#EDIT/UPDATE: turns out the artist behind this glory is also the one who drew the miku v3 english box art
greenscreen-dress · 6 months
Also can we talk. Can we TALK about this main visual. The. 👁️👁️👁️👁️💥
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❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🩷🤍🩶 moment fr. The prismatic background the bonkers bright colours all over the everything. Especially the hair aaaa gay icon Hatsune Miku. Gay AND EUROPEAN. IN EUROPE 🎉✨
Gourd there's so many things i adore here... it's the standard miku V2 fit but adapted warpednby the artstyle & colours & IT LOOKS SO GOOD. The tiny checkerboard on her socks. The metallic toecaps. Little space-y microphone. Two-toned bodice w the layers. CRISP ruffled skirt but still rounded. Massive hair massive hair ties MASSIVE FLAPPY SLEEVES WAHOOO also her face HER FACE...
Her face 🥺🥰🫨😊🤩✨💥 i love how the eyes n proportions have a more androgynous anime prince-y kind of vibe. you get me. Don't get me wrong i love a good adorable frill-femme cutie idol miku. But this face is GORGEOUS, & having the eyes a little more closed draws even more attention to the hairsplosion firework all around her which. HELL yeah. Can't wait to see what merch / other visual things in this style end up happening aaaaaa 😊😊😊
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sparklingpax · 4 years
Tales From Iacon - Part 3: Understanding
-Part 1, Part 2
-I also have a wattpad where I’m posting updates as well as other stories! (user is @/kunixjiro)
-Lol so after an actual eternity I finally resolved this,,,sorta,,,,sorry for the wait ^^’’
-Sorry if this is badly written (and for any typos, mistakes, weird phrasings, etc)
-This one’s long too O//O’’ oops....^^’’
-Please forgive me for constantly making up bots to fill roles I need in stories lolo I,,,I promise I’ll figure out a better way to do that,,,,, :’D
-Oh, and apologies if anyone was ooc >//< 
-And yes I cut it off before the encounter because I’m mean >:D and because it’s not done being edited but I really really really wanted to post the next part of this story tonight so anyway, here we are ^^’’
-Ahhh....and with that, I guess, enjoy!!! <3
Weeks had passed since Orion and Megatronus had parted.
           Megatronus had fought more battles at the rink. Since then, a familiar ache had set into his bones, making him wonder why every fight seemed duller than the last. Yet, for the crowds that surrounded him most nights, he put on his best show. Judging by the sounds of their cheers, he had done a good job at that.
           Though, at his spark, their cheers felt distant and faded.
           Why was it such a big deal, that the archivist did not wish to see you fight?
           When he was alone, the thought came to bother him, to almost taunt him for being so…dramatic. For a moment, he’d justify himself, but Megatronus quickly came to see that Orion had come with only good intentions.
           What I lacked was understanding, a grand flaw I have yet to fix, it seems.
           Parts of him wished he could forget about Orion…but most of him wished only to see his friend again—to say to him it was all ok. The last thing he’d wanted was to scare his friend away…and he’d done just that.
           All of him wondered…could Orion ever forgive him for being so childish?
Orion Pax had continued his work and studies. He spent his days working around the building, organizing, and filing one thing after another. At night, the young archivist studied until he couldn’t keep his optics open any longer. He worked tirelessly at his projects, writing papers with much fervor.
           Yet deep down, he felt an emptiness. Sadness and guilt continued to weigh on his spark.
           Orion wished more and more with each passing day, that he had kept silent. Had Megatronus been angry at him, he wouldn’t have minded…but the rejection that shone so clearly in his gaze…
             Orion could scarcely bear the thought as it came to distract him every now and then. Still, the young bot kept a small hope alive in his spark.
             Primus willing—he thought, setting down a box of old files—I’ll see him soon. Maybe then, I can fix things…I only hope that time has done its work.
             Almost without thinking, Orion moved towards a window, to gaze absent-mindedly at the stars dotting the sky—sparkling from afar, mildly, elegantly.  He had realized only in these past weeks that Megatronus was someone special to him…
             A friend I…do not wish to lose if I can help it.
             “Orion, are you in here?”
             The young bot looked up from his holopad, hearing a voice from outside the door, abruptly torn from a riveting story about—
             “Yes, Alpha Trion,” he left his desk and made his way to the door. It was quite odd that his teacher should come by at such an hour, but all the same, Orion offered no argument.
             He stepped outside to find his mentor already slowly walking down the hall. Before he could inquire about anything, Alpha Trion lifted an arm to silence him, not even turning to do so.
             “Walk with me, my student.”
             Without a word, Orion followed the master archivist, quickening his pace until he had come up beside him.
             In silence, they walked for a few minutes. Then, as if sensing Orion’s curiosity, Alpha Trion chuckled softly. His optics sparkled with gentleness, serenity, and boundless wisdom.
           Orion had always thought that—even from the first moment he’d laid eyes on his mentor, when he arrived at the door to Iacon.              
           “Orion, my student,” he began, “I am sorry to have interrupted your recreational free time.” To that, Orion gave a polite smile.
           “It was no trouble at all, master.”
           Alpha Trion hummed to himself and nodded. “I just wanted to let you know that I notice you have been working hard. Therefore, I wish to allow you a break.”
           The surge of excitement was quickly deflated once Orion quickly remembered that such free time was not of much use to him…as he no longer had anyone to meet…and nowhere to go, really.
           Sure, it was nice to read—which was usually what Orion enjoyed doing when he had the time. But since he’d met Megatronus, the prospect of hanging out with him was far more exciting than any of the tales spun in his books.
           His friend was much like a tale unto himself….
           “However, you cannot really use that time for much, right?”
           Orion’s spark skipped a beat at his mentor’s words. He halted, staring at the floor. His teacher continued on a few steps before he, too, stopped.  
           That’s right…and I have only…myself to thank for that…
           As if hearing his thoughts, Alpha Trion turned to him and drew close, placing one servo on the young scholar’s shoulder. His eyes shone with something wistful…something Orion couldn’t really put into words.
           “Young spark, listen to me.”
           “I am.”
           “The details of the situation are beyond my knowledge, but I only wish to say one thing. I sense that you know this, but you must fix whatever has happened between you and your friend. I know not his name, nor what caused the evident rift in your relationship. However, I do understand…”
           A pure sadness—some kind of deep regret—passed over his gaze, shimmering faintly.
           “I understand what it means to lose a friend, to wish only that you’d done or not done one thing or another. To wish you’d not let it all happen…that you could go back in time and do it all over.”
           He stared to his right. Following his gaze, Orion set his optics on the gorgeous mural hanging on the wall. In silence, he studied the painting—an artist’s depiction of the Thirteen Primes, all in harmonious glory and power. Not moving his eyes either, Alpha Trion spoke once more.
           “Eventually, time comes and takes from us. So, cherish what is meant to last for the moment, and replenish whatever you can. I believe you know in your spark…how to make things right. You have given it time, Orion. Do not let such a precious thing as friends slip through your servos like sand.…for no matter who they are, if they bring you joy…”
           “Such a bot is…a true friend….”
           “And now, there is understanding. Trust that he…has gained his.”
           Leaving Orion to stare ahead, speechless, Alpha Trion gave his student one last pat on the shoulder, then turned and continued down the halls, disappearing round the bend.
            Tap, tap, tap, tap!!
           Light footfalls sounded on the dirty, metal floors, quickly drawing closer to Megatronus’s quarters. He only barely heard them as he sat alone in his room.
            His eyes were closed, head against the wall and tilted towards the ceiling.
            No real thoughts swam around in his mind.  
           “Megatronus, sir!”
           The shrill voice reached his audio receptors, jolting him out of this blank state. He growled to himself, wishing he had not been disturbed. Then, with a sigh, he rose from the berth and unlocked the door to peek out into the halls.
          “There you are! I—I have a message from—uh, from…” the young, thin-framed, brightly colored bot shuffled around his brown bag for a moment. At last, he pulled out a thin screen—a message tablet. As the bot entered something into his delivery log, Megatronus folded his arms, interested.
           Who would be trying to contact me…who would use a message tablet…?
           “It doesn’t say who it’s from, but the order here says it’s urgent—so here you go, sir.”
           The bot carefully handed the gladiator the thin, glowing object. Megatronus nodded his thanks and took a step back into his room.
          “Uh—uhm, sir…”
          The delivery bot stammered quietly, causing Megatronus to stop look up.
          Now what?
          “Do you need something?” He asked as politely as he could.
          The thin-framed mech gripped the strap of his delivery bag and looked away for a moment before nodding.
           “I, uh…I just thought—well, I wanted to let you know th-that—um…”
           He shook his head harshly, worrying that Megatronus was starting to become annoyed.
           “I’ve…listened to a lot of your discussions—your speeches—and, um….” He took a deep breath, then looked up to Megatronus, admiration sparkling brightly in the depths of his optics.       “You’re a hero to me, sir. I—I want to let you know that…wherever you take your fight for freedom…I, for one, am right behind you…” he bowed his head a little. “As a delivery bot, with my weak, thin frame, I’m—I’m no good in any of the professions I wish I could enter, anyway…but your speeches about—y’know, equality and all…I just get so inspired!”
           Megatronus was taken completely aback by this, yet pleased to know he had one more ally in his campaign. Feeling pride in himself and joy knowing he could help this bot, he reached out and placed a firm servo on the smaller mech’s shoulder.
           “You are worth as much as you wish yourself to be, young bot. And your capability is also, only defined by you.” He smiled warmly. “What is your name?”
           The delivery bot looked so happy it seemed as if he’d burst.
           “Mikro, sir!”
           Megatronus laughed softly. “Thank you for your kind words, support, and,” he held up the message tablet with a grin, “This.” They shared a quiet laugh. After a moment, the gladiator continued. “Always remember this, Mikro. All bots have a spark in them, and that is the only deciding factor of their worth.”
            With that, he nodded a goodbye and stepped back into his room, closing the door.
           What a nice, young soul.
           He set the tablet down on a table and touched it, hoping to see who had sent the—
           “Megatronus, hello.”
           Orion’s face appeared on the screen, accompanied by his soft, level voice.
           Megatronus was greatly surprised. He felt a twinge of anger, but it was outweighed by a strange joy at seeing and hearing his friend after these long, empty weeks…
           “I am recording this from my room, and I will send it by an acquaintance of mine as soon as possible. I hope this reaches you well,” On the screen, Orion looked away, seeming nervous. “I will be at the entrance to Kaon city tomorrow. If…you are willing to meet with me…I have something to tell you—to show you—something that would not mean as much were I to share it over this screen. I apologize if I have inconvenienced you. May Primus be with you in all you do, Megatronus.”
           Megatronus stared at the blank screen, seeing his own face reflected in the black glass. He sighed, gently setting the tablet face down. He laid on his berth, staring at the ceiling, thinking.
           Finally, he reached a decision.
           “See you tomorrow, then, Orion.”
I wanna just apologize again if there was any weird wording, spacing, typos, etc because I’m falling asleep/my head hurts/my stomach also hurts as I’m editing this :P ,,,,it’s 2 am,,,,,but for the sake of finally posting it because I’ve wanted to for so long, I’m trying my best! I’ll read through it tomorrow and probably fix some stuff lol
Oh an dw I’m not abandoning the other fic I’m writing, just updating this one cuz it’s been a while....^^’’
ANyway, thanks so much for reading!!! <3 
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