adiabolikpastel · 10 months
How does Callista celebrate Reiji's birthday? And if possible, I also want to know how Reiji celebrates Calli's birthday 👉🏻👈🏻.
Awe! See, now you've caught me off guard ~ I am never prepared for anyone's birthday at any given time on this blog. But I will do my best!
So, this year in particular - since it’s so close to a full moon, and not just any full moon - our last Super Moon for the next 15 years! I am thinking this would be a huge catalyst moment in the Reista ship. I have tried to explain her story as one at a crossroads. You would progress through the route, and as you answer and make choices - it steers the story either towards Reiji or Shu.
(I have also recently been toying with the idea of scrapping that and doing a poly... I love the idea but we can talk about that another time if you would like.)
So, since this birthday has such lovely conditions, it only make sense to have it be interesting. Now, in my cannon - only certain demons are affected by the moon. Vampires of course, as well as aquatic demons - but eagles not so much. I don't see why the moon would have any sway over an Adler, when eagles in nature don't have any special thing with the moon itself.
Answers will be under cut for length - enjoy~
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Callista celebrating Reiji's birthday
I like to think that Callista goes all out for birthdays. Having spent half of her life as the only child, and then suddenly having little brother after little brother - birthdays were always big in her family. That being the case, I believe she would decorate for a fancy evening.
Knowing Reiji well enough to surmise that big surprise parties are not his thing, I like to think Calli would plan an elegant dinner - with navy blue and golden décor. Employing the shadows to ensure that the mansion be in pristine condition. Strangely though, Reiji himself would be absent most of the night.
While not uncommon for Shu to stay cooped up, as of late Reiji had kept her company. Callista would find it strange that on tonight of all nights he would choose to be alone. Never the less, she continued her preparations - determined that whenever he made his appearance, he would be surprised and delighted.
Hours past. No sign of either the boys. Callista knew they were in the house, she could sense them. So what where they doing? She wondered if the smell of dinner would get them moving. As she worked over the stove, beginning the cook the bacon for the spaghetti carbonara she'd be preparing.
Suddenly, a presence makes itself known. A hand reaches to align with hers, the slow touch tickling her skin. The weight of another looms over her, the soft breath wisping past her ear. Her heart skips a beat, as the scent of the younger vampire engulfs her senses.
Callista feels the bloodlust shiver through her, had he not fed lately? Was he going to bite her? He'd never done that before. She could feel the heat from his fangs press just so slightly against her neck. What should she do? What did she want to do? Push him away? Or...
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Just as quickly as the sensation was there, Reiji's presence vanished. Her body once warmed by his desire, fridge with his absence. Callista stumbles slightly, turning off the stove and steading herself. Her heart pounding. What was that all about?
What's more... why was her heart racing. She'd always had a liking to Reiji but this - what would Shu think? Would he notice? As Callista collected herself, she notices a note on the counter. Reiji left it, thanking her for her consideration, but that he would not be able to participate in the festivities.
Reiji celebrating Callista's birthday
(her birthday is on 9/27 btw … so it's coming up. I don't even remember if I did that on purpose that it went Reiji, Callista, then Shu for birthdays but they are back to back.)
On a much lighter note - now that the moon isn't in the way. Reiji is definitely the type that I feel will go all out for a birthday. If he cares - and when it comes to Callista he definitely does. Even before feelings get involved, he cares about her enough due to the alliance she secures for the big plan.
Reiji and Calli are similar in the way that they both prefer the finer and simpler scale of things, rather than something elaborate or extravagant. Since he also enjoys cooking, can see him preparing a special dessert for her. Something simple to commemorate the occasion, but nothing too outrageious that it would be seen as over stepping.
He would be finishing up when the Adler princess wanders in, wondering what smells so good. The two would begin pleasant conversation, when she'd comment on his piping skills. Playfully challenging him that she could do better. He'd raise that challenge and the two would hold a little competition, and in the process getting a bit messy.
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Rather than become upset by the mess, Reiji feels at ease. Normally something like this would bother him, but it wasn't as though the demoness was unskilled or clumsy. In fact, her skill was elegant and she was charming. Even the sight of crème on her cheek didn't bother him. In fact, without even realizing it, his finger found its way to her face, and gingerly cleaned it off.
With a soft blush on her face, Callista would thank him, and check herself. It wouldn't be appropriate to be in such close proximity to Reiji alone. But she couldn't stop how safe she felt near him. With a soft smile she would thank him for his baked gift, and enjoy the one he pipped, rather than her own.
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Well, I guess I am in a very Gustavian mood today, so here are some more Metropolis goodies for you, folks! There’s one of two duplicates that I was able to find in better quality versions :-)))
As you can see from these pictures, Lang always had a very clear idea of precisely how he wanted a scene to be acted, and his directing style was all about showing the actors what they were supposed to do by doing it himself - he would always do that with Gustav and Brigitte.
And he was 100% a super attentive perfectionist, never satisfied with the first take, as Gustav knew all too well, as he told us about how physically excruciating and exhausting the shooting process was for him. It actually lasted for over a year, and it was of course a real odyssey - but well worth every single effort in the end.
Lest we forget how tough (and yet magnificent) of a process the making of this movie was for all involved!
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An anonymous request inspired by the wheel of time.
In the heart of the Blight, the Dragon Reborn, Rand al'Thor, found himself standing before an ancient, cracked mirror. The mirror was a relic from the Age of Legends, its purpose forgotten by all but the Forsaken. As Rand stared into its depths, he saw his reflection flicker and warp, becoming something more sinister, something filled with malice.
Unbeknownst to Rand, the Dark One had filled this reflection with the soul of a darkfriend, a twisted and vile creature who had sworn eternal allegiance to the Shadow. This dark soul sought only one thing: to replace the Dragon Reborn and serve the Dark One in his stead.
Suddenly, the reflection stepped out of the mirror, a perfect duplicate of Rand, save for the gleam of hatred in its eyes. Before Rand could react, the reflection lunged at him, its hands glowing with a dark, malevolent energy.
The battle began, each strike from the reflection draining Rand's strength, sapping his vitality. The longer they fought, the more Rand felt himself weakening, as if his very essence was being leeched away. The reflection grew stronger, more substantial, while Rand felt himself fading, his grip on reality slipping.
Desperation filled Rand as he struggled to push the reflection away, but the darkfriend's soul was relentless. Every moment of physical contact seemed to accelerate the transfer of energy, the reflection becoming more real, more alive, while Rand felt like a shadow of his former self.
In the midst of their struggle, Rand remembered a lesson from Lews Therin Telamon, the voice in his head that was both a curse and a guide. Lews Therin had faced many battles with the Shadow, and Rand realized that brute strength alone would not save him. He needed to outthink his opponent.
Gathering his remaining strength, Rand channeled the One Power, weaving a complex series of wards and shields. He trapped the reflection in a cage of light, a barrier that temporarily halted its advance.
Panting with exertion, Rand knew this was only a temporary reprieve. He had to find a way to turn the tide. He reached deep within himself, calling upon every reserve of strength, every lesson he had learned. He channeled a weave of pure spirit, aiming to sever the connection between the reflection and the Dark One.
The reflection screamed, a sound filled with rage and desperation, as the weave struck. For a moment, it seemed to falter, its form flickering. But the darkfriend's soul was powerful, and the reflection fought back, breaking free of the cage and launching itself at Rand with renewed fury.
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As the reflection's hands closed around Rand's throat, Rand felt himself slipping away. In that moment, he realized there was only one way to end this. He embraced the True Source fully, letting the power flood through him, and then he did the unthinkable: he reached out and embraced the reflection, pulling it close in a deadly embrace.
The contact was excruciating, the pain beyond anything Rand had ever experienced. But he held on, channeling all his energy into a final, desperate weave. The weave was a blend of spirit, fire, and air, designed to disrupt the very essence of the reflection.
With a final, earth-shattering effort, Rand unleashed the weave. There was a blinding flash of light, and then silence. When the light faded, Rand was alone. The reflection was gone, its form shattered and dissipated. But Rand was left weakened, a mere shell of his former self.
He collapsed to the ground, barely conscious, but alive. He had won, but at a great cost. As he lay there, he knew he had to find a way to recover, to regain his strength. The battle was over, but the war against the Shadow was far from finished. And the Dragon Reborn would rise again, stronger and more determined than ever, ready to face whatever the Dark One threw at him next.
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Hephaes: Flames of Dawn
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Designer's Reflection: Flames of Dawn
Obtained: Tides and Flames hell event
Rarity: UR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Silence of Twilight
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Birth of Starfire
Chapter 2 - Lakelight Mirage
Chapter 3 - A Time of Trial
Chapter 4 - A Moon of Change
Chapter 5 - To Ashes
Story - summarized
Hephaes was the youngest of the Elf Gods to be born. Materializing at the Tree of Life, They were greeted and blessed by all the other Elf Gods.
One stood off to the side. It was obvious that the other elves would not let this one join the ceremony. "Arionus was not born at the Tree of Life," they all said. "They are an outsider."
That didn't stop Hephaes from approaching Arionus the Water Elf. No one had ever reached out to Arionus, so this was a shock to the older Elf God. Nonetheless, They blessed Hephaes in Their own way.
As Hephaes grew in age and power, They noticed strange things surrounding Arionus - mainly that the Water Elf always disappeared during the New Moon. Determined to find the truth, Hephaes searched the depths of Lake Bovaly, where Arionus had hidden. Hephaes' power still wasn't strong enough to fight back the tides, and They almost drowned.
Arionus saved Them, scared and concerned that someone had followed Them. It turned out that Arionus was cursed with pain and darkness from the Abyss, and They were trying to deal with the curse and break it by Themself. Above all, Arionus did not want to hurt anyone.
Hephaes promised to always be there to help. Even when it came time to design the Elf Gods' Holy Instruments, Hephaes was adamant that the Holy Grail would never be used as a weapon, and instead serve like a lighthouse: it would guide the lost back home.
With their Holy Instruments in hand, Hephaes and Arionus returned to the Tree of Life, eager to start their new lives as guardians of the holy tree - Hephaes became a guardian, while the other elves still disregarded and abused Arionus as a curse and an outsider.
That didn't stop the two friends from working hard to protect the elven forest and all the creatures. But the Abyssal Power was getting worse and racking Arionus with intense, excruciating pain. Hephaes opened the pathway to the holy tree's Source Spring, where Arionus could find Their Seed of power and use it to close off the Abyss; while the Tree of Life was connected to the Ocean of Memories, it meant it was also connected to the Abyss.
But the Wind Elf saw Hephaes open the passage, and They immediately summoned the other Elf Gods. Hephaes was trapped far away from the holy tree, and by the time They broke free and rushed back to the Tree of Life, it was too late. The Elf Gods had confronted Arionus, and now Arionus was in deeper pain.
The Elf Gods blamed Hephaes for everything and tried to convince Them to kill Arionus. But They would never kill Their friend. Instead, Hephaes summoned Arionus back to the Altar of Fire, where They used the power and strength of a sun to seal both Themself and Arionus away in the Holy Grail.
-During the Moon Memories leading up to the hell event, Ophelia finds the Altar of Fire, where not just fire emits from the Holy Grail. When the young queen disappears into the Holy Grail, Arionus is released.
-The Elf Gods never let go of their bigotry. When Nikki, Momo, you, and Loen enter the meadow leading to the Tree of Life, the Wind Elf accuses you all of serving the "traitors" and tries to root you in place, just like with Hephaes.
-Neither Arionus nor Hephaes betrayed the other. Hephaes' Reflection and Arionus' Reflection Lost Tides work together to show the duplicity of the other Elf Gods: forcing the Fire Elf away, ambushing the Water Elf and telling Them they were sold out, antagonizing the issue of the Abyss, and trying to get one friend to kill the other.
-Hephaes ends Their story by deciding to share Arionus' fate, to keep Them from being alone. One of the turning points in the hell event is Hephaes deciding to use up Their Fire Seed. As the two Reflections explain, giving up one's Seed meant one would eventually become mortal. And at the end of the Tides and Flames event, both Hephaes and Arionus fade away.
-Even though the Fire and Water gods are dead, they aren't truly gone. First, Leonid's Prophecy explains that all gods go through a cycle of death and rebirth. And second, their powers and colors intertwined to create the Flower of Eberne, an important item in Love Nikki in one of Orlando's memories.
Fun Facts
-Hephaes' name is taken from the Greek god Hephaestus, who was the God of Fire and Crafting.
-The Wind Elf called Hephaes' friendship with Arionus "self-righteous" and "blind trust." If anything, Fire Elf Hephaes is the only one who saw clearly: understanding Arionus' plight, learning as much as They could about the forest, seeking solutions beyond just violence. The other elves were self-righteous, arrogant, and blindly hateful.
-Only Hephaes and Arionus get names. The other Elf Gods are just referred to by their nature element, like Rock or Wind.
-In the Reflection and event, Hephaes is presented as gender-neutral, but Their voice actor is masculine.
-The other Elf Gods claimed that Arionus was an outsider and didn't belong at the Tree of Life... but Arionus' Seed was already at the Source Spring. The Tree of Life already recognized Them as an Elf God and a guardian.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Sorry if this is a duplicate, I think Tumblr swallowed the first one but am not sure. Anyway, about that Inko/Kaina/Cathleen AU: Izuku uses his "Unlimited GUN Realm" on Stain and pulls him in there. Not because he needs it to fight him, no, simply because shunting him in a pocket dimension is the only way he gets the necessary time and privacy to explain to Stain what an absolute fucking clown he is in excruciating detail without the latter being able to do anything about it.
It also keeps him away from Native, so Stain can't hurt him. I doubt that Stain will enjoy his time getting shot to shit in the Gun Dimension while Midoriya calls him a clown
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livipode · 9 months
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Deep breath in. Deep breath out
In the palm of her hand, she had nothing. Yet in the other, she could hold nothing. There was a sense of unresolved tension between limbs. From the one she still had, to the other so brutally ripped from her, torn to shreds and devoured. An experience she would not soon forget.
Yet the others cried out and filled her mind, the ones so connected to her spinal cord and mind like wire melded to metal.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
It was enlightening, shatter bones and a scream that mixed with the laughter of sanity being drained out of her. To allow more of them to consume her mind as she leaked so profusely with red and metal so imbedded in her body. Incapable of removing, only embracing. Membrane that scoured her lungs and screamed for more. More. MORE.
All it took was a push, was the right move to take it in, and release it. Or in this case, to let go of what was hers, to be embraced, to be evolved past what she might be capable. Perhaps she should thank it.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
She had been getting better and remaking limbs, enhanced and not quite the same...better. humanity was flawed in it's inability to evolve at such a fast rate. There were exceptions, of course...those with superpowers, born, given, or created. Mutants.
Yet some, with intelligence, enough to be considered a power in and of itself. It was, in a way, god or the universe's own thought experience. Humanity. Weak and feeble till proven otherwise.
Cellular membrane, aritifical, digging soon into the barely healed stump. She had thought of trying it sooner, though found it would be better to give it time, wait and see. Results were always better when the body was at it's highest, not when it was panicked and bleeding out.
Deep breath in.
It would more harder, had she only one limb, alone surrounded by bright and overly luminous LEDs...but she wasn't. Machinery with minds of its own both imbedded into her back, her spine and nervous system, as well as around the lab itself.
Some found it unnerving, she found it to be enlightening. Surrounded by technology that had learned to think, to be human.
Deep breath out.
How she felt the strings attach, like a puppet being carved open, her skin peeling back and fusing together with silicon and nanotechnology. It was enlightening, how it felt.
How it hurt. How her bones were being eaten away at the stem which had been nipped at the bud. Roots regrowing and heading towards the rest of her nerves, like a weed being purposefully thrown amidst roses. To be replaced, to be reorganized. The pain a rushing of adrenaline that made her shiver.
Deep breath in.
Becoming umbearable, like locusts biting and eating away at her flesh, the green-transparent colour filling with pale skin cells, replacing, becoming, duplicating. Red and white mixing so elegantly, then ugly...then beautifully. Pieces being laid into place like a puzzle being concluded and snapped together.
Her lungs, her heart, it screamed to breath, it screamed yet was caught in her throat. Tentacles of her back moving out like serpents wrapping and curling as they felt it too. Her entire body a system of multiple, all feeling so excruciating. As if she would explode. As if layers of her skin were being peeled back to reveal the rudimentary yet so complicated surface of a human body.
A willing vivisection, by the creation of a symbiotic relationship. A parasitic one turned mutually beneficial.
Skin and body trembling while nerves connected, replaced and made her eyes widen. The hue of her irises becoming so briefly vibrant and the brightest of green before reverting.
A growl, the release of breath soon forming from snarl and grimace of teeth to the laugh of a woman who's feeling had returned. Phantom limb so temporary now physical. How in the empty lab, her laugh echoed, tentacles splayed across the floor--how even technology could not handle the resolve of pain.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
But she could.
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adiabolikpastelrp · 2 years
Roleplay Master List
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Welcome to the roleplay master list!
Here you can find all of the different roleplays that involve the OCs of @adiabolikpastel. Each will feature other characters from different blogs, which will be credited to the roleplay's individual post.
Sorted below are the OCs and the many or few roleplays they have. Each one is titled and listed in chronological order. Additionally, the status of each story is provided.
For any questions; please refer to the Blog Guidelines.
●・○・●・○・● | Tormented Reverie | ●・○・●・○・●
Yuuki Koishikawa
Yuki Awashima
A Little Help (w/ Alrick & Lily) ~ Haitus
●・○・●・○・● | Tormented Reverie: Another Daydream | ●・○・●・○・●
Kanaye Sakamaki
Full Moon Scare (w/ Tsubasa) ~ Completed The Demon and Vampire (w/ Spencer) ~ Completed Something in her Eyes (w/ Izumi) ~ Discontinued You Get It (w/Isabella) ~ Completed An Unexpected Encounter (w/ Spencer & Isabella) ~ Completed
The Unexpected Meeting (w/Juliet) ~ Completed Unnamed Role Play (w/Zion ft. Juliet) ~ Haitus
One Final Push (w/Isabella ft. Spencer) ~ Haitus
Yukio Sakamaki
A Night Out in Town (w/ Isaiah) ~ Completed Hate, Loath and Despise (w/ Juliet) ~ Haitus When Yukio Met Silas (w/ Silas) ~ Discontinued
Rini Sakamaki
Only in Wonderland (w/ Leon) ~ Completed
●・○・●・○・● | Excruciating Duplicity | ●・○・●・○・●
Skye Oakly
Little Parakeet (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed With a Guy (w/ Alrick) ~ Haitus
Loving You (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed Break (w/ Alrick) ~ Completed
Callista Loren
Rosalyn Dupont
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anendoandfriendo · 2 months
Stellaris is funny sometimes, we think.
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[Two metaphorical avians, allegorically struck down by an imaginary projectile.]
Seriously, sometimes you can't make this shit up, the names are completely randomized outside of choosing a set for said names:
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[Event Chain: Shrines to the Old Gods
After days of careful, and at times excruciating effort, Science Officer Provides-Polymers has retrieved the Doctrine of the Undaunted: a humble textile scroll coated with a sturdy plastic polymer. The scroll has been brought back to the ISS Prospect for further analysis.]
Provides-Polymers has in fact provided polymers we guess! 😆
Like, did we choose the hivemind names without making the space empire we're playing to be a gestalt consciousness?
Yes. Yes we did. Because you can't get any more system-like than this lol, not with that kind of name:
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[A grey-furred, anthropomorphic fennec fox. When you look at the name of the fennec fox, its name and title are "Images-In-Duplicate, Head of Research" within the Stellaris game.]
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calveesmain · 2 months
Eye apligned Leitner concept
An ordinary book, foe leather black cover with the word 'Journal' in large white letters. The pages are all blank, lined paper. Just an ordinary journal. A n ordinary journal that compells it's owner to write down everything in excruciating detail. Every drop of guilt or insecurity gets pulled from the owner into the journal. It feels good. Like your getting it off your chest. All the things you can't say to your family or friends finally have a place to be.
Until one day. You find one of its pages on the bus. Sitting neatly in a seat, available for anyone to read.
You snatch up the page and look it over. It's definitely from your journal. It's your handwriting. You remember writing it, but when you open the book the original page is still there. This is a. Duplicate? A copy?
It starts to happen more though
You find one sitting on your coworkers desk.
You find a page taped to a telephone pole by your house
You find a page tucked into a neighbor's screen door.
But you can't stop writing in the journal.
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ramtracking · 2 months
Woman with Arousal Disorder Has a 'Duplicate' Vagina [ Persistent genital arousal disorder ]
Woman with Arousal Disorder Has a ‘Duplicate’ Vagina [News Summary] After living nearly her entire life in “pain” from Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, an art student, 21, says doctors discovered her… A 21-year-old woman in the United States recently opened up about the reality of living with an excruciating rare medical condition which… A 21-year-old US student has shared her struggles with…
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reddancer1 · 4 months
Opinion | Commentary
How Russians and the West Failed Navalny
The dissident might still be alive if his countrymen showed the same courage that Ukrainians have.
By Garry Kasparov
Feb. 19, 2024 12:01 pm ET
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was murdered in a prison north of the Arctic Circle on Friday. There is no need for semantic blame games when a political prisoner dies. There are no natural causes or accidents in the gulag. It’s murder by dictatorship, as damning as if Vladimir Putin pulled the trigger himself.
Mr. Putin tried and failed to kill Navalny quickly and secretly with poison in 2020, and now he has murdered him slowly and publicly in prison. Navalny’s only crime was to expose Mr. Putin and his mafia as the bandits they are, and to do it with charisma and humor.
Navalny and I disagreed on many things about the past and future of Russia, as he did with many in the broad anti-Putin coalition. But we agreed that Mr. Putin had to go, and that none of the disagreements among us would matter until that happened.
Now Alexei is dead, and with him the last gasp of Russian society that failed him, failed Russia and failed the world with its apathy. He was a man of optimism and action in a country of nihilism and inaction, a tragic condition he shared with me and our colleague Boris Nemtsov, who returned to Russia only to be gunned down in the street in front of the Kremlin in 2015.
Mr. Putin killed Navalny, but there is blame enough to go around. First, we Russians who failed to match Alexei’s courage and end Mr. Putin’s dictatorship and war can’t escape responsibility. Some of us tried, and he marched with us in numbers that seem a fantasy now. It wasn’t enough.
Is it wrong to wonder what might have been? If we had been as brave as the Ukrainians were a few years later when they took to the streets and risked their lives to free themselves?...
Also deserving of blame are the Western politicians who treated Navalny’s poisoning in 2020 and jailing the following year as just another negotiating point with Mr. Putin. Lots of talk, no action, more pointless peace talks and corrupt deals, more blood on their hands.
President Biden’s threat in 2021 of “devastating” consequences should anything happen to Navalny in prison will now be put to the excruciating test. After decades of crimes and aggression, Mr. Putin has crossed another bloody red line. He feels confident there will be no repercussions. If he’s proved correct, his murderous confidence will increase.
Ukraine is the weak point in Mr. Putin’s armor. Mr. Biden can’t hide behind Republican obstruction of Ukraine aid, as reprehensible as it is. The White House doesn’t need Congress to send Ukraine long-range artillery like ATACMS and fighter jets essential to protect civilians from Russia’s incessant bombing.
Nor can Mr. Biden blame MAGA obstruction for failing to seize more than $300 billion in Russian Central Bank assets and using them to aid Ukraine. Seizing and selling the luxury yachts and real estate in the West belonging to Mr. Putin and his oligarchs would also be a fitting tribute to Navalny, whose anticorruption campaigns exposed their looted riches.
But I’m afraid Western politicians prefer dissidents to be martyrs. They can leave flowers and say nice words while negotiating with the murderer. No one challenges such hypocrisy. Navalny was a fighter first and always, and unless Mr. Biden, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and the rest are going to fight, they should keep his name off their forked tongues…
The West seems intent on duplicating the apathy of Russians in the face of Mr. Putin’s aggression and the results will be the same. He will grow bolder and the price of stopping him will keep going up. The risk to Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Poland will rise along with the threat to other political prisoners like activist Vladimir Kara-Murza and Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Mr. Gershkovich was taken into custody in March on an allegation of espionage that he, the Journal and the U.S. government vehemently deny.
Alexei Navalny was a man of courage and action, and only courage and action can honor him now.
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adiabolikpastel · 1 year
I'm not sure if you got the question I sent you the other day, so I'll send it again, (I hope this doesn't bother you, if so ignore this 😣).
If really this guy Carnelian was so dangerous and powerful as to make all the clans make an alliance to kill him, how do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian? I guess it would be a fucking epic fight, because I can even imagine Alrick, Alexander and Shu helping their fathers in battle! Even MC/Yui could give them blood since from what I know, Cordelia's blood is like an elixir that heals and makes the one who drinks it more powerful.
Oh gosh! I sorry, tumblr must have eaten it! I am happy that you sent this in again, since I didn't get it before. You will never bother me with ask~ always feel free to send them in!
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First off, thank you so much for mentioning him by name! I am so honored that you remembered and even used Alexander in your ask! Ah, it means a lot to me that you know his name and that you see him in the blog. Thank you for that!
Okay the rest will be under the cut, I just needed to get that out! Thank you for this ask I love these world building ask! I have also reached out to @the-sloth-woman to ensure facts for her characters.
How do you imagine a battle between Karlheinz, Burai, Ajax and the king of the Wolf clan vs Carnelian?
I think that this battle - at least for the cannon in my own universe of Excruciating Duplicity - would serve as a catalyst for what is to come. From what I have seen / been told about the Carnelian Blood story line - it feels like some kind of battle is what it is trying to lead up to. Putting a fight between all of the major demon lords vs. Carnelian in the near coming future.
To that extent - I don't think it would only fall to Shu, Alrick and Alexander (as well as the Wolf's son! - Eberto perhaps is that was his son). At least not for our DL cannon boys. It will probably be something that needs all of the Sakamaki / Mukami / Tsukinami boys to be apart of - because it would most definitely involve Yui.
The battle itself, is hard to say. From the bits of information that I have learned about Carnelian himself (which BTW, the tragedy of this man, my goodness he's been through it), I don't think that he would have the man power to do a big war like battle. He barely has the 5 sons - unless he comes up with a way to amass an army. So to that, I think it would come down to a literal 4v1 situation.
Where Burai, Karl, Ajax & Gottfried (dead in cannon, but so is Burai - we play with the timeline here), are fighting Carnelian and the boys are fighting his sons. If there were any armies or followers outside of his son's that is where Alexander, Alrick & Eberto would come in - along with any other siblings from the Adlers or soldiers.
As far as Yui's involvement, because I know she is technically the MC of the cannon - I am sure Carnelian will either take her or she will be simply support for the boy of her choice. I don't think she herself will do much, but she would be present. Idk if she would be conscious though. I can see Callista there as well, doing her part to either keep Yui safe once returned to the 'heros' or there for support.
But this battle would be one for the older generation, and what is most important for it in my cannon would be the affect it has moving forward.
The Catalyst
I believe that it would be from this battle that Gottfried would die. Out of all the lords, he would be the one to fall - and it would be Ajax's fault that it happened. While I am not sure what his royal bird brain does, it is form this that the major war begins to stem.
Burai, while not particularly close with anyone, is upset by the loss of Gottfried. Whether that be from not liking his son Eberto who follows after him - or simply the fact that once again Ajax proves to be worthless (probably more this reason). This battle, while won, spells the end of the old regime.
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mina1818 · 1 year
What It Must Be Like to Time Travel
A wretched agonizing pain.
You feel like every cell is being ripped from the other. Probably because it is. Stretching duplicating reforming displacing deleting then all over again. Imagine every bone breaking. But within every bone is ten more that can break. A thousand more ligaments that can separate from the fibers holding them together. You expect to see your own blood flooding before your eyes but instead your eyes see nothing but a kaleidoscope of colors varying rapidly, and increasing speed as your pain multiplies. Which is almost as mentally painful as it is physically painful. 
When there’s that much pain all you want is darkness.
Complete and total emptiness. 
But instead your brain fires faster. More colors. Shorter timing. More shapes flashing behind your closed lids. And with it comes the fleeting thoughts. Of nothing in particular but of everything all at once. As soon as you try to catch a thought it flies from you and another enters the foreground. Everything all at once. From what did she mean when she said she'd had enough? To why did I chose to live. To why did I chose this city for... did I make it to... I’m not in there... what was I... that didn’t hap-…
The most excruciating 20 minutes of your life. But that’s it, just 20 minutes.
You’re there
You’re anywhere
And god
It’s so worth it.
Join my patreon for more!!!
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arizonapestcontrol · 1 year
Scorpion Pest Issue for Our Pets
On the off chance that the Valley is known for two family pets, it bark scorpions. A few areas are overwhelmed with these bugs. Each presents its own difficulties.
The Arizona Bark Scorpion, obviously, is notable for its horrendously venomous sting. Drawn to citrus organic product trees, rooftop rodents can move into your home rapidly.
In this article, we'll survey the risks that bark scorpions posture to felines and canines, and what you ought to do assuming you view them as either in your home.
What to do on the off chance that your pet is stung by a scorpion
In the event that you've at any point been stung by an Arizona Bark Scorpion, you know exactly the way in which excruciating the experience can be for a completely developed human. For your pet, the side effects are frequently duplicated because of their lower body weight.
While scorpion stings are seldom lethal for dogs and cats, you ought to take your pet to the crisis vet quickly in the event that you know or think they have been stung by a scorpion.
Dogs and scorpions
While certain property holders train their dogs to stay away from diamondbacks, there's no identical preparation for bark scorpions. All things considered, they don't have that unmistakable clatter to caution off dogs.
Your pet may be interested in the scorpion. Similarly as with most things, they will more often than not lead with their nose, leaving them defenseless against a stinging strike from the undermined bark scorpion.
When stung, you'll probably hear your canine making agonizing howls. On the off chance that they are stung on a paw, they might endeavor to clean the injury. In the event that stung on their nose, they might take a stab at covering it.
As you're getting your canine into the vehicle to go to the vet's office, watch for side effects. This could incorporate unreasonable slobbering, a failure to stand, worked breathing, expanded eyes, or different side effects you'd connect with an unfavorably susceptible response.
Cats and scorpions
Here is a metropolitan legend you could have heard at some point: cats are insusceptible to scorpion toxin. This simply isn't correct — it's a scorpion legend.
What is valid is that felines are better, somewhat talking, at keeping away from scorpion stings than canines are. Their spryness permits them to evade tail strikes, and their great vision — particularly around evening time when scorpions are dynamic — assists them with either keeping away from or chasing scorpions who are themselves on the chase.
Most felines consider bark scorpions to be prey. Your feline may warily move toward the scorpion and bat at it, attempting to push it over. Assuming they effectively kill the scorpion, they might actually attempt to eat it. It's not unbelievable for wild felines in that frame of mind to get and consume scorpions.
While your feline could see the scorpion as prey, its sting is still extremely risky. In the event that you see your feline going to draw in a scorpion, snatch it and set it aside in one more space while you manage the scorpion. Never permit your feline to play with or eat the scorpion.
Dissimilar to canines, felines tend to not straightforwardly show shortcomings or agony. Whenever stung, your feline will probably attempt to conceal someplace it has a real sense of security. It might start having side effects, like weakness, retching, and trouble relaxing.
You'll have to painstakingly get your feline, load it into the transporter, and take it to the vet for treatment quickly.
If your pets or your homes are suffering due to pest issues, call, "AZ Pest" a reputed Tucson Pest Control agency in AZ for safe extermination.
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Personal Essay on the Change of My Life
Being the little brother in my family has always been about living up to what my sibling has done and accomplishing things greater than he has. This has been a troubling challenge for me to overcome. I have always tried to surpass him and I have always fallen to my knees. I have been working on this all four years of my high school career until I finally realized that I have to carve out my own path for myself. I looked up to him as a role model and as someone that I want to emulate, but there was always pressure to be a duplicate of him. It took mere minutes of a soccer game to prove to me that not only could I accomplish anything that my brother did, but I could accomplish the goal of being my own person.
The game was tied with two minutes left in the States Tournament, and my brother was in goal. The opponents were setting up for a cross. All the players crashed the net and my brother Sebastien, the goalie, came out, punched the ball, and then fell to the ground in agonizing pain. I could feel the rush as soon as my name was called by the coach to sub for my brother. I put on my gloves and pulled the straps as tight as I could. I said to myself, “I can do this”. As I looked at the backside of the goal, I saw my brother in excruciating pain on the sideline. I knew that I had to step up and show everyone that I was capable of greater things, maybe even greater than my brother. The cross came in, I leaped into the air, the ball floated into my hands--and someone's knee collided with my knee. Knowing we were in the last seconds I punted the ball up the field, and immediately fell to the ground, hearing a pop that turned out to be a torn meniscus. As the striker took the shot upfield, the crowd screamed in excitement and everyone was ecstatic at the winning goal. As I was carted off the field, my brother nodded to me with a very satisfied look. I knew that I had finally shed my brother's shadow and had made a name for myself.
This moment gave me the pride and self-confidence I have always longed for and I knew that I was a separate individual from my brother. A few minutes on a soccer field led me to enroll in advanced classes and find my own path to a career in Business Technology. I will continue to evaluate these setbacks and events to benefit my college experience. Being my own self opens me to becoming a better friend with the people closest to me and also meeting new people. To find my way through the rest of my academic career and find my own perception of myself in college and show people the real me. The pride that I developed at this moment will help me make my college experience into an exhilarating new chapter in my life. My brother’s shadow wasn’t the darkness that was keeping me away from being my own person, but the fiery passion of the sun that made me believe in myself.
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lightyagami12 · 2 years
Contrasting Lipo As Well As CoolSculpting: Which One Is Right For You?
When clients prefer to get rid of those little flaws the normal human body has, like love handles, and also muffin tops, they will certainly typically look to a collection of cosmetic therapies in order to be rid of it, finally. For years, liposuction surgery was the technique for quickly taking care of fat down payments in targeted areas, although some located the treatment to be exceptionally painful to withstand. Today, nevertheless, a new technology has actually arised, one that is non-invasive, as well as is rapidly obtaining in appeal. Known as cool sculpting, it is the next degree of accomplishment for the aesthetic elimination of undesirable fat, rapidly, and also reasonably pain totally free.
How Lipo Was Carried out
cooltech fat freezing dubai
For years, lipo, as well as later on laser lipo were the only safe techniques of fat removal made use of by the bulk of surgeons. Throughout the frequently agonizing procedure, a service would be infused right into the target location that would start to break down the fat cells into a fluid mass. Within a couple of mins of the injection, a cut would certainly be made, a vacuum inserted, and also the dissolved reduction cellulite would certainly be vigorously removed from the body. For some individuals, this cosmetic treatment would certainly be incredibly excruciating, and tough to endure for the duplicated sessions required to get all the fat reduction finished.
The Difference CoolSculpting Makes
Now, years later, a new innovation has actually emerged that has significantly transformed the whole cosmetic treatment right. CoolSculpting is non-invasive, takes only up to an hour to execute in the doctor's workplace, and is relatively pain-free to experience. As opposed to by force eliminating the fat cells from the body, the procedure instead dermally subjects the cells to temperature extremes that create them to self-destruct where they lie. Over the next couple of weeks, the cells will certainly be gotten rid of naturally from the body, just like other physical waste.
Without making a single incision, or any other prep work aside from putting a protective pad on the location to be worked on, the applicator works from the surface area of the skin inwards, forecasting a wave of cold that will target the fat deposits and start their elimination. The temperature levels made use of are tailored in the direction of only affecting the fat cells, and are ensured to not hurt the external skin, inner skin cells, muscles or nerves of the targeted location. The regulated ruptureds from the applicator are in no other way efficient in triggering hypothermia, or frostbite to the bordering cells.
Recuperating From Cool Sculpting
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Within mins of beginning the procedure, a lot of people are so comfortable that they will read, work on laptop computers, and even speak with the doctor, all without advantage of any anesthetic. After the treatment, they are complimentary to return to their regular regimens, as well as any kind of later discomfort can conveniently be treated with a couple of pain killers. Outcomes can be seen within a few weeks, as the body starts to discard the destroyed fat cells.
This is the most terrific component of CoolSculpting. With liposuction surgery, full recuperation can take weeks, as well as till the cut was healed, exercise was significantly jeopardized. With this new treatment, returning to normal activities is prompt, with no dangerous negative effects.
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