#Dirona albolineata
pillowspace · 1 year
Listen to me, boy. You will hear about sea slugs. You will enjoy sea slugs
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Costasiella kuroshimae / leaf sheep. Discovered off the coast of Japanese island Kuroshima in 1993, they can indirectly perform photosynthesis by absorbing chloroplasts from algae
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Cyerce nigricans. The cerata can be easily cast when disturbed. They can also swim by powerfully flapping said cerata when strongly stimulated. I think they look like butterfly wings!
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Jorunna parva / sea bunny. They are covered in papillae, which are fleshy protuberances used for sensory functions. It looks like fur!
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Glaucus atlanticus / blue glaucus. They are rarely seen, except during periods of on-shore winds which brings them and their prey into coastal waters. They are the most dangerous sea slug to handle, able to give humans a very painful and potentially dangerous sting
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Chromodoris lochi / loch's chromodoris. They are spongivores, and prefer being on the underside of overhangs on rocky reefs. Their distribution is widespread in the Indo-Pacific. Everyone I show sea slugs to seems to love this little guy
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Dirona albolineata / white-lined dirona. A translucent predator that often eats bryozoans and small snails. They generally reside on rocks and sometimes mud in the intertidal. Pretty little things, they remind me of shards of glass
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Phidiana hiltoni / Hilton's Aeolid. They are known for being quite aggressive, often biting and fighting other aeolids, which is so real of them. They always reminded me of lit matches
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Acanthodoris lutea / orange-peel doris. Its bright aposamatic colouration is a warning to predators of its distasteful toxicity. They also notably smell of sandalwood! You don't understand. I NEED to hold one
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Nembrotha kubaryana / dusky nembrotha. They use the toxins in their prey ascidians to defend themselves against predators. The toxins are stored in their tissues then released in a slimy defensive mucus when alarmed. Nembrotha kubaryana are well-known for their neon appearance
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Phyllodesmium poindimiei / Spun Of Light. It's primarily nocturnal and can cast its cerata for protection. Anyway, can we all agree that Spun Of Light is the most awesome name for a sea slug ever? I mean, look at it. That's a sea slug spun of light if I've ever seen one
Conclusion: sea slugs are the creatures ever
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seaslug-haven · 6 months
Latin name: Dirona albolineata
Common name(s): Frosted sea slug, Alabaster nudibranch, White-lined Dirona
Family: Dironidae
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Located in the Eastern Pacific ocean (coasts of America -> Alaska to San Diego) or the Western Pacific ocean (Russia, Japan)
Habitats are usually on rocks, but it isn't unknown to see them in mud. May also be found on docks and pilings.
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They can vary in colours. Common characteritics are translucent body with white outlines on the edges.
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Being carnivorous, they feed on bryozoans, crustaceans, hydroids, ascidians, and snails.
Extra resource with interesting informations:
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ocean-dragon · 9 months
🤍💕 Dirona albolineata 💕🤍
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angelnumber27 · 2 years
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Dirona Albolineata
Jeff Goddard
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gummyshake · 2 months
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Me llevo un tiempo dibujarla 👀 pero aquí esta 💜
They are supposed to have black skin, right?
so I had to repaint the skin :) I think it looks good on it 💜
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kaiko127 · 1 year
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humongouscock69 · 2 years
a redraw (resketch?) of my old sea slug sketch post !
hopefully this one is a bit more accurate ! i think i got it generally pretty good now. the head shape on the old one was freaking me out it was sooo inaccurate lol.
drew it around the same day when i found out about albos so kind of expected to not be all too familiar with them i guess. im just happy i know them a bit better now:)
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i'll make a new one of the babai soon as well
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heartnosekid · 3 months
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the alabaster nudibranch, white-lined dirona, or frosted sea slug (dirona albolineata) | divingwithbella on ig
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4purrrgatory · 9 days
" peeking through your mind, tell me every single thing "
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so i listened to this fire song and i just had to mess around lol.... anyway you get DR KINITO!!!!!!!!
also i made a sketch of my kinitopet oc (about time!) and i'll show about it below the cut
oh yea the song i referenced is this (the og is japanese tho i only chose the teto english cover of it because i really liked the translation)
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Franny!!! he's a dirona albolineata aka frosted sea slug
ive been thinking of his design for a week now while i was finishing off my finals and he's finally here.... he is a trapped user and has been trapped in the code for a long time now... also he has memory issues; funnily enough in this world he's some kind of a doctor boioioioioing
i'm thinking like you could play and help him with his memory game.. matching up gummy fish and sharks placed under cups
i'll make a proper ref for him soon
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cosmicanger · 4 months
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frosted sea slug (Dirona albolineata)
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Sea creatures my OCs would like:
Or pov, you're on an aquarium date with them lmao
Finley: Orcas! They're deadly, smart and kinda cute. But he also likes seal because of how goofy they look.
Iris: Moray eel. They're freaky, and their mouths are cool in her head. She also likes anglerfish because the female is like 10 times bigger than the males and she sucks them in her skin lmao.
Odile: Sea slugs (her favorite are the sea bunny and Dirona Albolineata). Also sea angels! They look so peaceful...
The Patron: Jellyfish, his favorite has to be the sea nettle jellyfish. He also finds sea horses charming.
Ophelia: She likes beta fish the most. The colors, how wavy and gorgeous their tail is... also relatable because she's fighting anyone who gets in her personal space lmao.
"Alice": DUMBO OCTOPUS. They're so cute and dumb and she wants to squeeze them and bite them!!! She's pressing her face to the glass every time she sees one.
Arden: He finds penguins really cute and admires the strong paternal vibes of the dads. Would like to pet one.
Hippolyta: Nurse sharks. She really likes nurse sharks. Saves so many cute pictures and videos of sharks hanging around.
DogFace: Guppies, he owns some himself. Watching fish swim around is really relaxing for him. He really enjoys going to the aquarium and has some fish facts to share. Ideal date location for him tbh...
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pillowspace · 7 hours
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Sorry to bother you, but I found this sea slug but idk what it’s called (or if it’s real) you’re super cool and know a lot abt sea slugs, so I was wondering if you knew ^-^
Oh yeah, I'd recognize this sea slug in a second, they're very unique. That's called a Dirona albolineata! They're like glass shards to me :)
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There's also other kinds of Dironas, such as Dirona pellucida (Golden Dirona)
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And Dirona picta
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There's also Dirona akkeshiensis, but unfortunately I'm not too sure if there's photos of it
That right there is a Dirona albolineata though!
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
what is your favorite aquatic invertibrate?
THIS is a loaded question. I've kept this in my inbox for a while cause there's SO MANY it's hard to choose. I'm most interested in mollusca and crustacea but those are still large categories.
My favorite mollusk is Dirona albolineata, the frosted alabaster nudibranch. Absolutely gorgeous and come in my favorite color.
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I pretty much love all nudibranches though. My second favorite would have to be sea butterflies, they're so weird!
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And of course the animal crossing famous Clione limacina or sea angel
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Academically, I'm currently researching freshwater mussels for our reintroduction project. Mussels may not be as flashy as nudibranchs, but they are extremely important for improving water quality in freshwater habitats. It's hard to choose a favorite, but one I've researched the most and have grown fondly of is Alasmidonta varicosa, the brook floater. We are hoping to eventually reintroduce it to it's previous native range. Fun fact, when you pick them up out of the water, they stick their "tongue" (foot) out.
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I literally had the species name written on my giant whiteboard in the office for a few months so my boss would keep seeing it since I really wanted us to use it as a flagship species to design our reintroduction project around. Fast forward and we've gotten a grant and things are progressing nicely.
Anyway on the crustacea side that's an even harder choice. I'm always excited to see aquatic isopods and scuds. I'm probably most fond of Malacostraca (amphipods, isopods, decapods, etc.) and Branchiopoda (clam, fairy, and tadpole shrimp, and water fleas). Do not make me pick one I am unable to. I will say I have a particular soft spot for crayfish as they are the organisms I've had the most one-on-one time with (I literally have a pet crayfish named Mr Pinchy). I just love anything with pinchers (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)≧〔゜゜〕≦
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First crayfish I ever held doing it's little defensive stance of Shake Em Like You Just Don't Care. Just take a look at it's mouth! The mouthparts are so cool! I love watching Mr. Pinchy eat.
My favorite macroinvertebrate would hands down be Corydalus, aka Hellgrammites, which are the larval form of Dobsonflies. I have yet to see an adult dobsonfly in person, but have been told they're terrifying and not very nice. We shall see about that. Hellgrammites are simply angry pathetic overdramatic babies and while people say they bite I've held plenty and never been bit. They will absolutely go for the other bugs in the tray so you do have to keep them in a separate container. We've lost a couple of caddisfly larvae to the jaws of the mighty hellgrammite.
Just look at it! Here's a video where I'm trying to get a good shot of it's gills (those frilly things on its underside). They roll into a defensive ball which is so endearing. I also love anything that can curl into a ball. I think they're absolutely adorable but most people tend to disagree with me ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
TDLR I love all aquatic invertebrates so very much. I didn't even get into shrimp or coral or starfish! They make me so happy I actually have to limit how much I read about them in a day because my emotions get too big and cause me to become hyper (which is a bad combo for fibromyalgia). I'm not great at remembering information so I get to constantly relearn and rediscover things which is a blessing and a curse. This also makes taxonomy especially hard for me so let me know if I messed up somewhere.
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starsbits · 1 year
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finally finished my sea slug persona :] my fav design in quite a while! they're based on Dirona albolineata (frosted nudibranch)
[Image ID: A digital character design reference. The character has an overall purple color palette with lots of sharp, triangular shapes throughout the design tipped with white, resembling the frosted nudibranch they're based on. They are wearing a dress that ends in six triangular strips of fabric with long sleeves, puffy shorts, thigh length socks, a cape, and heels. They have short hair with two bunny-like ears poking out of the top. To the side of the reference is a color palette, shoe reference, and a drawing of the character's nudibranch form, which is just a regular lavender frosted nudibranch. End Image ID]
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gummyshake · 2 months
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KinitoPET OC!!💜💕
His name is Morita :3
She is a Dirona albolineata
Its species is Dirona albolineata
Specific name for your game is: Morita the Dirona albolineata 💜
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crystalkleure · 1 year
favorite creachurs of any sort go
Sea slugs [Glaucus atlanticus, Chelidonura varians, Nembrotha cristata, Chromodoris willani, and Dirona albolineata if I have to pick favourites]
Moths [fluffier the better. Tolype laricis is always #1.]
Spiders [tarantulas are top-tier]
Any bug, actually
Snakes [love black and white and black-and-white ones especially. Iridescent scales also a plus. Blue racers and bush vipers are favourites as well.]
Eels [geometric moray my beloved]
Black dragonfish
Sharks in general
Striped hyenas
Any large and fluffy dog-like entity [especially if black. Groenendaels come to mind.]
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