#Ear Drops Franchise Company
ismith1 · 8 months
Best Ear Drops Franchise Company in India
Ear drops are a popular product in India and their demand is increasing. The market is expected to grow in the coming years, as more people become aware of the benefits of using ear drops. I Smith welcomes curious individuals looking for the best ear drops franchise company in India. We are a well-established pharmaceutical company with a wide range of ear drop products.
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adrifvision · 2 years
Your Guide To Start An Ear Drops Pharma Franchise Company
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Plenty of career options are there in the pharmaceutical industry, but people are moving towards the lucrative trend of getting their hands on a franchise. If you are also passionate about the healthcare sector and aspire to grow herein, you may consider the option of running an Ear drops Pharma Franchise Company. It can help you in fulfilling your goals of contributing to the healthcare sector and acquiring your personal career goals also.
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shelmaklifesciences · 8 months
Good ear health is essential for overall well-being, and Ayurveda, the ancient science of natural healing, has a lot to offer in this regard. Ayurvedic ear drops, derived from traditional herbal formulations, have gained popularity for their effectiveness in promoting ear health and addressing common ear-related issues.
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floatingcatacombs · 6 months
Patlabor is On Lock
12 Days of Aniblogging 2023, Day 3
While Gundam is the most recognizable mecha anime I got into this year, most of my time was really spent working my way through the Patlabor franchise, and it’s quickly become one of my favorites. I’ve always loved the quiet moments in mecha shows, which makes sense considering I started with Macross and live for the bridge bunny gossip and off-duty downtown hangouts. Patlabor is built with this downtime at its core, operating with more of a slice of life mentality than anything else.
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A lovable cast is crucial for making this work. Thankfully, Noa Izumi is a wonderful and unique protagonist, a scrappy soft butch who’s in it for the eroticism of the machine. The first Patlabor opening is a love letter from Noa to her mecha, and I get it! The AV-98 Ingram is an iconic design, with its asymmetric bunny ear antennae and shoulder lights and comically oversized revolver that requires the right hand to pop out in order to draw, exposing the arm wiring in the process. This is a show clearly written by first-generation mecha otaku, and plenty of time is dedicated to showing how the Labors have to be transported and recharged, how the movement software depends on reinforcement learning, showing off corporate model revisions, and of course repairs in the hangar.
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Going back to the human characters, Noa’s work partner Asuma is clearly the more passive one within their dynamic, and it’s sweet to see that played out sincerely. And then there’s Kanuka Clancy, the stern weirdo badass from New York who’s constantly swearing and dropping one-liners in English. She’s the obvious breakthrough character of the show, and also the perfect opposites-attract pairing for Noa if you’re the kind of person whose yuri meter went off the charts during their drinking contest episode. Most of Patlabor’s cast seem fairly one-note at first, and one of the great tricks of the show is giving them just a little bit more depth than you would expect. Pretty much everyone, even the most jokey characters, eventually get a standalone episode or two that further sketches them out and offers real interiority. Captain Goto is another fan-favorite, and it’s definitely his mixture of laziness and wicked perceptiveness that does it, plus his main character billing in the movies.
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SV2 may be a law enforcement unit, but this really isn’t a police procedural at the end of the day. These guys are the bum department out in the sticks who everyone hates, and the upside of that is that SV2 gets stuck with the oddest of jobs instead of cop work. Sometimes that’s dealing with a runaway military prototype, other times it’s arguing with the insurance company. The best kind of episodes are the ones that take almost entirely on base as everyone tries to solve a problem of their own making, like an Ingram falling into the sea or the mechanics getting into a fight with the only restaurant that delivers to them.
A main plot does eventually emerge, with a shadowy company developing a mysterious jet-black Labor piloted by a child who is the girlish boy to Noa Izumi’s boyish girl. The Griffon is sleek and curvy and has superiority in the water and air – it’s a machine designed to defeat Ingrams, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Yoji Shinkawa looked here when designing Metal Gear RAY. Automation is a fundamental ideological enemy of mecha – faceless mass production and artificial intelligence mean an end to the era of personal combat. Even Patlabor, a warless series, dips its toes into this idea in the later episodes, with Noa and the mechanics alike worrying that the neural networks in their new Labor models will make them redundant.
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Overall, this show is hilarious and sweet and clearly loved by an older generation of otaku. So why didn’t I hear about it earlier? Partly it’s on me for not hanging out with the right mecha fans online for a while. But if I had to guess, it’s also because Patlabor is one of those works that’s straightforwardly, unobjectionably good in a way where it already says everything there is to be said about it. You can have near-infinite arguments about Zeon ideology or mobile suit powerscaling online, but there’s only so many times you can say “yeah, Noa Izumi, love that girl” precisely because everyone agrees. It can also be hard to pitch things by their vibes in a genre known for adrenaline and intrigue. Patlabor’s vibes, for the record, are immaculate.
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I'm probably gonna be chasing the high of cel-era sunsets forever
Mecha’s also a bit looked down upon from the outside. Anything that makes it into the larger conversation has to be understood as “elevated” or a “genre deconstruction”, even if the very first Mobile Suit Gundam is already about Amuro’s trauma and PTSD from being made into a child soldier. This elevation is actually happening to the second Patlabor movie as we speak - it’s becoming increasingly discussed as a major component of Mamoru Oshii’s filmography, divorced from its source series and instead compared to his subsequent Ghost in the Shell movie. Funnily enough, Oshii’s contributions to the Patlabor TV show are actually the more lighthearted gag episodes.
A lot of recent Patlabor retrospectives have drawn attention to the artist’s collective Headgear, established and owned by the series creators so they would be able to retain the rights for the franchise. This structure is fairly unique for the anime industry and probably only makes sense for established creatives, but it does seem to have worked out great for them, providing financial stability and strong creative control over the franchise. This allowed Patlabor to thrive in the relative wasteland of late 80s TV anime, a time when even Gundam had fled to the OVA market.
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That being said, it does take Patlabor switching back to OVAs to truly spread its wings. The New Files are a conclusion and continuation of the TV series that are willing to move at their own pace, resulting in some dramatic and surprisingly thoughtful stories. It’s genuinely touching to watch Goto and Nagumo try and fail to communicate their feelings for one another in a very restrained episode as thick with long-stewing emotions as it is empty space. Of course, the very next episode has half the cast get stuck in the sewer labyrinth underneath their base and there’s a bunch of Wizardry references. Oh, Oshii.
The Patlabor movies fully lean into this melancholy and uncertainty, and it’s a welcome evolution for the series. The first movie still ends with an all-out action set piece in a half-built mecha factory that stands in for the Tower of Babel, but the second one stays serious the whole time through, going as far as pivoting to a more realistic artsyle. It’s a challenging film. The politics are all-encompassing but fairly straightforward, as Oshii effectively infodumps a presentation on the postwar history of the JSDF throughout. Instead, what the makes the movie so difficult is its willingness to face the end of an era – the Cold War is over, the bubble economy has popped, and the former members of SV2 have all gone their separate ways. The conditions that have created Patlabor, both internal and external to the show, have dissipated. And the movie makes it clear by having the military stage a raid on SV2’s headquarters, tearing their Labors to shreds with gunfire in a beautifully animated act of desecration.
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After watching her be a lovable mecha dweeb for 50 episodes, it hurts a bit to hear Noa Izumi say that she doesn’t want to be that girl obsessed with robots for the rest of her life! These characters are growing in such a way that will remove them from the focus of the narrative, and it’s a movie about letting go just as much as it is about looking towards an uncertain personal and national future. I love Miyazaki’s Porco Rosso, but the fact that Oshii put this out just one year later paints a delicious contrast between the two directors with regards to escapism versus reality with regards to militarism. There's some great interviews from the era where they're just taking potshots at each other about all this.
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tinywitchgoblin · 2 months
Hi I would like a ship request for tbb please :) I'm a 22 year old girl I have shoulder length dark brown hair with red highlights. How I dress is either kind of a basic androgynous look like T-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans or kinda sexually charged feminine look, when I'm in the mood to put in an effort with my outfit I typically like to feel sexy. Lots of really tight tank tops and crop tops. Most of my wardrobe is black, I'm a tiny goth at heart but I wouldn't say it reflects so much on my outer appearance as it once did.
I love watching movies + TV shows, it's probably my favorite pastime I rewatch stuff a lot (like I got paid for rewatching Grey's Anatomy or any marvel movie with Bucky Barnes and I could've probably bought a house by now). Hugely into all the nerdy franchises, super heroes, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who. I love to bake and paint in my free time. I like to read but don't get to as often as I would like because I need utter silence to concentrate or my ears like to hyper focus on literally anything else that is around me 🙃. I'm very soft spoken in group settings, I find it difficult to get in my piece, I get cutoff most times so I tend to just listen to conversations. I do like to be a person that others think they come too if they need to rant about anything but I also get wildly uncomfortable when people cry around me, unless we are like super super close. I do have a bit of maternal instinct and like babies and younger children but do not mistake that for me wanting my own kids. Not gonna happen. Animals only please lol. I like to be helpful were I can but please also be hyper specific with your needs because I will stress about if what I am doing is right or even at all helpful. I love to give gifts. Giving someone something special or thoughtful and seeing them light up brings me the most joy in life. Even if it's as small as like a cupcake if they get any kind of joy out of it I feel that joy too and it makes my heart happy. I can be very snippy and sarcastic especially if you are acting the same way with me. I'll end that here, thank you for your time. ❤️
Of course ❤️
I ship you with...
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As I'm sure we've all figured out by now, Tech is a Nerd(tm), so being able to learn about your interests fascinates him. He never got to watch movies or TV shows on Kamino; if he wanted to hear a story, he either had to hear someone else tell it or he had to make it up himself. However, now that he's with you, there are so many things for him to watch!! And to make it better, watching new things allows him to spend time with you? Win-win! Just be aware, he will multitask while watching; he just needs to do something with his hands at all times.
Baking with Tech is something you both enjoy as well. Tech much prefers baking over cooking because it's much more exact, and the directions tend to be a lot more specific- something he does well with. He researches new recipes that he wants to make with you, looking up multiple versions to see what techniques work the best, which ingredients to use, etc. so that the final product is the best it can be. Sometimes Tech takes baking a little too seriously, so you might have to reign him in a little bit and remind him that this is a relaxing activity.
When in social situations, you and he tend to stay close together. Depending on the topic, Tech most likely won't have a ton to offer up, so you and he end up sitting and listening to others talk, sitting there and enjoying the company. Sometimes Crosshair will join you, but other times, he needs space to be grumpy. However, whenever you eant to say something and can't seem to get a word in, Tech will make the others stop so that you can talk. It was a little embarrassing at first, but it soon became a habit, because if anything, Tech wants to make sure his loved one is able to express themself fully.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
X-Men: The Final Solu--er, Last Stand
[One of my fav reviews I read way back in the elder days of blogs...that is, June 1, 2006. I’ve realized that some of the formative pieces of reviews I read when a much more callow youth are disappearing or already disappeared from the internet, so I’ve decided to start saving them on here for my own memory. This critique of X-Men 3: The Last Stand actually touches on a lot of ongoing issues with the superhero film and comic as a genre. Bionic Octopus was last updated July 18, 2006.]
GIANT SPOILER WARNING: I am about to reveal or refer indiscreetly to practically everything important that happens in 'X-Men III'. If you wish (though I don't advise it) to save yourself for the cortex-searing cocktail of geek disillusion and drop-jawed political aghastness that is this cinematic artifact, run away now. Also, much detail is required for analysis purposes, so this is fucking long. Don't say I didn't warn you. Right. First let me preface by saying that I fucking love X-Men. I was ridiculously excited to see this film. Excited unto sitting through the ubiquitous trailers and TV ads with my eyes squeezed shut and my ears finger-stoppered chanting lalalalalalalalala, to the undoubted joy of my neighboring movie-goers, so as to escape the slightest hint of spoilage. And of course I secretly knew it would be disappointing, as any 3rd epigone in a beloved franchise will inevitably be. (Beyond 3, I know better than to shell out even two hours of Sunday afternoon cable-watching, let alone actual coin.) What I didn't know was that it would be, hands down, the most overtly, unapologetically reactionary piece of 'entertainment' I can remember seeing. 'X-III', or as I like to call it, 'Kapos Without a Cause', is effectively a manifesto for the implosive capitulation of liberal political ethics into its own hollow, convictionless, security-craving heart. It is the Democrat Police-State Summer Blockbuster. [Interlude: let me now, against the very slight risk of being blindsided later, allow for the possibility that this is in fact a shockingly sophisticated piece of left-political critique in deep, deep, DEEP cover. There are actually several things about the film that make me think this is a genuine possibility, but ultimately we have to engage with the argument the film appears to make and authorial intent be damned. And as it plays on the screen, this is a film about the heroism of kapos. But just in case it comes out that Brett Ratner is actually a savage Swiftian cryptoTrot for our time, let it be known that I thought of that.] The premise: post the thwarted mutanticidal ambitions of William Stryker in X2, (American) humans and mutants are at last coexisting in apparent harmony, complete with (the freakishly appropriately-cast) Kelsey Grammer as a big blue furry Secretary for Mutant Affairs in the Presidential Cabinet. But of course all is not durable serenity: a pharmaceutical company has developed a 'cure' for mutants, copied from the DNA of a little mutant boy called Leech. (They keep him shaven-headed and white-clad in a sealed room with a very big television, as one will do. He seems limply ok with this plan, though no one on either side ever appears to ask him.) Cue queer-style identity politics: many see the 'cure' (quite correctly) as an attempt to pathologize their mutant identity as a disease, while others queue up to get their normal-shots (including Rogue, whose sole, and blessedly scant, function in the film is to enact an odd little embedded High School Misfit narrative: her mutation means she can't touch her boyfriend, which granted does suck, and she miserably suspects him of running around with another girl. In the time-honored self-hating-misfit move, she runs off secretly to get fixed, and we confidently expect that at the last minute she will learn to Love Herself and Value Her Special Difference, and not get cured after all. Hold that thought). Protests, factions, confusion. Isn't it awful? What to do? Then Magneto shows up to organize a real resistance, and the fascist fun begins. It quickly emerges that the 'voluntary' cure has already been weaponized by the government (poor Mystique is shot with it, and is turned speedily and permanently into a pink, naked and oddly chunkier Rebecca Romijn; NB: head-to-toe teal apparently slimming). By way of justification, the supposedly mutant-friendly President tells outraged Mutant Affairs Secretary Beast that 'I worry how democracy survives when a man can move cities with his mind.' Apparently in this model democracy survives by forcibly genetically bleaching that man, along with any other inconveniently-abled citizens. Beast has a hissy fit, denounces the weaponized cure, and walks out on the government to join his X-friends at Xavier's School, where they all stand around looking Very Concerned about how awful it is, consider packing it all in and then boldly decide to, er, continue holing up in their posh private school. This is the bold plan, mind you. Magneto meanwhile has been busily gathering a throng of radical followers--naturally pierced, dyed, gender-ambiguous and gothed-up to a man-woman--and they all convene in a forest encampment that evokes, surely non-accidentally, Robin Hood. Magneto delivers an address rousing the Brotherhood to fight the 'cure', and rather desultorily gesturing toward some kind of vague mutant-supremacy platform. (This is one of a small handful of moments thrown in to present him as an eville, heartless tyrant-presumptive; the problem being that they're so lazily conceived that they're completely inconsistent with his character and thus completely unconvincing. The sloppiest, and nastiest, of these is when devoted henchmina Mystique, 'cured' and lying naked and helpless on the floor, looks up plaintively and says, 'Eric...?', to which Magneto icily replies, 'You're no longer one of us', turns and leaves her there. This makes exactly no sense in the context of his character, which has been notable for its loyalty, even to King Kapo Xavier. A clumsy smear-job.) Meanmeanwhile, having died so promisingly in the end of X2, Jean Grey has come back as the unpromisingly dyed, issuetastic Phoenix and, rather redeemingly, appears right off to have iced Cyclops, her old lover. Dr. Xavier supplies the charming back-story of how, when Jean was but a wee mutantette, she was like totally the Most Powerful Mutant Ever, and for reasons unspecified (but in fact embodied in the entire program of the film) we couldn't have that, so he whisked her off to his school and handily created a series of blocks inside her mind. This caused her to develop a split personality and bury all her impulses of joy, desire, anger and power in the id-persona Phoenix, leaving the sensationally insipid control-shell Jean Grey to struggle pathetically at shifting pennies with her mind-fragment (not to mention at achieving some tepid flicker of chemistry with ultraweenie Cyclops). Man just out and says all this, as if he'd committed a perfectly understandable, justifiable intervention, instead of, oh, criminal therapeutic child abuse. Now of course the hellcat's out of the bag, and she is one supremely fucked-off megamutant. She explodes Xavier, which to be honest he pretty much deserves, then schleps conflictily off with Magneto (who btw tried to stop her killing Xavier; heartless and disloyal my ass) to Sherwood Base Camp (stopping on the way to pick up some curiously ill-fitting gothwear). Now Magneto and his posse have The Ultimate Weapon. But ahhhhh, can they control her? This is the last point at which the movie bothers to make any kind of narrative logical sense. Wolverine shows up to try to get Phoenix/Jean (Jeanix?) back, and on the way kills an absolute fuckload of other mutants in Magneto's camp, basically just cuz. (Wolverine's body count in these films has always dwarfed the entire rest of the cast's combined, but this is the first time we see him killing almost exclusively other mutants. I don't believe this is the slightest bit accidental. By the end he will become the prime motivator of the X-Men going out deliberately to kill untold other mutants in order to save [actively mutanticidal] humans--the precise inversion of his role in X2, and the sad resolution of the major ongoing storyline across all three films: the taming/reclaiming of Wolverine into a tool of the state that, in its most pathological [but still broadly sanctioned] incarnation, created him. Poor Wolverine; he was better than this. And to add insult to injury, they present his domestication as if it meant he's finally grown up.) Jeanix just sort of looks at him for a bit, and then Magneto hucks him magnetically off into the forest far far away, so he mopes blowdriedly back to the school. Magneto broadcasts a public service announcement on Fox News telling the humans to stay out of the Brotherhood's way and don't fuck with their mission, or prepare to get squished. That irritating fire-boy from X2 (now abruptly risen to #1 Magneto henchman; man does go through minions) blows up the pharm company's office building, and then they all set off to uproot the Golden Gate Bridge so they can take it to Alcatraz Island, where the labs and the cure-mutant are kept in ostentatiously remarked-upon impregnability. (Unclear to me why they couldn't simply have taken some kind of boat to Alcatraz, much as I did myself some years ago for the rather tedious prison tour.) All in all, we are rather generously treated to the spectacle of Resistance Going Too Far. As soon as we use violence, you know, They Have Won™. Thing is, though, nobody actually ever does argue that Magneto's position is in any way incorrect, either factually or morally. We're simply strenuously informed that he is being not at all nice about it. Meanwhile, back at the plush, leafy Westchester X-ranch, the (mysteriously decimated; could they not afford scale for more than 6 speaking X-Actors?) gang are gearing up for war. Not against the government that is openly preparing to retro-eugenically bleach them. No suh. Rather, they get their war on and go jetting off in defense of the forces of genetic fascism, seemingly because Magneto's lot are preparing to inflict some property damage and kidnap Cure-boy. Very Important Note: at no point do the (clean-cut and J-Crew-clad) X-Men ever actually say out loud why it is that they must go out to oppose Magneto's (gothy-punky) resistance. There is no 'But if he succeeds in doing Thing N, the world will end/humanity will be wiped out/mutanity will be wiped out/puppies everywhere will die horrible deaths! Quick, to the X-Jet!' In fact, quite the reverse. All that's happening is that the resistance is going to fuck up a factory, to stop production of the eugenic weapon that does in fact threaten to wipe out all mutants, including the X-Men. And yet without a second thought the latter are off to oppose the saving! At Wolverine's urging they stand, literally six of them heroically Holding The Line, to protect hundreds of human soldiers, who are at that very moment in the process of firing cure-weapons at their fellow mutants, from being overrun by Magneto's insurrectionary Brotherhood. Because here's the thing: it's not that the Brotherhood's opposition to the cure is aberrant; we got some terribly soul-sista-stirring lines from Storm earlier on about how awful and unacceptable the cure is. It's quite simply that they're doing it wrong. And when it comes down to a (really rather minor) crunch, the X-Men unhesitatingly lock and load on the side of Order, even when it means killing hordes of their own fellows to serve an authority that effectively wants to kill them all. What does that make the X-Men? It makes them kapos. This is rendered absolutely clear in the final boss-battle with Magneto, who, having succinctly identified them as 'traitors to their own kind', is handily kicking their asses by flinging burning cars at them from the bridge. In their huddled bunker, Wolverine looks down and sees a little clutch of cure-cartridges fallen from one of the soldiers' magazine. He and furry blue quisling Beast exchange a dawning, manly, determined look, a look in which the two give each other implicit permission to abandon any last tatters of independent moral compunction: Beast to betray his own earlier principled stand against that very weapon, and Wolverine his very self, constructed in resistance against the genocidally normative forces that built both his skeleton and the cure-weapon. And so they make a sneaky little plan, and they go out and defeat Magneto by stabbing him from behind with that handful of cure-darts. They use the enemy's anti-mutant weapon to kill the mutant Magneto, reducing him to the helpless, unwilling human Eric Lensherr. (The Eric Lensherr who, as all three films repeatedly emphasize, was not only a victim of Nazi genocide, but whose mutantness opened the whole trilogy in that searing scene that constructs the boy Eric's suddenly-emerging mutant identity as a desperate, somatic act of resistance against that genocide--an act that has its fleeting moment of efficacy before he is overcome and beaten down by the agents of fascism. These films will not let us forget that central fact of Magneto's identity. This is actually Thing #1 that makes me wonder whether something might be Going On with this film. The interplay between Magneto's mode of defeat and his so-emphasized Survivor identity is so overt and telling that, if it isn't meant as some kind of inversion, those responsible are astoundingly thick. I'm just saying.) I can scarcely think of a scene more chilling in a film, ever. That's really the climax, or I should say the nadir, of the film. That's the money shot, the pragmatic payload of 'X-III': real heroes will stick at nothing, will collaborate in the basest atrocity, to fulfil their empty, mechanical, ineluctable, fratricidal obeisance to Order. For fuck's sake, no one even called and asked the X-Men to go stop Magneto. There was no actual content to their impulse, stated or implicit. They just upped and did it, because that's what they're for. Does any of that start to sound familiar at all? Does it sound like an epically-enhanced depiction of a political party so abased before the imperative of Order that, unasked, it will savagely censure its own members rather than allow 'uncivil' opposition to the party it faintly purports to oppose? That it will freely deploy the enemy's ideological weapons of 'patriotism' against its own, rather than let them question the extinguishing of individual liberty in the name of Order? That it will volunteer legislation designed to out-draconian the demonic fever-dreams of the party in power, so that if it must attack that party it can do so on the grounds that the governing party is not sufficiently attending to the maintenance of Order? That is the yawning moral vacuum, contentless yet bizarrely active, of the Democrat-liberal political existence, and it is not merely justified but celebrated in this film. The denouement is stunningly reactionary: status quo restored with a vengeance; well-behaved mutants returned to nice, quiet, separate-but-equal 'coexistence' in their lovely green island of mutants-only privilege [cough-Israel-cough]; nasty radical mutants violently killed or 'cured' or both; 1-2-3 manicured graves in the garden of the Xavier School, sedate monuments to those who fell in sacrifice to almighty Order (no graves for the scores of rebel mutants killed, most of them by Wolverine, the rest by the effects of being forcibly 'cured' while, say, clinging mutantly to the underside of a hundred-foot tower); and most jaw-dropping of all, Capo di Tutti Kapi Beast rewarded with, I shit you not, the post of Ambassador to the UN. (That's Thing #2 in my Something's Up Suspicions List: in the era of John Bolton, could anyone posit that reward with a straight face?) (Thing #3, fwiw, is the extremely odd resolution of the Rogue subplot: she goes through with it. When she comes back to the school, we're quite obviously set up to expect that she's had the requisite change of heart and learned to love herself just as she is. And yet she just fucking hasn't. She's just gone and got normalized, in defiance of every teen film ever, and it's quite obvious from the unenthusiastic finger-twine she gets from Bobby that she is so not going to get the boy. What is that about? It's about something, clearly. This film's desperate, rationality-trumping need to stamp out desire in all its forms is the subject for a whole ‘nother essay. Most obviously: in Boss-Battle 2, when Phoenix has gone all glowy and is threatening to bust up everything and everyone, why exactly is it necessary for Wolverine to kill her, when they have conveniently on hand the little cure-boy whose precise power is to deactivate other mutants? Because she is embodied desire, and you'll recall that we couldn't have that. It must be slaughtered in sacrifice. And poor Wolverine has to do it, to seal his self-surrender. And, most horribly, Jean has to recognize and welcome that necessity in the moment of her death, and forgive him with her eyes. A thousand, million, billion times ew.) This film is an absolute paean to jackbooted collaborationism. One is accustomed to science fiction that critiques fascism from the liberal (and harder) left, as well as that which celebrates it from the right, and that which glares dyspeptically at both from the 'apolitical' outside. The startling, if dubious, innovation of 'X-III' is in presenting a glorious vision of the soi-disant left heroically facilitating the ends of fascism. A document for our times, indeed.
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
Miku.EXE Origin : The Revenge Pt.6 (1/2)
Jeff the Killer : [whistling] Ah, I can't wait to taste a mouth-watering steak when those two daughters of "Him" returns immediately . Can't say that I really wanted that awesome feeling from Doll. He's still with that egghead in his room for all these years since SEGA abandoned him in about 10 years before he became a creepypasta legend to get his revenge on the company. Hmm, haven't seen Slender Man while he's at work, I wonder if I had any calls from the guys? Maybe I best be going by now. (A person's hand pulls Jeff's ears what it appears to be Kuchisake-Onna) Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey that smarts!
Kuchisake-Onna : Didn't you forget someone, loud mouth?
[PigeonBlood OST : Funny-Funny]
Jeff the Killer : Oh, uhh, hey, Kuch'! When did you get here?
Kuchisake-Onna : I just got back from my vacation home in North Carolina, not to mention it, at least. Just wanted to drop by to seem my favorite ghost friend Hachishaku-sama.
Jeff the Killer : Can't a guy get at least have some privacy? I was going to have my favorite paper dolls created for my decorations!
Kuchisake-Onna : Oh? Is that the type you wanted to do things for you? Is it really necessary for you to talk it out? I was just hoping that you didn't look at my stuff using my pair of blood-covered scissors when I got back!
Jeff the Killer : What?! No! I was using my own pair of scissors, yours at the other room. [pulls Jeff's ears twice to cause him pain] Hey! Hey! Okay I didn't touch your stuff, okay! I just wanted to look around in your room to give me a nice pair a scissiors that are the clean ones, not the ones that are covered with blood and it has your name written on it! Please, I just wanted to borrow those pair so that next time I may have permission to use it for a while!
Kuchisake-Onna : Oh, seems fair. Okay, I may let you go off the hook. (Releases Jeff)
[scene flips]
Jeff the Killer : [with ears covered with bandages] Jeez, Kuch! Can't you be a little more aggressive, next time? You almost got my ears ripped off and I may go deaf in an instant. Anyway, what's the haps?
Kuchisake-Onna. : Oh nothing much, I was just listening some public radio about the incident that was spreading the rumors in the USA.
Jeff the Killer : What's so special about that? Didn't know about the incident in Nevada. Believe it or not, it's just those kids from a fictional town called Death City.
Kuchisake-Onna : When I heard that a Japanese girl named Tsugumi Harudori, a Shounen Protag from the Soul Eater franchise, has found a weird mysterious red ring and proclaimed that it could be a source of fortune and power, or probably it could be a use for jewelry. But when she picked it up, she was given these "strange" illusions that totally lost her mind, going nuts to a dangerous level of sanity! So after that her mental state was unable to control herself, she then...
Jeff the Killer : So...So then what?
Kuchisake-Onna : She then...She then decides to end her life of stopping her insanity by jumping off a building and immediately goes...SPLAT! She hit the ground and didn't even bounce. After that, Tsugumi Harudori was never seen again. Thus the Soul Eater franchise has officially met it's downfall. Except for Maka Albarn, the hero of that franchise, has disappeared shortly after calling quits.
[PigeonBloos OST : Night Morning]
Jeff the Killer : I heard about this. Maka Albarn haved hated her own author she reveals that the world of Soul Eater was a great big lie from the "Devil" himself, who he created DWMA leader Shinigami that proclaims to be son of the devil after witch detective Kimial Diehl showed everyone the truth. But all of that crazy stories of yours have starting to make me go hungry for a steak.
Sonic.EXE : Not the only one who got betrayed or abandoned as the "Fallen Idol".
Jeff the Killer : Ah, Mr.EXE! What a pleasant surprise for your return. How was the meeting with your friends?
Sonic.EXE : It was alright. It was one hellish meeting for a day. I had a discourd with the EXE group. So, it's not too borish and we had to discuss our family's terms. So everything's according to plan. We probably knows how this is going to be well, eventually, we heard that the Dry Bones and Mask Enemy, Phanto, has finally reclaimed the land of Nevada from the Devil's son and orders were issued with the Nevada State Government. So what brings this ever mounting crisis in the United States?
Jeff the Killer : I just got this from the daily newspaper in the state capitol Carson City. It looks like you're all slow news, you're about to be jealous from this state's front page. (Shows newspaper to the both of them)
Kuchisake-Onna : [Reading] "Former Hero of Soul World was quickly turned into a ferocious demon made of black blood called Black Beast." Are you telling me that a girl was a traitor to her own people? Like that's old news in 2011 or 2014. Well, this is the 2010s and we need to stay classy in our glory old days of legend. With Soul World manga loosing it's franchise and meeting it's end in total darkness, poor Maka Albarn has given up her life as a hero and became the demon made of black blood itself, Or I prefer the substance Ink in her body.
Jeff the Killer : You got that right. We are done with Soul Eater and never going to talk about it ever again. I'll stick to any other Japanese media franchise and I would highly recommend to the publicity of an otaku fan. Don't mention it that of course.
Kuchisake-Onna : I couldn't agree with you more of reading your silly Japanese comic books.
Sonic.EXE : Since this little conversation is a little over, I wonder how are my daughters doing fine so lately? More importantly, where are those two dear daughters of mine?...
[cuts outside to show the exterior of the Creepypasta House]
Tails.EXE : Comrade! The enemy knows that we are getting closer to where our next move might be. We commonly set up a barricade to each and one of the locations around the globe. With our strongest defense system we worked on, we can finally manage to capture our lord's faker Exeller the Hedgehog, the mysterious look-alike who seeks in the powers of "God".
Knuckles.EXE : Excellent work, my friend. But what about those two daughters of him? Zatsune and Miku.EXE?
Tails.EXE : I don't know how to put this, but according to the radar, we have confirmed that two of Master's daughters have wandered off into one of locations we barricaded. Zatsune and her sister have wandered off into the defense line, the location they're heading to was the forest!
Knuckles.EXE : What were those two thinking wandering off like that? We've got to warn master about this! But thankfully, rest assure that our dear friend Xeno is working another one from the same data that he traveled through cyberspace. Send in...Kaito.EXE.
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ear-worthy · 3 months
Dear Felicity Podcast Debuts & Podcast About Travel Writer Who Was A Spy
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What is it about a TV series that makes it a strong candidate to become a re-watch podcast? Length? TV ratings? Genre? All viable options. Perhaps, it is the loyalty and enthusiasm of the fan base that determines whether a canceled TV series warrants a re-watch podcast.
In the case of WB TV series Felicity, it definitely could be the loyalty and passion of the show's fan base.
Felicity revolves around the college experiences of the title character, Felicity Porter (portrayed by Keri Russell), as she attends the "University of New York" (based on New York University), which lies across the country from her home in Palo Alto, California. Like NYU, UNY is located in Greenwich Village near Washington Square Park, and the school is an important part of the show. The show ran for four seasons from September 29, 1998, to May 22, 2002, with each season corresponding to the traditional American university divisions of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. Last week, Spotify’s The Ringer and Bad Robot Audio announced Dear Felicity, an all-new, star-studded podcast revisiting the beloved series Felicity, 25 years after it premiered. Rather than the familiar episode-by-episode approach, Dear Felicity will have an innovative structure, with episodes covering themes and story arcs to facilitate broader conversations about Felicity, The WB, the careers of those involved, and how the television business functioned. Dear Felicity launched on Wednesday, March 13. New episodes will drop every Wednesday on Spotify and everywhere podcasts are available. Said Abrams, Co-CEO, Bad Robot, “The experience of Felicity was formative for so many involved. It is such a joy to relive that time, re-examine the episodes, and hear from so many of the wonderful and creative people who helped bring the show to life.”
Hosted by Felicity stars Amanda Foreman and Greg Grunberg alongside The Ringer’s Juliet Litman, Dear Felicity will bring together cast, crew, executives, and fans of the iconic series to discuss its cultural longevity and unique place in television history. Special guests will include Keri Russell, series creators J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves, Scott Speedman, Scott Foley, Tangi Miller, Amy Jo Johnson, Jennifer Garner, Brian Grazer, Keiko Agena, Andrew Jarecki, and more. Bad Robot was formed by filmmaker J.J. Abrams in 2001. The company has produced television series including Alias, Lost, Fringe, Person of Interest, Westworld, Castle Rock, Lovecraft Country, and Lisey’s Story, as well as feature films including SUPER 8, STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS and THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, and the STAR TREK, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, and CLOVERFIELD franchises.
Check out Dear Felicity, if for no other reason to listen to Greg Grunberg (a former cast member) who is always eminently ear worthy.
It's taken me years to get over the revelation (if it's actually true) that creator / host of The Gong Show, and creator of The Newlywed Game and The Dating Game Chuck Barris was a CIA operative.
After all, the U.S. was either desperate for spies, or so ingenuously clever that even Doctor Evil from Austin Powers would be flabbergasted.
Now, iHeartPodcasts and producer Lars Jacobson have debuted Fodor’s Guide to Espionage, with the first episode released on March 13.  
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Based on the true story of Eugene Fodor, the podcast Fodor's Guide to Espionage will explore the greatest travel writer in the world, who secretly used his profession as a cover to spy for the CIA. Taking place in the 1960s, it is a globetrotting, jet-setting spy series centered around the biggest events of the Cold War that will take listeners on an exotic vacation and high stakes spy mission every week. 
 Established in 1949, Fodor's has published more than 440 guides on over 300 destinations, and currently has more than 700 permanently placed researchers all over the world. In addition to having sold hundreds of millions of guide books over the last century, Fodor’s remains one of the most popular travel guide publishers and internet tourist information sites to this day. 
Ethan Corn (“Criminal Minds,” “The Resident”), Lelia Symington (“Brut Force,” “The Marksman”), and Jacqueline Emerson (“The Hunger Games,” “FBI”) will take listeners through thrilling history, fine dining and navigating the world through travel. 
Creator and writer Lars Jacobson will be producing the series alongside Sabrina Jaglom (“Jane,” “Listening In”) and Noel Brown for iHeartPodcasts. “Fodor's Guide to Espionage'' marks the first podcast out of Teleforce’s first-look deal with iHeart. 
 Check out Fodor’s Guide to Espionage for its plot twists, narrative roundabouts, and weird blend of travel and international spycraft.
What's next? The Food Network's Pioneer Woman is a double agent.
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hcareindia · 4 months
H & CARE INCORP is a Top PCD Pharma Franchise in India with different range of product categories. They are the suppliers of Pharma medicines exceling in producing high-quality products in multiple segments having a wide range of tablets, capsules, injectables, syrups, ointments, nasal, eye and ear drops.
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ismith1 · 8 months
Best Ophthalmic PCD Franchise Company in India - I Smith
I Smith is the Best Ophthalmic PCD Franchise Company in India offering a wide range of high quality Ophthalmic products. The company is committed to providing innovative and effective eye care solutions that will make a difference in people's lives.
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adrifvision · 2 years
Pharma Company For Ophthalmic Products Range | Ophthalmic Pharma Company in India
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If you are looking for Ophthalmic products with great range & competitive prices, you are right place.  Adrif Vision is Prominent name in Ophthalmic pharma industry and expert in dealing with ophthalmic products. Best Pharma Company for Ophthalmic Products Range.
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eyerisvision · 4 months
Why choose Ophthalmic eye Drops Range for PCD pharma Franchise?
The answer is Opthalmic disorders Ophthalmic disorders – Diseases and other issues related to the eyes are on the rise in India. As the population ages, so does the number of eye-related ailments. According to the studies, the prevalence of eye-related issues in India has risen from around 8.9 percent in 2019 to about 12.1 percent in 2021. This is a clear indication of the increasing prevalence of eye-related problems. This is largely due to poor diet and lifestyle choices. As people spend more time on screens, they are more likely to experience dry eyes. Diabetes is also an increasing problem in India, which has a direct effect on the eyes, leading to issues such as glaucoma and dry eyes, as well as eye strain. Fortunately, these issues can be treated or delayed with the help of ophthalmologists and the right products, such as those offered by Eyeris Vision Care, the leading eye drops franchise company. 
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The Pharma industry is growing rapidly because people are looking for specific medicines for their specific health issues. Eyebrow drops are becoming more and more popular because so many people suffer from eye problems. So if you are looking for a new business opportunity in the pharma industry, then starting an eye drop-selling business is a great option for you. Today, we will talk about why you should choose a variety of eye drops for your PCD Pharma Franchise.
Several reasons for choosing Ophthalmic eye Drops Range for PCD pharma Franchise?
There are lots of wonderful and profitable benefits provided by the Ophthalmic Eye drops Range  PCD pharma Franchise companies nowadays. 
Low Risks -  When it comes to running a pharmacy franchise, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. The majority of the well-established parent companies give you everything you need to run a successful franchise, so there’s almost no risk of losing money on your franchise.
Grow Better- If you are willing to have exposure in the national market with your own business, with monopoly rights in a particular geographical area. Then you can go with the Ophthalmic eye Drops Range of PCD pharma Franchise companies they will lead you to good growth.
Profit - Running an ophthalmic pharma franchise is much more lucrative than any other type of business. Here, you have the advantage of a very low risk, and making money on this platform is easy. 
Low Investment - When it comes to running a pharmacy franchise, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. The majority of the well-established parent companies give you everything you need to run a successful franchise, so there’s almost no risk of losing money on your franchise.
Monopoly Rights - we provide franchises to partners with monopoly rights, which means they can operate their business on their terms and in their market. This guarantees that you will have a competitive advantage and be able to grow your business in your area.
Once you’ve established a franchise, your parent company maintains a steady supply of the products you’ll be selling. You won’t need to buy the products, as they’re supplied to you by your parent company. Eyes and Ear Pharma franchise companies that sell ear and eye drops have the highest profit margins in the entire pharma franchise sector. Because of the prevalence of eye and ear infections, they’re the most profitable. Like most other businesses, pharma franchises aren’t seasonal. That’s why pharma franchises that sell eye and eye drops have a higher profit margin. Just like Eyerisvisioncare, we provide a wide range and premium quality with very good prices and also we are providing you with our reputed name. Have a maximum of trusted customer on the satisfaction scale.
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wellonapharmaindia · 4 months
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Globally, the Eye Drops & Ophthalmic market value was valued at $ 8.6B in 2017 and is expected to reach $ 10B by 2025, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of xx% in the year 2018 to 2025. India is a fast-growing and one of the world’s fastest-growing economies with huge untapped demand for eye care services. Start your own business with the help of the right Eye drops Franchise Company. Below is the list of the Best Ophthalmic & Eye drop manufacturers, Suppliers or Exports in India.
#1 — Wellona Pharma: Wellona Pharma is a Surat-based Pharma Company that is one of the leading and established Pharma Eye Drop Manufacturers, Exporters and Suppliers in the world. They also manufacture Pharmaceutical finished Formulation such as tablets, capsules, injections, vials, ampoules, cream, ointments, syrups, suspensions, lotions, nutraceuticals and surgical products all over the world. The company specializes in manufacturing and exporting Pharmaceutical Products in almost all dosage formats and categories comprising over 380 products.
#2 — Eyeris Vision Care: Based in Chandigarh, Eyeris is one of the fastest growing ophthalmic companies in India due to their world class services, high quality products & unique monopoly marketing strategy. With a mission to emerge as the world class pharma company, they always strive for excellent relation with their suppliers, customers, employees & beneficiaries.
#3 — S. G. Biopharm: With WHO — CGMP approved & ISO 9001:2008 Certified Plant, S.G Biopharm is one of the top Eyes & Ear drop supplier based in Mumbai, India. They enjoys an ever growing base of loyal customers around 50 countries across all 5 continent & have a strong infrastructure supported by a team of experienced professionals to look into its regulatory affairs.
#4 — Ciron Drugs: With more than 150 satisfied customers in 50 countries across the globe Ciron Drugs is a State of art WHO-GMP facilities to cater to your Eye Drop manufacturing requirements. They have a huge back up of technically qualified R&D team for new formulation development as per individual client and market needs.
#5 — Jawa Pharmaceuticals: With a base in Gurgaon. Jawa Group is a dynamic multi dimensional organisation with high performance standards and quality being of paramount importance. They are committed to consistently producing eye care and eye drop products that meet our customer’s expectation for quality, purity, safety and efficacy.
#6 — Neiss Labs Limited: With manufacturing operations located all across the country. Neiss Labs Limited is one of the most leading eyedrops manufacturer & supplier in India. Skilled, experienced & knowledgeable team along with low cost production makes them the best choice for eyedrop manufacturing.
#7 — Hanuchem Laboratories: Based in Himachal Pradesh, Hanuchem Laboratories is a WHO cGMP and ISO 2001- 2008 pharmaceutical company specialization In Eye Drops/Nasal Drop & Eye Ointment across India. With a team of skilled and qualified professionals they are engaged in offering a comprehensive range of Pharmaceutical products.
#8 — Entod Pharma: Established in 1977, Entod International is now a team of over 1000 employees and producing large range of ophthalmic products to highest international standards. They supply and export high quality finished eye drop products to over 55 countries including Europe, UK, Africa, South-East Asia and the Middle-E.
#9 — Indiana Ophthalmics: They are one of the largest manufacturers of eye drops and eye ointments in India with an export experience in 30+ countries. Started in 1981, Indiana Ophthalmics focuses on specialty manufacturing of Ophthalmic products (Eye Drops and Eye Ointments).They offer more than 135 formulations in Ophthalmic range and we also have specialty manufacturing of Sterile Intra-mammary Infusion for Veterinary.
#10 — Sunways: Incorporated in Mumbai, India Sunways is having more than 60 years of experience in the field of Ophthalmology. With a vision to provide high quality products and strive to continuously improve quality of life, they are engaged in producing wold class eye drop products.
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fawnseo · 11 months
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medmompharma02022 · 11 months
Welcome To Medmom Pharma
Medmom Pharma is expeditiously growing pharma marketing company with 400+ products. PCD Pharma Franchise of quality pharma formulations which are affordable and convenient to the mankind and having “better health better lie” is our motto. Our pharma products are formulated using quality ‘material, which is sourced from reliable and trusted manufacturers with ISO GMP Certified and WHO GMP compliance Units. We are leading marketers of Pharma formulations and recognized in the market due to our ability to supply a diverse and qualitative range of Injectable, Capsules, Tablets, Softgel Capsules, Dry Syrup, Syrup, Facewash, Ointments, Eye Drops, Lotion, Ear Drops and More Ranges
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