#Prisoner Pear
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G.E. Massenez Eaux-De-Vie De Poire Williams Prisonniere
G.E Massenez Poire Williams Pear Brandy is a characteristic bold yet sweet brandy. In the mouth, a very intense floral note gives great freshness. It has an intense fruity note, with an initial perception of fresh fruit overlaid by ripe fruit and marmalade or jam. Very prominent spicy end note with a hint of Liquorice typical of williams pear.
The Prisoner Pear is fascinating due to both its quality of taste and scent, and its pear-shaped bottle, encasing the pear inside.
The bottle is simply placed onto the pear tree when it is flowering... Then the fruit grows inside the bottle until it is ripe, when the fruit and the bottle are delicately picked from the tree.
APPEARANCE: Pale, brilliant, clear.
NOSE: Lingering, sharp, exuberant, with beautiful density.
PALATE: Complex, harmonious, delicate, round. With pleasant notes of fresh fruit. Well balanced, opulent. A long, flavorsome finish with the taste of fruit.
NOTES: A rich nose, finesse on the palate, superb.
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razzek · 3 months
Weird hot flash that's only on part of my face/neck AND an out of nowhere suffocating panic attack at 3am? Why, thank you, endocrine system! So very thoughtful of you! 8D
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pikslasrce · 11 months
to make matters worse for some reason my acid reflux decided to flare up this past week my gut health hasnt been in shambles this much since i was little and vomited every time my tummy got upset bc of the. acid reflux
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luveline · 3 months
hey jade! maybe this is a tad more angsty than you'd like but could I request prison!Spence getting a visit from bombshell!reader and Amy? or a phonecall with them? q
ty for your request <3 mom!reader, 1.4k
“Best behaviour,” you’re whispering, hand on Amy’s small back, her shoe digging into your hip. “I’m serious, baby. Big feelings are okay, but we can’t be loud. We can’t shout.” 
She frowns. Amy’s been a little against you these last few weeks. “I’m not shouting.” 
“I know.” You try and fail to divide your attention between her and the line you’re following. You almost miss the sound of the buzzer that ushers you forward. “Okay, I’m right here. I know everything has been super scary, and you’re my brave girl, but I’m right here. You can tell me anything. Okay?” 
She rubs your chin with her nose. “Okay, mom.”
“Okay. Let’s go see daddy!” you cheer under your breath, enthusing your voice with some false joy. 
Your nerves threaten to make you sick, but you have to be the put together one. This is the strife part of the marriage you’d signed up for. Though no one can blame you for handling it poorly —who could ever expect Spencer to be where he is right now? 
You carry Amy into the penitentiary visitor’s room with apprehension, shoulders stiff, fingers aching against your little girl’s rough denim jacket. The room is laid out strangely, but there’s a clear division between the prisoners and the visitors, though there’s no overarching perspex. There are dividers, sure, but you can touch him. You can see him sitting near the middle of the room, his hair in violent disarray, his eyes locked onto you already. 
You speed up your walking. 
Desperate, your knee knocks into a chair as you try to touch his face. 
Spencer lets you for a half a second, before he moves away. “You’re not allowed to touch me,” he says, voice laden with a raw apologeticness that threatens to trip you up immediately. 
“Daddy!” Amy says, squirming in your arms, her foot on the desk as she tries to shove herself over the short partition. 
Spencer, in a dads instinct, reaches for her without thinking. “Amy, Amy,” he says. 
“No touching!” a guard shouts clearly. 
Spencer pushes Amy gently back into your arms and holds his arms up in surrender. The guard veers his way, but walks off again when he sees Spencer’s compliance. 
“Daddy,” she whines, holding out her hand. 
“Sit down,” Spencer says to you. 
You sit down. The gap between both you and Amy and Spencer widens, her little legs pumping restlessly into your thighs. You’ll be bruised as a soft pear when you go home, but you barely feel it now. 
“Shh,” you say, wrapping your arms around her like a straight jacket. You don’t really have a choice. “Shh, baby, shh. Remember what mommy said, okay? We have to be quiet, or they won’t let us see your daddy anymore. We have to follow the rules.” 
“It’s okay,” Spencer says. He clears his throat. “Hey, Amanda?” 
She looks up in surprise at her full first name. “What?” she asks. 
“God, it’s so good to see you.” His voice thickens with emotion, but he keeps a tight handle on it. “I miss you so much, sweetheart. So much.” He looks at you. “I miss you,”  he says again. 
“We miss you too.” You wipe your nose. “It’s weird just being mom and Amy at home.” 
Weird isn’t the right word. Amy has cried herself sick five nights a week for the last month, because if her mom is home, why isn’t her dad? Why can’t she talk to him? Where did he go? 
“When can you be home?” Amy asks, reaching toward the glass again. 
Spencer looks around the room before he reaches over the half-partition to hold her hand. He gives you a look: watch my back. 
“I don’t know yet,” he says, holding her hand tightly, and giving her fingers little squeezes, “I’m sorry, princess.” 
You give him a look of your own: change the subject. 
You miss Spencer more than you’ve ever missed another person. There’s never been a feeling as acute as this in your life, you don’t know what to do with yourself when you aren’t with him. The only thing you can do is be Amy’s mom, and you’ve always felt that Spencer made you better at it. Without him, you’re struggling. 
He looks like he can tell. 
He diverts his attention from you to Amy again, ducking his head, his face posed into his most loving smile. “You’re so pretty, just like your mommy. You’re getting prettier every day, aren’t you? Mommy told me you’ve been helping make your own dinner. That’s amazing. You’re my smart girl.” 
“I make– made our favourite last night.” She struggles over ‘favourite’, but she’s as smart as her father. The words come easily. “We had, uh– butter chicken! And mommy made…” 
You blink a small tear from the corner of your eye. “I made garlic naan. We toasted them under the grill, didn’t we?” you ask with a sniffle. 
“Yes!” She looks back at you. “Dad’s plate.” 
You wipe your cheek quickly. “We kept you some,” you say, fighting as hard as you can to stop yourself from crying at the table. You can’t break down here, and you won’t. “Amy was worried you’d come home and be hungry, so we saved you some.” 
Spencer leans far over the table to squeeze your wrist. Behind him, the prison guard begins making their way to your table.
“Spencer.” You lean away before he can get caught. 
Spencer snatches his hand back to grip the partition. 
He smiles. “Angel,” he says clearly, looking you straight in the eye, “you’re doing so good. I can’t believe how amazing you are.” 
“I’m gonna fix this,” you promise. 
“No, no, angel, I just need you to look after yourself, and my princess.” He gives Amy a smile dripping with affection. “She needs lots of looking after. Don’t you, Amy? I know mommy’s doing such a great job looking after you.” 
“I miss you,” she says. 
“I miss you too.” 
“Can I have a hug now?” 
He looks back, right into the watchful gaze of the guard. He turns back with a smile that’s nearly convincing. “Not right now, I probably don’t smell very nice, and they don’t want me to get my gross smell on you.” 
“Ew, daddy.” 
“Ew,” he agrees, wrinkling his nose. “I wish I smelled like you and mommy. What smell is it today, baby?” 
“Persimmon,” she says. She preens at the suggestion that she smells good, relaxing against your chest. 
You kiss her temple. 
“Persimmon,” Spencer says. He couldn’t sound more proud. “You know what? Persimmons have lots of meaning. They’re a symbol of perseverance.” He remembers to dumb it down. “People who eat lots of persimmons are strong, they can get through anything. Maybe when you and mommy go home, you can share a persimmon, and I can eat one here, and together we’ll be strong while we wait for me to come home.” 
“You can come home now,” Amy says. “Come home with us!” 
“I can���t,” he says gently. “It’s complicated.” 
“I think daddy has the right idea,” you say, interrupting his explanation unapologetically, “I think we should go to the market when we leave and pick all the different fruits, and I’ll send some for dad here, and we can eat them at the same time.” 
“Like a picnic?” 
“I can make little sandwiches, and we’ll get your teddies,” you agree. “Whatever you want. But first, I think you need to tell daddy all about this week. What book have we been reading? Oh, and we got you some new shoes ‘cos your feet got bigger!” 
He smiles lovingly. “Oh, they did?” he asks softly. 
You know he’s gutted.
(Spencer gets out of prison almost two whole months later. He gives Amy a huge box of tangerines (with the white lie that they are persimmons, hard to find in DC, and your sweet girl doesn’t know the difference yet) with a new pair of converse wrapped in a red silk bow, promising that he will never miss another fitting. He doesn’t know where to start with you, that much is obvious, he’s so grateful to be home and he’s sick to his stomach with guilt, too. He doesn’t realise the only thing you needed was for him to come back. 
The diamond necklace is a nice gesture, though not half as valuable as his face pressed to your neck as he sleeps, Amy on his stomach, their long fingers sticky with orange peels. It makes all your silent crying worth it.)
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Ⓐ Sol
"Yer askin me about me Acushla? Well alright."
Attractiveness: "He's a sexy Fekker."
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would I AM tappin that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
Personality: "He's many layers tae him he does'nae show."
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best sometimes|| awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate (In his own way) || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them: "Hahahaha!"
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them: "He was a right Onery Fekker an he fekkin agitated me like ye wouldn't believe! Still does, but tis a different feelin now."
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them: "He is a beat of me very heart."
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser: "Fekk Yes!"
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
"He's a cantankerous Stegosaurus ass an I love him so much."
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artistmarchalius · 1 year
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Cockney Rhyming Slang Phrases Part 1
Part 2
In a previous post I went into Cockney rhyming slang history and gave some tips on how to use it.
In this post I’ll give you some commonly used Cockney rhyming slang phrases, phrases that I find funny, as well as some phrases that I think would be useful for Spider-Verse fic writers specifically.
So let’s get started!
Adam and Eve - Believe
E.g. “I don’t Adam and Eve it!”
Apples and Pears - Stairs
E.g. “He fell down the apples.”
Aunt Joanna - Piano
E.g. “Play me a song on the old Joanna!” Or “Get on the Joanna and we’ll have a sing song!”
Barnet Fair - Hair
E.g. “How do I fit my barnet under my mask? Wouldn’t you like to know.”
This is a very common Cockney phrase; you’ll hear a lot of true Cockneys talking about getting their barnet done.
Barney Rubble - Trouble
E.g. “Looks like someone’s lookin’ for a Barney!”
Bread and Honey - Money
E.g. “I ain’t got enough bread for that.”
Bird Lime - Time (in prison)
E.g. “He’s doin’ bird.”
Bird lime is a sticky substance you spread on trees to catch birds (now illegal, thankfully). You can understand why people relate it to feeling trapped.
Boat Race - Face
E.g. “He’s got a handsome boat!” Or “Shut your boat!” Or “I’m not just gonna show you my boat race, mate. Secret identity and all that.”
Bottle and Glass
I’m going to let you figure this one out.
E.g. “Look at the bottle on that guy!” Or “I slipped on the steps and went bottle over tit!”
Brass Tacks - Facts
E.g. “Let’s get down to brass tacks!”*
*Some people think that this phrase originates from the Cockney rhyming slang, however others say that it is referring to brass tacks used in upholstery or tacks that were hammered into sales counters to indicate measuring points. I don’t have the answer.
Brown Bread - Dead
E.g. “He’s brown bread!”
This is an example of a Cockney rhyming slang phrase that you don’t abbreviate. You always say “brown bread” and never just “brown”.
Bubble Bath - Laugh
E.g. “Are you having a bubble?”
This is meant more in an irritated sense rather than joyful laughter, like saying “You must be joking!” Or “Are you having a laugh?”
Butchers Hook - Look
E.g. “Let’s have a butchers at that.” Or “Take a quick butchers at this!”
It’s good to keep in mind that there can be multiple Cockney rhyming slang phrases for the same word, as well as multiple Cockney rhyming slang phrases that start with the same word. For example, ‘Birds Nest” and “Bristol and West” both mean chest, and “Birds Nest” and “Bird Lime” both can be abbreviated to “Bird”. For the latter, context is important for knowing what someone is talking about.
As always, I’m not an expert; a true Cockney would know far more than I do. I just want to share the knowledge that I have. I hope that someone will find this helpful, informative, or entertaining at the very least.
I’ve got more Cockney rhyming slang phrases coming, but if there’s any other areas of British slang you’d like me to go into, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!
Happy writing and happy speaking!
My other British slang posts: Cockney Rhyming Slang, British Police Slang, Terms of Endearment, Innit VS In’t - a PSA
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pierregazly · 1 year
1+ 2 = ...4? ꨄ pierre gasly smau
pierre gasly x wife!russell!reader
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of twins, george having a meltdown
in which pierre put his tripod to use and caused two major outcomes, george has a meltdown, and all the fans just want to know what's going on?
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and 23,407 others
tagged pierregasly
ynrussell joyeux anniversaire mon amour. three years ago today i married the love of my life and became the official mrs. gasly, so excited to give you your present tonight 🫶🏻
view all 220 comments
username omg babes post the present!!! let us all be jealous
username happy anniversary mom and dad
charles_leclerc 🥳💗
username feel like it was just yesterday that i was jealous out of my mind about their wedding... still jealous tho
pierregasly joyeux anniversaire ma chère, i am the luckiest man in the world
pierregasly can't wait to give your your own present tonight
pierregasly it rhymes with tierod
username im SCREAMING send this man right to PRISON
georgerussell63 god every time i see anything to do with you two i have to bleach my bloody eyes. happy anniversary you two, im disgusted.
username poor george, him and carmen are so tame compared to these two... i love the polar opposite sibling trope
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ynrussell has posted a story
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liked by pierregasly, georgerussell63, and others
pierregasly i hope the pizza was good ma chérie, and hope it satisfied the little bean's cravings
ynrussell it was delicious... but we kind of want chocolate now too :(
pierregasly ill check ubereats and see what i can do
ynrussell mine and the bean's saviour 🫶🏻
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liked by ynrussell, charles_leclerc, alpinef1team, and 209,444 others
tagged alpinef1team
pierregasly unfortunately not the finish we would have liked, the 15 second penalty cost us significantly and i apologize to my team and all our fans for it. will come back bigger and better next time 💪 now time to go and spend some well deserved time off with my family
view all 3,309 comments
username thank you for pushing through and giving us an awesome race to watch pierre!
username loved your helmet this weekend pierre!
username sad that mother ynrussell wasn't here this weekend, but happy to see her in the likes
username 'well deserved time off with my family' do we think that's alluding to something else????
username girl he's obviously talking about his wife and his family??? like what
username ummm sorry he almost always says 'my loved ones' gotta push the pregnancy rumour agenda some more
ynrussell we're all so proud of you pear 🫶🏻 the track limits and penalties are bullshit and i'll be sending a strongly worded letter to whoever costs you anything good
liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and others
pierregasly 😂😭🤍
username who is 'we're all' who is the plural that she's referring to omg
username i'm telling y'all... mother is becoming a real mother idc what any of y'all say
pierregasly has posted a story
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liked by ynrussell, georgerussell63, and others
ynrussell omf make sure you get extra cheesecake... and extra elcairs, and a few brownies... maybe get a few of everything??? the bean's want them!!!!
pierregasly well if the bean's want them....
username this SCREAMS my wife is pregnant and sent me on a late night snack run omf
username tell us your secret!!!!
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liked by pierregasly, georgerussell63, carmenmmundt, and 46,578 others
tagged pierregasly
ynrussell sorry just have to appreciate how incredibly sexy it is seeing my super sexy amazing husband with kids!!! like how lucky am i!!! can't wait til' you're holding our future babies (my ovaries are exploding, i am crying, it's going to be a long day)
view all 398 comments
username girl this seems a little feral idk
georgerussell63 this is certifiably disgusting. please grow up.
username you know who would post something like this??? a wife expecting a baby who is getting more excited about that baby seeing her husband with kids
username seems legit idk
pierregasly is this your nice way of asking me to pickup more eclairs on the way home?
ynrussell cinnamon buns too?? please?? je t'aime
pierregasly can't wait to hold our future bean's too ma chérie
username pierre as a dad is going to be so sexy, ynrussell is so right??? those babies are going to be beautiful omf
ynrussell and pierregasly
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt, georgerussell63, and 566,493 others
pierregasly october 2024 / gasly thing 1 and gasly thing 2 🐣🚼
view all 4,533 comments
ynrussell omg i'm pregnant???? SURPRISE
ynrussell maman is begging for them to come sooner, her poor back.
username pierre is gonna be a girl dad AND a boy dad?????? we're so blessed
georgerussell63 excuse me????
georgerussell63 you knocked my sister up????
georgerussell63 i told you to stay away from her??? this is outrageous i am disgusted
pierregasly sorry, tripod's work well.
ynrussell pierre delete this comment rn, i swear to god.
georgerussell63 (i am so excited to meet my baby niece and baby nephew. uncle georgie loves you both so much)
lewishamilton congratulations! roscoe is so excited 🤍
charles_leclerc uncle cha reporting for duty 🫡 congratulations, you two.
georgerussell63 i'd like to emphasize i'm still having a meltdown from when you casually gave me a bottle of gin to announce this. gasly genes should not be casually mixed like this.
username i dont think anyone understands the joy im feeling??? im honoured to be alive to see this
username they're gonna be such amazing parents im literally ????? so excited??????
carmenmmundt has posted a story
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liked by ynrussell, pierregasly, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
ynrussell thank you for the beautiful baby shower, auntie carmen already has spot number 1 🫶🏻
username omg omg omg omg
username this is SO CUTE
ynrussell has posted a story
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liked by pierregasly, carmenmmundt, georgerussell63, and others
username girl u look like ur about to pop (lovingly)
pierregasly my beautiful wife
ynrussell i don't feel very beautiful right now. i feel huge and tired and exhausted.
pierregasly still the most beautiful woman in the world
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liked by pierregasly, alexandrasaintmleux, georgerussell63, and 56,439 others
ynrussell things are getting very, very real (not real enough for my back to not hurt, thing 1 and 2 you both are killing me)
view all 165 comments
username this aesthetic is so CUTE (that room is fucking beautiful i want a house tour????)
username they're literally due in like less than 2 months???? pierre is gonna be a dad that soon???? praying for u ynrussell
charles_leclerc im personally demanding compensation for the bruises i have from putting the nursery together
ynrussell shut up cha, you literally offered and begged to be involved
pierregasly yeah shut up cha
alexandrasaintmleux can't wait to see my art piece up in the bébé's room 🫶🏻
ynrussell knew i could always count on you angel
username im so invested in this pregnancy none of you even understand
username starting a poll asap on the babies names omf
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ynrussell and pierregasly
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liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, roscoelovescoco, and 675,487 others
ynrussell 2024.10.16 / welcome to the world my precious théodore and éloïse. maman and papa love you so much.
view all 5,640 comments
username omg congratulations!!! such beautiful names.
username they share a birthday with charles im crying
lewishamilton congratulations! so beautiful, you are a rockstar ynrussell
charles_leclerc truly the best birthday present i could've asked for. ellie and théo should be so proud of their maman.
pierregasly the happiest day of my life, given to me by the most important woman in my life. thank you for blessing me.
username again i am so invested in this. i am so happy for these two, they're going to be incredible parents.
alpinef1team welcome to the family baby éloïse and baby théodore!
mercedesamg welcome to the family x2
username oh girl the racing teams are gonna FIGHT over these two just you wait
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and there she is! after weeks of gasly!twin asks, i finally decided it was time to bring them to life in the realest way i could. i hope you all loved this as much as i loved writing it. thank you to everyone for all the incredible inspiration, and for continuing my obsession.
@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @princessria127 @iloveyou3000morgan @love4lando @asfaraslifegets @decseptapril @somanyfandomsbruh @fangirl125reader @imagandom @motorsp0rt @jspitwall @glitterf1 @christianpulisic10 @carlandonorri-s @smoothopz @eugene-emt-roe @epitios @myloverjk-blog @glow-ish @goldenmclaren @mercunty @success78 @nicolereinara
if you're missing from the taglist, pls dont hesitate to send me a message!!
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sinkableruby · 2 months
luffy doesn't have a tumblr but there's a 500k note post about him from one of the crew that does (going with robin)
📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Today officially marks the day my friend has been permanently banned from one thousand restaurants. He's very unhappy about it, but I couldn't be more proud of him. It takes dedication to achieve something like that.
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🐬 nauticalradical Follow
There's no way he got banned from 1000 separate restaurants come on at least make it believable
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
No, it really was a thousand, if I'm counting properly. He's always hungry, so he's always looking for new places to eat at, but whenever he finds one he orders so much food that they usually run out of ingredients and the chefs and other customers get upset. Then he tries to pay the bill with his "treasure tab," which is basically money he doesn't have yet but plans on getting in the future.
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🍐 eating-all-your-pears Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Normally I would agree, but to him it's not. He still intends to pay all of them back, and he thinks all the restaurant owners are being stingy for not letting him back in.
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👹 houseoftwigs Follow
OP I'd like to study your friend in a lab
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
I'm already studying him, so you can't.
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⚓ marine-triologist789 Follow
Wait, hold on, something doesn't add up here. If he really didn't pay for any of those meals, wouldn't he have been arrested by now??? Like, you can't just go to a bunch of restaurants, eat all their food, not pay, and then not get arrested for it, right?? Am I crazy???
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
The police have been after him for a long time now, but he's really good at evading them. He actually broke into prison once to bust his brother out and they still couldn't catch him, which is honestly embarrassing, in my opinion.
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🐸 froghopper47 Follow
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🧊 tumdruh Follow
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✌ be-free-drink-piss Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He had to go into hiding after that, though, or they really might have caught him. When he saw me again for the first time in 2 years, the first words he spoke directly to me were "do you have any meat?"
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🌵 spicegirl Follow
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👗 superdress Follow
this dude isa fucking alien who the fuck walks up to someone and asks them for meat straight up
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He really likes meat.
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🌪 the-windsmeth Follow
"average person has a carbon footprint of 4 tons per year" factoid is actually just a statistical error. Meat Menace, who eats 10,000 pounds of meat each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He might actually eat that much in a day. I wouldn't be surprised. His stomach is probably bottomless. Maybe it's for the best that he can't go to restaurants anymore.
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🐩 yaarrrrp Follow
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
op is there anything else we should know about this guy????
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Not really. He did grow up in the woods, though.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He's fine. Also, he doesn't know what sex is.
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🏴‍☠️ piratelover69 Follow
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
Good question. Hold on, I'm going to ask him.
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
He said it's one of life's greatest mysteries.
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😊 delicate-tempest Follow
OP you told him where they come from right???? OP??????????
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🌃 felldownthestairslol Follow
op please get this man on tumblr we have to talk to the meat menace
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📚 devilish-archeologist79 Follow
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fatehbaz · 8 months
British ships carrying plants and seeds from around the world arrived in Botany Bay on January 20 1788. This story is overshadowed by convict ships and Royal Navy vessels, but the cargo on board also had a lasting impact. Colonists, convicts and Indigenous Australians were all affected [...]. Some of these plants [...] were food sources [...]. Others were attempts to expand the British Empire. Could the new territory be exploited as a tropical plantation? In the parliamentary debate over destinations for convict transportation [considering potential locations for sending prisoners], Sir Joseph Banks and James Matra, both members of James Cook’s 1770 expedition [to the South Pacific], spruiked the potential of the new colony as an extension of the empire. Matra claimed the colony was “fitted for production” of “sugar-cane, tea, coffee, silk, cotton, indigo and tobacco”. Banks claimed Botany Bay was an “advantageous” site, with fertile soil [...].
Two plants carried by the First Fleet stand out as examples of botanical imperialism: prickly pear cactus (Opuntia) and sugarcane.
Banks, as head of the Royal Society of London [and as a close adviser to King George, and also as a plant-collecting botanist who turned the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in London into the world's leading botanical garden], selected these species as experiments to compete with European trade rivals. His goal was to break a Spanish monopoly in producing fabric dye and to expand British cultivation of sugar outside the West Indies.
Prickly pear cactus was imported because it is the preferred food of the cochineal insect.
Dried cochineal were crushed to make a vibrant, colourfast scarlet dye for textiles. Discovered in the New World by Spanish colonists, cochineal replaced kermes, another insect that had provided red dye since antiquity. Cochineal dye was ten times stronger than kermes or vegetable dyes.
From cardinals’ capes to British officers’ red coats, cochineal was a product for elite consumers signifying power, wealth and prestige.
New Spain, based in Mexico, had a monopoly on cochineal. Banks wanted to break the stranglehold on the scarlet dye by establishing production in New South Wales.
Plants infested with the precious insects were imported from Brazil in 1788. The project soon failed when the cochineal died, but the cacti survived. Colonists used cacti as natural fences and drought-resistant animal fodder.
Without insects to feed on them the plants spread, uncontrolled, to cover more than 60 million acres of eastern Australia by the 1920s. Poison, crushing and fire failed to stop the cactus. [...] Opuntia cacti remain an environmental hazard. [...] The roots of these early imperial projects are deeply embedded in Australian culture and history, with an enduring legacy.
All text above by: Garritt C. Van Dyk. "The botanical imperialism of weeds and crops: how alien plant species on the First Fleet changed Australia". The Conversation. 25 January 2024. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized text within brackets added by me for clarity and context.
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writers-potion · 2 months
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When to Use "P" Sounds
to show unbending authority, bureaucracy and the law
for a character who prides himself in his masculinity
for eortic scenes with male action
for a display of power and pompousness
for a firm patriarchal society
"P" for authority and pride:
power, principle, parilament, empire, approve, impose, president, prelate, prefect, emperor, empress, pastor, priest, prince, pontiff, patriarch, parade, palace, portal, pose, display, pomp, peacock, prance, preen, pretend, imposter, importance, impress
"P" sounds for judgement and punishment:
police, penalty, punishment appraisal, probe, oppose, probate, approve, passport, apprehend, appeal, troop, platoon, deploy, poll, parish, population, protocol, parochial, position, plead, process, prison
"P" for stick-like objects:
pole, pile, pillar, pilaster, peak, pike, spear, poke, pierce, prong, push, pin, prick, penetrate, point, penis, patriarchy, paternal, progenitor
Other thematically unrelated words:
apply, park, perk, pug, puppy, posy, plug, apple, pear, grap apricot, peach, painting, portrait, picture, people, ping, peg, gape, lip, ship, pen, pulse, parchment, palaver, ploy, ape, sap, tap, sip, tip, pillow, pirouette, pry, ploy, slip, plant, peek, peer, nape, plate, platinum, planet, ship, rip, spin, wasp, lamp, ample, shape
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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rotten-pomegranate · 5 months
I loved your Chrollo x Kurta headcanons. Could you please write headcannons of Hisoka promising to free the Kurta in exchange for her body.
Hisoka “helps” kurta reader
I love all these asks y’all
Fallow up to this
Warnings: dubcon, Noncon, past Noncon, past abuse, threats, reader is yet again taken and abused by a man way stronger then her
Illumi gets a turn with reader in this
/|\^._.^/|\ /|\^._.^/|\ /|\^._.^/|\ /|\^._.^/|\ /|\^._.^/|\ /|\^._.^/|\
He breaks into your room when chrollo is out shortly after the fight that left him mangled
You don’t even know what to say, it’s been so long sense you’ve seen another person other then chrollo who only hurt and terrorized you
He comes over and just left you cry with no real comfort other then his being there
You’ll soon learn you should’ve been crying for other reasons when he starts telling he’ll get you out of this horrible prison and away from your warden but you have to do something for him to
You expect he’s just gonna get you to do something basic and simple, not that he’s gonna take you away from your captor just to become your new one that does much worse things
He gets you out and right away takes you to a new prison, it’s his apartment, where your free to go wherever you want but if he catches you trying to leave it will be hell
Even if you don’t break his rules it’s like hes punishing you, he brands you with a hot iron on the side of your hip
Pinning you down every chance he gets so he can have his way with you
Makes you out on a collar and walk on all fours when he has people over, your in constant distress so your pretty eyes are always red
He gets a pear of kurta eyes fake or not just to terrify you more then you already are
Uses you as a flesh light whenever he can, will 100% drug you so your still awake and feeling everything it can’t move and he’ll let illumi come have his way with you while you can’t even try and defend yourself
Makes you sleep beside his bed on the floor or at the bottom of his bed with a thin blanket like a pet
If you ever ask to leave he’ll let you, but he will talk about what chrollo might do to you when he finds you and you always get to scared and just run right back into his arms
His abuse slowly gets worse, goes from gently smacking you in the back of the head to kicking you until you break ribs
One of he favourite punishments is to hang you up by the arms and tie your legs together while you hang from the ceiling and just use you as a punching bag
He feeds you well compared to Chrollo, you always get healthy local food, he needs you to be healthy
When he finally breaks you and your eyes finally go out he brings you back to Chrollo just to see then light up again even if just for a moment before your dragged away
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ithebookhoarder · 1 year
Blind With Rage
Description: Whilst you've handled witness interviews alone before, as part of your work at Nelson and Murdock, you know that Matt's always close by and all-too ready to step in if you ever need him.
A/N: He protect. He attack. He is a snack 😅...
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Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, mentions of crime, swearing, Matt being a full-on protective baby XD
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Being a lawyer, you were used to visiting clients in rough places. Prisons, holding cells in local stations, and even crime scenes - you’d been to them all. 
Even with a vigilante for a boyfriend, and rather unorthodox client base, there wasn’t much that could surprise you. Working at Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law, had pretty much ensured it. 
Still, this morning’s meeting had gone pear shaped and you’d barely seen it coming. 
You’d only been sat with a possible witness for you latest client’s case for about five minutes, before it had happened. Matt had been running late at the time and Foggy was out of the room, talking to officers in the corridor, leaving you alone with the man opposite you - which was totally fine. After all, you'd handled witness statements alone before and it wasn't like there wasn't a dozen officers in the building with you if anything did go wrong. 
Also, you only had a couple questions that needed to be asked before you could go back about your merry way and possibly swipe a quick lunch on your route back to the office. If anything, you were more concerned about your choice of sandwich than the petty thief sat on the other side of the table.
He'd so far been cooperative, corroborating your client’s story that he had been nowhere near the crime scene when the crime had occurred. Picked up by police after a failed pickpocketing, the man opposite had apparently been near the scene of the crime and confirmed your client was nowhere to be seen. In fact, he was pretty quick to tell you who was around when the crime had occurred and just who he thought might have done it.
"Thanks, Mr Jerome," you’d nodded, scribbling the last of your notes on the yellow legal pad in front of you. "You've been incredibly helpful. My client will really appreciate your testimony."
"Anytime, sugar."
Yep. That was it; That was the moment when things took a turn for the worst. 
You could see it now, playing back in your mind in slow motion… the way he’d followed the nickname with a rather crass compliment about how you were looking that day. 
His eyes then dropped, roaming up and down your body in a way that just made you feel dirty without even being touched. 
And when you’d told him to stop? That the meeting was done? He’d lunged. 
Of course, he hadn’t got very far - his handcuffs attached to the table made sure of that. Still, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't jumped at the sudden movement.
You flinched, opening your mouth to say something. However, you never got the chance as the door slammed open behind you with an almighty bang. It was then that you saw who was responsible for the sudden interruption as Matt Murdock came racing into the room so fast it made your head spin.
Wait, when had he got here?
You blinked, staring up at your partner with shock as he reached over and pulled your chair back with a harsh screech, cutting you off from protesting. You could see the fury rolling off of him in waves and for a moment you couldn't be sure it wasn't directed at you.
Thankfully, the source of his rage became clear as he positioned himself in front of you, his focus never leaving the man sat on the other side of the table. He had created a literal human-shield between you, a silent challenge against your would-be assailant.
Without a word, his hand reached backwards, hauling you to your feet and frogmarching you from the room. His grip was ironclad.
"Y/N, don't."
"Wait, Matt," you barked, "Let go of me, I had it under control-"
"-Of course you did, Sweetheart. Wait here," he ordered, his tone lethal as he addressed the police officer waiting for you both in the hall. It was clear you weren't going to be allowed anywhere near that room again and that he was holding this poor officer responsible for ensuring that was the case.
A sudden urge to argue roared up from inside of you, but you bit your tongue as Matt released you. You didn't need to ask if he was ok. It was clear he wasn't from the concerned pull of his brow. If you didn't know any better, you'd have said he was actually worried about you.
"I'll be back in a minute. Mr Jerome and I need to have a quick word - stay here with Foggy."
You weren't entirely sure if talking was actually Matt's plan, given the way his hands were clenched at his side. Still, no one made a move to stop him as he marched back into the room you'd just come from, slamming the door behind him hard enough to make the two-way glass rattle.
He'd always had a flair for the dramatic.
Wow indeed, you thought, staring across the room at Foggy. The fact the other lawyer looked like he was trying not to laugh made it clear what he thought about the entire exchange.
"Whatever sassy joke you're about to make, Nelson, just don't," you grumbled, your cheeks burning in embarrassment.
“I wasn't going to make a joke,” Foggy scoffed, his shit-eating grin only growing as Matt's furious voice echoed from the other side of the wall.
"-You feel like a tough guy, huh? Picking on other people? You utter piece of sh-"
The both of you winced at the sudden flurry of colourful expletives.
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“I mean, I’m sure Matt would have thrown himself just as chivalrously in front of me if some sleazy douchebag made a gross comment about me.” 
You eyes were rolling before he even finished the sentence. “Foggy? Shut the hell up.”
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kyonkyon69 · 9 months
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[BIG 3]
[1]Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love
[2]His Little Bird Series by TheWanderersWanderingDaughter
[3]MANACLED by Senlinyu
>TheWanderersWanderingDaughter AO3 fics
>Senlinyu AO3 fics
>On the Nature of Daylight by ikorous
>& Obey, Till Death Do Us Part by LongtimeLurker1111
>A Good Prisoner by greenflowerpot
>Edge by phantonym
>Dramione fics [GOOGLE DRIVE]
>Dramione fics [GOOGLE DRIVE] Part.2
>The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy Series by speechwriter
> Rights and Wrongs Series by LovesBitca8
>The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon
>Clean Series by olivieblake
>The Fallout by everythursday
>Isolation by Bex-chan
>The Commoner's Guide to Bedding a Royal Series by olivieblake
>Silencio Series by AkashaTheKitty
>Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing... Rat? by Maya Mistful
>Confessions Series by SaintDionysus
>Enemies with Benefits by DrusillaMaxima
>Wait and Hope Series by mightbewriting
>Aurelian by BittyBlueEyes
>We Learned the Sea by floorcoaster
>How to Win Friends and Influence People by olivieblake
>Chronos Historia by In Dreams
>The Oblivious Ones by diamonddaydream
>Love in the Time of Death Eaters by gnrkrystle
>Presque Toujours Pur by ShayaLonnie
>The Brightest Black by: Enigmaticrose4
>What the Room Requires by Alydia Rackham
>The Boy in the Hammock by galfoy
>Heavy Lies the Crown by: floorcoaster
>It's All Uncharted by: redhead414
>A Second Look Series by RiverWriter
>Simply Irresistible Series by Bookworm1993
>The Dragon's Bride by rizzlewrites
>What the Room Requires by Alydia Rackham
>The Green Girl by Colubrina
>Architecture of Life Series by EscapingArtist
>Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm
>Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
>Love and Other Historical Accidents by PacificRimbaud
>Apple Pies and Other Amends Universe by ToEatAPeach
>A Gentleman's Guide to Incandescence by olivieblake
>Lionheart by greenTeacup
>Scarlett Dragon by cleotheo
>Phoenix Potion Universe by FedonCiadale
>How Fair the Vine by thebrightcity
>Amateur Cartography by worksofstone
>Every Day, a Little Death by LovesBitca8
>Tea with Mrs. Granger by Guardian_Kysra
>Finding Granger Series by aCanadianMuggle
>The Politician's Wife by pir8fancier
>The Alkahest by shadukiam
>Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse Universe Series by rizzlewrites
>Crumple Series by MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope)
>Osculum Annuum by MyDelphi
>These Selfish Vows by HeavenlyDew
>Some Bright and Last Thing by bionically
>Late Night Wandering by Snowblind12
>Never Odd or Even Series by ambpersand
>The Temptation of Miss Potter by Rumaan
>Tear The Moon by Maria81
>Sex and Occlumency by Graendoll
>Somewhere in Time Series by madrose_writing
>Wedding Bells by cleotheo
>The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale
>Green Light by SereneMusafir
>The Risk'verse Series by MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope)
>Secrets and Masks by Emerald_Slytherin
>Bring Him to His Knees Series by Musyc
>Soft As It Began by rubber_soul02
>The Watergaw by ectoheart, smokybaltic
>The Token by mezy
>Truly Madly Deeply Fest [sequel--->
Truly Madly Deeply Spooky Flash Fest 2023]
>A Game of High Stakes by In_Dreams
>Hunted by Bex-chan
>The World of Wait and Hope Series by mightbewriting
>The Bracelet by AkashaTheKitty
>Lena Phoria FF fics
>Once Upon A Thyme by zensho
>Cruel And Beautiful World by Lena Phoria
>The Fires of Beltane by Arionrhod
>Don't Look Back by Onyx_and_Elm
>Here We Go Round The Prickly Pear Series by Hystaracal
>Measure Of A Man by inadaze22
>Draco Malfoy Runs a Marathon by PurpleSugarQuills
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1ovede1uxe · 1 year
What Bath and Body Works Scent do the Jojo's wear?
I've been an avid consumer of bath and body works for the past like 12 years, for both men and women and I'd like to consider this accurate
Also! This is only for the animated jojos, apologies, I only recently started reading Part 7 :')
I have two words and they're nearly perfect for Jonathan in my opinon
Gingham 👏🏻 Legend 👏🏻
Smells like bergamot, oak, and sandalwood
This man is into his fall scents!
I think Jonathan would be into a subtle musk and a rich scent but not come off too strong
Has the full set of everything
Erina defo wears gingham gorgeous!! They're gingham god and goddess!
Bourbon 100%
Smells like White pepper, dark amber, and kentucky oak
A New York man in the most American scent
I feel like he would buy the 3-in-1 for himself but also not wear deodorant and say the 3-in-1 is just fine
Has the cologne spray to wear on dates, and when he wears it he wears a suffocating amount
Jotaro Kujo
This applies to all parts (3-6taro)
The classic male scent from b&bw
Ocean !!
smells like blue cypress, vetiver and coastal air
Who is surprised by this at all
I think he really would like a clean and fresh scent, something masculine, yet refreshing
He has the full set but he doesn't use the lotion
He'd use the cologne spray for just going out of the house for work or with friends but uses a designer cologne (you know this man is loaded with cash) for date nights and important events
he'd probably use gio by giorgio armani, but this is about b&bw
He'd wear something like Graphite for cologne in public bc he wants people to think he's a manly man
smells like sage, bergamot and leather woods
BUT i feel like he'd absolutely use eucalyptus mint for a body wash/lotion bc he likes the way it smells and feels
its so refreshing on the hair and body and feels so nice and i feel like he would appreciate it
he needs that stress relief with all the stuff he's facing smh
he's always reapplying his cologne
this man takes care of himself and he smells damn good 24/7
he keeps the eucalyptus mint (his secret scent) as a pocketbac
I think he'd prefer something floral but also fresh
White Tea and Sage
smells like fresh tea, lemon and herbs
this is my fav and my personal b&bw scent !!
He also has the full set of everything, he uses all of it and probably keeps the pocketbac too
he also prob has a holder for it
similar to jotaro, i think he would use the spray for daily activities but pick something designer for things like dates and other important events
Smells good 24/7 and reapplies regularly
miss girl is busy and also in prison so she don't got too many options but she's still serving
much like her great, great, great (did i put enought greats?), grandparents, she's a gingham girly, only she wears gingham fresh
smells like juicy pear, sparkling clementine and fresh daisies
She probably only has the body wash and the body spray bc putting lotion on is too much work (i'm projecting)
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thewisaaaaad · 14 days
Hey so I was possesed by another vision.
Im so sorry. Have anemoia AU. Anemoia means "having nostalgia for a time you never experienced.
Also this one dives a little into horror, and I made an image to go with it so. be prepared for that.
my yappin below the Read More.
Why had you tried to be rid of me? Had I done something wrong?
Oh. oh I must have. something horrible, and now I have done something so much worse! A fool such as myself has no business being ROYALTY! Oh no, this will not do at all! My lord, reduced to a groveling peasant!
But now you are free! Forgive your humble servant for the shoddy illusion of the cult I had left you in, I needed time to prepare your surprise! I meant no harm by it, and it was no prison. You could leave at any time!
And now you have! But oh, oh my Lord, you still look so upset! My deepest apologies and condolences, my lord!
But that foul mood will not last, if I have anything to say about it!
I know! I'll put on a show! Only the finest entertainment will do! The worst of the worst, tormented for eternity!
All for You! What a wonderful circus this will be! Such a wonderful show, indeed!
The price of admission? Oh no such thing, my lord! I would rather impale myself upon a sword or twelve! I offer a gift instead!
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Your crown! Your wondrous, red crown, returned to its rightful place!
This body? oh, merely a puppet, my lord! My main body is setting up the big show. If you wish to rip it to shreds, such is your right!
But there is so much more to do, once you are done!
There are plenty of heretical souls to punish here with it, so many traitorous souls to cut down at your pleasure!
Ooh, ooh! There are refreshments, too! Fresh marrow to sup upon, and warm blood to slake your thirst!
And for the main events! Oh! Oh, how the bishops shall suffer for your amusement! Heheheh, I'm rather proud of those, myself!
First, we have Leshy! He of Havock, reduced to bird seed! I made hawks pluck at his eyehole as he remains chained to a rock! But not in the way normal birds of prey do, oh no. They pluck at the same nerve endings.
every. time.
A being who relishes in chaos such as he will surely die of BORDOM from such a fate! oh, but do not worry, my lord!
Next up, we have that rotten toad, Heket! She gets the honor of standing in a river, with fruit dangling just overhead! But she never gets to taste either, oh no. The pears retreat, just beyond the reach of her grubby mits, whenever she dares to try and seize them.
And that frigid water that rushes past her legs? Why, her parched lips will never reach its surface! the spiked collar around her fragile neck will make sure of that.
As for Kallamar. Well, lets just say that I was tempted to make him shove a boulder up a hill for eternity, but his weak noodle arms could barely push a small rock! It was so pitiful, I couldn't even stand it.
So I decided to play to his strengths.
A god of plague should be more than a match for his domain, right? Hehee! I thought so too, but his vomit seems to suggest otherwise! I have lined up a wonderful conga line of suffering for the cowardly squid, a beautiful set of symptoms that shall create a wonderful symphony of agony!
Ah, but I haven't left him defenseless! that would be no fun at all! I have left him a table of tools, a bouquet of medicine to try ant treat what ails him!
But every, SINGLE time he starts to recover to a mere cough...
And Shamura!
...ah, Shamura.
It was so hard to find a punishment that got a good reaction out of them. Every single form of torture, from boiling in oil, to being crushed under a lead cloak, they took all of it on the chin.
"Through this, I will repent" MY ASS!
But I figured out a hell that makes them squirm. Its so ingenious!
I simply employed the same punishment that they made YOU suffer through! Ehehee, with a slight twist, of course!
They get to watch their siblings SUFFER for all eternity! Hah, and they get to sit there, knowing, KNOWING that this is all their fault! AHAHAHAHAAAAA!
Oh don't look at me like that, you aren't part of their family! They forsake that honor the moment they thought to put you in chains!
...oh, and before you go enjoy the festivities, I wanted to tell you one last thing.
I will be hosting a show of my own! "The Comedy Of the Last Lamb!" oh, I have been working SO very hard on it! I do hope you enjoy it! The story will be a little... tweaked, from how it actually went. The new ending should fit your tastes MUCH better than how... It had gone.
I do hope you'll show up to see it!
You have a starring role in it, after all.
Please, enjoy yourself.
My lord.
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sunscall · 11 months
The Mcdonalds' Love Language of Gift Giving
Luther and Mrs Mac hate Mac– this is undeniable. But it wasn't always that way.
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Did they have to do this? Not necessarily. Breaking into a house and stealing other people's christmas gifts were extra risky with Mac being there. Mac gets excited and screams when he sees his gift, and they were probably aware of this, which is why he was the last to open his gift.
And yet they chose to bring Mac each time, even though they could've instead stolen the gifts to bring home, pretending like it came from them. I can think of a few reasons why they don't, but the one I'd like to believe is that while they couldn't afford decorating their home, they still wanted little Mac to experience unboxing his gifts the way most kids would– surrounded by a christmas tree and bright lights.
When Luther got out of prison, he showed indifference and even hostility to Mac the entire time, which was why Mac believed that Luther was going to kill him (and Charlie). But it turned out that Luther had listened to Mac when he said he always wanted to go to Cooperstown with his dad, and so Luther bought a ticket for them. When asked why he kept it a secret, Luther said that he just wanted it to be a surprise. For someone who didn't show much emotions, Luther wanted to express his apology by giving Mac what he wanted.
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Mac does the same– he listens.
One of Mac's biggest romantic gesture in the show is buying the RPG for Dennis. He was even busying himself the whole day trying to figure out how to surprise Dennis with this. When he finally gave the RPG to Dennis, Dennis asked him, and how did you know I wanted a RPG? And Mac told him that it was because he knew Dennis... and that Dennis had mentioned it a lot of times. Giving a gift was Mac's way of showing Dennis that he cared, and Mac was all smiles after realising that his gift had an effect on Dennis.
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Mac was also the one who immediately suggested buying a rat stick for Charlie's 'birthday'. And sure, this could be seen as manipulative, since Charlie wanted to quit rat bashing but I honestly think he knew that if Charlie didn't bash rats, he would still find some other animal to bash. That's because they've known each other since forever, and Charlie had a bashing stick when he was a kid too. And Charlie appreciated the gift, getting super emotional out of happiness.
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(In the same episode, Mac bought Dennis a shirt too, but Dennis returned the actual shirt Mac bought for a nicer one. I think this was when Mac realised that he only enjoys giving gifts if the person receiving it actually likes the gift, which led him to listen to Dennis' wishes more and buy the RPG)
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Okayyyy, the last. This is minor but Mac's insistence on buying a pear for Charlie when he found out Charlie had never eaten one. And now in the cook book, he has "Pear tart for Charlie" in his section, with a note of thanks because he thinks Charlie is going to like it. Super cute stuff
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