#Earthbender Makoto
trouvelle · 5 years
Emogust 22.08 — First Time
A/N: DCMK Emogust 2019 — First Time! Here’s some MakoSono as part of the ATLA!AU. Makoto is a true fullblooded Earthbender and no one can convince me otherwise lmao. @mintchocolateleaves @sup-poki !!
The sweltering sun stood high in the sky when Makoto walked along the shore of the Northern Water Tribe, such was the scene of his current mission. Everything was white and blue as far as he could see, and only some parts where the sunlight touched was shining a pale yellow. The Palace stood way above the coast, glistening like an enormous chunk of diamond hidden in the midst of all the ice in the region. The city itself was protected by huge ice cliffs which formed all around it as its walls. It had worked, Makoto knew; the Northern Water Tribe had remained standing without ever suffering any seizes from the other nations. 
Its position surrounded by all those icebergs had more than its fair share of advantages. Under the cover of darkness the night before, Makoto had arrived in a bay a little sideways from ice gate which functioned as the only entrance into the city. He’d hidden his dinghy, folding the sail carefully and covering the whole boat with anything he could find to keep it out of plain sight. He had left his Earth Kingdom tunic behind, too.
Now he’s sauntering around the village in a grayish blue Water Tribe robe, not attempting to find his target just yet, but opting to take in the layout of the town and the people that live in it. The water flowed smoothly in the canals, slithering here and there, connecting the whole city like a giant blue snake. Makoto supposed he shouldn’t be surprised to see the ambienceband tranquility of the whole city, considering its peaceful history and close proximity to the hidden gateway to the Spirit world. It’s almost like the war never reached this place at all, with how calm it seemed. Makoto knew he would be willing to stay here if he had the option to. Then again, war made people do strange things. He averted his eyes and kept walking up the main road in the middle of the city.
As he climbed his way up the tier to the courtyard, the entrance to the Northern Royal Palace came into view. It’s a stately place on the highest tier of the city, built in a true Water Tribe structure with ice paneling and statues, and a large, open staircase in the middle of it. He walked past some younger students, all of whom looked no older than twelve, practicing waterbending in the courtyard. He made his way around the palace. He knew precisely where to go and let his feet take him away. Although, if he must say, he felt really strange in these boots he’s wearing. The ice beneath his feet felt fragile and a little too smooth for his liking.
He reached another yard, this one not as open nor as wide as the main one in front of the palace. Another thing that was also missing here—the crowd. There was not a single person there. This one had multiple small fountains with pillars bordering the area, and he knew this was probably a private yard only accessible to the Elders, Council members or the royal family of the chiefdom. Makoto kept walking, until he can see around the to the very back part of the—
On one of the fountains near the east corner of the yard, sat a girl in an elaborate lavender kimono-like tunic over a light purple dress, with short and light brown hair. Instinctively, Makoto knew who she’s looking at. It’s Suzuki Sonoko, daughter of Chief Suzuki Shiro, ruler of the Northern Water Tribe. She was talking and laughing with another girl who looked the same age, but this one had a long hair that reached her waist. In order not to draw any attention to himself, Makoto kept walking until he found himself a bigger fountain to hide behind. He was careful to keep in the shadows that allow him to observe the Chief’s younger daughter without giving himself away.
Nothing much happened. The so-called princess kept talking, cracking big laughters as she conversed with the other girl, her short hair tickling her cheeks. Makoto watched with interest as the two of them chatted animatedly as if nothing that’s wrong in the world could ever reach them. The air is rife with rumors of the Air Temples dissipation, Makoto knew it’s all part of an elaborate conspiracy. The Fire Nation had been at the height of its power and the world’s peace was starting to be shaken.
Sonoko was still sitting in the same spot, still talking with her friend who occasionally guided some water to and away from the fountain, probably trying some new waterbending tricks. The sun was starting to set now, creeping lower and lower towards the horizon with every passing minute. It’s almost time. Soon enough, the long-haired girl stood up and waved her goodbye, running to the direction of the main courtyard. The chief’s daughter, now all by herself, slowly walked back into the Palace.
Now’s the time. He checked his surroundings one last time, heaved a deep breath and made his way forward. There were guards stationed outside the front entrance and no doubt within the palace as well. Makoto disregarded them; chances were they’d grown slow in the illusion of peace that this entire city seemed to have fallen under.
Eventually, Makoto found himself perched on a balcony that gave him a prime view of the chief’s daughter’s bedroom, where she was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. After deeming her hair acceptable, she made way to the balcony. There was no one around and no one with her. Twilight had descended by now and the moonlight softly framed her figure. After a long moment of consideration, Makoto decided to abandon what he had come here to do. With the rising moon that gives the whole city its power, Makoto turned around and got ready to jump down.
“Show yourself,” he froze in action when he heard her say. 
Was he not as silent as he thought? 
Makoto swung himself over the railing of the balcony in one swift jump, landing in front of Sonoko. To her credit, she didn’t look too shocked, though she immediately sprang backwards many steps, hands held in front of her body defensively. “Who are you?” Her voice is squeaky and raspy, but she sounded more confused than scared.
“You are Sonoko,” Makoto said as she approached Sonoko slowly. “Second daughter of Chief Suzuki Shiro.”
“Yes,” Sonoko said, stepping backwards with each step Makoto took. “But wait, please. I’m sure we can talk this out.” At Makoto’s confused look, she continued. “You don’t have to kill me. You don’t have to kidnap me. You can have whatever you’re after. Money, food, coins, all you have to do is tell me and I will ask my father for it, please.”
“Those mean nothing to me,” Makoto murmured, never once taking her eyes off the girl. “I’m here for you. And there’s nothing you can say that will make me change my mind. Especially if it concerns a mission I have to accomplish in the future.” Sonoko’s gaze slid from him to his hands. They were big, rough and calloused. They look nothing like the hands of someone who grew up in a Water Tribe environment, let alone be a waterbender.
“Ah,” she said. “So that’s what this is.” He must be sent from another nation to kidnap her and ask her father to give up their land in exchange for her life. Or, to kill her to reduce the chances of their hereditary chiefdom continuation down the generation.
“Then, let me ask you something,” Sonoko continued. “Tell me, what have I done to you, or your people? Did I steal something from you? Did I hurt you in some way? Why do you have to kill me?” She looked at him intently.
“I never wanted intended to,” Makoto responded, his voice silent instead of strong now, quelled by the resilience he saw in the blue eyes of the girl. “And I’m not here to kill you, or whatever you’re thinking.”
Sonoko knew she shouldn’t trust anything coming from a stranger, especially one who had been spying on her in her room, but she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in. “Okay. Then why are you here? If you think you can get any information out of me, then I swear on the Spirits of the Ocean and Moon, that I know absolutely nothing.”
Sonoko looked hopeful and beautiful at once, and she’s not at all like what Makoto had pictured, apparently. He had heard that the younger of the Chief’s daughters was the one most spoiled, a good-for-nothing lady who couldn’t even be a trophy daughter simply for the fact that she wasn’t born with the ability to waterbend. It’s also been said that she had a shallow and brash attitude. But this girl in front of her seemed nothing like that: to him she appeared trusting, and optimistic.
“I am Makoto from the Kyogoku family in Ba Sing Se, Capital of Earth Kingdom.” Makoto suddenly continued, and he thought about what he had to say next, after telling her who he really was. “Please forgive my intrusion. And I apologize for the disturbance and unease that I have caused you, My Lady.”
He watched as her soft blue eyes widened in realization as she too, was probably recounting the last time she’d heard his name. “You’re… Are you the man I’m supposed to marry?”
“It appears so.” Makoto looked away shyly, and his right hand rubbed at his nape in an act of nervousness. Coming from a pretty influential family in Earth Kingdom’s capital city and equipped with years of battle experiences at a young age, he was deemed an excellent choice to be wed into a family member of the Water Tribe chiefdom. He was initially against the idea, but politics are politics, and there wasn’t much he could do except hope that the other side would reject the idea. Because normally, offsprings of a chief had to marry within the tribe to ensure the continuation of the chiefdom’s power. So, he’s surprised when the Water Tribe Chief agreed on it too himself. Makoto thought that the Chief probably had his city’s interest at heart. The marriage would ensure a small, albeit steady alliance between the two cities. And at the brim of a war like this, who wouldn’t want that?
After a brief silence, Makoto dared to sneak a glance at the girl. Soft blue eyes found his again, as she said, “I thought we weren’t supposed to meet until next month, on the agreed date of our engagement.”
“Yes,” he spoke, voice barely above a whisper, “that’s right.” If only he was patient enough, he wouldn’t have to waste his time and energy to come all the way from Ba Sing Se. “I just had to see what kind of person I am going to be married to.”
To be honest, Sonoko wasn’t looking forward to the day of her marriage either. It’s approaching unbelievably fast, and with every day, she’s getting more and more worried about having to marry someone she’s never even met. She sighed deeply and had accepted her fate.
This rugged man, however, was handsome and mysterious; she’s intrigued.
So was he. The young Lady stood in front of him with pride, although her eyes were full of uncertainty. She was probably just as nervous as he was. They barely knew each other and in a month, they’d have to be living together already. The thought of it sent him to a frenzy and he turned around, ready to leave the Palace, once and for all. “I suppose I have to leave now.” He murmured incoherently.
A cool hand touched his shoulder and Makoto was returned to his current situation, the tension in his shoulders dissipating at the contact. He looked down into Sonoko’s kind eyes, and for some reason it did make him feel better. Makoto decided not to think about it too deeply. Not yet.
“Actually,” Sonoko started, softly, “I’d rather get to know you more first, rather than at our engagement reception. I’m sure you think so too, or else you wouldn’t have come all the way here.”
He silently shook his head and Sonoko smiled in delight, tentatively. The hand on his shoulder squeezed in a gesture of comfort. “Then stay! I’m pretty sure we’re not so different, you and I!” She helped Makoto down even though she knew he was capable of doing so himself. 
Her hand lingered around his arm as she pulled him through the corridors of the Palace, expertly weaving around the pillars whenever any guards came into view. Before he knew it, they were at the open space at the very top, overlooking the entire Northern Water Tribe City and the broad Northern Seas. They stared at the night sky, where the stars were splattered liek random dots on a dark blue canvas, surrounding the moon that looked bigger than he’d ever seen before.
“So, future husband,” Sonoko said teasingly, deciding to start off easy. “Do you have any hobbies?” 
Makoto’s eyes left the familiar constellations and took in the childish expression on Sonoko’s face. For the first time that day, he smiled.
I ✥ II
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tentglitch · 4 years
Thinking abt p5 atla au 😳😳
#alex.txt#I'm watching atla again bc netflix and my mind blessed me w/ this thought#here's what I have so far#Joker is the avatar bc obviously#however he lives in the fire nation and thought he was just a firebender until he was told he was the avatar#he meets Ryuji who is going to either be an earthbender or nonbender (haven't decided yet) who doesn't know he's the avatar#and Ryuji's wanted for smth. we don't know yet but Akira helps him out bc he not only sees Akira for who he is#but also bc he believes whatever Ryuji did was the right thing to do#I'm also not sure if Morgana is gonna be an animal companion or human airbender yet#if he's an animal companion he's gonna be like the cat bus from totoro in a way#I know purebred animals are kinda rare in the atla universe tho so his animal combo would probably be cat + a bird of some kind or smth#but yeah Akira's original plan is just to help Ryuji escape the fire nation and take him back to a safe place in the earth kingdom#however they run into Ann on the way (yes she's a firebender) and things kinda happen from there#I've worked out the characters and their abilities more than the story#Yusuke is a water bender in the north pole#Makoto is an earth bender#Futaba isn't a bender but specializes in gadgets and inventions#Haru is an airbender#and Akechi is a waterbender who specializes in bloodbending but keeps it secret#also if Kasumi is included in this au she'll probably be an airbender too#I rlly wanna make content for this but I'm bad at art F
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beybladegods · 4 years
My Beyblade AUs and Fic Ideas
I realized today that I’ve been creating Beyblade AUs and storylines in my head for almost 20 years and, since I’m not much of an artist or fic writer, I’ve decided to just compile a summary list of some of my favourites (this is not by any means a complete list).
Note that I am a KaiTakao shipper (it is my Ultimate OTP!) and so some of my ideas did come about primarily as KaiTakao shipping.
Actor AU - “Beyblade” is a live-action show, and all the Beyblade characters are actors. They take part in interviews, ‘Behind The Scene’ specials, and there’s blooper reels!
Avatar the Last Airbender AU - Takao is an Airbender, Kai is a Firebender, Max is a Waterbender, and Rei is an Earthbender who studies other nations bending techniques and has mastered lightning redirection as a result. I have backgrounds written for each of the boys (for instance, Takao’s mom was an Airbender who was killed in a Fire Nation raid on an Air Temple!), but this would get way too long if I wrote it all here.
Battle AU - One of my favourite and oldest personal AUs (that I still need to come up with a better name for). Everything from the series is the same, except instead of Beyblade battles the teams physically fight each other in a martial arts style tournament. Some fighters can manifest their ‘fighting spirit’ as a Sacred Beast, which grants them special moves and powers based on their respective Beast and Element. (The music on my phone often serves as a ‘soundtrack’ to the fight scenes that play out in my head). The Beyblade dish is now a life-size arena; for example, in the finale of Season 1, Takao would have fought Tala in an arena made like a snow-covered forest. It is possible for fighters to swap Sacred Beasts, but it’s extremely dangerous and the backlash of using a Beast/Element you have little affinity for is immense.
BEGA Takao AU - In G Revolutions, Takao snaps and joins BEGA after feeling abandoned by Kai, Max and Rei (similar to how Kai went ‘dark’ and joined the Demolition Boys in Season 1).
BeySwap AU- Everthing from the series is the same, except everyone has a different Bitbeast (eg. Max has Driger, Takao has Dranzer, etc). This AU can also apply to my Battle AU, as mentioned above.
Clone AU - (KaiTakao) After Boris’s attempt to clone powerful Bitbeasts in season 1 fails, he decides to try cloning the Ultimate Beyblader instead. He creates two clones from the combined DNA of Takao and Kai, resulting in Makoto and Gou.
Drama CD AU - (Kai/Takao) After Takao retires from Beyblading, he starts earning money by endorsing products, doing celebrity appearances for tv shows and events, etc. He’s asked by a company to be a ‘special guest voice’ on one of their Romance Drama CDs, and ends up being surprisingly good at it (after a rocky start).
Harry Potter AU - Self explanatory. I generally tend to sort the Bladebreakers as; Takao & Daichi in Gryffindor, Max & Hilary in Hufflepuff, Rei & Kenny in Ravenclaw and Kai in Slytherin. But I honestly can make a case for putting each of the main 4 boys in at least one other House. Examples; Takao could be a Slytherin based on his actions in G-Rev, both Max and Kai could totally be Ravenclaws, and so on.
His Dark Materials AU - The Beyblade characters live in the world created by Philip Pullman where your soul takes form outside your body in the form of an animal that best represents you, called a Daemon. 
Mafia/Yakuza AU - (KaiTakao; Enemies-to-Friends-To-Lovers) Kai is a member of the Russian mafia, Takao is a member of the Japanese Yakuza. Both are from powerful mob families, each currently run by their respective grandfathers.
Magical Boy AU - One of my favourite AUs, I have two versions. One is based on a combination of Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena, and the other is mainly based on Puella Magi Madoka Magica (which is why I also call that one ‘Puer Magi Takao Magica’ lol). Like the ATLA AU, this post would become way too long if I tried to write down the whole thing.
Music AU’s - I actually have three music-based AUs. One where the Bladebreakers are a band, one where all the Beyblade characters are members of an orchestra, and one where all Beybladers are blader/singers like Ming Ming, which I sometimes call my Idol AU, where all battles are a combo of Beyblade battles and sing/dance offs. These AUs exist because I often imagine the Beyblade characters singing/performing to whatever music I’m listening to when I’m on the bus.
Nier Automata AU - Based on one of my favourite video game series. Each of the Bladebreakers is a model of YoRHa android, charged by the Council of Humanity to fight in a war to reclaim the Earth against invading aliens and their Machine Lifeforms. 
Pokemon AU - Self explanatory. I’ve created a Pokemon team for almost every Beyblade character.
Steven Universe AU - Beyblade characters as Gems. In some versions of this AU Max takes the place of Steven as the half-Gem, half-human hybrid main character, and in others it’s Takao. I particularly enjoy this AU because of the potential Fusions and Fusion Dancing <3. And I just love the SU series in general.
Sun/Moon God AU - (KaiTakao) Kai is the god of the sun, Takao is the god of the moon, Rei is the god of the earth and Max is the god of the sea. (You might have seen the moodboards I created for this AU).
Vampire AU - I love this AU because, thanks to the Dark Bladers, there is a canon vampire (and werewolf) in the Beyblade series, and therefore I think that a Vamp AU could potentially happen for real lmao. I have a ton of different versions, the Vamp AU umbrella is huge and I change it up depending on what I feel like.
Yuri On Ice! AU - Pretty self-explanatory, all the main Beyblade teams are ice dancers. (I even made a jokey meme about it, comparing Takao, Kai and Tala to Yuri K, Victor and Yuriy P).
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Avatar AU:
In a world divided into four elemental nations everyone is able to control one of the four elements water, earth, fire, or air.
Firebenders: Kiyotaka, Celestia, Leon, Toko.
Waterbenders: Aoi, Hifumi, Kyoko, Sayaka.
Airbenders: Junko, Makoto, Mukuro, Yasuhiro.
Earthbenders: Mondo, Chihiro, Byakuya, Sakura.
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tothethief · 4 years
Inbox is clear save for a rainy day starter I'm gonna do some time tomorrow.
For now, ATLA AU Phantom Thieves:
I haven't done so much with backstory and all that, but I do have the Nations for the PTs, and the plot of their current arc is uncovering the corruption in Ba Sing Se.
Akira: New Airbender (found to have the gift when his Persona awakened in the Spirit World, struggles being the only one and not having any monastic faith)
Ryuji: Earth Kingdom warrior
Ann: Firebender and Fire Nation refugee
Yusuke: Eastern Island Water Tribe Waterbender. Uses it to create art and for particularly brutal ice and cold.
Makoto: Earth Kingdom Earthbender, military academy student.
Futaba: Earthbender experimenting with metalbending, but with little success until she witnesses Toph do it. (Probably one of her lieutenants in the Metalbending Corps later on)
Haru: Northern Water Tribe noble and diplomat, hides her waterbending for protection and to heal others.
Akechi: Fire Nation prodigy and uses lightning. Currently investigating Ba Sing Se and their connection to the Spirit World to bring it down from the inside.
Anyways, hit a like if you're interested in this idea, we cam talk and I'll whip starters up eventually
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crazynekochan · 6 years
Okay, get this: a Danganronpa SDR2 AU set in the Avatar the Last Airbender Universe. I can totally see Gundham as a waterbender (because he's an Overlord of Ice). As for the others, I can see see Fuyuhiko and his sister taking on the Zuko and Azula roles. What about the rest of the cast? Personally, I think Kazuichi would be a non bender.
I did in fact once do an Avatar AU, where I assigned the main cast into the four elements and came op with a base plot
I agree with Gundham being a waterbender who is especially good at using ice. He would also either travel the other nations for the many animals or do it as soon as Makoto (or anyone else) arrives and gives him the opportunity, since there are only so many animals at the poles
I did put Fuyu and Natsumi in as firebender, but didn’t think about them being Zuko and Azula, as I went with a different plot. But I love the idea and it would be very fitting, since it is stated that many of their clan see Natsumi as the better heir than Fuyu, just like Azula is favoured due to being a protégé
With Kazuichi I personally went with earthbender, who is very good in metalbending together with MiuOne of the reasons is that I wanted all ultimates to have bending just like they have talents in canon. I also simply thought it would be fitting for someone like him since he can use it to his advantage during working. Last reason is because I had this thought about Kaz and Gundham using their bending when bantering after meeting, like Kaz makes Gundham fall and Gundham soaks him in return, which made me laugh x)
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jadeandblood · 6 years
Avatar!AU Persona 5 Futaba Sakura
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Futaba is a non-bender with high intelligence. She constructed a device that can shoot out little rocks at will (the switch is in her palms). This was due to her childhood of being bullied by other earth bender kids, because she didn’t have the ability to earthbend. 
She is currently living with Makoto Nijima in Earth Nation around the suburban area. They used to live in the same orphanage. When Makoto hit an independent age (14), she took Futaba under her care. 
Her rock-shooter device is hidden under her long sleeves. She wears pants meant for boys because as a girl, she is required to wear a dress, but her rowdy personality made her dress unsuitable for her troublemaking escapades. Despite her demure look, Futaba is a very naughty teenager. She is commonly seen around town playing with other teenagers her age, pranking and trolling other villagers. Everytime she gets in trouble, Makoto will cover her (She gets her share of scolding later on)
Most important fact: She loves Makoto like she’s her own sister.
This is an AU by me and @astrodrawz :)
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appassaddle · 4 years
I’m rewatching Sailor Moon over break, so this is purely to get it out of my head lmao
Usagi/Sailor Moon- reluctant Water Tribe Avatar-in-training
Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask - nonbender (or maybe waterbender healer)
Ami/Mercury - waterbender
Rei/Mars - firebender
Makoto/Jupiter - earthbender
Minako/Venus - nonbender, weapons specialist
Luna and Artemis - spirit guide/animal companions
Haruka/Uranus - airbender, White Lotus member so no tattoos with being unable to take full temple vows
Michiru/Neptune - waterbender, White Lotus member
Setsuna/Pluto - nonbender, White Lotus member, one of the few people known to have traveled freely to and from the Spirit World prior to Harmonic Convergence.
Hotaru/Saturn - waterbender, spiritual powers
(Usagi/Chibi-Moon - thought to be a nonbender until fairly late, waterbender)
Starlights - chiblockers (or S- waterbender, T- air, Y- earth)
and flipped (based purely on character similarities, nothing deeper lol)
Aang - Sailor Moon (jk that’s Yue)
Sokka - Mercury
Katara - Neptune
Toph - Uranus
Zuko - Mars
Azula - Queen Nehelania
Mai - Saturn
Ty Lee - Venus
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jadeandblood · 6 years
Persona 5 Avatar!AU Makoto Nijima
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Makoto is a born earthbender. She lived in an orphanage in Earth Nation until she hit 14, where she started making a living out of working at a silk store. She takes care of Futaba, who’s three years younger than her. During her stay in the orphanage, she heard a rumor of her sister being a general in Fire Nation. She didn’t pay attention to it as she was busy building a stable life at the time. 
She is usually seen in a convenient light green dress and a headband. She works hard everyday except weekends, where she spends her time with Futaba. 
Makoto is very motherly; a sister figure to Futaba and a guardian to the Avatar troope later on. She cooks daily and makes sure everyone is taken care of. As an earthbender, she is very mediocre, but her power lies in her emotions. When she gets a rise of anger/sadness/desperation, her power will significantly increase. In this regard, she is very similar to her sister. 
Ryuji: You know the rumors of Sae the Fire General having glowing red eyes when she’s angry? Yeah, you have that too.
This is an AU by me and @astrodrawz
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crazynekochan · 6 years
DanganRonpa Avatar AU
While doing some chores I realised that I have yet to see an Avatar AU for DR, since every franchise should have an Avatar AU. So I quickly did one x)
Makoto (Airbender)
Chihiro, Yasuhiro, Kyoko, Nagito, Ibuki, Chiaki, Akane, Ryoma, Kiibo (if they are a human in this AU), Kaito, Kokichi, Yasuke, Chisa, Yuta, Taichi, Nagisa
Aoi, Sayaka, Sonia, Hiyoko, Gundham, Mikan, Kaede, Shuichi, Tsumugi, Angie, Himiko, Kotoko
Sakura, Mondo, Hifumi, Mahiru, Nekomaru, Kazuichi, Rantaro, Tenko, Gonta, Miu, Juzo, Jataro, Monaca
Junko (was very hard to decide for her), Toko, Mukuro, Kiyotaka, Leon, Celestia, Byakuya, Teruteru, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Maki, Korekiyo, Kirumi, Natsumi, Kyosuke, Masaru
Imposter (know ones ones what bender they are, since they are able to fake all the powers with their actual powers due to tricks)
Hajime, Komaru
Makoto comes from a very tiny non-bender village outside of the four great nations and all of his family members are also non-benders. He himself also shows no skill for bending at all. This leads to people not realising that he is the avatar because no one knows that his ancestors were actually very powerful air-benders. He was never tested as a possible avatar, due to his heritage from non-benders and not even living close to the air temples. For years people assumed that the avatar is either missing or that the cycle had been broken with the last avatar
He first only notices his airbending powers when he is a teen (around 17 years old), when he is outside with Komaru and an accident happened where she could have died. Reacting out of pure instinct, he manages to use his airbending to get her out of harms way
During around the same time Junko is on the move to destroy the world and create her own paradise. She uses many different tactics like blackmailing, kidnapping, killing and all the way to mind manipulation to wage war between the four nations to make them all fall at the same time and finally attacking them when they are at their weakest, while keeping on her façade as innocent citizen
Due to recent happening in the world where all the nations are very close to war and are partly already on the move, the Air Nomads get informed immediately about the fact that a new airbender had been discovered who is at the correct age. Makoto is quickly brought to one of the air temples where he is tested. When he then passes the test and is suddenly called the avatar, Makoto is completely overwhelmed, because only a few days ago he thought that he was just a normal non-bender. However when one of the first things he is told is that he is now supposed to not only find the source behind all the sudden chaos (and despair) and defeat them, and also stop the nations’ wars against each other, while at the same time mastering all elements before it is too late, he is close to fainting. What makes the idea of mastering all four elements within a short time period even harder is that the Air Nomads tell him that he should at the same time keep it hidden that he can even bend and only tell people he knows he can trust, so that whoever is behind the sudden wars doesn’t know who he is and tries to kill him. This doesn’t exactly work very well, especially since he has no idea who can be trusted
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