attleboy · 8 months
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QUICK GUYS while it's still relevant!!! do your thing!!! 📸 okay good you can go now
original by glitch...you've probably seen it 10 million times by now
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now for bonus content... flat color version
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andddd individual characters... jax is a little halfbaked in spots sorry you weren't seeing those bits in the full thing anyway
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i also made some doodles based off eizouken clips i found but i ended up making a lot so i'm just gonna give that its own post tomorrow :)
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gottagobuycheese · 3 years
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KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THE FUN GANG! (a.k.a. the Lancer Fan Club, a.k.a. the $!$! Squad) 
Unnecessarily long description under the cut! I hope
[ID: A digital art piece depicting Susie, Ralsei, and Kris from Deltarune as they appear in the Dark World, mimicking the poses from the opening of the anime Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! From top to bottom: Susie takes the place of Kanamori Sayaka. Facing the viewer, she leans her upper body towards the right of the screen, with the heel of her left hand on her forehead and her right arm extended out from her side toward the left of the screen. Her purple skin is covered in darker purple freckles, and magenta bangs obscure her eyes from view. Her snout is still visible, along with a slight grin, revealing pointy teeth. The rest of her hair falls around her shoulders to her mid-back. She is dressed in a purple shirt with a rolled collar and a short-sleeved black jacket with purple trim and golden spikes at the hems of the sleeves, as well as spiky wristbands. The background of her third is a reddish salmon color overlaid with five-and-a-bit rows of light grey upside-down hearts in regular diagonals, representing monster souls. 
In the middle third section, Ralsei takes the place of Mizusaki Tsubame. Covered in fluffy black . . . fur? Or maybe wool — he twirls happily in place, his right arm swinging in front of him, palm up, and his left arm bent over his head in the opposite direction, palm down. He is dressed in his classic green cloak with a black heart in the middle (partly obscured by his right arm), his pointy green hat (with two additional points for his horns), and the pink scarf, which is also caught in the twirling. His green glasses cover his white eyes, which are shut as he smiles happily, and are tucked under his fluffy ears to keep them in place. The background is a bright yellow-green with 5 rows of triangles, alternating row-by-row between point-up white triangles and point-down dark grey triangles, representing the Delta Rune symbol as well as the Lightners (white triangles) and Darkners (dark grey triangles). 
In the bottom third of the picture, Kris substitutes for Asakusa Midori. They are angled at a 3/4 view toward the right of the screen, frowning slightly but otherwise expressionless. Their right arm, bent at the elbow, comes in front of their chest, bending down at the wrist with their hand in a fist. Their left arm is raised as if they are signaling they’re going to turn right at an intersection but with a closed fist instead (so, elbow raised to shoulder height, then bent back slightly at the wrist). They are dressed in a short-sleeved navy blue undersuit, which matches the navy shoulder-length hair that obscures their eyes, and are wearing light silver plate armor composed of pauldrons, a cuirass, and gauntlets. A reddish-pink and blue striped scarf tied around their neck covers their left pauldron and left arm up to their mid-forearm. The background is a bright turquoise, slightly paler than that of their skin, with five-and-a-bit rows of bright red hearts spaced in regular diagonals, representing the human soul. /end ID]
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My Roommate is an Apparition: WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A DAD - Part 2
Based on characters created by @reddpenn
Oh man, am I late on posting this.  So many things going on.  Not to mention figuring out how to follow up the first part.
It seems people really like the first-person narration from “A-Pink-Ciation of Culture”, so I went with that again with this piece.
Almost DAILY, I get likes or re-blogs and the occasional follower despite not having posted anything since March.  I’m very curious and would like to hear from you readers about what you like about my writing and what appeals to you.  Eventually, I want to make a living off of writing, but until that time, I definitely could use any and all feedback.
Anyway, now that that’s out of the way, on with the story!
 From the Diary of Lily, March 1st, 2020:
Okay, diary, I’m coming to you because I honestly have no idea where else to go to try and sort through the evening I just had with my Dad and Tulpa.   I can’t put my finger on it, but something about tonight just... bothers me!  It’s like I’m on pins and needles and can’t stop thinking about, well, a LOT of stuff.  Just... hear me out and maybe it’ll make sense if I put this all down on paper (I.E. You).  I just spent the last twenty minutes trying to talk things through out loud, but that got me nowhere so here goes nothing:
First off, my Dad came to visit a week earlier than what I had planned, and immediately sets up shop in my living room with his NES and copy of Castlevania III.  Only problem was I hadn’t talked with Tulpa about his visit since I was expecting him until NEXT weekend.  I kept thinking that the last thing I wanted was for anything weird to happen during his visit.
Which, looking back on it, was a really stupid thing to worry about.
I mean, Dad’s a pretty open-minded guy and he’s quite weird himself.  He’s actually quite proud of his weirdness (embarrassing as it is sometimes).  He tends to under-react to all kinds of things like it’s no big deal.  I’ve even asked him why he doesn’t freak out about some of the stuff he comes across in real life or on TV, and he just tells me, “I’ve seen weirder.”   (If some of the stories he’s told me are true, then he has.  He really, REALLY has!)
For example: if Tulpa had come into the room holding a... I dunno, a plate or something, like would that really freak my Dad out?  Pfft, No!  He (maybe?) wouldn’t see her, all he’d see was a “flying saucer” (he deliberately would make that lame pun too), and then get back to his game.  Then later, he’d try and tell me about the real flying saucers he saw years ago, or something.
Since I had assumed that Dad wouldn’t have been able to see her, it eventually clicked in my head that what I was actually worrying about was, “what would Tulpa think of my Dad?”  He’s a huge Goofus that likes to make bad jokes, tell tall tales, and play video games!  And even if he did weird her out, it’s not like she could go anywhere... right?  I mean, she might avoid interacting with me because of him, but...
Oh wow...
I just read what I just wrote and I can not believe I was being THAT irrational!  ( Man, people are stupid sometimes; me included!)
Avoid me because of my DAD!?   That’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve ever thought!   It’s not like he LIVES here or anything!   He’s not the one paying the rent; I am!  And... I’ve gotten to know Tulpa pretty well these past few months, but... I guess I still have a lot more to learn about her.  Case in point:
So Tulpa tells me that she wants to meet my Dad, and after coming to my senses somewhat, I say she can sit in so long as she doesn’t touch anything (see flying saucer explanation above).  A few minutes later, she walks in looking like the tall girl from Keep Your Hands off Eizouken (I had to look the name up; I couldn’t remember it for the life of me).  By that I mean, she’s coming in as a tall, lanky, skinny, somewhat pale skinned girl looking to be about my age.  She’s wearing some modest clothes and, if I’m being honest with myself, they looked kind of cute in that outfit they had on.  It was a nice ensemble.
Then Dad says “Hi” to her.
Let me repeat that in case it hasn’t clicked with you yet.
My Dad GREETED her!
He! SAW! Her!
When I asked her about it later, she said to me that she thought that since he’s my Dad, then whatever it is that allows me to see her could be something my Dad has too.  So far, her theory has been proven right, but... I’m not one-hundred percent sure, because Tulpa... well... she changed.
And I’m being literal here, too!  She no longer had that transparency to her like usual.  She had a nose!  She had ears!  She had five fingers!  And she looked...
Tulpa said she had never tried doing this before, but figured that in the off-chance that her hunch was correct, she wanted to make a good impression on my Dad.  (Why do I keep thinking about that old joke in movies and TV shows about the overprotective Dad that threatens the boy about to go on a date with their daughter?)  She even went so far as to create her own “clothes”, saying she knew they’d be important.  Considering that she doesn’t wear (or need) clothes any other time, I ask her how she came to that conclusion.  I still have no idea what she meant when she suddenly bellowed out, “GOOD...!  GRIEF...!  HE’S...!  NAKED!”
[Edit:  It’s from Spongebob, because of course it was.]
So I’m not sure if Dad could see her because she purposely made herself opaque, or if he would have been able to see her if she wasn’t in her human “disguise” (and yes, I’m calling it a disguise and I’ll explain why a bit later, okay?).  But either way, she walks in and my Dad just starts chatting away like so:
“Hi there! You must be Lily’s roommate!” says Dad.
At this point, I’m kind of frozen solid on the couch, just watching and listening as everything unfolds in front of me like it’s being burned into my retinas.  You know that saying about slow-motion train wrecks? Y’know, about how you can’t look away from them? This is probably why I remember the conversation so well.
“Heh...Hello,” she responds back nervously.
“I’m Lily’s Dad,” he says as if it wasn’t obvious, “Hope you don’t mind if we play some games out here.”
Tulpa shakes her head and stutters out, “No...N-not at all.”
“Great!” Dad responded with a smile that said, “Even if it was bothering you, I’m still going to take up the TV and play video games.  So nyeh!”  I’ve lived with him long enough to know that he’s not someone who would give up the TV without a fight.
(...gee... that kind of reminds me of someone now that I think about it...)
Tulpa then asks, “M-mind if... I watch?”
Dad gives her this big, goofy smile and responds with a, “Sure thing!” since despite him never admitting to it, he always liked having an audience around when he played games (or almost anything really) in hopes of “schooling” them. (Why he didn’t go into teaching, I will never understand.)
As soon as Dad turns back to his game and un-pauses it, Tulpa smiled, sat back, and looked content (Although it was a little weird seeing her smile with a nose to go along with it.) This snaps me out of my stupor long enough to scootch over to Tulpa and chat with her.
“You actually want to watch him play?” I ask her once more because the mere thought that she’d be interested in something outside of cartoons still hadn’t registered in my head, yet.
“Yeah...” she says as she starts to stare at the screen like she usually does during her cartoon time. “...sounded... familiar,” she said before looking up slightly while lost in thought, “...Simon... Belmont... Mega... Man... Kid... Icarus...” she said again as though that meant something. To me it just sounded almost like some kind of madness mantra, but...
“Oh! You mean Captain N: The Game Master!” my Dad chimed in out of seemingly nowhere.
“YES!” Tulpa said with excitement (worth noting that she doesn’t look excited very often, but when she does, she practically glows). “I remember...” she said before pausing to collect her thoughts and form the words she wanted to say. If I could have, I would have warned her about my Dad’s tendency to pounce on any hesitation in a conversation to take it over.
“Man, I haven’t seen Captain N in decades,” he said wistfully, “Surprised someone young as you remembers it.   I was in High School when that show came on!   When did you see it?”
“Ummm...” she hesitated, “...reruns... when I was... a kid.”
(As I’m writing this down now, I realize she was trying to hide her actual age from Dad. She looked to be in her early twenty’s like I was, but if she said she saw it when it came on the air originally, that’d make her over thirty years old at least.)
“Ahhhh! I see you have good taste in reruns!” Dad complimented.
“Th-thank you,” she stuttered back. As I listened to the awkward conversation of father-roommate bonding, I found my eyes constantly turning towards Tulpa. Not out of adoration or anything, but more like... studying her.
On the one hand, she looked like the Tulpa that I had known ever since she became my roommate months ago.  But on the other hand, they somehow weren’t.   It’s kind of like when someone changes their looks a bit for maybe, I dunno, a night on the town, a job interview, a wedding, or something else along those lines.  Only in her case, “dressing up” meant adding additional body parts she didn’t normally have.
(To be honest, I’m still not entirely sure what to think about that...)
I’ve always been a firm believer of people being themselves, and being allowed to be themselves.  I can’t stand situations where people are unable to truly express themselves or feel comfortable.  Way I see it, life is too short to be spent worrying over stupid stuff that makes people miserable just so they can come off as normal.
Sometimes it’s because of social norms and expectations; those unspoken rules of life that people are supposed to just magically “know”.  Like if someone was going to a church or temple service, social norms say they need to wear their “Sunday Best” with stiff, itchy clothes that are dry clean only.  If I was able to go to a sermon wearing a baggy college sweatshirt, sweatpants, and slippers, and NOT be judged like I’m some kind of crazy hobo, it would have definitely made something like that more appealing to me.
Now I have nothing against anyone that likes to dress up in fancy clothes and wear them out and about; I mean, everyone likes different things, right? The point is that if I’m going to do something that makes me uncomfortable, it should be because I wanted to do it for myself.   I don’t think I should bend over backwards making myself feel bad (physically or mentally) for someone else’s sake.  Sure, call me selfish if you must, but I just can’t advocate for doing something that makes you feel bad because you wanted someone else to feel good.
I’m just thankful no one in my family has ever tried to push anything on me.  Sure, they’ve suggested things to me before, and of course made sure I didn’t do something stupid that would injure me or worse when I was too young to know better.  But overall, my family has given me a lot of freedom to do what I want, dress how I want, and be who I want to be.  Now that I think about it, I’m kind of lucky that way.
(I hope I’m making sense on this. Re-reading this, I’m not entirely sure if I do.)
Anyway, I’m looking at Tulpa and watching them carefully, trying to figure out if they were comfortable looking like that or not.  She’s just sitting there watching my Dad play Castlevania III, and he was now on the haunted pirate ship with Trevor and Sypha.  He was breezing through at a pretty good pace and sharing an anecdote about how Warren Ellis figuratively gave him the “Turd Cape of Shame” on this old message board back when the Castlevania series on Netflix was just an idea back in 2007.  (I still am not entirely sure if that story is true or not.)
“Hey Lily,” Dad asks suddenly out of the blue, “got anything to drink?”  I offer him some lemonade, he accepts, and I go to the kitchen to pour him a glass.  As I’m doing this, I hear Dad ask Tulpa, “By the way, I don’t think I caught your name.  What was it again?”
“...Tulpa...” she says back to him.
My body freezes up for a moment as I realized that “Tulpa” is not an ordinary name.  I mean the first time she told me her name, it sounded like some kind of Pokémon.  Once again, that irrational fear of my Dad being weirded out or something enters my head, but is dispelled almost immediately.
“Tulpa?” my Dad says aloud to himself, “That’s a very interesting name.”
“T-Thank you...” she says back.
I walk in with a glass of pink lemonade and set it down on a little, folding TV dinner stand that was given to me when I first moved out for college.  I slowly sit back down again as I keep an eye on Dad.  His facial expression is the same as usual: relaxed.  You could call it a poker face, but I’ve seen him play poker and he is BAD at poker.
“Anyone in your family Buddhist?” my Dad asks casually.
I step in, “Dad!  What kind of a question is that!?”  And I meant what I said too. Who even asks something like that!?
“I was just wondering,” he says before once again shutting up and focusing on his game.
This is one of the things about my Dad that bugs me to no end: he likes to be cagey sometimes.  He’ll say something vague with the sole purpose of making the other person curious, confused, or both.  It leaves, like, questions in the back of your head that just start gnawing at your brain and won’t stop chewing away at your gray matter until you finally ask him to explain what the heck he was talking about.    He does this on purpose to “bait” people into asking him questions or to continue with what he’s saying.  So annoying!
I sigh, “Why’s that, Dad?”
He gives a little smile and continues, “Oh it’s just that this isn’t the first time I’ve heard the name “Tulpa” before, that’s all.”
NOW he has my total undivided attention and Tulpa’s too as we both unconsciously lean forward.  Practically in sync, we both say, “It’s not!?”
He’s still smiling as he says, “Nope.  First time I heard that name was when I was doing some monster research for a Castlevania Wiki I had been working on a while back.”
Tulpa practically gulps, “M-M-Monster...?”
“Well not really a monster,” he says back, “more like... a supernaturally, artificially created person.” 
(There are some times when my Dad can be down right spooky and creepy.  This was one of those times.)
Full Metal Alchemist immediately pops into my head, and without even hesitating, I ask, “Like a Homunculus?”
“Nah, more like...” he says before pausing his game and turning to Tulpa and I, “...an imaginary friend.”  Tulpa and I both tilt our heads in confusion.  Dad picks up on this and by now, he is practically glowing at this opportunity to share some weird thing he just happens to know something about.
He explains, “So there’s this word in Tibetan called “Sprul-Pa” which means “Manifestation”, okay?  And in early Buddhism, this is used as the explanation for how Gautama Buddha could travel to heavenly realms and come back again.  You could say he created a clone of himself in the other realm and then transmitted his consciousness to it from his body on Earth.  Kind of like a-”
By now, Tulpa and I were clearly on the same wavelength as she asks, “a Shadow Clone!?” at the exact same time I was thinking of it. Believe it!
Dad’s silent for a moment as he thinks to himself before finally going, “...uhhh... I guess... you could say that. I was thinking “Dream Body” but I suppose a shadow clone could work too.”  My Dad used to watch Naruto with me on Toonami years ago, so he knew full well what a shadow clone was.
He turns to face us as he continues talking, “The thing with a Tulpa is that it’s something made from nothing. A Homunculus, using your example, Lily, requires having the materials necessary to make an artificial being on hand before you can create them. But a Tulpa is willed into existence out of nothingness. It is created from the thoughts of the creator; known as a “Thoughtform” in some cases.”
(WHEN did my Dad even learn this stuff!?)
“The difference between a Tulpa and an imaginary friend,” my Dad continued to say, “is that while an imaginary friend is just that, someone that exists in your imagination, a Tulpa is made when someone’s thoughts are so strong that they will their imaginary friend into existence.”
I look over at Tulpa, and she is totally absorbed in what my Dad’s saying.
“Now from what I’ve read...” Oh my God, Dad! What have you even been reading!? “...it’s very difficult for one person alone to have enough psychic power to will a sentient being into creation. But if you had enough people thinking the same thing, and thinking about it hard enough, then, hypothetically, a Tulpa could be created.”
“So what you’re saying is if enough people think Bigfoot is real, then they can actually make it real just by believing in them?” I snark.
“Yeah, pretty much,” my Dad replies without detecting my snark at all.
“Or like...” Tulpa chimes in, “...how Tinkerbell is saved... by believing in fairies and... clapping hands?” I was a bit surprised Tulpa knew that since I couldn’t recall Disney’s Peter Pan having that scene in it.
Dad thinks about it for a moment, and then goes, “Hmmmmm... yeah! That too, I suppose.”
Right about then, Dad gets a notification on his phone. He pulls it out, looks at it, gets a somewhat serious look on his face, and then stands up and says, “Hey, I gotta make a phone call real quick. Mind if I...” he trails off.
“Yeah, sure thing, Dad,” I say back. He heads down the hallway to the guest bedroom and closes the door as he makes his call. It’s now just Tulpa and me in the living room, and we were both feeling super awkward. I turn to Tulpa and say, “So... did you know anything about all that?”
Tulpa shook her head, “N-n-no. First time I... I ever heard of... of it.” I could tell she was feeling nervous. She had started stuttering pretty badly.
All this time, I knew Tulpa was an apparition, but I never thought about what kind of apparition she was. It never really dawned on me that an apparition could have an origin story. With Tulpa, she was just... kind of there for me, and I never really questioned it. Her being her somehow felt, I dunno... “natural”, I guess.
I never thought I really needed to learn more about Tulpa, anyway. I mean, outside of the occasional mischief, Tulpa was perfectly harmless. Worst thing she ever did was the Pinkening (still don’t know how she did that), but that was partly on me because I was being a big dummy. Overall, she’s always been friendly, kind, and fun to be around, and that‘s always been good enough for me.
“You, uh...” I start to say, “...want to talk about it later?” Tulpa looks ahead of her kind of blankly, and I immediately add, “It’s okay if you don’t want to, Tulpa, I just-“
“Talk about what?” She asks, now looking at me kind of confused.
“About...” I trail off as I try to find the right words, “...about what my Dad just said and about... I dunno... where you came from?”
Tulpa clearly hadn’t thought about it before. She leaned back against the couch and audibly sighed (I think that was the first time I ever heard them sigh!), before saying, “I... don’t know... Lily...”
“Don’t know where you came from, or don’t know if you want to talk about it?” I asked her.
She thought for a moment before saying, “Both...”
I wanted to say something more to her, maybe give them some kind of reassurance, but I just couldn’t as long as my Dad was here! The frustration of wanting to talk about something with someone, but not being able to because of other people being around, is just AGONIZING!  If only Dad would hurry up and leave, but when he says he’s going to beat a video game, he’s going to beat a video game.  Problem was he hadn’t even made it to Dracula’s Castle yet, so who knew how much longer it would be?
Then Dad comes back in and says, “Hey, sorry about this, but I need to get going.”
“Oh sweet merciful powers that be, THANK YOU! “  I thought to myself.  I was worried things were going to get all cringy like a bad self-insert fanfic.   “Aww, that’s too bad,” I fibbed out of politeness.  I mean, he’s my Dad and I love him and all, but... y’know...
“Yeah, I got a call from work and they need me to help out with something. ‘Fraid I have to cut my visit short, Lily.” My Dad powered off the Nintendo system and began packing it up. But then he suddenly stopped, looked up, then looked back at me and said, “Hey, you want to borrow my NES for a bit!?”
Dad suddenly leaving to take care of something for work happens every now and then, so that was no big surprise. But Dad suddenly saying he has to leave to take care of something and leave his NES in MY care!? THAT scared the pants off me!
“Oh my God, Dad... you’re not dying are you!?” I ask with a half-serious tone.
“What!? No! What gave you that idea!?” He shoots back.
“Because that’s the NES you’ve had ever since you were a kid! You have NEVER let anyone else look after it! EVER!” I remind him because it is one-hundred percent true.
His lame-sauce excuse was: “Hey, both of your uncles used to look after it!”
And then I remind him, “That’s because you all lived in the same house with grandma and grandpa!  Y’know, because you were all kids and everything!”
“They still took care of it,” he pouts.
“Only after they sneaked into your room, de-hooked it, and snuck it over to their room!  You know I’ve heard the stories at the family gatherings!, right?” This is all completely true.
My Dad is the oldest of three, and at family gatherings, like around Thanksgiving, he and my uncles used to tell as many embarrassing stories about each other as possible like they were trying to one-up each other. Like, “Hey, remember that time you stuck a LEGO tire up your nose and had to go to the Emergency Room?”
And my uncle’s all like, “I WAS FOUR!”
Good times....
...now where was I?
Oh right!  Why leaving the Nintendo was a big deal!
“C’mon, Dad,” I plead, “The only way I can see you willingly giving away your Nintendo, even if just for a little while, would be if you were on your death bed and filling out your last will and testament. So go on, spill it, what’s up with that?”
My Dad just had this look of offense on his face like I had seriously wounded him with my words. “I am NOT that overprotective of it!”
“Yes you are.”
“Okay, I am,” he admits way too quickly, “but I just thought that you having it might be a good idea in case you finally get some free time coming up. Best way to enjoy it is to play it, after all.”
I chuckle, “Dad, the only way work is going to give me enough time off to sit on my butt and play video games is if some horrible catastrophe caused the art store to shut down. Like, I dunno, a deadly virus or something.”
Dad chuckles and say, “Yeah... you got a point there. Still, I think between you and your roommate, you’re both responsible adults now who can get some enjoyment out of it. I’m sure I can trust you two to take good care of it,” he says before raising an eyebrow, “or is there some reason I shouldn’t leave it here!?”
“Relax! We can look after it, Dad. Nothing’s going to happen to it,” I say as I whip my head back so fast it could have made a sonic boom. Just as I suspected, there was Tulpa sitting down in front of the Nintendo about ready to poke it with her finger. “Isn’t that right, Tulpa?” I say while looking straight at her.
“Y-yes...” she mutters.
Dad smiles at the two of us and then suddenly, out of the blue, he gives me this big ole bear hug and pats me on the back!  It’s the same kind of hug he gave me on my first day at school, when I was leaving for summer camp, and when I moved into my freshman dorm for college.  It was the kind of reassuring hug that says everything is going to be fine.  “Ohhhhhhh, look at you growing up and being all responsible! I’m so proud of you, Lily!”
“Dad!  Can’t breath, Dad!” I say before he finally lets go.
“Oh yeah, tomorrow, when you get a chance, make sure to pick up a couple packages of toilet paper,” he says casually, “your bathroom’s running low and now would be a good time to stock up.”
[EDIT April 12th, 2020: HE FREAKING KNEW! 
“Thanks for the tip, Dad,” I respond before saying the thing that led to my Dad saying the other thing that would make my brain do somersaults for the next few hours and ultimately come to you, dear diary, “What brought up that little nugget of wisdom? Dad-ly Intuition?”  (Yes, that pun was intentional.)
“Well I’ve always considered myself to be a little psychic here and there,” he says about twenty-three seconds before the door closes and forty-five seconds before my face faults, “and you’ve always been a little psychic too, haven’t yah?”
“Sure Dad, I’ll catch you later,” I say waving goodbye.
“Take care, Lily!  Keep in touch!  Love you, sweetie!” he calls back as he’s walking into the hallway heading out,
“Love you too, Dad” I say as I close the door and lock the deadbolt. With that family obligation out of the way, I was feeling much better not having to worry about next weekend, not having to worry about Tulpa and Dad, and could just chill and relax and-
It was right about then that my eyes shot wide open as I stared ahead of me at nothing in particular.  The gears in my head started turning faster and faster as the past few months living here started to tie together.  Tulpa looks at me, slightly concerned.  She’s still in her “disguise”, but looks genuinely concerned.  She waves her hand it front of me and my mind is working at warp speed, so it doesn’t even register.
“Are you... okay... Lily?” she asks.
I slowly turn to look her in the eye, and then ask her flat out:
“Am I Psychic!?”
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ja-khajay · 4 years
Here’s a weird one(maybe):
🔥 For the anime artstyle. I’m curious about your thoughts on it
now obviously i will make generalizations in this but here we go. while i have a sort of fondness for “old” anime (say, 50s to 90s) there’s a lot of it i dislike. i don’t actually mind the character designs of 00s stuff either, even a lucky star where the little ladies have eyes half their face and funny hair styles, even if it’s definitly not my go-to style of art i feel like there’s a charm to it, probably nostalgia from my past years as a middle school proto-weeb witnessing anime in the middle of the death of early web. 
but i have a huge distaste for “modern” styles. for me the biggest shift arrived with digital media - simply put, cel animation had a lot of limitations that forced you to stay a bit humble in your art style. colors are kept to flats and maybe one or two other colors for shading and highlights due to how they all had to be hand painted. palettes themselves were limited too. backgrounds were allowed to be more funky but you still had to have a guy paint them. i think Akira is one of the fanciest movies I know was cel-animated, the palette they used is massive and the animation is very detailed but it doesn’t look gaudy. And if you go the opposite way and look at one of the ugliest animes i know in terms of animation, twinkle nora rock me, the stills still look.....okay?
cause now with computer animation you get to enter the world of post processing which i hate soooo much. you get that sort of simple art style with unecessary light effects everywhere. you can slap that on your mediocre animation to make it look better and while it works wonders to make anime fancier i happen to be a hater that thinks it’s fuck ugly. the base animation and designs is what i like in a series not the damn light effects lol which leads me to my second pointttttttt you probably saw it coming
THE DESIGNS oh my god i do not consider myself a genuins character designer but if there’s one pet peeve i have it’s characters who do not look diverse and anime is so good at this. i hate that the Anime Style (tm) is big eyes small noses because to me the nose is like the most important facial feature to make your guys look different from each other. i don’t even have face blindness but if you hairswapped most of the cast of evangelion i would not be able to tell them apart. there’s also a specific school of character design i shall call the final fantasy genshin impact goth magic universe where all the characters wear completly impossible outfits of a very specific aesthetic and i always wonder how it’s allowed. were you never thought to make your designs simple for animation? how many people genuinly enjoy this sort of aesthetic? would you dress like this irl? are you letting underpaid bitches draw 12 fps of this for the flex or out of malice?
luckily for me a lot of series i have seen gathering clout from artsy minds in the recent few years all subscribe to a similar art style of colorful lines flat colors and very simplistic desigsn + complex animation (like mp100 eizouken and everything the guy who worked on devilman crybaby directed) so i hope anime trends follow like they do in the west where artists make cool stuff and everyone starts to copy them. please. but also it might just be a niche thing idk im so picky i do not watch 99% of anime that comes out and everything i watch right now is over ten years old
TLDR : i dont like it. used to be good. will probably get better.  
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
Always Be You
Idol: Yoojung (Weki Meki)
Prompt: yoojung being a geeky nerd and nerding out to fem reader that she’s dating and then getting flustered and embarrassed cos she knows she gets carried away sometimes and ppl tease her for being a nerd but reader thinks it’s adorable and loves yoojung for it
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Guys, we’re finally getting another mini album from Weki Meki! I’m so excited that it’s not another digital single! I’m about to drop all of my money to support them, because they deserve the world (as well as a full album and proper promotion come on Fantagio). Anyway, this ended up being pretty short but I hope you all enjoy!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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If you were honest, you didn’t know much about Yoojung’s passions when the two of you first started dating. Sure, you’d known that she loved comics, manga, anime, and anything in-between, as well as loving learning, but you hadn’t known anything about them. Now, though, you could probably beat actual fans with your knowledge. After so many convensions and late night conversations over the last few years, you’d learned plenty about all of her favorite things. You’d never expected that you would fall in love with zombie video games or that you would ever learn to cosplay, but Yoojung had introduced them to you with such a smile that you had to try them. And you really wouldn’t have it any other way. Not when sharing her interests with you made her so happy.
“There’s this anime that I just started watching, and it’s so good!” Yoojung gestured with her hands, a bit smile on her face as she sat across from you at the table. The two of you were having a late dinner at your house after spending the day out together, and you couldn’t help smiling as you nodded your head, listening to her intently. She somehow still had so much energy in her.
“Really? What’s it called?”
“It’s Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! I seriously don’t know why I didn’t watch it sooner, because it’s so good. Both the characters and the story are super unique, I haven’t watched anything else like it! It’s about animation and from everything I’ve seen about animation it’s pretty spot on, even if it is set in a different world. Seriously, you should watch it with me, they blur the line between reality and their imagination and the scenes are so pretty, it makes me want to animate too.” Her face was bright and her passion while describing the show actually made you interested. She always made her favorite things sound awesome, even if you wouldn’t usually choose watch it on your own.
“It sounds really interesting. Is it about adults?”
“No, it’s about these high school girls who make their own animation club. Oh! And the anime makes a lot of references to other anime or to popular images, it’s really cool, kind of like the anime about the bookseller that I showed you. The world is so pretty though, hang on, let me show you a photo. It’s so well thought out and I bet it took the animators forever to animate. I think I want to cosplay one of the characters for this year’s comic con! It wouldn’t take much, especially since they just wear a school uniform. I could reuse one of my old wigs, it just needs to be cut again. It would be easier than trying to cosplay Spider-Gwen like I was going to. Although I’m not sure if you would want to cosplay the characters with me....” She trailed off, looking at her phone as her face fell and her cheeks grew red. She slowly put the phone down onto the table. “Sorry, I’m nerding out again.”
Your spirits fell immediately as you saw how self conscious she got. You knew that she had been teased in the past, and it made you feel terrible. Especially since you loved this nerdy part of her so much. “Hey, that’s okay,” you said, reaching over the table to grab her hand. “I like listening to you talk about the things you love. You’re so excited that it gets me excited too!”
She looked up at you, her eyes widening and a small smile slipping back to her lips. “Really? It doesn’t annoy you when I ramble like this?”
“It never has,” you assured her, giving her hand a squeeze. “I love this part of you. I think it’s really cute and endearing. Plus, how else would I find cool anime to watch? You’ve introduced me to a lot of great things that I would have never checked out on my own, and I’m thankful for that. So never worry about being too nerdy around me. I want to hear about all of your passions!”
She immediately brightened up, laughing softly and tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. “That makes me really happy to hear. I’m really glad you don’t think I’m annoying, because you’re the one person who’s opinion I value a lot.” She paused for a moment, then grinned. “I love you, (Y/N).”
Your heart swelled with affection as you let go of her hand to stand from the table and walk around to her side, then leaned down to give her a quick kiss. You hoped she knew that she could always be herself around you, no matter what. “I love you too, Yoojung. Now, should we watch that anime while we eat dessert? I want to see the world you’re so excited about.”
“Let’s do that! Dibs on the chocolate ice cream!”
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fandom-artworks · 4 years
My 2020 Winter Anime
2020 Winter anime I have watch and my ratings.
My Personal Top 10
1. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! - Rating: 10/10 (Must watch)
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An anime on how to make an anime, I didn’t expect this to be so good. but it is one of the best animes I have watched this season. I takes a different path from other similar anime and shows the various way anime is done and it unleash the creativity and imagination of the artists. It also shows how money is needed and used to fund the anime which most anime would never dare talk about.
2. Somali and the Forest Spirit - Rating: 10/10 (Must watch)
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This is a fantastic fantasy anime. Most anime where an adult has to take care of a girl ends up being a little creepy later on in the series. But in this anime Golem only has a year and few months to live, so he will do whatever it takes to bring Somali to humans and also tries to make her happy as much as he can. 
3. Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Rating: 9/10 (Strongly recommended)
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Just when Iruma though his luck could not get worst, his parents sold him to the devil and he gets taken to the demon world. However things didn’t not turn out to be the Hell he was expected. This goodest boy get all the good things he deserve. Good friends, a family, a fun school and crushes from various girls. But also he might become the next demon king. 
4. Id:Invaded - Rating: 9/10 (Strongly recommended)
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A computer system is development that allows humans to enter the mind of a criminal. Akihito Narihisago (Sakaido) enter this place that is made by the criminal ID well. While Koharu Hondoumachi is task to find the criminal in the real world. This is interesting detective psychological mystery. 
5. My Hero Academia Season 4 - Rating: 9/10 (Strongly recommended)
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MHA continues with a school festival. A new villain attempt to hijack the event for his own purpose. Not really a big fan of the school festival trope. But the first half where they save Eri-chan from Overhaul was great and the ending where Endeavor has to prove to everyone he is worth being the number one hero is awesome as well.
6. Koisuru Asteroid - Rating 8/10 (Recommended) 
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Moe anime meets science. Nice slice of life story about two girls trying to find an asteroid and name it. They are joined by various friends with other science related interest. 
7. Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - Rating 8/10 (Recommended) 
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Nene Yashiro attemps to summon Hanako-kun only to find out he is a boy and also end up becoming his assistance and bound to him. This anime has lot of ship teasing and supernatural elements. She takes on the ‘Seven wonder’s of her school all which are supernatural entity with bad intention due to bad rumours. So she tries to take away those rumours and create good ones to help the various sprits. But someone doesn’t want them to have a happy ending.
8. Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Rating 8/10 (Recommended) 
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This comedy features anthropomorphic animals in a human settings, only there are not much humans left. The only human guy hates animals and hates the school. but finds a human girl. However an wolf comes along to take over his life by forcing him to join her pack. Lots of comedy and funny scenes. but do know there are quite a few ecchi scenes.
9. BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
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An isekai anime but they can log out. A girl who focus her skill points on defends end up becoming a unbeatable opponent in a virtual online game. Some funny scenes and I like her turtle.
10. Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
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An side story of PMMM which is also based on the mobile game. PMMM is one of my top anime of all time. However Magia Record doesn’t have the same thing going on. The story introduce uwasa or rumors which are based on legends or stories. They also introduce a magical girl’s doppel where the girl use her materialization of despair (which usually turn them to a witch) to fight enemies. But the fact remain that Kyubey caused this remains. 
Other anime I have watch this season.
Heya Camp - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
Yuru Camp continues with a short series where the girls go on a stamp rally to various parks. 
Nekopara - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
Based on a visual novel, a world where cat girls exist. A man take care of his two cat girls as they assist with his cake and pastry shop. The girls found and take home a young homeless cat girl. Now they have to teach her to be a proper cat girl. Be warn of some ecchi scenes.
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
Two scientist fall in love but first they have to prove love exist because they are stupid. No really, they make actual scientist look bad. But there’s lots of funny moments.
Natsunagu! - Rating 7/10 (Somewhat recommended)
This is a short anime where a girl tries to find a fiend she met online after she hears the place her friend lived in was hit by an earthquake. Kinda nice story even though it was short.
In/Spectre  - Rating 6/10 (Slightly recommended)
Kotoko Iwanaga sacrifice one of her eye and leg to become goddess of wisdom and take care of issues that sprits or youkai has. But they spend a really long time trying to fight of a ghost know as the steel beam lady that was artificial created due to rumours and the internet. Personally, if anyone thinks it’s easy to create a rumour on the internet about a ghost, please be my guest. They also defeat the sprit by using lies not caring about how it would affect actual people who exist. This story fails on various details but I guess it’s still okay to watch.
Darwin's Game - Rating 5/10 (Average)
An battle royal like anime where people who join an app are given various power to help the fight each another. Not a big fan of this as the plot is pretty generic for a battle royal type anime.
Infinite Dendrogram - Rating 3/10 (Quite bad)
An isekai anime but they can log out. But like super generic and basic. Boring battles and useless plot. Hey the NPC seem so real and something is wrong, like there is a big conspiracy. I can’t recommend this unless you have to watch every isekai anime.
Ishuzoku Reviewers - Rating 2/10 (Bad)
If this anime is for ‘Man of Culture’ boy I am glad to be an uncultured swine. Just make it an hentai! why bother? They go around and have sex with different species. That’s is like a guy in our world going to different countries and having sex with different races and making a feedback on those experience. Just call yourself a racist and go home. Honestly some of the scenes are disgusting and gross. I understand people have fetishes but this anime takes that to a level never seen before. 
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ouranimeyeah · 5 years
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Getting started!
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This episode is emblematic of how you build the quality of a show over the course of its run. Our episode starts off with the girls meeting up at school the next day. Mizusaki is coming out of the sewer which grabs me immediately because I'm wondering how the fuck she got into the sewer, then its explained that our girls Asakusa and Kanamori showed her the a secret pathway to get to school between then and the first episode. Then we go to the scene where all three are going to the club comitee. Over the course of this episode what it does immaculately is highlight the chemistry between the characters and show how Kanamori is such a god damn fucking good producer almost naturally (this idea continues into the next episode). The fact that Asakusa is a little nervous about the creation of the club and how Kanamori is willing to go to the extreme, like trying to bribe or attack the club comitee director just cracked a smile on my face. Mizusaki in this situation manages to get the two to somewhat come to an agreement and they talk to the director and express to him about how they want to make a club where they do animation but in the end they have to lie to convince him that they are making a film club. There was this funny scene where this guy shows up whose another club coordinator and he request to be their club manager and that ultimately gives them the okay. Fast forward and we get to the building where their animation studio takes place and they have to in essence repair the place and find a way to make money. Asakusa and Mizusaki go on a imaginative adventure talking about how they will design the place and it goes off the rails as you would expect it to go given Asakusa's obsession with concocting inventions. She imagines a personal flying machine and one amazing detail I love about this show and Asakusa's character is how much emphasis is put on the internal practicality of each device. Because it functions like a personal helicopter Kanamori brought up how if she tried to fly with it it would not work because it would make her spin super fast in one direction and so to offset this she implemented an element of the device that would rotate in the opposite direction. In her excitement however Asakusa falls over off the balcony and what is hilarious about this is how Kanamori is right there to capitalize off it it by selling it to a channel that hosts the most shocking videos! She explains how she dosen t even have to promote it cause there are middlemen to do that. This comes back a little later when they mention it to the counselor without telling him about the part where they posted the footage for sale, and their club counselor mentions how that may reflect poorly on the school and this is just hilarious because their reactions to this was absolutely to die for!
This show has so many scenes throughout the course of its episodes that I can do an entire detailed post just about a single scene. Like the one scene where Asakusa accidentally reveals to another club counselor about them making anime and how Kanamori just sorta steps in and literally threatens the guy by saying that she will go to the P.T.A. And Board of Education because of how the fact that the existence of an anime research club stipend the creation of their club! Just so hilarious because I could never imagine a student actually doing that but Kanamori is so determined to get her bag that she dosen t give a single fuck! And so the counselor guy reveals to them the animation room and this is where the episode just fucking grabbed me and made me tear up slightly. When they went into the room with the gear it reminded me of my first animation class in college, Language of Animation. They show one of the massive devices used to create multiplane camera effects and panning shots present in old animation. The fact that they saw an incomplete inaccurate animation and decided to correct it and right in that moment realized the full difficulty of doing animation on paper. From the fact that the oils on your hand curls the paper to the fact that the smearing of the pencil can make the experience annoying. From there they talk about varying different drawing principles and engineering principles that can be implementing to making the wheel animation make sense. These things range from using the understanding Mizusaki has of how the face looks when turned at a certain angle to understand how the wheel, a circular figure, should look was just genius. Asakusa then adds the important element of including abstracted wind or dabree to sell the idea that there is actual wind blowing through it. As always however the episode quickly moves into the imagination of our characters as they formulate an entire world centered around this windmill!
This episode really explores some basic principles of animation when it comes to elements of exaggeration. I loved interactions between the characters and how each of them have a chemistry that sells how much they need each other. The ending where Kanamori actually manages to sell the footage to get money for their club is complete comedy genius is as we will see in the next episode and hopefully episode 4, comedy is one of the strongest elements of this anime.
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realanimeguru · 5 years
Heyyy could you recommend any good high school setting anime∩^ω^∩
.....BRUH... high school anime is half of all anime!! XD nevertheless i will do it. i’m gonna categorize again since high school settings are so broad. i’m also gonna try to avoid the most obvious ones and go for lowkey titles instead, so, i’m only reccing titles with under 200k members (listed on MAL.)
Comedy:Silver Spoon (from the author of Fullmetal Alchemist. a kid who moves to the countryside to do and learn farm stuff, really does not know how to do or learn farm stuff)Asobi Asobase (might seem like a moe “cute girls doing cute things” show, but the girls are genuinely funny and expressive. the true mark of comedy is ugly faces)SKET Dance (a gag comedy. some would call it high school Gintama, which it actually had a crossover with once) Handa-Kun (a prequel to Barakamon, but isn’t necessary to watch both. a look into the main character of Barakamon’s high school days)O Maidens in Your Savage Season (a non-explicit sex comedy. an embarrassing but relatable coming of age story) Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (a very quirky group of girls aspire to be animators. you’ve probably seen the opening meme’d a time or two) High Score Girl (a gamer romcom set in the 90s with real 90s video games. recommended especially if you’re interested in that)Please Take My Brother Away (a personal fav...! a real depiction of sibling relationships. the brother looks like a cool guy but he’s a grade A dumbass) You and Me. (also fond of this one. a calm, soothing comedy. not laugh out loud hysterical, just comfy and cute)School Babysitters (also comfy and cute. about babysitter boys)Cromartie High School (an absurdist gag comedy. very bizarre)Hidamari Sketch (also comfy and cute. girls go to an art school)Wasteful Days of a High School Girl (similar to Daily Lives of High School Boys but with an all female cast. i like the short-haired girl who is definitely a lesbian) Princess Princess (a guy transfers to an all guys school, who turn the prettiest first years into “princesses.” a kind of slow comedy but i’m also fond of this one) Drama: The Anthem of the Heart (a movie. from the staff who did Anohana. a girl cursed so she can’t speak finds out she can still sing.)Bloom Into You (shoujo-ai. has a melancholic tone. a girl who believes she can’t fall in love with anyone and a girl who is deeply in love with her)Smile Down the Runway (a poor designer boy and a model girl too short to be a model try to follow their passions in an industry that doesn’t want them) Sounds of Life (dramrom in a Koto club. i get the feeling that it’s similar to Chihayafuru, but with more music) His and Her Circumstances (dramromcom. honestly wasn’t sure whether to put this in comedy or not, but it has enough drama to be put here. enemies to friends to lovers)Electromagnetic Girlfriend (2 episode OVA, eps are 40 minutes long. a mystery thriller about a guy who suspects the girl who has a crush on him of murder)Classmates (shounen ai. movie. a sweet, quiet, slice of life.)Hana yori Dango (a 90s dramrom. lots of love triangle drama, if you’re into that)
Sports:Welcome to the Ballroom (a dramromcom dancing anime. by Production IG, who did Haikyuu!!)Aoharu x Machinegun (airsoft gun competitions. like Ouran High School Host Club but with weapons. this one’ll be a hit or miss with some but i liked it. the main girl has rabies)Ace of the Diamond (honestly really surprised this was under 200k! Sawamura is a baseball boy who likes shoujo manga and he is made of love.)Stars Align (a tennis anime. i’m plugging this again because i really want more people to watch it) Big Windup! (not surprised this was under 200k at all. REALLY deserves more attention. also about baseball. has really good character writing)Tsurune (archery anime. one of the gayer ones (episode 10 fuckin wrecked my ass.) made by KyoAni, who did Free!)The Prince of Tennis (tennis! also one of the gayer ones. a lot more popular in Japan. got No. 32 on the official NHK top 100 most popular anime in 2017)Baby Steps (also tennis! but far straighter! has a good, genuine romantic subplot)Cross Game (baseball. a pitching girl and a batting boy rivalry romance)Yowamushi Pedal (bicycle racing. an otaku joins a biking club on the condition that if helps them win then they’ll join his own dying anime club)
Fantasy/Supernatural/ECT:Beastars (i’m gonna count this as fantasy since the characters aren’t human. basically zootopia but SERIOUS and darker.)Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (i am HIGHLY recommending this one. especially the manga but the anime works too. about a girl who becomes a ghost’s assistant. it’s a very good supernatural romance)Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (about a human who goes to a demon school and is terrified but ends up becoming friends with all the scary demons. it’s spoopy!) Kimagure Orange☆Road (an 80s anime. a guy with an esper family and love triangle drama)Iroduku: The World in Colors (a depressed girl sees the world in black and white, gets yeeted back in time, and can suddenly see every color at it’s brightest. it does bank on that, the color design is really pretty) Revolutionary Girl Utena (ALSO very surprised this was under 200k. Utena is a classic? oh well. magical lesbians. got No. 30 on NHK’s top 100 list)Ghost Stories (you literally have to watch the dub for maximum enjoyment. has some very very raunchy humor though. about kids fighting ghosts)Boarding School Juliet (i decided to throw this in this category since it has a fictional setting in a fictional country. it’s high school romcom romeo and juilet)
if i did this right then there should be a TON of anime you’ve never heard of before. i went for a hidden gem set of recommendations. XD ...by the way, i genuinely hope you’re doing okay with this virus going around. may you have plenty of toilet paper
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Uchitama 7 - 8 | Eizouken 8 - 9 | ID: INVADED 8 - 11 | Iruma-kun 22 - 23 (FINAL) | BnHA 82 - 83
Uchitama 7
Lemme guess…this is the ve-Yep.
The name of this segment is Ottamake. The ke means fur/hair, but it does seem like it’s referring to Tama otherwise.
For some reason, Bull’s really into cats…
LOL, you can see the cat food right there is a real brand. I dunno how they got away with that.
Hmm, this show has something to say about idol business…and it does it better than some of the human idol shows! That says something.
It even comments on the “graduation” system. Whaddaya know.
Welp, I never thought an anime could pull off this with a commentary on gender presentation, to boot. (It’s not as pervasive as Stars Align’s, but it’s still one of the better ones. I guess I shouldn’t expect it as a norm though.) I thought Kai was a dude though and so Bull’s interactions came off to me as massively gay. I’ve been thinking, maybe he’s pan? Can dogs be pansexual???
Why do I get the feeling Kai is going to be introduced into 3-chome? Update: Doesn’t happen.
This song sounds very idol-like.
Uchitama 8
Aww…I feel like we’re going to learn Nora’s backstory soon. I think it’s going to be real sad.
…Yup, there goes my kokoro. Smol Nora is cute~!
Genki can mean “healthy” as well as “energetic” – the latter is why it’s translated as “spunky”.
Why do I get the feeling Nora’s owner died…?
Oh, smol Nora has a bandaid on his leg.
Let me ask the essential furry question – they hav human ears and animal ears. Which of those sets of ears do they hear with?
Yuuki Kaji does a good job as Nora.
This song’s so sad, it almost got me crying…  
Eizouken 8
This anime is like something from Studio Trigger!
The magic of Eizouken is that you get sucked into the anime they make and never look back.
Tomodachi vs. nakama, I think it is.
Id: Invaded 8
Lately, I’ve been thinking about practical cosplay (everyday wear that also doubles as a cosplay outfit). So basically, I’ve been thinking about Sakaido and El-Melloi II’s outfits a lot, since they’re rather practical while still looking cool. All I’m missing for El-Melloi’s outfit with the red jacket is a black button-up shirt, for El-Melloi’s outfit with the black jacket I’m missing a red scarf and I’m missing a brown button-up shirt for Sakaido’s (although the yellow scarf I got today to get one step closer to two of those isn’t the right mustard colour, it’s more of a lighter yellow).
Also, I noticed it’s (according to the katakana) meant to be “Id: Invaded”, but heck, it’s been ID: Invaded for so long for me, I don’t care either way.
Kiki was born in Fukui.
I always thought Mister Fixer sounded sad and now I think I know why…the bit I remember the most (the line that goes “Mister Fixer” and the bit around it) sounds like the singer is lamenting their life. Now that I see the visuals again after a few weeks (I’d get fatigued if I watched all that Fate/ and still managed to keep up with simulcasts, so I’ve been taking the simulcasts in a few eps at one time), Mister Fixer does quite sound like a crime drama song, but not as much as Thought I Knew (from Stand My Heroes).
I’ve seen images of Anaido and Sakaido in the same well for a few weeks now, so this cooperation bit is no surprise at all.
I believe Fukuda is asking why Narihisago is a –san to her even though they’ve worked together a while.
The words “data profile” are in one corner of the titlecard.
Does Anaido remember who he is in the ID Well? I presume not, but it’s hard to tell since we haven’t had as much time with him as we have Sakaido (not to mention I’ve been regularly filling my head with Fate/ and other things as well lately…so it’s hard to remember).
It’s interesting. Fukuda has the same piercings as Anaido (and even a ring on one pointer finger that matches them!), so he must’ve tried experimenting with…more legal holes, to put it one way…before getting his most iconic one.
Kaeru’s nails are chipped. Hmm.
In #Brake-Broken, which I read the first chapter of earlier (there’s a sample on the Young Ace website), Sakaido notices he doesn’t have a phone with him to call anyone or a licence (because in that manga, he wakes up in a car). It’s likely this will work the same way and Anaido won’t have any possessions on him, aside from the clothes on his back, accessories and the item that was stolen from his wrist/s.
Rings on both fingers…so I should be talking about them in plural. Update: I like how Anaido’s off-the-wall thought processes break up the inherent seriousness of Sakaido’s deductions and utilitarian way of doing things.
Anaido, you grimdark f***er. Update: For trying to eat a dead girl.
Okay, so for the sake of my practical cosplay, I knew I’d need this episode. Sakaido wears a long-sleeve brown shirt with some kind of shirt under that (either brown or black), plus a mustard-coloured scarf. (Note El-Melloi II wears a black shirt under his black button-up shirt, so I went with black as well.) In Brake Broken, I also noticed he wears dark socks (or that could be the leggings) and runners with a lightning bolt on them (I had to make do with generic black runners with a white stripe on the bottom), plus the iconic brown shorts over those (with a triangle pattern)…Why does Sakaido have a scarf anyway, versus Anaido and Miyo who don’t? As much as I like scarves, especially where colder weather is involved, getting a specific colour scarf was a bit of a headache to be honest, since I took 3 trips before deciding on the one I was going to buy (and even then, someone got it before me! The scarf I have now was my 2nd choice). Update: The shorts, leggings and undershirt are black, but I don’t know if Sakaido is wearing any socks or if they’re black too.
Just to note what Anaido has as well (although a coat like that, with the red detailing and flaps, would be hard to find…), he has a blue coat, suspenders, a white button-up top, a string tie (had to google what that was called, although its name is pretty obvious now that I know), black pants (which kinda look like leggings, but they’re not) and leather boots.
Now Sakaido can go into the loony bin…he’s talking to Kaeru.
Is Anaido going in circles? Sakaido caught up real fast…
Um, hey, protip: When stuck in quicksand, try to “float” on it. If you move, you’ll sink into it more. I don’t know how I know that, but I did stick it into my mind for times like this.
Notably, Anaido is about a head taller than Sakaido. Either Sakaido is unnaturally short and Anaido is average…or Anaido is just tall in that way some men are.
Did the bird get to this dude…?
There appears to be a man with a bun facing Hondomachi in the ED, although you can’t tell who it is from silhouette alone…Maybe he hasn’t appeared in the show yet. (Can’t be Matsuoka though. Might be the old guy who’s the head of Kura, actually.)
Update: Is the dead guy Momoki…?
Id: Invaded 9
It’s the familiar ceiling scene from Evangelion! (Okay, I’m kidding, but it’s a similar deal.)
I think the rules of Fate/ are “do it all, until you can no longer do it” (i.e. Everything is the same, until it’s different). It seems it’s the same here too.
Huh? Momoki?
“It doesn’t seem friendly.” – Yeah, and people die whe they are killed…in murder mysteries like this, usually speaking.
I noticed Narihisago’s tie is the same colour as his Sakaido jacket, if not the shirt under that.
Where did the Challenger’s clothes go after he took them off??? Hyperspace??? He wasn’t shown tossing them.
So Kaeru was Asukai all along, huh?
“Look at this.”
“It makes me think about him.” Subbers, that’s two mistakes in less than 1 minute…
I saw a fanart where Narihisago had his arm broken. I didn’t know why, but now I do. Also, TV Tropes is bad if you want to avoid spoilers…I know that already, but I go there anyway sometimes...
“It makes me wanna puke.”
Iruma-kun 22
The anime’s final episode is next week…but there’s already a season 2 in store for next year, so hopefully I survive the coronavirus and sort out all my issues this year in time for it.
Dat OP though. I’ve grown used to it and it’s actually endeared itself to me…which is odd, since I didn’t think I’d like it at first.
Demdol = akudol. Obviously, from “demon”.
Was that…Clara’s mother???  Kuromu’s older bro doesn’t look too bad, either.
Ohmygosh, this is fabulousssssssssss (and hilarious)! I’ve been waiting for this moment for many episodes, as you can tell if you’ve been following along, and I finally got the payoff!
Clara ends her sentence with –akuma (devil), hence the translation is matching it the same way.
Oh my gosh, Ryouhei Kimura (Azz-kun) sucks at being feminine, but that’s exactly what the role requires for this!
If you just pretend Azz-kun isn’t dressed in such an outlandish outfit, he looks really good…! Ayumu Murase does a pretty good falsetto, although you can tell there’s one point where Kimura’s voice gets really manly-sounding for a lady.
“Little imp” – Koakuma.  
Oh! The Keroli family is all cute.
Ooh, Kuromu’s nails are blue. Never noticed that before.
Eizouken 9
Chojugiga are ancient pictures normally depicting animals. As for sepak takraw…
I wonder if Eizouken will tackle the Manabi Line one day…?
That’s a parallel for Comiket, LOL.
“A colossus that no one can see!” – Gridman, is that you?
When did Kanamori meet Asakusa again…?
Kanamori with a bun is cool.
“There is nothing fun about social media!” – Well, social media is fun for me because it’s where I escape reality, but sometimes you gotta be like Kanamori and use it for publicity’s sake.
LOL, the username for the Eizouken is @eizoukenn.
I just realised Mizusaki’s hairstyle is irregular…it’s much longer on on side than the other.
“Mizusaki bump” – I think this references the Colbert bump. (TV Tropes link)
Kanamori – she with the word “gold”…or “money”…in her name – struggles with maths? Wow, that was something to hear. (I guess it’s kinda like me and IT (cybersecurity) – I suck at it because I suck at modulos…or division in short…and even though I can be found on my computer a lot, that’s why I don’t pursue it any longer. I was decent at accounting, but man, I’d be bored out of my brain if you made me do business IT and I have zero skills in games and multimedia.)
“Was it thuggery?” – What’s thuggery? That word sounds funny.
Did you see how Asakusa fell off the tank?
I did CR’s Eizouken quiz sometime in the past and it gave me Asakusa. That’s true, basically. I like thinking up ideas and how cool they are, but because I can’t stop from elaborating on them, they get out of hand and that’s why I have a tonne of dropped projects. (Then again, with how freely I can imagine motion, I could’ve gotten Mizusaki too.) Update: Tried again and I actually did get Mizusaki…whaddaya know.
Id: Invaded 10
People have been comparing this to Minority Report…now I see why.
I almost feel like this is a discussion of euthanasia and suicide as much as it is memory and the consciousness.
Ohh…she remembers! Hondomachi!
You can’t see Muku’s face! Ohh, scary!
Aww, the music really sold this montage. By the way, that sign didn’t say “entrance ceremony”, it said nyuugaku omedetou, “Congratulations on your entry [into school]”.
It…this singer almost sounds like Bruno Mars, but that would be basically impossible, no?
Oh my gosh…when the song swelled, I absolutely cried. That’s rare, man – that’s rare.
BnHA 82
I think the leftmost figure might be Miruko, the rabbit lady. I’ve never read anything about her outside of wiki pages ad other small spoilers, but I roughly know what she looks like.
What does Gentle mean by “Anglaise”? Surely it wouldn’t refer to cream…(crème anglaise)
LOL, Disneyland parades…
Whew…that was dangerous. I almost agreed with Mineta there (to get the festival over and done with).
I swear Midoriya gets together with All Might, just like this, at the end or start of a climactic arc. He did it in the last season of BnHA, remember?
BnHA 83
Hmm…It’s interesting that the author likes to point out who has and hasn’t met Eri. Then again, it’s good for consistency.
LOL, Amajiki my boy…you’re so relatable.
Hmm…amidst the coronavirus concerns…this cancellation business seems quite timely.
Oh! It’s a drone.
For some reason, I thought Sero was drinking vegetable juice…? Eh, no matter. They have vegetable juice in Japan – I remember seeing some on my trip.
Hmm? Gentle is like a phantom thief, I just realised. Mostly harmless, but bound to cause a big stir if he gets his way.
What is Gentle’s Quirk, anyway…?
Work Son…LOL(…?)
Who bets their moustache on this stuff, anyway…? (LOL)
Iruma 23 (FINAL)
I don’t get to see Iruma become evil this season…but he will next season! That visual I’ve been seeing by the original mangaka confirms it!
Marathon - the demon puns are back.
Demonicon =Oricon chart.
Demon Star Platinum…was that…a Jojo’s reference?! *scare chord*
Oh! Maguro (tuna).
Azz-kun being afraid of fish? That’s news to me.
Okay, subbers. Whose idea was it to translate Iruma’s words as “My feels…”…?
There’s a post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Yay! Evil Iruma-kun!...In spring 2021. (I’ve never once been so excited for a character to turn evil than this! I also like how evil Iruma said it’s the “buttcrack” of dawn…but that’s just my immature side showing.)
Id: Invaded 11
“…being taken for a ride!” – Well, you’re in a car, so you’re getting a ride nonetheless. (LOL) I hadn’t heard of the term “being taken for a ride” until…what? 2016, I think? When I was still doing language anaylsis.
Sakaido used Headbutt! It’s…kind of effective? (Writing up these pseudo-Pokémon battles is fun. I should write more.)
“…put a drill to your head…”
“The victims of John Walker’s serial killers…”
I noticed Hondomachi is touching the side of her head which had the hole in it…if I remembered it right.
Is it “the Kura”? Or just Kura?
August 15th is a popular date for anime, huh? It’s in the middle of summer. (Refers to Kagerou Project.)
That ‘who knew you needed to lose something to be complete’ thing…I think I get it, but for some reason I only ever seem to get that feeling when it’s me trying to read asexuality into things (since that’s how I learnt to interpret asexuality), so…yeah, way to go, me.
Wait…Togo visited Momoki’s bedroom?!
Yep, so I was right about that being the side with Hondomachi’s hole.
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hermanwatts · 4 years
SUPERVERSIVE: “Somali and the Forest Spirit” is the Hidden Gem of Winter 2020
This Winter 2020 anime season was interesting. It had “ID: Invaded”, which was a kind of goofy sci-fi thriller I couldn’t really get into, a cute-girl-doing-MMO-things show called “BOFURI” that I followed for a few episodes and was all right, a very slow supernatural mystery in “In/Spectre” that I kind of liked in spite of myself, and the two best shows of the season, “Keep Your Hands off of Eizouken!” and “Somali and the Forest Spirit”.
Okay, there IS “Dorohedro”, which I am reliably told is the ACTUAL best show of the season. But I haven’t watched it yet. Anyway this show is about a hidden gem, not a consensus favorite.
Of the two shows mentioned above, “Eizouken”, a show about high school girls who decide to make anime, easily got the most hype, and why shouldn’t it? It had brilliant production values, a big name director attached, and characters who were a blast to watch.
But despite its deserved critical reputation, despite all of the things it does well, there is a better non-“Dorohedro” show, and that show is “Somali and the Forest Spirit”.
The premise of “Somali and the Forest Spirit” is simple: In a post-apocalyptic world where humans are nearly extinct and monsters rule, a guardian of the forest known as a Golem meets a little girl. The little girl, known as Somali, promptly dubs the Golem her father, and a relationship is born. Our story starts when Golem and Somali set off on a journey to find fellow humans.
“Somali and the Forest Spirit” is not a particularly original show, or even a particularly deep one. Stories exploring the bond between father and daughter have been done before and will be done again. “Somali and the Forest Spirit” sets itself apart for two reasons: Worldbuilding and execution.
I have to admit, I’m a little tired of “Humans are evil so it’s okay for monsters to kill them” stories (what I call “bargain bin Miyazaki”), but the world of “Somali and the Forest Spirit” is so rich and beautiful it’s hard for me to fault it. More importantly, as the story progresses it becomes more and more obvious that the monsters are lying and they are much more guilty of atrocities themselves then they’d prefer to admit.
This is one of the LESS interesting backgrounds
The visuals of “Somali and the Forest Spirit” are nothing short of a wonder. The animation is passably average, but it is undoubtedly one of the best-looking, most visually inventive shows I have ever seen. The use of colors in its backgrounds is brilliant, and there are dozens of unique and creative monster designs. “Somali and the Forest Spirit” is worth watching for that reason alone.
As I said, the second way “Somali and the Forest Spirit” sets itself apart is the execution. “Somali” sets up a question for itself: Golem is going to die soon. What will he do about it?
There’s a lot of potential for heartbreak here, and “Somali and the Forest Spirit” takes advantage. And yet, I don’t think the show is emotionally manipulative. These are real questions Golem has to grapple with, and grapple he does, coming to grips with his growing realization that he’s more than just Somali’s guardian, he’s her father, and that’s a two way relationship.
The show has a pretty good dub, but despite my (apparently unusual) fondness for dubs I’m going to recommend the sub for once. This is because the Japanese voice of Somali is exceptional: She sounds like a real little girl, but manages to hit every emotional beat with aplomb. She’s one of the reasons the show is able to execute its most serious scenes as effectively as it does.
The manga is still ongoing and hasn’t updated itself in a long time, and interestingly enough, the anime actually caught up to it. With the story incomplete, there were two options available: End it where the manga did and leave the story incomplete (who knows how long it’ll take until enough material is created for a season 2, if ever), or come up with an anime original ending, a tremendously difficult thing to execute.
“Somali” ultimately decided to go for broke, and guys, that is the reason I decided to write this article on the day the episode aired and delay my Pokémon retrospective: It is the final episode of the show that convinced me it was going to be one of the best shows of the year no matter what else comes out.
The final episode of “Somali and the Forest Spirit”, particularly the anime-original material, is quite simply some of the finest anime I have seen since I started watching it regularly. The last scene of the show is, in a word, perfect. It is perfectly written, perfectly acted, beautiful to look at, and pays off every single ounce of investment viewers had in the characters up to that point. I won’t promise tears (and really, why would you want to), but I will promise that if you have any fondness at all for Somali and the Golem at that point, the ending will move you.
And that none of this material appeared in the manga is beyond impressive.
So watch the show. It hasn’t gotten a lot of buzz from fans, it hasn’t gotten a lot of attention from critics, and I can’t promise that it’s going to please everyone considering how slow moving and character driven it is.
But I will promise that if this sounds like the sort of show you would like it will end up being one of the most rewarding viewing experiences of the year – and I’ll make that promise right now, before the spring season even starts.
Highly recommended.
SUPERVERSIVE: “Somali and the Forest Spirit” is the Hidden Gem of Winter 2020 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
0 notes
Iruma-kun 13 - 14 | Somali 1 | Magia Record 1 | BnHA 75 | Eizouken 1 | Idolish7 s2 1
New season...incoming!
Iruma-kun 13
How did Iruma even notice that collar? Geesh, that kid is perceptive…
This “spitting blood” joke is getting old already…
*Kiriwo starts his machine* - Why do I get the feeling something bad’s about to happen…?
Could you possibly call this “rank is the most important thing” a study of class consciousness, to throw some of Anime Feminist’s words? Or maybe this is a fantasy version of technology and it’s extolling the virtues of technology advancement?! *eyes sparkle*
Can Iruma join Kiriwo already? Please?!
Aw, dear darling! (<- I’m not sure if I’ve said that a lot in these notes, but I say that when I get the warm fuzzies and wanna protect a character…basically, platonic love, I guess…? Oh, “moe instinct” - that’s the words I’m looking for.) Iruma, go and live your best life, okay?
Thank you, story! Even though I knew it was being foreshadowed so heavily by being the focus of basically 24 minutes of this show’s runtime (= about 1 ep), I thank you from the bottom of my heart that Iruma went to the right Battler.
Wait, so Ameri is actually Iruma’s senpai by one year?! Hmm? I never realised that and I read some spoilers!
I like this new chibi animation style! Yay!
I never noticed this until now, but Kiriwo has one big horn and one little one.
I think the title, aside from the pronunciation of “Thirteen Dinner”, is meant to mean “The Thirteen Counts’ Gathering” (or some other high rank) or something of the sort. Update: So I checked and the character used, kanmuri/kan, is used to mean “crown” or someone who wears a crown, i.e. a peerless person, so it would be appropriate to translate that using the term for a high rank which is presumably going to be stated in the segment itself.
Turns out Babel…is just makaitou (the demon world tower). I don’t think it’s really Babylonian in any strict sense.
Depending on where you live, the 665th floor could count as the 666th or…well, the 665th. I know in Japanese, the word for the floor on the ground is ikkai (first floor)…I’m not going to tell you what I know it as though…that would reveal my location outside cyberspace, no?
According to the katakana, the guy’s name is Beruzebyuto (hence the translation as “Beelzebuth”). Beelzebub is the Lord of the Flies and a quick google tells me Beelzebul (close enough) was apparently an alternate spelling for him (or something like that…?). Patron demon of gluttony.
Astaroth, also a demon (king of rot, I think it was from Blue Exorcist)…interestingly, Beelzebub, Lucifer and Astaroth make up an unholy trio and all of them were referred to by a dude called...Solomon (which does kinda sound like “Sullivan”, if you think about it). There’s the connection between these guys…I like his top, too.
Asmodeus, patron demon of lust. We already knew that demon was represented through Azz-Azz, but now you see a spoiler I’ve been hiding for a while – Azz’s mother.
Amaimon…uh, I don’t remember what kind of demon he is in the demonic canon but I know him from Blue Exorcist.
Ooh, Ameri’s father is smokin’ hot! (Dangit, I do not want DILFs…) Azazel, a fallen angel and apparently personification of uncleanliness(…?)
Belial and (Lady) Leviathan, which we already knew existed from initial namedrops.
Who’s Baal? Even I have no idea…Update: Apparently he’s a Middle Eastern equivalent to Zeus, which explains his thunder allegiance.
Paimon kinda looks like Chaika, LOL.
LOL, “lifehack” is certainly the right word for it, Sullivan.
LOL, Belial is so short!
Although it’s kind of awkward to not see Lady Levi take a position of power for herself, it’s nice to see she has spirit!
Aw, this is cute. In much the same way I wanted Iruma to join the magical apparatus Battler, I want Sullivan to be Demon King.
Is Opera perhaps related to Ameri somehow…?
Somali 1
I was hoping to get to Plunderer, but got carried away writing another post and then lost the ability to watch both episode 1 and 2 ahead of schedule. So Somali is the new start of the season, but the last relic of the fact Plunderer was meant to start my season (outside ID: Invaded’s advance premiere) is the visual I have for this season. (Oh yeah, one of the reasons I’m supporting this – aside from it being a mid-ranker on my hype list – is that I heard a French animator, a friend of Thomas Romain, is getting his big start here.)  
“Dad.” – Oh, f***. I have myself an Usagi Drop. I knew I was going to get something of the sort going into this show, but…Usagi Drop’s experiences (or rather, watching the anime knowing the manga has that ending) have left their mark. Not to mention Somali (as this girl will come to be known) has Latina eyes, which annoys me even more since I dropped that on the basis of being scarred by Usagi Drop.
I’m wondering what Crunchyroll was thinking when they decided to coproduce this – sure, it’s probably quite cute and wholesome, but I’m far from the target audience. Did they think, “Is this what Western audiences will like?” Sure, it would hit a niche that likes this surrogate father/daughter stuff, but I don’t think it’s for me (and I’ve been thinking that all through the OP). I’ll give it a bit more to wow me, but it’s doing pretty terrible so far (because note all other anime of this particular reputation I’m more on the “neutral” side than the “like” one). Somali’s voice is probably the biggest factor – it sounds like an adult woman’s voice got pitch-shifted to attempt to be a child, rather than an actual child.
How can this golem talk about sight when he doesn’t even have eyes??? (Kinda like Juzo from NGL.)
Alright, that’s it. I can see when you’re trying to bait me with supposedly “cute” children, show. You’re gone.
Okay, since I have time and the reviews say otherwise, I’m trying again. I don’t expect to be sold to this though…
Was it just me or was there a reduced frame rate when Somali’s cape was the only thing in the frame…?
For some reason the subbers put “Why?” when the word was actually “What?”, which is a bit silly to be honest with you. (Nande?/Doushite? vs. Nani?...it’s kind of similar-sounding, but the sound is distinctly different.)
Still dropping this show. I just have another episode to add to my list now.
Magia Record 1
I heard there’s no Urobutcher this time around, but the first time I encountered the Urobutcher (in ConRevo) he made a particularly weird-feeling (in the context of the show) episode, so…uh…let’s say the Urobutcher is only as good as the material he writes, and leave it at that. Anyways, this topped my list – even before ID: Invaded came to hunt down that top position – so this better be good.
Um, am I just imagining it, or is that Sayaka and Hitomi discussing magical girls (or Madoka?) over the top of Iroha (I know that’s her name already from the synopses floating around the ‘net) and her fellow magical girls fighting?
Letterboxing? Now there’s something I thought I’d never see in Madoka Magica, ever.
One of the books was on organic recipes.
The teacher talks a tad too fast – I can understand what she’s saying, but it’s like she operates on x1.5 speed compared to the x1 speed of everything else…
“Nakama – because we can do it” – I wonder if that will mean something later…? In Madoka Magica, strange details always mean something.
“The only good witch is a dead one!” “Speech is silver, silence is golden.”– The tiny English isn’t particularly subtle, is it?
Uwasa = rumour.
Takarazaki, huh? I’ll make a note of that.
Who’s Ui?
According to the credits, I assume the blue spear girl is Nanami Yachiyo.
This is a respectable re-entry into a universe which I left not too long ago (in 2017). I’m definitely going to be able to stick with it for a season or however long it lasts.
BnHA 75
All this talk about a database…reminds me of the Quirk I designed for the wiki (also called “Database”). I conceived it in 2015, but I don’t remember who was meant to use it before I retrofitted it to fit the BnHA universe. Update: Welp, I found the document. The superpower Database (which was retrofitted to be a Quirk) is for one Itsuki Hatano.
“One blow to the top of the head!”
Iruma-kun 14
(Note: Some notes may be missing because I was busy multitasking while watching this episode.)
Go, Iruma! Live your best life!
Note “speak of the devil” isn’t how it’s said in Japanese. It sounds something like “whisper a rumour and it will come back to you” based on what I heard Kiriwo say (since I heard the word uwasa in there). Update: Apparently the phrase is uwasa wo sureba… (if you spead a rumour…) and then you cut the saying off to finish the rest of the sentence, just like you would in English.
You can’t even see a substantial part of Iruma’s hair when that demon on the phone (<-I know who it is, because I read spoilers, but I’ll keep quiet on that front!) yells for the first time.  
Makura (demon pillow) has that demon pun going on.
Ooh, Kiriwo-senpai is actully kinda sexy with his hair up like that…not that I know the first thing about sex appeal…
So is the ED about the Battler Party, in a sense?
Eizouken 1
I picked this show up because of the rave reviews it was getting.
Very Future Boy Conan, that.
…what? That OP was trippy. Then again, I didn’t mind ConRevo and that was trippy…this negative feeling is probably because I don’t know much about Masaki Yuasa’s quirks, I guess.
Why do people not translate “Eizouken”???? It means “video research club”.
The back is a good spot to sit in a theatre for anime. Why do I know this? I sit in the back of my anime club all the time, that’s why!
“Are those MiBs?” – I laughed pretty hard at that one sentence.
Why does this strawberry milk seem to be a parallel to the milk Asakusa promised Kanamori? (P.S. Asakusa is in Tokyo, IIRC.) Update: Mizusaki means “on top of water” if I understood the kanji right and Kanamori, with the right combo of characters, can mean “forest of gold”...which makes a lot of sense, considering how gold is equated with wealth and currency. Also, here’s proof Asakusa is in Tokyo...not to mention it’s the place from Sarazanmai! Meanwhile, I was thinking there was some sort of anime-related significance to the name, but I was thinking of Asagaya.  Update 2: Mizusaki actually means “water peninsula”. Sorry, wrong saki.
I know there’s a chase scene at the end of this ep, thanks to reading reviews. I want to be wowed by it, which is why I’m (metaphorically) holding my breath.
I like how Asakusa and Mizusaki are bouncing around ideas. That really brings the process to life.
Long skirts and wind but no sexualisation. That’s a good sign!
Whoa, that scene with the comets was AWESOME! I want more!
Idolish7 s2 1
Back with some good boys one season too early…let’s have some fun while these simulcasters can get this stuff fast!
Oh no! (<- self-censored) Nagi’s stupid accent is back! *yells incoherently for a second*
I like the little sound effects that happened whe Nagi’s finger moved around (to suggest “magic”).
I think the joke was something to do with the word gera (?). I don’t quite get it myself.
Misuta- Shimooka, LOL. I love how this s2 isn’t doing any hand-holding, though! I half-expect a flashback to appear and it never does.
Yamato, how are you so-*crying and Yatta! can be heard in the background*Okay, nevvvvvvvvvver mind…
I remember mistakenly saying that Nishiyama was part of Idolish7 (since I looked through some of my old notes lately). Nishiyama is part of ZOOL, so now…I’m not wrong anymore…(That’s not quite relevant to the random announcement of Re:Vale showing up, but it’s on my mind now.)
Hmm…Yamato’s thoughts on Re:Vale…I’ll keep an eye on him.
I think people like Tamaki because he treats them like he would his little sister…a true gentleman. Or maybe that’s all in my head? I haven’t been in the fandom properly, y’know.
This switch to occasional chibi antics…I’m not sure I like it…
Ohmyglob! Another boy to add to my growing list of husbandos! *points at Yuki* I knew he existed, but I haven’t had a proper chance to have a reaction to him ever since I started really “having a thing” for long-haired guys.
Re:Vale are like a comic act (manzai).
Momo has pink nail polish…I just noticed. Update: It’s probably more red than pink.
“Chan-momo” appears to be a variety of modern slang similar to Pig Latin. Apparently Gen from Dr Stone uses it as well.
Yuki has these cute little diamond earrings and Momo has studs. I’ve also never noticed this until now. (I, myself, can’t wear anything past clip-ons because I have a genetic quirk that makes it annoying to get my ears pierced, called beta thalassemia, so I can only fangirl about other people’s earrings.)
What’s the FSC again…?
Kyu-to aidoru!
I think Momo and Yuki are going to reach out to Mitsuki and Tamaki (respectively) most this season…just a feeling, based on their dispositions. Tamaki and Yuki have similar faces, on top of that, so thank goodness we can tell them apart by hairstyle.
Yuki wears this steel blue shade of nail polish…ooh, also cute.
*Riku goes stiff-faced* - *audibly facepalms at Riku’s reaction*
Momo has a black and green earring set on one ear…huh.
Ooh, very nice. It’s a keeper.
Update: Apparently, you pronounce their name “Re:ba-re”, which is a bit different to what I was expecting (essentially “Re: veil”).
2 notes · View notes
Magia Record 4 | Uchitama 3 - 5 | Eizouken 5 | Iruma-kun 17 - 18 | BnHA 76 - 79 | ID: Invaded 5 - 7
Magia Record 4
There’s a fish behind Iroha. Also, I was confused about the ketchup cake thing Jenn mentiond in one of her posts until I saw it here.(On a related note, ketchup cake seems to really exist…but only in Canada.)
Ah! Tsuruno. I’ve heard of her from reading around about this mobage.
The coding of the episode went funny again…
I feel like despite this being everything Madoka was, this seems to have lost some of the charm somehow. I’ve been reading that others are having similar experiences, though. Update: I think I know why now…although there are magical girl events fuelling the entire thing, the show is currently more bent on being a CGDCT. That’s why I’m not so happy with it…I dunno about others, though.
I suspected Séance Shrine was Mizuna Shrine…I mean, it was right behind Iroha and co.
Who was that blonde girl…?
I thought I just saw face-stealing aliens swoop in (i.e. someone didn’t bother drawing in the girls’ faces). I thought that was just a Bones thing exclusive to BSD.
“Olibe oil” (sic). Also, there are creepy blue (green?) figures walking the aisles…
I notice Iroha needed an extra bounce to get over the gate.
What’s that orange marking on the girls’ faces…? Update: Reading the wiki reveals it’s the Witch’s Kiss, or something similar to it.
Uchitama 3
Well, it says “chome” but gets translated to “street”…which is a bit weird. A chome is a city district, which functions much like a street but isn’t the same.
I just realised the title card has a dog’s face on it. Maybe next time it’ll be a cat’s face…
Oh my gosh, it’s a Yu-Gi-Oh duel! Teenager-ness…(?) What is that (LOL)?! *squints at screen* Oh, chuunibyou. That makes sense.
They even materialised the (Gon’s) chair! (LOL)
At least this matchup isn’t Bull vs. Momo…thank goodness(!)
I seriously love how much skin they make Bull show…(LOL…?)
Well, if the race to the top is exciting then the race to the bottom should be humiliating, no? That’s how these things work.
LOL, just seeing a badass dude that’s meant to represent a wolf howling like one is hilarious. (But seriously, are any of these neighbourhood dogs a Bad Enough Dude, to paraphrase an old game meme?)
Don’t Naruto run, Pochi! It’s dangerous!
Ahhhhhhh, so that’s why people call Pochi “Shiro” and feed him tofu…
The video got encoded funny again…
Uchitama 4
This is like Wakasa all over again…
The “My Name is Gon” title is a reference to “I Am a Cat” (Wahagai wa Neko de Aru). It actually doesn’t have the word for “name” in there, which is a bit weird…Update: It’s about the day-to-day introspection and life of a cat and the wagahai suggests the cat thinks rather highly of himself, so I’d assume the former (applied to a dog of course), if not both of those things to be part of this.
The fact that Gon doesn’t move his mouth while telling us weird things (such as how Bull’s sweater reminds him of an old lady in Osaka) is hilarious. It’s almost like a play with Gon as narrator.
See? That titlecard has a different dog’s face now! (I believe it’s Kuro’s, actually.)
This series is actually really informative about cats and dogs!
The Detective Conan parody cat is pretty interesting in regards to how the series wants to play with the human/animal dichotomy.
Now the titlecard has a cat’s face.
This song is so energetic! The banners are pretty funny too – I mean, “trying to get a ripped body” is impossible for a dog, right?
Yyyyyyyyup, Ume is singing this song (Sanchome no Hoshi* or The Star of 3rd District*)! I’m being spoilt!
Eizouken 5
Iron Giant…I thought the name sounded familiar. Turns out it’s a Brad Bird-directed movie.
This episode is very Scott...LOL.
I like how they showed the back of the guy to correspond with the back of the robot.
Iruma 17
Gap = sukima, as you might know from a post I made re: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun puns.
“Yes, boss!” in English.
Why do people being questioned  at a koban always have katsudhum? (Hataraku Maousama reference)
Ooh, this long-haired demon from the Game or New Magic battler is hot!!!
That's the 1st time Acchan and Bakemi appear...
I'd assume the ga in Gabuko means gakkou (school).
Now it's ki su ma...(instead of sukima)
Iruma 18
Aw, Kiriwo's so cute...
...and he's now a sadist. (Good job, me...I don't like sadists much.)
The cyclops girl's name is Dosanko, huh?
Hanabi are "fire flowers" (translating somewhat literally), which is why they "bloom" in the translation.
Update: Oh, I accidentally skipped ep. 17. I was wondering how Sabro got to hold up Comecome's stall…
BnHA 76
I’m not sure how the subbers got “Go entropy! Plus Chaos!”, although it might have something to do with Saikou da! (which I made out from listening to the audio).
Okay, now you can hear them say “Plus Chaos”.
Note Overhaul’s eyecatch background is purple, which contrasts Deku’s green. By the way, the eyecatch says that Overhaul belongs to the Shie Hassaikai and not the League…the guy’s always been picky about not being associated with the League.
The one time I turn the volume off, I don’t need it (LOL).
Dame da is closer to “It’s useless” or “You’re useless” than “Naughty girl”, subbers.
The coronavirus has taught me that masks make people seem less human, especially those with weird mouths like Overhaul’s plague doctor/bird one.
BnHA 77
In one of the Discord servers where Mudamaid appears, I decided to take Chronostasis. Why? He isn’t that bad-looking when he hasn’t got his mask on, to be real with you.
Froppy uses “senpai”, not Tamaki’s hero name.
I believe Tamaki calls Tsuyu “Kero-chan”, hence “Miss Ribbit”.
I wanna cry…I know Nighteye won’t see All Might again until All Might himself dies…(and this is because I’ve read the manga – thanks Viz and Shonen Jump for doing that!)
Shigaraki makes me beg the question…where do those hands of his come from??? Update: Ewwwwwwwww, those hands come from individuals affected by Tomura’s Quirk! (I think that’s a spoiler though…)
I almost got to the point of crying. I mean, I knew it would happen, but seeing it animated…makes it worse, y’know??? (Also, I accidentally might’ve stuck my finger in my eye when I was trying to wipe away tears, so either way, I teared up.)
BnHA 78
Huh? This OP is awfully cheerful after Nighteye’s death…I think it’s called Star Maker? Update: Star Marker by Kana Boon.
Well, you do realise I don’t know about anything after this point…all over again. So your surprise will be mine too.
LOL , it’s a Titan! (Apparently – according to the wiki pages I read – Gigantomachia is based on the Titans of lore, so…that’s true in more than one sense when you take into account Attack on Titan.)
The birbs are so cute!
That was just a few solid minutes of recap. Not as bad as Detective Conan where they frontend it, but still bad.
Hmm? I thought I saw black hair on Kurogiri…?
“He’s a walking disaster.” – That’s what I’d say about Bakugou, LOL.
Shouto “Daddy Issues” Todoroki taking the stage again…not that I mind, but…isn’t this Midoriya’s story?
I think I saw a Funko Pop All Might in the ED…?
You can see someone with a red wing Quirk. Based on what I’ve read around, that guy is Hawks.
Deku’s shirt at the end says “sheets”, not “shirt” (it’s missing a small ya).
BnHA 79
“…and I like udon better!” - *facepalm* That’s not how you make friends, Yoarashi.
Gang Orca’s like the Gordon Ramsay of heroes…with much less swearing.
*laughs behind hands as kids spill out the door* Welp, this is going to be real good.
This blonde kid is basically Monoma ver. 2!!! I hate him already!!!
Oh…that’s surprisingly strategic, Bakugou…*shows image of kid being dangled by a rope* Uh…or maybe not.
Who’s this guy with the bolo tie, anyway…?
Uchitama 5
I seriously thought this cat was Nora…(Sakura)
Does “big sister” refer to Lilly or another cat…?
Oh, I was wondering why Sakura didn’t have a cat tail…turns out she’s a pig. (Huh. It reminds me of a kinder version of the Africa Salaryman mixer joke.)
I like how open the series is in regards to interspecies love. Then again,…bestiality is an absolute no-no in my books, so maybe not.
Is it just me, or is there a slight bruise around Nora’s left eye…?
It’s like a Boueibu reunion! Shirai and Ume at the baths! Yay~!
There’s something absolutely silly about seeing anime boys hide in cupboards like cats. It puts a stupid smile on my face, like Eizouken does.
“I told you to get in the bath already!” – Gaddammit, Koma!
How do Gon’s glasses not fog up in the bath? (MST3K mantra required)
Oh, Nora does have a bruise around his eye! What’s it from, though?
Way to upsell Koma’s services, Kuro. (partially sarcastic…?)
“Can I say we’re having a doggone good time?” – Remind me to check what that sounds like in Japanese later. Update: Kuro says something that sounds lik izoizo in the line beforehand and then matches it in this line. In order to match the puns, there’s a pun in the English translation too.
ID: Invaded 5
Matsuoka’s glasses thing reminds me of Kanamori (Eizouken)…
“hole experience” – Is that a pun…?
Never ask a woman her age.
Hmm…”maidenly innocence”…
Why do some people believe “never mind” is one word???
I just noticed there’s a differently coloured bar on the title card…maybe that’s how far into the episode you should be. Also, is this well a pun on “falling for you”?
I noticed the blood had a weird texture to it. Also, I noticed the woman had heterochromia bfore it was pointed out she’s not real.
I have a theory. See, John(nie) Walker is an alcohol (sake) brand, right? This is Sakaido (as opposed to Anaido, who’s the Perforator and ana = hole). It’s the same character, so (I suspect) Sakaido’s crime has to do with alcohol…
Hmm…this ain’t gonna pass the Bechdel test after all…
Oh! Post-credits segment! Keep watching.
ID: Invaded 6
“Matsuoka was injured” – Er, he still has the knife in him…?
Ohhhhhh…this has gotta be Hondomachi!
I predict Hondomachi and Sakaido are going to go head-to-head someday. Update: Or those two vs. Johnnie Walker.
There was a cut-off footprint…
Isn’t it possible for a person to kill someone without knowing their name?
*cries* Sakaido! I’ve never seen you so emotional before…!
ID: Invaded 7
So Narihisago did look like Sakaido at one point…when his daughter was murdered.
The thing that reads cognition particles has “Back ground. Rad. Lev.” on the bottom of its screen.
I don’t have the sound on right now, so I dunno what Matsuoka was reacting to specifically…(aside from the guy owning up to whatever was done.)
Interestingly, Katsuyama has the character for “win” in his name. However, this is the only link I’ve found between the serial killers and their names.
There’s a character which appears in both the word for “martial arts” and one of the (dead) professional fighters – Takehiko Fujita. It means stuff like “war” and “military power”.
Oh! There’s a bar on the titlecard and this one is up to 900 of 1200…I wonder what that means? Is that an indication of time, perhaps? Also in the bottom left, “CAM 025”.
Miyo Hijiriido?! Oh my gosh! This is new, indeed!
Okay, so the characters for Miyo look like this: 聖井戸 御代 The first character in “Miyo” is the same one that denotes “go” in goryoushin (formal way to denote “parents”) and similar words in keigo. The characters which aren’t “well” (water well) are the character for “saint/holy” and “age” (as in the period of time, alternatively “generation”), aside from the one I’ve already discussed. Therefore, I’d suggest Miyo is actually “the great detective [who ushers in a new] age” or “the great detective [of the current] age”. Update: Apparently Miyo means “age of a ruler”, as in the period of their reign (specifically referring to the emperor if it needs to be). I’ve heard there’s specific words in the Japanese language used only to refer to the imperial family…this is probably one of them. That specific name combo (as “odai”) is also a very polite way to refer to spare change, although that doesn’t seem very useful to know.
What’s that thing on Tamotsu’s wrist…? (A watch? Wouldn’t that be illegal in a prison like this?)
Interestingly, all other killers wear white. Narihisago is the only one in black (or brown…or whatever colour that is).
What would Miyo need a key for? The key to the mystery, or a physical key?
I don’t think you can see Narihisago’s face in any of the pics he has of Muku or his wife.
Ooh…Sakaido’s pretty ripped. (Me likey…not that I would like a killer…)
Why is Sakaido…or I should say Narihisago…dead in his own imagination, huh?
Hmm…Miyo wears a black singlet or sleeveless top of some sort under that cape...poncho…Holmes cosplay thing. She still has a gun in her detective form, too.
Notably, no detective wears a skirt in this world…*sigh* So much for Nancy Drew and Miss Marple…
Muku has smiley faces on her hair decs.
Does that mean you’ve met the real Muku…? (I think this is Momoki speaking about Muku.) Update: It might be Habutae, actually. I never really got a grasp on the names of the peanut gallery.
Hondomachi’s never seen the cockpit in real life, right?
Well-ception! (It’s a bit of a joke that when there’s something in something, I call it [X]ception as a homage to Inception.)
Table flip! That meme hasn’t been around for a while, come to think of it…
I find it interesting that they point to the circles of the roof when talking about pi. As you know, the circle and pi are related.
Hmm? I don’t remember seing the quote “Let us try to make this world a better place” in this episode…
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Plunderer 1 | Hanako-kun 1 | Richard-shi 1
Plunderer 1
It seems…there was some kind of promotional showing which I missed the boat on? Well, that’s why Plunderer is on my winter visual, anyway. (refers to coverage on Animanga Spellbook)
My mother was watching Hatena Illusion earlier today – I didn’t go to watch much of it, since that would spoil the surprise for when I tackle it later – but the one thing that annoyed me was the high-pitched girl voice, as it does. I bring it up because it’s pissing me off here too.  
Okay, when you se CGI in the first few minutes of a show…that can’t be good. At all.
Hina’s Count is in her inner thigh, because she needs to flash everyone while she advances the plot. Thanks a lot, ecchi show. (words dripping with sarcasm)
Um, call me “feminist”, but why was the assumption she was looking for a boyfriend first up??? Can’t girls survive on their lonesome???
*facepalms* Why is the focus on Hina’s thighs when she’s being asked for money?!
Gah…faced with boobs, nosebleeds and thighs…this is ecchi paradise. Not a place I’d like to be, really.
Kanji are rare, huh? Must be a non-Japanese or Chinese place.
This hat…Hina’s hat. It’s pretty rare to see that style of hat in an anime.
Lemme guess, the Ace is that pervert *points at Licht*. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were.
This star guy is probably a fake. You can tell from Nana’s reactions.
Ohhhhhhhhhkay, can we not…? This is basically sexual harassment.
If this guy were so high and mighty, couldn’t he just steal the Ballot with those Abyss hands of his…?
*shrugs* Why should I give a s*** about this guy anyway? I already guessed Licht is going to be the Ace…
Lemme guess, the “negative” is also fake.
This action scene isn’t very good…
See? I knew it. I’ll f*** off now. (Yeah, I should probably phrase it better than that.) I’ll pause it until I can hear Ume, then drop this show like a hot rock.
Hanako 1
I was put off by the title and the style of the characters, but the reviews were good, so I’m here.
The shadow aesthetic reminds me of the one episode of Utena I watched.
The Hozuki aesthetic is very striking! It reminds me of Ranpo Kitan.
What’s up with the perverts today? *points upwards at Plunderer’s Licht* Also, those magatama hair decs Nene has are pretty interesting. (Note if I randomly bring up someone’s name without having to have learnt it, I probably read the promo stuff and/or reviews.)
Well, in the context, it is “high hopes”, but the characters just mean “expectations”, so they’re not that high, so to speak…
LOL, this (Nene) is basically me and my seasonal husbandos.
Oh, I just saw Minamoto passing by and Nene didn’t even notice it! LOL! Update: Turns out it’s just a guy who has red glasses but otherwise looks like him.
Lemme guess…she’ll bump into him from around the corner. It’s a shoujo cliché - c’mon, you can do better than this, show!
Did Nene turn into a fi-wait, that would mean this is the second time in anime that’s happened since Classicaloid! *eyes sparkle* Amazing!
A-Aw, Nene…? That’s…so cute!!!!!!! Gah! I wanna support you!
That action scene relied on shaky camera a bit, but it was better than I was expecting for a show like this (a Hozuki-style supernatural romance).
I thought this was gonna pull a Noragami and Hanako wanted Nene’s soul, but nope. Just her labour. Guess this is another In/Spectre, huh?
The preview blended so seamlessly into the episode I couldn’t tell which was which and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing…
Oh, Akari Kito! Nezuko’s VA.
Lerche, huh? Makes sense. They did do Ranpo Kitan, which has much the same aesthetic.
The actual preview was…more interesting (i.e. more like a comedy TV short), which is a lot less impressive than the thing I thought was a preview.
Richard-shi 1
This is the 3rd entry on my hype list. ID: Invaded made 2nd by debuting beforehand and 1st was a spinoff to an established premise (Magia Record), so I hope I was putting my support in the right place.
The scenery is nice in this show.
The pun is that Seigi = justice, so the ep title could be “justice of the pink sapphire”.
I was using the spelling of Richard’s name from ANN when I put this series on AniList, so I didn’t expect it to be “de Vulpian”.
The joke (Hero of Justice) is that Seigi Nakata is kinda like seigi (no) mikata (ally of justice).
Wait, why, whatttttttttttt?! Who keeps jewels in their fridge?!
It turns out Takadanobaba Station actually exists.
Education major? No wonder she’s so trusting…likewise, economics is probably why Seigi is so black and white on his morals (although Richard did just throw that back into his face earlier). Update: I say that because in order to succeed in education, you need to be sociable and trusting of parents, colleagues etc., while economics is very numbers-based (even if the people behind it may be money-grubbers).
LOL, that “Tfantasy and Co.” was so clearly a parody on Tiffany and Co.
This thing about records reminds me of how hackers (or crackers) can resurrect most things if they have enough to work with. It makes me feel nostalgic, to think about IT like that again.
Is it just me, or is there CGI in this show…?
Padparadscha…the only thing I remember about that stone is that it’s got lotsa holes in it (from Houseki no Kuni). Hmm, I can see why Richard thought it was a pink sapphire, though. Update: Then again, the link says padparadscha can be a sapphire too and the bit just after this says padparadscha is a sapphire of a certain colour. (Richard was only saying it was pink – and thus less valuable than the padparadscha - to ascertain Seigi’s motive, as he says.)
The quality of animation that occurred when Seigi was crying…it’s a bit worrying in comparison to some other shows (*thinks about Eizouken*).
I completely was able to predict Richard had the buns for Seigi to share with Hiromi.
Y’see? Words don’t lie, but they have a lot of nuance to ‘em. I say that because when I was researching Richard to submit his info to AniList, I discovered his foreign looks are because at least one of his ancestors was British with Sri Lankan heritage.
LOL, I like how Richard dismisses all the other royal milk teas. He’s just a little bit snarky, but not too much.
Update: Oh yeah, Shouko’s name has the character for “crystal” in it and it can alternately be read “Akiko”.
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