#Drug Controller General of India
icbio-blog · 1 year
ICBio, leading Independent clinical research organizations in India. Approved by Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), ISP Chile, Ministry of Health – Kazakhstan.
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canmom · 1 month
booksbooksbooks{1} - clones, parrots, and high stakes poetry
one of the things I wanna do in the wake of worldcon is read more sff books and write about them. in that spirit, going to try and catch up on writing about some books, starting with...
Clone, Priya Sarukkai Chabria
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This is a book that is maybe decently well known in India, but I'm not sure it's caught a lot of attention in the West. Which is a shame, because it's an absolute banger of a book.
It's tricky to know where to begin with Clone. You could approach it as a dystopian science fiction story, in which a clone in a hypocritical and cruel society stops taking her memory-suppressing drugs and starts channeling the past life of a controversial poet. Or, you could view that as a frame story and the real substance as something more like a short story anthology: a long slice through history from unlikely angles, coloured in shades of cruelty and religion. Of course, it's both those things.
Clone has been cooking for a while, it seems; an older version was published way back in 2009 as Generation Fourteen. I'm not sure the differences between that version and the version I read.
The story follows Clone 14/54/G, mostly just referred to by the title Clone by characters. She belongs to a society calling itself the Global Community, rigidly stratified and populated by various engineered posthumans: the abundant Clones, the dumb and violent Superior Zombies, the poetic Firehearts and so on. Almost all of them are essentially disposable slaves to the ultra-privileged Originals, from whom each generation of Clones is derived.
As such, the book is full of interesting contortions of language used to dress up this cruel, repressive society in a positive light. Capital letters ('The Drug', 'The Celebrations') and euphemisms abound. Clones aren't killed, they are 'withdrawn' after their 'actuality' runs out - there is another different word for each other category of being. Their lives are heavily regimented, both work and what passes for free time. It's always ready to proffer an explanation for a certain practice: here's why it's a good thing the flamethrowers use regular napalm. Make sure to thank the person punishing you.
Of all the various species of posthuman we encounter, besides the clone, the ones the story most seems to enjoy writing are the Fireharts - all named after elements of poetry like 'Quatrain' and 'Stanza', they are mercurial, energetic bug creatures who exist to obey a poetic function (and of course they're hooked on drugs and as controlled as every other element of the society). The rest of the society seems to view them with an attitude of mild exasperation, but as strange as the Firehearts are to our protagonist, they are some of the only genuine connections she's able to form across the book. But they are very much captive creatures: whatever liberal ideology they espouse, they are no more separate from this dystopia than the clones.
So, the inciting incident: 14/54/G, our eponymous Clone, ends up 'mutating', starting with dreams of past times - glimpses of the stories that will be told in full later in the book. Many of these stories are from the perspective of animals: a dog thought to have divination powers in the service of a prehistoric warlord at the foot of the Himalayas; a devoutly religious fish with a condescending attitude swimming in the Ganges flood waters; a lesbian parrot deeply infatuated with its owner one of the wives of a monarch Khan-Sahib (a title used in British India, though I am not sure of the time period of this story). Others are humans in mostly dire situations: a soldier awaiting execution, a low-ranking acolyte of a hidden Buddhist monastery complex; a mother of a boy killed in battle for the sake of Emperor Ashoka.
These stories - eventually dubbed 'the Visitations' - vary impressively in tone and style. What is the unifying theme? The blurb declares 'compassion and memory in the midst of all that is grotesque', and that's not a terrible start, but I think it leaves out a lot. Many of the characters in the stories are defined by devotion, often to people who do not reciprocate it, or view them as toys at best. The parrot's story is equally the story of 'My Love', life in the court, the affair she has - and also of casual, indifferent cruelty, such as when the parrot's tongue is peeled to make her sing prettier on Khan-Sahib's suggestion. (I assume this is an actual historical practice...)
Sarukkai Chabria has a fantastic command of narrative voice, which works extremely well when she's sketching the contours of living through all these different partial perspectives. I am reminded, strongly, of the different stories in Rachel Pollack's novel Unquenchable Fire, and what Pollack had to say about suffering and ecstasy. The story of Dhammapada, the 'flying monk', is a great example of how the stories immerse you in the worldviews of each character: full of earnest passion, we can read a bit between the lines to learn a bit about the harshness of the monastery and the power structures within it, but at the same time it's difficult not to be pulled in to share that same fascination with life. The arrogant fish, who believes it has solely seen through the illusion and understood the world and casts disdain on its fellow fish, is another fantastically entertaining character.
As good as these stories are, the dystopian setting is also a pretty fascinating creation. It's a society defined by weird calcified hypocrisies. Anyone is free to access information, but doing so may call suspicion down on you, which could be lethal. 'Free-Time' is ritualised and timed down to the minute. It assigns her a cyborg dog to monitor her, but the dog is so affected by the ambient violence of the gladitorial games that it tears itself to pieces; the Clone is helpless to stop this but still punished, a recurring pattern. It's a well observed depiction of the caprice of such a system of power.
The final arc of Clone sees 14/54/G imprisoned in luxurious but harshly controlled circumstances as various factions within the Global Community try to pry out the final poem of her original, the subversive poet 'Aa-aa'. She's caught up in a somewhat convoluted power game: 'Leader', an Original who turns out to be related to Aa-aa, wishes to take this opportunity to stage a rebellion; all, however, hinges on the Clone sufficiently recreating the life of Aa-aa to be able to conjure up her final words.
As with all affairs of the "Global Community", their approach is haphazard, almost cargo-cult attitude towards the way humans work. As soon as they give up on one approach, like putting her in Aa-aa's quarters and trying to get her to roleplay as the Original, they switch to another, like drugging her. At one point our protagonist is taken on a trip to see the horrible conditions at a factory that had a severe effect on Aa-aa, but there's a Guide Clone and a Superior Zombie along for the ride to make sure she reacts in the proper way. The tension builds and builds, as our protagonist desperately struggles to think of something to say to demonstrate her usefulness, or support the rebellion, and somehow survive.
The ending when it comes is quite abrupt, and I feel like this is the only part (aside from biological quibbles) where I felt like I didn't quite get it anymore. Spoilers, then:
Unable to divine what Aa-aa was going to say, the Clone ends up making an appeal to common humanity in front of all of the Originals at The Celebrations. It felt like an odd moment to me, because the entire book up to that point seemed to be demolishing the idea that anyone has ever given a shit about common humanity. To be fair, the words don't seem to have much effect on anyone else either: the Clone manages to escape with her life in the chaos of the palace drama within a few pages, but there is little sign that her words will have much effect beyond the immediate disruption.
So what's it all about? We have this unsparing cross-section through all types of human cruelty; we've seen all sorts of people contemplating the nature of existence through religion and interpersonal devotion; in the present we've seen a privileged intellectual become aware of the horrors of her society and minutely observed the hypocritical ways she reacts, which have become calcified into a ritual designed to extract one final missing piece of information from a disposable being. For all the strange turns her life takes, the Clone almost never has any power; she's tossed around on the wake of events that preceded her. But the forces acting on her are in their own way painfully ignorant and stupid.
We can read parallels to all sorts of societies. Given the very specifically Indian references in this book, we could think of British India, or equally the modern fascism of Modi's government - but I think it would be too reductive to read it as being about just one specific political regime when it takes this especially broad view.
I feel like part of the reason the Clone's statement feels like it falls short is that there is no way to sum up everything we've seen. It's too broad and too full of contradictions. Individual stories have overt themes: the arrogance of the intellectual fish, the freedom of political power to be capricious in the mother's address to Emperor Ashoka, and so on and so on - and many of these ideas have reflection in the present-day story. But any attempt to just turn them all into one pithy statement feels doomed to be pat.
Perhaps it is because I finished the game around the same time, but I am kind of reminded of the stories of NieR Reincarnation, which takes a similar anthology approach to the follies and tragedies of human history. In that case, the preservation of the archive taken as a whole is the subject of the story; here the stories all belong to one person's body of work, and we are witnessing a mad effort to try to find where they all point, with the futility of this project all concentrated on our Clone.
I kind of wonder what ending could have worked better than 'I am human, I claim my birthright' as the Clone's final statement - after spending the whole story dismantling the construct of the human, inviting us to inhabit animals and clones and so on, it feels off to reaffirm 'we are all human' as the basis of a path out. And, to be fair it's not quite her final statement - she goes away carrying memories of those who died, contemplating the 'cocoons' of memories, carrying a child (biological), and contemplating perhaps one day continuing to write down the Visitations. The final words of the story return to the death-witnessing dog Trichaisma, as Trichaisma's owner, the warlord Vrikama, finally dies. It ends in a dog's prayer. That's pretty cool!
I don't know that I have a final definitive reading of all that happens in Clone. That's exactly what makes it compelling! It's a book that doesn't pull its punches and is content to face ambiguity. That's good shit.
So, I was well impressed with Clone. I definitely feel like I'd love to see more recognition of this book in Western SFF fandom (I don't wanna say English-language, because it seems like a lot of the newspapers that covered it are in English). I feel like I'm only scratching the surface here, and I lack the cultural background to appreciate some of the historical or religious allusions, which I'd love to see elaborated on!
I definitely wanna read more Indian SFF! Next on the docket on that front is Kaiyeki by Vaishnavi Patel. Hopefully it will take me fewer months to get around to writing about this one ^^'
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kharmii · 18 days
So I got the idea to actually calculate the global human population myself, city by city, and guess what.
It’s not even 3 billion.
Not even CLOSE.
There are NOT 7 billion people on the planet. You can count yourself. The overpopulation hoax is the foundation of the globalist terror regime.
Whether it's three or seven billion, the global population doesn't matter. Overpopulation is a regional problem. There are starving children with distended bellies running around in Africa and India, and yet I suspect those places aren't handing out free birth control and running article after article about how "Cats are Better Than Babies".
The globalist terror regime is focusing that on first world nations while flooding every good place to live with problem people. Here in the US, every country south of us is clearing out their prisons and mental hospitals then sending them right up to us in large caravans of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. It's white privilege to have a job with a living wage, medical benefits, etc. We need to let everybody in so large corporations don't have to send their companies to China. The whole planet should be one huge sweat shop.
Speaking of white privilege, I have an OT beef. A few days ago, a fourteen-year-old student at Apalachee High School named Colt Gray brought a semi-automatic weapon to school and shot a bunch of people before being detained by police. According to the wiki, the school is in a town that's 58% white where half the students are economically disadvantaged. Colt Gray was one of these students. His mom was a low life drug addict who was arrested for "domestic violence, drug possession, property damage and various traffic violations, including driving under the influence charges. She also faced civil fraud charges over the purchase of a used vehicle and was locked up in Ben Hill County as recently as April."
Colt Gray ended up a Kamala Harris supporting trannie who was probably bullied at school on top of having a dysfunctional family. They tried to wipe his online presence, but it's being passed around.
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It looks like he lived with his dad who was also abusive, and now the dad is being arrested for giving the shooter the weapon he used as a Christmas present last year. This is the second time I've heard of this happening. The first time is when the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were charged with manslaughter in April 2024 because they supposedly also supplied the weapon used.
Now I can see why people would think this was appropriate. Terrible parents who raise a kid wrong should be held accountable for setting a monster loose in the community, and yet this only seems to be a white issue. I've yet to see a black parent be held responsible for her child's actions. Black people have an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate and fatherless household rate. They make up 13% of the population but commit 90% of gun crimes, 90% of adolescent gun crimes and most of the mass shootings. The news only focuses on the rare white person committing a mass shooting and acts like it's an epidemic, even though black people are shooting up every major city every day of the year.
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You aren't even supposed to question this. Black people problems are the result of white privilege and 'them evil colonialists who brought crop rotation and modern medicine to the third world' blahblahblah. Black people who aren't qualified to run a hotdog stand at a little league game are supposed to be able to lecture white people endlessly, and yet we aren't allowed to say, *lifts finger* uh um.....maybe if you waited until you were married to pop out babies, then maybe your atrocious crime rate would go down. Srsly, we're dealing with the problems of people in generational poverty who have like a 10% literacy rate, and the media keeps beating it into our heads that all the problems of the world are caused by white people, and it's only white people who need to have fckn dogs-cats-rats-smelly horses instead of babies.
Another meme they're always pushing in the media is that 'right wing extremism is the biggest domestic terror threat' and that all mass shooters are right wing (laughably ridiculous). Then when a radicalized Marxist trannie like Audrey Hale shoots up a white Christian school, it takes literal years for the authorities to release the manifesto. It's supposedly a danger to the public. When we finally get to read it, it's nothing but the ramblings of a mentally ill radicalized Marxist who complains over and over that nobody loves them, and that's why they have to kill a bunch of white Christian kids because the media beat it into their deranged mind that white Christians are the cause of all their problems.
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I'm an escapist. I'm not a planner; I've never made a decision about anything in my life. The good thing about Africa is that you can escape forever. You can do what you want without someone looking over your shoulder.
- Peter Beard, photographer
Surviving a shipwreck in Lake Rudolf, being crushed by an elephant & an encounter with a lion in the middle of the night, Peter Beard wld have been 85 this week. Beard was heir to 2 fortunes - railways & tobacco - a child of privilege: Upper East Side, Buckley and Yale. Africa and its wildlife.
In the late 50s, he bought Hog Ranch, near the Ngong Hills & adjacent to his friend Karen Blixen’s coffee farm. In 1972 he acquired an estate at Montauk Point near Andy Warhol.
Explosive, collagist, his works combine his photographs with his diaries - paper clippings, dried leaves, insects, old sepia photos, phone messages, India ink marginalia, quotes. Blood from the nearest butcher - and his own. Photographing wildlife, wild personalities and living an extravagant, untamed, life, Peter Beard was the personification of the word “Wild.” Baptised “the last of the adventurers,” Beard is as famous for his very public private life as he is for his idiosyncratic collage diaries and assemblages. Bringing together found objects, contact sheets, literary text and photographs from Tsavo, Kenya, his work subverts craft, control, and intentionality, typically associated with conventional artistic practice.
‘I’m an expert on futility and I like the futility and the pettiness of my diaries. It's a sort of laundry list of the day.’ It began when Jacqueline Kennedy gave him a leather-bound journal. He collaborated with Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon, Karen Blixen, Truman Capote, and Salvador Dalí. He also became a portraitist. In the jungle that is Manhattan & in Kenya (clad only in a kikoi) he proved as irresistible as he was insatiable. He was the great passion in the passionate life of Lee Radziwill. He would say sleep was such a waste of time.
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Beard himself referred to his devotion to photography as something to be taken not too seriously, introducing himself as “a dilettante,” or amateur. However, the artist played an undisputed role in portraying an impeccable artistic vision of Africa to the West, although many accused him of offering a slanted and idealised perception of the continent - the only lover he remained loyal to until the end.
After once finding a big game poacher on his property, “Hog Ranch,” famously next to Karen Blixen ́s (author of “Out of Africa") coffee plantation, Beard tied the man up in wires, stuffed a glove in his mouth and left him there. Although this cost the artist a week in African jail and a few more of press and rumors in NewYork, these solitary but outrageous acts of protest slowly but surely granted Beard an environmentalist status within Western and African preservationist circles. Ultimately, the artist was years ahead of his time in his efforts to sound the alarm about environmental damage, and became a walking symbol for a future generation of artists who would use their art to send urgent social messages to the public. “The deeper the white man went into Africa, the faster the life flowed out of it,” Beard wrote in his most critically acclaimed book, “The End of the Game.”
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He had two failed marriages before a third to a Kenyan Muslim, Nejma Khanum, brought him a measure of peace and stability with the birth of a daughter, Zara. But he remained untamed. One time, in the Sth of France, he sold off a valuable photo to pay off a $20,000 bar bill. His long suffering wife, Nejma, sought to regain the art he had given away or loaned in a haze of drink and drugs.
Peter Beard, who lived in Montauk, on the eastern end of Long Island, New York, disappeared on 31 March 2020 and was found dead in Camp Hero State Park, not far from his home, after a 19-day search on 19 April. He was 82. His family wrote on his website, “He died where he lived: in nature.”
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pie-of-flames · 9 months
Beatles Asks - 3, 7 and 13 please!
I'm gonna do these separately because it's a lot.
3. What’s your opinion on The Beatles wives?
This is a very broad topic.
Cynthia: I read Cynthia’s book John: A Biography. Of course, any book like this has to be take with a grain of salt, assuming some level of self-interest and faulty memories. Even so, my heart really goes out to her after reading this. I believe she and John were truly in love. The pics of them together are always really cute. But I kind of doubt they would have married if she hadn’t gotten pregnant. Either John fell out of love or was too fucked up in general, or his mental issues were exacerbated by Beatlemania and later, heavy drug use, for the marriage to last long. He neglected Cyn and Julian horribly and was a gigantic asshole. For example, he hounded her to take acid and then, when she finally did and had a bad trip, he completely neglected her and left her alone to suffer. She says she even considered suicide during that trip. And don’t even get me started on the divorce. He really mistreated her. Granted, he was probably emotionally incapable of treating her with humanity, given his mental health issues. But he was just horrible and acted unforgivably.
Pattie: I also read the George part of Pattie’s book, Wonderful Tonight. She seems fine. I don’t have any feelings about her one way or another. They’re cute together. Both she and George were so young then. George was a shit near the end, of course.
Yoko: You know, who really knows what was going on between her and John? I do think they were genuinely in love. But I also think, in May 1968 when they got together, the relationship offered transactional benefits to both of them. She obviously wanted to snag a Beatle and become famous. She’d been stalking John for a pretty long time. And John desperately needed a “guru” to give he life structure and focus. He was really flailing after India, clearly in mental distress after losing Brian (and Whatever Happened In India™ which may have involved John feeling like he’d lost Paul somehow) and doing huge amounts of acid again. (Enter my theory that he had borderline personality disorder where you latch on to an Important Person to provide your identity.) Both of them were all on board with a codependent, all-consuming relationship. She doesn't seem like a particularly nice person, what with the stories about her ordering around Apple employees like they were her personal servants. She also seems very manipulative, but then again, so was John. Personally, I cannot stand her "singing" (I study classical singing, so...it's just painful to listen to.)
Skipping to the seventies, my impression is John wanted Yoko to control his life and she did,         although they also seemed to enjoy playing power games with each other. I don’t know why he went back to her after the Lost Weekend, but I assume part of it was a need to give up control to another person. It’s hard to tell if they were still in love in the seventies. I would love to find out what was really going on between them in this period because there’s such a drastic difference in opinions, like “happy, bread baking house husband” narrative vs. “depressed, in bed getting high and watching TV” all the time narrative.
Linda: I do think there was a bit of the starfucker in her but she and Paul were obviously in love and devoted to each other, as far as we can tell. No other thoughts. I don't really know much about her. I’m grateful for all her photos of Paul. :)
Later Paul wives: no opinion, I don’t know enough.
Olivia: same. I'm glad she and George were able to have Dhani.
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
I can't reblog it for some reason, but regarding a thread about how awful Mao is and how his policies killed a hundred billion people, I think this is significant.
DETROIT — Another country that once had an addiction problem—one that lasted for almost 200 years and involved an incredible 25 per cent of its population—is China.
Today China is virtually drug‐free— and the methods the Chinese used to eradicate their addiction problem might well offer methods we could use to achieve the same results.
China was forced into addiction by the Opium Wars. Contrary to popular belief, these wars—from 1839 to 1842 —did not originate because China wanted to export opium. They began when China resisted England's demand to import opium in exchange for Chi nese products—mostly tea, silk, and porcelain. China lost these wars, and among other indignities was forced to exchange its goods for opium. As a result it became a highly narcoticized country, a victim of ruthless Western economic and political policy. By 1850 an entire fifth of the revenue of the British Government of India — the source of opium — came from Chinese consumption of this drug.
Obviously to enlarge the market for opium, China was forced to create a huge number of addicts. And it did.
In October of 1949 the People's Re public of China was proclaimed. With in a year the Communist Government instituted a comprehensive program designed to eliminate this threat to the nation. All evidence indicates that by 1953 the problem of narcotic drug abuse was practically eliminated.
One important factor was the changed ideology of the young people —no new supply of addicts was forth coming. The changes in outlook in cluded a redefinition of the nation and its youth, of their worth and role. In rural areas this new definition was based on land distribution; collective farming; new educational, social, and vocational opportunities; and the elec tion of local councils. In the cities it took the form of nationalization of commerce and industry, full employ ment, worker control, and the end of foreign domination.
This total ideological transformation of the younger generation was accom panied by the reintegration of Chinese society through small street commit tees that offered cultural leadership.
Equally significant in the Chinese drive to eliminate narcotic addiction were its methods of plugging the source, China is 80 per cent rural, and an unknown but significant part of the land had been turned into poppy cul tivation. The first major economic and political mass campaign of the Gov ernment was land reform, and this aim was coordinated with elimination of poppy growth. Distribution of land from large landholders to landless peasants was accompanied by the need to convert the opium cash crops to badly needed food crops. Today China produces enough opium to meet its medical needs, but no more.
Smuggled opium was still a source of the drug, and China acted to stop this supply with a policy of “carrot and stick.” Leniency was recom mended for employes and workers of opium traffickers; but heavy penalties existed for those controlling the traf fic, manufacture, or growth of opium.
China's attitude toward the individ ual reformed addict was one of good willed congratulations, and represents another important reason why the nar cotic problem was overcome. The re habilitation of opium addicts began with their registration. Arrangements by city‐wide antiopium committees for addict rehabilitation included treat ment to break the habit at home, in clinics and in hospitals.
At every stage of personal rehabili tation the ideological motivation was stressed. Given China's attitudes, this ideology was strong on political, so cial, and economic information. But the important thing is that the anti drug campaign recognized that the de sire and will of the addict is ultimately the controlling factor of addiction. China's policy was not simply to de prive a person of drugs, but to replace the need for narcotics with a forceful, national commitment. Equally signifi cant, the former addict was fully ac cepted back into Chinese life without official stigma or prejudice.
Naturally, many questions have to be answered about the total success of the Chinese experience. Is there an addict population living in labor camps or prisons because of failure to re habilitate? Do the rehabilitated addicts all function as useful members of Chi nese society? To what extent would addiction be a problem in China if its internal and border controls were less stringent? Does traditional Chinese medicine offer useful ideas about ad diction treatment?
Wikipedia puts the census count in 1950 at 546,815,000, and a quarter of that is 136,703,750. So about that many people saved from opium addiction by the Communists.
I wonder if that's the reason the West wants to focus so much on the famine.
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mariacallous · 10 months
DUSHANBE, Tajikistan—As the Taliban consolidate Afghanistan’s status as a nexus for much of what is bad in the world right now, from crimes against humanity to the wholesale export of drugs, guns, and terrorism, a bloodthirsty old warlord popped up at a recent meeting of the putative opposition to declare war as the only hope of getting their country back.
There are two paths to Afghanistan’s freedom, Ismail Khan, aged in his mid-70s, told the gathering in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan: jaw-jaw or war-war. Negotiating with the Taliban has never worked, he said. Which leaves war as the only option.
Dushanbe just hosted the second road edition of the Herat Security Dialogue, which until the fall of Afghanistan’s old government used to be held in its namesake city. The gathering was meant to be a chance, more than two years after the Taliban re-took control of Afghanistan, for various opposition groups to come up with a plan to fix the country’s troubling trajectory. 
Instead, it produced infighting, factionalism, and worrisome ideas for what might come next. It’s a sad indictment of the dearth of ideas among anti-Taliban opposition figures, who seem incapable of transcending personality cults and personal ambitions to put the future of their blighted country first. At regular meetings, often funded by think tanks and democracy organizations, they put their rivalries on display, while consistently failing to make room for generational change or take responsibility for their role in the collapse of the corrupt and inept republic. Rahmatullah Nabil, a former head of Afghanistan’s security services during the republic, bemoaned the “three lacks”—lack of clarity, vision, and consensus—among the opposition, and the world at large, that have allowed the Taliban to entrench their power.
Evidence of the Taliban’s brutality toward the Afghan population and their threat to global security has been piling up in these two years. Multiple U.N. agencies have reported on the Taliban’s persistent abuses of human rights, production and export of heroin and methamphetamine, and support for terror and jihad groups across the region and even as far afield as Europe; the Hungarian government says the Taliban are involved in people smuggling to raise money for terror. In a neighborhood bristling with nukes, Nabil suggested the Taliban could try to acquire their own, if not for use then for profit. 
The lack of international attention on Afghanistan’s renewed terror threat is laying the groundwork for what Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Berlin- and New York-based Counter Extremism Project, called a “back to the future” repeat of the atrocities committed by al Qaeda, with Taliban collusion, in the United States in September 2001.
Some of the countries that supported the Taliban’s return to deal a blow to the United States are learning that to their peril. Pakistan, which supported the Taliban to thwart India’s ambitions for regional leadership, has suffered from multiple terror attacks by Kabul’s affiliate, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, meant to wreck the Pakistani state. 
Tajikistan, always wary while pragmatic, also understands the Taliban threat, having thwarted several attacks just this year, seizing weapons, ammunition, religious material, and cash. The Taliban deploy suicide bombers and an affiliated anti-Tajikistan extremist group, Jamaat Ansarullah, to their shared border regions.
But with the Taliban entrenched, and international organizations hamstrung, what are the options? Speaking to Foreign Policy, Schindler said the United Nations faces a bind: On the one hand, it’s in “a virtual hostage situation,” depending on the Taliban for the security of its employees in Afghanistan, while facilitating the delivery of tens of millions of dollars in cash purportedly to alleviate the humanitarian crisis, “but for which it has real challenges to account for after the Taliban have taken possession.” A new U.N. “self-assessment” offers nothing fresh for a post-Taliban future.
Few answers were forthcoming in Dushanbe. Khan, wearing his trademark white salwar kameez and a black-and-white scarf on his head, basked in rock-star status and posed for selfies in the lobby of the five-star hotel hosting the conference. Khan was seized by the Taliban while leading a ragtag militia in Herat and now lives in Iran. Asked if Iran had allowed him to attend this year’s summit to signal to the Taliban a growing impatience with their intransigence, Khan demurred. 
Selfie-hunters aside, many at the conference were dismayed by Khan’s presence, seeing him as the embodiment of the failed old guard. 
“If he comes back, I see that as no different to the current situation,” said one delegate who wouldn’t allow his name to be used. “He killed a lot of people, then for 20 years he was watched closely. The Americans kept him under surveillance, with drones; they controlled his impulses. Without that, he will be the same as before. And that’s not good for Afghanistan.”
Khan was ostensibly representing the High Council of National Resistance, a coalition of warlords like Abdul Rashid Dostum; a former vice president, Atta Mohammed Noor; and other regional and ethnic figures who fled the Taliban’s blitzkrieg and who’d like nothing better than to reclaim their money, property, and prestige. 
But Khan’s presence ensured that Ahmad Massoud, the once-popular leader of the National Resistance Front (NRF), was a no-show, even though he lives in Dushanbe. His aides said he was busy; he granted audiences for a select few. Many young Afghans who had hopes in him as a future president now see little more than a cult of personality to mirror that of his father, the former Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud.
Following America’s lead, most Western governments will not support armed resistance against the Taliban. Reluctance to return to war in Afghanistan is understandable, Schindler said, but “you could reach out to opposition groups and make sure that when they convene everyone turns up who should be inside the tent to facilitate the emergence of an alternative vision for Afghanistan beyond the Taliban regime.” 
As it is, he said, “it’s always this faction, that faction. Some don’t turn up because their rivals do turn up. How is this of any use? We have seen this before, for more than 20 years. Now no one has any excuse.” 
Undaunted, the opposition talking shop is on the road again this week, for a third get-together in Vienna. NRF spokesperson Ali Maisam Nazary, fresh from Dushanbe, said they still plan to finalize there or elsewhere a strategy for a post-Taliban future.
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daviddaniyikaye · 9 months
1. The Nigerian Economy will be in a very delicate state due to inflation & scarcity of funds. I see a highly challenging year for the economy because it's still in a transitional stage. There is a desire to ditch an over-reliance on the dollar. (The Yuan & digital currency in view) but the cabals will resist the move fiercely.
2. Crime rate will be on the rise in Nigeria. The rate of prostitution & selling of hard drugs next year will be insane. I see busy timelines for law enforcement agents.
3. Speculative ventures & investment companies will flood the market space; where most of them will be positioned to rip people off based on "opportunities" for fast cash.
4. Politically, I see a lots of decampment in Africa! New allies or hybrid parties will be formed.
5. There will be economic recessions globally; a downturn for the USA as the dollar gets more weakened. Joe Biden will not win the election, & a woman or a Trump could replace him.
6. Russia & China will have the upper hand in the global power dynamics of 2024. Putin will be flexing his muscles but must be wary of the effects of wrong decisions on the economy of Russia. India will experience huge growth economically, while the UK will experience a highly challenging year.
7. Ukraine will be completely defeated by Russia in 2024 & will be taken over for a build.
8. Tensions will continue in the middle east in 2024 but there will be the appearance of some powerful figures for conflict resolutions to prevent WWIII. Tensions will exist strongly between the USA & Iran, while Russia sides with Iran. The role of China will be crucial to avoid escalations.
9. There will be massive spiritual awakening like never before, globally.
10. Big year of success for Davido & afrobeats in general. Wizkid will be moving smarter to regain lost grounds.
11. A year marked with conflicts, civil wars in many countries, heavy restrictions globally & financial losses for big companies.
12. A year of judgement for many evil people who pretend to be angels of light. It's also a year of fruition & rewards for the righteous.
13. A fortunate year for travel & hospitality industries. The desire for travel will be very high generally in 2024.
14. Huge progress in scientific discoveries, inventions & technological advancement. (Cure for an incurable disease).
15. A year of intense office politics & legal disputes. There will be intense discord among leaders due to differing opinions but I see hard settlements. World powers could resort to underhand tactics to gain control (e.g Major cyber attacks).
16. Nigerian actress Bimbo Akintola should lay low & be more mindful in 2024 to avoid a tragedy, bad health or huge loss.
17. Obtaining funding & raising capital will prove to be more challenging for many countries. It will require diligent efforts & valuable alliances to gather resources in 2024. Africa will come into huge focus because of her resources.
18. Some countries might offer to help Niger Republic (E.g China). The country is in need of a leader, & must be very careful in forming alliances. I see a major coup happening in another African country.
19. Pray against earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding or other kind of disaster in places around California, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Syria & Indonesia.
21. Some high profile men & women being brought down to earth in 2024. It's a year of karmic repercussions for past evil deeds. I see more unveiling of more scandals & atrocities.
22. People born in the year 1982, 1994, 1970 & 1958 with birth-month between March & December must be very careful of launching or starting anything new in the year 2024. They should avoid anything that has to do with some spotlight or risky moves. Prayers should be done against evil enchantments, the face of God should be sought like never before.
23. South Africa, France & India could form more economic alliance with Russia. India will be doing very well economically.
24. There will be significant climatic changes that are unfavourable globally. Sea levels will be rising exponentially. World governments will lay huge emphasis in the area.
25. Significant laws will be passed in relation to the use of AI as it gains more ground in the tech & media industry.
26. Dwayne Wade getting into some trouble legally. Gabrielle union could remarry or make a new relationship official & I foresee some sort of elevation of status for her.
27. Don Jazzy finally stepping down as the main boss of his label, to lead behind the scenes. He should be mindful of his health & not begin anything new for the spotlight to avoid a huge loss in 2024.
28. Fortunate year for Rihanna but artistes like Ty Dolla, Nicki Minaj, Lil' Uzi, Madonna, Lil' Baby, Lil' Wayne & Zlatan could be in the news for bad reasons. They should lay low in 2024 & be more prayerful.
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mind-yog-blog · 2 years
Explore OR Exploit
Humans by nature have always been evolving to invent newer solutions, creations for the betterment of life.
When plastic was invented, it was seen as a miracle invention for its strength, flexibility, durability and heat resistance. So, plastic which was adored for its indestructible quality when invented has now become the worst trait in plastic. It has become a living nightmare for the nature.
An effort for making the atomic weapons began in late 1942 under the Manhattan Project in United States. The purpose for producing the atom bomb was to stop the world war. So far two nuclear weapons have been used, both by United States in World War II when these bombs were detonated in Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two bombings resulted in the deaths of approximately 120,000 people. Even today these areas are no-go zones with radioactive activity still prevalent. The lasting effects of these attacks highlight the destruction nuclear weapons can wreak, but countries all over the world are in a race to secretly stash these weapons.
Gunpowder, one of the earliest known chemical explosive was discovered by Chinese Alchemists around A.D.850 when they were experimenting with life-lengthening elixirs. Gunpowder changed the way of warfare all over the world, affecting the way battles were fought. The irony is while in search for increasing the life span of a human the invention ended in creating something which can end the life abruptly and quickly. Manufacturing of arms and Ammunition is one of the biggest legal as well as illegal business in the world.
Opium, Heroine and its variants were used for medicinal purposes in the beginning. Opium is one of the oldest herbal medicines currently used as an analgesic, sedative and antidiarrheal treatment. The drugs used for giving anesthesia include Opium, Cannabis, Mandrake, etc. But this medicinal use was exploited resulting in drug abuse, addiction and global drug lords (mafia) dealing in illegal drug business.
Sugar was first produced from sugarcane plants in India somewhere after the first century AD. Sanskrit literature from ancient India, written between 1500–500 BC provides the first documentation of the cultivation of sugar cane and of the manufacture of sugar in the Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent. Sugar was considered as fine spice in the medieval period and was very expensive. But from the year 1500 technological advancements turned it into a much cheaper bulk commodity. In United States & Japan sugar has been replaced by HFCS – High Fructose Corn Syrup. So Sugar or HFCS which were invented to bring sweetness in our life are now the most dreaded items. Use of sugar or HFCS in processed foods is now linked to various health conditions including metabolic syndrome, hypertension, insulin resistance, obesity and many others.
Automobiles – invented to speed up mobility – Now resulting in Pollution.
Internet/ mobile phones – invented to bring the world closer and provide connectivity while on the go – now has isolated the individuals who do not even interact with family members. Today’s generation is virtually connected but emotionally disconnected.
Many more such examples bring forth the thought that the intended use of invention has rarely resulted in its actual use. We say that there are two sides to a coin. Yes, so every invention has and will always have two sides. The positive use for the betterment of all living beings and the negative use for destruction of the very same living beings.
The current buzzword is AI- Artificial Intelligence. The official definition of AI is handling of tasks by a computer or a robot (controlled by computer) that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. The automation of the data-driven tasks started in the 1960s with the introduction of enterprise resource planning systems. This has now evolved to include robotic process automation. Businesses are using artificial intelligence to improve the productivity of their employees. The AI handles repetitive tasks across an organization so that employees can focus on creative solutions, complex problem solving, and impactful work. The intended use of AI is also for betterment of our lifestyles. But we should be aware of the pitfalls which will come along with the use of AI.
I leave you with the thought that till the humans are in explore phase of mind they can create wonders, miracles but as soon as they enter the exploit phase of the mind they end up creating destruction. It’s a very thin line between the explore and exploit phases and when we will learn to balance on this thin line, then we can really experience the true benefits of our inventions and creativity.
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ghnservices · 2 years
Multiple Myeloma Treatment in India
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Multiple myeloma is a Blood disorder disease usually called Blood Cancer. Multiple myeloma can be treated by the Bone marrow transplant process.
In the initial stages of multiple myeloma, there are no symptoms but as the disease progresses, it may show some symptoms –
•          Bone Fractures
•          Bone pain
•          Tiredness/fatigue
•          Appetite loss/ weight loss
•          Kidney function problems
What is Multiple myeloma?
Basically, Multiple myeloma releases chemicals that create an imbalance in bone destruction and bone formation. This may cause a hole in bones or bone thinning. 
Multiple myeloma generally occurs in men than women. It is gradually increasing in urban India.
What causes multiple myeloma?
There is a condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Where there is an excess of protein molecules, called immunoglobins, in your blood.
Black people are more likely to develop multiple myeloma than other people.
Family history of multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma diagnosed in the mid 60’s.
Procedure to diagnose of Multiple myeloma
Test and procedure to diagnose multiple myeloma –
Blood Test – In this test, it may reveal M Proteins produced by myeloma cells.
Urine Test – Anaylsis of your urine test may show M proteins
Imaging Test – This test may be recommended to check bone problems associated with multiple myeloma. It may include X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI
Treatment of Multiple myeloma
Different types of doctors work together to create a patient’s overall treatment plan that combines different types of treatment.
Treatment plan may include different phases –
Induction therapy – for rapid control of cancer and to help relieve symptoms.
Chemotherapy or Bone marrow transplant/ Stem cell transplant
Maintenance therapy – over a long period of time to prevent cancer occurrence.
Types of medications used for multiple myeloma –
Chemotherapy - a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in your body.
Targeted Therapy - a type of cancer treatment, that uses drugs to target specific genes and protiens that help cancer cells survive and grow.
Steriods - An anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.
Immunotherapy - a type of cancer treatment that increases immune system to fight cancer. It helps your body fight against infections.
Bone-modifying drugs
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplantation is a treatment choice for individuals with multiple myeloma. There are three general kinds of transplantation  :-
● Autologous transplantation - The Stem cells are gotten  from your own blood or bone marrow. This is the kind of transplantation that is generally ordinarily suggested for treating multiple myeloma.
● Allogeneic transplantation - The Stem cells or bone marrow are gotten from a donor  with a tissue type matching yours. This kind of transplantation conveys exceptionally high risk and isn't suggested for the vast majority with numerous myeloma.
● Syngeneic transplantation - The stem cells or bone marrow are obtained from an identical twin. This is the ideal type of transplantation, albeit barely any individuals with different myeloma have an indistinguishable twin who can act as a donor.
Transplantation, when effective, prompts a reduction and drags out endurance; seldom, allogeneic transplantation fixes different myeloma. Notwithstanding, transplantation has a few limits. The high-portion chemotherapy given before transplantation generally neglects to kill all of the plasma cells, permitting the condition to backslide after transplantation. Such treatment likewise expands your gamble of serious contaminations and dying, which can be deadly.
Autologous foundational microorganism transplantation — Autologous stem cell organism transplantation alludes to transplantation with your own undeveloped cells. During this system, stem organisms are gathered and frozen for sometimes in the future. High-portion chemotherapy is then given to kill however many plasma cells as could be expected under the circumstances, and the stem organisms are defrosted and gotten back to your body. Foundational microorganisms can be acquired from the blood or the bone marrow; for this situation, getting them from the blood is liked, on the grounds that blood undeveloped cells move to tissues all the more rapidly and are less inclined to be tainted with malignant plasma cells.
As of now, autologous stem cell transplantation is appropriate for up to 50 percent of individuals with multiple myeloma. Autologous undeveloped cell transplantation isn't suggested for individuals with seething multiple myeloma (individuals with multiple myeloma who have no side effects).
Who treats multiple myeloma?
Orthopedic Surgeon, a doctor who uses surgery to treat diseases of  bones.
Radiation oncology, a doctor who treats cancer with radiation therapy.
Medical oncologist, a doctor who treats cancer with medicines such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy.
Bone marrow transplant Specialist, a doctor who specializes in performing bone marrow transplants.
For any enquiry regarding Best Multiple Myeloma hospitals & doctors or multiple myeloma treatment in India, Connect with us via HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
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induceindia · 2 years
CDSCO Registration Services in India by Reputed firm- induce India
Central Drug Standards Control Organization (CDSCO) under the Directorate-General for Health Services of the Department of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of India.
Central Drug Standards Control Organization, a division of the Department of Health and Family Welfare. Allopathic drugs, veterinary drugs, medical devices, homeopathy, etc. require a license under CDSCO, which is handled by the Drug Controller General of India.
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State and federal regulators were given a variety of duties for the regulation of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940 and Regulations of 1945. The regulation of medicines and cosmetics ensures the consistent application of the legal requirements and the standards set up to protect the rights, welfare, and safety of patients. To guarantee the security, effectiveness, and caliber of the medical products produced, imported, and distributed in the nation by CDSCO, the organization works tirelessly to uphold openness, accountability, and consistency in its operations.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
CONTAINED OUTRAGE: Outgoing Arizona Gov. Ducey tries one last MAGA stunt before he leaves
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CONTAINED OUTRAGE: Outgoing Arizona Gov. Ducey tries one last MAGA stunt before he leaves
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We’re all familiar with the Great Wall of China. And some of you may have heard of the Great Hedge in India, used by the British to control the salt trade. Well, now another type of barrier – in Arizona – may go down in the history books. Decrying an “invasion” from Mexico, outgoing Governor Doug Ducey has tried to contain it with – well – containers.
Using 9’ by 40’, 8800-pound shipping containers owned by the state, Ducey has been plugging holes in Donald Trump’s notorious border wall.
The containers are topped with razor wire and currently stretch for some 3 miles. Ducey had started around Yuma, but now has plans to spend $95 million adding another 10 miles – likely a complete waste of money, considering that incoming governor Katie Hobbs has promised to remove the ad hoc barrier.
Ducey is also almost certainly trespassing on federal land.
“There’s just no question that this is federal property,” Dinah Bear, formerly with the White House Council on Environmental Quality, told The Guardian. “There’s no legal difference between the land they’re putting the shipping containers on and Grand Canyon national park.”
Ducey filed a lawsuit in October disputing this fact, which is now before Judge David Campbell. The U.S. Forest Service is looking for a court order to avoid any conflict with local authorities.
In addition to the U.S. government, the Cocopah Indian Tribe has also spoken out against Ducey’s wall, saying that some of it encroaches upon their reservation.
And there’s been criticism from scientists as well: the Center for Biological Diversity has noted that the containers hurt certain migratory species that typically cross over the area.
Of course, keeping out migrating animals and keeping out humans are two entirely different balls of wax. Generally, such obstacles don’t pose much of a challenge to human crossers, especially since they can be extraordinarily difficult to guard.
It’s reported that the Great Hedge in India took some 12,000 British officers working in shifts to maintain
Also worth noting is the fact that – despite Republican claims to the contrary – the overwhelming majority of illegal drugs that come over the border – more than 90% – come through legal points of entry and through the mail.
Fentanyl isn’t being carried by undocumented workers trying to sneak into the country; it’s going through the ports of California and being delivered by the USPS.
Ducey is probably just trying to stand out in a field of Republican hardliners (some might say “assholes” is a more apt description).
There’s Greg Abbott of Texas, who has been shipping out migrants by bus. And Ron DeSantis, who is so intent on being an asshole that he literally goes to other states to find undocumented workers to abuse.
Douchey (whoops! – meant Ducey) is competing against them and perhaps trying to distinguish himself, even if it means wasting tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money on an eyesore that won’t do anything to change the situation.
Good job, Douchey!
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Shriram Pharmacy College: India’s Premier Pharmacy Program
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Shriram Pharmacy College, located in Bankner, stands out as one of India’s leading institutions for pharmacy education. With a commitment to excellence in education and research, the college equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the pharmaceutical industry. From ensuring regulatory compliance to leveraging digital health solutions, Shriram Pharmacy College offers a comprehensive program that prepares students for a successful career in pharmacy. Let’s explore how this premier institution addresses key areas in the field of pharmacy.
#### Ensure Regulatory Compliance for Products
Ensuring regulatory compliance is crucial in the pharmaceutical industry to guarantee that products meet the required standards and are safe for public use. At Shriram Pharmacy College, students learn about the various regulatory bodies and their guidelines, such as the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) and the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). The college emphasizes understanding these regulations to ensure that pharmaceutical products are developed, manufactured, and marketed in compliance with legal and ethical standards, safeguarding both consumers and the industry.
#### Optimize Supply Chain Logistics Efficiency
Efficient supply chain logistics are essential for ensuring that pharmaceutical products are available where and when they are needed. Shriram Pharmacy College provides training on optimizing supply chain processes, including inventory management, procurement, and distribution. By utilizing advanced logistics technologies and techniques, students learn to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain. This knowledge is vital for managing the complex logistics involved in the pharmaceutical industry and ensuring timely delivery of products to healthcare providers and patients.
#### Implement Cutting-Edge Digital Health Solutions
Digital health solutions are transforming the way healthcare is delivered and managed. At Shriram Pharmacy College, students are introduced to cutting-edge technologies such as electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, and mobile health applications. The program emphasizes the integration of these digital solutions to enhance patient care, improve data management, and facilitate remote consultations. By implementing these technologies, future pharmacists can contribute to more efficient and effective healthcare delivery, improving patient outcomes and expanding access to medical services.
#### Enhance Patient Engagement Through Technology
Technology plays a significant role in enhancing patient engagement and education. Shriram Pharmacy College focuses on how technology can be used to improve patient interactions and promote better health outcomes. Students learn about various tools and platforms that facilitate patient education, medication adherence, and communication with healthcare providers. By leveraging technology, pharmacists can engage patients more effectively, helping them understand their treatment plans, manage their health conditions, and make informed decisions about their care.
#### Improve Drug Formulation for Efficacy
Developing effective drug formulations is a key aspect of pharmaceutical research and development. Shriram Pharmacy College provides students with a deep understanding of drug formulation techniques, including the design of dosage forms, stability studies, and bioavailability testing. The program emphasizes the importance of optimizing drug formulations to enhance their efficacy, safety, and patient acceptability. By focusing on innovative formulation strategies, students are prepared to contribute to the development of new and improved medications that meet the needs of patients and healthcare professionals.
#### Develop Robust Pharmacovigilance Monitoring Systems
Pharmacovigilance is essential for monitoring the safety of pharmaceutical products and identifying adverse drug reactions. Shriram Pharmacy College teaches students how to develop and implement robust pharmacovigilance systems to track and analyze drug safety data. The program covers methods for collecting and reporting adverse events, conducting risk assessments, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. By establishing effective pharmacovigilance systems, future pharmacists can contribute to the ongoing safety and efficacy of medications, protecting patient health and maintaining public trust in pharmaceutical products.
#### Utilize AI for Clinical Trials
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing clinical trials by improving data analysis, patient recruitment, and trial design. At Shriram Pharmacy College, students learn how to utilize AI technologies to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of clinical trials. The program covers AI applications in data processing, predictive modeling, and decision-making. By integrating AI into clinical research, students gain valuable skills that can lead to more effective drug development processes, reduced time to market for new medications, and improved patient outcomes.
#### Foster Continuous Medical Education Programs
Continuous medical education (CME) is vital for keeping healthcare professionals updated on the latest advancements and best practices. Shriram Pharmacy College emphasizes the importance of ongoing education for pharmacists and other healthcare providers. The college offers various CME programs and workshops to help students and alumni stay current with emerging trends, new therapies, and regulatory changes. By fostering a culture of continuous learning, the college ensures that its graduates remain knowledgeable and competent throughout their careers.
### FAQ Section
**1. How does Shriram Pharmacy College ensure regulatory compliance in its programs?**
Shriram Pharmacy College ensures regulatory compliance by integrating comprehensive training on guidelines set by regulatory bodies like the DCGI and CDSCO into its curriculum. Students learn about the legal and ethical standards required for drug development and marketing. The college also stays updated with current regulations to provide relevant and accurate information, preparing students to handle compliance issues effectively in their future careers.
**2. What technologies does Shriram Pharmacy College focus on for enhancing patient engagement?**
Shriram Pharmacy College focuses on various technologies to enhance patient engagement, including electronic health records (EHR), telemedicine, and mobile health applications. The college teaches students how to use these technologies to improve patient education, medication adherence, and communication with healthcare providers, thereby fostering better patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery.
**3. How does the college support students in learning about drug formulation?**
The college supports students in learning about drug formulation through a combination of theoretical instruction and practical laboratory work. Students are trained in the design of dosage forms, stability studies, and bioavailability testing. The curriculum includes hands-on experience with formulation techniques, allowing students to develop the skills needed to create effective and safe pharmaceutical products.
**4. What role does AI play in the clinical trials taught at Shriram Pharmacy College?**
AI plays a significant role in the clinical trials curriculum at Shriram Pharmacy College. Students learn how AI technologies can be used to enhance data analysis, patient recruitment, and trial design. AI applications include predictive modeling, data processing, and decision-making, which help streamline the clinical research process and improve the efficiency and accuracy of drug development.
**5. How does Shriram Pharmacy College promote continuous medical education?**
Shriram Pharmacy College promotes continuous medical education by offering a range of CME programs, workshops, and seminars. These programs are designed to keep students and alumni updated on the latest advancements, new therapies, and regulatory changes in the pharmaceutical field. The college fosters a culture of lifelong learning to ensure that graduates remain knowledgeable and competent throughout their careers.
### Conclusion
Shriram Pharmacy College in Bankner stands out as India’s premier pharmacy institution, offering a comprehensive program that addresses key areas in the pharmaceutical field. From ensuring regulatory compliance and optimizing supply chain logistics to leveraging digital health solutions and utilizing AI in clinical trials, the college prepares students to excel in a dynamic and evolving industry. By focusing on these critical aspects of pharmacy education, Shriram Pharmacy College ensures that its graduates are well-equipped to contribute to advancements in healthcare and improve patient outcomes.
### Stay Connected with Shriram Pharmacy College!
For the latest updates, educational content, and insights into the dynamic field of pharmacy, don’t miss out on the Shriram Pharmacy College YouTube channel. By liking, sharing, and subscribing, you’ll gain access to expert lectures, student testimonials, campus events, and much more. Stay informed about advancements in pharmaceutical sciences and become a part of our vibrant community. Your support helps us grow and continue providing valuable resources to students and professionals alike. Join us today and never miss an update!
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Current Trends in the India Surgical Heart Valves Market: 2024 Outlook
India's surgical heart valves market has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, advancements in surgical techniques, and rising disposable incomes.
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Here are some of the key trends shaping the market in 2024:
1. Technological Advancements
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS): The adoption of MIS techniques, such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), has reduced the risk of complications and improved patient outcomes.
Bioprosthetic Valves: There is a growing preference for bioprosthetic valves, which are made from animal tissue and offer long-term durability.
2. Rising Healthcare Expenditure
Government Initiatives: Government initiatives aimed at improving healthcare access and affordability have contributed to the growth of the surgical heart valves market.
Private Health Insurance: The increasing penetration of private health insurance has enabled more patients to afford advanced cardiac procedures.
3. Increasing Awareness of Cardiovascular Diseases
Public Health Campaigns: Public health campaigns have raised awareness about the risks of cardiovascular diseases, leading to increased demand for preventive measures and treatment.
4. Generic Drugs and Affordable Alternatives
Cost-Effective Options: The availability of generic drugs and affordable alternatives has made cardiac procedures more accessible to a wider population.
5. Rural Healthcare Expansion
Infrastructure Development: The government's focus on improving healthcare infrastructure in rural areas has increased access to cardiac care.
6. Regulatory Landscape
Government Policies: Government policies and regulations play a significant role in shaping the market, including pricing controls and import duties.
Overall, India's surgical heart valves market is expected to continue growing, driven by technological advancements, rising healthcare expenditure, and increasing awareness of cardiovascular diseases. However, challenges such as infrastructure constraints and regulatory hurdles need to be addressed to ensure sustainable growth.
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shekhawatlaw · 4 days
Best Patent Law Firms In India by Shekhawat Law
A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application in India.
History Of Patent Law In India
The history of Patent law in India starts from 1911 when the Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911 was enacted.
The Patents Act, of 1970 is the legislation that to date governs patents in India. It first came into force in 1972.
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks or CGPDTM is the body responsible for the Indian Patent Act.
The Patent Office has its headquarters in Calcutta and has branches in New Delhi, Chennai, and Mumbai. The office of the CGPDTM is based in Mumbai. Nagpur hosts the office of the Patent Information System and also the National Institute for Intellectual Property Management.
The Controller General supervises the Act’s administration and also offers advice to the government on related matters.
The Patents Act was repeatedly amended in 1999, 2002, 2005, and 2006 respectively. These amendments were required to make the Patents Act TRIPS compliant. TRIPS stands for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
The major amendment in the Patent Act was in 2005 when product patents were extended to all fields of technology like food, drugs, chemicals, and microorganisms. The Rules under the Patent Act were also amended in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Unpacking the Role of Patent Law Firms
Patent law firms play a crucial role in the patent lifecycle, from conception to grant and beyond. Their core services can be broadly categorized into:
Patent drafting and prosecution: This involves crafting a watertight patent application that clearly defines your invention and fulfills all legal requirements. The firm will then liaise with the Indian Patent Office, handling communication, responding to objections, and ultimately guiding your application through the granting process.
Patent infringement analysis and litigation: Should your patent be infringed upon, the firm will assess the situation, advising you on the best course of action. This may involve initiating litigation, negotiating settlements, or even pursuing post-grant proceedings to defend your patent rights.
Patent portfolio management: A comprehensive patent strategy goes beyond securing a single patent. Firms can help you develop a robust portfolio, analyze existing patents, identify white spaces in the market, and plan for future inventions.
Licensing and technology transfer: If you wish to monetize your invention, the firm can assist in drafting licensing agreements, identifying potential licensees, and negotiating terms that maximize your profit and protect your IP.
Also, Read Our Related Blogs on What Intellectual Property Law 
Investing in Protection
Engaging a patent law firm is an investment in your invention's future. Their expertise can be the difference between securing valuable patent rights and seeing your hard work go unprotected. With the right guidance, you can navigate the intricate world of patent law and unlock the full potential of your innovation.
Further Exploration
This blog is merely a stepping stone. To delve deeper, consider exploring online resources like the website of the Controller General of Patents & Designs, professional associations like the Institute of Patent Attorneys of India, and online directories that list patent law firms based on their expertise and location.
Remember, protecting your invention is vital for long-term success. By understanding the role of the Best Patent law Firms in India and carefully choosing the right one, you can chart a course to securing your intellectual property and turning your ideas into tangible rewards.
This blog offers a comprehensive overview of patent law firms in India for educational purposes. It explores their roles, services, and considerations for choosing the right firm, and encourages further exploration of resources. Feel free to adapt and expand on this information to cater to your specific needs and audience. Remember, clarity, accuracy, and engaging language are key to creating an informative and valuable resource for anyone navigating the world of patent law in India.
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moderikhealthcare · 5 days
Building Success in Indian Pharma: Insights into the Top 50 PCD Companies
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India has established itself as one of the largest pharmaceutical hubs in the world. With the rising demand for quality healthcare and medications, the **PCD (Propaganda Cum Distribution)** model has become increasingly vital for the growth of small and large pharma companies alike. This model empowers pharma companies to distribute their products more widely while allowing small businesses to benefit from established brands. In this article, we’ll dive into the **Top 50 PCD Companies** in India and the factors driving their success.
## **Understanding the PCD Pharma Model in India**
The PCD pharma model operates on a **franchise-like structure**, where pharmaceutical companies grant distribution and marketing rights to partners or franchisees. These franchisees then promote and sell the products in specific regions. This model has allowed businesses, from small entrepreneurs to larger players, to enter the pharma market without having to bear the burden of manufacturing or product development.
### **Key Benefits of the PCD Model**
1. **Lower Investment for Franchisees**: The PCD model allows distributors to enter the market with lower upfront costs compared to setting up a full-fledged pharmaceutical company.
2. **Wide Product Availability**: Through PCD franchises, pharma companies ensure that their products reach every corner of the country.
3. **Strong Brand Association**: Franchisees benefit from selling under established brands, providing credibility and customer trust.
## **India’s Thriving PCD Pharma Industry**
India’s pharmaceutical industry is a global powerhouse, contributing significantly to the world’s supply of generic drugs, vaccines, and over-the-counter medicines. The rise of **PCD pharma companies** has played a key role in this growth, allowing even the most remote regions to access high-quality medications.
### **Factors Driving the Success of PCD Pharma in India**
- **Affordable Manufacturing**: India offers cost-effective manufacturing, which allows companies to produce high-quality medications at competitive prices.
- **Skilled Workforce**: India boasts a highly educated workforce, particularly in the fields of chemistry and pharmacology, which drives innovation and product development.
- **Robust Regulatory Framework**: India’s regulatory agencies ensure that pharmaceutical products meet international safety and efficacy standards, further enhancing the reputation of Indian pharma globally.
## **Top 50 PCD Pharma Companies in India: Leaders of 2024**
Here’s a closer look at some of the top PCD pharma companies that are making waves in the industry in 2024:
### **1. Aeon Remedies**
Aeon Remedies has carved a niche in the PCD pharma industry with its vast product portfolio, strict quality controls, and strong franchise support. The company offers a wide range of products, including antibiotics, anti-infectives, and more.
### **2. Moderik Healthcare**
A leader in healthcare solutions, Moderik Healthcare focuses on providing affordable medications while maintaining international quality standards. Their franchise network is robust and continuously expanding.
### **3. Zonamed Healthcare**
Zonamed Healthcare is known for its innovative approach to product development and customer service. With a wide variety of therapeutic products, they are a key player in the Indian PCD market.
### **4. XeeeZ Pharma**
XYZ Pharma offers an extensive range of high-quality generic medicines and is known for its excellent distribution network across India. Their commitment to product innovation and safety is reflected in their growing franchise base.
### **5-50. Other Key Players in the PCD Segment**
Additional major companies include ABC Pharmaceuticals, NeoLife Biotech, SunPharma, Alkem Labs, and Torrent Pharma, each bringing its own strengths and expertise to the PCD market.
## **What Sets These Companies Apart?**
### **1. Focus on Quality and Compliance**
The top PCD pharma companies consistently adhere to international quality standards, such as **WHO-GMP** and **ISO certifications**, ensuring that their products meet safety and efficacy requirements.
### **2. Strong Distribution Networks**
These companies have built vast distribution networks, ensuring that their products reach every corner of India, including rural and underserved areas.
### **3. Extensive Product Portfolio**
Top companies offer a wide range of products, from general medicines to specialized treatments, catering to diverse medical needs.
### **4. Robust Franchise Support**
One of the main reasons for the success of these companies is their strong franchise support, which includes marketing assistance, training, and logistics management. This support ensures that franchisees have everything they need to succeed.
## **How to Choose the Right PCD Pharma Franchise Partner**
### **1. Product Quality and Certification**
Before choosing a PCD pharma franchise, it’s important to evaluate the company’s commitment to product quality. Look for companies with WHO-GMP and ISO certifications, as these are indicators of high standards.
### **2. Franchise Support System**
A strong franchise support system is essential for success. Make sure the company provides adequate marketing materials, training, and operational support to help you run your business effectively.
### **3. Company Reputation and Market Presence**
A company’s reputation and presence in the market are critical factors. Look for companies that have a track record of success, positive customer feedback, and strong relationships with healthcare professionals.
### **4. Financial Transparency**
Ensure that the company provides clear and transparent financial agreements, including product pricing, profit margins, and any additional fees involved in setting up the franchise.
## **Challenges in the PCD Pharma Industry**
### **1. Regulatory and Compliance Issues**
The pharmaceutical industry in India is subject to strict regulatory oversight. PCD pharma companies must navigate these regulations carefully to ensure that their products meet the necessary standards.
### **2. Competition in the Market**
The PCD pharma sector is highly competitive, with hundreds of companies vying for market share. To stand out, companies must focus on innovation, customer service, and product quality.
### **3. Maintaining Product Quality**
As companies scale their operations, maintaining consistent product quality can become challenging. Top PCD pharma companies invest in quality control systems to ensure that their products remain safe and effective.
## **The Future of PCD Pharma in India**
### **1. Technological Integration**
As technology continues to advance, PCD pharma companies are increasingly adopting **AI** and **machine learning** to improve research, development, and distribution processes. This tech-driven approach will shape the future of the industry.
### **2. Expanding International Reach**
Many Indian PCD pharma companies are looking beyond domestic markets and expanding into international territories. By complying with global standards, they are establishing themselves as major players in the global pharma market.
### **3. Focus on Sustainable Practices**
Sustainability is becoming a key consideration for pharmaceutical companies. With growing environmental concerns, companies are investing in eco-friendly manufacturing processes, packaging, and waste management.
## **Conclusion**
The **Top 50 PCD Pharma Companies** in India are leading the way in innovation, accessibility, and healthcare excellence. By leveraging the PCD model, these companies are ensuring that high-quality medications are available to all corners of India. As they continue to grow, adopt new technologies, and expand globally, their impact on the pharmaceutical industry will only increase. For those looking to invest in a PCD pharma franchise, the future looks bright with these industry leaders at the helm.
## **FAQs**
### **1. What is PCD Pharma?**
PCD Pharma refers to the **Propaganda Cum Distribution** model, where pharma companies allow distributors or franchisees to market and sell their products in a designated region.
### **2. Why is India a major hub for PCD Pharma companies?**
India has a **cost-effective manufacturing** system, a skilled workforce, and favorable regulatory conditions, making it an ideal location for pharmaceutical companies, including those in the PCD segment.
### **3. How can I start a PCD Pharma franchise?**
To start a PCD pharma franchise, you’ll need to partner with an established company, acquire the necessary licenses, and build a distribution network in your target region.
### **4. What is the typical investment required for a PCD Pharma franchise?**
The investment required can vary depending on the company and the market size, but it typically ranges from **INR 1 lakh to INR 5 lakh**.
### **5. Are PCD pharma companies globally recognized?**
Yes, many Indian PCD pharma companies comply with international standards and have expanded their operations to global markets, exporting products to various countries.
These insights into India’s **Top 50 PCD Pharma Companies** offer a glimpse into the innovation and growth that continues to shape the nation’s pharmaceutical landscape. As these companies expand, they will remain crucial players in both domestic and international healthcare.
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