#Difference between resume and cv
bookyourcv5 · 1 year
Difference between Resume & CV
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BookYourCV is the leading Resume making company and They provide you with latest and different sample resumes. Standard resumes come in functional, chronological, and hybrid formats (also called combined resumes). Given that it places equal focus on talents and work experience, a hybrid resume format is an excellent option for the majority of applicants. For more, visit https://www.bookyourcv.com/blog/difference-between-cv-resume-and-biodata/ .
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Difference Between CV and Resume
Understanding the difference between CV and Resume is crucial for a successful job search. Whether you're a recent graduate, an experienced professional, or an academic researcher, choosing the right document can make all the difference in capturing the attention of potential employers. In this blog you will get the answer of all your questions. For more visit our blog https://bit.ly/3HliKWn
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distinctlywhumpthing · 4 months
Unintentional 29
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We're finally on the way home kids...
CW: BBU-adjacent, institutionalized slavery. Beta-read by @alittlewhump <3
The clock on the dashboard of Delia’s Honda glows bright blue, digital colon blinking between the six and five every second like a heartbeat. Only seven more minutes until the CVS opens. Leo scans the parking lot for the dozenth time. It’s still nearly empty, unchanged since they pulled in ten minutes ago after a drive twice as long as it needed to be. The pharmacy is the only store with any lights on, the rest of the strip mall’s windows and signs are dark. Errant snowflakes flurry through the light cast by the street lamps, inconsistent and sparse, borrowed from a passing storm. It would be peaceful if it weren’t for the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. 
Leo drags a hand over his face and takes a deep breath. He can’t even remember the last time he pulled an all-nighter. It must have been back when he was young enough for it not to feel like he’d been hit by a bus. Beside him, Aiden is still and quiet, save for the just-audible exhales he forces between pursed lips. Measured and even like he’s trying to stave off tears or panic or pain or some combination of all three. They hadn’t spoken on the ride over, both tensely checking the mirrors to make sure they weren’t being followed. 
Not that there was anything to say. 
He couldn’t even look at him.
If Aiden were a normal teenager—whatever that means—he’d be giving him hell. How could you be so impulsive? I already thought I lost you once today and now you’re jumping at the next chance? Do you have any idea what that would be like for me? Trying to get on with my life after they’d taken you back? Can’t you see how much I care about you? 
But he couldn’t say any of that. Didn’t know what to say, so he couldn’t look at him right now. Aiden quietly resumed his charade. Sure, the raid wasn't over yet but Leo couldn’t help wondering if he was putting on an extra show of cooperation as a demonstration of goodwill. 
Did he regret what he almost did? Or just the fact that he got caught? 
When he was sure Aiden’s eyes were closed, Leo looked into his face. The ruse wasn’t at all convincing, Leo knew him too well. For starters, the overwrought way Aiden managed his breath was a dead giveaway. A far cry from the gentle, inherent rhythm of sleep even he managed. Leo had clocked more minutes than he was willing to admit frozen in the hallway, letting himself feel an undeserved modicum of relief when that smooth sound reached his ears.
Just as telling was the determination in the tension of his jaw, only a little diluted by the way he was holding the inside of his bottom lip between his teeth to keep it from trembling. He was braver than Leo could ever give him credit for. He barely understood the first thing about this kid, yet here he was, reading every twitch of his brows and hitch of his breath like he had the whole frame of reference. 
Thankfully, this charade didn’t solely hinge on his or Aiden’s poor acting skills. The devil was in the details on this one. It was the set that truly sold it and revealed just how much practice Delia has had at this. 
Greeting cards crowded the windowsill, all sure to have handwritten messages on the inside. Either abandoned and repurposed or manufactured for this explicitly. A handmade quilt was tucked over the foot of the bed, balloons filled one corner up to the ceiling, and fresh flowers sat on all three tables. A hand-painted ‘Keep Fighting’ sign stretched across the wall with messages and names written over handprints. He recognized Delia’s handwriting in one corner. There’s no way she had recruited so many sympathizers so at least half of those notes and wildly different signatures had to have been done by her hand. Again, he was unsure whether to be unnerved or impressed by the level of dedication. Which was about as terrifying as it was comforting because maybe it meant the agents really weren’t coming back.   
And that was about all the time he could spend distracting himself from what the fuck was going on and where the hell was that damn sister of his. 
It was all he could do not to compulsively check his phone every second. Was it on? Was it even still in his pocket? What if he didn’t get service in this corner of the hospital? 
By the time there was a knock on the door, he had wound himself up so much that he jumped to his feet. In his flat-out panic, he forgot any recognition of the cadence of knocks and was certain they were caught but he was just pinned to the spot like an idiot. When the curtains parted, of course it was only Noah and he knew that, but he had passed the useful kind of adrenaline-fueled exhaustion about five hours ago. 
“They’ve given the all clear. Everything good here?” Leo’s obvious lack of composure earned raised eyebrows from Noah. 
He cleared his throat and straightened, his lower back tight after trying to conform to the chair. “As far as I know…they came in but a nurse made them leave before—” He resisted the impulse to look at Aiden who hadn’t moved, save opening his eyes to watch them. A deer frozen on the edge of the yard, afraid bolting would mean certain death. Ironic. “Where’s Delia?”
Now Noah looked caught out. “She’s, uh, she’s got her hands full with a…patient…” 
Leo struggled to keep his voice even. “What? Did they find something?” 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s…look it’s better if you don’t know the details. I’m sure you want to get out of here anyway.” He cast a meaningful glance at Aiden. “Here are some notes for the prescriptions. They’re ready to fill at the pharmacy, antibiotics and—”
“Wait a second.” He stepped closer, lowering his voice. “How deep into this shit are you two? I’m grateful for what you did for us but this doesn’t seem like something you should be making a habit of.” 
Noah had the gall to chuckle—little shit—but when he saw Leo’s expression he quickly swallowed it. “Hey, man, I get it. There’s a reason I don’t tell my family. But I’m sure you know Delia well enough to know she’s not a ‘follower’.” He even used air quotes around the word. “We’re not even in the same unit. We didn’t realize we were both doing this independently until one of our shelter contacts introduced us.” Leo didn’t even try to mask his doubt so Noah continued, “For what it’s worth, it’s a lot safer for both of us having each other’s backs. But as you well know, the risks are never zero when you’re on this side of the law.” 
On this side of the law. 
The phrase twisted and turned in his head as Noah led them out through the labyrinth of back stairwells, quiet wards, and service elevators. It pressed against his thoughts as they huddled in a supply closet from a rush of doctors responding to a code blue. It loomed over him as he rested his hands on Aiden’s shoulders when he nearly jumped out of the wheelchair at the slam of a door. It echoed loudest when he was behind the wheel and it was on him to get them home safe. And figure everything else out. 
“L-Leo?” Aiden ducks his chin when Leo looks over, like he didn’t intend to say his name out loud and isn’t sure what to do with his attention now that he has it. He picks at the cuticle of his right thumb, lips moving like he’s trying to shape his words just right before speaking. After a minute of that, he presses them together, flattens his hands on his thighs and meets Leo’s eyes. “Mmm’sorry…before…mmm…” His chin starts to tremble and it’s obvious he wants to look away but he forces himself to maintain eye contact. “I-I-I…mmm…mmm…” 
“Alright, it’s okay.” Leo can’t bear the kid’s self-imposed confession. “I’m not mad. I can’t say I understand what might have possessed you but, anyway, we’re good. Water under the bridge.” It feels a little blunt and more than a little awkward but he adds, “You’re not in any trouble,” like Delia said dozens of times throughout the night. 
“Mmm…but…I’mmm…I-I-I…” Aiden furrows his brow like he’s still trying to find a word, lips moving, but tears well in his eyes, threatening to spill the longer he searches. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Leo repeats gently. “It’s all good.” 
Aiden doesn’t look placated at all. He balks at Leo, visibly distressed, lips quivering as he pauses mid-silent-syllable. 
Shit. That’ll encourage the kid to communicate more, just cut him off like an impatient ass. But if this is just some other backwards Companion obedience thing… Leo’s out of energy for trying to wade through how exactly to handle this. He has so much research to do. Is it even safe to do research?
“I’m sorry, hon. Look” Aiden flinches when Leo's hand meets his shoulder. 
He grimaces at Leo apologetically, shaking his head at himself. He swipes at a tear with the back of his hand and shakes his head again, a ragged exhale escaping his lips.  
“I know it’s not easy, we’ll figure it out together.”   
Aiden looks up, biting his lips together as he tries to blink back the rest of his tears. It’s heartbreaking to watch. Leo hopes he doesn’t think there’s any problem with him crying when he needs to. At the same time, Leo can also understand why he wouldn’t want to always be breaking down. 
“For now, let’s just focus on getting home, okay?” 
Aiden nods, pulling his hands into his sleeves and wiping away the last of the tears. He puts on a brave face.  
“Good boy.” 
Aiden looks away shyly. Leo opens his mouth to take it back, to apologize for saying something so patronizing, so offensive. He meant it more as a ‘good sport’, ‘atta boy’. He— 
There, behind the fist Aiden rests his cheek against as he pretends to look out the window, is a hint of a smile. 
Only this kid can shatter his heart and melt it in the span of five minutes. 
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unichrome · 1 year
The biggest heist that almost was
Let me tell you about the most insane bank heist that is going to sound like I'm just leaking the script for the next American hacking movie. The goal? Steal one billion USD. And it all began with an email and a printer, which as we all know is where problems usually start. Another weapon in this heist was... Weekends and time zones.
As usual, no prior computer science education needed.
What happened?
On the morning of February 5th 2016, a printer had stopped working in the central bank of Bangladesh (Bangladesh Bank). But it wasn't just any printer, it was the printer responsible for printing all the records of the multimillion transfers going in and out of the bank. When the poor employees finally won the printer battle and had it resume normal operation, they saw a very concerning account transfer in the records that was coming out. The bank had an USD account in the USA, at Federal Reserve Bank, with approximately 1 billlion Dollars in it, and the Federal Reserve Bank had received instructions to drain almost the entire amount. In the records that came out in the printer, the American bank had attempted to urgently message the Bangladesh bank regarding this transfer, but couldn't get through to them. This was because the hack had actually started the day before, Thursday 4th, at around 20:00 Bangladesh time, when the bank was closed. However, USA had just started their day, giving the American bank plenty of time to follow through with the instructions from the Bangladesh bank to drain their entire account while they were closed. And that wasn't the end of it, as weekends are from Friday to Saturday in Bangladesh, meaning that the Bangladesh bank headquarters in Dhaka wouldn't discover this withdrawal until Sunday morning. That's when they immediately tried to reach the American bank, which of course didn't work as over there it was Saturday evening, and the American weekend is from Saturday to Sunday, meaning that they wouldn't be reachable until Monday.
You see what I mean by the hackers using time zones and weekends, finding the perfect time for the American bank to execute their orders while Bangladesh discovers the withdrawal several days too late, and again several days too late for Americans to be reachable. But it didn't stop there with their timehacking.
The money had to go somewhere from the American bank, and it would be stupid to send it directly to the hackers own account without laundering the money first. So they had set up four different bank accounts in the Philippines, using fake names and credentials. Why the Philippines? Because the Lunar new year was on Monday the 8th, which is a holiday and holiday means no bank activities in either Bangladesh or the Philippines, buying the hackers even more time. As a final act, they messed with the printer responsible for printing transaction records, adding another few hours to their schedule. Moon and stars really aligned perfectly for this plan.
But how did they do it?
It all began one year prior, in January 2015, with an email sent to several employees at the Bangladesh Bank. The email seemingly contained a job application from a person who didn't actually exist, but who was very polite in his request for a position at the bank, with a link to his CV and cover letter. Naturally this link led to a document with a little surprise gift - malware. Since the heist happened, at least one of the recipients must have clicked the link, and successfully deployed a RAT - Remote Access Trojan, malware that lets you control a computer from the comfort of your own home, as well as a toolkit with various malware to move from computer to computer, avoiding discovery, and covering their tracks.
From there, the hackers slowly made their way through the bank offices network, one step at a time to avoid setting off alarms, looking for any computer that had control of the banks SWIFT setup. SWIFT lets banks transfer large amounts of money between themselves and other banks connected to SWIFT. And as soon as they found one of those computers, they stopped. They didn't need to hack SWIFT in the traditional sense of the word - since they operated in a bank computer, the SWIFT-software assumed they naturally had to be bank employees. However, one of the parts of the malware used in the heist was for manipulating the SWIFT system, as the hackers weren't physically there to press anything. Additionally, since they were laying dormant for the time to strike, they needed to keep an eye out for SWIFT updates that could detect any tampering with the system, and adapt accordingly.
Then they waited many months for the stars to align on February 4th, 2016.
There were 35 transfers made by the hackers from the American bank account, totaling almost 1 billion USD, but there were two of these tiny little seemingly insignificant details that prevented this from becoming the worlds largest bank heist in history. The hackers biggest enemy became this concept known as “words”.
The Philippine bank accounts were all located in the same RCBC Bank office on Jupiter Street in Manila. And this would be the hackers downfall, as USA had sanctions put on an Iranian cargo ship called Jupiter. Since the transactions went to a recipient that contained the word “Jupiter”, it created a security alert in the Federal Reserve Bank that the employees needed to investigate. When they saw what was going on, they managed to stop all but five of the initial 35 transactions, thus “only” roughly 100 million USD made it to the Philippines. The Bangladesh bank requested to reverse the transactions, but since the money was in the Philippines, they would need bureaucracy in form of a court order to reclaim the money, and we all know that's not a 5 minute project. It was when Bangladesh filed the court order in late February that the case became public (since court orders are public documents) and the news broke to the country.
Once in the RCBC bank accounts, the money arrived on Friday the 5th and was immediately moved again. First the 100 million was converted to local currency, and some of it was withdrawn in cash, while the rest was sent off to other hacker-controlled locations. And this is where the second tiny little detail cut off even more of the hackers precious payday. 20 million USD had been sent to Shalika Foundation, a charity organisation in Sri Lanka. But,  once again the hackers worst enemy - words - decided to strike again. A typo was made in their transaction, sending the money to “Shalika Fundation”, and a bank employee who must have had their morning coffee spotted this typo and rejected the transfer and kept the funds frozen. This left the hackers with 80 million USD.
✨Now comes the money laundering!✨
There was a second reason for choosing the Philippines as deposit zone; gambling is legal and the casinos had no money laundering regulations imposed. The accomplices of the heist booked private rooms in two casinos located in Manila - Solaire and Midas - and proceeded to purchase tokens to gamble for with the stolen money. Since they played with a room consisting of their fellow accomplices, winning was not really much of a challenge. Then the tokens could be exchanged back to money that would now be clean. To avoid suspicion, they didn't gamble all of the money at once, but over the course of several weeks gambled away the dirty money to clean money.
Who was behind it?
It's normally difficult to pinpoint where the more sophisticated hacking groups come from. Oftentimes, they will leave false clues behind that points to another group so they will face more trouble instead of the group that did it. They may even place clues from several different groups, just to mess with the analysts. It's also quite common to simply “steal” a way of working from another group, or use a leaked/stolen tool from another group (criminals aren't safe from other criminals, especially not in this business) - there are new malware coming out all the time with code that is just a slight modification of a well-known malware actor that had their source code leaked or simply had hired the same programmer. Or they may leave no clues as to who was behind it. Attribution to the guilty part is usually the single most difficult mission in IT-security - often it's just pure guesswork with little to no solid evidence to back it up, if you're lucky there's circumstantial evidence.
This case was no different. The first clue came from the IP the bad guys used to connect to the Bangladesh bank from. It was located in Pyongyang, North Korea. But, as I mentioned, this is not a conclusive verdict, as the IP may simply be planted false evidence to throw the analysts off their track. After the heist, the hackers used a data-wiper to scrub as much of their malware off the bank systems, but they didn't succeed in deleting all of it, some of the tools were still present, including the wiper.
Due to the scale of this operation, it caught the attention of every single IT-security person and IT-security company worldwide, who all of course wanted to know who and how they did it. With the remaining malware, a joint effort was made, comparing malware code to other malware code for similarities. Some was found in Poland, after an analyst noted the similarities from another suspected North Korean hack. Some was found in another infamous North Korean hack targeting Sony Pictures. More and more signs pointed towards the same actor. Some were false leads, the hackers seemed to be wanting to implicate the Russians did it, but failed quite miserably at that, just sprinkling random Russian words into the malware and making it way too obvious it was a ruse.
You may not believe this, but the North Korean government has one of the most notorious hacking groups in the world, known as the Lazarus Group. Some of its more well-known adventures include an extremely data-destructive hack of Sony Pictures (as punishment for releasing “The Interview”), creation of the ransomware WannaCry which was used against many targets worldwide (including hospitals), and various attempts at gathering information from governments and government-affiliated corporations all over the world. And, of course, this heist.
Eventually, after months of collaboration all over the world, the final verdict fell on North Korea, and specifically one of their programmers. His name is Park Jin Hyok, and worked for Chosun Expo - a front company for the North Korean government, located in Dalian (China) who used the funds of the fake corporation gained from legitimate programming jobs from customers worldwide to create the malware and plan the heist with all of its expenses. Of course he wasn't the sole person involved in this project, but it's the only person we know was in it.
This particular heist had been meticulously planned for several years, and Park Jin Hyok had moved to Dalian, set up fake IDs and built a network of contacts there to avoid suspicion. However, he didn't manage to delete all of his online footprints, and became the number one suspect when his internet activities suddenly came from Pyongyang, North Korea.
Additionally, several Chinese business men - many associated with the casino industry in China's Macau territory - were also charged and arrested for assisting with setting up the gambling rooms and coordinating the money laundering process. One unknown Chinese business man managed to get away with 31 million USD of the 80 million that remained after the heist, and as you would expect, he was never to be seen again.
With the middlemen from China paid off, not much remained of the original 1 billion to North Korea. But the heist has fascinated the whole IT-security world nonetheless.
I remember when the news of this case dropped to the IT-security world, who all wanted to take part in the hunt. It was a very fun time, we were all sitting at the edge of our seats waiting for the next update. I hope it was at least somewhat exciting for you too to read about, and thank you for reading this long post! If you liked it, please consider reblogging as it motivates me to write more. You may also like malware stuff I've written about before, such as Stuxnet or just plain evil malware that is a threat to our daily lives.
As always my inbox is open if you have any questions.
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heungmins · 2 years
quick what's the difference between a cv and a resume
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60b3r · 1 year
Catching up with life.
It's been over five years since I graduated from university, and here I am, once again, applying for jobs like a robot. I have sent over 4 to 5 job applications per week, tweaked my CV individually once a month, and hand-crafted my cover letter uniquely for each jobs I applied to. To top it off, I have been doing this for 2 years combined. Assuming that is not an overstatement, I have been sending over 300 job applications to different schools, universities, and even across other industries. With this overkill—yet seems to useless—Masters degree, it does not serve as a selling point, since it is being considered inconsistent with the common practice prevalently found in Indonesian universities, that one's Masters degree should be linear in order to work in academia as a lecturer. I even had to consider dropping my Graduate degree and went with my Bachelors degree to apply for jobs. People kept saying that biotech is the future, that the sciences are dawning all over, technology grows at light-speed, but all I experience is frustration and anguish. People kept telling that I am overqualified, that there's no way I am always between jobs with such emotive motivation and carefully curated skills and my beautifully AI-tweaked resume. I’m seriously starting to consider giving up this life and trekking into the wild to make my new life, Randall Clark-style. Here I want to reflect back on my past few years' endeavor and remind myself that job-seeking is such a dehumanizing process and something must be done to fix this. But before that, a quick background on my life so far. Consider this as a short, catching-up telltale.
Right after graduating in 2018, I was so motivated to fix the education system. I applied to teaching jobs and got myself a first formal job teaching Biology and caring for a dormant Science Club back in my alma mater. Why not apply for the industry sector, you ask? There's not enough room for Biotech graduates in Indonesia, and despite what people say about the unique nature of the niche, most of the positions can either be filled with Chemical Engineering graduates, or just General Biology graduates. There's not enough value created by pursuing Biotech degree, apart from continuing in academia as a researcher. After one year, I didn't renew my contract and decided to pursue for higher education, which I thought it was necessary to create a bigger impact. I thought back then, "Here I am, teaching young generation Biology and the art of life, some of them might be doctors or environmental engineers, yes, but majority of them won't even need these stuff." I said that to myself, exactly like I was thinking back then when I was their age and learning mathematics. it was 2019 when I decided to pursue MSc/PhD Biotechnology abroad, to allow myself to engage with wider masses upon completion. This time, high-schoolers, next up, college students, or so I thought. But life is a bitch, and then we all gonna die anyway.
Luckily at that time, right after my resignation was granted, I got myself three Letters of Admission: from two different universities in The Netherlands and one from Sweden. I'd then applied for several scholarships program, one of them being the notorious LPDP. The task of simply qualifying for the first round of paperwork selection was very tedious and stressful. It was my first time dealing with a plethora of documents to prepare, and I could say the tears and blood was even worse than the process of getting an LoA from the three campuses. After two more selection stages, long story short, I didn't qualify after the interview process, and I plunged myself in depression. A month later, I collected myself to start over, and this time, applied for jobs in the edtech startups. My thoughts were somehow I could work for a while, save enough money while still creating impact, and fund my Masters off my own deposits. Well again, fortunately I told myself at that time, some unicorn companies contacted me, and somewhat early that year, precisely February 2020, I was called into one of the big edtech company to attend an interview. I scrambled to book a ticket and a homestay for 2 days and... Oh boy. Three days before my departure, Jakarta shut down the borders and Covid ruined my lifelong dream of studying abroad. Interview cancelled, plane ticket burnt, and that hotel bed never touched my back. No job, no credit, eat shit. All 2020 I cried myself to sleep.
The anxiety caused by the uncertainties was so dreadful, I fantasized going for a program—the one in the Netherlands—anyway. Talk about coping using unrealistic expectation. So I emailed the admissions office and requested to postpone my first semester to October 2020 or March 2021 (they granted the former but refused the latter). I even paid for the dorm room in the Netherlands, when I was very certain that this was just another viral outbreak that's gonna resolve on its own after several months (that was also a false hope). Then, my family business took a major hit due to lockdowns imposed by the local government, and everyone went nuts. All plans go bust, and out of nowhere, suddenly, all homeschool students I have been teaching stopped responding to my calls. All types of businesses from across all sectors took a hit. Purchasing power bottomed out. Monetary circulation grounded to a halt. In the midst of all this blazing hellfire that is a financial crisis, it was in the middle of 2020 when I applied for student loan to get myself into a campus in Jogja. I thought "Well, it can't be that bad, right, I can still go to Jogja and pursue another Masters here, domestically, without going abroad and waste lots of money." So did everybody else thought, when we all first had our online classes in October 2020. But fast forward to early 2022, It's like everyone skipped two years of their life, staring at the screen for several hours drying out eyeballs and get nothing from classes other than just one or two classes that are actually elective subjects, not among the core courses.
I greeted 2021 with much hope, a hope that someday I will be able to meet my classmates and hunt for Jogja food later in the day after classes. I would have scoured through the libraries of the renown, and I would have also joined several student councils during my studies. But no. Not even once we got a call from campus saying our classes would go from distanced learning to on-site learning. I spent 2021 lurking around Malang trying to find a closure, visiting many natural places where I used to enjoy, gulping so many unhealthy foods down my throat to ease the numbing pain, even engaged in some risky behavior of ████████████. The year ended with more student debt, an unfinished thesis proposal, a broken heart, and still, no single job interview landed. Yes, I even went through Masters fully online (including all of the phases of research). I spent all 2021 mourning the hundreds if not thousands of what-ifs while drafting my thesis proposal. A small ember light up in the darkness, I got myself a job replacing a science teacher in Surabaya during her maternity leave. I got the contract extended just before I finished my thesis defense, and I am stuck in Surabaya for another year of inconsecutive work experience. Not even a single time I ever stepped my soles on campus grounds in Jogja during my enrollment there. The only chance I got to be closer than ever to my supposed campus building is during my awards ceremony where I returned my graduation robes.
I got paid three times the amount I got when I was working in my alma mater. I got myself a small room not too far away, and after selling my family's car, I even got a small discount since I am not using the provided parking space anymore. Plus, after over half a year, I can save more than I could usually save because there are no more gas-hungry beast that is my 1.5L turbocharged CVT Medium SUV. The school itself was decent, I got mediocre lunch everyday and to be honest there are less paperwork than the previous jobs I had been working on, but oooh the lab equipment and the learning materials are very lacking. I requested for some upgrades here and there, and they didn't even bat an eye. I have to struggle and come up with weird hyper-crearive plans to deliver the lesson, which by the way are not just biology, but also physics, chemistry, and geography. I enjoyed most of my time teaching, but considering a majority of students would leave the school and continue somewhere else, the school management decided to cut over half of the staff earlier this year. By the time of writing, I still need to finish my contract, though. Fortunately, I got some leeway since there are less classes to teach now after Cambridge exams has passed. This is where the fun begins. Not another job hunting. So, wish me luck friends.
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hrinternationaluae · 17 hours
Top Placement Agencies for Jobs Abroad | HR International UAE
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A Comprehensive Guide to Placement Agencies for Jobs Abroad
Finding a job abroad can open new doors for career growth, financial stability, and cultural experiences. However, navigating international job markets can be overwhelming. This is where placement agencies for jobs abroad become invaluable. These agencies specialize in matching your skills with global opportunities, helping you overcome barriers like unfamiliar job markets, visa procedures, and application processes.
In this guide, we’ll explore how placement agencies work, why HR International UAE is a top choice for job seekers, and how you can leverage their services to find the right job abroad.
Why Use Placement Agencies for Jobs Abroad?
Searching for international jobs on your own can be a daunting task. Different countries have varying job application procedures, visa rules, and employer expectations. A placement agency simplifies this process by acting as a bridge between job seekers and potential employers.
Here are a few reasons why using a placement agency for jobs abroad is essential:
Access to Global Job Markets: Placement agencies have strong connections with employers across multiple countries. Therefore, they can present you with job opportunities that might not be advertised publicly.
Professional Guidance: From building your resume to preparing for interviews, placement agencies provide valuable advice that enhances your chances of landing a job.
Visa and Documentation Support: Securing a job is only one part of the process. Placement agencies help you navigate the complex visa and work permit requirements, ensuring you have everything in place to relocate smoothly.
Time and Effort Saved: Job hunting is a time-consuming process. Placement agencies cut down the time and effort required by presenting you with relevant job opportunities that match your skills and preferences.
The Role of HR International UAE in Job Placement
HR International UAE is a leading placement agency for jobs abroad, offering comprehensive services to job seekers from various fields. They specialize in industries such as healthcare, engineering, construction, and IT, providing customized job search solutions based on individual career goals.
Here’s how HR International UAE can help in your search for jobs abroad:
1. Extensive Employer Network
One of the biggest advantages of working with HR International UAE is their extensive network of employers across the globe. Whether you're looking for opportunities in the Middle East, Europe, or North America, the agency has connections in various industries. Therefore, your chances of landing a job that fits your profile are much higher.
For example, if you’re a nurse looking to work in the UAE or a software developer eyeing opportunities in Canada, HR International UAE can connect you with top employers in these regions. This targeted approach saves you time and ensures you only apply for jobs relevant to your skills and experience.
2. Personalized Job Search
Every job seeker has different needs. Some may be looking for entry-level positions, while others may be seeking senior roles. HR International UAE offers personalized job search services that take into account your experience, qualifications, and preferences.
For Recent Graduates: If you're fresh out of university, finding your first job abroad can be challenging. HR International UAE helps you identify entry-level positions that match your qualifications.
For Experienced Professionals: If you’re already established in your career but looking for opportunities abroad, HR International UAE will connect you with positions that offer career advancement and better compensation packages.
3. Resume and Interview Preparation
A well-prepared resume and interview performance can make all the difference when applying for jobs abroad. HR International UAE offers resume optimization services to ensure your CV meets international standards. They focus on highlighting your strengths, experience, and skills that make you stand out to potential employers.
In addition, HR International UAE provides interview preparation services. Different countries have different interview norms, and understanding these is critical to success. The agency will help you practice common interview questions and offer tips on how to present yourself effectively during interviews.
4. Visa and Work Permit Assistance
Once you land a job, the next major hurdle is obtaining a work visa. Visa regulations vary significantly between countries and can be complex. However, HR International UAE provides assistance throughout the visa process, helping you with documentation, form submissions, and other legal requirements.
Their expertise in visa procedures ensures that you meet all the necessary requirements, avoiding delays or complications that could jeopardize your job offer.
Popular Destinations for Jobs Abroad
Placement agencies for jobs abroad often have access to opportunities in regions that are actively seeking international workers. Some of the most popular destinations include:
1. Middle East
Countries like the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are popular for job seekers due to tax-free salaries and growing job markets in fields such as healthcare, construction, and engineering. However, the Middle East also has strict visa and employment laws. Therefore, placement agencies like HR International UAE are crucial in ensuring your job application process is smooth and compliant with regional regulations.
2. Europe
European countries like Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands offer numerous opportunities for skilled professionals, especially in IT, engineering, and healthcare. However, navigating the European job market can be difficult due to language barriers and strict visa requirements.
HR International UAE helps candidates prepare for these challenges, ensuring they meet all requirements for work permits and job applications in Europe.
3. North America
Canada and the United States are highly attractive destinations for job seekers due to high salaries and diverse job markets. However, both countries have complex immigration procedures. HR International UAE simplifies this process by guiding job seekers through the visa application process and ensuring all required documentation is in place.
4. Australia and New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand offer excellent job opportunities for skilled workers, particularly in healthcare, IT, and engineering. The visa processes for these countries can be stringent, but HR International UAE provides detailed guidance on how to successfully navigate them.
What Makes HR International UAE Stand Out?
There are many placement agencies for jobs abroad, so what sets HR International UAE apart from the rest?
1. Strong Industry Connections
HR International UAE has built strong relationships with employers across various industries, giving candidates access to exclusive job opportunities that may not be available through other channels. This means you’ll have a higher chance of finding a job that fits your skills and career goals.
2. Comprehensive Support
Unlike some agencies that only focus on job placement, HR International UAE offers end-to-end support. From the initial job search to post-placement services like visa processing and relocation assistance, they ensure you have everything you need for a smooth transition.
3. Experienced Team
The team at HR International UAE is composed of experienced professionals who have in-depth knowledge of international job markets and visa procedures. They provide personalized advice to ensure that each candidate’s unique needs are met.
4. Transparency and Trust
HR International UAE is known for its transparent processes. There are no hidden fees, and they maintain clear communication throughout the job placement process. This builds trust with candidates, making HR International UAE a reliable partner for anyone looking to work abroad.
How to Start Your Job Search with HR International UAE
Starting your job search with HR International UAE is simple and straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Register on the Website: Visit the official HR International UAE website and complete the registration form with your details.
Upload Your Resume: Ensure your resume is up to date with all relevant work experience, skills, and qualifications.
Initial Consultation: Once registered, HR International UAE will schedule a consultation call to understand your career goals and preferred job destinations.
Job Search and Application: Based on your profile, HR International UAE will provide a list of job opportunities that match your skills. You can then apply for jobs through the agency.
Interview Preparation: The agency will help you prepare for interviews and optimize your resume to meet international standards.
Visa Assistance: After securing a job, HR International UAE will guide you through the visa application process to ensure all requirements are met.
Finding a job abroad can be challenging, but working with a placement agency for jobs abroad like HR International UAE simplifies the process. From resume preparation to visa assistance, HR International UAE offers comprehensive support that ensures you land the right job abroad.
Start your journey with HR International UAE today and open the door to exciting global opportunities.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International UAE. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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leblogdacote · 6 days
Linguistic war
I'm not usually doing any post of my own here, but I've got this thought in mind for quite some time now. I mean, the more I translate French fanfics into English ones, the more I notice words that look the same as French ones but don't have the same meaning at all (sometimes the difference is slight but still exist, and sometimes the difference is as big as the Great Canyon).
If you don't believe me, here are some examples (the true meaning is between parenthesis):
library # ­librairie (bibliothèque)
summary # sommaire (résumé)
resume # résumé (CV)
to resume # résumer (reprendre sa place/la parole/sa tâche)
modest/modesty # modeste/modestie (pudique ou timide/pudeur ou timidité)
eventually # éventuellement (finalement)
discreet # discret (sage, prudent)
concrete # concrète (béton)
four # four (quatre)
pie # pie (tarte)
So, I don't know who started first but it looks a lot like someone did this on purpose. If you didn't know that there was a war between French and British, now you can see it. XD
(Yes, I know, I used a diese in place of "different" but for some reason, the usual code gives me this ¹ on Tumblr. ^^; )
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ranjit004 · 8 days
All You Should Know About Master's in Canada
The Master's degree in Canada provides good assurance of improving one's academic standing, hence opening up job opportunities around the globe. With its excellent education system, world-class universities, and vibrant multi-ethnic environment, Canada is among the top destinations sought by international students looking for higher education. This blog covers everything you need to know about pursuing a Master's degree in Canada: from benefits to admission requirements, the cost, and funding opportunities.
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Why Study for a Master's in Canada?
Canada is one of the leading countries academically, due to its quality academics and innovative research programs. Canadian universities are among the top-ranked in the world and offer a variety of master's programs in courses such as business, engineering, healthcare, arts, and sciences. The experience of studying in Canada opens up modern research facilities, highly qualified faculties, and an intellectually stimulating environment.
Besides, the Master's degree in Canada offers an opportunity for useful work experience through co-op programs, internships, and post-graduation work permits. Many students prefer the country for career building upon completion due to its strong job market and immigration-friendly policies.
Admission Requirements for Master's Degree in Canada
General admission criteria to pursue a master's at any university in Canada vary depending on the program that one is pursuing and the university offering the same. Some common admission criteria may include:
Academic Qualifications: The majority of the universities demand a bachelor's degree in a relevant field with a minimum required GPA, usually within the range of 3.0 to 3.5 on a scale of 4.0. Pre-requisite courses might be essential for a few programs.
Language Proficiency: Applicants need to provide proof of proficiency in the English language, usually through IELTS or TOEFL tests, in case English is not the first native language. Some French-speaking universities do have requirements regarding proficiency in the French language.
Letters of Recommendation: Generally speaking, an applicant should attach two or three letters of recommendation by academic or professional referees who should show ability and potential.
Statement of Purpose: Most programs require you to submit a statement of purpose, explaining in detail your academic background, career goals, and the reasons behind your interest in a particular program.
Resume or CV: The other important material that most of the programs require is the resume listing your academics, work experience, and extracurricular activities.
Standardized Tests: For some programs, admission requires certain standardized tests. For business school, it's usually GMAT, while engineering could either be GRE or GMAT.
Cost of a Master's Degree Study in Canada
The cost for a master's degree study in Canada can be quite variable, as universities, programs, and locations differ. For international students, tuition fees are averagely between CAD 13,000 and CAD 35,000 annually. Business, engineering, and medical programs will easily fall on the higher side of that average.
In addition to tuition, there is the living cost for accommodation, food, transportation, and health insurance. Again, this depends on the city as the more significant urban centers such as Toronto and Vancouver tend to be much more expensive compared with smaller cities.
Funding and Scholarships for Master's Degrees in Canada
Among international students, funding seems to be one of the major concerns. However, there is quite a fair deal of scholarships, grants, and assistantships available for a master's degree in Canada to make things easier. Some of the options are:
University Scholarships: A number of Canadian universities provide their own scholarships for international students; these are often merit-based and could significantly offset tuition cost.
Government Scholarships: The Canadian government provides a number of scholarships, such as the Canada Graduate Scholarships and the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, to invest in top students from around the world.
External Scholarships: There are also many private organizations and charitable foundations offering scholarships to master's degree students in Canada. These may be merit-based, depending on academic performance or research potential, or be specific to particular fields.
Teaching and Research Assistantships: The majority of universities have assistantships through which students are able to take part in teaching activities or research with faculty members. More often than not, these include stipends that may be used to pay for tuition and living expenses.
A master's degree in Canada is a good investment in one's future; it guarantees quality education, variable programs, and allows the student to grow both culturally and professionally. From highly regarded world universities to a warm, embracing atmosphere, Canada has just the right environment that could inspire excellence among its international students. Upon having a proper understanding of the admission requirements, costs involved, and funding opportunities available, you will accordingly be well-guided through the process leading towards your master's degree in Canada. Take the first step today and consider what options are open for you as you prepare to dive head-first into a very exciting academic journey in Canada!
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bookyourcv5 · 11 months
Difference between Resume & CV and Biodata
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You may maximize your professional development by taking into account the work profile and comprehending the differences between the three. The difference between CV resume and biodata are explained in this article, along with the components of each and several samples. For more, visit http://www.bookyourcv.com/blog/difference-between-cv-resume-and-biodata/ .
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cvmakers · 14 days
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Understanding the Difference Between a Resume and a CV
Are you confused about whether to submit a resume or a CV for your job application? Learn the key Difference Between a Resume and a CV with our comprehensive guide. While a resume offers a concise summary of your qualifications and experience, a CV provides an in-depth look at your academic background, professional experience, and accomplishments. Discover which document is best suited for your career goals and how to tailor them effectively. Get expert tips and insights to ensure you present the most appropriate document for your next opportunity.
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refugeesjobsite · 14 days
Refugees Job Posting Site: Tips for Refugees Seeking Employment
Navigating the job market in a new country can be challenging, especially for refugees who are adjusting to a different culture and workforce norms. However, with the right strategies and resources, refugees can successfully transition into meaningful employment. This guide provides practical tips on how to leverage previous experience, where to seek help, and the essential training needed to develop skills for the Canadian job market.
How to Translate Your Previous Experience into the Canadian Workforce
One of the first steps in the job search process is effectively translating your previous work experience into a format that resonates with Canadian employers. Here are some key strategies to consider:
Understand Canadian Job Market Expectations: Canadian employers often look for specific formats and terminologies. Familiarize yourself with local resume styles, such as using a clear and concise format that highlights relevant skills and accomplishments. Tailor your resume to match job descriptions and emphasize transferable skills.
Highlight Transferable Skills: Focus on skills that are applicable across different roles and industries. For example, if you have experience in project management, emphasize your ability to lead teams, manage deadlines, and deliver results. Use clear examples and quantify achievements whenever possible.
Translate Qualifications and Certifications: If you hold qualifications or certifications from your home country, ensure they are recognized in Canada. You may need to get your credentials assessed by a Canadian professional body to understand how they align with local standards.
Craft a Compelling Cover Letter: Your cover letter should bridge the gap between your previous experience and the Canadian job market. Use it to explain how your background makes you a strong candidate for the role, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for contributing to the organization.
To seek better employment opportunities for asylum seekers in Canada unique skills and qualifications will boost your CV. We can help you, call us.
Where to Find Help with Job Search and Integration
Finding the right resources and support can significantly ease the job search process. Here are some valuable avenues to explore:
Community Organizations: Many non-profit organizations and community groups offer specialized services for refugees, including job placement assistance, career counseling, and skills training. Examples include the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia and the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council. These organizations can provide personalized guidance and connect you with local job opportunities.
Government Programs: The Canadian government offers various programs aimed at helping newcomers integrate into the workforce. The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website provides information on employment services, training programs, and funding options for refugee job seekers.
Online Job Portals: Utilize online job portals that cater specifically to refugees, such as the Refugees Job Site. These platforms not only list job opportunities but also offer resources like resume-building tools and interview preparation tips.
At our Refugees Job Posting Site, our mission is to empower refugees across Canada by connecting them with meaningful employment opportunities that not only align with their skills and experiences but also help them integrate into their new communities.
Networking Opportunities: Building a professional network can open doors to job opportunities. Attend industry-specific events, workshops, and networking sessions to meet potential employers and mentors. Many cities also host job fairs and community gatherings that focus on refugee employment.
Essential Training for Refugees to Develop Skills
In addition to leveraging previous experience and seeking support, acquiring new skills is crucial for securing employment in Canada. Consider the following training opportunities:
Language Training: Proficiency in English or French is often essential for most jobs in Canada. Enroll in language courses or programs specifically designed for refugees to improve your communication skills. Many community organizations and educational institutions offer free or low-cost language training.
Job-Specific Skills: Depending on your desired field, you may need additional training or certification. Look for courses and workshops that offer skills relevant to your industry, such as computer software training, trade certifications, or customer service skills.
Cultural Competency Training: Understanding Canadian workplace culture can enhance your employability. Workshops on cultural norms, workplace etiquette, and professional communication can help you better navigate the work environment and integrate smoothly into your new role.
Soft Skills Development: Employers value soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. Participate in training programs that focus on developing these skills, as they are essential for career success and can set you apart from other candidates.
Navigating the job market as a refugee in Canada requires a strategic approach that involves translating your previous experience, seeking out the right resources, and continuously developing your skills. By understanding local job market expectations, utilizing available support services, and investing in essential training, you can enhance your employability and successfully integrate into the Canadian workforce.
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hrmblog · 25 days
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pelagojobagency · 29 days
The Role of IT Jobs and the Value of an IT Recruitment Agency
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Within the ever-changing terrain of the UK employment market, IT jobs have become increasingly important in enabling efficiency and creativity in many different fields. The growing need for qualified IT experts fuels a competitive climate whereby businesses want to engage with top expertise. Here is where the knowledge of an IT recruitment agency becomes rather helpful as a link between companies promoting IT Jobs and applicants looking to access the IT Jobs market..
Why are IT Jobs Important
UK Industry estimates indicate that the demand for digital transformation and the rising reliance on technology in corporate operations will drive notable growth in the IT jobs sector. Particularly in fields including cloud computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence, the UK has experienced a clear rise in demand for tech expertise.
Not only can IT jobs pay attractive salaries, they also give chances for skill development and professional progress. Companies need people who can adapt and create as they try to keep ahead of technology changes. This demand for agility in the workforce emphasises the important part recruitment companies play in finding the appropriate applicants, that suit a company's culture and have both the technical ability and job experience.
The Role of an IT Recruitment Agency
An IT recruitment agency focuses on matching UK businesses with top technological skills. These companies provide a spectrum of services meant to expedite the hiring process for companies as well as for job seekers.
Identifying Talent
Finding and drawing in suitable individuals is one of the main tasks of an IT recruitment agency. They hold a large database and have access to social networks, which allows them access to a pool of skilled talent that may not be available through conventional employment announcements. This is especially helpful for businesses trying to cover specialist IT jobs needing a level of technical knowledge.
Streamlining the Hiring Process
Simplifying the employment process depends to a large extent on the IT recruitment agency. They manage a range of administrative chores, including candidate correspondence between companies, resume screening, interview scheduling and rescheduling. Not only does this save time for hiring managers, but guarantees that applicants get quick feedback through the hiring process, therefore improving the whole experience
Providing Market Insights
Apart from linking applicants with employment, the IT recruitment agency provides insightful analysis of compensation benchmarks and industry trends. Employers as well as job seekers depend on this knowledge since it clarifies the competitive scene and guides their decisions. Candidates might evaluate their value in the employment market, for example, while companies might change their offers to draw the best applicants.
Career Guidance and Support
An IT recruitment agency can provide job seekers with tailored support, CV optimisation, interview coaching and advice on appropriate dress. They enable candidates to properly emphasise their qualifications and experience, raising their chances of getting that all-important interview. Furthermore, job agencies can have ties to companies which lets them advocate for candidates and put them in the best light.
One cannot stress enough the importance of IT jobs in the UK economy. The need for qualified experts will only grow as technology moves forward.
Essential partners in this environment, IT recruitment agencies link companies with top talent and guarantee that both sides gain from a simplified, effective hiring process. Using the knowledge of these organisations will help UK businesses strengthen their competitive edge and stimulate innovation in an IT Jobs market that is constantly evolving.
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falisha-enterprises · 30 days
Your Pathway to Success in Lithuania: Choose the Best Recruitment Agency in Pakistan
In today's competitive job market, securing a rewarding career abroad can be a daunting challenge. As globalization continues to open doors across borders, countries like Lithuania have become attractive destinations for professionals seeking new opportunities. For Pakistani job seekers, the pathway to success in Lithuania is paved with the assistance of the Best Overseas Employment Agency in Pakistan. This article delves into why choosing the right Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan is crucial to achieving your career aspirations in Europe.
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Why Lithuania?
Lithuania, a member of the European Union, offers a robust economy, a high standard of living, and a welcoming environment for foreign professionals. With a growing demand for skilled labor in sectors such as information technology, engineering, healthcare, and finance, Lithuania presents an ideal landscape for Pakistani professionals to thrive.
The country's business-friendly policies, coupled with its rich cultural heritage, make it an attractive destination for expatriates. Moreover, Lithuania's strategic location in the heart of Europe provides easy access to other EU countries, offering a wealth of opportunities for career growth and travel.
The Role of a Recruitment Agency
Navigating the Lithuanian job market on your own can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with language barriers, unfamiliar legal requirements, and cultural differences. This is where a Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan plays a pivotal role. A reputable recruitment agency acts as a bridge between Pakistani job seekers and Lithuanian employers, ensuring a smooth transition to a new career abroad.
Expertise and Industry Knowledge
The best recruitment agencies possess a deep understanding of the Lithuanian job market and its unique demands. They are well-versed in the latest trends, the most sought-after skills, and the industries that are actively hiring. This expertise allows them to match candidates with the right job opportunities, increasing the chances of securing a position that aligns with their qualifications and career goals.
Personalized Guidance
A top-tier recruitment agency doesn't just forward your CV to employers; it provides personalized guidance throughout the job search process. This includes assistance with resume writing, interview preparation, and even negotiating job offers. By working closely with candidates, the agency ensures that they are fully prepared to meet the expectations of Lithuanian employers.
Legal and Administrative Support
One of the most challenging aspects of working abroad is navigating the legal and administrative processes involved. From visa applications to work permits, a recruitment agency handles the paperwork and ensures compliance with Lithuanian regulations. This support is invaluable in preventing delays and avoiding potential legal pitfalls.
Why Choose Falisha Manpower?
When it comes to finding the Best Overseas Employment Agency in Pakistan, Falisha Manpower stands out as a leader in the industry. With years of experience and a track record of successful placements, Falisha Manpower has earned a reputation for excellence in connecting Pakistani professionals with top employers in Lithuania.
Proven Success in Lithuania
Falisha Manpower has established strong partnerships with leading companies in Lithuania, enabling them to offer exclusive job opportunities to their candidates. Their success in placing Pakistani professionals in high-demand roles across various industries is a testament to their commitment to client satisfaction.
Comprehensive Services
What sets Falisha Manpower apart is their comprehensive range of services. From the initial consultation to post-placement support, they provide end-to-end assistance to ensure a smooth and successful relocation. Their team of experts guides candidates through every step of the process, making the transition to Lithuania as seamless as possible.
Strong Employer Relationships
Falisha Manpower's extensive network of Lithuanian employers gives them a competitive edge in the recruitment market. They have built strong relationships with companies that value diversity and are eager to hire skilled professionals from Pakistan. This network allows them to match candidates with reputable employers who offer not only competitive salaries but also opportunities for career advancement.
Cultural Sensitivity
Understanding the cultural nuances of both Pakistan and Lithuania is crucial to a successful job placement. Falisha Manpower's team is well-equipped to provide cultural training and support, ensuring that candidates are prepared to adapt to their new work environment. This cultural sensitivity helps to bridge the gap between employers and employees, fostering a positive and productive working relationship.
The Application Process
Working with a Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan like Falisha Manpower streamlines the application process, making it easier for candidates to secure their dream job in Lithuania.
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an initial consultation, where the agency assesses the candidate's qualifications, experience, and career goals. This is a crucial step in understanding the candidate's aspirations and determining the best job opportunities available in Lithuania.
Job Matching
Based on the candidate's profile, Falisha Manpower identifies suitable job openings in Lithuania. They leverage their network of employers to find positions that align with the candidate's skills and experience. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of securing a job offer.
Application and Interview Preparation
Once a job opportunity is identified, the agency assists with the application process, including CV submission and interview scheduling. Falisha Manpower provides comprehensive interview coaching, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared to impress potential employers.
Job Offer and Acceptance
Upon receiving a job offer, the agency helps candidates evaluate the terms and conditions, negotiate salary and benefits, and make an informed decision. This support is crucial in securing a favorable employment contract.
Visa and Relocation Assistance
After accepting a job offer, the agency guides candidates through the visa application process and provides relocation assistance. This includes finding accommodation, arranging travel, and offering advice on settling into life in Lithuania.
Post-Placement Support
Falisha Manpower's commitment to their candidates doesn't end with job placement. They offer ongoing support to ensure that candidates successfully integrate into their new work environment and continue to thrive in their careers.
Securing a job in Lithuania is a significant milestone in any professional's career. To make this dream a reality, it's essential to partner with a reputable Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan like Falisha Manpower. As the Best Overseas Employment Agency in Pakistan, Falisha Manpower offers the expertise, support, and network needed to navigate the Lithuanian job market successfully.
By choosing Falisha Manpower, you are not just finding a job; you are embarking on a pathway to long-term success in Lithuania. Whether you are an experienced professional or a fresh graduate, Falisha Manpower is your trusted partner in achieving your career goals abroad. Take the first step towards a brighter future by contacting Falisha Manpower today.
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