#coming soonish
luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 months
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“Ben…” He glared, stalking over to you slowly. You swallowed, backing up for every step he took towards you. “Ben I didn’t…”
“So you didn’t fuck me over?” Your back hit the wall, Ben coming to a stop just a few inches away. You stared at his chest plate, feeling his heated gaze bore through you. “Look at me.”
“I didn’t-“
“Say it to my face. Now.”
You trembled, tilting your head up to meet his cold eyes. “I-I didn’t mean to fall in love with you.”
“Wrong answer.”
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Uh so, if anyone is worried that Sarge has been abandoned…I just wrote this much in a single night alone. It’s flowing y’all 🤯
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ltcdrmcgarrett · 1 year
Steve McGarrett || I’m Dangerous (short preview)
I was craving an action-packed Steve video 😏
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andydrysdalerogers · 10 months
It feels weird not to post today. Spent five months posting “Sliding into Home” and I miss my characters.
Wish I would just write something new…
Like the Andy Barber Hockey AU that’s rattling around in the brain…
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Oops 😬
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writtenonreceipts · 2 years
Here is a snippet of the Regency Elucien fic I’m working on that lost the poll! IDK when she’ll be ready, but here’s a taste of what you can look forward to:
“I am not a puppet for you to dress up and play with,” she told him.  She was already halfway up the stairs that would take her to her rooms.
“I never said you were,” Lucien said.  His ridiculously long legs kept him in pace with her.
“Please,” Elain scoffed.  She glared at him, mostly upset that she couldn’t storm away properly. “You’re getting a perfect little wife for your perfect little life.  I know the kind of man you are, Lord.”
He grabbed her arm and swung her around to face him.  Elain couldn’t help the little peep of surprise that escaped her when suddenly she was staring at his chest.  Steeling herself, Elain lifted her gaze and met his eyes.  Beautiful and russet brown, his left eye scarred through the corner.  It was, unfortunately, impossible to look away from him.  Perhaps it was his broad features, the deep tones of his skin.  Or even that subtle strength coiling within him.
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my-kneecaps · 7 months
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busymatches · 5 months
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i dont remember the exact dialogue BUT!!
Moros' gift reaction is just too sweet i cant get over it
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b0tster · 4 months
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obsessed with this pog mouth texture i drew forever ago
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luwyv · 4 months
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Linked Maze made by the amazing @frulleboi monthly prompts! From this month and last month too!!
I’ve been wanting to draw the linked maze guys since foreverrrr I love all of them so much
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leenfiend · 11 months
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happy halloween!! here's my piece for the palaween zine - out now for FREE!
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velvetwyrme · 1 year
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His bonbons are gone(gone)
A silly little blooper/outtake from the end of Flipping Fate Ch9 that I thought was funny enough as a standalone comic ;D
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Somebody’s Daughter vibes
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pdqsketch · 2 years
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I read this fic done by @tallstars-rewrite and was overcome by emotion and blacked out. When I came to a week later, this was in my files.
The link to the fic is HERE. Please read it it’s so good.
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invertedspoon · 24 days
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maybe we could talk about it
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slvtforstve · 1 month
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Part one of the Incredibles au power swap fic lets gooooo
I don’t know how many parts this is going to be total, maybe four..? I tried to keep it short, but that... didn’t work, heh. This is set after movie stuff at some point, don’t know exactly when, not too long... but supers are legal at least.
But anyway, enjoy part one!
Part two
Wind woke up slowly, his ears ringing in his skull.
A dull pulse of pain rippled through his middle, and he winced, putting a hand on his chest and rubbing it as he tried to think through what had happened. He remembered a voice talking, and something about intruders being free test subjects...
Oh. Right.
And a big explosion that had sent them all flying.
Wind rubbed his eyes, wincing. He supposed a weird explosion shouldn’t be that surprising, since they were trying to break into a crazy-secure science lab. They’d gotten some information on all sorts of illegal experiments going on here, with supers allegedly involved, and they’d all suited up and stormed the place.
Nobody had realized they were expected.
Wind sighed, and sat up with another wince, grateful his supersuit was so sturdy. If he’d been in his civilian clothes, he’d probably be a smear on the wall right now. Or at least dealing with some broken ribs instead of just the weird soreness he had.
He shook his head, trying to disperse the ringing in his ears, and looked around, wondering why it was so quiet. Something about the air seemed weird, like something was missing from it.
A frown settled on Wind’s face and he reached for some wind, trying to listen and see if there was anything moving nearby. Then he froze.
He couldn’t do it.
Wind thrust his hand out, twirling it in the motion he always used when he directed the winds, but nothing happened, no matter how he moved his hands, no matter how hard he tried.
Something was wrong with his powers.
Wind breathed in shakily, and looked down at his hands, trying not to get swamped with panic. He was fine, he was fine except for the aches and lack of powers, he was fine. He probably just... needed to recover a little more from being unconscious. Yeah.
That had to be it.
Wind swallowed and looked around, suddenly zeroing in on Legend lying nearby. He wasn’t moving, and Wind shakily got to his feet, stumbling over and crouching at his side.
“Legend?” Wind asked, and gave his brother a light shake.
Legend didn’t move, not one inch, and the sight of his brother so still made something lurch in Wind’s stomach.
He paused in trying to wake him, and turned his attention to the rest of the room. He’d been separated from the others in the explosion, and the only other person besides Legend and himself in the hallway was Warriors. And Warriors looked like he was beginning to stir, a groan coming from his direction.
Wind stood up again, the absence of his wind all the more noticeable when he tried to draw on it for assistance. He swallowed and kept going, and knelt by Warriors’ side as his eyes flickered open.
“Warriors?” he asked in a shaky voice, and his uncle groaned, pressing his hands to his ears.
“Not so loud...” he bit out in a whisper, face screwed up in a wince. “...why is it so loud?”
“...I’m the only one making any noise,” Wind said in confusion, and when Warriors winced, he switched to a whisper as well. “...Sorry. It’s not loud at all Warriors, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t... know?” Warriors bit out, trying to sit up. “Ugh... I feel like I got hit by a truck...”
“Did you hit your head?” Wind asked anxiously, and Warriors slowly shook it, still wincing.
“No... everything is just... loud.”
Wind waited a moment for him to wake up a little more, and Warriors breathed out, slowly sitting up. Pain still showed in the way his face was creased though, and Wind felt the bubble of anxiety in his chest get a little bigger.
“That was a weird thing they hit us with... are you sure you’re okay?” Wind said as he helped Warriors sit up, glancing worriedly at the rubble separating them from the others.
“Yeah...” Warriors mumbled. “You okay, Wind?”
Wind swallowed.
“I... I don’t know,” he said honestly, wishing his voice wouldn’t shake. “I only woke up a bit ago. I found Legend too, he’s still unconscious, but Wars there’s— there’s something wrong with my powers.”
Wind bit his lip. “I can’t get them to work. Ever since I woke up I haven’t been able to feel any wind or anything, there’s something wrong.”
Warriors’ face creased in concern, but then he paused, and held out his hand with his palm outstretched.
He tried again, a little more frantically, but still nothing happened, and he exhaled, looking down at his hands.
“Looks like mine are on the fritz too,” he said worriedly, then gave Wind’s shoulder a squeeze. “We’ll... we’ll figure this out. There’s probably something blocking them, I’ve seen this before. We just need to find the device.”
“You’re sure?” Wind said shakily, and Warriors nodded, giving his hair a quick ruffle.
“Yeah. It’ll be fine, kiddo.”
Wind gave him a small smile, then decided to check on Legend again since he still hadn’t moved. His brother’s face was still pale and blank, and while he didn’t look injured, Wind knew stuff could be hurt on the inside where they couldn’t see it.
Warriors joined him a few moments later, still wincing, and got to a knee beside Legend. He began looking him over, brushing dusty bangs from his face, and Wind watched in silence from beside him.
“Warriors, what do we do now?” Wind asked quietly, and his uncle hesitated, flinching when a sound rang out in the distance.
“I... don’t know just yet. Let’s recuperate for a bit, see if we can wake Legend up. Maybe try and contact the others. Then... I guess keep going. Somebody has to stop this scientist guy.
“And that somebody is us.”
“Right-o,” Warriors smiled. Then he stiffened, ears pricking as he looked down the hallway. “Someone’s coming.”
“I don’t hear anything,” Wind said in confusion, and Warriors shook his head, gathering Legend up into his arms.
“I can, there’s someone coming, trust me. We need to—”
Footsteps clattered towards them, and Warriors flinched, quickly tugging Wind and Legend behind a piece of rubble. A handful of guards came around the corner, and Wind crouched down further, watching them nervously.
Normally four guards would be nothing, but without powers and Warriors in a questionable state... Wind wasn’t sure they could handle them.
“Wars?” he whispered, and Warriors put a finger to his lips.
The guards drew nearer, spreading out and looking around the rubble. One came closer and closer to where Warriors and Wind were, and suddenly looked behind the rubble, spotting them.
He grabbed for his gun, and Warriors shoved Wind behind him, launching himself at the guard with a snarl. The man shouted as he fell backwards, and despite the pain on Warriors’ face, he managed to wrestle the gun away from him.
The other guards heard him though, and Wind’s stomach lurched as they surrounded Warriors, unsure if he should go help or stay where he was and defend Legend. Warriors was hurting, but Legend wasn’t even awake, what was he supposed to do?
Two guards split off and went for Wind, and he yelped in panic, backing up so he could better protect Legend. The guards both reached in the nook Wind and Legend were tucked in, trying to grab them, but Wind avoided their hands and kicked at their arms.
Warriors was still struggling with the other two guards, but when he heard Wind’s yelp, his head shot up, eyes going wide when he saw one of them pull out a gun.
“Get away from them!” he shouted, eyes glowing, and was suddenly doused in shadows.
A familiar noise hummed through the air, and Wind and the guards stared in shock as the shadows dispersed, leaving a grayish-blue and white wolf on the ground where Warriors had been.
The wolf looked utterly shellshocked, and Wind felt much the same as he stared at it.
Wind suddenly realized the guards were all distracted by the abrupt appearance of a wolf, and he shoved his shock to the back of his mind. He pushed the two that were trying to grab him, knocking them both over, then darted out and grabbed a piece of metal that had fallen on the ground.
He slammed it into one of the guard’s heads, sending him to the floor, but by then the others had snapped out of their daze.
But Warriors had too, and it didn’t take long for him and Wind to take out the other three guards. All four lay unconscious in short order, and Wind panted heavily as he wiped his face.
Then he stared back at the wolf, who was staring at his paws with his ears back.
“Um... what?” Wind spluttered, disbelief coming back. “Warriors that— how?”
The Warriors-wolf whined, his eyes wide, and he paced around in an anxious circle, nose twitching and ears flicking.
“How did you do that?!” Wind repeated, and Warriors flinched at his raised voice, ears folding back again. “...sorry. But why do you have Twilight’s powers?!”
Warriors repeated his whine, tail between his legs, and suddenly the shadows whirled around him again, blocking him from view. When they dispersed, Warriors was back to normal, sitting on the ground and looking somewhat nauseous.
“...Warriors?” Wind asked, and Warriors slowly sank down and laid on his back, then put a hand over his eyes.
“Gimme a sec,” he croaked.
Wind went quiet, and for a minute the only sound in the room was Warriors’ somewhat-shaky breathing.
While his uncle got a hold of himself, Wind gently tugged Legend out from the hiding spot, setting his head in his lap as he sat down. He ran a hand over Legend’s hair while he watched Warriors, and finally his uncle exhaled, and took the hand off his eyes.
“I think I know what the problem with our powers is,” he murmured. “Somehow... they switched.”
“But how?” Wind said as he stared at his uncle, and Warriors sighed, slowly sitting up and setting his hands over his ears again.
“I don’t know. But... I think it has to do with that weird energy pulse. I’d guess somehow it switched our powers.”
Wind stared at him in shock, and Warriors grimaced as something made a sound in the distance.
“How... is that even possible?”
“I have no earthly clue.”
Wind petted Legend on the head again, trying to wrap his brain around the idea of powers somehow swapping. Their powers were a literal part of them, how could anything switch them around?
“So... so you somehow have Twilight’s powers,” Wind said, and Warriors nodded. “Does that mean Twilight has yours?”
“I don’t know. But based on the whole wolf thing and the fact that I can hear so much as a pin drop, I definitely switched with Twilight,” Warriors said, then winced again. “Eugh. How does he deal with being able to smell everything? Or hear people breathing?”
Wind shrugged. “So... what was it like being a wolf?” he asked curiously.
“...Weird. We should get moving before the guards wake up,” Warriors said, dodging the question, and Wind sighed and nodded. Obviously Warriors didn’t want to talk about it.
...he’d get it out of him eventually though.
Wind looked down at his hands as Warriors moved to pick up Legend, flexing his fingers, and wondered suddenly if the same thing had happened to him.
Had he just gotten his powers blocked, or had he switched with somebody too? Was that why he couldn’t feel his winds?
Wind focused on himself for a second, trying to remember back to when he was smaller, and accessing his powers was more difficult. Normally there was a sense of the winds around him that he drew on, a thrum in his heart that moved in time with them, and he could usually draw on it with little to no effort.
That feeling wasn’t there anymore, but as Wind focused, he realized there was a different thrum inside of him now, one that felt blindingly strong.
Wind cautiously drew on it, but it was like turning on a firehose, and a flood of whatever power he had now came rushing at him, startling a yelp from his throat.
Warriors called his name, but Wind barely heard him, focused on the power rushing through his middle, spreading to his limbs and stretching out along his face. It was nearly overwhelming, but Wind held on against it, gritting his teeth as power buzzed all over throughout his skin.
The rush ebbed finally, enough that Wind could open his eyes, and the first thing he noticed was that the floor seemed a lot further away then it had before.
Also Warriors staring at him in shock.
“What?” Wind asked, then startled at the way his voice echoed.
“You... you also swapped,” Warriors said in a somewhat strangled voice.
Wind blinked, then looked at his hands, feeling the current of power run through him, feeling so powerful that he could probably punch his way through the walls if he had to.
Which meant...
“I got Dad’s, didn’t I?” Wind said.
Warriors sat back down.
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