#Eah sparrow hoods band
i-like-polls · 5 months
Can I just say now that their poll is over
I find it so funny how even Merry Men Member vs Tucker Tuck is???
Like Tucker did end up winning but so many people (myself included) were ROOTING for that backgrounder!
It was 50/50 SO many times!
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froggywentaprincin · 27 days
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cherryspikes · 8 months
You know you love me
‧₊˚ 📸 ✩ ₊˚ Multiple ships - EAH Gossip Girl AU
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⭒ desc: After a rat infestation shuts down the school, students from Nottingham High get transferred to different schools all over New York. Sparrow and his friends ended up being part of the unlucky few who were sent to Ever After Prep. Being thrust into the world of the disgustingly rich felt like diving in head first into a pile of rocks. Tensions between the students were high enough, but after an anonymous blog starts spreading gossip it all rises to another level. Secret relationships, millions of dollars, and nosey teenagers were already a recipe for disaster. But it seems someone is trying to make every student's life a living hell.
⭒ content: this is a story with a full plotline!! you do not have to have seen Gossip Girl to understand but there are some references that are funnier if you have. mentions of drugs and alcohol. - THIS IS NOT A FULL RECREATION OF GOSSIP GIRL - its eah characters in a gg inspired universe with reimaginings of iconic gg plotlines.
⭒ wordcount: 3,171
cross-posted on ao3 !!
⭒ note: i'm currently working on cross-posting all the works I'm working on to this blog and i'm working on the second chapter of this so stay tuned!!
Chapter 2
Chapter 1: The Devil Wears Pointe Shoes
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Once upon a time, in the far away land of Manhattan, New York. There was Ever After Prep, a school for the ultra rich kids of the highest of high society. Founded by Wilhem and Jacob Grimm in the 1700’s, the school is just as pretentious as you'd imagine it to be. 
The building has a castle-like structure, making it stand out against all the modern office buildings. A testament to its insistence on upholding traditional values and promoting what they believe is the best of the best. Which usually included relatives of the school's alumni, making it hard for anyone else to enter. 
The school's website is a showcase of pure gloating with pop ups of all their achievements everywhere. Sports trophies, sold out plays, they had a team for every single niche hobby. It was pretty much guaranteed that if there was a competition for it, they’d win it. 
The students are even more self-absorbed and cocky – not to mention, judgmental as hell. Manhattan’s elite love to boast about how great EAP is. Those who didn’t attend were very much looked down upon, no matter how much money you had. So it’s no surprise that parents and students rallied up when they found out their exclusive school would be hosting students from Nottingham High School for their second semester. 
Nottingham High has been EAP’s rival ever since it was created. A public school with great extracurriculars and professors that received basically the same education as the ones in EAP, started to sound a lot better to most parents in the city. So when some Nottingham students were transferred to EAP for the rest of the semester, students took it as a call to arms. 
Ever After students made their opinions on Nottingham very clear. They weren't like them, so they didn't belong. They branded them as outcasts and excluded them from student events. But even in a castle flooded with snobby, rich teens and only a couple exchange students from Nottingham, the small group stuck together and made the best out of their situation.
Sparrow Hood quickly made a name for himself. 
A punk guitarist with a loud personality easily challenged EAP’s atmosphere. He focused on having fun and broke a lot of rules. He was open about how he hated the megarich students and they hated him back because his band would crash events to get more exposure.
His main enemy? Apple White.
Apple basically ruled the school. Most if not everyone at the school saw her as an angel. She was at the top of her class, participated in several extracurriculars and had at least 1,000 hours of community service. But Sparrow didn’t fall for any of that crap. He saw through her act and knew that in reality she was just like everyone else. Immature, kind of selfish and without a clue of what they’re doing. The only reason she was seen as an angel was because she’s Snow White's daughter.
If people from Nottingham hated the rich, they hated Snow White even more. She was probably the worst governor New York ever had. All her rules made her rich friends richer while everyone else got their leftovers.
Sparrow hated them. He hated them and their Dior suits. He hated their fine china. He hated their long ass limos. But after the rumors that they were involved with their school's infestation spread, he hated them even more. He hated the hypocrisy of it all. They spoke about helping those in need while judging them for seeking refuge in their part of town. 
Apple represented all of that hypocrisy to him. She swore they didn’t have any problems. They didn’t hate each other, they just disagreed from time to time. But Sparrow knew that deep down she saw him as a threat. She represented everything the rich stood for and he was beginning to take her down. 
But she tried her best to ignore him. Deciding she had other things to worry about. 
“You guys wanna go to Beanstalk later?” Sparrow asked, while dumping his books on the table. 
Lunch time at EAP was insanely different. It was better that's for sure, but it was more expensive. Even with financial aid, paying nearly $20 for lunch everyday was insane. 
“Can’t, I got practice.” Hunter replied. “Already missed two this month, and Daring’s already looking at me weirdly.” 
“Please, I’ve literally never seen Hopper even pick up a bow.” Sparrow rolled his eyes. “If anyone needs to be kicked out it's him.” 
“Yeah, but Hopper’s daddy funds the Athletics program. It’d be a grave mistake to lose him.” Hunter said, mocking what he had overheard the coach saying once after practice.
As annoying as it was to have Daring and his lackey controlling their every move, Sparrow didn’t want Hunter to lose. He knew how passionate Hunter was about his sports and he didn’t want to ruin his chances of being in a good team. Even if that meant having to overcompensate while the rest did the bare minimum. 
“I can’t either.” Ramona chimed in. 
“Oh my god, are you serious?” 
“I’m sorry! I have to pick up Cerise, the train comes in at 4.” She defended herself. 
“Okay, I’ll just go with you and we can go to Beanstalk after!” Ramona immediately rejected the offer. “Are you crazy? I’m not taking Cerise to a bar.” 
Sparrow pouted. He knew better than to argue with Ramona. She always got the final word. Especially when it came to her sister. He laid his head on the table, bored out of his mind. He dreaded the rest of the day. He only had Music and English left, which were his favorite classes.  But none of his friends made it to his section yet, of course, Apple and her friends did. This day was going to be awful. He tried to take a nap in order to kill time and distract himself. But as if God wanted to personally punish him, there she was. 
He audibly groaned when he saw her blonde curls bounce into the room. She waited in line, typing something on her phone while her friends talked. They all wore the signature EAP uniform. Black skirt, white button up, red and yellow tie. They all accessorized their outfits to fit their style, but it seemed like every girl wanted to be Apple so they all just wore different variations of the same shoes and bags. Sparrow hated the uniform. The gold was too shiny and the red was too deep. His white button ups always ended up with food stains by the end of the day and the black blazer made him feel restricted. At least they could customize them. He already gave up some of his music, giving up his fashion was a different type of sacrifice. 
When they all first arrived, they got weird looks because of their style. Sparrow especially. He decorated his blazer with a ton of pins and wore his tie unknotted. He wore baggy jeans that caught your attention because of their green tint and whenever you saw him in class he was doodling on his combat boots.
Suddenly, everyones phone in the room started ringing. Sparrow’s face scrunched up in confusion. His phone didn’t ring. He turned to Ramona and read the message she got. 
  TO: Ramona Badwolf Hood
         ([email protected])
  FROM: Apple White
            ([email protected])
  Subject: Welcome Party!
    Dearest EAP and Nottingham students, 
These past couple of weeks have been hectic, to say the least. But in order to relieve some of the stress and get to know each other a little more, I’ve decided to host a dinner party to kick off and welcome all new students joining us this semester. 
There will be free food, live music and tons of chatting! Let’s take this opportunity to relieve some stress and get to know each other! Hope to see you all there!
Friday, January 25th 7:00PM - 11:00PM 
Spellbound Ave. 
79th street PL87
7th Floor Room 705
When at the gate just say your name and the room number. 
        With Love, 
        Apple White <3. 
“Wow, okay. So she says there's no problem between us but she doesn’t invite me?” He straightened himself up.
“Well, it’s not like you even want to go so…” Hunter asked. “Yeah, but still!” 
Laughter interrupted their conversation. The sound, unsurprisingly, came from Daring and Apple’s group. Daring was standing on their table, acting out a scene till he fell. Causing their laughter. 
Hunter glared at him. “You know, I heard Kitty telling Maddie she thinks he caused the infestation.” 
“Who? Daring?” Hunter nodded. Ramona laughed. “I don’t believe that. He’s too dumb.” 
“I mean, causing a rat infestation at your rival school is a dumb thing to do.”
“Fair point.” She acknowledged. 
The bell rang. Sparrow groaned loudly. “God! I can’t handle the rest of the semester at this fucking school. I’m actually going to drop dead in the middle of chem.” 
Ramona awed at him while petting his back. “Chill out. It’ll be July before you know it. We can crash that dinner party if you want.”
Sparrow’s hopes got up and he responded a little too loudly. Loud enough for Daring and Apple to hear him and his friends laughing as everyone else left the cafeteria. Sparrow and Daring made brief eye contact as he glanced up. Sparrow winked at him and he rolled back his eyes. He walked away, Apple following him shortly.  ________________________________________
Ramona wandered the halls looking for the nearest bathroom. Even after 2 weeks of being in the school, its size still managed to confuse her. All the doors looked the same and the halls seemed to get more narrow every day. Having finally found it, she pushed the white door open. She put the hall pass down on top of the sink and stared at her hair in the mirror. She didn’t really have to go to the bathroom, she just needed an excuse to not listen to the teachers loud ass microphone anymore. 
She was deciding whether or not she should put her hair up when she noticed it. She noticed smoke coming from the disabled bathroom stall. It wasn’t fire smoke so she didn’t worry, but then she noticed the smell. Someone's smoking weed. 
She was going to leave the bathroom and let whoever was in there be, till she realized it was one of the rich kids. She could see her perfectly polished heeled mary janes from under the stall so now she was intrigued. She turned on the sink and pretended to wash her hands. She then walked to the door and opened it, but let it close without walking back. Then the stall opened. 
What a fucking surprise. Ramona had only been at the school for 2 weeks but never in a million years would she have guessed that Justine Dancer skipped class to get high. The ballerina didn’t notice her until she walked towards the sink. 
“Oh you have to be kidding me.” Her hands went to cover her face. A flush of embarrassment and worry rushed through her. This cannot be the way she gets caught. 
“How’s it going, Dancer?” Ramona stepped closer. She felt confident – cocky even. She finally knew how Daring felt whenever he caught Sparrow smoking near the bleachers. “Where’s your hall pass?” 
Justine turns towards her. Looking up to stare at her blankly. “What?” 
“Oh, yeah. Well there's this rule that you can’t walk around during classes without a hall pass. I thought you knew.” Ramona’s condescending words annoyed her. She was starting to get angry.
“Yeah, I know what the fucking rules are okay? Unlike you, some of us actually care about our future.” Ramona wasn’t having fun anymore. She struck a nerve, but unluckily for Justine, she doesn't back down very easily. 
“Well, you don’t really have to worry about that. Your mom’s just going to end up doing it all for you anyways.” 
“Well at least my parents actually amounted to something!” She immediately regretted her words. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” 
“I’m sorry… I didn’t…” Justine hesitated. She realized what she had said and she hated herself for it. She didn’t mean any of it but she didn’t know how to apologize. She knew that having a bad day wasn’t an excuse but the Ramonas words paired with her failed audition that morning really made her want to explode. 
“Justine and Ramona! What is all this ruckus?” 
They both turned to see Madame Baba Yaga next to the door. Justine froze while Ramona stood her ground. 
“I caught her playing around with illegal substances.” Justine looked at the tall girl, mouth agape. 
“Ms. Dancer! Is this true?” 
Justine blinked and quickly looked down at her feet. She sheepishly nodded, not daring to look at her teacher. 
“Well, the very least I can say is that I’m disappointed in you. Headmaster Grimm and your parents will be hearing about this. You have detention after school. Both of you.”
“Both? What for?” Ramona complained. 
“For disrupting other classes and missing part of your own. Now get back to class!”
Madame Yaga stood near the door with her arms crossed till they both left the room. Once they did, they glared at each other before returning to their classes. 
“Fucking asshole.” Ramona muttered to herself. ________________________________________
The train station was loud and crowded like always. It didn’t really bother Sparrow though. He was used to it by now. Years of living in the city and going to punk shows made it so he barely noticed loud noises. If a bomb exploded in the city, he probably wouldn’t know until it hit him. He looked around the station, trying to find something he hadn’t seen before. Everything looked the same. Same green ceiling, same yellow lights and the same old ass clock in the center. Till he saw it.
A head of white and black hair that most, if not all teenagers, in New York could recognize. 
Duchess Swan was back in the city.
Duchess was known for being a total bitch. Even those who knew nothing about the Upper East Side had heard about her. She was seen as an out of control party girl that lived life like there was no tomorrow. There were countless rumors of her doing drugs, sleeping with celebrities, stealing from designer stores, etc. Yet somehow, no story was crazy enough to take her down. She came from a long line of old money so her professional opportunities never ceased. Even though people thought of her as a disaster waiting to happen, she still had tons of friends, she had a captivating aura. Her charismatic personality was comforting and her glamor was desirable. No one truly knew if the stories about her were true and the mystery made you want to know more. Her character in general was alluring and you could easily be charmed by her. 
Sparrow knew this from personal experience. He had fallen down the rabbit hole back in his sophomore year and after the spell wore off, his interest in the ultra rich lifestyle wore off too. However, it might’ve been coming back. Even though he was tired of his life revolving around the upper east siders, he wanted to know why she disappeared for almost a year. What made her comeback? He wouldn’t have been at the station if it weren’t for Ramonas surprise detention, what if this was a sign? He wanted to talk to her. Actually, nevermind. Why bother? She probably didn’t remember him. What if she did?  
He moved his arms around a bit, trying to calm himself from the million thoughts running through his head. He knew it was dangerous to deal with the devil, but life was getting a little bit boring. Maybe it was time to spice things up a bit. 
“Sparrow?” A voice asked behind him. He turned to see a familiar head of black hair covered up with a red hoodie. 
“Hello, little red riding hood!”  
“Shut up. I need to touch up my roots.” The girl rolled her eyes, holding the hood in place. Sparrow used to tease Cerise a lot when they would visit each other during the holidays, but now that they were going to live together it was going to be a lot worse. She was not looking forward to it. 
“So, where’s Ramona?” He tried to help her grab some of her bags, but he failed. The weight of the bags surprised him. He had forgotten how fit she was. She was all grown up. 
“Oh, I thought she told you. She got detention so she won't be out of school till 5:00.” 
Ramona's sister hummed, slightly disappointed. “Hey, wanna get a banana split from Hatter’s?” Sparrow comforted her and she excitedly replied with a yes. 
They caught up with each other while walking out of the station. Sparrow spoke about how unbearable it is to attend Ever After and Cerise told him about her recent competitions. As they laughed about how Ramona managed to get herself detention only 2 weeks into the semester, the bags Sparrow carried bumped into someone. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” The girl said. Sparrow looked up and he gulped as soon as he realized who he was talking to. White and black hair, lavender streaks. 
“No, don’t worry – I was the one who bumped into you.” He helped her get the things she dropped and she just kept apologizing. Was this really Duchess or did she have a twin he didn’t know about? After the awkward exchange was over, he turned towards Cerise. A wide grin occupied her face. 
“Nothing…” she shook her head, still smiling.
“I said nothing!” She laughed.  ________________________________________
e-blast #1: Welcome home!
2/8/07 - 5:30PM
Evening upper east siders, Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source to the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. A lot of rumors have been spreading after the whole Nottingrat disaster and I was getting tired of having to explain the same things over and over again to those who don’t pay enough attention. So I thought, why not make something to document it all? However, as my name suggests, gossip about everything and everyone in the UES will be discussed here. So you all better start watching yourselves because if you think you’re safe, you aren’t! Don’t believe me? Well I have the biggest news ever. Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand (kind of): Duchess Swan. That’s right, the queen is back! But who is this? Unfortunate Nottingham student, Sparrow Hood, seen head over combat boots over New York’s signature it girl. Poor Lonely Boy, longing for what he can’t have. If only she knew who he was. 
[ click to view foto ] 
Believe me now? Welcome home D! Hope you enjoyed your trip, can’t wait to hear all about it. 
                                                                                                                                            - XOXO, Gossip Girl
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lovelyllamasblog · 1 year
Another continuation of EAH names, but this time, it's the children of Robin Hood's Merry Men.
Warning, puns abound. Enjoy!
First, Robin Hood and Maid Marian son's Sparrow Hood. You already know him so I'll skip the introduction and just drop his picture down below.
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Next the son of Little John, John Little, Jr. (also called "Johnny" or "Junior" by friends and family). Like his father, he's tall. Like, really tall. He's the same age as Sparrow, but is a few months older. He's been handling Sparrow's ego from a young age and is the only one who can really get him off of his high horse and back to the real world. He also acts as the band's roadie/manager.
Now we have a semi-familiar face, Tucker Friar (also called "Tuck" by his friends and family), the son of Friar Tuck. He was only mentioned in the books and is one of two Merry Men we see in the webisodes, but everyone has pretty much dubbed this one (pictured here) Tucker Friar. He's like John in that he can bring Sparrow down from one of his ego trips. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
Now, the only other Merry Man we were shown in the webisodes, the one with green hair, I have dubbed as the son of Reynold Greenleaf, Ray Greenleaf. He either plays the bass or guitar in Sparrow's band.
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Another one you might recognize is the Orange Haired backgrounder. As previously stated, she could be the daughter of Alan-a-Dale or Will Scarlet. As Alanna Dale, she could be a skilled musician, like her father, with a harp or a lute. If she is Wilma Scarlet, she could not only be a skilled musician, but also a skilled swordsman, like her father. The two could often be mistaken for each other, even among the Merry Men, because they have the same hair color.
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Next, we have the daughter of George-a-Greene, Georgia Greene. She has a lot of animals that are actually strays or lost pets that her family keeps impounded on their family property. She is also a great watchman like her father, keeping watch over their family property and Sherwood Forest.
Now, the child of Gamble Gold, Gable Gold. Like all the other Merry Men, they are skilled in combat, like archery, swords, and quarter staff.
Much the Miller's Son has a son of his own, Michael Miller. Not only can he mill, but he can also use a bow and arrow and is very skilled with a knife as well.
Gilbert Whitehand (or Gilbert with the White Hand) has a son named Robert Whitehand. Like his father, and the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery and swordsmanship.
Swaney the Scot's son is named Wayne Scot. Like the rest of the Merry Men, he is skilled in archery, swords, horseback riding, and has other skills that a Merry Man would need.
Will Stutely has a son named Bill Stutely. He has the skills a Merry Man would need, but he is also a spy for Robin Hood, gathering information on the Sheriff and his plans.
David of Doncaster's son is named Daniel Doncaster. He has the skills of a Merry Man, but he can also use a quarter staff and is a skilled wrestler as well. As such, he's a bit larger than the average man.
Lastly, we have Arthur a Bland's son, Archer Bland. Despite his name, Archer is a skilled tanner and fighter, along with the other Merry Men. He grew up together with Sparrow and the other Merry Men's children.
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shrekanie · 3 years
Bunny: Fight me!
Sparrow: Look at your size! What are you going to do, kick me in the ankle?
Lizzie: Why is Sparrow quivering on the ground and crying?
Alistair: Bunny kicked him very hard in the ankle.
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everafterwhy · 3 years
more eah character aesthetics (still don’t know what to call them lol) except this time it’s the boys!! @deerdeardarling here you go :))
eah character aesthetics (guys edition)
alistair wonderland. thinking up a strategy for every little thing you do. laughing over homemade ice cream sundaes in a dirty kitchen. falling asleep in a giant dogpile of kids. coloring designs and riddles onto your shoes. all the other puzzles were easy. why not life?
chase redford. messy hair. black beanies to hide it. revenge bedtime procrastination; no time to do anything in the day so you stay up all night, giving you perpetual bags under your eyes. cheating at cards. memorizing books. summer strolls and strawberries. she calls it a date but it doesn’t feel like one. are you broken?
sparrow hood. headphones cranked on full volume. midnight guitar sessions. band posters against torn green wallpaper. “eat the rich” stickers. bleeding fingers from playing the same riff over and over. crying in the woods because no one will find you there.
hunter huntsman. stopping to pet every animal you see. letting your girlfriend paint your nails. moss growing on tree trunks. wild blackberries. countless hours spent making daisy chains. baby bunnies. polishing and sharpening arrows that will never be used.
dexter charming. rain, but it’s warm. buzzfeed quizzes. the “mom friend.” learning for fun. old-fashioned teddy bears. coffee with extra cream and sugar because you need to study, it’s 10 pm and the test is tomorrow. college hoodies. one painted nail.
daring charming. rhinestones that catch your attention, only to realize they’re fake. broken mirrors (and the seven years of bad luck that come with them). gold-plated bedframes. vans + nike. selfies in the sun. left on read. expensive flowers that hold empty meaning.
hopper croakington. deserted lake spots. finding shapes in clouds. mint chocolate chip ice cream. probably has a lizard for a pet. “swamps are beautiful! just misunderstood.” keeping a diary. reading poetry in secret because of course they’d make fun of you if they found out.
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happilyeverafter199 · 3 years
EAH Merry Men
Sparrow Hood is one of my favorite male characters of EAH. And I’ve always wondered what were the names of his band members. I know that they’re the children of the most well-known members of Robin Hood’s Merry Men so I’ve decided to come up with my own headcanon names for these guys.
So I know that we have Tucker who’s the son of Friar Tuck, which confuses me because I though that friars/monks weren’t allowed to get married and have children. Huh. But anyway, here are the other Merry Men members.
- Johnathan Little II, son of Little John.
- Archie-a-Dale, son of Alan-a-Dale.
- Fletcher Scarlet, son of Will Scarlet (just so you know, a fletcher is someone who makes arrows)
- Morris Miller, son of Much, the Miller’s son
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midnightmuffingay · 3 years
Since I don’t see that much of Sparrow here are some headcannons about him and his family
Robin’s name is Wren
While his mother’s name is actually Marian, she prefers Maisy
He is an only child, but all the Merry Men live so close together that he grew up with the other kids like siblings
All the Merry Men’s houses are open for anyone and you’ll probably find at least one person who doesn’t live there in each house
While the Merry Men haven’t been stealing as much since their story ended, the occasional heist involves everyone
This one is actually cannon but I want to share it, Maisy was apart of the Merry Men until she started teaching Damsel-in-Distressing at EAH
When she was at school, Maisy was roommates with Queen Charming (omg they were roommates)
They definitely dated
Maisy was always a wild spirit and because of her destiny, Milton didn’t like that very much
He was not pleased when she joined the Merry Men at the end of her story, but of course my queen didn’t care until she gave up stealing and pretended to be ‘reformed’ or whatever and got her job at EAH
Despite some disbelief, Sparrow has a very close relationship with both of his parents
Wren is a simp for Maisy
Wren really just wanted to have a happy family with a good life, if anything he’s okay with Sparrow being in a band instead of stealing (as long as he gives some to the poor)
The Hood household encourages eating the rich
Wren gives Sparrow a new hat every birthday and for Legacy Day Sparrow wears the Robin Hood hat
These are just the ones I could think of for now, but I just love Sparrow and his family very much
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dexterouslycharming · 3 years
The O'hairs
Ahhh yes these two
Holly O'Hair - I honestly liked Holly from my first watch through of EAH, yeah she's slightly annoying especially with the whole twin shtick but I got past that. Her design is super cute, and her personality is so soft. What a lass, her dragon games outfit SLAYED we stan a true queen.
Poppy O'hair - we share a name. Thats pretty cool. I didn't have an opinion on her my first run through of EAH but the next couple times I watched it she grew on me. A non-binary icon. Poppy is one of those characters that I don't have a ship for so I don't talk about her too much, but she has a lot of potential, especially in my own personal headcanon where Sparrow relinquishes his destiny to be the next Robin Hood to Poppy and she leads the band of merry men and takes on the Robin Hood role.
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sayuricorner · 3 years
I was just wondering; what happens to Sparrow Hood, Bunny Blanc, Alistair Wonderland in this AU?
Well for Sparrow, after he was withdrawed from EAH, his parents had a talk with him about what he want to do for his future.
He told them he wanted to focus on music and his band and right now he wanted to go with his band on a trip around both the Ever After world and Twisted Wonderland world to make concerts and to participate into events.
His parents aggred to let him go on this road but they also wanted their son to still complete his education so they made a deal with him : “Get a private tutor to at least finish your highschool education and you can do what you want for your future !”
So with his parents's help, Sparrow found a private tutor to keep going with his education and also to learn to use his new found magic and at the same time him and his music band travel around both worlds, making concerts and participating to events.
At one point Sparrow and his band get invited to hold a concert on the TW island, in the town settled between NRC and RSA which will lead to a reunion with some of his former classmated who now attend NRC and RSA and to a hard and awkward reunion with Duchess.
As for Alistair and Bunny just like in “Way too Wonderland” both escape from Wonderland but instead to finding themself into EAH they finish to NRC.
You see, when the spell which separated the Ever After world and the Twisted Wonderland world was broken, it also created a breach in Wonderland and created a portal to the TW world to a location which magic was familiar to Wonderland's magic.
The location turn out to be NRC, since the original Queen of Hearts was one of the school's founders, and the portal to Wonderland appear in the school courtyard's well.
So when Alistair and Bunny escaped Wonderland they appear into NRC and when they explained their situation to Crowley, the latter decided until things into Wonderland are back to normal, in the Wonderland kind of normal of course, Alistair and Bunny were allowed to stay in NRC and to attend the school.
Both are sorted into Heartslabyul much to the joy of Maddie and Lizzie who are more than happy to had more friends from Wonderland with them.
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froggywentaprincin · 20 days
CRIMINAL that we didn’t ever get to hear The Merry Men band perform!
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froggywentaprincin · 8 days
I feel like if any of the merry men had girls, it would’ve been mentioned, but I guess they aren’t focus characters so maybe not?
With the destiny thing, I would think that if the merry men had girls, they might just keep trying until they have boys for the story. (Not that I think they shouldn’t have girls, but y’know milton and how he wants stories to be followed)
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froggywentaprincin · 20 days
Sparrow Hood’s Treehouse Dorm as seen in True Hearts Day
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froggywentaprincin · 3 days
Poll results are in that the child of Will Scarlett is:
🏹Named Willbur Scarlett
🏹A cis male
🏹Has red hair
🏹A body type of average weight & tall
🏹Has fair skin
🏹Has brown eyes, but let’s get to specifics!
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Sorry the picture for eyes isn’t that great, I couldn’t find one I liked that really showed the differences.
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froggywentaprincin · 10 days
Are there any other merry men kids referred to by name other than Tucker?
Any descriptions of them?
Please give proof!
If not, I might make polls for us to decide what they’re named and what they look like.
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froggywentaprincin · 19 hours
So there’s 9 Merry Men we’re creating, plus Tucker (son of Friar Tuck) and who we decided is the son of Little John, so 11 altogether.
We’ve decided Willbur Scarlett, son of Will Scarlett, is a cis boy and Midge Millerson, daughter of Much The Miller’s Son, is a trans girl.
I’m going to keep the group mainly boys (including trans boys of course), so that means overall there needs to be at least 6 boys and 5 others.
So far we have 3 boys (Willbur, Tucker, & Little John’s son) and 1 girl (Midge).
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