#Douglas B-18
carbone14 · 1 year
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Vue aérienne d'un bombardier lourd Douglas B-18 Bolo – Mi 1930's
©United States Air Force
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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Some nice B-2 pics coming out of the current BTF deployment at RAAF Amberley, Australia [RAAF pic]
@Saint1Mil via X
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bigglesworld · 10 months
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Douglas B-18 Bolo. 21st Reconnaissance Squadron. Nr Langley. April 1940
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shoshiwrites · 10 months
Band of Brothers Ages: IRL vs. Actors
Did you know that according to a 1947 study, almost half the men who served in WWII were still under age 26 by the end of the war?
What this is : A (very long) post comparing the ages of the actors in Band of Brothers vs. the IRL figures they are portraying.
Background: Did I need to do this? No. Did anyone ask for this? Also no. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
Disclaimers: This is SUPER approximate for the most part. I based IRL ages off of D-Day unless otherwise noted, and actor ages off of January 1, 2000, the year filming took place (the latter is where the most variation will be because I didn't try to figure out what month filming started). I also didn't fact-check birthdays beyond googling. Most are sourced from the Band of Brothers and Military Wikis on fandom.com, Wikipedia, and IMDb.
I broke them up into rough categories, which are, again, approximate. I know I often forget how young the real life people were here, and this was a good reminder of that. I also found it interesting to see which actors were actually younger than their roles!
Check it all out under the cut ⬇️
~10+ years older
Dale Dye (55) as Col. Robert F. Sink (39) (~16 years)
Michael Cudlitz (35) as Denver "Bull" Randleman (23) (~12)
Marc Warren (32) as Albert Blithe (20) (~12)
Rocky Marshall (33) as Earl J. McClung (21) (~12)
Frank John Hughes (32) as William J. Guarnere (21) (~11)
Neal McDonough (33) as Lynn D. (Buck) Compton (22) (~11)
Dexter Fletcher (33) as John W. Martin (22) (~11)
~5+ years older
Simon Schatzberger (32) as Joseph A. Lesniewski (23) (~9)
Richard Speight Jr. (30) Warren H. (Skip) Muck (22) (~8)
Jason O'Mara (30) as Thomas Meehan (22) (~8)
Ron Livingston (32) as Lewis Nixon (25) (~7)
Donnie Wahlberg (30) as C. Carwood Lipton (24) (~6)
Matthew Settle (30) as Ronald C. Speirs (24) (~6)
Nolan Hemmings (28) as Charles E. "Chuck" Grant (22) (~6)
Douglas Spain (25) as Antonio C. Garcia (19) (~6)
George Calil (26) as James H. "Mo" Alley Jr. (21) (~5)
Rick Gomez (27) as George Luz (22) (~5 year)
Scott Grimes (28) as Donald G. Malarkey (23) (~5)
Stephen Graham (26) as Myron "Mike" Ranney (21) (~5)
~less than 5 years older
Shane Taylor (25) as Eugene G. Roe (21) (~4)
Tim Matthews (23) as Alex M. Penkala Jr. (19) (~4)
Matthew Leitch (24) as Floyd M. "Tab" Talbert (20) (~4)
Peter O'Meara (30) as Norman S. Dike Jr. (26) (~4)
Tom Hardy (22) as John A. Janovec (18) (~4)
Rick Warden (28) as Harry F. Welsh (25) (~3)
Kirk Acevedo (28) as Joseph D. Toye (25) (~3)
Eion Bailey (25) as David Kenyon Webster (22) (~3)
Craig Heaney (26) as Roy W. Cobb (29) (~3)
Damian Lewis (28) as Richard D. Winters (26) (~2)
Robin Laing as Edward J. "Babe" Heffron (~2, 21/23)
Ben Caplan (26) as Walter S. "Smokey" Gordon Jr. (24) (~2)
David Schwimmer (32) as Herbert M. Sobel (33) (~1 year)
Michael Fassbender (22) as Burton P. "Pat" Christenson (21) (~1)
Colin Hanks (22) as Lt. Henry Jones (21) (~1) (age around Bastogne)
Bart Ruspoli (23) as Edward J. Tipper (22) (~1)
~Same age
Peter Youngblood Hills as Darrell C. "Shifty" Powers (21)
Mark Huberman as Lester "Les" Hashey (19)
Lucie Jeanne (23) as Renée Lemaire (30) (age around Bastogne) (~7)
Ross McCall (23) as Joseph D. Liebgott (29) (~6)
Simon Pegg (29) as William S. Evans (~33) (~4)
Philip Barantini (19) as Wayne A. "Skinny" Sisk (22) (~3)
James Madio (24) as Frank J. Perconte (27) (~3)
Stephen McCole (25) as Frederick "Moose" Heyliger (27) (~2)
Matt Hickey (~16) as Patrick S. O'Keefe (18) (~2)
Incomplete/not found
Phil McKee as Maj. Robert L. Strayer (34)
Rene L. Moreno as Joseph Ramirez (30)
Doug Allen as Alton M. More (24)
David Nicolle as Lt. Thomas A. Peacock (24)
Rebecca Okot as Anna (Augusta Chiwy) (24) (age around Bastogne)
Alex Sabga-Brady as Francis J. Mellet (23)
Mark Lawrence as William H. Dukeman Jr. (22)
Nicholas Aaron as Robert E. (Popeye) Wynn (22)
Peter McCabe as Donald B. Hoobler (21)
Marcos D'Cruze as Joseph P. Domingus (not found)
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Supreme Court poised to appoint federal judges to run the US economy.
January 18, 2024
JAN 17, 2024
The Supreme Court heard oral argument on two cases that provide the Court with the opportunity to overturn the “Chevron deference doctrine.” Based on comments from the Justices, it seems likely that the justices will overturn judicial precedent that has been settled for forty years. If they do, their decision will reshape the balance of power between the three branches of government by appointing federal judges as regulators of the world’s largest economy, supplanting the expertise of federal agencies (a.k.a. the “administrative state”).
Although the Chevron doctrine seems like an arcane area of the law, it strikes at the heart of the US economy. If the Court were to invalidate the doctrine, it would do so in service of the conservative billionaires who have bought and paid for four of the justices on the Court. The losers would be the American people, who rely on the expertise of federal regulators to protect their water, food, working conditions, financial systems, public markets, transportation, product safety, health care services, and more.
The potential overruling of the Chevron doctrine is a proxy for a broader effort by the reactionary majority to pare the power of the executive branch and Congress while empowering the courts. Let’s take a moment to examine the context of that effort.
But I will not bury the lead (or the lede): The reactionary majority on the Court is out of control. In disregarding precedent that conflicts with the conservative legal agenda of its Federalist Society overlords, the Court is acting in a lawless manner. It is squandering hard-earned legitimacy. It is time to expand the Court—the only solution that requires a simple majority in two chambers of Congress and the signature of the president.
The “administrative state” sounds bad. Is it?
No. The administrative state is good. It refers to the collective body of federal employees, regulators, and experts who help maintain an orderly US economy. Conservatives use the term “administrative state” to denigrate federal regulation and expertise. They want corporations to operate free of all federal restraint—free to pollute, free to defraud, free to impose dangerous and unfair working conditions, free to release dangerous products into the marketplace, and free to engage in deceptive practices in public markets.
The US economy is the largest, most robust economy in the world because federal regulators impose standards for safety, honesty, transparency, and accountability. Not only is the US economy the largest in the world (as measured by nominal GDP), but its GDP per capita ($76,398) overshadows that of the second largest economy, China ($12,270). The US dollar is the reserve currency for the world and its markets are a haven for foreign investment and capital formation. See The Top 25 Economies in the World (investopedia.com)
US consumers, banks, investment firms, and foreign investors are attracted to the US economy because it is regulated. US corporations want all the benefits of regulations—until regulations get in the way of making more money. It is at that point that the “administrative state” is seen as “the enemy” by conservatives who value profit maximization above human health, safety, and solvency.
It is difficult to comprehend how big the US economy is. To paraphrase Douglas Adams’s quote about space, “It’s big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is.” Suffice to say, the US economy is so big it cannot be regulated by several hundred federal judges with dockets filled with criminal cases and major business disputes.
Nor can Congress pass enough legislation to keep pace with ever changing technological and financial developments. Congress can’t pass a budget on time; the notion that it would be able to keep up with regulations necessary to regulate Bitcoin trading in public markets is risible.
What is the Chevron deference doctrine?
Managing the US economy requires hundreds of thousands of subject matter experts—a.k.a. “regulators”—who bring order, transparency, and honesty to the US economy. Those experts must make millions of judgments each year in creating, implementing and applying federal regulations.
And this is where the “Chevron deference doctrine” comes in. When federal experts and regulators interpret federal regulations in esoteric areas such as maintaining healthy fisheries, their decisions should be entitled to a certain amount of deference. And they have received such deference since 1984, when the US Supreme Court created a rule of judicial deference to decisions by federal regulators in the case of Chevron v. NRDC.
What happened at oral argument?
In a pair of cases, the US Supreme Court heard argument on Tuesday as to whether the Chevron deference doctrine should continue—or whether the Court should overturn the doctrine and effectively throw out 17,000 federal court decisions applying the doctrine. According to Court observers, including Mark Joseph Stern of Slate, the answer is “Yes, the Court is poised to appoint federal judges as regulators of the US economy.” See Mark Joseph Stern in Slate, The Supreme Court is seizing more power from Democratic presidents. (slate.com)
I recommend Stern’s article for a description of the grim atmosphere at the oral argument—kind of “pre-demise” wake for the Chevron deference doctrine. Stern does a superb job of explaining the effects of overruling Chevron:
Here’s the bottom line: Without Chevron deference, it’ll be open season on each and every regulation, with underinformed courts playing pretend scientist, economist, and policymaker all at once. Securities fraud, banking secrecy, mercury pollution, asylum applications, health care funding, plus all manner of civil rights laws: They are ultravulnerable to judicial attack in Chevron’s absence. That’s why the medical establishment has lined up in support of Chevron, explaining that its demise would mark a “tremendous disruption” for patients and providers; just rinse and repeat for every other area of law to see the convulsive disruptions on the horizon.
The Kochs and the Federalist Society have bought and paid for this sad outcome. The chaos that will follow will hurt consumers, travelers, investors, patients and—ultimately—American businesses, who will no longer be able to rely on federal regulators for guidance as to the meaning of federal regulations. Instead, businesses will get an answer to their questions after lengthy, expensive litigation before overworked and ill-prepared judges implement a political agenda.
Expand the Court. Disband the reactionary majority by relegating it to an irrelevant minority. If we win control of both chambers of Congress in 2024 and reelect Joe Biden, expanding the Court should be the first order of business.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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ltash · 4 months
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Shrouded in darkness
Warning: 18+, very dark themed, mentions of s*x, m*sturbation, m*rder and bl**d.
Episode 1:
"We all have a monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind."
Douglas Preston
Darkness fell on the streets of London, casting long shadows over its bustling nightlife. A row of six sleek, black cars stood in front of a lavish hotel, their polished exteriors gleaming under the streetlights. Suited men emerged from the vehicles, their presence exuding power and importance as they moved toward the grand entrance, where an exclusive auction was in progress.
In the adjacent building, hidden in the shadows of an upper floor, Ghost waited. His sniper rifle was mounted on a tripod, its barrel aimed at the hotel entrance. A cigarette glowed faintly between his fingers, the smoke curling upward and dissipating into the night. His phone buzzed softly, a message from Laswell lighting up the screen.
"Is it done?" she had texted.
"Pending," he replied, his eyes never leaving the scope.
"Make it quick," came her terse response.
The minutes turned into hours as Ghost maintained his vigil, the cold night air chilling him to the bone. He remained patient, every sense honed, every muscle coiled and ready to strike. Finally, the doors of the hotel swung open, and the suited men began to spill out. His finger moved to the trigger, poised for action.
Among the exiting guests, the mafia boss appeared, flanked by his entourage of guards. He mingled with the departing crowd, his movements casual yet guarded. Ghost's gaze tracked him with relentless focus, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Time seemed to slow as the target's head came into view, framed perfectly within the scope. Ghost took a steadying breath and squeezed the trigger. The silenced shot was a whisper in the night, but the impact was instantaneous. The bullet struck the mafia boss's skull, splintering bone and sending a crimson spray into the air. Screams erupted from the crowd, a symphony of panic and terror that echoed through the night.
"See ya in hell, bastard," Ghost muttered under his breath.
With swift efficiency, he dismantled his rifle, the folding mechanism allowing it to be quickly stowed in his backpack. He moved with practiced ease, descending the building and slipping into the shadows of the street below.
As he blended into the dark alleys, his phone buzzed once more. He pulled it out, glancing at the screen before typing a single word: "Done."
He sent the message to Laswell and pocketed the phone, disappearing into the night. The chaos of the evening slowly began to settle, the screams fading into the background noise of the city. For Ghost, it was just another mission, another enemy eliminated in the silent war he fought from the shadows.
The bar stood in the corner of a dimly lit street, a haven for those seeking refuge from the city's chaos. Ghost pushed open the heavy door and entered, his presence causing a brief lull in the low hum of conversation. He made his way to the bar, his movements deliberate and unhurried.
"Two fingers of bourbon," he ordered, his voice low and gravelly.
The bartender nodded, pouring the amber liquid into a glass and sliding it across the polished wood. Ghost took the glass and downed the bourbon in one swift motion, the burn a familiar comfort as it coursed down his throat.
His gaze shifted, sweeping over the room. He noted the clusters of people, the casual banter, and the occasional bursts of laughter. But it was the women who caught his attention. Their dresses clung to their curves, accentuating the swell of their breasts and the roundness of their asses. The sight stirred something primal within him, and he felt his cock twitch in response.
Under the mask, his tongue flicked out to wet his lips, a small, almost subconscious gesture. He leaned back against the bar, allowing himself a moment to indulge in the simple pleasure of watching, his thoughts momentarily drifting from the weight of his mission.
It had been a long time since he had fucked a woman. His sexual desire was at its peak, and he found himself jerking off in the shower every other day just to extinguish the relentless flames.
"Fucking Hell!" he cursed under his breath, the frustration evident in his tone.
After leaving Task Force 141, Ghost had become a mercenary, a lone wolf who killed for money. The change had been necessary, a way to escape the rigid structure of military life and the haunting memories that came with it. But the solitude of his new existence brought its own challenges. The thrill of the hunt, the cold efficiency of his kills, provided a temporary distraction, yet they did little to satisfy the deeper, more primal needs that gnawed at him.
Ghost's eyes continued to roam the bar, lingering on the women who seemed oblivious to his presence. He imagined their bodies pressed against his, the softness of their skin, the heat of their breath. His cock twitched again at the thought, a reminder of his pent-up desires.
Taking a deep breath, he shook off the distraction and signaled for another drink. He knew better than to let his guard down completely. In his line of work, vulnerability could be fatal. Yet, as he sipped his bourbon, he couldn't help but wonder if, somewhere amidst the chaos of his life, there might be a fleeting moment of connection, a chance to feel something more than just the cold steel of his weapons and the blood of his enemies.
Ghost escaped the bar, his mind still clouded with unfulfilled desires. He went straight to the hotel provided by the CIA for his mission. The dimly lit room was a stark contrast to the noisy bar he had just left. He entered, closing the door behind him with a sense of relief.
He took off his shoes, placing them neatly to the side. Methodically, he removed his backpack carrying the sniper rifle and carefully placed it back in its case. The case was shaped like a guitar with an actuall guitar on top and the sniper snuggled in the hidden compartment under the guitar.
Each movement was precise, almost ritualistic, a stark reminder of the life he led.
In one swift motion, he pulled off his hoodie and tossed it aside, leaving him in only his sweatpants. He exhaled, the tension of the night beginning to dissipate. He slid off his sweatpants, followed by his mask, and approached the mirror.
He stared at his reflection, his face partially obscured by the faint light. The man staring back at him was a stranger, hardened by years of violence and solitude. His eyes were cold, yet somewhere deep within them flickered a spark of the humanity he tried so hard to bury.
Ghost's muscles were taut, his body a testament to the rigorous demands of his profession. He traced a scar on his abdomen, a souvenir from a mission gone wrong, and felt the familiar pang of memories better left forgotten.
For a moment, he allowed himself to be vulnerable, to acknowledge the man beneath the mask. The man who, despite his lethal skill set and unwavering resolve, craved something more than the endless cycle of violence. He shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts that threatened to unravel him.
After Johnny's death and Captain Price's execution of Shepherd, the once formidable task force fell apart, scattering its members to different corners of the globe. The bonds forged in battle were strained by grief and betrayal, leaving them isolated in their own ways.
Captain Price and Gaz still maintained contact with him, though their conversations were laced with a sense of loss and the weight of their past. Gaz remained in the military, his dedication unwavering, a soldier to the core. Price, however, had receded into the shadows, a ghost of his former self, burdened by the decisions he had made.
For Ghost, the dissolution of the task force marked a new chapter in his life. The skills honed in countless missions were now employed in a different capacity. The CIA, particularly Laswell, recognized his unparalleled prowess as a sniper and his ruthlessness as an asset. He had become their go-to hitman, tasked with the most difficult and high-stakes assassinations. His name was whispered in the corridors of power, a shadowy figure who dealt in death with clinical precision.
Laswell knew she could rely on him. Ghost operated with a detached efficiency, the memories of his fallen comrades and the betrayal that tore them apart fueling his drive. Each mission was a means to an end, a way to channel his rage and grief into something productive, something that gave him purpose in a world that had stripped so much away from him.
Despite the solitary nature of his work, Ghost was always connected to the remnants of his past. The mission in London was just another night in a series of endless assignments, each one blending into the next. But as he stared at his reflection, the man behind the mask, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was more than just a tool for the government. He was a survivor, a warrior carrying the weight of his lost comrades, and a man still searching for his own redemption.
All these thoughts and then the thought of you, your infectious smile, the way you sat on your knees for him, his pretty little thing, the way your lips wrapped around the girth of his veiny cock, haunted him. He stood in the shower, water cascading down, wetting his brunette hair with blonde highlights, flowing over the hardness of his chest all the way down to his erect cock. He took it in his hand, memories of your tongue stroking his length flooding his mind.
His breath grew faster as he began to stroke himself, the sensations mingling with the phantom touch of your hands. He remembered the way he used to fuck you so hard, pinning you down on the bed, your cries of pleasure echoing in his ears. His pace quickened, driven by the raw need that consumed him.
Then, the memory shifted. Your smile twisted into the gurgle of blood as you choked after being shot in the chest, your eyes closing for the last time in his arms. "Fuck!" he cursed, the pain of that moment as sharp as ever.
He reached his climax, his cock twitching as pearly liquid oozed out, mixing with the warm water of the shower. The release brought no relief, only a hollow emptiness. He placed his hands on the cold tiled walls, his thoughts returning to his young sergeant who had loved him so fiercely.
But she was gone, taken too soon. She had become a dead flower, wilted and lost forever. Everything that came into contact with him seemed to rot, and she had rotted away in his arms, her life extinguished while he could do nothing. The weight of his guilt and sorrow was a constant burden, one that even the rush of battle and the heat of passion could not erase.
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albert-tsum · 6 months
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I just decided to ramble a bit about my sexuality hcs, ships etc about Wesker.
(I never thought I'd make so many text posts)
These are not going to be extremely precise analyses and will be influenced by my personal wishes and hopes. If I've written something that goes absolutely against the canon feel free to inform me.
It may become a bit uncomfortable since I wanna address some serious topics.
And it'll be too long again.
1. General headcanons
Personally I see him on the aroace spectrum and/or as pansexual. He's not easily romantically or sexually interested in someone. I'd even say it happens almost never. He may be able to sleep with people he isn't into (maybe to manipulate them) but rarely does so (I also don't think he slept with Excella like some do, she clearly wanted it but he was able to manipulate her without sex). To be into someone this person needs something that intrigues or excites Wesker e.g. their intelligence, willpower, physical combat skills etc. But I don't think he would care much about the gender of his partner. He probably has more experience with women (e.g. he says in the OG RE1 that "he's not used to escort men") but is also open for men. As far I am aware his VAs Richard Waugh (a) and DC Douglas (b) said that he's not gender specific (a) and probably wouldn't limit himself (b) to one gender.
Either way I see him as queer.
2. My ships
As you see in my reblogs I ship him and William Birkin. He was Weskers only real friend whom he admired and trusted. That's a really big thing for Wesker so I like the hc that there was more than friendship between them and I would love to see them interacting more and learn more about their shared past.
The only other ship I like with Wesker is himxChris Redfield even tho it's kinda problematic. I like the STARS version of them where Chris looked up to Wesker who was fond and proud of him (but probably doesn't want to have feelings like this since he knows he will betray them at one point). I also kinda like the hc that Wesker maybe wanted Chris (and perhaps Jill) to join him if they hadn't make fun of his tyrant. Since I kinda like enemies to lovers and complex relationships like that I also enjoy post RE1 Chrisker. I'd love if it's not sheer hate between them but more like a mix of disappointed expectations, obsession and that they need eachother and the secret wish to have eachother on their side.
I am not the biggest fan of huge age gaps so Chris and Wesker having a difference of 15 years is something I am not too happy about. So early 20s is the lowest age I'd accept (like Jake's mother was).
3. My hopes and wishes
As I said I don't like huge age gaps so I dislike the ships WeskerxRebecca and WeskerxClaire. Rebecca was 18 und Claire 19 when they met Wesker and they are way too young for him. Because of that I really hope that Wesker isn't attracted to Rebecca. That would be a no-go even tho it's fictional and it'd destroy Wesker as a character for me. So I really hope Capcom won't make him someone who absolutely does not care about age to the extent where it's becoming creepy.
(that isn't meant to offend those who like these ships, it's just my personal opinion)
CW: r@pe
I also came across people claiming that he may be a r@pist (for e.g. controlling Jill in RE5). That's another case of yeah he is absolutely evil but that does not mean that he has every evil trait or crime committed. I am pretty sure he didn't do anything sexual to Jill (who had the control device on their chest not because Wesker is a pervert but because the devs wanted more fanservice). I don't think Capcom would make a important character like Wesker (who you can also play as) a r@pist (unlike Irons who was a really hateable side character who was hated even by Wesker)
Thx for reading 😅
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o-uncle-newt · 10 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 18: Rotterdam
This is one of those episodes that I don't listen to much, and now that I have I'm really not sure why because it's so, so funny.
For a bunch of the other write-ups I've done, I've generally sidelined the humor- in a "well obviously this is funny, let's talk about some other thing about it instead" kind of way. And I'm going to talk about other kinds of things related to this episode, but I do want to start with how hilarious it is because it's basically perfect from that perspective. All four of the main cast are at the top of their game, and if anything having Martin and Douglas be confronted by their potential replacements only accentuates even more what makes them awesome, and their actors so good at playing them as extremely distinctive characters. All of the jokes about movie-making and airplane safety demos are super funny, and for an episode with a relatively straightforward and uncomplicated plot, the humor and the set pieces need to be top notch and thankfully they are.
This is also the kind of episode that relies on the visual humor that comes from making audio comedy- everything relies on us imagining what the characters are describing/inferring, which a) makes the writing and performing of the dialogue so important and b) allows us that moment of putting pieces together that makes things just a little bit funnier. The comparative descriptions of Carolyn and Douglas in the life jackets, and which fruit they can be compared to, are hilarious not only because it shows us Douglas being punished for making fun of Carolyn when she did the video, but because by doing it via audio they force us to imagine Douglas as looking far worse than Carolyn, which would be potentially doable but a lot less foolproof in a visual scene.
And speaking of Douglas... I always get some schadenfreude from seeing Douglas suffer, if only because he doesn't seem to very much. But I wonder if I'd have the same feeling about it if I'd listened in broadcast order rather than alphabetical, because in broadcast order Rotterdam came right after Ottery St Mary, another Douglas-suffers episode. As it is now, I feel like he's getting a bit more of what's coming to him but in a relatively balanced way (he did, after all, just flatten Martin in Qik and Paris)- I'm curious about people's impressions of these two episodes sequentially.
(It makes me wonder about some other plotlines this season, as well; listening to this right after Qik made Martin's grasping for whatever dignity he can get out of his rank feel a bit more urgent, and even though he didn't get any at the end, his general emotional victory this episode is very satisfying as a bit of a post-Qik followup, and a nice foreshadower that Martin's fortunes will start to turn next season. In the broadcasted season, the episodes are very far apart. And I also think that this episode being so long after Ottery St Mary, with that episode being right after Newcastle all the way at the beginning of the season, made Herc and his role here feel a bit more lived-in than I'd imagine it would feel to have Newcastle, Ottery St Mary, and Rotterdam right in a row. But I'm curious about people's opinions!)
The other thing that occurred to me in the context of previous episodes this season is- I'm kind of sad that JF got rid of the cold opens. Those were always really fun in S1-2. Ah well.
Anyway, a really great episode that I've apparently been SIGNIFICANTLY underrating... that is definitely heading right back into my usual rotation! Tomorrow, of course, an episode that is impossible to underrate, my favorite one of all...
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jadeseadragon · 2 years
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Kim Douglas Wiggins (American, b. 1959, Roswell, New Mexico), The Rockies in Autumn, oil, 24" x 18".
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crybabytecrs · 2 years
FEMALES / without fandom
・❥・VALERIE | [19-25] | madelyn cline ・❥・HAILEE | [19-26] | emily alyn lind ・❥・BROOKLYN | [19-25] | maia reficco ・❥・EMORY | [21-26] | sydney sweeney ・❥・DELILAH | [20-25] | kathryn newton ・❥・VICTORIA | [20-25] | abigail cowen ・❥・VIOLET | [18-25] | lily rose depp ・❥・OPHELIA | [20-26] | kristine froseth ・❥・AURORA | [19-26] | dove cameron ・❥・AYLEEN | [19-26] | jenna ortega ・❥・CASSIDY | [19-24] | hailee steinfeld ・❥・NOVA | [19-24] | grace van dien ・❥・JORDYN | [19-25] | natalia dyer ・❥・BLAIR | [20-27] | alexa demie ・❥・MADDIE | [18-24] | katie douglas
MALES / without fandom
・❥・LOGAN | [20-26] | benjamin wadsworth ・❥・MILES | [21-29] | drew starkey ・❥・AIDEN | [20-26] | jacob elordi ・❥・ELIJAH | [21-26] | rudy pankow ・❥・NOLAN | [20-25] | ross lynch ・❥・VINCE | [20-25] | gavin casalegno ・❥・FYNN | [21-27] | timothée chalamet ・❥・NIC | [20-26] | chase stokes ・❥・JUSTIN | [21-28] | thomas doherty ・❥・TONY | [34-42] | chris evans ・❥・MILO | [19-24] | joe kerry ・❥・JESSE | [21-30] | dylan o'brien ・❥・AARON | [22-29] | tyler posey ・❥・CHASE | [20-27] | cody christian ・❥・BENJI | [19-26] | christopher briney
FEMALES / with fandom
・❥・IVORY | [19-25] | ¡final girl | tatum's &' dewey’s sister | madelyn cline | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・MAE | [19-26] | could be a ¡final girl | stu macher’s sister | willa fitzgerald | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ALYSSA | [19-25] | randy’s sister | natalia dyer | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ELLIE | [18-25] | maia reficco | — scream muse! — ・❥・CASSIDY | [18-24] | john b's sister | hailee steinfeld | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・BAILEE | [19-25] | topper's sister | ester exposito | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・EVERLY | [20-26] | ¡hunter | crystal reed | — supernatural muse! — ・❥・SOFIA | [19-26] | ¡demon | young¡ megan fox | — supernatural muse! —
MALES / with fandom
・❥・MICAH | [21-26] | stu machers brother | ¡ghostface | amadeus serafini | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・JORDAN | [19-28] | ¡helps ghostface | jacob elordi | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CAZ | [19-26] | sidney’s brother | ¡ghostface | alex fitzalan | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CARDAN | [21-26] | tatum’s &' dewey's brother | rudy pankow | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・KIERAN | [19-25] | sarah's, rafe’s and wheezie’s brother | ¡blonde andrew garfield | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATLAS | [20-25] | jj's brother | gavin casalegno | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATTICUS | [21-27] | ¡hunter | charles melton | — supernatural muse! —
— my fandom muses are usually just for rp’s on discord, means i probably wont use them in threads on tumblr. but still, if you’re feeling like doing a canon x oc just ask!!
FEMALES / canon
・❥・SARAH CAMERON | outer banks ・❥・KIARA CARRERA | outer banks ・❥・TATUM RILEY | scream (1996) ・❥・SIDNEY PRESCOTT | scream (1996) ・❥・CLAIRE REDFIELD | resident evil ・❥・ADA WONG | resident evil
・❥・CASSIE HOWARD | euphoria ・❥・LYDIA MARTIN | teen wolf ・❥・ALLISON ARGENT | teen wolf ・❥・MAX MAYFIELD | stranger things ・❥・NANCY WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・VIOLET HARMON | ahs ・❥・ALLIE PRESSMAN | the society ・❥・ELLE TOMKINS | the society ・❥・HANNA MARIN | pretty little liars ・❥・AVA JALALI | pretty little liars: the perfectionists ・❥・NOA OLIVAR | pretty little liars: original sin ・❥・CAROLINE FORBES | the vampire diaries ・❥・KATHERINE PIERCE | the vampire diaries
MALES / canon
・❥・STU MACHER | scream (1996) ・❥・RANDY MEEKS | scream (1996) ・❥・JJ MAYBANK | outer banks ・❥・JOHN BOOKER ROUTLEDGE | outer banks ・❥・TOPPER THORNTON | outer banks ・❥・MIKE WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・STEVE HARRINGTON | stranger things ・❥・LUCAS SINCLAIR | stranger things ・❥・EDDIE MUNSON | stranger things ・❥・STILES STILINSKI | teen wolf ・❥・SCOTT MCCALL | teen wolf ・❥・LIAM DUNBAR | teen wolf ・❥・PETER PARKER | mcu / tom or andrew ・❥・STEFAN SALVATORE | the vampire diaries ・❥・EIJAH MIKAELSON | the vampire diaries ・❥・HARRY BINGHAM | the society
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 18:
season 5, episode 2, “Cartouche”:
- lmao morse code
- get it?
- anyways
- the way people used to just… smoke? in movie theaters? i fuckin wish
- oh my god morse…
- i am obsessed with this man.
- debryn greets morse by calling him “neyland smith” which is a character from the Fu-Manchu books
- he’s like the good guy
- who is a detective
- super random reference but i respect the idea that debryn reads mystery novels
- at the time debryn is referencing the character, the movies The Face of Fu Manchu, The Brides of Fu Manchu, The Vengeance of Fu Manchu, and (i think) The Blood of Fu Manchu were already out
- with The Castle of Fu Manchu on its way
- there were several films BEFORE the ones listed above, but those are most prevalent as they’re the ones released in the 1960s
- three different actors play neyland smith across these films
- one of the actors to play the character in the 60s was Nigel Green who was recognizable due to his size and handsome face
- the second actor to play him in the 60s was Douglas Wilmer, who was known for playing sherlock holmes
- the third and final actor to play the character in the 60s was Richard Greene, who was known for playing robin hood
- what’s FUNNY
- is that all of these actors were known for being good looking and did some modeling or played strapping characters in their time
- obviously debryn references the character because he’s a detective, as morse is
- but it’s also funny that he chose a character that is supposed to be like… really hot
- and it’s even better because morse laughs at the quip, meaning he understands the reference and appreciates it
- love to see it
- there we go, five minutes in and you’ve already had your history lesson!
- let’s move on
- trewlove is way to good for fancy but i gotta respect her for liking him
- i can see it
- morse just staring up at that dude changing the movie titles out
- no need to b watching the dudes ass my brother 😁
- “these people are british subjects. passport holders. we have a responsibility.”
- he’s old as god but he ain’t racist
- i respect it
- morse disliking horror movies is so…
- idk how i feel about that
- wait no
- i thought about it
- he’s a detective who deals with homicide for the most part
- so it adds up that he wouldn’t like horror
- morse asking debryn if he goes in for horror and debryn basically telling him no and then they just stand there looking at each other
- they literally work so well together i’m SICK
- they’re perfect your honor 🗣️🗣️
- also i like the idea that, if debryn had said yes, morse might have gotten him tickets to that horror showing
- we know they hang out outside of work so who’s to say they wouldn’t go see a movie?
- and i bet you morse would suffer through a horror film for debryn
- i’m just sayin 🤷‍♀️
- joan helping immigrants for work is so cool
- i love her so much
- racist bastards 😐
- morse is somehow so awkward w girls
- and yet
- hes a fucking rizz GOD
- how is he pulling a girl like THAT?
- i’m sick.
- strange housewife agenda ‼️
- i love strange and joan
- and i love the idea of them together
- and i love that he calls her “joanie”
- and i love them.
- how on earth is this thursdays brother?
- AYO?!!!!????????
- never recovering from that
- having an organ player at a movie theater is so strange to me
- how was that ever a thing
- fancy finally asking the real questions🙄
- moharram is lowkey….
- let me just 🤐
- “no slight was intended, doctor.” “with the british, it never is.”
- [i love all u brits out there i just don’t love your museums]
- [in fairness i don’t like several american museums either]
- [oh well]
- bruh… no shot fancy got drunk during his investigation
- he’s so embarrassing im sick of this
- “the thing about mistakes is not to repeat them.” “is that what it was? a mistake?”
- like i said, his rizz is unlimited, but once he’s actually got with them he’s AWFULLLLL with women
- i can’t stand it
- PLEASE the way she stands there upset and he thinks there’s something wrong w the bridge
- he could not be more ignorant with women it’s wild
- “im a policeman. im allowed anywhere.”
- first off, no. 🤨
- my tv just turned off the entire episode so i guess it’s time for a brief intermission
- alr she’s working‼️
- idk what the fuck that movie is supposed to be about but i know it would have like a 2% on rotten tomatoes
- work moharram!
- stand up for what’s right 🗣️🗣️
- snapping at waiters is the biggest ick of ALL TIME
- it disgusts me to be honest
- who tf r u snapping at 🤨🤨🤨
- if the picture moharram has on his desk isn’t of himself then ima j assume he’s gay
- thursday just having a stroke over bright joining them at dinner is killing me
- this old man reminds me of mark rylance
- aka one of my favorite actors
- i think he’s supposed to represent henry fonda or some such actor tho
- this girl morse is on a date with is having the night of her fucking life
- good for her ‼️
- i stan carol im obsessed w her
- his face after she tells him it wasn’t a mistake 🥺🥺🥺
- he is so self deprecating i hate it
- the way this usher was super cool and respectable and then says something straight up racist so morse and thursday are both like 😧😮😐
- like sir???
- the way the shot they take of the roxy combines the pristine white front with the rugged and sketchy looking side and back
- nothing i love more than symbolism that’s completely on the nose
- the pigeon hitting the car 💀💀
- it’s not funny but goddam
- his brother asking for a loan is the worst thing to ever happen to me and it’s scarred in my brain forever
- moharram is right and should be respected!
- solid apology from thursday there tbh
- PLEASE why did that extra covered in blood TERRIFY me just now
- i need to go to bed 😔
- the casual racism from this old man right now…
- i love that this kid being a movie buff is getting him off murder chargers
- fancy 🥺🥺
- finally stepping up to the plate
- obsessed w him
- what the fuck is goin on in this cafe on this day 🤨🤨🤨
- once again, why tf are doorknobs so HIGH UP in this country?????
- who tf thought a doorknob right next to your head would make sense?
- it should be down by your hand like a good american door 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🌎🏈💵💵🦅🦅🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
- joan and morse are so awkward i can’t handle it anymore
- morse showing strange how they spiked the orange juice and then just being like “i just killed you” 😜😜 is SO FUCKING FUNNY
- i always get so unreasonably nervous at these final standoff moments in this show
- like girl what r u afraid of???
- acting like i don’t already know what’s gonna happen 🤨
- all i can say is that i’m glad moharram is not the villain in this episode i would have been so damn mad
- the way he says “i was 19” 😧
- i’m so ill
- i hate war
- [certainly not an original statement but sure]
- he was obviously wrong to send them back into battle like that but he was a literal child and placed in charge of a unit like what did anyone think was gonna happen
- he just shot that dude no big deal that was crazy
- they’re all gonna die of smoke inhalation ☹️
- what on earth is gordon doing
- morse needs to get out of there asap
- why is he always a damsel in distress
- i don’t get it
- he’s just a lil guy 🥺
- [hes a middle aged white man with a pension and a drinking problem]
- brights office looks so different now than it did in season one
- im really not sure if it actually changed it just looks different
- “you’re the best of us, fred.” “the best of us never came home.”
- that was my final straw 😁
- “we are each of us, i think, keepers of the dead.”
- that line goes so hard i had to write it down
- everything goes dramatically downhill from here if im remembering correctly
- cant wait
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Loading bombs into a Douglas B-18 Bolo
@ron_eisele via X
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bala5 · 2 years
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Born Maria Guadalupe Velez de Villalobos near Mexico City on July 18, 1908, the early life of gorgeous Lupe Velez is somewhat of a mystery. Some biographers claim she was the daughter of a prostitute, while others claim that her mother was a singer and her father was an Army officer who was killed during the waning days of the Mexican Revolution. Velez's mother and siblings relocated to Texas in the early 1920s only to soon return to Mexico City, where Velez took a job as a shop girl. And avid student of dance and song, Velez soon made her way onstage in musical shows in her native country. At the age of 18, she left Mexico City for Hollywood in search of a big break into silent films. She was quickly discovered by producer Hal Roach, who recognized her comedic gifts and used her in several comedy shorts starring Charley Chase and Laurel and Hardy. Her breakthrough role came in 1927 when she was cast in a starring role opposite Douglas Fairbanks in the United Artists adventure The Gaucho (1928; with Joan Barclay). Her next film was the drama Stand and Deliver (1928; with Rod La Rocque and Warner Oland). That same year, Velez was selected by the Western Association Of Motion Picture Advertisers as one of its WAMPAS baby stars, along with other actresses such as Lina Basquette, Sue Carol, June Collyer, and Sally Eilers.
During the waning days of the silents, Velez became a star in popular films such as Where East Is East (1929; with Lon Chaney) and Tiger Rose (1929; with Monte Blue and Grant Withers). Her first sound feature, Lady of the Pavements (1929; with William Boyd and Franklin Pangborn), was one of famed silent director D.W. Griffith's last assignments.
Velez's career survived the transition to sound rather nicely, but she often scandalized Hollywood with romantic exploits with her costars, including Gary Cooper and Gilbert Roland. In 1933, she married Tarzan actor Johnny Weissmuller, but their frequent rifts made headlines and did nothing for Velez's career, which began a slow decline. Her sexually energized pre-Code roles had made her a star, but when the Hays Production Code was enforced in 1934, dramatic roles for Velez vanished, so she returned to comedy in B movies. Possessing a gift for song, Velez also acted on the Broadway stage in several musicals during the early 1930s and again in the late 1930s. By 1939, her marriage to Weissmuller had ended, and her career had few bright spots until she was cast in the RKO comedy The Girl from Mexico (1939; with Leon Errol and Donald Woods). Velez's performance was so stellar and well-received that RKO built a series around the film called Mexican Spitfire, which included eight films.
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nordleuchten · 2 years
24 Days of La Fayette: December 18th - Charles-Albert, comte de Moré de Pontgibaud
Charles-Albert, comte de Moré de Pontgibaud was one of La Fayette’s most “unruly” aide-de-camps and I am not exaggerating when I say that he was most likely the Marquis’ least beloved aide-de-camp.
Pontgibaud was born in 1758 and was one of the few individuals in La Fayette’s military circle that were younger than he was. But youth was not the only thing the two of them had in common – just like La Fayette, Pontgibaud was a bit of a troublesome teenager. While his refusal to follow orders landed La Fayette a spot on the American army pay rolls and a page in the history books, things looked different for the Comte. At the tender age of 16 he was imprisoned for a fierce and violent character, and refusing to do any kind of work. Absolutely lovely, what else could one want from an aide-de-camp?
Pontgibaud escaped prison in the fall of 1777 and he left Nantes on October 11, 1777, bound for America, on the Arc en Ciel. His father, a gentleman of 77 years, was reportedly greatly worried by his son’s escapades. While we have no direct letter from his father, we have letters from a nobleman by the name d’Alagnac (that I could not identify any further) addressed to Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. D’Alagnac wrote to John Adams on May 18, 1778:
Dr. Franklin, sir, to whom I had the honor to write for information about a young man, Chevalier de Pontgibaut, who left Nantes on 11 October 1777 on board the Arc en Ciel with letters of recommendation to Messrs. Conway and Lafayette in the hope of being employed with the troops of the United Colonies of America; has replied that he knows nothing on the matter. Permit me then to turn to you, sir, as you have newly arrived from that country and might have some information on the whereabouts of the Chevalier or the Arc en Ciel and you would greatly oblige me if you would have the goodness to inform me as to the fate of the one or the other. This young man, filled with ardor and eager to achieve glory in the service of such a worthy cause, is very dear to his family and his silence, since his departure, deeply worries his father, Comte de Chalier, a venerable old man of 77. Would it be too much of an imposition on you, sir, to ask you to ease his anxiety by condescending to discover what has become of this young man on the supposition that you have no information at hand. I dare hope for a favorable response to my request, sir, and I have the honor to be with a great respect, sir, your most obedient and humble servant
“Alagnac to John Adams: A Translation, 18 May 1778,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Adams Papers, Papers of John Adams, vol. 6, March–August 1778, ed. Robert J. Taylor. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983, pp. 132–133.] (12/18/2022)
Let us try to ease the old man’s anxiety and have a look at what happened to his son. Pontgibaud’s ship made it to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. There it was attacked by a British frigate and either run aground or outright sunk. Pontgibaud managed to get ashore where the few belongings he was able to safe from the wreck were stolen. That certainly was not his lucky day. He travelled to the army encampment at Valley Forge and it was there that he met La Fayette for the first time. Since Pontgibaud a letter of introduction for La Fayette and Conway, it is safe to assume that he wished to be employed by one of the two. But I let him tell his story:
I presented myself to him, and told him frankly my whole story. He listened to my history with attention and kindness, and at my request enrolled me as a volunteer. He also wrote to France and before long received a reply confirming the truth of my statements; he then appointed me one of his aides-de-camp, with the rank of Major, and from that moment never ceased to load me with benefits and marks of confidence.
Chevalier de Pontgibaud [Charles-Albert de More], A French Volunteer of the War of Independence, trans. and ed. Robert B. Douglas [1897; reprinted., Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1968], pp. 41-42).
La Fayette wrote himself in a letter to Patrick Henry on January 3, 1778:
Receive, Sir, my sincere thanks for the trouble you have taken in sending me some letters from France. Is it not very uncivil to be importune upon the same matter? But I have heard from a gentleman in Hampton who is reccommanded to me and is just now arrived with a parcel of letters. His vessel has been sunk by some eglish frigate, three men only have escaped, he did not save any thing but a trunk and a bag which, he says, have been braked and plundered a schore. He seems in a great distress. I take the liberty of giving to him some hopes by the inclosed letter that you will be so good as to order some notice to be taken of him. I desire him also to direct his dispatches to your excellency in case you would Give yourself the trouble of sending them to General Washington as you have done for the others.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 1, December 7, 1776–March 30, 1778, Cornell University Press, 1977, p. 211-212.
Pontgibaud’s commission as a Major was approved in February of 1778.
Not much is to be found about Pontgibaud’s early service as a volunteer and later as an aide-de-camp. He was however helpful to La Fayette during the joined efforts of the French fleet and the American troops in Rhode Island. In a letter to La Fayette, d’Estaing tells the Marquis that his aide-de-camp Pontgibaud had helped the French officers in counting and identifying several British ships.
At one point in time, I can not say with certainty when, Pontgibaud returned to France. It is probably that he sailed with La Fayette on the Alliance but even if that had not been the case, both men were in Paris around the same time. La Fayette was the first of the two to return to America and when Pontgibaud followed suit, he carried mail and packets for the Marquis on his person. If there is one thing to know about La Fayette, then that he was very invested in his mail and Pontgibaud appears to not have been up to the Marquis’ standard. Pontgibaud arrived onboard the Alliance on August 16, 1780 in Boston and La Fayette wrote to George Washington on August 28, 1780:
No pontgibault as yet, which Added to our Circumstances of provisions, and our dull prospects of inaction, Makes me feel very uneasy.
“To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 28 August 1780,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Revolutionary War Series, vol. 28, 28 August–27 October 1780, ed. William M. Ferraro and Jeffrey L. Zvengrowski. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020, pp. 14–15.] (12/18/2022)
He wrote to the Vicomte de Noailles on September 2, 1780:
We are tired of the whole thing, my friend. I have cursed about M. de Pontgibaud so much that I do not know what more to say, and I am stupefied by this miracle of negligence. Eighteen days to come from Boston! The only way to explain the enigma is that Poirey is with him, which I have learned from the gazette (because Poirey has been given full coverage in the papers), and Poirey stops at every wonder he sees here. I cannot tell you how much this delay distresses me. There are a thousand things apart from the public service that I would like to know; but I promise you at least that if I have any news I will not delay in sharing it with you.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 156-159.
He wrote to Prince de Poix on September 3, 1780:
Have you ever seen anything like it, my dear prince, and have I not reason to curse and despair? The Alliance has arrived and brought me letters; I know they are in Boston, and the officer who carries them calmly entertains himself buying horses. Good God, if he did not have my packet in his pocket, how much bad luck I would wish him! This accursed man, M. de Pontgibaud, flanked by M. de La Colombe and friend Poirey, set foot on land almost three weeks ago. He said he had important dispatches to deliver to me, so important that he refused to confide a single letter to an officer of the French army who was returning to Rhode Island, and apparently he thinks they are too important to travel other than by easy stages. Meanwhile I am getting angry, and increasingly so as I see how useless it is.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 164-167.
Finally he wrote to the Chevalier de La Luzerne on September 17, 1780:
M. de Pontgibaud had only one packet for you, delivered by a merchant and entrusted to his care with little sense of urgency; he sent it by the post the day after he arrived, but I reprimanded him for it nonetheless.
Idzerda Stanley J. et al., editors, Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790, Volume 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, Cornell University Press, 1980, p. 174-175.
While La Fayette at times certainly was unhappy with Pontgibaud, he nevertheless rendered important and valuable service and continued to serve for the entire duration of war, only resigning his position after the Battle of Yorktown. Their wartime service was not the last time that the two men would meet. Pontgibaud attended a “Board of Officers” that met on March 8, 1784 in La Fayette’s house to discuss the claims of several officers to be admitted in the Society of the Cincinnati. In the context of said meeting, La Fayette wrote a list of Names of the American officers wearing now in France the badge of the society of the Cincinnati and Pontgibaud’s name is on that list. Charles-Albert, comte de Moré de Pontgibaud died in 1837.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
As of June 2023, the District of Columbia and municipalities in three states allowed noncitizens to vote in some or all local elections: California, Maryland, and Vermont.
Joshua A. Douglas, associate professor of law at the University of Kentucky College of Law, published an article in 2017 stating, "Municipalities can expand voting rights in local elections if there are no explicit state constitutional or legislative impediments and so long as local jurisdictions have the power of home rule." Some states, for example, require that changes to local charters get approval from state legislatures, thereby limiting municipal authority over voter eligibility laws, whereas other states do not.[7]
Douglas identified 14 states—including California and Maryland—as posing no clear impediments to municipalities passing their own voter qualification laws:
New Jersey
New Mexico
Rhode Island
South Dakota
See also: Oakland, California, Measure S, Noncitizen Residents Voting Measure (November 2022)
In 2022, voters in Oakland approved a charter amendment that read, "Shall the measure to amend the City Charter to allow the City Council by adopting an ordinance, to authorize voting by noncitizen residents, who are the parents, legal guardians, or legally recognized caregivers of a child, for the Office of Oakland School Board Director if they are otherwise eligible to vote under state and local law be adopted?"
The amendment was approved with 67% support. Click here to learn more. The law took effect in 2023.
San Francisco
See also: San Francisco, California, Non-Citizen Voting in School Board Elections Amendment, Proposition N (November 2016)
In 2016, voters in San Francisco approved a charter amendment that read, "Shall the City allow a non-citizen resident of San Francisco who is of legal voting age and the parent, legal guardian or legally recognized caregiver of a child living in the San Francisco Unified School District to vote for members of the Board of Education?"
The amendment was approved with 54% support. Click here to learn more. The law took effect in 2018.
In July 2022, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard B. Ulmer, Jr. ruled that the law violated the California Constitution. Ulmer ruled that "[t]ranscendent law of California, the Constitution ... reserves the right to vote to a United States citizen, contrary to (the) San Francisco ordinance."[8] To read the full ruling, click here.
District of Columbia
The District of Columbia Council passed the D.C. Noncitizen Vote Act in October 2022, allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Due to the District's non-state status, all of its legislation must be reviewed by Congress prior to adoption. The D.C. Noncitizen Vote Act overcame bipartisan opposition in the U.S. House of Representatives and passed its congressional review in March 2023.[9]
Advocates of the law argued that noncitizens have an interest in schools, public safety and other issues, and should therefore be allowed to weigh in on public policy decisions. Opponents argue that noncitizens do not have a fundamental right to vote or hold public office in the U.S. and that the legislation dilutes the voting power of U.S. citizens.[10]
In March 2023, a group of seven D.C. voters filed a lawsuit in D.C. Superior Court seeking an injunction to prevent the law from being enforced. The case has been moved to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and the litigation is ongoing as of June 2023.[9][10]
Maryland's state constitution specifies that "every citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 years or upwards, who is a resident of the State as of the time for the closing of registration next preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote in the ward or election district in which the citizen resides at all elections to be held in this State."[11] The state constitution gives municipalities the authority to allow people outside those qualifications to vote without requiring state approval of such changes.[12]
The following Maryland municipalities allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections as of June 2023.
The Barnesville town charter defines qualified voters as "having resided therein for six months previous to any town election and being eighteen years of age."[13]
Any person over the age of 18 who has been a resident of Cheverly for at least 30 days at the time of the election and has not been convicted of a crime is eligible to register to vote in town elections.[14]
Chevy Chase Section 3
The charter of Chevy Chase Section 3 reads, "'Qualified Voter' shall mean any person who is a resident of Chevy Chase Section 3, without regard to citizenship, and is at least eighteen (18) years of age."[15]
Garrett Park
The Garrett Park town charter reads, "The town manager shall provide for the registration of voters in a flexible and available manner in order to encourage registration and voting, consistent with the policies adopted by ordinance and the rules and procedures specified by the election judges. Qualified persons may register by universal registration with either Montgomery County or the town, or may register only with the town, including residents who are not citizens of the United States, up to and including election day."[16]
Glen Echo
Glen Echo's town charter says the following: "Any person who is not a United States citizen, and (a) is a resident of the Town of Glen Echo, (b) is a lawful resident of the United States, and (c) except for the United States citizenship requirement, meets the voter qualifications provided in Section 501(a) may register to vote in Town elections."[17]
The Hyattsville town website states, "Hyattsville residents who are not U.S. citizens, or do not wish to register with the State, may use the Hyattsville City Voter Registration Form."[18]
Martin’s Additions
The Martin's Additions town charter says, "'Qualified Voter' is any person who owns property or any resident of Martin's Additions who is eighteen (18) years of age or over."[19]
Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier's city charter states that any person who has been a city resident for 30 days or more at the time of a local election, is at least 18 years old, has not been convicted of a felony offense or of buying and selling votes, and is not under mental guardianship may register to vote.[20]
Riverdale Park
Riverdale Park's town charter states, "(a) Every resident of the town who (1) has the Town of Riverdale Park as his or her primary residence, (2) is at least sixteen (16) years of age, (3) has resided within the corporate limits of the town for at least forty-five (45) days immediately preceding any nonrunoff town election, (4) does not claim the right to vote elsewhere in the United States, (5) has not been found by a court to be unable to communicate a desire to vote, and (6) is registered to vote in accordance with the provisions of § 503 of this charter shall be a qualified voter of the Town."[21]
The Somerset town charter says, "Every person who (1) is at least eighteen years of age, (2) has resided within the corporate limits of the town for fourteen days next preceding any election, and (3) is registered in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, shall be a qualified voter of the town. Every qualified voter of the town shall be entitled to vote at any or all town elections."[22]
Takoma Park
The Takoma Park city website states, "City residents who are not citizens of the United States can register to vote in Takoma Park elections by completing the Takoma Park Voter Registration Application."[23]
The following Vermont municipalities allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections as of June 2023.
On June 24, 2021, H177 was enacted into law, approving a Montpelier city charter amendment authorizing legal residents to vote in city elections. Although Governor Phil Scott vetoed the legislation, both chambers of the state legislature voted to override that veto. The law took immediate effect.[24][25]
On June 24, 2021, H 227 was enacted into law, approving a Winooski city charter amendment authorizing legal residents to vote in city and school district elections. Although Governor Phil Scott vetoed the legislation, both chambers of the state legislature voted to override that veto. The law took immediate effect
Noncitizen voting declared unconstitutional in New York (2022)
On December 9, 2021, the New York City Council approved Int. 1867-2020, which extended the right to vote in municipal elections to lawful permanent residents and other non-citizens authorized to work in the United States. The council voted 33-14 in favor of the legislation, making New York City the largest city in the nation at the time to authorize voting by non-citizens.[27]
Mayor Eric Adams (D) allowed the legislation to become law without his signature on January 9, 2022, saying, “I believe that New Yorkers should have a say in their government, which is why I have and will continue to support this important legislation. ... I look forward to bringing millions more into the democratic process."[28][29]
A group of Republican voters and officials representing the New York Republican State Committee and Republican National Committee, as well as a Democratic city council member, filed a lawsuit on January 10, 2023, challenging the new law. The plaintiffs alleged that allowing over 800,000 eligible noncitizens to vote in municipal elections when New York City has approximately five million registered voters would dilute the power of the votes of legitimate U.S. citizens.[30]
On June 27, 2022, the New York State Supreme Court for Staten Island overturned the law, ruling that it violated the state's constitution. According to Judge Ralph Porzio, “by not expressly including non-citizens in the New York State Constitution, it was the intent of the framers for non-citizens to be omitted.” The judge quoted Article 2.1 and Article 2.5 of the state's constitution in his judgment:[31][32]
The Supreme Court of the State of New York includes 62 separate courts—one for each county. These courts are the highest trial courts in the state but they are not New York's courts of last resort. The Court of Appeals is the highest court and court of last resort in New York
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lcstinfantasy · 1 year
below the cut is a list of all the muses on this blog. some will have more information than others. this is a mixture of oc and canon characters.
hayley james - 18-30 - fc: bethany joy lenz - one tree hill
lydia martin - 23-33 - fc: holland roden - teen wolf
lucas scott- 18- 30-: fc: chad michael murray - one tree hill
brooke davis - 18-30 -  fc: sophia bush - one tree hill
stu matcher - 18-30 - fc: matthew lillard - scream (1996)
tatum riley - 18- 30 - fc: rose mcgowan - scream (1996)
Eli Hale - 18 - fc: Vince Mattis (son of derek hale and stiles stilinski) - teen wolf
john b routledge - 18-21- fc: chase stokes - outer banks
sarah cameron - 18-21 - fc: madelyn cline - outer banks
rafe cameron - 20-23 - fc: drew starkey - outer banks
steve harrington - 19/20 - fc: joe keery - stranger things
eddie munson - 20 - fc: joseph quinn - stranger things
nancy wheeler - 18 - fc: natalia dyer - stranger things
chrissy cunningham - 18 - fc: grace van dien  - stranger things
robin buckley - 18 - fc: maya hawke - stranger things
joyce byers - 44 - fc: winona ryder - stranger things
max mayfield - 15/16 - sadie sink - stranger things
Carol Perkins - 18/19 - fc: talia ryder - stranger things
jonathan byers - 18 - fc: charlie heaton - stranger things
tara carpenter - 19 - fc: jenna ortega - scream
sara carpenter - 25/26 - fc: melissa barrera - scream
ethan landry - 19 - fc: jack champion - scream
quinn bailey -19 - fc: liana liberato - scream
dom torretto -verse dependent - fc: vin diesel - fast and furious
jokob torretto - verse dependent -fc: john cena, young fc: finn cole - fast and furious
taylor jewel - 18 - fc: rain spencer - the summer i turned pretty
billy loomis - verse dependent - fc: skeet ulrich - scream (1996)
campbell eliot - 18-20 - fc: toby wallace - the society
sam eliot - 18-20 - fc: sean berdy - the society
allie pressman - 18-20 - fc: kathryn newton - the society
abel teller - 26 - fc: austin butler -soa
thomas teller - 22 - fc: finn cole -soa
isaac lahey - 19-33 - fc: daniel sharman - teen wolf
erica reyes - 19-33 - werewolf- sabrina carpenter
micheal jeffery lane • 28-40 (verse dependent) • fc: channing tatum - magic mike
sage thomspon -25- fc: madelyn cline - fandomless
juniper thomspon - 23 - fc: katie douglas - fandomless
hope whittemore - 18-23 - fc: zoe colletti - teen wolf
noah armstrong - 26 -fc: theo james -fandomless
eric armstrong - 22 - fc: chase stokes - not open to other rudy pankow fcs -fandomless
bree armstrong - 24 - fc: ella purnell -fandomless
katherine bell - 26 (300+ vampire) - fc: madelaine petsch -fandomless
elijah moran - 22 - fc: gavin casalegno - fandomless
ethan moran - 23 - fc: christopher briney -fandomless
naya gomez - 28 -fc:  priscilla quintana - teen wolf
matthew evans - 25 - fc: cody christian - teen wolf
daniel james - 24 - fc: daniel sharman- teen wolf
kendall floyd - 22-25 - fc: madison bailey - teen wolf
joseph taylor - 25-28- fc: daniel ezra- teen wolf
kira huges - 21-24 - fc: josephine langford- teen wolf
kai coleman  - 27-30 - fc:oliver stark - teen wolf
hanna pittman  - 20-23 - fc: samantha logan - teen wolf
miko young - 21-25 - fc: evan mock - fandomless
jasper wooley - 21-26 - fc: thomas doherty - fandomless
eden wolfe - 21-26 - fc: emily alyn lind - fandomless
sterling herrman - 21-27 - fc: jeremy allen white - fandomless
pete warner - 22-26 - fc: cameron monaghan - fandomless
dixie adams - 27-30 - fc: emmy rossum - fandomless
lily danberry - 21 (80 vampire) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
julia danberry - 21 (80 werewolf) - fc: nina dobrev - tvd/teen wolf
nick danberry - 21 (80 witch) - fc: dylan o’brien - tvd/teen wolf
davina davidson - 24 - fc: danielle campbell - fandomless
hayley davidson - 28 - fc: phoebe tonkin - fandomless
madison lewis - 21-25 - fc: maddie phillips - ahs/teen wolf
russel lewis - 20-24 - fc: nolan gerard funk - ahs/teen wolf
talon lewis  - 19-23 - fc: melissa benoist- ahs/teen wolf
tatum lewis - 19-23 - fc: cody fern- ahs/teen wolf
dani sanchez - 24-26 - fc: alexa demie - fandomless
maya sanchez - 21-24 - fc: camila mendes - fandomless
celeste lovegood - 24-26 - fc: ana de armas- fandomless
samuel johnson - 23-25 - fc: jacob elordi - fandomless
paisley johnson - 25-29 - fc: victoria pedretti - fandomless
nate felix - 21-25 - fc: drew starkey - fandomless
andy darnell - 19-22 - fc: michael provost - fandomless
astrid sullivan - 20-25 - fc: sydney sweeney - fandomless
carter ramsey - 36 - fc: jensen ackles - fandomless
willow anderson - 19 - fc: alycia debnam-carey
ivy greene - 22 - fc: halston sage - outer banks
Nate Felix  stranger things verse
Dakota Roth - 28 - fc: bill skarsgård - stranger things 
wesley henson -  - fc: jonathan daviss - fandomless
roxanne roca - 28 - fc: camila morrone - fandomless
jolene devin cooper - 24 - fc: madison iseman - fandomless
colby ireland roberts - 24 - maia mitchell - fandomless
myles james boyce - 26 - alex roe - fandomless
kyro javier gomez - 23-26 - taylor zakhar perez - fandomless
Dalton Winter Richmann - 29 - josh hutcherson
Shepard Knight Richmann - 40 - hugh dancy
vincenza "vince" lucciano - 30 - Michele Morrone
wren nicole caruso - 42 - morena baccarin
james oliver alexander - 25 - william moseley
elinor brooke henderson - 19 - olivia welch
rowan grey - 20-30 -avan jogia
alfie reynolds - 24 - 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫
reign grey - 18-20 - lola  tung
dillon combs -19-25 - nicole wallace
gunner kyle hudson • 21-25 • college football • fc: brian altemus
ayla aslan • 23 • college student/royalty • fc: afra saracoglu
ariana "arie" berry • 22-24 • retail worker • fc: maia reficco
oliver 'ollie' greyson - pogue/bartender -18-24 - fc: julio pena
henley madison dinozzo - kook/honorary party girl - 19-25 - fc: adelaide kane
kaleb owens - 26 - ranch handler fc: noah lalonde
noah owens - 23 - ranch handler - fc: ashby gentry
luke owens - 40 - ranch handler - fc: nathan parsons
dallas marie archer - 23 - store clerk - fc: grace van patten
test muses/by request:
faye rainee munson -tba - alice pagani
asher poe munson - tba - belmont cameli
milo michael larson - tba - damian hardung
fallon marie larson - tba - angourie rice
declan felix larson - tba - corey fogelmanis
adeline blair cameron - tba - amalia williamson
davina claire - verse dependent - danielle campbell
tate langdon - verse dependent - evan peters
christopher mckay - 19-22- Algee Smith
dean winchester - verse dependent - jensen ackles
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