aaflovedatbounz · 2 months
▶️ 📎 & YT Audio @ Same ⏰️.
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getting-fixed · 5 months
Man if someone told me there was gonna be rap discourse on tumblr I woulda been here ages ago
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coldxdevil · 11 months
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imageoscillite · 1 year
BabyTron Ft. Drego & Beno, Babyfxce E, RMC Mike, ShittyBoyz, Prince Jefe, & J1Hunnit - Waffle House
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cuthalions · 1 year
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Then Morwen bade farewell to Húrin without tears; and she said: 'I will guard what you leave in my keeping, both what is and what shall be.' And Húrin answered her: 'Farewell, Lady of Dor-lómin; we ride now with greater hope than ever we have known before. Let us think that at this midwinter the feast shall be merrier than in all our years yet, with a fearless spring to follow after!' Then he lifted Túrin to his shoulder, and cried to his men: 'Let the heir of the House of Hador see the light of your swords!' And the sun glittered on fifty blades as they leaped forth, and the court rang with the battle-cry of the Edain of the North: Lacho calad! Drego morn! Flame Light! Flee Night! Then at last Húrin sprang into his saddle, and his golden banner was unfurled, and the trumpets sang again in the morning; and thus Húrin Thalion rode away to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
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outofangband · 9 months
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This is the third year I have made my first post in January about Aerin!
I think a lot about her burning the hall in light of the fact that the battle cry of her people is flame light, flee night! Aerin’s kindness and defiance is inextricably connected to her pain and trauma and the trauma of her people. I will eventually finish rewriting my post about this but I just love her so much
Full scene here
Lachlo Calad! Drego morn! (Flame light, flee night!)
They have fired the hall
Aerin, daughter of Indor
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mcrdvcks · 4 months
Down Bad - Chapter 7
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Chapter Summary: After a few small missions for Cid, the group goes with Phee on a treasure hunt to Skara Nal.
Word Count: 9.9k+
Pairing: Hunter x fem!Jedi Original Character
Notes: and we're back! this chapter covers episodes 3-5 of season 2. i didn't include crosshair's perspective just because i mainly focus on amina, and sometimes hunter. but we do get a classic dressed up reveal (does that make sense?) in the beginning. i hope y'all enjoy this chapter!
i don't know if people like this, but whenever i write scenes where the clothing is described, i have to have a visual to look at in order to describe it. so here's a link for amina's dress
Series Masterlist - Chapter 6 → Chapter 8
AO3 Link For Chapter
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Omega and Tech sat at the dejarik table playing a match as Amina stood at the bar behind the counter, cleaning a glass with Hunter sitting in front of her.
Wrecker groaned from across the room, “I’m bored.”
Omega glanced up from the dejarik table, her brow furrowing in thought as she considered Wrecker's complaint. "Well, what do you want to do?" she asked, her tone curious as she studied the clone's expression.
Wrecker scratched his head, his eyes scanning the room for inspiration. "I dunno," he replied with a shrug, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I just feel like we've been cooped up for too long. I need some action!"
Hunter turned around in the stool, “just yesterday you said you wanted at least a two week break after the mission on Serrano.”
Cid walked into the parlor, waving around a datapad. “Well, I have a mission, but it’ll only take one of you.”
"What's the mission?" Amina asked, as she turned her attention to the Trandoshan.
Cid grinned, her sharp teeth glinting in the dim light of the parlor as she held up the datapad for everyone to see. "A simple data extraction on Zeltros.”
“Zeltros?” Hunter asked, as Cid threw the datapad at him. "What's the catch?" he questioned; his tone cautious as he looked up at Cid. The Trandoshan grinned, her eyes glinting with amusement as she leaned against the bar, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No catch, Bandana," she replied with a smirk. "But this job is not for you.” She grabbed the datapad and handed it to Amina, “it’s for her.”
Amina frowned, “me? Why?”
Cid shrugged, her expression unreadable as she leaned against the bar, her sharp gaze fixed on Amina's face. "Because you're the one with the skills for this job," she replied simply, her tone matter-of-fact. "And because I said so."
Amina's frown deepened as she studied the datapad, her mind racing as she processed Cid's words. “Wait.” Amina exclaimed, holding up a finger, “you want me t- to go to a party on Zeltros and get a data extraction? How’s that going to work?”
“Your extracting information from a target.” Cid said, raising her hands in the air.
Amina tilted her head, “like… interrogation?” She said slowly.
"No," Cid replied with a shake of her head, her expression exasperated. "Not like interrogation. Think of it more like... social engineering."
Amina furrowed her brow in confusion, her mind racing as she tried to wrap her head around Cid's explanation. "Social engineering?" she echoed, her tone skeptical as she glanced down at the datapad in her hands. "You want me to manipulate someone into giving up sensitive information?"
Cid nodded, her eyes narrowing as she studied Amina's face. "Exactly," she replied with a smirk. "And lucky for you, you've got the charm and charisma to pull it off."
“Um… thank you?” Amina trailed off, glancing at Hunter who was glaring at Cid.
“Plus, you’re a woman. I don’t think Drego Syko is going to want to be seduced by a man.”
Echo let out a choked laugh in the room as Amina’s eyes widened, “wh- what? I’m a Jedi, not a- a- a seductress.”
Cid crossed her arms, “I thought you had womanly wiles.”
Omega nodded at Amina as she grumbled under her breath, “that’s my line.” She shook her head pushing the datapad to Cid, “no deal. I’m sure you can find someone else.”
“It pays well.” Cid countered, pushing the datapad back to Amina.
“How well?”
“20 credits.”
Amina scoffed, “20 credits? Are you kriffing insane? My dignity is worth more than 20 credits.”
Cid shrugged nonchalantly, as if the low offer was nothing out of the ordinary. "Take it or leave it, sweetheart," she replied with a smirk. "Plenty of other jobs out there if you're not interested."
"One, don't call me sweetheart. Two, the job is 1,000 credits total, meaning I'm only getting 2%. 100 credits, take it or leave it," Amina retorted, her voice firm as she pushed the datapad back towards Cid.
Cid raised an eyebrow, her sharp gaze fixed on Amina's face. For a moment, there was a tense silence in the room as the two women locked eyes, neither willing to back down.
Finally, Cid let out a low chuckle, her sharp teeth glinting in the dim light of the parlor. "You drive a hard bargain, Skywalker," she remarked, her tone tinged with amusement. "But I like your spirit. Deal."
Hunter stood up, “no deal. She’s not going on a mission alone.”
Cid rolled her eyes as Tech and Echo shared a look with each other, “fine. But you can go as her bodyguard or something. But neither of you can wear that.” She looked at Hunter’s armor and Amina’s tattered tunic. “Buy some clothes, the both of you. You need to leave in 3 hours.”
Amina looked down at her tunic and over at Hunter’s armor. She had only worn a dress once, and it was one Cid gave her. She had worn her tunic and Jedi robes all her life, buying a dress, or something nice and appealing to others was daunting.
Omega walked over to Amina, “does that mean we get to go shopping again?”
"Yeah, I guess it does," Amina replied with a grin, her voice bright with excitement as she turned to face Omega. "Looks like we're going shopping again."
Omega's eyes lit up with delight, a wide smile spreading across her face as she clapped her hands together eagerly. "Yay! I can't wait!" she exclaimed, her excitement contagious as she turned to the rest of the squad. "Who's coming with us?"
Tech raised a hand, his expression thoughtful as he glanced around the room. "I'll come," he offered, his tone calm and composed as he looked at Amina and Omega. "I might be able to find some useful gadgets or tools while we're out."
Echo nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he surveyed the group. "I'll come too," he added, his tone resolute as he met Amina's gaze. "Just to make sure everything goes smoothly."
Wrecker grunted in approval, his excitement evident as he flexed his muscles in anticipation. "Count me in!" he declared with a grin, his voice booming with enthusiasm. "I could use some new gear!"
Amina chuckled at Wrecker's enthusiasm, her heart warmed by the camaraderie of her squadmates. "Alright then, it's settled," she declared with a smile, her eyes shining with excitement as she glanced around the room. "Let's go shopping!"
With their plans decided, the squad quickly made their way to the nearest marketplace, their spirits high as they wandered through the bustling streets. Amina couldn't help but marvel at the sights and sounds of the vibrant marketplace, the colorful array of stalls and shops stretching out before them in a dizzying display of goods and wares.
Omega and Amina walked ahead of everyone else, as she held Amina’s hand. “So… you need a dress then?”
“I guess so.” Amina muttered, looking around at all of the different shops.
“We are entering Zeltros’ atmosphere.” Tech announced, as Hunter walked into the cockpit wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, and tan pants.
He looked around, “where’s Amina and Omega?”
Echo glanced at him, “in the refresher I believe. She’s putting on her dress and Omega said something about doing Amina’s hair.”
Hunter nodded, sitting down in one of the seats in the cockpit as Tech landed the ship close by a nightclub.
Echo and Tech exchanged a glance before Tech spoke up, "We're all set to go. Are you ready for this, Hunter?"
Hunter nodded, his gaze focused as he double-checked his blaster and made sure his comms were working properly. "As ready as I'll ever be," he replied, his voice steady with determination. He stood up walking to the door as Wrecker patted his back.
Tech walked behind them, “I will go get Amina.” Hunter walked outside and down the stairs, adjusting his sleeves.
Before Tech could knock, Omega opened the door, “oh, we were just about to come out.” She said stepping outside the refresher.
Amina adjusted the thin straps of her black, shimmering dress. “I feel like a kriffing chik youngee.”
Tech pulled down his visor, “that was Huttese for dancing girl.”
"Well, obviously. I look like a slave girl in Jabba’s Palace," Amina muttered under her breath as she adjusted the thin straps of her black, shimmering dress. She glanced at herself in the mirror of the refresher, feeling self-conscious in the spaghetti strap, mermaid dress that had a V-neckline with a sheer bodice and a high slit, adorned with small jewels and glitter.
It wasn't something she was used to wearing, especially considering her usual Jedi robes.
Omega tilted her head, studying Amina with a curious expression. "You look pretty," she offered, a warm smile lighting up her face as she reached out to straighten Amina's hair. "Trust me, you'll fit right in at the party."
"Thanks, Omega," Amina replied, her voice soft with gratitude as she met the girl's gaze. "I appreciate it." She took a deep breath, trying to summon up some confidence as she straightened her shoulders and stepped out of the refresher, Omega following closely behind.
She grabbed her lightsaber on one of the seats in the hall, strapping it to the inside of her thigh. Amina glanced inside the cockpit where Echo and Wrecker sat, looking for Hunter.
“He’s already waiting outside.” Echo said, looking over at her, “we’ll been on comms in case anything comes up.”
Amina nodded, her expression serious as she glanced at Echo and Wrecker. "Got it," she replied, her voice steady as she made her way towards the door of the Marauder, seeing Hunter on the ground at the bottom of the steps. She stood on the stairs, looking at his form with his back to her.
He looked… different. In a good way- in a really good way.
Her hands were clammy she realized, as she wiped them on her dress discreetly, trying to control her shaky breathing all at the same time.
She took a silent deep breath, taking another step down the stairs when the clicking from her heels was finally heard by Hunter, as he turned to look up at her.
Hunter's breath caught in his throat as he looked up and saw Amina standing on the stairs, her figure silhouetted against the soft glow of the ship's lights. She was breathtaking, her brown skin glowing in the dim light, her hair pinned in a low bun with a few strands framing her face. The black dress hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating her figure in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
For a moment, Hunter was at a loss for words as he took in the sight of her. He had seen Amina in her Jedi robes plenty of times before, but there was something different about seeing her like this, dressed up for a night out on the town. She looked... stunning, in a way that took his breath away.
As Amina descended the stairs, Hunter's eyes never left her, his heart pounding in his chest as she approached him. He swallowed hard, suddenly feeling acutely aware of how close she was, how the air seemed to crackle with tension between them.
"Hey," he said softly as she reached the bottom of the stairs, his voice barely above a whisper as he met her gaze. "You look... amazing."
Amina adjusted the thin straps of her dress, gulping, “u- uh, thank you.” She said briefly looking down before looking back up at him, “I- I mean, you look good too. Very good, actually.”
Hunter couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth spread through him at Amina's compliment. Her words were hesitant, almost shy, but they still managed to send a thrill down his spine. He cleared his throat, trying to shake off the sudden bout of nervousness that had overtaken him.
"Thanks," he replied with a sheepish grin, his voice a little hoarse. "You clean up pretty nicely yourself."
Amina smiled, her cheeks flushing as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her stomach at the sight of Hunter standing before her, looking handsome in his leather jacket and casual attire.
"Shall we?" Hunter gestured towards the bustling streets of Zeltros, his expression eager as he offered Amina his arm.
Amina nodded, her heart racing as she looped her arm through his, feeling a jolt of electricity shoot through her at the contact. She glanced up at Hunter, their eyes locking for a moment, and she couldn't help but notice the warmth and sincerity in his gaze.
Together, they stepped out into the lively nightlife of Zeltros, the sounds of music and laughter filling the air as they made their way towards the nightclub.
When they entered, the loud music and bright lights overtook them, as Hunter slightly winced at it overwhelming his senses. He felt Amina rub his arm with her other hand as she looked around the crowd.
"So, we just need to find Drego, and get him to tell us about the smuggling route he uses. Simple enough, right?" Amina looked up at Hunter, her voice confident despite the chaos of the nightclub surrounding them.
Hunter nodded, his gaze scanning the crowded room as he took in the sights and sounds of the bustling establishment. "Simple enough," he agreed with a wry smile, his voice tinged with amusement as he glanced down at Amina. "Just your typical night out on the town."
Amina chuckled softly, the sound melodic as she squeezed Hunter's arm gently. "Exactly," she replied with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she began to weave her way through the throngs of people towards the bar. "Now, let's go find our mark."
Hunter followed close behind, his senses on high alert as he kept an eye out for any sign of trouble. The air was thick with the scent of alcohol and sweat, the music pounding in his ears as he moved through the crowd with Amina at his side.
As they reached the bar, Amina flagged down the bartender, her voice cutting through the din of the club as she ordered a couple of glasses of water. Hunter watched her with a mixture of admiration and amusement, marveling at her confidence and ease in this unfamiliar environment.
Once they had their drinks in hand, Amina turned to face Hunter, a determined glint in her eyes as she leaned in close to speak over the music. "Alright, let's split up and see if we can find Drego," she suggested, her voice low but firm as she scanned the room. "I'll take the left side; you take the right. We'll meet back here in ten minutes, got it?"
Hunter nodded, his gaze focused as he took in the crowded dance floor to his right. "Got it," he replied, his voice determined as he glanced back at Amina. "Be careful."
Amina flashed him a reassuring smile, her brown eyes alight with determination. "Always am," she quipped with a playful wink before turning to weave her way through the throngs of people towards the left side of the club.
Hunter watched her go, a sense of unease gnawing at him as he turned his attention to the right side of the room. The dimly lit space was packed with bodies, the air thick with the scent of sweat and alcohol as he moved through the crowd.
As she made her way deeper into the throng, Amina kept her senses on high alert, scanning the faces around her for any sign of their target. The music pounded in her ears, making it difficult to focus as she pushed through the sea of bodies.
Drego caught sight of her and walked in front of her, “well, hello there, beautiful. You look lost.”
Amina let out a giggle, her voice slightly higher-pitched as she played along with the charade. "Yeah, I think I lost sight of my friends. I've always been such a klutz," she replied, her brown eyes sparkling with mischief as she glanced up at Drego.
Drego grinned, his eyes roaming over Amina's figure appreciatively. "Well, lucky for you, I happen to know my way around this place," he said smoothly, reaching out to gently touch her arm. "How about I show you around? Maybe we can find your friends together."
Amina hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she weighed her options. She knew she needed to gather information from Drego about the smuggling route, but she also didn't want to lead him on. Glancing around the crowded club, she made a split-second decision.
"Sure, why not?" she said with a playful smile, leaning into Drego's touch ever so slightly. "Lead the way."
Drego grinned, his hand lingering on Amina's arm as he began to guide her through the crowded club. As they walked, Amina kept her senses sharp, her mind focused on the task at hand. She listened carefully as Drego chattered away, his voice laced with charm as he pointed out various areas of the club.
"So, what brings a lovely lady like yourself to a place like this?" Drego asked, his tone casual as he glanced down at Amina.
Amina shrugged nonchalantly, her expression carefully neutral. "Just looking for a good time," she replied with a playful grin, trying to keep her tone light and flirty.
Drego chuckled, his gaze lingering on Amina's face. "Well, you've certainly come to the right place," he said, his voice low and smooth as he led her towards the bar. "What do you say we start with a drink?"
Amina nodded, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plan. "Sounds good to me," she said, flashing Drego a bright smile as they reached the bar. "But nothing too strong, okay? I don't want to end up stumbling around like a drunken bantha."
Drego laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he signaled to the bartender. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay on your feet," he said, his tone teasing as he ordered a couple of drinks.
As the bartender set their drinks down on the counter, Drego slid one of the glasses towards Amina with a charming smile. "Here you go, sweetheart," he said, his voice smooth as silk as he lifted his own glass in a toast. "To new friends and good times."
Amina forced a smile, her fingers tightening around the glass as she raised it to her lips. "To new friends," she echoed, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty as she pretended to take a small sip. She didn’t want the buzz, especially because she’s never drank before.
Drego watched her intently, his gaze lingering on her face as he studied her reaction. "So, tell me about yourself, beautiful," he said, his tone light and casual as he leaned in closer. "What's a girl like you doing on a planet like Zeltros?"
Amina hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a believable story. "Oh, you know," she said with a shrug, her tone nonchalant. "Just traveling around, seeing the galaxy with my friends. We decided to stop by Zeltros for a little R&R."
Drego nodded, his eyes gleaming with interest as he leaned back against the bar. "Sounds like my kind of girl," he said with a grin, his voice tinged with flirtation. "So, what do you say we ditch this place and find somewhere a little more... private?"
Amina's heart skipped a beat at Drego's suggestion, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a way to steer the conversation back towards their mission. She felt his hand slide up her bare thigh as she gripped the glass in her hand.
Hunter continued to look around until he heard shouting from the bar, with a man, who looked like Drego, screaming at Amina. “What the kriff!? Are you crazy lady?”
Amina stood over him, a piece of glass through his hand and the bar, “are you?” She hissed.
Hunter ran over, the people in the nightclub paying no attention to Amina and Drego, as if this happens all the time. “Amina are you alright?” he asked, placing a hand on her hip.
“Well, I am now.” She glared at Drego, as she moved her head forward and he flinched. “Alright, I’m done here.” Amina glanced up at Hunter, gesturing to the door, “let’s go.”
Hunter nodded in agreement, his hand still resting lightly on Amina's hip as he guided her towards the exit. The crowd around them seemed to part effortlessly, the other clubgoers paying them no mind as they made their way through the bustling nightclub.
As they stepped out into the cool night air, Hunter took a deep breath, his senses slowly returning to normal after the chaos of the club. He glanced down at Amina, his heart swelling with admiration for her strength and resilience in the face of danger.
"You handled that pretty well back there," he said with a small smile, his voice gentle as he squeezed her hip reassuringly. "I'm glad you're okay."
She returned his smile, “thanks. But honestly you should be more worried about him. I’m the one who stabbed a shard of glass through his hand.” Amina lifted her hand to Hunter’s face, “and now I’m the one sporting blue blood. This shade of blue doesn’t go with my complexion.”
He chuckled, “did you at least get the information?”
“Of course I did. That’s what we were here for. I just ended up with blue alien blood on me. A minor misstep.” They made it to the Marauder as Hunter stepped on the stairs ahead of her, his hand leaving her hip as he held it out for her.
As Hunter held out his hand for Amina, she couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her. There was something in his eyes, a warmth and sincerity that made her heart skip a beat. She reached out, placing her hand in his as he helped her up the stairs of the Marauder.
"Thanks," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced up at him. "For everything."
Hunter smiled, his expression gentle as he squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Anytime," he replied, his voice warm with affection. "You know I've got your back."
Amina felt a rush of gratitude swell within her as she met Hunter's gaze, her heart pounding in her chest.
Together, they stepped inside the Marauder, the familiar hum of the ship's engines filling the air as they made their way towards the cockpit. Echo and the others were already there, their expressions tense as they waited for news of their mission.
"Did you get the information?" Tech asked, his voice tinged with concern as he glanced at Amina and Hunter.
Amina nodded, her expression serious as she moved to stand beside Echo at the helm. "Yeah, we got what we came for," she replied.
Omega gasped while looking at Amina’s hand, “is that…?”
Amina chuckled, “nope, not my blood.” She used the force and grabbed a cloth from the hall, wiping the blood from her hand. “But I got the information, so we’re all good.”
Echo glanced at Amina with a mixture of concern and relief. "Good to hear," he said, his voice steady as he turned his attention back to the controls. "Let's get out of here before things get any more... interesting."
Tech nodded in agreement, his fingers flying over the console as he plotted their course away from Zeltros. "I'll set a course for Ord Mantell," he said, his voice focused as he monitored the ship's systems. "We'll be out of here in no time."
The ship was currently traveling through hyperspace as Amina, Hunter, and Echo sat on the ship on their current mission.
Although, transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets was hardly a mission, which Echo and Hunter brought up numerous times.
Amina leaned back against one of the crates, her legs stretched out in front of her as she fiddled absentmindedly with the hilt of her lightsaber. Hunter sat opposite her, spinning his blade in his hand as Amina watched his movements. Echo, meanwhile, was busy tinkering with some of the ship's systems, muttering to himself about the inefficiency of their current route.
"So, remind me again why we're transporting nerf nuggets across the galaxy?" Hunter asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over the group.
Echo let out a frustrated sigh, glancing up from his work to shoot Hunter a pointed look. "Because apparently, the client couldn't find anyone else willing to take on this thrilling job," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
Amina stifled a laugh, shaking her head at Echo's grumbling. "Come on, Echo, it's not so bad," she said, trying to lighten the mood. "At least we're getting paid for it, right?"
Echo snorted in response, rolling his eyes as he returned his attention to his work. "Yeah, that's true," he conceded, his tone begrudging. "But it's hardly the kind of mission I signed up for.”
“Well, at least we’re not being shot at, right?” Amina added on, “come on, Echo. It’s a little break, although I’d much rather feel sunlight on my skin rather than sitting on a ship.”
Hunter chuckled, nodding in agreement as he leaned back against the crate, his gaze flickering between Amina and Echo. "She's got a point," he said with a smirk, his voice light with amusement. "We could be dodging blaster fire right about now."
Echo sighed, shaking his head as he continued to tinker with the ship's systems. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," he muttered, his tone resigned. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."
Omega finished retelling the story of Tech winning the landspeeder race. “It was so cool!”
Amina crossed her arms, looking over at Hunter, “okay, I lied. I would’ve much rather been Cid’s so-called ‘security detail’ and raced. I can’t believe it.” She tapped Tech’s datapad, causing him to look up at her, “I’m the one from Tatooine, who podraced, and yet I missed out on a Safa Toma race!”
Tech adjusted his goggles, “well, I wouldn’t consider racing to be as spectacular as you describe it. It is merely calculations- ”
Amina cut him off, “no it’s about feeling, Tech. Feeling.”
“I would have to disagree.”
Amina rolled her eyes playfully at Tech's insistence on logic over emotion when it came to racing. "Well, agree to disagree," she said with a grin, her tone teasing as she nudged him lightly with her elbow. "But mark my words, Tech, one day I'll prove to you just how exhilarating it can be."
Tech raised an eyebrow, adjusting his goggles as he glanced at Amina. "I look forward to the opportunity to be proven wrong," he replied dryly, his tone deadpan as he returned his attention to his datapad.
“You will die.” Palpatine hissed, as his force lightning struck Amina, sending her to the ground.
She screamed in pain, unable to curl up in a ball or move at all, as her brother watched, but didn’t intervene.
“An- Anakin. Pl- p- please h- help me.”
Mechanical breathing was her only response.
Amina slowly felt the life leaving her body as she peeked though clouded eyes to see large black boots in front of her. “An… Anakin.” She whispered, before feeling the heat and sting of a lightsaber by her neck, singeing her hair.
A sharp gust of air was felt around her, as his arm rose above her head-
Amina gasped awake, banging her head on the wall of the ship. Her hand raised to the back of her head, rubbing the sore spot.
She looked around, it seemed like every other night, with Tech, Echo, and Wrecker asleep in their bunks, and Omega asleep in her room, or the gun turret.
Her head poked out from her spot on the floor to see Hunter sitting in the cockpit, keeping watch. She stood up, the blanket from her form dropping to the floor as she picked it up and draped it around her shoulders before walking to the cockpit.
Hunter’s head turned towards her as she entered the cockpit, “you okay?”
Amina thought it over, biting her lip to try and keep her emotions in check. But a tear escaped her eye as she shook her head.
“Nightmare again?” he asked gently, as she nodded. “Come here.” Hunter gestured for her to come over to him.
A part of her thought that she should just brush it off, and say it was nothing. But she hadn’t had a nightmare in a while, so instead, she walked over to Hunter and sat sideways on his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face on his shoulder.
Hunter wrapped his arms around Amina, holding her close as she buried her face in his shoulder. He could feel her trembling slightly, her breaths coming in short, uneven gasps as she tried to steady herself.
"It's okay," he murmured softly, his voice gentle as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. "You're safe now. It was just a nightmare."
Amina nodded against his shoulder, her grip on him tightening as she tried to push away the memories of her dream. She could still feel the phantom pain of Palpatine's force lightning coursing through her veins, the fear and helplessness washing over her in waves.
"It felt so real," she whispered hoarsely, her voice muffled by Hunter's shoulder. "I thought... I thought he was going to kill me."
Hunter's heart clenched at the pain in Amina's voice, the raw vulnerability in her words tearing at his soul. He wished he could take away her fear, her nightmares, and make everything okay again. But he knew he couldn't, not completely.
"And… and I thought that he would save me. But h- he never does." Amina's voice trembled as she spoke, her words choked with emotion as she clung to Hunter, seeking comfort in his arms.
Hunter held her close, his heart aching at the pain in her voice. He could feel the weight of her words, the burden of her past traumas pressing down on her shoulders. He wished he could erase the pain, make it all go away with a simple touch or a few comforting words. But he knew it wasn't that easy.
"I'm sorry, Amina," he murmured softly, his voice filled with empathy as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "I wish I could take away your pain, make everything better for you."
Amina shook her head against Hunter's shoulder, her tears soaking into the fabric of his compression shirt. "It's not your fault," she whispered hoarsely, her voice thick with emotion. "It’s… it’s…” she trailed off.
It was Palpatine’s fault as much as it was Anakin’s fault. But she couldn’t say that, couldn’t bare to say that her big brother is the man tormenting her.
"Amina," Hunter murmured softly, his voice gentle as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face. "You don't have to go through this alone. Whatever you're going through, whatever nightmares you're facing, I'm here for you. Always."
Amina's breath caught in her throat at Hunter's words, the sincerity in his voice washing over her like a soothing balm. She lifted her head from his shoulder, her eyes meeting his as she searched for any hint of judgment or condemnation. But all she found was warmth and understanding, a silent promise of support and acceptance.
"Thank you," she whispered hoarsely, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached up to cup Hunter's cheek. "I... I don't know what I would do without you."
Hunter's heart swelled with emotion at Amina's words, his chest tight with the intensity of his feelings for her. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how much he cared for her, but the words caught in his throat, trapped by the weight of his own insecurities and fears.
Instead, he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Amina's forehead, his lips lingering against her skin for a brief moment. "You'll never have to find out," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he pulled her close once more.
Amina closed her eyes, savoring the warmth of Hunter's embrace, the reassuring strength of his presence. In that moment, surrounded by the darkness of space and the hum of the ship's engines, she felt a flicker of hope ignite within her, a glimmer of light in the midst of her darkest fears.
“Suddenly, I felt its tentacles wrap around my legs, pulling me down into the depths.” Bolo and Ketch gasped as Phee continued, “I had no choice but to fend off the Octomorph. Bare-handed.”
“This story changes every time she tells it.” Tech said.
“Vanquishing the creature, I swam to the coral cave. And do you know what I found?”
“What’d you find?” Bolo exclaimed, as did Ketch.
Amina shook her head, sipping her drink as she sat in between Hunter and Tech who were sitting at the bar.
“What? What was there?” Ketch asked.
“Spit it out!” Bolo yelled.
“Only the Grand Pearl of Novak.” Phee said, as the two gasped.
“Those two will believe anything.” Hunter sighed.
A door opened as Wrecker came in chuckling, with Omega behind him. “Mission accomplished! One compressor, as requested.” He tossed the compressor to Tech.
“Ah. Nicely done, Wrecker.”
“That’s not all we got.” Omega said cheerfully, as she dumped various things she found onto the table.
Tech adjusted his goggles, “this assortment, however, could have been left at the junkyard.”
Phee walked over to the table to interrupt, “easy, quick draw. Let the expert take a look.” She picked up an item.
“It is a manifold regulator. And a broken one at that.” Tech pointed out.
Hunter, Echo, and Amina shared a look as Phee retorted, “thanks, Clone Obvious.” She looked at the stack again before something caught her eye, “hang on.” She picked up the circular object, turning it around in her hand. “These look like coordinate markings.”
Omega gasped, “coordinate markings?” she asked excitedly.
Phee turned to face her droid, “Mel, take a look at this.” The droid waddled over and shone a light through the circular object, making the light a purple color. Mel beeped. “I was right. This is a compass. One from long before our time.” Mel beeped again. “These coordinates are in the Kaldar Trinary system.”
Tech tapped on his datapad, “I have no record of that system.”
“Because the best treasures usually aren’t found on maps.” Phee answered.
“Theres’s treasure there?” Omega asked, her voice lightning up.
“Without a doubt. This compass is a rare find. You’ve got a good eye.”
Omega turned around and jumped up and down, “let’s go check it out. You heard Phee.” She told Hunter.
Hunter crossed his arms, “she says a lot of things.”
“I can go alone and take the spoils for myself. Or we go together and split it 50-50.” Phee handed Omega the compass and put her hand on her shoulder.
“Please, Hunter. What if there really is treasure there?” Omega asked excitedly.
“Yeah. We’re not on a mission.” Wrecker added.
“It could be fun.” Omega said, her voice still full of excitement.
“The last time we went after treasure, it didn’t go as planned.” Echo said, looking over at Hunter.
“You weren’t working with a professional then.” Phee spoke confidently. Mel beeped as Phee continued, “what do you say?”
Hunter looked over at Echo, who gave a slight shrug, and then at Amina, who sipped her drink. She looked over at him and patted his shoulder with a small smile.
He sighed, before nodding his head in agreement.
Amina stood in the hallway behind Hunter, cleaning her lightsaber hilt, although she wasn’t exactly doing that. She was watching as Hunter spun his vibroblade in his hand, as he stood in the hallway close by where Omega and Phee sat.
Lost in her thoughts, Amina didn't notice Hunter glance over his shoulder at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He had felt her gaze on him for a while now, but he didn't mind. In fact, he found himself enjoying the attention, even if he wasn't entirely sure why.
"Admiring the view?" Hunter teased, his voice breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
Amina jumped slightly, caught off guard by his sudden question. She quickly composed herself, trying to play it cool as she looked up at him. "Just making sure my lightsaber is clean," she replied, gesturing to the hilt in her hand.
Hunter chuckled, his smile widening as he turned to face her fully. "Well, it looks pretty clean to me," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I suppose it never hurts to double-check."
Amina felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at Hunter's playful teasing. She glanced down at her lightsaber hilt, suddenly finding it difficult to meet his gaze. "Yeah, well, you can never be too careful," she mumbled.
“How many uncharted planets have you been to?” Omega asked Phee, both their legs propped up on Mel.
“Too many to count.” Phee put her legs down, “that’s why I need Mel to keep track of all the legends I’ve chased down over the years.” Mel beeped, “that’s the life of a treasure hunter.”
Hunter stopped spinning his blade, turning to look at Phee, “don’t you mean ‘pirate’?”
“I prefer ‘Liberator of Ancient Wonders’.” Phee replied, turning back to Omega, “wanna hear about the time I found the Blade of Zakata Par?”
“Yes, I do!”
Hunter sighed and sheathed his blade. Amina turned to face him, “hey, there’s no need to be sad.”
He blinked in response, “I’m not sad.”
Amina let out a chuckle, “yeah, you are. You’re a little upset that Omega is spending time with Phee instead of you.”
Hunter's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Amina's observation. He opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it again, realizing that she was probably right. He hadn't realized it until now, but he did feel a twinge of jealousy watching Omega and Phee bond over their shared love of adventure and treasure hunting.
"I... I guess you're right," Hunter admitted, his voice tinged with embarrassment as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's just... I don't know. I'm not used to seeing Omega spend so much time with someone else. It's... different."
Amina nodded in understanding, her expression sympathetic as she placed a comforting hand on Hunter's arm. "I get it," she said softly, her voice gentle. "But you know Omega. She's always been curious and eager to explore new things. And Phee seems like a... an okay influence on her."
Hunter sighed, leaning back against the wall of the hallway as he looked at Amina. "Yeah, I know," he replied, his voice heavy with resignation. "It's just hard, you know? Seeing her grow up so fast, becoming more independent... It feels like she doesn't need me anymore."
Amina's heart ached at the sadness in Hunter's voice, the vulnerability in his words tearing at her soul. She reached out, gently squeezing his arm in a silent gesture of comfort and solidarity. "She'll always need you, Hunter," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "No matter how much she grows and changes, you'll always be her family. And she'll always look up to you."
"Thanks, Amina," Hunter said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I needed to hear that."
Amina smiled at him, a gentle and understanding smile that made his heart skip a beat. "Anytime, Hunter," she replied, her voice filled with genuine affection. "We're all in this together, right?"
Hunter nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he realized that he wasn't alone in his feelings.
The ship landed on the planet as Phee and Omega exited the ship first, with Hunter walking down and to the side of the staircase as Amina exited last, holding his hand out for her to grab.
As they walked down the staircase together, Amina felt a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her as she held onto Hunter's hand. It was a simple gesture, but it meant more to her than she could express in words. She glanced over at him, catching his eye and offering him a small smile, which he returned with a soft smile of his own.
The planet they had landed on was unlike any Amina had ever seen before. Its landscape was rugged and barren, almost a gray overtone surrounding the entire dry, dead planet.
Phee broke off a dead branch from a bush as Omega did the same thing.
“I’m not picking up any signs of civilization whatsoever. Which makes sense, considering this land appears to have been razed and left uninhabitable.” Tech said.
“Who’d wanna hide treasure here?” Echo asked out loud. Beeping and whirring sounded out as the group looked at Echo, who held the compass. “The compass just activated.” He held up high as he walked around, before taking a few steps forward when the beeping quickened, “it’s telling us to go south.”
“Let’s go!” Omega exclaimed, grabbing the compass from Echo’s hand.
“Now she’s got the right attitude.” Phee said, looking at the 5 of them, “wait up, kid!” She yelled, running to catch up with Omega.
The rest of them started to walk as well, following Omega and Phee. They made it to the side of the mountain as the beeping got faster then stopped completely.
Omega grunted, “it’s a dead end. Maybe we go around the mountain?”
“Or it’s telling us to go inside it.” Phee said, putting her lantern on the ground and pulled out her cutlass, pushing it in between two large rocks. One of the rocks was pushed to the side, as she felt a small gust of wind from inside. “Big guy, help me move this.”
Wrecker walked forward and pushed the two large rocks away. A rumbling was heard as Wrecker and Phee stepped back, as rocks and boulders fell from the top to reveal a gap in the side of the mountain.
“Look! It’s a secret entrance.” Omega whispered.
“Oh! It is a secret entrance.” Wrecker repeated quietly.
They walked in, some of them holding flashlights and lanterns as they looked at the circular room, with markings etched onto the walls.
Tech tapped on his datapad, “Hunter, these etchings are easily a thousand years old.”
“Older. Much older.” Phee said. “If I’m right, which is always, we are standing in the entranceway to Skara Nal.”
“To what?” Echo asked incredulously.
“Every pirate out there’s heard the legend of Skara Nal. It traces back to the ancients.”
“You mean the Jedi?” Echo questioned.
“No, not the Jedi.” Amina said, tracing her fingers on one of the markings.
“She’s right. Even older.” Phee replied.
“So, what kinda treasure’s in there?” Wrecker asked.
“The Heart of the Mountain. And we’re going to liberate it.” Phee turned around to face the wall, looking at different blocks in the wall that looked similar to some sort of lever.
“How do we get in?” Omega whispered to Phee.
“It’s a pattern.” Phee replied, “we need to align the symbols in the right order.” She placed down her lantern, before pushing the bottom lever. She then looked at the next one, which was higher than her, “some help would be nice.”
Wrecker stepped forward as he reached up and pushed the lever in the same direction Phee did. Once the symbols fell into place, a rumbling shook the room.
“That doesn’t sound good.” Hunter spoke.
The ground below them started to spin, as the door slammed closed. A cracking sound was heard as Phee pushed Wrecker out of the way of the falling rock.
Hunter walked around the rock to check on Wrecker who sat on the ground. Phee rolled her shoulder, “booby traps. Now it’s getting interesting.”
Hunter turned to face her, “you’ve just trapped us in here.” Before quickly walking away to look around.
“Relax. There’s always a way out.” Phee responded, “we just have to find it. It’s part of the puzzle.”
The group looked around the small room as Omega gasped, “wait! We’re aligning the wrong symbols!” She ran onto the rock that had just fallen and looked at the levers through the compass.
“What do you see?” Hunter asked, looking where Omega was.
“Some of the symbols are glowing.”
Phee briefly looked around, “here. Lay the compass on my lantern.”
Omega bent down and held the compass over the lantern as the room illuminated, with some of the levers glowing. Wrecker pushed the middle lever to align with the symbol needed as Tech did the same with the bottom one, with Wrecker’s help.
Omega picked up the compass as the room began to spin again, as the door they entered and a new one opened.
“Mel, note the coordinates and wait here.” Phee stood up, “come on, kid. Time to go exploring.” She led the way as Omega eagerly followed.
Wrecker pulled his helmet onto the top of his head, “looks like we’re doing this.” He chuckled, going through the entrance Phee and Omega went through.
“My interest is certainly piqued.” Tech said, following Wrecker.
Echo stayed silent, gesturing to Hunter and Amina to follow the rest of them. Amina glanced at Hunter, who nodded in response before they both fell into step behind Echo, their footsteps echoing softly in the narrow passageway.
“So, what exactly is the Heart of the Mountain?” Omega asked, her voice quiet as her Phee led the way.
“A rare crystalline stone. Some say it’s the key to an ancient power, which makes it worth more than you could possibly fathom.”
“I have run a preliminary analysis of the minerals in those stone slabs.” Tech said, as Hunter heard a low sound as he slowly came to a stop, with Amina, Echo, and Wrecker following. “They predate the Republic. Phee may be onto something.”
Phee and Omega turned around when they noticed that the rest of the group had stopped walking. “Hey, tough guys. Want to pick up the pace?” Phee asked.
Hunter’s hand came to hover over his holster, “Hunter?” Omega asked warily.
Suddenly, a deep growl sounded throughout the tunnel, as everyone pointed their flashlights at the hole in the ceiling. Nothing appeared as Amina took her lightsaber off her belt, holding the hilt tightly.
Wrecker turned around when a creature jumped out and pinned Wrecker to the ground. Everyone started to shoot at the monster as Wrecker grabbed the horns, stopping it from biting him. “It’s drooling on me!” Wrecker shouted.
Hunter moved closer to the creature as it raised its arm and hit Hunter, causing him to fall to his knees. The creature had gone back up to the hole, still keeping its grip on Wrecker as everyone stopped shooting.
Wrecker then tore off a horn from the creature as he fell to the ground. They resumed their shooting causing the creature to go back through the hole in the ceiling. But the shooting caused rocks to fall from the top as everyone ran away from the rockfall.
Omega and Amina started to cough from the dust and debris as they looked at the rocks that created a barrier in the middle of the hallway, with Amina, Hunter, Omega, and Phee on one side, and Tech, Wrecker, and Echo on the other.
“Echo, Tech, Wrecker, are you okay?” Omega asked through her comm.
“We’re fine, but there’s too much debris. We can’t get through.” Echo replied.
“The readings in here are not as clear, but I can track your position. There are smaller side tunnels throughout. We will navigate a path and rendezvous with you at the other end.” Tech chimed in.
“Good. Then we’ll keep looking for the treasure.” Phee said into Omega’s comm, as she felt Hunter’s stare at her. She stood up, “what? That’s what we’re here for. They’ll be fine. Come on. Fortune awaits.”
Amina grumbled under her breath as she followed behind Phee and Omega, with Hunter behind her. He looked over at her, “what?”
She shook her head, “just thinking about how I would much rather go on a treasure hunt with Hondo Ohnaka.”
Hunter came up to her side, “who?”
“A Weequay pirate. We first met him after he captured Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, and Anakin. But he did help us a few times throughout the war.” She turned her head to give Hunter a half-smirk, “he had a sense of humor, and at least he didn’t kill us- or, nope, never mind, wishful thinking.”
They all paused when they were met with a different cylindrical tunnel, followed by the sound of growling.
“We need to keep moving.” Hunter said, as he stepped into the tunnel first.
Omega, Phee, and Amina stayed at the beginning of the tunnel as Phee spoke, “hang on. This is too easy.”
Omega put the compass over her flashlight as she gasped, “look, there are more markings.”
Phee and Amina came to the same conclusion as Phee stepped forward and yelled, “wait!”
The floor beneath Hunter fell away as Omega yelled his name. Hunter acted quickly as he threw his grappling hook. Before the hook could fall down, Amina grabbed the line as Phee and Omega also grabbed it and stood behind her as they pulled the line up.
Hunter hoisted his body onto the surface as Omega spoke up, “I think we need to find a way to walk across the ceiling.”
Phee stood up, “my thoughts exactly.”
“You’re just making this up as you go.” Hunter panted out.
“It’s part of the fun.” Phee said as Hunter groaned, “loosen up, Bandana. You’re in good hands.”
“We have almost died three times already.” Hunter said sharply.
“This reminds me of the time I tracked down the Belmont diadem- ”
“I don’t care.” Hunter interrupted Phee angrily.
“Ooh. Someone’s in a mood.”
Hunter sighed, “I’m only interested in getting us outta here in one piece.”
“It fits.” Omega said, standing by the wall where she put the compass in a small lock and rotated the notch. The circular tunnel formed a bridge, no longer containing holes in the walkway, now replaced by glowing white symbols on the floor. Omega grabbed a rock and threw it across, “all clear.” She walked back over to the wall to grab the compass, but found it stuck. “The compass. I can’t get it.”
Phee placed a hand on Omega’s shoulder, “it’s served its purpose. Skara Nal’s reclaimed it.”
Omega gasped, “Skara Nal has reclaimed it.” She repeated Phee’s words. She started to walk across the tunnel.
“So, we have to navigate this death trap without it?” Hunter asked.
“Good thing you have me.” Phee replied.
Hunter let out a sigh as he placed his hand to his side, his palm facing Amina. Without a thought, she placed her hand in his as they walked across the tunnel behind Omega and Phee.
The four of them watched as Echo, Tech, and Wrecker emerged from the side tunnel. “What took you so long?” Hunter asked.
“Phee thinks we’re getting close to the treasure.” Omega said eagerly, before facing the door that they needed to go through.
“What type of puzzle is this?” Tech questioned, walking closer to the door shining his flashlight.
“Don’t overthink it, brown eyes.” Phee said, as she placed her lantern down. She traced her hands down the center of the door, “sometimes a door’s…” she lifted a latch at the bottom as the door slowly opened, “just a door.”
Phee shined her light at the object. “There. The Heart of the Mountain.” She jumped onto a ledge at her side and started to make her way down towards it, as Omega and Hunter followed, while Amina and the rest stayed above by the door.
Phee twisted the jewel and pulled it out, as a violent rumble sounded out through the room. Wrecker and Echo turned towards the door, but it started to close and cave in, as the two of them, along with Amina and Tech, jumped away and clung onto the edge of the ledge.
A sound similar to an engine starting up sounded out loudly, as bright lights lit up the large room and ledges. A large blast shook the room, as Hunter placed a hand on Omega’s chest to stop her from potentially falling.
Everything started to shift, causing everyone to fall down towards the bottom of whatever they were in.
“I suspect this is not, in fact, a treasure vault.” Tech said calmly.
“Then what is it?” Omega asked hurriedly.
“Good question.” Echo replied.
Another blast sounded out as everyone shielded their eyes from the bright light.
“It just emitted a massive surge of energy.” Tech said, his visor down, “whatever we are standing inside is highly destructive!”
“So what do we do to shut it down?” Wrecker asked Tech.
“If removing the Heart of the Mountain activated it, perhaps we must return it to its proper place to deactivate it.” Tech responded.
Phee clutched the large jewel to her chest, “do you know how much this is worth? It’s what we came for! Can’t you find a separate kill switch or something?”
“Our ship’s out there. If that thing destroys it, we’ll be trapped on this planet!” Hunter argued.
Phee let out an aggravated sigh, “all right. But you owe me.”
A familiar growl came from the door, as it crawled out. Everyone began to shoot at the creature as Phee lost her balance, dropping the Heart of the Mountain. “You deal with that! I’ll get the stone.” She yelled, as she started to climb down.
Hunter glanced down at Phee before following her. Everyone continued to shoot at the large creature as Echo yelled out to Amina, “can’t you use your lightsaber?”
Amina sighed, pulling out her lightsaber, “I guess we’re about to find out.” She replied, as Echo got thrown to the side. Wrecker grabbed the back leg of the creature, but it kicked him hard in the chest, as he was thrown against the red window.
Amina stood in front of Omega, keeping her lightsaber at the ready as Omega continued to shoot her energy crossbow. Wrecker stood up and grabbed the creature’s tail, dragging it back, “shoot the window!”
Amina raised her hand as Omega shot off two shots, weaking the glass. Amina then used the force to completely shatter the window as Wrecker tossed the creature out.
But it didn’t stop there, since right after the creature was thrown out, a loud mechanical groan was heard as it started to move. “Tech, do something!” Wrecker yelled out.
“I am trying, but nothing is working!” Tech frustratedly yelled.
“Tech, the stone!” Hunter yelled, throwing Tech the stone as he and Phee emerged from the lower level. Tech caught the stone as him and Omega tried to insert it in, putting it in wrong the first time before finally fitting it in and turning it, when the machine powered down.
The stone started to glimmer and melt away as a series of explosions rang out around them and the lights went out. The machine started to give out, slowly falling down, “hang on to something!” Hunter yelled out.
He noticed Omega slipping away as he reached out and grabbed her forearm and pulled her in front of him as everyone fell down along with the machine.
They walked out of the broken window and stopped at the edge of it. “This puts us at 0 for 2 in treasure hunting even with a professional.” Tech spoke.
Omega looked up at Phee, “we did find the Heart of the Mountain. The legend was real.”
“Now that’s the right attitude.” Phee replied to Omega cheerfully.
They were closer to the Marauder now, with the sun now lighting up the sky. Amina and Hunter walked side by side in the middle of the group as Phee and Omega walked in front, and the rest of the guys behind them.
Hunter glanced over at her as she kept her gaze straight ahead before feeling his gaze on her and looking at him with a small smile.
“Oof!” Amina said, as she fell to the ground, hitting an invisible barrier.
Hunter pulled out his blaster looking around to see nothing, as Amina rubbed her forehead with her eyes closed sitting up. “What the- “ she looked up to see Vader standing in front of her, the cause of her stumbling.
“I couldn’t sense you for the past few hours sister.”
Hunter reached out a hand to Amina as she stood up with his help. “Poor you. I quite liked it.”
Vader crossed his arms as he stood in front of her, as Amina copied his movement, “where are you?”
Amina scoffed, waving a hand to the rest of the group, telling them she was fine as they continued to walk forward, with Hunter standing a few paces ahead of her. “We’ve been over this. I’m not going to tell you where I am An- sorry, Vader.”
“The Emperor has been looking for you.”
“And why do you care?” Amina countered.
He didn’t respond, instead his mechanical breathing filled the air between them. “Oh, great. You’re not giving me an answer, again. E chu ta.” She hissed in Huttese, walking around Vader’s form and past Hunter to the ship.
As Amina strode past Darth Vader, her heart pounded in her chest, the weight of his presence heavy on her mind. She quickened her pace, eager to put some distance between herself and the Dark Lord. Behind her, Hunter glanced back at the empty space, a frown creasing his brow.
Once they reached the safety of the Marauder, Amina let out a shaky breath, her hands trembling slightly. She leaned against the ship's hull, trying to steady herself as Hunter approached her, concern etched in his features.
"Hey, are you okay?" Hunter asked softly, his voice gentle as he reached out to touch her arm.
Amina nodded, forcing a smile despite the unease churning in her gut. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice wavering slightly. "Just... wasn't expecting to run into Vader out here."
Hunter's expression darkened at the mention of Vader's name, his grip tightening on Amina's arm. "Yeah, that was unexpected," he muttered, his gaze flickering to the entrance of the ship where the rest of their squad had gathered.
Amina followed his gaze, her eyes meeting Omega's concerned stare. She offered the young girl a reassuring smile, silently willing her not to worry. But she knew that explaining her encounter with Vader would only raise more questions, questions she wasn't ready to answer.
“Have you ever thought about getting help? From… I don’t know, another Jedi? If there are any left.”
Amina's smile faltered slightly at the mention of other Jedi, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered Hunter's question. "I've thought about it," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But... it's complicated. I’m… not sure, but I guess I’ll think about it.”
Huttese translation:
E chu ta - fuck you
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tags: @callsign-denmark
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end-of-violence · 4 months
G.T. / Dog Out a Pup
Babyface Ray / Money On My Mind
Babyface Ray / Shy Kid
Babyface Ray / Glory
Sada Baby / Flight Back
Damedot / LIE TO MY FACE
Los / Above The Law
Peezy x Nice / Harlem
42 Dugg / Win Wit Us
YN Jay / I Ain't Done Yet
ShutupShy / Still Lit
Chief Keef / Runner
Ballout / Big Glo Flow
Lil Migo / Hello Kitty
Baby Jamo / 6 Foot Chaser
QuisActive / Order Up
Paco Panama / Ezal
HavinMotion / Vibe 2
Skino / FDM
Traphard Swagg / 2 in 2
Lil Wet feat. Wizz Havinn / Sexii Redd
Wizz Havinn / Loco
Wizz Havinn / Tunka Truck
BossMan Dlow Ft. GloRilla / Finesse (Remix)
ATM Tana / Keep Movin
Fatpocket / Live From The Trenches
C Stunna & Skrilla / Curtis Jackson
J1 & Kickkone / Squeeze
Tyte, Trigga500k / Motion
Loe Shimmy feat. Luh Tyler / Aretha Franklin
Loe Shimmy feat. Veeze / Dirty Soda Junkie
Carns Hill ft Knucks X Youngs Teflon / COLOURS
Chief Keef & Mike WiLL Made-It / Dirty Nachos
Chif Keef / Almighty So 2
Ballout / No Radio
Lil Flash / Did You Miss Me or You Ain't Care?
D30 / Snakes & Vultures
Junie3x / Way 2 Late
GloRilla / Ehhthang Ehhthang
Woodboy Gee / King Hawk 2
Medhane / Double or Nothing
MIKE & Tony Seltzer / Pinball
Bandgang Lonnie Bands / Antimedia
Bandgang Masoe / Wst
Drego & Beno / True Story
LOM Rudy & Allstar JR / Casino Bag
Ace Cino / 5 Letterz
Payroll Giovanni / Have Money Have Heart - EP
Jugg Harden / Detroit USA
Jugg Harden / Get the Blicky 2.0
Prince Jefe / Tunnel Vision
Prince Jefe / Warwoundzz - EP
Shaudy Kash / The FABUR EP
Wtm Solid / Bigg
Wanski / Back From the Dead
Los / Last In Love
Rio Da Yung OG / Rio Circa 2020
Bfb Da Packman / Forget Me Not
Baby Money / H.I.M. (Hutsle In Me)
Trdee / The Greatest
J1hunnit / Nevermind, I'll Do It - EP
Mack Nickles / Quit While I'm Winning
World Tour Mafia / Tourmania 2
WTM Scoob / Scoob Wav
Pretty Brayah / Unstable
CoffeeBlack & WTM Scoob / Love at First Sight?
Certified Trapper / Trappernese
Yung Threat / Inlilahkitrust
Tae Dawg / Ooze World Order
Lil Gray / Gray
Skino / Youth Madness
Paco Panama / Southside Sopranos
HavinMotion / Motion
HavinMotion / Trappin In Beverly
3o$oma / Jedi Temple - EP
ST6 JodyBoof / Riding W Boof - EP
3coMMa$ / Heavy Rotation 3
KP SKYWALKA / Back To Granny's
Yung Maaly / Clutch Almighty
Situation Slim / Draggin & Havin
EBK Lulmaxx / Do It For Maxx 2
EBK BCKDOE / BlueMoney Music
EBK Lulmaxx / Product of The J - EP
GS Ash & EBK BCKDOE / 3 Doe's Down
GS Ash & SSRichh33 / 3300 Degrees
GS Ash & SSRichh33 / The Redacted Files 2
GS Ash & OsosubkaK / The Joy of Creation
KT8Deuce / Portlands Most Valuable Ghetto Juvenile
KT8Deuce / Aye N***a
adfrmysb / Forever Hate - EP
kpkeeparoll / Born a Steppa
J. Stalin / Me vs Me 2
Yhung T.O. & Lil Sheik / Ballin Like Tutu
Big Sad 1900 & MikeMadeThe808's / The Separation
Doddie Savage / Mr Blitz'em 2
Fl6ixer / Web Ya Block
3 notes · View notes
sneek-m · 3 months
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Favorite Rap (So Far), 2024
Here's a Spotify playlist of this.
2sdxrt3all - "I Will"
310babii, OhGeesy & BlueBucksClan - "rock your hips"
Baby Money - "Sit Back and Watch"
Babyface Ray - "Understand"
Bktherula ft. Cash Cobain - "SHAKIN IT"
BoofPaxkMooky - "Hey Big Head"
Cash Cobain, Ice Spice, Bay Swag - "Fisherrr (Remix)"
CEO Trayle - "Crime Pays"
Chief Keef - "1,2,3"
CHOW LEE - "ms.beautiful V"
Cochise - "JACKPOT"
DaeMoney ft. Karrahbooo - "PENT TALK"
DeeGlokk x 1BoDean - "BELT BOYS"
DreamDoll & 2Rare - "Jelly"
Drego & Beno - "Ignorance"
DThang, Edai Gunz, Yus Gz, Sha Gz, Kha Structure - "My Town"
feardorian - "Acrid Taste"
GloRilla - "Yeah Glo!"
Icewear Vezzo - "Pouring Wok"
Kaash Paige - "Waterfalls"
Kanii ft. wolfacejoeyy - "hate me"
Kodak Black - "Shampoo"
Kyle Richh - "Trick"
LAZER DIM 700 - "Awsum"
Li Rye - "Banned from Where"
Los and Nutty - "Dope Man"
LUCKI, Rylo Rodriguez & Veeze - "Gerskiway"
Maxo Kream - "Bang the Bus"
MIKE - "R&B"
Myaap & Mg Sleepy - "I Ain't Hidin'"
PCF Phew ft. PCF Man Man - "Dream Bout Hell"
Saweetie & P-Lo - "Do It for the Bay"
Sexyy Red - "Get It Sexyy"
Smino - "Polynesian"
TiaCorine - "Bonnet"
Toosii - "Where You Been"
Veeze - "Pop Yo Sh*t"
Wolfacejoeyy - "Solar"
YhapoJJ - "Ima Star"
YoungBoy Never Broke Again - "closed case"
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yungxgoldin · 4 months
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playboywale · 30 days
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getting-fixed · 4 months
It’s summertime so ofc all the albums r dropping… how am I to choose which I’m reviewing first!
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talestobetold · 2 years
ok Christopher Tolkien must have a dark sense of humor bc I think I was forever changed reading The Children of Hùrin, getting to the part where the men of Dor-Lómin ride off gloriously to battle:
And the sun glittered on fifty blades as they leaped forth, and the court rang with the battle-cry of the Edain of the North: Lacho calad! Drego morn! Flame Light! Flee Night! Then at last Hurin sprang into his saddle, and his golden banner was unfurled, and the trumpets sang again in the morning; and thus Hurin Thalion rode away to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
then turning the page and seeing:
“Chapter Two: The Battle of Unnumbered Tears”
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dustedandsocial · 2 years
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part2 (rap 1)
Pictured: Shawny Binladen
01. PeeWee LongWay - Shit On Me 02. EBK BCKDOE, SSRICHH33 & Verde Babii - Angry Africans 03. DJ Crazy & Philly Goats - Philly Shake 04. Cash Cobain & Chow Lee - SLIZZY LIKE 05. Drakko Nol & Hezzo - Lock In 06. Shawny Binladen - Blackout Bright 07. Big YAYA - Ashley & Kimberly 08. BEBiii & Shawny Binladen - OTW 09. Guttafoe & Ybk $tash - $tash x Gutta 10. DJ MikeyG & Mori Briscoe - Glitch 11. Four50 & Big YAYA - 3.14 12. BabyTron - Hold Up, Wait! 13. Monaleo - We Not Humping 14. Realstasher.50k - Coming Down 15. Almighy Nigel, RRB Duck & Blessteam Marv - Stretch It Out 16. Tae Rackzz & Pmg rob - Dog shit 17. DaeMoney, Veeze & Lucki - GTA 18. ICYTWAT - Porsche Truck 19. Sexyy Red - Don't Get Beat 20. Kodak Black - I’m So Awesome 21. Trapland Pat - Z Land 22. Babyface Ray - Steak N Lobster 23. Kamaiyah & Sada Baby - Oakland Steppin In Detroit 24. 42 Dugg & EST Gee - Thump Shit 25. Young Nudy - Project X 26. FNF Chop, Sheff G & Young Nudy - Walkdown 27. GloRilla - Blessed 28. Chief Keef - Overhead 29. Quelly Woo, Set Da Trend & Fr33BANDIT - Try Ya Luck 30. Zahsosaa, D Sturdy & DJ Crazy - Shake Dhat
Mega:https://mega.nz/file/KdtTWILD#ymwa93PwlhD9IYkLKy6PcC7ViI6GA9joPqp8YsoaEEU Zippyshare: https://www95.zippyshare.com/v/0vx9CEFC/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part3 (rap 2)
Pictured: Veeze
01. Sauce Walka - Dangerous Daringer 02. Shawn Eff, EBK Young Joc, Mac J & ThatBoyDayDay - Grim Reaper 03. Mikeeazybeazy & Icewear Veazzo - Groovy 04. Ace Cino & Kitchen Qleen - L.A In The Morning 05. Say It Ain’t Tone, Sada Baby & UpUp Rich Lo - Been Platinum 06. KCG Josh & Maxo Kream - Choke 07. Spinabenz - Murder Talk, Pt. 3 08. Glockboyz Teejaee - Go 09. Veeze - Let It Fly 10. CEO Trayle - Private Matter 11. CHASETHEMONEY, Babyface Ray & Valee - 99 Problems 12. Jugg Harden & YN Jay - How Yo Bitch Sound 13. Chicken P - Straight To Work 14. Damedot - FUCK YO SUMMER 15. Rio Da Yung Og - Showstopper 16. Drego, Beno & BabyTron - Vaxuum Sealed 17. Los, Nutty & Slime - Ready Rock 18. Baby Smoove - Miss Me 19. Ball Jackson - Fuk Corporate 20. Babyface Ray, Detroit Rap News & Kardiak Films - Santel 33 21. FishXGrits & Sauce Walka - Didn't I 22. SME TAXFREE, RRB Duck, RRB Mel & SME YM - Ayyyye 23. MarijuanaXO - Tris 24. Cashclick Boog & BandGang Lonnie Bands - USE TO MONEY 25. Gallery Provence & ManMan Savage - Dividends 26. BigXthaPlug & Maxo Kream - Safehouse (Remix) 27. Justin Credible & Ohgeesy - Lavish 28. DB.Boutabag - 10PM 29. YOUNG SLO-BE - Track Stars 30. Ralfy the Plug - The Truth Hurts
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/OJ1CBRIK#OgRvJdPVw51jop9RHs6ZuTC8ypUDtWpJEZ7XbbzgZNI Zippyshare: https://www73.zippyshare.com/v/8xLf1xVW/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part4 (rap 3)
Pictured: Mudbaby Ru
01. Mudbaby Ru - Gun Class 02. Bigkaybeezy & Lil Zay Osama - Glock 9 03. CEO Trayle & Fastmoney Ant - Nightmares & Dreams 04. Real Boston Richey & Future - I Want You 05. MarijuanaXO, Joe pablo, Chicken P & Juicester - 72 Hours 06. Drakeo the Ruler - Slip & Fall 07. QP KO & Baby 9eno - The 1 Not The 2 08. DCG Shun, DCG Bsavv & MoneySign Suede - Get Money 09. Icewear Vezzo - Ace Of Spades 10. Mac J & EBK Young Joc - Her Son Stoopin 11. JG Riff, CartiEarss & No Savage - Carry Em 12. Baby Stone Gorillas & WeezGotti - On To Tha Next 13. Shaudy Kash - All Around The World 14. TeemoK1Up - Backwood Crazy 15. BandGang Lonnie Bands - Crank It Up 16. EBG EJizzle - That's So Raven 17. Daboii & G Perico - No You Not 18. Drego, Prell & Bandgang Lonnie Bands - Laylow Flo 19. Whoppa Wit Da Choppa - Shhh 20. KP SKYWALKA - CANT GET RIGHT 21. Lil Gray - Abuse It 22. Nutso Thugn - UpperKutter 23. Dc2trill, Rio Da Yung Og & Rmc Mike - Vivienne Peacoat 24. Ralfy the Plug & OTM - Everyday A Movie 25. Baby Fifty - Meet you 26. Glock Jones - No Bap 27. Slimesito & Yung Maaly - Get Wicked 28. Smoke Chapo - Havin' The Most 29. Trapnhardo, EST Gee & Icewear Vezzo - Bottom Of The Trap 30. PGF Nuk - Switch Switch
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/LFciBDTA#Jpnm-Yd7uCU9vCQEbo0uxjKe6p83qNA--2ZQEj_LfT0 Zippyshare: https://www73.zippyshare.com/v/IZfJN5VW/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part5 (rap 4)
Pictured: Starlito
01. Rxknephew - Pocket Knife Nephew 02. Tony Shhnow - Show U 03. Veeze - living goat 04. Z Money - Lyin Oath 05. Texas Boyz - Awready 06. 10Kdunkin - Dj Dont Play No Love Song 07. Bbyafricka - Ronald Reagan 08. Cruddy Murda - Super 09. Bandosupreme, Icebirds & 44Oakboy - Money First 10. Idontknowjeffery & Big Marri - Yn Movement 11. Reace Sosa, O42marky, Mari Montana - ADN 12. WTM Scoob - throw up 13. 2ski & Boofboiicy - YTN 14. Warhol.Ss, CEO Trayle & Dc2trill - Blue 42 15. Hotboi Skullie & Sauce Keyz - Up Dere 16. Sickboyrari - Bow Bow 17. Vip Skylark & Papo2Oo4 - Soho Loft Party 18. Staysie Atoms - U My Son Go To Tha Corner Cuz U Grounded U My Son Go Get The Switch Cuz Bitch U Tried It 19. Surf Gang - Hardy Boyz 20. Icebirds - Throwed 21. Cousin Stizz - Lbs 22. G.T. & Curren$y - Push Start 23. Trapperman Dale - Lies 24. Starlito - Feat. All $tar 25. Gue Wop & Boldy James - Dirty Face 26. Valee & Na-Kel Smith - Kelly Green 27. Realyungphil - Blackout Freestyle 28. Lucki - Fumble 29. Larry June - Corte Madera, Ca 30. Father - Horsepower
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/LZNH0Dya#UZfvtqjy3JDyQjwpgtnL41ACu9ZYl5gbY6URpW88C34 Zippyshare: https://www73.zippyshare.com/v/jl6TKUIc/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part6 (rap 5)
Pictured: Bbymutha
01. Danger Mouse, Black Thought & MF DOOM - Belize 02. Bbymutha - R U Sure 03. Mavi - Reason! 04. Nicholas Craven & Boldy James - Straight & Tall 05. Mr. Muthafuckin Exquire - Bubbleguts 06. Redveil, Fly Anakin & Ovrkast. - Automatic 07. Pink Siifu & Valee - Griptape'!! 08. Infinity Knives & Brian Ennals - Death Of A Constable 09. Jay Worthy, Larry June, Lndn Drgs & Roc Marciano - Maybe The Next Time 10. Big Cheeko & Mach-Hommy - Spin Off 11. Psalm One & Custom Made - Shadow Work 12. Fly Anakin & Henny L.O. - Dontbeafraid 13. Archibald Slim & Quadry - Surviving 14. Billy Woods & Despot - Versailles 15. E L U C I D - Smile Lines 16. Quelle Chris & Cavalier - Purple Robes 17. Messiah! - Lordy! 18. Yl, Starker & Zoomo - Digits 19. Roc Marciano & The Alchemist - Bubble Bath 20. Junglepussy - Mystical 21. Na-Kel Smith - Iloveyou,alright 22. Papo2Oo4 - Show You 23. They Hate Change - Some Days I Hate My Voice 24. Trippjones, Wifigawd & Tony Seltzer - Pressure 25. Monday Night, Heather Grey & Nickelus F - Viral 26. Rome Streetz - 1000 Ecstasy 27. Mike, Wiki & The Alchemist - Be Realistic 28. Ka - Touché 29. Earl Sweatshirt - Old Friend 30. Quelle Chris, Denmark Vessey & J Jig Cicero - Cui Prodest
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/mENFwR6Y#BklA1BEadh1chIzFUstts5NA2m7rTzOQY_tixRJ6xKo Zippyshare: https://www49.zippyshare.com/v/qdCVbHHZ/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part7 (rap 6)
Pictured: Lo.Ceasar (YL & Starker)
01. Lukah, Jason Da Hater, Cities Aviv, Dame Mufasa, Suni Katz, Deener, The Derelick, J Royal & Yasin Allah - RARE FORMULAZ 02. Mach-Hommy, JuJu Gotti & Nicholas Craven - Sans Maquillage 03. Blass 89 & DøøF - Bad Day 04. Veteran! - TroubleWithTheMob 05. kemp dupri & achille - negro marx 06. amani & robalu - gunsmoke 07. Psyche Nah - BROKEN RECORD 08. Hakim - Chef's Kiss 09. Koncept Jack$on - 7 Cups of Blood 10. Rich Jones & Iceberg Theory - Have You Tried Turning It Off & Back On Again 11. Aj Suede - Monochrome 12. Ox Omni & Emilio Craig - ROTTEN APPLES 13. Defcee, Boathouse, Meyhem Lauren & Metasota - Dunk Contest [Remix] 14. Kipp Stone & Nuke Franklin - 1833 15. Camden Malik & DVNTBEATS - Direct 16. QThree - Big Dipper 17. Chris Crack - Jordan Never Did That Move 18. Argov, YL & Starker - Old School 19. Cise Greeny - ”ONWARDS” 20. Cousin Feo - Louie XVI 21. CLBRKS, Sleazy F Baby & Soweto Kinch - Tell Em! 22. Lo.Ceasar - VINTRILOQUIST 23. Medhane & JUNIE. - BET! 24. Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon, Sadhugold & Kaos the Baker - Tour Is Over 25. Sha Hef, Tony Seltzer & ABG Neal - Outside & Aktive 26. HooksArthur, Smokeintheye & Cise Greeny - Articulated Visions 27. Starker - Gangrel 28. Emilio Craig - EDDIE ROW 29. ZekeUltra - CAPTAIN HOOK 30. Pink Siifu, Real Bad Man, Peso Gordon & Chuck Strangers - Pour The Wine
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/6V90BbCJ#5hXmSN2haXakxG0UBSEPtA68E1-SkHdw3V4CQ4IUTdQ Zippyshare: https://www73.zippyshare.com/v/N66mkY8a/file.html
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Dustedandsocial Bestof 2022 part8 (rap 7)
Pictured: Moor Mother
01. Obiekwe Agbu - ready to stay 02. LustSickPuppy - EGO BRUISER 03. GAWD - JOHN WALL 04. Sir EU - STAND NAME NationWidu (全国) 05. ELDER RA & Rahiem Supreme - Unorthodox Exquisiteness Taste 06. Lxdxp - The Dead 07. Akai Solo - Sun 2 Moon 08. Fil Jackson & Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon - Sunday Church For The Kids 09. proxy.exe - BREAK U OFF 10. Semiratruth, JWords, maassai & diani - ahead 11. Obijuan, YUNGMORPHEUS & Bisk - LIMBO 12. Kofi - treesap 13. DøøF - WeInHell 14. DrxQuinnx - Romper Room 14. mary sue & Tony Bontana - Moving On! 15. Jadasea - face of it 17. THE BLACKHEARTS - MONEY TALKS 18. Nappy Nina, Mavi & dane.zone - Tucked In 19. JUNIE. & AMIR BILAL - BEATRICE&RIO 20. Dylan Gray & 99PIRATE - Beetlejuice 21. yungmorpheus & THERAVADA - Vanishing Point 22. Elijah Bank$y - SMALL TALK 23. Blackchai - Chamber 24. Judah - Piece 25. SOUDIERE & WIFIGAWD - SIRIUS BLACK 26. Gam & Fatboi Sharif - Dusted Pushups 27. Moor Mother, Akai Solo & justmadnice - RAP JASM 28. NAPPYNAPPA - Source 29. Tony Bontana - Slide 30. Jaydonclover & ZekeUltra - browneyes
Mega: https://mega.nz/file/uRli3KAI#sEMmUvgCtwDBoAoaEpNVoDNVZ8arr3h7oKNv4qDuJqo Zippyshare: https://www51.zippyshare.com/v/AQzTb0Af/file.html
part1 (bestof Certified Trapper): HERE
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outofangband · 1 year
I mentioned this before and I’m making a longer post that talks about it but I’m thinking so much about Aerin burning down that house with the context that the battle cry of her people is Lacho calad! Drego morn!
Flame light! Flee night!
But it’s not the night that flees here, it’s just Túrin and in his wake the night comes darker than ever to Dor-lómin…
Anyways I just love Aerin so much
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sheppobeppo · 1 year
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The struggle to find a Kaldor Dregio head I like has been difficult… this might be close enough for the time being…
If anyone has any comments or suggestions on how to make it look more like drego id Uber appreciate it ^^
Just realized that I forgot to put the wrist bolter on but it’s gonna be a bitch to try to put on with how much detail is in that region to begin with XwX
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