#Efficient Project Delivery
The World Food Summit of 1996 approached food security through the principles of ensuring there is enough safe and nutritious food that can be accessed daily to meet healthy dietary needs and food preferences. By definition, this is a desirable and worthy goal. However, in the years since, food security has developed into a paradigm which does not question the underlying power dynamics and the reproduction of material conditions that make food insecurity a permanent feature of the global order. At its core, the food security paradigm deals only with access to food, without challenging the political and economic structures that determine and control access, as well as distribution.  By failing to address the root causes of hunger and famine, the food security paradigm makes it impossible to end hunger globally. Of course, many people worldwide possess food security, but this is restricted to increasingly limited geographic pockets. In terms of the people localised in one area, food vulnerability is influenced and determined by class, race, gender and, of course, citizenship status. Globally, “underdevelopment” and “de-development” lead to widespread food insecurity across areas. Another problem with the food security paradigm is that it is easily co-opted to generate partial answers that pose no threat to the corporate food system, or worse, that even open up new profit opportunities. Accelerated by other crises, the food security paradigm becomes ever more dependent on aid, be it through direct food delivery, cash transfers or small development projects that cannot compete with the food giants and their price-setting powers. In practice, a “science of food security” emerges, one which takes as its focus calories and the output that is compatible with precision agriculture having the aim to increase crop yields and to assist management decisions using high technology sensor and analysis tools. This model tends to be reliant on “Green Revolution” technologies that rely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides and that are tied to colonial projects and corporations, in order to optimise resources in aid response and/or development projects.  In this rationale, food insecurity can be addressed by reaching optimum yields of certain crops that should meet the demand for fats, fibres and protein. All of this is carefully managed and data-driven. Precision farming is advocated by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) with the objective of optimising, “agricultural value chains […] critical in advancing food and nutrition sufficiency without increasing the size of land under cultivation.” The framing of food that reduces it only to “optimal input” relegates vital elements of food production and the culture of eating, like territory ownership, taste, heritage, care, well-being and connection as secondary. This reductionist approach has, though, proved useful to corporate agriculture, since it reinforces the case for genetically modified crops (GMOs), more efficient fertilisers, and the standardisation of food production for market purposes. Advocates of plant breeding technologies (including GMOs and hybrid seeds) argue that government overregulation is an obstacle to achieving food security. Overregulation, as the argument goes, denies populations the opportunity to grow crops that have increased nutrient use efficiency and are more resilient to climate shocks. 
The paradigm of food security is about optimising productivity. It’s true that productivity matters – after all, feeding the world requires enormous quantities of food. But if productivity is approached solely as a technological problem, it reinforces the tendency to fragment the quantitative and qualitative aspects of food production and consumption. On the quantitative side, production for food security is viewed as a challenge of multiplication. Whereas division, that is, distribution of food, is left to logistical planning. This ignores what Raj Patel identified in his influential 2007 book Stuffed and Starved, as the bottleneck of power that concentrates international food distribution among a small set of corporations. This bottleneck excludes the poor and small-scale food producers from decision-making. It also normalises worrying tendencies, such as an overreliance on industrial animal exploitation as a protein source, which has direct health implications, as well as longer term consequences like the proliferation of new viruses, greenhouse gas emissions and inefficient use of water and soil.
28 May 2024
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blurban-form · 5 months
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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vivmaek · 1 year
MARS IN THE 3rd HOUSE: Observations
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People with this placement are known for being argumentative. At times they can’t help it, their communication style just happens to be assertive. They can be blunt and a bit harsh with their delivery. These types are known for being loud and are incredibly expressive. They are also quick to become defensive. Their beliefs, opinions, and thoughts are a driving force in their life. Mars third housers can become aggressive if their thought process is questioned, they feel strongly about what they know. They are decisive and they come up with solutions quickly. However this does not mean that their solutions are effectively thought out. People with this placement tend to overlook details in an attempt to be efficient. This can lead to problems down the line and their lack of foresight can make this hard to catch. It is important for mars third housers to know when to step away from the position of a leader. They don’t seek these positions out because they think they’re smarter than everyone else. Their impatience causes these types to barrel through projects, and they’ll drag whoever else is involved for the ride. They don’t want to wait around and hear about what everyone else has to say, they just want to get things done. But learning how to slow down and listen will be a beneficial skill set for those with this placement. Mars third housers tend to speak before they think, this is frustrating for both themselves and the people around them. This is also often the root cause within the conflicts they face. They have overactive minds and it can be difficult for them to hunt down all their thoughts and properly display them. People with this placement put a lot of effort into learning and feel passionate about understanding their curiosities and questions about life. They can become overtaken with this passion when trying to communicate. They appreciate lively discussions and flourish when other people are willing to meet them on their level. Although they’re not diplomatic, they can be persuasive. Mars third housers know how to rally people together through shared opinions and ideas. When they speak, their energy can be invigorating and hard to ignore. They know how to dominate a conversation, and will feel comfortable while doing so. These qualities will serve them well in life as long as they learn how to become more tactful within their communication style. 
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jooniperbonsai · 3 months
Thanks for the Sub (ksj) | Chapter Five
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Pairing: Camboy!Seokjin x Gamer!Reader (afab)
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 17.1k
Release date: June 26, 2024
Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, camboy au, gamer au, comedy, crack, slow burn, coworkers/boss/friends to lovers, an exploration of adults in their late 20s/early 30s
Summary: A miscommunication has you bitter about your relationship with Seokjin. Will meeting one of his friends be enough to change you mind?
Chapter Warnings: swearing, miscommunication, Mingyu + Jungkook bff, Jungkook rides a motorcycle (that is a WARNING), masturbation (f+m), sex toys, pornography, alcohol, y/n is a messy drunk, a lil jealousy, SPOILER WARNINGS: oral (f,m), strength kink, spanking, slight brat behaviors, pet names, bigdick!Seokjin, slight exhibition kink, dirty talk, slight praise kink, unprotected sex, insecurity, traffic light system, consent, they're so stupidly down bad for each other, a little crying during sex moment, creampie
a/n: hello! finally, the moment we've all been waiting for! I appreciate your patience with this. I originally planned on a much shorter chapter, but I wanted to give our couple some time to really dig into their feelings for their first time, especially since they have so much at stake with each other. Just a reminder I'll be taking a short hiatus from TFTS to work on other creative projects, so I hope you treasure this chapter! -h
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Seokjin fucked up. Right now, with everything so delicate, he should have known not to dive back into streaming. Not because of the awful energy last night, but because of his stupidity. When he stripped last night, he’d left his phone in his pants pocket. And in further stupidity, that pair of pants went through the wash this morning when he realized he had nothing clean to wear for work. 
He’d cradled the dead phone in his hands like it would have mercy on him and turn on. But it was too far gone. It hadn’t just been washed; it also went through the spin cycle. The screen was shattered, bits of glass echoing in the drum amongst a heavy thunk being the only thing that made him realize what he’d done. 
He didn’t have time to go get a replacement. Not with it being installation day for the new dishwasher in the restaurant. His phone would have to wait. He could wait. So long as he could get in contact with the delivery people on the phone in the manager’s office, he’d be fine. 
So he went in early, taking care of the next set of problems, one after another after another. The delivery people were late after taking the wrong turn, which meant the kitchen staff was handwashing all the dishes. That, plus the nice weather of spring seemed to have drawn more people in than usual. The restaurant was so busy, he barely saw you from open to when your shift ended. Whatever time that was. 
By the end of the day, as one of the part timers loaded the new dishwasher and peeled the protective film off the stainless steel front, everything seemed like it was finally in order. His father somehow found a fax machine on that cruise ship, which was boggling. Who was still sending faxes, much less on a cruise ship? And there was still a fax number associated with this place? 
Regardless, the contract work was finally settled and scheduled. No more stacking of appointments or missing payroll. He had gotten them back up on the cloud, and contacted the accounting service who luckily had stored everything from invoices to direct deposit information. Once he plugged everything back in, Seokjin realized things would be alright. 
He wanted to celebrate. Wanted to kick back with a beer and unwind from how stressful all this was. If he could make this transition smoother for his parents when they returned, leaving them with a much more efficient system and updated restaurant, he thought he could leave it behind a little easier and return to how things were before. 
A tightness squeezed his chest. What before would he be trying to return to? 
Would he go back to streaming more often? Is that how he wanted to keep paying his bills? In the time he’d been off, he’d felt like he was finally healing, finally good at something. Whether it was cooking or managing the restaurant’s problems, he had to give it to himself: he was a fair negotiator and probably not the worst manager that there ever was. 
Because he cared. When he worked in corporate, there were so many faceless names that he always delivered bad news to. No stories to anchor them to bodies. Just emails and phone calls. That doesn’t create much of a person to care about. 
But now, he knew each story, from one of his parents and why they decided to start a restaurant to the regular customers who always ordered the same thing to his employees. Every person was a person, and that made Seokjin care so much more than he’d ever thought he could. 
The idea of leaving that behind wrenched something in his chest. Did his parents know that the elderly white lady who came in and ordered mul naengmyeon even in the middle of winter did so because it was easier on her gums? Or that Mr. Lee was closing his vacuum repair shop because no one thought to repair vacuums anymore? The more Seokjin thought of all those familiar faces, the more he began to feel panicked. What would he do? Where would he go? 
What about you? Barely into the first year of your graduate program and already you had to take a break. Did your parents know this? 
Seokjin didn’t know much about this part of you, to be honest. He never wanted to push, though he noticed how you would talk around them and lead the conversation away from your family whenever you got the chance. Your parents were both still alive and married, he knew this. He knew you were an only child, that Wonwoo and you were childhood friends. 
But, did you have other friends? Now that he thought about it, he didn’t remember you ever mentioning anyone else that you spent time with. You weren’t from here, and that must have really tampered with the friendships you had back home. 
God, how had he been so clueless to not notice before? If you weren’t working or at school, you were streaming. You really didn’t take much time off from anything. And that was really sad. 
Especially because you were so great. You had the type of personality that his friends would love. He could see you and Namjoon talking about books. You had so many in that apartment, and while many of them were clearly romance novels, you had the classics too. 
You’d met Taehyung a few times when he came to mooch off of Seokjin for a free meal, and his puppy dog pout and awful jokes still drew laughter out of you. 
Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin. They’d like that you always put Seokjin in his place, never afraid to make fun of him or challenge him. 
And Yoongi. Yoongi would probably adore you the most. How gentle you were with others, yet protective of what you loved. How you were fighting to be the best version of yourself regardless of the challenges you faced. How you were thoughtful and filled the space with words that had a purpose, not just pointless chatter. You remembered the same faces in the restaurant as Seokjin, stepped in to help, to be part of a team. Those were things Yoongi always valued. 
You should meet them, he decided. He’d invite you to hang out with all of them in neutral territory. Let his friends see how great you were. And then you’d have friends here, in a place you could maybe learn to call home. 
Even if Seokjin was gone. 
His brother sent him the posting a few weeks ago. A major restaurant management company was looking for a financial consultant who would help develop new and repair existing restaurants’ financial strategy around the world. He’d sent in his resume without really thinking about it. And in the mess of today, he’d seen he received an email requesting an interview. 
Maybe Seokjin would leave Worldwide Handsome to go worldwide himself. He didn’t hate the idea. An excuse to leave streaming fully behind would be a nice end to things. 
What he hated, though, is that your time together was limited, and that job, if he was offered and took it, would shorten the window further. 
Once you started up with classes again, it would only be a matter of time. Summer would come. His parents would return. You’d drift apart further. 
Which is why he needed you to meet his friends. Needed to know that there was something he could do for you. 
He looked at the faded clock on the wall of the office. It was too late to go to the store and get a new phone. Hopefully no one had anything urgent to speak to him about. For the meantime, he knew his parents were resting on their cruise ship off Thailand? Italy? He couldn’t remember. His brother and sister-in-law and nephew were probably asleep now even though the sun still had left some lasting streaks of pink and purple in the sky. 
You were…well he didn’t quite know. Probably at home with your nose stuffed into a book. He could live with that. He could live with everyone being in the places he needed them to be. The world could turn to night once more without him being glued to his phone. 
Seokjin locked the doors of the restaurant. He watched the glow of street lights kick on. He’d get everything into place. Life goes on, right? 
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Fuck Kim Seokjin. Fuck him and every stupid fucking man on planet Earth. How can he ghost someone he works with? Does he seriously just want you to quit?
You’d spent the following day waiting for an explanation. Seokjin is a man of many words when necessary. God knows you’ve heard him rant. So what was so goddamn hard about being upfront and honest? He spent all day running around in a frenzy, which you get, but he couldn’t even say hi? He couldn’t even text back with a “sorry I can’t make it”. 
That was two days ago. Your date was Friday. And you’ve gotten nothing in the form of a response. When you came to work today, he wasn’t there. You showed up early this morning to see if he was around so you could finally confront him, and sure enough, nothing.
Now, you’re trashed. All thanks to a “Happy Hour is Every Hour” A-frame outside of a gastropub near your apartment that makes their drinks strong and cheap and handed out bar nuts and a bottle of water the second you sat down. 
That was four drinks ago. Now, the word has a soft fuzzy glow to it, and if you’re not sitting here pissed off at Seokjin, you’re two seconds from calling him up and confessing how obsessed you are with him. And that also makes you want to cry. 
You’re not sure how long it’s been since you started drinking. What you do know is there’s chicken and beer being shuttled over to your table and the wait staff keep staring at you. 
“Thank you,” you slur as you reach for the piping hot rib meat before your server can even set the plate down. 
“Ah, no be care–”. But it’s already too late. The hot oil touches your fingertips and you jolt, throwing the fried food onto your table as you reach for your water, uncapping it and pouring it onto your hands, and consequently, the tabletop. 
You try to apologize, the words glooping together into some string of nonsense as the gossipy waitstaff veer over to the table, whipping white towels out of their aprons and wiping up your mess. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter again, but you know they can’t hear you, too busy tutting at you and pointing at the steam rising from your food. They don’t say it, but you can understand the tone: you should know better. 
You’ve now caught the attention of just about every other after-work Happy Hour goer, all flushed from the alcohol but more composed than you probably appear (and are). 
You resolve to try pulling yourself together, guzzling down the remainder of your water and taking occasional sips of beer between bites of juicy chicken. Though, how much worse can having a big fat crush on your boss–who is also a gay camboy yet straight– be? Surely the people who run this place have seen worse. 
Shit, you’ve seen worse and Seokjin’s family restaurant isn’t even a major hub for after work drunkards! One time a woman in six inch stripper heels and a Tina Turner wig came in asking you if you’d found a loose pig. You stood there speechless as she called for him. And what’s stranger is that it wasn’t even a pig. It was a man on a leash with the word “P.I.G.” written on his shirt. On the back, the shirt said “Pussy is God”. 
Therefore, overhearing your drunken blubbering is, in your opinion, the least chaotic thing that can happen to these people tonight. 
You pop a pickled radish into your mouth as you take in the crowd around you as they finally turn away and go back to the bubbles they live in. None of these people know what you’ve gone through the last few days. How the sharp sting of rejection paints every decision you make with a shade of insecurity. 
You want to talk to him about it. You want to sit in your apartment with him and cry over how he treated you. You want him to apologize for being an asshole and prove he’s not just like other guys. 
But there’s a sinking fear that he really is this way. That these behaviors are intentional, and you are actually wrong about him. 
And how fucking dare he if that’s intential. What a classless and petty thing to do. Someone should put him in his place. Maybe you should put him in his place. 
With that stroke of genius, you dial his phone, impatiently sighing as you are immediately redirected to the voicemail. The beep instructing you to leave a message pours you a shot of confidence. 
“Hey, it’s me…..Y/N. Listen, you can’t just keep ignoring me. How stupid and cruel of you to just agree to go out with me and then ghost me afterward and at work? Fuck you dude. Seriously, have some fucking class. Honestly, how hard is it to say no? ‘Oh sorry, Y/N I can’t’ is all I needed.” You drop your voice to mimic his. 
“Seriously, we work together. I really thought you would be different about other guys and have some decency to just be honest. And maybe that’s what’s missing here is honesty! So let me just be honest. I know you are a camboy. And at first it was weird yeah but like…I don’t care. Because I liked you. And you liked me right? Well, maybe not. I guess I was wrong. God, alllllll you men are the fucking saaaaaame. And you keep getting away with this shit! But I’m done! I’m so done with it all! You know what? Don’t bother getting back to me. I quit!” 
You hang up, satisfied, and dig into a chicken wing. As you suck the meat from the bone, you see a tattooed hand tap the table. 
“What,” you ask, annoyed. You really don’t have it in you today to deal with some douche bag hitting on you. When you look up, you see a guy in a black baggy T-shirt and jeans. His big doe eyes and rounded nose look down at you with a glint of sympathy. 
“Uh, Y/N?” He says softly. 
You squint at him, trying to place him in the sea of people you know. Is he one of your classmates? Or does he know you from streaming? He’s not a regular at the restaurant is he? He doesn’t register as familiar at all. You open your mouth to speak, but before you get the words out, he’s talking again at rapid speed.
“Sorry! I don’t want to bother you. Um, you don’t know me, but I’m a friend of Seokjin’s.”
A hot prickle of anger and embarrassment punches your gut. “Oh.” 
“Yeah. Uh, I don’t want to bother you, but I noticed you were really upset and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He glances over at the empty glasses on the table. 
“I’m fine,” you say reflexively. “Just been having a bad weekend.”
“Ah,” the stranger says, furrowing his eyebrow. “I can understand that. Do you uh…do you want to talk about it?” 
He shifts onto his heels, rocking back and forth slightly. It makes you feel dizzy just looking at him. 
“No, no I’m good.” 
“Got it, sorry. I know that might be weird. Just thought maybe you’d need somebody to talk to.” 
“And what gives you that impression? A random stranger who is disrupting my night sure seems to know so much about me for no particular reason.” 
“Oh, I have a reason. Hyung–uh, Seokjin– he means a lot to me.”
You wait for him to go on, but instead he bites at a piercing on his lip. 
“I don’t really see how that’s relevant.” 
“Ah, yeah. Sorry. Um, I…you know what? Never mind. So, listen. My uh, my friend is the owner of this restaurant. And they don’t want other people to have a bad experience here.” 
You blink at him. “That’s..great?” What does this guy want from you? Why is he sharing this? 
“It is! And so um…” he holds up a take out container. “He wanted me to bring you this.”
“Okay? I’m not finished yet, though. I was going to finish this beer first.” 
He nods and you see a blush color his cheeks. “Sure, but you see, some people have complained. And he just. He would like it if you finished your food at home instead.” 
An awful silence rings out between you and you glance around. Other patrons of the restaurant are glaring at you. From behind the checkout counter, you can see a very tall man standing with his arms crossed, wearing a pained expression. He, too, is blushing. 
You glance back at the doe-eyed man. “He…you are kicking me out?” 
His eyes go wide and he starts waving his hands in front of him. “Ah, um! No, no one is kicking you out! Mingyu is a puppy, he means no harm. He just…last week someone stole all the change in the drawer and now things are really tight for him and he can’t afford to lose business.”
Mingyu, you now know he’s named, drops his head into his hands and sighs. 
“Got it,” you say through gritted teeth. Jesus, can today get any worse? You stand up, and suddenly the world is tipping sideways and being pulled out from under you. 
“Whoa, whoa!” The stranger says. You close your eyes, ready to hit the tile floor. But it never happens. Instead, the weight of your back is being held by something sturdy, and your wrist on your right arm is clamped onto tightly. You open your eyes and see him beaming down at you, his eyes wide. “Careful there.” 
“JK!” Someone calls out. “You know where she lives?”
“Nah and Hyung isn’t answering whenever I try calling him,” the stranger shouts back. Your right ear is ringing, sensitive to the loud noise. 
“SHH! God, right in my ear! Jesus! I’m fine. I can get myself home! I’m not some weak damsel in distress.” You slap his hands away and find your footing on the sticky floor. 
JK, you assume, holds his hands up in surrender. “Noona, I’m not saying you are. But you are really drunk, and I can’t let you leave when you can’t even walk.” 
You snort. “So I need to leave but I can’t? What kind of riddle is this for me to solve? Are you a troll that lives under a bridge? I can’t leave until I solve your riddles three?” 
He chuckles. “No, more that I am going to take you home. Here, get your food in this, I’ll get my keys.”  
“Don’t bother,” you say, scooping the still-warm food into the container. A part of you is mourning how soggy this is going to be later. 
“Please, Y/N don’t fight me on this,” JK says softly. 
“I’m not,” you insist. 
“Then let me drive you home.” 
“You don’t have to.” 
“Then why–”
“Because I live like two blocks that way.” You point. 
His tight jaw slackens as he follows your hand, peering out toward the direction of your place.
“Yeah,” you chuckle, and scoop up the container, glancing down at the empty drinks. In a last minute decision, you lift up your glass of beer and chug the rest of it down. 
JK sighs and shakes his head when you deposit the empty glass into the nest of the others. “Was that really necessary?” 
“Yes,” you reply, walking toward the cash register. JK walks through the swinging kitchen doors, you assume to grab his keys. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Mingyu says, waving his hand. 
What? No way. You try to do the mental math, but at this point, you’ve lost count of how much anything costs. One thing you know: this meal wasn’t cheap. 
“No! No, I want to pay. I’m sorry I was so disruptive. Please let me–.”
JK reappears, carrying a leather jacket, backpack, and motorcycle helmet. “Ah, Noona, don’t worry about it. I already paid.” 
He what? Who the hell is this guy? 
“Oh,” you say awkwardly, glancing up at Mingyu. “Well..thanks.” 
“Yeah. Uh, you’re welcome. Get home safe. Maybe drink some water when you get there.” He steps away from the counter and grabs a gray plastic bin, shuffling over to your table to bus it. 
“Ready?” JK asks and you nod, following him out the door. 
“Are we really going to take your motorcycle a few blocks?” 
He laughs. “Why? Are you scared?”
Yes. “No. Just feels like a waste of gas.” 
“Sure. But I also was probably going to go to Seo-somewhere after this so it would make sense to take it. But if you’re nervous about it, we can walk.” 
“I’m not nervous. It’s just a waste of gas.” 
“Okay, Y/N.”
“Okay, JK,” you mock. He begins walking along the sidewalk in the general direction of your place and pauses at a shiny black Harley, scooping up a second helmet from the seat. 
“That’s not my name.” 
“Then what is your name?”
He looks at you and smiles, holding out the helmet he had in the restaurant. You stare at it, not making a move to grab it. 
“No? Well, I guess we’ll walk.” 
You’re not sure why you grab the helmet but do. You’ve never been on a motorcycle; they have always terrified you how they weave through traffic and tight alleyways, zip through intersections and rev themselves at lights in some grand show of ego. But Jungkook doesn’t look like any of the biker dudes you’ve seen with long beards and bandanas. He looks almost like an innocent kid. But with tattoos and piercings. 
His smile widens as you scoop up the helmet and plop it onto your head, letting Jungkook adjust the chin strap’s tightness. 
“Are you sure I’ll fit on this?” You ask, eying the incredibly small passenger “seat” off the back of the bike. Who even fits on these? Children riding illegally? 
“Huh?” He looks between you and the bike, scanning your body up and down as he tries to do math. 
“Yeah,” he decides and nods. “Yeah I don’t think it’ll be an issue.” 
So you hoist yourself onto it, trying not to tip the heavy machine over in your jolt. Jungkook clips his helmet on and hands you his backpack. “I’ll need you to wear this though. Otherwise it’ll squish you.” 
You loop the straps over your arms and reposition yourself. Jungkook easily navigates his leg over to the other side, using his left food as a grounding while he holds the bike up. 
“Okay, let’s go!” He says enthusiastically and you chuckle before realizing he has no idea where you’re going. 
“Oh, uh you’re going to head that way for about three blocks. Then turn right.” 
He nods and then inserts the key into the ignition, turning it on. Wordlessly, you wrap your arms around his thin waist, and as you whip down the main road toward your apartment, the chill of the spring air on breezing across your arms feels a little bit like freedom.  
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When you arrive, you do the polite thing and invite Jungkook in to prove that you are not so inebriated that you’ll aspirate and die in your apartment. You even drink an extra glass of water to ensure he believes you when you say you’re fine. You’re mostly tired now, the exhaustion of the week and Seokjin’s rejection heavy on your body. 
“Well, thanks,” you say, signaling it is time for Jungkook to leave. 
“You’re welcome. And Noona, I’m sorry about Mingyu, he really didn’t mean any harm.” 
“I understand, I was kind of a lot.” You say, the haze of the restaurant fading into the night. All the things you were mad about are starting to seem quite immature. You pause, realizing something. 
“God damnit! I left my chicken there!” 
Jungkook laughs and shrugs. “Well, it’s a good thing I know the owner. I can always get you a fresh order if you want it?” 
You mull it over for a second before shaking your head. “It’s fine. I probably don’t need it anyway. It was just comfort food during a bad week.” 
“You mentioned you were having a hard time. I hope you feel a little bit more at ease now that you ate and got more water into you.” 
You sigh. “No, not really. I am starting to feel a little stupid for the phone call I had earlier.” 
“Oh yeah, I overheard a bit. So what was that all about? Mad at a friend or something?” 
“Yeah,” you say and Jungkook’s smirk drops. 
“Hyung? What did he do?”
“It’s…it’s not a big deal really. He just…we were supposed to…hang out the other night, and he blew me off.” 
“Oh, that’s not really like him. I’m sorry that happened.”
“Not your fault,” you say, smiling up at Jungkook.
A beat passes and Jungkook sniffs, glancing around at your place. “So, about Seokjin-hyung.” 
You raise an eyebrow in question. Where exactly is this going? When you don’t say anything, Jungkook looks over at you. 
“Well, h-he’s not a bad guy. Really. I hope you know that.” 
“Why are you doing this?” You ask. 
“Doing what?” 
“Building a case for him. All your friends really. Trying to mediate on their behalf.” 
Jungkook glances down and sighs. “I don’t know. But we aren’t talking about me right now.” 
“Are we even talking about anything? We’re strangers.” 
“Have you considered that people become friends instead of strangers by sharing things about themselves?”
You wince. “I don’t like you.” 
Jungkook splits into laughter and you can’t help but chuckle in response. He’s charming, but you don’t need him to know that. 
“Fair enough. I’m just saying, Seokjin he…he’s really a good guy. Practically raised me. Although sometimes I think I’m more mature than he is. But he’s had a rough time lately with all the stuff happening with the restaurant and his family coming back soon. I think he’s just not entirely sure who he is, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you.” 
You sigh, defeated. 
“Take care, Y/N. I hope to see you around.” Jungkook walks toward the door, turning the knob. 
“Hey, wait,” you say. You feel a little guilty as you sober up. You’ve been bratty all night to the poor kid; you could cut him some slack. 
“Thanks for helping me out tonight,” you say sheepishly. 
“Anytime. Really. Although maybe we can avoid making this a habit. I’d like to meet you again when you aren’t drunkenly shouting at my hyung over the phone.” Jungkook picks up his spare helmet off the floor and waves, and then slides through the door and into the dark. 
For a few minutes you stand there, trying to balance the scales of the weekend, from the ghosting to the drunken calls to running into one of Seokjin’s closest friends who drove you home on the back of his Harley. Your head feels like it’s spinning. 
What are you supposed to do about any of this? You’re not sure. Jungkook told you that he was basically raised by his friend, and that touches something really soft within you. You’re not surprised. Look at how good of a mentor he’s been to you in the kitchen staff? It’s not common for bosses to take time out of their schedule to train you, especially before the place even opens. 
But that’s Seokjin’s dedication. He cares. And that’s also why this rejection hurts. Because you know that if he’s being this way to you, it can only mean that you did some unknown thing that has driven him away from you. And it has to be big enough for him to ignore you all day? 
What if he’s seeing someone? What if he’s trying to create distance with you? Your head spins with all the ideas and you need any details. Anything. 
You practically run to your computer, typing in Worldwide Handsome’s website address and searching the performer tab. You don’t have to scroll long. He’s one of the top streamers of the year, and you see that he has a stream that happened Friday night on his replay list, but it’s blocked behind a paywall. Did that asshole seriously stream on Friday instead of hanging out with you?
You pause for approximately two seconds before you begin typing your credit card information in. You need to be sure. In a matter of seconds, all of Seokjin is everywhere; there are photos of him, clothed and naked. Some are crystal clear in quality, looking almost professionally taken, every ridge of his hard cock portrayed through pixels. You feel heat creep into your chest and cheeks, almost like you’ve just taken three shots of vodka. 
As it turns out, the alcohol’s effects paired with Seokjin’s own hotness have you pulling the fabric of your shirt away to try and get some proper air. After a moment, you decide you’re done wrestling with it and strip it off. It’s your apartment, you have a right to walk around topless if you want. And pantless. You feel the cool air wick away some of the heat from the back of your knees as you slide the pants down. Much better. You probably smelled like fried chicken anyway. 
You look back at the screen, your entire monitor displaying an HD photo of Seokjin in the middle of an orgasm, his neck thrown back, Adam's apple bobbing as he squeezes the head of his cock. His hands and stomach are messy with a milky, somewhat translucent load of cum. You squirm a little in your seat, feeling the heat that was once flushing your body send a sharp flicker of desire to your core. What is it you’re supposed to be doing? 
You blink a few times at the screen before exiting out of the photo gallery and heading into the video playlists. Ah, you remember when you see the most recent stream. Research. Because he’s avoiding you. A sharper, more painful throb stabs through your chest, carrything with it the sting of anxiety.
You need to know how you can fix this. You take a deep breath and load in the video. 
“Hi Everyone,” Seokjin says, a lazy wave fanning into the shot. “It’s been a while.” You study his face, he seems sad and upset. Is this really the same Seokjin you saw at work two days ago? He seemed a little stressed, sure, but not like this. 
Seokjin greets some of the names of people who must have responded to his chat. After a few minutes, he smirks. “I needed this. I missed you guys, too.”
Has he not been regularly streaming? You never really thought to look again after you stumbled upon him a few months ago. Okay, that’s a lie. You’ve definitely thought to check on him at least a hundred times, but you promised yourself that you wouldn’t peek. He deserves privacy. 
But now as you’re learning, he hasn’t been consistently online in months. Where has he been? Have you really been taking up that much of his time with your own streams? Your chest follows the sharp pain up to your throat, where guilt nestles itself in. 
He’s seeing someone. He’s got to be. Pulling away from streaming makes all the more sense if he’s dating someone. All that horny, intimate energy has to be directed somewhere? It only makes sense that he would direct it onto someone. 
Jealousy sours your stomach. Maybe he realized that you were intending for this to be a date on Friday and didn’t know how to let you down. So he just did this instead? Why does none of this make sense? 
Seokjin has a few more conversations in the next few minutes, but nothing really stands out. He seems guarded. Sheesh, how lovesick is this guy?
As he wraps up his conversations, you see his face fall in between words as he reads the screen that is determining what type of toy he has to use. Eventually, it is decided upon a vibrating cock ring, and you watch curiously as he places the device down his shaft and balls, snuggly resting at the base. As people donate, the ring vibrates. 
You don’t feel like this is going to give you what you need. It’s certainly hot to watch at first, but it also isn’t helping you understand him better. Even still, you don’t click away, and for the next hour, you watch the recording, his tired eyes becoming all the more lifeless as he approaches his orgasm. Honestly, it feels a bit sad. Not long after he cums, he ends the stream. 
This is not like the one you’ve seen before. In that stream he was passionate, domineering, and direct. Now, you’re not even entirely sure if he was turned on. You begin cycling through older streams, trying to find a date of when all this started. 
How long has he been seeing her? How come you were too stupid to realize it before? You study each video for clues, looking for moments when he might mention something that shows around the time he started closing off to his audience. Nothing promising. 
Until this one, one where he’s softer than usual, more submissive. He goes soft a few times even in this stream, despite the fact that he’s engaging with his audience, he’s giving them everything they could ever want. You watch as he grinds down on a pink dildo, gasping for air, little moans popping out of his chest. 
If you didn’t know him as well as you thought you do, you might believe it. You’ve watched enough of his videos now (including the one you caught live), to see how Seokjin looks when he’s turned on versus when he’s performing as Jin. 
A little buzz comes over the speaker and Seokjin’s eyes look past the camera, presumably toward the source of the sound. Then, like a switch, something happens, and he grows harder in his jerking hand, a flush creeping up onto his chest, his rhythm changing to form a steadier, lighter grind on the toy. But what lets you know that he’s truly, really turned on, is that his moans are not high pitched at all. They’re deep. Fuck. 
“Fuck,” he mimics, a low chuckle coming out of his chest. He’s closed his eyes, more invested in his fantasy. 
Shit, this is getting hot. You squirm a bit in your seat again, trying to focus. You’re looking for clues, remember?
“Yes, yes, that’s it. Right there,” Seokjin groans. You rasp a breath, which has become more erratic as the head of his cock becomes deeper in its blush. You can’t help it. This is what he does, how he affects you. He could be completely clothed or fully naked in this moment, and you would still be just as wet as he’s making you from using that voice. You reach down between your legs, trapping your hand in between to relieve some of the pressure. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” 
No. There’s no absolutely no way. You must be imagining it. Your stomach does a little flip out of hope anyway. 
“Mmm, I’m close. Fuck!” He changes the tactic for stroking himself, now flicking his wrist and squeezing his tip. You can see the bead of precum that is leaking out. 
You must still be so drunk that you’re running away with your fantasies. No. 
“Y/N,” he says again, clearer. And then, Seokjin orgasms, lifting his hips so his cock can thrust into his hand, droplets of cum spurting from the tip, dappling his thighs and stomach.
“Oh my god,” you say as the information all starts to click into place. “Oh shit.”
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“Hyung, open up!” 
Seokjin rubbed his eyes, trying to understand what the hell was going on. What time was it? When he glances at the clock in his dark room, it says 1:43AM. Which is weird, because didn’t he go to bed last night after the sun came up? Maybe his clock was wrong and it meant 1:43PM instead of AM. 
But that was the least of his worries. Instead, he was heading toward the door, where one of his dongsaengs was beating on his door like he was intent on breaking it down. 
He pulled it open, and found Jungkook standing in front of him, his hair sticking out in weird places. He looked like he just had sex. 
“What are you doing here, Jungkook-ah?”
Jungkook’s eyes looked anxious and he nodded. “Can I come in?” 
Seokjin moved away from the door frame, holding out an arm to let his friend in. “Is everything okay?” 
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that? I’ve been trying to call you all day and your phone is off.” Jungkook said as he stepped into the apartment and unlaced his boots. 
“Ah, that. It went through the wash this morning. I think I’ll leave here soon to go get my new one.”
“Are there phone stores open this late?” Jungkook asked, furrowing his eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean is that it’s almost two o’clock in the morning on a Monday. I don’t think someone is going to be open to sell you a new phone.”
“It’s not Monday, it’s Sunday.”
“I think I know the seven days of the week, hyung,” Jungkook scoffed and pulled out his phone, showing the display to Seokjin. He was right. It was Monday. 
“Holy shit. That means I slept through my entire Sunday! I was supposed to get a new phone today!” 
“Well, I guess your body was in sleep debt or something and you needed the rest. Anyway, as much as I love being Father Time and all, that’s not why I came here. I need to tell you something.”
He couldn’t help it, but as he heard his friend speak, Seokjin’s pulse increased. Nothing ever came from that sentence. But before he could even begin to think about what life altering event happened that would change him and Jungkook’s friendship forever, the youngest was already walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
Jungkook unscrewed the cap and took a long chug. “Sorry, thirsty. It’s been a long night. Listen, I was just at Y/N’s.”
Of all the things Seokjin was anticipating Jungkook to say, that wasn’t it. His stomach dropped as he further took in the rumpled appearance of his friend. 
“Wh-what? You were hanging out at her house at 1 in the morning? H-how did this happen? I didn’t even know you guys knew each other.”
Jungkook blinked at his friend for a moment, realization dawning on him. “Oh, no, nothing like…intimate happened hyung! I met her tonight. I was at Mingyu’s and she was there!” 
“Well that makes me feel so much better now!” 
“What? You don’t think I would sleep with her, do you?”
“Well you really weren’t holding much back a few months ago when you saw her streaming!” 
“I…okay so she’s really pretty and I did give her a ride on my bike back to her place but that’s the most we touched! I swear!”  
The sickness of jealousy pulled at his stomach.
“Hyung,” Jungkook said lightly. “I would never betray you like that. You’ve been interested in Y/N for a long time. And I know that.” 
He was right. And Seokjin knew that, too. He took a deep breath. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.”
Jungkook smiled softly, and then sighed. “I just want you to be happy, hyung. Which is why I came over here right after I dropped her off. She was trashed. Mingyu kicked her out, and you know he’s too chicken shit to ever kick anyone out. But she was on the phone yelling about something and I recognized her. She had drunk herself under the table and was trying to finish a 4-person platter of chicken by herself. 
“And that’s not all, either. Uh, when I started talking to her, I learned what she was really upset about. Hyung, why did you blow her off about your date?”
“What? We didn’t have a date planned.” 
“Are you sure? Because I heard her leave you a voicemail saying that if you didn’t want to go out with her, you should have said so instead of blowing her off two nights ago and that you have ghosted her.” 
Seokjin furrowed his brow. It didn’t sound like you to behave so erratically. Did you get that drunk that you were thinking of things that never happened? When was it that you’d even spoken last?
He retraced the past three days, from him washing his phone this morning…or yesterday morning to work, to the Worldwide Handsome letter, to two days ago when his father began the chaos by sending over half the forms needed. That full day of sleep really was throwing him off. He’d talked to you that morning, hadn’t he? 
About going to that restaurant you’d wanted to try. He’d gotten a late reservation. That he completely forgot about because of everything else. 
“Fuck,” Seokjin said, running his fingers through his hair. 
“What? Oh, hyung, Don’t tell me it is true.” 
“I–it completely slipped my mind. I was supposed to take her out to dinner. It was going to be maybe our first step toward dating. God, I didn’t mean to forget! I was just so overwhelmed with everything that when the time came I was streaming instead.”
“Well, I’m not sure how she’s going to really be understanding about you spending your Friday night jacking off for a couple hundred people for cash instead of taking her out.”
“She doesn’t know I stream.”
Jungkook coughed on the water he had just swished into his mouth. 
“What? Seokjin-hyung, why not? How has it not come up in the last few months of you helping her with her stream?”
“I don’t know! Because she somehow sees the qualities I possess while streaming in me as the manager. And besides, I am the manager. Which means I’m her boss and talking about me ‘jacking off for money’ as you choose to call it is inappropriate for a work environment!” 
“Are you having conversations about this in the work environment?”
“No, of course not!” Seokjin said. “What kind of manager do you think I am?”
“That’s not the point,” Jungkook said. He sighed. “The point is if you aren’t having those kinds of conversations at work, then why are you so bent out of shape to not tell her? And also, you won’t be her manager for much longer.” 
Jungkook had a point. “Look,” he said. “I fucked up. I forgot to take her out, and now I need to apologize or something.”
“She was really upset,” the youngest said, eyes flickering a bit in the dim kitchen light. “Like, I think she really really likes you.”
“How do you know that?” His friend had always been perceptive, but Jungkook was also sometimes a little naive. 
“Well, when I finally convinced her to leave and let me give her a ride home, she seemed really responsive to what I told her.” 
“What did you tell her?”
“To cut you some slack. That you probably didn’t mean to blow her off. That you care a lot about everyone and everything and have been going through some stuff.” His eyes softened, and he carded his tattooed hand through his overgrown hair. 
Seokjin felt his chest tighten. Jungkook had always been so good to him. It didn’t matter that he was the youngest; his heart and eyes were always big with love and wonder, ready to receive all the love in the world and give it all back tenfold. 
“Thanks, Jungkook-ah. That means a lot.”
Jungkook hummed thoughtfully, chewing on his lip ring. “I just want to see you happy.”
“I know. God, I know. And I like her so much. She’s so funny and sweet and beautiful. Sometimes I’ll come over to her place and we will just sit quietly around each other not talking. And then sometimes we talk for hours about everything. I have really started to…maybe fall for her.”
“Oh, hyung, have you told her any of that?”
“No, I…I thought it might slip out of me soon enough. And I guess it did, just she’s not here to actually hear it.” 
“I think you should start there and tell her how you feel in your apology. Otherwise what else are you going to do? Be miserable?”
Seokjin thought for a minute about how agonizing the last few days must’ve been for you. You’d been around him at work and he was too busy to talk. You not getting a response from him for the last few days was probably incredibly confusing and he didn’t know if he could wait until later this week when your shifts aligned to talk to you. 
He walked Jungkook over toward the door, grabbing his car keys off the hook near the entry. 
“Actually, I’m going to go over there. And then I’m going to beg for mercy.” 
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You keep replaying those two parts over. Watching closely as Seokjin calls to you from the edge of arousal before tipping over into pure bliss. For now, you have it paused on the moment right before he says your name again and cums. 
He wants you. Or he did at some time. Which means it could very well still be true. Seokjin masturbates to you. He fantasizes about you. You turn him on as much as he turns you on. The vibrator you have suctioning your clitoris buzzes deeper as it scoots over the bud, making a lower groan when it finds a part of you that’s more wet than the rest. 
“Shit,” you say as you feel yourself getting closer to cumming. You pluck at your nipple with your free hand, continuing to move the shoved bra cup out of the way so you can enjoy the prickle of desire pulling toward the surface of your skin. 
You clench around nothing as you watch Seokjin pump his thick cock with one hand. You’re aching to be filled, but you also are too far gone now to move. You will have to orgasm this way,
getting at least some relief before the next. You have time now, the haze of alcohol fading from your bloodstream. It’s almost as if becoming horny made you sober up faster. 
You adjust the settings on the vibrator, upping the intensity. 
So close. You’re almost there. All you need is–
“Y/N?” You hear Seokjin call from somewhere. Your eyes flit to the screen, expecting to see the video unpaused. But that Seokjin is frozen in time. 
A knock echoes through your apartment.
Oh god, Seokjin is here? Right now? 
You quickly flip off the vibrator, chucking it to the floor in your pile of sweaty clothes from earlier. You exit out of the screen, noting that it’s almost 2:30 in the morning. What is he doing here so late? 
You adjust your panties back into place and pull your bra back over your breasts. In a panic, you throw the first thing you see long enough to cover you up and head to the door. 
When you open it, Seokjin is real and standing right in front of you, face flushed and panting. 
“What are you doing here?” You whisper-shout. Now is not the time you want to disturb your neighbors. 
“Please, can I come in?” Seokjin asks urgently, and you nod. 
He steps through the door, closing it behind him carefully. 
“I-I fucked up.” He says. 
You wait for him to finish. He doesn’t. 
“Oh, um, with what?” Playing nonchalant doesn’t serve you. 
“With what? With you. And I’m sorry. Y/N I completely forgot about our date. I honestly have been so overwhelmed with all the new things happening at the restaurant that it slipped my mind. And I haven’t had a phone the last few days, so I haven’t been able to text you.” 
So that explained his ghosting. And him streaming. 
“I just. I’m going to come out and say it. I like you. A lot, Y/N. And I do want to take you out to dinner. And I’m also so sorry for not communicating with you. A lot’s happened in the last few days. But I need you to know that I’m sorry.” 
Seokjin looks at you, eyes shimmering, a little wet like he might cry. Your heart squeezes in your chest. 
“You like me?” 
“Yes, I thought it was obvious.” 
“What do you mean you thought it was obvious? You’ve done nothing that would make me think that!” 
Seokjin blushes. “I-I’m sorry. I have been so nervous for a long time that I swore I wouldn’t make the first move until you did. And I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same, I promise you I’ll get over it. But I like you.” 
Seokjin likes you. 
Your brain immediately wants to refute it. No, you couldn’t possibly like me. You’ve mistaken me for someone else. Someone else with my name. Not me. 
Ask if he has a fever, if he’s drunk. There’s just no way he could be serious about this. Is this a joke? Please don’t let this be a joke. 
“Oh, uh. God I’m such an ass, I should’ve known. Never mind. I…I should maybe go.” He looks you up and down, and you see his cheeks go beet red. Your eyes follow his gaze down to your ensemble.
Oh, that’s right. You’re standing in front of him wearing some ratty panties and a bra…and his shirt. 
Seokjin’s eyes go wide, and he casts his gaze away. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“No! No, it's fine! You can look!” You say quickly. “I mean, no, don’t go. I…I’m sorry I just am so not good at this and am having a hard time processing it. You like me. Me. Right?”
He nods, eyes still not looking your way. 
“Okay. Okay. Great. This is good! Um, fuck. I like you too. Sorry, I maybe should have led with that.” 
His head snaps in your direction, eyes now fixed completely on yours. “You do?” 
“I thought it was obvious,” you say, repeating his own words back to him. A huge smile blooms on his face. 
He closes the distance between the two of you, pulling your arms you were using to shield yourself for a bit of decency away from your body. You happily concede, wrapping them around him for a tight squeeze. 
He feels like home. There’s no other way to describe it. Security, safety, as if he fits in with the mismatched shelves in the living room. His scent floods into your nose, and you revel in it. It’s long since left his shirt you now wear, and something about it embedding into your skin has you sighing in relief. 
You both stand there for what feels like forever and also not long enough. His fingers gently caress the length of your spine. 
“Y/N?” he asks quietly. 
“Mm?” You force yourself to let go enough to look up at him. 
“Can I kiss you?”
“You’re asking?”
“I feel like we probably should have asked each other the first time it happened.”
“Yeah…you’re right.”
The silence between you isn’t uncomfortable. It’s more patient than anything else. 
“So is that a yes?” he asks lightly, a tiny bit desperate and you laugh, looking back into his deep brown eyes. 
“Yes,” you say. 
Seokjin moves slowly, carefully, almost like every single move he makes is marked with thought and consideration. He lifts your chin with his index finger, rubbing his thumb across your upper lip tenderly. Then, lightly, his hand expands along the length of your cheek, guiding you closer to him. On instinct, you close your eyes. When you feel his lips touch yours, you’re unable to get over how silky and soft they feel. Has this man never experienced chapped lips once in his life? 
You think to tease him, to pull away and ask, but then he’s parting your lips with his, the taste of him enveloping you as his tongue moves into your mouth. God, you’d forgotten how good he tastes. 
You lean deeper into him, letting your exposed stomach collide with the fabric of his pants, your breasts resting along his ribs. Your hands wander along the expanse of his strong, broad back.
When you nip the bottom of his lip with your teeth, you hear him gasp a little bit. 
He pulls back, his eyes dark, lips a little red and swollen. 
“Don’t start something you’re not going to finish,” he warns.
You cock an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
He chuckles softly and drops his hand from your cheek, stepping away. He not-so-subtly adjusts himself in his pants. The air feels cold between you, and like a magnet, you move to close the distance again, craving more of him. 
Seokjin raises his eyebrows in surprise, but he doesn’t dismiss you, instead leaning down as you cup your palm around his neck, and you begin to kiss him again, only this time you venture downward, leaving little pecks along his jawline. As you reach his neck, you test the waters again, sucking the skin between your lips. He moans. 
“Fuck, Y/N, what are you doing?” 
You know the question is rhetorical, but you decide to give him a response anyway, licking along his neck and swirling your tongue in his collarbone. 
God, you can’t believe any of this is real, that he’s real, but you refuse to let the disbelief ruin this moment for you. Instead, you allow your other arm to start shifting down his chest, resting playfully at the waistband of his pants. 
Suddenly, Seokjin rips your hands away from him, and before you can even question what’s wrong, you’re being scooped up and carried across your apartment before being tossed onto your bed. 
“What did I tell you?” he says, a mischievous grin on his face. 
“Mmm, not sure.” This game is getting to be a little too fun. 
“Bad girl,” he mutters and you feel a thrilling rush of desire back to your center. You’ve been wet because of him for so long tonight, and still no relief. But with him here, what more can you really ask for?
You grin, going to move back toward him, to tease his chest this time when you find you’re landed flat on your back with your arms pinned above your head. 
He clicks his tongue. “Nuh uh. Only good girls get to touch.”
Heat, so much heat in your body. Seokjin is resting slightly over your hips. If you angle yourself just right, you might be able to relieve some of the pressure. You buck up, but to no avail. He already saw that move coming and has created distance between you two. 
“Ugh,” you cry in annoyance, but Seokjin laughs. 
“I promise it won’t be so bad, princess.We do need to take a step back anyway. I need to know more about how you’re feeling about this. What you want. And if you keep doing that I’m going to fuck you on this bed right now and will not be able to control myself.”
You gasp at the response, still squirming under him. After a moment of locking eyes with him in the silence, you can’t take much more. 
“Please,” you beg, but over what exactly? You aren’t sure. 
Seokjin knows, though. Somehow he knows exactly what you mean by this. 
“I know. Don’t worry. I’ll give you what you need.” Something in that sentence is so reassuring and you force yourself to relax a bit under his hold. 
He smirks. “Okay. But first, we need to talk.” 
You nod in agreement, and Seokjin releases your wrists, instead tracing his fingers down your arms, past your armpits and over the swell of your breasts. He hums thoughtfully, but continues his exploration down your sides and hips. 
“First of all, what do you want from this?” He gestures between the two of you. 
God, what if you are honest and it isn’t what he wants? You’re about to say whatever you want but as you study his face, you can see that Seokjin is also nervous. His hand is shaking slightly. You reach up and lace your fingers in his. 
“I don’t know what to call it, really. But I want to do this. To spend time with you away from all the everything that can be reality. I want to explore things together. To learn more about you. To build our own world that feels nice to walk around in. It always has felt kind of like we step into something just for us when we are alone. I like when you come over and sit on my couch and do nothing. I want more of that. And,” you guide his hand down unlacing it just as you place his hand over your breast. “I want you to touch me. Especially like this.” 
He keeps his hand still but does not remove it. 
“Can you…tell me what you want?” You feel somewhat embarrassed to ask, despite the fact that he just asked you the same thing. 
“Mmm,” he hums. He begins exploring the silkiness of the bra with his fingertips. You can feel the skimming of them over your nipples. It’s not enough to make them hard, but the promise of it makes you shiver, and that does. His fingers work along the band of the bra, a few of them snaking their way under it and touching the tender flesh on the side. Fuck, he’s torturing you. 
“I think I like the sound of our own little world,” he finally says. “It would be nice to feel a bit more…free.” As Seokjin finishes his sentence, you feel his fingers slink forward, brushing underneath the cup of your bra and lightly plucking at your left nipple. 
You inhale sharply, glancing up from where his fingers roam to his face, which hosts a sexy, lazy smirk. But his eyes are a different story, honed in on you like you’re some kind of prey he’s hunting. 
“Can I take off your bra, princess?” he asks. Fuck, there he goes again with that pet name. 
You nod, but Seokjin shakes his head, clicking his tongue. 
“We are going to need to work on you using your words, aren’t we?” 
It’s a rhetorical question, one without any bite because Seokjin still moves to the clasp on your back, unhooking your bra. Which maybe was a bad move, because you’re still in his shirt, and the straps are beginning to pull away from your shoulders without the weight of your boobs to fix them into place. 
But Seokjin doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he looks even more aroused somehow, exhaling through his nose heavily when your breasts drop out from their cups with a little jiggle. You move to begin taking the rest of your clothes off, but he’s already beating you to it, gently slipping his (or now your) shirt away from your shoulders, his hand supporting each arm as he peels away your layers carefully, like he’s opening a Christmas present and wants to preserve the paper. 
It’s when he’s chucked your bra and shirt to the other end of the room that he finally looks at you: chest, stomach, and all. 
“Fuck,” he groans and he leans back, trying to shift his very obvious erection around in his slacks with no success. “So beautiful.” 
Your eyes are fixed on him as he pushes down on his cock with his palm. You know what it looks like, how big it is, but that’s just on a screen, where the size of everything can be hard to compare. 
“Seokjin,” you say breathlessly, and his eyes snap away from your breasts as you lean forward and place your hand on his thigh. 
His breath is just as erratic. God, both of you need to get it together. He looks at you, trying to read your expression with his own concern. 
“I’m fine,” you reassure him, and the wrinkle between his eyebrows softens. “But can I touch you? Please?” 
You’re whispering. Like what you’re doing is some secret. And maybe it is. You hope it’s not, but only time will tell. Seokjin reaches to the hand that you’ve rested on his thigh and moves it up to the heat of his hard length. 
“Touch me wherever you want, princess. I’m yours to play with.” 
Shit. “Shit.” 
His gaze is scorching. He wets his lips and watches you as you explore him, slipping your hands up his abs under his shirt, which he graciously removes when you complain that you’re more naked than him. You remove your hand from his clothed cock and watch him spin into equal desperation as you, a somewhat annoyed look taking over his face as if to ask you what you’re doing. 
You stun him then, tilting your head just so that you can lock his lips with yours. Enough talking. More feeling. Isn’t that what you two do all the time anyway? And if anything it pushes you two further away instead of guiding you closer. He’s yours to play with, and hopefully soon he realizes you’re his to play with too. 
You let your kisses become messy, weaving your tongue through his mouth before sucking on his neck again, feeling a light spank on your butt when you do. 
“Hey,” you say. “That hurt!” It didn’t. Not even a little bit. If anything it makes you squirm more, wanting to grind down onto him but you’re not in the right position for that. Next time, you promise. 
He laughs lightly. “Don’t test me. I’ll make it hurt.”
“So many empty threats. I recall you saying you were going to fuck me?” You readjust your position so your ass is in the air as you trail your tongue down Seokjin’s chest, teasing his nipples on the way down to his navel. 
“Watch your tone, Y/N.” He warns again. This time there’s a little venom behind it. 
���Mm, okay. Sorry. Maybe we need to establish a safe word.” You pop the zipper of his slacks and look up at him. 
He nods. “We’ll use the traffic light system. You know what that is?” 
You scoff. “Of course I do. I read.” 
“Oh, of course. Sorry for asking.”
“You’re forgiven,” you say, pulling the zipper down. He’s wearing black briefs, but you can see a tiny damp spot from where his erection pushes against the fabric. “Can I?”
“Yes, baby. Go ahead.” 
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, you’re tugging downward, whining when the pants don’t budge from how he’s sitting. 
“Here,” he laughs, and lifts his hips so you can tug. As you do, his cock springs free, tapping your wrist as you pull. 
Fuck. Seokjin is huge. You know this. You’ve seen hundreds of photos now and watched numerous videos, but that didn’t prepare you for reality. His tip is that same angry red it is when he’s incredibly aroused, and it’s glistening a little with precum. Your mouth waters. How would he taste? Will he let you taste him?
“Shit, Y/N. Look what you do to me,” he says. 
You blink at him. God, that’s right. You did this to him. He’s this turned on because of you. 
“I didn’t even do anything. You just took my shirt and bra off,” you say. 
“And you think you haven’t gotten me rock hard while fully clothed? God, do you remember that day in the kitchen a few months ago when I had you practicing cutting carrots and you hit your head? Did you not feel anything when you brushed your perfect ass up against me?” 
With that, Seokjin slaps your ass with one hand, the smacking sound ringing out in the room. A slight sting forms under his hand and you can’t help it, you moan. 
“I thought…I thought maybe you were hard but I didn’t know why. I just…I don’t know…I buried it in my memory because I didn’t think it would be true.” 
Seokjin rubs where he slapped, the warm sting soothed by his soft palm. 
“You have no idea how many times I’ve fucked my fist to the memory of you bending over and showing me your tiny little panties. Oh, shit, and those pajama shorts you always wear that ride up your thigh. Fuck. I almost came in my pants that one night you wore those to bed.” 
“I…I didn’t know,” you say weakly. Seokjin sighs and taps your side, pushing you into a sitting position. Your hands still rest on his thighs, right around the base of his cock. 
“Listen, Y/N, I know that I haven’t been the most clear on my feelings from the start, but I’m trying to rectify that now and hear me out. I like you a lot. And I’ve liked you probably since we first met, honestly. I dream about your thighs resting around my face as you sit on it. How sweet your wet pussy must taste. Every time I see you I have to try to think of morbid things to stop myself from popping a boner in public because I’m picturing you naked and waiting for me in my office, my tie in your pretty little mouth to silence your moans as I fuck you on my desk. I want to fuck those overthinking, stressful moments out of you and then feeding you delicious food after as we sit on the couch watching Netflix. 
“You have absolutely no idea what it’s like for me to feel like a horny teenager again the second you walk into a room. But god, I want to show you some amazing, dirty things.” 
You squeeze your legs together, your clit throbbing for attention now that it’s been promised.
“Then do it. Fuck me. Show me amazing dirty things.” You take his hot length in your hands and give him one long stroke. 
“You are such a tease,” he scoffs, which turns into a hiss as you lean down and take him into your mouth. 
God, he’s big. The edges of your lips are struggling to stretch to take him into your mouth. With a flick of your tongue along the tip, though, you wet him enough to slide more fully in. You taste the light tang of precum on your tongue and it makes you salivate more, allowing you to bob up and down as you hollow your cheeks. 
When was the last time you did this? You don’t even remember honestly, it’s all lost in the fog of shitty date nights, of trying to force yourself to take more than you could to prove something to yourself or the guy you were with. 
You know better now; Seokjin is too big to take all of; unless some porn star with no uvula or teeth is sucking him down, there’s no way to shove him all in without it hurting either of you. So you do your best, popping the head of his cock out of your mouth and dribbling some of your saliva around the shaft, laving your tongue along it as you pump him with your wet fist. 
The slick sounds of your hand movements are accompanied by soft little groans as you try to repeat all the things you’ve seen him do before. 
“Fuckkk Y/N. Yes.” You squeeze him a little harder and lick lower, then lower still until you’re making a little figure-8 around his balls. When you pop one into his mouth, he jerks. 
“Shit, fuck, fuck. Hold on, if you keep going I’m going to cum.” 
You hum a little and then you feel your hair leave the nape of your neck and a sharp tug. You gasp and detach yourself, leaving you coming up for air with strings of your spit dripping down your chin. 
Seokjin holds your hair looser in his fist now, cocking an eyebrow at you. 
“Were you trying to make me cum in some insanely short record?” He asks. 
You can’t help but laugh. “No, why? Am I doing a good job?” 
He also laughs and then wipes your chin. “A little too good. My refractory period isn’t that short. And you are still wearing these.” 
Seokjin tugs at the waistband of your panties, and you suddenly feel shy. Why did you decide to wear your most worn out pair today of all days?
“Oh,” you respond, and just as you move to take them off and never speak of them again, he slaps your hand away.
“I didn’t tell you to take them off, did I?” 
“Uh, no, but–”
“Are you attached to them?” He asks and you shake your head. “Good.”
Within seconds, Seokjin rips through the worn out material, tearing it away albeit unevenly, which snaps the elastic to your thighs.
You hiss a little, the tender area of your inner thigh not enjoying the pinch. 
“Are you okay?” And just as easily as Seokjin exudes that sexy dominant self, he’s also light and considerate, something you haven’t witnessed in his streams. 
“Yeah, just got whipped by the elastic right here,” you say and rub at the invisible wound. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, and pulls your thigh a little wider, bending down to take a closer look. You open your mouth to tell him you’re okay, but before you get the chance, he’s kissing it delicately, poking his tongue out to just graze your skin and dampen it before pursing his lips and blowing. 
Cold air taps your thighs, which admittedly, are already damp from how turned on you are, and as your skin prickles with goosebumps, you can tell Seokjin takes notice. He glances up at you, ever focused as his tongue begins to explore further inward, lapping at your inner thigh further toward the center. His arms reach out and quicker than you can react, your knees are resting over his shoulders, locking his head between them. He pulls back and winks before licking his plush lips and diving back down, and that’s when you feel him gently pulling your labia into his mouth as he suckles. You never knew that could feel so good. 
A whimper escapes you and that only seems to spur him on, as he detaches from them and laps upward, this time sharply sucking your clit. 
“Fuck,” you moan. You feel him chuckle, but he doesn’t remove himself, instead devouring you more intensely, digging his fingers into the flesh of your thigh as he pushes himself further into it. 
“Goddamn,” he says after a moment, and when he pops up, his eyes are burning, a wicked smile on his face. There’s a sheen of wetness along his cheeks, nose, and chin, and he continues to lick it away. “You’re so wet, princess. Is all of this for me?” 
That nickname again causes warmth to dip down through your core. How is it that he can even stay focused now? You’re so desperate for him your brain can hardly form words. 
“Yes,” you manage to choke out. 
“Mmm, well thank you. I’m eating well.” He kisses the top of your thigh. “I could do this all night.” He begins to dive down, but you throw your hand out, sinking your fingers into his hair. 
“No?” He raises his eyebrows and tries to read your expression. 
“I need you,” you say. That’s an understatement. If such a word exists that is greater than need, that’s what you have for Seokjin right now. 
“But I wasn’t done with my meal,” he teases. He runs his fingers through your wet heat, rubbing at your clit. You buck at the direct stimulation, the pressure acting as a welcome relief. “This pussy tastes so good. I don’t know if I’m ready to give it up.”
With that, Seokjin sinks a finger in. God, his fingers are long, finding the rough patch inside of you and stroking at it. You clench around his finger. 
“Hmm, do you think my cock will fit into this tight little cunt?” He asks, and you feel a rush of heat head to your cheeks. The way he can just flip like a switch, to taunt you devilishly, to crack a few jokes and then be so dirty is not just impressive, but so incredibly hot. He begins to retreat his finger from you, which draws out a whine. It feels so good to be filled. 
“Answer my question,” he prods. Everything but the tip of his finger has pulled out. You reflexively clench again, trying to urge it back in. “Is my cock going to fit in here? Or do I need to fuck it open a little bit?” 
You want to answer, you do, but you can’t seem to form a legitimate response besides the first thought that comes to your head.
“Wanna cum,” you say stupidly. 
“Then what do you need to do?” 
“I need to answer your question,” you gasp as he pinches your clit with his other hand. 
“And what is your answer?” 
“I…I need you to fuck me open with your fingers.”
“Mmm, and why?”
“Because my pussy is too tight for your big coc–fuck!” 
Two fingers sink in, pumping in and out of you at a steady pace. You can feel Seokjin curl his fingers toward him as he touches your g-spot. Closer, you’re getting closer. 
“Ugh,” you whine, and as if he can tell what’s bothering you, he latches his mouth back onto your clit, flicking it with his tongue. 
The pressure in your stomach dips, and now you’re clenching firmly around his fingers as they scissor you wider. The slick sounds of him fucking you only add to your arousal. Your hips try to help, but you learn quickly that you’re not helping, you’re edging yourself away from your orgasm. 
“Y/N,” Seokjin says.
“More,” you respond, not caring if he’s scolding you or even concerned. You need more. Now. “Please, more.” 
He replaces his lips with his other hand, rubbing and pinching your clit within his own rhythm.
“Good girl. You’re so fucking beautiful. Look at you. All for me. All mine.” He bends down and pulls a nipple into his mouth. And that’s when you cum, your hips bucking into his hand as he strikes your g-spot head on. 
You can feel your heels tingle as they try to get the blood back into them. Seokjin massages your thighs as he places your legs back down on the bed, helping ground you in the swimming intensity of whatever the fuck just happened. The tremors of the orgasm’s aftershock rock through you, though not for long, as sure enough, he’s lying down on the bed next to you, pulling you close to him as you come back down. You tilt your head to let his lips find yours.  
He tastes like you, and there’s something impossibly hot about that. 
When he pulls back, you can tell how flushed he is, and when you glance down, sure enough his cock is so red and possibly harder than it was before. 
You reach down to relieve some of the pressure but Seokjin shakes his head. 
“We don’t have to tonight,” he says. 
You blanch. “What?” 
“If you don’t want to. I’m glad you came. That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my life. And I wanted to make you cum. But you’re under no obligation to go further.”
Is he fucking serious right now? “Did you not just see me choke on your dick? Shall I give you an encore?” Seokjin laughs and you shake your head. “Don’t be diplomatic about this. That looks painful. Fuck the shit out of me like you said you would.”
“I didn’t say I would fuck the shit out of you.” 
“Fine then I’m saying it. Seokjin, I have wanted you to fuck the shit out of me since you walked into my interview at the restaurant and asked me if I knew what the difference between scallions and chives are.” 
“You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the difference! I didn’t want an idiot on my staff to have to mentor.” 
“You’re missing the point.” You laugh, leaning in and nipping at his shoulder. “I have wanted you since day one. I am the definition of down bad. Every book I’ve read in almost a year has me picturing you as the love interest who absolutely destroys the pussy of the main character. You’ve been haunting me for months. Now please make good on my fantasy.”
“Wait wait. What’s the best fantasy?” 
“I don’t know!” You say. But he knows you’re lying. 
“Tell me,” he urges. 
“No,” you say. “I don’t know!”
“Is it one where I’m some giant alien with a huge blue cock that only has the urge to breed you?” 
Head floods your face. “What? No! First of all, how do you even know about that book?”
“I’m chronically online,” he deadpans. Ah, you realize. Of course it’s come up in his other profession. “Enlighten me then. What is the fantasy?”
He laces his fingers with yours and pulls your fist to his mouth. Then he begins his strategy anew, giving soft, tender kisses along your inner arm as he makes his way up, pausing to kiss your shoulder and clavicle before delivering a scorching kiss on your lips. You feel yourself melting into him, eagerly trying to get more and more of him. 
“Your secret is safe with me,” he whispers in your ear before lightly nipping at your earlobe. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. I would never make fun of you for having a fantasy about something, especially if I’m involved.” 
You sigh, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. You hide your face in his broad shoulder. “It’s…it has to do with the pet name you started calling me recently.”
“Ah…princess?” A shiver runs down your spine. “Do you like it when I call you that?” 
“Yes,” you mutter. A hum rumbles through Seokjin’s chest. He shifts, sitting up on the bed. And then you feel him use that insane strength to pull you up with him, fixing you to sit in his lap. His cock is right against your pussy and you have to fight the urge to grind against him. 
“What do you like about it?” He asks and you pause, trying to not show all of your cards. He’s your friend, and possibly is becoming something more. But you’re not sure what you want to tell Seokjin about your past. 
You choose your words carefully. “I like the idea of being precious to you. To be seen as important enough to be royalty. Powerful enough.” You pull back and look at him. “And I like the idea that I have power…you never have used that over me. Except maybe once but you were so responsive to my feedback when we talked back in February about me streaming and school. Like, no I didn’t want you telling me what to do. But I liked that you respected me enough to back off and let me figure things out. That means a lot to me. You always let me figure things out.”
“Well, yeah. Because it’s your life. You have a right to choose for yourself. No one gets to decide what choices you’ll make on your behalf. And making choices doesn’t make you a bad person or a good person. You just are, Y/N.” 
Tears well up in your eyes. “Thank you for saying that. It hasn’t always felt that way.” 
Seokjin curls his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. “In terms of power, this is how things are supposed to be. You shouldn’t feel powerless around me. Especially not here. Just because I’m assuming a role that’s more dominant doesn’t mean you’re not in complete control. Just because in some places in my life I’m ‘in charge’ doesn’t mean that I decide what goes on here. You’re in complete control of what you want and how you want it.” 
You bury your face into his chest. If you could hold onto a moment forever, this would be it. After a few moments of silence, you hug Seokjin close to you, and then pull back, looking up at him. His eyes are so warm and tender as he gazes back down at you and you feel a tug in your chest. This, this is what safety feels like.  
He begins rubbing your back and you stifle a nod, but he catches it. “Do you want to go to bed?” 
You roll your eyes before rutting against him. He grunts. “I want to tell you about my fantasy,” you decide and he laughs. 
“Okay, princess. Go for it.” 
“Okay so we’re in the throne room. And I’m sitting on the throne. You’re my loyal knight. You’ll do anything to please me.” 
“Mmm, doesn’t sound too far off from the truth.” You pinch his side. “Yah! Stop it.” 
“Don’t interrupt me. So you’ll do anything for me. Slay beasts, accompany me on my journeys, defend me to the court. You’re my friend and my backup for when shit hits the fan. Anyway, after a long fought battle where you know, you pine after me for a while, you snap. And you decide you need me and you need me now.” 
You begin to rock against his length, and Seokjin grins, starting to follow your movements. “Tell me more,” he says, his cock sliding between your wet lips. 
“So after this long, arduous journey, you decide you need to claim me. Maybe it’s jealousy that I’m being promised to some king in a far away kingdom or something. But after meeting with me in the throne room, you get down on your knees and force my legs apart. 
“‘Princess’, you say to me, ‘I’ve learned in this world that time is not promised, and because time isn’t promised, I need you to know now how I truly feel. I am on my knees, letting you know I need you. Please, let me worship you,’ and being the diplomatic princess I am, I open my legs for you and you begin eating me out like your life depends on it. And then, ah…it gets kind of kinky,” you say, heat rushing to your cheeks. 
“Hmm. Are you curious about kink? Or have you been part of kink communities?” Seokjin asks thoughtfully. 
“Definitely curious. Not really experienced,” you offer. 
“Noted. Continue.” 
“So, you decide to crawl under my skirt, eating me out like your life depends on it, but then my chambermaid or someone comes in and says I have a meeting soon I need to prepare for. 
“But I’ve kept you under my gown, really well hidden because it’s so annoyingly big, and all the while you’re still teasing me. Trying to test and see if I’d cum with others around.”
“And do you?”
“Sometimes in the fantasy I do, yeah. And usually by that point, I get discovered and you keep going, so unbothered by people watching. Or sometimes we don’t get caught, and the second the others leave I’m riding you naked on my throne wearing only my crown.” You are panting now, your slick body fully stimulating Seokjin’s cock, which is leaking precum again. 
“Mmm, I like that. A little exhibition kink in there. So desperate to be fucked you don’t care who sees. That’s pretty hot.” 
“Uh huh. So, so desperate.” 
“Is your pussy that needy in your fantasy? Or is that how it is now?”
“Fuck, Seokjin.” 
“Yes princess?”
He leans down, claiming your lips as you two continue to rub your bodies against each other, sliding skin against skin with delicious friction. When his cock slides at a particular angle, you feel it rub straight over your clit in a way that has you moaning. 
Seokjin rips away his lips from yours, instead latching onto your neck for a deep suck that you know is going to leave a mark. But you don’t care. God not even a little bit.
“Such a good girl for me, aren’t you? My girl is so needy for my cock, isn’t she?”
“Yes. Please, more,” you respond, shifting your hips to try and get him closer to where you need him. 
“Not even patient at all, are you?” You know this is him playing it up, because the way he’s breathing suggests he, too, isn’t very patient. He slides a little more, grinding his hips into you. 
“I need you. I need it,” you whine, and Seokjin slows his grinding for a moment, a thought clearly crossing his mind. 
“Oh, shit. I don’t have any condoms,” he says weakly. You grind down again, a bit harder this time. 
“I’m on birth control.” Your next appointment for your birth control shot is in a month. You should be fine. 
“I’m clean,” he offers, hands going to your ass and shoving you further into him, the weight of his large hands on your hips making you dizzy. 
“I would hope so. I put your cock in my mouth earlier. We probably should have established that sooner,” you copy his previous movement and suck on the hollow of his collar bone, hoping you’re marking him as he marked you.
A strained laugh leaves his chest. “You’re right. And you’re clean too?”
“Yes, sorry.” You stop gyrating. You know you need to be more serious about this. “I’m clean. And…I also haven’t had sex in a long time so I’m sorry if I’m not good at this.”
He sighs. “Pause.”
Oh shit, you think. Does that turn him off? What if he doesn’t want to have sex with someone who has been so obviously horny and lonely for a while? It’s not like you’re a sex god like he is. You can barely even say what you want and where you want it. Maybe he doesn’t want to have sex with someone who needs this much direction. After all, what fun is it when you have to instruct your partner how to make you come because they have no instincts? 
You are about to break down, to call it all off, and then you look at Seokjin again, feel how hard he is under you, see the perspiration dotting his hairline. He said only a few minutes ago that you almost made him cum with your blowjob skills. He admitted he likes you. 
You know he wants you, regardless of how many times you’ve had sex in comparison to him. There’s proof right in front of you that this man wants you. You take a deep breath. “Sorry. I…I don’t know why I’m apologizing actually.” You force a nervous laugh. 
His eyebrows twist closer together. “You don’t…need to apologize for your sex experience. It’s not being graded.” 
“I know, I know. And I also know that sex is different for every single pair of people. It’s less about being good and more about listening to your partner and figuring it out together. If you were treating me sexually the same way as you treated other people you’ve had sex with, it would probably be…maybe not as good? Because we might not like the same things.
“But I guess I just…I’m a little insecure; that’s all.”
“Okay. That’s ok. I feel a bit insecure too. This is all really vulnerable and I’m terrified I’m not going to know what you want or pay enough attention to check in.” 
“Why?” You ask. You’re surprised to hear Seokjin is insecure about anything. 
“Because I want you so much, Y/N. I have never felt such intense, deep desire like this and I’m afraid that once I get a taste of you I’ll just want more and I’ll start bending the rules for my own sick pleasure.” 
“Has….has that ever happened before? Where you crossed boundaries?”
“Never. And that’s why it’s so terrifying. I’ve never felt so out of control before. You look at me a certain way and I get so hard I swear my dick will fall off. I’ve always been so collected but with you I feel scrambled and like if I’m not careful I’ll, I’ll–”
“You’ll fuck the shit out of me?” You tease and you see Seokjin’s concern wash away as you giggle. “Isn’t that what I told you to do anyway?”
He grins. “Yeah, you did.” 
“Well then let’s remember what you said before. Traffic light system when it’s needed. Or, for now, maybe we can just trust that if we are uncomfortable we’ll say something? Since this is so new…Stop means stop for now. A color if we feel like we aren’t being taken seriously. Just to be sure.”
Seokjin nods, then tenderly kisses your forehead. “Okay, I like that.”
“Good, because I am so wet and if you don’t fuck me soon I might explode.” 
You both laugh at that, but your laughter is turned into a tight moan when you feel Seokjin’s hand slip from around your back and down to your clit. You hum in delight. 
“Feel good baby?” 
“Yes,” you say, clenching as he rolls his thumb around your nub. 
“You’re so wet. Shit.” His hand moves to his cock, jerking it in his fist a few times before gently tapping your thigh so you push up a bit away from his lap. He adjusts the angle, brushing his cockhead against you to gather some of your arousal. And then, he’s inside.  
Holy shit. You can feel him stretching you, testing your limits, your body spasming around the girth of him as he nestles deep in you, making you feel exceptionally full. 
“Oh god,” you moan, grinding down to the hilt. 
“Oh, fuck, Y/N. You’re so fucking tight.” 
Both of you take an exasperated breath and you can’t help but giggle at your dual reaction. “Damn, where have you been hiding that thing?” You joke and Seokjin hisses. 
“Ah, ah, careful. When you laugh you squeeze around me and you feel so good. But to answer your question, either you’ve been oblivious every time I’ve popped a boner around you or you know damn well where I’ve been keeping it.” 
He tests the waters, rolling his hips a little. A gasp escapes from you. Seokjin grins at you devilishly and you cock an eyebrow before clenching down in retaliation. His eyes widen. “Y/N,” he warns.
You bat your eyelashes innocently. “Sorry, but you did this,” you say, echoing his earlier sentiment back to him. “You made me this way for you.” You shove your hips back, causing him to grunt. 
“I don’t know how long I’ll last, it’s been a while.” 
“I don’t care. It’s fine. Cum whenever you want. Just, god, don’t stop.” 
A dark look casts across his face. “Alright. Just remember this is what you asked for.” 
Seokjin pulls out. What? How is this supposed to be what you asked for? You make a pathetic noise at the loss, pouting at him as he lays you down softly onto your sheets. 
He clicks his tongue at you. “So needy.” Maybe he’s trying to sound condescending, but he’s also smiling. He leans forward to push some of your hair out of your face, his palm resting on your cheek. “So beautiful.”
Something in your chest clenches, and you take a deep breath to try and break apart the feeling. But it’s still there, so deep in your chest you don’t think anything is going to make it go away. And you’re also not sure you want it to. 
You lean into his palm, pecking it with your lips before glancing up at him. He swallows hard. Seconds pass as Seokjin follows the lines of your body with his eyes, as if he’s trying to memorize you. As if you might just slip away. He breathes unevenly, and you see his eyes glistening in the dim light of your room. 
“Hey,” you say hoarsely, reaching a hand over to his thigh and poking it. “Come back to me.” 
He blinks a few times and takes another breath, this time a steadier one. “Sorry, I was getting lost in my thoughts.”
“Are you okay?” You ask. “Do you want to stop?”
Seokjin shakes his head. “No, no I’m fine. I was just thinking about how long I wanted this. And maybe longer than I even realized. But I’m okay.”
You get it; for some reason the energy between the two of you is so intense, charged with waves of emotion you didn’t even know you can feel. “Okay,” you say, and you reach out your hand for him to lace with this. “How do you want me?”
This seems to refocus things. Right now you’re lying flat on your back, your legs slightly open, and you know that’s not how Seokjin planned to position you. He grins and takes your hand, leading it to the back of your thigh that he lifts. You follow his lead, spreading your legs so that you’re grasping behind both your knees, incredibly open and vulnerable for him once more. 
He reaches behind you and puts a pillow under your neck before grabbing the other. With a simple lift of your hips, he scootches the pillow under your hips, creating an angle for your back to rest more comfortably and clearly, allowing him to reach deeper. 
From this angle, you can also see better as he strokes his cock a few times before positioning himself between your legs. 
“If for some reason this hurts at any point, tell me and we’ll find something more comfortable for you, okay?” You hum in agreement, staring down at his length, clenching as you ache to feel it filling you once again. 
He snorts. “Verbal agreement please, Y/N. Remember our rules.” 
“Yes,” you say eagerly and without any more conversation, he takes himself in his hand and fucks into you. 
“Jin,” you breathe. Did he get bigger? You know that there’s no way that can be true, that it’s probably due to how you’re angled for him to reach deeper, but each stroke is deliciously dizzying. 
Seokjin responds with a concentrated grunt and then he pulls out completely. 
“No! No please,” you beg and feel him sheath himself back into you, harder. 
“God, such a pretty little pussy you have, don’t you?” He rocks his hips back, kissing against your cervix, which elicits a deep moan as he begins to thrust harder, the slap of his balls against your wetness sounding so incredibly filthy. “Taking me so well, princess.” 
Seokjin groans but doesn’t relent, instead leaning more of his weight onto you, forcing your legs to tuck in closer to your chest. At this angle, he rubs directly against your g-spot, sending a shiver down your spine. “Oh my god, there! Please!” Thank god he listens, snapping his hips with short, hard thrusts. You’re so close. 
“You gonna cum for me?” He pants, sweat now thoroughly beading down his temples and blooming on your chest. You nod. Words aren’t forming in your head. 
“Poor baby, did I fuck you stupid? Cum for me princess. Cum on this cock.” You don’t need much more convincing, and you feel yourself shake as you orgasm, clamping down on him. Your hands go loose on your thighs, fingers tingling so much that they can no longer hold on. 
“Good girl. That’s it baby, just let go, I’ve got you.” He intercepts your legs before they close, pushing himself forward and angling you back as he continues to thrust. Maybe it’s the feeling , or his sweet affirmation, but your vision blurs and you feel yourself blink away a few stray tears that leak from the corners of your eyes and down your cheeks. 
“I’m gonna cum,” Seokjin says, teeth gritted as he thrusts again. And again. And again. You feel your muscles tighten as you brace yourself for another orgasm, and find enough strength to reach down to your clit and rub it. The sudden pleasure spikes once more and you’re falling again, this time your body quaking roughly as Seokjin finally cums, his cock twitching as a pleasurable warmth spills into you. 
You study his face, fascinated how you’ve seen it before, yet it feels so different to witness it in person. The tendons in his neck protrude, and you feel the energy of the room sink into blissful exhaustion as he rolls the both of you onto your sides while still connected. 
He sighs and then closes his eyes, his dick twitching a little here and there, but overall beginning to go soft inside you. You feel the flood of cum beginning to leak around it, but you don’t care right now, no. 
Right now you are studying Seokjin and perhaps doing what he was doing to you before: memorizing everything about him in case it’s the only time you’ll see him this way. Any minute, he could decide this is a huge mistake, and he’ll flee out the door apologizing. But for the moment, you are studying the moles and freckles that dot along his neck and back, counting them so you can commit the number to memory.  
“What are you staring at me for?” He asks, though his eyes remain closed. 
“I’m just thinking,” you say. 
His eyes flit open. “You don’t regret it, do you?” 
“Not at all, I just…I’m thinking about where we go from here. I don’t want this to be the only time.” You shake your head and smile shyly. Everything feels so tender right now. But you know honesty is needed more than anything. 
Seokjin shifts, and you hiss a little as you feel him slip out of you, wetness dribbling onto your sheets. You’ll definitely have to wash these tomorrow. 
“It doesn’t have to be a one time thing if you don’t want it to be. Like I said before; I like you, I want to date you.” 
“We kind of skipped the first date and had sex instead though,” you chuckle and Seokjin rolls his eyes. 
“Yes, well, we aren’t really playing things by the book right now anyway. This can be our first date.”
“It’s not though! We didn’t go on a date, we just talked and had sex.”
“Yah! It was not just sex. It was great sex! I think that counts for something. Do dates require any more?” 
“Usually eating something, leaving the house. Two things we’ve failed to do.”
Seokjin suddenly rolls away, standing and searching for his clothes, gathering them in his hands. 
“Where are you going?” You ask, shifting yourself up in the bed. 
“Get dressed,” Seokjin says, pulling his slacks up his waist. “We are going out to eat.” 
“It’s 4am! Isn’t everything closed?” 
“Not the convenience store. We are going to solidify this as a date by having post-sex 4am ramyeon and kimbap and maybe some dessert. And then I will walk you to your door, kiss you goodnight and you’ll invite me in to hang out. Then we’ll have sex again until you kick me out and decide the first date is over.” 
He reaches into the pile of laundry in the corner, grabbing your bra and tosses it to you. As you begin to pull it over your body, you notice Seokjin has frozen over another pile of your strewn laundry. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, latching the hooks into place. 
He shifts a little, pulling whatever he was looking at from the pile. Embarrassment floods through your stomach as you realize what he’s holding. 
“Do you normally toss your vibrators into your laundry or is today my lucky day?” 
He holds the purple clitoral vibrator in front of you and you hide your face behind your hands. “Ahh no! This is so embarrassing!” 
Seokjin laughs and walks over, pulling your hands from your face. “What about this is embarrassing? First, you stream raunchy pornographic games sometimes to thousands of strangers. And second, I just spent a good chunk of this last blissful hour with my mouth serving as your personal sex toy.” 
“I know, it’s just that. This is different somehow. Like now you know!”
“Know what? That you masturbate? Well, yeah I kind of figured you did. Do you think I don’t?”
“I know you do.” 
Shit. You can’t tell him you’ve seen him do it on his channel. “Um, well, you said so earlier you do.” Seokjin chuckles and then begins rifling through your dresser across from your bed, grabbing you a fresh pair of panties since he destroyed the last pair you were wearing. 
“Touché. But anyway, it’s good that you masturbate. It’s healthy. And also, it’s none of my business if you do or don’t. Unless you want to show me sometime, which I would beg to see, whatever you choose to do when I’m not around is your business.” 
He gathers together a large, baggy t-shirt and some joggers from your closet. “One sec,” he says, telling you to pause as you begin to maneuver into your panties, the stickiness of your combined arousal beginning to dry between your legs in an uncomfortable way. 
He returns a few seconds later with a damp washcloth and instructs you to lie back, opening your legs slightly to wipe away the mess.
“You don’t have to do this,” you insist but Seokjin continues anyway. 
“I know, I want to. I want to make sure you receive proper aftercare.” When he finishes, he kisses your kneecap. “Okay, let’s go.”
You groan, fully content to just lie in bed, but your stomach says otherwise. It ekes out a deep gurgle and Seokjin smiles smugly. 
“Ugh, fine. I’ll use the bathroom and get dressed. But just know if they don’t have the ramyeon I like there, I’m making you drive around town until we find it.” You flop out of bed with your pile of fresh laundry and head out of the bedroom toward the bathroom. 
“Sounds great,” he calls behind you. “Sounds like the perfect first date.”
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©2024 by jooniperbonsai
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mariacallous · 5 months
It is water resistant, transportable and can charge up to 24 phones per day. It’s the BeeHive, a new phone-charging station created by the Italian NGO One Bridge To-, OBT-, and improved by the collective work of 25 high school students from Verona and the organisation FABlab.
The generator will make it easier for migrants in the Balkans to recharge their phones on their way to the European Union.
“The project was born during Covid, in late 2020,” OBT-’s Pietro Albi, who developed the first prototype, told BIRN. “The first Beehives were brought to Serbia in March 2021, to Sid, Subotica and Belgrade, and distributed to local organisations and NGOs working on the fields”.
The 25 students participated voluntarily in off-school hours, willingly deciding to spend their afternoons improving the BeeHive. After a theoretical workshop about the “Balkan Route” taken by migrants to Europe, the lack of legal pathways to Europe and the reality of migration, they focused on technical aspects like 3D printing, laser cutting and assembling the electrical parts.
The first BeeHive model used a bike engine to recharge phones and weighed around 20kg. The new one, created in collaboration with the students, weighs only around 3kg and uses lithium batteries, which are lighter and more efficient.
The name BeeHive refers to the shape of the generator, which recalls artificial beehives, but also hints at the idea of a safe space – a literal charging station where migrants can recharge their phones while taking a rest from the challenges and violence of taking the Balkan Route.
“The project also allows us to help students realise that what they hear regarding migrants and refugees and the reality of things are really different,” OBT-’s Serena Zuanazzi told BIRN.
“In Europe people often claim that the fact that migrants have a phone is a clear sign that they’re not really refugees in need. The reality instead is that phones are crucial for people on the move, as they need them to communicate with the families back home, with other people that are travelling with them, but also to orientate and keep on travelling.
“They are [also] used more and more to document the violence that people on the move experience, and become a tool to denounce human rights abuses,” she said.
Currently there are five old models of the BeeHive in Serbia, one of the new ones in Bosnia and two in Trieste, the arrival point for migrants taking the Balkan Route, in Italy. New ones will be distributed shortly in Greece, France and other locations in Italy.
“We already have plans to update the current model with a WiFi hotspot that will allow people to connect to the internet even from remote locations and other improvements. If NGOs and organisations working on the ground can use the BeeHive to support people on the move, they can reach out to us, so we can plan the production and the delivery,” Albi concluded.
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nikolaidelphiki · 7 months
Since a total of zero people asked me: here are my opinions on Palia non-romancable NPCs after playing the game for about 100 or so hours. And as always SPOILERs:
Ashura: You are my dad. You're my dad. Boogie-ooogie-oogie. I actually don't take to him as much as I should.The fact that he was the chill one in his family makes so much sense. He's such a calming presence. But of course there's the Regrets.
Delaila: Ok but why is she the few Older adult Majiri OG in Kilima? Like have you noticed that she's kinda the only one that's originally from the village? Like, where did she come from? Is she the real leader? Did she secretly take everyone out that she didn't like and replace them with people lured in my her homecooking? Things to think about.
Kenli: What happens when you don't give a nepotism baby a coming-of-age redemption arc. This guy is just trying his best. He likes sandwiches and cute fluffy animals. His best friend is the town priest. But despite it all man understands capitalism like no other (see Maji Market).
Caleri: She's a fav. Maybe I'm projecting but I too would die for my books and eat sleep and breathe in the library. Intelligent, unbothered by village happenings. Yet, keeps a detailed leger of each book bowers status upon the borrowed book's return. However, deeply unhappy with the cards life has delt her. I try to bring her all the glass bulbs so she can read into the night.
Elouisa: The only real G's out there. Sending me on impossible tasks to prove her theories and beat to cryptid allegations. Of course she's the older twin. Intelligent, bothered by village happenings when it comes to her projects. Still watches over her sister and cares in her own way. I love her.
Badruu: Comedic genius. I'm pretty sure when he gave up the bard life for farming, he realized he needed to put his funny guy hat on and has been spitting puns ever since. And yet despite the dad jokes, he asks me me, the amnesiad human for parenting advice. The absolute honor. Also, I just need to see him talk with Einar, PLEASE. The comedic fallout would be unmatched.
Najuma: I make the journey to Bahari Bay every day just for her. Because 1) thanks for the glider I use that every day 2) we are besties and 3) it's good to keep a genius that can blow stuff up on your side idk. We may have different types of Momma Trauma but we are still going to bond over it.
Chayne: I don't interact with him much idk. His dad's raised him right I think. Basically, caretaker for the entire village. Also my Shepp-in-law, grand-Shepp?? idk
Hekla: Jina's caretaker. A bit aloof at first. I also don't interact with Hekla much, but one day I'mma find out what's in the tent.
Sifuu: That's my Shepp! Also a problematic mother that doesn't really understand her child and yearns for days of adventure. And ripped. There's something to be said that she gave me an ornamental sword as a gift. Like insta-loyalty from me even if I wasn't romantically pursuing your son.
Auni: We babe who needed someone is his bug hunting club but mysteriously sucks at hunting most bugs if his item requests are anything to go by. The fact that he ran away from home for the exact length of time that his delivery shift is and wondered why no one was worried is absolutely hilarious and yes I read his journal and laughed.
Zeki: First of all, why is Zeki the only one selling toilets and they are contraband? Has anyone asked this? Is it like illegal to use indoor plumbing and Zeki has the monopoly?? Secondly, I know this fool is scamming me and when I finally get enough gold I'ma buy out him and his whole underground establishment. Respectfully, of course.
Eshe: If Eshe has zero haters, I'm dead. Just because she didn't get with the politically powerful sibling, she makes it everyone else's problem while somehow still efficiently running the village. Even I gotta admit no one's doing it like her. Another member of the problematic mom club but don't tell her she's been grouped with Sifuu. She'll pitch a fit.
Tau: The fact that there's only one of him is a crime. The only good boy.
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Formula 1 2026 Engine Regulation Changes - TEXT BLOCK
I wrote up this explanation of each of the engine regulation changes for my WIFE and it's good enough I wanted to share it here.
Formula 1 2026 Engine Regulation Changes:
1: **New fuel must be 100% carbon free fuel, part of the FIA's plan for "net zero carbon" F1 racing by 2030.** ARAMCO is leading the research into the new carbon-neutral fuel. The goal is to be able to reuse municipal waste, food waste, or even gas pulled from the atmosphere to fuel cars. As of now it's being tested only in Formula racing, but the goal is to slowly release this fuel for road use as well across the world. Right now the F1 cars run on E10 (90% gasoline, 10% renewable ethanol). F1 and the FIA are the best people to lead this project because they know that full electric cars are not attainable for most people in the world and so replacing fuel with a carbon-neutral fuel (carbon is pulled from the environment to make the fuel, and the same amount is emitted by the engine. This essentially maintains the carbon equilibrium.) Formula 2 and Formula 3 are already running on a fuel mix comprised with 55% of this new biofuel. F1 is really driving sustainable practices. They are the first motorsport to use FSC (Forest Sustainability Council) certified tires, McLaren is releasing their new carbon fiber recycling (first industrial scale use), all of F1's DHL delivery trucks for European races run on 100% biofuel as of last year, all 10 teams have received the FIA's 3-star environmental accreditation.
2: **Increased electric power in the cars** - as of right now its 75% engine/25% electric power. The goal is 50%/50% by increasing the MGU-K unit from 120 kW to a 350 kW generator - this is what Verstappen is worried about as there isn’t an equivalent increase in battery size meaning the current ~30 second max boost from the electric motors will be reduced to ~10 seconds with the larger motor and same battery size. Drivers will have to downshift during straights to charge the battery more often, hopefully leading to closer racing as people won’t be able to just fly off using the electric motors.
3: **No more MGU-H** (this will help people like Stake or other small teams) - this was primarily driven by the fact that we have 2 new engine producers in 2026: Audi and Honda are joining the field and will need time to develop engines to catch up with teams like Ferrari and Red Bull. The issue is the MGU-H almost completely solved turbo lag (if you notice in your car, the turbo doesnt spool up until a certain RPM, the MGU-H spools the turbo from the time of acceleration, allowing for all waste exhaust to be used for charging the battery instead of wasting some spooling the turbo). This may lead to the return of Schumacher level throttle control to keep the turbo spooled during cornering. It’s going to be a learning curve for the racers who have only ever raced with an anti-lag system like the MGU-H.
4: **Reduced fuel allowance** - cars burn through around 100 kg of fuel per race, in 2026 this will be limited to 70 kg. The new engines ARE more efficient so it should equal out to the same power for less fuel.
The FIA is also pushing teams towards focusing less on raw engine power and more on aerodynamics and drag reduction to improve engine efficiency. Essentially, this is a test bed for the future of all high end racing by developing incredibly efficient powerful engines with a smaller form factor and better
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carolunduke-04 · 4 months
My Experience with Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
As a student majoring in computer science, managing the workload can be daunting. One of the most challenging aspects of my coursework has been database management. Understanding the intricacies of SQL, ER diagrams, normalization, and other database concepts often left me overwhelmed. That was until I discovered Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. This service has been a lifesaver, providing me with the support and guidance I needed to excel in my studies.
The Initial Struggle
When I first started my database course, I underestimated the complexity of the subject. I thought it would be as straightforward as other programming courses I had taken. However, as the semester progressed, I found myself struggling with assignments and projects. My grades were slipping, and my confidence was waning. I knew I needed help, but I wasn't sure where to turn.
I tried getting assistance from my professors during office hours, but with so many students needing help, the time available was limited. Study groups with classmates were somewhat helpful, but they often turned into social gatherings rather than focused study sessions. I needed a more reliable and structured form of support.
Discovering DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
One evening, while frantically searching for online resources to understand an especially tricky ER diagram assignment, I stumbled upon DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. The website promised expert help on a wide range of database topics, from basic queries to advanced database design and implementation. Skeptical but hopeful, I decided to give it a try. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my academic career.
First Impressions
The first thing that struck me about DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was the user-friendly interface. The website was easy to navigate, and I quickly found the section where I could submit my assignment. The process was straightforward: I filled out a form detailing my assignment requirements, attached the relevant files, and specified the deadline.
Within a few hours, I received a response from one of their database experts. The communication was professional and reassuring. They asked a few clarifying questions to ensure they fully understood my needs, which gave me confidence that I was in good hands.
The Quality of Help
What impressed me the most was the quality of the assistance I received. The expert assigned to my task not only completed the assignment perfectly but also provided a detailed explanation of the solutions. This was incredibly helpful because it allowed me to understand the concepts rather than just submitting the work.
For example, in one of my assignments, I had to design a complex database schema. The expert not only provided a well-structured schema but also explained the reasoning behind each table and relationship. This level of detail helped me grasp the fundamental principles of database design, something I had been struggling with for weeks.
Learning and Improvement
With each assignment I submitted, I noticed a significant improvement in my understanding of database concepts. The experts at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com were not just solving problems for me; they were teaching me how to solve them myself. They broke down complex topics into manageable parts and provided clear, concise explanations.
I particularly appreciated their help with SQL queries. Writing efficient and effective SQL queries was one of the areas I found most challenging. The expert guidance I received helped me understand how to approach query writing logically. They showed me how to optimize queries for better performance and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Timely Delivery
Another aspect that stood out was their commitment to deadlines. As a student, timely submission of assignments is crucial. DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com always delivered my assignments well before the deadline, giving me ample time to review the work and ask any follow-up questions. This reliability was a significant relief, especially during times when I had multiple assignments due simultaneously.
Customer Support
The customer support team at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com deserves a special mention. They were available 24/7, and I never had to wait long for a response. Whether I had a question about the pricing, needed to clarify the assignment details, or required an update on the progress, the support team was always there to assist me promptly and courteously.
Affordable and Worth Every Penny
As a student, budget is always a concern. I was worried that professional homework help would be prohibitively expensive. However, I found the pricing at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com to be reasonable and affordable. They offer different pricing plans based on the complexity and urgency of the assignment, making it accessible for students with varying budgets.
Moreover, considering the quality of help I received and the improvement in my grades, I can confidently say that their service is worth every penny. The value I got from their expert assistance far outweighed the cost.
A Lasting Impact
Thanks to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, my grades in the database course improved significantly. But beyond the grades, the most valuable takeaway has been the knowledge and confidence I gained. I now approach database assignments with a clearer understanding and a more structured method. This confidence has also positively impacted other areas of my studies, as I am less stressed and more organized.
Final Thoughts
If you're a student struggling with database management assignments, I highly recommend Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. Their expert guidance, timely delivery, and excellent customer support can make a significant difference in your academic journey. They don’t just provide answers; they help you understand the material, which is crucial for long-term success.
In conclusion, my experience with DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com has been overwhelmingly positive. The support I received has not only helped me improve my grades but also enhanced my overall understanding of database concepts. I am grateful for their assistance and will undoubtedly continue to use their services as I progress through my computer science degree.
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satyaranjan7605 · 8 months
GIS In Our Daily Lives
The involvement of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in our daily lives is pervasive, influencing and enhancing various aspects across different sectors. The integration of GIS into everyday activities has become integral for decision-making, planning, and optimizing resources. GIS helps city planners and transportation experts to provide them with information like maps, satellite pictures, population statistics, and infrastructure data. GIS helps them make better decisions when designing cities and transportation systems that are sustainable and good for the environment.
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The following points elucidate the notable involvement of GIS in our daily lives:
Navigation and Location Services: GIS provides monitoring functions through the visual display of spatial data and precise geographical positioning of monitored vehicles, whereas GPS provides accurate, clear, and precise information on the position and navigation of a monitored or tracked vehicle in real-time and at the exact location.GIS is at the core of navigation applications and location-based services on smartphones. It enables accurate mapping, real-time navigation, and geolocation services, assisting individuals in finding locations, planning routes, and navigating unfamiliar areas.
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E-Commerce and Delivery Services: GIS software is a powerful tool for supply chain network planning. It helps determine the optimal location for distribution centers, warehouses, or other supply facilities. GIS is utilized in logistics and delivery services for optimizing routes, tracking shipments, and ensuring timely deliveries. E-commerce platforms leverage GIS to enhance the efficiency of their supply chain and last-mile delivery processes.
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Weather Forecasting and Disaster Management: Many states are using GIS dashboard to monitor the rainfall across the state, on a real-time basis, from the data shared by rain sensors installed at various locationsGIS plays a crucial role in weather forecasting and disaster management. It assists meteorologists in analyzing spatial data, predicting weather patterns, and facilitating timely responses to natural disasters by mapping affected areas and coordinating emergency services.
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Healthcare Planning and Disease Monitoring: Geographic Information Systems enable the visualization and monitoring of infectious diseases. Additionally GIS records and displays the necessary information that health care needs of the community as well as the available resources and materials. GIS supports public health initiatives by mapping the spread of diseases, analyzing healthcare resource distribution, and assisting in the planning of vaccination campaigns. It aids in identifying high-risk areas and optimizing healthcare service delivery.
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Social Media and Geo-tagging: GIS also helps in geotagging and other location related information in posts, it’s tools can map and visualize the spatial distribution of social media activity. This analysis can reveal trends, hotspots, and patterns in user engagement across different geographic areas. Many social media platforms incorporate GIS for geo-tagging, allowing users to share their location and experiences. This feature enhances social connectivity and facilitates the sharing of location-specific information.
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Smart City Initiatives: The Geographic Information System (GIS) offers advanced and user-friendly capabilities for Smart City projects and allows to capture, store and manipulate, analyze and visualize spatially referenced data. It is used for spatial analysis and modeling. It is the cornerstone of smart city planning, enabling the integration of data for efficient urban management. It supports initiatives related to traffic management, waste disposal, energy consumption, and overall infrastructure development.
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Education and Research: GIS is increasingly utilized in education and research for visualizing and analyzing spatial data. It enables students and researchers to explore geographic relationships, conduct field studies, and enhance their understanding of various subjects.
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Agricultural Management and Precision Farming: Farmers leverage GIS to optimize agricultural practices by analyzing soil conditions, crop health, and weather patterns. Precision farming techniques, facilitated by GIS, contribute to increased crop yields and sustainable farming practices.
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Real Estate and Property Management: In the real estate sector, GIS aids in property mapping, land valuation, and site selection. It provides real estate professionals with valuable insights into spatial relationships, market trends, and optimal development opportunities.
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Tourism and Recreation: GIS enhances the tourism industry by providing interactive maps, route planning, and location-based information. It assists tourists in exploring destinations, finding attractions, and navigating efficiently.
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The broad and varied involvement of GIS in our daily lives underscores its significance as a technology that not only facilitates geographic data analysis but also contributes to the efficiency, safety, and interconnectedness of modern society. As GIS applications continue to evolve, their impact on daily activities is expected to further expand and refine.
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gonzalez756 · 20 days
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Starting an e-commerce business can be an exciting venture with immense potential. However, with the opportunities come challenges and uncertainties. Before diving into the world of online retail, it’s crucial to plan carefully and set a solid foundation. Here are some essential tips to consider before launching your e-commerce business:
1. Conduct Market Research
Understanding the market is fundamental to any successful business. Start by identifying your target audience and analyzing competitors. Research trends, customer preferences, and potential gaps in the market. Tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and industry reports can provide valuable insights. This research will help you tailor your products or services to meet market demands and differentiate yourself from competitors.
2. Define Your Business Model
E-commerce offers various business models, such as B2C (Business to Consumer), B2B (Business to Business), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), and subscription-based models. Determine which model aligns with your goals and resources. Each model has its own set of challenges and requirements, so choose one that best fits your product or service and target market.
3. Create a Solid Business Plan
A comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap for your e-commerce venture. Outline your business goals, strategies, target audience, marketing plan, financial projections, and operational plan. This document will not only guide your efforts but also help secure funding if needed. A clear plan can keep you focused and organized as you navigate the complexities of launching and running an e-commerce business.
4. Choose the Right E-Commerce Platform
Selecting the right e-commerce platform is crucial for the success of your online store. Popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce each offer unique features and capabilities. Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, customization options, payment gateways, and integration with other tools. The platform should align with your business needs and provide a user-friendly experience for both you and your customers.
5. Develop a User-Friendly Website
Your website is the face of your e-commerce business. Ensure it’s designed to be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for mobile devices. A clean, intuitive layout with easy navigation will enhance the shopping experience and reduce cart abandonment rates. Focus on high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and a seamless checkout process. Additionally, implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your site’s visibility in search engines.
6. Implement Secure Payment Processing
Security is a top priority in e-commerce. Customers need to trust that their payment information is safe. Choose a reputable payment gateway and ensure your website uses SSL certificates to encrypt data. Additionally, offer multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and other payment methods that are popular with your target audience.
7. Plan Your Logistics and Supply Chain
Efficient logistics and supply chain management are vital for e-commerce success. Develop a strategy for inventory management, warehousing, and shipping. Decide whether you’ll handle fulfillment in-house or partner with third-party logistics providers. Consider shipping options, delivery times, and costs. A smooth and reliable fulfillment process can significantly impact customer satisfaction and repeat business.
8. Craft a Marketing Strategy
Effective marketing is essential to drive traffic and sales to your e-commerce store. Develop a multi-channel marketing strategy that includes social media, email marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising. Create engaging content, run promotions, and leverage social media platforms to build brand awareness and attract customers. Monitor and analyze the performance of your marketing efforts to refine your strategies over time.
9. Focus on Customer Service
Exceptional customer service can set your e-commerce business apart from competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone. Ensure timely responses to inquiries and resolve issues promptly. Building strong customer relationships and encouraging feedback can enhance customer loyalty and drive positive reviews.
10. Monitor and Adapt
The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Regularly review your business performance, track key metrics, and gather customer feedback. Stay informed about industry trends and technological advancements. Be prepared to adapt your strategies and operations based on insights and changes in the market.
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annajade456 · 1 year
The DevOps Lifecycle: Building, Testing, and Deploying with Confidence
DevOps, a combination of "Development" and "Operations," has emerged as a game-changer in the software development landscape. It represents a comprehensive approach that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams, emphasizes automation, and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the world of DevOps, exploring its principles, practices, and how it works. 
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The Essence of DevOps: 
DevOps is more than just a buzzword; it's a mindset that aims to break down silos and bridge the gap between traditionally isolated development and operations teams. At its core, DevOps promotes collaboration, automation, and a relentless focus on delivering high-quality software faster and more efficiently.
Collaboration: DevOps encourages close collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. By working together from the initial stages of a project, teams can align their goals, streamline processes, and reduce conflicts.
Automation: Automation is the backbone of DevOps. It involves using tools and scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as code building, testing, and deployment. This not only speeds up development but also reduces the risk of human error.
The DevOps Lifecycle: 
DevOps introduces a structured lifecycle that encompasses various stages, ensuring a seamless flow from code development to deployment and beyond.
Continuous Integration (CI): In this phase, developers frequently integrate their code into a shared repository. CI tools automatically build and test the code with every change, ensuring it remains functional and error-free.
Continuous Delivery (CD): Building on CI, CD automates the deployment process, allowing for the continuous delivery of tested code to production or staging environments. This enables rapid and reliable releases.
Monitoring and Feedback: DevOps teams continuously monitor applications and infrastructure in production. They collect feedback on system performance, user experience, and any issues that arise. This feedback loop is crucial for making improvements and responding to issues promptly.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC is a DevOps practice that involves managing infrastructure using code. It enables the automated provisioning, scaling, and configuration of infrastructure resources, ensuring consistency and reproducibility.
Version Control: Version control systems like Git are essential for tracking code changes, enabling collaboration, and ensuring code integrity.
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The Cultural Shift: 
DevOps isn't just about tools and processes; it's also about fostering a cultural shift within an organization.
Shared Responsibility: DevOps promotes a culture of shared responsibility, where both development and operations teams take ownership of the entire software delivery process. This reduces blame-shifting and encourages problem-solving.
Accountability: DevOps encourages accountability for code quality, security, and performance. Team members are responsible for the outcomes of their work, from development to deployment.
Trust and Collaboration: Open communication and trust between teams are essential. DevOps encourages cross-functional teams to work together, breaking down traditional barriers.
DevOps is not just a trend but a transformative approach to software development and deployment. Its principles of collaboration, automation, and cultural transformation are reshaping the industry. ACTE Technologies, through its training and consulting services, plays a pivotal role in preparing professionals and organizations for success in the DevOps-driven world. Embracing DevOps and partnering with ACTE Technologies can lead to faster, more reliable software delivery and a competitive edge in today's dynamic tech landscape. Start your DevOps journey today and reap the benefits of this revolutionary approach.
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bmspectra24 · 2 days
Chai garam, chai garam, chai garam!
The Indian Railways system, established in 1853, is one of the largest and oldest railway networks in the world. Since its inception, it has played a critical role in connecting distant regions of the country, supporting both passenger and freight transportation. Initially built and operated by private companies under British colonial rule, the railways were later nationalized in 1951, bringing the entire network under the control of the Government of India. This shift was made to ensure the efficient expansion of rail infrastructure, uniformity in service delivery, and better integration of the system across the subcontinent. Since nationalization, Indian Railways has operated as a government monopoly, with centralized control and management through the Ministry of Railways and the Railway Board. This structure has allowed the government to prioritize public welfare, providing affordable transportation while facilitating economic development.
The centralized control system of Indian Railways enables uniform decision-making, centralized resource allocation, and coordinated operations across its various zones and divisions. All key decisions, from scheduling to budgeting, infrastructure development, and safety protocols, are managed by the central government. This structure ensures a standard level of service across the country, with the Railway Board responsible for policy formulation, regulatory compliance, and financial management. While this centralized system has ensured operational consistency and widespread accessibility, it has also led to challenges such as inefficiency, delays in modernization, and financial strains, given the vast scale of operations. These limitations have been a driving force behind discussions on potential privatization and decentralization, aiming to improve efficiency and foster competition within the sector.
Task at Hand: This centralized structure has ensured operational consistency but has also led to inefficiencies, delays, and limited innovation. Due to this reason, the Indian Government has decided to open the railways market and privatize the sector. With the privatization of the railway sector, there is now an opportunity for private companies to enter the market, creating competition that will hopefully drive better services, financial performance, and customer satisfaction. You are tasked with building a comprehensive plan for your railway company, addressing crucial aspects such as system design, financials, and marketing.
1. Railway system design (network coverage, infrastructure, technology integration)
2. Initiation costs and financial projections (startup costs, revenue streams, expenses,
funding strategy)
3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and value proposition
4. Marketing strategies (target market analysis, branding, promotional tactics, pricing
5. Operational plan (applying for government tenders, service offerings, scheduling, staffing)
6. Extra deliverables are welcome.
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mjpro · 7 days
mjPRO | The Ultimate Procurement System for Reducing Costs and Enhancing Efficiency
In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are looking for tools that can streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and minimize costs. Procurement, a critical function for every organization, is no exception. Choosing the right procurement software can make all the difference in managing supply chains effectively, improving governance, and cutting procurement costs. Among the numerous procurement software companies, mjPRO stands out as a robust, AI-powered solution that offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and enhanced profitability.
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In this blog, we’ll explore the best features of mjPRO, why it’s considered the best procurement software, and how it supports businesses in managing procurement processes seamlessly.
What Is Procurement Software?
Before we dive into mjPRO, let’s first define procurement software. In simple terms, procurement software is a digital tool that automates and manages the entire procurement process—from requisitioning to payment. It helps organizations track their purchases, manage suppliers, and ensure compliance, reducing manual intervention and boosting overall efficiency. Today, eProcurement software solutions are often cloud-based, providing businesses with flexibility, scalability, and advanced data-driven insights.
Why mjPRO Is the Best Procurement Software
mjPRO is not just another procurement software; it’s a comprehensive eProcurement software platform that digitizes the entire procurement process from planning to payment. Whether you’re managing simple purchases or complex projects, mjPRO provides a unified solution that reduces procurement costs, enhances supplier management, and ensures near 100% delivery compliance. Here's why mjPRO is considered one of the top procurement software solutions in the market:
1. Cloud-Based, Pay-Per-Use Model
One of the most attractive features of mjPRO is its pay-per-use, cloud-based model. Unlike traditional procurement systems that require significant upfront investment and infrastructure, mjPRO offers a flexible, cloud-based solution that allows for scalability based on your business needs. This ensures a faster ROI and eliminates the need for costly hardware or software upgrades.
2. Intelligent Platform with AI-Powered Automation
At its core, mjPRO is an intelligent procurement platform powered by AI. It leverages advanced technologies like AI and NLP-based analytics to offer real-time insights, such as category and supplier recommendations. By learning from your procurement patterns and suggesting suppliers based on past purchasing behavior, mjPRO takes the guesswork out of sourcing, making it the best procurement software for both small and large enterprises.
3. Strong Supplier Base and Smart Decision-Making Tools
With mjPRO, you’ll have access to an ever-growing supplier base. The platform continuously adds new suppliers to the ecosystem, giving businesses more options and competitive pricing. What’s more, mjPRO integrates AI-based decision-making tools to provide real-time supplier recommendations, enabling procurement teams to make informed decisions quickly.
4. End-to-End Procurement Chain Digitization
mjPRO digitizes the entire procurement chain, from planning to payment, making it one of the top procurement software platforms available today. Let’s break down how mjPRO handles each step of the procurement process:
a. Plan
The planning phase is critical to ensuring the procurement process runs smoothly. mjPRO helps streamline this process by allowing users to categorize items up to four levels, aggregate or split requirements, and manage budgets more effectively. With features like eBriefcase and category-specific insights, businesses can easily plan for both routine and complex procurements.
b. Source
Supplier management is one of the most challenging aspects of procurement. mjPRO excels in this area by offering a comprehensive supplier management module. The system helps businesses survey, rate, and profile suppliers before they are approved. mjPRO also automates RFQs (Request for Quotations) and integrates RPA-based bidding, which enhances supplier negotiations and ensures competitive pricing.
c. Procure
Once suppliers have been approved, mjPRO facilitates the creation and management of purchase orders (POs). The platform automates the post-PO process by handling tasks such as PO acceptance, ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) generation, PI (Proforma Invoice) approval, and eCatalogues management. This automation reduces the risk of human error and accelerates procurement times by as much as 40%.
d. Pay
Finally, mjPRO ensures that payment processing is seamless. The platform performs thorough three-point checks before invoice approval and integrates with payment gateways to automate payments. The result is a faster, more efficient payment process that ensures suppliers are paid on time, minimizing disruptions in the supply chain.
How mjPRO Benefits Your Business
Now that we’ve covered the key features of mjPRO, let’s take a look at how this procurement software can benefit your business:
1. Reduces Procurement Costs by 7%
Procurement costs can take up a significant portion of a company’s budget. By using mjPRO, businesses can reduce these costs by up to 7%. This is achieved through better supplier negotiations, automated procurement processes, and more efficient resource management.
2. Makes Procurement 40% Faster
One of the most compelling advantages of mjPRO is its ability to speed up the procurement process. The platform reduces manual tasks and automates the creation and management of POs, invoices, and supplier communications, making procurement up to 40% faster. This is a game-changer for businesses that operate in fast-paced environments and need to meet tight deadlines.
3. Limits Supply Risk with 100% Delivery Compliance
Supply chain disruptions can have serious consequences for businesses. mjPRO mitigates these risks by ensuring nearly 100% delivery compliance. With advanced supplier profiling, automated RFQs, and integrated payment gateways, mjPRO ensures that your supply chain operates smoothly and without delays.
4. Strengthens Governance and Ensures Zero Frauds
In the digital age, governance and compliance are more important than ever. mjPRO strengthens governance across the procurement process by offering real-time insights into supplier performance and ensuring that all procurement activities are auditable. This procurement software also helps prevent fraud by enforcing strict supplier approval and payment processes.
Unlock the Full Potential of eProcurement with mjPRO
If you're searching for a procurement software company that offers a comprehensive, scalable solution for your business, look no further than mjPRO. This eProcurement software not only digitizes the entire procurement process but also enhances it with AI-powered tools, robust supplier management, and seamless payment integration.
With mjPRO, businesses can gain full control over their procurement activities while reducing costs, accelerating procurement timelines, and ensuring compliance across the board.
Key Features of mjPRO:
Pay-Per-Use Cloud-Based Solution: Achieve faster ROI without heavy investment.
AI-Powered Automation: Make data-driven decisions with category and supplier recommendations.
Strong Supplier Base: Access to a continuously growing supplier network.
Comprehensive Digitization: Manage everything from planning to payment on one platform.
Faster Procurement: Reduce procurement times by 40% through automation.
Enhanced Governance: Ensure zero frauds and full compliance with real-time monitoring.
If you're ready to take your procurement processes to the next level, mjPRO is the best procurement software for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more and unlock the full potential of eProcurement software for your organization!
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serviots · 8 days
Serviots - Best Software Development & IT Solutions in Dubai
Serviots is a leading software development company based in Dubai, renowned for its exceptional services in software development, web development, application development, and enterprise IT solutions. With a focus on delivering high-quality, innovative solutions, Serviots is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of each client. The company leverages cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to provide tailored solutions that enhance business performance and drive growth in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Since its inception, Serviots has been at the forefront of providing exceptional software solutions to a diverse range of businesses, from startups to established enterprises. With a team of highly skilled professionals, Serviots has been instrumental in driving digital transformation for clients across various industries, empowering them to transition from traditional methods to cutting-edge digital solutions.
Partnering with a broad spectrum of clients, Serviots delivers bespoke technology solutions in software development, web development, application development, and enterprise IT. Our team of experienced developers and industry experts is dedicated to creating high-performance solutions that generate significant ROI, accelerate growth, and enhance competitive positioning.
Recognized for our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and innovation, Serviots is dedicated to helping businesses navigate and thrive in today’s evolving digital landscape.
Quick Facts:
Expertise: Over 15 years of combined experience in the C-suite team
Project Delivery: Proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions on time and within budget
Client Retention: A strong client satisfaction rate with many returning for additional projects
Talent: A skilled team committed to excellence and continuous improvement
Innovation: Advanced technology capabilities and mature development processes
Have a technology project in mind or need to enhance your team’s capabilities? Visit to Serviots discover how Serviots can support your business goals.
Services: Software development services, web development services, mobile app development services, cloud app development and consulting, Smart IOT automation solutions
Contact Information:
Website: https://serviots.com/ Email:   [email protected] Phone: +971 585201525 Address: Dubai Unique World Business Center, Near Al Twar Center, Al Qusais, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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vabroapp · 3 months
Why Scrum/Agile Should Be Your Go-To for Product Development
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s your product development process feeling slow, clunky, and inflexible? Scrum/Agile might be the perfect solution! Widely considered the most popular Agile framework, Scrum/Agile offers a fast, adaptable approach that prioritizes continuous value delivery.
Here's why Scrum/Agile is a game-changer for product development:
Maximize ROI & Resource Allocation - Scrum/Agile ditches the traditional top-down approach and empowers your team to self-organize and estimate workloads. This "bottom-up" planning ensures resources are optimized for maximum return across all IT projects.
Boost Collaboration & Transparency - Say goodbye to information silos! Scrum/Agile fosters open communication and real-time project visibility, keeping everyone on the same page and promoting informed decision-making.
Adapt to Change with Ease - The world of product development is anything but static. Scrum/Agile's iterative nature allows teams to quickly adjust to shifting priorities and requirements, ensuring your project stays relevant and on track.
Faster Time-to-Market & Satisfied Stakeholders - Break the cycle of slow product launches! Scrum/Agile's iterative approach delivers valuable product increments in rapid cycles. Built-in feedback loops guarantee stakeholder satisfaction by continuously aligning development with their expectations.
Unlock Innovation & Mitigate Risk - Scrum/Agile empowers teams to leverage diverse skill sets and self-organize for maximum problem-solving power. This fosters innovation and allows for early risk identification, minimizing the impact of unforeseen challenges.
Continuous Learning & Efficiency at Its Core - Scrum/Agile is all about continuous improvement. Teams are encouraged to learn from each iteration, fostering a culture of adaptability and efficiency. This ensures your product development process is constantly evolving to deliver the best possible results.
Ready to streamline your product development and achieve breakthrough results? Scrum/Agile might be the key! How do you think you could implement it effectively?
That's where Vabro comes in. Vabro is an AI-powered SaaS platform specifically designed to support Scrum & Agile methodologies. Vabro offers a robust suite of features to help your IT teams, DevOps, and project managers seamlessly manage workflows, collaborate efficiently, and deliver exceptional results.
Want to see how Vabro can take your Scrum/Agile game to the next level? Discover the Vabro difference for free and see how it can help transform the way teams work.
To know more, please visit Vabro.com.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
The Pentagon was aware that the pier couldn't be used in weather that's typical for the Eastern Mediterranean
by Dave DeCamp August 28, 2024 at 12:45 pm ET CategoriesNewsTagsGaza, Israel
President Biden ordered the construction of a temporary pier off Gaza despite concerns from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) that the project would undermine efforts to pressure Israel to allow more aid into the Strip via land crossings, USAID’s Inspector General said in a report on Tuesday.
The report said multiple USAID officials had “expressed concerns” that the focus on the pier “would detract from the Agency’s advocacy for opening land crossings, which were seen as more efficient and proven methods of transporting aid into Gaza.”
When President Biden first ordered the construction of the pier during his March State of the Union address, aid groups called the move a public relations stunt. They pointed out that it’s far more efficient to deliver aid through land crossings, the majority of which Israel has kept closed to aid.
The Pentagon was also aware that using the pier in the Eastern Mediterranean would be difficult due to weather conditions. The report said the Pentagon’s guideline for the pier “stated its usage was weather-dependent and that it could not operate in conditions beyond what is known as sea state 3, or short and moderate waves. However, the Mediterranean Sea is often at sea state 4 with significant winds and waves.”
Weather knocked the pier out of service several times during its short-lived use off the coast of Gaza. The pier operated only for 20 days and delivered a fraction of the aid that USAID said it was meant to due to seas and the lack of a real plan to make deliveries.
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