#Domo fam
Fanfic WIP word any or all? (Not gonna lie, doubt I would find comfort in any of mine).
some of these are from fics that are ANCIENT or that people don't even know exist, hahaha
all i have is "comforting"/comfortable, so let's see:
“Shut the door before you say anything like that again,” José says.  “And lock the fucking thing, would you?”
José waits for the comforting sound of the lock before he speaks again. (from my poor mourinho/granit WIP that i'd love to finish but maybe never will)
Geri wakes up in the middle of the night thirsty.  He goes and grabs a glass of water from this new kitchen and shuffles back to bed.  He’s still mostly-asleep but even in this state there’s something just a little bit uncomfortable in the room.  It’s not a mystery what it is, not to him.  It’s him getting used to new breathing. (my infamous shakira/sergio serard revenge pegging fic)
He and Mladen always wind up sharing a room when they have an away game. “Look at this shit,” they like to joke. “Sticking all the Balkan guys together.” But really, it’s nice to have a friend with the same background playing for Basel with him. They feel extra comfortable together. Maybe that’s why Mladen’s always fucking with him on the bus, asking him to rub his legs. (from my uhhhh...ivan rakitić coming of age fic shall we call it)
Granit had thought Milot was asleep.  He’d seemed asleep and the clock on Erdin’s cable box says 3:30 AM.  But he’s suddenly sitting up on the mattress and cracking his knuckles, and then reaching behind him to pull on the sweaty t-shirt of Granit’s that he wears to bed when Granit wants him to, and then—Granit holds his breath because now his sweet little boyfriend is reaching under his pillow and grabbing his gun.  The mattress lurches as he gets up, and Granit’s stomach lurches with it. (a flashback chapter of dangerous AU, where we see when granit start to get the xhaka fam properly established in london)
The bedroom is big and the bed bigger. If John were here Frank would make some joke about how many women he could fit in it, and John, good friend that he was, would be gracious enough to tell him just save some for me while I'm out getting the drinks, Lamps! (10022)
Footballers talk a whole lot, he thinks, flopping down on his new couch in his new home in his new-old city.  They say a lot about how early they have to go to bed.  And it’s all bullshit no matter who’s saying it.  Like Luka.  Luka’s nocturnal—Dejan knows this well from how many times he offers to send Luka photos of his dick in the dead of night.  Like Domo—from how many times he offers the same to Dejan at some hour when only the devil is awake.  And—
Just after 1am in Lyon.  Just after midnight in Liverpool. (new movren based on that article/interview from the spring)
“Hey, Granit can go off and be some English dude’s little sugar baby,” Nedim laughs.  “A little fish and chips, a little dick sucking, then we’ll have an extra bed.” (dangerous AU flashback 2--xhakas and their friends realize they need to move abroad)
“The way I need someone to touch me,” Granit continues, his voice soft but strong.  “They say prison changes a man, and for me, I am strong, it is not hard here.  But it is changing me too, you know? I need to be touched.”
“I understand,” Leandro whispers.  “When I rest in my coffin, it isn’t the same as sharing my bed with my partners.”  He doesn’t think he should name Kieran.  As far as he knows, Granit doesn’t know who Kieran is, and his instinct tells him to keep it that way. (arsenal crime au + some of them are supernatural....leo is a vampire sniper...granit is as always Human and yet somehow the most terrifying of all)
“That means this is over between us,” Pep says.  “You want that?”
“You want to go back to your old life?  You would prefer unhealthy anonymous sex to a relationship with me?”
“Uh-huh.  Yeah.  I would.  At least I am in control then.  You want to control every part of me.  And I can’t live like that.  So I’m done.  Fuck you.”
And he climbed out of bed and got dressed.
“Mikel.  Mikel!”  Pep was still sitting there in his boxers looking more confused than anything else, as though he would never imagine someone would have the audacity to break up with him.  “My little angry boy, I’m not surprised to see you acting so stubborn. I’m sure you’ll regret it.  I’ll forgive—” (dangerous AU: mikel's memory of toxic bf pep--except the wink wink nudge nudge here is mikel is a SERIAL KILLER and yet pep is the "toxic ex" shit like this is my fav part of dangerous AU)
They step off the elevator and into the hallway, the hum of air-conditioning and the smell of hotel cleaning products all over the world the only thing around.  And sure, this is Luka and not Šime or Mo, and this is Qatar, but this is Luka and they’re old and there’s no Šime or Mo so he flops down on a couch in the lounge area outside the elevators because he just can’t go back to his cold, empty room.  A World Cup without someone to share a bed with is…it’s torture.  It’s wrong. (world cup sad modren)
Ivan thinks back to fooling around with Mladen. They never got past groping each other, some clothes still on, always in the dark, always returning to their own beds after. (rakidrić vanja and luka are bank robbers AU)
Showing Granit his childhood bedroom is strange.  It is relatively unchanged from when he was a kid, though thankfully his parents had gotten rid of the medical equipment that used to be in there.  Granit looks around at the fading posters—Cruyff, Arsenal, Tears for Fears, Stone Roses—and then sits down on the thin plaid blanket.
“It is a small bed,” he says to Mikel, stretching out on it.  “For a small guy, I guess.  Come here.”  He pats the space next to him and undoes his pants.  “Suck me off.”
“Not with my mom waiting for us out there,” Mikel says.  “That’s weird.”
“Well.  I guess I can’t force you in your parents’ apartment…That’s not respectful.”  Granit zips his pants back up.  Mikel is somewhat surprised Granit even knows the concept of respectful. “We are really sleeping in here?” (dangerous AU: mikel brings his boyfriend to his parents' in san sebastian for christmas and his parents don't like his vibe chapter)
ok there's probably more but i'll cut myself off there lol.
Lying in an empty bed at a World Cup.  He’s not used to it.  Every night it’s been worse.  
Tonight his skin is on fire.  There is so much in his mind he can’t even pin one thought down.  It’s like a whirlpool that he’s clinging to the edge of, trying not to get sucked in—trying with strong muscles that feel almost too tired to be strong— (world cup sad modren)
He scrolls scrolls scrolls scrolls scrolls.  Only one person could make that kit look good.  No offense to your club brate…That person is YOU by the way…He scrolls some more.  Amazing save holy shit, 10.0 on sofascore…SUCK MY DICK BENZEMA SON OF A FUCKING BITCH…a bunch of selfies that he’ll go back and save later…That Modrić guy’s alright I guess, he looks familiar do we know him from somewhere?…Brate I am getting tears in my eyes watching you…ljubavi…Thank God you got the surgery done, thank God you’re back…Modrić is alright I guess he could be the next Vrsaljko…Watching you play is like watching an artist paint.  I’m crying brate…But I’m strong 💪💪 (ancient luka/šime i was working on during the like april 2020 stage of the pandemic)
Granit nods.  “Smart little thing.  I was late to see you today, right?  I was getting my dick sucked in the shower stall.”  Leandro flushes.  “The wardens know better than to rush me.  It was good, but it was nothing.  When I felt my Mikel against me, in here, with all his clothes on, it was more than any of the mouths in this place could ever give me.” (the same arsenal criminals AU)
This almost never happens.  Granit has a certain sort of old-fashioned masculinity, as Mikel thinks of it.  It doesn’t come up too often, but it does for things like this.  Granit is not one to suck a man off.  “No wayyyyy,  Mister, nice try. That’s for you to do to me, right?” That sort of thing. (the abandoned 'arsenal has a locker room orgy after man utd spring 2022 game' fic)
i'll stop here otherwise it's just a lot of bad smut hahahah
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts while watching the Book of Boba Fett Episode Six:
*I really don’t like the Armorer. I don’t know why. Something about her bothers me. I know that she’s not in the episode, only the recap, but yeah. I don’t like her.
*Cobb Vanth has great hair.
*I think the moral of the story is that if you decide to f*^% with the Pykes, you need to just kill them. Don’t leave any of them behind to go back and squeal to their bosses. Just off them all.
*I know that Din wasn’t all for it, but that Naboo N-1 Starfighter is a huge upgrade from that busted ass Razor Crest that he was flying around in before.
*I want to know where Luke got all those spider droids from to build his little Jedi Temple School. He’s got an army of them. Who’s funding this escapade?
*The one-eyed frogs scene is something. Luke’s like, “oh, you think you’re cute trying to use the force to lift one measly frog to fill your stomach!? Watch this! I’m going to lift every damned frog on this planet up into the air!”
*Grogu flashback: That was Barriss’s room in the temple. Which brings up two questions in my mind that I want answers to (no, three questions):
1.) Was Barriss the one that saved Grogu from the Temple during Order 66? Because holy shit! I hope so.
2.) Did Ahsoka find out who saved Grogu when he and she connected minds during “The Jedi”episode of “The Mandalorian”? Because ouch!
3.) Are they ever going to stop tormenting Ahsoka with the memory of her first girlfriend and that particularly nasty breakup that they had? Because give her a break! We’ve all dated questionable girls in our youth. It’s part of the lesbian initiation process.
*It does sting watching the 501st mowing down Jedi after watching the Clone Wars series. It didn’t hit the first time I watched this show as I hadn’t watched the Clone Wars. Rewatching it again for the first time… it hits different.
*Luke really isn’t a very compelling teacher. He’s not a terrible warrior, but rebuilding the Jedi was a tall order. Ahsoka would be a better teacher. She actually has a proven track record of being compelling. She’s also a Schrödinger's Jedi now though, and I suppose the drive she has to embark on her own adventures would hinder her from being remotely interested in raising force sensitive children. She’s got auntie vibes. She’ll love your kids, but not as much as she loves being able to just say “f*^% it”, hop in her space ship and do whatever the f*^% she wants when she wants.
*Din asked Ahsoka what she’s doing there. Bitch, she trained Luke. She’s got to make sure he’s okay. She’s his auntie. That’s her job.
*The line where Din tells Ahsoka that he was looking for “the kid” so R2 brought Ahsoka to Din because she was “the kid” is so f*^%ing cute that I can’t stand it. OMG.
*Luke Skywalker Parkour > Fennec Shand Parkour
*”So much like your father”… nah, Ahsoka. Luke’s not responsible for multiple episodes of genocidal rage that resulted in the extinction of entire groups of people, but I do love your optimism and your unwillingness to see what a huge asshole Anakin was.
*Ahsoka’s like, “trust your instincts”….which is basically her all but saying, “Nah fam, don’t train this kid. It won’t end well.” Based on Luke’s facial expression though, he get it.
*THERE HE IS!!! We went an entire episode and a half with no Boba Fett and he is the titular character. Come ON! And don’t give me this, “oh well, no one knows Boba Fett like they know the Mandalorian” because that’s bullshit! It’s Boba f*^%ing Fett! We’ve had Boba since the Star Wars Holiday Special in the 70s. He was in the original trilogy. He is an icon. If you know Mando, and you don’t know Boba Fett, then give your f*^%ing “Star Wars Fan” badge back, sit down and start over from the beginning because you failed epically.
*Why doesn’t Black Krrsantan dismember that mayor’s major domo? He’s far more vexatious than the Trandosians, and there are arguably more limbs from which to rip apart thanks to his lekku.
*Why would anyone live on Tatooine willingly?
*Cad Bane in live action was a brilliant move… not gonna lie.
* F*^% the Pykes for blowing up Twi’lek Bette’s casino bar brothel.
*Luke gives little Grogu a choice: He can have the Beskar armor or f*^%ing YODA’S LIGHTSABER! Really, Grogu, take the lightsaber. You can f*^% a Kryze later (assuming there is one left) when you get old enough, and they’ll gladly give you the Beskar. Ask force ghost Obi-Wan or Ahsoka- they both boned Kryzes, and have the Beskar armor AND lightsabers to prove my point.
*Luke makes a valid point. Din is going to die in about forty or fifty more years (give or take, I don’t know how old he is), but Grogu is going to live to be damned near a thousand years old. Only one, Grogu. Do you want to be a Jedi or a Mandalorian?
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fragrancefish · 4 months
I know u all have a problem with a nigga…..I know black people are mad about the money…..I know black people are trying to disrespect my surroundings… I beg u all to falter….. realist food Domo ever said I was to never be freed, the real Burgundy!!!! Stop hating on my shit fam or I will have u all killed when u try to step to me….. recognize me as the food… Fish Burgundy!!!!! And realize a dead thing if I’m the real burgundy that didn’t write that shit for u fam!!!!
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one-twisted-sister · 4 years
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Then and now
I wanted to do something for Domo the ship turned a year old and still just as sweet and pure as ever I puzzled during  April on what I could do and it hit me, a Then and Now.
ngl while drawling I teared up some and looked back on old rp’s and everything this two have done and been through, so much growth and love.  Momo is @lichaltar ‘s
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sholangagaga · 3 years
Glamstar AU Synthetic Info/HCs
I'm still working on chapter 5 and 6 so those are a bit delayed, but I've also been working on some information about my synthetics! Partly for me to organize my thoughts, but also for you guys in case you were confused about anything mentioned in my chapters!
Synthetics are actually still fairly close to their animatronic counterparts, parts wise. They're an Endoskeleton covered in a "casing", but made to look human
Synthetic skin is stretchy, but in a plastic sense rather than like normal skin.
The endoskeleton is covered in semi-firm muscles, which is really just bundles of wires made to mimic human muscle tissue. This is what prevents a synthetic from being too "solid". (aka, it makes them huggable/pleasant for children to touch)
Synthetics don't have brains per say, it's more like a special type of computer. Where the base of the skull would be, there's slots where Chips can be inserted
There are three types of chips that make up ONE fully functioning synthetic. The Mother Chip, the Personality Chip, and the Functionality Chip
The Mother Chip is the same as a brain. It stores all of the memories and information, and is what shapes how a synthetic acts and reacts to different things. If this chip is damaged or lost, it's the same as permanent amnesia or even brain-death. This Chip cannot be removed through conventional means. Because it is the "brain", intrusive surgery and high clearance is needed to remove one
The Personality Chip stores exactly that, the personality. This Chip allows each Synthetic to be unique, giving them depth and character. While this chip can be put into new endos, without the Mother Chip it wouldn't be the exact same Synthetic. This chip isn't as deeply imbedded as the Mother Chip, but it's still hard to remove. You'll need high clearance to take this Chip out
The Functionality Chip is the big boy, it stores the AI and all possible functions of the Synthetic. While this could also be unique, each related group of Functionality Chips usually start off the same way (ex. Glamrock FC are always built with the same base. Constant upgrades is what makes each one unique) This Chip is the one that's usually removed during maintenance. There is no clearance needed to remove these chips
Synthetics have three plugs on their backs for charging. One at the base of the neck and two on the trapezius.
Down their spines are small lights color coded to each Synthetic (Freddy's is blue, Bonnie's is yellow, etc)
On their lower back is a battery display. This show how much charge a Synthetic has. However, because they're all usually clothed, you won't typically see them. Roxy and Monty's are the only ones that could be visible, however they wear an extra layer of false skin on their backs to hide it.
Charging stations only make use of the plug at the base of the neck, which takes the longest to get full charge. All three plugs are typically used in Parts and Service, either during long maintenance or just every so often for a quick recharge.
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 3 years
Sersi's, Sprite's and Phastos’s Guide to the 21st Century
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HaR3hh
by whitetiger1249
After the Eternals fam gets back together and they stopped the emergence, the Eternals are done with living at their own little corners of the world.
Instead they decide to move back in with mom and visit Phastos all the time. Since Thena and Gilgamesh lived isolated in Australia, Druig had his whole cult thing going on, Makkari holed up in the Domo, Ikaris lived in his Fortress of Solitude in Alaska and Ajak had her whole cow girl thing, Sersi, Sprite and Phastos decide to have a guide to help the rest of their family adjust to the 21st century.
Rules for babysitting, teaching Makkari the wonders of streaming and smartphone addictions. Sersi, Sprite and Phastos sure have their hands full.
Words: 608, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Eternals (Movie 2021), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Phastos (Marvel), Ben Stoss, Ikaris (Marvel), Sersi (Marvel), Dane Whitman, Druig (Marvel), Makkari, Thena, Gilgamesh, ajak, Sprite (Eternals), Kingo (Marvel)
Relationships: Phastos/Ben Stoss, Druig/Makkari (Marvel), Azura | Thena/Gilgamesh (Marvel), Ajak & Druig & Gilgamesh & Ikaris & Kingo & Makkari & Phastos & Sersi & Sprite (Eternals) & Thena, Jack (Eternals movie) & Phastos, Jack & Eternals, Ikaris/Sersi/Dane Whitman
Additional Tags: These Robot Deities Are a Family, Jack Stoss is an impressionable child, These Eternals do not understand the 21st century, gay shit, Sprite is Non Binary, everyone lives!, Family Shenanigans, Post Emergence but No Arishem
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3HaR3hh
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pixlokita · 6 years
ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental disorder. It makes it hard to pay attention and stuff like that. It's stereotyped by kids who never pay attention in class and always act up. But that's not always the case. I got diagnosed when when i was 11 and i never really had a problem behaving. My problems mainly lie with paying attention and focusing.
Oooooooooooohhhh domo arigatou gozaimasu fam xD that is good to know :v
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Motha + Fatha. . . Y’all, I have been a whole alumni advisor/mentor to the student organization @fashion_atmsu for the last three academic school years and it’s been a ride. Coming back to @fashion_atmsu has been the gift I never knew I needed. I had been trying to give and demonstrate and teach as much as I could over this time, only to realize this was actually an exchange. A lot of the time I thought I was failing bc I didn’t have an example to work from but I had to arrive to the title “Mother”. I’ve grown so much as a person and learned a lot about this version of leader I will be. I am still navigating this role and I am still amazed when the students call me, Motha. Or when they quote something I said and apply the advice I gave them. Or give me plaques to honor me. Like wow! What a full circle moment. In this same organization, I was once a model, then the first madam President, and now, an alumni advisor. FAM taught me so much then and just keeps on giving. I would like to encourage my peers to start connecting with the next early 20-something’s and give what you have to offer. They need it and although they push back, they want it, too. Let’s help them successfully transition into adulthood. I could have used a me... . Special thank you to the current eboard for mostly, being respectful. Your parents raised you well and they should be proud. But also for being resilient! You’ve built so much character and integrity in just a year. I see your growth boos! . Thank you, my Domo! A great partner and friend to me and all of the alumni that have come in and given your time, energy and resources to the organization!!! #FAMily . Thank you, Everdon for showing up without hesitation! Bomb bts photos going up on @fams page this weekend! (at Morgan State University) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxAT42rJZh4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d8tnpw52l7nz
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periodicomirador · 6 years
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Zacatecas, Zac.- El Gobierno del Estado ha cumplido el compromiso de que la obra pública sea construida, en su mayoría, por empresas y constructoras zacatecanas. Al cierre del 2018, fueron celebrados 271 contratos; de estos, el 89 por ciento fue formalizado con empresas locales y 11 restante, con foráneas.
Así informó el Secretario de Obras Públicas, Jorge Luis Pedroza Ochoa, quien agregó que durante el año pasado, se ejercieron, en obra pública, un total de 667.1 millones de pesos, de los cuales, el 92.5 por ciento fue para empresas zacatecanas y el restante 7.5 para foráneas.
Lo anterior -explicó- ha permitido generar fuentes de empleo para las y los zacatecanos; además, en cumplimiento a lo dispuesto por el Artículo 134 de la Constitución Mexicana y 144 de Zacatecas, la gran mayoría de las obras fueron licitaciones locales.
Entre otras, las obras que construye la Secretaría de Obras Públicas, se orientan a pavimentación de caminos, reencarpetamientos, aulas, domos, espacios deportivos, parques y jardines, obras de agua potable, alcantarillado y ampliación de viviendas, entre otros.
Pedroza Ochoa aseveró que la SOP cumple con las instrucciones del jefe del ejecutivo Alejandro Tello para otorgar el mayor número de obras posibles a constructores zacatecanos, teniendo el cuidado de estar dentro de la ley al cubrir todos los requerimientos y licitaciones que la rigen
Ejerce Inzace 928 mdp durante lo que va de la administración
Por su parte, el Director del Instituto Zacatecano para la Construcción de Escuelas (Inzace), Francisco Carrillo Pasillas, informó que en lo que va de la presente administración, con 928 millones de pesos, se han atendido 1 mil 103 espacios educativos de los tres niveles, en los 58 municipios.
Se trata de 723 acciones en nivel básico, 69 de medio superior y 34 de superior. Asimismo, se ha suministrado mobiliario y equipo en 277 instituciones educativas, destacando aquello que ofreció el Gobernador Alejandro Tello, es decir, que el 100 por ciento de empresas constructoras contratadas sean zacatecanas.
De igual manera, para el ejercicio 2019, en el programa Fondo de Aportaciones Múltiples existe un recurso aprobado de 202 millones de pesos, que permitirá atender 266 escuelas de los diferentes niveles educativos.
También, se espera la suficiencia de 196 millones de pesos faltantes del programa Escuelas al 100 -ahora denominado Potenciación de los Recursos de la Aportación FAM-, que permitirán atender 117 escuelas, lo que se traducirá en 400 millones que ejercerá el Inzace en el presente ejercicio presupuestal.
El 92% del recurso para obra pública fue ejercido por empresas zacatecanas: Pedroza was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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lemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?technically they're not Mine bc they belong to the fam of my gf but I live here too so!! there's 3 cats -- Salem (black and white big soft old lady cat), ginger (big fat orange attention loving baby cat), and foxy (little white hyperactive bitey ass kitty) ((he's my favorite)). there's also 2 dogs -- domo is a pit bull (he lives outside) who can be kind of annoying but just bc he's big and loving and likes to jump on u to get u to pet him. and then jumper idk wtf kinda dog he is he's weird but I love him...... idk how else to describe him bc all he's got is his weirdness
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one-twisted-sister · 5 years
You know what else goes honk? A baby with a bike horn, here you go baby! *The anon gifts Domini's little boyo with a little bike horn.* Go annoy mommy!
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epicrealistyoutube · 6 years
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Y'ALL! IT'S REAL! Domo and Crissy are broken up! 😭😭😭😭 . This isn't a prank... I watched it already and almost cried. BUT they handled it so maturely! ❤ . . Their friendship honestly makes me wish that I had a female best friend this close to me. I don't know what that is like. Perhaps I will experience it one day and hopefully marry her into the fam 😍😉 #poly #polydreams #domoandcrissy #bestfriends https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl80AROFYjhoyDT2QWWu_kwXKUT9OUmdjcnkps0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18no4tk9wwzlp
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eyekandy1 · 6 years
#Repost from @richlyfemanman with @regram.app ... #Repost from @richlyferichlyfe.81 with @regram.app ... New Promo Alert @richlyfemanman Still Gone Hate Video Coming Soon. shout Out The Fam #Richdreams #300ent #stacklynnworld #urbanrythmproductions Shout Out @therealnell_2 Directed By @Domo #teamrichlyfe #richdreamzent #300ent🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯 My time!! 🎙️🎙️🎙️🤘🤘🤘 #Repost @richlyfemanman with @insta.saver.repost • • •
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domochaos · 7 years
"Is Love good or evil?........a thought by Domo"
A flaw in morality? Or proof of love's complex and chaotic nature? Greed is simple. Your "wants" are in excess, because of perceived threats to survival. This inevitably leads to a selfish oversight, caused by fear. It is from my reasoning, i hold greed as the innate cause of all humanity's gripes and probable fail as a species. Greed is the direct catalyst and cause of the *phenomena known as society*. {im human too fam, i dont wanna die lmao} That being said ive come to see Greed as our "Original Sin" Pure Love being paradoxical in nature, is what i see as a key to overcome this flawed insight of our own drive and will to "survive" This also can be evidence that morality (along with many other ideologies are being mistakenly held as unbreakable law's). When it should be a a direct stimulus for our innate curiosity for our existence, further promoting growth as a species and fulfillment of evolution. "Would promotion of genuine unity and love amongst humanity be the unflawed means of survival? Should that "want" of unity and love as a means of survival, be considered greedy?" This reasoning left me to believe that morality is an ideology held as law in error. Morality is a theory created by humanity in its efforts to quench our thirst for understanding, tainted by ego. This is one of many conflicts that are directly spawned from the phenomenon that is Society. "Love for all, is the greatest lesson taught by Greed" -Dominique Wilson Jones aka "Domo"
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Anyways ITS OCTOBER!!!! 🌻🕷🎃☠️👻 Finally something to focus on that’s scarier than my life 😂😂😅
IM SO HAPPY!!! Life has its ups n downs and honestly if I let fear and doubt take over right in this moment I would not be happy. But I will never pick fear sadness guilt or doubt over my own happiness..I HAVE THAT KINDA CONTROL YALL. I will always choose happiness love and gratitude instead.
School is going wayyyy better than last year! Kristen and all the other less enlightened peeps are outta my life. They’ll try to pop back up but it doesn’t get to me like it used to COUGH JAKE KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF LOL GO LIVE UR LIFE FAM! I’ve met a lotttt of new people and could be going out every night if I wanted but I still prefer my own company which is flippin fantastic bc most people hate themselves and can’t sit in slince with themselves for more then 5 min so I’m def feeling blessed.
There’s this dude named Ryan that I met at the stop light dance he wasn’t the creepy black guy following me around all thirsty lol he asked me to dance and taught me thing country swing dance it was cute 😂😂 I feel myself around him his presence is comfortable..but I’m not sure if I’m into him yet. UNIVERSE IS YELLING AT ME TO BE WITH HIM AND IDK WHY BUT WHY HIM YALL I DONT GET IT. Please help me understand hahahaha...gawd I’m so thirsty lately too 😭 only fucked once this school year BETTER THAN LAST YEAR GET IT DOM LOL seriously though I’m learning what it’s like to actually fucking love yourself it’s so beautiful. I can feel the happiness expand in my body it’s so amazing how this all works. It blows my damn mind constantly. Things with my mom are even better!! GOD AND LIFE IS GOOD AND IT WILL ONLY GO UP FROM HERE❤️❤️ STAYING POSTIVE AND REALIZING MY OWN STRENGTH IS KEEPING ME SANE MUCH LOVE DOMO
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skratchsociety · 7 years
🌬🔥🔥⚔☠⚔👁✂💿☄🌊⚡🗡💎 @Regrann from @akikoluv - Big ups to skratch fam @eyemnemcis for always pushing for the community. From original skratch routines, production, projects, and products this man continues to give back. Feeling quite flat and rusty on the kutz. Thank you for the inspiration!! 👘⚔️💜ep.97 ===== #pruritus #prurituslooper #hiphop #music #kimonokutz #kyujunanaban #turntablist #skratch #dj #skratchnerd #skratchfetish #transgender #lgbtq #akikoluv #domo - #regrann
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