#Driving Safety
mountrainiernps · 6 months
When you’re going out for a hike or snowshoe, you pack the 10 Essentials in your backpack.
When you’re going to drive to the national park for that hike or snowshoe, what do you pack in your car, van, mini-van or truck?
Whatever your motor vehicle, an important part of having a positive visit to the mountain is making sure your vehicle is ready.
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Besides making sure the vehicle is running well, having a safe visit can start with the tires. Good tires with a set of tire chains that fit are a good beginning. There are some approved alternatives for vehicles that can’t use chains. Please know what they are and make sure you have what your tires need for snowy, icy roads before driving into the national park.
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What else do you consider essential for winter travel for your motor vehicle?
How about a shovel? Snow happens up here on the mountain and a snow shovel can come in handy.
How about emergency supplies? Emergencies happen, especially in winter weather on the mountain. Having an extra light source (flashlight, headlamp) is good when it gets dark so early. An extra blanket or sleeping bag. Extra food and water. All good things to have in your car just in case.
What other items do you consider essential to have in your motor vehicle in the winter?
What do you consider to be the most important item to have in your motor vehicle in the winter?
Park information on winter safety can be found here https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/winter-safety.htm  For current conditions, these webcams may be helpful https://www.nps.gov/mora/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm Park information on winter travel can be found here https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/winter-travel.htm  Park information on tire chains can be found here https://www.nps.gov/mora/planyourvisit/tire-chain-faq.htm
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These photos are from years past and do not reflect current conditions. NPS Photo. Snow covered trees, roads and buildings in Longmire. Administration building is in the foreground while motor vehicles and Longmire Museum in background. January, 2020. NPS Photo. Snow covered sidewalks in Longmire with view looking up above the forest to Mount Rainier. February, 2020. NPS Photo. Plowed road with possible slush or ice. Snow banks on roadsides of road to Paradise below Narada Falls. January, 2022.
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sapphuric-acid · 3 months
PSA: Driving While Distressed
Hello Internet, tonight I'm going to share a story from my weekend about why I now have an incredibly sore neck in place of a car.
The other day I spent my day with my best friend and his girlfriend, whom I hardly talked to before that day. To make a long story short, I ended up being immensely overwhelmed pretty much the entire day and I felt horrible about it. But instead of dealing with the guilt I experienced over that day and calming down, I briefly cried in my car and took off.
I wasn't thinking straight, and my reaction time had been getting increasingly worse into the night. So while I was speeding down the country road (the limit was roughly 55 mph and it was largely desolate, so I was going closer to that limit), it didn't register in my brain when two cars were pulled over on the side of the road and flashing red and blue lights came down the other lane. I attempted to slow down and pull over along with these cars. Perhaps seven seconds before impact, I realized that I wasn't going to slow down in time, and so my best bet was to slow down quick enough to minimize damage while not stopping so fast inertia would get the better of me. I ended up ramming the right front of my car into their left rear wheel.
Nobody was severely injured, and the other driver was even able to drive off. By all means, everything went relatively fine. Of course, except for the fact that I no longer have a car and am suffering from a decent case of whiplash (sore neck/upper back and a little dizziness). But I got lucky.
I think about what would have happened if I didn't stop at all, or if I slowed down faster or didn't react as fast. And most of all, I think about how none of this would have happened to begin with if I had just stayed in that driveway and sobbed my brains out.
So please everyone, if you find yourself emotionally distressed, take a minute and deal with your feelings, whatever that may entail. Because trying to repress your emotions could very much distract you on the road, and it's better to be vulnerable than dead.
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defensive-tactics · 11 months
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Safe while driving: leave space between you and the car in front.
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factoidfactory · 11 months
Random Fact #6,502
If you're reading (e.g. a map or written directions) while driving you're 3 times more likely to have a deadly crash.
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stone-cold-groove · 5 months
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Driving Safety Tip No. 4 - Always avoid the use of odd facial expressions when merging onto the freeway.
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slayter-kinney · 1 year
there’s been a lot of pedestrian related traffic accidents in my area lately so AS A VERY FIRM REMINDER:
drivers: it’s YOUR responsibility to constantly be scanning for pedestrians, cyclists, etc, especially at crosswalks without walk signals!!! even if you have a self driving car!! especially then!! you’re driving a literal death machine!!!!
pedestrians: PLEASE be vigilant when crossing streets and don’t be on your phone, even if you have the walk signal. and whenever possible wear reflective clothing at night!!!
and on a related note, re: cyclists: NEVER honk your horn at a bicycle unless absolutely necessary. the noise is very loud and disorienting and can cause someone to panic and swerve into traffic. additionally, in many city areas it’s illegal for bicycles to ride on the sidewalk, and so if there isn’t a bike lane there will be bikes on the road, and cars must be aware of them! always give bikes 3 feet when passing and again, DO NOT honk at them, even to signal you’re passing.
our society is so car dependent it’s concerning but we all still need to look out for each other on the roads!!
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Neurologist said we’re going to monitor me for three months before even thinking about driving again but it’s a lot better than I expected
Need to wake up in the buttfuck early hours of the morning though just to get my bloodwork done quickly enough though
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leafduck · 2 years
My phone: *autocorrects my sister's name to banana*
My sister: *becomes banana*
The car she's driving: *crashes because bananas don't have hands*
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deuxcherise · 11 days
Do you know what is the most frustrating thing for a writer (or at least to me)?
It's driving a car, listening to a very emotional song, imagining a very epic scenario, but being forced to wait until after you finish driving to write it down because obviously you don't wanna get into a car crash.
Then you finally get to settle down, maybe have a nice cup of horchata or something sweet, open up your computer, pull up a blank page, place your fingers on the keyboard, and then...
Blank. Just blank. Nothing is coming to mind at all. Whatever you'll force out now won't be as good as you had it earlier.
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seefasters · 10 months
no but it's the way for aziraphale "nothing lasts forever" meant "i'm willing to give up the bookshop if it means i can be with you safely" and for crowley it meant "nothing lasts forever, not the bookshop, not earth, not us"
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6 Hour Driving Safety Course in Livingston, Caldwell & Montclair NJ
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Get on the road quickly with our 6-hour driving course in Livingston and Caldwell NJ. Our 100% driving safety course are convenient in Montclair NJ.
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lunar-goodness · 2 months
Do not side eye the amount of space I leave in between me and the car stopped in front of me. Out of the two times I’ve been rear ended I’ve never hit the person in front of me which is more than I can say for the guy that was behind me in the second rear ending accident I was in. If he had left a proper buffer space I wouldn’t have even been involved.
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factoidfactory · 1 year
Random Fact #6,413
If your car hydroplanes, you shouldn't press the brakes until after you've regained control of the car.
Instead, take your foot off the gas pedal and focus on regaining control and keeping the car where it should be on the road.
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spongebobongamecube · 4 months
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brianbentleyr · 5 months
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Looking for a comprehensive Houston Defensive Driving course? You've come to the right place! Their online course is tailored to help you dismiss your traffic ticket, reduce points on your driving record, and even lower insurance premiums. Get started today and become a safer, more confident driver - all from the comfort of your own home!
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Kevin Gates strokin |"From Lone Star State to Fun-Filled Adventures: A Road Trip from Texas"
Kevin Gates strokin road trip from Texas but feeling overwhelmed by the thought of all that driving? In this episode, we offer some tips and tricks for making the most of your time on the road. From planning your route to packing the essentials, we'll show you how to stay safe and comfortable during long hours of driving. We'll also share some ideas for keeping the kids entertained and engaged during the journey. Whether you're a seasoned road tripper or a newbie, this episode is full of practical advice to help you make the most of your time behind the wheel. So buckle up and tune in to our latest episode on driving from Texas!
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