#Dr. Neil Melendez x reader
chiefdirector · 1 year
hello, can you write an imagine with Dr. Neil Melendez using prompts C & P from fluff? I love your writing, thank youu 🛐🛐🛐
Anaesthesia | Neil Melendez | The Good Doctor
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Doctors, especially surgeons, know the side effects of surgeries like the back of their hands; they have too. The effects of anaesthesia are also commonly known, however they are not usually witnessed or enjoyed by the operating surgeon or anyone on their surgical staff. They tended to check in with the patient thoroughly after the majority of the medication had worn off and had been replaced with morphine.
It had been a while since Neil had experienced it first hand, it was something he swore to himself that he would change. In the beginning he had been worried when (y/n) had to go in for emergency surgery, their appendix had burst. Now, he couldn't help himself from giggling at them whilst encouraging their drug induced antics.
"You're really pretty, you know that right?" They slurred, trying to maintain eye contact with him.
Neil smiled. "Thank you, Dr. (l/n)."
"It is very, very, very, important to me that you know that." They watched as he just laughed alongside them as they continued their rambling. "I don't feel normal."
His smiled dropped.
"`What doesn't feel normal; what's wrong?"
(y/n) pondered his question for a moment, letting the silence thickly drag in the air. They didn't understand the gravity of their declaration and the million thoughts that were rushing through Neil's head. What if the surgery had gone wrong? What if they were experiencing complications and they had to go back under? What if they-?
"I know what it is."
Melendez looked up expectantly.
"I'm cold, I need cuddles."
"Cuddles?" he ask incredulously. (y/n) just nodded their head as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. At this, his worried seem to vanish in a flash and he moved so he could position himself at (y/n)'s side. "Well, who am I do deny a patient."
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s1mpforeveryone · 1 year
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Melendez x reader - a chance
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Could I get a Dr. Melendez x reader? The reader is shy, quiet, short, and chubby and she is shocked when he asks her out. She is his age and is a nurse. - Anon💜
Standing next to the desk, you crouched down, smiling at the little girl who has run over to you.
“My mommy wants ice chips, can I have ice chips?” She asked.
“Absolutely, you can both have some.”
The girl grinned from ear to ear and followed you to get the two cups, and you walked her back to her moms room, smiling at the woman.
“I’m sorry, I told her not to ask.”
“You don’t have to worry, it’s what it’s there for, and we’ve got more than enough to share. Do you need anything else?”
The woman shook her head and you smiled as you left her room, heading back to the nurses station.
Humming to yourself, you began to wonder in and out of every room to make sure that everybody was doing okay before writing it all in their files.
“Alright, I’m done, I’m going home.”
“See you later (Y/N).” The other nurse smiled.
Smiling back, you headed to grab you things before making your way towards the stairs.
You looked at the time and sighed to yourself, you were hungry, but you were also tired and didn’t know what you wanted to do first.
If you napped, you could eat later, but you thought maybe eating first would be the best idea.
While you were walking down the stairs, you heard someone fall in line with you and you snapped out of your head, looking towards the side.
“Oh Doctor Melendez, is everything alright? Do you need something?” You asked.
“I just saw you leaving and thought I’d walk out with you if that’s alright?” He asked.
You nodded your head and turned away from him.
“Thank you for doing the rounds on my patients before going, I’d still be here if it weren’t for that.” He chuckled a little.
“You were supposed to go home hours ago, I thought it would help speed up the process after your meeting.”
“Well, it’s much appreciated. Thank you.”
You smiled at him.
Generally doctors didn’t do much with nurses, or interact with them.
In a way Melendez was the same, but you were usually in all of his surgeries, and generally on the same shifts as him so he soon became a familiar face.
Though it wasn’t often that the pair of you talked, not unless it was about work.
Stepping outside, you looked at your phone before walking over stepping to the side of the door, trying to stay out of the rain.
“You aren’t heading home?” Melendez asked.
“Waiting for the bus.”
He looked around before looking at you.
“I can give you a lift if you want, it’s no trouble.”
“I’ll be alright, thanks though.”
He nodded his head and began to leave, offering you once again a lift which you declined.
You did notice a few over the following few weeks how he would talk to you more often, walk you out of the building and sometimes wait for your bus with you.
You didn’t think much about it, you put it down to him needed to get to know his surgical team more, or maybe he was trying to interact with people more.
You weren’t sure.
But you didn’t mind chatting with him, sometimes you would even see him at the bar after work, or the pair of you would walk there together.
So, when you were having lunch you didn’t think twice about him coming over to sit with you.
Smiling you moved your things aside so he could sit in front of you.
“Doctor Melendez.” You greeted.
“You can call me Neil, or just Melendez.” He laughed.
“I know.”
He smiled at you, taking a sip from his coffee.
You went back to eating, the pair of you holding a small conversation as you did.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked.
“You just did.”
You smiled at him as he chuckled.
“Of course you can. What’s up?”
“Would you be open to possibly going on a date with me?”
You nearly dropped your cup, and you quickly set it down as you stared at him in shock.
“I’m sorry?”
“Would you go on a date with me? Maybe dinner? It a few drinks? A movie?”
You took a small breath to compose yourself.
“I… you.. you’re asking me on a date..?”
Melendez smiled softly at you.
“I am.”
He laughed gently.
“Because I think you’re interesting, and beautiful, and smart, and I want to get to know you better.”
You slowly nodded your head, and you stood up from the table.
“I have to go..”
With that you rushed away.
You knew he wouldn’t bring it up while you were both on shift, but during any breaks or when you weren’t all that busy you did everything you could to avoid him.
So when it came for you last break of the day, you decided to head up to the roof to watch the nightlife of the city.
It was peaceful, and gave you time to think.
You heard steps coming closer and you turned around, sighing heavily as you watched the man walk over to you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sprung that on you. I shouldn’t have said anything at all, I understand.”
“No.. you don’t have to be sorry..”
You sighed, resting your arms on the rail.
“It’s not.. I mean I’m flattered you asked, I really am..”
“If you’re not interested that’s alright, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I just hope we can stay friends.”
You looked at him.
“I.. I am interested, believe me I am.”
Melendez furrowed his brows a little bit, and he turned to fully face you.
“You are?”
“Yes. I just.. it’s.. I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
“Can I ask why?”
“You’re you.. and I.. I’m me..”
He rose a brow and you looked away from him, burying your nose into your jacket.
“You’re athletic, and incredibly good looking and successful. I’m me, anything but that, and I can’t even afford a car.”
“I don’t care you can’t afford a car, or that I’m a doctor and you’re a nurse. I think you’re beautiful the way you are, and I would love for the chance to show you that.”
You didn’t reply and he sighed a little, coming over he stood next to you, looking at you.
“You’re the most kind and understanding person k have ever met. I watched you listen to a patient just out of surgery explain to you hundreds of times how they broke their arm and you listened just as enthusiastically as the last time.”
You smiled at the memory.
“He was so high.” You laughed.
“He was.” Melendez chuckled.
You turned to look at him, and he smiled softly, placing his hand on the side of your face.
“I just want the chance to show you how incredible you are, and I’d you don’t want that, it’s alright.”
You sighed a little, and you looked at him.
You had always debated asking him out, but you were always so scared too.
But you looked as the city lights reflected in eyes, and how he smiled so softly at you, and it made your heart skip a beat, made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“How about dinner?” You asked.
Melendez smiled even more.
“It’s a date, we’ll go after this shift.”
He leant down and kissed your head before he rushed away before anyone started to look for him.
Smiling to yourself, you turned back to watching the city
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americaswritings · 2 years
Warnings: period talk
Summary: You're on your period and Neil offers you a little comfort when he sees you're having a bad day.
Words: 2.2k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x Doctor!reader
A/N: It's ridiculous how much time I wasted searching for a gif and still ending up unsatisfied. But for some reason when I search for gifs on tumblr for my writing I just get reaction memes these days. It's so annoying! Anyway, this was requested. I hope you like it and it's the way you imagined :) I really want to write more again, because it felt so good to just sit down and start typing, but life is so busy at the moment and both my physical and mental health aren't so great too! Hopefully it will all get better soon :)
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You should have known it would be ‘one of those days’ when you walked into work with a belly ache, but you didn’t think much of it, hoping if you just ignored it the pain would eventually go away.
Only it didn’t. Instead it got worse, spreading into your lower back and making it hard to keep standing. All you wanted to do was sit or lie down and not move anymore, perhaps even curl over until the pain faded.
But you were on shift, the ER was buzzing and the hospital was understaffed. Sighing you grabbed the next patient’s file, scanning it quickly as you made your way over to where he was seated. Too late you realized someone was crossing your way and you bumped right into them, startling at the unexpected contact.
“Sorry!” You took a step back and glanced up at the man dressed in the blue scrubs, relieved but also a little nervous to find it was Neil Melendez. The two of you got along well, so well that it made you hope he would eventually ask you out.
But he hadn’t yet and you didn’t have the heart to do it yourself, fearing the humiliation of a rejection since you would have to keep working together.
Neil teased you and he flirted with you, but that didn’t have to mean anything. He was naturally charming. Still you hoped for the moment to come, your heart always losing its steady rhythm for a second when you laid eyes on him.
“It’s nothing.” He smiled at you and you tried to reciprocate it, but a sharp pain in your belly made your face twist in pain instead. “Well, I should get going”, you said once the pain had ebbed a little, but you didn’t make it far as Neil held you back by your elbow.
“You okay?” His brows were knitted and he watched you with a frown, his eyes darting over your face before he locked eyes with you again. You drew in a breath, tensing a little at the proximity and trying to ignore your galloping heart.
“Yeah, I’m fine”, you brushed it off, this time managing a smile. You saw Neil slightly narrow his eyes at you, but before he could say anything else you offered him a nod and hurried away.
You had never looked so much forward to your break, the imagination of finally sitting down and eating a meal keeping you going for the rest of the morning. But just as you handed over your last patient’s file, planning to head to the cafeteria, a voice called you back.
It was Dr. Lim. She was marching over to you and you could tell from her face she wanted something from you.
Not now.
“What is it?”, you asked, once she came to stand beside you, not hiding your frustration. The other doctor looked at you surprised, before holding an iPad out to you. “The imaging and report from Mr. Wellington’s CT just came in.”
You let your eyes flicker over it, not finding anything worth this fuss. “And?”, you asked, sounding as impatient as you felt to get held back. “That’s what I thought too”, Audrey continued unbothered, “but then I found this.” She used her fingers to zoom in on it.
“See this shadow?”
You squinted your eyes. “Could be anything.” “Right, but it looks like a small tumour. I already ran a biopsy. The results should be in soon.”
You glanced up at her, waiting for her to come to the point. When she didn’t say more you sighed. “So? Why are you showing me this?”
“Okay-“, Audrey snapped the iPad’ case shut, handing it over to the nurse’s desk, “Someone’s in a mood today!”
You winced under her glare, regretting how harsh you had sounded. It wasn’t her fault you were having a bad day and she didn’t deserve your attitude. “Sorry.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale, trying to push away your annoyance. You really didn’t want to argue with Audrey today. Especially not over something stupid like this.
“It’s just-” You opened your eyes again, gesturing at the busy ER. “-My back is killing me and I have the worst cramps and I just want to lay down and suffer in silence.”
You let out a chuckle at your dramatic words and the way they came out as if they had been at the tip of your tongue only waiting to slip out, which probably wasn’t far from the truth, and Audrey offered you a sympathetic smile. “That time of the month?”
You nodded, surprised that you didn’t feel embarrassed to talk about it with her. Audrey always seemed so strong and unbothered and you couldn’t imagine her whining over a stupid period. But she seemed to know exactly what you were talking about.
“The mood swings are the worst for me. You might know I’m not the most patient person out there-”, you grinned, thinking of the many incidents she had proven what a short temper she coud have, “but during that time? You really don’t want to pick a fight with me then!”
You laughed. It was just too easy to imagine. “I bet Melendez and Andrews have made that mistake.” Audrey’s face lit up. “Oh, trust me they have!” She shook her head, smiling. “And they learn from it.”
“As they should”, you nodded, “at least they don’t have to attempt 12-hour shifts while it feels like their insides get twisted inside-out.”
Audrey laid her hand on your lower arm, squeezing lightly. “Ibuprofen’s your best friend. And if you ever need to take a break and lay down just tell me.”
You felt a lump forming in your throat and you had to will back your tears. Damn hormones! “Thank you.” You hoped she could hear how sincere you were, the thought of having an escape providing you with relief strong enough to give you a little energy back.
“We women have to stick together.” Audrey squeezed your arm again, before retreating and you looked after her for a moment, grateful to have a friend in her.
When you had finally made it to the cafeteria, your pager had gone off right as it had been your turn to order. “You can’t be serious”, you muttered as you pulled it out and read it. “Hey, are you going to order or what?”, you heard someone ask behind you, but without another word you took off, praying you would make it to your patient in time.
Luckily you had. But afterwards you had been pulled right into another case and before you knew it, it had grown dark outside and your stomach was growling at you.
The cafeteria was long closed and so you got a chocolate bar from the vending machine, promising yourself to get real food once you were off the clock.
The ER had quietened down as it often did at the end of your shift and since you had never taken your break you allowed yourself a moment to take a breath in the resident’s lounge.
Although you weren’t a resident anymore you still liked to come here. Perhaps it was the closeness to Neil’s office or the quiet it provided at the end of the day when the residents had all gone home. There was no one who could tell you off as you curled up on the sofa.
The chocolate tasted heavily in your mouth and you devoured it until the last crumb. “You look like you just fell in love.”
“Huh?” You glanced up, to find Neil at the door, casually entering the room and coming to stand in front of you.
He gestured towards the wrapper you had placed on the table. “The chocolate.”
Oh. You let out a chuckle as you realized you had stared at it longingly while you had contemplated whether it was reasonable to get up and get another one or if it wasn’t worth the effort it would take to search for a vending machine.
“That was probably the best chocolate I’ve ever had”, you declared and Neil chuckled. “Your standards are very low then.” You tried to look offended but failed. “Don’t speak ill of the vending machines. They are real life savers. And it’s been a tough day.”
You said it lightly, but you saw Neil’s jaw twitch at the last part. “What happened?���
He walked over to where you were sitting and you shuffled to the side to make space for him. He leaned against the armrest, his body angled towards yours. “Nothing I-”
But suddenly tears were clouding your eyes as all the emotions you had bottled up threatened to spill over. “Damn it!” You wiped at your eyes before the tears could spill, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
You didn’t need to look at Neil’s face to see the worry on it.
“Sorry”, you let out an embarrassed chuckle and Neil smiled at you softly. “I’m usually not this emotional. It’s been a long day that’s all.”
“You have had longer ones and didn’t bat an eye.” It wasn’t an accusation, only genuine confusion on Neil’s part and your heart swelled at the hidden compliment and how much he cared to understand you.
“Yeah”, you muttered, closing your eyes as another cramp hit you. When you opened them again you hoped your face hadn’t betrayed you and given away your discomfort, but the disadvantage at working so closely together was that Neil could read you by now.
Before he could make any wild guesses, you decided to just tell him the truth.
You didn’t have to be embarrassed about it, shouldn’t feel that way, yet it was easier said than done. You didn’t want him to think you couldn’t take the hardships of the job, that you were weak or dramatic. But even as you thought it you knew Neil would never think that of you.
Or anyone.
He wasn’t like that, wasn’t intimidated by strong willed women or the reality of what it was like to be one.
Taking a long inhale and an even longer exhale you looked up at him. “I got my period this morning and I’ve been in pain all day.” Now that you had gotten the words out you suddenly had the urge to let it all out.
“And my back is like- so bad. But the cramps are the worst. And I snapped at Audrey. And then again at Glassman. And I almost bawled my eyes out when my patient made it out of surgery and his wife came to see him. And this-”, you gestured at yourself, “is the first break I have gotten all day and I don’t think I’m ever gonna stand up again.”
You stared at Neil in shock for a moment as you realized what had just happened, but then you let out a laugh. “Wow and that just came out like one long sentence!”
Neil chuckled in amusement. “That seems like a really crappy day”, he agreed and you nodded in relief that he seemed to take it serious. “Right? I mean, there are worse things, obviously, but still-” You clutched your belly again, letting out a hiss of pain.
When you looked back up Neil had shifted closer to you, his frown back in place. “Why didn’t you call in sick?”
“Really?” You shook your head, amused and a little frustrated. “I can’t just call in sick every month.”
“It’s this bad every month?”
You nodded. “Most of the time, yeah. Sometimes it’s better, other’s it’s worse. But that’s just how it is.”
Neil face twisted, clearly displeased with what you had said or the situation, perhaps both. “It shouldn’t be like that”, he said then and you looked at him for a moment, taking in his sincerity. “I mean, yeah”, you agreed after a moment. “What, you want to change the whole system now?”
Neil’s mouth curled up in the hint of a smile. “Not tonight, no. I have better plans.”
Your face fell a little as you felt a hint of disappointment at his words. Maybe he was just hanging out with friends or visiting his sister you tried to reason. But the thought of him having plans with another woman gnawed at you.
“Really? What could be better than that?”, you asked teasingly and he tipped his head towards you. “Someone needs to show you what real chocolate tastes like.”
Oh. Your hope arose so strongly you almost forgot to breathe for a moment. “And my sofa is even more comfortable than this one.” He patted the couch you were seated on, not breaking eye contact once.
You still looked at him in shock, unable to form words as you processed his. “You’re baiting me with chocolate?”, you asked once the shock had faded a little, cautious not to put too much weight into his words and Neil grinned. “I do give great massages too. I cook. And I have a big movie collection to distract you from, you know, the pain and all that.”
You smiled widely at him. “Now that wins me over”, you stated, although the thought of spending time alone with Neil was already enough. But it didn’t make his promises less appealing. And it made you feel warm inside to know how much he cared and that he had put so much thought into what he could do to make you feel better.
“Great.” He stood up. “So it’s a date?” For the first time he sounded nervous and it made your heart flutter to know it was because of you. That this, whatever it was between you, mattered to him too.
“It’s a date.”
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Add yourself to my taglist!
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gemstone-roses · 2 months
Hi! Hope your doing alright but if your not I hope you get better!
I was wondering if you could do one with the good doctor? Neil x Male reader, reader is his boyfriend and is a super famous actor and he comes in to the hospital to surprise him and all the nurses and even Claire and Shawn go up to talk to him, have an autograph, or take a picture?
If not could you let me know why? Just so I know for the future!
Hi I’m sorry I no longer write for Dr Melendez!
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Flirt With The Boss
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Neil Melendez x Reader imagine.
Word count: 700
Imagine that Shaun asking you what it is to flirt while you are in the hospital cafeteria and from there the story gets more and more complicated until the romantic end.
To the Masterlist.
"What's it to flirt, (Y/N)?" Shaun asked while you were eating your lunch at the cafeteria and sat down next to you.
You didn't like most of the surgeons at the hospital, they were unbearably arrogant! But Shaun was different... Shaun was excellent at his job but not arrogant, he was honest (sometimes rude). And most of all SHAUN WAS A GOOD AND LOYAL FRIEND.
"What...? Why are you asking?" You answered confused and wiped your mouth.
"I heard Claire say that to Jared in the morning, and I didn't understand why." Shaun answered and waited for my answer.
"Flirting is a gentle courtship whose purpose is usually romantic or just to annoy." You answered briefly, You were very embarrassed to have this conversation in the cafeteria.
"How do you know when people are flirting, (Y/N)?" Shaun asked. You didn't want to answer, but you saw that Shaun was so curious to know that you couldn't say "no".
"If they maintain an intimate distance when they talk, touch each other unnecessarily, teasing and provoking each other." You stopped for a second and Shaun signaled you to continue, "Look for Three key things: The pretentious giggle, the squirm and hair sweep."
After a few quiet minutes, Shaun came to a surprising conclusion for you.
"Like you and Dr. Melendez." Shaun said decisively.
"WHAT?!" You screamed... shocked.
"You two are flirting all the time." Shaun answered, very confident in what he said.
"NO! WE NOT!" You said quietly, you were afraid that someone would hear the conversation more than ever.
"Yes you are," Shsun insisted, "You even flirted yesterday."
"Me and Melendez?" You asked, "I don't think so."
"Yes you do." Shsun said, "Yesterday, in Melendez's office He told you 'you did well today, Dr Andrews won't hear about the disaster that could have happened from me' and then you squirm and Dr. Melendes giggle."
Remembering the hard day you had yesterday... That was true and you didn't really notice you were flirting with the arrogant Dr. Melendez. But you know you have to deny.
Before you could respond, a voice behind you said, "I believe the talk can wait. Your break is over."
It was Dr. Melendez... SHIT! How much of it did he hear? You couldn't say because after Melendez said those words, he went and waited for us to follow him to his office.
All the day you tried to avoid Dr. Melendez. And you've managed to avoid him so far...
Dr. Melendez summoned you to his office.
You take a deep breath and go into the Melendez office.
Dr. Melendez looked at you with a look you couldn't read.
"You summoned me?" you asked if you stood in the room and Melendez got up from his chair and headed towards you.
"Yes," Melendez said, "I heard Shsun say we were flirting yesterday."
You didn't know what to say, in the end, you gained strength and you said: "Yes, but..."
"(Y/N), that's true, and it happens quite a few times... I hadn't noticed that we were until now."
You've got a red light on, Melendez always calls you by the last name, never by first name.
"yes... I didn't notice that we were flirting before Shsun told me that" you said and looked at the floor.
"Look at me, (Y/N)" Melendez asked, he was very close to you now.
You looked up, and a second later you felt the lips of Melendez kissing you a gentle and long kiss.
"It's madness..." You whispered. You smiled like a girl in love, when you looked at him, you noticed the broad smile that smiled.
"Yes it is," he agreed, "And very surprising, but it feels so right..."
"Yes it is." You agreed and smiled to the ground, you didn't know what to think.
"We can try and see what happens between us... If you want." Melendez said.
"I think it's an interesting idea..." you smiled.
"So it's okay with you that I ask you out?" Melendez asked.
"Here we are flirting again." you thought to yourself, you couldn't stop smiling happy. You didn't believe you'd feel anything for your arrogant boss.
"Not at all." you sweeped your hair, flirting again.
All rights to writing this story belong to me and it is forbidden to copy them/ publish them anywhere else without explicit permission.
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capsironunderoos · 4 years
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Dr. Neil Melendez X Doctor!Reader
Summary: All you can do is think about everything that led up to this moment
Word Count: 960
Warnings: Character death (that I will never get over. ever.)
Author’s Note: Okay first of all, I refuse to believe this precious human is dead. I have hope for a miracle, but I’ve been wrong before. I’m trying to fix this broken heart, but I think I just made it worse by writing this. Anyways, hope you do enjoy! Also if you want to send me a request for Neil Melendez feel free to send me one!
You can hear someone talking behind you, vague and echoing, but you can’t focus, not now, not with your hands in the chest cavity of a patient. 
Each pair of eyes in the room, even though there are fewer than normal, all focus on you now. You pay them no mind, though unease begins to creep into your chest, settling there on top of your lungs like an elephant. 
You glance up and see Dr. Glassman, soft smile on his face as he watches from afar, standing beside a nurse who looks to you with watery eyes. 
Your eyebrows furrow but you try to push their grim faces to the back of your mind; your patient was doing fine, and the surgery was going well, and after this one, you’d move on to the next earthquake victim. 
As you begin to close up your patient, your eyes continue to drift from the sutures in your hands to the looming presence Glassman brings into your surgery. 
As soon as the last stitch is sewn and tied, you are walking to him, throwing your gloves in the trash and removing your mask. 
“Who’s next?” You ask and he grabs your elbow, gently pulling you into the hallway. 
“It’s… Neil.” 
Your heart stops. 
“His lactate has jumped from 4 to 8.1.” 
Glassman continues talking but everything has turned into a loud ringing in your ears. 
You can see words forming on his lips but nothing reaches your ears.
 Eventually, he grabs your shoulders and shakes you. 
“Sweetie, you need to go upstairs. Go.” 
You nod slowly, registering his words before you’re running. 
As you run, you try not to think of his smile, his sly smirk when you don’t take no for an answer, and you don’t think about the life you had wanted with him, all the plans you had made. 
When you literally stumble into his room, hand grabbing onto the glass doorframe as you enter, you’re crying and out of breath, and the entire hospital can probably feel your heart breaking. 
At the commotion, he slowly turns to look at you, and he smiles, soft and sweet and him, and you cry harder, unable to move. 
“Come here,” he says, and you rush to his side, standing over him and looking at the man you love. 
He weakly grabs your hand and pulls it to his chest, squeezing as best he can. He’s pale, and his skin seems to glisten with sweat. 
“I shouldn’t have let you go to that benefit. We should have stayed home.”
“Hey, hey,” he says, still smiling up at you, “none of this is your fault.” 
Your tears fall onto his hospital gown and he does his best to slide over. You clamber onto the small bed beside him, your hands still laced together and resting beside your head on his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, and he sighs. 
You tilt your head to look at him, and it’s quiet for a moment, both of you refusing to acknowledge the inevitable, what is bound to happen before the sun can venture in through the window overlooking the city. 
He speaks then, begins telling you of time spent abroad, reading Moby Dick and living in the moment. You listen intently, eyes still full of water. 
When he stops, he looks back down at you, and lifts his head to press a kiss to the crown of your hair. He lingers there for a moment and you carefully wrap your arms around him. 
His right hand pulls you closer to him and his left comes to rest on your cheek, urging you to look up at him. 
“I love you.” 
He whispers, and you begin crying again, small tears that escape and roll down your cheek before landing on the gray gown. 
“I love you.” 
You respond, and he sighs. 
He looks so weak, and your chest constricts at the thought. 
You think back through the past few hours of everything that could have happened differently. 
“You think too loud.” 
He whispers, that smirk on his lips again. 
You can’t help but reach up and meet it, pressing your lips to the corner of it. 
He grabs your face then, pulling you further into him. 
The kiss tastes of both of your tears, and it takes everything in you to pull away. 
Your hand moves to caress his cheek, and his right hand meets it there, pressing it to the warm skin before moving it and allowing him to kiss your palm, and then each fingertip. 
“I can’t let you go.” 
You choke out and another tear rolls down his cheek. 
“You have to.” 
“I-I’m a doctor, I can save you.” You frantically rush out, and he shakes his head. 
“No, baby, you’ve done enough for me.” 
It’s not true, you haven’t done anything. You didn’t even know he was hurt until Glassman told you. 
“Please-“ You start again and his tired smile shushes you. 
You curl into his neck, your nose pressed to the base of it. 
You can see the deer tattoo sticking out of his hospital gown then and you reach over to trace it one last time. 
He hums at your touch, and mumbles his love for you again. 
You repeat the words and the monitor behind you acts as if it were screaming, the noise breaking your heart, no shattering it, the pieces scattering so far that it will never be put back together. 
You lay there for what feels like years, and when the sun rises you stand, leaning down to press one last kiss to the corner of his mouth, on the tip of his nose. 
Your lips linger when they find his forehead, and you breath him in one last time. 
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beanzykin · 4 years
Hands and Heart
A Morgan Reznick x Reader fanfiction
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You took her fragile hands into yours, caressing her scarred skin slowly. Morgan took a deep, shaky breath, watching you play with her fingers.
"What you did was stupid." You admitted quite harshly. "I helped save a life," 
"You took ten years off your career-"
"I thought you said you'd support me, no matter what the situation was," she argued back, her hands still in yours. "That's not what I'm saying-" she pulled her hands to her chest. 
"Then what are you saying?" A silence washed over the both of you like the previous one. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night.
"What I'm saying is, I hate seeing you like this," she raised an eyebrow in the judgingly motion you loved so much. "You don't like seeing my scarred hands-"
"I don't like seeing you work." Her expression fell. "Watching you look at Claire or Alex or any of the other surgeons, it hurts." 
Looking anywhere but towards you, Morgan opened her mouth, only for air to move its way through.
"You're not a surgeon anymore."
"Y/N, I know. You-"
"You probably will never be able to operate properly again-"
"You don't need to tell me-" Her voice was getting weak, something she was insecure about. No one has ever seen the sides of Morgan that you have.
"You don't think it hurts me? Not being able to do what I love, having to work by that annoying old man all day." 
Taking her hands once again, you raised them to your cheeks. You ghosted your skin above hers with such care it pained her heart. 
She was shaking, her eyes met yours. Those green, sparkling eyes you thought about day and night since day one. 
"I love you, Morgan." You could feel her soft fingertips tickling your face. "Nothing will change that. Not your hands, not some stupid surgery. But seeing you do something you hate each day? Especially since you could've prevented it from happening…"
Her sniffles made your heart ache. You moved one of her hands to the corner of your mouth and gave her palm a little kiss. You grasped her gently and pulling away.
"I'm sorry," it was just above a whisper, but you were certain Morgan heard it. "I'm sorry that I was harsh, I'm sorry that I wasn't acting like a supportive girlfriend,"
Reznick had tears trickle at the edges of her eyes. Giving a tight-lipped semi-smile, she nodded her head. "Yeah, yeah… you should be," Your giggle was muffled by your sobs. 
You both pulled each other into a hug. Laying there, you stroked her hair the same way you did her hands. Her hands that were still clasped in yours. 
Before you drifted off, you heard her small whisper followed by a little nuzzle. 
"I love you too,"
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Neil Melendez / Just Friends
Imagine realizing your true feelings about Neil Melendez
So this is different, I just started watching this show, and then promptly finished watching it over break...all three seasons. Law school has been hard as usual, but I want to write a little more lately, so send in some prompts and some characters. Enjoy! 
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“Dr. L/N?” you looked up from your chart, shooting Shaun a smile, before setting down your chart, and picking up your coffee. 
“What’s up, Shaun?” though you didn’t like most people at this hospital, you did honestly like Shaun – for all the things he wasn’t like the rest: he was honest, truly dedicated, ambitious (but not cutthroat), and blunt. 
You took a sip of your coffee, “When you flirt with Dr. Melendez, is it because you like him?”
You nearly spit it out in his face, but instead, you choked it down, scalding your throat instead. Even so, not as hot as your cheeks. 
Maybe he was too blunt. 
You waved over from the nurses’ station, making sure none of the bloodhounds heard – the news would spread in a moment. You ducked into an empty patient room, “What are you talking about?” 
“You flirt with Dr. Melendez, so I’m wondering-”
“No, I got that part,” you shook your head, “I mean, I don’t flirt with Melendez, why would you think that?” 
“Because,” he started, fingers clasped in front of him, “Claire told me some of the signs people do when they flirt, and I researched it – you flirt with him a lot.” 
You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes, what did Claire tell him now? “What things?” 
“You lean in when he speaks to you, you mirror his movements, you both touch each other unnecessarily, you give a Duchenne smile with your-” you waved him off, turning away from him and sighing, “You still haven’t answered my question.” 
“I know, Shaun,” you sighed, biting your lip, “That’s because I don’t see Dr. Melendez that way, he’s just a co-worker and a friend.” 
“Then why do you flirt with him?” 
You rubbed your temples, “I don’t think I do-“ 
“But you do, look at the signs,” he clasped his fingers, staring off into space, “he does it too.” 
You blinked,  “What do you mean he does it too?” 
And in that moment, the door bursted open, the very subject of your conversation poking his head in, “Hey, where are you two? Didn’t you hear my page? I need you both in surgery now.” 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been a resident. Why me?” 
He tilted his head and grinned, “Doesn’t hurt to get some practice, don’t need you getting rusty.” 
You scoffed, before tilting your own head, “Think you’re mistaking me for yourself.” 
He rolled his eyes, bumping your shoulder purposely as he strode by, and you chuckled, lips curled, until you saw Shaun staring. 
And thus, began your game of avoiding Melendez. It wasn’t too hard since the two of you worked different cases most of the time and it only helped that you took the shifts no one wanted, cutting down on the time you would ever have the chance of running into him. 
And it had worked. You hadn’t seen him in two weeks. 
You grabbed a pint of ice cream from the shared freezer, digging into it with a spoon. 
You would never admit it. Not to anyone. You couldn’t. 
You settled into the doctor’s lounge, flicking on the TV to find another rerun of Law and Order. 
You had repressed this crush on Neil Melendez for years, and you could do it again. But now that Shaun had nearly found you out, it was hard for you to look either of them in the eye, much less talk to them. Especially Melendez. 
But it was hard – hard to go this long without talking to him. You had become good friends – despite your initial impression of him being an ass. And you were right – he was an ass, but one that you grew to- 
You cut your thought off, before throwing your head into the back of the couch and groaning. You thought you had gotten over this. You thought you had gotten over this when you found out he was engaged. When he dated other women. Even when you first met him, and you knew he was utterly and completely out of your league. You thought you were okay with being friends. 
With your occasional dinner, the occasional drink, the deep conversation now and then, and your, often more than weekly, Law and Order binges in the doctor’s lounge. 
“I knew I would find you here,” and you nearly dropped your spoon. 
And apparently, he wasn’t going to miss it this week. Melendez stood, leaning against the door frame, fresh out of surgery from the looks of it. 
“How did the-“ 
“It was successful,” he collapsed on the couch beside you, and you tried not the shrink into the other side of the sofa. Melendez was a lot of things, but unobservant was not one of them, “A mother’s going to have a lot more years with her kids, if all goes well.” 
You kept your eyes trained on the TV, “That’s good work, Melendez.”
You caught the movement of his eyebrow from the corner of your eye, “Melendez? What happened to Neil?” 
You said nothing, choosing to watch instead as Jack McCoy laid into another defendant on the stand, and you wished in that moment that you had went to law school, instead of medical school, because maybe you wouldn’t be here right now. 
“Y/N,” he waved a hand in front of your face, but you didn’t budge, “Did I do something wrong?” The hurt in his voice made guilt claw at your throat, and you shook your head, “But you’ve been avoiding me, the fact you won’t look at me proves it.” 
“I had to,” you said in a small voice, setting aside the now melting ice cream on the table in front of you, “I just needed space.” 
“Just tell me why, Y/N,” you didn’t say a word, and finally he sighed, “is because of what Shaun said?” 
You tensed, fuck. He knew. He knew everything. 
You cleared your throat, “What did he say to you?” 
“He asked me why I was flirting with you, constantly,” he leaned back on the couch, and your eyes carefully slid over to see his expression – and it was unreadable, “His words not mine.” 
“Well, tact was never his strong suit,” you muttered, cheeks definitely burning now, and you crossed your arms over your middle. 
“You’re one to talk,” your mouth dropped open, retort at the ready, but it shut when you saw his face. You had spent the last two weeks avoiding him after all. You fell into a comfortable silence, only broken by the distant footsteps of nurses and doctors and the arguing on Law and Order.
Finally, you sighed, turning to him, only to find him staring at you. 
It was his eyes that first got you. His eyes that were always stern, until they weren’t. The spark in his eyes when he figured out to save a patient. The softness in his gaze when he comforted a family or spoke about his sister. The mischievous twinkle that made a shiver go down your spine. 
“I was trying to avoid this conversation because I know what it’ll lead to,” you admitted, burying your face in your hands, “and I didn’t want that to come.” 
“But it’s here, and I can’t hide anymore because you’re too important to me to lie to,” his fingers traced yours, gently prying your hands from your face, and you still found yourself unable to make eye contact, “I like you, Neil.” 
“I like you too-“ 
You scoffed, shaking your head, “I mean romantically,” you bite your lip, forcing the words from your lips, ignoring your brain’s protestations, “I’ve liked you for a long time, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I couldn’t. And when Shaun pointed out that I flirt with you, all those feelings came tumbling out again, and I knew –”you laughed bitterly, “I knew I couldn’t ignore them anymore.” 
“I know you don’t feel the same,” you continued, still staring at your hands, “I just hope I didn’t ruin our friendship because you mean too much-“ 
“Y/N,” he said firmly, his fingers brushed your chin gently, lifting your head to meet his gaze, “What I meant to say I like you too, romantically. I think…I always have.” 
Your brow furrowed, “Why?” 
It was his turn to scoff, “Because, it’s you,” his fingers traced the curve of your cheek, “it’s always been you.”
He leaned closer, lips an inch away, breath caught in your throat, “But how will we do this?” 
“I don’t know,” he tilted your chin upwards. 
“How will we explain to HR?” you heard his breath hitch. 
“I don’t know,” 
“What about our friendship?” and he smiled. 
“We weren’t that good of friends anyway,” and he kissed you. Chastely at first, lips falling away, before meeting again, and again. Until he stole your breath, his hands curling around your sides, and all you felt was him. Your hands carefully reached up, grasping at his scrubs, and you felt him smile against your lips. He leaned away, panting, “You do watch far too much Law and Order.” 
You laughed, pressing another kiss to his lips, “Better get used to it.”
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chiefdirector · 3 years
Hey I would like to make a request for the good doctor! :)
Could you do Neil Melendez x Reader
The reader would be a friend of claire and would invite her and her co workers for dinner and only knew neil from seeing him once in a while in the hospital but already likes him a lot. So they would come to the readers place and the reader was having a huge tummy ache since a few days but thought it's nothing and tried to hide it and neil would be the one who noticed and in the end the reader will actually need surgery because its worse than she thought :) just an idea would be great if you could do something like that
And thank you in advance!
Pain | Neil Melendez | The Good Doctor
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Claire had invited the surgical team to her home for dinner on Dr. (Y/N) (L/N)'s first day in the surgical program at St. Bonaventure as she could tell that (Y/N) was struggling to talk to them all. Claire knew (Y/N) struggled with introductions sometimes. She remembered the day that she met the girl, they were college freshmen and (Y/N) had stuttered so much. Once they were aquatinted it was a much different story so she knew that the girl just needed a little push. Hence the reason Claire had organised this dinner. She hadn't told you the reason in hopes that you wouldn't be so nervous but the pit in the bottom of your stomach seemed infinite as you knocked on her front door. She quickly answered, "Hey, (Y/N). Perfect timing," she said, ushering you inside. "Everyone else is here, we were just waiting on you." "You should've started without me." "Don't worry, (L/N), we all tried to convince her beforehand," Dr Park called from the corner, before Reznick whacked him on the chest. (Y/N) looked down, the feeling in her stomach growing stronger but she pushed it down, "Yeah. Sorry about that." Melendez laughed, "Well, you're here now so we can get started." The surgical team all headed through to the dinning table and took their respective seat. Claire and Shaun on the heads, Morgan and Alex took their seats next to each other leaving (Y/N) to sit next to Melendez. She silently cursed Claire for setting the table like this. In the short time since she had met Dr. Melendez, (Y/N) had grown quite fond of him, which embarrassed her greatly. She felt like she was in an episode of Grey's Anatomy as she crushed in her boss.
It seems like all odds were against her tonight as her nerves grew stronger and stronger. She hadn't felt nerves like this in years, it was making her nauseous.
"(Y/N)? Did you hear what I just said?"
"Hmm. No, I'm sorry," (Y/N) apologised, heat spreading across her face. "I got distracted."
Melendez went to respond but got cut by (Y/N) beginning to gag. He instantly leaned over to pull her body weight onto his so she didn't need to support herself. He placed his hand on her forehead, checking for a fever. She was burning up.
"She had mentioned some stomach pain to me earlier," Claire said as she moved to help her best friend, trying to get the continues gagging to stop. Alex and Morgan had gone to the kitchen to see if there was anything there to help whilst Shaun thought of what it could be.
"Her appendix. It may have burst." He piped up over Claire's and Melendez's whispering.
Muttering a curse, Neil turned (Y/N) in his arms and began to carry her outside to his car. He was thankful he was on call tonight so he hadn't drank like the other surgeons. After telling Claire to stay at her house, he sped of down to St. Bonaventure.
Dr. Lim was waiting at the entrance of the hospital with a stretcher to put (Y/N) on as she had prepped an O.R when Park had called her with the news on what had happened.
"I'm coming in with you." Melendez said, not leaving room for Audrey to argue.
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you."
The lights hurt. That was the first though (Y/N) had when she tried to open her eyes. It took a couple attempts but here she was, looking around one of the ICU rooms in the hospital.
"You're an idiot." A voice said from bedside her. She turned her head to find Dr. Melendez looking right back at her. He had a look on his face which could almost be concern.
"Thank you?"
He rolled his eyes before continuing. "Why didn't you say anything earlier. Your appendix had ruptured by the time we got you to the O.R. That was stupid."
"I thought it was just nerves." (Y/N) whispered. However, from his closeness to the girl, he had heard it a clear as day.
"Why were you nervous?" he laughed
"New city, new job. Being the newbie sucks, especially when you are surrounded by hot doctors." (Y/N) looked down at her hands, making sure to whisper the last part.
"Thats fair," Melendez agreed, "But if you found me hot, you should've said before."
(Y/N) felt her face heat up in embarrassment, how could this get any worse. At least she could pretend it was the anaesthesia making her talk like that. Maybe that would bring back some of her dignity.
"Don't worry, (Y/N)" Melendez said after a while, "I thought you were pretty cute too."
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
tags: @nyotamalfoy
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The Good Doctor
Neil Melendez x female! reader
Warning: abusive ex, talking about abuse, violence 
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, comedy, race neutral reader, one-shot
People: neil melendez, shaun murphy, greg (oc)
Words: 2,344
Requested: By anon Okay hi I'm thirsty for a fluffy protection type fiction. Like maybe Niel Melendez brings his girlfriend out for a nice dinner and shopping day and they end up seeing their abusive ex that decides to confront them so he gets protective (he's got them big muscules so 😂) and idk take it fron there i guess? Please and thank you! 💙💙
Authors Note: ok first off this is a very touchy subject and if u r in a abusive relationship or know some one who is in one pls get help, u dont deserve this treatment and ask someone for help, call someone, call the hotline for ur area this is a very serious subject. i hope i did justice in that area for survivors. i also chose this gif because i luv seeing my bby kissing and like hes just soooo handsome, us good folks all deserve a melendez in our life! also i read that flower in japanese is hana if its not im srry i found it on google.
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“So you’re gonna join me at 7 tonight right?” Your boyfriend Neil asked as he stepped behind you, kissing your head. 
“Babe we’re at work,” you chuckled, turning around and greeting his precious, handsome face. His lips curled into a smile, “you think I care, I’m showing my girl some love.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his lips lightly, “of course I’m gonna be there. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You pecked his cheek and then whispered your parting into his ear, “I can’t wait for you to see how tight my dress is on me.”
“If you keep talking like that I might just want to skip dinner and eat something else instead.”
You rolled your eyes, hitting his shoulder playfully, “forward aren't we today Neil!” As Neil was about to proceed in his flirtatious attitude Shaun showed up and gave his innocent face to the two of you. “What are you two discussing?”
You found that it was your time to leave so you gave a little wave and let Neil take that embarrassing question for the team, “I know babe you’ll come up with a good answer to Shaun.”
You were very excited to meet up with Neil for dinner. He was taking you somewhere that you always wanted to go, according to him. See, the dinner or more like where it is taken at is a surprise. You have not a clue where Neil is taking you. It made you bubbly on the inside towards the day. 
Taking the day into your hands you got out of work early so you could have time to doll yourself up. 
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When you arrived home you took a shower, put makeup on, and then slipped on your dress. As you took a look in the mirror at your self you were unsure. “I don’t know, is this too much?” You questioned a loud, peering at yourself from side to side. Thats when you heard a knock at your door. “Oh well too late now.”
You touched up on your lips real quick with your makeup and ran to the door in your heels. Taking a couple of breaths you opened to find Neil.
“Hi babe, wow you look,” your words were stuck in your throat. You eyed him up and down and swallowed harshly. “Wow, you look so, so, so-”
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“Look at you,” he whispered, almost like to himself. He was looking at you up and down as well but he looked at you as if you were the most beautiful star in the galaxy. His eyes shone with love, having a little twinkle in them. He was head over heels for you, he was in love. “You look gorgeous baby.”
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You smiled away, bashful, “You look amazing as well.”
Neil brought his hand out for you to take hold. He guided you to his car, opening the door for you like a gentleman, “oh you didn’t need to do that.”
Neil bent down to capture your lips in a kiss, “I wanted to though.”
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On your way to the surprise restaurant you couldn’t help but try to guess where he was taking you. He would sternly give you a look and then you would pout making him give in and give you hints. 
“Okay we’re here.” Your head shot up to the restaurant. E/c eyes opening wide and bright you squeal in shock. “No way babe, you got a reservation for this restaurant? I’ve wanted to come here for so long, how did you know?”
Neil took a hold of your hand and was giggling at how adorable you were acting, “y/n you talk about this place all the time. Let me tell you it wasn’t easy getting reservations but I kinda had to pull a few strings.”
You embraced Neil and kissed him repeatedly all over the face, “I. LOVE. YOU. SO. MUCH!”
“I love you too, now c’mon.”
You two walked to the restaurant and it was as if you stepped into a fairy tale book. There were chandeliers gleaming and sparkling like diamonds, hanging delicately from the roof. There was gold embroidery on almost everything. A live band playing jazz music was there. All the guests look so sophisticated and glamorous with their outfits on. You were astonished. “Oh my god this is so classy, I can’t believe I’m here.”
Neil places his hand on your lower back to escort you to the table that the waiter had for you two. You both sat by a window, overseeing the city. The lights were bright and small making it seem like fireflies. As you looked down below you could see people walking, minding their own business. 
“Thank you for taking me here. I’m so happy to be here with you. This is the best surprises.”
Neil grabbed your hand and kissed it, “well get used to it. There’s gonna be more surprises along the road. You chuckled and lightly touched his leg with yours, “who knows maybe I have a surprise up my sleeve for you today.” You flirted to him as he raised his brow. 
You two dined fine that afternoon. Laughing, flirting, just having yourself a good time that is until you saw him. You look up into his eyes, your heart and world seem to stop. Its only him and you. It is your ex from your college days, only a couple of years ago did you break up with him. He was a monster. He would abuse you verbally but also physically. Your eyes widen and you are brought back in the present with Neil’s voice. “You okay sweetheart?”
You almost choke on your food but nod not wanting him to worry, “yes I’m fine.” The ex comes to your table with a new woman. She seems to have a bad attitude. “Why if it isn’t y/n l/n. How are you?”
As he gets closer to the table you see clearly his face again. That dam* face, still to this day gives you nightmares. Neil never knew about him because you felt that it was not necessary to tell him of this information. You were quiet with your answer, looking down and not at him, “fine.”
Neil took note of this and knew something was up, he was worried. “How do you two know each other?”
“Oh he’s just an old-”
“We used to date, I’m Greg.”
Neil was about to give his name when Greg stopped him, he shook his hand and said, “no need Mr. Melendez. I know all about you. You’re that doctor in that hospital with that autistic kid. Must have a hel* of a lot stories with him.”
“Actually he’s very good with his job, he’s one of the best.” Neil answered back. 
“Now what do you do again y/n?”
“I’m a doctor at the same hospital. We work together.” Your hands found themselves twisting and clutching the table cloth. You did not act like yourself. 
“Oh how nice, are you two together?”
Neil nodded and grabbed your hand, reassuring you and showing that you two are together to your old ex, feeling a bit jealous. “Yes we are actually. She’s the best thing thats ever happened to me.”
“Thats funny I remember when I used to say that. Man, it seems like a million years ago.”
You could tell Neil was getting over protective of you the way his jaw clenched whenever that wrenched man ever talked about your past relationship with him. 
“I always told y/n though, when she told me she wanted to be a doctor, to reach for something more...possible. Now look! She’s done the thing she wanted to do, maybe I some what some way encouraged her.” He laughed evilly at the end of his statement.
“Well I’ve always told y/n that she can do anything she puts her mind to. She’s very hard working and that is one of the many things that I love about her,” Neil was almost about to break the knife he was holding. His eyes were burning with anger. He was boiling on the inside. His jaw was clenching and he was almost shaking at how rude this man was to you. 
The man took notice of it and wanted to play with fire. He placed his tough hands that were rough looking on your shoulder, close to your neck. “Its a shame, as I recall me and y/n had some wonderful times together. Didn’t we sweetheart?”
Your breathing was coming out in short breaths, your nostrils flaring. Tears almost about to spill. You were frightened. If Neil wasn’t here you would of gotten up and ran away, but you didn’t want to form a show. You nodded to his question. His hand lingered too long on you for Neil’s liking. Greg’s fingers stroking where he used to strangle you when you two were together and then as you were about to pass out he would let you take a breath. He liked to be the leader, the man capable of deciding whether you lived or died. You started to shake with fear and Neil had enough. He abruptly stood up, his muscles showing full well through his tight suit. He looked as if he wanted to punch Greg straight in the jaw. Neil walked so close to Greg you were worried they were about to fight. 
“Don’t touch her.” Neil ordered, his voice rough almost a bark. 
“Excuse me?”
Neil pointed a finger at him, “I said don’t touch her. Get your ungrateful hands off her.”
Greg looked like he was the victim and placed his hands by his side. “You can have the whore, she wasn’t good any ways.”
Neil almost lunged himself at the man but you blocked Neil and stopped him. You placed a hand on his cheek to get him to only pay attention to you. “Hey babe its okay look at me, please don’t worry about him.” Neil tried to focus on his breathing and his temper, leaning his forehead against yours. As he sat down, almost calm, you saw that he bent the knife all the way so that it looked like a c. As things were settled you felt the heat of it all on you at that moment and needed fresh air. 
“I think I’m done here,” you wiped your mouth with the napkin and ran to the exit. Tears streaming down your face. 
Neil tried to stop you, calling out your name. He was very worried about you. 
You sprinted outside and sat on a nearby bench away from everyone. There you sobbed, all of the monstrous things that Greg did coming back to you and haunting you. 
“Baby,” you heard Neil’s voice as he came up to you. “Baby whats wrong?”
He sat beside you and looked at your face. Your cheeks stained with tears. Neil’s arm found themselves around your shoulder. “Please y/n tell me whats wrong?”
“That man inside the restaurant. Its true what he says that we were together, but when I was with him he, he beat me. Neil he used to beat me so many times a day, he hurt me so bad.” You sobbed uncontrollably in Neil’s chest. Neil embraced you tighter, kissing your forehead. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“He scared me Neil, I was so scared!”
Neil was shaking with anger. “I’ll kill that man! I’m gonna kill him.” He was being very over protective over you. You were his life. 
“No please babe, please don’t. I don’t want you to get into trouble, please.” Your eyes said it all when he looked into them. They were begging.
Neil closed his eyes, they were watery. “Okay.” Was all he could say.
You clutched onto Neil as hard as you could. Just wanting him to be with you and to just have his presence. He made you feel safe and calm. 
“I promise nobody will ever hurt you again,” he whispered into your ear. Kissing your face then your lips, showing you how much he truly loves you. 
Neil was there for you. He comforted you by patting your back and whispering how much he loves you. 
“How are you feeling?”
You sniffled and looked up at Neil. Neil wiped your tears away and kissed your cheek. You smiled and basked in his love, “I’m doing better thanks.”
“Why don’t we do something that’ll cheer you up. I mean you look so beautiful I don’t want this beauty to go to waste.”
“What did you have in mind?”
Neil grabbed your hand and brought you to an unknown store named, “Hana.”
“Hmm what is he up to?”
After a few minutes Neil came out of the store. He hid something behind his back, his dimples showing on his handsome face as he grins at you. 
“Another surprise?” You asked as you tried to see behind him. 
“Here its for you, to make you feel better.” Neil pulled the gift from behind. It was a bouquet of roses. 
You felt like crying...again! This man treated you so spectacularly. He treated you like a princess, always wanting you to feel happy. It was silence, you looked at the roses and started to tear up, “they are so beautiful babe.”
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“I thought you needed some cheering up. A gift to show you how much you mean to me.”
You smelled the roses but then placed them delicately in the bag. You placed both your hands on Neil’s face and inched closer to him, “I love you so much.”
Your lips joined in unison. You opened your mouth wider to kiss more fiercely. You moaned in the kiss, “I love you so much. I love you so much.”
You two separated and Neil brought you protectively close to him. His arms feeling like a comforting cage around you, they were thick and strong. “I love you too baby.”
You two walked together, enjoying the rest of the night and not caring about any body else except you two’s love.
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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midearthwritings · 2 years
EpiPen and Girlfriends
When you show up to the ER after an allergic reaction, Claire and Neil finally learn something interesting about Shaun.
Words Count: 1,016
Pairing: Shaun Murphy x F!Reader
Warning: None
Author's Note: This was requested by a very kind anon! It's my very first fic for this fandom so I hope it's not too bad. Also I used my own allergy for this fic just because—
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Holding a small tablet in his hand, followed closely by two of his three residents, Dr. Neil Melendez walked up to the bed you were quietly sitting on. From your cheeks to your hands, itchy red marks covered your skin, and you had to grip the bedsheets to keep yourself from scratching them manically. 
“Good evening,” the oldest surgeon greeted you, briefly looking up from the tablet. “How are you feeling?” 
You shrugged and smiled. “Not too bad, actually,” you replied honestly. “I just feel like ripping my skin off.” 
Melendez nodded before handing your record over to the young lady – Dr. Browne, her blouse read. “Can you tell me what we have there, Dr. Browne?” he questioned. But she barely had time to look at the record when the last person spoke up. 
“It is a case of anaphylactic shock caused by the ingestion of allergens,” Shaun declared, his hands locked tightly against his chest as always. You nodded even if the question hadn’t been from you and looked down at your hands in shame. 
You had been eating dinner with a friend of yours. The both of you had picked a nice restaurant, not too expensive or fancy. Something just nice. And in your arrogant stupidity, you had ordered the one dish you shouldn’t have. You really thought that it wouldn’t be that bad. But here you were, sitting in the ER. And you were the only person to blame. 
“Thank you very much, Dr. Browne, for your diagnosis,” Melendez said again, staring right at Shaun. 
“My name is Shaun. Shaun Murphy.” Shaun corrected, nodding as if to prove his point. “Claire is standing on the other side of you,” he said, pointing at Claire to indicate her position.
Dr. Melendez shook his head and rolled his eyes, and you had to bite your bottom lip to swallow back a laugh. Looking up at Shaun, you noticed his eyes were fixated elsewhere, and you wondered if he had looked at you at all since their arrival. 
“Can you tell us what happened and when?” Claire asked you in a kind tone, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Of course,” you said, shifting on the bed to get seated in a better position. “I am allergic to seafood, but usually it isn’t so bad. So tonight, when I went to the restaurant, I ordered a dish that contained seafood. There was barely any of it! So I thought nothing would happen. And after a good fifteen minutes, my skin turned red, and I had trouble breathing.” 
“I see. Do you still have trouble breathing?” 
You shook your head. “Not anymore. I used–”
“The patient used an epinephrine auto-injector!” Shaun exclaimed, cutting you off. You smiled at him and nodded. “EpiPens help treat severe allergic reactions. Although it is still recommended to go to the hospital since another reaction can happen later on.”
Dr. Browne sighed quietly and hugged the tablet against her chest in frustration. You felt sympathetic for her. It seemed like the poor woman never had any occasion to talk. 
“Well, Murphy, since you are so interested in the topic, me and Dr. Browne are going to let you do the patient check-ups before we can send her home,” Melendez told him. He patted Shaun on the shoulder but quickly retrieved his hand. 
“No,” Shaun simply replied with a small smile, his eyes fixated in the distance. “I can’t do that.” 
Claire’s eyebrows shot up at Shaun’s refusal, and the older doctor crossed his arms and leaned towards him a little like he hadn’t heard correctly. 
“You can’t?” Melendez asked.
“No,” Shaun repeated. “A physician shouldn’t treat a family member, a friend, or their significant other.” 
At that, Shaun finally looked at you and smiled proudly. You felt your heart swelling inside your chest and heat rising in your cheeks. The butterflies in your stomach were so strong that you almost missed Claire’s question. 
“Are you a member of Dr. Murphy’s family?” she asked politely.
You shook your head and bit your lip. “Actually, Shaun and I are–”
“In a romantic relationship,” he interrupted you again. He had done it a lot tonight, and you would definitely tease him about it later. 
Next to you, you heard Melendez almost choke, and you shot him a dark look, making him regain his composure immediately. Claire, on the other hand, was much quieter about the discovery, her mouth hanging slightly open. 
The longer they remained quiet, the more you wanted to laugh. You had no idea why exactly, but it seemed to be the year’s biggest event to them. Eventually, you giggled, bringing their focus back on you. 
Dr. Melendez cleared his throat before speaking again. “Claire, you’ll do the check-up. Murphy, you can follow me.” 
Shaun shook his head and sat down on the chair next to the bed. “I have to stay there. To make sure everything is alright.” 
“Shaun, I am alright,” you assured. “I’m certain Dr. Browne is very capable of doing a check-up.” 
Claire smiled and nodded gratefully. But it wasn’t enough for Shaun. Of course, it was never enough unless he was the one doing the work.
“Claire is capable of doing a basic check-up, yes,” he agreed. “And you are alright for now. Something could happen. You could have another anaphylactic reaction. I need to be there if it happens.” 
After a lot of arguing between you, Shaun, and Dr. Melendez, it was decided that Shaun would be allowed fifteen minutes to stay with you and would then be called back to work. You tried not to show it too much, but it reassured you to have him by your side. 
After a few minutes, you felt his hand slowly sliding into yours, and you looked at him questioningly. 
“I heard it is nice to hold the hand of someone scared,” he explained, looking again at something that wasn’t you while he talked.
You frowned and tilted your head. “I’m not scared?” 
“I know,” Shaun replied, wiping the palm of his hand onto his pants. “I am.”
All Time Tags: @imnotevenhere9 @shethereadinghobbit @elvish-sky @katbby16 @dark-angel-is-back @shalinizhara @miriel-estelwen @thewhiteladyofrohan @vee-vee-writes @cameronsails @kumqu4t @wlfstxr @thespiritoflife @myselfandfantasy @spidergirla5 @guardianofrivendell
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gemstone-roses · 4 years
Dr melendez x reader
"you work in a hospital!!"
Neil Melendez x Reader
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Warnings: talks of migraines, pills, being scared of the doctor.
Gif not mine credit to the owner
You sighed as you stepped through the doors of the hospital, today was supposed to be your day off, but you had left something in your locker, you also needed to go and refill your prescription for your migraines. 
I'll do it here you thought
After retreving what you needed from your locker, you lined up at reception and handed them your prescription 
"it says here the Dr wanted to see you before he refilled this Dr y/l/n, if you just sit down I can get someone here to do it for you if you don't mind waiting" she smiled at you. 
You sat down on the row of chairs, twisting your fingers in your palm, you hated this, going to the doctor, it always filled you with a sense of dread ever since you were a child.  
You got no phone signal in this part of the hospital, so you took to people watching, thankfully no one had regognized you yet, until you spotted the back of your bosses head at reception. 
Oh no
Just don't turn around 
"Y/N? Isn't it your day off? What are you doing here?" he looked slightly concerned. 
"Oh I'm just, I need this refilling that's all and my doc failed to mention he wanted to see me, and it's a cross town" 
"Oh, I can do that for you y/n"! 
"No that's okay thankyou Dr melendez, I can wait" 
"Nonsense y/n, come on" 
You sighed as you followed him, he ushered you into a room to the side. 
You sat down on the edge of the bed and handed him the piece of paper in your hand, you stated at the floor as he rooted through his pickets for a pen. 
"Migraines huh?" he said causing you to look up. 
"Are you alright y/n?" he said softly, brows furrowed together in concern. 
"um yeah, I'm fine" you smiled at him, un convincingly
"you don't look fine y/n, do you have a migraine now? What's the pain on a scale of 1-10"?  He went to pull out his pen flashlight and he placed his hand on your shoulder. 
"Idontlikegoingtothedoctor" you mumbled into the floor
"what was that y/n? I can't hear you" 
You met his eyes and took a deep breath. 
"I said I don't like going to the doctor okay" you huffed. 
To your suprise, he laughed. 
"you work in a hospital y/n, as a doctor" he said with a smile on his face. 
"yeah, and? Im petrified of the doctor okay I always have been, that's why I became a doctor so I could make patients as comfortable as possible and hope they never have to experience what I do, don't make fun of me Dr melendez" 
"I'm not making fun of you, y/n, I would never, I'm sorry for laughing it just suprised me a little, have you had any coffee today?" 
Here we go you thought
"well yes but before you start I know it's bad for my migraines and…. 
He cut you off
" No y/n, would you like to go get coffee, with me? Now? " he smiled at you. 
"yeah, yes okay then,that sounds nice, thankyou"
He offered you his hand with a smile as he helped you up off the bed. 
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good-doctor-imagine · 7 years
Someone You Love (Neil Melendez)
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A/N: Let's pretend that Neil doesn't have a fiancé because otherwise, this would be very awkward
Request: “Hello! I have a request, do you do Neil Melendez? If you do, could you do one where he discusses love with Shaun, following his statement-of not wanting love? And then Shaun asks him who does he love and Neil tells him he loves the reader, who is secretly eavesdropping on their conversation. Thank you for taking the time to read my request!”
"Is it bad to not want love?"
Neil looked up at Shaun, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his sudden question. "Murphy I don't think this is the right place to talk about this."
"I told Dr. Glassman that I didn't want love and he seemed confused."
Neil shook his head, chuckling lightly. "Anyone would be confused if you asked that Murphy. You have to at least want love from someone, whether it's family or not."
You were about to walk into the main office but stopped before the door when you heard Neil's voice. You weren't sure if it was the right time to walk in yet considering he was speaking with Shaun at the moment.
"Do you have someone you love?"
Neil gave him another strange look, shaking his head, "Again Murphy, I don't think this is the time or place to be talking about this."
As Dr. Melendez was walking away with his clipboard, Shaun stopped him by running in front of him, blocking Neil from your view.
"I want to know how you know you love someone," Dr. Murphy said, surprising you and Dr. Melendez
Neil shook his head again, slightly smiling. "Murphy you'll know it when you love someone."
"Do you have someone you love?"
Neil frowned, starting to get annoyed by all of his questions. "Yes, I do."
You instinctively leaned in, trying to hear as best as you could. You've had a crush on Dr. Melendez for quite a long time. Ever since you started working here, Neil was always the person you could talk to. He wouldn't care if you would rant on and on about things, he would just listen. Claire thought you were crazy when you told her that you had a crush on Dr. Melendez after she got curious about why you two spent so much time together. She asked you how you would like him, saying that he was kind of rude and as Shaun said, arrogant. But he wasn't that to you, Neil treated you like you were everything to him.
"Who do you love?"
Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest, the suspense too much for you.
"Murphy if you tell anyone about this, I swear I won't let you do anything else but scutwork." Dr. Melendez said quietly but loud enough that you could hear. Shaun nodded, looking at Neil expectingly. "I love (Y/n)."
You tried your best not to melt into a puddle right then and there, knowing that at any moment Neil would have to walk through the doors you were hiding behind.
"Now get to work Murphy," Neil said, walking off in your direction.
Instantly, you straightened up, patting down your clothes. When Dr. Melendez walked in through the door, he froze when he saw you to the side.
"Dr. (L/n), what are you doing here?"
You froze up too, not really knowing what to say. "I- you know- just-"
"You heard me talking to Shaun didn't you?" Neil questioned, his heart slightly dropping.
"I-" Neil tilted his head, giving you a serious look, "Yes, I did."
Just as Dr. Meendez was going to walk away, you stopped him just like Dr. Murphy did. "Neil, wait. I-I like you too."
His eyebrows furrowed, not really sure if he heard you correctly. "You what?"
Your cheeks reddened as you spoke up, "I like you too, Neil."
"Can you say that again?" Dr. Melendez joked, smiling as you hit him on his arm. "No violence in the hospital (Y/n)." He leaned closer, his lips only centimeters apart from yours. "I think this is okay though," He said as he closed the gap between you two.
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ivy-stclaire · 7 years
Prompt: a friend suggested it to me. The reader is crushing on Melendez and receives flowers, she thinks they’re from Neil but they’re actually from Jared.
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When you stepped inside the hospital lobby, you instantly felt the atmosphere change. With dread, you realized that all the nurses were staring at you and whispering to themselves in low voices.
Nurse gossip. How you hated it.
Even after three years working as a full surgeon resident at the hospital, you refused to take part in their chit chats. It really wasn’t your cup of tea.
Besides, you knew what it was like to be the victim of the gossip. On your first year, you had accidentally let slip to one of your fellow interns that you thought Dr. Melendez to be handsome.
The nurses had a field day telling everyone you and Melendez were probably dating in secret which caused the true nature of Melendez’s and his then girlfriend, Jessica Preston’s relationship come to light. It was all an act to keep Jessica at the hospital. They eventually broke up but she stayed, because Marcus Andrews was the only one from the Hospital Board against her.
The gossip died down after a bit. It returned, however, when Nurse Fryday caught you at Starbucks on a free weekend. She thought you were on a date. You wish. Neil just so happened to be passing by and saw you. He came over to talk and that was all.
So if they were all staring at you now, it meant they thought Melendez had done something because you two never hung out after work after that day.
“Morning Hannah.” You greeted the only nurse who didn’t go around gossiping much.
“How are you this fine day, (Y/N)?” She asked in response, eyes focused on the report in front of her as she flickered through it.
“Surprisingly awoke without the usual five cups of coffee.” You replied jokingly. “Only had three this morning.”
“Coffee isn’t good for you sweetheart, you should switch to tea.” Hannah said with a smirk, still not looking up.
“No thanks.” You narrowed your eyes. “Why the hell is everyone looking at me?”
Hannah finally made eye contact with you, you saw a glimpse of sympathy mixed with mischievousness.
“Leila saw Dr. Hot Stuff leaving your office earlier.” She said, using their nickname for Melendez. “And one hour later, Sage went into your office to drop some reports and saw a bouquet of flowers.”
Your ears perked up, despite you not wanting to get your hopes up. When you had commented on his good looks years ago, you hadn’t expected to feel something for him other than attraction. But the fact remained that, in this present day, you had fallen for him.
So the thought that he bought you flowers was hard to ignore.
“They’re still there?”
“Yeah.” Hannah said, but you had already run off to the elevators.
After a ride that seemed to last hours, the doors slid open and you headed to your office, feeling your pulse race as you imagined Neil dropping flowers at your desk.
True to Hannah’s words, there was a large bouquet of roses sitting on the mahogany surface. You gingerly touched them, looking around for a card.
There was none, but you thought to at least thank him. However, you didn’t have the guts to thank him in person and fished out a pen and a notebook from your desk.
No, too dry and short.
Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful ❤️❤️.
Too long, you ripped the page off and scribbled down at the next.
thank you xx
Good enough.
You sneaked out of your office after putting the flowers in water, careful not to be seen.
His office was deserted, so you quickly put the note down on his desk and bolted out of there before someone saw you or he walked in.
For the rest of the day, you were feeling so giddy that you completely missed Jared’s odd looks in your general direction.
Claire had definitely noticed something was up, and even Shaun had asked you why you were so happy, but you brushed them off.
It puzzled you that Neil was acting as cold and arrogant to you like usual, but you figured it was because he had heard the gossip and didn’t want to cause further discomfort for the both of you.
By the end of the day, your energy had worn off and you found yourself wishing to have drunk the usual five cups of coffee instead of three.
“Hi (Y/N).” Jared greeted warmly, his eyes shining with... anxiousness?
“Hi.” You replied curtly, wanting to catch Neil before he left the hospital.
“Heard you received flowers today.” He said casually, and you brightened up considerably.
“Yes, yes I did. They were beautiful.” You nodded with a smile.
“Brilliant. So I was wondering if you-“ He started, but you suddenly saw Neil walking out of his office.
“Sorry Jared, I gotta go. See you tomorrow?” You asked, but didn’t wait for a reply as you followed Melendez outside. You missed Jared’s crestfallen face.
Neil was striding rapidly down the stairs, heading to the parking lot. You could see his shiny black Mercedes glistening in the sunlight.
“Neil! Oi! Wait!” You called out, your breath quickening as you almost tripped down the stairs.
He stopped and pivoted, looking at you and furrowing his eyebrows. Neil nodded in acknowledgment as you reached his side.
“What can I do for you, (Y/N)?” He asked as you walked companionably to the parking.
“I-“ You felt your cheeks redden. “I just wanted to thank you again.”
He frowned in confusion. “Was it you who wrote that note from earlier?”
“Thank me for what?” His words made you pause. His car was a few meters away.
“You know.” At his blank look, you continued tentatively. “The reason why you were in my office this morning?”
Neil folded his arms. “I caught Jared inside when he wasn’t supposed to. He had broken in to give you flowers.”
“Oh.” Then it dawned on you. “What?!” You shrieked as his words registered. “The bouquet was from Jared?! Oh my God, I totally blew him off to come talk to you.”
Realisation flashed across Neil’s features. He suddenly looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his head.
“You thought-“ He cleared his throat. “You thought the flowers were from me?”
“I... yeah, I did.” You blushed under his intense gaze.
Neil nodded thoughtfully. “Why?”
His question caught you off guard. You wondered if you would reply. Now that you knew the flowers weren’t from him, it shot down any hopes Neil might feel the same way about you. Were you ready to admit it?
You bit your lip, looking at him under long eyelashes. You noticed him gulp as he waited for an answer.
“I, uh.” You hesitated. “Ihavefeelingsforyou.”
His eyebrows shot to his airline. “Come again?”
“I said.” You were sure you could have been mistaken for a tomato. “That I, uh, have feelings for you.”
Melendez said nothing, staring at you silently. You couldn’t even begin to figure out what he was thinking and that bothered you more that you would ever admit.
“I had thought about giving you flowers.” He finally said after a few moments. “But a while back Jared started talking about how he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. I thought you guys were going out.”
“We- no, we never went out together.”
Neil took a deep breath. “Then this morning I saw him dropping flowers at your office and he said he was going to take you for dinner tonight.”
“Was that why you were so distant, today?” A short nod was your answer. “Neil... what do you mean?
He closed his eyes and gave you a small smile. “I have feelings for you, too, (Y/N). Ever since you first came to this hospital.”
A sudden feeling of warmth and joy washed over you. You had been dying to hear those words come out of his mouth and you were feeling as if you were on Cloud 9.
Not caring if anyone saw you, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
Neil tensed up at first, but relaxed against your smaller frame and engulfed you in his delicious musky scent - you could also detect the faint scent of coffee and spice - as his muscled arms snaked around your waist.
You hugged silently for a few moments. Just standing in the parking, in each other’s arms, in plain sight.
You removed your head from the crook of his neck and looked up at Neil. He was at least half a head taller than you.
“What does this mean?” You asked in a soft whisper, afraid that if you spoke any louder you would break the magic.
Neil said nothing, instead gently dipping his head and hovering his lips over yours, giving you a chance to back away. When you didn’t, he captured your lips with yours.
Your lips moved in sync, slowly and passionately as you relished in the feeling of finally kissing him. His tongue ran the length of your lower lip and you granted him entrance. Neil deepened the kiss as your tongues intertwined, dancing together.
A few seconds later, you broke away, quietly gasping for breath.
Neil pecked your lips. “How about we go to that fancy Italian restaurant near the beach for dinner and we’ll take it from there?”
“Sounds good.” Your smile stretched from ear to ear. You reached on your tippy toes and kissed him again.
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americaswritings · 3 years
The Lists
Warnings: Nothing I can think of rn
Summary: A patient flirts with you. Shaun points it out. Dr. Melendez doesn’t like it. Also Shaun has made some lists he would like to share, exposing some well kept secrets.
Words: 4k
Pairing: Neil Melendez x intern!reader
A/N: I am head over heels in love with this man. That’s all I gotta say. Also the oneshot is better than the summary, I promise! Enjoy :)
Add yourself to my taglist!
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You fell in step with Dr. Melendez and Shaun, listening as he presented the new case. “Male, 35 years old, he is here for a cardiac valve surgery.” You nodded, hoping you could assist D. Melendez at the operation later.
“Good morning Mr. Davis. I hope you’re ready for the big day?”, he greeted the patient when they stepped into the room. “Ready as I can be”, the man stated confidently, his eyes shifting from Shaun to you, lingering on you. You shifted under his gaze, trying to ignore it.
“Dr. (y/l/n) will do a quick checkup on you to make sure nothing unexpected pops up", Dr. Melendez anounced and you followed his order, stepping next to the patien’ts bed and pulling out your stethoscope. 
“Can you take a deep breath for me?”, you asked, placing the chest piece on his torso and plugging your stethoscope in. “Anything for you”, the man smirked, sending you a wink. You kept yourself from grimacing, keeping a straight face as you adverted your eyes to his chest, concentrating on what you could hear.
It was silent for a moment, his beating heart the only sound in your ears. You tried to focus on that and block out the way his eyes were fixed on your face. “Sounds good to me”, your reported when you were done, reliefed to be able to put space between the two of you again.
“As good as it can be when such a beautiful lady is standing right next to me”, the guy whispered, his words so low that only you could hear them. 
You felt your cheeks turning pink, biting your lip and forcing a remark down your throat. He was just being nervous, using the flirting probably as a way to distract himself from the upcoming surgery.
This wasn’t about you and it wasn’t worth getting in trouble for.
“Oxygen saturation is within the normal range. You haven’t eaten anything today, have you?” You took a step back, standing next to Shaun, who wore an expression you knew too well by now. He was up to something, you realized.
“Is that an offer?” The man smiled smugly and you clenched your teeth, losing your patience. You didn’t know why his flirtatious nature bothered you as much, but when you glanced towards Dr. Melendez you understood. 
You could have dealt with it while being alone with the patient, but with him in the room it made you feel embarassed. You had worked so hard to be taken seriously in this hospital. 
Being a woman in the medial field still wasn’t easy and you had dealt with a lot of occasions where you had been judged as a woman and not a doctor. 
It still made you furious, but working alongside Dr. Lim seemed to help with it. She was a thriving doctor, confident and smart, not caring what others thought and not holding back to say what she thought. You wished you could be like her one day, but in this moment you only felt small.
Just as you opened your mouth to come up with a polite way to shut him down, Dr. Melendez surprised you by speaking up. “It’s part of the necessary procedure. Your swallowing and cough reflex will be opressed during anesthesia. If you ate something before it could lead to pneumonia.”
His voice was firm and authorative, the casuality from before gone. When you looked at him you saw his brows were slightly furrowed and his jaw was clenched. It seemed he was just as bothered by the patient’s attitude. Or was he mad at you? Should you have done something differently, handled the situation another way? 
You didn’t know what to think. You had never talked to him about how to handle such a situation, so how should you know what he was expecting of you?
The man’s smile faded, the amusement gone and his eyes narrowing slightly. “is that all?”, he asked annoyed, his eyes leaving you for the first time. You let out a breath of relief. “That is all”, Dr. Melendez declared, excusing himself with a sharp nod.
You followed him outside without looking at the patient again, his eyes burning holes into your back.
Shaun closed the door to his room, an excited smile on his face. You pleaded he would stay silent, but he seemed enthusiastic even. “He flirted with her”, he announced the moment you joined Dr. Melendez at the nurses counter. 
You felt the heat rushing to your cheeks, shaking your head immediately. “He did not”, you tried to brush it off, hoping Shaun would let it go and not make a big deal out of it, especially in front of Dr. Melendez who looked just as displeased now as in the room before.
“Yes, yes he did!”, Shaun insisted loudly, his eyes wide. “He used parts of the flirting trifecta on you. Claire told me all about it.” 
You gritted your teeth at him. “Could you please stop?”, you pleaded, gazing around in fear that people had heard his observations. Luckily the corridors weren’t as busy as usual. 
You turned back, your gaze catching Dr. Melendez’. His frown had deepened, his eyes hard. You gulped, shifting under his attentive look. “Murphy, now is not the time”, he stated calmly, yet his eyes betrayed his indifferent demanour.
“I will meet you two in the OR.” With that he turned around, walking away with big strides. You looked after him, a frown on your face. You knew why you had a reason to be upset, but why would it influence Dr. Melendez mood? 
Maybe as your boss he felt protective over you and he had taken your silence as a sign you weren’t capable of standing up for yourself. But you hadn’t seen a point in causing a scene. It was just another day for you as a woman working in a hospital. 
“You didn’t flirt back with him”, Shaun noted when Dr. Melendez had rounded a corner and you let out an exasperated sigh. “Why would I?”, you asked, busying yourself with the patient’s paper Dr. Melendez had left you two with. 
“You didn’t flirt back with him”, he repeated, overlooking your question. “That’s interesting.” Without another word he left, leaving you alone with your circling thoughts. 
“Dr. Murphy, a little more light.” Shaun followed the command, redirecting the operation lamp so Dr. Melendez got a better view of the field he was operating on. You stood next to him, watching the procedure with careful eyes. Dr. Melendez really was brilliant at his job. It looked so effortless, the way his hands moved around the patient’s heart. 
Dr. Melendez looked up, his eyes meeting yours. “Dr. (y/l/n), would you like to assist me with the valve prothesis?” Your eyes lit up and you nodded eagerly. Time passed in a blur while you were focused on every movement of your fingers. Eventually the hard part was over, your shoulders relaxing when the tension left your body.
“Good job.” Dr. Melendez offered you a smile and you grinned back, filled with relief and pride. “Now we have to get him off the HLM and see if we were sucessful.” 
“I get it now”, Shaun suddenly piped up, Dr. Melendez and you turning to him in confusion. “You didn’t flirt with him, because you like Dr. Melendez.” You nearly choked on air, breaking into a fit of coughes as your face heat up.
The tension was heavy in the air as you could feel everyone’s eyes on you. “No, Shaun, you are wrong.” You emphasized your words, as if he was a wild animal you tried to contain. It certainly felt that way, considering Shaun said what came to his mind, even if it was blunt and embarassing. 
Please just stop talking, you thought to yourself as you watched him, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You couldn’t help but look at Dr. Melendez, scared for his reaction but curious all the same.
He met your eyes briefly, but he masked his emotions too well for you to find any hint to what he was thinking or feeling. But he must have seen the panic in your eyes, because he cleared his throat. “Could we get back to the procedure now?”, he asked, an order more than a question.
But Shaun wasn’t finished yet. “No I’m not. You like Dr. Melendez. I made a list of all the moments that prove it.” “Oh my god!”, you muttered exasperated, wishing you could bury your face in your hands. At least your surgical mask covered half of your face. Hopefully no one saw how red you were in the dim light of the OR.
Could the humilitation be even worse? It turned out it could, as Shaun began to go through the list. “Exactly two weeks ago you smiled at him for three full seconds without breaking eye contact. You sometimes touch your hair when you talk to him. You look at him more often than at other people even when he isn’t looking back. On the day it smelled like rain you laughed at his joke though it wasn’t funny. On Tuesday-” “Shaun!”, you groaned in an attempt to interrupt his rant, desperation lacing your voice. 
“I think that’s enough”, you heard Dr. Melendez voice, relief flooding you that he was helping you. You could see the nurses eyes fixed on you, entertained by the scene. It would surely make for great gossip. You wondered if you could ever look anyone else in the eye after leaving the OR. You doubted it.
To your surprise Dr. Melendez didn’t seem upset, he seemed rather amused. It was defenitely better than him being angry at you for developing a crush on him, but didn’t diminish your embarassment. 
You shuddered as you imagined your days from now on. What if you wouldn’t be able to talk to him anymore and instead stutter and be at a loss of words. You imagined his smug smiles and cockiness now that he knew of your crush. He probably would laugh about it with his colleagues later, the little intern that had fallen for him. For her boss. What a cliche you truly were. 
But there was nothing you could do now. You could deny it all you wanted, as long as Shaun didn’t keep his mouth shut you were at his mercy. 
You made a mental note to call up Claire. Ranting to her about it while eating a  bowl of icrecream and watching Grey’s Anatomy seemed like the perfect plan to get this day over. Hopefully she had some good avice to offer you, though you doubted that there is anything you could do to make this better. The damage had been done.
“O-okay”, Shaun agreed and you left out a breath. “That’s another point for my other list.” You frowned, not understanding what he was talking about. “Another list? Just how many do you make?”, Dr. Melendez asked, entertained but confused just the same.
“It’s been 14 lists so far. I keep them in my locker.” “Is that the appropriate time for vandalism?”, you muttered, Dr. Melendez chuckling at your words. The tension seemed to have fadded a little and your heart was beginning to calm down.
“Dr. Melendez just spoke up for you. He did that this morning and on monday too.” You raised your brow. Now it was getting interesting. “He did?”, you asked surprised and Shaun nodded. “And last thursday.” 
Now it was your time to be amused. “You have a list for him too?”, you pushed and Shaun nodded. 
“He likes you too. He was bothered today when the patient kept flirting with you. He smiles more often when he looks at you and makes jokes. He banters with you and asks for your opinion on things that aren’t case related. Yesterday he-” 
“The procedure was sucessful. The heart is beating strongly and there is no blood stasis. Murphy, you close.”
You looked up as Dr. Melendez stepped away from the table, letting Shaun take his place. You wondered if it was his way of shutting him up or an excuse to flee. Perhaps both. “Dr. (Y/l/n), I see you in my office at the end of shift.” 
His voice was stern and your smile faded as you quickly nodded. You didn’t want to fall into his disfavor, although the thought of meeting him in his office later made your stomach twist. 
With that he left the OR.
The rest of the operation was done in silence, no one knowing what to say as the tension was still heavy in the air. You wondered if Shaun would get in trouble for his big mouth. 
A part of you wished he did, after all he had just ruined your life by blurting out your best kept in secret not just in front of your crush and boss but the whole surgical team. 
The other part knew it wasn’t sensible to punish Shaun. Being honest and observant was a part of who he was. It was what made him a great surgeon. His determination and willpower were important for him to be taken seriously and not get talked down. 
But he still had a lot to learn. Communcation was an inevitable part of being a doctor just as much as making the right diagnosis. Admitting someone’s crush out loud was nothing against blurting out his suspicions of deadly illnesses to oblivious patients. Or a breach of medical confidentiality, because he couldn’t lie.
You shook your head, trying to focus on yourself again. You didn’t know what to expect from Dr. Melendez. Would he be upset and lecture you? Or worse, throw you off his team like he had done when Claire had undermined his authority?
 Even if he wasn’t mad rather amused or even flattered by your feelings for him, it would be reasonable for him to put a distance between the two of you by enforcing new barriers or refusing to have you work with him. For him. 
It made sense to establish boundaries. Not having to see Dr. Melendez every day and keeping a distance between the two of you would make it much easier for you to get over your feelings for him. 
But deep inside of you you knew that wasn’t what you wanted. Just the thought of only seeing Dr. Melendez in the hallway sometimes and having to stay away hurt more than you liked to admit.
 You had grown too attached, had taken getting so much of him for granted. But frankly, you had gotten nothing at all. Dr. Melendez had always been stricly professional towards you. But then you thought of what Shaun had said, the list he had made. Was it true and there was a chance that he liked you too? 
You didn’t doubt what Shaun had seen, but there were multiple explanations for his behaviour, not involving him having feelings for you. Shaun had only recently learned about ways to flirt. Now he was looking for the signs everywhere. 
There was a great chance he had misinterepreted Dr. Melendez behaviour, because he was actively searching for it.
The day came to an end quicker than you would have liked. You had asked Shaun to care for the patient once he woke up, not keen on another flirtatious encounter with the man. 
“Dr. Melendez can’t be mad at you. You didn’t do anything wrong.” It seemed your dread was so evident on your face Shaun picked up on it. Or maybe you were just too tried to hide it from him. “It’s okay”, you reassured him. “Whatever he says, I will bear the consequences.”
When you parted ways, you wondered if you should go to him dressed in your scrubs or change first. You opted for your own clothes, hoping they would give you more confidence. Showing up in your scrubs would only underline your status as his intern.
The night had fallen over St.?? when you walked up the stairs to Dr. Melendez office, nervously clutching your purse. You saw him before he noticed you, his eyes fixed on the screen of his laptop in front of him. 
The little wrinkle between his brows indicated he was deeply focused on his work and for a moment you considered coming back later to not interrupt him. But he had asked you to come and you knew you couldn’t run from it forever. 
When you cautiously opened the glass door he looked up at you, the surprise turning into a formal smile. “Dr. (y/l/n), have a seat please.” Oh no, this was bad. He closed his laptop as you slowly sat down in the chair across his office. 
“Would you like to add something to what has been said today in my OR?” He folded his hands, leaning back a little in his desk chair and you nearly shrank in your seat. “I don’t think there is anything I could say to make this better so no.”
You felt a little proud how calm and steady your voice sounded, a stark contrast to your thumping heart and sweaty hands. Dr. Melendez nodded, considering your words for a moment. 
“As your boss it’s my job to address any event that could potentially influence your work at the ? hospital. Your personal feelings won’t be of interest for the hospitals board as long as you don’t give them any reason to question the background of your behaviour. Is that clear?”
You nodded, humiliation sinking in. He was being formal and polite, no crack in his composed fascade. You should be grateful for it, for him leatting you off the hook so easily, yet it seemed to hurt even more. 
You had expcted him to be angry, amused, anything but this indifferent and calculated version of himself.
“I understand”, you said through gritted teeth. Dr. Melendez smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Good. Now that the formal part is over, I need to get my things packed and then we can talk outside.”
Your mouth fell open, as you watched Dr. Melendez rise from his chair, beginning to grab a few papers and place them in his briefcase. Your body wouldn’t move as you stared at him in bewilderment, perplexed by his sudden change of demanour. 
He didn’t seem to notice as he closed his bag, reaching for his suit jacket so casually you thought you had halluzinated his stiff posture and straight expression before.
“Are you coming?”, he asked when you still hadn’t moved and you snapped out of your trance, quickly getting up yourself. You followed him through the hospital floors and into the elevator, not daring to say a word. He didn’t seem to mind your silence.
When you pushed through the last door, the cold air hitting you, you finally seemed to come back to your senses. What were you even doing here?
“I would invite you for a drink, but that would defenitely peak the board’s interest, so I guess this has to do.” He gestured for you to walk next to him, the heaviness in your chest fading the more distance you put between the hospital and you.
“I am really confused right now”, you confessed once he came to a halt, seemingly convinced that they were far away from the hospital.
He chucked. “I can see that. I wanted to talk to you about what happened today, really talk about it and I thought it would be better to do it outside of the hospital.”
You tilted your head to look at him. “Dr. Melendez, if anything Shaun said-” “You can call me Neil here.” You paused, surprised by the offer. “Neil”, you tested his name on your tongue and he smiled slightly. 
“If anything Shaun said today upset you I am sorry. I know it’s unprofessional, because you’re my boss and I respect you. I never would have said or done anything if Shaun hadn’t exposed me like that.” 
You shuddered slightly when you thought back to the moment he had revealed your feelings to everyone in the room. The moment your heart had stopped and your world had turned.
“Maybe I should thank him then”, Dr. Melendez, Neil, stated lightly. “I would have prefered to find out under different circumstances, but at least I know now.”
“Can we just forget this ever happened then?”, you asked hopefully, eliciting an amused smile from Neil. “Absolutely not.” You groaned and he laughed. At least your despair was worth it, seeing him so open with his feelings was refreshing.
But you knew you had to risk ruining the moment, one question lingering on your mind. You couldn’t leave until you hadn’t gotten an answer to it. 
“What about the other list? Was any of it true?” Your voice was low now, the uncertainity in it causing the atmosphere to shift. Neil’s smile faded and you saw the tension in his jaw as he grew serious again.
Your shoulders slumped as you took in his expression, but you needed to hear him say it. Needed to hear the words. Maybe hearing him tell you the truth would be the first step of letting him go.
“I can’t deny what Shaun saw. He is just too observant”, he sighed, burying his hands in his pockets and slightly leaning back onto his heels. 
“I didn’t want to deal with it, didn’t even want to think about it. But then our patient kept flirting with you and I realized it bothered me more than it should have.”
Your eyes widened as your hope grew. “Are you saying you like me too? Cause I really can’t tell when you’re so composed all the time.” Neil smiled sadly. “I have to be. I am your boss, I shouldn’t even have these feelings in the first place. But I can’t help it, can’t pretend they don’t exist.”
You cocked your head, creasing your brows. “So you’re saying you like me too, but you don’t want to?” You didn’t know what to feel. Should you be happy, offended or hurt?
“As your superior, yes. It makes it hard to take decisions. I can’t be biased, can’t let my actions be influenced by my feelings. At the same time I can’t act on my feelings. I have to keep my distance, even outside of work we can’t be together.”
You nodded. You could understand that. He was a successful surgeon with a high reputation. He loved his job, was good at it and he cared for his patients. He couldn’t risk losing that. 
But here you were, standing in front of each other and admitting your feelings, yet none of you could do something about it. You had to stay away from each other, even if it felt wrong. Even if it hurt.
“But,” Neil slightly leaned forward, as if he was about to share a secret with you, “it won’t be long until I’m not your boss anymore.”
A smile spread on your lips. “You would still want to try then?” Neil rolled his eyes. “I waited so long, I can wait a little longer. I know it will be worth it.” 
“I can live with that”, you stated, failing to hide the excitement from your voice. “Until then no more speaking up for me.” Neil grimaced slightly. “Fine. No more staying silent when a patient is flirting with you.” You laughed, amused that it had bothered him so much. 
“I thought that’s what you wanted, not causing a scene.” Neil shook his head in determination. “Not when it’s about you.” 
You smiled sweetly. “It’s a deal then.” “It’s a deal”, Neil agreed.
“Do you think we have to thank Shaun?”
“Absolutely not! Nurses are the worst gossipers. He couldn’t have chosen a better audience for his list revealtion.”
You laughed. Maybe your secret was out. But tonight you had found a new one, a much better one. One that you had never dared to hope for.
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