#Did you know Gambit was my fav? :D
carrinth · 4 months
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Soooo I watched X-Men 97 and these two are my favourites. I'm so glad nothing bad happened and Kurt and Remy just spent their whole night bonding as future brother-in-laws. 🙃
"Nein... Nein... listen... listen! We drop him in the middle of the ocean, ja? Then you go in... and sweep her off her feet!"
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kennysmoviepage · 1 month
Here is a list of all time favorite marvel and dc sagas among the biggest crossover list to see who is the baddest of them all or is it too close to say whom is the heavy weight champ of super hero lore?
Which would you vote for as the best
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A) Deadpool
B) X-men Including X-men Days of Future Past and all the trilogies which X-men was the fav as we saw the rise of Professor X and Magnetto whom were a pretty damn good duo. They never got Gambit right until thank god for Deadpool once again saving the day.
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However the clash of Deadpool origins as one describes his creation from a lab project gone wrong hence the first fight of Wolverine Origin and Deadpool in X-men Origina and the more current version of his timeline in which actually FRANCIS would not of been the object of hate much like wolverines hate for the Trucker in his original Wolverine Origins. Deadpool would have then been even more a foe of Wolverine but Wolverine maid it difficult for that Deadpool to even be a side note
Logan was maybe one of my stand alone Wolverine movie best thou and they were good to use that in the current Deadpool saga.
We all know what new Deadpool did with that montrasty of the old Deadpool in Deadpool 2
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C) Iron Man was my favorite over the Cap America’s and really Cap got shorted a movie to make a saga as after Winter Soldier we were already in the Civil War and Avengers rise of Ultran
We had to get Buck’s story first then the Falcon was launched with the more recent 2025 Cap America.
D) The Avengers and nothing is as good a build up to End Game and the most iconic foe titan Thanos.
E) I ll take the Dark Knight my fist DC saga and yeah I am biased that went against my youth as I was a kid during my the Michael Keaton saga of Batman as well as Val Kilmer was my era of becoming a super hero movie fan along with original Superman movies with Christopher Reeves
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F) I must not forget Blade
G) Guardians of the Galaxy
H) Spider-Man all of them Toby Andrew and Tom all rocked the shit out of that Spidey role I think they all great.
I) and they should have their own category Into the Spiderverse Across the Spiderverse and we know the end of this Saga is upon us in the near future
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J) Thor as we do not have Loki either if we don’t have Thor
K) As well as Wakanda forever and the Black Panther saga
L) Man of Steel Batman vs Superman and Justice League I thought Man of Steel was the best but the other two didn’t make my cut for all time in my mind.
M) Dr Strange and all of his Multiverses of Madness
N) Venom one was awesome 2 I didn’t see yet but the upcoming Venom movie in the fall looks pretty good.
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O) Antman was extremely great and
P) Hulk and only the Incredible Hulk not Eric Bana and Ed Norton was my preferred hulk but Ruffalo was a nice addition but he sort of was a stretch for me to be as good as Norton’s portrayal I was upset with the Hulk John Woo version and if you were around the hype was as bad as when we saw Godzilla in 1999 well actually a re vised Godzilla that was a far looking different Godzilla than the Godzilla we always saw growing up.
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Q) Aquaman never really interested me but I guess we must include
R) Wonder Woman and 84 and we know she appears in Justice League as well as Batman vs Superman
S) Shazam not a big fan here but I got give respect that his series is better than anything in this next choice
T) Fantastic Four it’s a shame and hopefully they get it right with the next adaptation of Dr Doom who besides Thanos was really a bad dude in which took all Four and. Silver Surfer to take down.
U) Harley Queen as well as the Bird-of Prey and Suicide Squad
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V) Spawn this needs a revision but I didn’t mind the OG.
W) Blue Beatle just saw it and it was a good start
X) Daredevil sorry Ben and double sorry as casted as Batman and that too was two strikes for Mr Afleck
Y) The Punisher
Z) Ghost Rider
Now the last few here technically didn’t make the Saga criteria but along with Logan even though it was an end but not for ever end .were decent hopefully to something that could have been even better if they did the adaptation better down the road. The Punisher series is a series I will have to revisit as well as the Flash but the Flash just could never get that mass fan fare as much as any other DC character I still think Superman or Batman is an always better draw for audiences which is a shame but it is the reality. And maybe it could have caught up to Spider-Man success but it really never launched as much as the future for DC moving forward.
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If you want to vote leave your top two or three in the comments or reshare with the gif or charachter of choice if you choose to do so and thank you for voting and might of even forgot someone on this list but I think besides Flash Gordon fans people should be satisfied with the choices.
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renwritesstuff · 3 years
fic writer review
No one tagged me but I wanted to do it anyway and stole it from @sociallyanxiousdragon​ :D
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 32
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 477,709. Good lord. Most of that is one long-running fic.
3. How many fandoms have you written for? 4. Dragon Age Origins, Fallout 3, Wynonna Earp, Mass Effect trilogy.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Queen's Gambit Accepted (Mass Effect 3, F!Shepard/Samantha Traynor, Rated M, 361 kudos)
just another tuesday (Wynonna Earp, Waverly/Nicole, Rated G, 332 kudos)
just the worst™ (Wynonna Earp, Waverly/Nicole, Rated G, 215 kudos) 
Walk the Line (Wynonna Earp, Wynonna&Nicole, Rated G, 210 kudos) 
not just any first date (Wynonna Earp, Waverly/Nicole, Rated G, 210 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? I try to! I feel awkward around comments asking why I haven’t updated, but I’m very grateful for any comments.
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending. Probably my goodbye fic for Mass Effect 3, wait for my signal.
7. Do you write crossovers? I do not, no.
8. Ever received hate on a fic? I wish the answer was no, but I have. I received a bunch of homophobic comments back on FFN on Queen’s Gambit Accepted. Like really bitter about Samantha Traynor as a character with backhanded compliments towards my writing. I also had someone lose their shit on QGA over the chapter that implied that Annelise Shepard shot Mordin because they stopped right there and didn’t read further. A bunch of private messages about how I ruined a perfectly good start. I got a begrudging apology after I politely suggested they continue (though I would have understood if they stopped) but yea.
9. Do you write smut? I’ve tried and not fully succeeded. Still have hope though!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so?
11. Ever had a fic translated? I don’t think so?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic? I HAVE. TWICE. I collaborated with @fishbone76 on a couple fics where she did the intro/idea summary and the art and I took it from there.
The Interview (Mass Effect 3, Samantha Traynor&Diana Allers, G, 52 kudos)
bird’s opening (Mass Effect 3, Samantha Traynor/F!Shepard, Tali’Zorah/Garrus, G, 60 kudos)
13. All time fav ship? I enjoy many a-ship. The ones I write most are Samantha Traynor/F!Shepard from Mass Effect 3, but my other faves are M!Shep/Ashley, M!Shep/Tali, M!orF!Shepard/Liara. I also wrote some Waverly/Nicole for Wynonna Earp.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? ALL OF THEM. I want to finish Queen’s Gambit Accepted more than anything. I also want to finish Ruthless Calculus and do an epilogue to Officially Unofficial and the last part of my M!Warden/Leliana series for Dragon Age: Origins.
15. Writing strengths? I think I write fun and engaging dialogue. Making sure the characters sound authentic is something I take pride in.
16. Writing weaknesses? FINISHING ANYTHING. Also writing smut and my action scenes need work.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? I couldn’t possibly. I don’t know any other languages and I’d fuck it up.
18. First fandom you wrote for? I know I faffed about with a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time fic because I shipped Zelda and Link hard.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far? Some of my one shots for Shaynor have been such fun. My two all time faves are care package and thanks, princess.
Tagging whoever wants to do it. Just grab it and go lmao
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1979semifinalist · 7 years
20 Best Gambit & Rogue Covers (Part 1)
For the hottest couple in the Marvel universe, there are surprisingly few truly great (and truly hot!) Rogue & Gambit covers to be published since the characters began flirting literal decades ago.
In the run up to our BIG RELEASE of Rogue & Gambit #1 on 1/3/18...and with a all of us aching for the lettered preview to drop, I thought I’d count down the 20 best Gambit & Rogue covers.
I AM including Kris Anka’s publicly released covers for our series in the running, even though they are not yet published...because...well, because this is the FIRST EVER ROGUE & GAMBIT COMIC AND HOW COULD I NOT???
If you think I missed something...it’s possible. But it’s also possible I’m just not a fan of that cover. To each their own as they say.
Most importantly...can anything we’ve seen yet beat the most iconic Rogue & Gambit cover of all time? (C’mon, you know the one!)
Anyway, here’s to A LOT MORE Gambit & Rogue hotness in our future and onto the list! :D
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HONORABLE MENTION: This is not a cover, but rather an illustration. Done by Clay Mann, unarguably one of the best Rogue & Gambit (singular or together!) artists of all time. If this was an actual cover...it would be Top 3, easy. Unfortunately, it’s just a gorgeous illustration. So honorable mention it is!
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20. GAMBIT #12 - CLAY MANN. A really nice cover overall, great movement and drama, but gets points off (in this very specific category!) for including not only a villain but another woman (gasp!). But we’ve got a couple of those on this list where Rogue brings someone else to the party...so let’s hold off on the pearl clutching. It also gets points off for really ugly title block nonsense at the bottom and a FREAKING AD. I hate that. Not Mann’s fault of course, but always something I consider when I judge a “cover” rather than an “illustration.”
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19. X-TREME X-MEN #21 - SALVADOR LARROCA. I suspect this ranks higher for a lot of folks as it’s a nice illustration and they have a nice vibe about them here. But this there’s just a lot from this run I don’t love and some of it shows up on this cover. Although Gambit’s outfit isn’t the worst his hair is a bit mullet-ish and both of their hair is a sort of dull light brown instead of the more dramatic auburn I prefer. But mostly I hate Rogue’s uniform, especially the color. And I REALLY hate that hair cut...like...SO MUCH. So points off for all of that, despite a nice illustration.
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18. X-MEN LEGACY #260 - CLAY MANN. And here we have Rogue bringing someone else to the party...Magneto. Not cool, Rogue. Other than that though, this is a really nice cover. Rogue looks powerful, everyone looks gorgeous, and the way the eye is drawn to the primary figures really works. I always hated this uniform for Rogue (a scarf? really?) but Mann draws it really well here. The story line title block is slightly obnoxious and I could probably do without everyone else on the cover...so minor points off for that too?
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17. UNCANNY X-MEN #248 - JOE MADUREIRA. The biggest issue with this cover - other than it not getting to be very hot since it’s about splitting them apart - is just all the damn text covering things up. the illustration itself is really nice. Gambit cast in a lot of shadow with Rogue in the light is a nice touch, as is the literal tearing between them/behind them. These outfits were never my fav (though Remy looks good in blue!) but due to the story line at the time they became pretty iconic for the pair, so I don’t fight it. :D Too bad about that title block and nonsense tho.
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16. X-TREME X-MEN XPOSE’ #2 - RODOLFO MIGLIARI. I love the use of white space here, and it’s really nice posing/connection for our leads and a beautiful illustration. But the hyper realistic style is just not my favorite. I think when characters start looking too much like people you sometimes start to lose the fantasy a bit. I think Gambit looks better here than Rogue (her mouth is a bit funny?) and we also we get points off for Rogue’s awful hair and the red uniform.
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15. X-MEN LEGACY #226 - TERRY & RACHEL DODSON. A really gorgeous effort by the Dodsons. Rogue especially is just magnificent (they always do a pretty spectacular Rogue). The coloring/lighting is absolutely fantastic. This mostly just loses points for featuring another character (Danger) and for not really having the two leads engaging with one another (again, not a problem, except for in this specific category). If Rogue and Gambit were engaged with one another I think this would place very high - maybe even Top 5? I’d love to see the Dodson’s do a more romantic Rogue/Gambit cover. Swoon. Title block is pretty good here too!
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14. GAMBIT #11 - CLAY MANN. This is another case of a great cover that just loses points in this specific category. i.e. it’s “splitting them up” (quite literally in this case). But it’s a great looking cover and I love the little details in the expressions and body language of Rogue and Gambit in the photo. It’s a really great idea, executed wonderfully, just not strong enough in this particular category. Again though, points off for that awful bottom red title block bar including an eyesore of an ad. :P
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13. X-MEN #45 - ANDY KUBERT. So, this definitely loses points in the hotness and romance categories, but it’s definitely an iconic cover for the pair (and especially when you consider it’s a cool fold out cover (and the magnificent Rogue/Gambit story inside!) I feel like it nudges itself up a couple points. Plus the title block is really minimal on the “front” letting the characters sell the book.
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12. ROGUE #5 - RODOLFO MIGLIARI. I have the same issues here as I did for Migliari’s entry at #15 - the “hyper realistic style” just isn’t really for me. But this one gets points for Rogue looking far better (better hair, classic outfit), and for just generally being pretty hot. I like that there isn’t a LOT of title block and nonsense - but that color and overdone “treatment” on the ROGUE font is not great.
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11. X-MEN: THE END #6 - GREG LAND. This is actually quite beautiful. There’s a ton of tension in the posing (and implications of potential actions). The body language is great, and Rogue looks...well, drop dead gorgeous. I was never a fan Rogue’s tattoos (even though I am a fan of tattoos generally) but Land does a pretty good job of making it work here. Gambit’s got more pouches than seems necessary (on the other hand he IS a character where a lot of nonsense pouches actually make a ton of sense, especially if he’s not got the trench coat). There’s more title block (etc) then I’d like, but it’s pretty well integrated, including the figures floating OVER it, which I always like. Overall, really nice. 
All right. That’s the first half. Check back tomorrow for the top 10! :D
And don’t forget to get Rogue & Gambit #1 in comic book stores (and digitally) everywhere on Wednesday 1/3/18! <3
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mariedemedicis · 7 years
au: fake relationships + your fav femslash ship
okay!, so, i was thinking about marie x margot and in light of this quote:
“…Alone among her family, Marguerite refused to use sex as a weapon and searched only for love…”
i can’t really see a fake relationship realistically working for them even in a modern au. sidenote: i desperately want a modern au a la whitehall university for them. d e s p e r a t e l y.
and then i was thinking about harry x elena but while i can totally see elena pulling a fake relationship gambit, harry is the first person she’s actually seriously dated ever, so yes i know, au, but i’m not sure how to make it work at the moment.
daisy x rose it is!
so daisy and rose aren’t exactly friends. they’re both friends with anna and so they’re aware of each other but it isn’t until anna starts dating john that they get thrown together a lot.
rose is a serial monogamist and has dated like a bunch of people. she’s pretty much that girl who’s never not with someone, although not all of her relationships have been like actual relationships.
daisy on the other hand has dated like two people very unsuccessfully. the first was her friend william who liked her. daisy didn’t like him back but she was pressured into going on a first date with him by their friend group and somehow she ended up in a short-lived unwanted relationship. the second guy she dated was thomas who she actually really liked but it turned out that thomas was dating her as a beard because he wasn’t ready to come out of the closet yet.
so one night, they’re all out at a nightclub. anna and her boyfriend john, daisy and her and anna’s friend gwen, rose and her and anna’s friend ivy, and anna’s tall, intimidating ice queen best friend mary and her girlfriend lavinia.
so obviously anna and john and mary and lavinia couple up. gwen’s dancing and making out with this really pretty brunette girl (sybil) and ivy’s trying to get the attention of some dark blond haired boy (jimmy), which leaves daisy and rose alone together at the table.
rose’s scrolling through instagram and so not to look like a loser, daisy starts messing around on her phone. suddenly, rose looks up and says, “oh shit! i think i see my ex.” daisy doesn’t really know what to say to that so she makes some kind of sympathetic noise.
“no, like this is really bad.” rose says. “i mean we broke up but he did not take it well.” she shoves her phone into her purse and grabs daisy’s hand.
“uh, what’s happening?” daisy asks as rose tows her onto the dance floor. 
“you’re gonna have to be my girlfriend.” rose says, wrapping her arms around daisy’s waist.
“WHAT?” daisy says because what the heck is going on. “um, can you explain that again?”
“look,” rose says, leaning in close to look like she’s whispering something sexy in daisy’s ear. “i’m really, really bad at dealing with conflict. can you just do this for me?”
“okay.” daisy says for some reason.
sometime later, they make their way over to the bar, fingers interlaced, to join anna and john and gwen.
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rothekid · 8 years
Follower Fun
Tagged by: @headbangingsappho (sry, i’ve just noticed ur tag. Somehow disappeared among the porn-bot followers’ notifications.  And aaaw, thanks a lot, it was such a good fun *.* oh, and i swear i’ll answer on facebook asap we both know it’s not true)
☆Name: Eszter
☆Nickname: in general it’s Sztu, Sztuszi, or Szivem (my boyfriend and one of my best friends call me like this and it means My Heart in mirror translation, but feels something like Honey for me), and Rose for people who i met on the internet, but there are several others such as Stukker, Styx, Erge etc.
☆Gender: female
☆Star Sign: Libra (ehhh…but Leo deep in my heart)
☆Height: 161 cm
☆Sexual orientation: hetero
☆Hogwarts House: According to Pottermore its Gryffindor, but all my friends would say Slytherin
☆Favorite Color:  Red, black and the deep blue of the sky on summer nights
☆Favorite Animal: Firefox (and i’m obsessed with felines)
☆Cat or dog person: Cat. Obviously -_-
☆Favorite Fictional Character:  Aaaw, i have too many, but i guess Gambit from X-Men is my absolute fav
☆# of blankets I sleep with: one. Strange question :D
☆Favorite Singer/Band:  Let’s see…if i hat to choose one, i’d say Glass Animas AND FUCKN LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA OH BOY HE STOLE MY HEART
☆Dream Trip: New Orleans with my boyfriend (finally i could hear him speking French)
☆Dream Job: Making design cakes all day long *.*
☆When blog created: About one and the half year ago
☆Why did you make this tumblr: At the time i was a bored university freshman  and had some personal problems (okay, i felt myself in deep shit and wanted to create a site for my fireworks)
☆Why did you pick your URL: Well, there is that borad game called BANG! and i have a favourit playable character called Willy the Kid. I picked his name and changed the Willy to Ro wich is a shorter form of my blogger name, Rose.
and i guess i should tag some people, but i haven’t got tumblr friends “:D maybe @paternalpadfoot, @hopeless-awkward-desperate4love (cause you two are amazing and i love your tumblr soooooo much :3) @zimfaye and @thelioncount (at least you know who i am :p) Fill it if you feel like and you haven’t had the chace earlier 😄
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