#Diabetes Diagnosis
gofitnesspro · 2 months
Diabetes in Young Adults: Causes and Solutions
Addressing the rise of diabetes in young adults requires comprehensive strategies that promote healthy lifestyle choices, including regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, stress management, and increased awareness of diabetes risk factors. Additionally, early detection through regular screenings and improved access to healthcare can help identify and manage diabetes at an earlier stage,…
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health5690 · 7 months
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wellhealthhub · 11 months
Unveiling the Age Spectrum of Type 3c Diabetes: When Does It Emerge?
Within the realm of diabetes lies a lesser-known and intriguing form known as Type 3c diabetes, scientifically recognized as pancreatogenic diabetes, which materializes as a consequence of impaired pancreatic function. Throughout this comprehensive exposition, our focal pursuit encompasses unraveling the chronological emergence of Type 3c diabetes in individuals, encompassing its multifarious…
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shadihelal · 2 years
Diabetes Types, symptoms, complications and management
Diabetes Types, symptoms, complications and management
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high sugar levels for long periods, where patients experience frequent urination, excessive thirst or hunger, and weight changes. It is caused by inadequate production of insulin, or insulin resistance. It can be managed by lifestyle changes , medication and insulin. Diabetes is recognized as the world’s fastest growing chronic…
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focusondiabetes · 2 years
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zurko48 · 2 years
Telling my doctor “can you just put me down, yknow…like they do with sick dogs”
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arionawrites · 7 months
decided to make a list of all my diagnosed issues and like fucking. god damn. how am i just living day to day.
#nine bullet points#of diagnosed things i struggle#i struggle with#1. type one diabetes 2. adhd 3. bipolar 4. severe anxiety 5. depression 6. insomnia 7. migraines 8. dpdr 9. ptsd#and im just ?? existing like this??? literally how what the fuck#there’s more than that too thats just like the actual able to be diagnosed shit#probably also at least slightly autistic but my psychologist said that its not bad enough to impact me big time and a diagnosis would do mor#more harm than good so im just kind. Not lmao#but also: abandonment issues self worth issues guilty conscience issues feeling unworthy of literally everything issues#awful at establishing boundaries#sh issues#(not for like years but its a struggle to not relapse every year esp during winter)#suicidal ideation but at least ive never actually been suicidal#not bc i particularly love being alive but because the fact that i dont know what comes after death scares me too much lmao#even at my lowest of lows i have not wanted to kms SOLELY bc the unknown scares me enough to be like#yeah this sucks but at least i know it#at least it’s like familiar which is sad but still true lma#OH ALSO eating disorder lmao. diabulimia is a thing.#genuinely how have i not been fucking hospitalized#not in a bad way but like. idk how i havent gotten to that point yet#tho to be fair there are multiple points i probably should have been tbh#i just. dont want to worry people? or inconvenience anyone. and i know im not gonna kms so its easy to be like ‘i dont need that’#i have overshared way too much in these tags sorry i’ll stop now#if anyone has actually read all of these: i’m sorry. i love you. i hope you feel better than i do. i hope you smiled today.
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moonelnone · 1 year
hey idk if it's sensitive to ask, but how did you exactly almost die? (you can ignore this question)
It's ok Anon, I don't mind answering!! This week was my exam week and I'd been studying, sleeping, and drawing and I think it tired out my body to the point where I accidentally dropped to the ground and started twitching. I think it was because of my anemia? idk I'm fine now, that's really what matters to me My little brother told me that I looked like I died because I stopped moving after the twitching, so there's that
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orcelito · 30 days
Omfg. So I've long had a sensitivity to sugar. Can't eat too much of it w/o feeling nauseous. Etc etc. Just kinda the way of my life.
I was talking with family over the weekend tho and it came up and they were like. "Maybe you should get checked for pre-diabetes" 😅😅
& see the thing is. I have. So many family members who are/were diabetic. On both sides of the family. I really do have a genetic predisposition for it, maybe. Enough to make it worth getting checked out haha
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ceridwyn2 · 11 months
New Diagnosis
Thoughts for the day (12 July 2023)
So yesterday I went to see my Nurse Practitioner for a belated appointment - missed the last one. Went through some of the bloodwork as my sugars have been elevated for a while so now I have a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes. In a way it’s not surprising - both my parents have the same diagnosis. I’d been losing weight (~15lbs) in 6 months without trying. My NP has put me on Metformin (250mg twice a day to start for 2 weeks, then 500mg twice a day), and testing sugars 2-3 times a day to get an idea of what time of day my sugars are spiking.
I picked up the meds and the Diabetic supplies (monitor, lancets, test strips, sharps container) and started them yesterday. Have the monitor syncing to my phone so I can more easily track testing. I’m so used to having regular sodas and the like (sweet tooth), so I’ve started trying limit sugar intake - body not used to that, bit of a shock to the system. And I can’t drink diet sodas because of the aspartame - I’m allergic - it triggers migraines. So not only a change in dietary intake needed, a new mindset is needed. Will see how this goes.
I also got some more pain prescription medication (Naproxen 500mg) for carpal tunnel syndrome to take on an as needed basis when I have flare-ups.
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nojoom · 2 months
nuts how the right drugs will like somewhat Fix You and you realize it could’ve been this way the whole time
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vamptastic · 11 months
its like so fucked to me that PCOS is almost always diagnosed in middle aged women bc of fertility issues unless the person in question has a very obvious and severe case or lobbies their doctor at length about it. this would not be so upsetting to me if PCOS didn't massively increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in a way that is largely preventable! or if PCOS didn't make it damn near impossible to lose weight, meaning many people have their symptoms dismissed be it for other health problems or PCOS symptoms themselves over something they have next to no control over.
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dingo-saurus · 11 months
non-exhaustive list of things i need to do as a type-1 diabetic whenever i eat in order to keep my blood sugars in a healthy range (which i need to do consistently to stay alive and not need to amputate limbs or deal with organ failure later in life):
count the carbs and sugars for everything i am eating or drinking in that moment. this is obviously harder if the meal is homecooked as you need to not only work out the carbs for everything in the meal but also how much your portion would be. fortunately and unfortunately there are a number of apps that can help with this built primarily for dieting that you can take advantage of
am i taking metformin (med that reduces insulin resistance) or not? if so, normal dose. if not, slightly higher. usually only by 1 or 2 units but this varies
test my current blood glucose. even if i am wearing a glucose monitor i need to do this manually with a fingerprick test to confirm the monitor is correct (they often aren't). is it in range? normal dose. too high? a little more, depending on how much higher my blood glucose is and how much my body personally needs to correct sugars. which needs to be worked out with testing, and is subject to change. too low? have a few sips of sprite or some jelly beans while meal prepping. how much i need to bring it up into range is subject to change and something that experience with my body helps me with
okay so now we need to figure out how much insulin i need with the meal, taking all the above into account. there is a mathematical formula that helps to determine this based on your weight that i was taught by a medical professional and type 1 diabetes expert (yes the advice is different between type 1 and 2. you need someone who knows your specific type or you will get Bad Advice). this is not infallible, in fact it does not work for me at all (i sometimes need about twice the insulin i should need, due to my body's fluctuating insulin resistance). so i have had to deviate from it and work things out for myself, increasing the ratio of insulin-to-carbs until i was getting it correct. this can change based on basically Anything. have i been exerting myself today? are the specific carbs in the meal quick or slow to release? is there protein? am i sick? do i have a migraine/have recently had a migraine? did i sleep well? am i stressed about something? did i take a dose of basal insulin today (and how much)? experience will help me feel this out. i can still get it wrong even after 4 years, and need to correct it after the meal
okay, i've done the calculation and have my number. when do i give myself the insulin dose? well that depends. i need to time it so that the peak of the insulin's effectiveness hits when the meal is hitting my blood sugars. i have a couple of rapid-acting insulin brands that hit at different times, but the one i'm taking rn takes about 30 minutes. so either before or during the prep/cook time i need to duck out and do my dose, or i need to wait for a time after i take my dose to grab whatever i'm grabbing. i set an alarm for this
inject insulin (thankfully this was not difficult for me to get used to as it's MUCH easier these days than it was in the past)
you are doing this 3 times a day, more if u want to snack. my body changes constantly, and requires frequent rethinking of all of the above (metformin is making this easier for me, thankfully. i had to troubleshoot and figure this out myself after 3 frustrating years)
as you can imagine, it generally means i do not eat out (most restaurants do not keep track of the carbs and sugars in their meals) and cannot eat homecooked meals unless the cook is willing to calculate exactly how many carbs and sugars are in the meal so i can figure out how much is in my serve
it takes a lot of energy, attentiveness, adaptability, determination, and perseverance to treat your diabetes effectively day-to-day and avoid damaging your body or putting your life at risk. thankfully i have the support to do that monetarily, medically, and socially. not everyone does
be kind to diabetics
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iridescentclaws · 6 months
Diabetes is so homophobic I can't take it anymore /lh /hj
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wronggalaxy · 8 months
I just want to develop diabetes already and get it done with. I'm tired of this whole "everyone assumes you're diabetic because you're fat but you're not even close to pre-diabetic but also you have most of the symptoms of diabetes and also every time you've ever checked your blood sugar it's either been under 60 or over 130 and both your parents and also a bunch of other family members have diabetes and went through this exact expirence before being diagnosed but at the same time you've been tested for being insulin resistant and you're not and surely they'd check for the opposite at the same time, then again this is doctors we're talking about" thing
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localtopegg · 1 year
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I love my new son. I found him today and he is slightly larger than a build a bear and he can do no wrong.
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