#Electromagnetic radiation and health
zhuqiang · 1 year
Silver fiber shielding cloth: professional radiation protection, caring for your health
Social media, self-media games, countless electronic devices and peripheral products, this era makes us inseparable from them. But at the same time, the electromagnetic radiation hazards they bring are gradually emerging, and modern people wear a lot of fabrics that shield silver fibers to protect their health. Silver fiber shielding cloth is a new type of material, which has good electromagnetic wave blocking effect and can effectively reduce the damage of radiation to human body.
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Silver fiber shielding cloth is a material composed of conductive carrier - pure silver fiber and natural antioxidant of vitamin E. Through a special weaving method, it forms a natural barrier to effectively isolate the harm of electromagnetic radiation to the human body. According to professional experiments and tests, the material using silver fiber shielding cloth has been proved to be able to reduce radiation to more than 90%, significantly reducing the impact of radiation on the human body.
Radiation hazards from the early use of unsuitable electronic equipment have been a topic of distress. Some people often feel headache, fatigue, insomnia and other symptoms, which may be related to electromagnetic radiation. But now, people can safely use silver fiber shielding cloth to effectively reduce the radiation caused by electronic equipment without worrying about being damaged.
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Looking back on the history of human scientific exploration, technological innovation has always been the driving force behind development. The material structure of silver fiber shielding cloth is unique, it can be described as the crystallization of science and technology, and it is an important step in the direction of electromagnetic radiation protection. Let us not forget that protecting your body is the most important thing. Choose silver fiber shielding cloth to protect our health.
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Therapy Is About Checking What's Really Happening Inside Of You!
The symptoms that appear in the body as malaise, malady, disorder or disease or that which the body manifests, is actually the body – your body talking to you. Your body is talking to you, telling you what’s happening inside of you, that you are usually, typically not aware of. It is acquainting you with the information about where – consciously or unconsciously, you were veering off or still…
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organicbeing · 6 months
Illuminating the Hidden Perils: How Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Could Impact Your Health
In the hustle and bustle of our modern world, we often overlook the invisible forces that surround us. Among these, radiofrequency radiation, emitted by ubiquitous technologies like Wi-Fi routers and Bluetooth devices, permeates our daily lives. Could this “radiofrequency pollution” be silently wreaking havoc on our health? At first glance, the notion might seem far-fetched, even absurd. Yet, as…
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
The Impact Of Mobile Radiation On Brain Health: What You Need To Know
Welcome, tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into a topic that's been buzzing for years: the impact of mobile radiation on brain health. Is it a genuine concern, or is it just another urban legend of the digital age? Let's unravel the mysteries surrounding this topic and empower you to make informed choices.
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wayti-blog · 1 year
“5th Generation (5G) Telecommunications Uses Gigahertz (GHz) Millimeter Sized Wavelengths
The Telecommunications Industry promises fast, ubiquitous and unlimited mobile internet access with the next generation of 5G technologies by 2020, along with removal of cheap, secure and safer landlines. This 5G network is designed to provide faster downloads, streaming movies, wireless virtual reality, in addition to being the platform for the Internet of Things, whereby all our household devices are connected to this system wirelessly for remote control. While there may be limited medical applications, 5G will mainly be used for more immersive entertainment, surveillance and data mining with much greater public exposure, especially in “Smart Cities”.
Military uses have also been discussed. This 5th generation (5G) system will add high frequency electromagnetic radiation with Gigahertz (GHz) wavelengths in the millimeter range utilizing beam steering technology, along with low and mid band frequencies used n 2G, 3G and 4G communications. These high frequency tiny wavelengths penetrate only the outer layer of the skin, unlike 2G, 3G and 4G technology which passes through the body.  Major health concerns with exposure to 5G are to skin, eye and adverse systemic metabolic signaling through skin sensors, as well as heat effects. In a the March 2020 European Parliament Briefing on health effects of 5G they admit that the “European Commission has not yet conducted studies on the potential health risks of the 5G technology.”
5G Health Impacts Review -European Parliament
In July 2021  The European Parliament published a comprehensive review of 5G Health Effects. The author, Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, BSC, PhD, International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology Fellow (IATPF), Ramazzini Institute in Italy, looked at 1861 studies on cancer ( 950 human and 911 rodent) and 7886 studies on reproduction.  There was evidence of cancer and reproductive harm although in some categories it was limited.  Dr. Belpoggi notes, “The literature contains no adequate studies that would rule out the risk that tumours and adverse effects on reproduction and development may occur upon exposure to 5G MMW, or to exclude the possibility of some synergistic interactions between 5G and other frequencies that are already being used. This makes the introduction of 5G fraught with uncertainty concerning both health issues and forecasting and or monitoring the actual exposure of the population: these gaps in knowledge justify the call for a moratorium on MMW of 5G, pending completion of adequate research.”
Belpoggi suggests studying “ their effects before exposing the whole world population and environment.”
Some in the U.S. Congress have seriously questioned the lack of independent research on 5G safety.  Considering 5G will be added to an enlarging spectrum of radiation in the lower frequency range our exposure to this complex mix of non-ionizing but biologically active radiation will only increase. Without monitoring  overall RF levels, monitoring cell towers or providing health or environmental surveys we continue to be n the dark about the true science of harm.
Manufacturing Demand: Industry Questions the “Race” to 5G
The race to 5G  deployment is now being questioned by industry experts, as it is complex, will cost more (over $500 billion), requires much more infrastructure, is driven by supply not demand, and requires substantial buy-in. They state in their report, 5G Deployment: State of Play in Europe, USA and Asia 2019,
“As 5G is driven by the telecoms supply industry, and its long tail of component manufacturers, a major campaign is under way to convince governments that the economy and jobs will be strongly stimulated by 5G deployment. However, we are yet to see significant “demand-pull” that could assure sales. These campaign efforts are also aimed at the MNOs but they have limited capacity to invest in the new technology and infrastructure as their returns from investment in 3G and 4G are still being recouped.”
Here is a discussion from the telecom industry regarding 5G RF compliance and safety, Preparing for 5G: Evolution of RF Compliance Standards and Regulations for Mobile Devices.”
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pp55 · 2 years
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talonabraxas · 17 days
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Seventh Body - The Auric Body
In the teachings of Kundalini Yoga, the human being has 10
bodies, not 1. Each body has its own attributes, and the 7th body is the Auric Body.
Seventh Body: Auric Body
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body; it contains, projects, and interacts with the energetic life force, it usually extends three to nine feet beyond the physical body.
Qualities: Mercy, security, love, celestial charisma.
Key phrase: “Platform of Elevation”
Mastery: Projects positivity and repels negativity, like a shield; illness cannot penetrate your physical body; radiates magnetic security and an inspiring, merciful presence
If weak: constrictive, paranoid, lack of self-trust; negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body; there may be a tendency to conform to please others by overexpressing yourself
Key to Balancing Auric Body: practice meditation, pranayama, vigorous yoga, and martial arts. Wearing white clothing made of natural fibers gives about a 12-inch boost to the aura. Work on the Eighth Chakra. A strong auric body sustains the health of the pranic body. And it is the health of the pranic body that allows the auric body to emanate out as a magnificent force field to be reckoned with. The two together keep our physical body and immune system strong and allow us to walk and work fearlessly as who we are. Be mindful of the positive effects of water, internally and externally.
Each of the ten bodies relates specifically to the qualities of one of the ten Sikh gurus.
Guru Har Rai the seventh Sikh Guru. Read and study the life of Guru Har Rai Sing out loud, often, and joyfully. Elevate others with your singing. Wear white clothing made of natural fibers. A question to ask the Seventh Body? Do I allow myself to elevate myself and others?
FEELING In a challenging position, this may manifest as a person with low self-esteem. They may feel that shine comes from outward appearance rather than from within. They may also feel that people expect them to be more independent and nurturing and that they have to live up to their expectations.
Threatened by other’s energy or situations, overwhelmed by other’s energy, not true to own principles, has “Thin skin” can be Isolating, not able to uplift oneself, have weak boundaries, lays awake trying to fix loved ones and overwhelmed with all negative aspects of their life.
The inner desire is to be oneself, regardless of anyone’s expectations.
In a strong position, this will manifest as an intelligent person, a wise person. They are independent. They like to read, and they like music. This may represent a nun or priest living in seclusion. This is someone who has obtained intense knowledge through many lifetimes. They also have learned to uplift themselves, and they can be good teachers and very good parents because their presence uplifts environments and circumstances. They can work in relative seclusion, i.e. a scientist in a laboratory, a park ranger in the forest, a priest, or a nun.
They may seek financial security, a platform of elevation, security, mercy self-contained, secure, like to sing, uplifting to self and others, elevates themselves with ease, self-contained, and has strong boundaries.
The seventh body is the auric body, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds a person. Most children are able to see auras at a very early age between 2 and 4. After that, the pituitary gland changes and this makes it more difficult to see them. You can do certain meditations to develop this quality.
A regular aura can be somewhere between three and nine feet. Between three and seven is the most common. A nine-inch aura is rare. Wearing white clothes increases the aura by 12 inches.
People with strong auras can be very uplifting to be with. They put you in that state too, it’s contagious.
There are many benefits of a strong aura. The person is surrounded by this electromagnetic field that protects him/her and gives them projection. Auras are nurturing, compassionate, charismatic, and “human forklifts”. That’s why the key phrase is “platform of elevation”.
Meditation Meditation for the Aura. Sit in an easy pose and place your hands on your knees. Now concentrate on the space around your body, the electromagnetic field. Feel it getting bigger. The following affirmations should be repeated, keeping the focus on the electromagnetic field: I AM LIGHT. I AM STRONG. I AM BRIGHT. I AM BEAUTIFUL. I AM KIND. WHA HE GURU. Repeat 7 times
Aura: Electromagnetic field around the body. It protects us as well as helps us project from the heart.
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madamlaydebug · 2 days
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174 Hz – The lowest of the tones appears to be a natural anesthetic. It tends to remove pain physically , energetically as well as karmic energy. 174 Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security, safety, and love, motivating them to do their best.
285 Hz – This tone is useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns or any other form of damaged tissue. 285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is said to be directly connected to our body´s, mind and soul´s blueprint for optimal health and physical wellbeing, due to its amazing ability to remember what should be and to return cells to its original form. It influences energy fields sending them message to restructure damaged organ. 285 Hz is about remembering and healing you, your internal organs and your energy.
396 Hz – Cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacle to realization, enables achievement of goals in the most direct way. It releases you from the feeling of guilt and fear by bringing down the defense mechanisms. This solfeggio frequency can also be also used as means of grounding, awakening, sobering and returning to reality.
417Hz – Next tone from the solfeggio scale is connected with resonation processes or processes of amplification. Re can “delete” person’s “alienation from God” and enable returning to the “right path”. This solfeggio frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. It can be used for cleaning limiting impression, which disables the person to achieve her life goals. When speaking of cellular processes, tone Re encourages the cell and its DNA to function in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency energizes your body cells and helps to use their creative potentials.
528 Hz – Used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. If it is used in a way described in Webster’s dictionary – by communicating the wanted effect and with energy support from the “light” – miracles will happen! Process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects – increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. It also opens the person for deep spiritual experiences and spiritual enlightenment.
639 Hz – This frequency enables the creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. It can be used for dealing with relationship problems – those in family, between partners, friends, or social problems. It can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance, and love. 639 Hz frequency can also be used for communication with parallel worlds or spiritual spheres.
741 Hz – Cleans the cell (“Solve polluti“) from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to change in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. It also cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another important application of this sound frequency is cleansing infections – viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to pure, stable and spiritual life.
852 Hz – Solfeggio 852 Hz is directly connected to the third eye chakra and can be used as means for awakening inner strength & self realisation. It is good for dissolving stagnate mental energy from to over-thinking. (mental activity) It is said to clear up energy blockages that before has hindered clear and strong communication with our higher self, spirit guides and spirit helpers. The 852 hz solfeggio to play either clean as is or as a background sound to other audio.
963 Hz – This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. It is connected with the Light and all-embracing Spirit, and enables direct experience, the return to Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness – our true nature.
#Frequency #Tuning #Healing #Sound #Binaural #Beats
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Victorian Petition to allow disabling of remote function of electricity smart meters
Current regulations in Victoria do not allow for the disabling of the remote function of electricity smart meters. The fact remains that Victorians are subjected to among the harshest smart meter policies in Australia.  Elsewhere, customers have the right to refuse a meter with wireless communications.  In other Australian jurisdictions, even if a smart meter has already been installed, customers…
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zhuqiang · 1 year
How to Reduce the Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation: Effective Shielding Cloth Technology
In the current era when electronic devices are commonly used by everyone, more and more people have realized the hazards of electromagnetic radiation, especially the impact on human health. As common electronic equipment in daily life, computers, mobile phones and other equipment will produce electromagnetic radiation during use, which will cause certain harm to the human body. In recent years, in order to deal with this problem, special cloth such as shielding cloth has been widely used and proved to be an effective electromagnetic shielding material.
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Shielding cloth is a kind of textile made of metal fibers and other special materials, which has good electromagnetic shielding properties. Shielding cloth can effectively absorb, reflect and scatter electromagnetic radiation to protect human health. Many people may not know that electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones will continuously generate electromagnetic radiation during work, and these radiations will continue to affect the health of human cells and may cause obvious physiological abnormalities.
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In short, the special material of shielding cloth can help us better protect our health and reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. When using electronic devices, we can also take more ways to reduce the impact of radiation. For example, when using mobile phones, we can choose to use accessories such as earphones to avoid direct contact with the head of the mobile phone. When using computers, we can choose professional Computer shields, etc. I hope we can pay attention to the problem of electromagnetic radiation together and make efforts for a healthy life.
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callimara · 1 year
The Setting
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A quaint town with a population of 10,000. Located in the Pas-de-Calais department of Northern France, it is an amalgamation of days past and modern times; preserving its original construction from 150 years ago while intertwining with modern-day advancements.
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The town was founded in the late 1800s by Olivier Bougainvillea: a renowned physicist from Paris who led a scientific expedition to the area that would later be known as Bougainville. The goal of his expedition was to study unusual electromagnetic radiations within the area. He set up a research base that would inadvertently grow with the influx of scientists and researchers Bougainvillea recruited to participate in his research. The growing scale of Bougainvillea's research necessitated better infrastructure and living facilities; resulting in the arrival of more labor for construction. The rapid influx of people now requiring long-term accommodation in the area demanded more housing, and soon the base had transformed into a small hamlet. Thus, began the settlement of Bougainville. As time passed, the families of the workers and researchers had relocated to the area; operating independent businesses to fill demands such as clothing, food, and other essential supplies. And as the economy grew, so did the settlement. More merchants and businesses settled in the hamlet, and soon, what was once a research base became the town of Bougainville: named after the lead scientist that pioneered the settlement of the area and powered the town with his discoveries and innovations. In honour of his legacy, Bougainvillea flowers line the front of almost every street, creating a beautiful sight at every turn.
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Bougainville has Calais to the north, Le Portel to the west, Lumbres to the east, and Desvres to the south. It is nestled adjacent to the Parc naturel regional des caps et marais d’Opale. As such, lazily drifting fog and chilly weather are a permanent fixture in the small town, perfectly complementing its slow, leisurely lifestyle. A river divides the town into two sides: West and East. Western Bougainville is its central business district; housing the entertainment district and the shopping district; as well as the town hall, Bougainville bank, and police station. Eastern Bougainville is the town’s health and education district; being the location of Bougainvillea University, Bougainville General Hospital, and the Bougainvillea Foundation’s central laboratory; which is open to the public as a science museum. To the north of the town is the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve, which is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. It is also here that the Bougainvillea Power Plant is located; which provides electricity to the entire town.
The Bougainvillea Foundation
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A multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries in a variety of industries.
Including, but not limited to:
medical equipment
non-profit organizations
military equipment
Central Laboratory
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One of the crowning jewels of Bougainville, the Bougainvillea central laboratory is a marvel of modern engineering. From its humble beginnings as a research tent, it is now the primary location for all of the Bougainvillea Foundation’s science exhibitions. Thus, it is a famous field trip destination for many educational institutes. It is the oldest and largest lab of the Bougainvillea Foundation. It has contributed much to the lifestyle advancements in Bougainville by: supplying power; being the primary supplier of medicine, medical supplies, and funds the Bougainville healthcare system; and founding Bougainvillea University.
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Bougainvillea University
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Founded in the honor of Olivier Bougainvillea for his contributions to modern science and the founding of Bougainville, Bougainvillea University strives to shape brilliant minds that will pave the way to innovation and discovery. Graduates of this university may receive highly coveted employment with the Bougainvillea Foundation.
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Bougainville General Hospital
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From its humble beginnings as a small 3-bed health clinic, the facility has grown to an impressive 300-bed general hospital with an emergency department and specialist operating theatres. Though it has maintained its original exterior, its interior has been refurbished with state-of-the-art healthcare facilities thanks to the generous donations of the Bougainvillea Foundation.
Shopping District
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The location of most of the shops in Bougainville. It is the most popular tourist and student destination in town, boasting an array of grocers, book stores, bakeries, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and wineries.
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Entertainment District
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The centre of Bougainville’s nightlife, this area is where most of Bougainville’s adult recreational businesses are located. From bars, taverns, and billiard, to nightclubs, strip clubs and gambling.
Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve
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Named after the town founder’s wife and fellow scientist, Emilie Francoise nature reserve is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. The reserve is a popular hiking and camping destination for locals and visitors alike. In honor of Olivier Bougainvillea's beloved wife, fellow scientist, and Parisian ecologist, the nature reserve aims to continue the conservation efforts of Emilie Francoise Bougainvillea in protecting the town’s natural landscape.
Key Locations
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Luna Lake A crystalline lake that is 30 km wide that reflects the sky like a mirror. At night time, it seems to hold the moon on its surface. It is populated by diverse aquatic life, making it a popular fishing spot.
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Bellevue Valley A valley covered with flowers all year long. Different flowers bloom during different seasons and months.
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Celine Falls The biggest, most scenic water fall in the nature reserve
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Labyrinthe Marshland The largest marshland in the nature reserve and home to a diverse population of wildlife.
The Underground
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There are whispers of an underground black market where illicit goods and services are distributed. Though its location is largely unknown…
▶ Wildward Master Post
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Current development status and prospects of emerging polymer/MXene electromagnetic shielding composites
With the booming development of 5th generation (5G) mobile networks, various electronic devices have been widely used to improve people's standard of living. However, they also cause serious electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radiation, which has been known to affect the normal operation of electronic and electrical equipment, along with daily life and health of people. In a review published in Advanced Nanocomposites, a group of researchers from China and Germany summarize the processing methods and structural design of polymer/MXene composites and their application prospects in the field of electromagnetic shielding. Furthermore, they highlight the current challenges faced by polymer/MXene nanocomposites in EMI shielding applications and provide new ideas for the development and design of next-generation lightweight, high-performance EMI shielding materials.
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darkmaga-retard · 5 days
The Defender’s Children’s Health NewsWatch delivers the latest headlines related to children’s health and well-being, including the toxic effects of vaccines, drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, electromagnetic radiation and other toxins and the emotional risks associated with excessive use of social media and other online activities. The views expressed by other news sources cited here do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Our goal is to provide readers with breaking news about children’s health.
by Children’s Health Defense Team
September 17, 2024
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wayti-blog · 1 year
"Just like us, using mobile phones, satellites also communicate with each other and with receiving stations on Earth using radio waves. Ideally, however, elaborate agreements with Network Agencies prevent satellites to interfere with radio astronomy observatories. An exception that has not been researched so far is the interference radiation that emanates from the on-board electronics of certain satellites, for exmple the Starlink satellite constellation of SpaceX
Scientists from a number of leading research institutions including the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, used the Low Frequency Array (Lofar) telescope to observe 68 of SpaceX’s satellites. The authors conclude that they detected “unintended electromagnetic radiation” emanating from onboard electronics. This is different from communications transmissions, which had been the primary focus for radio astronomers so far. The unintended radiation could impact astronomical research. They encourage satellite operators and regulators to consider this impact on radio astronomy in spacecraft development and regulatory processes alike.."
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On June 13th 1831 James Clerk Maxwell was born in Edinburgh.
It’s difficult to understand why this guy is still hardly known by ordinary Scots, but is one of the most influential scientists of all time. Albert Einstein acknowledged that the origins of the special theory of relativity lay in Clerk Maxwell’s theories, saying “The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever”.
Now I don’t pretend to know about science, the calculations involve make my head hurt, but I do know that James deserves his place at the top table of scientists past and present, and probably the future too. The praise heaped on him from many of the most eminent scholars is phenomenal.
Nicknamed “daftie” by his fellow pupils at Edinburgh Academy, earned by wearing home-made shoes on his first day, he went on to predict the existence of radio waves in 1865, and is considered by many to be the father of the science of electronics, he also found time to teach, and if you recall he taught yesterdays birthday boy astronomer, David Gill.
Born in Edinburgh in 1831 he attended school in the city and later studied at the Universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge. He was a very curious child, and this might amaze you, but he wrote his first scientific paper at the age of just 14, at the age of 25 he became Professor of Physics at Aberdeen University’s Marischal College.
Clerk Maxwell’s research into electromagnetic radiation brought about many of the things we know today like television, mobile phones, radios and infra-red telescopes. The largest astronomical telescope in the world, at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, is named in his honour, this is an indication of his standing to this day as a scientist.
In 1873 he created the four Maxwell equations. They are very complicated and you would have to be a scientist to figure them out. But these four theories played a very important role in Albert Einstein’s work on the special theory of relativity. Einstein praised him and said, “The special theory of relativity owes its origins to Maxwell Equations of the electromagnetic field.” Clerk Maxwell’s discovery of the nature of electromagnetic waves forms the basis for much of the modern technological society we take for granted. Radio, television, satellite communications and the mobile phone have their origins in his work.
In 1879, James Clerk Maxwell’s health began to fail. Following a summer visit to the family estate in Kirkcudbrightshire, he returned to Cambridge where he died on 5th November that year.
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script-a-world · 11 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I am wondering about a civilization that built themselves on various large pieces of space debris, the remnants of an old war. There are no natural resources or food which means they source them from actual planets or grown/created in labs. That sounds cool but wondering about the idea that they wouldn't choose to stay and build their civilization on a planet.
Licorice: I have some questions. Thinking about the answers may help you answer your own question. 
Do the people living on the space debris go in person to the planets where they find resources? Or do they send robots or some other proxy? 
Are there any planets within their reach that are habitable for them? Or are they forced to stay on their debris because they can't access a planet they can live on? Or do they choose to stay on their debris because it's home? How long have they been living there? 
Maybe the tension between these options - stay on our debris/emigrate to a planet - causes a lot of political division in their society? I'd also like to know how many of them there are. Are we looking at a Red Dwarf situation? Hundreds of people? Thousands - tens of thousands?
Tex: If they don’t have any natural resources, how did the civilization build themselves there? There doesn’t seem to be any land, so food would need to be brought with them - how did they get there?
Why is the debris considered a suitable place to set up a home? Are there pieces large enough to set up some sort of electromagnetic shielding to develop an atmosphere? Are any of the pieces of debris cobbled together into a larger unit for people to live on?
Perhaps the nearby and suitable planets are already inhabited - would that make the debris more or less suitable to develop a home on?
Addy: Space debris can mean all sorts of things, from destroyed warships to civilian wreckage to industrial mining rigs. If any of the vessels were for civilian use (or extended travel/habitation, such as a military base or research familiarity), there could be hydroponics bays or similar growing facilities. From a habitability standpoint, as long as you have food, atmosphere, and the ability to maintain those two things, you can live just about anywhere.
Also, who are the people who live there? Are they the descendants of soldiers who never got rescued? Are they junkers who saw the debris field as a bunch of free metal for the taking? Are they a persecuted minority group that couldn't find anywhere else to live? The field could be a memorial to their family, it could be a symbol of economic opportunity, it could mean freedom to be themselves, it could mean safety. It could also just be home. It could be where they grew up, and where all their memories are. That, itself, is a powerful force.
We, ourselves, may see life on a planet as better, but that's because that's what we're used to. Weather, seasons, rain, animals, the sky… that's normal to us. To them, the unpredictability of planetary weather could be a drawback, compared to the known risks and patterns of space. Just something to consider.
Utuabzu: Your biggest concerns are going to be gravity and radiation, closely followed by atmosphere. You can handwave gravity and radiation with technodoohikies if you want, in all likelihood your readers won't care, but otherwise the people of this civilisation are likely to have some pretty serious health issues. Microgravity is really bad for any animal that evolved with gravity. So many systems in the body exploit it, and they go haywire when it isn't around. Which is why astronauts that have been on the ISS for long periods get health problems.
Radiation is even worse for any living thing, because it shreds DNA and delicate cellular machinery, and the only thing that can stop it is a great deal of mass and distance. Neither of these things are likely to be plentiful in this situation. Magnetic fields can redirect radiation, but they aren't perfect and a field strong enough to deflect that much radiation would be a hazard all on its own.
But both of these issues are potentially solvable. Centrifugal force can substitute for gravity, so that one is just a matter of getting any sufficiently large wrecks and spinning them, and over time probably using salvaged materials to build proper habitats. Radiation can be attenuated by creating an outer layer of material to absorb it. A particularly good candidate for this is water, since it's very good at blocking radiation and any earthlike life is going to need a fair bit of it anyway. Another idea is to coat the exterior with rubble from nearby asteroids, which also does double duty as protection from micrometeoroid impacts.
The atmosphere problem however is harder to resolve. They're going to need air, and there's only going to be so much left in the shipwrecks. And that will decline over time as air is lost due to imperfect seals and accidents. Sooner or later they will need to find more, either harvesting it from whatever is nearby or trading for it.
A related factor is food. Wherever food comes from is probably going to be where air is recycled, because that's just how photosynthesis works. And why would you go to the trouble of using mechanical means to convert CO2 to O2 when the crops you need to grow anyway will do it for free.
These are just a couple of things you should probably think about, because this civilisation would have had to and the answers they came to would have shaped it.
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