#Dr. Julian Ninjago
ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
My Dearest Friend...
Glaciated Memory AU | Master Of Ice Art | More to Me (pt 2)
Imagine this, if you will: you meet your best friend when you’re young and he already has graying hairs.
Well, young is a relative term. You’re not exactly young, or at least you don't think so. The younger children around the village call you old even though that’s hardly something to judge one's age by--you’ve only just started university--but your friend is older.
You had never enjoyed the snow coating the grass or the cold and frost that cling to your lashes on the early morning walks to your winter classes before, but that day, with ice stretching in front of you, shielding you and keeping you safe from harm, that day when he looks back over his shoulder at you and gives you a warm smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle, you exhale and see the frost on your breath and you suddenly find you can never look at things like winter and white and cold the same way again.
His eyes are so light of a blue they are almost white. They’re a heavy contrast to his dark skin. At first you think the ends of his long hair are white but it sparkles like glitter and ice and you realize it's coated in frost.
He saves your life.
He has a limp you notice when he leaves the village, simply a traveler passing through like a snowfall. You drop your papers, your pencils, your projects and they spill over the ice at your feet.
He waits.
You design and build a leg brace for him in your dorm. He waits patiently, standing, still as an ice sculpture until you're finished the next morning.
“Come back if it stops functioning,” you tell him.
He studies you with calculating eyes that shouldn’t have been so warm when their colour was so cold. He nods.
And he does come back. A few months later. You offer him tea and show him your plans for a new brace--one that improves upon the failures of the old one--something you started designing the moment he’d left the first time. He sits down this time and smiles and you chat. Your breath shows in the air with every exhale the longer he stays. Your teeth chatter through your grin and he grins back before throwing back his head to laugh.
You become fast friends after that.
You learn to wear more layers. His hair grays more and you graduate after many long sleepless nights studying and designing. Biomechanics, biomechanical engineering, robotics--you find fascination with building, with bodies. “A marvel,” you mutter. “A marvel. I wonder if I could replicate it.” And he smiles at you.
He comes and goes as often as cold weather. You stay holed up in your house for the most part. Designing, building. You wave him over to his new brace, made from a material more resistant to cold than the last. You’re learning. He stays for tea and you make up a guest bedroom just for him. It stays there for years to welcome him whenever he visits.
Once, someone comes to find you for knowing him. You need a leg brace of your own after that.
He has more enemies than he has friends it seems.
“I am sorry, my dear friend,” he says. There is a blizzard outside.
Your discoveries are stolen one night and someone else’s name is plastered across your work no matter how hard you try. That breaks you more than anything else.
“I’m thinking about moving,” you tell him one night, as though you haven’t been silent for the past three days.
“Oh?” he says. “Where to?”
“Somewhere cold.”
He laughs.
He takes you to a place outside of any town. Remote and freezing.
“This is my home,” he says to you. It’s a perpetual winter.
“I think I’ll build a bunker,” you say, your nose numb from the chill.
You get kicked by a treehorn and you make a sign Beware of Treehorns and hit your dearest friend with it.
“I apologize, I should have warned you,” he laughed. “I had forgotten they were unfriendly to others.”
“My ribs do not accept your apology,” you sniff.
“Will you accept it instead?”
You huff and puff out frosty breaths and jam the sign into the ground.
Of course you forgive him. How can you not?
You build something to protect you and your bunker from the creatures when your friend is not there.
He enters your bunker shaking snow off his layers and off his straw hat.
“No--not on the floor.” You throw your hands into the hair. “Now I’ll have to mop it all up.”
“My apologies,” he says, though he’s smiling wide enough to show his white teeth. “I shall assist you.”
When the frost finally melts from his hair in the warmth of the bunker you see it wasn’t the ice and snow making it look white this time.
“What is this?” he asks, looking at your project, a skeletal structure made of spare parts you’ve started to construct, loose wiring and tools scattered about it.
“A marvel of engineering--or well, it will be soon.” He looks dubious so you take off your glasses and wipe them on your shirt. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m only just beginning to build what I need.”
“I won’t be back for a while,” he says quite suddenly.
You put your glasses back on hastily. “Is something wrong?”
“Please, keep far away from the north side of the forest until I return.”
You’ve known of the serpentine war for a long time. You hear of it in the north when you’re purchasing supplies from the nearby town. You know it's over when he stumbles into your bunker and collapses face-first onto your carpet.
You have never seen him in red before and you find you do not like the sight.
The type of first-aid he needs is one that requires study and time that you do not have.
He catches your hand mid-way through bandaging his side.
“I’ll be alright,” he says, his voice like a cool, barely-there breeze.
“Of course you will.” Your teeth are chattering, you realize, even though it’s not cold in your bunker.
He does heal up. It takes a few months before he’s hiking with you to the town, leaning heavily on you and the walking stick you’ve made him. Your project lays on the table forgotten.
The Birchwood Forest is colder than it ever has been.
“I’ll be back,” he says once he can walk on his own.
“You won’t be leaving,” you say firmly.
“Julian,” he says. “My friend. I must go.”
You wonder if it makes you a terribly bad or terribly good friend for letting him.
You pour yourself into your work. A body takes shape in front of you. You do everything you can to make it human.
No one can steal this from you. It is yours and yours alone and it is marvelous.
It’s years before your friend returns.
Your creation is walking by then. There are wires still exposed and kinks to work out but you’re so proud of it. He enters through the door, slowly and with enough snow on him you’ll be swimming in it by the time it melts, but you don’t care.
You introduce him to your work.
“I used the face I knew best!”
Your friend smiles. There’s sadness there.
“Julian,” he says. “I’m dying.”
His hair is fully white.
Your smile vanishes.
You hadn’t noticed your own gray hairs and wrinkles until then.
“I have no family. No one to pass my element to. I have been looking, Julian, but…”
He needs your help. Not to live, no matter how much you talk to him, but to ensure the element he carries within him does not die.
So you create something that can store it. You travel to places together, you gather what you design, you design and through trial and error you make something that can hold the power.
“There’s no one I trust with it more,” you tell him as you tinker with your creation. “He’ll keep it safe. I designed him to protect.”
“Thank you,” your old friend says, like a breath of relief.
You create him a holder for his element and store it in the creation that shares his face.
He wants to pass in the snow. You carry him the Glaciar Barrens and it is there your friend takes his final breath.
And you discover you have done more than store his element.
Your Zane acts differently. From the moment your friend takes his final breath, your Zane seems to wake up.
You continue tinkering, researching and you don’t know what you have done but nothing can explain it.
It’s his eyes that are the same. His face that you replicated to the best of your abilities still has some differences.
The eyes however. The eyes you know.
You don’t have time to begin to miss your friend when he’s standing right in front of you.
Zane feels, just like you wanted him to. You put everything you can into upgrading him until he’s as human as he can be. Until he can feel the temperature of something by touching, until he can feel the breeze and the snowflakes as they fall on his skin.
You add a memory switch, something that is not human. You hope that it will return his memories from before, but it does not. You leave it untouched for years.
And then you are old.
You are old and your friend has not aged. You have built him everything, you have taught him how to speak again, to learn to read and observe, you have taught him everything you can. But you do not know how to teach him to move on. You never did.
“Goodbye, old friend,” you say and you flick the switch so that he may start anew and live on without you.
You watch the light fade and his eyes darken to brown.
You close your eyes.
And a long time later in a dusty empty bunker, they open back up.
Zane blinked.
It was cold.
He was standing at the edge of a village, bare feet in the snow. His toes were numb. Villagers who had caught sight of him were approaching, calling over others to bring warm water and blankets.
He felt as though he was forgetting something rather important.
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
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I... I'm sure what to do with this information. It's sad though.🥺
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yenoisee · 3 months
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more zombie au stuff, current wip for when zane gets his face torn off by his own dad
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garmadons-e-kitten · 27 days
oh oh! A rarepair (I'm pretty sure it counts as that) that lives peacefully in the back of my head is Dr Julien and the previous Elemental Master of Ice. I rarely think of it but when I do it always feels sweet. Love me some old man yaoi (also survivalshipping lmao)
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Sorry for being lazy </3
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vivianthepigeon · 10 months
Zane hc
Zane really likes to watch those hallmark Christmas movies
(Him and Pixal watch them together all the time, even when it’s not the season ❤️)
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toastingpencils37 · 9 months
The security robot for Dr. Julian's workshop randomly dancing right as it dies will never not be funny to me.
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mosura780 · 3 months
Here again with my Arcane x Ninjago DR stuff
Now I present you...
Caitlyn's mother = Pixal
Caitlyn's father = Zane
Caitlyn = Minipix/ Echo Zane
(You can also choose both )
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bootychomper · 2 years
I had a dream that lego made the Juliens treehouse a set and it included little Zane, young Dr J, old Dr J, the juggernaut and Falcon. And I wanted it so bad that I made a powerpoint presentation to my parents on all the reasons of why they should let me get it, and I tried to recreate it.
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What I think Zane's mom would have look like in the movie. I think she be built and program as a 1950s house wife but as has a sassy sitcom adittude, butting in on her son's life and wanting him find a good girlfriend
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lightning-and-dragons · 4 months
Here's a random thought I had while rewatching Ninjago.
What if Jay, instead of being adopted by the Walkers, was adopted by Dr. Julien? Just imagine all of the fluff and angst that could come from it.
Edit as of May 26, 2024: Now on A03!
Jay could've learned all of his building skills from Dr. Julien, and when it came time to build Zane, Jay helped out a bit. There are bits of Jay's mechanics in Zane, little pieces that only Jay created, so that there was always a part of him with Zane.
When Zane was activated, much like waking up, he and Jay hung out together ever second of every day. They grew up together, learning all there was to learn side by side. Jay never thought that Zane was odd, and he knew that Zane was his brother, despite being made of metal.
Zane always thought as Jay as his older brother, because he was. Jay loudly taught Zane all that Dr. Julien didn't, even convincing Zane to learn how to dance and sing. He was a constant in Zane's life, one that he was thankful for.
Jay grew to be a joy that Zane still struggled to understand, because how can someone be so happy all of the time? And Zane began to be a steady presence in Jay's life when his nightmares became too vivid, rubbing his back comfortingly every time Jay woke up sobbing.
They ate every meal together, trying new recipes as often as they could. Dr. Julien taught Zane how to cook, Jay sitting back and tasting as they went. They were a family, made up of broken pieces of both hard pasts and machine parts, but they were as flesh and blood.
And Dr. Julien mourned the day that he would have to say goodbye to the both of them. He knew who they were both meant to become. He knew what he had to do.
Jay cried when he learned that Dr. Julien had to hide away, and didn't eat for days when he learned that Zane would get his memory wiped. He was going to lose his father and his brother, and despite Dr. Julien's assurances that he wouldn't truly loose Zane, Jay knew that what they had would never return. Not when all of Zane's memories were gone. There relationship would never be the same.
Zane would forget all that they had done together, all of the games of tag in the snowy forest, all of the inside jokes the two had been collecting, even the stories Dr. Julien would tell them every night.
Zane didn't understand why Jay was sad, and was even more confused when Jay accepted a job at a junkyard, more than two day's travel away. He didn't understand why Jay was crying when he wrapped Zane in a hug, telling him that he was the best brother he could ever have. He didn't understand that when Jay said goodbye, he meant it.
Zane becomes a ninja, being led up the steps to the Monastery by Master Wu, and Jay is waiting for him. At the sight of his brother, one he hadn't seen for years, a flood of joy filles his heart, causing a bright smile on his face. All he wants to do is run up to Zane, wrap him in a big hug, and tell him all of the adventures he's had. But before he can, Zane gives him a smile, and introduces himself, his eyes friendly, yet giving no spark of recognition, no joy at seeing his brother again.
"Hello. I am Zane."
Zane didn't recognize him. He didn't know Jay. He didn't recognize his own brother.
With a heavy heart, Jay knows that the plan worked. His father was gone, and Zane forgot everything. And now, for everything to go as Dr. Julian wished it, Jay had to pretend that he didn't know Zane. He had to pretend that Zane was a human. That Jay hadn't helped build him. That they hadn't grown up together. That Jay wasn't his brother long before they were ninja.
So he rebuilds their relationship from the ground up, starting with his name.
"I'm Jay! It's great to meet you!"
Zane grows to see Jay as a little brother, and gladly lets Jay taste the food he makes, ignoring the sad look in Jay's eyes when he does so. He learns that Jay loves to invent, that he's especially fond of cold weather despite him being the Master of Lightning, and enjoys reading books before resting for the night. Jay tries to read to Zane, but Zane is more confused by the practice, and Jay soon stops, his voice soft as he says goodnight.
Jay learns to talk to Zane like they are just meeting, pushing away the inside jokes they once shared, and tried to make new ones. He tastes Zane's cooking, trains beside him, and plays videogames with him. It's good, it's nice, but it's not the same. He still misses everything. He still misses his brother. Every part of him wants flip that memory switch, make Zane remember, but he couldn't. He couldn't do that to Zane or his father.
Zane was happy. Dr. Julien was safe. And that was all that mattered.
Zane does eventually learn he's a robot, back in Jay's childhood workshop, in the woods that they both had called home. Jay has to pretend that he didn't know, and acts shocked around the others. But Jay never counted on Zane finding the memory switch so soon, and flipping it.
Zane remembers. After all of those years, he remembers.
As soon as Jay saw Zane's eyes, right after he defeated the Treehorns, he saw a recognition that he hadn't seen in years, one that reminded him of late nights talking, making pillow forts, drawing on blueprints while singing songs that they made up as they sang.
Jay expected Zane to be mad. He no doubt wondered why Jay didn't tell him the truth, why Jay hid away, pretending to be a stranger. Why Jay had lied for so long. And he would be angry with him, wouldn't he? For lying about everything they were? Everything Zane himself was?
Jay prepared for the worst.
But Zane pulled Jay into a hug, crushing him in his comforting grip, letting Jay rest his head on his shoulder, rubbing his back steadily like he did when they were young. Jay began to cry, sobbing, shaking in Zane's arms, and Zane only held him tighter.
"Jay! I remember! You're...you're my brother. My brother!"
Jay nodded, unwilling to let go, unable to speak. Zane didn't let go.
And Zane would never let go again.
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starwolf479 · 1 year
Zane and his personal relationships
Something I was thinking about that got me a little messed up It's been stated multiple times: -Cole and Jay are best friends -Jay and Nya are a couple -Nya and Kai are siblings -Kai is protective over Lloyd (also siblings) (arguably the is more fan canon than canon, but season 5 still exists and I'm sticking to it!) The only one to not be given a specific relationship tag with the others (others being the core 6 of the ninja team) is Zane. -No best friend relationship like Cole and Jay - PIXAL is called his closest friend -PIXAL is also his love interest - though it is not a confirmed relationship unlike Jay and Nya As for family: Kai and Nya (now) have their parents Jay has his parents Cole has Lou Lloyd has Wu, Misako, and (sorta) Garmadon Zane had Dr. Julian and lost him twice. He has no relationship with Echo and likely doesn't know he exists. At the beginning, Zane was definitely Wu's favorite, but then Lloyd came into their lives and their relationship started to fizzle out. Cole and Lloyd are arguably the closest with Wu now. Post season 2, the closest relationship (bar PIXAL) Zane really had was with his falcon. The falcon has not been seen since season 8. Now for one on one moments between Zane and the ninja: -Kai was the speaker at Zane's funeral.
-Cole and Zane are together in the noodle factory during season 4.
-Nya was the one to discover the OverLord virus. She was helping Zane download his memory onto the Samuri X computer.
-One of the longest team-ups Zane ever has is with Cole - season 8 when they interrogate the SoG member and infiltrate the gang. Even then, they get split up pretty early on.
-Lloyd was the one to confront the Ice Emperor (When confronting said Ice Emperor, Lloyd brings up the pink gi to try and jog his memory? That's the best he can come up with? - kinda yeah. Lloyd and Zane don't have many personal moments with each other to bring a call back to.)
-Other than Jay attempting to fix Zane during season 5 (giving him a pirate voice) I do not recall one on one scenes with the two of them.
I don't know what the point of this post really is. It's just that we see each ninja gravitating towards one particular person when they are in trouble or hurting. We don't see that with Zane. I saw a post saying that the new Ninjago series won't have seasons focused on one character over the other (can not confirm this myself) but rather focusing on the team as a family. I am curious to see how they develop the all the relationships (and a little nervous) but yeah. Again, don't know the point to this, just had it on my mind. Zane is a part of the family - develop his individual relationships please!
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the-ninjago-historian · 9 months
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BUILD HIM SO HUMAN-LIKE? This is mind boggling!!! He ate! He had a functioning body system?! What the heck?!!! So COOL!
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I just saw someone on YouTube talking about a Ninjago x Percy Jackson Au and obviously my default thought was Nya being a daughter Poseidon cuz duh or at least a daughter of Keto (Ceto?) goddess of sea monsters just for a little bit of spice
But then I started thinking about how Zane would fit into the bunch as a demigod child and then I had the thought
What if Zane's dad, Dr Julian, was a son of Hephaestus and used celestial bronze to create both Zane (and echo) and that's why he (they?) have a sort of conscience like human beings therefore technically making Zane a son? Grandson? of Hephaestus? Look there's demigods somewhere in there okay.
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i can’t find it but someone asked me about my ninjago wings of fire au a while also so here it is!!!
i uhh kind of abandoned this au?? not because i lost interest in it or that i never finished it but just bc i can’t draw dragons lololol
basically each wings of fire tribe/region is associated with a specific season/seasons so!
sea kingdom- seabound + possession
nya: seawing, princess
maya: seawing, queen
trimaar: seawing, king, dead
benthomaar: seawing, prince
morro: seawing
kalmaar: seawing, prince
misako: seawing
sky kingdom- sons of garmadon + tournament of elements
kai: skywing, fire-scales
ray: skywing
harumi: skywing
skylor: skywing, princess
chen: skywing, king
amber: skywing, queen, dead
clouse: skywing
garmadon: nightwing/sandwing
sand kingdom- skybound + hunted
faith: sandwing
ronin: sandwing/mudwing
nadakhan: sandwing, king
delara: sandwing, queen
clancee: rainwing
dogshank: mudwing
doubloon: sandwing
mud kingdom- master of the mountain
cole: mudwing, prince
lily: mudwing, queen, dethroned
lou: mudwing, king, dethroned, dead
fungus: mudwing, animus
plundar, sandwing
vangelis: icewing/mudwing, king, illegitimate
vania: icewing/mudwing, princess, illegitimate
kataru: mudwing/icewing
rainforest: prime empire
jay: rainwing
pixal: rainwing
cliff: rainwing, king, dethroned
scott: rainwing
libby: rainwing, queen, dethroned
racer 7: rainwing
okino: rainwing
unagami: rainwing, dictator
ice kingdom- ice chapter
zane: icewing
dr. julien: icewing, animus
vex: icewing, dictator
akita: icewing/mudwing
outside of kingdoms
wu: sandwing/nightwing
lloyd: 1/2 seawing, 1/4 nightwing, 1/4 sandwing
mistake: last pure nightwing, animus
for clarification,
nya, benthomaar, and kalmaar are siblings
kai and nya are not related and maya and ray have never met
pixal and zane are not robots, zane is still dr. julian’s son, but cyrus borg does not exist
lloyd is still misako and garmadon’s son but is being trained by wu
garmadon and wu are brothers
nightwings are basically oni, and are nearly extinct except for mistake
kataru and akita are still siblings but live in different tribes
jay is the son of libby and technically a prince, but rainwings do not keep track of their eggs and therefore he is not aware of this
garmadon moved to the sky kingdom to train under chen a long time ago, but later left and was cursed by clouse to slowly lose his sandwing traits and turn evil. harumi heard of these stories and left to go find garmadon bc she believes he can overthrow chen and make her queen
morro and harumi are more like antiheroes than villains
there’s like a ton more lore and i honestly have the full thing fleshed out so please ask me questions if you’re interested and i’ll try and make some art for it!!!!!
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vivianthepigeon · 10 months
I tried to show my friend Ninjago a while ago but SHE HATES ZANE!! HOW??? HE IS SO PERFECT! She says it’s his voice but I think she’s lying, his voice is literally amazing (Brent Miller you have my heart ❤️)
I’ve been a Zane girly since I was 7 so I find it SO hard to believe anyone could hate him 😔😭
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They need some laughter. They'll been through a lot. It's stress relief!
Also, they are all little shits! We love that for them. /pos
I'd like to think it all started with Kai. He just wanted a fun way to bond with his friends. He loves his bros, so he sneaks tickles in whenever possible!
Cole's lifting weights? Or has headphones in and not listening? Poke right under the arm.
Lloyd won't stop complaining about a quiz? Scribbles to distract him!
Kai is, honestly, terrified of messing with Zane. (He hesitates, but he still does mess with him. Zane's trying to calculate something for math? It's a perfect chance to find out if his neck is ticklish!)
Speaking of Zane, he is tough to crack. Not because he can hold it in, but because he's hardly ticklish anywhere.
In the midst of a tickle fight, Kai tried to drag him into it. Zane didn't react, which then prompted everyone to stop what they were doing to try and find a singular spot that made Zane smile.
They came out unsuccessful.
...Until, that is, Zane needed repairing. He has a stomach and back hatch, usually Jay does the repairs when needed because Dr. Julian (Zane's dad) does not know about ninja business. (However, Zane is capable of doing self-repairs. He doesn't let most people touch him. It's more of a trust exercise if he lets anyone go anywhere near his hardware.) Nya teams up with him too sometimes. It was by complete accident for Jay to careful shift some plating, which he was petrified by at first in fear of hurting his friend, until Zane let out a surprised giggle.
The next few pokes weren't quite accidents anymore.
(Zane still lets him do "repairs" sometimes... and those sometimes had times where he didn't even need supposed "repairs". He just wanted a couple tickles!)
It became glaringly obvious that Zane had a ticklish back, it was just a hard to reach spot.
Jay, poor guy, is one of the most ticklish people you'll ever meet. He may even be more ticklish than Lloyd!
From most ticklish to least ticklish is Jay, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Nya, Zane.
Kai has so much fun messing with Jay. Nothing downright mean, unless it's provoked, but he can tell Jay likes the attention.
Jay jumps at everything, he's a very anxious lad. So jumping at sneaky pokes and devious fingers is a welcome change.
Albeit very embarrassing. He's incredibly squirmy, and can't say the word "tickle" in certain circumstances. It's very endearing.
Do not underestimate his gremlin side though. Once he gets comfortable, he will fight back. He is very quick and nimble, he'll skitter anywhere he can reach. (Lightning fast, some may say. Ba Dum Tsk.)
Nya is soft with him, because of course she is. Which makes it tickle worse, Jay swears it does.
He hides his blush with his scarf all the time!
Cole... Cole will just hold it in, pretending it doesn't bug him. He's too good at keeping a poker face. Tickling? Not a weakness he has, is what he claims.
You just have to know the right place and right time to get him. Surprise attacks? He'll be caught off guard, good. Rough tickles or soft tickles? A hybrid mix, keeping him on his toes, also good. But getting his weak spots? Those tiny little spots that people would glance over?? That will get him really good.
But he'll destroy anyone who dares even try to poke him, he's rather someone to break up a tickle fight or start tickling someone else rather than being on the receiving end.
(The ninja have teamed up on him at some point, and he's never laughed so much in his entire life.)
Kai doesn't necessarily mind tickling, he's the one who inserted it into the dynamic in the first place.
This does not stop him from claiming he's not ticklish, though. It's his way of inviting some mischief. Everyone knows he's lying, and he's lying to get them to do something.
That's why they make him admit it. Which he actually is flustered by.
Lloyd, Jay, and Kai are all nervous gigglers.
Cole, Kai, and Jay do snort. Then again, Jay makes every sound known and unknown to mankind when he's being tickled.
Cole pounds and kicks the ground when tickled, and it does cause minor earthquakes.
The tips of Kai's hair do catch on fire when he's experiencing Intense-Tickling-Symptoms.
Lloyd gets all hiccupy if you get him good, which is very easy, and he eventually will tilt his head back and just laugh. It's a very fond sight, little tears in his eyes and stupidly big smile.
Nya would rather try to do an escape room underwater than get caught admitting anything embarrassing.
She's ruthless and knows how to win fights by playing dirty. (Which she claims she would never! Least not without good reason, such as if she were losing...)
Kai knows all her weak points, though. Knows the buttons to push. He spends a good majority of the time teasing her more than actually tickling her.
Now, Garmadon has four arms. Naturally, you see where I'm going with this.
Lloyd and Garmadon try to get along in a way only an evil warlord and a simultaneously bullied and idolized teenager could. That means they go through a lot of bonding activities. Garmadon saw Lloyd get poked once and was curious about it from then on.
Needless to say, Garmadon found one of his favorite ways to bond - and mess around - with Lloyd. All he had to do was lightly scribble his very soft human skin and he was giggling away! It was very satisfying. He may not have been able to take down the Green Ninja, but this would do nicely.
It reminds him of a time when him and Wu didn't fight. (Which then spurred on a train of thought if Wu was still ticklish, but Garmadon hasn't attempted. YET that is, he so will! Just not yet. He's still a mastermind who loves scheming!)
Garmadon has, in fact, attempted to tickle Lloyd's ninja friends before. All with varying degree's of success.
I have more thoughts but here are some headcanons!!
I need to write a tickle fic with them, I love them so much!
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