#Edie Sedwick
eaktionsshaytan · 3 months
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Vinyl (1965)
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xxhorace · 2 years
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Edie Sedwick
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mosertone · 1 year
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Teenage Edie Sedwick at Silver Hill mental Institution (?)
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fox-glove · 7 months
I love Edie Sedwick. I don't know when I first discovered her image, who she was, and every ounce of her history. If I was going to give a ballpark guess I'd say Pinterest or previous fixations on other factory members. She is so impossibly beautiful, like this bright light of intelligence and genuine spirit. I was recently in a gallery that had a series of Andy Warhol's screen tests and they placed hers a few screens away from Dylan's. Everyone's screen tests were postured with this very curated look to the camera. Most of the women who were in the screen tests were models or actors, as was Edie. But she was independent from all of them. She was the only person who looked as if they were truly being looked at or even looked through. Her expression is like when you've noticed someone has been staring at you a good long while sitting in a restaurant or cafe, that type of uncertainty if a person is looking at you for the right reasons. Is it disdain or admiration?
I had drawn a cartoon cat on a postcard in exchange for some good ol' pot a few weekends ago. It was my second time in a real Irish apartment, not a dorm or hostel or other nightmare. The guy I did the drawing for was a bit odd but he lived with 4 Italian girls who were able to coexist with him pretty soundly. He didn't seem to quite live in a room in the apartment, rather the janky closet beside the kitchen. His books were piled up to the top of the windows in the living room, titles on European archeology and Irish medieval history. A pizza box was sort of tucked away by his knee. He asked me if I wanted to play the new maps on Mario Kart after I had finished the drawing for him. He handed me a pipe that looked like a hinge off a door or some metal screw left around as a spare. His broken lighter burnt my hand. We played two rounds and he told me stories about a former roommate he believed to have some social issues for about an hour. I've got this problem with not knowing how to end a conversation. I hate lulls in every type of interaction because it makes me feel like I'm being punished. Whenever I could've ended it I was barely at the start of drooling out another sentence. Eventually, I just started to close my backpack as he kept talking and stood sort of haplessly in front of my chair. Nothing was interesting out the window, there was a poster on the wall that seemed out of character for the guy. Before I left, he showed me a spear he had made out of parts he had found, made me try on a jacket (I was a bit confused by that one because I had on a jacket), and stood in his kitchen for a few moments. Three hours after I had arrived, I left and walked to the mall off the town square.
I hadn't eaten too much and went to a coffee shop in the food court. Where I grew up, most local malls were outdoor functions and not quite the pinochle of Christmas commercialism. We had music and decorations it’s just not authentic when it’s absolutely boiling on December 15th. Plus, the magic of Christmas music echoing through the sterile halls of a local mall is special. It’s that once a year sort of goodness, the time where it feels good to be a bit of an idiot and buy into something.
I ordered a gingerbread man and tea. For a moment I sat there in this cafe trying to draw different types of boxes for a comic strip I had planned in my head. Three separate pages and I couldn't do it the way I pictured. I’d to the boxes, uneven. I’d do the title, smudge it. I looked up from my work and this woman was staring at me. Sometimes I imagine things so my knee jerk reaction was to assume she wasn’t staring at me, I wanted attention or I was high and confused. Then I looked up again and she was still staring at me. She was an old Irish lady crouched in the table across from me. She finished her drink a while before and it was right in front of her with a crumpled napkin sitting against it, and she looked disgusted. Or horrified, or absolutely placid. I was sure she was staring at me and she knew I had noticed because I looked up at her three times in quick succession. Like Edie’s uncertainty in Screen Test I felt some inkling of white hot embarrassment. I was being picked apart. It’s what you want, to be noticed. It’s what I’ve always wanted at least. When you’re given everything you want, it becomes a bit disgusting. That scene in Daises with the food all laid out before them comes to mind. Ideas are really the best things to desire.
The woman came up to me and said, “I’m so sorry for staring at you. I was just looking at your makeup.” In fairness, a large quantity of black and grey crap was around my eyes. Recently I started wearing makeup everyday which I haven’t done since high school. I said back to her before she got the last bit of her sentence in the open, “It’s all good! Thank you!” I wonder if that was the real reason she was looking at me that long. Maybe I caught her?
Edie Sedgwick said when reflecting on her time in New York, “You have to put up with people projecting their own attitudes, ideas, misunderstanding you.” I think a do a little misunderstanding rather than being misunderstood. If my life were perfect, it would be the other way around.
(writer’s note: god I’m so cringeworthy, forgive me internet and the no one who likes my posts)
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blackcatgirl · 6 years
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applehipster · 6 years
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carolinanazatto · 7 years
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Edie [2] • Colagem exclusiva para o site Lilian Pacce • Digital Collage 
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jaimeesf · 7 years
I want to reach people and express myself. You have to put up with the risk of being misunderstood if you are going to try to communicate. You have to put up with people projecting their own ideas, attitudes, misunderstanding you. But it's worth being a public fool if that's all you can be in order to communicate yourself.
Edie Sedwick
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Gli angeli del bizzarro – Un secolo di eccentrici
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eaktionsshaytan · 1 year
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xxhorace · 3 years
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Edie Sedwick
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midori-kim · 7 years
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“You taught flowers to bloom while I demonstrated how they’ll wither.”
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crystallllines · 3 years
This queen, whose videos i apparently cannot download (WHY???) and post directly here, talking about everyone’s favorite tubercular, laudanum-addicted artist and pre-raphaelite superstar model (think the edie sedwick to the pre-raphaelites’ factory) on tiktok
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max-e-doodle · 4 years
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Edie Sedwick. 
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lovelyangeldo3eyes · 5 years
Really bad at making and keeping friends because i love to isolate myself. But i spent all day with genuine idiots can i just listen to the monkees and pretend im edie sedwick
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