beautiful revenge?
You could feel the adrenaline pumping itself through his veins, the energy simmering on the surface of his skin, the way his palm clenched tightly onto your own. This was it- everything the Master had ever worked towards. The Doctor was gone, the legions of metal at his command, and the world on the brink of extinction. 
You felt the warmth of satisfaction linger across your mind. Everything was as it should be. Almost.
“Ah, my precious fam!” The Master called, the room silent beyond the distant crackle of the fireplace. “Thanks for staying put. I knew I could rely on you.”
Yaz scuttled out of the TARDIS behind the pair of you, and you instinctively wrapped your arm around the Master's waist. You certainly weren't above being petty, your eyes briefly glancing behind to see her scouting out the room, inspecting every threat. You supposed she knew she’d been beaten. All she had to do now to delay the inevitable was keep quiet.
“Is everything in position?” He called. A CyberMaster, likely a Cyberleader, spoke in a gravelled tone.
“Leader. Everything is ready to engage.”
The Master left your touch and gripped the collar of his coat, a reflex memory of his stolen body, and sighed in satisfaction.
“Perfect.” He hissed. He waited, the absence of movement causing him to glower suddenly. He clapped his hands together in anger, nose scrunching in annoyance.
“Come on then! Come on, people, what are we doing?!”
That was a memory of his own. Around him the room shifted, Cybermen lurching from their posts and ensuring the final checks were made, daleks shifting upon the tiles to finalise their plans with distant squadrons centuries away.
All Yaz could do was stare. Stare in horror. Stare in anticipation. Her heart was racing as if she herself held two within her chest, the frenzied commotion reflecting the chaos in her conviction. The holo-Doctor had helped with the plan. Vinder had lended a hand, placing himself in the precarious position of wielding the weapon, staying out of sight. If there was any chance of saving her Doctor from the clutches of the Master, she needed to believe in herself. She chanted her mantra in her head once more. She was certainly going to need it.
All the while, you’d found yourself drawn to the glass cage across the room. You stared up at the platform with a strange feeling in your gut. Inside was the old body of the Master, the Rasputin disguise slumped against the wall of the box, propped up by its own weight. It was eerie, like a waxwork in a museum, a sideshow attraction, as if it could come to life at any moment. You looked at the face of the figure, brown skin once vivid with life now pale with the pallor of death. His face was still, eyes open and unblinking. The brown of his iris had disappeared, replaced with a milky white hue. The body you’d learnt every curvature of, the form that you’d cemented deep into the core of your memory, abandoned like a forgotten toy. A part of you yearned to mourn. 
You pushed your fingers against the glass, the surface of the box was ice cold. Likely as cold as he was. A sudden sensation of warmth spread across your middle, a pair of arms snaking around your waist and pulling your touch from the surface of the box. 
The Master's head came to rest by your shoulder, and the pair of you stood in observance of the body. You could only wonder how he felt.
“It’s not me.” The Master said quietly. “Not anymore.”
“But it was.” You replied, shuffling closer to his embrace. “That was you. Living, breathing… you..”
The Master sighed, his head resting against your own.
“Feel my hand” He said, your fingers interlacing once more. You felt the heat of his touch, the movement of his bones beneath his skin. The life within him was tangible. He was still fizzing. Still cooking. But he was undoubtedly alive.
“I’m still here. I’m still alive, aren't I? But I’m the Doctor now. And you’re my companion.”
You smiled, looking down at the figure and inspecting its hands.
“We’ll rule the universe together, you and I. I’m so close to everything. I can see it all.”
“It’s still wearing your ring.” You said, staring down at the figure's ring finger. The Master pulled your own ring to his lips, kissing the stone and grinning.
“How about this,” He purred, his voice as low as when he’d made his announcement to the press.
“I’ll shrink the Earth's sun and mount it in a wedding band. And I'll marry you again as the Earth crumbles.”
Your contemplation turned into a definite smile, your eyes meeting his as he watched you with sinful admiration as you leaned into his touch.
“But now, darling,” The Master mused, lifting your chin with his thumb and finger, seduction practically oozing from his lips.
“It's time to kill…everyone.”
“Say it.” You whispered, inching closer to his chest, eyes burning with unfriendly fire.
“Say it, Master.”
“Say please.” He teased, a small whine emerging from your parted lips as he tightened his grip on your waist.
“Beg for your victory, Love.” He whispered in the shell of your ear, a smile creeping onto your lips.
“Please, Master. Say it for me.” You softly replied, moaning softly as his fingertips trailed up your spine.
The Master hummed in enjoyment at the sounds he was pulling from your throat, a small chuckle hidden within as he pulled your hands to his lips, placing a kiss to the back of each of them.
“Say it. Please.”
He knew the war for the universe was his to be won. His personal battle against the Doctor had finished in his victory, but the fight you were entertaining was still there in the room. 
Turning to look at Yaz, the Master grinned deviously, a Cheshire cat smile that spread across his face and bore his teeth like a beast. 
“Unleash the volcanoes.” He uttered. 
Three words, said so softly. A rallying cry for war.
The Daleks phased out of sight, a metallic chant emerging from their casing as they initiated their part of the plan. All around the globe, centuries into the future, the dalek strongholds scorched into action. Their tectonic drills, towering structures of destruction, plunged into the earth in a killing blow. Around each volcano the earth began to stir, awakening from its dormant slumber, the foundations of the planet rumbling and trembling under such volcanic disturbance. The world's natural weapons were ready to fire, the infernal magma bubbling and soaring its way towards the mouth of the volcano, ready to rocket into the atmosphere and plunge the world into fiery damnation.
The Master could feel it all beneath his feet, all those years ago. The turn of the earth, the clouds of smoke surging into the skies, his name etched into each and every one of them. He was the Doctor. The Doctor of fear. The Doctor of death. The Doctor of victory.
The Master's hands pulled your own into his grasp, his feet moving in familiar rhythm as he began to waltz you once more to a silent melody, stepping in threes and letting his success seep into his bones. You allowed yourself to sigh happily, falling to the Master's guidance, eternally trusting him to hold you dear.
“A Goddess, like I promised.” He mused, your smile beaming as he spun you under the glow of the skylight, dipping you in the light of the moon.
“Where should we go first?” You asked. The Master brought you to his chest, your forehead resting against his own.
“I’m not sure, my dearest companion. Who else does the Doctor need to save?”
“You’re not the Doctor.” Yaz said from across the room, shattering the moment between the pair of you. Slowly, your heads turned to face her. She’d stepped away from the TARDIS, standing proudly. Her presence held a newfound confidence. Imbued with new life. 
“You’ll never be the Doctor.”
The CyberMasters raised their arms in warning as you sighed heavily, breaking from the Master's clutches and slowly stepping towards her.
“What did I say about not being fun, Yaz?” You warned, narrowing your eyes. Yaz refused to flinch at your threat.
“It’s a shame. We could’ve been such good friends.” 
Over your shoulder, the Master tutted, fisting his hands into his pockets and slowly closing the gap between himself and the other woman.
“On reflection, Yaz.” He started, head cocked to the side. “Three really is a crowd. And if i’m being honest-” The Master gestured to the circle of Cybermen surrounding you.
“They make much better companions than you ever did.”
“I think I'll keep her on my nightstand.” You teased, looking her up and down.
Yaz reached to grasp hold of her shoulder, the electricity within her skin buzzing. It was a gesture for comfort, the Doctor's presence almost tangible under her fingertips. She could do this. There was no turning back now.
“Oh yeah?” She challenged, staring the Master dead in the eyes.
“If they’re so much better than me… why didn’t they see her come in?”
Yaz prayed. She hoped, she wished, she pleaded with the universe for her plan to work. You furrowed your eyebrows, spinning around to follow where Yaz’s eyes were leading you. The Master followed, his eyes widening in confusion as the sound of footsteps clattered against the tiles. A figure turned the corner, confident strides and a powerful glare, a pair of yellow glasses perched on the edge of her nose. 
“What’s going on?” You whispered, nervous at the small smile that had begun to spread across Yaz’s lips.
The Master stared, visibly confused at the new intruder. The woman stepped directly into the room, the CyberMasters encircling her as she reached a frill cuffed hand to the yellow glasses on her nose, snatching them away and placing them in her top pocket.
“Waltzing into my palace, who do you think you are?” The Master asked sharply. The figure stayed stone faced, unimpressed.
“I’m the Doctor, mate.” she replied. “The question is, who the hell do you think YOU are?”
The Master growled, narrowing his eyes at the Doctor.
“I’m the Doctor now.” He snarled, staring at the caped metal men surrounding her.
“Kill her.”
The Doctor raised an eyebrow at the Cybermen.
“Sure you want to do that, boys? Think it through-”
“FIRE!” The Master screamed.
The Cybermen launched into an obliteration, beams of energy jutting out the end of their blasters in a rapid rain of fire. You expected them to annihilate the intruder, send her body into smithereens. But each blast passed through the Doctor's body, her form glitching and shifting as the beams of blinding light shot straight through and collided with the Cybermen on the other side of the circle. You watched the scene in mesmerised horror, the Cybermen dropping to the floor with a grated groan, armour clattering against the ground. You turned around to look at Yaz, her eyes oozing with smug satisfaction. It was a look you’d sent her many times. Seeing it come from her wasn’t as enticing.
As each robot finally fell to the earth, the Doctor shrugged at the Master's shifting glance.
“So, just the genetic material in those tin soldiers, then? I get you hate the idea of anybody thinking long enough to question you- but maybe you should’ve sent the brains over too.”
You turned to face the Doctor, a harsh growl in the back of your throat.
“Next time, instead of showing off, maybe check for a hologram.”
The Doctor began to fizz once more, her shape jittering and adjusting from the firing squad. For a brief moment a second face crossed over her own- blonde hair, kind eyes, the visage of the Doctor you knew crossed over her own. You stepped back, eyes flickering between the hologram and the Master's shoulders, his whole body trembling with rage.
“Such a schoolboy error.” The Doctor taunted.
“But then again, you were never the brightest schoolboy when it came to street smarts, were you?”
You turned suddenly on your heels, storming towards Yaz with balled fists and gritted teeth.
“Was this you, huh?” You snarled. “All this?”
“Just keeping myself entertained.” She replied, smirking as you blinked in disbelief. She circled to your left, bumping her shoulder into your own as she stood next to the empty glass box.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, miss Khan.” The Master snapped, staring her down, daring her to budge.
“But I suggest you think very, very carefully about your next bright idea.”
“It's not me who needs to plan ahead.” Yaz replied, pointing towards the glass chamber.
“I’m not the one who was out-thought by the Doctor. Now… get into the machine.”
The Master laughed, a gloating chuckle as he swanned closer towards her face, leaning in with a sour snarl.
“Or you’ll what?”
You gasped at the cold sensation that pressed itself to the back of your neck. The round end of a blaster, pressing into your skin and sending a chill down your spine. 
“Stay where you are.” The stranger said. You froze, letting out a small whine at the uncomfortable dig of the weapon against your person.
“Master…” You called weakly, every facade falling to the wayside as you called over to your husband. The Master raised an eyebrow- you’d been more than willing to play the game all day- why would you stop now, at the time he needed it most? The Master turned to look at you, the dash of weakness in your tone another curious itch he needed to scratch. It was then he saw the stranger pressing the blaster against the top of your spine, his aim clear and steady.
If the Master was angry before, now he was positively furious.
“Another friend of yours, Yaz?” The Master asked cautiously, sending the woman a glaring side eye.
“I’m not liking your new penchant for surprises.”
“You heard her.” Vinder said, pushing the blaster deeper into your skin.
“Move. Quickly.”
“It’s rude to point those things at people you hardly know.” You said, trying to observe your assailant through the corner of your eye. The Master stepped forward and the blaster cocked, making you gasp and stopping the Master in his tracks.
“I thought I could feel someone watching me earlier.” Your voice held a slight tremor.
“It was you, wasn’t it? Hiding in there, waiting.”
“A stowaway?” The Master purred. “In my TARDIS?”
“It’s not your TARDIS.” Vinder replied sharply. You shifted your shoulders, itching to adjust the crick in your neck.
“I hope this isn’t personal.” You argued. Vinder shrugged.
“Closest target. Easiest way to make sure we got what we wanted.”
The Master scoffed, inching closer.
“You think you can manipulate me like that? You’re one of the Doctor's friends. I know you won't shoot her.”
“You’re right.” 
With a quick shove, Vinder sent you flying sideways, leaving the blaster aimed perfectly at the Master's shoulder. The trigger was pulled with a definite squeeze, your body crashing into the ground as the blast collided with the Master's shoulder. The timelord let out an agonised cry, flying backwards onto the floor and clutching his sizzling shoulder, a small stream of smoke travelling into the air from the singed wound.
“No!” You called, slightly dazed as you rushed to the Masters side. Vinder cocked the blaster once more, aiming it at the two of you as you lay amongst the fallen CyberMasters.
“I’m freelance.” Vinder said, the Master grunting in pain.
“Yaz, are you gonna let him do this to me?”
The Master asked, scratching at the wound he knew was still sore.
“Are you going to let him hurt your Doctor? Your friend?”
“You’re not my friends!” Yaz shouted, disgust in her voice.
“You’re egotistical, selfish, and cruel. You think you can steal a body, throw on a stupid costume and pretend you’re the Doctor and her friends? The Doctor- MY Doctor, is so much more than that. I’M so much more than that. My Doctor's greatest strength is that she just can't stop making friends- she touches so many lives, she can't help it. She inspires hope, she inspires us to be the best we can. And you- We dont walk around trying to destroy the universe. We travel because we want to see the stars, not control them. The Doctor chooses us because she knows we can be so much more. And because of her, we are. The Doctor, MY Doctor, is loved. So very loved. Not because we’re sycophants, but because she teaches us to never give up- even if somebody tries to take everything you are away from you.”
You stared up at Yaz, breathless and stunned. She was towering over you, staring down with an unwavering glower that spoke of zero forgiveness. As you lay there, surrounded by fallen footmen, the sinking feeling in your gut dared to face the facts. You’d lost. The Master had lost. Even without her being here, the Doctor had beaten you both once again.
Behind your head, the resting Cybermen suddenly began to shake. The insides of their armour began to glow with an unearthly gold, the metal men whirring and vibrating violently as they began to heal and repair. The hologram Doctor above you shifted, barking out orders over the chaos. It was deafening, the regenerative hum and the commotion of the traitors, those conspirators. The ones that had tried to best you once again. 
The Master was ripped from your arms by Yaz, the timelord stumbling backwards into the glass box. You screamed, lurching forwards to catch him, when the strong arm of Vinder encircled your body, yanking you away from the door. You fought his hold, kicking and screaming, the Master's fists pounding so violently against the glass that blood began to smear down the side of the chamber. Yaz was quick, aiming the sonic at the CyberMasters and sending the regeneration energy soaring into the heart of the machine. 
You watched in abject terror, the Masters hands begining to glow as the same lightning struck the chamber once again. It was like Frankenstein, the energy shocking the creature into life as he violently convulsed and shrieked in pain. You were blinded by desperation, Yaz’s throat tight with hope as you fought against Vinders restraint. Abandoning all dignity, you bit down hard on the back of his hand, your teeth sinking into the gunman's flesh. He yelped in shock, yanking away his grasp and giving you a single window to escape. 
You jolted forwards, hand outstretched, when the engine of the machine began to spark and burst with metallic destruction. You could see the Master fighting for survival in his cage, the Doctor's face morphing and twisting upon his features, her pained cry ripping through the Master's agonised roar. Upon contact with the machine you felt a dangerous spark, the energy sending you flying backwards to the ground. Everything began to face from view, a black cloud crossing over your vision as your head lolled back against the other glass chamber, a throbbing pain in your skull. The last thing you could recall was the machine burning itself out of use, and the Master's old body taking a desperate, ragged breath.
A distant sound of scrabbling feet later woke you from your sudden slumber, your eyes blinking open as the glass door of the chamber shattered into nothing. You dragged yourself to sit up, shaking the exhaustion from your body, the throbbing pain at the back of your head still remaining. You were battered, bruised, and royally beaten. The Doctor, Yaz and Vinder were nowhere to be seen, the corpses of the Cyber squadron laying dead upon the floor. Yaz must have stolen whatever regeneration energy they had left within them to restore the Doctor. As angry as you were, you had to hand it to her. The girl was definitely worthy of travelling with the Doctor.
“Gah!” The Master gasped loudly, picking himself up from the floor and fighting his way to stand. 
You shifted your weight, stumbling your way to stand, hand resting on the side of the chamber as you fought a sudden burst of vertigo. The Master almost tripped over his own feet, battling the minefield of Cyber bodies, and you rushed over as fast as you could to help him stand.
“Master!” You called, catching him by the elbow. 
You helped him stand, the pair of you fighting to reach the door, the Master's eyes now returned to their deep brown- but now burning with a manic, familiar anger.
“We need to get back… to the TARDIS.” You panted. The Master growled, in a more fatigued state.
“Never doubt… my planning.” He hissed, reaching into the breast pocket of his garb and clutching hold of the TCE.
“Ever…” He finished, before activating the golden device under his fingertips.
The world around you melted into a haze of purple, the Winter Palace disappearing into the mist as you found your footing upon the grated floor of the TARDIS. The room was engulfed in a blinding smoke, the smog pooling out from the centre of the machine, rising from the centre of the planet itself. The Master fell limp within your clutches, the Timelords knees buckling under his own weight. He let out a pained howl as the teleportation energy dissipated away, clutching his side in agony. It was as if he was clawing at the edges of his very being, pulling himself together, desperate to not let himself come undone at the final hurdle. 
You grasped at his coat beneath his shoulders, guiding him down to the floor as he grunted with gritted teeth. His body hadn’t settled yet. His soul hadn’t made itself at home. And he was in no state to be fighting like this.
“Master, please.” You begged, the Master shuffling to fight your hands. 
“Please, you’re hurting yourself-”
“No, no!” He roared. He batted away your touch with a trembling hand, his body swaying and stumbling as he fought against his own gravitational pull.
“Have to, need to-”
“Master, don’t, please.”
The timelord was lurching towards the front doors, shaking fingers reaching out for purpose, his determination too strong to be undone. With his spare hand he’d begun to pry your hands off of his jacket, digging his nails into your skin.
“Stay… here… I need… to go!” He hissed. All you could do was let go.
Once free of your grasp, the Master trundled forwards, panting and clawing against the floor as he fought to reach the outside world. The ground beneath the TARDIS was shaking, the whole planet beginning to fall to ruin at the hands of the Quarunx. At the hands of the Doctor.
His hands clumsily found the handle, and soon the door was open wide. The Master pawed at the blue painted door, tumbling forwards out of the TARDIS and on to the dying planet. His fingers were lacerated by the rocky floor, his body unable to stand any longer, all his strength now gone.
“Doctor!” The Master called, his voice agonised and desperate.
The Doctor turned over her shoulder, her face steeled with resolve. But something about her was almost apologetic. Something in her eyes was pitying the Master. His rage burned deep within at her mercy. But he needed it. You needed it.
“You lost.” She called across the no man's land, standing tall against the wind, her feet steady on the crumbling ground.
“You gambled, with everything you had, and you lost. And now your body’s failing after what you’ve done.”
The Master glowered, his hands buzzing with agony as the rocks cut deep into his skin.
“There’s still time.” She said, much louder. You watched the exchange on the monitor, your pulse racing and breathing shallow.
“After everything, you can come with me. There’s space for you and Y/N in my TARDIS.”
“No.” He hissed. Part of you yearned to agree, vengeance the heat in your blood. But another part of you knew time was running out. She’d already bested the pair of you, as much as the Master continued to deny it. Maybe she was your only way out.
“You two can come with me. You’ll pay for what you did, but you’ll live.”
“Servitude.” The Master groaned, his body weakening by the second.
“At least you’ll both survive. I’m giving you a chance, I’m doing what you couldn’t do.”
The Master's eyes turned rabid, his teeth bared and mouth spitting against the dying earth.
“Doctor.” He hissed, the word making him grimace.
“If I can’t be you…” He threatened, lifting the TCE into the air and aiming it at the Quarunx.
“Neither can you.”
Zap. With a bolt of light, the escaping Quarunx attempted to dodge the Master's attack. The being shifted to the side, spinning madly out of control as it yanked against its chains, its energy beam hitting everything in its path. Including the Doctor herself.
Caught within the beam, the Doctor was knocked from her feet. The timelady flew through the air, the energy absorbing into every part of her, the wind knocked from her lungs. She collided hard with the earth, rolling across the barren planet, her bones aching and hearts thumping in her chest. She lay there, in the dust, her eyelids fluttering shut as the pain hummed within her very being. The Master slumped down, the fight in his body lost. The two Gallifreyans both cold and dying on the planet that shouldn't exist.
“No!” You cried, running towards the door of the TARDIS and racing out onto the planet. The earth had split, cracks spitting out debris and smoke and the world split itself apart. The Quarunx fought its chains, its beam shooting wildly and raging havoc across the landscape. But you didn’t care. You had to save the Master.
You braved the wasteland, storming out into the chaos, your body weak and tortured. He lay among the building rubble, his chest weakly heaving as his face fell morbidly still. You crouched down, hands clawing at his back and holding the back of his head, cradling the renegade timelord in your arms.
You looked up towards the Doctor's body to find Yaz had braved the same fate. You met eyes, her own arms pulling the Doctor's dying form from the earth, cradling her to her chest. At that moment, everything seemed to fade. The history between you melted, the danger and villainy disappearing into the back of your mind. As you looked upon one another, you and Yaz were one in the same:
Two Earth girls, that craved so much more, and fell in love with the Timelords that fell from the sky. Now you were holding them as corpses. Mutually assured destruction. You held the aliens you loved, their bodies beaten and dying, and you felt the weight of your sins heavy upon your head. A tear streamed down your cheek, your throat raw and dry, but as the world tumbled around you, you knew what you had to do.
“I’m sorry.” 
You called across the no man's land, gasping for air among the dust. Yaz simply nodded in reply. It was no agreement, no acceptance, no forgiveness. She didn’t owe you a single moment of that. But it was human. And so was she. So she did just what the Doctor would do. She showed you kindness. Gave you mercy. She left without a word, the Doctor held in her arms, the TARDIS door shutting behind her.
You turned your attention to the Master as you carried him back into the TARDIS, dragging him through the dirt and laying him down upon the shaking floor. There was no way the TARDIS could fly, this ship was wired into the planet itself- even then, this was a type way beyond the one you knew how to fly. You were stuck. All you could rely on was the Master. You began compressions on each side of his chest, fat tears rolling down your dust covered cheeks as you tried to breathe life into his lungs.
“Please, please, please!” You sobbed, the planet's demise drawing nearer and nearer. 
“Please, Master, you’re fine! You’re fine! Come back, please, come back to me-”
You pushed harder, pinching his nose and passing breath between his lips.
“Master, please.” You cried, tears soaking into his skin. 
“Please don’t leave me.”
The Master was falling. Spiralling, tumbling, crashing down to the abyss, the universe spinning around him in a never ending tunnel. His hands reached towards the heavens, his fingers grappling to grip onto anything tangible, anything to stop his fall, his nails clawing at the very air rushing past his ears. He was falling awfully fast, the light at the top of the tunnel shrinking. First it was a gaping hole, then a shrinking gap, then a small spot, then a tiny blip. The white was fading, the tunnel endless. If only he could find something to hold onto. 
Soon, the black became speckled with stars, small twinkles against the velvet nothingness. They were all around him, prickling at the darkness and manifesting in lines and shapes. He was still falling, yet the images seemed to somehow draw nearer, as if they were following him down the rabbit hole he was plummeting down the centre of. He reached out, trying to grasp hold of one of the stars, one of the twinkles of hope for escape, and the light seemed to reach back towards him. The freckles in the abyss were taking the shape of a hand, its fingers spindly and frail, unspooling themselves from their clusters and reaching towards the Master. 
He stretched to grasp purchase, michelangelo's adam, and his fingers met with the stars. The world around him exploded into technicolor. The Master began to scream.
All around him, the black began to burst with colour, the golden lightning lashing to reach and touch him, claim him, pull him down further. He was Alice in the rabbit hole, a TARDIS flying through the time vortex, the universe encircling him and pulling him down the tunnel. Images were floating in the rivers of the walls, the stars prickling pictures of memories snatched from his mind. Victories, losses, pleasures, vices- the Master's life was etched into the walls of the giant tunnel, and he was Still. Falling. Down. 
Soon, the walls began to close in, the Master ricocheting off of the images etched into the pulsating edges. Books flew from shelves in secluded libraries, vials fell from test tube racks, electricity sparked inches from his nose. The pounding drums echoed through the walls of the tunnel, the Masters flailing hands reaching to cover his ears as he tumbled down, down, down. He was spinning, flailing, reaching for anything to slow him down, when he suddenly saw a break in the abyss below. A barren wasteland, dying grass and floating debris, and he knew he was going to collide. The fall was about to break every bone in his body, his disguised form crumpling into a mass of hair of leather boots, bruised hands and dirty tears. He braced himself, ready to feel the crunch. And everything suddenly went still.
The Master blinked, vision hazy, eyelashes splintering the world. Everything was a purple haze, blackcurrant and wine, sangria and plum. The timelord looked down, patting down his chest, his body somehow unbroken. He was once again in his seismologist suit, Rasputin nowhere to be found, yet he found his clothes to be entirely black, as if the abyss had been injected into the fabric itself. He clasped at his chin, no beard to be seen, his curls hanging close to his eye. He was relatively himself again. Whatever being the Master truly meant.
He spared a thought to his surroundings. The world was twilight, the dust that brushed against the night sky glittering, just as it had in the tunnel. Mountain ranges lined the edge of the world, the moon fat and hiding behind the distant summit, the cracked ground glistening with sweat and dying against the dark. The only monument that stood in the barren nothingness was a telephone pole, its wires stretching into the skies, linking to the edges of nowhere. 
Beneath it, the Master saw a figure, standing and inspecting the distance, hands clasped behind their back. A long cloak hung over their shoulders, trailing upon the barren ground, their head held high to the stars that decorated the distant sky. A violent wave of nostalgia washed over the Master's shoulders. He knew exactly who was standing there.
“A forced regeneration.” The stranger mused, a chuckle in his tone. “We really have become rather inventive, haven’t we?”
The familiar stranger turned to face the Master, his hair slicked back, beard neatly trimmed. Two white streaks trailed down his lip corners like fangs, his gaze piercing, as if staring right through the Master's head. The Master knew this face very well, as if staring at a mirror from the past. This was another him, an earlier Master. The first face to touch the soil of earth, the first face to plunge head first into earthly domination.
“I would say it was rather clever.”
“Then why don’t you?”
The older Master smiled, his eyes gesturing to the barren world.
“Because it brought you here, did it not?”
The Master shuffled awkwardly, itching at the back of his neck and scowling.
“Here? Where’s here?”
“It was a rather brilliant scheme.” A voice said from behind, and the Master spun around. 
Standing behind him, or rather looming, was another image of himself. Tall and cunning, this version bore a similar velvet cloak, golden specks shimming within the material. His voice held a permanent purr, his eyes that of a natural predator. This was the Master that had faced the Cheetah planet.
“If only we hadn’t been so self destructive, as usual.”
“Wait, shut up, hold on-” The Master snapped, clenching his fists beside his face and scrunching his nose in thought.
“Answer my question. Where am I? Why am I here?”
“Because, idiot, you’re regenerating.” A voice called.
 The Master turned once more to see a figure lounging upon the rock sat next to the telephone pole, his silver hair shimmering in the dark, akin to the salt and pepper in his beard. Mr Saxon, as the Master had so chosen at the time. He had to start giving these selves nicknames, to make it all less confusing. Numbers were the Doctor's thing.
“It's your turn to shove off and let the next one turn up.”
“What?” The Master asked, and a silence fell upon the wasteland.
“No, no, I can’t be.” He whispered, looking down at his hands, inspecting every inch.
“I can’t be. I just got my body back-”
“Yeah.” Saxon said, smirking to himself.
“And our wife is currently giving us some rather desperate CPR.”
The Master gasped, possibly circling through every inch of his skull.
“We’re still on the Cyber planet. No, no she doesn’t have the transporter-”
The Master turned to run, but caught himself as soon as he looked down at his feet. Below him was a gaping gorge, a towering cliff face that seemed to endlessly plummet down for miles. He recoiled back, catching his breath as his feet kicked up dried dirt and rocks.
“I wouldn’t go down that way, dearie.” A female voice sang. 
Missy. She was sitting at an ornate table, reclining in a garden chair and sipping from a china teacup, her dress decorated with dazzling jewels, her cloak more of a short Victorian cape. There always had to be one that was different, but missy always was a trendsetter. He was sure if the American was here he’d likely still be wearing those stupid sunglasses. No idea why he thought those were cool.
“One little fall off that cliff, and you’re never going back to the body.”
“But we need him to. We can’t waste any more time.” An older voice spoke. The face that had seen the Time War, the kindly old professor.
“We need him to cross over, the next one needs to arrive if we want to survive-”
“EVERYBODY SHUT UP!” The Master roared, gesturing to the congregation of ghosts.
“I’m not going anywhere until I know what the hell is going on here!”
The first Master nodded, raising his chin cordially.
“Every regeneration is a journey. A passing of the torch, symbolically. This is the place all of us pass through when we die. The edge of existence.”
“Our existences still leave traces.” Yana continued. “Fragments that can manifest themselves into vestiges of former lives when the process is disrupted.”
“Like when stubborn assholes refuse to pass over. Anything goes wrong, we come to fix it. You’ll end up here too if you stop stalling.”
The Master scoffed. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Oh, but you must!” The Cheetah planet Master said pressingly.
“Everybody must pass over when it's time.”
“I certainly remember not doing that the last time I ran out of time.” The Master argued.
“No, wait, in fact I remember doing it TWICE. Remember Bruce? Three if you count round face and his skeleton superpowers.”
“My face is not round!”
“Tell me, do they keep you well fed in the afterlife or are you still starving?”
“I swear-”
“BOYS!” Missy snapped, and silence fell once more.
“Listen, poppet, I know what it’s like more than anyone. I remember when I arrived here, knowing you were about to appear in my corset. Of course, I didn’t fall like others, merely passing over with the graceful aid of a sonic umbrella. But now is your time, I'm afraid.”
The Master sighed, staring at the floor and letting his eyes shut. He needed to think. He needed to comprehend what was going on around him beyond the edge. You were in danger, with no way out. He couldn’t leave you with a newly regenerated face, all disoriented and confused. You’d both end up dead. He had ways of going on. But you were only human.
“The last thing I want to do is end up in a shitty robe and argue with you lot for eternity.” The Master said, looking up at the sky. The universe was shifting and turning like a scrolling picture show, galaxies pooling and swirling in the sky.
“I need to get back. I want to go back.”
“That’s not how it works, dear boy-”
“I don’t care! I’m not crossing over, i’m not going-”
The Master began to walk away, charging towards the distant horizon, when Saxon stood in his path. The Master growled, clenching his fists.
“Get. Out. Of my way.”
“Quite the predicament, isn’t it? You don’t want to go, but we need you to stay.”
“We even have a few new bodies in mind.” The Cheetah planet purred.
“We’re certain we’ll enjoy them.” Yana hummed. “Strong and handsome, square chinned and charming. Quite a nice height we’ve had of late, we thought we’d keep it.”
“Or, perhaps another woman.” Missy suggested.
“Tall, elegant, rather well spoken. All options we’re working on. Join us and maybe you can choose the hair colour.”
The Master huffed.
“Well, you can keep working on them. I’m not regenerating. It’s still my turn.”
Barging past Saxons shoulder, the Master began to charge forward. A hand grasped hold of his jacket sleeve, wrapping their fingers around his wrist. The Master from the cheetah planet was holding him tightly, a stern look upon his features.
“It was all of our turns once. We all have our end.”
The Master sneered, smiling up at his predecessor with devious glee.
“But I’m indestructible.” He mocked. “The whole universe knows that.”
The Cheetah Master glowered, his grip on the Master's arm tightening as the Time Lord tried to pull away. One by one the other Masters grabbed hold, the fragments of memory sinking their claws into him. They were dragging him backwards, pulling him to the edge, their hold yanking him down to the ground as their fingers latched on to his form. His fingernails dug into the dry earth, his whole body fighting the pull as they desperately attempted to drag him over the edge. First his feet, then his legs, then his waist, the parts of the Master's body and mind were being dragged over the cliff edge, his former faces twisting and morphing into monstrous visions. Brittle and haggard, each face was like a dying phantom, baring exposed teeth and bulged eyes, claws sinking into his flesh. He was down to his chest, his arms the only thing latching onto the top of the cliff, his feet kicking into the air with nothing to land on.
 He growled in effort, fighting his past, when the distant sound of sobbing bled through the air. Tears were carried upon the wind, sorrowful cries like birdsong in the night.
 It was your voice, calling to him, his reality seeping into his delirium. The Master had to survive if you were to also. He was your only hope now. And you were his.
 His determination imbued his form with a sudden, powerful strength. Pulling himself up over the cliff edge, shaking the mangled echoes of his past, the Master made a mad dash to the horizon. He was never a good sprinter, but he was the horizon watcher. That was the nickname he’d chosen for O- when he was brought back to you. The Master ran as fast as his imaginary legs could carry him, storming towards the fat moon in the sky. The air around his head began to buzz, like he was pushing through a thick wall of matter, the stars circling around in their speckled formations, returning to the hand of God. He had to reach it, had to connect, the hand unspooling towards him once again. He reached as high as he could, until he could reach no further, and the freckled stars of the universe connected with his fingertips. 
Michelangelo's Adam. The kiss of life. The Master was going home.
The Master's body lurched upwards, the breath returning to his lungs, his eyes bursting open like a man returning from the grave. His mouth was filled with dust, his face soaked with your tears, his chest aching from the weight of your dual compressions. You recoiled back, gasping in shock, before throwing your arms around his shoulders and sobbing hard into his neck.
“Master.” You cried, clinging on tight. “Oh my god, you’re alive-”
“Oh, love.” He whispered, clutching you close to his body.
“Master, we need to go.” You sniffled, the TARDIS rocking violently around you. The Master fumbled into his pocket, his fingers grasping hold of a round device that he attached to the TCE. The small box gave a hiss, the disk locking into place, the panels on the side lighting up with newfound power.
“Stolen… Timelord… technology.” He panted, grinning as best he could. You laughed quietly, holding on tight as he activated the device. In a burst of light the two of you disappeared from the crumbling TARDIS, leaving a planet of destruction in your wake, both still very much alive.
As you found yourselves scattered amongst the speckles of stars, the Quarunx ripped itself from its chains. The creature shot into the heavens, the planet finally splitting open, the belly of the beast exposed to the vacuum of space and time as the chunks of planet ripped themselves apart and floated into the nothingness.
The Quarunx fled into the stars, escaping into the vast universe. Free of its shackles. Free of what it was before. Like everybody who escaped from the planet that day, searching for its comfort. Searching for the future. Searching for home. 
Wherever, or whoever, that was.
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clowns0cks · 3 months
I'm thinking about rogue saying "I'm just so trigger happy" again like the master needs to stop haunting the narrative sending 716352737 secret messages and get out of that tooth
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corallapis · 1 year
@veraynes-blog the idea of them sharing one fobwatch is eating my brain. what if we put both of our souls in the same little box and locked it up tight. what if when we got them back out again there was little bits of me mixed up in you and little bits of you mixed up in me <3
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slurrmp · 2 years
the backrooms ✰ whittaker!master x disaster!reader.
a/n: this is some hot garbage i tell you what. but, due to the fact that the special will be released monday (australian time) - and jodie will be leaving us, have some rather bad w!master :))))) but i’m bringing back disaster!reader because i have missed her, so that’s a plus. she’s here to torment the master again. also a continuation from THIS old ass prompt.
warnings: swearing, general master nonsense.
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Arriving in the safety(?) of her TARDIS, she had told you to not wander off. Told you to stay in the console room. To stay put. That’s where she could keep an eye on you and where you wouldn’t get into any trouble. The effects of the evening where still heavy on your brain and you were trying your best NOT to throw up on the floor. Knowing that would probably only make the Master and her TARDIS pissed. The feeling of the fishes hands against your body sent a shiver through your body. The pit of your stomach rumbled and you pressed a hand over your mouth. God you were going to regret asking the Doctor to let you stay at that bar.
You did your best to listen to the Master. Staying put in the console room was something you didn’t want to defy her on. Because of course she terrified you. But you didn’t think you could hold in the food and alcohol that you had consumed merely an hour ago, down any longer. The Master had disappeared down one of the many halls that connected to the orange lit room - left you standing in a corner near the entry.
Pressing a hand against your mouth again, you looked to your left and then right. Both were entrances to what you assumed where endless hallways and you picked at random. One arm wrapping around your stomach as you tried to find a bathroom. It didn’t take long rushing down the hallway, that the TARDIS finally took pity on you and let you find a bathroom, just in the nick of time.
As you fell against the floor, you emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl, before you rested your forehead against the rim of the seat and groaned.
“Never again,” You muttered a wince spreading across your face as the after taste got to you. “If the Doctor decides to go and do another one of his marathon running trips, tell him to fuck off and leave you on the TARDIS.” Another groan as you fell back against the tiled wall. The coolness of everything was a relief, before you fell forward again and threw up once more. One more groan, before you came to the realisation that there was nothing left in your stomach. (You flushed the toilet don’t worry.)
Heaving yourself up off the floor, you leaned heavily against the wall - using it for balance and staggered over to the sink. Hands gripped onto the basen, before you stared at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but gag once more. You looked awful. Bags were heavy under your eyes and the colour in your cheeks was gone, you looked more grey than anything now. Heaving out a deep sigh and turning on the tap, you stared at the running water for a couple of seconds.
You could really do with a shower, but you had no spare clothes to change into and you really didn’t want to wear puked on and alien bloodied clothes again. Splashing the cool water against your face, you felt semi alive again before you grabbed the towel that hung on the hook - drying your hands and wiping down your face. Before you buried into it and screamed.
Finally letting go of any tension that was still in your body, you calmed down and you finally noticed that the pounding that you could constantly hear, was the headache starting to get louder in your head. God you could really use two advile and sleep. Looking at yourself once more in the mirror, you tried your best to brush down your wild hair. Giving up when you couldn’t, you stepped out of the bathroom and into a room that wasn’t the hallway you had entered from.
This hallway had an ugly shade of yellow wallpaper and was endless. It looked like it went on for miles. Hallways upon hallways, all with that same ugly yellow wallpaper. “What the fuck...” You murmured to yourself, turning around to go back into the bathroom, only to realise that the door you had JUST come out of, was now gone. Your whole body froze. That - wasn’t supposed to happen, this has never happened before. Whipping back around, you stared out into the vastness of this room. “No - no. No this is not happening. You are NOT doing this to me.” Your legs finally woke up and you started to walk in what you assumed was forwards.
The low hum of the fluorescent lights barely hanging on to the ceiling was burying deep into your brain - making the headache you had developing to feel worse. You had never see this room before - no matter how many times you had been aboard the Master’s TARDIS, this room had been seen before. Maybe the TARDIS had finally given up on you - throwing up in the bathroom was the last straw for her and now she was going to kill you slowly.
You had no idea how long you wandered, hand dragging along the wall, so that you could at least keep yourself ground to reality - in case you decided to zone out and lose track of were the hell you where going. It felt like hours. Always the same hallway, always the same wallpaper, the same humming of the lights. You knew that TARDIS’s were endless, but this seemed just a bit excessive.
Like it was intentional.
It wasn’t long until a low mechanical noise broke the silence. That humming seemed awfully familiar - but it had been the only thing different within this room in the last fifteen minutes. So of course, like the walking disaster that you are, you decided to chase after it. A voice breaking through your headache, it was gravelly and mechanical. “Eggs -” it kept repeating that word. That was a strange thing for it to say, unless they were craving eggs. Maybe you were craving eggs.
Your hand had continued to run along the wall, like you knew you would get distracted, you lost where you had come from and where you were going. It wasn’t long until you ran out of wall, your hand fell down by your side as you came to a turn. Your body took it and then abruptly froze once more.
In the middle of the room sat ... a ... a dalek.
“Oh shit -” Was the first thing out of your mouth. It’s eye stalk snapped up and landed on you.
“Egg-” It repeated. Oh you’re so thick. So thick and drunk still. That nauseous feeling in your stomach returned. “Egg...” It was blue, one of the master race, how the hell did it end up here? Inside a TARDIS? It looked battered and broken, the panels on its body had all but fallen away and the glass on the stalk was cracked but you knew to never underestimate a dalek, especially one of the master races - that could disintegrate one of its own with just a shot. “Exster-” Backing up, you realised what the thing was trying to say.
“No thank you.” Your feet kept you backing up - hand finally finding the wall once more, as the thing barely began rolling forward. “Do not exterminate me.”
“Extermin...” It kept rolling forward, until your back hit the ugly yellow covered wall. This was it - this is how you died. In a room filled with the SAME thing over and over again. Well, that’s what you thought, until you felt something grab a hold of your forearm, the scream that tore through your throat was brutal and loud, and absolutely embarrassing when you start to think back on it later.
“You stupid girl!” The voice echoed around your head, it was like a spot light from a lighthouse - guiding you back to shore. The hand gripping you tightened, and the distorted voice coming from the broken dalek, that kept calling “eggs-eggs-extermininate” was slowly making its way closer and you couldn’t help but slam your eyes shut as you curled against the wall.
It had all looked the same, the same room - the same walls over and over again. The same buzzing coming from the lights on the ceiling. You couldn’t have found your own way out, no matter how much you wanted too.
“Ah-Ha! Got you!” It wasn’t long until you were suddenly being pulled backward. Your whole body falling and tingling as you slipped through the wall. “I’ve told you time and time again…” Your eyes opened slightly, trying your best to recognise your surroundings, when they landed on her standing in front of you - that fiery look in her eyes. “Do NOT wander off and don’t put your nose where it doesn’t belong.” Eyes snapped open fully, as a heavy gasp escaped your lips - hands flailed slightly before they came to clutch at your hair.
“What the hell is that place!” You managed to find your voice. Tears welled in the corners of your eyes as your hands moved from your hair, to the sleeves of the Master’s coat. She was quiet for a few seconds, eyes squinting down at you.
Your grip tightened, not even noticing that she was carrying a pair of clothes. Is that why she had left earlier, to GET you a pair of clothes for you to change into, so that you didn’t smell like alcohol, puke, piss and alien blood?
“They’re called The Backrooms.” And that’s when the chill ran down your spine. What the hell was it doing on her TARDIS? “And they are dangerous.” NO SHIT - Your name was oh so soft on her lips - which helped to pull your attention back onto the Time Lord. “I told you to stay put.” Her free hand came up and pulled one hand off her jacket, and then she forcefully shoved the spare clothes into your grasp.
“I’m sorry -” You started fumbling over your words. “I had to puke...” You said it so grossly that the Master actually winced. Her nose scrunched up and you tried not to find the entire thing adorable. “I had to find a bathroom and then when I stepped back out - I found myself ...” Another shiver ran down your spine. The Master frowned before her head tilted up, staring at the ceiling.
“That wasn’t very nice.” She muttered and you knew that it was to the TARDIS.
“She tried to kill me again ...” It was a statement more than a question and the Master couldn’t help the devilish grin that crossed her lips. “What the actual fu-”
A hand covered your mouth, as you where pushed back into the wall. Brows furrowed over your forehead as a soft squeak left you, the Master pressed a finger to her lips. “Don’t say another word ...” Her hand moved to grip your chin and your name came out of her lips, which still managed to cause the hairs on your arms to stand on end. “Go find your room -” Brows raised, but hands where still holding parts of your head. “Yes -” You knew that nothing further would be mentioned about why you have a room aboard her TARDIS. “The TARDIS will behave now,” Hazel eyes cut upward again and you swear your heard the time machine laugh. “Go take a shower, get that awful smell off you and get changed.” The hand clutching your chin slowly retracted, moving to her side. “I have to drop you off to your precious Doctor in an hour.”
That had you perking up immensely and you didn’t miss the way that the Master’s eyes darkened ever so slightly by your sudden change in mood. The hand that had covered your mouth moved away and you finally let go of her, clutching the change of clothes to your chest. “Thank you, Master.” You said it with as much sincerity as you could muster. The alien blood caking to your body was starting to get distracting. “Thank you for saving me. Twice tonight.” The Time Lord gave you a look, a tsck leaving her, before she turned on her heel and stalked away.
Huffing you stood straighter, clothes still clutched tightly to you. Turning your head, you heard the low hum of the TARDIS and another door appearing next to you. “This better not be another fucking endless hallway -” You mumbled to yourself but as the door opened you spotted a bed. “Thank god...” turning you made your way into the room - door slamming shut behind you.
What a strange day.
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