#Doc X Jedi Knight
jb-nonsense · 1 year
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You know what that is? Growth.
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zephhhhh · 9 months
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swtor secret santa for @lordbarroomdoor! hope you like it!
w/ a bonus bc i misread the prompt and just drew them chilling instead of during a ceremony
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commander-krios · 1 year
R & R
Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Archiban "Doc" Kimble/f!Jedi Knight, f!Jedi Knight & Theron Shan Rating: Teen Summary: Theron plans some elaborate gift for Katona after the capture of Darth Malgus, as a way to give his Commander and best friend a chance to relax. Somehow, he ropes Doc into it. Words: 4160 Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Friendship, SWTOR Summer Gift Exchange, Fluff, Humor, Love, Established Relationship, Banter, Teasing, Background Lana/Theron
Written as a gift for @sealeneee for the SWTOR Summer Gift Exchange <3
Read on AO3
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Doc was a man of many talents, most of those being of the medical variety, but he knew what he was good at and made the best of what he wasn’t. He could field stitch a wound under heavy blaster fire. He cured diseases that most people gave up on. He saved civilians while pretending to be an Imperial and almost lost his head for it.
And despite all of the years they’d spent apart, Doc was somehow married to a Jedi.
Even now, when Katona was at the head of a neutral organization, working tirelessly to see her grand plans for the galaxy come to fruition, some nights spent at the desk in her room, pouring over datapads and flimsi like he had once upon a time, she still managed to squeak in time with him. And he was humbled by it. 
But ever since the reemergence of Malgus, ever the wily Sith, Katona’s time seemed less available and the free time she did have was spent in tense silence. There were nights he’d fall asleep alone, waking the next morning to find her side of the bed hadn’t been touched. It was almost starting to feel like before, when he thought she was dead. And he didn’t like the way it made him feel.
The medical bay was silent, Elara Dorne working through paperwork while Doc restocked their supplies. It was usually him and Elara there most days. Sometimes Tharan Cedrax would show to aid them, especially during the days when they had wellness checks or a recent battle with many injured. Unfortunately, those days were steadily increasing, thanks to Malgus.
With a sigh, he closed the cupboard, only noticing that they were no longer alone. Katona’s advisor was standing in the doorway, eyes squinting against the brightness of the room. 
Theron Shan. 
Elara noticed him nearly at the same time, pretty blue eyes widening at the sight of the former SIS turned double agent turned whatever the hell he was now. “Agent Shan, what can I do for you?”
Theron’s eyes glanced in Doc’s direction and he immediately had an unsettling feeling in his gut. Something had happened. 
Theron rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, turning back to Elara with a tense smile. “I need to speak to Doc, if that’s alright.”
Worry creased her brow, but she didn’t ask questions. Elara knew when it was needed and when it wasn’t. And at this moment, it was important for her to remember decorum. “Of course. Will I need to call in anyone to replace him for the day?”
Theron nodded, his mouth turning into a grim line. “That’d be best. Thank you, Elara.”
A few minutes later, Doc followed Theron out of the medbay, not exactly looking forward to whatever secret conversation was about to take place. There were many things they could be about, but the most likely reason was Katona. About his wife. That didn’t sit right with him, he’d barely spoken two words to Theron since he’d arrived, even knowing that Katona and Theron had a friendship that bordered on a sibling rivalry. He never fit into their dynamic.
And in truth, he never wanted to. Katona had found a friend to rely on, to confide in, much like Doc had Kira, Scourge, Nadia and the other Jedi for years on Ossus. He wasn’t going to ruin a friendship when that’s all it was. He couldn't help the jealousy he felt at knowing this man beside him had been beside Katona for well over six years: fighting by her side, protecting her, helping her build something amazing. Theron had even protected her from assassins by risking his own life when Doc couldn’t. He’ll forever be grateful for it.
But even now that they’d reunited, Theron saw more of Katona than he did.
“What happened?” He asked before the door had even hissed behind them.
Theron sighed, rubbing the spot near his implant, exhaustion creating dark circles under his eyes. Katona wasn’t the only one not sleeping it seemed. “Katona… is not well. She won’t admit it, but she can barely stand straight anymore, or keep her eyes open. I don’t think she’s slept in days, Doc.”
“The stress is going to kill her.” It wasn’t an overblown reaction, it was fact. If she didn’t relax, get some rest, or even do something that didn’t involve a life or death situation, she’d never be able to continue on. If the exhaustion didn’t kill her outright, it would get her killed on the battlefield. And Doc didn’t spend the last handful of years searching for her to lose her again.
“If an Imp doesn’t first.” Theron walked with him down into the military hanger, watching as soldiers prepped for deployment or spies raced to deliver their reports. Sometimes he couldn’t tell the difference between them, even with years working alongside them. “No matter what I say, she’s too stubborn to let someone else do the work.”
“That sounds like her.” Doc smiled despite himself, glad to see some things never changed. “If you have suggestions, I’m all ears. I haven’t seen her in days , at least.”
The cold sheets of their bed mocked him.
“I, uh, was thinking of setting something up.” Theron glanced at him with a sheepish smile, clearly embarrassed by his train of thoughts. “Like a fake mission. Something that she can’t say no to, but once she gets there, it’s something that forces her to chill out.”
Doc raised an eyebrow. “You know if she finds out it was a lie, she’ll probably kick your ass.”
“I’m not afraid of her.” Theron told him, rolling his eyes.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
Theron snorted, but Doc could see his hesitation. She sometimes still scared Doc and they slept together. Katona was… well, she was something else. “Listen, we can blame it on Lana. It’s something she would do, right? Lie to get the Commander to rest. Without Katona at her best, Lana can’t do her job.”
Doc chuckled, stopping at the end of the landing pad, eyes glancing out over the beautiful Odessen scenery. He always was struck with amazement at the things the galaxy held that were untouched by human hands. He hoped there was more out there to be discovered. Because he was never tired of seeing it. “You can try, but Lana might kill you first.”
Theron let out something close to a laugh, leaning against the crude wall built into the side of the mountain. “You may have a point. Thankfully, Lana likes me enough to not do that sort of thing.”
Doc’s mouth twitched with a grin, nodding the way they’d come from. “You’re sure of that?”
With a frown, Theron glanced at the entrance of the military hanger, cringing at the sight of the pretty blonde Sith Lord… who did not look pleased.
“Theron Shan!” She snapped at the sight of him, heading in their direction with determination and maybe a little bit of anger. Ok, a lot of anger. “ When were you going to tell me about this?”
Theron winced as if she’d slapped him. “Lana, I can explain."
“Really?” The datapad in her hands nearly cracked with the amount of pressure she squeezed it with. “Please, go on. Tell me why you thought renting a pleasure barge was an appropriate use of funds.”
Doc’s eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. “You did what? ”
Theron sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s for Katona.”
Silence met their words, neither Doc nor Lana knowing where to even start with that .
“It-” Theron groaned, running his hands down his face. “It’s not going to be full of dancers or anything like that. The entire ship is set up for a fight simulation. To help train the Republic military during wartime.”
Lana stared at him in open suspicion, clearly not believing a single word out of his mouth. “Is that so?”
Theron grimaced. Oh so there was more. “There are also slot machines, gambling tables, a dance floor with good music. I think this one has a masseuse and swimming pool.”
“And you used Alliance funding for this?” She repeated, golden eyes nearly burning a hole through the man. Doc had to admit, Lana Beniko was terrifying, even for a Sith Lord. He’s just glad that he’s not the one who screwed up this time.
“Well, Katona is the Alliance Commander-”
“ Theron .”
With a quiet sigh, Doc knew this was why Theron had asked for his help in the first place. To smooth things over, to give the plan a little more viability in the eyes of Lana, and quite possibly Katona. Because neither were going to be happy about the deception, and Doc was well known for being able to make things a little less serious.
“While Theron probably should’ve ran it by you, Katona clearly needs a break. A way to blow off steam. We can work with this. Write it off as a training exercise.”
“That’s… not how this works.” Lana let out a breath, something that could be considered a sigh from anyone else. “ Fine . But when she finds out how much money went into this-”
“She won’t.” Theron assured her and Lana slanted her eyes at him.
“She will . And she will also know that it was you who spent it.” Lana smiled at him thinly. “I’m not the person who is going to cover for you when you screw up, no matter what our relationship might imply.”
Theron laughed nervously, looking at Doc for help. He only shrugged in response, not intending to get involved in that. Not when his own wife was going to be looking for blood later on.
The shuttle lifted off a few hours later, Katona hovering behind Theron as he piloted it away from Odessen and in the direction of the pleasure barge where her simulated mission waited. A mission that she thought was a real one, with Imperials who had kidnapped a group of civilians from Dantooine. And Doc felt terrible for lying to her, but he was right about her stress levels. She needed to blow off some steam, get a relaxing massage, and do whatever else her heart desired.
He hated seeing her so worn out.
Those months during their hunt for the Emperor had been the first time Doc saw Katona crack under the pressure, the responsibilities. He didn’t want to ever see her like that again.
Once their heading was set, she moved farther back into the seating area, plopping down next to him with a groan. Stretching her legs out, she crossed her arms over her chest and glanced at him, hesitation in her gaze.
When he looked at her, he couldn’t help the smile spread across his own face despite the clear exhaustion that haunted her eyes. “What’s wrong, gorgeous? Never seen a man so handsome?”
“If I said no, would you start quoting poetry? You’ve already gotten me into bed, you know. And tied me down with that ridiculous wedding you concocted. You don’t need to try so hard anymore.” Her eyes still glowed slightly in the dim interior of the shuttle, but they softened as she watched him. 
He chuckled, feeling some relief at how relaxed she was. Even over eight years after meeting her, she still surprised him. “I’ll never stop wooing you, beautiful.”
Katona rolled her eyes, but he could see the beginnings of a real grin on her face. “And I’ll never stop making fun of you for it.”
Her hand slipped into his and squeezed slightly, her eyes on the window of the shuttle as they approached the barge. Doc felt a thrill of excitement in his gut. He wasn’t sure what her reaction was going to be when she found out that this was a setup, but he was so glad to have her here, with him , and to see that she was ready to kick ass. He never tired of seeing the fire in her eyes, or watching her on the battlefield. 
Or holding her close when all was calm in the galaxy.
“I’m glad you’re here, Doc.” She said, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, the smile finally curling her full lips. “I miss this .”
He heard what she didn’t say. She missed him and damn it, he missed her so much it sometimes hurt. “You miss listening to me scream during a firefight?”
“Among the other times you scream.”
Theron coughed suddenly from the pilot seat and Doc smirked, enjoying watching Katona’s best friend squirm in his seat. 
“What’s wrong, Theron?” Katona asked, clearly enjoying his discomfort as well. “Lana doesn’t make you squeal?”
The flush went from his face probably all the way to the tips of his toes. “That’s… none of your business.”
“I guess that’s a yes.” She murmured, snorting before her gaze shifted back to his. “But really, it’s been lonely without you around. For the last few years, I’ve wondered where you were. If you were alive. It sucked not knowing. Not a feeling I care to have again.”
“Is that why you’ve thrown me in the medbay with Elara? To keep me safe?” He should be annoyed by that, but found that he didn’t care about the reasons if it meant that Katona always kept him in the back of her mind.
“That wasn’t my decision. Lana felt your work with Nadia and the Jedi was more important to continue than forcing you into a combat situation.”
“I’d follow you anywhere, beautiful. Even into the depths of hell. You know that.”
Katona rolled her eyes, but she didn’t let go of his hand, her smile never slipping from her face. It was a nice break, sitting here with his wife, even if they were going to be fighting a bunch of droids soon. He wished the galaxy would give them more moments like this, where they can be nothing but Katona and Doc. Where they didn’t need to save everyone all of the time.
“We’re landing. Get ready.” Theron called from the pilot’s seat, putting the shuttle into autopilot. 
Katona squeezed his hand before letting go. “Like old times?”
“Not quite.” Doc responded and with a grin, he met her curious gaze. “But it’s better. Because I’m with you.”
Katona wasn’t the type to blush, but he swore he saw a hint of pink on her cheeks. “Flattery gets you nowhere with me, Doc.”
“It’s not flattery if it’s true, gorgeous.”
She laughed and his heart squeezed at the sound. “You’re also a terrible liar.”
Shaking his head, he followed her to the exit, knowing that the playful banter was over. Katona had a mission to complete and she would see it through no matter what. Theron joined them a moment later, double checking his blasters. Doc grabbed his medical kit, securing it to his back even though he doubted they would need it. Not a single droid was going to stand up against Alliance Commander Katona.
His feet touched the metal grating as he jumped from their shuttle onto the barge, steps echoing as he pulled his own small blaster, eyes darting around the dark landing pad, seeing nothing but grey durasteel and a few shuttles. No people. No droids. No movement. Nothing.
“It’s too quiet.” Theron muttered, glancing in the opposite direction. 
Doc almost snorted, but managed to hold it in. An actor Theron Shan was not . “We have a Jedi here. I’m sure she’ll have no issue warning us-”
“Duck!” Katona shouted, pulling her lightsabers from their spots on her belt, igniting both simultaneously, the white crystals glowing eerily against the barge’s grey interior.
Doing as he was told, Doc huddled near a shuttle that wasn’t the Alliance’s, blaster fire aimed at him leaving burns in the hull. Katona threw herself into the fray with no regards to her safety, only intent on destroying her enemy. Her lightsabers slashed in a wide arc, severing the head from the closest droid in a shower of sparks. She spun, shoving one of the swords into the one beside it, leaving a burning hole in its middle.
Ducking another blaster bolt, he lifted his own weapon, firing on the droids that appeared out of a side door, aiming their shots at Katona. She turned again, deflecting the shots before jumping into the group of them, swinging her lightsaber in a circle and cutting them in half.
With as aggressively as Katona fought, the battle was over in a few minutes, nothing but sparks and smoking electronics left of their foes. The shuttles in the landing bay didn’t fare as well as Doc had hoped although their shuttle took the least amount of damage. Whoever was here partying was definitely going to need someone to repair the ships before they could leave.
Katona returned to his side, checking to make sure he wasn’t injured before doing the same for Theron. Once they were certain of their health, the men followed the Jedi into the hallway, door shutting behind them with a whoosh of finality. 
“Theron, did you have the schematics for this place?” Katona asked, eyes peering into the darkness ahead, voice quiet but determined.
“It’s built like any other pleasure barge. Uh, not that I know.” He finished quickly. Katona completely ignored him, holding her lightsaber out like a glowrod, trying to light her path. “The hallway leads to a few side rooms where guests can sleep, a medbay, a dining room, before it leads directly to the main area.”
“And the prisoners? Where would they be kept?”
Doc rubbed the back of his neck, feeling like someone or something was watching them. “Probably in slave cages. Those would be near the private dancing rooms. Off of the main section.”
She only glanced at him, not bothering to ask how he knew about the slave cages. Because she knew him… knew of his dangerous missions against the Empire. Knew that he was going to do anything to save people from being subjected to the evils of slavery and other awful tortures at the hands of the Sith.
And he always would, until they finally killed him. Because the people… they didn’t deserve to suffer.
“Ok, so we know where we’re going.” Katona said instead, turning away to continue on through the darkness. “Let’s go.”
They met several more waves of droids on their path, Katona making quick work of each of them. Theron threw Doc a glance at once point, concern etched on his features, eyes full of worry. This was too easy. Katona was going to suspect something was up if they didn’t have some type of challenge.
The waves of droids were supposed to get progressively more difficult the better you did in the simulation. It didn’t appear that it could keep up with Katona’s aggressive fighting style. Sooner than they wanted, they stood outside the large double doors that led to the main room of the pleasure barge.
Katona’s eyes trailed over him briefly, softening when she realized he was unharmed. “Be careful in there, both of you.”
“That I can do, Commander.” Theron replied, checking his blasters once more, ready to finish this.
Doc smiled at his wife, wrapping a hand around her wrist, thumb brushing gently against the skin there. “Let’s go, beautiful.”
The door opened, strobe lights hitting them in shades of green and gold, lighting up the inside of the room more so than the dim orange lights that hung overhead. A group of droids hung near one of the sabacc tables, no prisoners in sight. Thankfully, there was most likely no actual group of prisoners. Just droids and the people who ran the simulations.
A large droid approached, flanked by a few of the smaller droids they’d been fighting along the way. It didn’t attempt to talk, to negotiate, to do anything but lift the barrel of its weapon and fire. Theron rolled out of the way, ducking behind one of the slot machines near the entrance, a blaster bolt nearly hitting him.
Katona shifted in front of Doc, lightsaber deflecting the attacks as they backed up quickly. Doc crawled under a table, ripping the medpak from its spot on his back and keeping it ready to go. Then he fired at the smaller of the droids from his new cover, giving Katona the opening she needed to slice through the enemy.
He managed to hit it in the power coupling, frying its circuitry and it dropped into a pile on the ground, the droid behind stopping momentarily to deal with the new obstacle. Katona’s lightsaber left her hand, cutting the droid in half before launching herself at the largest of them, catching the saber in midair. 
The droid turned as she landed in front of it, ducking the moment it aimed its guns at her. Theron was keeping the other droids busy, his blasters doing considerable damage. Doc cursed, praying that the droid had its guns on stun, not kill, and tried to get a decent shot in.
None came, but it wasn’t needed. Katona spun on her heels, lightsabers leaving arcs of white light behind as she slashed the droid to pieces, a ferocity that was simultaneously beautiful and terrifying. A few seconds passed in silence, the droids sparking until they finally shut down with a groan. 
Theron left the safety of his cover at the same time as Doc, watching the droids for any sign of movement. Once they seemed to be in the clear, he turned just in time to see a group of men approaching, all wearing fine clothing and smiling brightly.
The man in the lead clapped his hands excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. “Dear Commander! I hope you enjoyed my simulation. I must admit, I didn’t expect you to breeze through it as easily as you did.”
“What?” She glanced at the man, who was even shorter than Doc, her eyes slanting in suspicion. Her gaze swept over him, taking in everything about him in seconds. “What are you talking about?”
“The simulation? Your friends contacted me about it a few weeks ago.” The man puffed himself up, gripping the front of his jacket, looking like he was about to burst from the size of his ego. “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“I…” She trailed off, unsure of how to respond, glare wavering. “Sure, it was great.”
The man smiled, although it seemed he was waiting for some kind of bowing and praise. “Well, I hope you enjoy our hospitality, Commander. There is much fun left to be had.”
When the men disappeared to finish prepping the “relaxation” portion of her gift, she glanced at them.
“This was a set up?” She asked, eyebrows lowering, a look of frustration on her face. “Why?”
“We thought you needed a break. Something to blow off steam before some relaxation. You deserve it. Everything with Malgus… it’s running you into the ground.” Theron rubbed the back of his neck, eyes nervously flickering between Katona and Doc. “Doc agrees.”
“I agreed that she needed a break, but I’m not the one who spent millions of credits setting this up.”
“And Lana? I assume she already threatened you within an inch of your life.”
Theron chuckled nervously, eyes dropping to his feet. “Yeah. But she thinks you need a rest too, Katona. You work too hard.”
“We’ve barely seen each other since I joined your Alliance. It might be selfish, but I missed you.” Doc lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her wrist. A smirk curled her lips. “Are you angry?”
She rolled her eyes, huffing a laugh. “You know when I’m angry. I can forgive you this one time.”
“It’s because of my charming good looks, isn’t it?” Doc teased Katona, following as she went to check out the food provided by the company. “You can admit that it’s a primary motivator for you.”
Katona snorted this time, glancing down at him with not quite affection, but something that still set his blood on fire. “You’re not the one who needs to worry.”
Her eyes sought out Theron as he picked through the spread, not even realizing they were talking about him now. When the spy glanced up, he saw that Katona and Doc were watching him. “What?”
Katona laughed, a single sharp bark that had Theron widening his eyes in fear. 
“Am I going to lose sleep over this?”
“Maybe. How much money have you put us out?”
Theron muttered something under his breath, turning his gaze away, knowing he was screwed. 
“That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, Theron. It’s not going to hurt that much.”
Katona’s best friend sighed and walked away, mumbling under his breath about Jedi and Sith and something that Doc couldn’t hear. Not that he cared when there was food to be eaten and a wife to spend time with.
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squirrel-art · 11 months
Had the absolute privilege of blobbing Doc with @sealeneee's Katona. These two are so cute, I can't get over them!
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arvadthecursed · 1 year
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kitty loves doc....
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sullustangin · 1 year
Rating: M
Pairing: Doc Kimble/Jedi Knight ....... and Theron Shan/Smuggler....
Quick Quote:
Doc stared at “unknown.”  Silently, he activated the tracer mod that an ex-girlfriend had given him.  Just to know who’d come a-calling.
Imperial Space.  Private line.  Dark Council.
Doc knew.  T7 picked up the small data modification and chirped. 
Norwan had said enough about Yavin to know who’d call him like this.  For this. 
He stared at his husband, the words just not coming.  He had no wit tonight.
T7 broke the silence.  “Jedi = going to Wild Space?  T7 + Jedi = Team?”  He ruminated for a few moments before spitting out, “Idea = Good?  Jedi = Strong Enough….?”
Norwan sighed, knowing he’d been found out.  “The galaxy isn’t getting better with me out of it.”
“It’s not going to get better with you in it; you just might end up dead,” Doc immediately shot back.  He knew he was wrong though.
Deep down, Doc Kimble wanted to help heal the galaxy after the war was over.  He wanted to give little kids prosthetics that let them play, and he wanted to give adults eyes to see their lovers again.  The fighting had to stop long enough to do that.  Someone had to stop the fighting. 
He didn’t want it to be Norwan, just this once.
Doc didn’t want him to go on crusade.  Not after Yavin, when everything became worse.  Not after he thought he’d dropped dead in the garden.  Not after he’d become so weak after Korriban.  Archie was so selfish, but making Norrie be selfish ‘just this once’ had been the best idea Doc ever had.  (The second runner up was stowing Seeger in the hold for like six months in preparation for their speedy wedding.) 
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
hello commander
commander Wolfe x Doctor reader
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The republic had hired medical officials to deal with the injured republic citizens to any clone troopers. There was never a part in your life that you had thought you will be helping with the troopers after their lone battles and anything else. It had taken some time for you to get use to your new job here, to soon become easy to get to know the clone troopers and all of their divisions as well. Never in your wildest dreams did you think that you will draw the attention of clone commander.
Y/n " kid you will be okay you just need to be careful for while. but those scraps on your legs and arms will heal" you were helping some kids, they were playing and accident had happen that resulted them getting hurt.
kid " thank you ... can we all still play miss" the children were looking at you waiting for a answer from you.
y/n " yes you can still play but be careful you all will feel some pain, but you all can keep playing your game"
kid 2 " yeah"
kid 3 " well come on lets got back to our game before we have to go home"
y/n " have fun children"
kids " thank you ma'am" the group of children soon ran off leaving you alone.
y/n " ......" you were checking your medical supplies that had been used for the troopers and the citizen of this planet, that the republic was on right now.
Boost" Hey y/n we need your help" you soon looked over to see Boost coming running into the room, as stinker and comet had wolfe with them.
y/n " what happened here"
comet " the commander he had taken a nasty fall and we brought him to do"
y/n " lay him down over here"
wolfe " no need to worry about me y/n I'm good"
y/n " let me the judge of that wolfe lay down please"
wolfe " yes ma'am" wolfe was soon helped towards the bed and soon laid down, you were now looking at him.
y/n " good now tell me what happened"
wolfe " well we were out portal and I had taken a nasty fall and something might of hit my head as well"
y/n " oh what lead to this commander I thought you all were being safe"
Boost " he was help some kids and something was about to land of them, and wolfe had uses his body as shell over them he had lost his balance when he was knocked out"
y/n " oh are you feeling okay wolfe"
wolfe " feeling better then ever y/n"
y/n " well let me run some more scan so we know you are okay, and we cant have something happening to you biometric eye as well"
wolfe " whatever you say doc"
y/n " boys I'm sorry to say this but you will have to leave so I can run the test you can wait outside...."
comet " we understand ma'am we will see you later wolfe" you had walked away to get some supplies, having your back turn while three trooper leaving gave their brother a thumbs up, making wolfe shake his head.
Y/n " well you did something very heroic wolfe protecting those children"
wolfe " it was nothing ma'am it our duty to service and keep everyone safe I was just follow the rules"
y/n “ you are a good soldier Wolfe always looking out off your brothers and Jedi, making sure they are safe that makes you a wonderful man”
Wolfe “ oh you think I’m a wonderful man”
y/n “ yeah you are wonderful man Wolfe” Wolfe smirked towards you, as he was enjoying the words he was hearing you speak.
???? “ hello commander Wolfe and doctor y/n” you and Wolfe soon looked back and saw plo koon standing there.
y/n “ hello Jedi knight plo koon welcome is everything okay”
plo koon “ yes everything is alright I came to see how commander wofle, is doing I heard he had gotten hurt”
y/n “ well I have good new Wolfe will be fine but he will need to be take to ways for a couple days, after that horrible fall and something hitting him”
plo koon “ that is good new I had thought you were badly hurt commander”
Wolfe “ I’m good sir and I’m ready to get back to work”
y/n “ are you sure you can still rest here a bit longer”
Wolfe “ no I’m good y/n thank you for the offer and taking care of me”
y/n “ you welcome and if you are feeling off please come see me”
Wolfe “ yes ma'am”
plo koon “‘thank you doctor y/n”
y/n “Anytime be safe out here you two “The two men nodded their heads and soon left the medical room, Wolfe gave one last look before the door had closed.
plo koon “ commander Wolfe do you know there are simple ways to ask a women out, verse doing something dangerous”
Wolfe “ all respect general but what do you mean”
plo koon “ you and the doctor do make a perfect match a women like her is hard to find in the galaxy”
Wolfe “ …….” plo “ so act now are you might lose her to someone else, and I rather not see you lost her after doing all this for her attention” Wolfe soon scoff knowing he was caught by the general, the two of them will keep on walking, Wolfe will take the general advice soon and ask you out, and you will agree on date and relationship. He was happy and so was the whole Wolfe pack as well, now that leader of the pack had gotten the women he loves.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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YCMQ - Chapter Three
din djarin x jedi!reader
series masterlist
wordcount: 5.4K
warnings | 18+ smut, canon-typical violence, angst
a/n | i've had this chapter in my google docs for months now and finally just decided to put it out there. who knows if i'll keep writing this tbh i kinda like where this ends :)
“You didn’t tell me it was a Mandalorian you were traveling with. How curious.” With that, master Tano releases Din from the cage of her sabers, sending him stumbling forward into the ground of the scorched woods with a groan. Not exactly the greeting she was hoping for from her master. She swallows hard, slipping off her pack to reveal the child tucked inside.
“Master Tano, we have brought you the child so you may begin his training.” Ahsoka looks between her and the child, something unreadable in the subtle squint of her eyes. 
“We will see. I need to speak to you both first.” Having gotten up to stand beside her, Din goes to speak, but Ahsoka cuts him off with a wave of her hand.
“Not you, Din Djarin. Them.” She furrows her brow at her master’s words.
“But the child does not speak. Not really.” The kid coos at that, tilting his head up to look at her, and Ahsoka smiles.
“Maybe not in the sense you are thinking of. But there are other ways to communicate. Come, I will show you. But you, Din Djarin, must remain here.” Din doesn’t seem to like that one bit.
“Absolutely not. I am not going to–” She silences him with a hand pressed firmly to his chest plate, eyes pleading into the visor of his helmet.
“We’ll be fine, Din. Please, do as she says.” A crackled sigh comes through his voice modulator, but he nods as she steps away to join Ahsoka with the child. As she follows her master deeper into the scorched woods of Corvus, she feels Din’s eyes following her until they slip into a thicket of charred trees.
“You’ve grown attached to that Mandalorian.” She opens her mouth to protest, but her master silences her with a firm look.
“Do not try to deny what is so clear. It is only a problem if you let it continue, though it will be difficult to say goodbye to him after today.” Her heart sinks at her master’s words. She hadn’t considered that this would be the end of their journey together, her quest completed, his Creed fulfilled. She doesn’t have long to sink into dismay at this realization before her master is speaking again.
“There is a great deal more power, more energy, concentrated around you than when you departed.” 
“Master Tano, I have to confess something. I–”
“I know what you did, my student. Afterall, everything in this galaxy is connected.” Her mouth goes dry at her teacher’s words, but Ahsoka offers her a simple smile.
“Master, I-I lost control. I am beyond repentant for what I did.” “I know you are. What you did– you must never do again. But I do not think that will be difficult once you part ways from that Mandalorian. Once you are knighted as a Jedi.” She can’t believe the words leaving her master’s mouth.
“Do you mean to tell me I am not condemned?” Ahsoka shakes her head.
“You are not. You have completed the quest I gave you. It is time for you to walk this path, not as a student, but as a Jedi.” She feels dizzy from this news, a giddy relief sweeping through her and lightening the heaviness she has been carrying since Nevarro. 
Ahsoka motions for her to sit on an ashen tree stump, taking the kid from her arms and moving him to sit on a small boulder across from her.
“Now, I believe this little one has a story to tell you.” The kid tilts his head at her, letting out a few quiet babbles. She turns to look at her master who stands to the side of them. Ahsoka gives her a slight nod.
“Let the Force connect you. Speak with energy, not words.”  She turns her attention back to the kid, his eyes watching her intently. An inhale and an exhale to find the thread of energy connecting them.
Din is worried. He managed to get a bit closer to the copse of trees they’re sitting in, but Ahsoka had fixed him with a steely look before he could get any nearer, only catching a glimpse of her and the kid, seeming to just be sitting quietly, looking at each other. He had seen her in meditation a few times in the hold of the Crest, something about the stillness always unsettling to him. That’s how he feels now, unsettled. He sits down on a fallen log, his mind racing as he wonders what they could possibly be doing. 
Their entrance on Corvus had been under false pretenses, pledging to the Magistrate of Calodan that they would dispose of the Jedi who has been “plaguing” her town. Though it seemed to Din that the real plague on the city was the Magistrate herself. And then, he had almost met his Maker when Ahsoka came down on him in a whirl of saber light. What most bothered him about this wasn’t how close he came to death, but how, as Ahsoka knocked him around, she had stood by, passive and unmoving. He knows it’s presumptuous, maybe even plainly wrong, to be upset that she would side with her master over him, but he’s gotten used to her having his back, and to see so clearly where her allegiances really lie has a sadness settling heavy under his armor.
His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of nearing footfall, and when he looks up to see them coming toward him, he notices the strange expression across her face, but he doesn’t have long to study her when she is already speaking to him.
“We need to test Grogu’s abilities to see what he is capable of.”
“Come again?” She smiles lightly at him, glancing down at the kid in her arms.
“That’s his name. Grogu.” The kid’s head immediately whips up to look at her, eyes wide in recognition. Din tries the name out for himself, saying it quietly, and the kid turns his attention on him, letting out a questioning babble. Her laugh calms his edgy nerves and he follows them into a clearing. 
She walks a few paces away from him and Ahsoka, setting the kid - Grogu - down before returning to them. Ahsoka steps forward, presenting a small rock in the open palm of her hand to Grogu.
“Grogu, I want you to use your mind to take this rock from me. Can you do that?” The kid tilts his head at her words, his eyes squinting as he holds out his palm. 
“C’mon, kid.” He mutters it without really knowing, only realizing he spoke when she turns her head to give him a furrowed look before turning back to watch Ahsoka and Grogu. The kid seems to be struggling to do something Din saw him do not too long ago with total ease, his small hand dropping with a frustrated huff, gaze turning away from Ahsoka and onto them. Ahsoka sighs, also turning to look at them, but Din is quick to defend the kid.
“He can do it. I know he can. I saw him do it just a few days ago–” He cuts himself off, an idea quickly forming in his mind. He steps over to Ahsoka, motioning toward Grogu.
“May I?” She nods, stepping back alongside her student who has a similarly perplexed expression across her face. He turns to face Grogu, slipping something out of a side pocket of his flight suit that immediately captures the kid’s attention. 
“Use his name, Din.” He looks over his shoulder at her, Ahsoka standing mutely beside her. She gives him a reassuring smile and he nods, turning back to face the kid. 
“Grogu, do you want this?” He hadn’t screwed the metal ball back into the shifter handle, having forgotten to in their haste to get to Corvus, and now he’s grateful to be holding it in his outstretched palm for the kid, who is looking very intrigued by his question.
“Well, go ahead. Take it. It’s all yours if you can take it from me.” He can tell that Grogu’s gaze is flitting between him and her, finally settling on the ball. It looks nearly effortless, his little green palm lifting and the ball quickly flitting over into it. Din can’t help the proud laugh he lets out at the sight. 
The two women step forward alongside Din, Grogu busy mouthing at the ball. Ahsoka sighs.
“It’s impressive. But I cannot train him.” Din’s stomach drops.
“What? Why not?” 
“Grogu has become attached. To you, and to her.” Din glances over to her, face slack and pale at her teacher’s words as she continues to speak.
“This kind of attachment comes with strong emotions. Emotions that corrupt a Jedi’s connection to the Force. Training Grogu would be a gamble I cannot take.” 
“Please, master Tano, there must be something we can do. He needs to continue his training.” She rests her hand on her master’s shoulder as she pleads.
“I suppose he could be taken to the temple ruins of Tython to sit amongst the seeing rocks. If there is a Jedi willing to train him, Grogu could connect with them there.” She nods at her master’s words, glancing at Din before speaking.
“Then we will go to Tython as soon as possible.” Ahsoka looks at her, unblinking.
“Not you.” Her hand falls away from her master’s arm.
“Your quest is done, as is your time with these individuals. It is time for us to conclude your training, for you to become a Jedi.” Din wants to say something, anything, but it feels like his throat is closing, his chest crumpling. He hadn’t even considered the possibility that this would be it, the last time he would call her his– well, whatever she is, was. He tries to tamp whatever he’s feeling down as she picks up the kid and brings him over to Din, passing Grogu into his arms. She keeps her eyes distant, looking somewhere over his shoulder as she speaks.
“You’ll take care of him, right?” Din coughs harshly before speaking, afraid of the warble that might be there.
“I will. I promise.” She gives one firm nod before stepping back next to Ahsoka.
“Thank you, Din Djarin. For traveling with my student and keeping her and Grogu safe.” He nods at Ahsoka’s words.
“I was happy to.”
“Might I ask you to stay for just one more day? I have something I could use your help with.”
Her night is restless, the image of Din walking back to the Crest with Grogu, without her, replaying again and again in her mind. She’s bleary-eyed when they meet Din at the perimeter of the walled town, just before dawn. Her skin is prickling under his gaze. Even through his helmet, she can tell that his eyes are following her as they lay out their plan, Ahsoka departing first to take out the guards on patrol. As they wait in the treeline, she finally can’t stand it anymore, turning to him and huffing.
“What is it?” He seems surprised to have been caught staring, a stuttered breath coming through his voice modulator before he answers.
“You look– different.” Oh. She supposes that this is true. While traveling, she had gotten used to her baggy thermals and tac pants, and it had been a relief when her master handed her what had been her normal attire, dark gray wraps of fabric over a close-fitting tabard and leggings, her forearms traditionally wrapped. She hadn’t felt this free to move in ages. She squares off her shoulders to look at him.
“This is what a Jedi should wear.” His helmet tilts at her, ever so slightly.
“And is that what you are now?”
“I will be soon enough. After we take care of this business.” And after you leave, she silently adds to herself. Before either of them can say anything else, the still morning is disrupted by a harsh, resonant clanging that can only be the large gong atop the gate collapsing to the ground, the signal for them to move in and get to work.
They move quickly and quietly, freeing the prisoners that the Magistrate was keeping strung up outside her palace while Ahsoka drives the guards away, picking them off one by one. What she assumes is the Magistrate’s right hand man seems to be the only guard left, sizing up her and Din where they stand outside the gates of the Magistrate’s compound. Din turns to her, nodding to where Ahsoka had just leapt into the compound.
“Go. Help her. I’ve got this.” She glances at the quickly approaching guard before nodding to Din, bounding up over the wall to aid her master.
It feels natural, fighting alongside Ahsoka, giving the Magistrate a run for her money, even with her beskar spear. They move in sync, sabers swirling through the foggy air but she comes to a startled halt when the sound of a man’s scream resounds from just outside the compound walls. Ahsoka barely glances at her in confusion before picking up the fighting again as she leaps back over the compound wall. 
She drops down into the town square, ready to drive her sabers through whoever may be harming Din. When she sees Din standing, unhurt, over the guard who lays dead on the ground, her stomach drops at the realization of what she just did. All she can do is stare at Din, who stares right back, both of them startling when the gates to the compound open, revealing Ahsoka who proudly carries the Magistrate’s spear. 
As the citizens of the city come out into the streets to rejoice at their liberation, she’s never felt such complete despair, knowing that she is going to have to make a choice that she never wanted to face.
“We’re gonna leave soon, kid. You gotta settle in, ok?” Grogu has been inconsolable since Din got back to the Crest, letting out whimpering cries and trying to slip out of his bassinet. When the kid made it all the way down the ramp to the hull and back out into the woods, it finally sunk in for Din that he was searching her, crying for her. He’s trying to let his frustration at Grogu’s antics stifle the real dismay he feels, but it’s hard to ignore the startling truth that he already misses her too. 
He had been shocked that morning, seeing her in such different dress. The dress of a Jedi. And then, an ember of hope sparked up in his chest when she joined him in the courtyard, hope that maybe she was choosing him over her master. But that was a ridiculous wish, he knew it, as she stood by her master’s side and he walked away, disappearing into the mist and back to the Crest. 
Grogu seems to have finally given up, slumping down into his bassinet with a despondent whimper. Din lets out a ragged sigh as he sits down to the Crest’s control panel, beginning to chart their course to Typhon. His attention is drawn to the beeping of the ship’s radar system, showing something, or someone, moving toward the back of the Crest. He huffs, grabbing his blaster and telling Grogu to stay put as he slinks down to the hull to see what’s going on.
He steps tentatively down the ramp from the hull, peering around into the hazy forest. As if from thin air, a figure in a dark, hooded cloak appears, Din aiming his blaster at it as it comes near. He nearly drops his gun when the figure pulls back the hood of their cloak.
“You got room for one more?” He has to remember to breathe as she steps closer, toeing at the foot of the Crest’s ramp.
“What are you– why are you–” He’s not completely sure what he wants to ask her, but she saves him from any more floundering, resting her hand on his forearm as she steps closer.
“I’ve had a change of plans. If you’ll have me, I want to join you and Grogu on your journey to Typhon.” Din clears his throat to stop himself from saying what he really wants to, that he’d have her any way she’d let him. Instead, he offers her a brisk nod.
“Another set of hands would be helpful.” Maker, that was smooth. She pays no mind to his awkward choice of words, smiling as she steps up into the hold.
Her reunion with Grogu is practically cataclysmic. Din has never heard the kid shriek so loudly as when he sees her step into the cockpit, immediately reaching for her from his bassinet. 
“I’m sorry, Grogu. Just couldn’t let you go.” Her voice is a low murmur to the kid whom she had quickly scooped up, his small hands coming to splay across her cheeks as he babbles excitedly at her. She glances up at him, and Din catches the glint of sadness in her eyes. He slowly starts to realize what her choice really means, piecing it together with what Ahsoka had said about attachment.
She has chosen them, not in tandem with her path as a Jedi, but in place of her path as a Jedi.
She’s not sure what she just did, her mind whirling with anxiety as she replays her last conversation with Ahsoka.
“It is your decision, and I cannot stop you. But if you choose this now, it is likely that you will never return to this path again.” 
Her hands are shaking in her lap where she’s sitting on the edge of her bunk, the smoothness of hyperspace providing no explanation for the tremor. Did she just make the biggest mistake of her life?
“He’s finally out, I guess he finds me a lot more boring than you.” She’s startled out of her mind by Din’s voice as he steps down from the ladder into the hull. She offers him the best smile she can muster, tucking her trembling hands under her thighs as he comes to sit on a crate across from her.
“So, you coming with us– does that mean–” she cuts off his hedging question with a nod.
“I have renounced the path of the Jedi to travel with you.” She certainly hadn’t expected Din to react in anger, but he seems to be, getting up with a huff as he paces the length of the hold before finally looking at her again.
“You– you shouldn’t have done that.” Her heart sinks and she starts to think that maybe this really was a mistake.
“What? Din, I did it–”
“I did it to–”
“No. Do not tell me you did this for me– I couldn’t bear it.” That upsets her enough to get her up on her feet and in the visor of his helmet, seething at him.
“Well that’s too bad. Because I did do it for you– and for him.” Din makes a sound low in his throat, turning away from her with a bitter laugh.
“You threw away your future– I can’t let this happen. I-I’m turning the ship around.” She can’t believe him, snapping into action when he actually starts to move back toward the ladder up to the cockpit.
“Din, wait! Just– will you listen to me? Wait– stop.” She grabs him by his shoulder, her hand sliding down his arm to tangle with his as he turns back around to her. She sighs when he doesn’t move away.
“I-I couldn’t continue on the Jedi path even if I wanted to. Not with the way that I feel– it would be too dangerous to become a Jedi with these– emotions that I can’t control.” His fingers flex where they’re entangled with hers.
“What is it you feel?” 
“I feel a lot of things. Things I shouldn’t feel. For Grogu– but also for you.” A heavy silence falls after she speaks. She nearly jumps out of her skin when he brings his other hand to graze over her cheek, the warm leather of his gloves sending a shiver down her spine.
“Dral tracinya.” She knows it’s Mandoan, but she’s never heard these words before, and she furrows her brow at him. She can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks again.
“It means bright flame. That’s what you are, I think. Not a Jedi, or an apostate. Something entirely of your own making.” She untangles her hand from his, letting both her palms splay over his chest before sliding up to the edge of his helmet. His hands circle her wrists and she stills.
“Will you let me see you, please?” He doesn’t say anything, but his hands slacken and she gently slides his helmet off, carefully setting it on the cargo crates next to them before really looking at him. Those brown eyes she had been holding in her mind now gaze down at her, fluttering closed when she brings her palms to cup his face. 
When she kisses him, it occurs to her that this is something Din has probably never done with anyone else, what with the whole helmet situation. It shows, in the unsure way his hands hover at her waist, and how she has to coax him along, her lips molding to his until he melts into it. When she pulls away, his eyes are wide and impossibly dark.
“Where did you learn how to do that?” She can’t help the laugh that bubbles up at his breathless question.
“I was training to be a Jedi, not a nun.” The next kiss is more certain for them both, Din’s hands finding purchase on her waist as they move together. She can feel energy pooling, burning along her spine as Din’s lips become more insistent against hers. He’s a fast learner. She pulls away with a gasp and he chases after her to steal another smacking kiss, resting his forehead against hers afterward.  
“You need to know– I feel a great deal for you too, tracinya. I made a vow to you, and I intend to keep it.” Her smile broadens at his words as she steps out of his hold, only slightly enjoying the furrowed look that washes over his face at the new distance between them. 
She raises her palm, each small wave of her wrist pulling away another piece of Din’s armor, gently floating them down to the floor around him. When he’s left before her in just his boots and flight suit, she begins to work at the knot at her waist, her eyes never straying from his as she leaves her tunic hanging loosely over her body. 
Din makes quick work of his boots before quietly padding toward her. His bare hands ghost over the parted fabric of her tunic, and she shudders when he finally slips it off her shoulders, leaving her bare from the waist up before him. She can hear the catch of his breath as his gaze washes over her. The only sound is the low thrum of hyperspace mingling with their sharp breaths as she guides his hands to splay over her collarbones. His rough palms tentatively start to wander, ghosting over the tops of her breasts, along the dip and swell of her sides, his eyes following the path of his hands, dark and hazy. 
No longer able to stand the tease of his touch, she twines her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss that’s quite different from their first two. This is a kiss that gives everything, and demands everything in return, a low noise thrumming in Din’s chest when she licks hotly into his mouth. Her hands slip down to fumble with the zipper of his flight suit, and he quickly gets the hint, batting her fingers away to undo it enough to shrug out of the sleeves, the fabric hanging loosely around his hips. It makes her dizzy, how solid he feels under her roaming palms, warm skin scattered with silvery scars that she traces across like constellations. Din doesn’t give her much time to explore before he’s stealing her lips in a hard kiss, swallowing the gasp she lets out as his tongue finds hers. He’s a really fast learner. 
He starts to walk them back, guiding her to lay out in her bunk. It’s tight quarters, her knees brushing along the walls where she has bent them to frame his waist, and it feels like he’s everywhere as his mouth begins to wander, smearing down her neck and across her chest. She takes a sharp inhale, arcing up into his mouth when he grazes his teeth over the peak of one of her nipples, his eyes flickering up to her in clear amusement. 
“Where did you learn how to do that?” He chuckles, sitting back on his knees as his fingers fumble with the lacing of her pants.
“I was a Mandalorian, not a monk.” Her laugh dies in her throat as he roughly tugs her pants down her legs, standing back up to pull them all the way off, leaving her completely bare before him. She can practically feel the heat of his gaze as his eyes roam over every inch of her. Din absent-mindedly shrugs his flight suit the rest of the way off, his eyes not once leaving her body. It doesn’t exactly surprise her that he wasn’t wearing underwear, but her eyes still widen at the sight of his cock. He’s big, there’s no two ways about it, and dizzyingly thick, a pretty pink flush at his tip that matches the heat blooming across his chest. 
Before she can stare at him much longer, he’s kneeling back between her spread legs, palms wandering down the insides of her thighs before resting at the hitch of her hip bones. She brushes his brown mop of hair out of his eyes and he turns his head to press a kiss to the inside of her palm, shocking her with the sweetness of it.
“Will you let me touch you, tracinya?” She nods, but from the way his fingers flex into the plush of her hips, she knows he wants to hear her say it.
“Yes, Din, I want you like this, please.” He leans down, the crooked grin he kisses her with coaxing a smile out of her as well. She’s only slightly embarrassed by the gasp that leaves her when he finally swipes the rough pads of his fingers through her folds, throwing her head back when he’s quick to find her clit and trace tight circles around it.
“So wet– is this all for me?” She breathes out a raspy yes to his question, her hips canting up into his hand when he slips two fingers inside her. As a student traveling with her master, she had engaged in meaningless trysts from time to time, but nothing has ever felt like this, like her whole body is a live wire, energy coursing through her with each stroke of his fingers. 
He keeps his other forearm framing her face, hovering over her and swallowing her sighs with open-mouthed kisses as he coaxes her closer to the edge. 
“Let go for me, ner tracinya. That’s it- let me see you burn.” My flame, she knows enough Mandoan now to understand that’s what he just called her, and the thought of it is enough to send the energy pooling in her spine scattering through her body as she comes, a cry of his name the only sound she can make. 
The overhead lights of the bunk flicker as she rides out her high and Din’s eyes dart around in worry, pulling away only for her to tug him back down as she laughs around a kiss.
“Was that– was that you?” She grins, her fingers grazing up and down his shoulder blades.
“That was you– what you did to me.” His lips part, wonder a clear wash across his face and she can’t help but laugh again. He chases after the sound with a hard kiss, both of them sighing when the heat of his cock settles along the softness of her thigh.
“Let me have you, Din. I want you just like this.” He fists the base of himself, hissing as he draws his tip through her heat.
“You have me– however you want me– I’m all yours.” She digs her nails into his shoulders when he finally presses into her, her eyes scrunching shut at the stretching ache that singes pleasure into her bones. When his hips finally fit with hers, he groans, his forehead pressing down into her sternum as she draws her ankles to twine around his low back. She presses a kiss into his damp hair, coaxing him to look up at her.
“Move for me, Din. Let me feel you.” She didn’t think she’d ever hear a Mandalorian whimper, but that’s the exact sound he seems to make, low and broken in the back of his throat, as he pulls his hips back only to roll into her again, finding the push and pull of it amidst their shared sighs and gasps.
The lights begin to flicker again as she feels the flames of pleasure building, preening into Din’s thrusts as his mouth smears over whatever skin he can reach. 
“Need to feel you, tracinya. Come for me, please.” His hand skates down to rest warm over her stomach, fingers finding her clit in a lazy swirl that has her clenching hard around him. She whines out his name and he shushes her, murmuring lowly in her ear.
“Just like that– so beautiful– perfect– perfect for me– let go– that’s it–” He eases her into this high with his gentle coaxing, but the pleasure burns bright and hard once it hits, her nails digging into his shoulders as she lets out a gasping cry. One of the lights bursts, fine shards raining down on them as Din pulls out of her spasming cunt with a harsh groan, hovering over her as he finishes with a few weak thrusts into his hand, his warmth painting her stomach. 
He slumps over her, both of them heaving in a tangle of sweat and pleasure as they try to steady their breathing. She finds one of his hands with her own, twining their fingers together. Din squeezes her hand, pressing a kiss to the juncture of her neck before lifting himself up to look at her.
“That thing with the lights– does that– normally happen?” She sputters out a laugh at his obviously earnest question, bringing her other hand to trace his nose, the arc of his brow, the curve of his lips. Her own map of him on her fingertips.
“I have never experienced anything like that. Does that answer your question?” He seems to like her response, a smile threatening the crook of his lips as he gazes at her. She arches her neck and he seems to get the hint, dipping down to press a chaste kiss to her lips before he slumps over to the side, his arms still lazily draped over her, their legs still tangled. She lets out a long sigh, her eyes not leaving his.
“We should probably get cleaned up. The kid somehow always ends up in my bunk at night and I’d really rather he didn’t find us like this.” Din huffs at that, pressing his face into the inside of her bicep.
“Just a few more moments like this, please.” She hums, musing that his words hold more meanings than just one. Just a few more moments like this, without the worry of whether Grogu will be able to continue his training, without the worry of Moff Gideon potentially still searching for them, without the worry of what this all means, this new path they have just gone hurtling down. Just a few more moments in which all that matters is the way her fingers are trailing through his hair and the way his lips keep grazing over the slope of her shoulder. Just a few more moments of sweetness before they return to reality. 
“Alright, Din. Only a little bit longer, though.”
“Whatever you say, ner tracinya.”
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thepatchycat · 8 months
hellooo! 👋
i hope it as okay to tag you in the WIP game!!! 😅😅 you have so many cool projects underway!!
I would love to hear more about your Defiance series! Side stories and spin offs?! What a world you must be creating! 🤩
thanks and have a lovely day !!☀️
Certainly! :D I don't always respond to tag games, but I do always appreciate being tagged in them. This one especially makes for a nice excuse to ramble about projects, and I'm delighted to talk about Defiance~
I'm pretty sure Defiance (the main fic) is the second fanfiction I've ever worked on in earnest and also my first and only longfic (not counting some sort of journal thing for Pokemon X I think I started many years ago, as I quickly lost interest in that project; otherwise, I hadn't really tried my hand at writing fic until 2020, despite reading it for much longer). Back in early 2021, with far too much time on my hands and having recently finished binge-watching all of The Clone Wars TV show, I felt very strongly that Fives needed to live and everyone deserved a happier ending, so I started planning a fix-it (actually the idea may have begun cooking back even before I finished the show, but February 2021 is apparently when I created the first doc).
It, uh, spiraled a little.
The planning/notes document is currently sitting at 102 pages (~46k words) of loose outline, worldbuilding notes, character notes, media notes, etc. The fic document itself is at 127 pages (~49k words) of stuff ranging from rough outline to fully written chapters and outtakes. There is also a Sheets file with timelines so I can track who is where, and when. The Sidestories doc is for ideas that would probably take place during Defiance but not be part of the more central plot, like bonus side chapters, and the Spin-offs doc is for other fic ideas that would take place in the same universe—some of which have graduated to their own documents. Though I've not been making consistent progress in the actual writing and have a very long way to go, I am lost in this sauce.
Anyway, the general plot of Defiance is as follows: unbeknownst to Palpatine and the general public, a timely intervention saves Fives' life. This allows him to actually explain himself to the Jedi, who along with the clones investigate the chips further and work behind the scenes to prevent Order 66 from happening while trying to figure out how to take down who's behind it. Critically, despite their suspicions they do not have hard evidence of Palpatine's involvement, so most events parallel canon up through ROTS with the investigation/preparation taking place discreetly, until the train hops off the rails to avoid sailing off the cliff.
If you'd like a sneak peak snippet, here's the first page or so of the main fic below the cut!
Something is wrong. The Force is muddled with a constant and indistinct unease, as it has been for years now—moreso on Coruscant than anywhere else, to Shaak Ti's perceptions. Its warnings are difficult to discern with any specificity. Even so, it murmurs them now. And Shaak possesses her own instincts, enhanced by the Force but extant outside her connection to it; these, too, whisper to her that something is wrong, as she watches Knight Skywalker leave the Jedi Temple conference room to find Captain Rex and investigate the situation with Fives. They are the best fit to track him down and the most likely to confront the rogue clone without further violence. Shaak warned Skywalker that Fives has been acting differently without his chip, that he may not be the man they knew—though she herself is reluctant to believe it—and the Knight and Captain are plenty capable of handling themselves. They will be all right. Still, something is wrong in a way she cannot yet define, and so Shaak Ti decides to join the hunt. Since the Jedi have not been asked to search for Fives, she does not contact the Coruscant Guard when she leaves the Temple. Instead she steps out of the building, pulls up the hood of her cloak, and makes for one of the speeder bikes kept at the Temple for general use. It whirs to life under her hands, and she rides to the nearest transportation portal leading down into the undercity. As she descends, passing speeders of all makes and sizes, Shaak Ti considers what she knows. She is well aware of her own struggles in becoming emotionally attached to the clones; her role on Kamino requires her to balance her care for them as people with the need to defend the galaxy. But many of them, such as Domino Squad, inevitably leave an impression. She watched Echo and Fives grow from bickering cadets to determined protectors, some of the best of their brothers. Her belief in their character during their final tests had not been misplaced. And yet, over these past few days Fives repeatedly defied the Kaminoan doctors, removed his chip, claimed something about a conspiracy, then attacked the Chancellor and fled. Shaak cannot deny these facts, and she must not allow personal feelings to cloud the truth. Then there are the Kaminoans. Shaak clashes frequently with their attitudes toward the clones, the way they view them as products rather than sentients. Nala Se’s arguments for terminating Tup and assurance that the chips are not a problem fall in line with her position as a manufacturer. And Shaak is well aware that the Kaminoans have not shared all of their secrets with her, as she is not owed them. But the medical scientist's resistance had been… spirited. None of this paints a clear picture. As they concluded in the meeting back at the Temple, the Jedi need more information. The familiar sound of a military engine hums past, and Shaak turns her head to watch a pair of gunships heading down the portal through one of the military lanes. She swerves out of the civilian traffic and dives after them, further and further below the surface of the city.
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi!! I’m a 21f looking for a Star Wars OC x OC roleplay set in the Clone Wars Era.
I use mainly Discord or Google Docs.
Be down to chat ooc and create memes / playlists and moodboards for our characters!
Be okay with angst and dramatic plots - I live for drama in my storylines so let’s make it as theatrical as possible.
No Cis Men please! Because of past experience I’m just not comfortable.
I have a recently knighted Female OC who’s a Jedi shadow and I’m looking for a preferably Male OC.
I really am looking for an age gap dynamic with my character being younger. I love to write against grumpy OC’s so the more grouchy the better. I’d love a clone OC or another Jedi to write against so we have a forbidden love dynamic with lots of secrets and sneaking!
We can create dramatic plots but I wanna write this during the clone wars ft Order 66 and the fallout. Give me theatrics and angst and hidden love and secrets!
If you’re interested in any of this, Like this or comment and I’ll get back to you! Thank you and hope to hear from y’all soon <3
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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just flirting with the resistance doctor in front of a jedi master nbd
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Hi!! I’m a 21f looking for a Star Wars OC x OC roleplay set in the Clone Wars Era.
I use mainly Discord or Google Docs.
Be down to chat ooc and create memes / playlists and moodboards for our characters!
Be okay with angst and dramatic plots - I live for drama in my storylines so let’s make it as theatrical as possible.
No cis men please! Just due to past experience I’m uncomfortable writing with them.
I have a recently knighted Female OC who’s a Jedi shadow and I’m looking for a preferably Male OC (can be F or NB too but I tend to write better against more masc. types).
I really am looking for an age gap dynamic with my character being younger. I love to write against grumpy OC’s so the more grouchy the better. I’d love a clone OC or another Jedi to write against so we have a forbidden love dynamic with lots of secrets and sneaking!
We can create dramatic plots but I wanna write this during the clone wars ft Order 66 and the fallout. Give me theatrics and angst and hidden love and secrets!
If you’re interested in any of this, Like this or comment and I’ll get back to you! AThank you and hope to hear from y’all soon <3
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commander-krios · 2 years
kisses as a promise for jocasta and doc? 👀
Here ya go! I combined this with another prompt that @jbnonsensework sent me, I hope that's alright.
❝  i want to deserve you.  i’m trying to deserve you.  ❞ You didn't request this but it feels like a Doc and Jocasta thing
Doc hadn’t gone to the galley for dinner. Jocasta was positive he hadn’t shown up for breakfast either. 
The ship was silent. The rest of the crew were either sleeping in their bunks or working on their projects in solitude. Grabbing a couple bowls of rice topped with the spicy stew that Rusk cooked, she made her way to the medbay.
When the door hissed open to allow admittance, she paused on the threshold. 
Doc was bent over a pile of datapads, a forgotten cup of caf sitting beside him, probably days old if she had to guess. She didn’t want to see if it’d started growing anything yet. Suppressing a shiver, she made a note to toss the mug in the trash bin. 
Clearing her throat, she waited for him to notice her. 
“How long have you been standing there, gorgeous?” He glanced up, eyes bloodshot. From lack of sleep or staring so long at screens, she couldn’t tell, but it didn’t matter. He clearly needed a break.
“Not long.” Setting the bowl on top of the pile of datapads, she fought a smile as he stared at the food, almost as if he’d never seen such a thing before. “I brought you dinner.”
“It’s dinner already?” He murmured, moving the bowl to the desk so he could pick up one of the datapads. 
“Mhm.” Jocasta reached out and plucked the pad from his fingers, holding it behind her back when he tried to grab it. “Eat, Doc. That’s an order.”
“I’m not a soldier… or a padawan.” He retorted, giving her a pout that could rival any child she knew, but she wouldn’t be swayed. “I don’t take orders from the Jedi.”
With the datapad secured behind her back, she brushed his shoulder with the free hand. She could see how he relaxed beneath her touch, gentle as it was. She didn’t even have to use the Force. “Even if the Jedi was your wife?”
He glared at her before a sigh slipped past his lips, deflating almost immediately. “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to work out the chromosomal abnormalities seen in this disease and I haven’t-”
Jocasta crooked a finger beneath his chin, turning his face so she could see his eyes. “Sometimes the best way to find the answers you seek is to take a break.”
His hands curled around hers, warm and solid, a comfort in the chaos of the galaxy. His mustache tickled her skin when he pressed a kiss to her fingers. “You’re starting to sound like me.”
“It’s good advice.” She returned the datapad to the pile before leaning down, kissing him sweetly. “You should get off the ship for a bit.”
“Into the freezing icy hell of Ilum?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at the request. “Are you trying to kill me? Because that’s how you kill me.”
With a laugh, she pulled him to his feet. He was a bit unsteady after sitting in his chair for so long. It took him a minute to adjust. Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest. “We can bundle up, get some cocoa, and watch the stars. It’s been too long since the last time we got to spend time together: no worries, no missions.”
She could almost feel Doc’s grin as he tightened the hug. “Watching the stars with you, beautiful? That’s enough for me.”
Jocasta pulled back to glance at him. “Good, but you still need to do one thing before we go.”
She was expecting the smirk, his thoughts clearly having gone to the wrong places. As usual. “Anything you want, darling.”
Taking a step away, she thrust the bowl of stew at him. “Eat.”
The bowls of stew sat empty on Doc’s desk. They bundled up as best as they could in coats, robes, mittens and anything else they could find, the pair ready to brave the freezing cold of Ilum’s surface, complete with snow and ice. He could complain as much as he liked, but Jocasta knew that the fresh air would do them both some good.
Vitiate was gone, but the Sith still existed. Every day there was another battle to fight, but for a brief moment, they could breathe and enjoy the calm before the inevitable storm.
The overlook wasn’t far from the Republic base. An easy speeder ride and they’d pulled up in front of an outcropping of rock covered in sparkling white snow. She’d seen it on one of her outings for the Republic. The view was gorgeous in the daylight. She imagined it was even more so in the night.
“The things I do for you.” Doc said as he climbed off the speeder, holding a hand out. She took it, stepping into the snow with as much care as she could. They fit together so effortlessly that she was struck again with the possibility that fate might have a hand in their union. Or possibly the Force.
“You say that as if you aren’t enjoying yourself.” She teased him, squeezing his hand as they walked through the ankle high snow. 
“Beautiful, this planet isn’t my idea of fun.” Pulling her closer, she let out a breathless laugh when she collided with his chest. He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. “But if we go back to the ship-”
Pressing a finger to his lips, she smiled. “Don’t finish that sentence. Just be here with me.”
Covering her hand with his, Doc nodded. “I can do that.”
“Can you?”
Jocasta dragged him up the gently sloping trail to the top of the cliff before he could utter another word. As they reached the edge, she paused. The Republic camp was in the distance, smoke curling into the dark sky, lights dotting the horizon. Then she looked up.
The stars twinkled against the sky, a kaleidoscope of lavender and navy, violet and indigo, a cosmos full of life, infinite and unknowing in its entirety. Something always called out to the deepest part of her soul, and no matter where she was, she would answer.
“Wow.” Doc said from beside her, momentarily speechless at the sight. 
“It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the galaxy is.” She whispered, tucking herself against him. 
Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her closer, still gazing at the sky. Silence fell between them, comfortable, serene. A meteor shot across the sky and her breath caught, mesmerized by the stardust it left behind. 
Once it faded, Jocasta glanced up at Doc. He hadn’t torn his gaze from where the meteor had been before burning up in Ilum’s atmosphere. He was too quiet, too subdued.
“Why are you driving yourself so hard?” She asked, wrapping her arms around him and relaxing into his embrace. “I know you want to help people, but you can’t do that if you faint from exhaustion… or from lack of food.”
“I want to deserve you.” He whispered, his lips caressing her hair briefly. “I’m trying to deserve you.”
“You don’t have to prove anything to me, Doc. I already know how wonderful you are.” 
Doc met her eyes, a smile playing on his lips. Standing on her toes, she kissed him gently. His fingers tangled in her hair, taking the affection her touch promised. 
When they parted to catch their breath, he was watching her with a soft expression. “Thank you for getting me off that ship, gorgeous. I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”
She tightened her arms around him, pressing another kiss to his lips. “We’re in this together, Doc. Always.”
That was a promise that Jocasta could keep.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
So, I've been setting up an old computer to run a diy home cloud and using that to backup all my old WiPs. And I took advantage of this to completely re-organize my WiPs folder to sort out transcript docs into a separate space, better track finished or 'retired' files, and digging through older fic ideas that I'd forgotten about over time. So I'm going to answer this using some of my older files from fandoms I'm not usually active in these days.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Shawn grinned and considered making a bid for the gift, but decided to stay quiet. Odds were he was on the naughty list anyway; he was lucky to have been picked for the Polar Express at all. Someone else would get the gift... but he was okay with that. The entire experience had been an amazing gift all in itself.
And then, above the din, he heard Santa call out, “Shawn Spencer, come with me.”
From a Psych/Polar Express x-over fic. This is from the prologue where young Shawn gets one of the bells from the reindeer harnesses as the First Gift of Christmas. He's not sure what's going on is really happening, but he believes the magic and spirit are more important than real versus fake. And this is from the last part of the prologue where Shawn's spent the whole trip a bit worried he isn't really good enough, so Santa picking him when he's not being loud and acting out validates that the times he does so with his dad don't actually make him a bad kid.
It's just meant to be a silly little fic with a lot of soft moments. In part about how, despite being unconventional Shawn is a good person who cares about helping others. But its also about Lassiter getting to have a happy Christmas after his divorce from his wife is made official, when he felt like he was really struggling to be happy. And him learning to recognize that opening himself up to new friendships is worth the risk in making himself vulnerable.
I really only got this one so far as the prologue, but re-reading it has made me want to do something with it, whether it's write the fic I once envisioned or just split off the prologue and expand it into it's own fic about kid Shawn.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
“There’s something unusual about the Force today,” the ginger haired knight mused. “Perhaps we’ve been summoned because of that. Though… why Master Yoda would say that all Ani and I will be there for is moral support is beyond me. It’s not like you’ve done anything worth reprimanding… lately.”
Anakin snickered, earning a sharp, teasing glare from his master. “You wound me, both of you.” Seifer flung his right hand dramatically against his heart. “Oh, the pain… shall I ever survive?”
“And I’m supposed to learn from him?” Anakin cast a doubtful glance in Obi-wan’s direction.
“Just think, Ani; you’re stuck with him for at least ten years… if not more.”
Mock horror stole across the nine-year-old’s face and he scurried over to cling to Obi-wan’s robes. “Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope!”
From an old WiP where the resolution of Time Compression at the end of FF8 sends Seifer to Coruscant and the Jedi in particular. There's speculation that he might be the Chosen one and gets taken as the padawan. The main fic, however, is Seifer and Obi-Wan as adults, sharing 'custody' of Anakin. Having someone else who might be the Chosen One around makes things easier on Anakin so he feels less pressured to be perfect, Obi-Wan is more laid back because he isn't having to jump straight from being a padawan to raising one all by himself, and the council is a bit more relaxed about inter-personal relationships here so Seifer and Obi-Wan are supposed to be openly in a relationship. This one is from... I dunno, my early college years? I still really like the idea of Seifer getting transported to the Star Wars prequels, though I'm no longer sold on the ship. That said, I really love this interaction here. It's silly and fun, with a shout out to one of the most iconic Star Wars lines of course.
I think I actually had a few different variations on this idea anyway, though I don't know that I wrote them all down.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello! I'm looking for someone (20+) to do an Anakin-centric whump obikin rp. Literacy and things related to writing: I can match your length, and I understand the length and stuff will change according to the plot, so no pressure! As long as I have something to work with, it's cool :) I can do multiple posts a day. Sometimes, life gets in way, so its absolutely cool to skip, bc life and health matters more <3 I'm looking for someone who loves writing heavy dead dove themes. I'd love to write as Obi-Wan (since his backstory is more planned than Anakin's atm, and I wanna explore his conflict with his past), but that can be changed based on mutual interest. Platform: Discord/google docs Fandom: Star Wars Prequels (can also include characters from other eras, totes fine) mostly TCW/ROTS era Ship: Obi-Wan x Anakn (obikin/obiani) Premise: I'll send the detailed plot, not posting here bc its nsfw, but the gist is Senator!Obi-Wan/Jedi Knight!Anakin, with nsfw dead dove attributes. They're much closer in age, though Obi-Wan is still older than Anakin. If smut happens, then I'd prefer if they switch (with maybe more top!Anakin). It's mostly whump (both of them), and hurt/comfort, and I'd love to plot ideas for story arcs, character backgrounds, arcs, and more. Happy endings only, and no Jedi bashing :) Interact with this post ONLY if you're interested, and I'll reach back :) Lastly, it's for fun, for all of us lol, so please be clear with anything you'd like to see, or with any plot ideas you have! Thanks!
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sullustangin · 1 year
New Chapter
Rating: T
CW: Character deaths, funerals, grief, the emotional disaster area that is SIS.
Quick quote:
Theron had gambled that Kimble would do this – or something like this, when presented with the opportunity.  Kimble would be the sort to try to start a revolution or rebellion, having been part of several previously on different planets.  Theron had been right. 
Sometimes, the best thing an operative could do was let a person be themselves; the mission self-completes.    
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