#Different Cattle Business Ideas
akazzzaa · 8 months
Were / are they a Virgin?
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Summery- Where they a virgin when they where humans? are they still ?
Genre- Smut. MDNI
Warnings- Talks of sex, masturbation.
Human Muzan
Was a virgin- He didn’t get married. He had a wealthy family but never found a wife. He was born with a frail body so even if he did have a wife-he couldn't. Or at least it would be very bad experience putting sex off for him. Although he never had a big “desire” to have sex- he still was curious about it and often masturbated as a human.
Demon Muzan
Not a virgin- Don't really need to explain- but he's had sex a lot. He likes it, but can live without it. He has other things to focus on so he doesn't seek sex a lot. Sex does come naturally to him though anyway. He's a 'young' good looking man after all. Who often manipulates women and people to get what he wants. If he has to play Husband and a Oiran, he will.
He has also had sex in his female form.
Human Kokushibo
Not a virgin-His first and last was with his wife. He had a duty as a man to produce heirs and that was it to him. He did like sex, but was very insecure. He was emotionally unavailable I suppose, and never expressed himself.
Demon kokushibo
Virgin. He remembers his past life and know how sex works, but he doesn’t see humans as equals- only as cattle. He’s not opposed to it though, he’s seen plenty of humans that are pleasing to the eye and would like to indulge in. But never acted on it.
Human Douma
Not a virgin. Was never married or had plans to - but he was good looking and had different features that made him more 'exotic' so a lot of people where curious, and so was he. He didn't have a lot of sex due to being so busy - only problem he faced was that people fell in love with him after they had sex. He never felt that.
Daemon Douma
Not a virgin. He has toyed with men and women and finds it entertaining, plus it does feels good. People who have had sex with him don't really live to tell anyone else. There are a few who live. Doesn't actively seek sex but he can tell when a humans wants him. He will also use the art of seduction to get what he wants too.
Human Akaza
Virgin. He was planning on marring Koyuki and was waiting for their special night. He never thought he would- having tattoos of a criminal over his body has made him feel worthless so he had a lot of doubt about finding love. Him and Koyuki had kissed a lot but that's as far as it went.
Demon Akaza
Double virgin. He never feels the desire for sex. He only wants to get stronger. All he does is follows Muzans orders, train and eat.
Human Hantengu
Not a virgin- Has had wife's. No idea if any kids have come out of it but there where attempts.
Demon Hantengu
Virgin? Maybe the lust clone has had sex but the other clones and himself? Virgins.
Human Gyokko
Demon Gyokko
Human Gyutaro
Virgin. Women would scream at the sight of him. Not only because he was ugly but had bad hygiene, malnourished and weak. He was fighting everyday of his life. Never thought about it.
Demon Gyutaro
Virgin. Only as a demon he got curious and had the desire for it, he hasn't tried to have sex cause he know he will just get laughed at which will result in someone's death.
Human Nakime
Not a virgin. She had a husband in her human life but never had kids with him.
Demon Nakime
Virgin. Doesn't have the desire to have sex.
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A Sting in the Way You Kiss Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early Alexandria
Warnings: Poorly written, raunchy smut, Dom/sub dynamic, p in v, fingering, oral sex (f & m receiving), prostate stimulation
Summary: You and Daryl take the next step in your relationship. And it’s a big step.
A/N: Lawd, this took forever! I’m not 100% happy with it but happy enough to call it complete. I think I like Sub!Daryl. I’m sleepy now so I’ll proofread and fix errors tomorrow.
gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
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Daryl Dixon made you feel powerful. 
Given his nature, you could never be sure if it was intentional. From day one at the quarry, he was rude, standoffish, and vulgar. You found him difficult to tolerate, but hey, you didn’t get to choose the people with which you had survived an apocalypse. It was a random twist of fate that had brought you all together. Better to just make the best of it. 
So, you did. You made it a priority to get to know everyone in your group, saving the Dixons for last. Merle, you quickly surmised as a lost cause. Women, to him, were meek and fruitless, destined to die without a big strong man to ensure they were protected, fed, and bred like cattle to repopulate the earth. 
You found Daryl to be a tad more reserved. He only offered his opinion—usually loudly and to include several swears—when the conversation revolved around an important topic that would directly affect him or his brother. He otherwise attempted very hard to keep to himself. So when you began to follow him around, he naturally bucked against the idea. Still, you saw potential there and persevered. 
You took an interest in the things he was doing, namely hunting and trapping. He was a skilled tracker and a marksman with his crossbow. You started small, asking how the weapon worked. He had been skeptical and scrutinized you for sincerity, all with a glower in the span of five minutes. It was only uphill from there. 
When Daryl began to teach you his trades, he made sure you learned by doing. His only praise for getting something right was usually a curt nod and a “that’ll do.” By giving you weapons, having you track a buck that would feed the group for days, spear a fish, and skin and clean your own kills, he had put power in your hands. He had single-handedly molded you into a force that could survive in the new world. 
When it came to walkers, Daryl somehow knew things that others didn’t. “S’gotta be the brain! Don’t ya’ll know nothin’?!” You knew. Thanks to him. You had spent a lot of time in the woods, the perfect place to learn how to take down the undead. It was virtually impossible for them to sneak up on you. Too many ways to make noise if you weren’t actively trying to be silent. Once again, a weapon had been placed in your hand and you were thrown to the wolves…erm…walkers. The difference between this and hunting, you noticed, was that Daryl was never too far away with his own weapon ready. He knew how to make you feel independent without wagering your safety. 
The months and tragedies continued to pass slowly, each profound in their own way. Surviving was top priority and to continue to do so as time marched on became more and more of a victory. You lost people and homes, each leaving a mark on your soul that would never be erased, chipping away at your humanity bit by bit. Surprisingly, it was Daryl who kept you grounded. 
By the time you arrived in Alexandria, things between you and the archer had evolved into something just short of a romantic relationship. You had been sharing space with him for months now, falling asleep warm in his arms every night. You would show him affection in front of your friends and, though he scowled and grumbled, he accepted it. Kisses alternated between slow and passionate and long and needy, each accompanied by intimate touches that never seemed to go far enough. 
Today, you had been helping him with the bike Aaron had gifted him to keep him busy. He had shown you back at the prison how to make repairs, along with the correct name and function of each part. He was sitting beside you while you both diagnosed what could be causing the thing to sputter and die randomly. Your eyes were drawn to his muscles when he would tighten a bolt, and more than once, you had caught his gaze roaming up the length of your bare legs until he reached the hem of your shorts and quickly looked away. 
It was becoming a problem. An absolute dilemma that was resulting in a pulsing, wet need between your thighs. You chose to ignore it and focus your energy on the task at hand. Daryl, however, decided that he needed the wrench that just happened to currently reside between your lower thighs. When he reached for it, you were unprepared and reacted instinctively. You smacked the back of his hand before you even realized you had moved. He pulled back the limb with surprising quickness, wide blue eyes zeroing in on the red welt that began to form just below his knuckles. 
“Shit! I’m sorry!” The words tumbled out of your mouth as you grabbed his hand to inspect it yourself. He let you pull it closer even though it meant he had to lean forward awkwardly. Your fingers brushed over the irritated flesh and before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to the mark you had left. A chance look from under your lashes showed he still wore the wide eyes, but the brilliant blue was merely a thin ring around his dilated pupils. 
‘Oh.’ Could it really be? You had honestly thought Daryl just wasn’t into sex since the world ended. He had never made a move, never given you any indication that he was waiting for you to make one. Sure, your make-out sessions would get pretty heated, but honestly, things were always too hectic or dangerous for anything more. Maybe, just maybe, now that your family was safe behind the walls here…
You knew Daryl had lovers in the past. It was a topic of conversation once during a night watch before the prison had fallen. Your head was on his shoulder as you recounted — in more detail than he had liked, if his growls and grunts had been anything to go by — your average-size list. When it had been his turn, he hadn’t been as forthcoming as you but you at least surmised that he knew his way around a pussy if ever the opportunity presented itself. 
On a whim, you flipped his hand and let your lips whisper over his wrist next, drawing up your legs to sit on your knees. He still didn’t stop you while you moved up his arm with hot, open-mouthed kisses and kitten licks. Eventually, you needed to skip over his clothed shoulder (for now) and his neck became your next target. He leaned back slightly when you threw a leg over both of his to straddle him, unleashing an onslaught of attention over his carotid pulse. His breath hitched, his palms hovering over your hips but seemingly not yet willing to touch you. You would use that to your advantage at some point. 
Salt, smoke, and earth were mingling on your tongue. “I like how you taste.” You whispered in his ear, smiling against his skin when you felt him shiver. You leaned back to bring your face in front of his, fingers grabbing his chin when he started to look away. “I think we need to go to your room.” He swallowed hard, his Adam's Apple bobbing. 
You stood straight up from where you were on his lap, leaving your feet on either side of his hips and the apex of your thighs directly in front of his face. Once again, he tried to look away. “Don’t.” You ordered before you thought better of it. To your surprise, he stopped short and turned back, even as he scowled from being bossed around. ‘Oh.’ The things he told you without saying a word. “Don’t keep me waiting, Dixon.” You stepped back and then over, swaying your hips more deliberately than usual as you exited the garage. 
You didn’t turn to see if he would follow. If you were reading him right, he would. 
And you were about to have the time of your life. 
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Entering the home you, Daryl, and Carol shared, you passed the staircase that led up to your room and stepped into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. You probably had a good ten minutes before Daryl would stop pacing the front porch and actually come inside. 
Descending the stairs from the kitchen, you opened the basement door and flipped the light switch. Even though you had separate rooms, you spent more time in his room than your own. The things you used most were down there. You slept there. Nothing was really going to change if this happened, right?
Pursing your lips, you shook the thoughts away and placed the water on the nightstand, twisting the switch on the small bedside lamp. After you turned off the overhead light, satisfied with the subtle glow left behind, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt, pausing just before you were going to lift it over your head. No. You’d stay dressed for now. Your boots came off, along with your socks, and you sat on the edge of the mattress and waited. Sure enough, after a little less than ten minutes, you heard the slow, heavy footfalls descending the stairs. 
He must have needed another moment because there was a silent span of about fifteen seconds before the door slowly opened and Daryl entered, already gnawing on his thumbnail. 
“Hi.” You beamed, crossing your legs and leaning back. The bowman nodded minutely, looking so adorably uncomfortable that you came close to calling the whole thing off. You did need to ensure this is what he wanted. If it wasn’t, you could live without it. You had him and he would always be enough. 
When he closed the door and didn’t take another step, you rose to your feet and walked toward him, adding that extra sway to your hips. It was a pleasure in and of itself to watch him watching you. When you were close enough, you started by pushing the open vest off his shoulders, smiling when he dropped his hand from his mouth to let the garment fall from his arms to the floor. 
“Daryl.” You purred his name, and his eyes found yours instantly. “I need you to answer some things for me, and I need you to use words.” You worked at the buttons of his shirt agonizingly slow. “Can you do that for me?” He nodded. You shook your head and tutted. “Words, Dixon.”
“Yeah.” He answered immediately in a quiet tone. 
“Do you want me?” A button came free. 
“Do you know that I want you?” Another. 
“Will you let me be in control tonight?” Your fingers paused when he hesitated. “You don’t have to—”
“Yeah.” He may have hesitated but his answer sounded certain. 
You smiled. “I’m going to give you a safe word. If at any time, you’re uncomfortable or you need or even just want me to stop, do you promise me you will say that word?” Another button opened. You had zero intention of going very far, but it would never hurt to establish rules when you wanted so badly to play with him. And he was letting you. You feared getting carried away in the heat of the moment, and his safety and comfort were the most important thing in the world to you. 
Daryl inhaled sharply and nodded, following quickly with a mumbled “yeah.”
“And if at any time, you can’t speak and want me to stop, will you double tap somewhere on my body to let me know?” 
“Good boy.” You felt his sharp inhale beneath your fingers while you finished with the buttons, opening the shirt but not removing it. You could see a few of his scars like this. Not wanting him to grow self-conscious, you stepped into him, tracing one with a gentle fingertip only to follow with your lips. “You’re beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that?” Daryl shook his head. “Daryl.” 
“No.” He whispered. 
“Well, you are.” You let your finger continue upward to stroke his jaw before abruptly turning away. “First thing’s first.” When you reached the bed, you turned back to him. “The safe word is chupacabra.” A flicker of annoyance was immediate in his eyes. “Say it.” Your tone remained no-nonsense.
“Safe word’s chupacabra.” He drawled, trying not to sneer. 
“And what do you do if you need to stop and you can’t speak?” 
“Tap on ya twice.” The archer replied almost immediately. 
You cocked a brow at him. “Good. I need you to understand that I will never be upset or disappointed if you need things to stop. Ever.”
You smiled at him fondly. “Good. Now, come over here and undress me.” There was that hesitation again as his eyes raked over your body, pausing at every curve just long enough to let you know he was appreciating what he saw. Finally, he stepped toward you. Once he had reached you, he again paused. You let him. He had touched every part of you before through your clothes. This was the first time he would see you bare.
After a few moments, he reached for the bottom of your shirt while you raised your arms above your head. The garment was pulled from you and tossed aside. Your bra wasn’t anything special. Something you had grabbed on a run a few months back; white and at least one cup size too small. You decided to do this part for him, unfastening the clasp at your back and removing the thing yourself. Daryl didn’t seem to mind, his gaze lingering on the newly exposed skin. Men and boobs, a tale as old as time. 
“Shorts.” You stated simply, a smirk firmly plastered on your face when he snapped out his daze and met your eyes. There was a slight tremble to his hands as he reached for the button, his eyes narrowed. You watched him and he watched what he was doing. Button open, he dragged down the zipper, and his eyes flickered up to yours. You gave him a nod. 
His thick fingers dipped inside the waistband at both hips, but just as he started to pull, you interjected. “Panties, too.” You heard the shaky inhale as he adjusted his hold to grip your underwear as well, lowering to one knee as he pulled both garments down your legs. They were quickly shed and kicked to the side and your hand found the top of his head when he made to stand. “I think I like you there.”
Daryl tilted back his head to see you, taking the hint and lowering his other leg so he was fully kneeled. 
“Good boy.” You breathed, feeling a pulse between your legs. You had wanted to do a few other things with him before really jumping into the fun bits but your needy cunt simply would not be denied. The mattress dipped as you sat in front of him, spreading your legs in an obscene display just to gauge his reaction. The blush that crept across his cheeks should have been adorable but only served to stoke your arousal. “Come here, Daryl.” A few feet separated the two of you, so it was only natural for him to assume you wanted him to stand. 
That isn’t what you wanted at all. 
“I didn’t say get up.” 
The archer paused halfway. The look he sent you had you wondering if this was where he would end this game. He’d say ‘fuck this’ and do things his way, pounding into you until you were red and sore and screaming his name through your release. The thought was appealing. 
You arched a brow when he lowered back to his knees, a quiet curse on his lips. Would he do it? The minute he leaned forward to place one palm against the floor, you thought you might cum then and there. Daryl Dixon was crawling toward you because you told him to.  
He stopped just short of your spread knees, one of your legs coming up to rest on his shoulder. He looked over at it but quickly turned back to you. 
“Closer.” As soon as you could, you started digging your heel into his back, urging him onward until his warm breath was wafting over your core. You bit your lip, reminding yourself of the role you were playing. Your first instinct was to beg him to touch you. No, not tonight. He’d have his turn. The thought of Daryl taking charge sent another sharp pang of arousal straight to your center, your cunt clenching around nothing. The way his eyes left your face and focused on the wet mess between your legs confirmed that he had noticed. You had to reel this in if you wanted to continue. Clearing your throat, you placed your other leg across his other shoulder. “I can’t decide if I want to feel your mouth on me or those fingers inside of me.”
You tapped your chin, feigning deep thought. You had every intention of utilizing both of those delicious options. Dropping your hand, you rested back on your elbows. “Let’s see how good you are with your tongue first.” Daryl gave you a look that would have melted your panties clean off had you still been wearing them. Goddamn, he was handsome, even more so when he was showing some confidence. 
Before your mask had a chance to slip, you felt his fingers spread you open but dare not venture between your lips. Blue orbs stayed on you when he leaned in and pressed his tongue flat against you, dragging it from opening to clit before pulling back to repeat it. The second drag ended with the tip swirling around your bundle of nerves. Sparks of pleasure jolted from where he touched you. You could feel it coursing through your veins like lightning, burrowing deep in your lower belly. 
He paid special attention to your clit, taking his sweet time alternating between flicks and swirls of his tongue to gentle sucking to grazing his teeth over it with just enough pressure to make your head fall back and your fingers tangle in his hair. Then he moved down, lapping at your opening with the same attentiveness, the wet slurps and appreciative hums pulling the knot inside you tight. When he dipped his tongue inside, pumping in, out, in and then wiggling it against your inner walls, you were already close to orgasm, panting and pulling against his scalp helplessly. 
He was moving back toward your clit and you knew if he made contact, you would spiral. Not a satisfaction you were ready to relinquish to him. “Stop!” You ordered breathlessly. He almost didn’t, the brat. His breath hit hard against the sensitive nub but he didn’t touch it. “I want your fingers inside me.” You kept your head back, staring at the ceiling. “Nowhere else.” Your climax had receded but it wouldn’t take much to call it back. 
You never had a problem cumming from penetration only, but it took time and effort. It would give you a moment of reprieve to gather yourself and draw this out a little longer. 
Or would it? 
You were wet enough for his middle finger to easily slip inside, the feeling of your walls pulling him in further earning a drawn out moan from somewhere deep in your chest. You raised your head to look down the length of your body. Thank whatever deity that Daryl was watching his digit move in and out of you instead of meeting your eyes. He felt so fucking good. 
Your legs pulled toward you, leaving your ankles balancing on his shoulders and your thighs opening further. You couldn’t fucking help it. “Another.” You demanded and he immediately obliged, drawing his finger nearly all the way out so that his index finger could join the onslaught. “Mmm, so good,” You praised. Your hips began to roll in time with the slow thrusts of his hand, the hot coil that was low in your belly getting tighter and tighter. 
The sounds that filled the room were a testament to just how soaked you were, and they were only becoming more prominent. It was no longer about how long you could keep this up. Your body ached for release, your mind too clouded in a euphoric fog to care. 
“Make me cum.” You looked down again and his eyes met yours as he lowered his head, drawing your clit into his mouth. He sucked the swollen bundle and flicked it with the tip of his tongue, his fingers curling each time they pushed inside of you and tapped that sweet, soft spot that had your toes beginning to curl. 
“Yes, yes, right there. Don’t stop!” And he didn’t. He increased his efforts, humming around your clit. “I’m gonna cum!” You had no more than uttered the words when the coil inside you snapped and released wave after wave of intense pleasure; a wildfire of sensation burning through you while you cried out his name and pinned him against you with your thighs. Daryl didn’t let up, collecting all you offered as your cunt pulsed around his fingers. 
“Shit,” you murmured, your body going limp. Fingers carded through the archer’s hair while he pulled free from within you. He directed the digits toward his lips. “Let me.” The command came out breathless and shaky, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Daryl appeared almost sad that he was losing that last taste of you, but he did as he was told and leaned forward to press his fingertips to your bottom lip. You sucked both digits into your mouth, your eyes fluttering closed. 
Your eyes peeled open to find the bowman watching you intently, those blue pools brimming with desire. You smirked and made a show out of opening your mouth and letting your tongue sweep across his skin, gathering every drop of your nectar. The man looked as if he was going to jump your bones. He was trembling from restraint, among other things, you were quite sure. With a hum, you pulled your mouth away. 
“Stand up.” The authoritative tone was back now that you were focused on a new goal. Daryl blinked, arousal replaced with irritation. His scowl deepened but once again, he obeyed. Rising up onto your elbows, you watched him stand, flexing his fingers at his sides. Using the ball of your foot, you pressed into his groin, against his obvious desire. The archer hissed through his teeth but he dared not move. 
“Take off your clothes, Daryl.”
A smile crept across your face at how quickly he began following that command. His shirt was shrugged off in seconds and you couldn’t even be sure when his boots and socks had been removed, but you pressed your foot into him again when he reached for his belt. He stopped with a grunt. 
If looks could kill, you’d soon be a walker. His hair blew away from his eyes with each hard exhale through his nose. Once again, you wondered if this was where your fun would end. And once again, he surprised you and began to follow your instructions. Your foot fell away once he had worked the belt loose and popped open the button. Your eyes tracked the downfall of the zipper, only barely concealing your excitement. 
His pants fell first and the regret of not demanding he remove those and his boxer- briefs simultaneously was immediate. Though his underwear left very little to the imagination in his current state. You met his eyes for a moment and raised a brow to urge him onward. 
“Don’t get shy on me now, Dixon.” You teased. Moving up onto your knees at the edge of the mattress, you barely waited until the last garment was kicked aside before your hands were on him. You wanted this experience to be positive for him, and while you had so, so much planned for him tonight, taking a moment to just appreciate how stunning he was wouldn’t hurt. Your lips found the skin just above his clavicle, sucking gently. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” You whispered before dragging your tongue up the length of his neck to his jaw. “Sometimes, I can’t believe you’re real. And you’re mine.” Your hand wrapped around his cock just as your mouth pressed against his, allowing you to swallow the delicious whimper he offered at the new contact. You kept your grip loose, pumping him at a tortuously slow pace. His mouth fell open and gave you the opportunity to delve inside with your tongue, tangling it with his when he responded to the advance. His breath between the intricate dances of your mouths had begun to pick up, an excellent moment for you to pull away completely. Your cunt clenched in response to the whine he emitted. “Be a good boy and sit down for me.”
Daryl moved a little more slowly now, almost cautiously, watching you when you crawled up to the top of the bed to grab both of your pillows. Your feet met the floor just as he sat down. You circled around to stand in front of him, lifting your foot and wedging it between his knees. “Open up, pretty boy.” The archer snorted quietly as he complied. The pillows fell between his feet with a quiet sound, and then your knees dropped onto them. You wiggled a bit to get comfortable and looked up to find him watching with his head tilted and a dark brow arched. “What? I’m shorter than you.” 
His mouth formed a silent “oh” and he nodded. The adorable moment almost had you forgetting your role, but you were able to rein in your adoration just before the giggle could bubble up. To bring things back into perspective for him, you raised your hand and whispered the tip of your finger along the vein winding up the underside of his cock. There was a choked off sound, his hands balling into fists on his thighs. You splayed open the fingers of the same hand across his chest and gave a gentle push. 
“Lie back.” 
There was a deep, steadying breath and then he did as you ordered. Your fingers laced through his on both hands and moved them to the mattress, out of your way but still within sight. 
“These stay here.” You commanded without a single centimeter of room for argument. You felt him shifting and just knew he was nodding. “Words, baby boy.” You chose that exact moment to wrap your soft palm around the base of his dick. 
“Yes.” He finally answered in a rush of breath. You weren’t certain if he was responding to your words or your touch but decided to forego clarification. He wasn’t going to last long, so you were ready to play with him through that first release. Then your needy cunt could finally get its fill of him. 
“So good for me.” You purred. You pushed yourself away from sitting on your heels, bringing you just where you wanted to be. You released him quickly, rewarded instantly with him rising onto his elbows to see what was happening. The urge to reprimand was forced down. This was your first time with him and his first time allowing this. If he felt better watching, you’d let him. 
For now. 
Palm open, you dragged your tongue from wrist to fingertip, your lustful gaze never leaving his face. The way he watched you sent a surge of wetness dripping from your core. God, you couldn’t wait to fuck him. First thing was first, though. Your hand met his cock again, warm and wet and stroking from base to tip, a twist, and back down. He couldn’t watch you after all. You nearly laughed when he collapsed back onto the mattress with a groan. 
Movement in your peripheral had you looking to find his hands returning to where you had placed them. He must have realized he had moved them when he sat up. As a reward, you pumped him a bit faster. When you saw his chest heaving but heard nothing more than the harsh breaths, you found yourself pouting before remembering the power you had. 
“You’re so quiet, baby. Don’t you wanna let me know that it feels good?” 
He didn’t respond at first, and you wondered briefly if pushing him would be the right thing when he was such a quiet person to begin with. He had taken a lot of shit from you already and this just might be the straw that broke the camel’s back. So, you just moved on with your delectable torture. 
Your pace slowed significantly. There was no time for him to investigate, though. Your lips were immediately wrapping around his tip, sucking lightly and lapping at the opening to gather the sweet little drops of pre-cum. Oh, were you rewarded for that move. 
His fists white-knuckled the sheets, a guttural moan working its way past his lips. It was the absolute sexiest sound you had ever heard in your life. You closed your own eyes in restraint, almost cumming on the spot. You had to keep moving. Sudden pauses might have him second guessing what he had just done and you most certainly did not want that. He needed to make that noise. Often. 
Swirling your tongue around the tip, you pulled him back into the warm cavern of your mouth. This time, your hand slid down the length of him, followed by your lips. He pressed against the back of your throat and had you cursing your gag reflex when you couldn’t hold him there long. It didn’t matter to him, apparently. The simple move had his back arching and his cock twitching against your tongue as you dragged your way back up. 
You bobbed your head several more times, delighted in the way he began to writhe and twist the sheets in his fists. You gave him no warning and pulled off with a wet ‘pop’. There was that whine again that had your nethers pulsing. 
“Look at me.” You ordered with an authoritative edge to your tone. Daryl lifted his head, still panting through parted lips. “I want to try something. I hope it will make you feel good. But I need you to know that if it doesn’t, you can stop me. Remember what I said. I won’t be upset. Okay?” 
He nodded but followed it with a breathless “okay.”
“Such a good boy.” You kissed the weeping tip of his cock, parting your lips to pull him back into your warm wetness. With your hand and mouth stroking him at a steady pace, you knew he was ready to fall apart within moments. His cock began to twitch every few heartbeats. His breathing was uneven and shallow. He was a complete mess and you couldn’t seem to get enough. 
You used your other hand to cup his balls, not remaining there long. They were a marker so you could find just the right spot. Starting at the base of his scrotum, you applied gentle but firm pressure, dragging the pads of your middle and index finger back and forth to massage his perineum, stimulating his prostate from the outside. Every ‘ah, ah, ah’ he fed you in response to the new sensation was a sound straight to your pussy. He definitely liked what you were doing.  
Once again, however, your greedy little cunt couldn’t be ignored, begging to be stretched and filled. You hollowed your cheeks and sucked hard, your mouth squeezing him all the way up and off. Your tongue slithered out to break the string of saliva that stretched from your lips to the head of his dick. “Mmm, I think that’s enough of that, pretty boy.” 
“Y/N.” He whined, keeping his hands right where you had placed them. 
“You’ve been so good for me, baby. Move to the middle of the bed.” He complied in eager yet jerky movements, lust blown eyes on your every move as you followed him up. You stopped with your hot center hovering over his groin. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of me and you.” You lowered, grinding against and soaking his cock with your slick. “I want you inside of me. Would you like that?”
“Yeah.” Daryl reached for you but thought better of it and put his hands back on the mattress. 
“Look at you. Wanting your hands on me so badly.” You moaned as the tip of him slid over your clit, providing the friction you so desperately craved. “But waiting for permission. Would you beg for it? To be inside me?” 
His lips pressed into a thin line. Had you found the limit to how far you could push him? You drove your hips down harder, shifting back and forth, and he pressed his head into the pillow with a hiss. 
“Beg me for it. Beg me because I want it just as badly as you do, but you have to be a good boy.” His heart thudded wildly beneath your palm as you caressed the muscular plane of his chest, his muscles twitching and contracting when you scraped your nails over his abdomen. “Beg and I’ll let you touch me.” You dipped toward him, letting your hard nipples touch his heated skin while your lips sucked at the hollow of his throat. “I want to feel you moving inside me, filling me up, Daryl. Isn’t that what you want?”
You sat up, going completely still. “Then beg.”
You watched as the defiance left his eyes, replaced by pure, unadulterated need. His fingers flexed in the disheveled sheets, his jaw clenching and ticking with how hard he ground his teeth. You smiled as desire beat out pride. 
“Fuck, please, Y/N. Wanna touch ya. Wanna—wanna fuck ya. Need ya bad!” His expression morphed into something akin to desperation. “Please!”
“You can touch me.” 
He didn’t wait, large hands grabbing your hips; spreading his fingers as he dragged calloused palms up your sides to cup your breasts. You couldn’t help the hitch in your breath when he pinched your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. 
“Wanna be inside ya.” He breathed, one hand traveling upward from the swell of your chest. For a moment, you thought he might wrap it around your throat. The thought of him choking you was delicious, sending a warm gush of arousal from your cunt to coat his groin. He groaned and pushed his hips up into you. 
“No.” You breathed. “Be good for me and I’ll give you what you want.”
“M’good—let me fuck ya. Please, Y/N.”
You hummed, more than satisfied, bending forward to drag your tongue from his chin to his lips. He opened eagerly, his own dipping into your mouth to taste you with abandon. You reached between your bodies, keeping your mouths connected, and positioned him at your entrance.
“Let me take care of you, baby.” Every syllable was spoken against his mouth, your cunt stretching around him inch by inch, drawing him into your fluttering, wet walls while you swallowed his desperate groans and panting breaths. “Fuck. You feel so good.” You made sure to move slowly, inch by agonizing inch, taking several heartbeats before you had taken all of him. 
“God, Y/N.”
“I know, baby.” You were so full, stretched nearly to the point of painful but longing to feel him moving within you. He wouldn’t last long, but you wouldn’t either. You lifted your hips, feeling the drag along your insides in such a way that you needed to bite back a cry. “Oh, god, Daryl.” 
His hands settled in a bruising grip on your waist but he didn’t try to move you. You had promised to take care of him and he was letting you. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You began to ride him in earnest, bouncing above him with your head thrown back. 
“Goddamn!” He keened through gritted teeth, his eyes screwed shut. 
“So—so good.” You felt the heat twisting low in your belly, pooling toward your clit while he throbbed within you. “Touch me, Daryl. I wanna cum with you.” His hands squeezed your hips before he brought one of them to where he was splitting you open, sucking in a sharp breath when his fingertips brushed his cock slipping inside you. He barely had the coherence to drag through your slick up to your clit, but the moment the rough pad of his finger pressed against you, you saw stars. 
“M’gonna,” he panted, “gonna cum.”
“Me too.” You leaned forward, shifting into a brutal grind against his pelvis. “Fuck, Daryl!” The logical part of your brain screamed for you to move off of him, that you couldn’t risk him cumming inside you but you were both too far gone. 
Your vision whited out just as you heard him shout your name, his finger pressing against your clit harder than you were sure he meant to, but it was just what you needed: that perfect amount of pain to send you toppling over the edge with him. You barely registered the warmth flooding into you with each pulse of his cock. Or the way his hips jerked up while his hand squeezed your hip so tightly that his fingertips turned white. 
When you could see, could breathe again, his arms were around you and holding you against him while he struggled to catch his breath. 
“Oh my god.” You whispered against his collarbone. You were both covered in sweat, trembling. He was still inside you, drained and softening, when his arms fell away to the mattress. You sat up with a great deal of difficulty, your thighs burning from exertion and your cunt deliciously sore. You’d be feeling this for at least a day or two, and the thought was exhilarating. 
You lifted your leg to move away, feeling the mixture of you and him begin to drip out of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. Obviously, he didn’t either, his eyes tracking you until you curled into his side. Sated and tired, you smiled and reached up to brush the damp strands of hair off his forehead, watching his eyelids grow heavier and heavier. 
“I’m gonna get something to clean us up, okay? And then we’re gonna drink some water. Then you can go to sleep.” When he didn’t answer, you turned his head to face you with a gentle touch against his jaw. “Are you okay?” Daryl took a deep breath, almost as if he had forgotten to breathe before it. “Use your words, baby.” You kept your tone soft, no longer playing a role. It was just you and Daryl now.  
“Yeah, m’okay.” He gave you the smallest lopsided smile and you knew he was still floating in that space between reality and euphoria, absolutely fucked out. You couldn’t stifle your chuckle. 
“Alright, just stay awake for just a few more minutes.” You patted his chest and then climbed out of bed to fetch a damp cloth. Daryl struggled but he managed to stay awake. He was silent as you worked, wiping away the mess on both your bodies. The sheets would need washed but that was not a problem you’d solve tonight. “Okay, baby, just drink some water for me and we can go to sleep.” If he had any objections to the pet name being used outside of sex, he didn’t voice them.
It took him a moment and a bit of struggling but he managed to rise up onto one arm, letting you tilt the water bottle to his lips for a few long swallows. Then he collapsed back onto the mattress. You drained the bottle and placed it on the bedside table, climbing out of bed one last time to fetch your pillows. The archer was out by the time you returned only a few short seconds later. 
You grabbed the duvet and pulled it up over both your bodies before curling into his side, smiling when he unconsciously pulled you closer and pressed a sleepy kiss against your forehead. He was done for then, breathing deep and even, sound asleep. 
You watched him until your own eyes could no longer stay open, a muttered “goodnight, pretty boy” before you fell asleep to the thoughts of next time, when he’d be in charge. 
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phfenomena · 9 months
❝cowboy like me.❞ || William H. Bonney x Reader
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A/N- i really loved this idea and i hope you do too!!!
William H. Bonney x Reader fluff
inspired by ‘cowboy like me’ by taylor swift
| WARNINGS - drinking, mentions of gun violence, kissing, mentions of burglary
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the heat was blistering, almost as if you were walking down to the devils penthouse. you laid flat on the ground by your campfire. damn fires probably colder than i am you thought, but you needed the light. as you sat on a log carving a knife out of the bare wood you’d collected earlier, you hear a twig snap. your hand quickly pulls your pistol out of the holster and your hands settle in the direction of the sound. you cock it and tilt your head, straining your eyes trying to see.
“who’s there?” you barked through the silence. a sigh of relief? annoyance? or just plain desperation reached your ears.
“sorry, miss. i’m just out collecting fire wood for my buddies. i ain’t mean to disturb you.” a smooth and warm voice cut into the quiet and muggy air.
“come on out into the light.” you coaxed, gun still pointed. a tall and slender man, no, boy cautiously emerged from the dark wall of shadow. you scoff and set your pistol next to you on the log. “now, what is a kid doing out here?” you would’ve almost sounded annoyed if it wasn’t for the smile gracing your lips. the boy took his hat off to greet you, and nervously ran his fingers over the worn leather.
“i, uh, i’m not a kid, ma’am. i was just looking for firewood. my buddies and i set up camp a few hundred feet north, i didn’t mean to trample your site. my apologies.” he managed to stutter out.
you wave him off and point to the pile of wood to the left of your feet, cladded in red leather boots. “just take these, kid. i gathered them earlier. i won’t need the fire much longer, it’s too damn hot.” you exasperated the end and took your own hat off to fan yourself.
billy has never seen a woman like you. you were alone, first of all. the fire casted such a lovely warm glow across your complexion, his knees were getting unstable the longer the studied you. he took a few steps towards you and stuck a hand out, the other still holding onto his hat.
“i’m billy, miss. no need to call me kid, i’m probably not much younger than you.” he trailed off with a grin plastered across his face. you shook his hand, still sitting down. “it’s nice to meet you, billy. i’m y/n, and you don’t look a day over six and ten.” you teased him and he mirrored your smile.
“i’m not a kid in a lot of different attributes.” he smirked as you raise your eyebrows and you meet eyes. very blue. like very very blue. you can make out the constellations in his with just the light from the fire. he sure is a pretty boy.
you pat the log next to you “would you like a drink?” you hold out your flask of whiskey to him. the warm temperature of the liquid almost makes it easier to swallow. he nods and grabs the flask after sitting next to you. your fingers brush, it feels like pin pricks all across your hand.
after billy swallows he asks “so, what’s a lady like you doing out here alone? or are you not alone?” he has his elbows resting on his knees with his head facing you. his very presence makes you feel more warmth than any fire could ever give, you find it hard to care about the heat anymore.
you chuckle a little and turn back to the fire. “i am alone, i’m traveling a little farther west. couldn’t stay in el paso much longer, that sheriff hates my damn guts. he’d had hung me for the hell of it.” you finish your sentence with a swift from your flask. “what about you, billy? what are you and your buddies doing?” his gaze never even moved a centimeter away from your lips as you talk. his eyes rake up your face to your eyes. he smiles “we run cattle, sometimes. well i do it sometimes, they do it all the time. we’re heading to lincoln county for some business.” they run cattle, they’re definitely outlaws.
as you study his face a little more, you notice he’s familiar. “wait! i know you. you’re on all those wanted posters in el paso! what the hell did you do to get such a high bounty? i could only dream of having that high of a price on my head.” he hung his head and chuckled “just when i thought i met someone who didn’t already know me, i did a good thing. honestly. i broke my friend out of jail, had some issues along the way.” he did a good thing, that’s adorable. he’s an outlaw because he helped his friend.
your eyes soften at his short story and you tuck your hair behind your ears. “you sound like a good man. not like the stories i’ve heard. i once heard that you gunned down fifty different mean on six bullets. and all they say about me is ‘she should’ve been like her mother’” your mocking tone at the end made billy smile.
“i hate to tell you, but, i definitely didn’t do that and i am not as brave and murderous as they make me out to be. i’ve done a lot of bad things, but i’m trying to do good now. also your mother can’t be that bad, if she raised a lovely lady like you.” was he flirting? and we’re you liking it?
“she’s like a vile serpent.” you mutter as you take another swig. “now, correct me if i’m wrong. but i think i’ve seen you on one or two wanted posters yourself, y/n.” you shake your head and smile at him. you feel so warm and fuzzy. was it the whiskey or billy?
“oh, you’re not wrong. although i still uphold the belief that i was set up. some pals of mine were talking about robbing this corner store, when i got there to join them no one was there besides the sheriff! damn assholes set me up, and i didn’t even want to do it! i’m innocent in my eyes.” you gesture with your hands while you talk and billy’s just entranced. he nods, slowly. “that’s just the way things go sometimes.” he softly mutters while wanting to never look away from you again. “you can say that again, cowboy.”
billy couldn’t take it anymore. his blood felt like it was boiling. he leans over and softly pressed your lips together. shocked, you don’t kiss back for a second. terrified he just made a mistake, billy pulls back and frantically stands up. “i am so sorry, y/n. i don’t know why i did tha-“ you stand up and wrap your hands around his suspenders and pull him down for your lips to meet. rougher and slower than the last one.
his hands find purchase on your waist as he fiddles with the bottom of your vest. his knees were weak. they were jelly. “just shut up and kiss me, cowboy” you whispered against his lips. your hands snake into his hair and rake along his scalp. he pulls back and says
“you know, i think you’re a cowboy like me. but most cowboys don’t kiss me so i’d say you’re a bit better than most.” you laugh at his idiotic words and pull him back in as the fire slowly dies, barley casting an amber glow. no skeletons in either of your closets could fuck this up.
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Can we get a pining villain out in their civilian clothes when they bump into hero (also in civilian clothes) and recognizes them immediately, but hero doesn’t and starts friendly conversation while villain is both unsure of what to do and secretly crushing? Sorry if that’s an odd request ahhhh ^^;
Oh god.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry-” The hero picked up the books and shoved them back into the villain’s arms awkwardly. “I don’t know where my head is today, I didn’t…nevermind, the books aren’t dirty or anything? Library hates dog ears.”
The villain shook their head slowly. They hadn’t even checked.
“And you’re okay? Not hurt or anything? I didn’t hurt you, right?”
Again, the villain shook their head, even though their shoulder was pulsing in pain. The hero was quite strong. Stronger than they looked, definitely. It wasn’t like the villain had been obsessed with the idea of finding out their civilian persona.
They knew of other villains who dedicated their entire being to finding out absolute everything about their nemesis. But for the most time, the villain didn’t want to know anything about them.
They didn’t want to know what they did or whom they talked to. Or when they were visiting friends or lovers. When they went on dates or when they broke up with someone.
Because, ultimately, it wasn’t any of their business, right? And they weren’t on such a low level to force a foul gameplay onto them. Blackmailing them, kidnapping lovers…the villain didn’t like that.
However, now that they stood in front of the hero, they weren’t quite sure what to say nor what to do. They had recognised them immediately. Their widened eyes, their fingers. At first they hadn’t been sure but some scars gave the hero away.
They were obviously hiding them, pulling down sleeves and shifting a little — it was a habit the villain was used to too.
“I’m sorry again. I’m probably taking up a lot of your time already but do we know each other?” the hero asked suddenly. They tilted their head, just like last Wednesday when the villain had explained to them how to identify a fake bomb. The sunlight was hitting the hero’s eyes just right but this was probably some cruel joke from above.
The hero was one of those popular people probably. Popular at school, at work, in the neighbourhoods. Someone everyone loved, someone who was so sweet they were rotting teeth left and right.
Months ago, the villain had thought they were jealous of them but that was wrong. They were enchanted by them, wondering how a person who had gone through hell and back was still able to be kind.
“Are you sure? You seem very familiar to me,” the hero said. They were curious, seemed intrigued by the villain. Their backstory wasn’t a secret. Everyone knew about the troubled childhood, the kidnapping and the trading. Being raised like cattle.
Everyone knew.
And the villain could relate. Opening up about it was difficult but they felt like the hero could understand, they could love them despite everything.
If the villain was even worthy of that kind of affection. They closed their eyes, trying to throw that thought into a bin.
“…I’m just a tourist,” the villain lied. Their neck was getting embarrassingly hot. Why was the hero staring at them like that? They’d never seen their expression be so soft, had never seen the little scar above their brow. Somehow, this felt like a prank.
“Hm, well, I’m really sorry for bothering you then.” The hero’s eyes fell down to the books and back up. A hint of a smile decorated their face and for a second, the hero just stood there in front of them with the busy sounds of the city passing by. “For how long are you staying?”
“…I am departing tomorrow.”
“Oh? Back home?”
“Yeah…” This was going terribly. The villain swallowed. They felt like a teenager again, too awkward to talk to their crush. In costume it was a little different. They could allow themselves to put on a show and pretend to be eccentric. But here they felt so…exposed.
“Pardon me, this is probably a little abrupt but…” Suddenly, the hero took a step forward. Their hand reached the villain’s wrist, soft fingers finding a scar a little too quickly. “…you’re really pretty.”
They looked up into the villain’s eyes.
“And by the way…the library doesn’t like it when tourists take books home either. Sending them back is such a hassle.” They tapped onto the copy on top, a volume of The Divine Comedy the villain had grabbed almost mindlessly. The hero took a step back, smiling. “See you soon, then.”
Oh god. They knew.
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honeygrahambitch · 6 months
So I'm about to make a PowerPoint presentation about hannibal. This is for fangirling purposes only. Im gonna show it to my friend, she's gonna make one about a different show she likes. I need help
What points do you think I should bring up. Like. I have no idea what to do or where to start.
Helppppp seriously I have no idea what to do
Do you have any ideas for me?
Okay this is serious business.
Some points that I consider very very important
Hannibal staring at Will's ass during every therapy session
Cannibal puns
The ladder scene!
The salmon shirt
"Whenever feasible, one should always eat the rude"
"Don't psycho-analyze me"
"I said it was mild."
"Is your social worker in that horse"
Uffizi Gallery scene
Hannibal using the cattle rod on Mason's prostate
The cliff scene
Don't forget to mention the gore, religious symbolism and pretty colour palette and you're all set
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dolconfessionsss · 20 days
Praying for more ways to sabotage Remy, ruin his business, crash his cult parties, free all his cattle, beat the fuck outta him, burn down his cottage and farm, etc. I despise Remy for using and abusing others for profit. Also praying for ways to screw over Avery. I was neutral with Avery before but started hating him after the update, where it’s basically revealed that the man has been sacrificing orphans to Auriga for wealth. That’s why Bailey is so suspicious of and doesn’t like him. PC is likely not the first orphan Avery has been with. That’s why Avery easily moves on with another orphan if his rage meter is full. It’s all for the cult parties. Now, I’m just hoping for a way to play nice with Avery till I get a chance to stab him and all these cult fucks in the back. Maybe get IW involved and go “THIEEEEF” mode. Idk if that’ll ever happen though considering DOL is a pain simulator and PC is meant to suffer. 😭
Yes to all of this. I love these characters as much as I want to knock them out off their high horse in the most satisfying way I possibly could. Avery's dismissal scene is only okay to me, but I wish too that we can do more to mess with them. Maybe a different dismissal event that's more similar to Whitney, letting karma catch up to them hehehe >:3c
I do love the idea of getting the Ivory Wraith involved. Would like it if we can throw them to someone else for a change, let them feel the suffering the PC have felt from IW.
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writeonthrough · 6 days
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Namy Nuggets: A fanfic collection of interconnected one-shots of Amy and Nathan scenes from CBC's Heartland.
Nugget #1: Birch Tree Meeting Place
Amy slows Shadow down as she turns him from the spanning Heartland fields into a cluster of birch trees. The sound of the nearby brook babbling along calms her after she raced Shadow to arrive on time. She follows the curve of the brook further into the woodland until the water spreads into a small pond. As she dismounts, she spots the blanket laid out on mossy grass and the cowboy standing waiting for her.
“Hey,” she greets Nathan with a slight smile. “Sorry I’m late.”
“Aw,” he reaches for her. She enters his encircling arms. They kiss briefly. “You’re not late. I was early.”
Amy chuckles. “I’m pretty sure I was late. But you’re kind.”
“I try,” He releases her waist, slides his hand down her arm, and guides her to the blanket. He sits comfortably and Amy finds a seat on the blanket between his legs. She rests against his chest while his arms return to their place around her.
They sit for a minute, cuddling in silence, letting the sounds of the babbling brook and the two horses grazing fill the air.
“This is nice,” Amy confesses. “Heartland is so busy. So many people in the house. It nice to get a breather.”
“Too many people?” Nathan questions. “You’re so close with your big family and you’re such a natural with people. It seems like you enjoy being around people.”
“Oh, no,” she turns in his arms to face him. Though her expression is serious, Nathan catches her lighthearted tone. “More than once I’ve been accused of preferring horses to people.”
Nathan smiles into her neck. “Really?”
“Like often,” she emphasizes. “It’s people’s go-to insult about me.”
Nathan chuckles, squeezing her playfully and rocking her from side to side. “Their go-to insult?”
“Yes!” Amy exclaims. “You’d think people would stop after a while.”
“I wouldn’t take that as an insult.” Nathan shrugs. “I prefer horses to people.”
“Hmm, maybe that’s what I like about you,” Amy teases. “I couldn’t figure it out before—” Nathan teases her back with one more squeeze. She sits up in response, pulling away to look at him. “But now it’s clear. That must be the one thing we have in common.”
“The one thing?” He asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I don’t know anything else we have in common,” Amy continues to interplay between her serious and lighthearted tones. “It couldn’t be the ranching—your business is cattle and mine is horses. Those are totally different. It couldn’t be our social lives—You just have Molly to follow you around while I am constantly surrounded by people. So, obviously, I couldn’t possibly enjoy the quiet. Our families are in direct competition with each other and probably would not be happy if they found us here together.” Nathan’s smile fades at her last comment, but she continues, “I mean, all this time we’ve been hanging out, I had no idea what I liked about you.”
“Is that what we’re doing?” Nathan turns serious. He searches her gaze. She notices the vulnerability in his eyes. “Hanging out?”
Amy takes a deep breath and grows somber in his arms. She ducks his gaze by leaning back against his chest. Nathan adjusts his position around her, but only finds comfort again when she speaks. “Hanging out is what we started off doing in our open adjoining fields. Now that we’ve found this new beautiful spot hidden in the middle of these birch trees, I don’t know what I’d say we’re doing.”
“Hmm,” Nathan withholds any further reply. He chooses instead to trace her arm up and down with his fingers and bury his chin in the curve of her neck.
“Whatever we’re doing, it’s important to me.” Amy nuzzles against him. “You’ve made me feel things I haven’t felt in years.” She brings a palm to his cheek and turns him to her. “I’m in this, Nathan.”
He matches her intensity and sincerity as he promises her, “Me too.” He strokes her face with his thumb, bringing her closer. “To all of it.”
Before Amy can respond, Nathan leans down to capture her lips. She meets his kiss with enthusiasm, raising her fingers to the nape of neck and into his hair to pull him closer.  His hand lowers from her cheek and wraps around the small of her back. Their kiss deepens and their surroundings disappear. The sounds of babbling brook, the crickets hidden in grass, and the horses’ tails whipping the flies away all fade away as they embrace.
Nathan pulls back first. Amy gives him a kiss on the cheek before returning to rest against his chest. His hand returns to her cheek as she gives him a small smile.
He hesitates before speaking. “As much as I love it, here, with you,” his arm lowers to her shoulder.  She searches his face, anticipating his point. “We can’t hide out here forever.”
“I thought you wanted to keep things between us,” Amy responds thoughtfully.
“I do,” he assures her. “I do. I just want to be sure on we’re on the same page before someone somehow figures it out.”
“Okay. That’s fair,” She reflects for a moment. “I think we’re on the same page here. I mean we just said we’re in this—together, right?”
“Yeah,” He strokes her arm in reassurance. “We are.”
“Okay, so?” She turns back to him, waiting for him to explain further. When he doesn’t, she offers. “Things don’t have to change, Nathan.” Amy reassures him. “We can still meet here.”
“Amy,” he says softly. “We can’t keep meeting here every day and then pretending we barely know each other around our families.”
“Okay,” Amy catches the slight edge to his words. “And would you like that to change? Because,” she keeps a neutrality to her voice, hoping to sound curious rather than accusatory, “Last time we talked about it, you didn’t.”
“It was a mutual decision,” Nathan corrects her.
“Okay,” Amy nods in his reply. “And now it’s not?”
“No. Yes.” He detangles this bodies and throws his arms in air. “I don’t know.” He plants his hands behind him and leans back. “I don’t know how much longer we can keep hiding this. And I don’t know how we’re going to start to being seen together—”
“Oh, there’s no starting.” Amy interrupts, “Once one person in my family knows, everyone is going to know—”
“Yeah,” Nathan nods. “Kind of my point here.”
“Okay…” Amy repeats herself again, still trying to figure out what he wanted. “So…do you want to start telling people?”
“No,” he tries to speak seriously. “I don’t want to tell people. What I want is for people to know we’re together without having to explain or defend anything to anyone.”
“Ah. Very admirable goal,” Amy smiles, repositioning herself across from him. “Good luck with that.”
“Yeah,” he laughs. “That’s what I thought.”
“There’s probably a middle ground,” Amy offers, hesitating slightly. “Where we don’t have to be as private about it and we don’t say anything either.” She notices him perk up at the idea. “But people are going to start asking questions sooner or later.”
“So, we ease into it,” He leans forward. “I kind of like that.”
“There’s no guarantee it’ll work, through,” she warns. “One person could catch something right away and the inquires could come on as an onslaught.”
“Yeah,” he agrees with a nod. “They could.”
For a moment, they sit in silence, letting the magnitude of the change in their relationship and the change in their decisions about it sit between them.
Amy scoots closer to him. She extends her leg out so her foot nudges his leg in reassurance. “As long as we know we’ll get through it together, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Together,” he leans forward for a kiss. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Good,” Amy settles it.
“So…” Nathan imagines being around her whole family this coming weekend. “What does that mean for the cattle drive tomorrow?”
“Oh,” Amy starts seriously. She crosses her legs on the blanket, sitting up straighter. “I’m not going on the cattle drive.”
“What?” He retreats in surprise. “Why? Is it Lyndy?”
“No, no. Lyndy is coming with me,” Amy points across the field. “I’m doing a horse clinic. I’ll be gone most of the day.” 
“Oh,” Nathan quiets in reflection. “I thought you’d be there tomorrow. I was looking forward to it.”
“You’ll just have to tolerate my dad and grandpa without me,” Amy smiles, “Sorry.”
“You’re leaving me to the wolves, huh?”
She chuckles. “Lou will be there. It shouldn’t be that bad.”
“It just…” he searches for something to say. “It won’t be the same without you.”
“It’ll be fine,” she promises. She uncrosses her legs, “Speaking of tomorrow, I actually have to go prep some things,” she stands and brushes off. “I wish I could stay…”
“No, no,” Nathan stands after her, “I should go too.” When she steps off the blanket, he tugs it up and rolls it together.
Amy starts to mount Shadow, but then turns back to him, her long hair flipping around her. “Umm…” she reaches for him and he steps into her arms. “Thanks for the people break.”
He smiles, “Anytime.” He leans in for a kiss and she meets him a final time, stroking his cheek as she does so. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you,” she promises. She looks at him once more before turning and mounting Shadow, riding off, out of their birch tree-covered hideaway.
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ash5monster01 · 3 months
Getaway Camp : Four
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of mistresses, mentions of age gap relationships, language, heart to hearts, fluff.
Summary: Campers have finally arrived and both Charlie and Valerie have conversations that brings them to realize what’s happening between them could be so much more than they originally thought.
word count: 3.3k
Three ←→ Five
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June 12th 1961
Charlie had expected the first real day of camp to busy but nothing he could’ve have pictured would compare to this. The mania of cars and families arriving, dropping kids 13 and under off with staff they barely knew, all while housing staff unloaded and moved luggage like cattle. An array of different colored Chevy’s decorated the drive in front of the main lodge and without even realizing Charlie had begun to hide behind his clipboard, regretting to help with housing on the first day. Valerie had warned him but maybe he should’ve taken it more seriously.
The weekend had passed by impossibly fast. He had tried for that date, but setting up plans within two days was near impossible, especially when the staff had every bit of freedom planned out. There was no wasting those two days before their entire summer was dedicated to assisting others. So when Charlie was free, Valerie was not, and the other way around. Then when they finally both were, the parties going on intervened and they weren’t able to escape Levi who dragged them to every one.
“You look intimidated” Nate says as he appeared beside him, chuckling with his own clipboard tucked against his chest. The difference was how confident he stood with his shoulders high.
“People really do this? Take off the entire summer and stay here?” Charlie knows it’s a stupid question, why else would he be here? Yet he can’t stop himself because women and men, dressed to the nines, kept appearing as some members of staff scrambled behind them with their bags.
“Yeah man, rich people” Nate snorts and Charlie suddenly feels embarrassed, cheeks burning under the boys gaze because he came from one of these families. His parents mirroring nearly every couple that walked by. The only difference was his father would never indulge in something as relaxed and time consuming as this. He’d rather work till he died behind that desk.
“Do they not work?” Charlie curiously asks and Nate chuckles in a way that tells Charlie what he said wasn’t amusing, he was happy about something else.
“The men do, go back to the city all week, and return to their wives on the weekends. Those wives are what we like to call the bungalow bunnies” as if on cue on older women with freshly dyed brown hair waves her fingers flirtatiously in Nate’s way. Nate returns the wave, a flirty grin in his face, and Charlie finally understands why Nate paid Chrissy no mind during the summers here.
“These women really sleep with you?” Charlie whispers, brows furrowed together and Nate snorts.
“Of course, and they tip. Why do you think I’m a dance instructor?” Nate says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world and Charlie feels like he doesn’t understand this place all over again.
“Wow” is all Charlie can bring himself to say and Nate smiles as he claps a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go see if Mrs. Kellerman is signing up for some tango lessons this year” Nate wiggles his eyebrows at him and then slinks off like he’s king of the resort despite being a twenty year old dance instructor that sleeps with men’s wives.
“You lost?” Alex says as he suddenly appears beside Charlie, eating a banana, and looking entirely amused by the events unfolding in front of him. Charlie isn’t quite sure where they’re all coming from and then suddenly he realizes he has no idea what Alex even does here.
“Is it true that the married women sleep with the staff?” Charlie asks in a low whisper and Alex snorts a laugh, almost squeezing the banana in his hands a little too tightly.
“Sounds like you’ve been talking to Nate. Yeah, it’s true, but not all of them. And don’t worry, you’ll be able to tell the difference. The bunnies like to get a little handsy” Alex says, finishing the last bite and tossing the peel behind him with complete nonchalance. The behavior between the entire group of Valerie’s friends have confused him like no other.
“Is there anything else people haven’t felt the need to inform me?” Charlie asks, exasperated and suddenly nervous which is a feeling he is not used to.
“That should pretty much cover it. Oh, unless you haven’t heard about how the whole staff puts on an end of summer show for the guests” Charlie’s mouth drops open, an anxiety filling him like no other and Alex laughs.
“I better be off, I have opening day activities starting in an hour” He says before jogging towards the main lodge and leaving Charlie reeling about all the things that had been so casually left out this entire past week. He planned to interrogate Valerie later.
“Hey you boy over there! Can you come help me with this?” Charlie’s head turns, an older gentleman holding himself sturdy with a cane is eyeing him down, free hand gesturing to the suitcase beside him.
“Of course” Charlie springs into action, bending down with ease and lifting the bag for the older gentleman who had now leaned against his Plymouth.
“If you wouldn’t mind, could you help me to my lodge boy?” he asks once Charlie is back upright again and Charlie offers a smile of relief, welcoming the distraction to pull him away from the circus of newcomers buzzing around.
“Of course sir, you have the keys?” Charlie asks to confirm, knowing that same bubbly blonde girl that welcomed him had been greeting guests all day with smiles and keys.
“Josie already hand delivered them and Bobby already has the keys to the old girl here, I’m ready to go” he confirms and Charlie smiles, offering his arm to help steady the guy as they head down the trail to guest lodges, the complete other side of camp from the staff ones.
“Seems you have it more than handled sir” Charlie tells him with a soft chuckle, seagulls squawking in the air as they pass overhead.
“Please call me Ezra, sir makes me feel old” the old man’s shoos him off with the wave of his cane and Charlie finds his grip tightening on his arm incase he looses balance.
“Nice to meet you Ezra, I’m Charlie” Ezra nods with a knowing smile, as if something about the boy suddenly made sense.
“A noble name Charles. It means free man” he says, proceeding to wave the cane around more than to actually use it for the steps ahead of him. Charlie swallows hard, not expecting the words to hit him so hard. All this time, trapped in a life he never wanted, just to have a name that held his greatest dream.
“And what does Ezra mean?” Charlie asks trying to distract himself from the thoughts now running through his head. How ironic it was for his father to name him and suffocate him his whole life.
“Helper, which I suppose I can be but I much prefer my last name Levin. Which means dear friend” Charlie smiles at the older man, realizing he was guiding him in the direction of the cabin and not the other way around.
“Helper and dear friend are both very noble” Charlie nods at him and the old man grins, eyes squinting in the bright summer sun.
“Nothing compares to my wife Esther. That means star and my God she is one” Charlie hates that Valerie flashes in his mind, a girl he had only known a week but now he was curious to know what her name meant as well.
“Is your wife joining you this summer?” Charlie asks and Ezra wears solemn but longing look on his face.
“In spirit son, she loved this place. Possibly more than me, that’s why I come back every year” Charlie’s face falls as he realizes what he means, suddenly sorry for even bringing it up, but Ezra notes his apologetic face and stops him.
“This your first year?” he curiously asks the boy and Charlie nods, gulping away the remorse that sat on the tip of his tongue. “Did you meet her yet?”
“What?” Charlie splutters, confused by the question just as Ezra stops in front of a cabin that must be his own.
“The girl, the one that makes summer worth it, makes being here worth it” Ezra says with exasperation, chuckling at Charlie like he was silly for thinking anything else.
“I dunno, I guess, how did you know there was a girl?” Charlie curiously asks, setting the suitcase down on the front porch step and Ezra bellows a laugh, climbing the stairs with the help of the railing and his cane.
“There’s always a girl son. The Catskills have that kind of magic” he nods his head at the boy and Charlie gulps, realizing the old man may be quite odd but he was fairly wise. In fact he was the first adult to be comfortable around since Keating.
“It could be nothing” Charlie says with the shake of his head as he climbs the steps behind him, watching as Ezra eases himself into the rocking chair on the front porch. Wooden floor boards squeaking beneath him.
“And yet, it could be everything” Ezra says, tipping his head back and inhaling the warm lake breeze. It was like having a fresh breath of air after an entire year.
“I better be getting back” Charlie says after a moment, realizing Ezra was quite comfortable where he was and the old man smiled, eyes still closed as he rocked himself slowly in the chair, the empty one beside it awfully eerie.
“Yes, go help some other old men but do visit son. It can get lonely around here” Ezra says, his eyes finally opening to watch Charlie jog down the steps and back into the hot June sun.
“I will, thanks” he nods at him before starting to walk back to the main lodge but something stops him, freezing himself in place, and bringing him to turn back around. “Hey Ezra?”
“Yes Charles” Ezra asks, amusement sparkling in his eyes as if he knew the boy would turn around. It was beginning to freak Charlie out.
“What does the name Valerie mean?” he asks and Ezra smiles wide, each of his teeth on display for the boy to see even from up on the porch.
“Strong” he responds and Charlie nods, accepting the answer and realizing just how true it was.
“I’ll be seeing you” Charlie tells him and Ezra lifts a hand to wave, smiling brightly at the boy he figures he’ll get to see a lot of this summer.
“Good luck with the girl” is the last thing the old man says as Charlie jogs back down the trail in order to help other people move in, but he figures none of them will leave quite an impact like Ezra did.
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Valerie loves the first day of camp, especially if she gets put on duty, which was most of the time. That meant she got to sit in the chair on the dock and have the best view of all the families make their arrival, and make sure no curious kids get to close to the lake a fall in. It was the ideal work day, to catch a tan and long after all the families who got to enjoy this place as much as her in the summer.
“How is it I get put on valet duty every year while you get to sit there and relax?” a familiar voice casts up to her and she looks down to see Levi with his hands propped on his hips, staff polo spread tightly across his chest.
“Because I’m a girl” she answers innocently back, voice coming out in a sing song harmony as she kicks her feet that dangle like a little kid.
“Yes because it’s always the big men with muscles who have to carry the slack” Levi responds back and Valerie snorts, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head to keep her hair out of her face.
“So full of yourself” she teases with an accusing finger and the boy rolls his eyes at his eldest and dearest friend.
“You see Nate today, I watched three bungalow bunnies slide dollar bills into his front pockets” Levi says, climbing a step to her lifeguard chair so he could see her more eye to eye.
“Only three? He’s slacking this year” is Valerie’s only response despite the fact she will probably listen to Chrissy cry all night in their shared cabin since Nate will no longer be paying any attention to her and she doesn’t know why.
“Don’t count him out yet, there’s still a few hours left in the day” he jokes, hand reaching to steal the water bottle from her side and take a sip. Valerie giggles, dropping the sunglasses back on her nose and noting how majority of the people had made their way to their cabins. Slowly the sky was turning orange as the sun dipped down in the sky.
“I can’t believe it’s already the start of another year” Valerie says fondly, admiring the scenery and the people that surround her. A true testament to her love for this place.
“I can’t believe you actually have a crush this year” Levi throws in and she quick to slap his shoulder, a daring glare flashing his way.
“I do not have a crush” she says but she sounds unconvincing even to herself. If she was to be honest, when she had approached the cute boy she never actually expected to start feeling things for him. Now here she was unable to control herself and agreeing to dates, a date she was thankful hadn’t even happened yet because she knew exactly what kind of spiral it would put her in.
“Val, it’s not a big deal. Charlie is a cool guy, in fact he’s exactly the kind of guy I always imagined you’d end up with” Levi says, patting her leg softly and descending back down onto the dock. Only a few staff workers surrounded the area now, moving stray suitcases and cleaning up to prepare for the first full day of camp tomorrow.
“And if he ruins me completely?” Valerie asks, eyes nearly pleading for Levi to give her an honest answer. He was the only person in her life she had allowed to get so close, he knew everything about her, knew exactly why this thing with Charlie scared her so much.
“He won’t, I have a feeling he knows exactly what it feels like to be heart broken. Guys like that don’t go around hurting people” he tells her and Valerie smiles softly, eyes catching the brunette hair of the very boy they’re discussing as he rushes to help Mia with some suitcases she got stuck with.
“If you’re wrong, I’ll never forgive you” Valerie says and Levi knows the threat holds no weight, that he in fact would be the one to pick up all the pieces. Yet the way Charlie turns and nearly drops a suitcase offering a wave to them both tells him he has no reason to worry.
“I can accept that, but please don’t ruin it. This could be good for you” Levi says earnestly and Valerie’s heart clenches as she looks at the boy, knowing he was entirely right. That if she got to close, to happy, she would self sabotage it.
“I think it might be good for me too”
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“Valerie, you here?” Charlie knocks on the outside of her cabin door, the curtains inside drawn shut but the glow of the lights seeping yellow along the seams. He had just gotten back to camp and despite how much he wanted to lay down, he wanted to talk to her more.
“Hey Ace” she grins, tugging open the door with her free hand, the other scrunching a towel into her wet hair. She has a robe fastened tightly around her body and Charlie swallows hard when he realizes it’s possible nothing is underneath it.
“We need to talk” he says in amusement and Valerie grins, reaching to toss back the towel onto her bed and slipping on some flip flops by the door.
“Out here, Chrissy is in there moping about Nate” she whispers lightly and giving no warning as to her stepping in his space and shutting the door behind her. All it would take was a deep breath and his chest could touch her own but finding some self control he takes a half a step back and looks her in the eye.
“You were supposed to tell me all about this place. You very much left out the details about dirty mistresses and a staff production we put on at the end of the year” Charlie tells her, trying to look stern but even he can’t be angry about what’s happening here. Valerie giggles, enjoying how worked up he is by all of this.
“I didn’t think I had to, what else did you think wives did when their husbands don’t pay them any attention. Plus you’ve met Nate, I thought that was pretty self explanatory” she says with a shrug, hands propping up on her hips, the top of the robe opening even more to reveal more of the bare skin there.
“I thought they came and spent time with their families, played with their kids” yet as he says it he suddenly feels silly, knowing if it was his own family that came here his father would spend all his time at work and his mother would’ve sent him off with a sitter. The realization hits him like a ton of bricks, his loving mother who more than likely never stayed loyal to his Dad.
“As for the staff production that’s just an old tradition, you don’t have to worry about it. If you’re scared to perform you can help make sets or be a stage manager or something” Valerie continues, not realizing Charlie had now frozen up as he looked at his family situation in a completely different light.
“Did your Dad love your Mom?” he suddenly asks and Valerie freezes, eyes widening as she spots the troublesome look on his face.
“Very much, he was never the same after she passed” she answers honestly and Charlie swallows hard, trying to look anywhere but in her eyes.
“I’m not actually upset you didn’t tell me these things, I just really hated not seeing you today” he honestly says and Valerie’s whole body warms over at the admission.
“Is everything okay?” she brings herself to ask and Charlie gives a pressed smile, eyes finally meeting her own.
“Yeah, you get some sleep. I’ll see you at breakfast” he tells her and Valerie is still searching for an answer in his eyes when he ducks down and tugs her into a hug. His body is warm against hers after the cool shower she just had, and the smell of pine and sunscreen on him makes her want to curl up in a ball beside him. Slowly she wraps her arms back around him, sighing deeply as she relaxes into his arms, realizing he needed this hug more than her.
“Goodnight Charlie” she whispers against his neck, turning to press a soft and slow kiss against his cheek. Charlie’s mouth gapes open at the feeling, wanting nothing more than to spend the entire night beside her.
“Goodnight V” he smiles at her and Valerie returns it as he slowly removes himself from her form and starts down the steps of her cabin. He offers one last wave before starting on the dark trail to his own next door and Valerie places a hand over her heart.
“God I’m in trouble”
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Taglist: @eden-punk @octaviasdread @pursuedbyamemoryy @poetsinnyc @linmichea1
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
Ok so this is less of a request and more of a thought to consider. It bothers me that Danse doesn’t really comment on vertibirds going down/crashing/finding dead brotherhood in the commonwealth. It also bothers me that Hancock doesn’t really say much during the synth quest in Diamond City. Idk I feel like there’s a lot of potential dialogue that’s missing. Like Preston commenting on a settlement that’s been “improved” (hit all requirements for water, food and defense) should also be a thing.
do you have any ideas for potential dialogue that’s missing from the game? Again, not a request so don’t feel like you need to write anything, but just a good for thought.
Titan quest part 3! (Part 1 - 2 )
So, I'll end this post quickly in order to get back to taking care of others ask who are waiting
I hope you are not disappointed; sadly, I had very few ideas…
Perhaps playing Fallout again will bring some to me I'll take note of it and possibly write another post on it later.
So, for the time being, The Conclusion
Cait - Curie - Deacon - Piper - Preston - Strong - X6-88
Cait : "Hey Cait, let’s take a nice walk to Nuka-World, where I’ll be the Overboss and I’ll beat strangers in an arena, enslave people..." You know?
"Stop immediately!"
“Ya filthy traitor!”
“How dare ya?”
"Could you please calm down and explain why you are so angry?"
“Raiders! You've risen to the position of raider Overboss!"
"Let me relate you that funny story—
“No! I'm not interested! What are you thinking? You enslaved them!"
"They were evil people..."
"So you're now deciding who gets to live freely or not?"
"It wasn't that; it was strictly for business..."
"I told you everything, everything, everything. The fact that I was sold as a slave and that my life was a living horror. You seemed like a kind person to me. And now I see you putting those awful necklaces around other people necks like they're cattle! Would you have put the necklace around my neck in the past, in those days, claiming that I'm a wicked person, that I don't have the right to my freedom?"
"...It isn't the same."
"Would you really know the difference between a lost and violent drug addict fighting in a ring for raiders?"
Sole finds nothing to reply this time, frozen on the spot and unable to add a word.
"You couldn't have done it. Right now, you can't see someone you're putting a necklace on. I'm not going to kill you in the name of what we shared, because you helped me. But I'm leaving now, and I hope to never cross your way again. Because if I see your filthy, hypocrite face again, I'm going to blow it open, catcha?"
Sole looks, a weight of lead in the heart, as the one they had learned to consider a friend walk away. They realize how wrong they were, but they feel it's too late.
Curie (romanced): Okay, seriously, here I am, doing what many others have had to do, in some ways. It’s a one-in-a-hundred chance, but still, after going all the way around the bazaar, Curie is offered a place in a hospital (clinic?). Okay, some people must have decided to retain her as a companion, but she's not the most interesting element. Probably more appealing than very practical. It’s a command; Curie is assigned to a medical counter, and that’s it! But I'd like to picture a tiny scenario based on my fanfiction, even if I didn't touch on Curie's entrance in "her" hospital at this moment (precisely).
"Here, Curie, I'm not sure if I can help you much further in your quest to discover and study the world, but I think we could kill two birds with one stone if you stayed as chief physician at this new hospital in Sanctuary; your medical knowledge will be useful to both locals and transients. It's a settlement that is quickly gaining traction in the Commonwealth. You should encounter enough individuals and situations to further your education and insights."
The synth stands with her hands clasped against her chest, her gaze gleaming, turning her head from one side to the other, detailing the thick glass structure that was erected at the settlement's gates.
"Sole! That’s! That is incredible! That is stunning! That's incredible!"
"We made an effort to make the place look pleasant. I tried to make it as bright as possible so that you don't feel imprisoned up again like in this vault, as I had considered for some time to attribute it to you."
Curie's voice chokes in her throat as she barely holds back a sob.
"I'm not sure what's going on with me. It’s… It's like when you began slipping into my thoughts repeatedly, but I vibrate; it's as if tickles were flowing through my entire body. Everything seems to be pulsating. What is going on with me?"
"I believe it's excitement. A high amount of elation. You are overjoyed."
Curie's expression darkens, and she shakes her head and frowns.
"I see. Happiness. I thought I'd found it with you."
"You've found happiness in your relationship, but you're more than that. You have your own set of objectives and desires. A complete human cannot exist exclusively on the happiness and aspirations of another. He requires his own accomplishments."
"My... achievement is becoming a doctor for the new Sanctuary Hospital."
"It appears, based on how lit up you are."
Curie's brows raise in surprise, and her mouth makes an o.
"Did I light up? Is that a human ability? I was completely unaware!"
"It's a way of speaking" that Sole enjoys. "I mean, it seems obvious that you're happy."
"Oh, I see. Yes, I'm overjoyed right now."
Deacon : There are several. So many opportunities were squandered. As much in his interacts with other companions as everywhere else in the game. But I'd like to use a glitch because it's really noticeable (and funny).
"What's wrong with you?"
"You're... you're NUDE!"
The spy glances down at his attire and sees he has no one.
"Oh, you mean that? How do you feel about the suit? It's for me to dress up like Adam!"
"It isn't a disguise! It's nakedness!"
"You don't read the Bible. It's a disguise, truer than life; it's the most obnoxious disguise I could find to wear that day when I was dealing with a swarm of hot Amazons on a deserted island east of Boston."
"There have never been any Amazons on a desert island east of Boston."
"They were stunning! But here they were, killing all the people who dared to wear garments in front of their eyes, a religious thing, I reckon."
"You talk away from being naked."
"So they had this tall woman leading them. She was so huge that she was able to peer at the super-mutant from above. I've personally saw her spanking a super mutant on her lap.
"This is getting out of hand."
"Super-mutants were tolerated in this woman's society because they often just wore loincloths. Outfits truly irritated them."
"I don't remember why; I think it has something to do with the fact that we come into the world without clothing, so we don't have to wear clothes so as not to offend the life that created us like this."
"Get yourself dressed!"
"It will be your fault if we get harassed by the Amazons of the desert island of East Boston."
Piper : The scoop of the century! The second. Sole infiltrated the Institute and came back. Piper CANNOT ignore that Sole is in contact with the DIRECTOR of the INSTITUTE.
"Sole, can we talk?"
"My personal favorite reporter!"
Sole comes to a halt in the alley leading to Home Plate, their gaze settled on Piper.
"What exactly do you want to talk about?"
"The Institute."
At the very least, she's not going in circles. Sole becomes uneasy as they anticipate what will follow.
"Okay, so what's going on?"
"You have to get me an interview with the director—
"Shaun, my son..."
"The director of the most heinous and secretive organisation ever to be born in the Commonwealth! Blue! I must have this interview!"
Sole looks around for a loophole but can't find one.
"Piper, I wish I could give you what you're asking for; you've been so nice and helpful to me. But I'm afraid I can't. Only I have access to the Institute. I'm not sure what they'd do if I helped you infiltrate them. And since you want to interview the director, it won't go ignored."
"Please ask him to give me this interview! According to what you said, he claims to be acting for the sake of humanity and its future. He'll want to spread the word about his vision, won't he?"
With her looks, the reporter backs Sole up, daring them to contradict her. Sole lets out a long sigh.
"All right, I'll ask him the next time I see him. But I can't promise you anythi—
Piper, overcome with excitement, jumps around her friend's neck.
"MANY THANKS! This is going to be the interview of the century! Of the millennium! Exclusive: The Great Boogeyman justifies himself!"
Sole would like to object and tell Piper that it is not done, but they would rather walk away while Piper is lost in her own vision of the future, gazing bright and bursting with excitement.
Preston : This situation can only arise if Sole is General of the Minutemen AND Brotherhoods of Steel.
"Sole! We need to talk! Now!"
"Preston? "You appear... upset."
The man is normally as composed as an Olympian. He recognises his state of mind and takes a deep breath to recover control of his nerves.
"I'm sorry, General. I... I lost it for a moment. But we need to discuss; it's critical."
Sole tries not to think about the lengthy journey they've taken or the bed that awaits them in a remote area of their home. They keep their anguish hidden and devote their entire attention to the man who truly gave birth to them when they landed in the Commonwealth.
"What exactly is it?"
"The Brotherhoods..."
Sole can't stop rolling their eyes. That was something they was expecting. Everyone around them is hesitant to pledge allegiance to the military organisation on many reasons.
"What, the Brotherhoods?" they inquire a little too bluntly.
"You have allied with the Brotherhoods of Steel!"
Sole closes their eyes and blows hard. They didn't have much patience today, and this kind of debate may sap what little they had left.
"Come on, Preston. Get to the point. I just busted a Super-Mutant camp, I'm filthy, exhausted, and I don't know if there's a muscle in my body that doesn't ache."
"The Brotherhoods appeared in the Commonwealth as if they owned everything; they drove the roads—
"And protect the civilians..."
"And grab any and all technologies they can find!"
The vault dweller cannot help but be astonished this time. They had no idea that, of all the things that could be put against the BoS, Preston would bring this up.
"Uh, what are you getting at?"
"Look, I haven't done much travelling outside of the Commonwealth, but I've met a lot of people who have. In comparison to other societies on the continent, the Commonwealth has effectively remained in the Stone Age. When major cities have risen from the ashes on the west coast, we are still attempting to establish viable settlements. While huge corporations have established themselves elsewhere, our caravan system is primary and inadequate. We have almost no high-profile clinics, let alone hospitals, yet huge health centers may be found in other places. We erect pumps with duct tape and rusted pipes while in the Capital they have cleaned water reservoirs! But, slowly and steadily, we are constructing something. Thanks especially to you, Sole. Every day, every week, we the opportunity to build new communities that are safer and more equipped than ever before. But, in the long term, the Brotherhoods will have crushed our best opportunity of making a real change if they continue to seize all of the technology that rightfully belong to Bostonians! They deploy their advances to take ours as we struggle to shake ourselves up and stand up! They are mortgaging future breakthroughs for future generations even before we are aware of the possibility! This is intolerable!"
Sole doesn't know what to say about it. To claim they hadn't considered it is a far cry from describing where they are. While they had always considered the Brotherhoods' efforts as a helpful means to safeguard the people from anything that could jeopardize their future, they now realize that their fixation with collecting the technologies of the past had the opposite effect on the future. And they are acutely aware that there is little to prevent this looting in its purest form.
Strong : We've been with Strong for a long time; he's a powerful and unique companion, but his personal mission never progresses. Okay, we know the Milk of Human Kindness doesn't exist, but it has been misleading this unfortunate Super-Mutant who blindly follows us from the start. At some time, far beyond all occurrences, after a few months of following all of Sole's whims and following them everywhere, Strong may probably come to realize that things are not moving forward. As a result, he should confront Sole.
"Human! Stop!"
"What's going on, my great friend?"
"Puny human thinks Strong stupid. Strong follow human, respect human, help human. But Human lies to Strong."
Soole wide-eyed in surprise. They finally comes to a halt and turns to face their merry green giant companion.
"I believe we have a major problem. You must explain, because I have no idea when I lied to you."
"Human Kindness Milk. Humans do not seek. Human not wanting to help Strong."
Oh shit, Sole thinks. Indeed, they had never ventured to explain to Strong the struggle this pursuit was, hoping that it would die out on its own.
X6-88 : A Courser’s mission is to bring the escaped synths back to the Institute
"Nick," Sole greats the detective as they return to Diamond City.
"Sole," he reply to his great pal.
X6 examines the Synthetic before turning to Sole.
"Ma'am/Sir, we need to stop and extract this element."
Nick and Sole exchange glances. Nick wishes to object, but Sole raises their hand.
"X6, you can't...stop Nick and...extract him out."
"It is imperative to adhere to the Institute's course of action and report on any stray elements. This element is obviously a fugitive, and we have an obligation to return it to the Institute immediately."
"No, you can't do that."
"This version may be outdated and deficient—
"You know what the outdated and deficient version says!" 
—but we owe it to the institute to report it as soon as possible."
Sole sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of their nose, feeling a migraine surge to their brain.
"Look, X6, we're not at the Institute, and we haven't gotten any specific orders about this element. Furthermore, as you indicated, it's out of date—
"You know what he tells you about the past date!"
—and won't be relevant to the Institute's needs."
"Orders are orders."
"You must also follow my commands. It is not possible to bring this old version back to the Institute!"
Nick adds, growling in his beard, "You know what the old version tells you."
X6 pauses, clearly caught up in a conflict of interest. He must obey Sole, but he must also obey the Institute's directions. He has no idea how to react to the circumstance. He is unsure of what he should do. His brain strives to process all the data, facts, directions, and laws behind his marble face and fixed gaze covered by his sunglasses.
Nick and Sole, realizing the Courser has been frozen in place, decide to let him consider what has just been said. Meanwhile, they're on the hunt for holotapes.
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auricfog · 19 days
C and/or K for the oc meme! 💚
hihihi THANK UUU bc i have some new ones that start w c that i really adore 🥰
cherigold - dd2 - my darling sorceress. was a scholar in bakbattahl before travelling to vernmund to further her studies... which ofc lead to her getting her heart ripped out of her chest and making her regret ever leaving home bc now she's in a fucking mess lol. has a Thing with hugo even if it's going to end fucking tragically bc the princess and pauper vibes hit differently. free her man he did all of it but she doesn't care! i do have plans on playing her in da4 (AND bg3) too i just dk what i'm doing w her yet
also pls look at how cute she is!
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ira 'the copperhead' roth - vtm - sixth generation gangrel embraced in 1881, childe of lidia of tarraco and grandchilde of rufus. born in galveston, republic of texas, he was a very sickly child but eventually grew out of it and left home to make up for all the Life he missed being bedridden. participated in the gold rush in both california And british columbia (bc a history of asthma and dust = good idea? 🤨 listen he's not smart) for a good ten years, then returned home to texas to work as a cattle rancher bc that was a lot more Manageable. did that for a few more years before turning to crime and... here comes lidia being a problem! modern nights, he does everybody's dirty work and spends time with his on again off again wife of many years lottie (@risingsh0t. pirate and cowboy HITSSSS) when he's not busy. a lot of other vampires find him intimidating, but honestly he just doesn't know how to emote properly bc he had no social interaction outside of his sister as a child. like literally he's just standing there and wishing he had some string to play cat's cradle with
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whitexdove · 4 months
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next up, forever (our world)
a very self indulgent, lighthearted au. with years of thought put into it. like... i think the our world au started back in... 2017, when i first wrote FF7 muses on tumblr. under a read more due to the fact that it's rambly and there's so much. ooh boy. fuckle your seatbelts.
our world is set in... our world. with my blog & characters having supernatural elements, those are still present! it's just your standard fantasy modern setting au. the supernatural are more well known, those some creatures are hidden for assorted reasons (i have countless lore pages but some are OUTDATED so we're not worrying about 'em).
this au is (mostly) lighthearted! yeah there's shit that happens, but that's kind of inevitable. i'm not opposed to angsty stuff in this verse either, but the main idea was light-hearted shenanigans!! anything is possible here.
for muse specifics! rufus is a water nymph that lives on a farm in northern maine with his mom and his little brother. his mom is an actress. rufus himself, is a model. he does art on the side. i never figured out what specifically, i just know he draws some sickass semi-realism (humans) ++ semi realism/cartoony animals. he's got a service dog, a black curly coated retriever named rogue. this is what the breed looks like! they're large gun dogs. aloof with strangers but silly with family, which is rufus. he does not have a lot of friends, a VERY small handful at best. (now, this is where i'm ofc like 'tseng & the turks!!!!' but flexible here. everyone comes together differently and im happy to explore other options. especially with where im not writing this au with just a single other person! im very flexible) he's very anti-social.
farm stuff! there's chickens, cows, horses, ducks. uh. i think a goat or two. cloud is the chicken tender. rufus has a clydesdale horse specifically, that he loves dearly, but is fully aware is a bitch. he ALSO has an american quarter horse that he occasionally does cutting competitions with (cutting competition is when you like, separate a single cattle from the herd and keep it from rejoining and its timed) -- jaemin was determined to find something to keep rufus busy as a teenager so he wasn't a bitchy teenager abd by the gods did she find something. look those little bastards are BUSY.
rufus is constantly sleep deprived now, though. he's defintiely your standard 'tired artist', and how most digital artists depict themselves. he's got an energy drink in one hand, some sort of drawing thing in the other. he would sleep on the floor if you let him.
mom got the boys in the divorce, good for her. reginald shinra is in another state, but he's plotting something, surely. shinra is based in new york, i think i settled on new york, new york. california also makes sense? maine and new york aren't that far apart--- shinra is... uh. less of a behemoth this time round. that does not mean that reginald doesn't have a lot of shady shit going on, but i haven't played on that element too much! i'll get there. here's reginald. not quite how i imagine him BUT i like him best for the dude. it's fine. dw about it. here's mom, loved her in train to busan.
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luvisia · 1 year
Can we know more about Ema please. Like her backstory, opinions on the prime assets and Easterman, how she ended up in the trials and anything else about her
first of all, thank you so much for your interest in her! i'm really enthusiastic about ema but i'm also a bit shy about sharing her to the world. i'm grateful for the opportunity, though, especially since i've given her much more thought since trials launched!
disclaimer: i have done research and read accounts based upon the themes i drew upon for ema's backstory, but i do not claim to know everything and contextualizing a fictional character with real history is something i am uncertain about despite the commentary outlast is known for. please reach out if there are improvements i can make.
backstory & recruitment to the trials:
ema was born in california to immigrant parents in the year 1936. her father was japanese and her mother was vietnamese, making the home in which she was raised an imperfect meeting between the cultures. both of her parents were farmers, but her father was also skilled in the art of ikebana, flower arrangement, and they sold these carefully crafted pieces at the market.
her parents were detained after the bombing of pearl harbor for resisting relocation to an internment camp. forcibly separated from her parents at the age of six, ema was sent alongside other children to an orphanage for the duration of the second world war.
her stay at the orphanage was traumatic. while she found community with those her age, the children were schooled on model citizenry and assimilated by way of religion and patriotism. ema was resistant to these ideas as she grew older and disciplined accordingly by harsh and prejudiced teachers. her documents were lost in the chaos that ensued after the internment camps closed, and she was shuffled around to a different foster home, where her situation was no better.
ema fled at the age of thirteen in search of her parents, but had no luck reuniting with them after returning to her childhood home, which had since been bought and sold. now a teenaged drifter, ema took to traveling between towns and picking up various work, sleeping on the road. she was arrested for vagrancy and served a short time in a women's prison, where she labored in a factory and discovered her aptitude for mechanics and engineering.
unfortunately, ema couldn't pursue her passion freely. her job at the time of her abduction by murkoff was the collection of scrap metals, which she would go about town sifting for and return to the local junkyard. she would typically conduct her business on bicycle, accompanied by the yard dog. the foreman of the scrapyard entertained her tinkering and creations, allowing her limited access to parts that were useless to the company.
she approached one of murkoff's charity outreach centers during a particularly brutal winter after she had returned home to find out she had been kicked out of her small apartment by her landlord and her few belongings were being sold off. desperate to lay her head down somewhere, and reservedly optimistic about their inclusive campaigning despite misgivings, she underwent a selection process and was aptitude tested by the clinic nurses. after she was selected from the slew of applicants, she was allowed to stay the night.
ema woke the same night to being dragged out of bed, a sack thrown over her head, tossed into the back of the rancid cattle car which eventually brought her to the sinyala black site.
opinions on the prime assets & easterman:
coyle disgusts ema more than he instills terror, and "dislike" isn't a strong enough word to convey her feelings about him. if she already harbored ill feelings towards authority, he amplifies them tenfold, especially for his maltreatment of others and racial remarks. she tends to get angrier the longer she has to deal with him, which puts her methodical and silent approach in jeopardy.
during her first trial, coyle murdered the two other reagent prospects she entered with in the underground parking lot. ema released roger, a reagent who had been abandoned to his mercy in a previous trial, who was being tortured in the jail. she escaped the police station and passed the trial with his help, which has impressed their memory on coyle. he still holds a grudge against them both, ema for being bold enough to steal his prisoner from under his nose and roger for his dishonorable discharge from the military.
mother gooseberry and futterman, however, strike fear into ema in a way she cannot quite articulate. their absurdity leaves little room for reason. likewise, associated environments do nothing to assuage old trauma that ema has not dealt with. she loathes the insinuation that she would harm orphans. she seems to narrowly avoid the pair at every turn like a mouse that keeps scurrying away from a trap. she prefers to avoid their gaze rather than meet it head on.
while gooseberry has only briefly made her acquaintance a time or two (one which involved ema waking up in a dental chair with a drill so many inches from her mouth), she eerily seems to regard ema and the other girl she has taken a romantic interest in, chantel, as the good apples in the rotten bushel of their usual cohorts (notably, all men). this happy coincidence is ultimately probably not for the best and ema greatly resents it.
she sees easterman as a far removed power who dictates her waking nightmares, and as someone who allows her to partake in gifts, but also as someone truly deserving of her spite. through the personal slips in his act, she finds him demented in his own way. and whilst sleeping, nightmares of the skinnerman are, unfortunately, not uncommon. she finds herself struggling to rest easy after trials. overall, ema takes a similar survival approach in the sleep room and tries to keep her head low regarding observation from the good doctor, his associates, and the project paperclip team.
extra details:
her preferred kit is the x-ray rig, used in tandem with her stealthy movements, tactical awareness and quick thinking. she keeps lockpicks on her person at all times. she tends to scout ahead for obstacles in her team of reagents and works best in a unit.
her experiences shaped her into a sharp, wraithlike person out of necessity, able to disappear without a trace, with a deep curiosity for knowledge and picking up new skills. ema is observant of others and always seems to be waiting for the next move someone makes so she can sidestep accordingly. although her lifestyle has taught her that being generous with her kindness is not always wise, she is still good at heart and tries her best to extend clemency to her fellow reagents by repairing their gear free of charge and teaching them skills.
she loves to read books, she enjoys taking things apart and putting them together, understanding how mechanisms work, and she harbors a soft spot for plants and green things, even keeping a potted plant in her sleep room cell later on.
dorris and noakes are her closest non-participant associates in the sleep room. while noakes maintains his excuse of emotional distance, he has slowly defrosted and warmed up to ema, allowing her to borrow his manuals and books to read, and she has had the rare reward of gleaning a few words about his family. dorris gave ema a rough time when she first arrived in the sleep room due to her youth, but has since grown to respect her discretion and shares her conspiracies and opinions in exchange for cigarettes and booze.
her closest reagent allies are roger, whom she became close with as a result of their meeting, regarding him somewhat like a father figure despite his ongoing problem with the bottle - chantel, a young woman about her age who sleeps in the cell beside hers but who is typically part of a different reagent team - and henri, a reserved russian reagent who began watching out for ema when she joined the fold and is learning some english from her (my friend's oc!) she isn't fond of andrey, a ruthless reagent who is often placed in her group and causes problems for everyone involved due to his selfishness. he often complains about ema being deadweight.
she cut off her hair after her first trial stained it in blood. nurse barlow shaped the crop into the pixie she now has. she usually dresses in a very gender neutral way, with button up shirts, loose pants and a worn, baggy leather jacket being her staples. she has been mistaken for a boy with the short hair, but doesn't care much.
speaking of gender and sexuality, she is a lesbian.
ema is kind of pocket-sized. she's about five feet tall. on the plus side, she takes the opportunity to sneak into and through unusual places.
she is about twenty-three during the events of trials.
she regards some of the ex-pop underlings with pity, understanding that they act like lost children at the whim of their mother or father. the only one that makes her lose her cool tends to be the night hunter, who throws a cog in her usual plans and challenges her approach to dealing with situations.
also she has a pinterest board & a playlist (which i need to update).
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thedroneranger · 1 year
Hi, Jay!
Ooh I love this idea! Give me your headcanons on Jake vs Mrs.Seresin's childhood. Where they latchkey kids? Were they doted on? Do they have siblings? Did both of their parents work? Anything and everything.
- XOXO Star
Star! I love these questions!
Let’s start with some basics: Jake grew up with two parents and two sisters. He’s the middle child. His immediate family is very tight knit. Although, they have their differences, he does get along with his sisters and fulfilled the protective brother role, growing up. 
Mrs. Seresin is an only child to a single mother. Fortunately, she lived close to her grandparents, so she spent much of her time with them (when her mom was working). She also has a plethora cousins, many of which she’s still close with as an adult. 
Both were popular in school with plenty of friends. Jake was a jock. He played football and was the first freshman to make his high school’s varsity roster in 40 years. By the time he was a senior, he was the starting quarterback. Academically, Jake excelled in STEM, especially math.
Mrs. Seresin leaned more into academics, aiming to get a scholarship for college. She played sports (soccer, basketball) throughout her youth but prioritized work over extracurriculars as a teen. Given her single-income household (her mom was a medical receptionist), she was responsible for her own gas and spending money. 
Given their successful cattle business, Jake never had to worry about money. However, he was still taught the value of a dollar and held summer jobs throughout his youth. Jake was fortunate his mom always worked from home as the ranch accountant. She also made sure her children understood budgeting and investing.
Mrs. Seresin recognized her eye for design in high school and began to laser in on going to design school. Jake was dead set on the Naval Academy, but his fallback was to attend UT Austin. He was a legacy but was also recruited for UT Austin football. He was a two-time All American football player in high school. 
Fortunately, Jake was accepted to the Naval Academy, and Mrs. Seresin got a partial scholarship to the Design Institute of San Diego. That’s how she got out West!
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I was at RICC, and it was amazing! There was so much love for Jared, Gen, and all the Walker cast. Something that someone told me there, and I have absolutely no idea if it is true or not, is that Jared was looking to get out of his CE contract and he was testing the waters at RICC. I don’t know why that would be, but salt accordingly. Also, one of my observations was that Jared was positively exhausted - which is completely understandable, given that he had only just gotten over his third bout of COVID - and in fact, I asked him how he was doing, and in the past he’d always said “great,” or something similar - but this time he said, “I’m exhausted.” And he was surrounded - almost smothered - by his “entourage” (Clif, Michelle, Gen, and Charlie, plus Keegan was sitting with him in the photo op booth, where he also had two other people as well - and those booths were tiny). I say that not as a criticism, but I got the sense that they were there not only for business, but also for support, like they were keeping a very close eye on him to make sure he was doing all right. I’m glad they were if that’s the case because he did not have a break - he had fans continuously unless on a scheduled break. And to be “on” for that entire time is exhausting for anyone. But he was absolutely the star attraction there. No one else had the fan traffic he had. It was nice for the fans, though, because no one was rushed or treated like a herd of cattle. Anyway, those were my own personal observations.
Thank you for sharing, anon! I wish I could have gone, it sounds absolutely fabulous, but yes, I also would have wanted Jared to get the rest he so obviously needed, but I'm glad he had support!
And if he was testing the waters, it's too bad it was only that one convention after a period of being sick then going for three days straight. As I've said, other guests at multi-fandom conventions often shorten their time and their sales because it is exhausting. Perhaps if he had done that, that type of convention may have been more appealing. (And if that were also the case, maybe Jared pushed for some of the changes that we're seeing now at Creation, like a la carte autos, additional M&G, different photo op options, etc.)
"And to be “on” for that entire time is exhausting for anyone." - On a personal note, this statement is so true! I used be a trainer for incoming employees and would be wiped by the end of the day/week because of that constant need to be positive and present. I can definitely relate! LOL!
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officersnickers · 2 years
Imagine if Isabella had to have a new baby to replace Ray, after the escape? While being the "grandma", she could visit his baby who was a the nursery but couldn't do anything to save him/her. Imagine Ray learning that, by a sister who was close of Isabella, after being arrived in the human world, while tryinhg to deak with his his grief for Isabella's death, and his panick because Emma vanished.
Hjsdhfjfdjfgbdjhv what is it with you guys inflicting me with the most heartbreaking Isabella- takes lately?! XD
Okay, seriously, this sounds horrible – I love it! I guess this is all under the assumption Isabella gets to keep her life and even becomes Grandma, but still has to be punished for her failures, so why not making it up with re-stocking with another cattle children. Whose idea was this? Yverk’s? Peter’s? I bet it was Peter’s. Oh, when I get this little bastard…
Anyway, I bet the sisters discussed for a good time if and how to tell Ray about the baby, since they surely could imagine which toll this would take on him. I could see this play out in two very different ways:
1. Ray not wanting to have to do anything with the baby. He’s busy searching for Emma and keeping Norman alive, he got no time for, well, this. He’s mad and hurt his mother did inflict this upon him, feeling some sort of betrayed and replaced, although knowing very well this is rubbish and that Isabella herself surely wasn’t too eager about having to bear another child, too. Over time I could imagine he would grow closer to the child, especially when Emma finally returned home, without her memories, and Ray himself feeling like he lost one of the most important people in his life once again. Then he’d take up the little guy (gender neutral) and introduce them alongside Emma to their big, great family, so his sibling wouldn’t feel left out, the same way Ray did for so many years.
2nd option would Ray be taking the baby out of the crib the second he heard about them being Isabella’s child and carrying them everywhere like this:
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Why having a cool older brother who travels the world while searching for their lost friend when he’s not taking you with him? XD
But honestly, I don’t really want to inflict this kind of pain again onto Isabella, especially when she can’t have any autonomy about it due to being dead :/ Thanks Shirai...
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
30 - A Positive Family Day
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Part 31
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn @hcllfireandhclywater
Sitting up in the bed I stretched my arms and legs out seeing the sun was starting to rise above the mountains. Grabbing my hat from the hook in the kitchen I sat it on my head stepping out onto the front porch. The ranch seemed less like normal with half of our people gone with the cattle. I don’t think I’ve ever been here when it was like this. “It’s quiet this morning. I didn’t think you would be up this early.”
Sighing I turned on my boots seeing my husband sitting on the porch swing sipping a cup of coffee. “It is. I just thought - I guess you can’t shake something once you do it long enough. So what will we do today Mr. Dutton?”
"I think we should just spend time with the kids today. Since we've always busy every time they are with us. So we could do a movie day, fair or whatever they want." He suggested running his fingers through my hair after I sat down on the swing beside him laying my head on his chest.
Lifting my head up from his embrace I nodded, kissing him slowly. "That's a great idea, Kayc." He leans down kissing me back until we heard the sound of four sets of feet coming down the staircase.
"Well it's time for breakfast huh. Pancakes?" He suggested tugging me back to the house seeing the kids running around the kitchen table until Kayce wissiled making them all sit down.
Bree and Tate were having a tickle fight until they saw us watching them. "Why are you and dad here, normally you're out working early?" The eldest son of the family asked curiously.
"Did mommy and daddy get in trouble?" Elsa asked sitting beside her twin.
Shaking my head I opened the fridge, finding most of the stuff to make pancakes really quick for them. I could have woken Gator up but I also knew how to cook some stuff on my own too. So it's best to let him sleep. "No sweet girl, we didn't get in trouble. Everyone else just had to take a little trip so your daddy and I stayed to watch our beautiful children."
A few minutes later I slide three different types of pancake plates on the table. Two chocolate and one strawberry. Sliding in the chair beside Kayce we each took one chocolate leaving the rest for the boys and Bree. Elsa loved strawberries more than anything. Shoving a bite in my mouth I nodded in my husband's direction giving him the go ahead. "Kids, you're mom and I were thinking about going to the fair today. Since the boys in the bunkhouse will be resting for a day being up late last night helping the others ride off. What do y'all think?"
Dallas spit out some of his food cheering alongside his older brother. “The fair. Let’s go!”
“That sounds fun, mom. I’ll go tell Carter that I can’t go for our morning ride.” Bree pushed her chair back grabbing her coat with her long hair getting thrown around. Since John had become governor I had to have the period conversation with our daughter since she had started on her thirteenth birthday before her grandfather became governor.
“She’s spending too much time with him for my taste.” Kayce mumbled, giving me an annoyed look.
September 10th
“Mom!” Shooting awake in the bed I heard my eldest daughter call out to me from her bedroom tossing the covers aside. I did my best to not wake Kayce since he had been up really late last night.
Peaking my head through her door I saw her sitting on the ground with a red spot stained in her bed crying. “Oh baby. I’ve got you.” Wrapping my arms around her she threw her arms around me where I helped her into the bathroom sitting on the toilet.
Quickly moving back into her bedroom I yanked the sheets off seeing it thankfully didn’t go through so I threw them in the hamper dealing with it later. Entering the bathroom I moved her hair from her face seeing her eyes were puffy from crying. “Ssssh sweet girl. I’m gonna ask you a simple question and I want to answer it with how much you know. Do you know what this means?”
“That I can have a….a baby now.” Bree sniffed, clutching her hands into fists in her lap. “I didn’t think it would come yet. I thought it wouldn’t be a mess…what do I do mom?”
Tucking hair behind her ear I pulled her into a hug sucking in a breath knowing this wasn’t going to be easy for her. She grabs my shirt until I break the hug holding her shoulders gently staring at my first child. “Bree, listen to me. I don’t want you to think that this makes you weaker or that you have to change because it doesn’t. From this day forward you can be a lot tougher than most men and that is a gift. Being able to have a baby is a choice. You can still be a rancher my little cowgirl.”
“Thank you, mom…do I still get a birthday cake?” I snorted out a laugh at her question nodding my head yes to her.
Kayce parked the truck as I helped the kids inside the fair gates. Elsa tugged my arm seeing a Mary-go-round with ponies yanking me in the direction of it. “Ponies. Ponies!” I let her drag me over to them and the others followed after us.
“Up we go.” Kayce picked her up sitting her on one of the horses paying the worker for a round.
Tate and Dallas stood in front of us where I put my hands on my hips raising a brow to the boys. “What do you need from us, my boys?”
“Can me and Bree have money to take Dallas around?” Tate asked, moving his tan cowboy hat up looking us in the eye.
Kayce sighed, handing him some money hollering to them as they ran off towards the bumper carts with Bree and Dallas trying to quickly finish eating a funnel cake. “Be careful. Don’t make yourselves sick!” Intertwining my hand with his left Elsa was giggling on the metal horse that she could ride by herself compared to having to be held by one of us on a real one at home. “Anymore I feel like all we are is a bank and a driver.”
“Hey don’t worry. They are king being kids. That’s what is important.” I replied turning around and we started watching our youngest again. Unknown to us that Bree had run into the bathroom throwing up more than just the cake she had eaten feeling sick before she ever got onto a ride.
A few hours we drove the kids back to the ranch. Tate headed upstairs opening the door for us. I was carrying a sleeping Elsa and Kayce had Dallas. Bree was strangling behind us so she was the one to close the front door. Laying the twins down in the bed Tate and Kayce went to sit in front of the fireplace enjoying the dinner Gator had made for the bunkhouse. Slowly walking out to the barn I could hear crying inside the doorway so I peaked my head in. “Bree. Carter, what is going on?”
“Oh geez fuck. Mrs. Dutton…” Carter cursed, spinning around on his boots fears written all over his face. “I didn’t mean for this to happen we just - we didn’t it would happen the first time.”
Entering the barn I held my hands up not wanting to see him start crying or something. Bree avoided my gaze nervously playing with her hair that she had done since she was six years old. “Bree, look at me. Please tell me what the hell he is talking about?”
My daughter finally met my gaze, muttering the words I never expected to hear from her mouth, causing me to see my own life flash before my eyes. “I’m…pregnant.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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