volodimirg · 2 years
Як вчити англійські слова з допомогою флеш-карток у програмці Duocards? Опис можливостей Duocards. Може застосовуватися і для інших мов, крім англійської. Аналог Quizlet, Anki. Доступна Android версія для телефону, iOS та веб-версія.Показати менше
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moonshadow-study · 2 months
English resources I have used for B2 level:
• Cambridge English Qualifications practice tests plus volume 1 with keys - Nick Kenny and Lucrecia Luque-Mortimer
• Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge first, second edition - Luke Prodromou
• DuoCards (for vocabulary)
• Pons translate (translation app)
Additional resources I used / other things I did to improve my English:
• www.cambridgeenglish.org
• started using a notebook and cards to write down the vocabulary I didn't know.
• turned my mobile phone's language to English
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Daily Check-in: August 18th, 2024
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Today I tried to write and practice pronouncing the Persian alphabet for some reason and wrote some very simple words I know, it was obviously very easy for me cause Arabic is my mother tongue but as you can see my handwriting is in the gutter and it has always been this way :)
🦋 Standard Arabic
Creative writing
Grammar study for 15 minutes
🦋 English
Creative writing
🦋 Hebrew
Watched YouTube videos in Hebrew & listening practice for beginners
🦋 Hobbies & Self Care
Wrote in my journal
Still in the process of grieving
🎧: Lose You Now by Lindsey Stirling
⏸: Enjoyed watching this YouTube video today, about the pale man from Pan's Labyrinth
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talesandfluff · 1 year
oh my god I’m all caught up to my flashcards
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nothing pending I’ve revised them all I’m up to date, first time ever since I started using DuoCards like a couple years ago haha I’m so happy
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sunalearnschinese · 1 year
Part 12 Reading erha 二哈和他的白猫师尊 + learning Chinese
❄️🌨️ good morning blog 🌨️❄️
I read somewhere that in order to read literature in a new language you should know about 7000 words. Now I knew some up to HSK3 but if we disregard those and only have the ones I learnt in my Tumblr blog, then my 120 ISH words equal %1.71 completion!!! Party time guys :D
If I do roughly 10 words a day, it will be just under 900 days until I learn 7k, which means I can read any literature in about 2.4 years!!! I hyped myself up lol ok let's do this-
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(sorry this isn't really related to the book but I wanted to show that recently I'm trying to improve my colouring techniques))
BOOK TAGS: Xianxia, Rebirth, Action, Conspiracy, Angst, 1?v1 HE
Mo Ran closed his eyes, then blinked them open. His life was filled with the ebb and flow of prestige and shame, sometimes up, sometimes down. Before he knew it, thirty two years had gone past.
I have discovered something which I need to share before I translate the text. In a previous sentence we learned 一直 and 总是, but what's the difference?
1. “一直(yīzhí)” emphasizes a stable or continuous state.
2. “总是(zǒngshì)” emphasizes a high probability or frequency.
Some examples:
The rain never stopped during the past couple of days.
It has been raining the past few days. (but there were intervals when it didn’t rain).
他总是对的。(Tāzǒngshìduì de.)
In most cases, he is right. (This doesn’t exclude the cases where he was wrong).
他一直是对的。(Tāyīzhíshìduì de.)
He has always been right and never wrong.
1. 双目 - both your eyes (Double Eyes) - shuāng mù
2. 合实 - Closed Tightly - hé shí
3. 复 - Again - fù
4. 睁开 - Opened - zhēng kāi
5. 生 - Life - shēng
宠辱跌宕 (chǒng rǔ diē dàng): This phrase describes the fluctuations and ups and downs in a person's life.
6. 宠 - Favor - chǒng
7. 辱 - Disgrace - rǔ
8. 跌宕 - Fluctuations, Ups and Downs - diē dàng
或起或伏 (huò qǐ huò fú): This phrase means "sometimes rising, sometimes falling" or "alternating between success and failure."
9. 或 - Sometimes, Either - huò
10. 起 - Rise, Start - qǐ
11. 伏 - Fall, Decline - fú
12. 已 - Already - yǐ
I have a dirty confession- everything you see highlighted in yellow are words that I don't remember how to say... Basically I forget to learn the pronunciation alongside writing them aaah! But it's ok I have a solution-
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So I know the meaning in English that correlates to the writing in Chinese. Now I just have to put them in flashcards (ikr what an awesome new invention) and memorise on the move. My flashcard app of choice is DuoCards because you get a cute pet mammoth that is happy when you study ☺️
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alwaysblooming · 1 year
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📚 Emma – Jane Austen (164/545)
The day was fun! I practiced a bit of French on Duocards and Duolingo and organized my vocabulary list in the morning (I want to post some vocabulary lists), then went to the mall in the afternoon, where there's a bowling alley. I bought two new pieces of clothes~
🌰April 8: Do you already have accustomed to "post-covid" life?
Yes, everything's pretty normal now again.
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lenguagesforaina · 2 years
Fall/winter lenguage goals
So I'm starting school again in less than a month, and with my re introduction to a rutine and the academic world, i want to set myself a more consistent scheduale for my lenguage learning, since i dont feel like im improving that much right now. I'm starting by setting a list in each one of my tl that i will try to achive in the upcoming 4 months before christmas.
(I'm lower intermidate, been studiying it for a yean now)
Take 6 italki lessons
Keep a consistent daily diary
This I've already been doing and its working wanders, so I'm keeping it up and trying to writte at least a page a day every single day.
Find a lenguage exchange partner
(If you speak dutch and want to learn some spanish or catalan hit me up!)
Read 2 books
I have 2 books in dutch witch are for children but quite above my level rn, one about orangutans and one about witchcraft.
Go trough 4 magazines
I use magazines (children's ones, about animals and with lots of comics and games) to practice intensive reading, so i go trough them very slowly and paying attention to every single word.
Watch 25 hours of movies/tv in dutch (minimum)
Right now i'm watching My little pony , Tangled the series, and i want to start Wie is de mol
Watch dutch youtube in class
I study art and most of my classes will be studio time, so i'll try to chose youtube videos to have as background noise instead of music whenever i can use my headphones.
Master the 10.000 most common words
I'm planning on using Clozemaster for that, but i still need to get the premium version. Also my flashcard app of choice: Duocards. And compleating a vocabulary list notebook i bought recentley.
Learn to conjugate like a pro
I'll probablly be investing on buying a grammar book, but even if i can't get to that, i want to focus on learning conjugation well with videos or websites, more than eny other grammar point at this moment.
(Used to be advanced but lost a lot of it, so im revivifying it step by step)
Master the 5.000 most common words
Sadly i've forgotten a lot of vocab so i want to start from the bottom again to solidify the basics in my brain
Get a grammar book and start it
If i can find it i want to dig up my old high school grammar book or find a simalar one secind hand.
Watch 6 movies in french
They'll probablly be Gibli films, since i find french really armonizes with the Gibli aesthetic.
Start reading a bit every day with apps
There are apps that show you a bit of art history, fun facts, or a history event that happened on that day every morning. You can set those in your tl and then you have a bit of reading every day provided to you in a subject you like!
Writte 1 or 2 short stories/texts every month
I dont want to writte as much as in dutch but i still want to practice my spelling, so ill be filling in 1 or 2 pages every other week with watever i feel like writting about.
Listen to more music in french and start analyzing song lyrics at least 1nce a week
Music is my main motivation to learn french so i'm gonna dive into it as much as possible
(-0 beginner, haven't started yet)
Learn the 150 most common words
The basics: greetings,colors, animals, 10 common verbs, etc...
Get to the 1st checkpoint on Duolingo
Learn to introduce myself
Learn the basics of the grammar and save up for a grammar book
I'll probablly gift myself an indonesian textbook by christmas. Until then ill watch a lot of videos to famirialize myself with the grammar points.
Start a childrens tv show in indonesian
Also music! Instead of doing a lot hardcore studying i'll be just doing a lot of pasive learning and listening a lot
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pickle-the-lad · 3 years
I've been trying to learn Spanish
It's kind of difficult though when you can't say d, p, or b sounds... but strangely feels like... the app's... making fun of me 😟
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pharmacybd-blog · 6 years
Duocard 10mg 10pcs
DUOCARD (Cilnidipine) is a dihydropyridine (DHP) type of calcium channel antagonist which inhibits sympathetic Ntype calcium channels in addition to vascular L-type calcium channels. The L-type calcium channel blockade by cilnidipine affects predominantly vascular smooth muscle, thereby producing vasodilation of peripheral resistance vessels and coronary arteries. The blockade of…
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talesandfluff · 2 years
game changing language learning flashcard app: DuoCards
if you’ve been learning languages, you know how tedious it can be to learn vocabulary and how efficient a spaced repetition system (SRS) is. tons of people use Anki, but I’ve made the switch to DuoCards almost a year ago now and I think it’s probably better for most language learners.
you can input any new word you encounter whether from the app, from the website, or directly through a browser extension, and the app will automatically translate it for you whether from or into your target language, and it automatically adds a picture to help you remember it (which works wonders if you’re a visual learner like I am) as well as offers the option to have the word automatically pronounced for you whenever you revise it.
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they offer premade sets of vocabulary but I never use those, I prefer to input my own words as I come across them.
very strong recommendation for this app, it’s really totally upped my language learning game personally.
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alwaysblooming · 2 years
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Today was a good day. I spent around two hours reading The Count of Monte Cristo and, after lunch, I dedicated some time to the rhetoric online course. It's interesting and the class I watched made me feel very uninformed *Gilmore Girls' Rory in that one scene where she is in front of a big library and says she's stupid and uninformed and needs to read so much yet*
Day 3: Are there any apps you use to learn languages?
Yes! Ever since I started to learn French by myself, I've been using good old Duolingo, Duocards and Spotify for podcasts.
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talesandfluff · 2 years
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talesandfluff · 2 years
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my flashcards app DuoCards has decided I’m having a great day
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