#Drac: (headed out the door) understandable have a nice day
majorxmaggiexboy · 2 years
rating my Muses by whether they would survive Dracula:
Ben: slim chance of survival. Would initially have glitter eyes at drac and would be devastated at the slow realization that Something's Up but would become determined to make it a problem for all involved. Dies if he meets the brides because his dumb ass would NOT believe they aren't prisoners and would die trying to rescue them while they're stabbing him to death with glittery sillystraws. If he can get out of the castle his chances improve but he's still on thin ice because he WILL be going right back in the castle trying to save everybody from Drac, but he's NOT stupid enough to do it alone. Just might survive but will absolutely lose at least one friend in the process. 5/10
Amicia: Survival Guaranteed. Not only would she realize Drac's a monster as soon as he survives for more than two hours after being kind to her and Hugo, but Amicia would also not be trying to stick around. She's grabbing her brother and the bread sticks and trying to GTFO. The villagers are on they own unless absolutely necessary. Would beat the snow out of the Brides if they even look at Hugo. On the off chance somebody does get one over on her, Hugo will drown them in rats. These kids are golden. 10/10
Gamble: 50/50 survival odds. The vampires don't get him but no less than ten villagers and van Helsing want him dead for reasons that might or might not have a damn thing to do with vampires. 8/10 because he will not only leave others to die but will also actively attempt to get other people killed by the vampires if he thinks it'll improve his escape chances or just be kinda funny
D'Artagnan: no chance because you know those kids on ao3 going to replace Drac with all three musketeers AND rochefort and Milady will also be around somewhere. Boy might as well call up mordaunt for the funeral smh we don't go here.
Bonus, Battinson: I'm only including him bc first of all it'd be his house that Harker sells to Drac and Alfred would be like Well Mr Wayne Nobody Believed Me When I Said The House Wasn't Vacant no but also dracula would look at him and either think Wow I Can't Actually Compete. You Funky Little Vampire. Or he'd just go damn this dudes miserable enough lol and just leave.
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moonvyx · 3 years
Old Friends? Who She? - Weasley Twins
Tw: Kinda sad
You had been friends with the Golden trio since second year, despite that you are Draco Malfoy's sister and "The girl who was bullied".
You guys were ike quadruplets! Inseparable.
But one day, you decided to make your brother open up to your friends.
"Come on! You're gonna love hanging out with them! They're fantastic, I promise." You said as you tried pulling your brother up from his seat.
"Ugh, why?" He asked, "Well~ since none of you could get along, I decided that I'll be the one that'll get you four to get along!" You chirped.
"Fine, if I get interested in being friends with them, I'll have to give you 15 galleons. And if I don't, you have to give me 10 galleons. Deal?" He smirked. "Deal!" You said. "Now let's go, Ferret" "Hey!!"
"Look! It's Malfoy's Gryffindork sister!" A Slytherin laughed as their friend talked. Malfoy sent them glare and stopped.
"Hey guys" You smiled at the trio, they all looked at you and Draco. "Malfoy? What's he doing here?" Ron asked. "Well, I decided that it was time for you guys to STOP being enemies and be friends!" You said happily.
"Now, be nice to each other. And I promise that you guys will get along. Bye!" You waved as you left for Potions.
"So," Ron began.
"Sooo?" Harry spoke.
"What now?" Hermione asked.
"Uh, hi?" Draco said awkwardly.
As time flew, they did become best friends! In like what? Hours! Amazing!
As you guys met at dinner, they were happily chatting. You reserved a seat for your friends and brother. But it looks like that they've reserved a seat for themselves, near to each other, which was 20 students from you. Sighing, you just ate away, you didn't bother anyways. What only matters to you that they finally got along.
Days passed, they were inseparable!
Y/N was very happy with her success. She finally made them friends!
But sadly, they've been ignoring her too, which made the poor girl lonely. Y/N decided that she'll make new friends too, but it went downhill.
Everyone started calling her "desprate" because she was looking for new friends to be with.
She gave up in looking for new friends, this wasn't like her at all...! She never, ever, gives up.
Y/N was a very bright, funny, cheerful, and friendly girl. But right now, she's a gloomy, sad, lonely and quiet. Where did the old Y/N go? We don't know.
She sighed as she sat down at the Gryffindor table, and began to eat.
"Hey N/N" George greeted, "Mhm" Y/N replied. Fred frowned. "Don't you miss your favourite twins?" He pouted. He knew what to do whenever you're down.
"Mhm" She replied again. Fred looked at his twin, they both wiggled their brows, meaning they had the same exact thoughts.
They both leaned in to Y/N's ear, one twin on each ear.
"Honeydukes?" They both whispered, Y/N's eyes lightened up. She loved the foods from Honeydukes, it was the best!
She nodded rapidly and smiled at them. "Yes! Yes! Yesss!" The twins cheered.
You laughed at them. The twins stopped. "What's wrong?" You asked them.
"You-" George began,
"You just laughed!" Fred finished.
"For the first time in days!" The two said together, and hugged you. "Aww, you two just knew what to do. That's why you're my favourite twins" You kissed their foreheads.
Nothing much changed between you and the four, they still continued to ignore you as if you never existed, and so did the bullying.
Draco didn't even notice you too, he was your own brother.
The name calling became worse and worse everyday. The twins were busy with homework, since they're on their 6th year...
"Disgrace to the Malfoy name!"
"Attention seeker."
"Get lost, loser!"
"Hogwarts would've been better if she wasn't here"
You just ignored them, ignore the students, ignore the insults, ignore the pain.
As you were walking, you saw your "friends" chatting. You approached them, "Hey guys," You forced a smile. They all looked at you. But not in the cheerful and happy way, but in,
"Oh, it's you again." Draco began. "Hey Drac-" "You know what? Maybe if mom and dad didn't adopt you because they pitied me, maybe my life would've been better. You filthy Mudblood." Draco finished and laughed after he cut you off.
Laughter then filled the halls as some even whispered stuff about you.
That's it.
You ran to your dorm, slammed the door which got everyone's attention.
You sat down on your desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a thin quill and began to write.
Dear mother and father,
Why didn't you tell me that I was adopted? Draco told me earlier, well, more like made fun of me earlier. Don't scold him, please. It's okay, but you could've just told me the truth..I wouldn't leave you guys even though if my biological family would've found me. You guys took me in the family and that's what matters. I hope you're doing well today, I really miss you guys too. But before 6th year starts, I don't want to return to Hogwarts anymore. I think I want to attend Beauxbatons.I hope you understand. Thanks mom and dad! I love you guys so much! See you soon!
Love, Y/N
You placed the letter in an envelope and gave it to (owl name), your owl.
"I'll see you soon, (owl name)" You waved bye to your pet and sat down on your bed.
Knock Knock
"Who is it?" You asked, "Your favourite twins~!" Two voices sang together.
You jumped out of your bed and opened the door, "Quickly, get in. I don't wanna see anyone except for you two" You told them.
The two sat down on the bed, "How are you? It's been a while" Fred said. "Yeah, it quite has. I'm doing great. You?" The twins nodded. "We're good, just finished our Potions essay. Not really ready to leave Hogwarts.." George sighed.
"Y/N?" George asked, "Yeah?" You replied. "Are you sure you're doing 'great' ?"
"Of course I am!" You faked a smile, the two only sighed and opened their arms. "Come on, we know you need a hug."
You teared up, they were so caring...You then hugged them both and cried onto their chests.
"Shh, it's gonna be okay." "We're here for you, don't worry!" The twins said.
You smiled through the tears, "Thanks guys, I haven't seen anyone show such affection towards me.. I love you guys so much!"
"We love you too, N/N" They softly said before kissing your head and began telling you hilarious jokes and stories.
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hi, could you do a draco x muggleborn reader headcanon where he falls in love with her throughout the years in hogwarts and she slowly introduces him into muggle things like tv shows and phones and basically her and hermionie always make fun of him and ron for not understanding !! i love your work btw
oh my God this idea is ADORABLE!
Draco was snooty. God that boy had something to say about everyone. But you saw past that and he became this really sweet guy. You two became these best friends and Draco actually began to hang out with the trio. Course his father was not exactly a big fan of him spending part of the summer at the Weasleys but Narcissa said "Lucius, he's making friends. Be nice." So Lucius sucked it up.
Draco absolutely adored you though and constantly talked about you. He was kind of sad that you never spent the summers in the Wizarding world. You always spent it in the muggle world with Hermione. This year though you spent part of it with the Weasleys before heading back to Hogwarts for your third year. When you walked in Draco was so FUCKING EXCITED. You brought a lot of weird things for Arthur to look at. "what's this?" Arthur asked, holding up a discman and making Harry snort. "It's a cd player." You answered. "... What's a cd?" Ron asked. "....Uhm.... Well crap." You muttered. You showed them what it was and they were mesmerized, along with Draco. You spent most of your time there showing the group different muggle devices. You had a blast, you and Draco spending a ton a time together.
However with the time you two spent together the more in love you two were. The last night you were there you sat outside on the back steps with Draco. "This was the best summer." You chuckled. Draco smiled. "Hey can I ask you something?" He asked. "What's up?" You asked. "...Do you feel like something has changed between us?" He asked. "Oh so you noticed it too! I've been thinking this was just a me thing. If I didn't know any better I'd even say that I--" you stopped yourself and cleared your throat. "what were you saying?"he asked. "N-nothing!" You lied. Draco got closer to your face and you leaned back, quickly turning red. "What were you saying?" He asked, a small smirk coming onto his lips. He knew damn well what was going on. "Drac-Draco I..." You saw that smug look and you squinted. This little shit knew you liked him. So you decided to play around too. You pulled him forward and kissed his nose, now wiping the smug look off of his face and making him blush. But two could play at this game. He kissed your cheek, making you grumble. This fucker was not winning. You gripped his shirt, yanking him forward and kissed him. To be honest, you shocked yourself. He pulled away. "I am so sorry I just got aggravated and--" he kissed you. He actually kissed you.
Well that led to you two dating. He was so happy around you, always smiling with his arm around you. School finally was back so he was seeing you every day. "I don't get it. Why not use a fucking pencil?" You asked. "I don't get that either." Hermione agreed. "It does make math WAY harder." Harry admitted. "What... What's uhm.." Ron struggled to ask. "Yeah, me and Ron are lost, what's a pencil?" Draco asked. "....Baby... Please tell me you're joking. Like PLEASE tell me you jackasses know what a pencil is?" You asked. "No?" Draco admitted. You sighed and got up. "I'm about show you." You said before disappearing. You came back with an unopened pack of pencils. "So this is like a pen. But you can erase your mistakes." You said. "....So it's a pen." Ron said. "No." You said. "So... It's not made for writing?" Draco asked. "no it is!" Hermione corrected. "So.... It's... it's a pen!" Ron said. "NO."
That argument went on for way too long. But you started showing them more. Draco loved seeing you draw though. Sitting under a tree by a lake in his arms as you sketched out a landscape. He finally got the idea of a pencil after watching you btw. But the one thing both boys took interest in was the sports. "Wait so you guys don't even keep up with muggle sports?" Hermione asked. "No. I mean, most wizards keep to careers in the wizarding world." Draco said. "Okay okay. Next summer we're teaching you baseball." You said. "Base... Base what?" Ron asked. "Baseball! Or what about rugby?" Hermione suggested. "We're not trying to break our necks." Harry said. "True. Well there's also hockey." You shrugged. Then a lightbulb practically popped over you. "We can do that this winter!" Hermione said.
And so you did, asking your parents to lend you some skates for the group along with hockey equipment. "Alright. Hockey is like football." You said. "...American or--" "English." Hermione said. "Okay. So why are we on ice?" Ron asked. "Added challenge." You said skating. Draco had never skated before and you chuckled. "you expect us to actually move on this?" He asked. "Darling, people do this all the time!" You said. He slid forward and nearly fell but you grasped his arm.
After teaching them how to skate though you taught them how to play. And oh boy you all got really into it. You stood by as a ref, watching them play nearly dying of laughter as Ron completely failed to understand how to be a goalie. As time passed you started teaching them more and more. "Dad is hellbent on knowing what the purpose of a rubber duck is." Ron said. "...I think that's just to make bathing fun." You shrugged. "But why? It's bathing." Draco asked. "Muggles are particularly boring and find enjoyment in yellow plastic ducks." Hermione answered. "That and star wars." You laughed. "...Star... What?" Ron asked. ".....We have failed as their friends." Harry said. "But they're not even that good--" you and Harry have Hermione horrified looks. "....Okay we'll show them!" She said. So that summer Draco managed to convinced his parents to let him stay with you with Ron, Harry and Hermione. You opened the door and Draco rose a brow. "....What in the world?" He asked looking at the tv in the livingroom. "this is a tv. A blessing to humanity." You said. "Amen to that." Harry nodded. You all watched the star wars movies. "DARTH IS WHAT!?" Draco gaped. "HOW-- WHAT!?" "OH MY GOD HE'S ANAKIN!?" Ron gaped. You were honestly just watching the boys' reaction. Your parents were just looking at them like "Have they never... Seen this before?"
When the movie ended Draco's mouth was open and Ron swallowed. "That was--" "Wicked." Ron said making you laugh. "So... they don't have television in the wizarding world?" Your dad asked. "No sir." Harry said. "So... how do you pass the time?" Your mom asked. "Quidditch." All of you said in unison. You did show them baseball, Draco being REALLY good at it actually. "Babe, you run!" You said. "What--" "DRACO. RUN. OVER HERE." Hermione said. He sprinted to first and you snorted. They were absolutely baffled by a gameboy. "What the hell is a Pikachu?" Ron asked. "Think thunderbird but cuter." You said showing him the Pokemon. But by far their favorite thing... Was doctor who. ThEY ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS SHOW. "THIS IS THE PEAK OF TV CHANGE MY MIND." Draco said after watching an episode. K9 was literally his favorite character. Ron just loved the Doctor as a whole. Your boyfriend... Christ he became such a fucking nerd.
But he was also very interested in cameras. You showed him some cameras like the polaroid and he loved taking pictures. Specifically of you. You loved it when he discovered more music for the discman. He was a really big fan of the Beatles actually. Harry listened to AC/DC After Sirius was like "kid you haven't lived till you heard back in black okay?" You loved to just sit in your room and read in draco's arms. There was a surprising lack of musical instruments in the wizarding world so when you admitted that you could play guitar that kind of blew their minds. See, the thing was is that they assumed that the instruments had to be enchanted in order to make music. Not that you had to be trained to play music. You played a couple of songs and Draco fell even harder for you. He loved listening to your voice, whether it was singing or talking he just loved listening to you. You actually taught Draco how to play and discovered he had a nice voice (Yes that is a subtle nod to Tom Felton who can actually sing.) Sometimes when you all would sleep in the living room Draco would sing you to sleep as you laid on his chest. Of course in the process you would lull everybody else to sleep. You spent years showing these too adorable goofballs muggle devices.
Later when you were seventeen came the ultimate Muggle lesson though. Cars. You decided to teach these two jackasses how to drive. You had gotten your license and decided to teach Draco how to drive. "So you're going to release your foot off the break--" "Oh God we're moving." Draco whined. "....Like not even one mile per hour. Now accelerate. Remember the gas?" You asked. "Yes.... Darling do we need to go faster than this!?" He asked. ".... Hermione can outwalk the car. Yes. Now accelerate!" You said. He tapped the gas and screamed when he moved making you snort. "Do you remember where the break is?" You asked. "I NEED A BREAK." he whined making you laugh. "Draco you're doing fine. Move forward." You said. "WE HAVE TO DO MORE!?" He asked.
Ron actually wasn't that bad. He wasn't as panicked driving the car and understood the process compared to Draco who ended up hyperventilating into a paper bag. "Babe... It wasn't even that bad." You said. "THEN YOU DRIVE BECAUSE THAT THING IS A DEATH TRAP!" he said. ".....Guys, wanna go to the mall!?" You asked with a slightly deranged look. So you drove and when you went past five miles Draco was flipping out. "WAHT THE FACK!?" Draco screamed. Everyone was dying of laughter after you all got out. "THIS IS MADDENING! WHY!? WHY DRIVE!? WHAT DO YOU GAIN!?" Draco asked. "if he's being this dramatic over a car wait till he finds out about a soft pretzel from the food court." Hermione said to you. The concept of a soft pretzel was hysterical to watch the two wizards try to grasp. "Yes, but pretzels aren't supposed to be soft." Ron said. "would you just eat the damn thing?" Hermione said. It was their favorite snack. "How dare they deprive us of this?" Draco asked. "fascist bastards." Ron muttered.
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Flesh & Blood | Part Six
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Series Summary: A mysterious stranger with ties to your past shows up in your small village
Pairing: Count Dracula x reader
Word Count: 1670
Warnings: none? maybe slightly out of character Drac 
A/N: as always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :) if you want to be added to the taglist let me know (please note I cant reply to comments using this blog)
Masterlist | Part Five
- - - - -
“Ughhhhhh” you let out a loud groan as your alarm blares through your room, waking you up before you're ready. You sit up and the pounding in your head reminds you of the amount of wine you consumed the night before, and the vampire you consumed it with. Slowly it all comes back to you. The candle lit picnic. The heart wrenching love story. The almost kiss.
Butterflies flutter around your insides as you relive the moment in your head. But they soon disappear when you remember how close you came to being Dracula’s kill of the night. 
The clock on the nightstand reminds you that you have somewhere to be. You quickly get ready for work, take some painkillers and head to the high street. 
“Morning love!” Maggie calls from the kitchen as you enter the bakery 
“Morning Mags” you say, not quite matching her cheerfulness 
“How was your evening?” She asks as she continues to knead the bread she’s making “did you get some sleep?”
“Not really no. I, uh… I kinda had a date” 
“What?!” She spins around to look at you, spilling flour in the process. She grins at you “who’s the lucky man?.. Or woman? No judgement here”
“Man” you giggle as you carefully consider whether to tell her the truth “well, actually… vampire” you say sheepishly and her face drops. 
“Y/N. Please tell me you're joking” 
You shake your head and she stares at you. 
“Do you understand how dangerous that was? He could have killed you!” 
“But he didn’t” you shrug, choosing not to admit he almost did “look, I know it was dangerous but I needed answers from him Mags. And it was actually a really nice night. We talked and laughed a lot, and he told me things that I don't think he would have told me if anyone else was there.”
“You're talking about him as if he isn’t a vampire. A murderer!”
“Maybe that’s not all he is! Maybe he’s more than that. I saw a different side to him last night.”
She watches you for a moment before coming to a realisation “oh my God, you're in love with him”
“No! No, I’m not in love with him”
“But you have feelings for him?” 
You look at her and take a deep breath before slowly nodding your head. Maggie closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.
“Oh Y/N. What am I going to do with you, eh?” She walks up to you and pulls you into a hug.
“Are you going to tell Zoe?” You ask quietly.
“Not if you don't want me to”
You let out a sigh of relief. 
“BUT you have to keep me in the loop. Okay? You tell me when and where you meet him, every time. And you let me know you're safe. Always.”
“I will, I promise. Thank you Maggie”
“I love you Y/N, I just want you to be happy”
The sound of the front door opening ends your conversation as Maggie goes to serve the first customer of the day. You take your phone out of your pocket and decide to quickly send Dracula a text.
“Can I see you? x”
— — — — 
Lying in bed that night you once again find yourself thinking about Dracula. Even though you’ve only known him a short amount of time, he has completely taken over your thoughts. You wonder if he thinks about you as much as you do about him. Clearly not since he hasn’t replied to your text today. You sigh as you roll over in bed and gasp as you see him lying next to you. Before you can say anything his hand is around your throat. You try to scream but no sound comes out. You try to fight, but your limbs disobey. You're completely at his mercy and he manoeuvres himself on top of you. 
“You left our little date so quickly last night, I thought I’d finish it now.” 
He grins revealing his glowing sharp fangs. With a growl he lowers his head to your neck and you shut your eyes tight as he sinks his teeth in.  
Your eyes shoot open as you sit upright in bed and bring your hand up to your neck. No bite marks. It was just a dream. You take deep steadying breaths as you reach over to turn on the bedside light.
“You know you really should lock your windows”
You turn your head and see Dracula outside.
“What are you doing?” You ask, climbing out of bed and walking over to the window “Van Helsing’s guard dogs will see you, why don't just you come-” 
“NO!” He stops you “Do not invite me in, it’s not safe. I thought the dream I just gave you would have taught you that”
“You did that?”
“I’m just dropping by to tell you how much I enjoyed talking with you last night, and to say that I am truly sorry about how it ended. After tonight you won’t have to worry about your safety anymore”
“I’m not worried”
“That’s the problem Y/N, you should be! I am a vampire, I have murdered innocent people. You should be terrified of me!”
“Zoe isn’t”
“Zoe has a reason, her blood is like poison to me”
“She didn’t tell you? She’s dying, that’s why she isn’t afraid. I can’t drink from her without killing myself in the process. But you, Y/N the only thing stopping me from drinking your blood is my own self control and I cannot rely on that. You saw for yourself last night how quickly I can change, how easy it would have been for me to kill you”
“But you didn’t”
“But I could have! Either you don't understand the danger you're in when you're around me, or you just don't care. Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to you, fascinated by you even. But I cannot allow you to risk your life any longer” 
“Surely that’s my choice to make”
“Not anymore. I’m leaving the village”
“I’m not here to debate! I’m here to apologise which now I have done I can say goodbye”
“No!” You reach out the window and grab his hand, taking him by surprise. “Stay! Please, I don't want you to go. Just come inside and-”
He quickly pulls his hand out of your grasp and looks at you with a slight hint of panic in his eyes which quickly turns to anger “I told you not to invite me in. How could you be so stupid?”
“Goodbye Y/N”
“No! Dracula!” You call after him but he’s gone.
You grab your phone off the bedside table and call him, but it goes straight to voicemail. Maybe he just needs a couple of days and then he’ll come around. But what if that really was goodbye? 
You sink back down into bed and pull your duvet up around you, hugging yourself tightly for comfort as you eventually drift off into a restless sleep. 
— — — — 
Just over a week later you're awoken one morning by a frantic knocking at the front door. You step into you slippers and grab your dressing down, wrapping around yourself as you run down the stairs. You're surprised to see Zoe stood on the other side when you open the door with a young man you recognise from your first visit to the Harker Foundation. Zoe walks straight past you into your living room and the boy looks at you apologetically. 
“Uh, what’s going on?” You ask as you gesture for the boy to come in and close the door behind him. 
“Dracula” she drops a file on your dining table and looks at you expectantly. 
“What about him?” You reply nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders.
“Were you ever going to tell us he’s left the village?” 
“I presumed you’d know, and clearly you do otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Besides its not like he told me where he was going-”
“London.” Zoe cuts you off “We’ve traced him to London with the help of Jack”
“Hi, I’m Jack” The young man steps forward and waves awkwardly.
“Seem’s Dracula took a liking to Jack’s girlfriend-” 
“She wasn’t my- we were just friends” Jack stutters
“-to Jack’s friend.” Zoe corrects herself “So much so that he killed her”
“I’m so sorry” you offer to Jack and he gives you a small smile before you turn back to Zoe “But what has any of this got to do with me?”
“We need you to come with us to London and talk to Dracula. Convince him to come back to the village” 
“Why me?”
“He’ll listen to you”
“He wants nothing to do with me! He made that perfectly clear! He won’t even answer my texts, what makes you think he’ll listen to me?”
“He has a connection with you Y/N.” Zoe says, but her voice sounds different “just like he had a connection with your great great grandmother all those years ago. Why else would he spare the life of Sister Y/N? Why would he spare yours now? He feels something for you and it scares him. The man who cannot die is afraid to get close to anyone who can”
You think over her words for a moment, then you remember.
“Martha” you whisper to yourself. Zoe and Jack look at you confused “he had a wife, but she died. It makes sense now, why he is the way he is.”
You think again and take a deep breath, nodding your head.
“I’ll come with you. But I don't think it will change anything”
“Get dressed, we leave in half an hour”
Part Seven
Taglist:  @agent-smulder​ @angeli-fucking-cat​ @linakeroline​ @lemonscoffee​ @emmalee090​ @denyeverything1​ @clussysposts​ @a-dorky-book-keeper @kandomeresbitch 
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my-fanfic-library · 4 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [8]
The next time you saw Dracula was the next night when he casually strolled into your home as if he owned the place. Instead of taking his usual seat on the La Z Boy, he decided to pluck up your legs and settle down beside you, happily plopping then onto his lap.
“Hi, Drac,” you mumbled, clearly more engrossed in the TV than in his entrance to your home.
“Evening, [First].” One thing he had learnt over making your acquaintance was to not interrupt soap hour. That was a simple rule but too easily broken. He looked over at you, smiling softly at your concentrated face.
You did not reply to him, and easily ignored the buzz of his phone. He, however, pulled the device from his pocket. You could hear faint tapping. For a good fifteen minutes, every 30 seconds or so, he’d receive a message. At first, it was a mild inconvenience but as his chuckles grew louder, you finally found yourself flicking your ankle up, knocking the phone out of his grasp. His hand caught your ankle and he yanked you further down the sofa and more on to his lap.
“Drac!” You shrieked.
“Care to explain why you just kicked my phone out of my hand?”
You twisted in his grasp, but his large paws were holding you down with such force that you really struggled to turn to face him. 
“Because you were being annoying.” You explained, irked.
“Are you jealous?” He smirked.
“No I’m not jealous! Stacy is sleeping with Max even though she’s with Martin! It’s important that I keep watching!” You exclaimed, anger finally getting the best of you.
For a moment, there was silence. Your eyes locked with the vampires and you felt lost for a moment. His fingers edged up your legs, moving towards your thighs. He didn’t get very far up as the phone on the floor buzzed out and made you jump. You practically leapt off of his lap and cornered yourself on the opposite side of the sofa.
“Who the fuck is that?” You growled.
“Language, [First]. A lady never curses.” Dracula tutted.
“I’m not a lady. And you’re upsetting me. Turn it on silent.”
“I have no interest in paying it any mind anymore. It will stop now.”
“Good.” You mumbled.
“And speaking of you being a lady, I have a proposal.”
You finally realised that you would not find out how Stacy and Max’s affair was going to work out, and finally paused the TV. You turned to look at the vampire. He was smiling at you. Not his usual cocky, boyish grin, but instead just a simple smile. You tilted your head in question, waiting for him to go on.
“I was doing some reading - which all creatures wishing to be somewhat accomplished should do for fun - and came across some information about Whitby town. Although I don’t truly understand the culture of it all, there is apparently some Goth Weekend occurring on Friday through to Sunday...” he trailed off.
“Goth Weekend? What about it?” You inquired.
“Well, I’m sure you know as an inhabitant that there is usually a biannual ball to go along with this festival. Would you do me the honour of going?”
“Going to a ball...? With a vampire... ? What kind of cheesy fanfic is this?”
“What’s a fanfic?” Dracula looked at you with a similarly puzzled expression.
“If you don’t know, keep it that way. Why do you even want to go to a ball anyway? That’s like... a dog going to a butchers and not being able to eat anything.”
“I’d like to take you, of course. Besides, it’s been a long time since I civilised with people like that. It seems such formal occasions in the 21st century are a rare gem amongst mud of normal social occasions,” his mind wandered to the girl down in London. How she enjoyed to drink her alcohol by the bucketful and how people danced freely and with whomever they could grasp, “will you do me the honour, [First]?”
When you awoke the next morning, it was by your door being feverishly knocked. Somehow your groggy morning voice managed to reach all the way down to their ears, as you heard the door open and gently snap shut. You buried yourself further into your duvet and within 90 seconds, it had been torn off of you.
“Morning, [First], you missed two appointments.” Zoe was looking down at you frowning, behind her, standing in the doorway of your bedroom was Jack, “I believe you have quite the explanation to offer me.”
The next few minutes were a hazy rush, as you got dressed, brushed your hair and teeth and made tea for your visitors. When your rush cooled, you found yourself sitting sheepishly across from the two, unable to look Zoe in the eye at all.
“We’re waiting, [First].” Her voice was as stoic as her face and you could tell she was definitely extremely unhappy with you.
“I can explain... kind of...”
“[First], this needs to stop. Once Dracula has had his fill, he’s going to kill you.” Jack spoke gently, clearly trying to stay on your good side. After being your close friend for many years, he knew that you were never a friendly person long after waking up. He suspected it hadn’t changed in the years you’d gone without acknowledging each other’s existences.
“He... he hasn’t yet, though...” you trailed off, “I’m beginning to doubt that he ever will.”
“Of course he will. He did it to Sister Agatha, he did it to Jonathan Harker. You are no exception.”
“My god, he really has you cast under a spell doesn’t he? Are you in love with him?”
You had to scoff at the question which was sent with a sharp and jabbing accusatory tone. In love with Count Dracula?! The absolute absurdity of the words love and Dracula being uttered in the same sentence was enough to send you into a tear-inducing laughing fit. Of course you didn’t love him! This was your job. You had to gain the trust of criminals, of evil and corrupt people to learnt how they did what they did. The only difference with Dracula was that this had to be done on a much personal level.
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I don’t.”
“Then why do you allow him into your home? Why do you take long walks with him? Why has he bought you an evening gown?”
“That’s because I- he what?”
“You didn’t notice the large gown hanging up in your living room?”
You pushed yourself up, almost tripping over your feet as you rushed into the living room. Sure enough, hanging up on the curtain rail was a stunning gown. It was all black in colour and there was such an abundance of material that it blocked out most of the light. You couldn’t hold back your gasp, reaching forwards to inspect it a little more.
In the kitchen, a plan was brewing between Zoe and Jack. A plan to, in Zoe’s words, kill two birds with one stone. The pair had become worried that Dracula had already begun to feed on you, and would need to find a way to figure out if this was the case. They also jointly decided that you needed to get away from the influence of the aforementioned vampire for your own personal safety.
When you returned to the kitchen, Zoe abruptly announced her leave and you saw her to the door. Thinking nothing of her sudden odd behaviour, you plodded back into the kitchen and sunk down into your chair. You facepalmed the table.
“Am I am idiot, Jack?” You groaned.
“No, I don’t think so,” he told you, “but I do think you’re mixing professionalism with privacy and Count Dracula shouldn’t be crossing that line.”
“I know but...”
He didn’t need you to keep talking to end the sentence. He already knew it. ‘It’s my job’. And while that was true; your job required you to be close to such evil beings in order to figure out how they operated, there was no need for the closeness between you and Dracula. You knew that. Of course you did. He shouldn’t be allowed entrance to your house, he shouldn’t have so much of your trust that you’d gladly walk with him down an unlit and derelict path, and he certainly shouldn’t be taking you to balls.
“I guess having the attention,” you lifted your head to look at him, “was nice. I haven’t had so much attention since... well... Daniel...” the utterance of his name made your stomach stir.
“I know, [First]. It sucks. But so does Count Dracula. And once he’s finished toying with you, you’re going to end up dead, or worse, undead.”
“I promise you, once I figure him out, I’ll do whatever it takes to get away from him.” Jack smiled at your words. He was glad that you were beginning to see some sense, “man, I really had everything and here I am being accused of loving a vampire.”
“[First], there was always more to life than-“
“Than what, Jack? I had a First in my degree, the perfect boyfriend, the best friends anyone could ask for. Why the fuck did Lucy want to take that away from me?”
“I don’t know, [First].”
“Sorry, I shouldn’t talk about her like that given your feelings and all...”
“You like her, right?” You asked, as if he were some kind of idiot who didn’t realise his own emotions.
“Well.. I mean... I didn’t think it was obvious...”
“Jack, anyone who’s ever seen you anywhere near her knows you’re in love with her. I do have to judge given her... hobbies.”
“What? I’m just saying - I don’t know why you’ve got this little crush on someone who’d happily sleep with her best friend’s boyfriend.”
It went silent after that and Jack couldn’t help the glare that burnt through his features. He was mad. Mostly because you were right, but also because his crush on Lucy was so obvious yet you’d still talk down about her. She’d hurt you, yes, but it had been a long time ago.
Of course, time wasn’t all that healed wounds.
“If you’re so keen for attention...” he spoke up, voice suddenly a little shaky and quiet, “why don’t we go out to eat tonight?”
“Like a date?” You smirked, unable to hide your enjoyment of Jack Seward awkwardly asking you out.
“I mean... yeah.. a date..”
“I’d be honoured. You come back here at 7 and I’ll give you a night to remember.” You winked playfully.
After practically throwing Jack out, your day moved by slowly. You received one message from Dracula inquiring about your day, and you decided to ignore him, in favour of taking a long bath and preparing yourself for you most likely awkward date with Jack.
You weren’t sure what had overcome you when you agreed to it, but if it was too awkward, you supposed you could just call it two friends going out to eat.
And precisely on time, at 7pm the door knocked.
Your date somehow went very well. Being with Jack turned out to not be so awkward after a drink or two, and having so long to catch up on, there was more than enough to discuss. And when the clock hit 11:30pm, you decided it was time to head back to your home. Considering both of your tipsy states, you decided to catch a taxi and you offered for Jack to stay over the night (on the sofa, of course). Initially, like before, he refused, but you begged him after explaining you’d sleep easier knowing he was safe. That little guilt trip seemed to work, considering that you were both perched on the sofa, lips interlocking as your hands ran through his hair.
How this had happened, you didn’t quite know. His hands were tender on you, like you were glass that could shatter if he gripped you too tightly. His lips were soft against yours and fit almost perfectly and he didn’t mind the way you liked to take the control a little bit.
It was now or never.
His lips left yours and they instead attached to your jawline, leaving little kisses and he hoped to leave no marks on your skin. He worked down, moving over your neck, trying to feel for any scar or sign that the vampire had been sneakily taking sips of your blood.
He found nothing. And just as he was about to reconnect his lips with yours, a large hand gripped the back of his neck with so much force he lost his breath.
“Good evening, Mr. Seward. I’m afraid you’re going to have to take your hands off of what’s mine.” The voice was low and you hadn’t quite heard his voice like this before. It sent your heart into a frenzy and Jack’s face lost its colour immediately.
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288 @labelladrama @frankcastlesgrunts @angelicdestieldemon @quakerlasss @aliisa-jones @wolverinexmenn @clairedragonessbaker @voidxngel @mitsukatsu @piratewhore @your-pixels-are-showing @tardisnesss @ladydovahkiin180 @catwomom
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Blood of My Enemies”: BBC/Netflix Dracula Imagine
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BBC/ Netflix Dracula  Imagine BBC/ Netflix Dracula x Reader, PS Reader, Plus Size Reader
At four a.m. I had just left after working a sixteen hour shift at the hospital.
My patience was beyond thin as I stood in line at the twenty four hour mini mart.
All I wanted was my bottle of wine, a shower and my blissfull, blessed bed.
After wearing my scrubs for that long I felt disgusting.  
I was an unholy amount of bitchiness standing there and when I heard a distinctly male voice behind me....I nearly snapped.
"Excuse, madam."
The accent was nice but I had no patience.
I turned on my heel and looked at him.
"Yes?" I asked offering nothing but vacancy across my features.
"Come now, darling." he said. "No smile?"
My eyes narrowed at him for a moment before I bit the inside of my cheek in anger and sat my wine down on the shelf nearest to me.
"Listen." I said tucking my hands into place on my full hips. "I have just spent the last sixteen hours on my feet at the hospital covered in other peoples piss, shit, vomit and blood.  I have been yelled at, slapped, had a gun pulled on me and had to hold someone while they died.  And that's just tonight.  I am in no mood for some random guy trying to flirt with late night scragglers."
"Listen, darling. I just-"
"No you listen!" I snapped. "I just want to go home, drink my wine and hibernate for the next four days and if I could jump start that process by being left the fuck alone that would be great!"
Was I an unholy bitch?
Was it uncalled for?
Probably but in that moment I couldn't have cared less.
"You have my most sincere apologies, madam." he said. "Allow me."
He reached for my wine and I promptly smacked his hand.
"I don't need you to buy anything for me.  I just made it glaringly obvious that I worked very hard for my money.  I'm good." I snapped.
"Yes, you have made it obvious.  Please, if you'll allow me to purchase it... as an apology.  I assure you I am a gentleman and I wouldn't want to leave you with the impression that I was anything less than such." he said.
With an underlying attitude of hostility, I let him purchase the wine and he gave the bag to me.
"Again, I'm terribly sorry for any trouble I've caused you." he said, his dark eyes twinkling in a way that I wasn't totally sure if I liked or not.
He was quite handsome.
In a sort, old school classic type of way.
It wasn't something you saw a lot of anymore but it was nice.
"Thank you." I said.  "And sorry for biting your head off.  I'm a bit testy after working overtime for the fourth night in a row."
"That's understandable." he said with a slight smirk.  "Besides, I've always been fond of women who have a bite to them."
His corny remark got the best of me and I couldn't help but smile a little in spite of myself.
"I figured your smile would be lovely." he said. "I see I wasn't wrong."
My glower was a little less intense as I looked over at him.
"Well, thank you again." I said.  "But if you'll excuse me I need to go home, get piss drunk and attempt hibernation."
He chuckled a bit and opened the door for me and fell into step with me as I headed down the street.  
"Would you like an escort home?" he asked and offered his arm.
"Look." I said turning to him. "While I appreciate this whole dapper gentleman routine, I don't know you, man.  I'm certainly not leading you back to my home.  Try not to take it personally but I'm not that stupid."
He sighed again with a small shake of his head, "Seems I've overstepped again. I just wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet.  As you said, you are tired and in need of sleep. It would be selfish of me to keep the beauty from her sleep."
"Hey, if you're awake at this hour you'll probably see me again.  I usually work night shift.  I'm just covering someone else's shifts this week because her kid's sick. There's only a handful of places open around here at four in the morning.  And trust me, I'm definitely always popping in here on my break for coffee.  Otherwise know as the blood that runs through my veins." I said.
He said, "I look forward to that."
"See you later, Mysterious Stranger." I said and turned to leave.
"See you later, Fiesty Nurse." he said.
"Oh, I'm not a nurse." I laughd. "I'm a much bigger nightmare."
"A doctor?" He laughed.
"No." I said turning and walking backwards for a moment.  "A CNA.  Twice the bullshit for half the pay.  Evil incarnate is probably a better name for me."
"Evil incarnate is it!" he called after me.
"Night!" I said. "See ya in four days!"
And I did.
Every night that I worked, I bumped into the mysterious stranger who I soon came to know as Dracula, later shorted to Drac.
Eventually those chance meetings became planned meetups.
He'd be waiting on me with coffee and something to eat- always having claimed to have already eaten or drinking some type of thick liquid from a travel mug.
I wasn't surprised.
He looked like a fit guy and it wouldn't have shocked me in the least for him to be drinking some type of beet juice cleanse.
As was so popular these days.
Fuck it- I just wanted my nachos, man.
Tonight was no different as I approached.
"Hey, Drac." I said as I walked up to him - supremely happy to be rid of my workplace for the night.
"Hello, darling." he said handing over the coffee and whatever he decided to give me to eat.
"You know, you don't have to buy this for me every night." I reminded him. "I mean, don't get me wrong. I appreciate it but-"
"Yes, yes, Miss Independent.  I get it.  However, I like knowing I can buy you a coffee and a meal occassionally." he said taking a sip from his drink.
I eyed it for a moment and sipped my coffee but apparently he could see the wheels turning.
"What are you thinking?" he asked with a slight smirk.
"I think many things." I answered elusively. "I'm a CNA.  I'm still cussing the patient who gave me the bird and his wife who accused me of checking him out.  I mean, I was but checking out someone's abs out of lust and out of a need to cleanse a fucking bullet wound are two different things."
"Don't beat around the bush." he teased.
"I gotta ask." I said before taking a hulking bite of the sandwhich.  "What is that red sludge you're always drinking?"
"The blood of my enemies." he quipped with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
"You should market that." I said and nudged him with my elbow.  "No really? Is it some kind of beet juice monstrosity?  Because how dare you, sir?  How dare you?"
He chuckled for a moment , "Just a source of nourishment.  Everyone has their diet thing these days don't they?"
I shrugged, "Yeah, I guess.  My diet thing is that I am deeply offended by brussel sprouts.  I hate them so much I would even go so far as to have a doctor LIE and give me a statement to say I was allergic."
"What is your reaction to them?" he played along.
"Extreme bitchiness." I said.
"Oh, so we've got a list of other things that you're allergic to as well." he teased and I promptly socked him in his rather solid arm making him laugh.
"Jerk." I giggled.
"What if it was blood?" he asked.
"Huh?" I asked, draining the last drop of my coffee.
"My drink." he clarified. "What if it was the 'blood of my enemies', so to speak?  What would you do?"
"Look, man." I sighed. "I had a woman come into the emergency room the other night drinking a tea she made from her own hair.  She carried it in a flask on her hip.  I've seen it all. "
He chuckled, "I suppose you have."
"You ok?" I asked noticing his change in demeanor. "Something wrong?"
He gave me a smile but I knew it to be fake.
"Nothing, love." he said settling a hand on my knee.
I looked at it for a moment before I took it in my own.
I could feel him looking at me but I was determined to just look up at the moon instead.
"Drac, you could be flesh eating demon and while it might be a bit shocking- honestly, I've seen worse." I said.  "I've had little girls brought in the emergency room by their supposed father's.  They've had broken arms and bruises and I've wanted nothing more than to take them away from those heartless bastards who I knew were doing unspeakable things to them.  But I couldn't.  But I didn't have prove.  Sometimes you just know but you can't do anything about it.  That's my cross to bare.  Hell, if I had a bloodsucking beast at my disposal I could sick her on every evil person I know."
"Her?" he chuckled. "It's a woman?"
"Well, we are the root of all evil aren't we?" I smirked finally meeting his gaze.
His other hand came up to rest on mine and he sighed and stared at our intwined digits.
"Let's say I knew such a creature." he said. "And this creature was infatuated with you. More than infatuated.  Positively spellbound. And this creature did have to do horrible things to survive but he also cared for you so deeply and would never harm you.  Even knowing what kind of terrible creation he was....would you have him?"
"Are you the creature in this scenario?" I asked and he finally met my gaze.
A deep sigh left them.
"At times, I both love and loathe how clever you are." he said. "But yes."
"Then yeah, sure." I said simply.  
His full brows furrowed as he looked at me, "Yeah? Sure? That's it."
"Listen, man." I said. "If you want me as a snack, I'd already be dead. Plus you buy me food and coffee every night.   That's trustworthy material right there."
"Food and drink earns your trust now?" he chuckled.
"You're not listening." I said. "I work in the medical field. Coffee is my blood and I am always hungry."
"I adore you." he said with a lightness in his dark eyes. "You're impossible but I adore you."
"I tolerate you." I teased him.
He took my teasing in good nature and placed an arm around me, "Just so we are clear on the matter, I have contemplated you as a snack on many occasions.  Just not in the way you might think."
"Oh, I'm not a snack, honey." I sassed him. "I'm a full course meal."
"I shall await the day when I can taste it." he said teasingly.
"You filthy whore!" I laughed and smacked his chest.
And that was how I ended up in relationshp with five hundred year old vampire of all things.
What was most surprising is that he turned out the best relationship I'd ever had.
Hello, darlings! I hope you enjoyed this Drac fic! I just love that handsome devil! Thank you for the requests and feel free to send in more Drac requests! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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Lucy Westenra stood there, in the middle of the room, staring at the man who’d ruined her entire life. At the man who she thought was going to amplify it, give the adventure she’d always craved. She could’ve been beautiful for eternity. He hadn’t given her a chance to change her will, change how she wanted to be buried. He was right though, the burning was excruciating. She should’ve heeded his warning. Everything burning, itching, melting. In any attempt to describe how it would feel so that people could understand what it’s like to die & be reborn, the only comparison would be to being burned alive is: boiled. I'm sure we've all gotten into a bath that was unknowingly at it's highest temperature or scalded a hand on a hot pan, reddening the affected area. Now imagine you're forced into that bath or to lay on those pans with more on top & have to stay there, the scratching sensation as it tears at your flesh, everywhere, burning you right through. You have no choice you have to endure it, no cold water to soothe the scorched skin, simply burn. Lucy Westenra’s bottom lip jutted out, thinking that day over as she stared at him. It was rather nice to see him tied up at the end of everything, that way he couldn’t touch anyone & she had complete control over who he had to eat, no more plotting to take the finest or brightest. Her head tilted then, wondering why for a moment which he chose for her but then reasoned that it was down to how willing she was. She needed that sense of wonder in her life, being beautiful was one thing but there was no go for her to enjoy. He was that for her. At a time. She scoffed up at him.
Yes, up at him. Did you think the bed was on the ground? These are creatures that turn into bats, of course they’d be upside down. Lucy only secretly hoped that once this was all finished with, he’d still be blindfolded & crash into the ground. And that she was there to see it. Couldn’t record it for two hundred and fifty quid though since...she had nothing to spend that money on.
He didn’t know she was there you see, she was as quiet as the grave now because, well, technically she is meant to be in a grave, very much dead, but she hadn’t expected this whole afterlife part too. Then again, she quite liked Elizabeth. She had some amazing stories to part with, ones that she thought he would share but he was ever evasive, especially the ones regarding D. It was strange to think of him as this frightened, sloppy creature at the beginning especially as she was mystified by it all even if she only had her taste of one person which even then she couldn’t understand why D would be so terrified about hurting others. She loved see that fear on their faces, knowing that not only was she stunning but had the power to crush their dreams of surviving the moment. But Elizabeth was far kinder than D ever was with her, she explained everything, made her feel at home, had similar experiences, both knew their way around attracting a mans eye. They were almost kindred spirits. Excuse the wording. 
A soft pitter patter of feet entered the room from behind Lucy, and spotted the female vampire herself. With a hushed voice Lucy asked “Being tied up, wont it just anger him more? Make him more determined to get out?” her gaze turned back to the hanged man. His head stirred as he picked up the voices within the room but said nothing more, wanting to be sure he was hearing someone & not whatever creature it was that invaded his mind & made him end up here in the first place. 
“Oh please,” Elizabeth scoffed as she waltzed in, holding a cup of dark, thick red liquid. “Dracula absolutely loves being tied up. You find that with men who enjoy power, they tend to enjoy being powerless more.” she purred, dipping her finger into the goblet then sucked off the blood like an ice lolly. 
“Lucy Westenra as I live & breath.” he hissed from the ceiling, showing off his whole array of teeth in a bright, dangerous smile. “Be a count’s favourite snack & untie me?” 
Lucy scowled up at the Count then, narrowing her eyes as if he was able to see her disappointment in him. “You’re dead you lunatic, and no. It’s about time you suffered as much as I did.”
The change of Dracula’s eyebrow shape suggested that he was attempting at being sympathetic “We had fun though, didn’t we Lucy? You were my finest bride! I saw past the burning flesh & instead I saw you.” 
“Stop trying to pander the girl, Dracula.” Elizabeth gave a sly grin to her female undead companion “She knows well enough under my care not to buy into your bullshit.” another soft pitter patter of her feet across the dusty boards of the room before scaling the wall with ease, resting herself on top of his hips once more. “After all, I trust you should be kind to her.” another dip of her finger in the glass, forcing it into his mouth. Dracula suckled at the woman’s finger like a kitten would to milk. “Good boy,” she hummed, replacing her finger with the tip of the glass, tapping lightly against his lower lip. Lucy grimaced up at the sight of the pair of them, wondering if that’s what would be in store for her if things had gone to plan.
Obviously desperate for salvation, Dracula tried to lift his head to get to the glass sooner, instead relying on the help of Elizabeth. It only occurred to him that he were placed upside down in the room when the blood began to pool at the roof of his mouth, even more so when some blood escaped him, running up his face, rather than his trickle down his cheek. He always choked on the substance before swallowing his mouthful, and taking the next small mouthful. That’s it, all down. Good boy. he’d heard Elizabeth chime, tapping at his nose like a pet. “I need more, please, is there any more?” he half begged, catching his breath as he felt the humans blood coursing through his dried & dead veins, bringing a life to his body like a stream of lights on a Christmas tree. 
“There’s plenty more. Just not right now. We need to keep you weak, disrupts this voice’s connection to you.” her free hand came to cup at his cheek “This will all be over soon, he’ll get bored that you’re not answering his call & leave. I promise Omor.” Elizabeth curled down then, pressing a soft kiss to his blood stained lips, admiring how he looked covered in his food, blindfolded & bound to her bed. At her complete mercy. One day she’ll have him again. In an almost angelic fashion, the vampire dropped herself back onto level ground, pitter patter past Lucy & toward the room door. 
Lucy almost felt sorry for him, pitiful to see him displayed & so feeble. She was wishing she knew how to get up to Dracula, at least give him some kind of friendly company when she heard the vampire calling for her “Come Lucy, we have a vampire to catch.” Elizabeth's voice trailed up the staircase, floating into the room with the same grace as she did. 
Dracula were still choking on his dinner, or was it breakfast, lunch? What even was the time? When he heard that familiar voice hissing, almost as if the mystery creature were in the room with them. “Feeear not my loovee,” it grabbed his attention “You will be freee,” it snaked to his left “We will bring London back to it’s kneesss, then the whole world, you will be princce of vampires once more... in due time.”
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chiiquititamoved · 4 years
ep 1 of bbc dracula - observations
beginning looks very creepy. am i down? not sure. 
there’s a cool nun! i’m getting some very good badass vibes 
wHEw, okay, i was expecting some queerbait-y type stuff from this show but literally before even the intro, this (AMAZING) nun just goes “mr harker. have you had sexual intercourse with dracula?” 
just. right out of the gate
we’ve established that this nun doesn’t have any faith in god
okay now we’re getting into the castle stuff. (this is right after the intro) 
aw mina (from her letter) seems like a sweetheart so far 
this is very beauty and the beast so far. like when belle’s dad goes into the castle and there’s no one there 
oooh we just met dracula. he’s very wrinkly and old 
“they [people of transylvania] are without... flavour.” “perhaps you mean character?” “ahahahaa.”
i feel like i should clarify that harker is staying in a convent, being cared for by nuns while he’s sick. he’s telling his story to badass nun and this other nun and the viewer is seeing what happened through cuts or whatever 
okay you know just some book stuff is happening - dracula’s being a weirdo, johnny harker notices some odd goings on, etc.
so, this has always struck me - in the book as well - why is dracula always climbing up walls like a fucking lizard? why? first of all, he can turn in to a bat, so if he needs to get OVER the wall then he can fucking FLY. if he doesn’t need to get over the wall then wtf is he doing? harker is going to see or hear him - i mean, god knows he’s acted weirdly/suspiciously enough for harker to be scared/nervous around him - like??? dracula really is an idiot psychopath bisexual  
harker’s having an *ehem* mildly i n n a p r o p r i a t e dream. he and mina are having sex but then mina turns into wrinkly old dracula. yucky yuck. 
now harker sees ‘help us’ written on his window
it’s in english! very convenient for mr harker - so our wonderful nun points out: “you are an englishman: a combination of presumptions beyond compare.” (no hate to englishmen)
harker starts to explore the castle. uh oh. 
he gets lost + dracula finds him
our man dracula is wining and dining johnny!
Dracula looks younger now. :| this is suspicious
dracula is EVEN YOUNGER! glow up!!!!
harker is starting notice there’s NO STAFF IN THE CASTLE... and his health is deteriorating 
wow johnny is actually being very brave!! i must say i am proud
johnny is finding a bunch of old pictures in a wooden bin somewhere in the castle. are these dracula’s previous victims?? WHO KNOWS
FUCK there’s a fucking dead lady in the wooden bin. yuckkk i do not approve 
she just chased him down this tunnel, and now dracula’s there and harker passes out
badass nun (agatha) is telling us about the UNDEAD. explains a lot
drac says he found johnny asleep on the floor in the basement, all the while looking SUSPICIOUSLY young. 
HEY drac is calling him johnny! that’s my thing >:(
now johnny doesn’t recognize mina’s picture! what’s going on?
he’s making johnny write three letters to mina: one saying he’s almost leaving the castle, one saying he’s leaving the next day, and one saying he’s left safely, etc. 
john’s hallucinating that a baby’s crying in the distance. OR IS HE?
harker is willing to sacrifice himself for a baby he doesn’t even know exists. i’m actually proud of how brave he is :’(
AGATHA!! i love her
so harker is starting to plot an escape - he looks for a map to the castle. he knows that drac said that it doesn’t exist but his reasoning is that the architect was an artist and would have wanted his art preserved. he finds the map in a painting of the architect’s dead wife (because she’s the sunlight of his life and he built this place to escape the actual sunlight when she died?? i think?? Sorry that was confusing)
so, the architect made hidden passages through the maze of the castle 
harker finds a passage! yay
okay the passage led to a room, and in the room there’s a lady in a wooden box thing eating rats. she comes out of the box, she’s a vampire, and johnny’s talking to her. she left the message on the window earlier? maybe? this is unclear. 
she bites john
harker askes nun agatha why she’s got no “faith” and she says “I have looked for god everywhere in this world and never found him.” “Then why are you here?” “Well, like many women of my age, I am trapped in a loveless marriage, maintaining appearances for the sake of a roof over my head.” GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN
eww there’s a deadish baby in the box thing
drac kills the lady in the castle
harker: “you’re a monster!” drac: “and you’re a lawyer. nobody’s perfect.”
okay drac and harker have a suspenseful chat, bla bla bla. drac is trying to REPRODUCE? 
If this turns into some fucking mpreg fanfiction bullshit i’m suing 
drac goes outside onto a balcony thing in the castle w/ johnny and they lay down (drac in the shade and harker in the sun) and drac asks johnny to describe the sun to him?? cool i guess??
drac, about the sun: “But that’ll burn me to dust.” my man john harker: “Good.” “fair enough.” 
i LOVE how johnny is literally on death’s door, and still manages to snark at the man who put him there
okay so john’s still outside w/ drac, it’s established that he’s either going to die (fully) or be stuck in the castle for the rest of his “life”. harker is shaking, bla bla, and he goes “drac! spare me!” and drac’s like “how, dude?” and then we cut to agatha and harker in the convent and it turns out that harker just wrote pages of shit like “dracula is my master!” “dracula will be obeyed!” “dracula is god!” when he got to the convent and it’s like... whew
turns out he thought he was writing an account of his stay at the castle but he really just wrote like 100 pages of that 
oooookay - now, johnny’s begging drac to let him go and drac’s like “how?” and john says he won’t tell anyone about drac’s plans to move to england and kill everybody so drac’s like “sure,” and harker’s like “wait really,” and drac’s like “oooh i’m going to destroy everyone you love bla bla bla but if you swear you won’t try to stop me i’ll let you go.” UM. 
but now harker gives this impressive last hurrah thing where he kinda like... climbs up dracula’s body? like drac pulls him? and he goes “i swear that if you let me out here alive... I’LL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO STOP YOU!” psych 
and then drac kills him and he falls down 
“SO HOW IS HE ALIVE?”, you ask
“HE’S A VAMPIRE,” i say
oh no! he’s not! my lovely agatha reveals that he’s “undead, but not a vampire,”
aggie: “it’s not something that one anticipates asking: but, what happened after you were murdered?”
okay so now johnny becomes undead and he still has a spirit! johnathan harker has a will, etc and he tries to jump off of the balcony thing. drac’s like hey you should stay w/ me! ur kinda like me u kno and john’s like NOPE
then the sun hits drac’s face and johnny falls from the balcony
now aggie reveals that a river, which john fell into, bore him out to sea and a fisherman found him caught in his net. he was brought to the convent/agatha 
agatha: “i am known to have some expertise in the realm of witchcraft and the occult.” johnny: “You’re a nun.” ag: “We can discuss my imperfectly suppressed fascination with everything dark and evil another time.”
oh!!!!!! so - the sun reflected the cross that harker was wearing onto drac!!!! and that’s why drac fell/was hurt whatever 
so basically like minor vampires and shit don’t fear the cross??? but big guy (drac) does?
agatha’s like “i looked everywhere and finally i found god!!!! yay” and she’s happy 
basically aggie found out who he was, traced him back to london, and found mina (she mentions a detective acquaintance - sherlock crossover, anyone?) 
mina: “we are to be married, so who you are will always be my decision.”
they have a really touching “i still love u!!” type scene and then a bunch of fucking bats fly in
turns out drac’s at the convent now
mina got bitten (on her face) by a bat and she’s kinda bloody and harker’s like woooh take this stake so you can stab me if i try to drink that
god agatha has SO MANY good lines!!!
now dracula has turned into a wolf and he’s outside the gates of the convent 
mina hugs johnathan and he licks her blood :(
now he backs her into a corner and tries to drink her blood, but then he stops and tries TO IMPALE HIMSELF ON THE WOODEN STAKE
the wolf has this really gross transformation scene and he turns into dracula as a human
OOKAY so a bunch of nuns come to the gates (i should clarify that that’s where dracula is) and they pull out wooden stakes and agatha’s like drac you’re going down. 
agatha opens the gates of the convent!!! and tells dracula he’s not invited in and he can’t come in
agatha to drac: “I expect a beast to follow rules, I don’t expect it to understand them.”
agatha cuts her hand open and like taunts him w/ the blood 
drac: “who are you?” agatha: “your every nightmare at once. an educated woman in a crucifix.” !!!!!!!!
OH FUCK!!!! johnathan really is dead!!!!! :((( i thought he wouldn’t be but nvm i guess
mina and aggie have a talk and mina says she’ll never love anybody else :’(
oh shit!!! i was right he isn’t dead! drac does that weird lizard wall climbing thing again and goes into his window and tells johnny that “suicide doesn’t work.” great. 
dracula’s like hey bud i can kill you properly! since it needs another person! all you’ve gotta do is invite me in! :))))))
we cut to the mother superior and she’s giving a nice little lecture about god 
and then dracula comes in and cuts her head off
the nuns are obviously terrified BUT they’ve got their crosses and they push him away, whatever, but then drac calls a bunch of wolves 
“I’m undead, I’m not unreasonable.”
the nuns get attacked by the wolves EXCEPT for agatha and mina, who went to agatha’s workshop to escape
harker comes down to the workshop! (which they surrounded by sacramental bread or something) and they’re arguing over whether they should let him in and mina’s like i’m gonna do it! and she almost does but she sees that harker’s eyes aren’t blue anymore, so she’s like hey what’s up with that and then harker starts PEELING HIS FACE OFF and it’s dracula
phewwwwwww. So this is almost 2000 words? And very incoherent. If you’ve had the courage to read this far, thank you. 
IN CONCLUSION: will i keep watching this show? yes. i’m very squeamish so i’ll probably skip some of the gory stuff later on but other than that i will definitely continue.
did i like this show? YES. i honestly started it with very low expectations but so far it’s really good. to be fair, though, i found that in the book the beginning was the best part and i didn’t love it after, so i guess we’ll see. 
did i like it better than the book? so far, yeah. The book was full of bullshit like “ooh you have a man’s brain and a woman’s heart,” to mina, which :/. (obviously it’s not like i could have expected much better from a male victorian author but still.) i love how they made van helsing a woman! I know agatha is going to be wonderful.
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woollyslisterblog · 4 years
1834 August Wednesday 6th
I fear the enormity of this entry made for a transcribing pause. AL has now applied the new measurement unit of parasols to accacia trees. We and AL learn far more than is necessary about fruit farming, land measurement, holiday rentals and chimney top making. By the time AW objects to the flea ridden auberge both her and I have lost it. Make of this encyclopedic entry what you will. Frankly, I’d have barred the bedroom door after today’s info onslaught.
no kiss not with her at all - fine morning - F68 in my back room at 10:10 - breakfast at 9 - Ann still poorly her bowels no better - had our host M Bernard - he fancied the 11 minerals I had left out of the box = 20/. so I took only 4 for 6/. – quartz upon chaux carbouté 3/., cristaux de quartz 1/., spath pésante, bartye, d’annouay 1/., pierre ollaire 1/.
he calls set-e-ra is what our cocher called stèré – a setĕra = 900 toises carrés but they commonly go here by the journal (plural journaux) = 2/3 of a setĕra or 600 toises carrés - terre à chauvre is worth 3000 francs a setĕra - terre with vines and bled = from 2000/ 2400 francs a setĕra - tear de vigne = francs 1800 to 2000 francs a setĕra - the vine-hills (as at his own campagne) are what they call mi-côtes (i.e. demi côtes) - M Perrier has no land that he (M Pérard) knows of but at Vizille and none there but what belongs to the Chateau and may have from 60 to 80 seteras - but it is the Chateau which makes the land valuable - in buying land one has to consider where it is terre battie, or not; that is, terre with a good house on it, or not - where there is a very large quantity of land, the house is generally given in - where there is not much land, of the house is a consideration - the chateau at Vizelle valuable as being a large manufacturing - filature de coton and employing now 200 to 400 oeuviers - wheat is sold by the boisseau weighing 42 lb + or - according to the goodness of the wheat - it is now 4/50 per boisseau should be 6/. to enable the farmer to pay his way comfortably - M Perard gave 22,000 francs for his campagne (has 17 setĕras) and has laid out from 36,000 to 40,000 francs - wants 10,000 francs for all the trouble he has had the 28 months since he bought it, and asked 70,000 francs but his wife does not wish him to sell - he will assure the estate producing 100 louis = 2400/ per annum without making anything of the house - it is situate in what is called the Beauplan –
took a guide, and out, (left Ann although) at 11:50 to the chateau fort or Bastille on the high compact limestone rock north of the town - had got a considerable way above the engineer’s house when he himself came and I was obliged to turn back and ask leave of the commandant - vexed enough - but could not help it - went back the engineer with me - and shewed my passport - made my story good - the commandant very civil asked me to take bev[erage] en eau sucré and this the which I declined - went a good way up with me - gave me note to the lieutinent in command at the top, and asked me to stop at his and take something on my return and I promised to call - I counted above 350 steps and forgot to count those perhaps 20 or 30 to the very top, and the others lower down - besides all that traversing I certainly mounted 400 steps - very fine views of the town
about halfway and at the very top at 1:30 magnificent view of the valleys of the Isère and Drac - the former winds near the town in large folds - very beautiful - staid 10 minutes under the boiling sun enchanted with the view - the Graissivaudan valley at the apex of the angle stands Grenoble a very fine rich (deserving all of its praises – the fine high Savoy mountain snow-ridged on the east rather hid by clouds but the range hills of hills beautifully thrown together with pointed round elongated all shaped tops - everyone should go to the top of the chateau - from the higher mountain above it the town would be marked by the castle – heated as I was, I was well repaid –
down at the old tower, where lives the engineer and his wife, at 2:30 - very civil - hoped I should go and see them again - gave me a nice little nosegay from their flower pots on the top of the tower - he lost his right arm in Spain at the taking of Valentia (Valence) and - has 1500/. a year pay and 300/. gratification and lives, rent-free of course, in the tower – a taker of roads came in - said the new road to Marseille by Claix, Vizelle etc would be finished in 4 or 5 years as also the new road to Italy by Bourg d’Oisans, Grave, Madeleine, Lauzet etc to Oulx and Exilles and Souza would be done in 5 years - 10 leagues done - 30 more to do the road is done to beyond Bourg d’Oisans- 1/4 hour at the engineers ‘Mr de Matheis, Garde du Génie, Chevalier de la legion d’honneur, à Rabot’ – born at Turin - gave me his address written very well with his left hand –
and returning went to the marbrier, near the good stone bridge ‘Bernard fils Marbrier, rue du no.12, près le pont de Pierre, à Grenoble’ - 1 chimney piece very pretty dark coloured ground much veined with yellow - found in a ravine near Grenoble a - no quarry of it - called brêche de tez, la cheminée conte 150/. transport to Paris 12/. and 15/. to London perhaps 30/. would engage it at 50/. - but what would be the duty? - could furnish 10 or 11 specimens of Grenoble marbles, or marbres du pays of the Dauphiny alps 3 1/2 inches carrés 1/4 inch thick at 3/. each –
home a 3 1/2 - paid all and off from l’ hotel des Ambassadors, Grenoble, at 4:35 – A-[Ann]’s bowels indisposed all the time – the town too low, and near the river - so glad to be off - like the neighbouring hills exceeding for living on - not at all disappointed with town or country - the town a good provincial town, though not handsome - had no time to see the musée - beautiful drive along the river winding tolerably near for some distance - at 5:35 having driven a very high by-road alighted at Campagne of our horte of a vignoble about 1/4 mile from the road (right) - formerly belonging to the Chartreux - shewed us the cave and the great 2 or 3 fontres (casks that 30 men could stand in at once) they left there, and the wine press - still perfectly good (of oak) though a century or two old – rez de chausée a good salon with cabinet for two beds at one end, and two other pieces [rooms] (small) – au 1er distribution with kitchen above, a bel? to be let – the [fermin?] under the same roof and the kitchen and 2 or 3 pieces reserved for his wife’s father and mother - I asked if the tenant could have a garden - no! But M Pernard would give him half the produce of the garden - this rez de chausée 1er well furnished for 1000 francs a year – for la belle saison May to October exclusive – everything really very nicely arranged –
find 7 1/2 foot parasol (in English umbrella) accacias, planted last November looking beautiful - had them from Martin Burdin Chambéri, at 24 sols per tree - and all sorts of rose-bushes at 12 to 16 sols each - find large 7 1/2 ft blueberry trees at 10 sols each – would he sell them to me at that price – M Penard will get and send me off to England as many as I please at the price he himself paid - the leaves of a fine young well headed mulberry tree sell for 20 to 30/. for the season – manure (engrais) (horse manure) very dear - had just 6000 francs worth into his land – but vines a hot thing themselves and did not do with a hot manure - wanted a cold one – la laiche bauche the best - the coarse ready grass (vide line 6 p 128) - too much horse dung bad, too hot -shewed his pavilion with great pleasure - pretty painted in fresco -an Italian from Turin did it and him and two men 2 1/2 months doing it for 600 francs - Ann sadly tired of so much talking she did not understand - but liked the place very well –
off again at 7, and at Voreppe (fine beautiful drive as before) a shabby little town at 7 1/2 - in the rough road coming away had lost the shaft’s bolt or staple - the blacksmith having waited for me (I was bargaining with the woman of the Inn, but she was trop exigeant and 36 minutes were lost) - off from Voreppe at 8:06 sorry not to staid the night but Ann thought we should have fleas in such a looking auberge and I determined not to give the woman more than 21/. for the night and breakfast tomorrow as though had little to give us for dinner and wanted 25/. - a pity to have to drive in the dark - fine rocks high and perpendicular we passed close under soon after leaving Voreppe, then fine shaped-hills and wood were dimly seen - alighted at l'hotel des Cours, chex Bearne at Voisin, at 9:40 - very good large room with two cabinets à un lit, at the end of the room - very comfortable - the master of the house very civil and reasonable - would object to nothing - would have all to me - and take my price - nice little supper- very fine day at 11:40 till about 5:00 p.m. then a shower and afterwards a few drops F70°at 12:10 tonight Not with her tonight
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dngrdyke · 4 years
Kid Valentine Part 3
Dyke woke to the world warming up around her and the sound of buzzing filling the air. Uncurling from underneath some wooden palettes someone had propped against one of the run-down buildings in the settlement, she stretched and cracked her neck. She was still wearing Poison's jacket from the night before. Sweet of him not to have taken it back in the middle of the night because he was cold. But sweetness couldn't make her forgive him completely. In Dyke's books, Poison still owed her one.
The buzzing sound continued, but now Dyke could hear little yelps of pain in between. Oh no.
She took off running towards the source of the noise. When she burst through the door, she found Ghoul bending over Faggot's arm with a tattoo gun in his hand and Kobra watching gleefully.
"And what the fuck is going on here?" she asked, storming into the room.
"I'm gettin' tattooed, Dee!" Faggot said excitedly before wincing. "Ah! Can't you be any gentler?"
Ghoul giggled. "Sorry, kid. One setting for everyone."
Faggot attempted to steel himself against the pain, but he winced every time the needle went into his skin.
Dyke sighed and sat down on a nearby chair. "And why the hell are you doing that?"
"Kobra told me about this symbol of resistance people used to share. Look!"
She stood again and went over to inspect the tattoo. She stifled a laugh.
Way back when Blind was just a humble technology corporation, they had the world eating out of the palm of their hand. It was called the internet, and the people of the world thrived. Any question you had was answered within seconds. People you would only have met if you could travel became friends closer to you than those you knew in person. Dyke preferred to remember the positive aspects, like jokes the whole world was in on.
"Ain't it cool, Dyke?" Kobra grinned. She hit him on the arm.
"You motherfuckers," she said, staring at the tattoo. "This is the worst thing I've ever fucking seen."
Back in the earlier days of the internet, someone had made a video of a little blue creature on a motorbike singing a nonsense song. The name given to this creation was Crazy Frog, and it haunted Dyke even to this day. Now it would haunt her for the rest of her life because there it was, sitting pretty on the outside of Faggot's upper arm. By the looks of things, Ghoul had been working for a while. He was putting the final touches on the words above and below the frog itself. "Crazy Fag," Dyke sighed and dragged the chair over to the table so she could sit on Faggot's other side. She stuck her hand out for him to take and he squeezed it so hard that his nails left marks in her skin.
"You're almost done, kid," she said, watching Ghoul finish the lettering with surgical precision. He wiped away some blood with a towel that'd certainly seen better days, but seemed clean enough.
"It's all over, Faggot. Check it out," Ghoul said, holding up a cracked mirror.
Faggot let go of Dyke's hand and admired the tattoo in awe. "Holy shit, Ghoul! This fucks. Dee, isn't this so fucking cool?"
"The coolest," she said dryly, massaging her hand.
"Hey, Dyke, isn't that Poison's jacket?" Ghoul asked, looking up from where he was disassembling the tattoo gun.
"Yeah," she said, quickly taking it off. "Faggot had mine last night and it was cold so Poison gave me his."
He exchanged a look with Kobra.
"So, Party Poison gave you his jacket, did he?" Kobra said, grinning.
"Because you were cold?" Ghoul added, raising his eyebrows.
"Am I missing something here?"
"No, of course not, Dee. You're not missing the fact that Party Poison- the Party Poison- gave you his jacket because you were cold."
"What's my name?" she asked.
"What do you mean?"
"What's my name, Kobra?"
"Dyke," he said simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah, that's it. Dyke. That's my name. The name I took for myself when I decided to fight back. Someone else branded me with this name, you know that, Kobra? Ghoul?"
The two said nothing.
"Names give us power. Blind wanna go around assigning people names and numbers, but us? We're free. I don't wanna remember the name I had before the Wars, because she means nothing now. Who she was pretending to be means absolutely nothing. Who I am now is what matters."
"And who are you now, Dyke?" a voice said from behind her. She turned around to see Poison leaning against the doorframe with her denim jacket in his crossed arms and a lopsided smile on his face.
"I'm the goddamn Dyke on a Bike, you bitch."
Poison grinned at her. "That's the spirit, Dee." He threw her the jacket, which she put on and popped the collar. She threw his jacket back to him and he slipped it on as well.
"Anyways, back to my empowering speech," Dyke said, turning back around. "I'm a dyke. Women only."
Jet appeared behind Poison and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Now I just know Kobra and Ghoul weren't dumb enough to think Poison was into Dyke here," he said.
"'Course not," Kobra said, running a hand through his hair nervously.
"No way," Ghoul added.
Poison grinned at them and hit his hand against the doorframe. "Right, then. Faggot, get off the table. Ghoul and Kobra, go find some chairs. Dyke, you gotta any food?"
"Three twinkies and a can for dogs. Oh, plus some Fanta."
He scrunched up his nose as he walked in the door. "You and your goddamn orange soda. Haven't you fuckers ever heard of cherry? Grape?"
"They taste bad, Poison," Dyke said as she dragged her chair around to make room for Ghoul and Kobra who came back with some busted lawn chairs. "Do you want some or not?"
"Go get 'em. We're gonna have to go see Chow Mein later, so we might as well pool our resources."
She nodded and left the hut to get the supplies from her bike.
Only there was a kid on her bike. An actual kid- a motorbaby, as the older ones called them- born in the desert, who never knew the city or the Wars. The kids who didn't fully understand why they had to hide when the Dracs came. The ones who didn't get why they had to bring the masks of the fallen to the Desert Witch before the Scarecrow got their bodies. Why their parents kept their boots tight and their guns close. Why they all had to have masks.
"Who're you? You look like Party Poison," the kid said, brandishing a lollipop at her. "But you ain't him."
"Dyke. That's my bike."
"Hey, you're funny! Those sound the same."
"Who even are you, kid?"
"My name's Valentine. My mom calls me double V. On accounta my initials are V and V."
"Yeah, that's real cute. Can you move? They're waiting for me."
Valentine hopped down off the bike and stuck the lollipop back in her mouth.
"Who's 'they'? You mean the Killjoys? That's their car right there. You know 'em?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that," she said, gathering the soda. Shit. Not enough hands. "Hey, Val, you think you could help me?"
Dyke handed her two cans of the soda and picked up the rest of the food herself. "We're in that one there," she said, pointing at one of the buildings. "You think you can handle this super-special mission for the Killjoys?"
"Fuck yeah I can!" She ran off towards the building and Dyke followed her, shaking her head slightly. Kids.
"Who the fuck is the kid, Dyke?" Poison demanded when she arrived. "And why the fuck won't she leave me alone?"
"That's Val V, Poison. Be fucking nice to her."
Valentine scrunched her nose. "You're not like the stories my mom told me, Party Poison. She told me you were a Drac-fightin' people-saver. But you're just mean."
"Kid, I swear to fuck if you don't fuck off right now-"
Before anyone knew what was happening, Dyke had Poison pinned against the wall.
"Don't you fuckin' talk to the kid like that, Poison. Not in front of me and not fuckin' ever, you understand me?" She let him go roughly and began to walk back to where she'd dropped the food, but decided at the last second to whirl around and hit him in the face.
"Ow! Fuck!"
She shook out her hand. "Now we're even, pretty boy."
Poison scowled at her but said nothing. He deserved it for what he did, and he knew that.
"Thanks, Val V," Dyke said, picking up the cans and the Twinkies. "Maybe I'll catch you around sometime."
"See ya, Dyke on a Bike!" She waved and ran off out the door.
Dyke sat down in one of the lawn chairs and laid the provisions on the table.
"Everyone dig in. Plenty to go around," she smiled and cracked open a can of Fanta.
The whole table stared at her, except for Poison, who was deliberately avoiding looking at her.
"Oh, don't gimme that look, you two-bit whores. She's a kid! You can't talk to kids like that."
Jet shook his head. "I'll never understand you."
"That's the idea, Jet. Now, to business: we got Blind on our asses."
It was decided in that meeting that Dyke and Faggot would join the Killjoys. An agreement, of sorts. Better than the one where Dyke asked Doctor D to ask the Killjoys to bring her cigarettes, who then gave them to Cherri Cola, who gave them to Doctor D who gave them to Dyke herself. Dyke and Faggot would do what they wanted, like usual, but they'd ultimately be a part of the Greater Killjoy Posse. In return, the two would spend more time at Doctor D's with Cherri and the Girl while the Killjoys went on raids.
It would be a long time before any of them saw Valentine again.
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
The Fantastic Adventures of Glitter Ghost and Killer Lux - Chapter 6
As always, this chapter co-written by @mariawritesfanfic​ WHO IS ACTUALLY IN THE ROOM WITH ME AT THIS VERY MOMENT!
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Lux stretched her arms over her head and yawned as she looked around the deserted diner after rolling out of bed. In the days since Glitter left, she quickly learned that she wouldn't be left totally alone at any point, there was always someone kicking around somewhere, and she was appreciative of that, even if she didn't show it. Lux continued to wander outside and saw both the Trans Am and Kobra's motorcycle were gone, but a noise from the shed out back caught her attention. Following it, she found Fun Ghoul working on something at the workbench.
"Hey," she called as she lingered in the doorway.
He whipped around. "Oh hey, what's up?"
"Bored. What are you doing?"
"Working on a little something, in case BLI comes to play," he said with a wink. 
"Well everyone else is gone, so I'm gonna hang out here," Lux announced while hopping up on the bench next to him.
Ghoul just nodded and kept working. "Missing Glitter?"
"Yea," Lux sighed. "But you guys are cool, and I'm sorry I've been kinda… cold."
"We understand," he said, looking up with a smile.
"So, I've heard some rumors about you guys, ya know as we traveled across the Zones, can you tell me if they're true?"
"Maybe," he laughed, straightening up and wiping off his hands. "What've you heard?"
Lux thought for a moment. "Hmm, ok, once we heard that Party has a collection of short shorts, but I haven't seen him in anything except jeans, so that must be fake."
"Have you ever seen him go to bed?"
Lux thought for a moment. He was always already in bed when she got into her cot, or he went to bed after she was already asleep. "Oh my god, I haven't," she replied, eyes gone wide.
Ghoul just laughed in response.
"Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed them?"
"None of us would mind that," Ghoul said with a wink.
Lux laughed off his comment. "Ok fine, what about the one about Jet having a kid?"
Ghoul shrugged. "We're not even sure about that one. There was another Killjoy we fought alongside during the war, and they were close. After the war, we scattered out here to the Zones. She came around a few times. One time she was leaving when the rest of us got back, and she looked sad as hell. Jet didn't say a damn word to anyone for days after that. Couple years later, people started talking about a kid with hair like his, but no one has ever been dumb enough to ask him about it."
Lux sat quietly and just nodded, taking in the story, feeling guilty for even bringing it up, but glad that she hadn't asked Jet directly. "I heard you've blown out your hearing too like I did before we got here," Lux said after sitting in silence for a few minutes.
"Where'd you hear that?" He smirked without looking up, already sure of the answer.
"Hmm, yea," Ghoul hummed. "You like to hang out with him, huh?"
Lux felt her cheeks getting red at the question, but she knew if she'd be saying more by avoiding the question altogether. "Yea, I guess, he's nice to me and… stuff."
Ghoul nodded knowingly. "Yea, he seems to like to watch out for you."
Lux rolled her eyes. "You all do. You have to, I'm BLI's most wanted!"
Just then the sound of Kobra's motorcycle filled the late morning air. Lux fought the urge to jump off the counter and go see where he had been, or if he wanted to hang out with her.
"Speak of the devil. You can go with him, I won't be hurt," Ghoul smirked. 
"I'm fine here," Lux replied, leaning back to show just how much she didn't want to leave.
Suddenly Kobra's tall frame filled the doorway to the shed, a look of worry replaced with a look of relief. "There you are."
Lux felt her cheeks burning red again, and Ghoul stifled a laugh. "Yea, just hanging out with Ghoul for a bit."
"No need to worry, I was taking good care of her," Ghoul said, and Kobra rolled his eyes.
"Wanna practice shooting?" Kobra asked.
"I'm good thanks," Ghoul responded before Lux could open her mouth. 
"Sure," Lux replied.
"Told you so," Ghoul whispered as she hopped off the bench. She flipped him off behind her back as she walked away.
"Sand, come on, we are going to get caught" Glitter laughed as Sandman dragged her into a closet.
"Oh, come on GG, we haven't been alone in days" Glitter was laughing as Sandman kissed her neck. Glitter and Sandman hadn't had a free moment just to themselves as everyone was getting settled and adjusted to another person being in the hideout.
Sandman kissed Glitter's forehead. "I mean, if you don't want to make out with me," Sandman backed up and started flexing his arms a bit as he knew it drove Glitter crazy. "I can just go do some pushups or something. Maybe move some boxes."
Glitter reached out to Sandman and pulled him to her by his shirt. "Ugh, stop flexing, and come here."
Sandman pinned Glitter against the wall and started kissing her neck again, letting out a low growl because he knew it drove her crazy. Glitter wrapped her legs around Sandman's waist, causing Sandman to moan into her ear. "Fuck, Glit."
"San…please," Glitter moaned as Sandman kissed her neck. Glitter grabbed Sandman's face and pulled him into a deep kiss matching his moans, and she started to slowly buck her hips against his.
As Sandman and Glitter separated from the kiss, Sandman sighed and closed his eyes and placed his forehead against Glitter's.
"GG, I can't..." Sandman started as he set her down, "not like this." Sandman backed away from her and turned around.
Glitter walked up behind Sandman and wrapped her arms around his waist, running her hands over his stomach, down to his belt. "I'm sure we can make it work," Glitter kissed his neck.
Sandman turned around and held onto Glitter's hands as he smiled at her. "Oh, I can do it and believe me, and I really want to do it," Sandman winked, "but that's not what I'm talking about. I want our first time to be special and not in some random closet."
"Really?" Glitter laughed. "Who knew that you were a hopeless romantic, San."
Sandman pulled Glitter closer and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Glitter," he whispered.
Glitter pulled back and looked at Sandman, "Wait... You love me?"
"I do love you." Glitter could see that Sandman had started blushing.
"I love you too, Sandman."
There was a knock on the door, "Are you two done making out?" Phoenix called through the door. "We need some supplies."
Sandman opened the door and wrapped his arm around Glitter's shoulders, "Yes, we are done… for now. We might need it later, so leave it unlocked," he gave Phoenix a sly smile and lead Glitter away. Glitter could feel her face getting warm, and Phoenix just rolled his eyes.
"You really like Lux, huh?" Party asked his brother as they unloaded the Trans Am from another supply run. 
Kobra shrugged in response. "I respect her. And she's not at home here, so I want her to feel welcome."
"What if this became her home?" Party asked with an eyebrow raised. 
"She'd never go for it. Not while Glitter is around, I've already thought about it."
"Oh, really?"
Kobra realized what he had just admitted. "Hypothetically I mean. If BLI ever stops looking for them."
"If you have feelings for her, just tell her. Or just tell me and I can tell her for you."
Kobra sighed and rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. 
When they got inside, Jet and Lux were sitting in a booth talking and laughing. Kobra thought about how far she had come since Glitter left. From when she refused to be alone but wouldn't say anything to anyone, to being a regular, albeit trapped in the diner, part of their gang. She glanced up at the brothers as they entered with armloads of Power Pup and smiled at Kobra. 
"Tell her," Party whispered in his brother's ear. 
"In my own time," he hissed back.
When they had finished unloading, Kobra went back out to find Jet had left Lux alone. "It's still early, wanna go back out to that spot?" He asked after glancing around to make sure that they wouldn't get busted.
"Of course," she grinned.
They got on his motorcycle and sped out to their cliffside spot overlooking the desert, away from the madness of the Zones, BLI, and the other Killjoys. As they moved to stand near the edge of the cliff, Kobra took a deep breath.
Lux glanced up at Kobra as he stepped closer to her, and he took her hand. They stood that way for a few minutes, reveling in the feeling of being that close with no one else around. 
"Lux," Kobra started, looking down at her. 
"I think you're the coolest, prettiest Killjoy I've ever met, and I really like you."
"Yea, I umm, same, Kobra. I like you too," she replied quietly, averting her eyes. She felt her cheeks starting to burn.
"Lux," he repeated, and she could feel his eyes on her.
Her brain went blank, and suddenly only one thought was in her head. She tried to just keep quiet as long as she could, but her mouth wouldn't cooperate. "Did you know llamas are vegetarian?"
"Lux, can you stop talking about llamas long enough for me to kiss you?"
Lux looked up at Kobra who was smiling down at her, his sunglasses pushed back into his hair, his eyes focused on her.
Lux blushed even deeper, matching the color of the setting sun sky behind them, and nodded as she tugged down her bandanna. Kobra took a step closer, closing the distance between them, reaching up one hand to gently caress her cheek before leaning down. 
As his lips met hers, she dropped his hand and draped her arms over his shoulders, as his hands found her waist and pulled her closer to him still, deepening the kiss. 
Being in his arms felt safe, but dangerous at the same time as they created a secret between the two of them. Lux used to say all she wanted to do was to take down Dracs with Glitter and run free in the desert, but now she added kissing Kobra to that very short list of things she really enjoyed.
When they pulled back, Kobra rested his forehead against hers and smiled down at her. "We should get back before someone starts to worry that you're gone."
"Or, we could just not," she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
"Come on Lux, that might work on some BLI guards, but you gotta give me more credit than that," he smirked.
"Ugh, fine," she conceded with a laugh. She pulled the helmet back on, and Kobra drove back to the diner.
A few days later, Punk and Glitter were sitting at the kitchen table talking. Glitter liked talking to Punk, as he wasn't like the other Youngbloods, he was more soft-spoken and less rowdy. And it made for a pleasant change.
"Wait, how did you guys discover you're basically a superhero?" Glitter asked when Punk casually mention his voice alone could drop Dracs 
"It was actually kinda accidental. We were out on a mission and Sandman showed me some of the lyrics he wrote, and I started singing them, and that's when we noticed Dracs that were trying to ambush had started to freak out."
"That's amazing, Punk!" Glitter replied, causing Punk to blush.
As the days went on, Glitter was starting to become closer to each Youngblood in a different way. Though Novocaine and Phoenix were always out on patrol, when they did hang out together in the evening, she realized that they all fit together like a puzzle. Each member had different qualities that made Glitter realize what a cohesive unit they had become - even with her now added to the mix.
"Yeah, isn't Punk amazing?" Sandman asked as he walked into the room and sat on the other side of Glitter, so she was sandwich in-between Punk and him.
"Hey you, is everything ok?" Glitter asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Novocaine and Phoenix are out gathering intel and whatnot." Sandman looked at Punk, "I'm going to take Glitter now, if that's fine with you, Punk."
"That would be up to her, not me," Punk laughed.
Sandman looked at Glitter, "Are you ok with hanging out me?"
Glitter smiled. "Of course."
"You guys are so adorable it makes me sick." Punk pretended to throw up and laughed at them.
Sandman leaned across Glitter, so he was close to Punk's face, "Oh, you love it." Sandman gave Punk a wink as he grabbed Glitter's hand.
Punk started laughing, "You still can't wink!"
Sandman shot Punk a mean look as he led Glitter to a door that she had never noticed before. 
"Where are we going?"
"Just wait," Sandman said while opening the door. Glitter noticed the door opened to a stairway leading up. As Glitter walked through the door, she gave Sandman a confused look.
"Keep going up the stairs," Sandman placed his hand on the small of her back and gently nudged her towards the stairs.
Glitter slowly walked up. As she made it to the top, she realized that the stairs were leading to the roof. When she emerged, she looked around and noticed that Sandman had set up a small area with a few blankets on the ground and a picnic basket.
"San… what is this?" Glitter turned and looked at him. Sandman was just staring at her with a small smile on his face.
"I wanted to do something special for you after our conversation a few days ago. I know it probably wasn't the most romantic place or time to tell you that I love you," Sandman was looking at the ground like he was nervous. 
"Oh, San, you didn't have to do this. It must have been a lot of work, and it must have been dangerous setting everything up." Glitter paused. "Wait, is it safe for us to be on the roof right now? What if BLI catches us?"
Sandman walked over to and hugged her. "GG, it will be ok. Please don't worry about that right now." He led her over to the blankets, and they sat down.  
As the night went on, Sandman and Glitter ate and talked for hours. As the stars started coming out, Sandman and Glitter laid on the blankets and looked up at them. 
"Hey, San, "Glitter whispered.
"Yea, Geeg?"
"I really do love you, and I'm glad you did this."
Sandman sat up and looked at Glitter, "I love you too. In fact, I told Punk a few days after you and Lux arrived that I thought you beautiful."
Glitter could feel her face turning red, and she sat up. "Really?" 
Sandman nodded, "But I was sure that you would be more into Ghoul since he makes bombs too, and you guys seemed to be having fun talking about them." Sandman looked away, "That's why I went with you to go look at your car and I why kept smiling at you… I wanted to see if I could get a read on how you felt, and to see your reaction."
They sat there in silence for a little bit while Glitter was processing everything that Sandman had just told her. She was in awe that Sandman had been into her since she walked into the diner, and even though she was clearly into him at that time, she thought that was just part of who Sandman was.
"Geeg, I know Lux is a sensitive topic, but I have a question about her."
Glitter gave Sandman a confused look about why he was asking about Lux. "Oh ok, what's your question?"
"How into Kobra was she?" Glitter let out a laugh and Sandman laughed with her. "I ask because I walked past them one day and Lux was mentioning something about llamas and looking flustered."
"Oh my gosh… She was into him the moment she saw him." Glitter laughed. Glitter looked at Sandman as he was still smiling about Lux telling Kobra llama facts, she was hoping that wherever Lux was, she was as happy, if not happier, than she was at this moment. She hadn't spoken Lux's name since they separated, and she couldn't help but wonder if Lux ever took Kobra by the face and kissed him. Inspired, Glitter grabbed Sandman's face and kissed him deeply and moved to straddle his lap, causing him to groan in pleasure.
"Do you remember the other thing we talked about in that closet?" Glitter asked when she pulled away from the kiss. She looked at Sandman's eyes and noticed that they were darker than normal.
"Oh, I've been thinking about it since the moment I saw you and even more since that day in the closet." Sandman said while running his hands up Glitter's back, "Why do you ask?" he gave her a cocky grin.
"Well, I'm here, you're here, and this isn't a supply closet..." Glitter giggled.
Sandman let out a growl. "I see where you are going with this," Sandman rolled Glitter over so she was laying on the blankets and started kissing her neck. She wrapped her legs around him to pull him closer. "I'm sure we could possibly figure out how to do it while not in a supply closet," he murmured.
Glitter couldn't help but giggle again as she closed her eyes.
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dracdad-a · 6 years
New Beginnings.
something cute i wrote at like 3 am because my mind was yelling at me to do it lmao
  The quiet atmosphere unnerves her -- she's gotten used to sleeping during the day like every other monster, of course -- carefully training herself for the time when all those disgusting and annoying creatures got on board the Legacy.
  But even then, she'd still had the company of the soothing sounds of velvety waves crashing against the side of the ship, and the occasional creaking noises all plastic, wood, and metal made whenever the large vessel gently rocked from one side to the other, and slowly back again.
  However, now, alone in an empty enough room in the famous Hotel Transylvania, a slight sense of panic and loneliness starts to wash over her as she lay awake. Though her mattress is comfortable, and the sheets wrapping her body are warm and very cosy, the stillness of the place make her inwardly feel rather twitchy as well. Ericka has never been on land for too long. This place is unfamiliar, and although it had been warm and welcoming, she is still surrounded by both humans and the very monsters she'd been taught all her life to hate and hunt.
  Dracula had been kind; he'd given her space, and her very own room to settle in for now, which she had been endlessly thankful for. They hadn't wanted to rush things, and inviting her to share a room with him just as they'd arrived would have been too much, too quickly. But now, she finds she can't sleep at all, in spite of all of this. The hotel is beautiful and huge -- providing her with a warmth she hadn't known she needed -- but now the emptiness of the room seems to be asphyxiating her.
  A heavy sigh escapes from between her lips and she sits up on her bed, glancing around to subconsciously ground herself to the here and now. Well. Perhaps... she should make herself some tea.
  Her fingers move one piece of clothing aside from inside her neatly organised suitcase, and then another, trying to find something comfortable and appropriate to wear around the building instead of just her white pyjamas. She is a stranger to most, and making bad first impressions is something she definitely wants to avoid. Finally, upon finding something to put on over her top, she stands up and slides the piece of clothing over her head, and her arms through the loose sleeves. This should be okay, for now.
  The old door loudly creaks open a minute later and she peeks into the empty hallway to make sure she hadn't bothered anyone with all the noise. "Can't sleep?" A voice startles her; she glances down to find the shrunken head hanging from her doorknob.
  "Oh, I -- not really. But it's fine! I was just... going to get some fresh air." She offers the other a smile, which is kind of pointless considering the monster had its eyes sewn shut a long time ago. She steps outside and closes the door behind her, informing the door-knocker that she'd probably be back soon. The human feels awkward and really out of place, in spite of everyone's kindness and reassurances, and she's not sure what to do or who to talk to about that.
  She could try talking to Drac but... she has a strong feeling she knows what he'd say anyway.
  Now, what had Mavis told her? Where is the kitchen, again? Thank God for her good sense of orientation, for she doesn't have to ponder too long on which way to go this time around. The hotel is gigantic, and she is pretty certain more than one guest has lost their way more than once before. Endless hallways and rooms make up the majority of the stone-walled building, and it is quite easy not to know where one is or where they are actually headed to, but she thankfully finds the elevators relatively quickly.
  Some humans were up and about -- creatures used to sleeping at night instead of during the day -- and she greets them with a smile, a little salute, and a polite, "good morning!" of hers. It feels somewhat comforting to be around some of her kind, though Ericka has never really had true friends to begin with.
  She'd grown up with her great-grandfather on board the ship and socialising with other humans isn't something she has too much experience with when her primary goal was an entirely different one. But then again, monsters and human beings aren't as unalike as she'd always thought they were, aren't they? People are people, she'd come to understand recently, no matter the species they belong to, and whatever differences she might find are mostly simply general cultural ones; ones anyone would even find between humans themselves.
  She slips into the kitchen with ease, finding that some of the staff members are already up and working this early -- or is it late for them? -- but soon finds herself being ushered out of the room by a short pointy-nosed gargoyle who gently insists on preparing the soothing beverage for her in her place. They all know perfectly well who she is -- news had spread rather quickly about all that had happened in the city of Atlantis, and yet no one here has so far brought it up or even looked at her badly for being a raised monster hunter.
  And... now she's back to square one, she notes, sitting down at one of the tables of the large dinning room. Feeling useless, alone and uncomfortable yet again, her long fingers impatiently drum against the flat surface of the wooden table.
  "... Miss Ericka?"
  Ah. She recognises that voice. Blue eyes find the boy's wide curious ones staring up at her. His red curly hair is as messy as it always is, but some warmth spreads through the Van Helsing's chest then, and the woman smiles. She's never seen herself much as a family person, but she can't help but care about the Dracula family very deeply already. "Dennis? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?" A quirked brow from her part makes the child fumble awkwardly with the rolled up piece of paper he's apparently holding in his little hands.
  "Uh... I was just getting a snack. I know I should be in bed, but I... got hungry and I didn't wanna' wake up mommy."
  "Well, shouldn't you go back to bed now? I'm sure she's going to worry if she happens to wake up, and finds out you're not in your room, honey."
"I guess." He seems to momentarily hesitate before speaking again, "and why are you up?"
  "I..." What should she say? She has so very little experience with children, it actually makes her frown to herself, albeit slightly. "... I couldn't sleep. So I decided to come down here and get something nice to drink."
  "But why not?"
  A pause. Oh, darn. She shrugs; briefly looks away. "I don't know. Maybe it's the whole time-zones change." The kid nods, but she isn't sure if he understands what it means. Perhaps he does, but she doesn't truly know how clever children are these days anymore. "What's that?" she asks in spite of herself, trying to change the subject and get the boy to go sleep after this little chat.
  "Nothing!" He quickly hides the paper behind his back.
  "Uhm..." he shrinks a little, slowly pulling the rolled up paper from behind his back. "... It's a surprise."
  "A surprise? For whom?"
  "My dad."
  "Can I see it?" she inquires.
  "You won't tell him, will you?"
  "Of course not. I promise."
  "Stake your heart?"
  "Stake my -- ? Sure." She closes her hand into a fist and places it over her chest in what she hopes is the correct gesture. Dennis' smile is a big one as he cheerfully hands her the paper.
  "He said something really cool before, and I wanted to make him a drawing."
  Her eyes carefully scan the colourful drawing, and her lips curve upwards before she can help it. Ericka glances down at him. "This looks really good. When were you planning on giving it to him?"
  "Jus' tomorrow. I finished it before you walked in here."
  Her smile turns into a little knowing smirk. "So you weren't here just to get a snack, then?"   "I uhm..."   The doors behind her opens, and the gargoyle steps into the room with a tray resting on his dark grey hooves.   "Oh, ah -- thank you." She gives the piece of paper back to the boy and gently takes the offered tray with the tea and sugar.   "No need to thank me, Miss." A brief but toothy smile shows the monster's pointy set of teeth before he leaves, and her stomach immediately drops. Does she really deserve all the good treatment she'd been getting?   "Are you okay?" Hearing such a sweet voice is apparently a good way to snap her from her troubling thoughts.   "Oh. Yes, I'm fine. I'm just tired, I think."   "Why don't you go sleep?"   "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?"   She receives a sheepish look from him. "Yeah, I know. I think I'll go back to bed then."   "Okay. And be careful."   "Sure!"   It's after Dennis is gone that she's free to swim in the depths of her own mind again. The warm liquid she drinks soothes her nerves right away, but she notices she's not as gloomy as she was before. Ericka is part of a warm, open and beautiful family now, and she notes she can't stop smiling upon coming to that nice realisation on her own. Her great grand-father, though he'd taken care of her and raised her had never really done anything for her out of the kindness of his heart like this new family of hers has.   Sure, she might still feel lonely at times, for the adaptation process will not be brief, but she does have a lot of people around her who truly care about her. And more importantly, Ericka finally knows she's not alone anymore, and she can't wait to start making new amazing memories with all of them.   She might just be able to properly get some shut-eye tonight after all.
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officialswagdracula · 7 years
Swagelizer by JessiKat17
AN: I started writing this at like 1 am and didn’t reread it that much so there could be a lot of errors. The reason Drac is acting all drunk is because I took the notion that vampires can get blood drunk if they have too much at one time. I like the idea. Also I might start writing more of these. It feels like there is a nice thing blossoming between Sattelizer and Dracula, don’t you think? ;)
CH1 - The Eyebrow Fancy
It’s late. Dracula has just finished a Q&A with his fans and is about to call it a night when his phone rings.
“Hello,” Drac yawns.
“Hey buddy! You’re still up,” a familiar voice chimes from the other end.
“Satt? What the-” Drac grabs his phone. “It’s like two in the fucking morning. What do you want?”
“I’m gonna pick you up, I’m hungry.”
“Great, I’ll see you in like 15 minutes?”
“What? No! I need to sleep god danmet! And how do you know where I live?”
“First off you are a creature of the night, you sleep during the day and secondly it’s not important.”
“But-” before Dracula can finish his thought the line clicks. “What the fuck?” Drac sighs to himself. He shakes his head. “Whatever, I guess I’ll go put pants on.
After dressing Drac sits on his sofa and waits for Sattalizer. Ten minutes pass by and Drac begins to nod off to sleep. The sound of banging startles him awake.
“I swear I didn’t drink her blood,” Drac shouts in a slight panic.
The banging gets louder. “Drac it’s me! Open up!”
Drac groans and goes to swing open the door.
“Hey dude!” Satt smiles wide and pulls Dracula in for a hug. Drac hesitantly hugs back. “So,” Satt begins breaking the hug. “I found this really cool place I have been meaning to check out. It’s called Night Owl, but it’s only open late at night – obviously – and I wanted to take someone with me. I feel weird going out to eat alone. Seeing as you are a creature of the night – bleh bleh bleh bleh – I thought you would be perfect to take.”
“That’s great buddy, but, uh, I’m a vampire,” Drac states a little confused.
“Yeah,” Satt exclaims. “Creature of the night. Perfect.”
“Well yeah but-” Drac pauses hoping Satt catches on. Satt just stares at Drac happily. “I don’t eat your food…” Again Drac hopes Satt understands and again Satt just stares back. “I only drink blood you fool!” Drac snaps at Satt.
“Drac I got you covered! Come on.” Satt heads towards his car. Opening the door, he pauses and looks back at Drac who is still standing in his doorway. “You coming?”
Drac stares at Satt confused. “Uh, yeah sure. Just let me lock up.” Drac closes and locks his door before making his way to Satts car. “So when you say you have me covered…. What do you mean?”
“Cooler in the backseat” Satt says as he turns over the engine.
Drac opens the backseat door and takes a peek inside the cooler. “What the fuck?!” Inside the cooler lays bags of various blood types sitting on top of ice. Drac picks one up. “Where did you get these?”
Satt turns around to look at Drac. “That doesn’t matter. So I wasn’t sure what blood type you liked so I got them all. Oh! I also got you this…” Satt feels around the backseat floor and pulls up a thermal. “Here. You can put it in this while we’re out.”
Drac grabs the thermal. “Uh, thanks…” He just stares at it for a moment. “Won’t it be weird if I go with you and don’t eat anything?”
“We’ll just say you’re on one of those juice cleanses or something.” Satt sounds so sure of himself. “Now come on,” Satt turns to face the front again. “Let’s get going.”
Drac grabs a blood bag and hops into the front seat.
“So where is this place,” Drac asks draining his second bag of blood. “We’ve been driving for like twenty minutes.”
“It should be right… here.” Satt pulls up to a small establishment, a hole in the wall type place. It is tucked in the back of several big stores. Several people seem to be jammed into the small place.
“Are you sure this is the right place?”
Satt pulls out a crumpled flyer. “Uh, yeah. It said it was small. But I didn’t think that many people would be here.” He throws the flyer into the back of the car and starts getting out.
Drac just sits there a little awkwardly.
“Are you coming or not buddy?” Satt drums the hood of the car. He seems really excited to try out this new place.
“Uh, yeah,” Drac stammers. “Lemme just fill up this thermal really quick okay?” He holds up the thermal and shakes it.
“Oh yeah, totally. I’ll see you inside.” Satt shuts his door and practically skips into the establishment.
Drac, feeling a little buzzed from the two bags of blood he just drank, fills up his thermal. He tightens the lid and just stares at the blood bags. “Fuck it, it’s going to be a long night.” Drac rips open another bag and chugs it down. He tosses the empty bag into the cooler and slams it shut. He takes a deep breath, wipes his mouth to get rid of any possible blood dripping, shuts the car door and walks into the small food place.
The place smells of a glorious mix of foods and spices. It’s jam packed, ever table filled. A small Asian woman approaches Dracula. She is wearing black pants, a black shirt with a small owl emblem sewn onto the right shoulder, hair in a neat ponytail, and a warm smile on her face.
“Hi,” She greats happily. “Welcome to The Night Owl, can I help you?”
Drac looks at her up and down. He can smell the small hint of floral perfume she is wearing. The sound of her pulse begins to thump loudly in Drac’s ears. Dracula’s mouth begins to salivate.
“Dracula!” Satt shouts from the back of The Night Owl standing up to make sure his friend see’s him.
“Yeah,” Drac says snapping out of his trance. “I’m here with him, so I’ll just-” He scoots past her and makes his way over to Satt.
An hour passes as Satt and Dracula laugh and joke, Sattelizer enjoying his meal and Drac getting seeming more and more drunk.
“Isn’t this place great?” Satt says laughing slightly.
“I have to admit,” Drac starts, sounding a little slushed. “I was bit irritated when you called. But this is fun.” He takes another swig from his thermal.
“You okay Drac,” Satt asks a little concerned. “You sounds a little, drunk.”
“Yeah, I have like four bags of blood?”
“Four bags of- But how does that make you drunk?”  Satt shoved the final spoon full of his cookie ice cream dessert into his mouth.
“So,” Drac starts. “For vampires drinking a large amount of blood at one time can sometimes make us a little drunk.” He pauses and looks at the hostess making her rounds. Satt starts talking but it begins to drown into the background. All Dracula could hear was the sound of her pulse beating in his ears. The smell of her blood began to fill his senses, a smell that wasn’t there earlier. He looked down at her hand that had a cloth wrapped around it. She must have cut herself recently.
“DRACULA” Sattelizer snapped. Drac looked back at him.
“Man are you okay? You were just starting at that pretty little Asian lady like she was your next meal.”
“What,” Drac chokes embarrassed. “No I wasn’t.” He takes a sip from his thermal and slouches down in his chair.
Satt looks over at her and notices the rag over her hand as well. “She’s bleeding, isn’t she?”
“Pft, no.” Drac tries hard to shrug it off.
“You know what, I’ll pay and we can get out of here.” Satt pulls out two twenties and places them on the table. “Come on Drac, we don’t need you accidentally killing you someone.”
“I would never,” Dracula says getting up from his seat. “I’m going to go talk to her really quick though.” “Wait Drac- and there he goes.” Sattelizer face palms and walks towards what he is imagining is going to be a strike out.
“I hope you enjoyed your meal,” The hostess says to Dracula as he passes her.
Dracula turns around and looks at her. “I did very much,” he looks at her nametag. “Jenna.” His black eyes meet her big brown eyes. “Would you like to go and get a bite sometime?”
She smiles and blushes. “Well aren’t you the forward type.” She flips her ponytail behind her shoulder. “Maybe next week?”
“Actually,” Drac placed his hand on her shoulder. “I was thinking we could go out now.”
The smile Jenna was holding faded slightly. “But I’m working.”
Dracula maintains eye contact. “Not right now.”
“Not right now,” she repeates.
“Shit,” Satt says to himself. He quickly makes it over to Drac and Jenna before Drac is about to lead her out the door. “Hey,” he says a little out of breath. “Where do you think you two are going.” Sattelizer looks at Dracula as he speaks.
“We’re going to go out” Jenna says flatly.
“What the beautiful lady said.” Drac smiles down at Jenna, focusing on her neck.
“Actually I think you are going to stay here,” Satt grabs Jenna’s hand and pulls her towards staying in The Night Owl, “and you,” Satt glares at Drac, “Are coming with me.”
“Okay, okay” Dracula says a little annoyed. “I need to do something first.” He grabs Jenna’s hand and looks at her. “You are going to work hard at your job and forget this interaction ever happened. Now get back to work.”
Jenna looked around a little confused at the two of them and then walked back to the hostess stand.
“What were you doing?” Satt beings to scold as they get into the car.
“What?” Drac groaned as he got into the passenger’s seat. “She smelled really good. I mean she was bleeding for crying out loud. How was I supposed to resist that?” He slams his door and turns around to get another back out of the cooler.
“No!” Sattalizer smacks Dracula’s hand away from the cooler. “You are cut off buddy. Don’t even think about it.” He glares at Drac in a serious tone.
“I’m so scared,” Drac mocks.
The car ride back was twenty minutes of silence. The streets were practically barren except for the few homeless and tweekers that roamed around.
Sattelizer finally drives up to Dracula’s home and they both just sit there for a bit.
“Do I need to help you inside?” Satt sounds very annoyed with Drac.
Drac looks down at his hands. “No. And I’m sorry.” He looks over at Satt who is looking back at him with surprise.
“What do you mean?”
Drac scoots a little closer holds his gaze with Sattelizer. “I need to tell you something. But you can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” Satt repeats a little flatly.
Drac reaches a hand to Sattelizers face. “I really do love your eyebrows, even if I give you shit about them.” Drac traces a finger across Satts eyebrow and then down to his bearded face. “And the facial hair makes you look good.”
“Drac I don’t under-” And just the Drac lunges forward and kissed Sattelizer passionately. At first Satt is startled but then lets himself enjoy it. Drac begins to pull away and Sattelizer tries to pull him back.
“No, no” Drac says, sounding stressed. “Look at me,” He holds Satts face so it faces him. “You cannot tell anyone this happened.”
“I cannot tell anyone,” Satt repeats.
“Epecially not Bryce.” Drac pause. “Fuck! Bryce! He can NEVER find out, do you understand.”
“Bryce can never find out.”
“Good.” Drac lets out a sigh of relief. “Now I have to go,” he kisses Satt one more time. “Remember not to tell anyone.
“I won’t tell anyone.” Satt smiles as Drac gets out the car and walked up to his door. “Goodnight!” He shouts out of his window.
“Goodnight my love” Drac shouts back. With that he is inside.
Sattelizer just sits there for a moment, trying to go over what just happened. “He likes my eyebrows,” he says happily to himself. “He really likes my eyebrows.” And with that Satt starts his car and drives home.
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
How You Fell In Love With Me - Chapter 2
A/N: Anyways, thank you guys for the support on the last chapter. It means a lot and I can’t wait for you guys to see what I have in store for this. And don’t forget to leave comments. I love reading all of them and they just make my day. I also like to know how people think of the format, because I feel it will get boring if I keep the same style for each chapter. ~•~
Chapter 2: Thank You?
“Mike, you are working yourself up.” Dracula warned as the two of them lay on Drac’s bed. Mike’s head was on the pillows and Swag’s lay on the other end so that they were by each other’s feet. Their hands just barely able to interlace each other, for which Mike was grateful for. He needed the interaction. “It’s not nothing.” He argued. “It’s a big deal to Bryce and I don’t know where to go from here.” “I didn’t say it was nothing. I understand it’s a big deal. Can’t you just … tell Bryce? He understand it was a mistake.” “Yeah, but you didn’t see their reactions, Swag. They enjoyed Bryce’s writing. They wanted more. And I want to give them more. The second chapter is ready to go, but I also need to tell Bryce about it but he’s just so insecure about his writing that if I tell him then he’s not going to give me access to the chapters and let everyone else see how good of a writer he is and … and …”
“Mike, baby. Breathe.” Dracula stressed, squeezing Mike’s hand tighter. “Listen to me. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breathe for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds.” Mike listened, and followed what Swag suggested. Breathe in for 4, hold for 7, breathe out for 8. “That’s not going to help.”  One of them said, as my breathing became shallower. “You never tell someone having a panic attack to calm down!” “Well I don’t know these things, Del!” One of the others screamed back, and I let go of the wall to cover both of my ears. Tears were streaming down my face and I could barely identify the speakers as the colors had fully taken over my vision. I collapsed onto the concrete, as my legs felt too weak to support me at this stage. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the pain might dissipate. “Hey.” I heard the third guy speak. His voice was softer than the other two arguing, but it was much closer. “My name is Ohm. It’s not my real name, but everyone calls me that.” He stopped, but I couldn’t see what he did as I refused to open my eyes. “Can you tell me your name at least?” “Bryce.” I squeaked out, sounding more like a pubescent teen than a 24 year old. “Can I help you, Bryce?” He asked as I moved my hands away from my ears and gripped my chest. I always hated the heart palpitations of it. Regardless, I managed to shake my head. “Are you sure?” He sounded really concerned for some reason, despite pointing a gun at me seconds earlier. Well, one of them anyways. “I said I’m fine.” Mike insisted as continued to punch the bag in front of him. Ryan glanced at Luke, who was looking at Mike’s bloodied hands with concern. Despite the blood, Mike continued to pound at the leather bag with an anger he very rarely showcased. “Mike.” Ryan spoke carefully. “What’s wrong? You’re not okay.” “You can talk to us.” Luke added. “We’re here.” “I fucked up, that’s all.” Mike stated, finally walking away from the bag to face the two. “My problems are none of your concern.” “They are if you are going to fucking hurt yourself over them.” Luke argued, leading Mike by the shoulders toward the med kit. The three of the were silent as Luke patched up Mike, while Ryan simply watched from the sidelines. “Promise me you won’t tell Bryce if I do?” Mike broke the silence as Luke finished up. The statement was odd, and it took a Ryan back. Luke didn’t respond and Ryan didn’t expect him to. He was probably already cursing the person who caused Mike to hurt himself in this was. “Promise.” Ryan answered for the both of them. “I …” Mike felt himself choke on his own words. “That piece you were reading in the library the other day was Bryce’s. But he’s really insecure about his writing …” “And you weren’t able to get the first chapter back after you left it in the library.” Ryan finished. Mike nodded, and Ryan mentally cursed himself for not realizing it sooner. Bryce had mentioned sometimes that he wrote in his free time, but almost always got the subject dropped soon after. Ryan took another look at Luke, who looked like he needed a round on the punching bag. Mike was practically in full blown hysterics. “I want to tell Bryce about it, but he probably doesn’t want you to read it anymore and you guys reacted to it so positively before and what now?” Mike repeated, using almost the same words he used when he told Swag. He looked defeated to Ryan. “Mike.” Ryan said, making sure he and Mike had eye contact. “I promise I won’t tell Bryce.” Mike’s eyes lit up and smiled. “Thanks Ryan. You too Luke.” Mike added, and Luke stopped zoning out at the mention of his name. “The next chapter is in my bag if you want to read it.” Mike stood up, and began to head out of the gym. “Wait, Mike!” Luke called out after him. Mike turned, his hand on the door ready to leave. “Do you … I don’t know, need your bag?” “All my classes are done for the day. I’ll just ask Gorilla or Swag to pick it up when they come back later.” And with that, Mike left. “You okay?” Ryan asked, seeing the pained look on Luke’s face and felt sorry for him. He’d fallen in love with a man who was ‘taken’. He used the term lightly. Nobody but Mike, Mark, and Bryce have ever met this Swag Dracula and almost everyone thought it was a fraud that only the three of them were in on. Either way, Luke was head over heels for someone who would never love him back. “I’m good.” Mini replied, turning his chair around to face me. The hairstyle was different from the last time I saw, exposing more of his forehead. The glasses and nerdy personality were still there though. “So this is where you ended up after you were back on your feet?” I asked, taking in all the monitors and high tech equipment. He laughed as I took it all in. It was nice to hear Mini’s voice again after all those years. “Not at first. You know how I left you guys after getting that job to finally buy an apartment?” I nodded. “Most of that money came from hacking that I picked up during the repetitive hours on the job. Started leaking money out of bigger accounts that would miss them. Just enough to get by day to day. One of the guys, Basically, you’ll meet him later, who I was working with recognized my name and offered me to join this family of his. And well, the rest is history I guess.” “You really seem to enjoy it here, don’t you?” “Yeah. These guys are practically a family to me. How are the other guys doing?” I knew he was referring to Panda, Smitty, and Kryoz. The four of them were very close before he left and I think it was even Mini who found the CAH deck. “Kryoz was … um … I don’t know how to say this …” I stammered, but Mini nodded solemnly. Me and him were one of the firsts when the raids started, and we excepted the truth very on that we couldn’t save everyone. I have practically become desensitized to losing people at this point. “But before?” Mini asked hesitantly, and just thinking about it made me perk up a little. “Still playing with the CAH deck you found.” I replied and a smile made its way onto Mini’s face. I smiled too, as it was practically habit at this point. “Smitty also complains a lot that without your loud laugh there is nothing to counteract Anthony’s fake one.” He laughed. I didn’t realize I missed it until I heard the wheezing of it myself. “Seems you and Mini really hit it off.” I turned to see Delirious standing in the door, still wearing the Jason Voorhees mask. He still wore the same clothes from the deal, which contrasted from the business suit and yellow flip flops of Mini. “We have a history, Del.” Mini answered for me. “Of course we’d get along.” “That’s good. C'mon Bryce.” He ushered me his wave. I threw Mini one last wave before starting to follow Delirious. As soon I got to him he threw his arm around me and ushered me one way. “The others guys should be home soon, but until then let’s show you where your room is going to be?” “I have my own room?” I exclaimed. “Isn’t this a little sudden for someone you just picked up off the street?” “Relax.” Delirious said, trying to push down shoulders that I didn’t realize had begun to tense. “Vanoss has a reason you’re here. It’s not like we didn’t at least have some objective when taking you.” Delirious open a door on my right to a room with amenities I never thought I’d see again. There was a queen bed next to the door, and a side door on the far wall that was either a closet or bathroom, I couldn’t tell. A desk sat opposite the bed, with a brand new laptop and cellphone on top of it. Not the cheap flip phones either, a good smartphone. “This is … amazing.” I gawked at a room that really wasn’t anything more than basic. Delirious chuckled a little, before putting his hand on my shoulder again. “Welcome to the family, Bryce.”
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my-fanfic-library · 4 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [5]
For the umpeenth time, you blew out your teeth. You were beyond frustrated. The vampire still sat comfortably in your armchair sent you a quizzical look but went back to the book in hand. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, cursing Joanne K Rowling for publishing such captivating books.
Losing patience with the way you were lying, you rolled over to lie on your stomach, stretching your body out like some sort of feline. You groaned in annoyance. Your clock signalled that it was 2am. Your body was exhausted but your mind was racing. There was no way that you could sleep with Dracula present and now that you had invited him, you suspected he would come and go as he pleased. You twisted your head to look backwards and eyed him. His eyes scanned every page, his fingers flicking over to continue to journey of the boy who lived. He seemed engrossed in the words and you knew he had hours to kill.
Once more, you made a noise of discomfort and rolled back on to your back.
“Stop that.” His smooth voice suddenly broke the silence.
“Stop what?” You challenged, your main goal being to drive him away so you could rest.
“Stop making noises. It’s awfully distracting and as you can see, I’m trying to read.”
“Calm down, Hermione.”
“Only if you shut up, Ronald.”
That landed the vampire a pillow straight in the face which made the book topple out of his hands and clatter to the ground. As the pillow fell into his lap, Dracula was glaring at you. If looks could kill...
“What on earth is wrong with you?” He inquired softly. He was angry, yet he remained calm.
“I want to sleep.”
“I told you - I’m not stopping you.” He arched over to retrieve the book.
“I’m not sleeping with you over there.” You narrowed your eyes at him and he sighed gently.
“Alright, alright,” he cooed, “I understand.”
For a moment, your heart leapt with naive joy. He was finally going to leave! You watched, heart thumping with happiness as he rose from the chair. His arm extended out a little, placing the book down on the top of the chest of draws beside him before he stretched. His wingspan was huge and further emphasised his size. You felt so greedy for sleep and with Dracula appearing to finally leave, you would be able to indulge in a few hours of rest. He relaxed his body before pacing over to your window, which was on the opposite side of the room to the door. Did he plan on jumping out? Was he going to make a grand exit?
As luck would have it, he did not make it to the window, instead, he arched around the room to come to the other side of your double bed and you held your breath in both anxiety and anger as the bed shifted and he was lying beside you. When you eyed him, he was on his side, looking down at you. He had a smile on his face, the same smile you had gotten used to where it tugged at the corners of his lips. It gave him a boyish charm and you couldn’t help but feel frustrated with him.
The bastard.
“Better?” He inquired, clearly trying to hold back a bigger smile.
“I think I may have to kill you, Drac.” You grumbled, “I definitely can’t sleep now.”
“[First], what do I need to do to gain your trust?” He asked lowly.
His hand came out and his cold fingers brushed against the plump flesh of your cheek. A strand of hair that had caught on your lips. He tugged it away, secretly revelling in the warmth of your skin. You exhaled slowly once his fingers left your cheek. He looked at the way the low light in the room cast a hue over your face. You glowed with life and succulence. How he managed to control himself when it came to you was a mystery. He had somehow done the same with Sister Agatha, but with you, there was something different.
He was curious at how you chose to be around him despite how scared you were of him. He was curious as to how you held your composure so well. His mind slipped back to the night on the pier. Seconds after he had clutched onto you and sent you both hurtling down towards the sea. You had locked your arms around him in sheer terror and you had forced your head up into his chest. He didn’t know if you remembered your panic-induced reaction, but the way your warmth surrounded him in that moment had not quite left him yet.
The sound of your voice drew him out of his thoughts and when he focused on you, you had turned to lie in the same position as him, facing him.
“Did you hear me?” You inquired softly.
“I must confess that I did not. My mind wandered there for a second. Would you mind repeating what you said?” A sheepish grin took place on his lips.
“I said that you needed to stop bruising me, for starters.” You grinned.
“Now why would I do that?” He playfully asked, “you look absolutely ravishing with my mark on you.” You couldn’t tell if it was a compliment or a threat for more, but either way, it sent a small spark through you.
“Perhaps to you, to everyone else...”
“Pay no mind to their stares, darling.”
“It’s hard when you know everyone is judging you and thinking that you’re into some awful BDSM or something.”
“Sorry?” He cocked his head, “whats that?”
You couldn’t help but scoff. It had slipped your mind that the man you were talking to was over five centuries old. He looked down at you, eyes filling with curiosity. You then couldn’t help the laugh that slipped past your lips.
“I’m being serious, [First].” He stated, “you must indulge me by explaining it to me.”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” You chuckled.
“I’m already over five hundred years old.” He smirked, “now, come, tell me.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
As your laughter wore off, the wave of exhaustion that overcame you rendered you paralysed for a moment. Your eyes grew heavy and burnt with the realisation that they were still open and still being used.
Dracula noticed the sudden shift in your aura and shuffled just a little closer. He watched as you slowly sank down until your head hit the pillow. You sighed. Your eyes were fighting hard to close but you couldn’t give in.
You could not allow yourself to fall asleep with a vampire beside you. Although he had spoken true words about had he wanted to devour you, he would have done it already, you couldn’t help but feel like he was playing a sick game with you.
“Please go to sleep, [First]. I swear I shall keep my promise.” His voice was no higher than a whisper and due to this, it deepened by an octave. It washed over you and lulled you ever closer to sleep. You yawned.
“I’ll do you a deal...” you slurred with the exhaustion that had seemingly hit you out of nowhere.
“Go on, I’m never one to shy away from a good bargain.” He encouraged.
“If you let me live,” a yawn, “I’ll send you to the most,” a second yawn, “promising meal...”
What kind of thought you were having when promising him this was both dangerous and stupid. In exchange for your own life, you were willing to send a vampire to end another’s? You truly were something else. Dracula’s brow arched and just as your eyes began to flutter, your phone began to vibrate violently.
You jolted up. Your fingers grasped at the bedside table for the device and when you did, you noticed a text message. Dracula tried to get a snoop at the screen but you twisted away from him so that he couldn’t look.
[Zoe: are you okay?]
[You: yes.]
[Zoe: he’s there isn’t he? why did you invite him in?]
[You: it’s my job.]
[Zoe: you are so reckless. I’ve doubled security. If anything happens, scream.]
[You: don’t worry. I will be ok.]
Your phone vibrated once more, however you ignored it and opted to throw it somewhere on the floor. You didn’t care for looking after it at the moment. You only wished to sleep.
Dracula neared you once more and used his hand to guide you back to a lying position. Your eyes began to water with the tension of being open whilst you were so exhausted. His fingers worked at the skin of your jawline, the coolness a nice contrast to the burning air. It lulled you enough to shut your eyes.
You prayed that your offer was enough to keep him from sinking his teeth into you whilst you were asleep.
And you slipped into slumber.
When you awoke the following day, your hands flew to your neck once you gained consciousness. Although you could feel nothing, it didn’t stop you from rushing to the bathroom and double checking that no mark except for the bruise was suddenly on your skin. You sighed in relief. How stupid had you been to fall asleep with Dracula lying right beside you?
As you thought of him, you wondered when he had left. Was it right after you fell asleep? Or did he wait a while? Did he finish the book? You continued the questions in your mind as you moved around your home, picking up stray items that needed replacing. Clearly he’d been snooping during your slumber.
When you arrived in your kitchen, your eyes locked with the hands of the clock. 12:43am. You panicked then, realising that you were meant to be seeing a client in just 17 minutes. You immediately rushed upstairs, finding your phone placed neatly on your bedside table. You couldn’t remember if you had placed it there. It didn’t matter. You quickly dialled Zoe’s number and explained to her that you had overslept and would be calling in sick. After assuring her no less than seven times that you hadn’t been bitten, she let you go. Just as you hung up, a text came through.
[unknown: I’ll be back tonight. Keep the door unlocked. I hope you slept well - D]
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288
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