badshipshitblog · 5 months
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pulling his puppet into his lap, the ventriloquist momentarily forgets that he compells her speech, and falls for the reflection of himself in her perfect chrome
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callimaricounty · 11 months
rose "im a lesbian except for incest" lalonde
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the-meat-machine · 5 months
rereading the epilogues and going insane about the dirkrose vibes all over again
dirk's palpable yearning to have someone by his side who understands what he's going through. all this stuff about how he and rose are "basically the same person". dirk taking her hand, thinking of her as beautiful, saying that they belong together. dirk explicitly positioning himself as a competitor to kanaya. and then the whole part at the end where dave wonders if dirk and rose are TOGETHER together and no one feels like they can fully deny that it's a possibility
like! god! these two!!!!
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alicehardcore · 5 months
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i think this is how the latest update shouldve ended methinks
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
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kinkmom · 11 months
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Dave just wants to give Rose some meat flowers. 🤗
And so does Dirk, vigorously.
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Finally got the willpower to illustrate this lovely ask I got when I posted Rose's topless god-tier dress. Sorry for not including Kanaya. :']
De-flowering service: Twitter / Pillowfort
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slowpokedragon · 6 months
hiiii mootie what do u think of Bro/Rose ive been pondering it lately. or grimdorks, if u dont want the incest
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bro/rose - 7/10 i need rose to be the one taking advantage of BRO ok and he reaches a point where theyre fucking and hes like. hang on a goddamn second how did i get here
dirk/rose - 10000/10 if its the epilogues ult!dirk and ult!rose I NEED THEM TO BONE RIGHT NEOW kanaya was RIGHT to think dirk was taking advantage of her and he should have done more. two people so incredibly fucked up who circlejerk themselves into oblivion by validating each other on horrible things "is [incredibly fucked up thing] normal?" "yeah dwbi 👍"
mom/dirk - 7/10 MILF AUNT AND NEPHEW CLASSIC PORNO. dirk has seen a million hentai just like this and he should use the experience to take advantage of a drunk rose who really needs the edge off
sprinkle in some genderfuck with rose embodying maleness in an attempt to follow dirks footsteps because he seems so in control of everything and youve got my t4t vision
edit: heres a take that haunts my brain for dirkrose and brorose as well.
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superclem · 7 months
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art lately
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hsderseweek · 1 year
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Hold on to your butts.
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would any of you dorks be interested in working on a tiny derse zine?
all creatives are welcome, regardless of format or skill level writing or art or like fuck it music lol it doesnt have to be a ship but you have to be good w it being w ship content of this nature.
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badshipshitblog · 1 year
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dave usually whines his way onto the couch
for derse week day 3: csi miami (imagine that's what they're watching)
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
DirkRose Propaganda (Incest - Dirk is genetically Rose's father)
"Your honor, these characters are victims of fanon-as-canon widespreading! There are antis out there who will raise hell if you say Dirk is anything other than gay when it's literally canon that Dirk Strider states he doesn't like the label gay. Meanwhile, Rose Lalonde also dates both men and women in canon and has never outright stated what her sexuality is, yet antis will also raise hell if you say she is anything but a lesbian.
Their dynamics are complex and nuanced throughout the webcomic. They are both clever and self important, and their banter is delicious. They both share the vice of wanting to control the narrative of the lives they are stuck in, and this ties them together far tighter than any blood ties.
Also, in Homestuck 2 (which is dubiously canon), Rose Lalonde quite literally leaves her wife to join Dirk in creating a new universe with him. This then blossoms into a passionate rivalry where they both see who could create the ideal universe. They're always pushing each other to greater heights.
Also, the fact that Dirk wanted Rose to come with him-- even choosing her over his own pseudo-brother who he looked up to to an extreme degree-- goes to show that he values her mind above all others.
Dirk is a hard person to impress or to crack the impersonal shell of, but I strongly feel that Rose Lalonde (especially with her penchant for psychology which ties well with his interests in philosophy) is exactly the right person to crack his shell."
Wincest Propaganda (Incest)
"They are parelled to in show couples, and people within the show have likened them with real life couples"
Also! More Propaganda provided by @kingofthewilds Here!
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the-meat-machine · 5 months
The thing about postcanon Dirk/Rose is that Ult Dirk needs Rose way, way more than Rose needs him. Dirk is trying desperately to convince himself, and us, and Rose, that Rose is in the same position he is. But she isn't, and I think on some level Dirk knows it.
This line really struck me in my Epilogues reread:
Kanaya loves Rose, but sometimes love just isn’t enough. Sometimes what you need is understanding.
Because, the thing is, this line isn't really about Kanaya and Rose. It's about Jake and Dirk. And it becomes obvious when compared with another line from later on where Dirk talks about his relationship with Rose:
We’re family. We belong together. And after years of micromanaging the inconsistent and confused desires of total imbeciles, wouldn’t it be a relief to have someone by my side who understood me?
So here's what I think is going on. Dirk feels desperately, desperately alone. His ascension to Ultimate Self-hood is making him aware of all sorts of dire shit. He's becoming aware of his status as a fictional character and the tenuous position of the "canon" he's from. He's "drowning in his own dismal persona", as he once put it in canon. And no one fucking gets it, least of all the man he loves.
Because it's clear that Jake could never, ever understand what Dirk is going through. He does not understand Dirk. Will not understand Dirk. Willfully chooses to avoid understanding Dirk at every turn. And Dirk is so, so tired of it.
And then Dirk starts to get to know Rose better, and… they just click. They truly are kindred spirits in many ways. They have similar senses of humor, similar interests, similar ways of viewing the world. And most importantly, Rose is ascending too. She will soon be in a position to understand what's going on at the same level Dirk does. She'll be able to understand him. And Dirk needs understanding so desperately.
But there's a problem, and that problem is that, while Dirk feels that he doesn't have anyone else who can understand him, the same isn't true for Rose. Because Kanaya does understand her. Maybe not completely. Maybe she'll never fully be able to grasp the metaphysical implications of Rose's ascension. But, importantly, she tries to understand, in a way Jake would never do for Dirk.
And so Dirk knows that, in order for his plan to work, in order to convince Rose to come with him, he has to prevent Kanaya from getting to her at all costs. Because no matter how much he tries to tell himself that Rose would feel the same way he does even without his influence, he knows that if Rose had to choose between him and Kanaya, she would choose Kanaya in a heartbeat.
So he prevents Kanaya from reaching Rose, manipulates Kanaya into telling Rose that she should leave her and go with Dirk. And he suborns Rose's will into his own. He does everything he can to make her part of him. Because in the end, the only way Dirk Strider can understand to not be alone is to gaze at himself in the mirror.
I'll leave you with a quote from Candy:
ROSE: There’s no one who understands me like you, Kanaya. No one who looks at me the way you do. No one who brings me back down to earth with ceaseless, brutal honestly like you. ROSE: I have no idea what’d I’d do without you. KANAYA: You Would Probably Do Just Fine ROSE: Yes, but I’d be very unhappy.
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dont-dove-dead-inside · 5 months
What if rose never got turned into a robot but dirks heart powers were the only thing stopping her from falling apart and going ult
So they’re forever bound together, dirk keeping her safe and as human as you can be as a god
And rose keeping him the company from going insane himself
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
ULTDirkxRoboRose and ULTDirkxRoboDave is better than DaveKat
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Davebot x Ultimate Dirk x Rosebot is better than Davekat.
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kinkmom · 11 months
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Realized I never posted this one to Tumblr, probably because it's impossible to crop not-saucy. But please enjoy the full one on Twitter or Pillowfort. :]
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