#Drone Laws in India
ekainfra2020 · 1 year
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
🔶 SAT after Shabbat - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Shavua tov, a good week, a blessed week, success and safety for our warriors, safe return for our hostages.
▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. in battle in Gaza: Yair Avitan, 20, from Ra’anana.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
.. Related, condition of Jeri Deri remains critical, family asks for prayers for Rabbi Raphael Yehuda ben Esther.
▪️IRAN THREATENS.. Iran threatened Israel with a "war of annihilation" if it attacked Lebanon. This is what the Iranian delegation told the UN.  "Despite the fact that Iran sees Israel's propaganda about its intention to attack Lebanon as psychological warfare, if it launches a full-scale military attack, a war of annihilation will begin. All options, including the full involvement of all resistance fronts, are on the table.”
▪️TOURISTS SWEPT AWAY IN DEAD SEA.. 4 tourists from India blown away from shore.  Last report: 3 rescued, 1 in serious condition.
🔸DEAL again?  “US submitted a new proposal to Hamas.”  
.. A political official in the Prime Minister's Office: Israel is committed to the wording of the proposal that President Biden welcomed. (Seems to be saying a new proposal is not agreed to.)
.. Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas official, said there was no progress regarding a ceasefire. "We are still ready to respond positively to any proposal that ends the war." (But not that releases hostages or disarms Hamas.)
▪️AID PIER.. Pentagon: “floating pier will be dismantled due to sea conditions”, again.
▪️AID ROTTING.. The UN has not yet collected 1,100 trucks that have been waiting for several weeks at the Kerem Shalom crossing.  The same goes for 9,000 loaded pallets that have been waiting to be picked up for several weeks from the American dock shore staging area.
.. What moved?  Thursday: 53 trucks for private traders entered the strip from the Kerem Shalom crossing (guess what they are carrying - cigarettes).  72 trucks were brought into the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing by the UN aid organizations.
▪️SKIN CANCER WEEK IN ISRAEL.. Every month in Israel, approximately 170 adults are diagnosed with skin cancer.  Get periodic checks with a dermatologist, and if it looks or feels weird see your doctor.
▪️SHURAT HADIN - PROSECUTE CLOONEY.. Shurat HaDin petitions the US Attorney General to prosecute Amal Clooney, who advised the International Criminal Court to put out warrants over the war - in violation of 2 US federal laws prohibiting assisting international organizations against US allies.
⭕ ISLAMIC RESISTANCE OF IRAQ.. claims to have attacked the "Waller" oil tanker in the Mediterranean Sea, which was destined to reach the port of Haifa.  No such attack known.
⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES (8) fired by HEZBOLLAH at Mashgav area, Mt. Dov outpost, Metulla, and Avivim.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS hit a horse barn in the Western Galilee, killing 2 horses.
⭕ FRIDAY NIGHT HEZBOLLAH MASSIVE BARRAGE - 15 rounds of Rockets & Drones - across a wide area of northern towns and cities.
⭕ HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS - this afternoon - at Tel Hai, Kiryat Shmona
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS - short range - near-Gaza Nir Am Shooting Range, Sderot, Ibim, Nir Am
♦️ARTILLERY.. shelling in the center of Shujaiya, Gaza, and in the Alshakosh area, west of Rafah.
♦️RAFAH’s GOING GUERRILLA.. Commander of the 12th Brigade: Hamas is waging a guerrilla war in Rafah consisting of independent groups, which makes the combat mission difficult.​​​​
♦️IDF AIRSTRIKES LEBANON.. outskirts of Kfar Shuba, and in the villages of Kila and Zebkin.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OPERATIONS - ANBATA.. east of Tulkarm, overnight.
♦️GAZANS CLAIM.. that IDF destroyed 500 dunams / 125 acres of greenhouses northwest of Rafah.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
[Dawn is Private Pakistani Media]
Indian forces opened fire on Pakistani posts along the Working Boundary near Sialkot, military sources said on Thursday. While there was no official word from Inter-Services Public Relations — the military’s media wing — or local law enforcement, reports shared by locals on social media suggested that heavy and artillery fire was heard at several points along the border with India in the Zafarwal sector. According to military sources, the firing began after a drone attempted to intrude into Pakistani territory, which was shot down by Pakistani forces. But Indian forces — ostensibly in a bid to cover up the failed attempt at an incursion — opened indiscriminate fire on Pak­istani posts along the Working Boundary.
Sources said that Pakistani forces gave a “befitting response” to the Indian aggression.
[Tribune India is Private Indian Media]
Pakistan violated ceasefire in Arnia sector along the International Border in Jammu division late on Thursday, the day when the erstwhile state was celebrating its 76th Accession Day.
Mortars fired by the Pakistani side exploded inside Arnia town near homes, locals said. There was no report of injuries till the filing of this report.
Unprovoked firing and mortar shells were launched on the Border Security Force (BSF) posts and residential areas forcing locals to move out of their homes to safer places. The details about any loss could not be verified, but the Indian side retaliated with machine guns and other weapons.
An official spokesperson of the BSF said, “Around 8 pm unprovoked firing was started by Pakistan Rangers on BSF posts in the Arnia area which was retaliated by BSF troops. The firing is still on.”
As per reports, Pakistan was using HMG and mortars.
27 Oct 23
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indizombie · 6 months
Shir Hever, the military embargo coordinator for the Palestinian BDS National Committee, called India's closeness to Israel during this moment "shameful", given India's long history under colonial rule. "Hermes 900 drones are used to bomb defenceless civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. As Israel refuses to abide by the ICJ decision to refrain from actions under Article 2 of the Convention to prevent Genocide, third states such as India have the responsibility to enforce an arms embargo and not be complicit in the genocide," Hever added. Hever noted that since the ICJ ruling, two Japanese arms companies have ended their MoUs with Elbit Systems, Israel's largest weapons manufacturer. Meanwhile, on 5 February, a Dutch high court banned the Netherlands from continuing its export of F-35 parts to Israel, given the context in Gaza. "This moment is a test of the international law system, and instead of siding with Israel's genocide and its enabling of western powers, India should take inspiration from South Africa's global-south leadership and end its complicity with genocide," Hever said.
Azad Essa, ‘War on Gaza: Indian-made Israeli 'killer' drones set to make their way to Gaza’, Middle East Eye
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كن التغير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم. *
- Mahatma Gandhi
Be the change you want to see in the world.*
As an irate and highly Western educated Qatari business friend of mine put it she is so looking forward to watching the World Cup in the USA in 2026 then she can return the favour and moralise to white liberal Americans about their societal shortcomings.
As she put it since Americans love to moralise to the world it’s only fair to point out their sins: from genocide of its Indian natives to the evil of the slave trade as well as the killing 60 million babies in their mother’s wombs to the mutilating and cutting off body parts of little children just so they can delude themselves into believing that can be a boy or a girl (terms they can’t even define) based not on biology but feelings, and to their hatred and active break up of the nuclear family unit as the foundation of society.
Or that Obama authorised more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Civilians killed in those countries resulted in the deaths of over 3797 people, including 542 civilians. Black Lives Matter but not so much non-American Muslim women and children slaughtered. Let’s not even talk about the history of American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And so on and so on.
But she won’t because she has manners and she understands she is a guest in a foreign country and has to respect its laws and customs, even those one might strongly disagree with.
As much as I could take issue with her arguments, and as much as I dislike the authoritarian nature of Qatar, it is a sovereign Islamic state like any other Islamic country in the Middle East and the other Muslim majority states in the world. Having said that it’s not in the same league as truly oppressive states like Putin’s Russia or Xi’s China. If it was then there would be no large Western and and even greater non-Western presence of people here (greater than the Qataris themselves), living and working quite happily for years.
As for labour abuse there is a case to answer for but it’s no different than any other country where labour are often screwed. All the contracts for buildings are done by Western and Chinese companies and they are meant to enforce strong labour laws - but inevitably they find ways around it or are too slow to do so. The Qataris are guilty for not cracking down on the abuse by these companies of labour laws it passed after intense outside pressure (and rightly so). Many of working migrants - mostly from India - have housing and food paid for them and they earn far more than they would back in their home countries. Of course there are documented cases of migrant labour abuse but not on the industrial scale that some Western media outlets are falsely reporting.
If you go to any stadium here in Qatar, you will inevitably hear a lot of people speaking in Hindi - which I speak too from my childhood in India. That’s because the Indian presence at this World Cup is very strong. The hyped up labour abuse of migrant workers hasn’t stopped Indians coming out to enjoy the World Cup. In fact, statistics published by the Qatar establishment show that Indians constitute 9% of the fans who have come for the World Cup. Saudi Arabia, which has a land border with Qatar, accounts for 11% and sits at the top. India is in the second position, and surprisingly followed by the US  who make up 7% of visitors.
For the droves of visiting Americans here they are truly shocked how futuristic, slick, and modern Qatar is in contrast to the urban decaying of their cities. The standard of living is higher than anything they are used to. They are also overwhelmed by the sincere and friendly hospitality of Arab people here.
The hand wringing and sheer nonsense written in some parts of the Western media about Qatar is embarrassingly untrue. It’s a caricature of the truth in the same way Qataris have a caricatured impression of the West only just obsessed with sex and alcohol. One is confronted here at the World Cup of genuine footballing fans from England, Wales, the US, and other European countries apologising to their Qatari hosts for the misinformed - sometimes bordering on outright racism - press articles on life in Qatar.
You can drink here - just not at the stadiums itself. Previous World Cups have done the same and no one kicked up a fuss. Most fans have said it made for a better and cosier atmopshere for opposing fans and for families especially. Opposing fans mingle freely and have a good laugh together in a safe and well run World Cup. There are well catered fan zones. Plenty of beer is on tap here in the bars and hotels, though it will set you back around £14 a pint.
You can have sex with whomever you want - just don’t do it in public. Laws are not targeted specifically to gays but equally to hetrosexuals e.g. no public displays of affection like kissing or holding hands. Whatever you decide to do in your hotel room is up to you.
In truth everyone looks the other way.
Is the World Cup corrupt. Of course it is. Every World Cup has been. FIFA has been shown to be corrupt from almost its inception. Qataris are not immune to corruption but as many Qataris have said to me the Qataris just learned everything from the West. They observed carefully how we do business in the West. Money and power talks. This is how the game is played.
But I will say this in FIFA’s defence that over the last twenty years, FIFA has demonstrated a commitment to open its product up to a wider audience and take its premier sporting contest, the World Cup, to new heartlands.

The USA saw the benefit of this initiative in 1994, before Japan and South Korea became both the first Asian nations and the first co-hosts for the historic competition in 2002. In 2010, the World Cup arrived at a fifth continent (Africa) and a new heartland was reached with the contest being taken to South Africa. In 2022, after a return to Brazil and a sojourn to Russia, the Islamic Middle East now becomes the next bright destination for the Modiale bandwagon, as Qatar benefits from the truly global game.
The Middle East region is among the fastest growing areas for football in the world and promises to be an endless stream of young, passionate football fans for years to come. And with football one hopes social progress follows. But if it happens it will be on their terms, and not ours.
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libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 7/7/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 7/7/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, particularly in the GOP, are pushing back against the renewal of a law authorizing a tool used by US spy agencies, in the post 9/11 era, to conduct warrantless surveillance on foreign targets and Americans with whom they may be interacting. The Institute
Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov told Financial Times in an interview published Wednesday that his country serves as an ideal “testing ground” for Western weaponry. AWC
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Wednesday that its inspectors have seen no sign of explosives at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine despite claims from Kyiv that Russia had planted bombs. AWC
A group of former senior US officials has held talks with influential Russians, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in an effort to lay the groundwork for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, NBC News reported on Thursday. AWC
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday that not many members of Russia’s Wagner Group followed their exiled leader to Belarus. AWC
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said Wednesday that Ukraine will receive “a lot” from NATO at the summit his country is hosting next week from July 11-12. AWC
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Thursday that Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was now in Russia, raising questions about the deal between Moscow and the mercenary leader that ended his short-lived mutiny. AWC
The Associated Press reported Thursday that the Biden administration has decided to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs and will announce the munitions as part of a new $800 million arms package. AWC 
Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, said Thursday that the threat to the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is subsiding. AWC
The Chinese Defense Ministry on Wednesday said the US was turning Taiwan into a “powder keg” in a warning over the Biden administration approving new arms deals for Taiwan worth $440 million. AWC
The US wants to turn India into a center for resupplying and maintenance of naval vessels in South Asia as part of its military buildup against China in the region, Nikkei Asia reported Thursday. AWC
The Pentagon released a video of a Russian fighter jet flying near an American drone above Syria. Moscow and Washington have accused each other of conducting unsafe aerial operations. The Institute
According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. The Institute
US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release on Thursday that it was involved in 37 operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria during the month of June. AWC
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Small Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The market for Small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS) is estimated to be $24.1 billion by 2026 and is analyzed to grow at a CAGR of 16.38% during the forecast period 2021-2026. APAC is growing at the highest CAGR of 19.08% in the forecast period owing to the rapid rise in investment for the defense, commercial and law enforcement bodies in the Asia Pacific region, which are mostly dominated by the countries such as China, India, Australia and South Korea. These countries are allotting a considerable budget for their defence & law enforcement grooming purposes. Besides, growing incidences of interpersonal stand-offs, border surveillance, asymmetric warfare, terrorist activities, preparation for the forthcoming combats, along with higher economic development and enhancement in the manufacturing industries, construction sector, and others are enhancing the market growth in the forecast period. South America is analyzed to grow at significant CAGR of 18.17% in the forecast period owing to the procurement of small UAS for ISR applications with synthetic aperture radar especially in countries like Brazil due to increasing defence budgets. Further in South America, small UAS and micro air vehicles are increasingly being adopted for industrial purposes, like surveying, mapping, mining, agriculture, and construction in the region. North America has dominated the market growth with 33% in 2020, owing to rising investment in the defense & homeland security budgets, especially in the United States, and higher development in the information technology & microelectronics industry is expected to fuel regional market growth substantially.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Industry Outlook– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market
By Type: Multi-Rotor, Fixed-Wing, Single-Rotor Helicopter, Fixed Wing Hybrid VTOL
By Size: Very Small UAS, Small UAS
By Range: Very Close Range, Close Range, Short Range, Mid Range, Long Range
By Endurance: Low Endurance-Low Altitude, Average Endurance-Low Altitude, Average Endurance-Average Altitude, High Endurance-High Altitude
By Energy Source: Traditional Fuel, Battery Cell, Fuel Cell, PVs and Others
By Level of Autonomy: Autonomous, Automatic
By Application: Recreation, Education, Industrial, Filmmaking, First Responder Services, Government Agencies, GIS, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Others
By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC (China, Japan India, Australia and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa, South America)
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Key Takeaways
Adding up to this the significant rise in the investments and contracts from defence sector of various countries is boosting the small-UAS market during the forecast period.
In January 2021, the French Defense Procurement Agency DGA chose Parrot SA, to supply its micro drones, ANAFI USA for three corps of the French Army.
In FY 2019 budget, the Department of Defense had requested around $9.39 billion fund for unmanned systems and associated technologies. This includes funding for the procurement of 3,447 new air, ground, and sea drones.
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Segment Analysis – By Size
Very Small Unmanned aerial system is projected to reach US$ 12,787 million by 2026 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR 16.26% during 2021-2026. Very small unmanned aerial system consists of nano and macro UAS. Nano unmanned aerial systems are upto 250 gm and macro UAS are generally from 250 gm to 2 kg. This small size unmanned aerial system is hugely adopted for recreational purpose. There has been a high adoption of very small UAS owing to the rising demand for nano and macro-UAVs in precision agriculture offering strong potential to improve the efficiency of water, nutrient, and disease management. Such a wide range of applications of nano and macro UAS in agriculture sector is augmenting the market. Technological advancements in unmanned aerial system such as sensor miniaturization, flight precision, autonomy and cloud-based image processing are boosting the adoption of very small UAS in agriculture sector. Increasing penetration of nano and macro UAS in construction site for measuring real-time work progress or in mining sector to provide volumetric data on excavations has contributed to the growth of the market.
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Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Segment Analysis - By End Users
Among all the applications, the Recreational applications held a significant amount of market share in 2020 as they have a market share of $1.3 billion in  2020, growing at a CAGR of 18.37% during the period 2021-2026. The market is growing due to its wide adoption of monitoring and surveying of remote locations in the region. Moreover, commercial or recreational drones are also being used for monitoring disaster-affected areas, providing aid to the victims, and for search & rescue missions. The commercial small unmanned aerial system (UAS) market continues to grow globally and was accelerated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Autonomy and artificial intelligence (AI) are, and will remain, the main drivers promoting commercial UAS adoption and associated market growth because autonomous flight reduces the need for expensive manpower whereas AI-driven data collection and processing reduces the time it takes to produce results that directly impact decision-making.
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Market in North America region held significant market share of 36.6% in 2020. The adoption of sUASs in military applications, commercial applications and others are also witnessing the growth of sUASs in North America. Furthermore, many organizations like AirMap, Drone Map, Teal, Drone Seed, Cape and Others have also funded different technologies related to Small Unmanned Aerial Systems thereby driving the growth of the market. In addition, the presence of countries like Canada, Mexico in North American region most of the drones used are commercial ones owing to recreational purposes. In 2019, the government has announced to spend $738 billion in Defense sector by 2020 for various operations including modernization of equipment's. Moreover, the Defense spending in the country is rapidly increasing due to increased threats from other countries. In the year 2018 Mexico had a defense budget of around $ 6,568 million in 2018, a 13.6% increase from 2017 and it is expected to increase in the forecast period. These factors have driven the growth of the market in this region.
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Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Drivers
Rise in application of small UAS by Armed forces and Other government agencies
The market for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems is likely to benefit enormously from the rising safety concerns of Armed forces and different agencies around various parts of the globe. The rise in the application of small UAVs by different Government agencies has been promoting the growth of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems in the global market. Increasing safety concerns of armed forces and government agencies, such as to conduct reconnaissance missions and track illegal activities without risking their lives has been a major driving factor for the growth of small UAS in global market. For instance, applications of autonomous small UAS for surveillance in army bases, border regions and places of gatherings provide visual data of any sort of threats instantly to the operators. Moreover, the application of small UAS for surveillance in base camps, military convoys to safeguard army personnel has been a major driving factor for its growth. On April 2021, Exyn Technologies, a leading manufacturer of aerial robotics launched their new ExynAero, an autonomous small UAS which is considered to be the highest level of aerial autonomy especially designed for high-risk environments.
Growing Applications in Logistics Sector
Growing applications of small UAS for Logistic applications due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the Logistic sector of global level has been facing a severe decline in their growth. Several governments imposed strict lockdowns to safeguard their economies and reduce the spread of the virus by reducing human contact. To overcome this severe damage, many countries across the globe have opted for Logistic operations using small UAS. For instance, in March 2020, Zipeline International set up small UAS delivery facility and distribution center across South Africa and Ghana. They have been delivering various medical products, live-saving drugs and other healthcare requirements in quick time without human interaction. The application of small UAS is expected to increase over the near future. This is expected to drive the market for small UAS in global level. Moreover, in India, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) gave approvals to brands like Dunzo, Spicejet, Zomato, and Swiggy to go ahead with BVLOS deliveries. These developments will bring major boost in forecast period for small UAS Market.
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Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Challenges:
Breach of Privacy
There has been several instance of  breach of privacy in Europe with the application of small UAVs. The small size, ability to fly through low altitude and hard to detect makes small UAVs perfect for spying on people.  This has also led to the ban of small UAVs across many countries in Europe. This is a key constraint for market growth for small UAVs in the region. Further, some countries have made it mandatory to have license to own any UAVs. Thus, this is for many consumers who were looking to purchase UAVs for leisure photography or as a entertainment device are now reluctant to go through the process of applying for license for purchasing small UAVs. In Jan 2021, EU announced its final set of rules for small unmanned aircrafts. The remote identification of UAVs has been levied to identify any UAV flying in the air. This is a key constrain in the market growth in small UAVs in Europe
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market. Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Market top 10 companies include DJI, Aerovironment,Inc., Parrot Drones SAS, Precision AWK, Airbus SAS, Boeing, Lockheed Martin Corporation, General Atomics, Textron, Inc, Thales Group  among others
Acquisitions/Product Launches
On October 2020, Parrot entered into a strategic partnership with Colorado Drone Chargers, the global leader in field ready, high speed small UAS charging systems. The partnership aimed to design a revolutionary charging system for the ANAFI USA batteries, allowing professionals to simultaneously charge four Parrot ANAFI USA 3400mAh flight batteries in the field and in less time than a standard charging system.
In 2020, UMS Skeldar launched V-150 UAV. The V-150 UAV is lightweighted with a takeoff weight of maximum 150kg. This UAV used signals intelligence equipment and infrared camera.
 For more Aerospace and Defense Market reports, please click here
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tushar38 · 4 days
"Autonomous Drones: Reshaping Logistics in the Digital Age"
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Introduction to Autonomous Drone Market
The Autonomous Drone Market has experienced rapid growth across sectors like logistics, agriculture, and emergency response. Drones, equipped with AI and IoT capabilities, are reshaping traditional operations, particularly in the food industry, where they enable quicker, contactless deliveries. Factors such as reduced operational costs, improved efficiency, and increasing demand for autonomous solutions fuel this market. Key players are investing heavily in R&D for better navigation, payload capacity, and battery life. Regulatory challenges, air traffic management, and safety concerns continue to be barriers to further expansion.
The Autonomous Drone Market is Valued USD 15.9 billion in 2024 and projected to reach USD 53.4 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of CAGR of 18.9% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032.. They offer advantages in automation, precision, and efficiency, which has led to rapid adoption in sectors where human labor is traditionally required. Companies are innovating to improve drone range, battery life, and payload capacity to meet the growing demand for versatile, reliable solutions. Regulations, however, remain a limiting factor in many regions.
Access Full Report :https://www.marketdigits.com/checkout/3748?lic=s
Major Classifications are as follows:
By Range of Flight
Less Than 10 km
10 Km - 20 Km
20 Km - 30 Km
More Than 30 km
By Payload
Less Than 300 lbs
300-400 lbs
400-500 lbs
By Drone Type
Consumer / Civil
By End Use Industry
Agriculture & Forestry
Delivery & Logistics
Media & Entertainment
Construction & Mining
Oil & Gas
Security & Law Enforcement
Recreational Activity
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of Autonomous Drone Market
DJI, Parrot, Yuneec, 3D Robotics Inc., Go Pro, Holy Stone, Autel Robotics, Sense Fly, Kesper Drone, Hexagon, Delair, AeroVironment Inc., Lockheed Martin Cooperation, Israel Aerospace Industry Ltd., Microdrones GmbH and Others
Market Drivers in Autonomous Drone Market
Technological Advancements: Integration of AI, 5G, and IoT has enhanced drone autonomy, navigation, and communication.
Demand for Fast Delivery: Rising demand for quicker, more efficient delivery, particularly in urban areas and in sectors like food and e-commerce.
Cost Efficiency: Drones reduce human labor and logistical costs, especially in last-mile deliveries.
Market Challenges in Autonomous Drone Market
Regulatory Hurdles: Varying regulations across countries concerning drone usage, airspace control, and safety protocols.
Battery Life Limitations: Current drone battery technology restricts flight time and payload capacity, limiting operational efficiency.
Public Safety Concerns: The risk of collisions, technical failures, and air traffic management remains a significant challenge.
Market Opportunities in Autonomous Drone Market
Food and E-commerce Delivery: The rising demand for instant food and grocery deliveries is driving innovation in drone technology.
Agriculture: Autonomous drones can provide real-time data on crop health, irrigation, and yield forecasting, boosting agricultural productivity.
Logistics and Supply Chain: Autonomous drones can enhance inventory management, warehouse automation, and reduce last-mile delivery times.
The Autonomous Drone Market is on a trajectory of robust growth, driven by technological advancements and increasing demand for automated delivery solutions. The food delivery sector is emerging as a key player, showcasing the versatility and efficiency of autonomous drones. While regulatory challenges and technological constraints such as battery life remain barriers, ongoing innovations and investments are expected to address these issues. As industries such as agriculture, logistics, and healthcare embrace drone technology, the market is likely to see broader adoption across various sectors in the coming years.
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droneacademy · 5 days
Unlock Your Future with Expert Drone Pilot Training in Delhi
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In today’s tech-driven world, the demand for skilled drone operators is skyrocketing. Whether you're looking to start a new career or enhance your existing skills, finding the right Drone Pilot Training in Delhi is crucial. The Indian Institute of Drones and the Drone Academy of India offer top-notch training programs designed to prepare you for success in the dynamic field of drone technology.
Why Choose the Indian Institute of Drones for Your Training?
The Indian Institute of Drones stands out as a premier institution offering comprehensive training programs for aspiring drone pilots. Here’s why it’s a top choice:
Expert Trainers: Learn from experienced professionals who bring real-world knowledge to the classroom.
Cutting-Edge Equipment: Gain hands-on experience with the latest drone technology.
Certification: Receive accredited certification upon completion, enhancing your credentials in the job market.
Drone Pilot Training in Delhi: What to Expect
When you enroll in Drone Pilot Training in Delhi, you embark on a journey to mastering drone operations. Here’s what you can expect from a high-quality program:
Theoretical Knowledge: Understand the principles of aerodynamics, navigation, and drone laws.
Practical Skills: Get hands-on training with flight simulators and real drones to hone your piloting skills.
Safety Protocols: Learn essential safety measures and regulations to ensure responsible drone use.
The Role of the Drone Academy of India
The Drone Academy of India plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of drone technology in the country. Their courses are designed to cater to various skill levels, from beginners to advanced pilots. Key features include:
Diverse Courses: Explore specialized training programs tailored to different industry needs.
Industry Connections: Benefit from networking opportunities and industry insights.
Flexible Learning: Choose from online, in-person, or hybrid training options to fit your schedule.
How the Drone Academy Prepares You for Success
At the Drone Academy, the focus is not just on training but on preparing you for a successful career in the drone industry. Here’s how:
Career Support: Receive guidance on job placement and career advancement.
Hands-On Projects: Engage in real-world projects to build a strong portfolio.
Up-to-Date Curriculum: Stay ahead with training that incorporates the latest industry trends and technologies.
Whether you choose the Indian Institute of Drones or the Drone Academy of India, investing in Drone Pilot Training in Delhi will open doors to exciting career opportunities in the rapidly growing drone industry. Start your journey today and become a certified drone pilot with the skills and knowledge to excel in this cutting-edge field.
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droneworlds · 17 days
Why DGCA Drone Pilot Training Is Essential For Aspirants?
DGCA Drone Pilot Training is crucial for aspiring drone pilots for several key reasons, ensuring that they are well-prepared and compliant with regulations. Here's why this training is essential:
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1. Compliance with Legal Regulations
Mandatory Certification: In many countries, including India, it is legally required for drone pilots to be certified by the DGCA to operate drones, especially for commercial purposes. Completing DGCA-approved training ensures pilots meet these legal standards.
Avoiding Penalties: Without proper certification, drone pilots risk facing fines, penalties, or legal action. DGCA training helps pilots understand and adhere to the country's aviation laws, avoiding any legal complications.
2. Ensuring Safety
Operational Safety: DGCA training covers important safety protocols, such as understanding no-fly zones, pre-flight checks, and emergency procedures. This knowledge helps prevent accidents and ensures safe drone operations.
Public Safety: Trained pilots are better equipped to operate drones in public areas, minimizing risks to people and property. The training teaches pilots how to handle unexpected situations, such as technical failures or environmental challenges.
3. Knowledge of Airspace Management
Understanding Airspace Regulations: DGCA training provides comprehensive knowledge about different types of airspace, including restricted and controlled zones. This is crucial for coordinating with other air traffic and avoiding interference with manned aircraft.
Communication Skills: Pilots learn how to effectively communicate with air traffic control and other authorities, which is essential for safe drone operations in shared airspace.
4. Professionalism and Skill Development
Technical Proficiency: The training covers essential technical skills, such as drone handling, navigation, and maintenance. Pilots learn how to operate various types of drones, enhancing their professional competency.
Career Opportunities: DGCA certification is often a prerequisite for employment in industries like aerial photography, agriculture, surveillance, and logistics. Having this certification improves job prospects and career growth for aspiring drone pilots.
5. Environmental Awareness
Respecting Privacy: DGCA training includes guidelines on respecting people's privacy and data protection laws. This is important when using drones for surveillance or in residential areas.
Environmental Impact: Pilots are trained on how to operate drones without causing harm to wildlife or the environment, ensuring responsible and sustainable drone usage.
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sphaviation · 19 days
Shaping India's Future with Drones
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 1. Agriculture
   - Precision Farming: Drones equipped with multispectral sensors can monitor crop health, optimize the use of resources like water and fertilizers, and increase crop yields.
   - Efficient Pesticide Application: Drones can distribute pesticides evenly, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact.
   - Land Surveying: They can quickly survey large areas of land, helping farmers make informed decisions.
 2. Healthcare
   - Medical Supply Delivery: Drones can deliver critical medical supplies, such as blood, vaccines, and medicines, to remote and inaccessible areas, significantly improving healthcare access.
   - Emergency Response: Drones can reach disaster-hit areas quickly, providing real-time data and helping in rescue operations.
 3. Infrastructure and Urban Planning
   - Surveying and Mapping: Drones can provide accurate topographical data, helping in the planning and development of infrastructure projects.
   - Monitoring Construction Sites: Drones can oversee construction progress, ensuring that projects are on schedule and within budget.
 4. Environmental Conservation
   - Wildlife Monitoring: Drones can monitor wildlife without disturbing them, providing valuable data for conservation efforts.
   - Anti-Poaching: They can be used to track and prevent illegal poaching activities in protected areas.
 5. Logistics and E-commerce
   - Last-Mile Delivery: Drones can be utilized for the efficient delivery of goods, especially in congested urban areas, reducing traffic and pollution.
   - Supply Chain Management: Drones can optimize inventory management and delivery schedules, improving overall logistics efficiency.
 6. Security and Surveillance
   - Border Security: Drones can monitor India's extensive borders, providing real-time surveillance and improving national security.
   - Urban Surveillance: In cities, drones can assist law enforcement agencies in monitoring public events, ensuring safety, and responding to incidents swiftly.
 7. Disaster Management
   - Real-time Data Collection: During natural disasters, drones can provide live footage and data, helping authorities make informed decisions and deploy resources effectively.
   - Search and Rescue: Drones equipped with thermal cameras can locate people trapped under debris, speeding up rescue operations.
 8. Economic Growth
   - Job Creation: The growing drone industry will create jobs in manufacturing, operation, maintenance, and software development.
   - Startup Ecosystem: India is witnessing a surge in drone startups, contributing to innovation and economic growth.
9. Regulatory Support
   - Progressive Policies: The Indian government has introduced policies like the Drone Rules 2021 and the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, encouraging the adoption and manufacturing of drones in the country.
   - Ease of Doing Business: Simplified regulations and support for startups are making it easier for companies to enter the drone industry.
 10. Cultural Integration
   - Community Engagement: Drones are increasingly being used in community-driven initiatives, from monitoring local resources to promoting tourism, aligning with traditional practices while integrating modern technology.
Drones are set to revolutionize various sectors in India, making processes more efficient, improving accessibility, and contributing to economic growth. As technology evolves and adoption increases, drones will play a critical role in shaping the future of India.
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amrutmnm · 2 months
Market Insights for Directed Energy Weapons: Key Trends and Strategic Opportunities
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Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) have emerged as a pivotal element in modern warfare. As nations grapple with increasing security threats, from missile attacks to unmanned aerial vehicle incursions, the demand for advanced defense mechanisms has soared. Directed Energy Weapons, leveraging technologies such as high-energy lasers and electromagnetic pulses, promise to revolutionize military operations. This article delves into the market statistics, size, trends, and industry dynamics driving the growth of DEWs, with a focus on how research and development (R&D) is shaping this promising sector.
Market Statistics and Market Size
The Directed Energy Weapons market has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the market size was valued at approximately USD 5.3 billion in 2022. This figure is projected to skyrocket to USD 12.9 billion by 2027, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.6% from 2022 to 2027. This impressive growth is indicative of the rising demand for DEWs across various military platforms, including air, land, and sea.
The North American region dominates the market, primarily due to substantial investments in defense technologies by the United States. The US Department of Defense (DoD) has been at the forefront of incorporating DEW systems into its arsenal, exemplified by projects like the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) and the Airborne Laser (ABL). Meanwhile, Europe is also making strides in DEW development, with companies like BAE Systems and Thales Group investing heavily in research and development.
Get a Deeper Understanding of the Industry by Visiting: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/directed-energy-weapon-market-19132295.html
Market Trends
Several key trends are influencing the DEW market:
Advancements in Laser Technology: High-energy lasers (HEL) are at the forefront of DEW technology. Recent advancements have enabled lasers to become more compact, efficient, and powerful, making them suitable for various military applications. Lockheed Martin's development of a 300-kilowatt laser, capable of neutralizing drones and other aerial threats, underscores the technological progress in this field.
Increasing Integration with Existing Defense Systems: One significant trend is the integration of DEWs with existing military platforms. This integration allows for seamless operation and enhances the capabilities of traditional weapons. The US Navy's deployment of the Laser Weapon System (LaWS) aboard the USS Ponce is a prime example of such integration, demonstrating how DEWs can augment conventional naval firepower.
Focus on Non-Lethal Applications: While DEWs are primarily associated with military applications, there is growing interest in non-lethal uses, such as crowd control and anti-riot measures. The Active Denial System (ADS), which uses millimeter-wave technology to induce an intolerable heating sensation, exemplifies the potential for non-lethal applications of DEWs.
Geopolitical Tensions and Defense Spending: Geopolitical tensions in regions like the Asia-Pacific are driving increased defense spending, thereby fueling the demand for DEWs. Countries such as China, India, and South Korea are investing heavily in DEW technologies to bolster their defense capabilities amid regional security concerns.
Industry Dynamics
The Directed Energy Weapons industry is characterized by intense competition and innovation. Key players such as Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, The Boeing Company, and Lockheed Martin Corporation are at the forefront of DEW Industry development. These companies have adopted various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and R&D investments, to strengthen their market position.
R&D Investments: Research and development play a crucial role in advancing DEW technologies. Companies are investing significant resources to enhance the efficiency, range, and power of DEWs. Raytheon's ongoing research into high-energy lasers aims to increase the power output and operational range of its DEW systems, thereby providing a competitive edge in the market.
Collaborative Efforts: Collaboration between defense companies and military organizations is a common trend in the industry. The US DoD frequently collaborates with private firms to accelerate the development and deployment of DEWs. Such partnerships enable the sharing of expertise and resources, leading to faster technological advancements.
Challenges in Integration: Despite the promising outlook, integrating DEWs with existing defense systems poses significant challenges. Compatibility issues, different communication protocols, and the need for specialized training are some of the hurdles that must be overcome. Addressing these challenges requires close collaboration between defense manufacturers and military organizations.
The Role of R&D in Shaping the Future
Research and development are pivotal in driving the evolution of Directed Energy Weapons. As technological advancements continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, R&D efforts focus on overcoming existing limitations and unlocking new capabilities. Here are some key areas where R&D is making a significant impact:
Improving System Reliability: One of the primary goals of R&D in DEWs is to enhance system reliability. Directed energy weapons must operate flawlessly under various conditions, from extreme temperatures to adverse weather. Researchers are developing robust systems that can withstand these challenges, ensuring consistent performance in real-world scenarios.
Enhancing Power and Range: Increasing the power output and operational range of DEWs is a critical focus of R&D efforts. By boosting the energy levels of laser and electromagnetic systems, researchers aim to extend the range at which DEWs can effectively neutralize threats. This enhancement is crucial for applications such as missile defense, where long-range engagement is essential.
Miniaturization and Portability: Another significant area of research is the miniaturization of DEW systems. Compact and portable DEWs offer greater flexibility and can be deployed on a wider range of platforms, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground-based vehicles. Advancements in materials science and electronics are facilitating the development of smaller, more efficient DEW systems.
Addressing Safety and Ethical Concerns: R&D efforts are also directed toward addressing safety and ethical concerns associated with DEWs. As these weapons have the potential to cause unintended harm, researchers are exploring ways to mitigate collateral damage and ensure compliance with international laws and regulations.
Get Thorough Information in Our PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=19132295
Case Studies of Recent Advancements
Lockheed Martin's High-Energy Laser (HEL) Systems: Lockheed Martin has been a leader in developing high-energy laser systems for military applications. In recent years, the company has achieved significant milestones, including the successful testing of a 300-kilowatt laser designed for the US Army. This powerful laser can engage multiple targets simultaneously, demonstrating its effectiveness in countering drone swarms and other aerial threats.
Raytheon's Active Denial System (ADS): Raytheon's ADS is a non-lethal DEW that uses millimeter-wave technology to disperse crowds and control riots. The system emits a focused beam that creates an intolerable heating sensation on the skin, causing individuals to move away from the source. Raytheon's ongoing research aims to enhance the system's range and effectiveness while addressing ethical concerns.
Northrop Grumman's Electromagnetic Railgun: Northrop Grumman is pioneering the development of electromagnetic railguns, which use electromagnetic forces to launch projectiles at hypersonic speeds. These railguns offer a cost-effective and precise means of engaging targets at long distances. R&D efforts focus on improving the system's power output and integration with existing naval platforms.
Challenges in Integrating Legacy Systems
While the promise of Directed Energy Weapons is undeniable, integrating these advanced systems with existing military infrastructure presents formidable challenges. Here are some of the key obstacles faced by defense organizations:
Compatibility Issues: Many legacy systems were not designed with DEW integration in mind, leading to compatibility issues. These systems may use different communication protocols or lack the necessary interfaces to connect with DEWs, requiring extensive modifications and upgrades.
Training and Skill Development: Operating DEWs requires specialized training and expertise. Military personnel must be trained to handle these advanced systems effectively, which can be time-consuming and costly. Additionally, maintaining a skilled workforce capable of troubleshooting and repairing DEWs is essential for their successful deployment.
Resource Allocation: Integrating DEWs with existing systems demands significant resources, both in terms of finances and manpower. Defense organizations must carefully allocate their resources to balance the development of new technologies with the maintenance and enhancement of legacy systems.
Regulatory Compliance: DEWs must adhere to strict regulatory standards, including safety protocols and international laws. Ensuring compliance while integrating these systems with existing infrastructure can be a complex and challenging process.
Discover All the Steps in Our Detailed Sample: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=19132295
Future Directions for R&D
As the Directed Energy Weapons market continues to evolve, several key areas are expected to shape the future of R&D efforts:
Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: The integration of quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) into DEW systems holds significant promise. Quantum computing can enhance the processing capabilities of DEWs, enabling faster target acquisition and engagement. AI algorithms can optimize system performance and facilitate autonomous decision-making, reducing the burden on human operators.
Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Advances in materials science and nanotechnology are expected to play a crucial role in DEW development. Researchers are exploring new materials that offer improved thermal management, higher energy densities, and enhanced durability, contributing to more efficient and reliable DEW systems.
Space-Based DEW Systems: The deployment of DEWs in space is a burgeoning area of research. Space-based DEW systems can provide global coverage and offer unique advantages, such as the ability to engage targets from orbit. R&D efforts are focused on overcoming the technical challenges associated with deploying DEWs in the harsh environment of space.
Hybrid Systems and Multi-Domain Integration: Future R&D efforts are likely to explore hybrid DEW systems that combine multiple technologies, such as lasers and electromagnetic pulses, to enhance versatility and effectiveness. Additionally, the integration of DEWs across multiple domains, including land, sea, air, and space, will be a key focus area.
Directed Energy Weapons are at the forefront of military innovation, offering unprecedented capabilities and transforming the landscape of modern warfare. As the market continues to grow, driven by technological advancements and increasing defense spending, R&D efforts will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of DEWs. By addressing existing challenges and unlocking new possibilities, R&D will enable the development of more powerful, reliable, and versatile DEW systems, ensuring their continued relevance in the evolving defense landscape.
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insidefpvdrones · 3 months
What Hobbyist Drone Pilots Should Know About Flying in India's Digital Sky
As drone technology has advanced rapidly in recent years, hobbyist drone flying has shot through the roof in popularity across India. The thrill of taking stunning aerial videos and photos is exciting. However, increased drone use has also led to growing safety and privacy concerns.
To address these worries, India has implemented Digital Sky, a national unmanned traffic management (UTM) platform. All drone operators must register on Digital Sky and follow its regulations and guidelines. This includes hobbyists flying recreationally.
If you're an Indian hobbyist drone pilot or want to start, this guide breaks down key things you should know about flying drones responsibly under Digital Sky. Adhering to Digital Sky opens up fantastic opportunities to pursue drone flying while respecting others’ rights.
What is Digital Sky?
Launched in 2018, Digital Sky is India's national UTM platform overseen by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). It offers real-time tracking and digital licenses for every drone flight under India's Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) governing drone use.
All drones except nano category (under 250 grams) must obtain a Unique Identification Number (UIN) and Unmanned Aircraft Operator Permit (UAOP) to fly legally in India. You must also file flight plans and follow other protocols submitting details like pilot name, drone category, area of operation, flight time, etc.
Digital Sky aims to systematically manage India's low-altitude airspace under 400 feet.
Why Follow Digital Sky as a Drone Pilot?
You might be wondering if Digital Sky's regulations apply to flying drones for fun as a pastime. The response is yes. In India, any non-nano unmanned aircraft, regardless of their purpose of being recreational or commercial, are required to adhere to Digital Sky regulations.
Here are key reasons to follow Digital Sky protocols as a drone pilot:
1. The Law of the DGCA and CAR provide legal authority to Digital Sky regulations. Penalties for violations include up to three months in prison and fines of at least Rs. 100,000.
2. Improving Privacy & Safety: Drone collisions in midair can be avoided by registering flights, avoiding no-fly zones, and following other regulations. Furthermore, it prevents unauthorized access to private property.
3. Enables Advanced Drone Functionality: By demonstrating your ability to fly safely, Digital Sky unlocks enhanced drone capabilities, such as Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights beyond 1 km, which hobbyists may find intriguing.
4. Clears the Path for Commercial Aviation: Proving your ability to fly responsibly in accordance with Digital Sky criteria is the first step toward perhaps obtaining commercial drone licenses in the future.
Supports Innovation: Adaptation of Digital Sky helps concrete drones' huge technological innovative potential in India through accountable, sustainable growth policies.
(Key Tips for Hobbyists on Digital Sky Compliance
Here are some essential tips for hobbyists to follow Digital Sky rules while enjoying UAVs:
Register any and all Non-Nano Drones: Every unmanned aircraft system over 250 grams(>250 grams is called a nano drone), requires a Digital Sky UIN linked to its make, model number, serial number, etc. So properly register eligible hobbyist drones.
Obtain Pilot UAOP: Hobbyists are required to obtain a pilot-based UAOP permission in addition to registering their drones. This permit is renewed every five years upon exam clearance, even for recreational flights.)
5. File Flight Plans: Before flying, upload thorough flight plans to the Digital Sky site, which should include the date, pilot, drone's purpose, planned flying zone, duration, and any other necessary information required so that the site has complete information before you start flying.
Comply with Geo-Fencing Guidelines: Similar to airports, geo-fencing digitally specifies no-drone flying zones. To prevent violating prohibited airspace, make sure recreational drones have appropriate geo-fencing technology.
(Maintain Mandatory Insurance: To financially safeguard the public in the event of an accident, hobbyist UAS operators are required by Digital Sky to at least get a basic third-party liability coverage.)
6. Fly Responsibly: Whether you're a hobbyist or not, stay away from risky activities that put people's safety or rights, such as flying drones over busy areas, in poor weather conditions, or beyond visual line of sight.
7. Sober Flying: Never operate a drone hobbyist while you are drunk or intoxicated. Full consciousness is mandatory for a secure flight for your and community's safety.
8. Acknowledge National Drone Regulations: In addition to Digital Sky, make sure you are familiar with all national, state, and municipal UAS laws that apply in India. These laws include things like nighttime bans and height restrictions for flying the drone. Violation of the same can cause legal issues and severe financial penalties.
9. Spread Digital Sky Awareness:  Encourage other beginners to have an overall knowledge and awareness of Digital Sky in order to increase compliance. Additionally, offer the DGCA suggestions for enhancing drone regulations that as a hobbyist you feel would increase your experience while maintaining the safety of others.
10. Join local drone communities, forums, and social media groups to engage with fellow enthusiasts. Share your experiences, seek advice, and learn from others' journeys. Community support is invaluable in your growth as a drone pilot.
Pursuing Passion While Respecting Others
Embarking on the thrill of drone flying, enthusiasts are often met with a mix of excitement and concerns about regulations. In India, the growing drone ecosystem, driven by initiatives like Digital Sky and the Draft Drone Rules 2021, is present to strike a balance between technological innovation and public safety. This environment opens up opportunities for hobbyists to explore the skies responsibly, with a supportive framework in place to not endanger public safety while making .
With Digital Sky's secure operating environment, hobbyists are able to concentrate on developing their skills and following their creative passions. Imagine shooting stunning pictures, competing in exciting races, or becoming an aerial expert—all without having to worry about legal roadblocks. Understanding this enthusiasm, insideFPV provides a range of drones which are categorized into FPV (First-person view) and non-FPV These drones enable users to release their creativity across large terrains by meeting a variety of purposes, from cinematography to effective data collecting.
Consider rules as stepping stones rather than as limitations toward creating a responsible and creative drone community. By using safety precautions when flying, you can fully realize the immense future potential that drone technology offers while safeguarding the community from accidents. Take flight, explore, and create - with the right tools in hand and a clear sky ahead of you. The open sky awaits, full of endless possibilities.
In Digital Sky, a future where drones that enhance lives power India's skies buzzes with possibilities. In this thrilling story, enthusiasts play an active role, influencing the very direction of drone innovation by their responsible behaviors rather than being passive observers. They assist us in striking a balance between our limitless potential and the advancement that is fueled by trust by embracing safety and ethics. This joint adventure guarantees that the Indian skies will be transformed into a platform for responsible progress as well as innovation, where our drones and the public's faith in our vision will soar together. The skies are limitless, and with responsibility and creativity, let’s all soar to new heights in the world of drone piloting. Happy flying!
Do I need to register my recreational drone with Digital Sky?
A: Yes, all non-nano drones above 250 grams operated in India require Digital Sky registration and a Unique Identification Number (UIN), even those flown solely for hobby or competition purposes. Exempting hobbyist UAS from Digital Sky could compromise public safety and violate national airspace rules.
What if I don't file a flight plan before recreational drone use?
A: It is against the law to operate hobby drones without submitting the required Digital Sky flight plans, which include information about the location, credentials of the pilot, duration of the flight, purpose of flying, date, and so on. This is valid even for recreational flying. Breaking Digital Sky regulations can result in severe civil fines of at least Rs. 100,000 as well as possible three-month prison term under national UAS legislation.
Who regulates hobbyist drone use across different Indian states?
A: Local, regional, state and national laws continue to enforce UAS rules, even though the national low-altitude airspace below 400 feet is governed by the Digital Sky platform. States provide other recommendations as well. Therefore, hobbyists need to abide by both Digital Sky and any local state laws pertaining to drone use.
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bhavesh2022 · 5 months
North America Tethered Drones Market Industry Growth by Forecast to 2028
Business Market Insights market research North America Tethered Drones Market Size and Share Report | 2028 is now available for purchase. This report offers an exclusive evaluation of a range of business environment factors impacting market participants. The market information included in this report is assimilated and reliant on a few strategies, for example, PESTLE, Porter's Five, SWOT examination, and market dynamics
North America Tethered Drones market is evaluated based on current scenarios and future projections are added keeping the projected period in consideration. This report integrates the valuation of North America Tethered Drones market size for esteem (million USD) and volume (K Units). Research analysts have used top-down, bottom-up, primary, and secondary research approaches to evaluate and approve the North America Tethered Drones market estimation.
Detailed scrutiny of market shares, optional sources, and basic essential sources has been done to integrate only valid facts. This research further reveals strategies to help companies grow in the North America Tethered Drones market.
Key objectives of this research are:
To contemporary market dynamics including drivers, challenges, threats, and opportunities in the North America Tethered Drones market.
To analyze the sum and market estimation of the worldwide North America Tethered Drones market
Based on key facets, market segments are added.
The competitive analysis covers key market players and their business strategies.
To examine the North America Tethered Drones Market for business probable and strategic outlook.
To review the North America Tethered Drones Market size, key regions and countries, end-users, and statistical details.
To offer strategic recommendations based on the latest market developments, and North America Tethered Drones market trends.
Perks of Business Market Insights’ North America Tethered Drones Market Research
Market Trends: Our report reveals developing North America Tethered Drones market trends that are poised to reshape the market preparing businesses with the foresight to retain their competitive edge. This Market research report presents market trends, supply chain analysis, leading participants, and business growth strategies. This research covers technological progress and key developments covering various aspects of the inclusive market. It is valuable market research for existing key players as well as new entrants in the North America Tethered Drones Market. Through inputs derived from experts, this research attempts to guide future investors about market details and potential returns on investment. 
Competitive Landscape: This research reveals key market players, their strategies, and possible areas for differentiation.
Analysts Viewpoint: We have industry-specific experts who add credibility to this report with their exclusive viewpoints based on market understanding and expertise. This report goes further into details of entire business processes and doesn’t restrict to only operational aspects. These insights cover venture economics and include tactics for capital investment, investor funding, and projections of ROIs.  Net income and profit loss financial stats are crucial metrics of this North America Tethered Drones market report. With these meticulous insights companies can reduce their risks and increase the success rate in the coming decade. 
North America Tethered Drones Market Report Coverage:
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Quadcopter and Multicopter
Law Enforcement
Search & Rescue
and Others
End User
Military and Commercial (Energy & Power
Media & Entertainment
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
ECA Group
Menet Aero (NTP Inc.)
Hoverfly Technologies
Yuneec Holding Ltd.
Other key companies 
What all adds up to the credibility of this research?
A comprehensive summary of the contemporary North America Tethered Drones market scenario
Precise estimations on market revenue forecasts and CAGR to rationalize resources
Regional coverage to uncover new markets for business
Rivalry analysis aims to help corporations at a modest edge
Facts-based crystal-clear insights for business success
The research can be customized as per business necessities
Access to PDF, and PPT formats of this research
Author’s Bio: Bhavesh Shinde Senior Market Research Expert at Business Market Insights
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mavdrones · 5 months
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How to Fly a Drone Safely and Legally?
Here’s a breakdown on how to fly your drone safely and legally in India:
Registration and Permissions:
Register Your Drone: If your drone weighs more than 250 grams, you must register it with the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in India. This registration process provides you with a Unique Identification Number (UIN) for your drone. The registration is done through the DGCA’s Digital Sky platform, which serves as a centralized system for managing drone operations in India.
Permissions for Flying:
Commercial Operations: If you plan to use your drone for commercial purposes, you need to obtain specific permits. However, certain exemptions apply for Nano drones (under 250 grams) flown below 50 feet and Micro drones below 200 feet.
Recreational Flying: Even for recreational flying, you need permission before each flight. The Digital Sky mobile app facilitates this process. It employs the “No Permission, No Takeoff” (NPNT) rule, automatically granting or rejecting flight requests based on various factors such as location and airspace restrictions.
General Safety Rules:
Maintain Visual Line of Sight (VLOS): It’s essential to keep your drone within your visual line of sight at all times while flying. This allows you to maintain control over the drone and helps avoid collisions with other objects or aircraft.
Fly in Designated Areas: Always check for No-Fly Zones (NFZs) before flying. NFZs are restricted airspaces around airports, government buildings, and other sensitive areas. You can find information about NFZs on the Digital Sky platform or other relevant sources.
Safe Flying Altitude: Adhere to regulations regarding safe flying altitudes. This ensures the safety of manned aircraft and other airspace users.
Weather Conditions: Avoid flying in adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, rain, or fog, as these conditions can affect the stability and control of your drone.
Privacy Restrictions: Respect privacy laws and avoid flying over private property without obtaining proper permission from the property owner.
Additional Resources:
DGCA Website: For comprehensive information on drone regulations, registration procedures, and airspace restrictions, refer to the official website of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
Drone Pilot Training: Consider undergoing drone pilot training, especially if you intend to fly drones commercially. Training programs can provide you with valuable knowledge and skills to operate drones safely and effectively.
Remember, adhering to these guidelines and regulations is crucial for ensuring the safety of yourself, others, and your drone. By flying responsibly, you can enjoy the benefits of drone technology while minimizing risks and respecting the privacy and safety of others.
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padhaicrew · 5 months
Empowering Women in Agriculture: Education and Sustainability
In the agricultural industry, women have an important part in food production, but their bodies often face important challenges and barriers to full engagement and empowerment. Understanding the importance of female contributions to agriculture and the importance of gender-inclusive laws and regulations, girls' universities in Jaipur and India, like the Girls University in India, are implementing proactive actions to empower women in agriculture by means of education and environmentally friendly efforts. 
Education for Empowerment
Access to Agricultural Education: Girls University in Jaipur offers women the abilities they need to succeed in farming and agriculture by giving them access to high-quality agricultural education.
Training Programs: The university provides focused courses and seminars tailored to meet the requirements of women in agriculture, covering topics like crop management, soil conservation, organic farming, and post-harvest administration.
Sustainable Farming Practices
Promoting Sustainability: Girls University in Jaipur highlights the value of sustainable farming practices that prefer protecting the environment, resource conservation, and resiliency to Students learning regarding sustainable farming methods such as drip watering, crop rotation, and combined pest control.
Empowering Rural Communities: By promoting sustainable farming practices, women in agriculture can improve the quality of crops, enhance food security, and increase opportunities for income, effectively empowering rural communities while contributing to the growth of rural areas.
Technology Adoption
Using Technology: Girls University in Jaipur promotes the use of agricultural innovations and technological advances that can improve productivity, efficiency, and profitability in the farming industry. Students learn regarding the use of modern technologies and equipment like precise farming, drone technology, and mobile applications for managing a farm.
Digital Literacy: The university offers training in technological literacy and technology skills, promoting that women working in agriculture have the necessary knowledge and expertise to use digital tools and platforms for making decisions, market access, and services related to agriculture.
Networking and Advocacy
Networking Opportunities: Girls University in Jaipur allows networking opportunities for women in agriculture for interacting with business professionals, policymakers, and other participants. These networks provide channels for cooperation, mentoring, and information sharing.
Advocacy for Women's Rights: The university promotes laws and initiatives that promote women's rights and gender equality in agriculture, promoting the availability of land, credit, markets, and decision-making roles for women agriculturalists.
Achieving food security, reducing hunger, and promoting sustainable development require empowering women in agriculture with education and sustainability efforts. Girls' universities in Jaipur and India, like the Girls University in Jaipur, play an important part in advancing women's empowerment in agriculture by providing education, promoting environmentally friendly farming methods, using technology, and promoting equality for women. We are able to fully realize the promise of women farming and agents of change and promoters for agricultural transformation by making investments in their education and empowerment.
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