#Eaux florales
runakbeauty · 8 months
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La Fabrique Végétale : une distillatrice et des huiles essentielles (2/2)
Deuxième article dédié à La Fabrique Végétale. On parle des projets de cultures pour la production de nouvelles huiles essentielles mais aussi de la complexité de la législation pour les producteurs-distillateurs artisanaux.
Dans le premier article dédié à La Fabrique Végétale, je vous ai présenté Claire Bertrand, la fondatrice et distillatrice de grand talent comme la gamme actuelle de ses si jolies huiles essentielles. La Fabrique Végétale : projets pour étoffer la gamme Claire Bertrand a d’autres projets en tête pour étoffer sa gamme d’huiles essentielles. Voyons cela de plus près. Huile essentielle de…
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harrietvane · 1 year
Perfume chat, because it's hot, summer's ending, and I'm of a mind to list out some of my favourite Hot Weather Perfumes. To be fair, once it gets above 30C/86F, I don't tend to wear scent, but all these I ones I could, and have worn in hot weather, and worth mentioning. Lot of citrus going on here, not much floral, and heavily leaning towards citrus cologne strenght (and away from big floral, gourmand, or sweet eaux de parfum). BYO gender, none of these are marketed specifically one way or another.
-Cédrat Enivrant (Atelier Cologne): the 'cedrat' here is not referring to cedar, but to the ur-citrus known in english as the Citron, aka the mighty Etrog. It's one of the original citrii from which all others spring: it's lumpy, bitter, like 60% rind, and doesn't care what you think. Cedrat Enivrant is a bitter cocktail cologne resembling a French 75 - which is gin and champagne - but dry AF. There's a mintiness, and a pine needle dryness as well. Starts off very high and tart, dries down herbal.
Paris-Deauville (Chanel): part of their Eaux de Chanel cologne-style lighter series, this is an orange/basil combo that stays fairly light and dry - the sweetness is from orange, but otherwise the addition of basil heart note keeps this summery and green. Starts off quite juicy, but 'dries' as it dries, ending in mostly sweet herbs, and the basil is unexpected. Light enough to be a splash bottle though, not a typical Chanel.
Blenheim Bouquet (Penhaligon's): despite going all-in on flashy, heavier things lately, Penhaligon's keeps the old BB on the shelf because I'm p sure it's still one of their best sellers: it's a classic for a reason. Despite listing notes of lemon, black pepper and pine, this comes off mainly with a 'clean pencil shavings' vibe on me, and it suits that freshly-sharpened pencil image. Lemony, sharp, dry, precise. if it was a person it would be Anton Lesser's character in Endeavour.
Melograno (Santa Maria Novella): I sought this out after seeing it on-screen in Casino Royale as one of Vesper Lynd's few belongings in Venice, and it did not disappoint. A warning: despite the name, if you go in expecting a syrupy bath and bodywork's style fruity pomegranate, or dislike things 'that smell like perfume' this perfume is not for you. There is very little, if any, fruit in Melograno, and I confess it's a surprise entry to a cologne-y summer list because it lists several flowers (and oakmoss! and patch!), BUT the reality of it on me is dry dry dryyyy. I have worn this in very hot weather, and the impression is a herbal soap in the cleanest italian bathroom that's ever existed, with a rigid linen handtowel, and some dried flowers in a bowl on the window.
Bergamotto di Positano (Floris): if you DID want fruit, but not syrup, Floris has you covered for orange and mandarin. It steers away from Body Shop fruit with marine notes, but don't let that dissuade you if you avoid CK One types: there's a softness to this from some ginger, green tea, and vanilla in the background. Never goes overly gourmand on me despite the fact that these are all edible things.
Ouarzazate/Series 3 (Comme des Garçons): whaaaaat, an incense in a summer list?? Adding it here as we can't have an entirely citrine list, and this makes the cut due to DRY. CdG did a little series on incense of various styles (the most infamous being Avignon, which does actually smell like a realistic in-use thurible, so hats off to them), and Ouarzazate is their desert incense vibe. It's clean in that dry sauna/spa room sort of way. It's the driest and woodiest of the 4 they did imho. Like walking into a shady, cool, dark wooden room when it's hot outside.
Le Pamplemousse (Miller Harris): MH perfumes divide into those made when Lyn Harris was the nose (interesting, lots of werird herbal combos), and those after she left (generally bigger and sweeter) - this is one of the former. Obviously grapefruit as a theme, which is always a nice bitter citrus for summer, this wears like a crisp white shirt. Despite mentioning things like rhubrarb, the notes are kept in strict order by rosemary, sage, and vetiver. The grapefuit fades as the herbs take over on drydown, manages to evoke clean laundry with no musk. (Bonus points: I have also loved Le Petit Grain from the same house for its twiggy orange tree bundle vibes, but it's discontinued)
Budget options: some countries get great sampling or decanting services (not mine, booooo), and getting 10mls of the above might be easier for you than me, but if not: here's some you can get for a lot less cash but still give you quality-
Vetiver Pamplemousse (Zara): done by theee Jo Malone, so that gives you an idea of the vibe (light, approachable). It's grapefruit, tangerine, and vetiver. Vetiver keeps it dry, quite linear development. Might be slightly 'spicier' than the MH Pampelmousse, or at least more vetiver-forward. Comes in a rollerball for those wanting a short commitment!
4711 (Mäurer & Wirtz): how could i not end on the OG, the classic, the unbeatable 4711. Four-Seven-Eleven has been freshening up people's bathroom routines since 1799, and boasts of a recipe (mostly?) unchanged since Napoleon was tramping around the area. It's citrus, it's lavender, it's romemary, it evaporates in 8 seconds, it's fresh lemony goodness. It's an aftershave, it's a cologne, it's a linen spray, it's a bath soak, is there nothing it cannot do? M&W have started to do endless 'remixes' of the base cologne, in many fruit and floral varieties, but the classic is where it's at. And it costs almost nothing.
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mosaique-sante · 10 months
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blogperfumes · 1 year
Bvlgari Allegra Ma'magnifica Eau Parfum
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Bvlgari cria uma experiência sensorial italiana com a sua nova colecção de fragrâncias Bvlgari Allegra. Com cinco eaux de parfums e cinco essências de ampliação, Bvlgari Allegra oferece uma miríade de combinações para criar um aroma único e pessoal. Desde a composição até aos frascos inspirados em gemas coloridas, esta colecção de fragrâncias é simultaneamente alegre e preciosa. "Todos os caminhos levam a Roma, todos os ingredientes magníficos levam a Roma, e todas as fragrâncias levam a Roma", diz Jacques Cavallier sobre as suas criações para Bvlgari. Inspirado pela história e estilo de vida da Itália, o mestre perfumista pôs a sua paixão e arte na elaboração das cinco Bvlgari Allegra eaux de parfums e das cinco essências de Magnificação. As múltiplas combinações são o fruto de uma criatividade soberba.
Bvlgari Allegra Ma'magnifica
A Ma'Magnifica eau de parfum de Bulgari é uma adorável homenagem às mães italianas. Radiante, generosa e feminina, a fragrância encarna cada uma destas mulheres, com cada spritz a sentir-se como um abraço de boas-vindas e de apoio. Rosa e sândalo são as notas definidoras desta experiência, captando de imediato tanto a força como a sedução daqueles que a inspiram. Bulgari Allegra Ma'magnifica é uma majestosa fragrância floral amadeirada que presta homenagem à beleza e à aura quente sedutora da mulher italiana.
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Use sozinho ou desfrute de infinitas possibilidades ao ampliar esta Eau de Parfum com uma das cinco Essências Amplificadoras exclusivas para levar a sua experiência de fragrância ao nível seguinte. Seleccione entre Musk, Bergamota, Rosa, Patchouli, Baunilha, Mirra ou Sândalo. Ma'magnifica apresenta rosa e sândalo e pode ser usado sozinho ou com uma das Magnifying Essences, ou seja, intensificadores de fragrância que enriquecem o desenvolvimento da fragrância e ampliam a faceta que lhes dá nome. O novo Magnifying Sandalwood tornará Ma'magnifica mais quente e amadeirado, destacando o sândalo suave.
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A História da Marca Bulgari Jewelry Bulgari é uma das mais proeminentes marcas italianas de jóias finas e de luxo, expandindo-se de jóias de prata para uma miríade de categorias, incluindo uma cadeia de hotéis. Olhamos para a história da marca Bulgari, desde as suas origens numa humilde aldeia grega até à sua ascensão na cultura popular, e chegamos ao fundo do porquê exacto do seu logotipo, não Bulgari, mas BVLGARI. Fundada em 1884 por Sotirois Voulgaris, BVLGARI é uma das mais antigas casas de joalharia italianas. Sotirois Voulgaris imigrou para Itália em 1880, vindo da Grécia com apenas alguns cêntimos para o seu nome, mas era um ourives altamente qualificado. Baptizou a sua marca BVLGARI por ser a pronúncia fonética do seu último nome. Os frascos de Bvlgari Allegra BVLGARI ALLEGRA começa com um design arrojado, uma expressão de Bvlgari como joalheiro. Cada frasco desperta a cor e as emoções alegres do estilo de vida italiano, ao mesmo tempo que o conduz numa viagem olfactiva única. Os frascos de vidro são inspiradas pela elegância esculpida das colunas romanas e pelas cores das pedras preciosas, como o vermelho rubi e a ametista púrpura de Fantasia Veneta. Cada uma das fragrâncias pode ser combinada com uma essência para criar um cheiro verdadeiramente pessoal. As cinco essências de Amplificação têm frascos brancos, simbolizando a pureza dos ingredientes: almíscar, bergamota, rosa, patchouli e baunilha.
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Estas joias naturais ecoam a célebre perícia de Bvlgari em joalharia. A Maison romana presta a mesma atenção meticulosa às gemas e plantas que utiliza, e ao planeta. A colecção Bvlgari Allegra é feita inteiramente na Europa e protegida por embalagens que utilizam materiais reciclados. As garrafas de vidro são concebidas para facilitar a reciclagem. https://youtu.be/ymfXPvSNfAk Rosto da campanha Bvlgari escolheu a artista e modelo Solange Smith para encarnar as diferentes facetas da nova colecção de fragrâncias. De um mergulho no Mediterrâneo em Capri a um terraço de café em Roma, Solange abraça a eaux de parfums e essências num turbilhão de alegria, amor e exuberância, uma perfeita ode à dolce vita italiana.
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parfumieren · 2 years
Eau de Fleur de Soie (Kenzo)
There is a tree, stunted and scoliotic, that can be found trailing its wispy foliage over the front yards of suburban South Jersey. This is the Persian silk tree -- Albizia julibrissin, AKA mimosa -- a leguminous native of Asia that has found new vitality in the Pine Barrens' sandy soil.
Neighborhood children derive endless delight from stroking its leaves to watch them snap shut (a self-protective trick botanists call seismonasty). Its papery seed pods can be written on with berry ink and passed as love notes; if the receiver doesn't care for the message, they can crumple the pod to powder in one hand. And during the summer, the silk tree produces spectacular clusters of finely tasseled coral-pink flowers. These make wonderful fantasy powderpuffs, but they seem to offer precious little in the way of natural perfume.
This seems to be the idea behind Fleur de Soie, the 2008 chapter of Kenzo's Eaux de Fleur serial. Fleur de Soie uses a flyaway silk tree blossom as its totem image, to great dramatic effect. But in reality, Fleur de Soie is all show and no scent.
Can a perfume be seismonastic? As I sprayed it on the inside of my arm, Fleur de Soie disappeared almost immediately, as if it could not bear to be in contact with my skin. I had to spray several more times to build up enough fragrance to analyze, only to find it saccharine and faintly metallic, self-effacing, almost a non-smell. Now, I know that perfumers love to claim the most exotic natural materials for their inspiration.... but with all the world's botanical references to choose from, Jean Jacques picked the very one whose primary instinct is to shrivel up and hide.
The sheer weakness of this composition points to a certain poverty of imagination in the perfumer. Most people have no idea what a silk tree blossom smells like. Why not make it smell like heaven-- or hell, if that's your whim? Even in fantasy -- no, ESPECIALLY in fantasy -- a flower ought to smell, well, if not good, then like something, anything. If the "silk flower" referenced by this perfume is the sort you buy in a craft store, then its lack of fragrance makes perfect sense. But even a fabric flower glued to a plastic stem is capable of being beautiful, or of evoking romance. Isn't it?
Alas, the only thing Fleur de Soie evokes is a glass of fruit punch so diluted with ice cube meltwater that it's lost all color and taste. No matter how sticky-sweet or artificially-flavored the full-strength beverage might be, it's GOT to be more fun than this.
ADDENDUM: This scent improved a thousandfold with the addition of a thin underlayer of amber. It grew pinker, sweeter, even hinting at a touch of black cherry essence. Perhaps Jean Jacques was so entranced with the vision of a weightless silk petal floating on the breeze that he entirely forgot the concept of including a base note.
Scent Elements: "Silk flower", plus some fruity-floral chemicals. At the time of its release, the Kenzo website claimed that the ingredients of its Eaux de Fleur were picked from real live trees, which is plausible only if these trees live in a laboratory.
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angelitam · 1 month
Le néroli en parfumerie
La fleur d’oranger a un autre trésor parfumé, le néroli. Néroli Portofino de Tom Ford Le néroli possède une fraîcheur florale aux mille facettes qui en fait un ingrédient historique des eaux de Cologne. Le néroli est un hespéridé lumineux et pétillant. Le néroli en parfumerie La fleur d’oranger donne deux ingrédients majeurs à l’industrie du parfum. Distillée à la vapeur, elle produit…
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houseofmonac3 · 3 months
How to Layer Fragrances Like a Fragrance Expert
You’ve probably heard about layering fragrances – combining multiple scents to create a unique, personalized fragrance experience. But how do you actually do it right?
As a best affordable Clone Fragrances fans, We are going to let you in on all our layering secrets so you can smell as incredible as we do every day.
How to Layer Fragrances Like a Pro
Layering fragrances is an art. Do it wrong and you’ll end up with a muddled, headache-inducing mess. But when done right, fragrance layering allows you to craft truly unique scent combinations. Here’s how to layer fragrances successfully:
Start with fragrance families. Citrus, floral, fresh, and woody fragrances tend to layer more seamlessly than say, combining a heavy oriental with a light aquatic. Feel free to experiment, but generally it’s best to stick within 1-2 fragrance families.
Apply the base fragrance first. This is the fragrance you want to last the longest, usually a perfume or eau de parfum concentration. Apply to pulse points as you normally would – inside wrists, behind ears, etc.
Next, add your middle fragrance. This second layer acts like a modifier, usually an eau de toilette, cologne or body spray. Apply lightly to pulse points, blending with the base.
Finally, add top notes if desired. These tend to be lighter eaux de cologne that provide initial brightness when you first apply. Spritz above the other layers.
Take it slow. Add fragrances gradually, smelling as you layer. Less is often more when it comes to blending.
Consider “notes.” Fragrances with shared dominant notes like vanilla, jasmine or vetiver will layer more seamlessly than those with clashing notes.
The Best Fragrances with Vanilla Notes
Vanilla is one of the most universally loved fragrance notes. Sweet, warm and sensual, the scent of vanilla evokes feelings of comfort and nostalgia. If you love vanillic fragrances, here are some of the best perfumes showcasing luscious vanilla notes:
Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium – This modern women’s perfume opens with notes of pear and pink pepper, leading to a heart of orange blossom and coffee wrapped in rich vanilla and patchouli. It’s sweet yet spicy.
Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille – A gorgeous unisex fragrance with tobacco flower, spices, cocoa, tonka bean and dried fruits swirled into vanilla. It’s slightly boozy – pure decadence in a bottle.
By Killian Love Don’t Be Shy – A gourmand fragrance lover’s dream, this perfume combines orange blossom, rose and marshmallow with a base of civet, amber and tonka bean twisted around vanilla. It’s both floral and edible.
Viktor & Rolf Bonbon – This playful women’s scent features delicious notes like orange, peach, guimauve, caramel and vanilla. It’s a sugar overload in the best possible way.
Dior Hypnotic Poison – A seductive, spicy oriental, Hypnotic Poison weaves notes of coconut, tonka bean, almond and jasmine together with a vanilla base. The effect is narcotic and intoxicating.
Best Fragrance with Patchouli
Derived from a plant in the mint family, the note of patchouli in fragrance is earthy, musky and slightly sweet. It has a rich, heady aroma that adds depth and mystery to perfumes. Some great fragrances featuring patchouli:
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle – This iconic perfume for women marries patchouli with notes of bergamot, orange, jasmine, rose and tonka bean for a bold, feminine scent with staying power.
Givenchy Organza Indecence – A seductive blend of vanilla, amber, woodsy notes and patchouli. Sophisticated yet sultry.
Marc Jacobs Decadence – This opulent fragrance combines plum, iris, saffron, vetiver, papyrus woods and liquid amber, all wrapped around an earthy patchouli core. Pure luxury.
Hermès Eau des Merveilles – A brighter take, this lively women’s scent combines woody notes like vetiver and cedar with fruity orange and an armful of roses, wrapped in warm patchouli and ambergris.
Le Labo Patchouli 24 – As the name suggests, this unisex fragrance is an intense tribute to patchouli, blended with smoky birch tar, leather and spicy cardamom.
Sandalwood Scents for Inner Peace
Prized in perfumery, the sacred note of sandalwood has a creamy, woodsy aroma that is subtly spicy and balsamic. Sandalwood is said to promote relaxation and inner calm. Some favorite sandalwood perfumes:
Diptyque Tam Dao – This unisex fragrance is a gorgeous blend of sandalwood with rose, cypress, musk and amber. The effect is crisp yet sensual.
Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 – One of the most coveted fragrances of the decade, this scent mixes jasmine and saffron with ambergris and cedarwood threaded with warm, creamy sandalwood.
Le Labo Santal 33 – A cult favorite eau de parfum that mixes sandalwood, papyrus, cedar, iris, jasmine and cardamom. Unisex, unique and utterly captivating.
Kayali Vanilla 28 – For the gourmand lover, this perfume intertwines vanilla, magnolia, jasmine, tonka bean and creamy sandalwood for a hypnotic effect.
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne – A lighter take, this fragrance breezily combines ambrette seeds, woody notes and sage with the sun-drenched aroma of sandalwood.
How Fragrances Interact with Our Hormones
Scent is intrinsically tied to our hormones and chemistry. When a fragrance interacts with our hormones, it literally changes our mood, perception and behavior.
Androgens like testosterone respond to more masculine fragrances like pine or cedar, which may boost confidence.
Estrogen connected scents like jasmine and rose promote nurturing feelings and sensuality.
Sandalwood, lavender and chamomile fragrances interact with serotonin and melatonin, promoting relaxation.
Vanilla and other comforting scents trigger dopamine, eliciting pleasure and affection.
Minty and citrusy scents interact with stimulating hormones like adrenaline and norepinephrine.
Fragrance directly impacts the brain’s limbic system, influencing emotion and memory recall.
Scent helps regulate reproductive hormones, enhancing attraction and social bonding.
Fragrance chemistry is highly individual. A scent that evokes joy in one individual may produce anxiety in another.
Perfume Vs Cologne Vs Fragrance
The world of fragrance can be confusing when you see terms like perfume, cologne, eau de parfum and more. But it’s actually quite simple:
Perfume (parfum) – Highest concentration of essential oils, usually 15-40%. Lasts the longest, 6-8 hours.
Eau de parfum – 10-30% concentration. Also lasts approximately 6-8 hours.
Eau de toilette – Lower concentration, usually 5-20%. Lasts around 3-4 hours.
Eau de cologne – Typically just 2-6% essential oils. Lasts 1-2 hours.
Aftershave – Refers to men’s fragrances designed for post-shave. Varies in concentration.
Cologne – Historically referring to lighter men’s citrus scents, but now interchangeable with most fragrances.
Unisex – Fragrances suitable for both men and women.
Designer/niche – Refers to the brand. Designer scents are mass marketed. Niche fragrances are produced by smaller artisan brands.
Fragrance families – Classification of scent types like floral, oriental, woody, etc.
So in summary – Perfume and eau de parfum last the longest. Eau de toilette and cologne offer lighter, brighter scents. All terms can generally refer to any gendered fragrance!
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fullnft-fr · 3 months
Etang entourait d'une forêt remplit de pétale de fleurs
New Post has been published on https://fullnft.fr/2024/06/14/1051-ecdrxg/
Etang entourait d'une forêt remplit de pétale de fleurs
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Plongez dans la beauté sereine d’un étang pittoresque, entouré par une forêt luxuriante. Les eaux calmes de l’étang sont délicatement recouvertes de pétales de fleurs, flottant à la surface comme une couverture naturelle de couleurs vives. Les arbres majestueux qui bordent l’étang ajoutent une touche de verdure dense, créant un cadre enchanteur et paisible. Cet endroit idyllique est un véritable sanctuaire pour les amoureux de la nature et les photographes, offrant une scène parfaite de tranquillité et de beauté florale.
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goodspiritsnewsat · 3 months
GSN Review: H by HINE VSOP
H by Hine VSOP Cognac is a blend of almost 15 different Eaux-de-vie from the Grande and Petite champagne growing region. It is aged for almost four years. The high humidity environment of the Hine cellars – located by the River Charente – slows down evaporation to create a more mellow and refined Cognac. GSN’s Remarks: High, fine, keening aroma of grape spirit, oak stave and an almost floral…
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bloommemory · 4 months
Top 4 nước hoa nữ thơm lâu, được yêu thích nhất năm 2024
1. Chanel Eau De Parfum
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Nổi bật trong top nước hoa nữ Chanel không thể không nhắc đến Chanel Chance EDP với hương hoa cay nồng dần nhưng đọng lại trong không khí chút ngọt ngào, tinh tế vấn vương.
Hoa nhài, hạt tiêu hồng và vani là một trong số các thành phần chủ chút mang đến nốt hương ấm áp, quyến rũ cho Chanel EDP.
Thông tin sản phẩm:
Thương hiệu: Chanel
Xuất xứ: Pháp
Nhóm hương: Floral
2. Atelier Cologne Vanille Insensée Cologne Absolue Pure Perfume
Không còn quá xa lạ với các tín đồ đam mê mùi hương nước hoa nữ, Atelier Cologne đã xây dựng đế chế nước hoa với các bộ sưu tập đình đám chiếm trọn trái tim phái đẹp. Dòng Vanille Insensee Cologne Absolue Pure Perfume chính là kiệt tác giúp thương hiệu đến gần hơn với trái tim của mọi người.
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Đặc biệt, Vanille Insensee Cologne Absolue Pure Perfume sở hữu bảng thành phần độc đáo khi có đến 91% tự nhiên gồm vani từ Madagascar, rau mùi từ Nga, chanh từ Mexico tạo nên bản âm hưởng hương sắc đa dạng.
Thông tin sản phẩm:
Thương hiệu: Atelier Cologne
Xuất xứ: Pháp
Nhóm hương: Woody
3. Chanel Les Eaux De Chanel, Paris-Edimbourg
Góp mặt trong bảng danh sách nước hoa nữ chính hãng đình đám nhất đến từ nhà Chanel, Les Eaux de Chanel, Paris-Edimbourg được mệnh danh là phiên bản hương nước hoa thơm lâu nhất của hãng.
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Thông tin sản phẩm:
Thương hiệu: Chanel
Xuất xứ: Pháp
Nhóm hương: Woody
4. Gamine Eau de Parfum
Thành phần có trong Gamine Eau de Parfum là sự kết hợp hoàn hảo giữa rễ cỏ vetiver, cây gai dầu xanh, chocolat noir cùng cây hoắc hương Indonesia hoang dã đầy dư vị của thiên nhiên.
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Thông tin sản phẩm:
Thương hiệu: Gamine
Xuất xứ: Pháp
Nhóm hương: Chypre
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arganoilsidighanem · 4 months
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Rose geranium oil, distilled from the leaves of Pelargonium graveolens, is an essence rich in history and therapeutic properties. Prized for its floral fragrance and numerous health and beauty benefits, this essential oil is used in a variety of fields, including aromatherapy and cosmetics. In this article, we'll explore the five main health benefits of rose geranium oil, discover how it can be used in the cosmetics industry, and take a closer look at its active components. Finally, we dive into an enriching story that highlights the tradition and innovation surrounding this natural treasure.
Benefits of Rose Geranium Oil
Rose Geranium oil, extracted from the leaves of the Pelargonium graveolens plant, is valued for its many benefits in aromatherapy and skin care, including
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties: Rose geranium oil is often used to reduce inflammation and soothe aches and pains, particularly those associated with arthritis and other muscular or joint inflammations. Improving skin health: Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, this oil can help fight skin infections and promote healthy skin. It is also used to treat acne, dermatitis and other skin problems.
Astringent effects: Rose geranium oil helps tone skin and tighten pores, making it an excellent ingredient for toners and anti-aging skin care products.
⦁ Stress reduction and mood enhancement: the soothing, floral aroma of rose geranium is known to help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote an overall sense of well-being.
⦁ Hormonal support: Some studies suggest that rose geranium oil can help balance hormones, which can be beneficial during symptoms related to menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
Rose geranium oil stands out for its versatility and multiple therapeutic benefits. Whether it's for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, its skin health-enhancing properties, its astringent capabilities, its role in stress reduction and mood enhancement, or its support for hormonal balance, this essential oil continues to be an invaluable ally in the field of natural health and well-being. Its richness in active components makes it an effective natural solution for a variety of physical and emotional conditions, reinforcing its reputation in aromatherapy and cosmetic practices worldwide.
Using rose geranium oil
Rose geranium oil is highly prized in the cosmetics industry for its many beneficial properties.
Anti-aging skin care: Due to its astringent properties, rose geranium oil can be incorporated into anti-aging creams and serums. It helps tone skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by tightening pores and improving skin elasticity.
⦁ Acne treatment products: Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this oil is effective in formulating products to combat acne. It can be added to cleansers, toners and spot treatments to help reduce pimples and inflammation without drying out the skin.
⦁ Fragrances and scented products: Rose geranium oil has a floral fragrance that makes it ideal for use in the creation of perfumes, eaux de toilette, and other scented products. It adds a fresh, natural note that is often appreciated in beauty product formulations.
⦁ Hair care products: Used in shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks, rose geranium oil can help balance scalp sebum production and strengthen hair. It is particularly beneficial for dry or damaged hair.
⦁ Soothing body products: In lotions, massage oils and body creams, rose geranium oil can offer relaxing and soothing properties. It is often used to relieve stress, promote relaxation and improve
Rose geranium oil is a treasure of nature, loaded with active components such as citronellol, geraniol, linalool, citronellyl formate and menthone, each contributing significantly to its vast therapeutic and aesthetic properties. These active ingredients make rose geranium oil an essential component not only in aromatherapy but also in cosmetics, where it is valued for its bewitching fragrance and beneficial effects on skin and mind. Ultimately, this essential oil is an eloquent example of how natural elements can be used effectively to improve overall health and well-being.
Active ingredients in Rose Geranium oil
Rose geranium oil, extracted mainly from the leaves of the Pelargonium graveolens plant, contains several active components that contribute to its beneficial properties.
Citronellol: This major component is responsible for the oil's floral aroma and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Geraniol: Plays a crucial role in the oil's antiseptic and antifungal properties. Geraniol is also used in perfumery for its sweet, floral fragrance.
Linalool: Known for its calming and anti-anxiety effects, linalool is also used in many cosmetic products for its pleasant fragrance and therapeutic qualities.
Citronellyl formate: This component helps give rose geranium oil its distinctive fragrance and also contributes to its astringent and skin-toning properties.
Menthone: Although present in smaller quantities, menthone adds a fresh note to the oil and can help improve mental clarity and reduce stress.
In conclusion, rose geranium oil stands out for its versatility and multiple therapeutic benefits. Whether for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, its skin health-enhancing properties, its astringent capabilities, its role in stress reduction and mood enhancement, or its support for hormonal balance, this essential oil continues to be a valuable ally in the field of natural health and well-being. Its wealth of active ingredients makes it an effective natural solution for a variety of physical and emotional conditions, reinforcing its reputation in aromatherapy and cosmetic practices worldwide.
Rosat Geranium Oil
The Essence of Well-Being: Discover Geranium Rosat Oil
In lush valleys where the breeze carries floral fragrances, the rose geranium plant, or Pelargonium graveolens, thrives in generous sunshine. It's not just its beauty that captivates, but also its leaves, from which we extract one of the most prized essences in aromatherapy and natural cosmetics: rose geranium oil.
The history of this essential oil is as rich as its aroma. Used for centuries in various cultures for its therapeutic virtues, today it is a mainstay of the beauty and well-being industries. The ancient Egyptians used it to beautify their skin and revitalize their spirits. Today, this tradition lives on, as rose geranium oil is recognized for its multiple benefits.
Its complex composition makes it a natural treasure. Mainly made up of citronellol, geraniol and linalool, it offers a range of therapeutic properties. Antibacterial and antifungal, it is the ideal ally for maintaining healthy skin, effectively fighting acne and other skin conditions. What's more, its astringent and toning effects make it an ideal ingredient in anti-aging formulations.
But rose geranium oil is not limited to topical applications. Its soothing, floral scent has the power to penetrate the mind's barrier, reducing stress and cultivating a sense of inner calm. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it is a fragrant pause, an escape that invites relaxation and meditation.
The producers of this precious oil are often smallholders who cultivate rose geranium with care and respect for the environment. The meticulous, traditional distillation process extracts the oil while preserving its beneficial properties. This link between sustainable agriculture and the cosmetics industry underlines the importance of practices that respect our planet.
By incorporating rose geranium oil into your routine, you're choosing more than a beauty product; you're embracing a heritage, a deep connection with nature. Every drop is a pact of well-being, a promise of natural beauty and preserved health. As we rediscover the benefits of natural remedies, rose geranium oil stands out as a symbol of purity and healing, a reminder that sometimes, the best solutions are those that nature has always offered us.
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dermoplant · 5 months
Le Principe Actif du Lait Démaquillant : L'alliance douce et efficace pour une peau éclatante
Le lait d←maquillant, ce fid│le alli← de notre rituel de beaut←, renferme un secret bien gard← : son principe actif. Ce composant cl←, souvent m←connu, est pourtant responsable de l'efficacit← et de la douceur de ce produit essentiel ¢ notre routine de soins. D←couvrons ensemble le r￴le et les bienfaits du principe actif du lait d←maquillant, pour une peau rayonnante et parfaitement nettoy←e.
Comprendre le Principe Actif
Le principe actif lait d←maquillant est l'←l←ment qui lui conf│re ses propri←t←s nettoyantes et nourrissantes. Il s'agit g←n←ralement d'un ingr←dient cl←, soigneusement s←lectionn← pour ses vertus sp←cifiques sur la peau. Parmi les principes actifs les plus courants, on retrouve :
Huiles Végétales :
Les huiles v←g←tales, telles que l'huile d'amande douce, l'huile de jojoba ou l'huile d'argan, sont souvent utilis←es pour leur pouvoir hydratant et adoucissant. Elles aident ¢ dissoudre le maquillage, m↑me waterproof, tout en laissant la peau douce et souple.
Eaux Florales :
Les eaux florales, comme l'eau de rose ou l'eau de bleuet, sont r←put←es pour leurs propri←t←s apaisantes et tonifiantes. Elles procurent une sensation de fra○cheur ¢ la peau tout en la d←barrassant des impuret←s.
Extraits de Plantes :
Les extraits de plantes, tels que l'extrait de camomille ou de calendula, sont prisés pour leurs vertus calmantes et anti-inflammatoires. Ils aident à prévenir les rougeurs et irritations tout en nettoyant la peau en douceur.
Les Bienfaits du Principe Actif
Nettoyage en Profondeur :
Gr¬ce ¢ son principe actif, le lait d←maquillant agit en profondeur pour ←liminer efficacement les r←sidus de maquillage, les impuret←s et les particules de pollution. Il laisse la peau propre et fra○che, pr↑te ¢ recevoir les soins suivants.
Hydratation Intense :
Les principes actifs comme les huiles v←g←tales aident ¢ maintenir l'hydratation naturelle de la peau, ←vitant ainsi toute sensation de tiraillement apr│s le d←maquillage. La peau reste souple et confortable, sans ↑tre agress←e.
Apaisement et Confort :
Les eaux florales et les extraits de plantes apaisent la peau, laissant une sensation de confort imm←diat. C'est un v←ritable moment de d←tente pour la peau, particuli│rement appr←ci← apr│s une longue journ←e.
Protection et Prévention :
Certains principes actifs, comme les antioxydants pr←sents dans les extraits de plantes, aident ¢ prot←ger la peau des agressions ext←rieures et ¢ pr←venir le vieillissement cutan← pr←matur←. Le lait d←maquillant devient alors un alli← de choix pour une peau en pleine sant←.
Comment Bien Choisir son Lait D←maquillant ?
Lors du choix d'un lait d←maquillant, il est essentiel de prendre en compte votre type de peau et vos besoins sp←cifiques. Les peaux s│ches privil←gieront les laits riches en huiles v←g←tales, tandis que les peaux sensibles se tourneront vers des formules ¢ base d'eaux florales et d'extraits de plantes apaisants.
Évitez les laits démaquillants contenant des parfums ou des ingrédients potentiellement irritants, surtout si vous avez une peau réactive. peeling enzymatique Optez pour des produits doux et respectueux de l'équilibre naturel de la peau.
Le principe actif du lait démaquillant est bien plus qu'un simple ingrédient : c'est le cœur même de son efficacité. En choisissant un produit avec le bon principe actif adapté à votre peau, vous offrez à votre peau un nettoyage en douceur, une hydratation profonde, et une protection quotidienne contre les agressions extérieures. Prenez soin de votre peau avec un lait démaquillant qui allie performance et bienfaits naturels, pour une peau éclatante de santé au quotidien.
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dramantedrinks · 8 months
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Product Insight 04
Hello and welcome to Dramante’s fourth product insight! In this edition (04) we will take a closer look at the Torres 30 Jaime I Brandy which is available on our website!
Jaime and Miguel Torres found the Familia Torres company. Jaime I received the prize for best brandy in the world at the world brandy awards. Jaime I is a special 30 year old Spanish brandy from Torres, named for the founder of the House, Jaime Torres Vendrell. It's a blend of brandies from their oldest soleras, including Parellada wines originally destined for the Torres 10 aged for an extra chunk of time and a small amount of their rare 1972 Folle Blanche eaux-de-vie. The bottle design is by Japanese architect Hiroya Tanaka.
How to drink Brandy
It is very common to drink brandy neat or on the rocks. For those looking for an intense experience, drinking brandy neat is definitely the way to go. All you need is a tulip-shaped glass, pour the brandy in and savour the flavour. If you prefer your brandy with a bit of dilution, try serving it on the rocks - simply pour over small cubes of ice or an ice ball and sip away.
Brandy can also be paired with mixers or syrups to create a variety of cocktails such as: 
The Old Fashioned 
Brandy Sour
Brandy and Ginger
Brandy Sidecar 
Brandy Alexander
What food to eat with Brandy
Brandy is a complex drink with sweet, floral, and fruity notes, and it can be drunk on its own, but pairing it with the right food can elevate the whole tasting experience. 
When it comes to pairing brandy with cheese, you can’t go wrong with a good classic pairing like Gouda or cheddar. Their nutty and buttery flavours complement and bring out the caramel and vanilla notes in the brandy. 
Roasted meats - The rich flavour profile of brandy makes it an ideal choice with roasted meats. The smokiness and depth of flavours in meats like beef, lamb, or venison compliment the brandy’s natural sweetness and nuttiness.
Fruits and nuts like figs, grapes, almonds, and hazelnuts have a natural sweetness that pairs beautifully with brandy. 
The fruit and oak notes of brandy are an excellent match for spicy foods. The spirit’s warm and bold finish enhances the heat in spicy dishes while the sweetness of brandy balances the hotness. 
Brandy makes an excellent companion for sweet treats, especially those with a warm and comforting aroma. For example, bread pudding, apple pie, or cinnamon rolls. 
Did you know? 
Because of brandy's natural warming properties, it helps induce healthy sleep. In addition to that, the antibacterial nature of the drink makes it great for strengthening the immune system. Brandy can help eliminate pathogens from a person's system and can boost the immune system thanks to its many antioxidants. So, yes it's true that Brandy can help get rid of a cold and cough!
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G.E. Massenez Eaux-De-Vie De Poire Williams Prisonniere
G.E Massenez Poire Williams Pear Brandy is a characteristic bold yet sweet brandy. In the mouth, a very intense floral note gives great freshness. It has an intense fruity note, with an initial perception of fresh fruit overlaid by ripe fruit and marmalade or jam. Very prominent spicy end note with a hint of Liquorice typical of williams pear.
The Prisoner Pear is fascinating due to both its quality of taste and scent, and its pear-shaped bottle, encasing the pear inside.
The bottle is simply placed onto the pear tree when it is flowering... Then the fruit grows inside the bottle until it is ripe, when the fruit and the bottle are delicately picked from the tree.
APPEARANCE: Pale, brilliant, clear.
NOSE: Lingering, sharp, exuberant, with beautiful density.
PALATE: Complex, harmonious, delicate, round. With pleasant notes of fresh fruit. Well balanced, opulent. A long, flavorsome finish with the taste of fruit.
NOTES: A rich nose, finesse on the palate, superb.
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neflication · 9 months
The Cognac Conundrum: Is it a Drink or a Diamond in the Rough?
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Cognac, that amber nectar swirling in a snifter, is a paradox on legs. To the uninitiated, it's a fiery snort of alcohol, reserved for stuffy gentlemen in leather armchairs. Yet, to the aficionado, it's a symphony of flavors, a complex tapestry woven from time, terroir, and tradition. This amber enigma poses a question: is cognac simply a drink, or is it a diamond in the rough, waiting to be discovered and adored?
Cognac's Legacy: A Timeless Terroir's Treasure
Vineyards of Distinction: Nestled between Bordeaux and Angoulême, the Cognac region boasts six delimited "crus," each with its own distinct soil and climate. Grande Champagne, for example, produces delicate and floral cognacs, while Petite Champagne offers strength and body.
The Grapes of Wrath: Unlike most brandies, cognac is distilled from only three specific grape varieties – Ugni Blanc, Folle Blanche, and Montil. These resilient vines thrive in the region's chalky soil, drawing nutrients that imbue the resulting eau-de-vie (water of life) with unique character.
Charentais Distillation: The double distillation process in traditional Charentais copper stills is central to cognac's character. This slow, meticulous method concentrates flavors and aromas while eliminating harshness.
From Grape to Glass: A Symphony of Time and Skill
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The Alchemy of Oak: Cognac spends years, sometimes decades, maturing in Limousin or Tronçais oak barrels. The wood imparts tannins, spices, and vanilla notes, mellowing the spirit and crafting its intricate flavor profile.
The Blender's Art: Master blenders, with their keen noses and encyclopedic knowledge of aging barrels, orchestrate the marriage of eaux-de-vie. Each Cognac house maintains its own unique style, blending young and old spirits to achieve the desired taste and complexity.
The Elegance of Age: Age becomes cognac's crown jewel. VS (Very Special) cognacs have spent at least two years in oak, while VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) boasts at least four years. X.O. (Extra Old) denotes at least ten years' aging, each additional year adding layers of complexity and nuance.
Beyond the Snifter: Unveiling Cognac's Versatility
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Beyond Fire and Fury: While traditionally enjoyed neat in a snifter, cognac's potential extends far beyond. Try it as a digestif with dark chocolate or cheese, or use it to elevate cocktails like the Sidecar or French 75.
Culinary Companion: Cognac adds depth and warmth to sauces, glazes, and even desserts. Infuse it into whipped cream for a luxurious topping or flambé pears for a dramatic dessert.
A Toast to Time: Cognac's ability to age gracefully makes it a perfect celebratory drink. Share a vintage bottle on a special occasion, savoring the liquid history it holds.
The Diamond in the Rough: Unveiling Cognac's Allure
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A Journey Through Senses: Cognac is more than just a drink; it's an immersive experience. Each sip invites you to explore the vineyards, the craftsmanship, and the passage of time within the glass.
A Symbol of Elegance: Owning a rare vintage cognac, its amber depths holding decades of stories, is a mark of connoisseurship and a testament to appreciating the finer things in life.
A Legacy to Pass On: Cognac connects generations. Sharing a bottle with loved ones creates lasting memories and fosters a sense of shared history.
Cognac's conundrum remains: is it just a drink, or is it a diamond in the rough? The answer, perhaps, lies in the beholder's eye. For those who see only a fiery liquid, it may remain shrouded in mystery. But for those who dare to delve deeper, cognac reveals its true brilliance – a tapestry woven from the earth, time, and human artistry, waiting to be discovered and embraced. So, raise a glass, and let the amber elixir unfold its secrets, one sip at a time.
To explore further:
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Visit a cognac house in France and witness the production process firsthand.
Attend a cognac tasting and learn to identify aromas and flavors.
Experiment with cognac in cocktails and discover its culinary potential.
Share a bottle with loved ones and create lasting memories.
With each sip, let the cognac unravel its enigma, transforming from a fiery drink into a shimmering diamond, a testament to time, terroir, and the enduring allure of the finer things in life.
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