pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇ aelin. aeline. aibek. aku. alcmene. alta. amal. amalthea. amaris. amaya. apollo. arche. archer. ariel. arielune. arion. artemis. aruna. atla. atlas. ay. aydan. ayla. baku. bianca. cal. cali. calli. callisto. celestia. celina. celine. chandra. charon. chroma. crescent. damaris. dark. deimos. diarene. dione. dipper. dream. dusk. elaine. elara. erion. esme. esmere. europa. ganymede. hala. halo. hara. helen. helena. helene. hyperion. hypnos. io. jaci. jericho. june. kamari. khonshu. koko. koray. layla. luan. luna. lunar. lunatalia. lunavenly. lune. luno. mere. mia. midnight. miranda. mirande. mirando. miyako. monday. moon. moony. moonyx. morpheus. mya. myia. neoma. nocturne. nox. oberon. orion. phobos. phoebe. portia. puck. raka. rhea. runa. rune. runo. salina. saline. sandra. selena. selene. selephina. somnia. somnus. thea. titan. titana. titane. titania. titanio. titano. twilight. umbriel. vesper. volana.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ cloud/cloud. cloudy/cloudy. cosmi/cosmic. crater/crater. cre/crescent. crescent/crescent. dark/dark. day/dream/daydream. daydream/daydream. dream/dream. dusk/dusk. ecli/eclipse. evening/evening. galaxy/galaxy. lua/luna. luna/luna. luna/lunar. lunar/lunar. midnight/midnight. moon/moon. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. nox/nox. orb/orb. orbi/orbit. orbit/orbit. phase/phase. satellite/satellite. sha/shadow. shadow/shadow. sleep/sleep. sleepy/sleepy. star/star. umbra/umbra. 🌃 . 🌌 . 🌑 . 🌒 . 🌓 . 🌔 . 🌕 . 🌖 . 🌗 . 🌘 . 🌙 . 🌚 . 🌛 . 🌜 . 🌠 .
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lunentity · 5 months
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𓉸♰ moon goddess NPTs ₊ ˚ ⊹ 🌙
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꒰ names ﹕ lunatalia. arielune. moonyx. celestia. lunavenly. diarene. selephina.
꒰ pronouns ﹕ moon / moons. lua / luna. star / stars. luna / lunar. ecli / eclipse. cosmi / cosmic. orbi / orbit. sha / shadow. cre / crescent.
꒰ titles ﹕ the one bathing under moonlight. the bringer of night. the moonstruck. the moonful goddess. the divine lunar.
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✧﹒ notes ⊰ lunavenly is a mix of luna & heavenly. diarene is a mix of diana & irene.
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megiddo-ichi · 8 months
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Maybe the B in BB stands for Bathead.
Art by diaren illustration
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graveyardalters · 2 months
Hihi! May we get a alterpack who is a songtive of The Better Place by Johnny Goth? We'd like for them to have a Dethereal aesthetic please!
of course! they were super fun to make, change anything you desire 🖤
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
name ☥ seraphina, lucian, judas, macabre, eres, antoinette, hypnyra, halorina, diarene
age ☥ age transcends time, expresses emotional maturity and depth rather than age.
pronouns ☥ it/its, they/them, hy/hymn, pray/prayer, thy/thym, lace/laces, depth/depths, h?/h?m, sh?/h?r,
gender ☥ doesn't like labels, doesn't fit the gender binary, doesn't experience gender how humans do. " nonbinary " is the only term that humans use to describe how she experiences "gender".
sexuality ☥ pansexual. disregards gender as a whole.
୧ ‧₊˚ 🦇⋅ ☆
source (if applicable) ☥ songtive
species ☥ deity, divinity, numen, celestial being, nonhuman yet takes on a human-like vessel
role(s) ☥ gatekeeper, memory holder, nonhuman alter
cisids ☥ derealization/depersonalization, maladaptive daydreaming
transids ☥ transschizophrenia, transszpd, aracial
paras ☥ faunoiphilia, voyeur, hybristophilia, z00
୧ ‧₊˚ 🦇⋅ ☆
likes ☥ visual arts, human history, ambient music, classical music, nature settings where they can reflect undisturbed, deep blues, dark greys, overcast skies, light rain, twilight/late evening, writing poetry (specifically sonnets), edward hopper (one of their muses/inspirations) existentialist literature (works by albert camus and hermann hesse), films (eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, lost in translation)
dislikes ☥ bright, noisy environments, rushed or superficial conversations, art/media that lacks emotional depth or authenticity
traits ☥ introspective, melancholic, sensitive, artistic, reserved, complex
habits ☥ night owl
mbti ☥ infp
faceclaim/appearance ☥
see below
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mandareeboo · 3 years
I dont have anything exact for a prompt for dc superhero girls but like... any of them that you want to write abt... simply they are girlfriends ur honor <3
"So," says Babs, conversationally. "Are you a 'one and done' kinda gal, or a 'take it slow, let it go' kind?"
Karen bit her lip. Her fingers were shaking as they dug into the wood of her desk. They'd decided it was best to do this in the Gordon home, seeing how the faintest trace of what was sticking out of her arm could send their friend into serious agony. "Um. Both sound terrible. But I guess I'd rather just be done with the pain."
"Mm-hmm." The redhead adjusted her grip on the shard of kryptonite sticking out of her arm blaster. "Gonna be honest with you, Bee. This went in at an angle. It cut you going in, it's probably gonna cut you coming out. Is there anything I can get you to make this less stressing?"
"A stuffy?" she asked. "Preferably not bat-shaped. Not that bats aren't cool. But you usually stuff explosives into the bat ones."
Babs deems that fair and retrieves what Karen can only assume is the least beloved teddy bear she's ever seen. It's fur is bright brown- or it would be, without the dust. This was clearly an ancient Christmas or birthday present, tossed around but never truly used, with just enough sentimentality to avoid being thrown out or donated. Karen stuffs the teddy into the crook of her elbow and squeezes. Hard.
"Are you going to count to three?" she asked.
Babs shook her head. "You'd tense on three. Flexing the muscles is a bad idea."
"Okay. Then wh-"
She tightened her grip and yanked. Hard. 
Karen let out a yip and buried her face into the bear. She didn't want to imagine the disaster it'd be if the Commissioner heard.
"I got it!" Babs exclaimed, holding the rock up into the fluorescent light. "Man, I wish I could study this stuff. But I don't want to risk Kara getting sick having it close by."
"Yeah," she answered, trying not to get sick herself over the faintest bit of blood. Karen tapped a few buttons on her panel and the limbs popped off one by one, falling to the floor with a clatter. Karen yanked up her sleeve. "Oh, that's not so bad."
Babs, wetting a cotton ball, agreed with her. "Won't even need stitches. This time I'm definitely gonna count, okay?"
"Yes, please."
It doesn't take long to do the medical end of things. It was, all things considered, a surprisingly small gash. That said, getting cut with a rock was a great way to make yourself hate antiseptic. The crisp white bandage was probably a bit too much, but Babs is thorough.
The damage to her armor, however, is pretty damning. Karen felt her stomach squirm as she opened the hull, revealing ripped circuits, damaged data boards, and a couple of melted discs. Not cheap to purchase. She was going to have to run on bubblegum and duct tape for a while. (Not that that was out of the ordinary)
"Back to the drawing board?" Babs hummed, hefting a truly breathtaking toolbox out of thin air. "I'll go to the lair tomorrow and see if I can't scavenge you a few parts from first-drafts bat weapons."
"Thank you." Karen pulled out a wrench, feeling it in her hands. Her grip wasn't too affected. Good. "Back to the drawing board."
There was a clatter on the stairwell, too fast and too heavy to be Commissioner Gordon's, and there was Diana, flinging open the door in her full Wonder Woman garb. "KAREN ARE YOU-" She caught sight of Karen and seemed to lose an entire inch as she sighed with relief. "Oh, thank Zeus."
Babs let out a shriek. "Diana, did you walk to my house dressed in full uniform? What is somebody saw?"
"I did not walk; I ran. I told the your father I was doing a 'costume play'." Diana seemed to struggle to regain her poise at the sight of the bandage on Karen's arm, jaw tightening. "I was told you jumped in front of Supergirl, little Bumblebee."
Karen let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing her arm. "I think that's a bit of a stretch. Y'see, Babs and I have been prepping ourselves for cases like these, and-"
"Cases like these?" Diana echoed. Her voice was flat. "Cases like what, exactly?"
"Kryptonite weapons!" Babs chirped, holding up the stone. She'd had the sense of mind to wipe it off, at least. "Just being near the stuff can weaken Kara. We didn't even want to consider what might happen if she got poked by it. So we've made work-arounds; thicker armor around our limbs, metal designed to avoid skin-contact with sharp objects, etc. The next step is if they find a way to make it into a ray gun or something, but that's mostly if it's somehow too quick for Kara to dodge, and, let's be real, that probably won't-"
"Barbara." The girl stopped instantly. "Leave me and Bumblebee alone for a moment, please. We need to talk."
Karen gulped.
Babs shot her an apologetic look, then gave the Amazonian some finger guns. "Righty-o, boss. I'll go make us some snacks." She paused at the door, looking over her shoulder. "Just gimme a ring when you're ready, alright?"
Diana jerked her head in a nod. She watched with frightening intensity as the knob clicked closed.
She whirled around. "Why was I not made aware of this? You and Barbara have been plotting to- to collect shards in your limbs like cufflinks! And you never-"
"It's not our first choice!" Karen held up our hands. "It's not even our last choice, Diana. We're also making shields, and inhibiters. It's an extreme emergency, last resort thing. And we've not even fixed the bugs!"
"It was faulty and you did it anyway?" She shrunk down as Diana slammed her hands on the table. "You could have been seriously injured! Or worse!"
"Diana," she said, showing off the bandage. "I'm mortal, not a water balloon. Trust me, I would have never done this if I thought it would be lethal."
Diana, for her part, did look a bit chastised. Her shoulders fell. "I am... sorry, little Bumblebee. I did not mean to doubt your abilities. It's just- I was out of the loop for one mission, and I came home to find my strongest warrior hardly able to move as she told me you were taken elsewhere for serious wounds."
"Kara talked to you?"
"She tried. She was crying."
Karen winced. She knew Kara would hate this idea. That's why they'd been so quiet about it. "I'm sorry I worried you all, but I wasn't in any real danger."
"This time. What of next time?"
"Now that we know they're onto our weaknesses, there won't be a next time."
"There shouldn't have been a first time!" Diana got down on one knee to hold her arm with great respect. This was one of the few positions she was actually taller than the Amazonian, and it made Karen nervous. She knew how bad it felt to be small. She never wanted other people to feel that way. "Is it bad, αγάπη μου?"
And Karen, smart and strong and absolutely weak to puppy dog eyes, couldn't stop herself. "I was in front of her."
Diana sucked in a breath.
"When it went off. I was in front of Supergirl." Karen forced herself to go on. It felt horrible to say out loud. A betrayal. But she had already betrayed Kara, hadn't she? She needed to own up to it. Reassure them all that she deserved the little scratch on her arm. "I dodged. I dodged out of the way. How horrible is that, Diana?"
"I dodged," she repeated, voice wobbly with unshed tears. "I knew it could kill her, and I dodged." Fingers dug into her skirt. Her own fingers. The cut burned. "I'm a terrible person."
Diana's fingers cupped her chin, bringing her gaze back to her. "No. Never. You are human, Karen. You were scared."
Karen wished it was that easy. But, to her, it wasn't. She wasn't enough. "Heroes are supposed to take risks."
"Heroes must be alive to take those risks." Diana's fingers tightened their grip- not enough to hurt, but holding her in place. "Please, αγάπη μου. No more secret extreme emergency, last resort things. We are warriors, not blockades to toss in front of each other."
"Promise," she said, and it was the easiest promise she ever made. "...Can we call Babs back in, now? I'm gonna need her help un-soldering some things."
Wonder Woman swooped up for a kiss. Karen was someone who got electrocuted a lot, but nothing so simple had even a bit of life compared to being held and loved by the strongest woman in Metropolis, especially when she smiled like that. "In a moment. Allow me some time with you alone. It’s selfish, but it’s... human.”
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Oie! 👨🏻‍🔬🧪⚗️ #mineração #tecnologia #quimica #ifrn #cnat #diaren #instagram #tumblrboy https://www.instagram.com/p/B73Z9MbHc7FksA4b6MvIOxM3uzh26P3uAnragM0/?igshid=8ctfbyvhy4tk
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Crossover Ship: Minazuki Karen x Dia Kurosawa
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mewrails · 5 years
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Part 2 is here 😔✊ I rlly wish I could've posted them all together
▪️Pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3▪️
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mewrails-art · 6 years
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uhhh this isnt finished but i spent all morning on it and im tired so have a preview ig 
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444names · 2 years
french, italian and german forenames + greek islands
Abalissa Abenteanis Abria Abruz Adadado Adakro Adanfi Adian Adidart Adoki Adolia Adria Afokia Agenvel Ageodeo Agoren Agosano Aimena Aireni Aiteracio Alalas Albas Aldee Aldes Aleta Alfabra Aliel Alientia Alierna Alille Alodianice Alvic Amori Amparey Anantine Ancaloé Ancat Ancene Ancia Ancio Anclaudan Andebrick Andos Anfra Anfro Angéli Aniko Anluc Anluca Annes Antierre Antino Anutiand Arcecte Arcetago Ardouto Arinarito Aroger Arokolia Arosencata Arosi Asolelic Asquigia Aulauladee Aumena Aurannifos Auros Austan Banaxi Baros Belie Beline Belopou Benoi Berando Beraxa Bergiliano Berieri Berna Bette Boemiran Bragrayon Brisi Brito Brutro Camari Camicio Caneode Carayagnès Carcelier Carganuela Cartorgina Catipsenny Chacio Chaxi Cheres Chielao Chizo Chriandren Chriapti Chrisi Ciangato Claullos Clazia Cloni Cloros Clémerry Clémiereia Colokina Colomata Colouros Coros Crugo Crunza Dakio Dalel Daros Delixto Delonzo Desana Desto Detherna Dianos Diarene Dinier Dopoussa Dovala Dylvalivio Edieugelio Edrinelo Eleodo Elicis Emario Emito Emmantonte Emmaros Enaimocion Enies Entine Erifelmar Erisante Erleo Erracia Eseloramo Fabalia Fabelisene Fablafos Fabrugo Falbio Faricil Faumberea Feder Fedgarle Fedgavi Felas Felienato Ferene Ferra Filberto Filiero Filio Fongene Fongérès Fraki Framvouria Fromaro Fulioli Fulistal Fulos Fulrieta Gablaegin Gabrunzo Gannie Garcenaxos Gavgo Gaétal Gelavirena Geonie Geriel Giamarica Giettana Ginonce Gionge Grago Gramarna Granoiline Grento Gricilla Grikatmos Grini Guelena Gugricosi Gyllo Helleo Hoarhor Hrikal Humeona Imeliandi Imudros Imueren Inofra Iranda Irmanine Iseodia Istemele Jacaydo Jacinhon Jacio Jacionio Janmare Jaste Jeana Jeanca Jeando Jeandra Jeane Jescharcia Jessa Jesta Josarcos Jualos Juangele Juanlucia Juliaarie Julidarea Juste Kalia Kalos Kamick Kamilda Kanila Kanito Kanous Karcolo Kartant Katitora Kebrakin Kefaco Kefino Kelaxisimo Kelleorgio Keronierna Kolgavo Koubo Koulia Kracistaki Krino Kyrissilon Kytefael Kythia Landio Laudia Laudosari Laulianck Lauray Leximin Listra Lorey Loudianne Lourigios Lucconale Lucenico Luciane Lucias Ludida Luigo Luilampan Lupore Madienna Magna Magraca Maina Makyris Mando Mandra Mantiki Mantine Manuros Maraki Marbason Mardergelo Maricio Mariontia Marlone Marmanolou Marmilaine Marmolica Marne Marodolos Maroino Martor Masoussan Maspoudo Mathéo Matrio Maudina Maurlos Medene Meliaki Melivi Meranda Merre Micco Milio Minalvina Minousto Miraura Mohatza Monto Moromisi Mouline Mousamo Muelago Nanisela Naolos Natro Nerma Nichrina Niela Nieufona Nistypas Nurigno Nutria Nutse Oclémia Odane Oinichèle Pabramélie Pabsaarce Paderamilo Paousto Parmiros Pasampaxos Pasque Pasuz Pathorick Pazulas Petrieros Petsourée Pielydia Pienado Pienimo Piere Pierielio Pierinati Pieros Piette Pinaine Pincherana Porgo Pravichris Prisèleo Procédrile Prone Psaria Psodreste Racionic Ragda Ramai Raminoi Rasilos Reianaole Rella Rienal Rineatron Riquella Ritantali Rochina Roinisi Roleiamard Ronient Rophilia Roudelagos Rédrenarce Sabannisi Sabericia Sabiane Sabrichria Sabrizio Salan Salia Salingata Samienne Sammelion Sammos Sanpio Sarineta Sarola Saterna Segai Sertentie Silosanca Skleia Skouidilda Skytherano Spatro Speldam Sphanacia Stana Stilde Sylimicio Sylva Symona Sévergiana Tanpaldos Teodi Tharbasque Thino Thouranila Tierayolos Tincie Tingo Torras Trance Tritio Trorgo Uberna Undarola Uroseri Vadakimia Valbenavid Valetto Valianes Vathia Viano Vices Vicina Vidio Vione Vitelia Véronesto Wilvin Yanelienza Yanue Yargiso Yarguiste Yveri Yverton Yvourée Zaino Zalla Éliacio Élisa Éverquida
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kuatiisms · 7 years
++ :0
Dairen stood in front of the young jedi, regarding him with some curiosity. The man, boy, before him is no less than nearly a foot shorter than he, and did not have the temperament of what he had expected. He was certainly polite, but was significantly more innocent and emotional than the reputation that preceded his order. Dairen folded his arms across his broad chest, and looked down with a raised eyebrow.
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“You want to take a look at my shipping logs?” His voice was deep, dry sounding, and slow, like he chose every word carefully.
The young jedi nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! I’m tracking down a bounty hunter crew, we think they stopped here to get some repairs done to their thrusters. They’re flying a..” He opens up a data pad, and slides it across the large polished desk. “It’s a modified KLT-Kuat light freighter, made-”
“In my shipyard, yes.”
The young jedi’s eyes widened. “These are your shipyards?“
A thin smile spreads across Dairen‘s face, and he gave a single nod. “When I am on the clock, the shipyards are mine. I run them, to some extent, but I do not own them.”
Understanding washed across the jedi’s face, and he nodded in return. “I see. So, I was wondering if I could ask you a couple questions before you show me the manifest?”
The smile not fading from his face, Dairen chuckled to himself. “I never agreed to show you my shipping logs.” He splayed his hands, and sat in a high backed black chair, motioning for the jedi to do the same. He pauses, then sits, smoothing his robes and sitting on the edge of the seat. Dairen watches the teenager’s eyes drift over the room. His office was immaculate, all dark wood and gunmetal durasteel. Bookshelves and filing systems coated the wall, and a large painting covered a large portion of the wall behind his desk, depicting Kuat and the artificial ring of shipyards surrounding the world.
Shaking his head, the young jedi smiled bashfully when he saw Dairen watching him. “I’m sorry! Your office is incredible. I haven’t introduced myself either in my excitement.” The Jedi stood and bowed respectfully, to which Dairen inclined his head in response. “My name is Braig.”
Dairen sat in his chair, large stature feeling like it has its own gravitational pull. He let a small pause hang in the air, steepling his fingers in front of him with his elbows balanced on the arms of his chair, hands resting in front of his stomach. “I am Dairen Swan, director of production here at the shipyards.”
To Braig, everything seemed to mute after the Director’s introduction. He blinked, once, twice, eyebrows scrunching slightly. He lifted a finger and adjusted the scarf resting on his shoulders. “Director Swan, I know this strays from my reason for coming here but..” He trailed off, wondering if he should ask. Would it mater? Would Bultar want to know? His curiosity got the better of him, however, and he spoke again before Dairen could question his silence. “Do you have a daughter?”
A streak of something flicked across Dairen’s face for but a moment, whether it was anger, remorse, or pain Braig couldn’t tell. But it wasn’t good.
Licking his lips, Dairen looked at him with his eyebrows knit together. “A long time ago, yes. She was taken by your order to be trained before the end her second year.”
Braig practically bounced. “I - uh, Director, I believe I know your daughter. She is a Knight too, and very well respected within the order. She’s a hero, sir.”
Dairen looks like he’d been sucker punched. His eyes stare into the middle distance, like he’s searching the galaxy’s farthest reaches to see his daughter. “She lives.” This was more to himself than to Braig, and Braig recognized as much, waiting quietly. Eventually, he regarded Braig once more, eyes earnest. “Tell me of her, please.”
Braig nodded. “Bultar is incredible. She’s a master duelist, and very wise for her age. She is just over thirty, but she doesn’t look it. Master Obi - sorry, my old master says she could very well end up on the high council soon, probably when the war is done. I can’t say that she got your height, though she certainly got your eyes.”
This brought a small smile to the Director’s face, and he crossed his arms across the decadent furs and leathers he wore. Wistfully, he spoke. “I don’t suppose I could see her.” Braig felt his heart break a little as he watched the man’s face fall when he shook his head.
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Dairen looked pained, but accepted this news. “I am proud to know that my daughter does good in the galaxy. This is a pride I have not felt in years.” All he wished is that he worked less while she was still home, before the jedi took her. “Thank you, Braig. If you’ll excuse me, I am sure my wife would like to hear this. My assistant will meet you in the building’s lobby, and will give you anything you need to track your bounty hunters.” He stood, and Braig followed his lead. Diaren walked around his desk, and placed a strong hand on Braig’s shoulder. “Thank you, young one. You have done a good thing this day.” With that, he walked out of his office, shoulders tall, and with purpose.
The purpose of a proud father.
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marketreports3 · 4 years
Research On World Adsorbents Market Report 2025
Report on World Vinyl Acetate Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2025 offered by DecisionDatabases.com.
Vinyl Acetate market research report provides the newest industry data and industry future trends, allowing you to identify the products and end users driving Revenue growth and profitability.
The industry report lists the leading competitors and provides the insights strategic industry Analysis of the key factors influencing the market.
The report includes the forecasts, Analysis and discussion of important industry trends, market size, market share estimates and profiles of the leading industry Players.
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/52054-world-vinyl-acetate-market-report
The Players mentioned in our report
Anhui Wanwei Group
Wacker Chemie
Diaren Chemical
With no less than 20 top producers
Global Vinyl Acetate Market: Application Segment Analysis
Production of vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA)
Production of polyvinyl acetate (PVAc)
Production of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
Production of vinyl acetate – ethylene copolymer emulsion (VAE)
Other applications
Global Vinyl Acetate Market: Regional Segment Analysis
South East Asia
Download Free Sample Report of World Vinyl Acetate Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-52054
There are 10 Chapters to Deeply Display the World Vinyl Acetate Market. Chapter 1 About the Vinyl Acetate Industry Chapter 2 World Market Competition Landscape Chapter 3 World Vinyl Acetate Market share Chapter 4 Supply Chain Analysis Chapter 5 Company Profiles Chapter 6 Globalisation & Trade Chapter 7 Distributors and Customers Chapter 8 Import, Export, Consumption and Consumption Value by Major Countries Chapter 9 World Vinyl Acetate Market Forecast through 2025 Chapter 10 Key success factors and Market Overview
Purchase the complete World Vinyl Acetate Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-52054
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
World Vinyl Flooring Market Research Report 2025
World Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) for Medical Application Market by Product Type, Market, Players and Regions-Forecast to 2025
World Vinyl Terminated Polydimethylsiloxane Market Research Report 2025 (Covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India and etc)
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tlimacosta-blog · 7 years
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Na última terça-feira, palestrei no III Fórum de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental. Convite feito pelo IFRN/DIAREN, turma de Gestão Ambiental (Ana Paula Marinho, Fernanda Monicelli, Priscyla Oliveira, Leonardo Pivotto e outros) onde apresentei o futuro do GIS por meio do ArcGIS Pro, já que o ArcMap irá sair do mercado aos poucos. Muito massa o evento e parabéns à todos pela organização!! 👏🏽☺️ (em IFRN Natal Central)
0 notes
Vinyl Acetate Monomer Market demand was 5,886.4 kilo tons in 2013 and is expected to reach 7,934.2 kilo tons by 2020: Grand View Research, Inc.
The Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Market  is expected to reach USD 9.86 billion by 2020, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Increasing adhesive demand from key industries such as construction, automotive and furniture is expected to drive VAM market growth. Increasing paints & coatings demand, particularly in Asia Pacific and Latin America, is also expected to further impact market demand positively over the next six years. Stringent environmental regulations and volatile raw material prices are expected to remain key challenges for market participants over the forecast period.
Increasing shale gas exploration in the U.S. is expected to benefit the market in terms of ethylene supply, which is a key VAM feedstock and is expected to benefit the market supply. Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) were the major application segments which together accounted for over 85% of total market volume in 2013.
View summary of this report @ http://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/vinyl-acetate-monomer-vam-market
Further key findings from the study suggest:
·         Global VAM market demand was 5,886.4 kilo tons in 2013 and is expected to reach 7,934.2 kilo tons by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 4.4% from 2014 to 2020.
·         Increasing use of photovoltaic cells is expected to drive ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) demand which in turn is expected to have a positive impact on the global VAM market. VAM demand from EVA was valued USD 485.9 million in 2013.
·         Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is expected to register the highest growth rate over the forecast period owing to its increasing demand in packaging, polymer production and plastic bottling applications. VAM demand for EVOH is expected to grow at an estimated CAGR of 5.1% from 2014 to 2020.
·         Asia Pacific was the largest consuming region and accounted for 47.1% of the total market volume in 2013. Increasing construction spending coupled with growing automotive production in emerging markets of China and India is expected to drive the regional market. Asia Pacific is also expected to witness the highest growth rate over the next five years. The region is expected to grow at an estimated CAGR of 4.7% from 2014 to 2020.
·         Global VAM market is moderately concentrated with top four companies; Celanese Corp., Diaren Chemical Corp., Sinopec and LyondellBasell, accounting for just over 50% of the total market in 2013. Competition in the market is primarily characterized by pricing and service offering. Other major companies operating in the market include Dow Chemical Co., Kuraray, Sipchem, Ningxia Yinglite, Wacker Chemie, and Japan VAM & POVAL.
Browse more reports of this category by Grand View Research: http://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry/plastics-polymers-and-resins
For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the VAM market on the basis of application and region:
Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Application Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2012 - 2020)     • Polyvinyl Acetate     • Polyvinyl Alcohol     • Ethylene Vinyl Acetate     • Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol     • Others Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilo Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2012 - 2020)     • North America     • Europe     • Asia Pacific     • RoW
For press release of this report - http://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-vinyl-acetate-monomer-vam-market
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Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, the company offers market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries including technology, chemicals, materials, healthcare and energy.
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