#Doctor Julian Ninjago
the-ninjago-historian · 9 months
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BUILD HIM SO HUMAN-LIKE? This is mind boggling!!! He ate! He had a functioning body system?! What the heck?!!! So COOL!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 6 months
My Dearest Friend...
Glaciated Memory AU | Master Of Ice Art | More to Me (pt 2)
Imagine this, if you will: you meet your best friend when you’re young and he already has graying hairs.
Well, young is a relative term. You’re not exactly young, or at least you don't think so. The younger children around the village call you old even though that’s hardly something to judge one's age by--you’ve only just started university--but your friend is older.
You had never enjoyed the snow coating the grass or the cold and frost that cling to your lashes on the early morning walks to your winter classes before, but that day, with ice stretching in front of you, shielding you and keeping you safe from harm, that day when he looks back over his shoulder at you and gives you a warm smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle, you exhale and see the frost on your breath and you suddenly find you can never look at things like winter and white and cold the same way again.
His eyes are so light of a blue they are almost white. They’re a heavy contrast to his dark skin. At first you think the ends of his long hair are white but it sparkles like glitter and ice and you realize it's coated in frost.
He saves your life.
He has a limp you notice when he leaves the village, simply a traveler passing through like a snowfall. You drop your papers, your pencils, your projects and they spill over the ice at your feet.
He waits.
You design and build a leg brace for him in your dorm. He waits patiently, standing, still as an ice sculpture until you're finished the next morning.
“Come back if it stops functioning,” you tell him.
He studies you with calculating eyes that shouldn’t have been so warm when their colour was so cold. He nods.
And he does come back. A few months later. You offer him tea and show him your plans for a new brace--one that improves upon the failures of the old one--something you started designing the moment he’d left the first time. He sits down this time and smiles and you chat. Your breath shows in the air with every exhale the longer he stays. Your teeth chatter through your grin and he grins back before throwing back his head to laugh.
You become fast friends after that.
You learn to wear more layers. His hair grays more and you graduate after many long sleepless nights studying and designing. Biomechanics, biomechanical engineering, robotics--you find fascination with building, with bodies. “A marvel,” you mutter. “A marvel. I wonder if I could replicate it.” And he smiles at you.
He comes and goes as often as cold weather. You stay holed up in your house for the most part. Designing, building. You wave him over to his new brace, made from a material more resistant to cold than the last. You’re learning. He stays for tea and you make up a guest bedroom just for him. It stays there for years to welcome him whenever he visits.
Once, someone comes to find you for knowing him. You need a leg brace of your own after that.
He has more enemies than he has friends it seems.
“I am sorry, my dear friend,” he says. There is a blizzard outside.
Your discoveries are stolen one night and someone else’s name is plastered across your work no matter how hard you try. That breaks you more than anything else.
“I’m thinking about moving,” you tell him one night, as though you haven’t been silent for the past three days.
“Oh?” he says. “Where to?”
“Somewhere cold.”
He laughs.
He takes you to a place outside of any town. Remote and freezing.
“This is my home,” he says to you. It’s a perpetual winter.
“I think I’ll build a bunker,” you say, your nose numb from the chill.
You get kicked by a treehorn and you make a sign Beware of Treehorns and hit your dearest friend with it.
“I apologize, I should have warned you,” he laughed. “I had forgotten they were unfriendly to others.”
“My ribs do not accept your apology,” you sniff.
“Will you accept it instead?”
You huff and puff out frosty breaths and jam the sign into the ground.
Of course you forgive him. How can you not?
You build something to protect you and your bunker from the creatures when your friend is not there.
He enters your bunker shaking snow off his layers and off his straw hat.
“No--not on the floor.” You throw your hands into the hair. “Now I’ll have to mop it all up.”
“My apologies,” he says, though he’s smiling wide enough to show his white teeth. “I shall assist you.”
When the frost finally melts from his hair in the warmth of the bunker you see it wasn’t the ice and snow making it look white this time.
“What is this?” he asks, looking at your project, a skeletal structure made of spare parts you’ve started to construct, loose wiring and tools scattered about it.
“A marvel of engineering--or well, it will be soon.” He looks dubious so you take off your glasses and wipe them on your shirt. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m only just beginning to build what I need.”
“I won’t be back for a while,” he says quite suddenly.
You put your glasses back on hastily. “Is something wrong?”
“Please, keep far away from the north side of the forest until I return.”
You’ve known of the serpentine war for a long time. You hear of it in the north when you’re purchasing supplies from the nearby town. You know it's over when he stumbles into your bunker and collapses face-first onto your carpet.
You have never seen him in red before and you find you do not like the sight.
The type of first-aid he needs is one that requires study and time that you do not have.
He catches your hand mid-way through bandaging his side.
“I’ll be alright,” he says, his voice like a cool, barely-there breeze.
“Of course you will.” Your teeth are chattering, you realize, even though it’s not cold in your bunker.
He does heal up. It takes a few months before he’s hiking with you to the town, leaning heavily on you and the walking stick you’ve made him. Your project lays on the table forgotten.
The Birchwood Forest is colder than it ever has been.
“I’ll be back,” he says once he can walk on his own.
“You won’t be leaving,” you say firmly.
“Julian,” he says. “My friend. I must go.”
You wonder if it makes you a terribly bad or terribly good friend for letting him.
You pour yourself into your work. A body takes shape in front of you. You do everything you can to make it human.
No one can steal this from you. It is yours and yours alone and it is marvelous.
It’s years before your friend returns.
Your creation is walking by then. There are wires still exposed and kinks to work out but you’re so proud of it. He enters through the door, slowly and with enough snow on him you’ll be swimming in it by the time it melts, but you don’t care.
You introduce him to your work.
“I used the face I knew best!”
Your friend smiles. There’s sadness there.
“Julian,” he says. “I’m dying.”
His hair is fully white.
Your smile vanishes.
You hadn’t noticed your own gray hairs and wrinkles until then.
“I have no family. No one to pass my element to. I have been looking, Julian, but…”
He needs your help. Not to live, no matter how much you talk to him, but to ensure the element he carries within him does not die.
So you create something that can store it. You travel to places together, you gather what you design, you design and through trial and error you make something that can hold the power.
“There’s no one I trust with it more,” you tell him as you tinker with your creation. “He’ll keep it safe. I designed him to protect.”
“Thank you,” your old friend says, like a breath of relief.
You create him a holder for his element and store it in the creation that shares his face.
He wants to pass in the snow. You carry him the Glaciar Barrens and it is there your friend takes his final breath.
And you discover you have done more than store his element.
Your Zane acts differently. From the moment your friend takes his final breath, your Zane seems to wake up.
You continue tinkering, researching and you don’t know what you have done but nothing can explain it.
It’s his eyes that are the same. His face that you replicated to the best of your abilities still has some differences.
The eyes however. The eyes you know.
You don’t have time to begin to miss your friend when he’s standing right in front of you.
Zane feels, just like you wanted him to. You put everything you can into upgrading him until he’s as human as he can be. Until he can feel the temperature of something by touching, until he can feel the breeze and the snowflakes as they fall on his skin.
You add a memory switch, something that is not human. You hope that it will return his memories from before, but it does not. You leave it untouched for years.
And then you are old.
You are old and your friend has not aged. You have built him everything, you have taught him how to speak again, to learn to read and observe, you have taught him everything you can. But you do not know how to teach him to move on. You never did.
“Goodbye, old friend,” you say and you flick the switch so that he may start anew and live on without you.
You watch the light fade and his eyes darken to brown.
You close your eyes.
And a long time later in a dusty empty bunker, they open back up.
Zane blinked.
It was cold.
He was standing at the edge of a village, bare feet in the snow. His toes were numb. Villagers who had caught sight of him were approaching, calling over others to bring warm water and blankets.
He felt as though he was forgetting something rather important.
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froginninjago · 2 months
Day 192: His First Soulmark
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So, I won't be formatting every comic like this. Every one afterwards will just have important sentences over the drawn scenes.
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unseentravler · 3 months
Ninjago Avatar AU
Backstory 9
Zane Julian
Zane (born 71 AAG , water bender) was born in Tuk, a city in the northern water tribe and has a younger bother, Echo (born 76 AAG, non bender).
When he was 6, his parents both got sick and died, and with no living relatives in Tuk, the bothers were left to live on the streets.
Not long after the bothers were taken in by Doctor Julian, and had happily childhood. Same was put into water bending glasses and had a real talent for ice bending. Echo Had a talent for invention and Julian taught him everything he knew.
When Zane was 16 when his adopted father died, Leaving him to take care of the 11-year-old brother. As he was of adult age, he gained custody of his brother and decided to move to Agna Qel'a, Where echo could continue to receive a good education and zayne could earn good money working to maintain the walls around the city.
He eventually drew the gaze of master Pakku, I would be gaining the train in the martial element of ice bending, and soon, he came greatly renowned for his skill.
Unfortunately, him and master paku had a rather large falling out over politics. Because his adopted father was not from the northern water tribe, he had been raised with the view of equality between men and women.
This all culminated in Zane and Echo, leaving the North Polea and moving to their father's original home.
Part 10
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warcost · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
osiris (destiny 2)
perceptor (transformers)
this multimuse (below)
Ballistic (Apex)
Leper (darkest dungeon)
Atticus-1 (destiny 2)
Misraaks (destiny 2)
The Speaker (destiny 2)
Lord Timur (destiny 2)
The Young Wolf (destiny 2)
Tenth Doctor (doctor who)
Fourteenth Doctor (doctor who)
Cain (dnd)
Eoghan (dnd)
Gale (dnd)
Patroclus (hades)
The Arbiter (halo)
Ana Amari (overwatch)
Dreadstar (tf oc)
Excalibur Umbra (warframe)
Archangel Raphael (og oc)
Munin Manokk (og oc)
the third doctor (doctor who)
robin (fe:a)
ryouma (fe:f)
silas (fe:f)
allura (vld)
cole cassidy (ovw)
fareeha amari (ovw)
reinhardt wilhelm (ovw)
operator oc (warframe)
zane julian (ninjago)
iida tenya (bnha)
ignis scientia (ffxv)
aziraphale (go)
obi-wan kenobi (sw)
seteth (fe:3h)
some others I've probably forgotten about
ignis scientia
fareeha amari (except i take a hammer and i fix the problems)
obi-wan kenobi
stolen from. @desertbled
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fires-of-ninjago · 3 years
Doctor Hybrid AU
Oh, it's been a while since anyone asked me about this!
1) The Oni and Dragons were once two extremely advanced, space-faring species who destroyed each other in a long and brutal war.
2) Dr. Julian wasn't just some genius who built robots, he was from the First Realm before it was turned into a desert waste land!
3) Zane was once a human boy who died in an accident. His father couldn't bare to lose him, so he copied his mind and used it as the foundation for Zane's operating system.
4) Dr. Julian had tried to create a clone of Zane's human form...it just wasn't stable and would continuously fail once taken off of life support.
5) Zane didn't just become the Elemental Master of Ice because his predecessor was desperate; it was because his human mother was the last master's sister. So what little organic parts were left were enough to hold the power!
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raointean · 4 years
Ninjago headcanon: Zane
I believe Zane is autistic. I know what you’re thinking “Raointean, he’s a robot! Robots don’t have brains so they can’t be autistic.” I say you’re wrong. Maybe he was modeled on Julien or maybe it’s a robotic quirk. Who knows? The fact remains that he shows several symptoms, pretty much all of them presented to us in season 1 episode 2.
He really doesn’t pick up on social cues like in the dinner scene where they’re all throwing food at eachother.
His thought process is very different from a neurotypical person’s. For him, following the bird because it danced, was a completely logical step.
He’s often off in his own little world. At the beginning of the episode when all the ninja are training, Zane is meditating. All of a sudden, he gets up and starts fighting and getting in everybody’s way.
From this evidence, I have drawn the conclusion that Zane is on the autism spectrum.
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crappy-coffee · 2 years
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Zane Ninjago in Pokémon????
Introducing Dr. Zane Julian, the former master of ice and elite 4 member, now a doctor at a Pokemon Center. I replaced the twist of him being a android with him instead being able to communicate with Pokemon like N.
His old team has a lot more punch to it but since his retirement those mons are "out of commission" for lack of a better term. He has befriended Rei the Alolan Vulpix, Xeno the Porygon Z, Mirce the Frosmoth, and Aileron the Skarmory, who all help him out in his lab. But don't underestimate his team, they can still take out most elite trainers. Zane simply prefers not to battle anymore due to an... Incident.
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squib-2006 · 2 years
I am going to rewatch one episode of ninjago a day until I ether give up or finish
I will put my thoughts down as I watch it and rate each episode out of ten.
Day 1
Ep 1 rise of the snakes
The old monastery was so empty
Those controllers are huge
I want to play what they are playing why can’t this be a real game
Not cool sensei wu you didn’t even let them save
Cole talks with Kai’s voice wow he is magic
Yes the tornado of creation the super op move that will only be used three(I think it’s three might be wrong) times throughout the intire series, but seriously so my situations could have been solved if they just made the tornado
The game magically didn’t reset and erase there progress
The people that “spotted lord garmadon” need to get glasses. How do you confuse an adult dark warlord, with a literal 10 year old
The ninja bumping into eachother looks so awkward but is still somehow funny
Jay being awkward around nya is always good for my Jaya heart
Really Kai you could have killed someone with opening the door with out checking if someone was under it
Also did the monastery always have a dragon stable or did they have to add it
Jay falling=peek Comedy
Kai stop being sexist to your sister
I miss the dragons they were so cool
Rocky and Cole friendship my beloved
Jays voice was so much lower in the first season it sounds weird to me cuz I’m used to him screeching every five seconds
Dragon acrobatics are cool
Jamanakai village the og village I wish we could go visit it in the newer seasons because I love how it looks
You get ur candy baby
Cole saying that he escaped again implies this isn’t the first time they have delt with him
Wow these adults are a-holes. They gust throw rotten fruit at a child
Kai your parents literally fought in the serpentine wars your telling me they never mentioned anything about the serpentine ever
Why are they carrying Lloyd like that
Oh my god I remember them putting Lloyd up on the sign and finding it funny as a kid but now this just seems cruel
Zane paid for all that candy with a single coin
Mucacho, kai just called Lloyd muchacho. Why
Now they’re just bullying Lloyd with candy
“Kai about to get on his dragon” top ten moments before disaster
Why does wu have a dragon saddle bag
And you cannot tell me wu didn’t put that there on purpose to motivate them
What is it with kai and Cole steeling each other’s voices.
If it’s the “ancient language of our ancestors” how do you know how to read it. Like I know your a robot but still Zane I don’t think doctor Julian programed that in
This prophecy is incorrect because Lloyd is the green ninja
This competition is so stupid
I should just start a counter for how many times kai and Cole switch voices (3)
Setting up Kai’s obsession with the green ninja
How did Lloyd get to a snowy tundra wasn’t he just on a mountain village
Why is it so easy to open the tombs I think it should be a bit harder to release vengeful snake people
This Ice is so pretty
How is the snake now under Lloyds control if he hypnotized him self. Shouldn’t he be under his own control
Any time baby Lloyd laughs I want to grab him and jut hug him so hard he screams because it is so cute
Any time jay gets hit by something I giggle I don’t know why it’s so funny to me
The kendo suits look so weird to me for some reason
Rip Cole
The combat here seems so clunky compared to modern day ninjago
Baby fire ball is adorable
Jay looks so sad poor bean
Rip pole
Where did the other Shuriken of ice go?
Oh there it is
And then the one underneath coles foot magically goes back to Zane despite it being trapped in the ice
Cole could have chopped Zane’s legs off
Wow petty much jay
When Cole smashes down the scythe of quakes the grounds textures glitch
Sword of fire gets to hot for Kai to control because he is getting to angry more evidence that the golden weapons are sentient
How does the stone light on fire and in a perfect circle around kai
Sparkles are pretty
Lean ninja. They knew what they were doing
Wu gets mad at them for training yet he is the one who wanted them to train
Why are those watermelons so tiny like the cucumbers are larger then them
Baby Lloyd is so cute even when terrorizing villagers
Wu be smoking the good stuff
Kai doesn’t care until he remembers that nya is there. He really loves his little sister doesn’t he
Jays voice was really low when he said “that leaves us with one choice” and then the “run” broke my eardrums
Stealth 100
Not all of them have tails nya
Jay stop being sexist to nya
Kai shaking his head at jay gives me life
Kai ignores his sisters advise and looks the snakes in the eyes
Kai’s whole body flattened when he hit the wall
Also physical Comedy = peek comedy
Always look where your going Lloyd
Also Lloyd is somehow need the fountain now
No one listens to nyas advice they all stare at the snakes
By golly made me cringe
Maybe if you hadn’t strung Lloyd up like a piñata and taken him to wu so much of this whole show could have been avoided
Wu never teaches them anything they ask him to
Patience nya you just have to wait thirteen seasons and you can become a dragon
Why didn’t the anti venom cure Cole
Final thoughts
This is a good intro into the season but it drags on a bit with the green ninja tournament and without watching the pilots you might be a bit confused. Lloyd was as cute as I remembered. The ninja go the other hand were a bit boring. I liked the set up they did and the animation was good if not a bit clunky. Over all I give this episode a 7/10
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the-ninjago-historian · 7 months
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I... I'm sure what to do with this information. It's sad though.🥺
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lialia0213 · 3 years
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Name: Mitsuko Hayashi
Age: Doesn’t age ( probably over 3300 years old)
Birthday: June 16th
Gender: female
Race: Demigod
Height: 6’3
Weight: unknown
Hair style: long (down)
Hair Color: burnt orange
Eye Color: pale green
Skin Tone: light brown
Voice reference: Angelina Jolie
Weapon of choice: spell book
Element: magic
Abilities: telepathic, read minds, implant mental suggestions, granting enhanced strength and durability, but greatly diminishing her psychic powers, Telepathic Cloak, Psionic Shield, Telepathic Illusions, spells, potions.
Personality: very wise, understanding, kind, loving, intelligent.
Occupation: Doctor, Princess warrior.
Affiliations: her tribe, the ninjas, Sensei wu, the elemental masters, Ninjago city.
Hometown: The forest of the unknown ( The Rubin Tribe/ elf’s with different gems)/ Ninjago City
Status: Alive
Aoi Hayashi ( Mother)
Osamu Hayashi ( father)
Asuka ( sister)
Hanako ( sister)
Chika ( sister)
Haruki ( brother)
Ichiro ( brother)
Ziya Hayashi ( Cousin)
Zane Julian ( boyfriend/fiancé/husband)
Fun Facts:
Been around since the serpentine wars.
Best friends with the elemental masters
Best friends with the ninjas.
Sensei Wu took care of her when she was a child. ( there was an attack in her kingdom and her mother took her to him )
Has met Lilly and Morro.
Has a good relationship with Wu, Misako, Garmadon, and Lloyd.
met Lloyd when he was a baby.
The keeper of her kingdom.
Helps around the orphanage.
Has a heart and cares about people.
Loves the people of Ninjago City.
Often comes by to see the ninjas and Sensei Wu.
Ninjago template by rolandwhittingham on
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Stompy boots au aka Misako the doc martens mom
Maybe we can call them doc julian’s because Doctor Julian maybe because he sold the manufacturing rights and makes royalties off of it.
So Zane inherits a shoe empire after he gains his memories and finds doctor julian’s will.
Doc martens come in almost every color of the sun so of course Lloyd gets the ninjagan versions green stompy boots.
They have work proof boots designed for rough work environments like construction and being an electrician, so get the baby boy some steel toes docs so he can kick people harder in Darkley’s
There’s also a community who paints and customizes their doc marten so Lloyd painting his with like fucking rough skeletons and stuff.
So imagine a half feral Lloyd after being booted from Darkley’s wandering around ninjago looking for Misako because she kept frequent contact with him through letters going to every doc julian’s store to find her.
The only consistent way to track Misako outside of work is her waiting to buy the newest design of stompy boots. Of course she bought new stompy boots for Lloyd too and they were frequent in his care packages.
Lloyd inevitably ends up in Jamenkai as a pit stop on his way to the mega monster’s doc’s shoe store though because he knows his uncle has a monastery nearby and hey maybe he can give him a warm meal and bed for the night.
Wu maybe a dumpster fire at basic parenting but Wu be like Lloyd no you’re staying here until Misako can pick you up.
Kai immediately going into brother mode both because Lloyd too does wear stompy boots like him and he looks like he needs a hug
Kai has the dark cherry red stompy boots fight me while Nya has some bright red ones that she painted with like swords on it.
Lloyd, Kai, and Nya going one of us one of us after they all see Jay finally put on a pair of electric resistant workboots.
Don’t agree with calling them Doc Julian's, but other than that I’m down for all of this.
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unseentravler · 4 months
Ninjago Avatar AU
Backstory 4
Julian(born 10 AAG, non bender) was a scientist and inventor in the early days of war. It had not yet reached where he lived, an island off the North Coast of the Earth Kingdom. The village where he lived didn't believe the war would ever touch them. But Julian believed otherwise. When he was in his early teens, he decided to move to the Northern Water to help with the war effort. Not long after he did, the northern water tribe closed its borders.
After growing increasingly frustrated with the northern tribes refusal to get reinvolved in the war, he left the capital and moved to one of the smaller cities.
He lived mostly in isolation until 1 day. As he went into town, he found 2 little boys alone in the snow. He asked around and tried to find their parents but soon discovered they had died that previous winter.
He decided to take the 2 boys in as his sons. He passed away in 87 AAG.
Part 5
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your-nonbinary-pal · 4 years
Here you have maybe complete list of my fandoms and a little comment to every fandom:
Undertale (like I was in this fandom a few years back and now I came back, I love the au's)
Animal crossing (this game is cute, I got new horizons yesterday)
The Arcana (Good game, I love Julian)
Obey me! (Good game, I love Beel)
Pokemon (Ash should be dead, please I need a new protagonist, Twilight wings is great)
Warrior cats (I love this series)
Doctor Who (10th doctor is my favorite)
Sonic the hedgehog (I hate Sonic, but love the others)
Bnha (cool anime, shipping wars are not)
Stardew valley (calm game, I love almost all characters)
My little pony (This here is like my first fandom)
Steven Universe (I love this series, I cried when I watched the ending)
Mario (cool game)
Hazbin Hotel (love the animation, story, characters and songs)
Rick and Morty (I like this)
Over the garden wall (I love the story and characters, music is lovely)
Gravity falls (same as Over the garden wall)
Team fortress 2 (cool game, Soldier main, I'm still sad about Rick May)
Marble hornets (started because creepypastas, now I try to make something about marble hornets)
Houseki no kuni (cool anime, sadly only 13 episodes, and I can't buy mangas)
Adventure time (beautiful cartoon, ending is beautiful)
Villainous (cool, just cool)
FNAF (I like the story)
Splatoon (I love the idols)
Camp camp (god I love this one)
South park (I like the characters, ships are ok too)
DDLC (played , natsuki is the best girl (please don't start a war over this))
Sally face (cool game, story is good)
Star vs the forces of evil (ending is lacking)
Ninjago (I love Zane and Cole)
Portal (the game is really good, the story too)
Moomins (I like snufkin)
Cattails (Good game, reminds me of Warrior cats, Krampy is Good)
Plants vs Zombies (I like this game)
Food fantasy (I love this game)
Minecraft (my first computer game, so much nostalgia)
Bee movie (I love the memes)
Be More Chill (my favorite musical, Michael is my favorite, SQUIP too)
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tornadoofcreation · 5 years
Ninjago Hogwarts AU
Okay so, idek if this counts as a traditional AU because I’m basically just plopping the Ninjago characters into a modified version of the Harry Potter Canon, but here goes nothing
Wu, Garmadon And Misako
* Wu and Garmadon are direct descendants of Merlin, making them both very powerful Wizards.
* Garmadon was born with an Aptitude for dark magic, while Wu was very skilled with Transfiguration.
* Both began training in magic from a very young age
* As a child Garmadon came in contact with the venom of a basilisk (idk how or why, probably someone trying to harm him as he was from a legacy of a very powerful wizard). The venom mixed with the powerful dark in him caused a slow progression to evil
* Once they got to hogwarts, Wu was sorted into ravenclaw
* Garmadon was a hat stall. While garmadon himself was a gryffindor, the evil in him made him seem like a Slytherin. Because of this, he was put into Slytherin house
* In first year, the brothers met Misako, a genius muggleborn in Ravenclaw who’s speciality was ancient runes
* Garmadon and her fell in love; they started dating in their 6th year
* Garmadon was a chaser on the Slytherin quidditch team
* After they graduated they joined an alliance for the first wizarding war, similar to the order of the Phoenix
* Misako and Garmadon had a son, Lloyd, during the war
* Six months later, garmadon succumbed to the evil and left to become a death eater
* He was able to give the order’s secrets to Voldemort
* After the war ended, wu knew Voldemort would return and began a journey to find pupils who would be able to defeat him. Because Merlin was so powerful, with magic, he had control over different elements of the earth. He passed down this skill to his descendants, including Wu and Garmadon. Wu had Far more mastery of the skill that garmadon. He wanted to teach those skills to a new generation to give them a fighting chance
* He began to create spells to channel his special magic which he called “elemental magic”
* Garmadon was posed as a wanted wizarding criminal and muggle criminal, charged for the murder of millions. In reality, he was terrified of what he had done and ran away, fearing that his evil would hurt Misako and Lloyd
* Misako left Lloyd In a muggle boarding school for bad boys so she could do her own research and escape the world of magic
Kia and Nya
* Both of them come from a powerful pure blood lineage; they don’t know much about it though as their parents disappeared when Kai was 5 and Nya was 3
* They both showed lots of signs of magic through their childhood and sort of discovered the magic world by themselves
* At age 11 Kai’s Hogwarts letter came, delivered by Wu who guided him through the magical world and sent him to Hogwarts
* His was has a Dragon heartstrings core
* He was put in Gryffindor, through the hat did consider Slytherin for a second
* He took a while to warm up to the rest of his house; there were a lot of strong personalities clashing with his own strong personality
* He then met Cole, who was another Gryffindor who was a lot quieter and grounded than the others. They clicked right away and the first breakfast after the sorting, neither really wanted to sit with the other Gryffindors
* They found two other boys that were sitting outside the great hall, jay and zane and ended up becoming best friends
* He did warm up to his housemates soon enough
* He became chaser on the Gryffindor team
* He met another Gryffindor on the quidditch team, Skylor; another chaser, and they became close friends.
* They started dating in Kai’s 5th year
* Nya came to Hogwarts two years later after. The hat debated between Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin, but it eventually decided on Slytherin
* Her want has a thestral core
* She was very popular with literally everyone in Hogwarts but she gelled really well with Kai’s small group of friends
* She’s extremely intelligent though her favorite subject was transfiguration and defense
* She became Slytherin team beater (I mean c’mon this girl held up all the ninja with one hand in ‘ninja vs lava’
* She began dating Jay in her 4th year
* During the summers, they were trained by Wu in his strange form of magic.
* Kai found he had an aptitude for controlling fire with magic and Nya water
* They both led the younger resistance against Voldemort along with the others in the second war
* After school, both siblings became aurors.
* Eventually Nya became Minister of Magic and Kai became head auror
* He was a muggleborn wizard
* Wu found him at age 11 and explained everything to him and his parents, telling jay he had something special most wizards don’t have
* His wand has a unicorn hair code
* The hat decided between Ravenclaw and hufflepuff for him, but decided on Ravenclaw as it fit not only his genius intelligence but his quirky personality
* The morning after the sorting, he got really distracted by trying to figure out how the moving staircases work on his way to breakfast and got lost
* Another Ravenclaw, Zane found him roaming around, looking lost and brought him breakfast. They just kinda sat outside and had their breakfast, waiting for the rest of the Ravenclaws to arrive so they could follow them back to the common room.
* There, two other boys, Cole and Kai, found him and they become the best of friends
* He tried out for seeker on the quidditch team, but got keeper because the captain through he’d make an amazing keeper.
* He developed a real aptitude for transfiguration and that’s how he and Nya really became close. He was working on a transfigurations experiment and Nya, intrigued, asked if she could help
* Other than that, he was very good with improving muggle objects with magic
* Jay and Nya began dating in Jay’s 6th year
* Jay was prone to getting teased quite often, but he most always shrugged it off and didn’t let it bother him
* Wu trained him in the summer and he found he could control lightning with magic very well
* He became a leader in the resistance in the second war. His style of fighting, lighting fast blasts of magic that the opponent couldn’t keep up with, was very useful.
* After the war, he opened a workshop where he improved muggle objects with magic and invented muggle/magic combined technology
* He and Nya settled down eventually and had two kids
* He’s a halfblood wizard; his mother was a witch and his father is a muggle dancer
* His mom passed away when Cole was very young so he had little to no exposure to the magical world.
* Wu came when he was eleven and explained everything to him and his father and told him he had something most wizards don’t and took Cole through the magical world
* Cole’s wand has a thestral core
* He was a hat stall between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. His qualities could go either way, but his values leaned slightly more towards Gryffindor. The hat sensed that that would fluctuate and maybe even change fully as Cole grew up
* He was slightly overwhelmed by the Gryffindors at first and their strong personalities as Cole was very grounded and the Gryffindors were more flamboyant. He met Kai, who’s personality clashed with the others as well, and they became friends
* They met Jay and Zane there and became friends
* He became a beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team
* When Nya joined the Slytherin team as beater, they both practiced together a lot
* He had an aptitude for herbology and defense
* He’s friends with all owls in the Owlery and sometimes just sits up there with them
* He was trained to control earth with magic by Wu
* He also became a leader in the residence
* After the war, he became a magizoologist and took care of the magical beasts at Hogwarts
* He’s a special situation. He was built by doctor Julian, an extremely talented muggle mechanic. His wizarding friend then gave the child magic (I know that’s impossible l, but ya know zane’s a weird situation and I didn’t really know how to work around him)
* Julian knew a little about the magical world and taught Zane what he knew about it
* They were both shocked when his Hogwarts letter came. As he did for the others, wu comes and talks to Julien and Zane
* His core is also Thestral Hair
* His father also sends him to Hogwarts with a mechanical falcon instead of an owl
* He is sorted into ravenclaw immediately
* at breakfast the next day, he sees a confused looking boy roaming around. Zane thinks he’s lonely (he’s not, jay’s just confused) and Zane’s not too good with people and doesn’t have any friends yet so he takes his breakfast and grabs something for the boy and brings it to him.
* He and Jay become best friends and meet Kai and Cole that same meal
* He’s really good at all of his subjects, and is top of his class, though if had to pick his favorite it would be ancient runes or defense against the dark arts
* His intelligence along with Jay and Nya help the group get into all kinds of trouble
* He met PIXAL, another Ravenclaw, a year below him. They became best friends and she is initiated with their group
* They started dating in 7th year
* Wu trains him to use Ice with magic
* He’s also a leader In the resistance
* After, he joins the ministry and helps Nya with her minister of magic stuff
* His job is in the magical law enforcement section
* He’s a pure blood, son of Misako and Garmadon, but knows nothing about the wizarding world because he was raised in the boarding school
* When he got to Hogwarts, he had heard about his father’s ‘feats’ and was determined to be a Slytherin to make him proud and make him come back to Lloyd
* He has a Phoenix feather wand core
* He begged the hat to put him in Slytherin, but the hat knew he wouldn’t fit in there. He was sorted into Hufflepuff, mulch to Lloyd’s disdain
* He stubbornly tried to hang out with the Slytherin the first week, but they just made fun of Lloyd. In the end, that just resulting in him being the joke of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and the Laughingstock of Slytherin. The Hufflepuff felt betrayed by him as well
* Finally giving up, he decided to eat breakfast alone, outside the great hall. There, he found a group of kids from all different houses who are here since didn’t want to be at separate tables
* He slowly became friends with Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya, Skylor and PIXAL.
* Cole and Nya were the first to let him into their group, but soon he was fully initiated, despite being 4 years younger
* Since he had nowhere to go over the summer, save the boarding school, he stayed with Kai and Nya who brought him to their training with Wu.
* Wu trained him as well and found that Lloyd was able to do the same unique magic as Wu and Garmadon
* Wu trained him, claiming that his power finally gave them a fighting chance against Voldemort
* At some point, when Voldemort is fully resurrected, garmadon is forced to come back to serve him, making things a lot more complicated
* He has wavering loyalties, but never harms Lloyd, even in the fiercest of battles
* Lloyd can speak parsletounge
* In Hogwarts, Lloyd has an aptitude for defense against the dark arts, but his favorite class is herbology
* He befriended all the house elves and hangs out with them in the kitchens.
* He speaks parseltounge as well, something his father passed down to him
* He is the Hufflepuff seeker
* Wu teaches him how to control energy with magic, a combination of all the other types
* He is also a leader in the resistance
* He manages to turn his father good at the end of the war
* After the war, he becomes a defense against the dark arts professor
Also, Tumblr mobile screwed up my formatting, thanks tumblr : |
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officialmorro · 7 years
*busts in door* 2am is tag time
Tagged by @zane-julian uwu Rules: Tag anyone you want to know better Full name: Marian Everwood Birthday: April 12th Which city do you live in: Gay, Russia (not really but y'all don't find me) Favourite Music Genre: heck uhhh does game music count? Top 10 favourite Movies: (No order bc I lov them all, also this was really hard I don't watch many movies so I just did 5) Ghost in the Shell John Wick John Wick Chapter 2 Avengers: Age of Ultron Zootopia Top 10 TV shows: (No order as well) Ninjago VLD Steven universe Gravity falls Miraculous! JJBA YoI Villainous Doctor who Sleepy hollow Name any car that begins with the first letter of your name: Mercedes-Benz Worst fear: Losing my best friends (hahaha I'm a fuckin nerd) Favourite animals: basically all of them but notably birds Favourite game: uhhhh a tie of Pokemon and Tf2 because I have easily over a thousand hours in Pokemon across all my saves and tf2 I have 1.2k hours I tag ppl reading too scared to tag im
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