#Dorothy Elford
ashemellow · 3 months
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happy birthday sirius💫
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asoingbob · 5 months
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im trying to get out of a slump
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noel-levine-fan · 29 days
redraw of this post
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been tired lately but still wanted to draw so i thought i'd do some redraws of old stuff
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kasterarts · 4 months
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a trip to town with your adopted mentor/grandmother/mother
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whtober day 8 - heart
the Elfords are quite a family, huh?
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the higher ranking demons all remember the loops so I wonder if the ones less able to keep a "human" form do as well... in particular Fiona and Dorothy.
just. what if they remember every single time they watched Claire and Sirius die, unable to do anything. for Fiona she loses her daughter again and again and again, and she was able to protect Claire from the fact she was killed for at least a bit but there's nothing she can do as her heart is ripped out one second and the next she's alive again. maybe it's a bit painful that she is right there, the whole time Fiona is there, but Claire doesn't remember and it means nothing. as for Dorothy... oh Dorothy...
the two children you took in because they had nothing left. the boy that you saved at that public execution, who you wished could one day grow. your granddaughter who you wished could live without the knowledge of her mother's passing (your own daughter's passing). the two children you gave your life to protect. watching her be killed 10,000 times. watching him being killed in most of them as well. in some - by far the most painful - he is the one to kill her.
but then the final loop. dinner is finally prepared. they both go to the house found in the eerily familiar field. for one fleeting moment they're all together. soon afterwards they both finally leave the mansion. they are both finally alive. maybe it was all worth it, just to see them finally move on from that unhappiness.
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dawndrawssome · 6 months
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Some more witch's heart fan art.
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qnevozsh · 2 years
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my favorite WH characters..
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oldhagtournament · 8 months
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Propaganda under the cut
Lazy Susan
(no propaganda submitted)
Dorothy Elford
(no propaganda submitted)
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a-dumbass-jester · 10 months
Witch’s heart x The Magnus archives au!!!
Claire - Vast
Ashe - Spiral
Wilardo - End/Hunt
Sirius - Eye
Noel - Flesh
Charlotte - Slaughter
Zizel - Stranger
Lime - Desolation
Rouge - Web
!!Also quick disclaimer it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been into wh so some things might be incorrect!!
First off idk if this is just wh but with the entities of if it’s entirely tma’s world. It’s probably going to be the first tho
Also all the demons are human(or at least used to be)
Also for non tma meowtuals here is a chart of the entities and here is a video essays for them(it’s unfinished, there’s still two entities to cover) i also linked the wiki pages for the entities mentioned, if anyone is interested (I’d recommend listening to the actual thing but if you don’t wanna watch 200 episodes to understand this, here you go)
- Vast!claire was actually the second to last one I came up with. If Wilardo’s still immortal/ 500 years old she realizes that in a few hundred years no one will remember her and that she doesn’t matter in the big picture. And while initially it scares her later she instead finds comfort in it. She becomes a lot like Simon. Becoming a very “live in the moment” kind of person. “I don’t matter in the long run why not have some fun”. I can also she her having fun with the falling thing. There’s a hc I remember seeing for the vast avatars (specifically Simon) where their eyes changed depending on the sky. Claire already has blue eyes, just add clouds or stars!!
- Spiral!Ashe because they have a lot if similar themes. Spiraling mental health, hallucinations, fake friends, manipulation. I can see him trying to bring his family back and accidentally sacrificing himself to it instead. Also it’s avatars are typically very tall and thin(and colorful). I also like the idea of Ashe being a surreally tall, thin and colorful hallucinatory headache. The spiral has a fake place called “Sannikov Land” and I can imagine him saying he’s from there
- End/Hunt!Wilardo. Idk witch one to pick so I’ll explore both. The end is mainly if he’s still immortal. If he is, he finds comfort in it and that the end will take all eventually. It might be centuries but it will take him and he will finally get to rest. I also rlly like him with the ends powers. Like the dreams of peoples deaths, THE ROOTS (That show how people DIE!!!)
For the hunt, it’s mainly if gramps is alive (and their both mortal) mainly because I’m assigning them to Julia and Trevor. At some point them meet probably dealing with the end or another entity and end up sticking with each other in a similar was Julia and Trevor did (idk how they met I just assume that’s what happened), and both of them end up becoming part of the hunt
- Eye!Sirius, idk how he got marked but I assume maybe messing with Dorothy’s stuff or a leitner. I think the wanting to know, see and understand thing fits with Sirius very well. I can see him using it to call bs on some stuff Ashe says. Like going back to “Sannikov Land”, Ashe says he’s from there and Sirius is like “no your not. That’s not a real place.”
- Flesh!Noel is the last and most difficult one I came up with. It’s also a bit weak but it fits the best. Originally I chose it because of the flesh monster he becomes. But the rest of it kinda fits as well. The flesh is strongly associated with dysphoria, and even if you don’t hc him as trans that would still be a lot of dysphoria he would of had as a kid. I also rlly like Noel having a more animalistic fear. He became an avatar when he was cursed in cannon
- Slaughter!Charlotte. It seems a bit easy giving the war criminal the war and (sudden) violence one but anyway. She’s probably still (mostly) human. just a bit more (openly) violent, and quick to do so. The slaughter is also strongly associated with music, specifically air(?) instruments so I like to picture her walking onto a battlefield (especially no man’s land) in an actual war/military uniform playing the flute or something.
- Stranger!Zizel. This one was kinda a bias because the stranger’s my favorite(and I love Zizel) but I also LOVE uncanny valley doll Zizel. Idk if she was ever human because the stranger seems to prefer manifestations over human avatars. And either would work so idk. I feel like it adds to the lack of identity tbh. But anyways uncanny valley doll Zizel <3<3
- Desolation!Lime. This one was probably one of, it not the easiest to assign. From the fire themes, to the destruction of others and their lives. I can see her with a similar role to Jude Perry. She encounters the cult of the lightless flame sometime in her 20s (specifically 25 because that’s when she becomes a demon in cannon) and falling in love with their beliefs. I can see Lime following Jude’s story in general. She joins the lightless flame in the 80s/90s and after becoming an avatar she becomes made of wax. I like to imagine her and Sirius as that one scene where Jude and Jon meet. They make a deal where Lime would tell Sirius (pre eye) something important but they have to shake hands, lime, made of wax, burns his hand.
I can also see Matty being part of the lightless flame. Like the burning down Ashes house and destroying his life is something they would do
- Web!Rouge. I feel like control theming fits well with Rouge. If anyone were to create structured plans on how things could go I feel like I would be her. The web also has stong themes of addiction, puppets, and that your actions aren’t rlly yours, which I can see fitting. I also rlly like a spider like Rouge. Like her with multiple spider like eyes and arms. The web is also called “the mother of puppets” which I can see fitting her. I also sometimes see people draw her with a web on her jacket so
Other side stuff (world building kinda)
I’m rlly glad I assigned Web and Desolation to Rouge and Lime because their known to not get along. They constantly clash because of the Web’s intricate plans and the Desolation’s destructive chaos
I feel like do to how close Noel is with Rouge, he was also marked by the web. Not a very strong mark but still a mark.
Dorothy plays a similar role to Gertrude because she deserves to be an absolute badass. She’s spent a good majority of her life fighting the entities, stoping rituals, etc.
Fiona and Sirius’s parents were still accused of being “witchs” and burned but this time the main motivator was that Nicholas would accuse people of serving an entity
Speaking of Fiona Elford I’m giving her Fiona Law’s role because they share a name
(Also I would link Fiona Law’s wiki page but she doesn’t have one apparently)
Fiona would pass out when she got scared which helped her survive against the entities. She would be unconscious so they couldn’t feed off of her fear, and left her alone
Giving more to the role Gramps is going to play, Trevor is a vampire hunter, so Gramps would probably take that role, and and fell victim to the hunt first and later finds Wilardo.
That’s basically it!!
I don’t have much for plot. It’s jut wh characters in tma so I assume it’s like just that plot
Wait actually they still meet in the mansion but it’s connected to the entities
There’s no murder or timelines but it was genuinely the rain!
The entities mess with them for a bit and are let out a bit later either before the change or as it’s happening
The five of them wonder a apocalyptic world where the entities have taken over (and maybe meet the “demons” again)
That’s genuinely it!!! If anyone has any ideas, please say something, I’d love to talk more about this
Thank you for reading!!
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jujusberry · 2 years
new animatic!!! i worked so unbelievably hard on this i felt my spine my liver my nonexistent testicles and my brain snap multiple times in the making of this wonderful movie
this took a whopping 10 minutes
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purrplecatart · 2 years
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ohhh my god i never posted this. Throw back to when i snuck wh fan art into my sophmore design class lmao
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noel-levine-fan · 6 months
witch's heart? more like... uh... orphan's heart? get it because there are no living parents in this series
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no literally ALL the parents are fucking dead they are ALL orphans (except for zizel & rouge who aren't orphans theyre just parentless i guess)
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saraanzu · 2 years
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WHtober 2022 Day 19: Memory
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whtober day 18 - connection
oh hey guess I'm still doing this. the thems. connected through their past...
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yukennico · 4 months
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maid ashe because idk what to draw while being busy
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