#Dirt Masters
potatounicoorn · 4 months
If anyone ever says to me Legend of Korra is bad ever again, I will throw hands and fight them. S3 was a masterpiece.
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oifaaa · 4 months
Ever since I said I don't like a certain character I've gotten a bunch of asks and enquiries along the lines of "oh no what awful horrible unforgivable thing did [character] do to make you hate them" so I think it's a good time just to remember that characters don't have to be the most horrible person in the cast for you not to personally like them but especially taking into account that I personally really shouldn't be saying I hate a character due to my very high moral standards considering I spent a good year on this site talking about my very public adoration of Canonical-child-murderer mcgee
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carnevol · 3 months
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ripplesarestable · 9 months
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Weird AU idea: Crossover AU between Minecraft and Welcome Home. Those bitches gotta kill some dragon to get back home IDK. I can see many shenanigans with this concept
Mainly made this up because I had a dream the Warden from Minecraft and Julie Joyful met (Julie was not enthralled for obvious reasons) (tbh it was more a nightmare DX)
bold of you to assume their Goofy Asses could get anything done, let alone kill the ender dragon
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birdsflypiecemeal · 9 months
i fucking love fnc
The Bastard and the One.
The One. Perfect in every way, a holy vessel of the gods, and will conquer the world for his people! The Chosen One is taught to hate anything that is different from himself and the perfect image of those around him, but he is not the One. He was never made for the role the elders wanted him to be, oh, no. They worked him to the bone to get him there but in the end it was all too clear to them that this pathetic boy in front of them could never be what they had imagined the Chosen One to be. So Gillion Tidestrider cannot be it. They tried to get him to fit, but he can't. No matter how hard he tries, and gods, he TRIES. They banish him. And, after floating on the surface, refusing to leave the water, for so long and wallowing in self hatred, WHO LIFTS HIM OUT OF THE WATER???
The Bastard. The Bastard with warm eyes, a shit-eating grin, a missing tooth, and just ONE earring. Where is the other one? What happened to his tooth, and how could one kid have so many scars? He is HUMAN. The face of human nature, imperfection personified. He sailed on the waters which Gillion used live in with as much ignorance as possible, as a child, not thinking deeper than the surface and what could be used for himself. The Haunted One. The Bastard. The Pirate. He has seen so many things that while Gillion Tidestrider may be Gillion Tidestrider, Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep... to Chip he's just another person. One that can be used. While Gillion Tidestrider's view of the world is confined to a perfect box, Chip's is vast and unlimited and they are POLAR OPPOSITES.
Gillion's name, his status, means so much to him. The world and more. Chip doesn't even know his "real name," and "Chip" is real enough, thankyouverymuch! Chip is everything Gillion was taught is wrong in the world, and he is the one who lifts him out of the water, and sees him as more than his destiny. Oh, and Chip wasn't taught anything. He doesn't even realize how much that matters to Gillion.
i like silly pirates
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awordbroken · 11 months
not to be a sicko pervert but i want this event to show me mr fires in a big sun hat and gardening gloves and covered in dirt. tbh
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masacatki · 22 days
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"I will protect my master no matter what happen"
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j3sterc0re · 11 months
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just puppets being puppets
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mothric · 1 year
the war between "this is cheaper to buy in bulk" vs "the pricier option will take far less time and energy to prep and eat" is much more constant than I would like it to be
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Starting the rumor that the old palace master is actually super bad at being a cultivator: like sure, he knows a lot, but he is how old and STILL hasn't ascended? The peak lords regularly change over to ascend and this guy doesn't even have an official successor? Pathetic.
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jils-things · 5 months
idk why but aetherrocket has such a romeo and juliet kinda romance (two defining and contrasting groups)
imagining how funny it is if giovanni and lusamine simultaneously learning that their company is getting their intel exposed due to the unexpected romance friendship between rocket girl and aether boy SKSKSJDJSJSKS
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sea-jello · 2 years
wu was a book kid and garmadon was a play in the mud kid meaning garmadon is tan as hell and wu is so pale he reflects the sunlight no i do not take criticism
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teraluceo · 2 months
I like this apparent new forming meta multiverse dynamic of @monterraverde Rika trying to help my Rika with dating, but also my Rika sometimes being briefly mistaken for being that other Rika.
This is the funnest thing that's happened on this blog so far, and I am cackling about it.
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mariemichonao3 · 6 months
Merry X-MASS and a more AO3-productive 2024!
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Hello guys,
I am super sorry that I haven't updated Master of Debauchery in 2023!
There have been things, I had issues, especially regarding the "departure" of Mick in the RL band. I needed to take a little break from Nikki (still went to see some shows, though).
But as my other (Witcher related) project comes to an end, I'll take it back up and will continue writing this piece in 2024.
I just wanted to let you know, that I haven't abandoned this for good and I will be back.
Also I wish you all a happy X-MASS and a heavy metal filled 2024!
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future-dregs · 1 year
When Dracula spent all that time working out his written-in-blood world domination plan and included underneath his own name, on a little paper scrap "and Renfield".
Like, he could've just left it at his own name and don't think either Renfield or the audience would've thought anything of it, but he had to include his favorite little guy.
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