#Different Seasons
aliteraryprincess · 4 months
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April 2024 Wrap Up
Not me posting my April wrap up over halfway through May...
Books Read: 13
Look at all these! I mean, to be fair, five are picture books. But still. My favorite was, of course, The Sunshine Court. I can't believe that the year of our lord 2024 gave us a new All for the Game book. It was amazing! My least favorite was The Biographer's Tale. A serious disappointment from the author of one of my favorite books. I was also unable to finish Apt Pupil, although I thought it was well-written. Almost too well-written. I was seriously disturbed. Books marked with ® are rereads.
Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King - 4 stars
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness - 4 stars
In the night I dream of home by Vagelis Iliopoulos, illustrated by Hariton Bekiaris - 4 stars
The Sleeping Beauty retold and illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman - 4 stars
The Idiot by Elif Batuman - 4 stars
Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey - 4 stars
Molly by Joseph S. Bonsall, illustrated by Erin Marie Mauterer - 4 stars ®
Sea Tale by Gail E. Haley - 4 stars ®
An Ellis Island Christmas by Maxinne Rhea Leighton, illustrated by Dennis Nolan - 4 stars ®
Daniel Deronda by George Eliot - 5 stars ®
The Biographer's Tale by A. S. Byatt - 2 stars
The Sunshine Court by Nora Sakavic - 5 stars
The Ways of Life by Margaret Oliphant - 4.5 stars
Books DNFed: 1
Apt Pupil by Stephen King - due to violent animal death
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There's not much here, but @thehobbitwithstickyuppyhair helped me find a childhood picture book that I've been trying to find for years, and I am so grateful!
March 2024 Wrap Up
Book Quotes: The Idiot by Elif Batuman
Book Quotes: Daniel Deronda by George Eliot
Help me find this picture book? - Solved!
More Victorian Novels Connections
On YouTube:
And a good mix here, including a Fairy Tale Friday.
March Wrap Up | 8 reads, 1 DNF
Fairy Tale Friday | The Night Dance by Suzanne Weyn
Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024
Currently Reading 4/15/24
The George Eliot Project | Middlemarch
1st Book Haul of 2024 | January to March
May TBR | Mental Health May & more!
What I Read for Picture This 2024
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forestfae · 2 years
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🌿🌳🍃🌱 summer vs winter ❄️🏔☃️☁️
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allhailstephenking · 1 year
Stephen King Poll - Collections
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mostestghostess · 1 year
The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear.
Stephen King | "The Body" | Different Seasons
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9th October 2023
Finished reading Apt Pupil by Stephen King today. I grew up quite the history nerd which is why I'm giving this 4 stars, but the ending felt like walking *bam* straight into a brick wall out of nowhere. What do you mean there isn't more??
But yeah, this story is hella fucked up but if you're a history nerd and like a bit of gore then this is definitely up your alley
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the-red-butterfly · 3 months
Apt Pupil ll Book review and art
I reviewed Apt Pupil, and I had such strong feelings about it that I did art for Shwashank Redemption again (for the movie this time) because good lord I hate everyone in Apt Pupil 😎
So I hope you enjoy me drawing Andy Dufresne instead hehe ✨
Link to the finished art: To Feel Normal Again
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catmint1 · 11 months
Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.
—Stephen King, Different Seasons
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proceduralbob · 1 year
All the magazines said it was bad, what had happened. But all the stories were continued at the back of the book, and when you turned to those pages, the words saying it was bad were surrounded by ads, and those ads sold German knives and belts and helmets as well as Magic Trusses and Guaranteed Hair Restorer. These ads sold German flags emblazoned with swastikas and Nazi Lugers and a game called Panzer Attack as well as correspondence lessons and offers to make you rich selling elevator shoes to short men. They said it was bad, but it seemed like a lot of people must not mind.
Apt Pupil, Stephen King (from the novella collection Different Seasons)
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aliteraryprincess · 2 years
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Twenty Books Challenge, Part 2
Hypothetically, you are only able to keep 20 of your books. Only one book per author/series. So what books are you keeping?
I was tagged by @the-forest-library. Thank you! I’m opting to do it in two parts because I wanted the chance to reuse some old photos I’ve taken of the individual books (and tumblr only allows ten pictures per post–booooo!!!). Here are books 11 to 20. You can find the first ten here.
11. Different Seasons by Stephen King - This is a collection of novellas contains an absolute favorite book of mine, The Body. It’s extremely sentimental to me, and I’ve owned this copy since I was in middle school. 
12. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara - This is just another of the best books I’ve ever read that I need to reread. 
13. Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire - My brother, Robert, gave this to me when I was definitely not old enough to read it. It’s always been a favorite mine, and it’s particularly special to me now because Rob passed away in August.
14. Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones - This is probably my favorite fantasy book. I just love it so much and can’t be without it.
15. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine - This is one of my absolute favorite fairy tale retellings. It’s such a joy to reread. Plus I’ve had this copy since I was young, so I’m quite attached to it.
16. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke - This is another of my favorite fantasies. The worldbuilding is spectacular, and it is absolutely worth keeping and rereading.
17. Among Others by Jo Walton - Another wonderful fantasy that I want to reread. What I especially love about it is that it’s a love letter to the fantasy genre, and it includes a bunch of things I love: books, boarding schools, and fairies.
18. The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale - Another of my favorite retellings that I like to go back to periodically.
19. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien - This is a childhood favorite of mine, but this copy has also been in my family for a few generations. It originally belonged to my mom and my uncle when they were kids, then it went to my brothers, then it went to me. It’s falling apart, but I absolutely would have to keep it!
20. The Brontës by Juliet Barker - This is my favorite work of nonfiction. It is the definitive biography of the Brontës, and there’s just so much information in it! Plus I got my copy at the Brontë Parsonage Museum on my first visit. It has a stamp inside to prove it! 
I have no clue who else has done this, so sorry if you already have! I’m tagging: @dauen, @ninja-muse, @moderngothicbooks, @bookcub, and anyone who wants to do this!
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platoapproved · 2 months
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What was that you said about memory? "A monster," was it?
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quagmireofword · 1 month
When you’re in a pressurecooker you learn to live and let live or somebody will carve you a brand-new mouth just above the Adam’s apple. You learn to make allowances.
“Rita Hayworth & Shawshank Redemption” by Stephen King
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segretecose · 2 months
underconsumption being called a trend now…… mf that’s just how normal sane people live
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litandlifequotes · 3 months
Get busy living or get busy dying…..there ain't nothing inbetween.
Different Seasons by Stephen King
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rows-of-trees · 5 months
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the-red-butterfly · 6 months
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption ll Book review and art
Another book review!! Huazza!! I love this story, so, so much (and the movie is absolutely stunning too lol). I loved it so much in fact that on the next review I made I ALSO drew things from Shawshank redemption XD even if the story I was reviewing had nothing to do with it. Well, it was another King book and Andy (the main character of Shawshank) is mentioned once, so I guess it has to do a little bit with it.
Link to the finished art: Andy Dufresne
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