#Draggos thoughts
lex-crow · 7 months
Hmm ok so fun little thought that popped into my head
People of viggo’s home island noticed no clue why. I’ve read a few stories where he tries to distract himself from hiccup with people who look like him so. The people who he’s had (flings? )Bad one night stands that end with viggo even more frustrated, proposing maybe he’s in love?
Everyone thinks this is bullshit. But now it’s in there heads and are thinking maybe he is so they ask the returning hunters who are just getting back and they are like.
Oh yeah, completely head over heels
with who?
I do not want to face viggo anger if I tell you.
So now people are just speculating until. they form a temporary Alliance with berk to kill draggo or something. So then hiccup comes with his dad and a few delegates . Everyone in town immediately makes the connection between hiccup and Viggo because when he can get away with it he just fallows hiccup around almost?? It seems like he’s fallowing stoic but he mostly just talks to hiccup. Stoic and hiccup just think viggo is making sure that they aren’t trying to sabotage them or something.
Well we have to see what this guy is like. so people start talking to hiccup trying to figure him out and there’s the stuff they figure he would be like. Smart, a bit snarky, and a pretty good fighter but something they don’t expect is he’s so fucking nice?? Like one of the kindest people they have ever met??
Viggo is there chief ;he’s kind of an asshole. And he apparently, likes probably the nicest person ever. Even dragons seem to think so. And wasn’t that a trip the reason Viggo hasn’t made a move or something is that the guy fucking hates him. Yeah this guy has a dragon, a nighfury, as basically his brother. Killing someone’s brother is not going to get them to like you.
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arcticsilver · 6 months
How many I'll do? That's for time to decide
Hello, Hi, I'm Silver! Silly little artist guy that is constantly creating! I cosplay, draw, write, game, and more! I'm 19 and taken by my wonderful honey biscuit @its-fucking-draggo
Interact in any way you feel comfortable! I'm not much for learning algorithms so if it gets out to you and you enjoy, that's all I hope for.
Feel free to redraw my designs! I love seeing interpretations however I do ask you credit me ^^;
Be kind, I'm fairly sensitive to negative comments however I don't mind criticism as long as you state that beforehand!
Use tone tags! If the tone is questionable, use tone tags
/lh(light hearted)
Credit me when showing my work! This also means don't use it for AI or you may have an unpleasant surprise...
Steal my work! Obviously dont edit out my signature(i sometimes forget so if you notice theres no "JJ Art" signature let me know please) and if I was an inspiration in writing or cosplay please credit me!
Don't bring up shit about CC!Wilbur/William, I'm fairly triggered by it because I'm a S/A Survivor to someone who used manipulation to keep me quiet
If you know where I live due to being a fellow cosplayer, please for the love of fuck don't dox my exact location(I do constantly state I'm a Texan critter so that's fine)
Do not color over my work to make it some other character or make fun of the character used in a /gen/neg way... I know this sounds silly but I've seen this happen to other artists and it's very disrespectful to the work they've put into it
Don't compare my work to yours(if you're an artist, cosplayer, or writer) whether your more or less experienced, I do not want to hear anything negative about your work or mine in that sense, as said before, critiques are fine but do not give criticism that cannot be fixed.
Taglist cus I also need a reminder to use them and what I had set for them
#my love <3 is @its-fucking-draggo
#CatGoBrr is @cats-thoughts
#ryemacncheeze is @ryemackerel
#ChocoStarMilk is @starrixle
#septiccesarsalad is @septic-salad
#vinegarjesus is @someone-named-rod
#pastelcucurucho is @pastelpurpled
#emilibrarian is @emi-writings
#jaybringsjoy is @jayysnotjoyful
#lilwarvet is my cat Mei Mei
#lilshitpooper is my cat Pearl
#weirdlookinsquirrel is my cat Susu
#hotdogdoggo is my dog Piper
#jaysmp - a silly little smp I'm on :3
#anon - will be used for anonymous asks or requests
#reply! - is for user asks or requests
#ArcticSilver / #art / #animation / #writing - Past works may or may not be actually what they are because but should be finished works in the future
#art help / #animation help / #writing help - I use it for helping me decide how I'm gonna get there but in the past I've used the ones above ^^;
#personal reblog - something i want y'all to look at again that's already on this blog or look at that was posted on my reblog account
Main Carrd
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valdederon · 8 months
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raykore and novas heart to heart talk about valdederon , a new hidden threat and valdederons rage.
soon after valdederon enters his trance nova sighs un able to properly meditate as her mind is in chaos when she looks up at raykore who is takinga puff from her smoking pipe.
nova-- ray..raykore.
raykore chuckles softly
raykore--- you can call me ray if you want hun
nova-- ray is… val.. is he realy ok to be taking me in ..to be adventuring and ervything.
raykore stops mid puff and lets out a chuckle.
raykore--- as wise as i am even i dont know the answer to that one pup. id say yes personaly as having seen him grow over the years in this world.. the kids changed physicaly emotionaly and mentaly . and since he took you in as part of his family his drive to improve him self has grown significantly personaly i dont know if hes fully recovered from his traumatic past hell i garuntee he hasnt. but i can say it now longer drives his evry thought hes learned to ignore those impulses and think …. some what lodgicly ha ha ha… some what . he is still verry much a walking army.. but a more foucsed and determined army. though i do expect any demon he encounters may end up causing a flare up in him.
draggo----- uh yea ive seen it first hand.. he has no mercy or remorse when dispatching demons. its like watching him go from happy toddler playful and curious to a battle hardened adventurer.. eyes as cold as the arctic mountain air and a stare that can cause a volcanoe to explode.
raykore--- thats not surprising to me honestly .. nova you dont have to worry about your brother you can trust that he will protect you and should any one do anything to harm you. well god rest thier soul ha ha ha.go ahead ank keep trying to meditate hun try to block out the noise in your mind .
for the next few hours raykore tries to help nova meditate mean while 5 days walk to the south east in a small town with a hidden away bar the magmar who attacked novas tribe comes in and sits down ordering a volcanic eruption == ( imagine vodka if made with carolina reapers mixed with pure capsasin oil with 3 fresh chillie pepers ground into paste and all of that mixed into a 40 ounce glass cup ) == and begins downing it in second slaming his fist down on the table.
the barkeep a scared up machoke named dead eye leans forward.
dead eye-- the job aint finished yet you killed the old man but that little spit fire of his is still loose and from what i hear has joined a guild with a .not so delicate delphox rumor hase it this ones special.. and tougher then an onyxe on black obsdian powder. you get paied when its complete the boss aint happy bout it either.
the magmar looks up at dead eye as he slides a picture recently taken via psychic pokemon power
zorgon the magmar---- so all i have to do is flatten a stuppid little riolu girl tschh barely even a challange.
dead eye--- the way i hear it its not her you need to be worried about its that guild some what shes in but mainly that delphox. he is an unknown. reports are all over.. uses ligning fire.. even got a report of him using water moves. tread lightly you heavy foooted dolt.
the magmar grunts and pockets the picture and begins gathering information about the guild.eventualy coming up with a plan he thinks will work with out a hitch. heading to a den of goblins known for thier greed of ancient gold coins throwing them 7 bag fulls and a map of an ancient long deead kingdom castle fortress complex. in another continent. after a month valdederon wakes up and notices nova is gone from his room and that his head feels off as the effects of a heavy sleeping agent have just warn off his blury vision clearing to show the room a mess after a few minutes clearing his head he uses a spell that uses residual life essnce to reconstruct events into a magical holigram.
40 minutes later the air through out the entire guild grows ice cold and silent the silence broken by a loud explosion guild staff russing to valdederons room to be met face to face with araging blood red flaming inferno beams of wood falling into the flame and 2 piercing green eyes with in the flame taiga the serperior guild master using his vines to hold evryone back as the green eyes vanish into the flames .
kleo--- ok water types put out the fire.. psychics figure out what the fuk just happened.. AND NO ONE .AND I MEAN NO ONE IS TO CHASE VALDEDERON.. unless you want to get hurt. somthing has set him off.
raykore--- gods help his enemies..
kleo-- what does that mean.. i can sense the magic he used he reconstructed the events that happened before he woke that fire.. was fueled by pure rage anger and hatred.. gods worse then when i first met him. who ever angered him. may the gods help thier souls because hes going to kill them.
kleo--- why.. i think nova may also be involved i dont sense here near bye.
kleo-- mother mew.. i hope she is ok.
--------------------mean while near bye--------
valdederon finds a tavern and rips the door open and slams his staff to the floor causing an ice nova to freeze evryone in place.
valdederon--- im looking for a magmar.. scar across his eye probably in posession of a young riolu with minor burn scars. ill know if any one is lying and that wont end well.
the room falls dead slent as the tavern owner comes down from the top floor offic having heard the yelling.
myran a levanae --- your powerful..im not sure what info i may have for you but if youd kindly please release my customers then we can speak.
valdederon--- my little sisters life is on the line ill release them when i have answers.. even if thier vague guesses of were my target is.
she sighs and bangs her heard into the side railing then comes down .
the next few hours are tense untill some one finaly mentions that a near bye town would have such filth and scum and valdederon releases evryone heading out to that town. eventualy ariving after 5 days and breaks the door down and looks around the room growing tense with shock.
valdederon--- this tavern will answer to me.. any one who tries to escape i will cut down. recently one of your patreons stole somthing verry precious to me.. this patreon is a magmar with a scar across one of his eyes. talk and live… stay silent.. and youl sufer greatly
dead eye--- and why should we believe you
apon that coment valdederon fires off a holy javiline pircing the wall behind the bar counter flaming wood splinters flying ervywere the stone red hot and molten and valdederons staff aimed directly at machops arm.
valdederon---- the next one tears your arm off old man. dont fuk with me. i know that the patreon was here recently..
dead eye--- …mmmmmmpph.. fine.. zorgon mentioned he would be setting up camp at a castle some place some dead city called bakoonsk or somthing.. thats all i know.
valdederon heads out after that but causes an earth queake to tear the tavern down traping them all temporarily and begins the long journey to the dark continent of baroovien. using old maps he had gotten form a laibrary only to encounter a hoard of goblins the size of a nations army.
valdederon--- you idiots actualy look intelegent for goblins.
they chuckle and grin untill a bolt of ligning strikes the hobgoblin general the shear electricity causing him to explode into a goopy purple mess the goblins looking at the once great general and back at valdederon .
valdederon--- your in my way scatter or die.
in seconds a battle erupts mean while in the castle the distant sounds of battle can be heard.
nova--- le..let me go… please .. who are you.
zorgon-- im your death..tsch looks like ive been found. . is that.. lignting.. and fire. god now ice.
nova whimpering in fear crosses her legs a puddle growing beneath her chained feet
nova--.s..sounds like my brother is here.. your in trouble now.
----- back at the beack front---
valdederon sslashes his staf out word causing a wave of energy to slize many goblins in half once jumping at his face only to be grabed by the throat and fall limp after a loud crack as valdederon crushes his throat and tosses the goblin to the side the gasping and wheasing as it struggles to breath and then whimpering as it bursts into flames for hours the battle rages valdederon getting to the citty edges and begins to walt through as he summons meteors to fall into the citty the explosions reverberating through the citty and castle walls.
zorgon--- god how many are there i hired an entire army out there .
nova tears up hearing the screams and explosions in the distance. hoping she will survive each passing second the explosions and yelling turned screaming grow closer and closer after awhile zorgon runs down to the entrance of the castle just as 6 hob goblin generals crash through thier boddies practicly turned inside out via magic and a shadowed figure slowly aproaching with the clack…. clack… clack….clack of a staf on stone the torch fire on the wall lighting the figure up . a delphox furr drenched purple with goblin blood the sounds of crumbling buildings in the distance followed by a loud crash as a wall falls over blocking the exit.
valdederon---- what is your name ass hole.. id like to know the name of my victim you kidnaped my baby sister and i wont let that slide.
the magmar stares frozen with fear barely able to mumbler zorgon untill he steals him self.
zorgon--- my name is zorgon and you will be my victim peasant theres no way your not exausted after all of that
valdederon---- SILENCE YOU IDIOT. YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO SPEAK HERE ive lost far to much in my past to loose what i have now.. prepare your self to fight .. .. tsch.. prepare to be slaughtred im not going to fight you.. im going to end you. painfuly… slowly.. brutaly… just one thing first,.. were is the riolu you kidnaped..
zorgon growls--- top of the castle tower.
with in seconds a full blowne onslaught erupts fire lightning ice water stone bullets fire balls and hundreds of others spells fly out in all directions for 6 hours the battle rages untill valdederon lands a heavy blow with a sizable chunk of boulder to the magmars chest snaping his ribs as it hits after words he picks up zorgon bu the throat and tosses him against a pillar causing it to fall over and smashing into his back…youl never escape that.. but if you do rest asured ill end you if we ever meet again.
clack… clack…clack… clack.
valdederon turns and walks away from the slowly dying magmar his lungs punctured by shards of rib and his spinke broken paralyzing him from the hip down passing out from the imense pain nova hearing the silence begins to sob untill the sound of wood on stone comes up the stares and the familliar shape of valdederons body fills the blury void
valdederon--- chin up princess. your big brother is here.
nova---..y,.. you.. they are.. so.. so many
a gental flick of her nose silences her jumbled thoughts
valdederon------your life is far more important to me.. he hired monsters. no one will miss a pile of goblin filth and the mag mar was a acriminal
nova--mmmpph.. i…w..wet my self.. i..
valdederon-- lets go find a hotspring to wash up at .
he gently unchains and picks her up and lets her sob into his shoulder ignoring her claws digging into his flesh and soon enters a hotspring with her and rubs her back gently letting her have her time to let out all her bottled up fear and sadness for a solid 3 hours she cries and cries and cries settling into hickups.
valdederon---- feel better now..its ok to cry you must have wanted to cry while you were beeing held. but wanted to apear strong.. im proud of you for holding strong untill i got here for you
nova---im hungry i havent eaten in a couple days…
valdederon--- i have some berries in my item box for you lets get washed up first though ok.
she sniffles and nods and avldederon gets up out of the hot spring and lets her wash up on her own in private then washes him self after shes finished sitting at the edge to share a pile of oran berries with his baby sister.
nova--- will you be in trouble..
valdederon chuckles neverously knowing he nuked his room
valdederon--- maybey.. i did vaporise my bedroom.
she giggles hearing than and falls asleep in his lap paw in her mouth for comfort as she shivers still stressed but noticably comforted by his presence.
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mud-castle · 2 years
You know those already made easter baskets that stores sell? Well they had one with Warrior cats and the dragonnets books with some candy, but when I saw it I thought of you. Especially with the draggo and Catto plushies with the books.
Aww 💖
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beamer7thepoko · 1 month
Here's a fail
Of the time I had failed to make like the perfect temporary avatar profile picture for fur affinity so here yall go.
Here's the silly-0 draggo
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Here's the link to the fur affinity post about it too!
I thought it definitely was worth posting it on here to.
Also I hope you all sleep well tonight and I may make more artwork and there is a third thing I had made but I have yet to finish it on another time but here's how it looks atm.
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And guess what?
It's actually another type of space doggo that can pontintally be encountered in wackedverse but these may be much harder to find than the last. XD
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draggofruoit · 2 years
{ Random introductory post to pin here }
This will include things about my blog, me, and ask stuff I guess.
{ Dni list }
Nsfw blogs
transphobes + homophobes
{ About the blog }
This blog will mainly be an art blog, sometimes I'll just randomly post thoughts I have.
I probably won't post often, due to school starting. Don't expect a lot of posts.
{ Basic ask rules }
OCs or characters from a series (if I know said series) are allowed, as long as I'm not requested to draw nsfw.
No nsfw images in asks, please.
Sure, I'll probably do suggestive themes with my OCs, but not with characters from a series or movie.
{ About me }
You can call me Draggo, or fruit. Either one is fine, or just use my username.
My pronouns are He/They.
I am Transgender and Pansexual.
I made a silly tmc AU, but never wrote lore to it.
{ Tags or smth }
Draggo does art - pretty self explanatory
Draggo's thoughts - I said words woah
might add more later
{ Inbox status updates below }
Inbox is currently open !!
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randdodraggo · 3 years
To all on National Coming Out day, I support all members of the LGBTQ+ community. I also offer (virtual) hugs to those who don’t have any supportive family.
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thegreatyin · 6 years
*old person voice* back in my day, the only dragonvale dragons we had to focus on getting were the gems, sun, moon, apocolypse, and rainbow
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karyokinesheesh · 3 years
Reader with Raiden Mei personality and ability
Content * Bungou Stray dogs, honkai crossover
Warning * almost none again ig, sewerslide mention (don't do sewerslide kiddos), cursing
A/N: I will put the romantic for the legal (Atsushi, Kunikida, Dazai, Yosano, Ranpo (except Fukuzawa and Tanizaki because I don't know how to write a romantic fics of them i'm sorry)) character and platonic (Kyouka, Kenji, Tanizaki siblings (dunno about Naomi's age so to be safe i'll put her in platonic section) and Fukuzawa) for the minor one and some characters that I can't write in romantic one...
(fem reader btw) [Herrscher of Thunder gameplay]
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ロマンチック♡ 「Romantic」
Akiko Yosano
-Oh both of you is the Agency's mommies. That's the topic/hj
-You're the Herrscher of Thunder (or just say Ruler of Thunder) and Yosano is the doctor of the agencies. It's a perfect match that probably Jane Austen hasn't think about it
-You have the ability to heal yourself, but you purposely won't use it because you want your wonderful s/o heals you!
-no matter how ruthless Yosano's healing methods is, you still cherished it!
-Yosano often kisses you on the cheek whenever you or her is going to a mission, just like a good-luck kiss
-And you can't hold the blush on your face
Atsushi Nakajima
-You always make a bentō for him
-And of course, Atsushi loves your bentō (and Kyouka too she even managed to steal rolled omelette sometime)
-Dazai even sometimes teases both of you about how is the bentō decorations and style is perfectly matched
-Holy fuck this is cute I'm crying
-You often teaches him how to cook for himself or both of you (and Kyouka too)
-But he doesn't really pay attention, just focusing about how your body sometimes is close to him
-Bonus: he's close with your dragon (what's the name? Is it Bella??? But I'm sure the name it's not Bella Poarch because this ain't build-a-dragon 💀)
Doppo Kunikida
-You're his ideal woman. When he met you for the first time, he knows you're the one
-And he's very very very (have i said another very?) Grateful every morning he's waking up knowing he is your s/o
-Kunikida did his best to protects you, especially holding you back to not exhaust yourself using the Herrscher power
-You may or may not making him a special Divine Key. Like, idk, a pen??? Or smth (since we know that Fu Hua has a Divine Key that shaped like a hairclip)
-So whenever Dazai flirts with you, he just went 🕴🖊 "yo wdym with these I thought you promised to not flirt with my s/o so i don't have any choices to use my Divine Key" *insert Il Vento d'oro bgm* (totally not a jojo reference Istg)
-and pls stop him before otto comes and copies your Divine Key
Edogawa Ranpo
-Idek which witchcraft are you using to make him fell on you, baiting him with a candies?
-No matter how, he loves you and you loves him!
-You buys him candy and sweets, and he's sharing both of them with you. And sometimes rating some sweets into a tier list. (No wonder, it's Ranpo)
-Also, he sometimes asks absurd questions to you. Like;
-"Y/N, I wonder if you can turn on a lamp or some electronic device."
-You're looking at him, but personally curious about it. So both of you tried it, and it's a big success.
Osamu Dazai
-He thought you don't have any ability, but now he knows that you have something MORE THAN ability. Yep, yep, you're a Herrscher.
-When he first knows about it, he's s h o c k e d. Like, holy shit a Ruler??? Isn't that making you a goddess??? Please convince him to not worshiping you
-and sometimes hoping you to just commit suicide with him, with your giant-flying-white-hands that I dunno what to call it.
-If you can't control the gem, he would help you to train to use the power of the gem without turning into a Herrscher form without consciousness (dammit I forgor the name)
-His Ability is useless against your Herrscher power, so be careful to use it in front of him!
-And that's how a dragon is flying at Yokohama sky
-Yokohama people: this is fine
プラトニック☆ 「Platonic」
Kyouka Izumi
-"Hi ma'am, do you mind if i'm your younger sister now?" -Kyouka
-I mean, she IS your sibling rn. Even sometimes Yasha-shirayuki is protecting you
-But whenever you hangs out with her, some people thought you're her mother. Just like when you're buying her a crepes
-"Here's for your daughter, ma'am" said the seller. You just went: 😄😃 what? And after you paid the money, she says this: "Mom, let's get back to the office"
-Please clear the misunderstandings
Kenji Miyazawa
-Our sweet little bean *sobs* must protect
-He's literally AMAZED with you in anything, "how did you did that?" Or "Is this what a true townsfolk power??"
-Kenji went (ʘᴗʘ) whenever you and him has an errand together to do
-You always treat him with food, or at least cook for him
-he can spends hours talking with you, and you can spends hours hearing his stories
Tanizaki Siblings
-*inhale* *exhale* okay.
-At first, you are not really close with both of them. Seriously.
-Naomi knows that there's another woman except her, Yosano and Kyouka? Perfect. Also as same age as her? Double kill.
-And that's how you're getting close with Naomi, how about Jun'ichirou tho?
-Well, you hangs out with Naomi, then Jun'ichirou just following her and you around as a good brother he is. And then you two talks alot!
-Perhaps, you're their sibling too...
Yukichi Fukuzawa
-Fukuzawa may or may not trains you how to use Katana too
-at least, you're not beating your opponents with a tuna sword ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-He can't controls your Herrscher power. So once again, please be careful using your power around him
-Fukuzawa won't dare to put you into a dangerous mission, there's one time you're convincing him and then you get back like: "Dad, that mf beat my draggo"
-Don't ask about what happened after then
-But you're getting treated nicely(?) by Yosano
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Not relates but Mobius just get beaten by my SS1 HoT and SSS Fulminata. Raiden Mei supremacy ig
Requested by: @sayonaaraa
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92-guy · 2 years
Have you ever seen how similar Hiccup and Elsa from Frozen II and Httyd 2 are?
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I like both movies, they are my favorites and I am not saying that one is better than the other, you have your opinion and I have mine, and you can comment on it whenever you want, and I do not say that it is a copy or that they should sue Disney, it is not even a criticism, it is just that I like both films and I noticed similarities between both, which I want to share
Both protagonists mature and grow around 4 years, compared to the previous film
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They are no longer the same due to their experiences, the anxiety, depress, and feeling of helplessness of both characters has been left behind to move to a calm to their new life, now they are in their comfort zone, which they had always wanted since their previous adventure, they wanted to be accepted and are now loved and admired by their peoples, now both can feel free and happy in their homes.
While Hiccup is now an explorer and protector of dragons
Elsa is a beloved queen and now accepts her duty as queen.
Both are satisfied with their current lives, until something they thought they were the only ones they could do catches their attention and threatens their home, both must take a risk and get out of that daily life and go to investigate who is threatening their people.
They are still independent and distant people and they like to be alone
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Although they are loved and there are people who want to support them and always be with them, they are happy to be alone, but they do not want to feel alone, they are only people who have had to learn to live without someone who is with them and although they are not rude, they only tend to get away from so many people and be happy as they learned to be.
Both are indirectly responsible for the death of their parents
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Elsa feels responsible because her parents sank wanting to know how to help their daughter, Elsa again feels that because of her powers she can not be happy with her family.
Hiccup feels responsible because if he hadn't made the decision to go find Draggo and try to make him change his mind about the dragons, his father would still be alive and could finally be happy with his entire family.
The responsibility to face what they fear
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Being responsible for the deaths of their parents causes them to fall again, anxiety and helplessness return, but they are no longer teens, and they now have responsibilities. On the contrary, they decide to go and protect their people, fighting directly in territories that they are at a great disadvantage and have to fully trust their abilities.
While Elsa has to face the waves of the sea while being attacked by a water horse in a scene that demonstrates her feeling of fear, suffocation, anxiety and all the times she tried to get ahead and could not, now she will do it as many times as necessary until she achieves (AKA: The Best Scene from Frozen 2) what she set out to do and save her people.
Hiccup on the other hand must face not only Drago, but also his best friend who is controlled by a giant dragon who has him in his sights to freeze him, feeling the same helplessness he felt as a child when it was not enough for his father, now he has to trust him to save his people and not let go of his friend.
Their mother is the reason why they are different.
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Both have a reunion with their mothers, being the core of why they are different and their connection with a magical world, being the BRIDGE of their world and the magical world. And thanks to them they get their title "5th spirit" and "Master of dragons"
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So now you know, even Disney knows that Httyd 2 is one of the best animated films, and thanks to that making it one of the few Disney films where the sequel is better than the original
Now, this is my fan fic of what could happen in Frozen 3, basically the same plot of Httyd 3 with extra subplots, Maybe a year or months after the second movie, new outfits, a real villain or who is similar to the protagonist, maybe a love interest.
I only ask for one thing, a character like Hiccup, it doesn't have to be the love interest of the protagonist, not even a human, I just ask for the same personality of Hiccup, something like what Dreamworks did with the light fury.
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But if he looks identical to him, talk about Vikings or dragons has extra points
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koobi-fr · 4 years
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Impulse sniped a draggo with a nice ID, and gave him art! I thought it’d be a shame for him to be exalted so I doodled him a lil somethin in hopes he can find a good home.
His ID’s 66969966, he’s on the AH for 50g here!
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #22 novas first dungeon dive
nova,valdederon and raykore continue training over the next few days when she finaly can create a golden shield around her self for atleast an hour per day.. or for short burst in combat.
valdederon--- im so proud of you little pup.
raykore--- you did well but you still have a long way to go.
nova sticks her tongue out at raykore and giggles.
nova---thank you big brother.. mmmph im so sleepy now..
valdederon--- ok my sweet princess come on into the tent and you can sleep in my tail fluff again.
nova blushes and nods taking 2 steps forward before falling face first into the grass promptly flalling asleep with a heavy snore making raykore valdederon and draggo laugh softly.
valdederon smiles nad gently picks up the conked out aura pupy and gently takes her into the tent with him and draggo preparing some food for when she wakes .
draggo--- ha ha ha looks like she fell asleep while walking.. hope the little one gets some good rest
valdederon sets her in his tail and rubs her back as she grabs hold with her paws purring happily as she wiggles instinctualy to burry her self in the warm furr.
valdederon--- well i think we should look for a low level dungeon quest at the guild and get her used to how they can be.. before we go to it we need ground rulles for her to follow number one among them do not fight . shes only going to be there to observe.
draggo--- are you sure on that
valdederon sighs with a sense of pain and worry recalling near death experiances from his training being put in dungeons by rakore making her chuckle as she sees the look in his eyes.
valdederon---yes im 100% sure.. my training was brutal and part of it was going alone.. into dungeons..unprepared and with only light armor my magic and a dagger with a shield off hand. nova atleast has us to guide here.. and raykore.. make now mistake if you throw her into anything unprepared.. there will be consequences.
he throws her a look of pure murderous malicious confirmation that its a promise and not a threat making her yelp startled by the once obediant aprentice's sudden firmness
raykore--- well youve grown alot havent you my young pupil… i have to say that was rather unexpected.. ha ha you were never so direct in our old world.. im proud of you and you have my word i wont put her in danger like that.
draggo looks between them throughly confused and sighs
raykore-- so draggo waht was your species called again.. im curious to learn more about this world.. what i wouldnt give to eat some meat again.. and actualy fuking taste it god spiritual food has no….. has nothing.. no taset no depths no feel.. ugh im going insane over here..
draggo--- well my species is.. techincly 3 different animals there is goomy sliggoo and then goodra.. the world of pokemon even to us pokemon is still a mystery to us all.
raykore burst out laughing quietly.
raykore-- aint that the damed universal truth.. i havet met a single speceies who truly knows thier kind inside and out we all have mysteries in us.. even my own kind were mysterious.. i was the runt of the litter. even so most humanoids are shorter then me.
draggo--- interesting got any preferences on what youd want to be if you were pokemon.
raykore-- i havent put much thought into it honestly.. ive been cofusing my energy into training our star pupils little sister.. ha ha even he fell asleep.
draggo---he sometimes doesnt sleep well.
raykore with a heavy sigh and flick of her smoking pipe.
raykore--not surprising honestly it honestly terrafied me at first just how strong willed he was as a kid one look into his eyes and i knew he was angry..wasnt untill the knights told me were and hoe he was found that i took him in, nightmares.. flash backs.. ha ha ha, i had to put him back in diapers because he couldnt stip wetting or soiling his bed at night.. that passed pretty quick though only about 4 weeks before his body adjusted to his stress.
draggo--- did you ever wonder what he would have done if you werent there to guid him..to divert his rage some what.
her ears twitch as she rolls her eyes perking her tails up with force.
raykore-- gods.. i dont even want to know just how much damage he would have caused if i hadnt trained him magic.. its a living thing and if you dont have a grasp on it..anything froma town destroyed to the ground shattered acrosss continents.. even the fabric of reality could be shattered by un controlled rage filled magic like his..
dragos eyes widen realising the gravity of what that would entail.
raykore looks up at the rising night moons all 7 of them.
raykore--- 7 moons.. when was the last time i even saw a single moon rise.. let alone 7 moons at once,. you know despite the chaos this world is in.. i feel .. valdederon can realy grow.. heal..and be happy here. ha ha ha.. some times i think he forgets he was a human once. and im ok with that.
the night drags by slowly evryone byt raykore sleeping while she stares at the moons thinking back on her long life then looking back at valdederon and novaa sense of pride welling up in her soul as he turns back into spirit form to rest.
the next day nova yawns waking up beeing carried by valdederon into the guilds quest board room. nova looks around yawning and rubs he eyes and while at the quest board gets out of valdederons tail furr with a heavy thump and a loud puppy like yipe startling valdederon as he looks down were nova faceplanted grogily onto the hard wood floor and she sits up holding her nose witch had begin to bleed alittle .
valdederon--- are you ok hun.
nova---mmmmph..do i look ok.. i just bashed my face into the floor.
he chuckle using healing magic on her nose and ruffling her head furr.
valdederon--- well how about you head on into the mess hall and draggo and i will meet you there and we can have a big breakfeast.
she smiles tail wagging and bolts down the hall to the mess hall ocasionaly stumbling evryso often still half asleep.
draggo--- hows this one sound.. looking for a team to clear a dungeon full of goblins and rescue a lost miltank and a clutch of snivy hatchlings..
valdederon--- perfect goblins are weak so her aura shield will be more then enough to keep her safe but make no mistake goblins are a big threat.. they tend to explode in numbers and reproduce like rabits on drugs.
draggo--- oooofff that sounds bad.
valdederon-- if unchecked goblins can eventualy overun kingdoms plunging them into hell basicly.
they both grab the quest paper and get it stamped and head to the mess hall were a charmeleon is laughing while nova whimpers covered with food and draggo looks directly at valdederon who fell dead silent the moment he opend the door to the site and in seconds the once loud mess hall falls spookily silent as evryone picks up on the sudden rage boiling forth from valdederon .
draggo---.well…ill see my self… out.
he bolts as valdederon fists clenched walks into the mess hall all mon inside avoiding eye contact seeing the death glare coming from them all accept the arrogant charmeleon who laughs at the sudden arival of a bright pink delphox.
valdederon with out a word kicks the small lizard pokemon with brutal force witch sends him flying into the wall shattering several glass windows on impact and making him cough up a spurt of blood and fall down only to be grabed by the throat .
valdederon--- THINK ITS FUNNY TO BULLY OTHERS DO YA… well target my little sister. and youl find a verry pissed off delphox.. i havent seen you… you new around here
the charmeleon curls his tail up a silent pitter of liquid hitting the floor beneath him as he nods terrified of th sudden outburst of rage his face turning red realizing hes in full view of the mess hall
valdederon-- dont ever cross me or my sister again.. i wont hesitate getting rid of you in a second if you become a threat to us.. or the guild.. i dont tollerate bullies and clean up your mess
valdederon drops him into the pungent puddle formed by fear and walks off and cleans nova up and takes his lunch hers and draggos out .
valdederon--- were gona go on a mission later on after lunch hun will you be ok.
nova--… you made him have an accident.. that was mean buba.
valdederon-- i wasnt trying to do that.. it just happens when some one is scared stiff like that..
nova--- i hope he and i can become friends.. i think hes lonely
valdederon-- well he will have to apologize for bullying you first.
nova nods and eats with valdederon and draggo. all 3 of them staying silent mean while in the mess hall the charmeleon whimpers and begins to sob runing out embarrased confused and scared eventualy ending up in the infirmary to recive treatment for the minor wounds he got from his encou nter with valdederon.
nova--- so whats the mission.
draggo--- a dungeon clear and rescue mission a miltank and snivy hatchlings got lost inside
valdederon--- your there to watch and learn as we clear it .. youl also carry a bag with medical supplies. be sure to keep up your aura sheild in combat ok hun.
she nods nervous but also excited. later on that day they head out to the dungeon. while on the wy there nova keeps close with valdederon and draggo both of them also keeping an eye on here and around them as they move soon entering the dungeon entrance heading down inside whilemoving slow and steady.
nova whispering-- this place feels creepy.
valdederon--were inside the dungeon keep close and quiet watch around us as well. gobims are near probably already watching us.. if you see side paths let us know.. those are places they ambush un aware adventurers from..
nova nods keeping an eye out un knowingly pusling ora like a radar pulse. after a few hours nova yelps and puts up her shield up as an arrow flies out.
she whimpers and holds to valdederon as he lifts up his staff and unleases fire ball attacks burning 40 goblins at once thier scraches echoing through the cavernous dungon before falling silent more coming from the other directions as they are at a divergance point with 12 different tunnel openings…
valdederon--- well done nova--- now keep that shield up and let us fight…
draggo--- i wont let a single filthy creton touch you little pup.
nova---… im an adult already…no ..fair…
she pouts but does as shes told knowing she doesnt have any combat experiance and for the next few hours they fight on and off while going through and ending up finding a miltank tinged green with goblin blood and bits and pices evry were her eyes heavy with exaustion ..
valdederon-- nova go check them out ok.. check for injuries.. goblins use poisin so give the hatchlings and
nova rushes over as the miltank falls over into valdederons grasp panting body burning with fever having been fighting for days on end with little food and water..
draggo--- she doesnt look to hot.
valdederon--were lucky we got here when we did.. malnorusihed dehydrated.. dam it shes been holding of goblins alone for god knows how long..
nova--- the baby snivy are all healthy ..
draggo--- come over and help the miltank over here hun
valdederon.. can you speak hun.. whats your name
the miltank wheases and nods..
nina-- my name is nina.. please get the little ones out leave me.
valdederon bats her on the nose with his paw and sternly looks at her.
valdederon--- were here to get evryone out not just the snivy..
nova gives the miltank a pile of berries to eat while draggo stands guard at the entrance.
nina eats the berries and sits up as valdederon starts cleaning her furr then bandaging it up while nova helps were she can after a few minutes they all group up with the baby snivy who are all hungry
nova--- come on kids hold out paws .
valdederon--- we will be heading back to the guild via teleport… nina you might end up throwing up so fair warning
Draggo--- im ready to head back.
valdederon makes sure evryone then taps his badge in a flash evryone is inside the guild psychics lair and nina whimpers and holds her stomach but manages to hold it in before promptly passing out .
valdederon--- call for ever green we need him. urgently
the psychics nod and teleport evergreen who falls on his tail with a yelp and sees the week clutch of snivy and the week miltank and begins getting them taken care of having his assitants come dwon and carryi the miltank while he walks with the snivy.
nova--t..that w.was scary.
valdederon--- this was the lowest of low level dungeons we could take you on hun..from here on they only get harder and more dangerous… after a couple days rest we start more combat training when you can land a hit on me… then ill let you go with us on a dungeon were you can get some fighting experiance.. but you have to listen when we tell you to do somthing.
she nods and hugs his leg shaking heavily.
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acornrising · 3 years
God, I’m so out of the game. Where are the plague nests. Where have they gone. 
Please I am JUST trying to make this unholy abomination, to love and cherish as my own, I have the breeding pair, just. c’mahn. 
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Like I guess it doesn’t matter cause I’ll have to remake the genes anyway and could probably grab a meat draggo off the AH to do this but I thought I might keep some of my own snotty kids for once and maybe sell off the rest because I sure did work real hard to make the worst dragon breeding pair I could think of
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drakdrawings · 4 years
So, iirc Nor was cursed by some wizzo to her human form, but I'm wondering if she can - when the planets align or smth - turn into a dragon or a drake? Or is she completely screwed till she can undo the curse?
I’ve thought about it and there’s one moment where her curse is like... “chipped” after an attempt at breaking it and during that she may go draggo for a moment but it ultimately fails.
It’s after that event that she has the “dragon essence” design since the curse has been just slightly weakened
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randdodraggo · 4 years
Infinity Train plots I want in the fandom
Here are a list of some fanfic plots that I have yet to see in the Infinity Train fandom that really suprised me. 
1. I want fanfics where Tulip’s parents react to their daughter coming home, sans reflection, after 5 months. We see plenty of this with Jesse and Grace’s parents, yet none with the Olsens?
2. I want an AU where Tulip meets the Apex. Why has no one done this? Imagine her finding them to get info on the Conductor, only to clash with Simon and Grace over having “nulls” as friends. Someone write this please, I’m too lazy for it.
3. Just Tulip content in general. Why is she getting shafted by the Apex duo and Jesslake when she was the first? People have known and fallen in love with her since the pilot, but nowadays, content around her is sparse. 
4. A roleswap AU where Simon manages to change and Grace is the one who goes off the deep end. Do I even need to say what kind of creative potential could be found in this? Why has no one written this yet?
Any Infinity Train fans out there, if you can write these, or find them, send a link to me so I can enjoy them too
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outrealm-gates · 3 years
Big soft Lucille getting a lot of spoiling because they're a big good, likely getting a tum in their face for a bit before food time
“I-I thought I was the one who was supposed to make the fatties... b-but this is... nice... m-more please?” The draggo reaches for more snacks as the belly in question nears their range
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