#Dimitri Malama
worldoftheromanovs · 1 year
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Dmitri Yakovlevich Malama in the Tsarsko-Selo infirmary (lying), autumn 1914. Tatiana Nikolaevna standing next to Malama’s hospital bed. Olga Nikolaevna is sitting near his feet
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mariacallous · 2 years
Alleged ties between Greek police and organised crime were put again under a spotlight on Monday when media claimed to have obtained a secret internal police report titled “The eternal entanglement of police officers with corruption circles”.
Yiannis Souliotis, on Kathimerini newspaper, reported that the leak of the document and its dissemination to a small number of recipients was not just by chance. It reported that the report has been shared also with some politicians as well as journalists.
The recent reassignment of officers serving in sensitive positions has been cited as one reason for the document’s leak.
BIRN has obtained part of the report, which describes conversations on WhatsApp between a senior police officer and another police officer, Spyros Papachristou, who was murdered in spring 2018. The first officer appears willing to satisfy Papachristou’s requests for paid escorts for businessmen and other “errands.”
Kathimerini reported that Papachristou had good communications with the former Alternate Minister of Public Order and Citizens Protection, Nikos Toskas, and at the same time, family and social relations with powerful businessmen, members of the then leftist SYRIZA-ANEL government, and the Church.
Concerning Papachristou’s murder, media reported that pressure had been exerted not to declassify his mobile phones owing to concern that his contacts with government officials of that period, high-ranking police officers and the underworld would be revealed.
Things took a different turn in 2021 after the murder of the journalist Giorgos Karaivaz who had been in contact with both Papachristou and Dimitris Malamas and Dimitris Kapetanakis. All four of them, all mentioned in a National Intelligence Service NIS report, were murdered – the first in 2019 and the latter in 2020.
Malamas was known to the police and had been accused of blackmail. Kapetanakis was known for robberies, blackmails and involvement in the case of the “Crime Syndicate,”; a criminal organization that operated in Greece from the late-1980s until the mid-1990s.
A 2015-2017 NIS’s investigation into telephone and physical surveillance brought to light evidence of the involvement of current and former police officers, lawyers, and other persons with the so-called “Greek mafia.” Nineteen people mentioned in NIS’s report were referred to trial.
But on January 31, a court declared the defendants innocent due to lack of evidence. Only handwritten notes had been sent to the court, as the transcript of NIS’s telephone monitoring had not been sent to the court.
Some officials dispute the newly leaked document, reported Kathimerini. They say that the conversations were “stitched” to create impressions designed to target specific people.
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thinkingimages · 4 years
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Tatiana and Dmitri. Well, maybe — there’s no proof this is Dmitri, but I’m just saying: They’re sitting awfully close, and this was taken at the exact right time.
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gemsofgreece · 3 years
I'm a Bulgarian learning Greek and it's such a wonderful language :)
I also love the music, but I don't know all that many singers or songs. Could you recommend me some?
Heyy I'm glad you enjoy learning Greek!
I don't know how to approach the music thing without getting you lost in names and genres but I'll try.
First of all, see this previous ask where I list all Greek music genres.
Then check my tag #greek music with several posts on Greek music and videos of Greek songs.
So I made lists of the most popular composers and singers based on their primary music genres. Some genres go together because these artists tend to jump between them or mix them.
Also, note that in Greece music is usually attributed to the composer rather than the performer hence most of the artists here are the songwriters. So my advice is: choose the genres of your preference and then type the name of each artist in youtube with best of and let it guide your from there. I have added some very famous singers though.
Elafró (Light - soft music)
Sofia Vembo
Yannis Spanos
Nana Mouschouri
Vangelis Germanos
Pop / Modern Laikó / Bouzoukia
Stamatis Kraounakis
Fivos (Phoebus)
Anna Vissi
Michalis Hatziyannis
Elena Paparizou
Despina Vandi
Yorgos Theofanous
Antonis Remos
Yannis Parios
Paschalis Terzis
Kostis Maraveyas
Sakis Rouvas
Keti Garbi
Nikos Vertis
Vasilis Karras
Stamatis Gonidis
Christos Dantis
Pantelis Pantelidis
Dimitris Koryalas
Classic Laikó / Rebétiko
Vasilis Tsitsanis
Markos Vamvakaris
Manos Loizos
Yorgos Zabetas
Manolis Hiotis
Stelios Kazatzidis
Grigoris Bithikotsis
Sotiria Bellou
Stratos Dionysiou
Yannis Poulopoulos
Haris Alexiou
Dimitris Mitropanos
Christos Nikolopoulos
Yorgos Dalaras
Dimitra Galani
Eleftheria Arvanitaki
Eleni Tsaligopoulou
Tolis Voskopoulos
Spyros Zagoreos
Yorgos Hatzinasios
Kostas Makedonas
Éntechno / Rock
Dionysis Savvopoulos
Thanassis Papakonstantinou
Thanos Mikroutsikos
Lavrentis Maheritsas
Vasilis Papakonstantinou
Yannis Haroulis
Miltos Paschalidis
Nikos Papazoglou
Yannis Kotsiras
Melina Kana
Sokratis Malamas
Alkistis Protopsalti
Matoula Zamani
Christos Thiveos
Alkinoos Ioannidis
Pantelis Thalassinos
Nikos Mamagakis
Nikos Portokaloglou
Katsimihas brothers
Mariza Rizou
Electronic / Progressive Rock
Vangelis (Papathanasiou)
12os Pithikos
Nikos Skalkotas
Manolis Kalomiris
Nikolaos Mantzaros
Dimitris Mitropoulos
Maria Farantouri
Marios Frangoulis
Maria Callas
Byzantine Ecclesiastical
Nektaria Karantzi
Petros Gaitanos
!!!A genre on their own!!!
Manos Hatzidakis
Mikis Theodorakis
Yannis Markopoulos
Stavros Xarchakos
Nikos Xylouris
Mimis Plessas
Eleni Karaindrou
Evanthia Reboutsika
Stamatis Spanoudakis
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imperial-russia · 3 years
Hi ! About the movie Anastasia. The character of Dimitri, who was inspired by Dmitry Romanov and Dmitri Malama? Thanks.
Hi, I liked that movie as a kid and it was actually the first time I have ever heard about the Romanovs (and I gues that is common in the West), but no, the character of Dmitri was definitely not inspired by either of these men. He was just named Dmitri cause it sounds Russian.
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bogdan29091996 · 5 years
THE GIRL ON THE WALL (HD) from Gabriel Psaltakis on Vimeo.
A very short comedy about a bored man and a graffiti.
Starring: Malamas Sotiriou, Efi Trasia, Dimitris Notas and Tasos Smirloglou
Writer/Director/Producer: Gabriel Psaltakis Character creation: Stavroula and Christina Anthiropoulou frogs-n-dogs.blogspot.com Music: Kostantis Papakonstantinou myspace.com/kostantispapak Sound: Stelios Ntaras myspace.com/ntast
Shot on Canon 7D HD-DSLR Lenses: Canon 50mm f1.4, Canon 85mm f1.8, Tokina 11-16 f2.8, Tamron 17-50mm f2.8
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
Ρ, Θ, Ε
Oh god that’s plenty!
P? Three is the best I can do for you XD
Ρεαλιστής - Ειβολέας (Realist - Isvoleas)
Ρόζα - Δημήτρης Μητροπάνος (Roza - Dimitris Mitropanos)
Ροζ - Γιάννης Μηλιώκας & Αφροδίτη Μάνου (Pink - Yannis Miliokas & Aphrodite Manou)
Θεσσαλονίκη - Θάνος Μικρούτσικος (Thessaloniki - Thanos Mikroutsikos)
Θα Σπάσω Κούπες - η βερσιόν της Μαρίννας Σάττι (I’ll break cups - cover by Marina Satti)
Θάλασσα μου Σκοτεινή - Νίκος Πορτοκάλογλου (My Dark Sea - Nikos Portokaloglou)
Θαλασσογραφία - Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος (Thalassography - Dionysis Savvopoulos)
Θα Πιω Απόψε το Φεγγάρι - Γιάννης Πουλόπουλος (I Will Drink the Moon Tonight - Yannis Poulopoulos)
Είχα τον Κήπο της Εδέμ - Σωκράτης Μάλαμας (I Had the Garden of Eden - Socrates Malamas)
Ερωτόκριτος - Νίκος Ξυλούρης (Erotocritus - Nikos Xylouris) or any version by anyone really i.e 
Ερωτόκριτος - Νίκος Στρατάκης (Erotocritus - Nikos Stratakis) this is a different part of the poem and with a little different melody
Ευτυχισμένος Άνθρωπος - Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος (Happy Man - Dionysis Savvopoulos)
Ελλάδα Χώρα του Φωτός - Καίτη Γαρμπή (Greece Land of Light - Keti Garbi) a bit of Eurovision lol
Totally irrelevant fun fact I want to share - Keti Garbi holds so far the record for the longest close up in history of Eurovision and this was not based on the Greek entrant’s request. Actually the Greek artists had no idea. The director simply did a close up on her face and then just decided to stay there for the rest of the song. 
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