#1500 words jesus
mushroomgothic · 11 months
i have an absolutely disgusting crunch week and a half ahead of me rn and this morning I am frozen in dread unable to do anything about it
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altfire · 1 year
stumbling thumbs-first into a writing project that is. much bigger than i thought
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birdiebortnik · 1 month
I put in the notes of last chapter that the next chapter of msf was gonna be a doozy and by golly I meant it, my fingers are tired
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biueprint · 7 months
are you fucking serious rn. i have 2 different princeton review books for the SAT.
in 5 tests, 3 of them are the exact same.
in one book, it has TWO EXACT TESTS.
in the other book, ITS ONLY TEST IS A COPY.
i am literally going to shit myself. and nobody can stop me.
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missmayhemvr · 2 months
Jesus fuck I just saw the post you replied to today about the US vs the third world, and the replies youve gotten. I'm so sorry people are flattening you into a raceless ("raceless") American monolith and degrading you for getting triggered from generational fucking trauma over wording that on the first read did follow the patterns of international antiblackness from ''leftists''. I'm sorry they're belittling you and using you as an example of "USAmericans thinking they have it the worst out of everyone", that is beyond fucked and you're not crazy, don't let them gaslight you. Idek what to say or how to help but I need to make sure you know that the responders are assholes and what you said was a completely fucking understandable response. Lord. 🫂🫂💕
theres long *long* been discussions of anti-blackness within leftist spaces and they never in hundreds of years have been taken seriously. same with anti-indigenous stuff. always ends up exploding in peoples faces and yet they never learn. they decide its better to target their natural allies than to do the work on their side. and the shit part is within the us and outside the us its the same. and the other dumb shit about it is like no where did i say that black or indigenous americans the most oppressed in the world. i said we have 0 safety, we were begging in the streets to stop being murder by cops on the daily only how many years ago? and how'd that go for us? oh yea, indigenous americas were protesting the land theft and poisoning of their water supplies how long ago? and how well did that go? we have been in these struggles since like the 1500s before america was a thing. its 2024 and im still watching children get murdered in broad daylight, im still watching white people terrorize our communities, im still watching water access being denied to only the black or native parts of a state with zero recourse. hell for some of these peoples that would be quick to throw dispersion on my head, its very literally their families coming here and giving full back and support to the death machine that rolls over bodies like mine and theirs but *shrugs* im just a usamerican that thinks im far more oppressed than everyone else what do i know. not like we've had bombs dropped on us, oh wait.
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nectarinesalt · 5 months
TICK // 11.1 - against all odds
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language)
Word Count: 1500
How can I just let you walk away? Just let you leave without a trace When I stand here taking every breath, with you You're the only one who really knew me at all
February 14, 1984 - junior year
"Your room smells nice."
"Did you expect it to smell bad? Jesus."
Eddie stared at you, standing in his bedroom. You were looking around, your piercing gaze taking in every little detail, which suddenly made Eddie self-conscious.
"Do you have, like, multiple personalities or something, Buckley? I'm getting whiplash from your mood swings," he muttered, dropping the keys to his van on the dresser.
You scoffed, removing your jacket and scarf before laying them out on his bed. You sat on your jacket like it was some kind of protective barrier between yourself and his bedsheets. 
The strange action made Eddie roll his eyes.
Taking time to look at you, Eddie was sure now that you were going through some shit. Your hair was still pristine as always, but the bags under your eyes made you look like a goddamn ghoul.
"Hot chocolate?" you reminded him, running your hands over the tops of your thighs.
Eddie shifted awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, about that. I don't have any hot chocolate, I just said that to lure you in here."
"Again with the homicidal implications, huh, Munson?"
"I do love implications, sunshine," he snapped back with a quick wink. "Woah, woah!"
Standing up suddenly, you grabbed your jacket and made for the door. On your way out, you stopped in front of Eddie.
"Stop calling me sunshine. I don’t like pet names. I’m not your pet," you spat.
Ignoring the jab at his bruised heart, Eddie sneered at you, second-guessing why he even bothered to bring you there to talk. 
"At this point, I think the only thing I know about you is that you're a total asshole."
You paused in the hallway outside of his bedroom. You seemed defeated, like a car that ran out of gas, like a bird giving up after trying to fly with a broken wing.
"Look, I can tell you're not having a great time lately. Obviously," he said, gesturing towards you as a whole, "you're a little off your rocker."
When you didn't respond, Eddie continued. "Let me help you get back on your rocker. Talk to me, tell me things, anything. Tell me about your shitty parents, tell me about your dirty dreams. I care, you know. I'm not about to judge you."
He worried that his pleading would chase you out the door faster, which honestly could be the last straw for Eddie. There was a fine line between trying to help the girl who was hell bent on pushing everyone away and maintaining his own self-respect.
And then you nearly crumpled to the floor, rubbing your eyes with your fingertips.
"I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm sorry about ghosting you again, for leaving after what happened on New Years."
He hadn't expected an apology from you. Sure, he wanted one - but he sure as hell didn’t expect one. 
And then the very last thing he expected from you was the amount of emotion on your face. A mixture of confusion, exhaustion, just a sprinkle of anger.
Unsure of what to say, Eddie scooted towards you, taking a knee on the floor near where you leaned against the dingy wall.
"It's… it's okay. I can't be mad at you. We're both going through our own shit."
"That's no excuse for me to abandon you. Twice."
Eddie chuckled grimly. "Huh, yeah. You did ditch me twice, didn't you?"
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"You mean, besides being a typical teenage girl?" He tried to joke, but immediately felt bad. "Is it about your parents?"
And finally, after months of wondering what the hell you were hiding, the wall you were desperately holding up… fell down.
How can you just walk away from me? When all I can do is watch you leave 'Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all
You told him about your family. You told him about your religion, or ex-religion at this point, and how much it affected the dynamic of you and your parent's relationship.
You had been so used to maintaining your stoic appearance even before you changed your mind about religion. Since you were a small girl, your parents scolded you for crying. If you even laughed too loudly in public, your mother would pinch your arm. You're embarrassing yourself, child.
Your parent's recent divorce was the talk of housewives all over Hawkins, but not necessarily as big as Eddie's father's arrest. More like the hottest gossip amongst adults since back when Hopper went off the rails and banged nearly every woman in town.
You felt responsible for the entire thing. You told Robin about your father's affair, who in turn told your mother. The whole situation was a complete cluster fuck, ending up with your mother moving to Indianapolis and now the Buckley sisters only had your shitty dad. Not that either of you really needed him, though.
Confiding in Eddie about Robin's sexuality and your parent's ridicule was the hardest part, a lone tear crawling down your cheek for the first time in years. You had never said the words out loud before, even to Robin herself. It had always been an unspoken thing between you two.
You were a girl with a lot of feelings built up inside of you, anger bubbling at the surface of your impassive image. 
After growing up in a vicious, judgemental household, Eddie could see exactly why you were so distrusting of others.
Especially new, unpredictable people. Like himself.
And Eddie sat in silence, sitting across the narrow hallway from you. He absorbed every word you spoke. He felt like he was receiving a precious gift, a priceless artifact, deserving of being protected inside of his heart forever. 
In your close proximity, the Munson boy wrapped his outstretched legs loosely around your own legs. You didn't seem to mind.
"Thank you for telling me. Thank you for telling me about your life, Buckley," he mumbled, after a long stretch of silence between them. 
"Are you okay?"
"What?" he questioned, puzzled. 
"About your dad…"
Your eyes lifted to meet his, and Eddie felt like he saw a new clarity there. Your fixed stare was lucid, like a dirty window that was cleaned after years of neglect. And hell, Eddie would cut off one of his limbs to become the worn out rag that cleaned that window forever.
It seemed like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. He admired you, not only for overcoming obstacles in life, but as a physical being. Sour conversation aside, Eddie wanted to hold you. He was still afraid you would run away, disappear for a third time.
He coughed, distracted, looking down the hallway. "Oh, um, well… my dad got locked up for dealing drugs. Now I live here. Not much to say about that."
"But are you okay?"
Thinking for a moment, he tapped his boot against your hip. "I'll be okay. I was planning to move here anyways, remember? No more drunken screaming fights, no more locking me out of the house on a weekly basis. No more broken guitars, either," he laughed. "I've actually been keeping my favorite guitar here at my uncle's for years because of that old angry bastard."
"Unfortunately, Buckley, you aren't the only one with dysfunctional parents. Hate to break it to you." He had one more question for you. "But, on a more personal note. Did I do something wrong?"
You fidgeted in your seat on the floor. "What do you mean, exactly?"
"I guess I know better by now than to take these last few months too personally. We're human, life has its ups and downs. But are we still friends? Why did our friendship, or whatever the hell it was, become collateral damage in all of this?"
No answer from you.
"Are you going to stick around this time? I'm developing abandonment issues over here," he smirked.
His grin grew wider as you actually smiled back at him. Your eyes seemed to glow at him from across the hallway.
"I don't know, you tell me. Can I stay?"
"I'll keep you forever if you let me."
The blush on your cheeks was displayed to him in an almost shameless way, like an offering. And then your next question would have knocked him off his feet if he hadn't already been seated on the floor.
"No, I mean can I stay here tonight?"
Take a good look at me now, 'cos I'll still be standin' here And you coming back to me is against all odds It's the chance I've gotta take
(song lyrics credit: "Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)" by Phil Collins)
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Christ with Three Faces (The Trinity), ca. 1500
Netherlandish School Three Forces Create
This is an important aspect to understand because at the base of all creation is this Solar Logos, or in other words the Cosmic Christ. This force, this energy, is three in one. It is the top triangle of the Tree of Life, also known as the Kabbalah. And this supernal triangle has three spheres in the shape of a triangle. These three are the holy trinity or tri-unity, which are three aspects of one thing. In Kabbalah, or in Hebrew, we know them as Kether, Chokmah and Binah. In Christianity they are called Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And in Hinduism they are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
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The Holy Trinity: Kether, Chokmah, Binah with the Holy Duality or any Holy Family that engenders the True Messiah, who is always Jesus (יהשוה or יהושה), the savior, on the lap of truth; on the ground (Malkuth) is always Moses (the body of willpower or body of Tiphereth, the human soul, מי משה) the faithful shepperd, in the pineal (פניאל) gland of the heavens (HaShemim השמים) of any prophet, by William Blake.
Study the lecture:
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miralines · 2 years
so, thinking about points of inspiration for the different mechs, it’s not at all unreasonable for quite a lot of them to exist together in a (mostly) mundane historical au that keeps their backstory at least somewhat...
Like I’d say all of them but Carmilla and Aurora* can be traced back to a real Earth time and place, and a lot of those are technically close enough together for many of them to meet within natural human lifetimes. A timeline to demonstrate:
Between 100-1 BCE: Ivy, though the actual ending point of the Library of Alexandria is disputed. Caesar burned it in 48 BCE, but there’s evidence it still existed after that.
0 CE: Brian, if we’re assuming that Brian is space Jesus. Brian and Ivy could reasonably know each other in this case. 
between 1300 CE and 1860 CE: Scuzz, though both these ends are fairly unlikely. From my research, it looks like the height of the ninja era in Japan was between 1400 CE-1640 CE.
1400-1500: Possibly Raphaella? She’s a mystery, but based on the advanced science, the angel imagery, and the name, I think there’s the most evidence to put her at some point in the italian renaissance.
circa 1500-1650: Brian, if we’re assuming Brian is a space witch. Most witch hunts occurred within this window. This would put any combination of Brian, Raph, and Scuzz as feasible friends!
1800s: Marius? Like Raph, he’s a mystery, and I am not an expert on historical menswear, but based on the outfit and the baron/doctor thing I think he’s probably at some point in this century.
1837-1901: Toy Soldier’s origin, assuming it’s a victorian automaton. It also does not necessarily have a reasonable death date, as it wasn’t made immortal by Dr. Carmilla.
1865-1895: Jonny
1914-1918: Tim
1918: The historical storming of the winter palace. If Nastya was irl Anastasia, this would put her as being born in 1901
1920s-1940s: Ashes, based on the timeline of the American mafia, which seems to be the point of inspiration. However, that organization was founded in 1861, and it’s theoretically possible for them to come from a time as late as the 1980s, but based on historical mob peaks and costuming, 20s-40s seems most likely.
So depending on exact times (and places where my information or analysis may be incorrect) it’s completely possible to write a historical mechs au set in the 1930s which features Marius and Jonny (possibly also scuzz) as being older, with Tim and Nastya as adults and Ashes as a young adult, and the toy soldier, as usual, present, all within reasonable human lifespans.
*I have a few vague, barely-formed ideas about Aurora, but those are based on like. a handful of words in the forbidden lore. and Carmilla’s post-apocalyptic origin makes it difficult for me to place her in a historical timeline; the future seems far more likely for her. However, if we’re going by the 1872 novel, she could have been born in the 1700s, and if she’s still a vampire could at least meet the majority of the others.
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guillotinna · 1 year
neighbor simon x fem reader halloween pt. 2
Heres the Neighbor! simon halloween continuation literally 1 person asked for. heres pt.1 for context
yall know the drill: MDNI this is 18+ SMUT
Word count: 1500~
As he flexes the hands he placed on your hips, Simon thinks very carefully about his next move. He finally has you where he's wanted you for months. You fit into him so perfectly it's sick. God, he's pathetic. His cute neighbor gives him a few compliments, and he nearly loses it. You stare back at him intently, trying to decipher the myriad of emotions you see in his eyes. "We don't have to if you don't want to. I won't be upset, you know, " you whisper as you run your hands through his hair. He can't even believe you think he wouldn't want this. In fact, he's fighting for his life right now. "God, no. I mean, yes, I want this, but not just this." He coyly buries his face into your midsection, but you see the soft red that highlights the tip of his ears. Cute. "Simon. Look at me. " You gently move your hands from where they were clasped behind his neck to his cheeks, lifting his head to face you. You find tired eyes staring back at you. Eyes that tell you this same situation has happened before, and it didn't end well. "Simon, I mean it when I say I truly don't think you could get rid of me if you wanted to. It's hard to sleep when I don't hear you on the other side of that wall. It's hard for me to not bother you any chance I get. It's so god damn hard not to moan your name when I have random guys over. Fuck". Now it's your turn to hide. As you tuck your face into his neck, you continue. "So Many nights I think how you could have fucked me better. I think about what recipes I should make for you because I know you forget to eat. I think about what excuses I can make to get you to come over. All the time, it's just you. What have you done to me Simon Riley?".
When you feel his grip tighten around you even more, you decide you've waited enough. You grab his face again but this time, your meet in the middle. As you take each other in, tongues prodding at each other, you feel Simon shift under you. You begin kissing down his neck. "I reaallly" *Kiss* "don’t" *kiss* "want" *kiss* "this" *kiss* "to be a onetime thing". As your tongue trails down his throat, he can't help but swear out loud that he will do everything in his power for this to not be a one and done situation. "F- fuck. Love, please just-". That sign enough for you. As you rise slightly, you drag the tiny, joke of a skirt you were wearing up exposing tight lace panties. You huff a laugh as "Jesus fuck" leaves Simon's mouth. While you're still raised up, you start working on the button and zipper of his cargo pants. You bite your lip as you both stare down at his hard cock. It's already leaking, leaving a small stain on his boxers. Jesus fuck is right. You start to slowly stroke him over the fabric, eagerly taking in any and every groan that slips past his lips. Simon had already realized his crush on you was bad but with your hand on his dick and ass in his hands, he's coming to realize this may be worse than he thought.
"Please love. Need mo- more. Fuck". As you nip the space under his ear, you can't help but oblige. You finally slip your hand in his boxers, pumping him faster, kissing him harder and tightening the grip your free hand had on his nape. You both watch as his cock twitches, aching to cum. "Fuck already?" You wonder aloud. Shit. "Sorry, that sounded bad again. You're just so fucking hot, might actually die if we don't keep going" you explain. You relax a little when he lets out a small chuckle followed by a groan. "You and me both love" you place your lips on his hoping that might stop you from blurting our anymore out of pocket statements. That, and you just really want to kiss him. As your kiss gets deeper and Simon's pants get heavier, the hand you hand on his neck finds its way to his balls. "Ngn- holy shit" Simon exclaims and his heads tips back onto the couch. "Keep going. Please fuck" you keep pumping him until he comes with a groan that sends a wave of arousal through you. As Simon catches his breath, you bring your fingers to your mouth for a taste, moaning around them as you lick the cum off. "More?" "Yes. God yes. Please don’t stop" you stand up to remove the skirt as well as the constricting top you had on. Clad only in your bra and underwear you drag your hands under Simon's shirt to remove it. "Shit. You really were hiding stuff under those layers". He cheekily replies with a breathy "told you".
Once you get him down to your ideal state of undress, you settle yourself back on his lap. Grabbing his hand in yours, you guide him to the lace panties he swears he's seen in his dreams. Using his fingers, you move the fabric covering your hole to the side. Simon tries to keep his fingers there longer but you're past that, you need his cock. Now. You steady yourself on top of his lap while he makes his grip on your waist impossibly tighter. As you slip yourself onto him, you bite your lip, sighing. He grunts as he bottoms out.
Giving him barely anytime to adjust, you lift yourself up just to slam back down on his huge dick. "Fuck. Easy there love". "Can't. Need you so bad. Please Simon, I- nng need it". This might be the night he dies, he's sure of it. Death by pussy. Not a bad way to go if you ask him. As you grind yourself on him even faster, he moves his hands to your thighs. "Y/n, shit- if you don't slow down ah- I'm gonna- fuuckk" you ignore his halfhearted warning and continue riding him. God he's massive. Shit. You look down and let out a long moan once you realize you can see the bulge of his dick as he plunges in you. Curious as to what elicited that noise from your pretty lips, he follows your line of sight to the small bump in your stomach. "Fuck". Simon growls, grip returning to your hips as he starts thrusting up into you. "Ah- Jesus Christ. How did you manage to get deeper" you ask as you snake one of your hands over the bulge his cock makes. As you press down, you clench around him leading you to both let out loud moans. "Y/n. Y/n if you- shit, If you do that again I'll cum". God, he just had to fall for a fucking minx.
You push even harder on the bulge, soon moving one of Simon's hands to it as well. "God I can't believe how big you are. How fucking deep, you get. You're incredible" at this point, you don't even know what words are falling out of your mouth but as he twitches inside you and you feel that telltale heat build in your stomach, you know you won't be doing much talking in a minute. Feeling both of your approaching climaxes, Simon thrusts harder, grunting as you tighten around him even more. "Shit shit shit shit fuck ng-" he comes inside you hard with your release following shortly behind. You slump against his chest while you both catch your breaths.
After a few minutes of silence, he asks "were you right?". Confused, you ask if you were right about what. "Right about me being a better fuck than those pricks you've been with". Sensing his cheekiness, you reply with "I don't know you tell me, have you ever heard those sounds come from me when you listened with your ear against my wall". Simon feigns offense swearing he was a gentleman who would never...until you ask him how Many of your hookups, he's "accidently overheard" on purpose. He evades the question by kissing you deeply and helping you off his lap. He’s off the hook this time but you'll get the answer eventually. Even if you have to fuck it out of him. As you both begin to gather yourselves, the reality of the situation sets in.
Except you don't feel the sense of doom and anxiety you had honestly expected. Instead, you see the goofy smile painted on Simon's face, marks on his neck, and cum on his lap and revel in the man you finally get to call yours. As you go to the bathroom to clean up, Simon stays planted on the couch, grinning still. This was real. You really chose him. No one had done that before. He can't help but smile. Finally, he has you. In his arms, in his heart, in his mind, hell, even his bed. He doesn’t have to dream anymore, he truly has you and absolutely nothing could take you away from him. Fuck, he was in deep.
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TW: Public fondlings. Smuttiness (in teasing and vulgar dirty talk). Language. 
SUMMARY: John B finds entertainment between your legs on this otherwise boring hayride. 
As adolescent and even childish as it might seem, you couldn’t hide your excitement for the hayride consisting of your core group of friends set on hay bales on the back of some tractor. Uncomfortable as it had been while you sat between his legs and allowed everyone else the minor comfort you were denied, the way you were able to rest against John B had more than made up for it. Those strong arms wrapped around your waist and your head at rest at his shoulder, you were in such peace, even as the cart would buckle beneath you, taking every lift and curve with minimal control against its suspension while he would pull you tighter. 
“You cold?” He asked against your ear, his breath contradicting to the shivers taking each of your nerves captive. To mend this, he draped his plaid shirt over your lap, your legs bending  beneath it and moving closer to your chest as his fingers came to rest on your thighs. 
“Maybe we should get you some apple cider to warm you up or something…” You shrugged. 
“Or something…” You readjusted over him, forcing his fingers to trace against your sex, just enough to make your breath hitch for him. 
“You don’t want to wait?” You shook your head ‘no’ as he would smirk, allowing an amused exhale to leave his lips before that same parting of his mouth would come to your ear. 
“But I know for a fact that my girlfriend’s a screamer…and as much as I want all of them to know how little it takes to make you come for me…I think I’d rather save those little moans for me…” But as he threatened to lift his hand away from between your thighs, you would cause your nails to eat into the flesh of his wrist. 
“Please, John B…I’ll be so quiet…”
“And what about those faces you make for me? Eyes closed like you’re trying to crush ‘em…Mouth parted…Not to mention how you shake…mmm…” He moaned against you, his arousal now prominent at your lower back as he managed to arouse himself at the thought of you together. 
“I know you are…I can feel you already soaking your panties, baby…” You nodded against him as he let out a sigh, his silent surrender coming in the form of his fingers to your panties. 
“Gotta be quiet for me…I don’t want them to know just how desperate you are for me…” He kissed your cheek softly, Kie offering a smirk almost as if to say ‘how sweet’ as she was otherwise none the wiser to the way his fingers were now inside of your panties, pulling at your clit from the cover of his flannel. 
“Jesus christ, you’re needy…” 
“Mmm hmmm…” Your voice shook as this caused him to chuckle. 
“She okay?” JJ asked when noticing your eyes close as your body stiffen. John B feigned ignorance by pulling himself to view you, drawn into the way you struggled to his fingers continuing to rub your clit, quickening as the attention was now on you. 
“She’s getting a bit of motion sickness, I think…Is that what it is, baby?” You only nodded, willing to agree to absolutely anything if it meant knowing his touch. 
“And she’s a bit cold…” He added as Pope’s interest was taken to you in concern, followed by Kiara, until the decorations set in the distant field had been enough to draw their attention elsewhere. 
“I’m not stopping, baby…but you’ve gotta try harder for me. I don’t want to embarrass you.” You bobbed your head quickly, “But I will…” Your eyes rolled as your nails would leave claw marks in his skin, all while he smirked wildly at the idea of you coming any second just by the simple rubbings of his middle finger. 
“God, I’m going to have to have you be extra loud for me next time…I’m missing those moans…” Your second hand came to his leg beside you, tearing into the jean fabric as he scoffed against your cheek. 
“I’m only going to do one finger so you have a better chance at being quiet-”
“John B…” You whimpered as he would set a series of soft shushes against your ear as he penetrated you slowly with that thick finger, curving into a bend and finding THAT spot he knew well. The bumps and lifts from the tractor would periodically send his touch even deeper, even slipping away, either way, bringing you to moan in the discomfort of repressed satisfaction. 
“You can’t ride my hand this time, sweetheart-”
“Two, please, John B…two…” You turned your head to remain unheard by those in earshot, your grip of desperation continuing as he would only find amusement and humor in your struggles. 
“Only because you ask so pretty…” The relief of further pressure let you breathe a literal sigh of ease as  these fingers would pump into you, the pleasure allowed by his touch having sent you onto the verge of your release. 
“I can feel you tightening and I know you’re close, but you’ve gotta come quietly for me.”
“It feels so good…” You spoke behind clenched teeth as JJ suddenly noticed the way the blanket shifted, a look of judgment cast to John B, who would only smirk when your back arched from him. But being the dutiful friend he was, he would avert the other pogues attention to the opposite direction so you would be spared further embarrassment. 
“We don’t have a lot of time…” He groaned, taking you to the edge of the tractor where he could bend you over the ledge. JJ was asking the driver a multitude of questions, diverting any focus that may fall at you now to him, being as boisterous and obnoxious as ever as it allowed you the chance to utter some breathy pleas and moans as John B had you bent over his hand with his other grip came to your breast. Luckily, the path chosen by this trail was otherwise deserted, meaning you could broadcast that coming ‘o face’ without a worry of being seen by any passerbyers. 
“Feel good baby?”
“Oh my God, John B…” You mewled as he nodded towards you, a kiss to your neck sending your eyes into a roll as your fingers gripped around the fencing of the tractor’s trailer until your knuckles drew white. Once they had, his fingers interalced with his left hand, while his dominant one would remain steadfast to your sex. A thumb to your clit and two fingers pistoning into you, curving and teasing, until your repetitive pleas were enough for him to take sympathy on you. 
“Yeah, baby? You wanna come?”
“Please please please please….”
“Okay sweetheart, let me have it…let go for me…”
“I want you inside-” Your voice cut off as he had already held your skirt high enough to allow himself access to you, his cock slipping in effortlessly from the foreplay bringing perfect lubrication to the forefront. Meanwhile, JJ, Kie, and Pope were arguing over some of the crops, your mutual friends mostly ignorant to your motions, all except the blonde surfer, who was too distracting for anyone to notice you. 
“Fuck, the things you convince me of…” He chuckled before bottoming out inside of you. “I’ve gotta move slow but I won’t last long…damn pussy’s got me whipped enough to come on the spot-”
“I want you to come inside me…” You groaned as he growled behind you. 
“Then clench for me, sweetheart.” You nodded, doing so, as these small motions would be enough to bring you both to that precipice. The join of rough patches of earth bringing him deeper inside of you would bring your fingers tighter around the wood as an outlet for the sounds you couldn’t express as he would use your shoulder and neck for his own source of muffling his moans. 
“John B-”
“I’m close baby, come with me.” He grunted, his motions swift but deep as you would feel him spill into you, your own slick joining with his as he would pull out of you as Kie would reference you two. 
“Shit, are you two okay?” Due to this angle, it appeared as if you were preparing to get sick, something added by the grip he held in your hair, a more lecherous of intentions having appeared innocuous to them. 
“I feel better…” You validated to everyone as he would fix your skirt, leaving each of them to understand what had transpired, but none of them were willing to comment. Instead, they would endure the rest of the ride in awkward silence as you wrapped yourself in John B’s arms, all while JJ flashed a shit-eating grin that you couldn’t understand the reason behind. Unaware that he had ‘helped’ this moment transpire for you two. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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17gz · 1 month
it still baffles me that i knew this friend for 6 fucking years and we had a convo abt their partner that lasted over 8 hours where they fully acknowledged all the bullshit their partner puts them through where even I LEARNED SHIT THEIR PARTNER DID TO THEM... they even acknowledged that every single person in their life hates their partner. to the point that it made them cry. they had so long to break up with that person so that we could renew our lease and fix shit. we all made it clear that the living situation depended on their relationship with that person and that we could not continue living with them.
(little break here to say: we were originally planning on splitting the rent 4 ways when their partner got evicted. we had an ENTIRE CONVO ABOUT THIS. it would have been abt $775 per person which is IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND IN NYC. i knew their partner was having a hard time financially so i said maybe they could contribute max $500 per month, closer to $200-$250 per month whether thats covering utilities, or groceries, or making someone elses rent easier to pay. i said i was VERY comfortable meeting them where they were as long as it was above $100 a month. which is fucking reasonable for an able bodied employed person. which this person was. and they talked alllll this big shit abt usually paying $1500 for rent but being in a tough financial position. and no matter how many times i said "thats unreasonable, thats out of all of our budgets, lets stick to something under $500 and start with that to make this work" they REFUSED to listen. and then ended up paying ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THE FOUR MONTHS THEY STAYED THERE RENT FREE MOOCHING.)
this person did not contribute a fucking cent for any of us. this person actively made OUR SPACE a fucking hellish nightmare to live in and made it SO FUCKING HOSTILE. CONSTANTLY RACIST AND HOMOPHOBIC AND TRANSPHOBIC AND FATPHOBIC.... literally a closeted terf
and when it came down to making a decision. when there were months leading to weeks to days where you'd been aware of all of this and we were all waiting for you to rip the bandaid off. you chose them over your friends who were there for you through literally everything.....
and they have the nerve to treat us like we're the villains in this..... im glad none of our friends are believing a word they've said... but jesus....
oh this isnt the first 2 people they've done this to btw...
like jesus christ you are a lost cause theres no help for you, you hit rock bottom every 5 minutes but refuse to acknowledge that you are the one causing all the problems and instability around you because other people can only take so fucking much...... emphasis on SO FUCKING MUCH.... i cant even fully describe all the shit i have seen + SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SEEN.
good lord i just cant believe i wasted 6 fucking years of my life trying to see the best in this person when 1) they would NEVER EVER do this shit for us and 2) THERE IS NO recognition of wrongdoing on their end. everyone is wrong but them. they're obviously the victim....
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Still Here/ 5
Pairing- Hongjoong x Named Reader
Word count- 2k
Includes- n/a
Tag List- @umbralhelwolf
@fairygirl18 @jo-hwaberry @mingtina
@jaxxmine @yeosayang
@tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe
@meowmeowminnie @woo-stars
@borntowalkaway @usagionthered @a-teez-4-exo @kjqueen05 @jejeyeppeo
@soibean1922 @san-realblkwife
Series Masterlist
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Hongjoong POV
Opening her apartment door, she steps in and turns the light on, with me following
I can't believe I'm actually here
I can't believe she's actually mine
My girlfriend
Holy shit
"So uh, this is basically it", she says gesturing to her studio apartment
There's a small couch and coffee table, both facing a flat screen tv, her bed in the corner of the room, a small kitchen
"No bathroom?", I joke
"Haha, it's back there", she says pointing to a door at the back of the apartment
"It's nice. I like it", I say, looking around at all the things she has on display
I catch sight of a big bookshelf by her bed
I love reading
I can't wait to look at her books
"You don't have to lie, I know it's small"
My hand goes in to hers as I say, "I'm not lying jagi. I do like it a lot. I promise"
"Thanks", she says, smiling softly, "So uh you can sit wherever. There's not many places. Just my couch or bed"
"Where ever you want jagi"
She shrugs then plops down on her bed
Ok then
I swallow, forcing myself to not be nervous as I sit next to her
"So....", she says
"You want to know about me", I finish
"Well yeah. I never thought vampires were real. But you're real. It's kinda hard to wrap my head around"
"Yeah. It's a long story with some parts not very uh...good"
I look down, wondering how I'm going to explain about Kye-geum
Her hand touched my cheek softly, lifting my face
"Baby, please remember that whatever you say will not make me run from you. I love you", she tells me, "Please don't lie ok?"
"I won't jagi. I'll never lie to you, I swear", I promise
She nods, "So how old are you?"
"25", I ask
"Ok how long have you been 25?"
"A long time", I answer
"Numbers Joongie"
"Two thousand sixty five years"
"So you're two thousand sixty five years old?"
I nod
"Hold shit! You're an old man!"
I laugh, "Yeah"
"A very hot old man"
"Thanks", I answer, feeling a little shy
"So are you like the vampires from the movies and tv shows?"
I snort, "No"
"Continue", she says, looking interested
"I'm an old world vampire"
"Old world?"
I nod, "Old world vampires are different from new world vampires. First off old world vampires are ancient and come from Europe and Asia. New world vampires are a species of vampires from the Americas and were created in the 1500s. New world vampires are like evil monsters because they lose their souls, making them morally exempt. They like to kill when they feed. Their whole faces change when they have their "vampire face" on. The sun affects them, they're easier to kill. Wooden stakes, holy water and crosses work on them. And they turn to dust when killed"
"And that stuff doesn't do anything to you?"
I shake my head
"Ok let's go one by one", she says
"Sure jagi"
"The sun?"
"Does nothing. I can walk in the sun no problem"
"Huh. Immortality?"
"Crosses and holy water?"
"Does nothing. But belladonna and nightshade act like holy water does for the new world vampires. It burns us badly, like acid. It can take skin completely off and it takes awhile to heal from it"
"Jesus, have you-"
I nod, "I've been around for a long time jagi and yeah I've had that stuff thrown at me. It hurts and is mostly used to incapacitate old world vampires so they can be killed. We're a lot harder to kill"
"So, you're durable?"
"Very. Instant healing. Heightened senses. Super strength, super speed, agility. The older the vampire the stronger they are"
She eyes my arms asking, "You're old Joongie. That means you're one of the strongest vampires?"
I nod, "Yeah"
"I knew you were strong", she says, "When I touched your arms, your chest, I knew you were strong"
"I am jagi but I would never hurt you"
Her eyes move to mine, "I know Joongie"
She presses her lips to mine in a soft kiss, making me sigh happily
When the kiss ends, she continues the conversation
"Wooden stakes do nothing?"
I shake my head, "No. Silver hurts us. Silver stake to the heart kills us. Beheading kills us. Setting us on fire kills us. And we don't turn to dust. That's an easy clean up. When we're killed our body desiccates. We have to be buried or burned"
"Damn", she says
"Don't worry baby, we're extremely hard to kill. No one has ever come close to killing me"
She nods, "Ok baby because I don't know what I'd do if you died"
I touch her hair softly, looking at her lovingly, "I'm not going to die jagi. Don't worry ok?"
She nods, "Is there anything else I should know about your uh abilities?"
I swallow hard, hoping she doesn't think what I say next I've done to her
"Old world vampires can do mind compulsion"
"Which is?"
"Making humans do whatever we want them to. It's kind of like hypnosis. We can make humans forget things, making them do things we want them to do, sometimes against their will"
She looks at me uncomfortably, "And how do you do that?"
"Our eyes. When we want to compel someone we look in their eyes. I'm told our eyes dilate a lot when we're compelling someone and the people fall under the compulsion that way"
"I've never done that to you jagi. I swear. And I never would"
She smiles, "I know Joongie. Don't worry, I know"
I breathe out in relief
Thank god she knows
"You said something about a soul?"
"Uh yeah, old world vampires keep them. Any old world vampire that's evil is because they were evil people or they turned off their humanity. Most of us are the same as we were before we were turned. For new world vampires, the vampiric demon takes over and it's not the same person. It has the memories of the person, it looks like the person but it's not truly them. And since the demon takes over they're mostly evil and violent."
"Oh god. Those things are out there?"
"Yeah baby but mostly in the Americas. Most vampires here are old world"
She nods then looks at me, "When you say turn of your humanity.."
"It's basically like turning off your feelings. It allows an old world vampire to...be evil. To have no conscience so killing isn't a problem. Most of the time it can happen when the vampire turning their humanity off has great loss and wants to escape that feeling. It's almost impossible to get a vampire who turned their humanity to turn it back on"
"Because you have to get them to care about something to turn it back on and when it's off they don't care about anything"
"Have you-"
"No I haven't. Even when there was loss in my life I never even considered it. I didn't want to be a monster"
"You can never be a monster Joongie. Never", she says softly, holding my hand
I'm so glad she doesn't think I'm a monster
Most people's would think that just because I'm a vampire
"There's one more thing you should know about old world vampires"
"Tell me"
"Some become rippers. The bloodlust is too much and out of control for them. They're called ripper's because when they feed they tear the human apart. It's not their fault unless they're actively not trying to control their blood lust. If they embrace it. I'm not a ripper, I've never been one. Seonghwa has though"
"Hwa? He seems so chill"
"Yeah he was when we was first turned. He massacred villages and cities for the first three hundered years of his life"
Her eyes are wide, her mouth dropped, "What made him stop?"
"He met me. I helped him. I showed him how to feed without killing. And any time he slipped up, I helped him. He's been good for a few hundred years. And S/w/n is there to help him now"
She nods, "Ah ok. And S/w/n is a vampire too?"
"Yeah. She's actually one of the strongest vampires out there"
"She's that old?"
I shake my head, "She's around five hundred years or so but she was a vampire slayer before she was turned and when she was turned, her vampire strength added to her slayer strength"
"Uh ok. What's a vampire slayer?"
I spend a few minutes explaining what a slayer is, what they do, their abilities and Seonghwa's and S/w/n history
"Holy crap that's an amazing love story", she says when I finish
"Yeah. He's lucky she didn't kill him on sight"
"Really lucky", she agrees, "So how about the other guys?"
"Well Wooyoung is a vampire but W/w/n is still a human."
"Ahh so I'm not the only human"
"No jagi you're not", I answer, then continue, "Jongho's wife is actually the first vampire ever created so she's the oldest and the only one to rival S/w/n in strength"
"The first? Oh wow"
I nod, "Yeah. San's wife is a vampire and she was a doppelganger"
I take a minute to explain to her what a doppleganger is
"Yeosang's wife is a werewolf vampire hybrid, Mingi's is a vampire. Yunho's isn't a vampire. She's a powerful witch who was his guard in his time. Her life force is connected to his so she lives as long as he does"
"Damn Joongie. Did you guys meet before ATEEZ?"
I nod, explaining how we all met and giving her cliff notes of everyone's history and their ages
"Jesus Christ, you all have so much history together. It's kinda cool how you all met them decided to become a kpop group"
"Yeah well we all liked singing, dancing, rapping once that became popular. We had so many other careers throughout the centuries but nothing like kpop. We hid before but not anymore"
"Well you guys are amazing"
"Thanks jagi"
She nods and silence falls between us
"Uh Joongie, how....", she trails off
"How did I become a vampire?", I ask
I know that she's curious
I told her about the other guys but not me
I know my history is the one she cares about the most
"Uh yeah"
I don't want to spend the whole night talking about me though
"I can tell you but I also want to know about you"
I don't know much about her life, just that she lives in this apartment alone and she has no family here
"Me? My life isn't as exciting as yours. It's boring"
I shake my head, "Not to me jagi. I love you and I want to know everything about you"
Her face turns a cute shade of red
I kiss her cheek, laughing, "So cute"
She turns even more red, "Fine. But after you tell me about you"
"Just one thing before you tell me"
"Are you really dead?"
"Yeah jagi. Vampires are dead. I have no heart beat. I don't need to breathe. My skin is cold. I don't eat food. I can but it does nothing for me. I eat just for the taste of the food"
"You drink blood?"
I nod
"Blood bags. We get them from the hospitals and blood banks. And if none are available from humans. But I compel them not to feel pain and I only take what I need. I don't kill people when I feed. I never have"
"But you killed people before?"
I nod, "I have"
She doesn't say anything to that, just asking me another question, "But you do breathe", she says, "You said you don't but I've heard you sigh, I've seen your chest move"
"It's my body's involuntarily response. It's always breathed so I've let it keep working that way, but I don't need to. I also do it to blend in with people. It'd be weird if I was standing next to a human and they noticed I'm not breathing"
"Huh. I didn't think about that. You're right"
I nod
We need to blend in especially since we're idols and ATINY pay attention to everything
We don't need any rumors or anything
"So tell me about you Joongie. How did you become a vampire?"
"Well I was born in 32 b.c....."
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alharringtonfan · 6 months
Jesus Christ I am so impulsive it's insane. I just wrote a five paragraph, 1500-word long, politically-charged rant and MIRACULOUSLY changed my mind and decided not to post it in the end. Am I finally cured??? I feel like God Himself put his hand over mine and said "No. Stop. Get some help."
I seriously need to hire someone to hold me back me when this happens. I'm sick of scaring people away with my political shit. Sometimes you're just so deep in internet lore that you forget that no one really cares and that you're just wasting your time by being a part of the culture war. You won't change their minds, they won't change yours. So why bother?
How will a man ever love a woman as autistic as this? Sigh...
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Disney Villain Polycule Posts Part 4 - DV'Cule SQUAD UP
Holy shit welcome to over 1500 words of actual prose becuase the muse has a glock to my head and won't take no for an answer. This is the first time I've written actual prose since I graduated...three years ago?! MAN. DV'Cule stops for nobody.
Mal's been snubbed politically, and her partners assemble to plan VENGANCE. Enjoy! Under a cut because jesus christ I'm not going to kill your dashboards like that.
“You’re kidding me.”
Jafar shifted in place, eyes locked somewhere in the dark beyond the Underworld throne room. “No.”
“You. Are kidding me.”
“Hades. I like to think I wouldn’t attempt to frame this as something so trivial as a joke.”
Said God of the Dead made to roll his eyes, but Jafar could see the way they kept flicking over to the darkness he himself was trying so intently to parse. He hoped a Cthonic God could see further into it than him.
“I just- what purpose does that serve, y’anno??” He gestured wildly as he spoke, and Jafar can’t help the habitual appreciation for Hades’ long, thin, expressive hands even as most of his energy is aimed toward attempting to fix the situation they’d been dumped into this morning. “It’s so cliché! It’s a repeat so stupid even Snoring Beauty wouldn’t have thought of it! I just- Just- What the hell was the aim here??!”
A cold draft and echoing breath comes from the stairs to their right. “The aim is of no importance.”
They turn toward the Horned King as he ascends the final steps, the foot of his robe sodden with Styx water. “The intent was to insult and it was...successful. What matters-” Jafar narrowed his eyes as bits of charred fur fall from the back of the matted stole. “-is how we move forward from here.”
“Well we know that!” Hades huffed and threw himself onto the raised dais of a throne, snapping his fingers for a flame so the King could begin drying off. A small ‘hmm’ of thanks came from the lich’s chest as he began to gently steam.
Jafar takes the moment to take a deep breath in and out, turning from the window. He makes contact with the King’s eye sockets and finds he can’t even muster up the energy for their usual biting commentary. By Allah, what a day. “...How is she?”
His Majesty sighed. “I suspect it is worse than we initially thought.” Both god and sorcerer suppressed a wince. “She had already destroyed several chambers by the time I was able to reach her. By the time I did she would not acknowledge me, nor respond verbally.”
“Fantastic.” Jafar rubbed at his temples, feeling a migraine coming on.
“...She also seemed to be stuck between forms.”
“Well Shit.”
“Language.” He can’t stop the reprimand before it slips out, an incredible sticking point from being forced to help raise a bratty little princess that made his teeth grind.
Luminous yellow eyes narrowed. “Fuck the Mouse and Fuck You, this is my home and I’ll swear when I feel it’s appropriate. Which is now!” Hades flame roared orange for a brief moment before smoothing back to blue. Jafar doesn’t miss how it remained several feet down his arms and robes.
He feels the fizz of magic under his suddenly forked tongue and makes the effort to swallow it down before he starts spitting venom in the literal sense. No need for that towards his allies. Lovers. Confidants. All of that and whichever.
Hades finally takes notice of the burnt back of the King’s robes. His eyes widen. “Fuck. She, uh, she didn’t..?”
Jafar knows that that is as far as any of them are willing to ask, but holds his breath anyway.
He can’t describe the relief when the King started shaking his head almost immediately. “No, no this was...” he grimaces. “...accidental.” He seems to gather himself, almost as if bracing, and growls. “Part of the ceiling came down. I flinched. Stumbled backward into a brazier and caught alight.” he folds his arms, and Jafar feels his face twist as he catches another whiff of the Styx all but pouring off the lich, ice cold and faintly ringing with voices. “She flung me into the river to put me out. May have miscalculated the force. I was almost thrust upon the shores of Acheron.”
Jafar feels more than sees the air escape Hades lungs and lets him slump back on the throne with no further comment.
That part of their contract is written in blood and stone – they may be villains, but to raise magic, hand and/or weapon against each other would be an instant nullifier, and Jafar knows he’s not the only one afraid that their entire partnership would unravel if but one of them turned on another.
They aren’t good, and they’re well aware of it. One can only hope that keeping this arrangement mutually beneficial keeps it stable. For now, at least.
“I assume Charon was able to fish you out?” he asked. The bony boatman seemed able to materialise out of the river at will.
The unmistakable sound of squelching and popping heralded their final arrival. “Oho no, angelfish, that was all me.” Ursula hefted herself gracefully over the windowsill, tentacle arms braced against the stonework. “His Highness swims like a rock. All that fur doesn’t help.” She snickered. Said undead royalty raised his shoulders in the approximation of a shrug.
“I stopped being able to float about five centuries ago. Were the current not so strong I would have walked back along the river bed. The banks are too sheer to climb up.”
“That’s by design.” Hades grumbled. “You have any idea how many schmucks used to climb out and wander off?? It was a nightmare. The imps used to have to herd them all into the floodplains so I could blast them back in four times a week.”
“Regardless.” Jafar strode forward, before stopping suddenly. “The throne room is twenty stories high. Ursula. Why. The stairs are right there.”
The sea witch inspected her fingernails. “Stairs are for two legs, walls are for eight.” She smacked her lips and grinned. “And I’m not wasting magic on shapeshifting when I can get here and look good at the same time, sweetheart.”
Jafar tried very very hard to not imagine Ursula latched to the ceiling like some kind of vast, malicious, be-tentacled bat and resolved not to walk near to any of the underworlds walls for fear of ambush. Ursula finally seemed to bore of her fingernails and slid further into the room.
“Anyway, I can confirm what the tabloids are blowing bubbles about.” At this her grin dropped. “Invites for the newest arrivals welcome have been issued to everyone.” She glanced at the King and emphasised. “Everyone. Except our Dragon.”
They reabsorb the news with a background of malcontent and dash of something vile.
Maleficent had been seen by the general populace and, eventually, the forces of good as the de facto leader of the Disney Villains for decades. This wouldn’t nearly have rankled so hard if no villains had been invited – that would just be a moral difference and a wish for a quiet party, which they could have left alone.
No. Someone had gone out of their way to not only invite every villain under the sun, including those ignored for decades (no offence to the Horned King, but he kept to himself and when thought of it tended to be with horror), but specifically exclude Maleficent. That’s personal. That’s petty.
That’s downright stupid given that the disrespect shown in exactly the same manner regarding the royal christening of Aurora led to a 16 year curse.
It’s a great big, giant flag absolutely daring her to do something about it.
Jafar gripped his staff so hard his knuckles cracked. “She’s being baited.”
The Horned King’s eyes were already beginning to take on a faint scarlet glow. “The situation requires caution. If she reacts, especially violently, she will lose face, and so will we as a faction.”
“And if she does nothing it tips our hand to our enemies and invites a repeat.” Ursula snarls. The King growled, but did not back down.
“...A united front then.”
They turn to look at him. “The other villains have already seen the jab and will be expecting a riposte. Failing to do so highlights weakness and opportunists within our ranks will not hesitate to explore the new power balance, which is tedious to put down.” He twirls his beard around one finger, not missing the way Hades eyes light up as the elder god cottons on to his line of thinking. “We have kept the nature of our...arrangement obscure enough that reacting as a unit highlights our allyship without revealing anything more than is strictly necessary.”
“It also demonstrates that we are not as separate as the heroes would like to believe, even in matters that do not seemingly concern us individually.” His Majesty nodded. “I am willing to continue with this course of action.”
Hades clapped his hands together, flame crackling. “Get in, cause a scene, block the doors, get some popcorn for Mal’s next level retaliation. Heh, if I didn’t know any better I’d say this is the best date you’ve ever suggested, Jaffy!”
“Don’t call me Jaffy.” His face betrayed him, he can’t stop smiling. A manic thing that made him look wrong in all sorts of lighting. He knew made his partners weak in the knees.
“Aaaalright then.” Hades cracked his knuckles. “HK, Ursie, call up your mens! I’ll get the word out to Sephie and Facilier – feels like Mal’s on the move towards Asphodel so I’ll head out that way and lay out the plan to her, see if she wants us to do anything extra juicy.” He licked his fangs and dropped his voice and Jafar wasn’t going to get weak knees while plotting, he wasn’t, he wasn’t-
“Alright then.” He chuckled, drinking in three faces full of vitriol and malicious compliance. “Let’sssss crash thissss party.”
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carissa3mae · 9 months
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Happy Holidays to everyone that celebrates! 🎄 There are multiple holidays in this month of December and today's is Xmas! Believe it or not, "Xmas" is not a recent term, but rather, it was coined sometime in the 1500s, gaining roots from the Greek letter "X" which is representative of the Greek word "Χριστός," which can be translated to "Chrīstos," meaning "Christ."
Another fun fact is that Saint Nicholas was not German, but he was a 4th century Christian monk, more than likely of Greek descent, having lived in Patara near Myra, which is known as the modern-day Turkey. 🎅 It was said that he had helped three sisters escape prostitution by their father by bestowing them dowry. Saint Nicholas is now known as the patron saint of children, having helped many through their lives by the power of gift-giving. 🎁
In the early centuries of Christianity, acknowledgement of birthdays was frowned upon and considered a pagan tradition, so the birthdate of Jesus Christ is, in history, unknowable. Thanks to Pope Julius I, Christians celebrate Jesus' birth on December 25th, a date relatively close to the Winter Solstice, as I discussed several days ago. ❄️ It was only between 800 - 900 AD that Christmas started to become accepted within the Roman Catholic Church.
Whichever holiday you celebrate this season, I wish you joy and peace throughout the holiday season and every single day of your lives. Have a wonderful holiday! 😁
What is your favorite memory from this year?
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*takes a breath through gritted teeth* Anyway, I managed to recover most of what I wrote from memory but I wasted an extra forty minutes rewriting it. Fuck, I need a drink.
(I say as someone who's craziest drink is fucking cranberry juice.)
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