#love is stored in cat loaf
manglechanbluh · 2 years
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Kitties !! Ca fait 2 jours que je suis matrixée par l’au LGDC de RPZ donc on a :
une partie de la montazac family ( j’ai eu la paresse de dessiner un design pour Fab :( ) qui prend un bain de soleil, les croutes arrivent pas à rester tranquille. Du marcelliam tout soft et une petite Haylie qui chasse :3
Tout ces magnifique designs sont de @mllenugget !!!
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purrpowerco · 2 months
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Honestly thinking if I should move our launch date up! Things are so close & nearly ready! How can I wait till the 5th of August to share my hard work with you? I asked Kahleesi Her thoughts- and surprisingly I think she's on my side for once lol
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lethalchiralium · 4 months
Shopping List | Happiness
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Baby Tylenol
One pink and one green teddy bear
Cat treats
Yogurt cups
Three boxes of Cheerios
Apple and orange juice
Two loaves of bread
Bottle of bourbon
Simon felt as if his head had been underwater all day. Going through the motions, sluggishly moving through his day as if he had fifty pound weights on his shoulders, barely getting a breath for himself. He spun the steering wheel with the heel of his palm, streetlights painting his dashboard with a sudden warm glow every few moments. It felt far too late to go to the store, but he just needed a moment; time to get his head above water. His truck only ever seemed to squeal when he made left turns, something his wife said worried her. A kiss to her cheek and a soft “I’ll check later.” would be her only answer. He reminded himself to call the mechanic as he pulled into the small car park, cringing at the squeal as he turned his wheel to the left. He threw it into park, ran a warm hand down his face and opened his door.
A blink and he found himself grabbing a trolley, was it normal to be this disoriented? He’d never know the answer, letting his body take over and lead him through the familiar shop. He didn’t need much in the personal care aisle, just a bottle of his wife’s conditioner and some baby Tylenol. He glanced around at the bottle, skipping the ones with the green label for the one with red. Even with heavy eyes, he read over the label, ensuring it was right for his eight month old. He tossed it in, moving to a different aisle. His feet felt as if they were filled with lead, the weight in his head and on his shoulders didn’t help; he narrowly dodged a huge cardboard display of glitter covered journals. He paused for a second, grabbing one and tossing it in for his five year old.
Simon definitely meant to pass to the toy aisle without a single glance, yet he found himself digging in the stuffed animals shelf for a green bear - his eldest’s favorite color. The baby’s pink one sat on top of the journal, then was swiftly joined by its green counterpart. He sighed, swearing to himself that he needs to get the essentials and go, but not without snatching a bag of cat treats for the cat he didn’t want.
The dazed man took barely any time in the dairy aisle, grabbing milk, eggs, little yogurt cups, and cheese. The girls had been eating more and more every day, he was proud to see them grow. He placed a jug of apple juice in the trolley, absentmindedly making sure to miss the teddy bears. Pushing the cart a little faster, he moved into the breakfast section. Cheerios were the only cereal allowed in the house, it certainly wasn’t his wife’s rule. His five year old hated every other cereal, she refused to eat anything but Cheerios every morning. He tossed three boxes in the trolley, narrowly missing the eggs. The bakery would be open in the morning, he would get a loaf of bread there, since his wife liked their bread best.
It wouldn’t be until the last aisle that Simon would finally stop for a full moment. Familiarly shaped glass bottles sat in a corner of the store, an even more familiar black and beige branding made his hand instinctively grab it. He stared at the glass, watching the liquid slosh around like the metaphorical storm surge he was in. His stomach ached, his tongue seemed to burn for a taste. His heart clenched with a burning feeling, he looked away from the label towards the front, noticing a small display with flowers and his heavy eyes opened just a little more.
Yet, he felt his ears pop, his head raise above the water as he recognized them. They were the white flowers his love adored. Identical to the ones he always brought her for every happy occasion, since now they were his favorite too. White carnations.
The bottle of bourbon was left on the shelf, perfectly beside its brothers.
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justthewaythingsgo · 3 months
little things this week that made me glad to be alive:
-being a shoulder for someone to put his head on and fall asleep
-the rain on my skin during a hot day
-complimenting strangers
-walking to a store with a coworker during my break
-holding my best friend close while i was upset
-talking while watching a movie with her
-telling a coworker i was excited to eat hummus when i go home and her getting excited that i love a middle eastern dish
-grocery shopping
-iced matcha with lavender and vanilla
-seeing a friend at her job and waving to her
-buying gifts for people
-pink pineapple
-fixing my friend's sink and showing her how i did it
-my stomach dropping while going over a hill
-sharing candy apples
-staying up late and talking
-making guacamole with my mother
-the irony of gummy cows that contain beef gelatin
-heart shaped crystals
-going to coffee shops and getting hot chocolate for my friend's little brother every time
-comfy bed
-knowing every song that comes on the radio
-a good loaf of bread
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the gerard pitts hcs post
(the BEAUTIFUL gif is from this post by @yawpanderson)
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someone said he had a big family before, but imo he has like twenty siblings, but none of them go to welton with him
he started going to welton bc he was exceptionally smart as a kid and needed to be challenged
that said, he feels really left out of his family
his mom is the strict and harsh one—she's the one who wanted to put him in welton
his dad is more forgiving
has really poor study habits
possibly on the spectrum, but it's the 50s, so he's never diagnosed
cannot read social cues to save his life, but also can't stand when someone else doesn't recognize his sarcasm
hates having his head touched
cannot tell when a girl is flirting with him
breaking news: he has never been on a date!
will speak without thinking and can roast someone with no problem
once had his extracurriculars taken away for a quarter because he talked back to mr. nolan
he didn't mean to; it just slipped out
can't get comfortable in bed because it's too small
when he does sleep, the world's deepest sleeper; will not wake for anything
his growth spurt happened basically overnight and was incredibly painful
i saw this somewhere else, but he gives the best hugs, and he loves hugging people
loves carbs, he would eat a whole loaf of bread if someone let him
it's a miracle he let his friends have half a roll
world's fastest metabolism—cannot gain weight even if he tried
loves listening to music and frequents the record store when he's home
loves running—a track star, if you will
loves horror stories
he prefers cats as pets over dogs because he likes how independent they are
speaking of, do not let this boy into a pet store
he will buy a hamster, no questions asked
if he makes a mistake, no matter how small, he will lose sleep over it
if money didn't matter, he would be a teacher
shockingly, he has great handwriting
he and meeks have roomed together since sixth grade
can lift meeks and charlie
really good at crossword puzzles but needs meeks' help with spelling
believes in astrology—to a degree
hates crying, just like the act; he hates when he cries, he hates anyone seeing him cry, he hates seeing people cry
he has holes in his sweaters bc he refuses to buy new clothes until his current ones literally fall apart
very insecure about how he looks and can never take a compliment
he's hesitant about going to yale bc he's afraid of being around new people and away from meeks
for the life of me, i cannot decide what his star sign is so <3
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cherryaxiel · 2 months
Kiss Me (Sequel to 'Misunderstood')
Character: Chester Lake
Description: You and Chester go on your first date!
Rating: Mature - Strong language
7:00 am
Ever since THAT happened, I've been thinking about him for the past two weeks. Daydreaming and coming up with dumb scenarios. I can't help it. We've been texting, but haven't gone on a date because of our busy schedules. I'm trying to get ready for work, but he's still running through my mind. I'm imagining different scenes, waking up in bed with him, him making me breakfast, cuddling on the couch, watching movies together, late night dates- okay I need to focus. It’s Monday, and it’s going to be a long work day. I get dressed after a shower, eat breakfast, feed my cats, it’s my usual morning routine. I work at a thrift store which is just a few blocks from my house so it’s quite convenient. I’ve always loved clothes but I am someone who is big on sustainability, hence why I chose to work with preloved clothes specifically. 
While walking to work, my mind remains plagued with thoughts of him. I sent him a good morning text, wishing him a good day at work. I’m listening to music, allowing myself to seep into my desires. Once I arrived at work, I put down my headphones and prepared myself for the day.
3:00 pm
Oh my god, it was a disaster of a day. The only way I managed to go through it was thinking about him. I’m so fucking pathetic. Oh wow, a guy helped me go through the worst day of my life by invading my brain without even meaning to. Whatever, my shift is over, I’m going home. I packed my shit and left the store. I looked at my phone to see if there’s any messages from him, nothing, not a single message from him the entire day. I feel a certain sadness in my heart. I shrug it off and start walking home.
3:30 pm
When I reached home, I flopped on my couch, stretching all over as my body aches from the day’s labor. My cats came over to me, one loafing on my chest and another laying between my legs. I looked at my phone again, my eyes widened. A text notification from him. I sat up so quickly, shocking my cats. They jump up and about from the sudden movement. “Omg, I’m so sorry,” I blurt out to my cats, before unlocking my phone and pressing on the notification. 
‘I’m so sorry for not texting you the whole day, got held up with a case but no excuses. Let me make it up to you?’ The text from him reads.
I’m giggling and kicking my feet. I calm myself enough to reply, ‘It’s okay, I understand! How are you going to make it up to me?’
‘How about I take you out on a date? Dinner’s on me.’ Free food with a cute guy? Why not, right?
‘Sure! When?’ I replied.
‘Tonight, I’ll pick you up at your place, 6 pm, wear something cute ;)’ 
My cheeks are red, ‘Alright! Here’s my address :) Looking forward to tonight <3’ I managed to send out before turning my phone off and burrowing my face into the couch pillow. My heart’s beating fast. Oh my god, I need to figure out what to wear. 
4:00 pm
I’m stressing out, laying on the floor in defeat with piles of clothes scattered around me. I literally couldn’t find anything to wear. I decided to get back-up and called Selina. Thankfully she lives nearby, so she was able to get to my house quickly.
“OMG babe, did a hurricane come through this place?” Selina walks into my room, seeing the mess I made, and carefully making sure she isn’t stepping on my clothes.
“I don’t know what to do! I have nothing to wear!” I sat up on the ground with my face buried in my hands.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Selina gets to work almost immediately. 
5:45 pm
Selina managed to get me cleared up and dressed, having enough time to clean up the mess I made earlier in my room. It’s 15 minutes before Chester arrives and I’m a nervous wreck. It’s my first date in a long time after all. Selina is comforting me by providing me positive affirmation and making jokes. 
15 minutes later, I could hear the sound of a car parking in front of my apartment building. It doesn’t take long before there’s a knock on my door. Selina does one last check of my appearance. I walk towards the door, prepping and hyping myself up. I took a deep breath and exhaled, opening the door to Chester holding a bouquet of flowers and a cheeky grin on his face. He’s wearing a black blazer, trousers, and shoes with a white dress shirt that has the first button unbuttoned. He looks me up and down. Oh my god, he’s checking me out. 
“Good evening, love.” He says in such a sensual voice that I feel like I’m about to fall to my knees but I stood firmly.
“Good evening, Chester,” I smiled with my cheeks all flushed, I tried very hard to hide my infatuation even though in my brain, I’m screaming.
“These are for you, flowers as beautiful as you,” he passes the flowers to me. I took the flowers and enveloped it into a slight hug while smelling it.
“Well, well, look who’s here,” Selina approaches from behind me and stands beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, “Take care of my sibling, will you?” She plays it off as a joke, but there’s a hint of aggression in her voice to show she actually means it.
“Of course, I’ll take care of your precious gem.” He extends an arm out to me, prompting me to hold his hand, which I do. “Shall we?” He asks, I nod. As we walk out my door, I look back mouthing ‘Oh my god’ to Selina, who gives me an encouraging smile and two thumbs up.
As we approach his car, he opens the passenger seat door for me. I thanked him and sat inside with the bouquet of flowers in my hand. I’m nervously picking at my fingers as he gets into the driver’s seat, putting his seatbelt on after helping me with mine which was totally unnecessary but he did it anyway. I thanked him again. He gives me a smile before we drive off.
6:30 pm
We parked near the restaurant and it didn’t seem too crowded. Chester was able to get a reservation from this place since it was a Monday night. He opens the car door for me again and I get out of the car, leaving the flowers in the car and giving my thanks to him again. He closes the car door and locks his car before extending his arm towards me, wanting me to hold his arm closely. With me practically clinging onto him, we enter the restaurant.
Once we’re inside the restaurant and the waiter seats us at our table, we go over the menu. “Been here before?” Chester starts the conversation. 
“Nope, it’s my first time, what about you?”
“Same here, I heard good things about this place so I thought it was a good idea to experience it for the first time with you tonight.” His eyes were sparkling in the candle light and the way it made him look was making my heart flutter.
“Ah, I see.” I looked back down to the menu. I didn’t want to meet his gaze again, it was so captivating that I thought I was going to be pulled into him like being drowned by the thundering waves of the deep blue sea.
After a while, we ordered our food. I felt awkward in his presence. I’m not sure what it is about him but I’m anxious and I’m picking at my fingers again. He notices this, so he takes my hand in his, laying it gently on the table and caresses it. I let out a light gasp but all he does is give me a reassuring smile. For whatever reason, it comforts me. My heart slows. Maybe it’s also the calm atmosphere, or the jazz music playing in the restaurant, but I start to feel comfortable and my body relaxes. 
7:45 pm
We’re sitting for about an hour, talking about our backstories and lives. We eventually talk about our love life and how it has been. At this point, I’m sitting next to him, caressing his arm, and we’re looking deeply into each other’s eyes.
“How many dates have you been on?” I asked him.
“Too many to count, honestly.” He shrugs.
“Really? Can’t relate, it’s hard for me to find anyone I’m interested in.” I look down at his arm, drawing hearts on it with my finger.
“Oh? So, I’m interesting?” He jokes, making me lightly smack his arm.
“Were any of them bad?” I looked up, waiting patiently for his answer.
“This one time...” He recalls a story.
“Oh my god, that’s so bad.” I laugh at his story, appalled by it.
“Is my pain funny to you?” He laughs, which makes me laugh a bit harder. We tried to silence our laughter as we remembered we were in a restaurant and people were starting to stare at us.
“Hey, I'm craving ice cream. I noticed an ice cream place nearby, let’s leave and buy some. The desserts here don't sound too good.” He chuckles at my last comment and agrees. We left once he had paid for our meals.
8:15 pm
After getting ice cream, we decided to walk through a nearby park. The sky was so clear that we could see the stars and the moon. Other than the crickets chirping loudly, there was silence in the park. It was just us, and I found profound peace being next to Chester.
“Let’s sit here.” Chester gestures to a bench, holding my hand and lightly pulling me to it before I follow him. We sat down on the bench and finished off our ice cream. We looked up to stare at the starry night sky. The night was becoming colder, and I realized I was starting to shiver from it. I’m guessing he was feeling cold too because unconsciously, we got closer to each other. It was almost as though our bodies were seeking and moving towards each other for warmth. Chester notices that I was shivering, so he wraps his blazer around me, our faces closing into each other. So damn close. He looks at my eyes, then to my lips, and back to my eyes again. I did the same to him. His hand reaches to cup my face, holding me so gently. I sink into his hand, into his warmth. Before I knew it, he’s leaning in, we're both leaning in. Our lips meet, and my heart bursts like fireworks sparked on New Year's. Butterflies swarm my stomach. His other hand holds my waist, and my hands are on his chest. His lips are so soft, a juxtaposition from the rough hands on me. In each second, we deepen the kiss as if we're going to swallow each other whole. His hands move to my back to pull me closer, like he doesn't want me to leave his grasp, as I cup his face with both of my hands. After a few while, we pull away, breathless. All we could do was look into each other’s eyes as we catch our breath before we laughed at how flustered the other looked.
“Let's get you home, love.” He sees my tired eyes, and stands up, extending a hand to me once again. I nodded and held his hand. We walked back to his car, he opened the car door for me, I gave my thanks, and we drove back to my apartment.
9:00 pm
We arrived at my house. I tried leaving the car first with the bouquet of flowers but he told me to wait, wanting to open the car door himself.
“Aren't you tired of that?”
“Of course not, anything for my love. It's only the bare minimum.” I blush, giving him a peck on the cheek as a ‘Thank you’ after leaving the car. We walked up to the front door of my apartment.
“I had a wonderful time, we should do this again, Chester.”
“Me too, I hope to see you again. Have a good night, love.” 
I give him a kiss on the lips before bidding him farewell, making the both of us smiley and giddy. Chester leaves as I open my door with my house keys to see Selina on the couch with my cats, watching a movie. 
Once I closed and locked the door, placing the bouquet of flowers onto a nearby table, Selina urged me, “Oh my god, spill the deets!” Selina and I spent the night talking about the date with snacks and movies before passing out on the couch, with me still wearing his blazer.
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Cats of Ambrose
Part 1
Part 2
Bo-peep, Peep for short. She is a grey tiger kitty that chills with Bo everywhere. She follows him around while he’s under a car, working on a house, while he’s killing— she’s everywhere with him. While Bo sleeps, she curls on his chest and sleeps. Where she came from? Don’t know.
Pit. Lester found him in the roadkill pit. He’s white with grey stripes and have mixed green and brown eyes. He goes with Lester when he works.
Little Guy. He’s a little guy. So smol. A black kitty with big ears. Filled with love and rage. Loves on Lester and follows Vincent. Has been found sleeping in Bo’s hat and bed.
Ceiling. She fell through the fucking ceiling and landed on one of Bo’s victims. After he killed the person, he put the grey kitten in his jacket and walked home. She pops up in different and strange places. Once, she came out of a car engine and trotted out of the pool table.
Carpet. All three found this white and grey cat while they were picking out carpet at the store for the den. She followed them back to the truck and came home because Vincent fed her chicken nuggets. She hangs out in the House of Wax and catches mice.
Rover. He’s a little guy with wide yellow eyes. Just a small rusty orange cat. Vincent and Bo found him with another group of visitors and kept him. He hangs out with Vincent sometimes, but he disappears from time to time, but he always comes home.
Violence. A black cat with a white spots over his eyes, and he’s always ready to fight. Stolen money, tools, hearts, shoes— he’s a criminal. He hates everyone and everything, but will let Lester pet him before biting him. Has tried to kill Bo twice.
Nugget. As the name suggests, she looks like a McDon’s nugget. She’s funky looking but Bo doesn’t love her any less. She sits happily in the shop and greets visitors with a chirp, loafing in a box. She screams sometimes but whatever.
Seer the Blind. Lester found him limping on the side of the road. He took hime the fluffy tiger cat cared for him. He stays home in Lester’s house and has a happy life.
The next three are a bit sad. They were found tied in a bag, floating down the river while the boys were fishing/swimming before breakfast. Lester heard the meows and went after it. Bo killed a gator while Lester and Vincent got the cats away.
Toast. She is a calico cat with a missing ear (looks like someone cut it off). She’s scared most of the time but will be found with Vincent. Though scared, she sometimes let’s visitors pet her before running away. She has respiratory problems because of water damage.
Eggs. The fuzziest black cat to ever grace Ambrose. Lester named it that because the first thing he ate was eggs. Eggs is an essential part of the shop. He baps Lester’s nose when it’s time for food, reminding him to eat. He as a permanent limp and can’t walk for long, so he carries him when he can’t walk to the house.
Bacon. A orange and black kitten with a heart on his belly. Bo denies that it’s his cat, but Bacon is his cat. They had to take him to the vet and got his tail and back leg removed because of it being badly injured. Bacon hobbles when he moves, but has the cutest face when he’s laying on the floor or anywhere.
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Hello! Can I request 24 and 26 for the prompt! Geraskier, please. Hope you feel better soon!
24. Going grocery shopping together
26. Encouraging them to finally buy that thing they definitely deserve to treat themselves to
“Oh good, Frosted Charms are on sale!” Jaskier picks up two boxes of the sugary, brightly colored cereal and tosses them into the cart.
Geralt sighs. “No, they’re not. One box is four crowns. The sign only says they’re two for eight crowns so you think you’re getting a deal.”
“Huh.” Jaskier takes a second look at the sign, sees that his boyfriend is right, and shrugs. “Oh, well, nothing stopping me from getting three boxes, is there?” He grabs a third box, grinning at Geralt. “What’s next on the list?”
“Since when are we following the list?”
Jaskier looks at the cart, which is surprisingly full, given that they only walked into the store to grab a few quick things. “Okay, I’ll follow the list perfectly from here on out.”
Geralt snorts. “Next is bread. You specify in parentheses that you want ‘the good shit.’”
“That’s because I’m making garlic bread to go with dinner. You need decent bread for that.”
“What’s dinner?”
“No idea! Maybe more garlic bread?”
Geralt sighs heavily, but his lips curl up at the corners as he steers the cart around and heads towards the bakery. He doesn’t say a word when Jaskier adds a family-sized pack of peanut butter cups to the cart, because all that witcher training has given him a keen sense for how to spot a losing battle. Jaskier hums to himself as they make their way through the bakery, selecting the most promising-looking loaf of bread before moving on. When he turns around, he finds Geralt eyeing the display of cakes, his gaze lingering on the carrot cake.
Jaskier loathes carrot cake with the burning fire of a thousand hells, especially when it has walnuts and raisins in it, as this one appears to, but Geralt is inexplicably fond of it. But Geralt is looking at the cake with the same wistfulness with which he used to look at Jaskier before they finally got their shit together, so Jaskier will endure the presence of raisins and walnuts in his home if it will make the man he loves happy. He leans around Geralt to snag the carrot cake and place it in the cart.
When he looks up at Geralt, he finds his boyfriend frowning down at him. “You hate carrot cake,” Geralt says.
“I do, as does everyone whose taste buds haven’t been ruined by drinking Lambert’s White Gull. What’s next?”
Geralt doesn’t look at the list, still watching Jaskier in faint bafflement. “Did you mean to get the chocolate mousse cake?”
“No.” Jaskier wonders if it would be overkill to buy two cakes, because that chocolate mousse cake does look good. “You like carrot cake and you were eyeing that cake like it was your long lost love.”
“I don’t need it.” Geralt picks the cake back up.
Jaskier puts a hand on his forearm. “Yes, but do you want it?”
Geralt just blinks at him. The thing about Geralt is that even though he thinks nothing of making sure all the people he loves—Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer, his brothers, Roach—are happy and comfortable, he rarely extends that same care to himself. When Jaskier met him, the man didn’t even have a boxspring, just a mattress that sat in the middle of his bedroom floor. The most luxurious furnishing in his apartment was Roach’s memory foam cat bed. 
He’s come a long way since then, but sometimes they still run into these moments where Geralt doesn't see the point of treating himself softly. Everything must have a utilitarian purpose. Clothes are for covering his body, not to look or feel good in. Food is to keep him alive, not to enjoy. Sometimes, Jaskier thinks he would have made an excellent medieval monk. He used to think it was a witcher thing, until he met Eskel and Lambert, who have no problem treating themselves to the small luxuries. It seems to be a Geralt thing.
“Darling.” Gently, Jaskier takes the carrot cake out of his hands. “Look in the cart.”
Geralt glances down at the cart. “Okay?”
“How many of those things in there do we need?” When Geralt keeps looking puzzled, Jaskier continues. “I’m fully aware that three boxes of Frosted Charms, peanut butter cups, and garlic bread for dinner aren’t necessities in life, but I’ve had a long week and they make me happy. Just like the nice bottle of wine I’m going to go pick up next will make me happy. Do you begrudge me those little things?”
“No,” Geralt says. “Though Frosted Charms taste like stale piss.”
“Don’t distract me by slandering Frosted Charms.” Jaskier taps him on the nose. “Sometimes, you’re allowed to get things just because you like them, not because they serve a purpose. Look at Roach!”
That earns him an incredulous look. “What about Roach?”
“You got a cat because you wanted a cat to keep you company! She’s not a horse, so you can’t ride her. She’s not a dog, so she can’t guard the house. She’s not a goat that provides milk or a chicken that lays eggs. You got her because you love her and she makes you happy.”
“Are you comparing our cat to a carrot cake?”
Jaskier feels like he’s losing the thread here. “All I’m saying is that carrot cakes aren’t something we need, but you deserve to treat yourself once in a while. Even if your version of treating yourself is disappointment in cake form.”
“You just don’t like it because it has vegetables in it.”
“And I stand by it! Cake should not have vegetables. It’s an insult to Melitele, Lebioda, and also me.”
“Hm.” Geralt’s lips twitched. “If I buy the carrot cake, can we keep shopping? They close in four hours and I’d like to be home by then.”
Jaskier makes a face at him and puts the cake back in the cart. “Come on, what’s next on the list?”
“Meatballs,” Geralt says. “Because I’m not just having garlic bread for dinner, Jask. We’re not twenty anymore.”
“I can live with meatballs,” Jaskier says, looking forward to an evening of meatball-related innuendos that will horrify his boyfriend, but also get him laid, because Geralt secretly likes it when Jaskier is obnoxious.
They start away from the bakery section, Jaskier casting a longing glance over his shoulder at the vastly superior cakes they’re leaving behind.
Geralt stops in his tracks. “You want the chocolate mousse cake, don’t you?”
“Yes, but don’t you think two cakes is a bit ridiculous?”
“Since when does something being ridiculous stop you?”
Geralt knows Jaskier far too well. Dropping a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek, Jaskier goes back to fetch the chocolate mousse cake. After all, it’s not enough to tell Geralt he should treat himself. It’s only right that Jaskier leads by example.
Also, he just really wants cake.
Domestic/Situation Relationship Prompts
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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radfart5 · 2 months
Cw: rank farts
I'm fart posting 🫶
So last week or so ago, i was at aldi (shoutout aldi) and saw that they had a gluten free loaf of bread. Ive been out of bread and bagels and such, and i was like "sure ill try the gluten free one for funsies. Gluten free is usually cheaper at aldi than other stores anyway" (aldi is much cheaper and i love them). But i also wanted biscuits. Buttery flakey crust flakey butter flake crust biscuits. So i got the biscuits too, and then i forgot about the biscuits for til yesterday, and have just been using the gluten free bread in the mornings. I made the biscuits yesterday and had one (of 8? 10?), and then i was like okay time to put away for meal prep yay ✨️ and then not even 10 minutes later i was having the most rank farts. Keep in mind, im a rampant veteran tooter, like toxic level, my farts have smelled like cat farts before level farts. Ive also had just loud, tuba splat sounding farts that have no stink. Ive also had the opposites of those farts. My body is its own entity. This fart was loud and awful. I live alone, so no one was able to witness my own destruction. Ive smelled my own music before, but this one was an awful round of toots. I had to just go on with my day.
This morning, i had another biscuit, as a little breakfast sandwhich. I started farting AGAIN, but not as bad. I started thinking on it during my lunch, which is brown rice and chicken and veggies, so its gluten free.
Ive always been aware that my body is pretty lactose intolerant (mentally, im tolerant), but now im thinking i might be gluten intolerant. Not like celiac levels, but just. Reactive. Is this like a use it or lose it thing???
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londonfoginacup · 10 months
Hello! Based on your fics I consider you to be someone well-versed in the arts of coziness and comfort and as it is now the cold and dark part of the year where I live I wanted to ask you, do you have any recommendations?? Favorite brand of leggings? Slippers? Best candle? Best fairy lights? Coziest foods and drinks? Wishing you much warmth and light! X
ohhhhh my god OH MY GOD what a SWEET ASK! And also you are sending this very sincere ask to someone whose main mode of being cozy is burrowing under her roommates for warmth and then yelling at said roommates for turning the temperature up, so i dunno if i'm deserved but here's my best cozy shot--
first of all -- hot chocolate with lucky charms. I'm usually a strictly white chocolate hot chocolate person, but the JOY at being able to eat the melty delicious lucky charms out of it cannot be comprehended. 10/10 warm and cozy and sweet.
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Second-- get rid of the heated blanket. Heated blankets are not it. Get yourself heated mattress pad!!!! This bitch makes you toasty like you would not BELIEVE, PLUS if you're someone who tends to kick off blankets in the night, at least half your body is still toasty warm! 1000/10 cozy plus cats will love to snuggle u also dont use this at the same time as a heated blanket bc u will die i think
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Now in terms of candles, I think that scents are very personal! I'm a slut for bath and bodyworks because I can be a bit basic, BUT there's something more important than what kind of candle you get -- and that's to have a CANDLE WARMER LAMP! You see, unless you're getting a very expensive candle, most candles, especially ones from the drug store or target, have mOST OF THEIR SCENT in the top like half an inch! SO they smell really good when you buy them but you barely smell them after you light them! But if you get a CANDLE WARMER LAMP, then you can stick your good good smelling candle in there and it will heat it FROM THE TOP and you will get some LONG LASTING GOOD GOOD COZY SMELL
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holy shit wait hold up scratch that, I DO have candle recommendations. Cantrip Candles makes candles for like, D&D games to set the mood. But I don't play D&D and just burn the candles instead. The Library candle and the Bakery candle are my FAVORITE, but you can get a sampler pack and try them yourself to see which scents you like. 10/10 cozy bakery scent fuck yes
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I don't really have cozy clothes because I wear business casual 24/7 i am DRESSED TO FUCKING IMPRESS (no im not, im just lazy and only own 5 pairs of the same pants), and tbh if I want to be cozy I just throw on a hoodie. I own five and they are ALL Louis Tomlinson.
And for blankets -- the coziest blanket is the one you can steal from someone else. The old crochet blanket that your mom had since before you were born? Snatch it. The blankets your roommates left when they moved out and got married? They're yours now. The blanket someone loaned you at a fireworks show and you accidentally went home with? Coziness factor goes up 1000%. BARRING STOLEN GOODS THOUGH, every blanket I've ever bought is from ikea. I'm not joking. I have one in my car and one in my office and two on my bed and two in my living room.
Okay FINALLY. The SECRET to my uber cozy lifestyle.
It's having a lot of roommates, and forcing them all to cuddle with me.
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but if you dont have homemade roommates, storebought are fine
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
I was actually wondering about that lol. Thank goodness Tomura didn't end up with a regular cat 😭😭
That makes me think about if Tomura did end up googling that and being like "oh shit am I killing my cat?? Why is he fine I have literally been poisoning him?!"
I also was curious if Tomura had any knowledge on shifters before meeting Dabi. Since AFO is ancient, maybe he was aware of it and passed that onto him?? Guess I'll find out!
I also wanted to mention a couple little things I love love love about this story!!
First, Dabi completely ignoring Tomura when he first shows up and just snooping around, darting around him and casually meowing at him is so funny. And then stealing his food, please that's so good.
The scene that you had as the preview is one of my favorites. Dabi yowling and smacking the window until Tomura (unwillingly) lets him in made me cackle out loud.
I also love how Tomura talks to Dabi like he can understand him, considering he doesn't know that he actually can. It's actually so realistic to how I talk to my cats now that I think about it. They have better communication than humans do sometimes, I swear. Though to be fair, many cats do seem to have too much understanding of human language.... anyways!
Also, Dabi flopping down and being cute to get what he wants from people!! Gives me cute aggression.
Shigaraki trying to trick Dabi into eating wasabi!! That part was hilarious.
Tomura also not questioning that Dabi wasn't using the bathroom in his place just goes to show how clueless this man can be. A normal cat would not know that you threatened them with death otherwise, Tomura! Dabi is also very respectful of Tomura's space, which is really sweet.
Shigaraki leaving the window open for Dabi... cries.
At first I thought it was funny and accurate to have Tomura get high, but then Dabi observes that he's using it to cope with the pain 🥲 poor Tomura.
Dabi face planting after trying to follow Tomura through the portal... relatable.
He's also of course mastered how to be the cutest in order to get what he wants. I want that power... I love the little cat things he does, by the way. Sleeping in the sun, bumping his head against Tomura's leg, etc. It's very well written and so cute!
Tomura being so respectful to the pet store worker!! Of course he'd be so well-mannered to the working class. He's got morals! Just like how he treats the League the longer they roll together. There are people who deserve respect, and there are people who don't.
I love Dabi giving into his feline instincts! Yeah, he's a grown man, but he's also a cat and he needs stimulation in that form! SNOWBALL!!! He's so cute with his moth!! I love when he makes an appearance in your stories!!
Ah, yes. Shigaraki will spoil Dabi in any universe!! As is deserved.
If Shigaraki knew anything about cats, he'd be way more impressed at Dabi's response to a bath. Also, his reaction to the vet! Luckily Tomura is a bit too in his head to notice.
Dabi and Snowball under the couch... such a cute image!
The leash and collar, the bark?!? That and Shigaraki's reaction are so hilarious.
The vet thinking he named him Onigiri cause he's white like rice, and Tomura going, nope. not even close. Demonic little food thief... accurate depiction. And Dabi seems to like the name!
Dabi IS such a little shit! Tomura freaking out that he'll attack the vet, and then he just soaks up that attention! Tomura's jealous!!
Every part of his wheel is just magnificent. From confused, to curious, to full adrenaline rush and then being flung out of it, I laughed as hard as Shigaraki did.
Dabi is supporting his owners recovery!! Running with him while he does his PT :) They do everything together! They even eat at the same time! Dabi loaf... I can see it perfectly.
Dabi feeling so safe after so long :')
Only for that to immediately go to shit! Oh Tomura. That part hurt, I can only imagine how awful he felt after Dabi was gone.
The fact that Shigaraki kept putting out food for him, hoping he would come back. When Dabi realized that he had gone out looking for him during the storm, I think there were genuinely tears in my eyes. The apology, the bath, just how gentle he was with him. He realized just how fragile this little thing could be, and how dangerous he himself could be. I am also crying right along with Shigaraki.
Aaaaand finally, Dabi encouraging Tomura to get to sleep. Them semi-cuddling and just being near each other. The bond they are forming is so precious and I truly cannot wait to see how it continues to grow as they get closer and learn more about each other.
Sorry this is so long! My brain is constantly filled with shigadabi thoughts and you have fueled my addiction in the best way. I love this story, and I'm very excited to see how it plays out!
Ehehe I'm so glad that you liked so many specific elements of chapter one! And you guys never have to apologize for long asks, they bring me so much joy! Thank you so much for commenting!
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faithintaiwan · 2 months
Independent Excursion - World’s First Cat Cafe
At first I was unsure as to what aspect of Taiwan I wanted to talk about for this project. There are so many interesting things that we have explored on free days from night markets, traditional tea houses and foods, and the nightlife. For our last free day I wanted to go to a pet cafe. Back home a lot of my friends have pets and I was greatly missing playing with them so I thought a pet cafe would be perfect! As I was researching about different cafes I came across the first one ever and learned that the idea of cat cafes was first spawned in Taipei! Of course we had to go. I had Andy call the place (thank you!), Kitten Coffee Garden, ahead of time to schedule a reservation. They said it was good we did because the cafe becomes busy during weekends.
The next day Fanny, Andy, Zoe, Brev and I went for 2 pm and it was completely empty. As we sat though, the cafe quickly filled up with other locals who were all looking to play with the cats. We ordered our drinks and cakes and as we waited we walked around and played with the cats. There were also two dogs and I fell in love with one of them. His collar had a little note that warned he would try to bite your face if he pet him but he was so sweet to Zoe and I. Andy went to aggressively pet him after us though and put his face too close to his. He ended up trying to bite his face but it was a good lesson in boundaries. Fanny also fell in love with the cats and went around petting them. There was an especially adorable one on the chair in a loafed position! When we finally left, I felt rejuvenated and relaxed and was so glad I got to pet some dogs as well!
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Academic Reflection
Taipei invented the idea of cat cafes with the creation of the first ever one: Kitten Coffee Garden also known as Cat Flower Garden. Many people in Taipei live in small apartments. The limited space increases land prices in the city making tall, compact apartments more affordable and accessible to the population of about 2.5 million . This creates a lack of space to own pets such as cats and dogs as they need areas to run and play. To fill this demand in the market, pet cafes were created with the first one being a cat cafe. Since then Kitten Coffee Garden has increased their offerings to two dogs and one bird. The Taiwanese people are able go to a cafe after work or on weekends, destress with the cats, and go home without having to take on the other responsibilities of a pet.
It was a hit in Taiwan, spreading all over the country and to Japan where it truly took off. In Japan, many rented places don’t allow pets, so their demand for cute animal interactions was even higher (A Brief History of the Cat Cafe by Mental Floss). It further globalized to the United States and various other countries. Even in Gainesville we have our very own cat cafe and in many American cities there are different animal cafes! The idea also evolved from just cats to dogs, reptiles, bunnies, chinchillas, capybaras and more. An especially popular one in Taipei for both tourists and locals is a capybara cafe called Capybara Knight that allows interactions with the world’s largest rodents!
Pet cafes also offer a smaller scale alternative to animal shelters where a lower number of stray animals can be rescued and marketed for adoption (How to: Partner with cat cafes and find shelter cats homes by HumanePro). Some people who visit would have never considered adopting but fall in love with an animal they interact with in the cafe and adopt. The animals can also have more personalized care with more funding for their medical needs and one on one time with a caretaker. When done responsibility, pet cafes can be a great addition to the community and benefit the adoption system.
As we have traveled around in Taiwan, I have noticed a big emphasis on cute things. From cute mascots on the MRT that explain the fines administered for eating or smoking to popup stores in malls that have Miffy, Lulu piggy, and more, people in Taiwan love cute things. Even political candidates have used cute things to benefit their public image. Mascots have been used to campaign and market a politician’s candidacy such as President Tsai In-wen being portrayed as a cute girl with cat ears and a tail for her 2016 campaign (The Use of Cuteness: Gender, Identity Politics, and Elections in Taiwan). The cute animal cafes seem like a further development of Taiwan’s cultural love for adorable things. Petting animals has also been shown to have health benefits such as lowered blood pressure and lowered cortisol (stress hormone) levels (The Power of Pets by NIH). The ease of access from a cafe and the health benefits of animal interactions allow locals to relax at an affordable price! I, of course, love animals and relaxing as well so this aspect of Taiwan really excited me and it was a treat to be able to visit the cat cafe that started a worldwide phenomenon!
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biggaybunny · 2 years
Actually I’m inspired now to summarize all the incredible weirdos that make up Hololive EN:
Genertion 1: “Holomyth”
Calliope Mori: A big booby shinigami/reaper designed for sex appeal, probably to fit with her deeper, “sexier” voice. Is actually a huge dork who lives off of delivery and convenience store snacks and loves shrek and adam sandler movies. Great singer, though her lyrics are... not as good. Had a brief addiction to “Bang” energy drinks. So stubborn she has regularly been begged by her chat to stop playing and take a break as they enter the sixth, eighth, eleventh hour of the same boss / level / challenge. Compulsively overshares. Crass and loud and unapologetic about it.
Takanashi Kiara: Was designed as an “adventurer” phoenix woman; decided she would rather be the CEO of an imaginary fast food chain where employees may or may not double as the food. Ditched her sword and shield but regularly uses fanmade models of spiked bats, pink shotguns, chain whips, and more. Speaks at least three languages fluently (working on a fourth) and regularly acts as a live translator on her “talk show”. Incredibly gay, does not hide it. Joked about being “australian” (she’s austrian) until actual australians were hired, causing confusion.
Ninomae Ina’nis (Ina): “Priestess of the Ancient Ones” who just tends to vibe and play minecraft. Has tentacles but literally the only person in Hololive so un-horny that she’s never weird about it. Fantastic artist. Has often slept on the floor of her room simply to avoid the effort of getting to / cleaning up her bed. Has been caught on stream making a cacophony from all the empty energy drink cans on her desk. Even her “loud” voice is quieter than every other girls’ normal speaking voice. Beat half-life 2. Designed most of the official mascots for the girls.
Gawr Gura: An enigma embodied in a four-foot shark girl. Once lost a loaf of bread in her room. A loaf. Binges youtube videos on topics like carpet deep-cleaning, hoof trimming, and embalming. Cannot finish anything she starts. Cannot do math. Bullies Calliope Mori. Uniquely has a red palette-swapped version of her model she breaks out to act edgy with. Loves the smell of manure. Is just, incredibly funny. Had cat ears added to her model, despite being a shark. Is the most subscribed to vtuber in Hololive by a factor of *2*, and probably the most subscribed to vtuber on all of youtube.
Amelia Watson: In a generation of “mythological” vtubers, her gimmick was “british detective”. Tried to do her debut in a fake british accent. Invented her entire lore off the cuff and became a time traveler instead. The most tech-savvy of hololive; has fixed issues that company support was unable to help with. Regularly does all the setup for collaborative projects. Fucking loves moss. Owns a saltwater tank. Was accused of growing weed by her neighbor (it was the saltwater tank). Has persistent hiccups. Great at shooters, also great at being salty about shooters. Has a mostly antagonistic relationship with herself from other timelines, mostly “smol ame”.
This is getting long, I’ll add the second generation in a separate post.
Edit: 2nd part here
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
@cheshire-shuntaro, my beloved. missed you dearly. in this life and in every other.
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we’ve met years ago, without the scorching sun kissing our skin and the ocean breeze caressing our faces as we walk with our feet in the sand around the nearest beach.
i wasn’t rich then — well, i still am not, relying on white rabbit’s money — the nickname not suiting him at all — but his money is mine, even if i don’t feel like it.
we’re married. whatever we have is shared between us two, split in half, his small fortune included.
shuntarō has his report today, as each sunday, but… something’s off. weird. as i wake up, i know the day’s gonna be different — maybe it’s the gut feeling i follow combined with the logic, or maybe i finally got the full access to morphogenetic fields and the knowledge stored there is telling me something i cannot decode yet.
i make my best effort not to wake my husband — oh, how weird it sounds, husband; i never planned to get married, but when he proposed, i just agreed without a second thought. i was seated on his lap in a strip club as he requested a private dance. he recognized me from college, i did not until he spoke to me.
“marry me.”
i didn’t think twice.
“under one condition. you will never get me this awful tea again.”
it’s not like we knew each other well before that encounter — we didn’t. i approached him once at the university while he was studying before an exam, correcting one of his chemical formulas. demanded tea for that. got it the next morning, a cheap and disgusting piss-colored liquid in the smallest size possible from a local chain coffee shop.
for some, my decision could seem impulsive. it was. anything to escape the life i was living after i had to drop out on my second year. everything else was better than that, easier to figure the solution for any problem i could encounter later on.
i didn’t have to worry; waking by shuntarō's side each day, staying by his side at all times. he never cheated, never lied, never left. also, he was honest about his profession from day one.
“this is my boss. he’s a gang leader. we make cocaine.”
it wasn’t a mistake to share that; i never left him and appreciated forwardness. this, later on, made me acquire the lovely title of cheshire cat — always doing whatever i wanted, however i wanted, choosing my own ways and paths instead of the ones demanded, never siding with anyone. i wasn’t officially a part of the gang, so what would they do, anyway? enrage their lead chemist by hurting me? as if.
i make my best effort to not wake my husband as i slip from under his arm and leave our shared bed. something’s off, i can feel it. time for me to change the routine, even by a little bit. besides, shuntaro’s been working hard these past few weeks. he deserves a little treat.
i like it here, i really do. despite the city being run by drug lords and cartels, i have this privilege of being safe. i stroll around the place just a little bit, visiting the bakery for the still warm loaf of bread and some coffee i know white rabbit would love. then, i make breakfast.
i do not wait for him, no; he’ll get up soon enough, his alarm never failed to get him out of the bed. nothing to worry for me. there was, in fact, a thing that did.
whoever followed me on my little walk around the neighborhood was about to meet his fate. i wouldn’t kill them right away, obviously; first i will get to know why would they do it in the first place and for whom do they work.
it’s nothing to inform my dear sleeping love about. he doesn’t need extra stress today.
and so, armed with the knowledge of thousands interrogation and torture techniques, the cheshire cat is off to the city, about to catch these filthy rats.
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aamethyst000 · 5 months
Feeling more productive, everyday (May 6,24 - 7:19pm)
Ever since i bought this laptop, i have been noticing that i am a little more productive in the house hold. i'm getting up a lot more easier to do my chores (altough i'm still bitchy about it but i'm still doing said chores while being bitchy about it lmao), i actually drew something on my laptop! not to mention i am actually cooking dinner on time......ish. its still better than starting at 9pm to finally cook dinner. Anyway, my litlle brother and i are going tp head up to the store in a bit to grab some ingredients and snacks for tonight. i am making meat loaf and rice tonight!~ I do want to mention, that i am still struggling with my sleep schedule, going to bed at 4-5 in the morning, then getting up at 2-3 the next day, rinse and repeat. i dont know how i'm still functioning right now. At the moment, i'm running on 2 cups of coffee and one meal, i call that a win in my book. I'm still debating on whether or not i really want to buy the boox palma when i can do the exact same thing on my phone, just with a different screen and no texting. The boox palma runs on android, thank god. I think that why i want it so much, is to have a seperate device to read on. now that i have a different device to write my journals in.
8:17pm - my little brother and i just got home from the store, now i am going to start cooking our dinner tonight and watch some shera on netflix! then i think im going to play conkers bad fur day after supper <3
9:37pm - Dinner is almost done and i washed a few plate n forks that we need, now i am just watching shera while dinner is cooking. i'm on my third cup of coffee and i have been yelled at by my uncles cat ever since i came back from the store, poor thing lmao he just wants my attention. only in my room though, it doesnt seem to be the same im im in the kitchen or in the living room. it doesnt make sense to me but it does to the kitty, so i try not to fight with him, its hard to do so when i have stuff to do throughout the day. My kitty was the same way ysterday, all clingy and shit, not that i minded, i really love it when they are like that. it cheers me up.
honestly though, this feels so much better writing my journals here than on paper. at least this way, my laptop has a passowrd that no one in the house can get into. though it kind of sucks that it is a requirement to change my password every few months. why they even set it up like that is beyond me. i wonder what it'll be like if and when i actually go to a cafe and type out my journal entries there. its noce to imagine, but at the same time, the crowd would overwhelm me lmao then again, it's something i should get used to if i want to go back to work again. i just wish that the places i work at dont fckn ghost me, if and when they decide to let me go. that would be nice fir once. especially if i did something wrong to be let go like that. like, why are they even allowed to do that? but when the employees do that, just up and leave the work place or quit on the spot, we get go on the list of "do not hire"? kind of stupid isnt it?
i think im about to go on a rant in a sec, so i'm going to do something else, see if i still feel the same way about it later on. if i do, i'll talk about it here lol
9:56pm - now that i got that out of my system, i still feel the same way, i just dont feel the need to rant about it. i think ill just sit on this feeling and think about it. considering that there is nothing that i can personally do, to change said circumstances. anyway, change of subject, im finally listening to audio books now! since it got onto spotify, ive been taking advantage of it and i am so happy that i am! i think thats part of the reason why i have been feeling a little motivated today. i think im starting to love audio books now, im thinking of dowloading the app later on, or as soon as i can get a stable and steady job again, cause this is getting ridiculous, even for me.if i was living on my own, id either be on the streets or back to living with my mother again. reality sucks but oh well, what can i do other than look for another job. the village sucks for job hunting, especially if its just the canery, brighter feature, and assistant teacher. 2 of those i do not like because it involvles interacting with kids, which i am not used of. the other involves 12-14 hours of just standing there or stacking. not a lot of choices for me to choose from, thats for sure. i used to work at the clinic but they havent called me back in nearly a year. same with the school, after the pandemic started, i was never called back. hence why i wanted to rant about the whole " work places just up and ghost you" bullshit. stuff like that really annoy me so much. which is why i am so worried about moving, what if pg does the same? i look for a job for months, never get hired, be expected to pay rent each month i am unepmloyed AND buy myself groceries. not to mention the transportation, the area id live in and if every single one of them just fucking ignore me. since ive been planning this with my best friend, i told her about wanting to save up enough to pay 3 to 4 months of rent, have enough for groceries, and a few furniture if we find a place that needs it. she took note of it after i told her my olfer brothers experience and mine. it can be really stressful when no one hires you. it really makes you think if any of that, is because of whats on your resume, or what i say in most of my interviews, i dont even feel comfortable lying to them, just so i can get the bloody job and start making and saving money. like ive been planning for so many years. i just wish that adulting is so much easier. but that would be too much to ask of our prime minister. selfsih piece of shit. Anyway, dinner is nearly done cooking so i am going to go back to watching shera and enjoy our late dinner, again. i like that i started typing a lot more here than i did on my phone. i love it, i almost dont want to stop, almost.
12:07am - we have just finished having our supper and MY G O D was supper ever so yummy~ i couldnt finish my plate so i think im going to give the rest to my little brother, but at the same time. i want to keep it for myself for when i get hunry for it again. i think im going to go bath tonight and then set up my trans tape for tomorrow. ill be buying more i think next week wen i have more money in my bank. which, btw, i need to go down to the band office and take out cash again. cause honestly, i want to stop myself from spending so much money in one go. i want to get better at that, i will acknowledge, though, that i have been doing really well on not spending so much. i managed to save more than enough after the rupert trip with my littlw brother. im really proud of that <3
12:36am - i am going to get ready for a bath now, had my 4th (forth) cup of coffee and 0 (zero) cups of water. i gotta catch up on that one. i used to be able to keep up with my water intake. well, except for when i was a teen, i hated the taste of plain water, so i remember avoiding drinking water unless absolutley necessary, which, at the time, was kind of rare for me to do. i was drinking one to two cups of water every other day. i was an absolutely stubborn child, i hated being wrong lmao i still kind of do, actually. im just not as stubborn as i was before, at least not to the point where im putting my health on the line. so yeah, i guess i still hate being wrong most times lmao
should i bring this up in my therapy appointment? i think i should. or rather, i feel like i should, but i dont want to. i just want to make the appointment again, and just fckn rant my therapist ear right out. maybe ill feel better afterwards and be better on my own time schedule management with my friends and family. i was so afraid to become that adult who is almost never home, drinking and doing ddrugs a lot, to the point where someone may take advantage of me at my lowest. however that may look. that i stayed home way more than a normal person considers "normal". i dont know how else to put it. i just know that my best friend is very sick of it and so am i. im 25 going to be turning 26 this year and i should and want to act like it for once in my life. i know that, physically, im no longer a teenager anymoe but in my brain, im jumping from 14, 16,17 and18 all in one go it seems. but i think ill save this topic for another time. kekekekekekeke
good night, readers! <3
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punkbakerchristine · 8 months
hello, tumblr, i am 30 years old and i got into baking and cooking on october 7, 2023–if you know anything about october 7, 2023, you should know how much all of this means to me 😅 i’m a gentile girl trying to be a mensch. am yisrael chai, don’t even think about it 🇮🇱
a little bit about me: i am an artist and a writer with a long background in science and engineering. i love animals (namely, dogs, cats, horses, birds, bats, rabbits, and reptiles), cartoons, books, and movies. i’m a hockey player at heart. i love formula 1. i love top gear and those three zany british men. i love the winter olympics. i love halloween and christmas. i’m a west coast girl. i love hawai’i and the ocean. i’m making a graphic novel. i was friends with chris cornell (yes, him). i’m a grunge fan but grunge fans don’t like me, though: you know that weird little alt rock kid seeing the heavy metal band that no one thinks about? that’s me.
i struggled with anorexia in my late teen years and obesity in the back half of my twenties: if you want to know what it’s like to deal with a debilitating eating disorder and then push nearly 300 pounds, imagine you’re drowning… and then someone hands you a big wedding cake. all jokes aside, i actually have a fat kink, if you can believe that. i actually have a number of kinks, but that’s one of my main ones. i deliberately gained weight to heal from my eating disorder, and to fulfill something that i had been curious about pretty much my whole life (like, “what if i got really fat, as fat as i could be?”) and i felt good. i loved being heavy and the idea of being a “big beautiful woman” if you will (especially when fat women have been worshipped for millennia; the whole skinny craze is relatively new). but i couldn’t keep it up, though: i started having trouble with my heart and my stomach, i was having migraines, and most of all, i was getting edema in my feet.
as of my writing this, since i started losing weight back in mid-july, i have lost 59 pounds, down from my heaviest ever at 268: i crossed the 200 pound threshold back in 2015, and now that i write it out, it would’ve been something to hit that number again after ten years (i’ll go with nine, though 🤷🏻‍♀️).
i’m pansexual and polyamorous. i’m single… but jimmy cracked corn and i don’t care (really, i don’t even think about relationships). i do have a crush, though, on a jewish man and i’ve felt this way about him for almost three years now. i have a crush on him (and he’s even said “i love you” to me) even though he’s in a relationship… yeah. the love of my life is with someone else. but like, i want to see him happy, though, you know? i love him perhaps more so following october 7.
october 7. the day of that attack—the day, the very day—i baked my very first loaf of bread, a simple bloomer courtesy of paul hollywood, one of my influences in the culinary world: as the dough was proofing, i saw a huge horde of people posting about palestine and israel, and it reminded me of a guy who ran into a convenience store at the start of the pandemic and he yelled out, “can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” that was my reaction to it all. i just wanted to know what had happened and no one would tell me… and a friend of mine finally said “pray for israel.” i asked what happened and she told me. i just foresaw everything unraveling from that point forward. so i took the bloomer out of the oven and it felt fated, like it was meant to be. my basic thought was “the world is going to need art and words, and also, people willing to get down and make things to eat”. this is going down fast. (in other words, my healing my body from itself and satisfying a kink had a point after all 😜).
and it might seem counterintuitive, but baking and cooking has actually helped me lose even more weight than i can ever imagine (besides weightlifting and aerobics and boxing and martial arts and yoga, of course). you might think that baking cakes and pies and cookies and making dinner every night would make me 300+ pounds tout suite, but it’s actually done the opposite (so, sorry, feeder community)—and if anything, i enjoy every cookie and slice of cake now. there’s no fad diets here or anything fancy with me, and even with 60 pounds lost i still have a chubby belly (i don’t mind, though—my stomach has been through a lot, it should keep *something*), so i’m definitely not a fitblr.
since october, i’ve felt this need to blog my journey in baking and cooking, and away from my personal blog, too. stuff i made, recipes i think of (and maybe some that need to be passed on, too?), and food i want to make.
my art blog is on here at nuagederose—i also have a therapy blog, theghostandthehealer—and my instagram is badmotorartist. if erotic band fiction (among other things) is your thing, my ao3 is josiebelladonna.
and yeah, i’m 30 and i think i found the proverbial missing jigsaw puzzle piece. age really is just a number!
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