#Ducky's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
agayconcept · 2 years
#scuse me while i have a literal breakdown by my new hair stylist RUINED my hair so badly it will take MONTHS to grow it back and fix it#then i got on a bus only to be berated and harassed for using a cane 'while so young'#and referring to myself as disabled bc 'i dont like that word u shouldnt use it' and they wouldnt stop even when asked / i moved seats#then miss the second bus due to the ensuing anxiety attack i had#then tried to get on third bus only to find out they moved the stop several streets over which i cant walk#so now ive had to add a fourth or even fifth bus into the mix bc i cant afford a cab rn#i....i am going to get home and collapse. for real. i want to curl up in a ball and cry and die.#i am just. so tired and upset and defeated ugh#and also FILLED WITH RAGE about my hair. bc the woman heard me saying 'no dont do that!' and DID IT ANYWAY#and changed my hairline by like 2 inches#and its gonna take at least 4 months to grow back enough i can fix it. she basically fuckin scalped me. i am so angry and so embarrassed#i look awful. thank FUCK its in the back mostly so i can hide it under hats which i usually wear anyway#but now i HAVE to wear hats for at least 4 months. jfc.#so. fucking. mad. def never going back for a haircut again#will do the dye there bc theyre the ONLY salon that will order in that brand#but will be going elsewhere for hair cuts. so fucking mad ugH#she was so rude too wtf#what an awful fucking day#Ducky's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
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zalrb · 4 years
What were your favourite childhood movies? I was rewatching the karate kid movies and the newest version is nowhere as good as the old one.
This list is kind of all over the place, haha, because some movies are movies I grew up with meant for my age group at the time and a lot of them aren’t because I was exposed to a lot of media as a kid, haha. I’m also jumping around in time 
Lion King --- I had Just Can’t Wait To Be King on repeat, I’d rewind it again and again and just sing it until I had to go to my room because my mother had enough
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Aladdin --- apparently I just went around going, “I’m not a prize to be won!”
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Land Before Time --- this movie is so fucking depressing but I really liked Ducky --- like to the point that the reason why I go “yepyep” is because Ducky goes “yepyepyep” and I remember when I realized that, I was like holy shit is that why all these years I go “yep yep” and my family was like, lol yes. But then as an adult I found out what happened to that child actress and that just made the movie all the more depressing 
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The Breakfast Club --- I explained this yesterday I believe 
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Grease --- so my mother loved/loves Grease, she knows all the songs, can play most of them on the piano and we used to live across the street from this movie theatre that played old movies and Grease was a regular so we watched it a lot 
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Sixteen Candles --- I remember thinking this was so romantic as a kid. Super problematic movie tho
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Titanic - ah yes, Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio, my first celebrity love. Oh, I can’t stand this movie now, lmao
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Lord of the Rings trilogy --- lmao so when the first movie came out, I was obsessed with the elves and Rivendell and I used to write my homework with swirly letters to look like elvish and my teachers complained so I had to get a talking to about it 
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Love and Basketball --- first Black love story I ever saw. 
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Back To The Future  1 and 2, lmao as John Mulaney pointed out, the first movie anyway is actually REALLY weird when you think about it 
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Bad Boys --- I mean Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were the shit back then so I just liked watching them in a movie together
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The Best Man --- THIS is funny so the 90s and early 00s saw a lot of African American movies and my mother was all about getting me to see Black people onscreen as much as I could so she took me to these movies even if it wasn’t exactly kid appropriate, she would just make sure to have a conversation with me about the movie when it ended, anyway, so when I was a kid, I didn’t really get a lot of the nuances of The Best Man but when it came out on VHS and when the soundtrack came out we got it so we watched it a lot and there’s a song by The Roots that I really like and one day I was like, I don’t know why I like this song so much and my mom was like because they play that song when you see Morris Chestnut for the first time and I think you went through puberty in the theatre when you saw him and I just diiiiiiiiiiiiiiied
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As an adult, The Best Man is fucked up and I would’ve kicked Harper’s ass as well but only because what he did as a writer was a fucking dick move.
Pretty Woman --- it took me a while to realize that she was a sex worker
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You’ve Got Mail --- I remember watching this in the theatre with my mom and being SO FRUSTRATED because I just didn’t understand why Tom Hanks couldn’t tell Meg Ryan the truth. 
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Liar Liar --- I related to having an absentee dad who never made good on his promises but I also liked Jim Carey’s exaggerative facial expressions but I remember there’s this joke, so the whole premise is that Jim Carey didn’t show up to his son’s birthday when he said he would (relatable!) and his son was so tired of him breaking promises, he wishes that his father will never lie again but Jim Carey is a lawyer so that causes issues, lmfao, but anyway so Jim Carey can’t lie and he has sex with I think it’s his boss, I forget, but he has sex with someone and she’s like how was it? and he goes “I’ve had better” and every time that joke came on my family would CRACK UP so I kept being like “better what? GUYS WHAT DID HE HAVE BETTER OF? I DON’T GET IT” then my mom and I had a conversation, lmfao.
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Goodfellas --- I remember my cousins watching this movie in the living room and I saw the scene of the gif I posted below and was like OH WHAT’S THIS and then they told me to go into the bedroom because it was too grown but it’s like they forgot there was a TV in the bedroom and I just turned it to the channel and watched it there. And the movie came on a lot on TV so I just watched it a lot by myself, lmfao.
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Twin Warriors aka Tai Chi Master --- probably my favourite martial arts movie. I know there are better ones but I really resonated with this as a kid. Jet Li was a legend with my cousins. 
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Fist of Legend 
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Once Upon A Time in China
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Romeo Must Die --- omg I played this movie ALL. THE. TIME. 
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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 
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Boyz N The Hood --- a really important movie in my household to the point that I was excited to be able to write a paper on it in the same Popular Cinema from the 70s to the Present class I did my Breakfast Club paper for
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same with Do The Right Thing
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Jumanji -- I fucking love how mean-spirited this movie is and I did appreciate it as a child too although it freaked me the fuck out 
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Home Alone - god, Kevin’s family was terrible 
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Home Alone 2 --- ah the movie/scene that changed my life
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House Party --- to this day I haven’t been to a house party as live as this one 
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Malcolm X --- another extremely important movie in my household
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Hook --- ooooh I still love this movie so much!
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Scream --- I remember when this movie was THE. SHIT. Scared the fuck out of me.
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Hero --- this movie was so gorgeous
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Rush Hour --- I would probably hate Rush Hour now tbh but whenever I hear “Fantasy” by Mariah Carey I think of the opening scene because I was Soo Young belting to Mariah Carey in the car, it was the best part of the movie for me as a kid because I was like I DO THAT TOO but then she gets kidnapped, so....
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The Mummy --- CLASSIC
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Hercules - DUH
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The Godfather --- I rarely talk about my dad but he was very much into mob movies because he liked the way they dressed and carriedt themselves in these movies, especially in The Godfather so whenever I was with him, The Godfather was on a lot 
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He was also very much into comics, particularly Batman, so even though I don’t really care for DCU/MCU or comics, I’m more likely to go to a theatre (well pre-Covid) and pay to watch a Batman movie over any other comic movie - except Black Panther which is a huge exception because these Batman movies were a pat of my childhood
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yes, even Batman and Robin, I even had the soundtrack, listening to Bone Thugs N Harmony on my bunk bed and shit.
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Space Jam --- I recently watched the Movie Pitch for this and it had me hollering
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Lean On Me --- I have complicated feelings about this movie now but I grew up watching it and I really liked it and the older I got the more I understood what the movie was actually about
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Practical Magic --- I wanted to live in that house
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone --- because it was real finally!
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Armageddon -- I still love this horrible, nonsensical, illogical, terrible movie because it’s utterly fantastic and hilarious. As a child I didn’t understand this moment and why it was such a huge ask, as an adult I’m like YES. IF I SURVIVE SAVING THE WORLD I’M NOT DOING THIS, THE FUCK I LOOK LIKE?
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do you know some hair cutting/shaving sterek fics?
I got you. - Anastasia
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It's Time Again by ImagineYourself
(1/1 I 328 I General)
Derek really has a problem with Stiles' hair when it starts to grow out.
Derek and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Hair Day by sassyladythegeek
(1/1 I 637 I General)
“Is that a TOOTH?”, Stiles yelped. “DUDE, that’s a tooth. Somewhere, in all… THAT.”, he flailed at the goop that has taken over Derek’s head.
Hairs As Heavy As Bricks by littleredtriskelion
(1/1 I 653 I General)
Derek's got a surprise visitor, and he discovers that a haircut can be as powerful as a time machine.
Buzzcut by Kris (breathless_stares)
(1/1 I 1,174 I General)
When Stiles walks into the loft, Derek doesn't even look up, too engrossed in the book he's reading. The only reason he lifts his eyes is because Stiles is positively radiating nervousness. With scrunched up eyebrows he takes in Stiles biting his lip, and then his eyes travel up slightly higher, and oh.
Derek's mouth drops open, absolutely stunned.
Stiles no longer has a mop of hair on his head. Instead, he's got a buzzcut. A buzzcut he hasn't had since he was a sophomore in high school. He looks so much younger than the 25 year old he is now. Derek is completely speechless.
It's A Date by ericaismeg
(1/1 I 1,241 I General)
also great: got a crush on the hairdresser and now my hair is slowly getting really short AU
Home by machtaholic (cinderella81)
(1/1 I 1,404 I Mature)
After the battle with the nogitsune, Stiles wants to forget ... so he asks Derek to cut his hair for him
if ever you should die, I know I'll shave my head by RainbowRandomness
(1/1 I 1,767 I General)
It’s hard after the Nogitsune.
A Haircut by chase_acow
(1/1 I 2,931 I Teen)
Kinda for this prompt from the teenwolfkink meme: "Derek/Scott/Jackson/??? as a wolf is in serious need of a bath, so Stiles/Danny/Lydia/Allison/??? is enlisted to help. Can be serious or sexy or crack, I don't even care. Slash, het, gen, your call! Bonus points for a rubber duckie or bubbles.
I regret nothing."
go to the edge sometime (prove your body wrong) by callunavulgari
(1/1 I 4,318 I Explicit)
Derek smirks at her, eyes hooded as he leans closer still, until his lips are brushing her ear. His breath fans hotly over the curve of her neck and Stiles shudders, knuckles going white as she clasps them together between her legs.
“Touch yourself,” he whispers, the curve of his lips a shade too wicked.
The Demon Barber of Maple Avenue by heyshalina, marshmallowfluff
(1/1 I 14,485 I Mature)
When Stiles woke up on a Friday with his hair far too long for his own comfort, he decided he needed a haircut. He was not expecting the whole situation to end with Derek finally succumbing to their mutual sexual tension.
Or the ghouls. He especially wasn't expecting to be eaten by ghouls.
Basically, Stiles doesn't know anything super useful that's not supernatural-related. He has excellent butt-dialing skills, though, so that's a plus.
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blackivory-27 · 5 years
A Terrible, Not Really Bad, Very Good Day
Words: 2388
Pairing: HyuRoy
Rating: I'm guessing slightly NSFW for two or three mentions of sexy stuff
Genre: Fluff, absolute Fluff, just Fluff
I’m so so sorry for being borderline late but @vino-and-doggos, I am your @fmasecretsanta2019 Santa!
You asked for some Roy/Maes AU trope-y things, and even if I’d never written any HyuRoy before I hope it turned out well, and I had a lot of fun too!
I tried to make them both in character and adorable as you wanted them - but be warned, it’s super-fluffy, so prepare some toothpaste!
Merry (very late) Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
It had been a long, long day at work for Roy. Not that other days weren’t long, or boring, but when half of your team is home, in bed, sick because of an outbreak of flu and you’re the only lucky one not to catch it you end up working with people you’ve never met before, or people you’ve met that you know are incompetent fools… and make your job much, much harder. 
It should have been easy - go to work, finish his paperwork in time for the presentation in the weekends, wrap everything up with a nice little bow for the higher-ups and then dash out of the office at the speed of sound to go home and spend the rest of the day in bed (their only bed, finally): instead, documents had been lost, patience had run thin, stupid questions had been asked, and he was sure some of his brain matter had mixed itself with his sweat, he was depleted. 
He kept thinking of his nice little flat, with his nice big fireplace and his big sofa, the smell of coffee in the room as he made his spoon clatter on his mug while stirring, something that Roy pretended to be annoyed by, but made him feel at home. He missed it dearly, so much, and he really would have wanted to leave everyone behind at the office and just dash for the door without even saying goodbye - but Riza’s ever-present look loomed in the back of his mind, and Fuery’s desperate, pleading eyes were too much even for him, so he’d stayed to help until late, when they’d finally managed to do everything.
When he left the building he cursed himself for not taking the car (“Be respectful of the environment, you work five minutes from the underground!” he’d say, and if he asked him something, he couldn’t say no), and then he cursed himself again for forgetting his umbrella. He hated the rain, it messed his hair and his coat up, it dampened his clothes, and humidity stuck to his face - and it was that annoying kind of light, thick rain that was just enough to need an umbrella, but not enough to be full rain. He was in a terrible mood, and everything seemed to add on it.
Even the underground was against him - late, slow, and full to the brim with wet, talking, existing people that just happened to exist too very close to him. He couldn’t wait to be home and forget everything about that horrible day, maybe ordering take-out for both of them while watching something on TV as they cuddled… it sounded like a simple, nice plan, enough to ease away the stress of his horrible day. 
As he got off his train and onto the platform he was almost ran over by people trying to get on, and cursed out loud - screw manners, everyone was trying to piss him off on that specific day, so he was going to piss everyone off in return. He sped through the bystanders and columns of the place until he got to the exit, only to use his work briefcase to shield himself from the now heavier rain - how it could have changed so quickly, he didn’t know, but it was pouring like crazy and he still had a few minutes of walking to do before reaching his flat.
As he ran under the rain and almost slipped, his face lit up at the sight of his building:its newly-painted gate, the nice, tidy balconies with their plants soaking the water the sky was giving to them, the cute little windows and the pinkish, hideous curtains their sweet and old neighbour had put when she’d arrived, their blue, shiny mailbox along all the other ones on the wall, the roofed porch with its red tiles washing away the rain to shield anyone who had to get inside… it was better than Heaven for him, and when he finally got under it, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled deeply - finally, he would have been home to him, or so he thought, for as he reached for his keys, he couldn’t find them.
-Please no…-
He tried to find them once, Then twice. Then one more time, and then finally, he called his office to ask cleaning staff about it - sure enough, they’d found his keys in the office, and had left them at security. Just when he’d finally thought he was home the world had decided to play one more trick on him and leave him out in the cold under the rain. Giving up, he sat under the roof and moped, despaired, and rubbed his temples as the world around him turned cold and dark.
Or so he did for around five minutes, before someone opened the gate behind him, and it was him.
-Maes, my love, my saviour, clad in shining armour just for me.-
-Come on, I’m wearing duckie pajamas, I only came down because I was tired to watch you mope from the window.-
-You watched me mope for a grand total of five long, never-ending minutes? How cruel.-
-I swear, sometimes you’re really a handful.-
-But you love me.-
-Drama king.-
The two men chuckled quietly before Roy finally got up and joined his lover under their umbrella, kissing him gently and closing his eyes to enjoy his scent, his skin, his slightly rough, prickly cheek, his arm around his wet waist: without letting him go, Maes started to wobble his way back to their house while laughing and almost tripping on the cobblestone thanks to his man’s attempts at getting his attention, none of them successful, and his later attempts to murder him and make it look like an accident.
Roy kept complaining about how horrible it had been to stand under the roofed gate until they got to their door, and then inside he complained about his job - but Maes didn’t care, he loved to watch him talk and move around their house no matter what he did, and even more to know he was finally getting rid of all the stress of his very unfateful day. He watched as he took off his wet clothes and office uniform with a slight eyebrow wiggle - that Roy noted and replied to with the same wiggle and a laugh before making his way to their bedroom, with their new double bed, and where the old two, single mattresses were laying in a corner, an old memory from the (recent) times they had spent huddling up on a single bed to spend the nights together. Now they had one fit for a couple, one fit for lovers, and for cuddles… and more.
Still, as he was changing into his pajama, he smelled something divine coming from the kitchen, and nothing akin to take out.
Drawers were clanking, cutlery was ringing, and he was sure at some point he’d heard Maes curse at something indefinite as he put down plates on the living room’s table: he was planning something, of that he was sure, but as curious as  he was he didn’t want to spoil the surprise yet, and he took his time to dry his hair and style it again, fixing it in the mirror until he deemed it flawless again - he knew how much Maes loved his hair, though, and how short it would have lasted so combed.
At some point, though, he heard a bottle popping - that is, a bottle of wine - and his curiosity and hunger got the best of him. He wanted to know what was going on, what was the smell, and what warranted Maes opening one of their bottles of wine.
When he got to the living room he was more surprised than he thought: the sofa-bed had been opened and blankets were strewn about, pillows were laying on it tidly, and the fireplace was dimly lighting the whole room… it was a romantic dinner, topped with a delightful cuddling nest.
-Mmmh, I wonder, my love, what is this?-
-It’s a surprise for my over-worked, tired, needing-to-be-spoiled boyfriend, of course. I made your favourite dinner - vodka and salmon pasta, how does it sound?-
-It sounds good, but it smells even better… how long have you been planning this?-
Maes chuckled and got closer to him, putting his hand through Roy’s hair and gently running his hand on his neck, his shoulder, and then his cheek to pull him closer and kiss him deeply: he felt his lover relax under his touch and moved to his neck without stopping, his hand now running on his back as he pulled him closer in his embrace - he unbuttoned his pajama shirt to kiss his shoulder and collar-bones, too, but stopped to rub his nose on his and laugh again.
-I haven’t planned this that much, actually, I woke up this morning and decided I wanted to spoil you on my free day… guess I was right to do so, you seem tired.-
-I was feeling much better already, you could have continued, you know.-
-And ruin dinner by eating dessert first? Don’t worry, I’ll eat you out later.-
Roy burst out laughing at that, a genuine laugh that warmed Maes’ heart and pushed him to kiss him again: still, he did have a plan for that night and it involved eating before everything else, and eating actual food. So, he took Roy’s hand and courteously led him to the sofa-bed, where he bowed to him as he laid on the comfortable blankets (and earning himself a shove) and covered him in them, fixing his pillows and kissing him again before opening their bed tray. Roy felt like a king, like he should have been, and when Maes brought him their pasta he felt elated. Good food, warmth, a fireplace and his man right there with him, hugging him and holding him, kissing him and cuddling him… he felt the horrible day he’d passed wash away like nothing.
They didn’t watch TV, but Maes put on his favourite jazz music on it as he listened to his unfortunate tale: his head resting on his shoulder, he filled his belly and his heart as he felt his hair become uncombed and messy, but he didn’t care much about that as long as he could lose himself into his sweet embrace and his heartbeat in his ear. Soon, their plates were empty and they’d forfeited the bed tray toust lay down in each other’s arms for a while.
-So, a very bad day, uh?-
-Mmmh, it was… but not now, my love, thanks to you. You really like to make my life better, don’t you.-
Roy smiled at him, but he was charmed in return by his deep, loving eyes staring at him as he did: Maes was so handsome, so caring, so warm, even the worst day seemed perfect just because he was there, even the worst moment was a gift if he could come home to that. 
-I try my hardest, my handsome dear, to put a smile on your perfect face.-
-What a flatterer you are, mister - as flattering as you’re charming.-
-Oh, now you’re making me blush.-
Chuckling, they kissed and spent some moments in silence, just breathing close to one another, feeling each other’s presence by the fireplace, but then Maes broke the embrace and got up - leaving Roy behind alone, desperate and abandoned (or so Roy felt).
-No, why are you leaving, how can your heart be so cold and your soul so stern, right when I needed you the most?-
-Yeah, yeah, stay there you big baby, I have a surprise for you.-
-A surprise? Bribing me to cease my rightful speech against injustice, what a lowly tactic.-
Maes snorted audibly, and Roy couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping his lips - how he loved to be dramatic, just to annoy him a little, and how he loved the way he never stopped nodding along to all of it. He was about to start again when his nose caught a whiff of the most delightful smell in the world, and of his favourite thing ever… chocolate.
-If that’s a chocolate cake I’ll let you take me, right here, right now.-
-And what about the rightful speech?-
-I’ll continue it afterwards, now give me that cake - please and thank you.-
His mouth full of cake and his back resting on his lover’s chest, Roy was finally, finally happy. He didn’t remember his day at work, he didn’t remember his shouting and the paperwork and the fixing every mistake - he didn’t remember any of that, he didn’t feel that stress anymore, he only felt how good Maes’ arms were around his waist as he pulled him closer to kiss his shoulders and his neck as he ate his cake. He let out a loud hum, sighing through his nose and holding out his fork to Maes’ mouth to offer him a piece the man quickly took before kissing him… he tasted like love and chocolate. 
-God, Maes, I love you so much. Thank you, for everything you do for me.-
-Thank you, my dear, for being here with me everyday. I love you too.-
-Ah, we’re already behaving like old men in love.-
-Aren’t we?-
-How - DARE-
Roy slapped Maes’ arm, offended, but the man just burst out laughing and then assaulted his neck to tickle it - he dropped the plate and fork and pushed him away, but it was no use, he didn’t have a chance against his tickling fingers and relentlessness, he was hopeless.
They tickle-fought for a while (Roy almost won, or so he liked to believe) before finally stopping to catch their breaths between giggles, looking at each other in the eyes - but then Roy pulled Maes closer and kissed his nose lightly, caressing his cheeks with his hands cupped around his face. He loved him, he loved him so much.
-One day, I’ll marry you, Maes Hughes.-
His lover kissed him back, moving his black hair, preciously combed hair away from his face before smiling dearly and winking. 
-I can’t wait for you to, Roy Mustang, I just really can’t wait.-
The plate forgotten, the fork abandoned, all that remained was the light of the fireplace.
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redslilstories · 6 years
Working on forever
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka me ;)) Summary: A talk between mothers about their daughter's upcoming birthday reveals a life-altering decision. Pairing: Callie/Arizona Rating: PG Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show “Grey's Anatomy”. They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended!All mistakes are mine.
Callie was in the kitchen of her apartment when a melodic sound on her notepad informed her of an incoming facetime request.
She knew who it was. Arizona had asked her for a talk face to face. Or... as face to face as they could get, given the fact that they were thousands of miles apart.
She had tried to contact her earlier, but the other woman hadn't been there. Most likely still at the hospital working on a case. Or out running errands with Sofia.
Wiping her hands on a towel, she went to prop up her tablet on the counter and take Arizona's call, seeing the blonde's face pop up on her screen after two taps.
“Hey,” she greeted with a smile.
“Hi there,” the other one returned, pleased to see that Callie was still up at this hour. With the time difference, it was about 1 AM in New York, and she would have understood it if the brunette hadn't answered – but was more than happy that she had. “Sorry I'm calling just now. I got held up at work. I hope I'm not interrupting anything,” she pondered, and the brunette noticed Arizona's gaze wander to the slight mess behind her.
“That? Yeah, no, sorry,” Callie noted with a wave of her hand, “I'm just cleaning the kitchen up a bit. I, uh, you know, made some of those extra special birthday cookies for Sofia. I was gonna send them out in a day or two. And since her birthday is on Easter again this year, she'll get an extra special Easter edition,” she grinned, looking at the moderately-sized box she had prepared. “A more or less funny-shaped edition”.
The colorful box contained all sorts of cookies, from Easter eggs in all forms and sizes to adorable bunnies to some weird looking, smiling duckies. She really was not the best at decorating cookies, and they often came out a little misshapen. But she knew Sofia would love them nonetheless. And the cookies weren't the only present, of course. There were also two of Sofia's beloved Beanie Boos – a unicorn and a bear - as well as a new book on planets and astronauts eagerly waiting to be shipped.
“Actually...,” Arizona began, "uh, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," she confessed, becoming a little more serious. And most of all nervous. Because she had something important to discuss. And she didn't know how Callie would react.
"About funny-shaped cookies?" the ortho surgeon tried again, detecting the slight chance in mood and gaining awareness that something was going on. Even with years apart, she could still read Arizona. "Oh, God," her eyes became big, as she wagered what the problem might be. "You wanted to bake those cookies with her and now I'm ruining your idea...," she cringed.
The cookies were a birthday tradition they had going for several years now. It was a recipe they had found in one of Sofia's kiddie magazines. And ever since Sofia had insisted on getting them for her birthday each year. So, Callie and Sofia had baked them every time her birthday was around the corner.
However, with this year being the first time Callie wouldn't get to be with Sofia, she had decided to bake some as a surprise present.
It also helped her relieve some of the pain she felt upon the awareness of Sofia being thousands of miles away on this special day.
Of course there could be a way to be with her. But Callie had not dared to ask, feeling it was not her place. Like a lot of things weren't after she had moved her life to New York... for basically no reason, as it now turned out.
It was not that she didn't like New York. She loved it here. Her job was great and she slowly but surely gained her reputation as an excellent, if not the best ortho surgeon on the East Coast. She loved the buzz of the Big Apple and everything that was to do here. It was a great experience she wouldn't miss. Although she really could live without the terribly cold winters.
Yet... nearly two years ago, she had moved her for a reason. A sweet and kind redheaded reason.
But this reason was gone now.
Had split from her life around November of last year.
There hadn't been any bad reasons for this happening, or any nasty feelings involved. They had just come to realize that over the course of their relationship they had at some point fallen out of love and into 'like' with each other. The truth of the matter dawning on them after Sofia had gone to Seattle for the year and they had had more time to themselves. Living alone and sharing their life as just the two of them.
And while they had still enjoyed being with each other, they had both agreed that their mutual liking would not be enough to sustain a relationship.
Thus she now found herself alone in New York. And often lonely as well.
Sometimes she reminisced about her Seattle life and what... who she wished to have with her here. And that did not just mean Sofia. But at least her baby girl would return to her in three months time. The other part, however... seemed too much to ever consider asking for.
"What? No, I suck at baking...," Arizona's angelic laugh brought her out of her thinking and Callie noticed the little crease on the bridge of the blonde's nose. It was the confused laugh crinkle that she had always found adorable. And still did. "And Sofia knows that. No, I...um...," the blonde stalled, unsure how to begin. And albeit out of sight, Callie could visualize her nibbling on her fingers. Always a sign that she had something on her heart.
"Arizona...," Callie said in a still amused tone, urging the other woman to share her thoughts with her. Whatever they might be.
"Promise to not freak out, alright?" the blonde pleaded with her ex-wife and Callie braced herself for what was possibly to come. "I... wanted to ask you if you wanted to give Sofia her present herself in New York and not send it via mail," Arizona finally brought out and Callie... scrunched her eyebrows.
This was really not what she had expected to hear from the woman's antics. She had been prepared for a shocking revelation or some outrageous request. But this...
"You want to send her to New York for her birthday?" she questioned and at the same time wondered what could be bad about that. The only freaking out in this scenario on her part would be of a very good kind.
"Yeah. That is, if you don't have plans already. I know spring break is only one week after. But I've talked to Miss Kenney already, and she'd be more than okay to give Sofia some homework for the week. So... It'd be two weeks in New York. I mean, if you're okay with that. Plus, she told me she misses her friends there. And I know she misses you too," Arizona explained, happy to see a twinkle of joy in Callie's dark eyes. She knew Momma Callie longed to spend some quality time with their daughter as well. Not having seen her in way too long a time.
"Of course!" the brunette could all but agree to this idea as a brilliant smile took over her features. Having Sofia back in her arms for two whole weeks, it was everything she could hope for.
Almost everything.
"I'll call up some of her friends' parents. Maybe we can have a little surprise party for her. I think she'll love it," Callie proposed.
"Definitely," Arizona smiled at Callie's enthusiasm. But she ardently hoped the other woman would be as excited about the second half of her plan. "Um, but there's more".
Callie almost missed the last remark as her mind already worked on what else to do and see while Sofia was here. But still it registered, and she picked up the tablet and walked into the living room to sit down. She kind of had the feeling she needed to. "It is a freak-worthy as the first part?" she joked, to keep the atmosphere light.
"A little more," Arizona bit her lip, looking into the sympathetic eyes that seemed to be looking right into her soul from thousands of miles away.
This could be good, right?
Or it could turn out horribly.
"Okay. Tell me," Callie encouraged, not for the first wishing she could actually be there in person. She really wanted to help Arizona. Like always when she saw she had something serious on her mind. That would never change.
Arizona closed her eyes for a second and exhaled a breath, knowing there was no turning back now. And not wanting to turn back.
But what she had to say, would change the course of their lives forever. Whichever the turn-out would be.
"It's just... that I've come to realize that my life in Seattle... doesn't feel right for me anymore. Hasn't in a while now. And it's not work. Work is still amazing and very fulfilling," she explained. "But on the private side, I've been less lucky".
She avoided eye contact and Callie's heart went out to her.
All these years ago, she had let her go for a reason. They had been stuck in a rut and hadn't been able to get out of it together. The bond of their marriage not strong enough to pull them out. So she had made the cut, wanting for them both to find someone else to help them out of this... and let them thrive again the way they were supposed to.
It had worked for herself. Until recently.
And she really had hoped for Arizona to find someone as well.
But apparently...
"Uh, don't get me wrong. I've dated some. Had my hits and misses. Kisses some frogs and bedded some," she laughed, and Callie smiled briefly. "But I've come to realize that I don't want to keep going with these casual relationships that were little more than... just sex," she admitted and fixed her eyes on Callie. She needed her to understand what she was about to say. And she needed to see her reaction. "And I know... why I didn't let them go any further than this and become more substantial. Because I... realized... that there is a love in my life that is far greater than what I would ever have with anyone else. And that I need to be with her. And for me that means... I need to follow where she is now. And... And Sofia loves her more than anything. So I think she'd be tremendously happy about this".
"Oh?" Callie questioned, baffled for a moment.
She wondered who this lucky person could be that could make Arizona decide to move. Especially considering what she had said just moments before about none of her relationships going anywhere serious. And it was someone Sofia adored as well.
It sounded a little mysterious. But she was certain that if this woman made Arizona happy and made her baby girl happy as well, then it had to be an amazing person and someone she would be okay with.
She realized that the blonde now was basically in the same situation she herself had been two years ago. Moving on for a person she loved. She just hoped Arizona would find a more joyous future. And she really deserved it.
Still Callie felt her heart ache in sense of that last final loss, despite her wanting to be happy for Arizona.
For her Arizona.
Always hers.
Even if now someone else would get to experience all the love she had to give.
She thought to know why Arizona would propose for Sofia to stay in New York for a few weeks. Arizona would have a lot of things to prepare and do before the big step. For one, telling Bailey the news. She was certain the chief would not like it any less than her own departure. Every hospital longed to have Arizona Robbins on staff, as she was one of the most brilliant surgeons the world hat ever seen, and it would be a true loss to Grey Sloan Memorial. Then there was also the task of finding a place in her new town.
Callie was about to open her mouth to ask where she was actually going to move. But then she finally realized the pleading blue eyes concentrating on her.
Portraying her all the emotions she was feeling.
And then it dawned on her that Arizona was talking about... her.
"Oh!" she repeated more firmly, as her mind worked to process this information. Her body already a step ahead, letting tingles run through her as excitement chanced to arise within her.
She hadn't dared to hope for this to happen. Feeling it was futile after everything that had happened to and between them.
But now that there was a shimmer of hope...
"You mean...?" Callie needed to make sure, but deep down knew she had understood correctly.
Arizona nodded and bit her lip once more in anxiousness. Only slowly relaxing when she saw a soft smile creep into Callie's perfect features.
"And you were asking...," Callie prompted in anticipation, wishing for Arizona to ask for something she really longed to happen.
Confronted with the warm reaction, it now was Arizona's time to smile a little. "I was asking if I could spend spring break with the two of you in New York for starters. I mean, if you're willing to give us another chance... And I'd like to take you out to dinner while we're there."
Callie lowered her head for a moment, shielding her face from Arizona's view. But the blonde could feel she was crying.
"Oh, Cal...," the breath caught in Arizona's throat at what she saw. Until a second ago it had seemed the brunette returned her feelings and would be happy for her to come over to New York. But... had she been wrong after all? "Calliope. Please don't. I..."
"I'm just... I didn't think this'd happen," Callie brought out between sobs. Happy, teary sobs as Arizona finally noticed upon the brunette looking up again. "I've never dreamed it. No, I dreamed it. But I've never thought you'd really want to come back to me," she smiled with quivering lips.
"I do, Calliope" Arizona breathed in relief as her finger inevitably moved over the warm surface of her tablet as if to wipe away the falling tears. She wished she could be in New York sooner than later to actually be able to hold the other woman. The way it should be.
"Oh, God," Callie swiped her fingers over her cheeks with a laugh as she saw Arizona's hopeful eyes watching her. She remembered Arizona's proposal. "I want a date," she nodded firmly. "Hundreds of dates," she joked, still trying to dry her eyes. "But... the thing you said about following me... do you really mean it?" Callie inquired through her joy. It would be a big step. A life-changing one. For all of them.
Arizona smiled as her own tears threatened to spill. "Seattle was my home. But my home is where you are. So I will move to New York, if you'll have me. I can be a doctor wherever. But I cannot be without you any longer. I want you, Calliope," she confirmed. "And I'll be more than happy, if you wanted me too."
"I do," she smiled. "And I can't wait for you to be here".
She wasn't naive. She knew there was still work ahead of them. As a couple and as a family.
But from now on, they would be working on forever.
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