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This is so beautiful and so true.
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When someone wanna try to talk shit about Leonard "Bones" McCoy as a Star Trek doctor on this the day of our Lord right in front of my croissant:
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We a touch touchy 'bout our Boanz, fren. That's our BONES.
You best be careful with your words when the doc's name come out that mouth, dumplin'.
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Oh you think you got somethin' to say about Leonard Horatio McCoy? You wanna square up?
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Do I have to roll up my sleeves and get to fisticuffs on behalf of my Sweet Southern Gentleman's honour?
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*Menacingly* Oh bless your heart, dear. Bless your heart.
You must like the taste of hospital food.
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Inspired by this post on reddit of someone attempting to shade Bones but the Trekkies let. Them. Have it.
(I'm really just kidding here guys, please don't in all seriousness be mean to anyone on the internet. Have civil discussions, don't call the police on me please-)
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Gif sources: Gfycat
My actual response to the reddit thread about Bones bc you know I simply couldn't resist picking up for Bones. (*shaky voice* I love him, dad.)
How you say something can matter just as much as what, though.
Do your best to be respectful and civil to each other; after all, we are all here because we love Star Trek. IDIC!🖖💚
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"Bones isn't saying he is 100% ignorant about the physiology of Vulcans, he is saying that he feels uncomfortable as a professional carrying out an experimental procedure that he has never done firsthand in those conditions. There were a lot of factors that made this particular event very stressful for Bones.
While he has read about the procedure in practice, he has never done any real-world field application of the Vulcan surgical techniques and training that he did receive.
He's not saying "I don't know how to do this" -- clearly, because he does the procedure successfully.
He is saying "I've never done this procedure in real life on a living Vulcan; as a medical professional, this is a highly unusual and a risky situation with the stressors compounded (ship shaking all over the place, experimental blood transfusions, attempted murder and mayhem afoot).
He is saying "I'm scared to do this on my best friend slash the best first officer in the fleet plus his dad who is an immensely valuable diplomat in this insane set of circumstances."
What sane doctor doesn't feel nervous about performing a highly experimental medical procedure plus surgery on two individuals who have no backup blood on board if things go sour? (Spock was able to experimentally generate just enough Vulcan blood to do the procedure so if anything went awry, they'd both die).
Plus the fact that the ship was getting thrown all over the place while he was performing delicate heart surgery . . . I feel like all things considered, McCoy had a justifiable right to be nervous and say so.
That's also something I loved about his character; he was fallible, humble, and had no qualms voicing when he felt out of his depth or uncomfortable. But in that same breath, if someone -- anyone -- needed his help despite his reservations, he'd always step up to the plate to try to help."
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harley-rose25 · 1 year
Mccoy is the only human male in trek I would take for a ride. ...
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trekzonenetwork · 4 months
"Star Trek: Resurgence" – Interview mit Autor Andrew Grant (Teil 1)
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"Star Trek: Resurgence" – Interview mit Autor Andrew Grant (Teil 1) Wir haben mit Andrew Grant, Autor und Produzent von #StarTrekResurgence, über echte und vermeintliche Entscheidungsfreiheit in Videospielen und das Vermächtnis von #TheNextGeneration für modernes #StarTrek gesprochen. ... weiterlesen
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greencheekconure27 · 4 months
I will try to formulate this better at some later point in time, but:
One of the things I love about Artful Dodger is that they could've very easily looked at the character concept and made Jack Dawkins into a Dr. Asshole a la Gregory House* but they just ... didn't.
The first surgery scene already subverts it.
He may be a snarky, cynical not-so-former thief and an adrenaline junkie, but he's never a jerk to his actual patients (with the brief exception of Sneed after the duel) and is in fact protective of them.
If anything he reminds me more of Dr.McCoy.
And I love it all the more because of his contrast with Belle. Belle who while very well-meaning has a tendency to forget about the patient as a person vs. a steppingstone in the advancement of medical science (which in a way includes herself as well). See their respective reactions to Rotty's surgery or Charlie's infection.
Jack is compassionate and pragmatic and has a greater appreciation for the preciousness of life I think but also has a tendency to settle for less because of this and his past life experiences, whereas Belle is innovative and has excellent theoretical knowledge but has a tendency to rush things in the name of progress.And I think this urgency and ambition and need for distance is also a byproduct of her growing awareness of her own condition and the limited time she has left.
(* and I'm saying this as someone who likes House MD)
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lirotation · 7 months
ppl you'd like to know better tag!
Tagged by @memoiandy thanks! Mine is quite boring though.
Three ships:
I am into Spock/Dr.McCoy from the very first star trek TOS. I just can't get over them <3
Anders/Female Amell from dragon age. I reject any other CP from that universe.
Javik/Liara from Mass effect 3
I'm not usually a shipper because it's rare for me to develop an affection for more than one character in a single fandom. Most of the time, my heart is captured by a solitary character, and I find myself yearning to pair them with my oc.
Last film:
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The art is amazing. I can't even.
Currently watching:
Star Trek: Lower Decks. Yeah, it's weird I am such a Star Trek fan yet I did almost no fanart in that fandom.
Currently reading:
urge I am reading Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre and Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis right now. I wish I have time for fanfictions.
Currently consuming:
Starfield. It's such a chill game. I play like 30min a week. I've once again fallen head over heels for a character who, unfortunately, isn't romanceable.
Currently craving:
Get all those Astarion stuff in my WIP folder done =( I am under his spell for almost 2 years now. I need to get as much progress as I can before I lose the passion.
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Tagging @sillyliterature @tavdraws @alenkosx and anyone who is interested!
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simmeons · 11 months
Dr.mccoy is a sniffer for sure.
i felt so creative and motivated by that single sentence
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chaotictomtom · 5 months
-quite the contrary, captain. i had a very strong reaction. my first sight was the face of dr.mccoy bending over me
-hm. tis a pity brief blindness did not increase your appreciation for beauty mr spock
-🤨..if your gentlemen are finished 😐
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mediical-trek · 11 months
❛  here, let me help you.  ❜ - first meeting starters. from @finalfronticr !!
Of course running around all day would make anybody on the ship tired from working. Alas it was finally time for most of the crew to retire to their rooms, finished for the day- and Bluebird could surely feel it. The Filisophlite felt a bit of a dead woman still walking around; the day took a lot out of the newer face. However that unfortunately meant she'd end up face first in the chest of someone and fall over.
A fate she didn't want. But of course the medic got it anyways. Her eyes blinked a bit as she fell, hitting the floor (luckily not too harshly). With a shake of her head the Blondie looked up only to be met with the extended hand of the captain. The. The Captain. Oh. Oh gods oh- she just-!
The woman's face instantly flushed with embarrassment, a look of subtle horror as this realization hit her head hard. As if it was a train. Honestly in this moment the poor embarrassed Filisophlite wished she could just disappear as she takes Kirk's hand with her shaking one.
"I'm so sorry Captain, I didn't- I didn't mean to bump into you-!" Cassie fumbled with her words, stuttering out an apology. She was so use to not talking to the main crew, aside from Dr.McCoy's orders- so this interaction alone was. Huge. Very. Very embarrassing.
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startrektos2022 · 2 years
I am currently watching the episode « the city on the edge of forever » If I remember correctly people talk a lot about this episode
Also, in FR dub Dr.McCoy doesn’t have the nickname « bones ». It just confusing seeing this character have different name
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justxcountrydoctor · 23 days
" Leo ... I mean Dr.Mccoy... I promise I was not trying to create a star."
"Well, that's a relief so what were you trying to make anyway?" Leonard looks at Rico shaking his head "And how much trouble are you going to be in when i find out." He rubs a hand down his face preparing for the confession.
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Update: Of Stars and Plebes
Of Stars and Plebes by 1Shirt2ShirtRedShirtDeadShirt | Ch. 14: An Alieum Goes to MacDonald's Against Their Will 
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"Are we seriously going to McDonald's over Five Guys?" McCoy grumbled moodily, rolling his eyes, disappointed. "This is blasphemy."
Read OSAP: Ch. 14 on AO3
Of Stars and Plebes by 1Shirt2ShirtRedShirtDeadShirt on AO3
Of Stars and Plebes by Ruby J W on K/S Archive
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Things that happened for 500.
Other OSAP Content:
OG Tumblr Post: First Chapter with OC comic
Ch 12: Tumblr Post + OC Art
Ch 13: Tumblr Post Chapter Teaser
OSAP 2022 Update Announcement: Tumblr Post + Teaser Art
Chapter teaser:
Spock, Jim, McCoy and Joanna were walking through Golden Gate Park, pondering on a place to eat. As they walked, Joanna was a fountain of curiosity about Spock. The child was sponging any and all new knowledge she could through this exciting, foreign new encounter.  
“Are you an alieum?”
“An alien?”
“Not at the moment,” Spock stated matter-of-factly. “Now, I live here.”
“I am.”
“Oh.” The four year old blinked, keeping pace between Spock and her father. “I never met a alieum before. You’re from up there. Daddy’s going up there, I think.” Joanna fanned her hand out in a grandiose gesture to the sky. “Is that where you live?”
“Whatcha wanna come down here for?” Joanna inquired, pointing vaguely to the ground.
“To work, and to learn.”
“Wow. You mean about hoomans? Do you like it here?”
“Most of the time, I do.”
“D'you miss home?”
“Does your mommy and daddy live up there, or here with you?”
“They live on my planet, up there.” Spock made a direct gesture toward the blue expanse, but Jim guaranteed that if he looked it up, Vulcan would be exactly where Spock pointed. “It is a planet called Vulcan.”
“Vvvvvulllllcannnn . . .” Joanna tried on the word, grinning. “I like it. Vulllllcannnnn. Earrrrrth. I think I likes Vulcan better."
"Don't look so smug with yourself, Spock." McCoy snapped, and Spock baulked at being called out on his expression.
"Do they have houses on Vullllllcan?”
“Upside down, or right side up?” She made emphatic accompanying gestures. 
Continue reading
“Joanna, sweetie, please . . .”
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septimore · 8 months
29 & 50?
Fav and least fav episode
Fav episode is the man trap. Gave me my 1st real impression of the show. I had previously seen trouble with tribbles but salt monster seems way more 60s tv to me. Very twilight zone-y and is what made me keep watching. And mccoy saying "oh that's how you get girls to like you? Bribe them with flowers?"
Least fav is the menagerie. Spocks acting shady and the purple makeup on pikes face freak me out
Random headcannon
Oh boy I have so many I have a tag for them. My fav tho is that in the remake movies when mccoy says his wife took the whole damn planet that he really ment it. He was a king and picked up medicine to better help his people and in the divorce she litterally took the planer, but he let her because he knew that she was going to be a better ruler than he would have alone
Ooh. Or I have one where since vulcans rarely get sick being a doctor is a very prestigious job. I want spock to lowkey have hero warship for dr.mccoy
Thank you tho!! I wasn't expecting anyone to ask me anything
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trekzonenetwork · 4 months
"Star Trek: Resurgence" – Interview with Writer Andrew Grant (Part 1)
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"Star Trek: Resurgence" – Interview with Writer Andrew Grant (Part 1) We sat down with Andrew Grant, writer and producer on #StarTrekResurgence, to talk about real and fake choice in video games and the legacy of #TheNextGeneration for storytelling in modern #StarTrek. ... read more
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teapottroubles · 1 year
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Aaaaand any minute now the captain is gonna start puppy eying Dr.McCoy-
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I just got this 3,000 piece Star Trek puzzle as a gift.
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Look at all the characters in this thing! Is every episode is represented here?
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I’m not usually into puzzles, but I want to make it permanent and frame it.
3,000 pieces! This could take years!
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