#Donatien de Montazac
backfromtwitterforw · 8 months
Antoine: "They're pushing my bad tendencies with this money system, you know I like it. I like having it. Am i the richest right now? There should be a ranking. If there's a ranking I'll come everyday, that'd be a problem..."
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mllenugget · 1 year
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"Well you know what they say, Antoine dear" "Tell me" "I've got strong bones !" [Clip]
To all my mutuals who I've been around for 6+ years who have "MCYT" in their Discord servers' blacklists, I am geniunely truly sorry, I have failed you
Here's your warning
[Feat me kind of ranting below, talking about discourse and comparing roleplaying in Minecraft with your usual roleplaying in GTA since it's the topic of my fanart, even though noone asked for it and I'm not even trying to spark a discussion i just need to get it off my chest]
But I have to be honest : for the past two months I've been pondering whether or not I should publicly share any fanart of the kind because I didn't know if I wanted to be associated with the fandom Which like don't get me wrong, I enjoy a lot of the fan content that's being shared around, I am geniunely impressed- I mean dude look at my main account, look at this mess, look how much qsmp I'm reblogging I am as obssessed as you are But I'm talking about the "you know " part of the fandom The "I have been part of the Warrior Cats fandom for 10 years and this hits a new low in terms of cyber harrassment being done in the name of fiction" kind
Also also the other thing that makes me unconfortable is that, back in my GTA RP days, the line between the characters and the streamer/content creator is clear, it's a wall, they are absolutely not the same. I've had times where I would follow the VODs of one character and it took me a whole year to figure out what the CC looked and sounded like. Because when in roleplay the character and the CC don't share the same name, or voice, or personality, or opinions, or background. Streaming with a webcam showing the CC's face is uncommon during rp scenes, some of them don't even interact with their chats, metagaming/OORP is a(n even) big(ger) no-no. Like you can't even say that your game is lagging, instead you say that your character has got a headache or else it would break the immersion of the roleplay And I get that there are pros and cons between those differences, the players feels more at ease when it's less strict rp (imagine having to mute your mic when laughing for the sake of the immersion of the other players, that's some GTA RP rules for you)
But my biggest con imo is the line being so blurry between the character and the CC. Not the CCs' fault oviously, but it doesn't help that some people would take it too seriously and too far and merge the character and the person behind the screen into the same entity. Which they aren't.
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grandiosetirade · 4 months
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le concept il traînait dans ma tête donc voilà voilà
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flemme de faire ses petits sapins sur le pantalon, c'est un truc fait à la va-vite
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cometcomett · 8 months
Donatien de Montazac and Sunny would be great friends
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spottys-rathole · 1 year
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Oh vasy chaipo quoi écrire
[English version]
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clopans · 1 year
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Donatien De Montazac! -RPZ
Parce qu'il le vaut bien!
For any english people being here somehow, this is a french GTA RP character from an event more than a year ago. The drawing tells you the rest!
drawing challenge on the word : ego Antoine Daniel - RPZ
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manglechanbluh · 2 years
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Kitties !! Ca fait 2 jours que je suis matrixée par l’au LGDC de RPZ donc on a :
une partie de la montazac family ( j’ai eu la paresse de dessiner un design pour Fab :( ) qui prend un bain de soleil, les croutes arrivent pas à rester tranquille. Du marcelliam tout soft et une petite Haylie qui chasse :3
Tout ces magnifique designs sont de @mllenugget !!!
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pikmininaplane · 2 years
✨Pour l'askgame ✨
Quels sont tes headcanon sur Donatien ? 👀
Ohohohoho he 🫴 Beaucoup de choses à dire sur lui mais je vais essayer de ne pas trop répéter ce que j'ai déjà pu dire~
Sexuality Headcanon : Aroace <3 Parce que franchement. Franchement. Oui j'HC qu'il s'intéresse en rien à la romance et aux relations. Oui je le shippe avec plusieurs autres persos. Je suis une personne flexible aux multiples facettes <3
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis, se pose pas vraiment plus de questions ?
A ship I have with said character : Hmm, je suis sûre que nos MPs ne révèlent rien de particulier à ce sujet... Par Talos–
Sans surprise, le Donalenny dans mon cœur <3 Je peux pas croire que j'ai lu ta fic sur eux et qu'il m'a fallu plusieurs mois pour réaliser à quel point je l'aimais,, le ship, je veux dire, parce que la fic j'ai réalisé très vite 😭 Mais ugh, y a tellement de choses à dire sur ces deux-là et tellement de choses déjà dites sur ces deux-là, tousse tousse <3
Mais j'ai beaucoup d'affection pour le Donamaison aussi !! En tant que QPR, entre deux aros qui se comprennent mieux que quiconque, la tendresse, la complicité, vraiment <;3 D'ailleurs fun fact, c'est à cause d'eux que j'ai rejoint le serveur, parce que j'avais VRAIMENT envie de parler d'eux avec quelqu'un et j'en ai au final très peu parlé mais shhh
Et puis,, le Dona/Gérard sur un ton semi-blagueur ? X') Disons que j'ai une certaine... affection pour le trope enemies to lovers, ce qui joue 😔 Après tout, quoi de plus érotique romantique qu'une élection municipale, les flirts/insultes en plein débat, tout ça /hj
Sinon j'aime bien le Donacox mais uniquement poussé à l'un des extrêmes sur l'échelle du fucked up-comique. Genre, au hasard, Les Raisins de la Passion me fait hurler, et à côté j'ai un jour envisagé de faire un animatic ou une fic basés sur la chanson Amnesia was her name et un hypothétique enlèvement et séquestration de Dona par Cox. Par contre en relation normale ? Non merci <3
Oh, et je considère parfois le concept d'un Dona/Roy à sens unique de la part de Roy, qui struggle avec des sentiments très contradictoires envers son boss,,
Bref, beaucoup de paragraphes sur des ships pour un perso que je ne vois pas autrement qu'aroace 😭
A BROTP I have with said character : Fab le sang~ Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup la relation Dona-Michael ! Ça se sent qu'AD et Rivenzi aiment jouer ensemble, et là encore un ptit crush à sens unique de Michael... ?
A NOTP I have with said character : Err,, Dona-Guy, pour des raisons. Évidentes. À part ça, Dona-Kiddy, parce que je vois Dona en figure paternelle/mentor de Kiddy ? Et, euh, toutes les femmes de RPZ. Je le vois pas avec une seule d'entre elles, désolé Joséphine X)
A random headcanon : Je suis très fan de ton headcanon de la canne, et du coup, à ça, j'aimerais ajouter : post-RPZ, au début, Dona ne se sert pas bien de sa canne, surtout qu'il a insisté pour sortir de l'hôpital trop tôt et n'a pas écouté les conseils de Maison. Il galère avec, trouve qu'il marche presque mieux sans, il aime pas ça. Et puis un jour, Bernard le contacte, se rend au Domaine pour lui acheter des boissons pour le Unicorn, faute d'autres fournisseurs à Los Santos ; or, il se trouve que Bernard, lui aussi, a une canne, depuis l'accident Lucy. Bernard remarque que Dona galère, essaie de lui donner des conseils, et certes, Dona aime pas recevoir des conseils d'un Pichon, mais il lui faut bien admettre que c'est mieux comme ça. C'est cet événement qui marquera le début d'une lente réconciliation Pichon (enfin, ce qu'il en reste...)-Domaine :) (Moi ? Recycler mes idées de fics en headcanons ? Jamais.....)
General Opinion over said character : Mon premier fav de RPZ, et toujours probablement dans mon top 10, si ce n'est 5 <3 Il tape pile dans ce trope très précis du "businessman sournois, avide et un peu connard, mais qui cache peut-être un bon fond, si on cherche bien" que j'aime de tout mon cœur et il a un haut-de-forme, que demander de plus 🥰
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aerotaum · 2 years
ca va faire un an et demi (?) et je les dessine toujours, cest terrible comment l'univers de gta rpz est vraiment toujours encré dans un coin de ma tête
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massivefanmilkshake · 2 years
Il faut vraiment que je dorme, je suis épuisée mais voici la fic du jour 15 avec le thème rhume
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bitter-panacea · 1 year
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Layton five seconds after setting foot in steam bison
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mllenugget · 3 months
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Il est super, c'est vrai
Alors ce qui m'a fumé c'est qu'en vérifiant mon lien, 2 secondes plus tard après l'interaction il se trompe instantanément de Croute Clip [X] 16/05/2022
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geluckgk · 7 months
Okay it is time for me to talk about rpz characters !
Small explanation on what is rpZ : a gta rp server that was created by Zeraror made to last 2 weeks exactly. It was the first introduction to rp for a lot of French streamers. It was full rp and almost everything was impro. The only big event really organized was elections for the mayor (won by a dog who gives free cocaine btw)
All of our french qsmp stremears (expect Kameto) participated.
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Baghera character
He is 16 years old, youngest of the server, often misgender because of his high-pitched voice. He spent the full two weeks with his cousin Daniel Croute (play on words with Antoine Daniel), so we can't speak about one without speaking about the other two they are basically soulmate. At first we think they both have parents and we don't see them because they are on holidays, but towards the end given the fact that they confess that there parents don't give news and the fact that they live on the street we understand they have been abandoned.
Antoine often says he is the muscle and Daniel the brain but they both aren't that smart and very naive and get themself into a lot of troubles. They are looking for an internship but always inevitably get fired because of their numerous mistacke. They will finaly found a job at Montazac(Antoine characters)'s vineyard even after a few incident in the end Donatien de Montazac permently hire them, makes them heir then adopt them.
Links with q!Baghera :
The obvious one is their need for a family and habit to get attached quickly to anyone who start to respond to their need. Baghera did it with philza and Antoine with Donatien and Doc Maison(a mentor of his). The fact that they don't have a "real" familly hurt their selfestem
Then more funny(?) is their relationship with death. Or if we want to be precise the temporary kind of death (because of the coma dynamic in gta and respawn in Minecraft ). If you are familiar with q!Baghera she as a tendency to die a lot but also to encourage other to do so, saying they should die more, have more fun with death in general. She steps on mine, drown herself, jump of clif, for fun and giggle a lot. In the spawn of two weeks Antoine had 48 coma, the record of the server (compilation of all his coma). Antoine keeps on dying dumb way and never learn his lesson as doctors will anyway always come to help him
Their compassion and the way they always go out of their way to help. q!Baghera in a way that she always tries to find the best solution to help their friends and resolve situations and Antoine just throws himself into dangerous situation to help his loved one.
In the first week of the qsmp, Baghera told the adventures of the Croute cousins to Pomme as a bed time story. The moral was that even when adversity kept making their life difficult they kept hoping for their happy ending with they got.
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Antoine's character. He is a winery owner, very rich, and has for motivation getting even richer. We understand quite fast that he doesn't care for no one except him and his money(but his characters evolve during the weeks). He is taken ostage at least 4 times and somwhat always manage to escape the situation harmless and with more money than before. He isn't violent but is in an relashionship with the Vagos (local mafia) to protect his domain. He presented himself to the election and had a lot of votes, he was quite pised to lost against a dog.
For multiple reason (he snitched on him to the cops) he is hated by doctor Cox, a dangerous ex psychologist with a love for revenge. Cox will try to manipulate antoine into betraying Donatien without sucees. The last day he will kidnapepd both Croute cousins and will force Donatien to choose one to kill, he will refuse to but will instead forced to beat them up. They will be ultimatly be saved by the fact that Cox henchman don't want kids to be hurt in the conflict and called the police. After the incident he will confess that for them he would have been capable of paying any ransom (wich is a lot coming from him)
Links with q!Antoine :
I think q!antoine is really different from Donatien but one thing they do have in common is their selfishness. Not in a particularly mean way but they both put their own interests as an all top priority and won't go out of their way to help other if it doesn't benefices them.
But also both character soften their way for they kids, Donatien for Antoine and Daniel and Antoine for Pomme. In both case it is a slow warming to them and then love with a powerful want to protect(less shown with Donatien because Antoine is already almost an adult and can take care of himself)
He reference his character out of rp : During qsmp 2024 anytime he was winning a lot of money he would jokingly said he was in a "Donatien arc". During the elections arc, he said that he gave enough before and don't want to try to lose to the dumb mascot again (Gegg in qsmp, the dog in rpz)
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Aypierre's character.
(Okay, so I didn't watch his pov. This is more what I know from wiki fandom/clips/seeing him in other pov)
He is the owner of the Pagnoless brother with his brother Jackyyy (played by JimmyBoyyy which you might have seen during purgatory 2). It is the richest enterprise as well as the one with more depts. He is from the south of France and left to escape the Corse mafia.
Link to q!Aypierre :
Obviously his love for capitalism and troling (wich is more a Cc!Aypieree thing)
RAYOU WHITE (he/him)
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Etoiles's character.
Not much to say since because of scheduling conflict and difficulties with rp Etoiles didn't play much. He was basically a bald doctor with depression. He is really passive aggressive and hates his job.
ANYWAY, that was not short at all but I cut a lot of things and tried to make it still understandable.I maybe forgotten things, rpz were a pretty eventful 2 weeks.
If you have questions drop them in my askbox ! Also if you don't agree or want to add someting to my analysis please feel free I'm very interested !
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person in antoine's chat who said the brasilians are the donatien de montazac of the server i love you
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sunshinetomioka · 1 year
So I translated a few clips of Etoiles's GTA RP character!
This was a character for a two weeks event, he was Named Rayou White and was a depressed 50years old man (yes breaking bad reference). In this video you'll meet Antoine Daniel's character (Donatien de Montazac) and Baghera & Horty's characters (The Croute cousin, Antoine played by baghera and Daniel played by Horty)
I colour coded the subtitles so:
White: Doctor White
Red: Donatien de Montazac
Purple: Daniel Croute
Yellow: Antoine Croute
Other than that the colours try to follow the characters outfit !
Also TW: suggestive/ NSFW joke for the last clip ! ( I put a warning in the video!)
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