#Electronic visitor management
metaguard · 1 year
How do visitor management systems handle visitor data privacy?
Visitor management systems are designed to ensure that visitors to a facility are properly identified, tracked, and managed. However, with the collection of personal data, there is a need to ensure the privacy and security of the information collected. Here are some ways visitor management systems handle visitor data privacy:
Data collection: Visitor management systems typically collect data such as the visitor's name, contact information, purpose of visit, and other relevant information. However, they only collect the necessary data required for the purpose of the visit, and the data is collected and stored in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.
Data storage: Visitor management systems use secure servers to store visitor data. This data is encrypted to ensure that it is not easily accessible to unauthorized persons. Additionally, visitor data is stored for a limited period, after which it is securely deleted, to ensure that it is not retained for longer than necessary.
Data access: Access to visitor data is restricted to authorized personnel only. Visitor management systems use various security measures to ensure that only authorized persons can access the data. This includes password-protected access, access controls, and other security measures.
Data sharing: Visitor management systems do not share visitor data with third parties unless required by law or with the visitor's explicit consent. Additionally, visitor management systems ensure that any third-party partners comply with data privacy regulations.
Data deletion: Visitor management systems have a data deletion policy that ensures that visitor data is securely deleted after a specified period. This helps ensure that visitor data is not retained for longer than necessary.
In conclusion, visitor management systems handle visitor data privacy by collecting only the necessary data, storing it securely, restricting access to authorized personnel, not sharing data with third parties without consent, and securely deleting the data after a specified period. These measures ensure that visitor data is collected, stored, and managed in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.
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smartreceptions · 2 years
electronic visitor management
Single process performed in their optimized kiosk systems sounds awesome. Any icon or interaction button on the screen is extremely sensitive, enabling a high degree of user control and precision. For almost every automated kiosk they've built, this company has gotten better and better at electronic visitor management system design. With its complementary, well-motivated, and enthusiastic approach to an ideal guest experience, this organization, on the other hand, raises the bar for engaging reception architecture to new heights.
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trofysisters · 1 year
Эта неделя с самого начала у Эдуарда не задалась. В больницу приехал министр здравоохранения с проверкой. После официальных мероприятий во время обеда Эдуард решил поиграть в электронную игру, оставленную кем-то из пациентов. Министр решил, что главному врачу по статусу не положено в игры играть на рабочем месте и понизил Эдуарда в должности. Теперь он снова фармаколог. (From the very beginning, this week did not work out for Eduard. The Minister of Health came to the hospital with a check. After official events during lunch, Eduard decided to play an electronic game left by one of the patients. The minister decided that the status of the chief physician was not supposed to play games at the workplace and demoted Eduard in his position. Now he is a pharmacologist again)
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Давида задержали после уроков в нудном литературном кружке, и, чтобы прийти в себя, он решил выбраться в город, развлечься с приятелями. (David was detained after lessons in a boring literary group, and in order to recover, he decided to get out into the city, have fun with his friends)
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Пришли только Карина и Илона. Илона сразу распознала в Карине соперницу, (Only Karina and Ilona came. Ilona immediately recognized Karina as a rival,)
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поэтому предложила состязаться в боулинге: кто выиграет, тот с Давидом идет на свидание. (so she offered to compete in bowling: whoever wins goes on a date with David)
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Илона была спортсменкой, комсомолкой, отличницей. Что ей могла противопоставить Карина? Только свою женственность и красоту. (Ilona was an athlete, a Komsomol member, an excellent student. What could Karina oppose to her? Only its femininity and beauty)
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В первом раунде Карина потерпела поражение, (In the first round, Karina was defeated,)
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Во втором раунде, который стал для Карины последним, она в прямом смысле глотала пыль. Всё же лучше надевать специальную обувь, а не пытаться играть в туфельках. “Another one bites the dust” (In the second round, which was the last for Karina, she bites the dust. Still, it is better to wear special shoes, and not try to play in shoes)
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Уже в караоке Давид воспевал победу Илоны: “You are the champion, my friend!”. (In karaoke, David sang the victory of Ilona: “You are the champion, my friend!”)
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Однако в конце вечера, когда ребята прощались друг с другом, к Давиду пристала вредная бабка, которая уже успела довести до слез другого посетителя. (However, at the end of the evening, when the guys were saying goodbye to each other, David was accosted by a mischievous old woman who had already managed to offend another visitor)
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Зато Илона притащила Давиду в память о вечере и своей победе огромный фонтан, купленный на повышенную стипендию. (But Ilona dragged David in memory of the evening and her victory a huge fountain, bought with an increased scholarship)
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Примерно в это время Ада вернулась домой после школьного бала. Она бы хотела пригласить с собой Виктора, но он был в старшем классе, поэтому Ада пригласила новенького. Возможно, парень ожидал, что она будет уделять ему больше внимания, поэтому разобиделся. Пренебречь, вальсируем! (Around this time, Ada returned home from the school prom. She would like to invite Victor with her, but he was in the senior class, so Ada invited a new student. Perhaps the guy expected her to pay more attention to him, so he got offended. Never mind, let's dance!)
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С Виктором ей удалось поговорить только перед поездкой в школу. Ах, как же он хорош, но он совершенно не смотрит на Аду как на девушку! (She managed to talk to Victor only before going to school. Oh, how good he is, but he does not look at Ada as a girl at all!)
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Эдуард был честным человеком, поэтому не стал прописывать пациентам неизвестное лекарство, несмотря на обещанные от производителя богатства. Лекарство оказалось фикцией, о чем Эдуард сообщил медицинскому сообществу, Его признали самым умным и харизматичным медиком в стране, а также вернули на должность главного врача. (Eduard was an honest man, so he did not prescribe an unknown medicine to patients, despite the wealth promised by the manufacturer. The medicine turned out to be a sham, as Eduard informed the medical community, He was recognized as the smartest and most charismatic physician in the country, and also returned to the post of Chief of Staff)
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Как же такое событие не отпраздновать с любимой женой?! (He celebrated this event with his beloved wife)
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Конечно, они отправились в ресторан, где прекрасно провели время, видя только друг друга. (Of course, they went to a restaurant where they had a great time seeing only each other)
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Мужик! Уйди из кадра! (Man! Get out of the frame!)
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Как прекрасно, когда любовь не увядает с годами! (How wonderful it is when love does not fade over the years!)
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А вот Виктор, похоже, попал во временную петлю: он снова и снова возвращался на школьный бал, будто должен был что-то исправить. Матрица имеет тебя, Виктор. (But Victor seems to have fallen into a time loop: he returned to the school ball again and again, as if he had to fix something. The matrix has you, Victor)
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corpocyborg · 8 months
My Active Mass Effect Mods
The purpose of this post is to create a comprehensive list of all Mass Effect mods that I'm actively using, so that when I make a post that features content from mods, I can easily credit them by linking to this post, rather than trying to list each relevant mod individually. A brief description of each mod is included for clarity's sake, and each mod is linked to its nexusmod page.
You may also consider this modlist as a recommendation list.
I install all my mods using ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.
Advanced Weapon Models for LE1: Replaces the weapon models in LE1 with their counterparts from LE2 and LE3
Casual Hubs for LE1: Allows Shepard and squadmates to wear casual outfits on the Citadel and Noveria instead of armor. Galaxy Map Trackers (LE1): Tracks active and undiscovered UNC side quests on the galaxy map. Halcyon Hairpack (LE1): Adds new hairstyles for NPCs based on hairstyles from The Outer Worlds. Keepers Finders (LE1): Marks unscanned Keepers from the quest Scan the Keepers on Citadel maps. LE1 Community Patch: Fixes bugs. LE1 Diversification Project: Reblances NPC populations & diversifies outfits/apperances.
No Skill Check Required for Loot (LE1): Allows you to open loot boxes automatically, without needing to pass a Decryption or Electronics skill check.
Normandy Rapid Transit: Adds the Normandy as a Rapid Transit destination on the Citadel. Pinnacle Station DLC: Adds the Pinnacle Station DLC back into Legendary Edition. Same-Gender Romances for LE1: Allows Ashley and Kaiden to be romanced by both male and female Shepard. Saren Stages LE: Adds new appearances for Saren so that he gradually transforms to have more and more geth implants, rather than starting out that way. Skip Minigames (LE1): Removes mini games or allows them to be skipped without an omnigel cost. Unlimited Sprint: Allows Shepard to run forever.
Virmire Savior Mod: Allows both Ashley and Kaiden to survive Virmire. MASS EFFECT 2 MODS Casual Hubs for LE2: Allows Shepard and squadmates to wear casual clothes on the Citadel, Omega, and Illium, and gives certain squadmates casual appearances on the Normandy. Early Recruitment: Allows recruitment of late-game squadmates such as Tali, Legion, Thane, and Samara earlier in the game. Expanded Shepard Armory (ESA) LE2: Unlocks helmet-less versions of the official DLC armors, as well as adds additional armors and casual outfits. Genesis Intro Dialogue Undo Mod - Legendary Edition: Restores the original Mass Effect 2 opening dialogue from before BioWare created the Genesis 2 DLC, while retaining all features of the Genesis Recap comic. More Gay Romances for LE2: Allows female Shepard to romance Miranda and Jack. No Headgear for Squadmates: Removes (or alters) the headgear on squadmates' Alternate Appearance Pack armors. One Probe All Resources: Allows a single probe to deplete all resources and make all anomalies available.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME2LE): Makes Oriana look like Miranda. Overlord Morality Fix: Grants morality points for choosing the fate of David Archer in the Overlord DLC. Same-Gender Romances for LE2: Allows Tali and Thane to be romanced by both male and female Shepard and allows imports of FemShep/Ashley and MaleShep/Kaidan romances. Skip Mini Games: Skips hacking and bypass mini games. Unlimited Sprint: Allows Shepard to run forever. Unofficial LE2 Patch: Fixes bugs. Virmire Savior Mod: Maintains continuity from the LE1 mod where you can save both Ashley and Kaidan. MASS EFFECT 3 MODS Anderson's Final Conversation Restored: Restores cut content during Anderson's final scene.
Dreams Remade: Changes Gameplay and cutscenes of the dream sequences of ME3 to give more representation of player choices and reduce the presence of the child.
Expanded Galaxy Mod (LE): Adds quality of life improvements, customizations to the Normandy, new visitors, makes the galactic war more immersive, and adds bonus squadmates from ME1 & 2 that can be taken on certain missions. Expanded Universe - Mod Menu: Allows a user to set what books, comics, games and films they have read/played in a mod menu to allow other mods to check what you've seen and tailor content specifically for those who have seen certain parts of the expanded universe. Kasumi Dress to Citadel: Allows Shepard to wear the dress from Kasumi's loyalty mission in ME2 in the Citadel DLC. LE3 Community Patch & Framework: Fixes bugs. LE3 Diversification Project: Reblances NPC populations & diversifies outfits/apperances. Miranda Mod (LE3): Allows Miranda to be recruited as a squadmate after Priority: Horizon. More Gay Romances for LE3: Allows femShep to carryover a romance with Miranda or Jack from Mass Effect 2. No Reapers and Max Scan Range: Disallows reapers from chasing you on the galay map and increases scan range to the entire system at once.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME3LE): Makes Oriana look like Miranda.
Spectre Expansion Mod: Improves the Shadow Broker and Spectre terminals, gives the player new difficult choices to consider via Spectre authorisations, improves the presence of background races in ME3, and expands the galaxy map to provide clues to the battles happening beyond the scope of Shepard’s missions.
Take Earth Back: Overhauls the final mission of Mass Effect 3 with the aim of representing the allies you have gathered over the course of the trilogy, fixing bugs and adding ambient immersive events.
Unlimited Sprint: Lets Shepard run forever.
Virmire Savior Mod: Maintains continuity regarding Kaiden and Ashley both surviving Virmire and both can be recruited after Priority: The Citadel II.
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mochibdsm · 3 months
some services s-types may offer
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Make beds.
Collect and take out trash and recycling, manage containers for them, and handle trash and recycling services.
Collect, wash, dry, put away, and care for dishes.
Clean and disinfect surfaces.
Wash mirrors and windows.
Clean appliances.
Clean furniture.
Clean walls.
Clean toilets, showers, and baths.
Ensure toothbrushes/heads are changed regularly.
Manage clutter, tidy up, and organize things.
Make cleaning solutions.
Polish silver.
Clean, vacuum, sweep, and mop floors.
Home Maintenance/Repair
Fix and install light bulbs and fixtures.
Paint walls and hang wallpaper.
Fix and install plumbing-related things.
Change air filters.
Test household safety features.
Rotate mattresses.
Fix and install appliances.
Fix, assemble, and make furniture.
Do construction, plumbing, and electrical jobs.
Handle working with tradesmen.
Plant, grow, and maintain a lawn.
Plant and grow any other desired plants.
Clear trash and blockages from exterior areas.
Weed an area.
Prune plants.
Maintain a pool.
Arrange and maintain bouquets and floral arrangements.
Collect, sort, wash, dry, and put away laundry.
Remove stains.
Clean and maintain leather items; bootblack.
Mend clothes.
Tailor clothes.
Design and sew, knit, and crochet projects.
Do embroidery and applique.
Cook everyday and fancier foods for whatever number of people is required.
Create nice food and drink presentation.
Serve food and drink gracefully.
Make coffee, tea, and cocoa.
Set the table for various situations; fold napkins.
Sharpen knives.
Match alcohol and make alcoholic drinks.
Check expiration dates and clear out old food.
Put together menus, meal plans, keep food inventory, and make shopping lists.
Warm or cool plates, cups, and bowls.
Handle special diets.
Handle food preservation.
Pack, especially for air travel.
Plan for and use public transportation.
Handle arrangements for lodging, meals, and transportation.
Find desired shops and services.
Navigate with a map or GPS.
Handle passport, currency, language, cultural, and legal issues.
Handle entertainment, visiting tourist destinations, and going to events.
Maintain a valid driver’s license and safe driving skills; drive/chauffeur.
Maintain a car: change oil, get fuel, check fluids, change wiper blades, check tire pressure, and change tires.
Host events and guests, including overnight.
Be a dungeon monitor.
Maintain collections.
Provide cigar service, needed tasks related to marijuana/nicotine/tobacco use (lighting, emptying ashtrays, rolling joints, etc.)
Film and photograph requested occasions.
Recommend/curate media.
Play a desired multiplayer game or sport.
Provide entertainment (performing arts, etc.)
Handle and answer electronic written communications, calls, mail, papers, and visitors; take messages.
Proofread, edit, format, and provide feedback on various projects.
Keep a calendar and manage scheduling.
Keep records.
Type up or scan physical notes and records.
Assist with gifting.
Shop online and in-store.
Manage groceries and basic items.
Manage couponing, sale-finding, item comparing, and negotiating.
Do product and store research.
Handle paperwork and related items.
Give reminders.
Give tech support.
Design websites.
Research assigned topics and share a report.
Set up electronics.
Budget, track spending, and handle taxes.
Give massages.
Make beauty products.
Lay out desired outfits in advance; have a basic knowledge of fashion/give advice.
Give manicures and pedicures.
Help with bathing; run a bath.
Wash, dry, brush, style, and cut hair; barber.
Help with shaving, waxing, and plucking.
Do makeup.
Apply daily SPF and/or moisturizer; help with skincare.
Maintain certification/skills in first aid and CPR.
Handle medications.
Take vitals.
Do caretaking for illness, disability, and injury.
Feed animals and make sure they have water.
Train animals.
Clean animal habitats and bathrooms.
Provide animal health care.
Groom animals.
Exercise, walk, and play with animals.
Assist with moving (business, home, etc.)
Create requested art or decor.
Keep anything desired well stocked throughout the household.
Assist with “prepping” (food/water/survival gear storage, etc.)
Child care (a list unto itself).
Provide security services.
Homeschooling or tutoring.
Oversee other s-types.
AM and PM routines such as closing/opening or locking/unlocking windows and doors, closing/opening blinds, turndown service, and shutting/turning on lights.
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autisticwriterblog · 5 months
Fandom 50 Post 10
My ninth piece of Alan Wake 2 meta. This one is about Return 5.
Return 5: Old Gods
What happened in this chapter?
Even after the FBC takes Alan into custody, Saga won’t give up on the case. She makes her way to the Valhalla Nursing Home on foot, receiving a phone call from Tor partway. Things sound chaotic on the other end of the line, and the call cuts off before Saga can work out what is going on.
When she reaches the nursing home, Rose opens the door. She tries to make Saga leave, telling her that Tor and Odin can’t have visitors, but Saga persists, eventually being allowed inside to talk to the other residents. When she talks to Mandy-May and Norman, Saga learns that Tor is injured. Rose insists that it’s nothing serious, but Saga isn’t convinced.
Heading upstairs, she finds Tor’s bedroom trashed and her grandfather nowhere to be seen. Next door, she finds Odin confined to his bed, unable to talk to her. So, Saga gets the idea to profile him. But when she profiles Odin, something strange happens in her Mind Place, allowing them to have a real conversation within her mind. It turns out that her Mind Place is more that just a memory technique, and is further proof that she is really related to the Anderson brothers. Odin points her in the direction of the Wellness Center to look for Tor, so Saga tells Rose to let her into the building. Rose does so reluctantly, but also warns Saga about hurting herself in the dark.
The Wellness Center is dark and deserted, and Saga finds Tor’s bed empty. Along with his discarded, bloody bandages, Saga finds a note mentioning that Tor has been more aggressive. She continues through the building and finds him in the Rehabilitation room, but he goes through a door with an electronic lock which stops Saga following him. This forces Saga to locate the Security Room to unlock the door.
Using clues left around the room, Saga manages to work out Vladimir Blum’s password and get into his computer, where she unlocks the electronic doors and finds a recording of Tor acting erratically. She also learns that Blum is a member of the Cult of the Tree. Saga then returns to the Rehabilitation room, where she encounters a new type of Taken: a Taken Diver. This Taken used to be Gail, another resident who Rose locked inside the Wellness Center along with Tor.
After she takes down Gail, Saga finds her way back outside, where she finds Tor wading into the pond as Rose begs him not to. The pond is revealed to be an Overlap, and Tor vanishes. After this, Saga talks to Rose, but she just denies everything Saga saw. So, she profiles Rose, learning that Rose has been doing things to help Saga because she believes Alan is sending her messages to help the ‘hero’ of the story. Once Saga reveals herself to be said hero, Rose’s attitude changes instantly, and she tells Saga all she needs to know about what is going on.
She talks to Odin in her Mind Place and learns that an Old Gods of Asgard record is the key needed to open the Overlap—a song called Anger’s Remorse, which was written by Tor as an apology to Freya and only has one copy in existence. Rose gives Saga her key fob, allowing Saga to unlock the Old Gods museum on the second floor. But when Saga enters the room, she finds the record missing, stolen by Cynthia Weaver. Profiling Cynthia reveals the record is in her bathtub, the place she drowned, but just before Saga can unlock her bedroom door, the power goes out.
This forces Saga to venture into the basement to fit a new fuse. Once the power is finally back on, Saga returns to Cynthia’s room, unlocking the door this time. Burning away the darkness, she finds the record in the bathroom, finally allowing her to retrieve it.
Returning downstairs, Saga puts the record into the jukebox, allowing the Overlap to open as Odin Anderson’s voice blares Tor’s tragic lyrics. When she enters the Overlap, Saga finds herself in a flooded bunker, where she once again hears Logan crying for help. As she travels through the looping environment, she again sees visions of Alan, although she can’t work out much of what he says.
Eventually, Saga hears Tor’s voice, but before she can find him, she encounters Cynthia’s Taken form. First, Saga needs to turn on a generator, but lingering in the water for too long will get her attacked, forcing her to rush across the water to safe spots before Cynthia can attack her. Once she gets the generator on, Saga progresses further, and ends up having a boss fight against Cynthia, who uses water to attack, forcing Saga to dodge the powerful attacks.
Once Cynthia is dead, after yet another one-sided conversation with Alan, Saga finds herself back out in the yard outside Valhalla Nursing Home. Tor is nearby, retching and swearing, but very much alive and safe. Saga has many questions for him, and Tor promises to give her answers.
My Thoughts
Along with We Sing, this is my favourite chapter in the game. I adore all the characters from the Valhalla Nursing Home and the story of this chapter so much. I will never get over how much fun I have when I replay this section of Alan Wake 2. Despite being a horror game, this chapter has several moments that make me laugh, such as Rose’s apparent aversion to swearing, Rose’s horror when she walks into the living room to see Norman in nothing but a towel, and Rose’s conversation with Ahti where we learn Ahti steals Blum’s overalls and insists on mopping even though he’s a resident and not a janitor here.
Exploring the nursing home is so fun, because it’s crammed full of little details. For example, in Norman’s bedroom, you can find pun books, whilst Donna will tell Saga off for walking in without knocking. Rose’s office has a shrine to Alan, including the cutout from the first game (which Barry spent most of a chapter annoying Alan with), whilst a sign on the wall in the hallway talks about Barry Wheeler and how he founded the nursing home. And the Old Gods museum has some lovely photos of the band in their prime, plus a sad newspaper clipping about how hard Odin and Tor were hit by ‘Fat’ Bob’s death. Another nice detail in the nursing home is if you try to open the door with a spiral symbol on the top floor, Ahti will spawn right behind you to warn you not to go in there. It really made me jump, because the last place I saw him was next to the jukebox and I didn’t expect him to do that.
This chapter also has, in my opinion, some of the best jumpscares. No other Taken made me jump so reliably as Cynthia, especially when exploring the basement and the Wellness Center. And the first time I got the jumpscare when you approach her by the window, I nearly screamed out loud. The trip through the Wellness Center is terrifying, especially when you meet the first Taken Diver, which are horrifying to look at. And the basement is an amazing exercise in dramatic tension, because I was convinced I would get attacked down there, but no Taken ever appear. All you get is Cynthia’s jumpscares and the terrifying ambiance.
Cynthia’s fate is sad, because if you played the first game, you know how much she did to protect the town and for how long she fought the darkness. But after Rose took her lamp and she got forgetful about changing the lightbulbs in her room, the Dark Presence took advantage of her vulnerability and drowned Cynthia in her bathtub, turning her into a Taken and using her to corrupt Tor.
After the power goes out, the residents all relocate to the porch. I completely missed this on my first playthrough, which made me worry something had happened to them. But, no, they’re all safe in the pocket of light on the porch, and talking to them reveals that Ahti brought them all here. Ahti stays inside the building in the dark, but he doesn’t seem to be in any danger from the Taken—which makes perfect sense considering that in Control, he was the only person (other than Jesse) who didn’t wear an HRA and yet somehow didn’t get corrupted by the Hiss. Obviously, Ahti is too powerful to be in danger, unlike the other residents, who he takes to safety.
Out of all the Old Gods music in Alan Wake 2, I think Anger’s Remorse is my favourite. The vocals are so powerful and the lyrics tell a tragic story about regret and hurt. Using this song to open the Overlap is such an awesome moment, and I love listening to the entire song at the end of the chapter.
I’ve played this game three times now (two normal playthroughs and one Final Draft playthrough), but I always get lost in the Overlap. It’s the only Overlap that truly gets me walking in circles, which can be a little frustrating, but I still love the creepy atmosphere of the flooded bunker.
Saga’s interactions with Tor and Odin are really sweet, because these old men clearly adore her even though they haven’t seen her since she was a baby, and Saga grows to genuinely care for the family she never knew she had. Her protectiveness toward Tor once he ends up in the Overlap is lovely. Saga never stops worrying about Logan, but she also finds time to worry about the relatives she only just met.
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contentwriter4 · 3 months
### A outstanding manner to jot down for a blog and make money style writing Style writing for blogs is a well-known and lucrative industry, but turning a passion for design into a profitable venture takes effort and discipline. This is a 500-word version of how you can make money by contributing to a blog
#### Selection of Niche Choosing a specific area of expertise within the fashion industry helps you stand out. Whether it's road style, luxury markings, or functional design, having a unique specialization attracts a loyal following and facilitates adaptability.
#### Exceptional Content
Writing content for a blog requires good writing. Create posts that are affable, instructive, and visually appealing. Fundamentals include excellent photos, detailed design instructions, and pattern research. Maintaining a regular posting schedule also draws readers in and satisfies their appetite.
 Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization, or website improvement, is essential for bringing in organic visitors to your blog. Analyze your catchphrase directly to find terms that your target audience is interested in. Make regular use of these watchwords in your content, headers, and titles. Add alt text to make your blog more lively and quickly load.
 ####Presence on Social Media
 For design bloggers, virtual entertainment platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter are valuable resources. Post your blog entries, attract readers with your audience, and collaborate with influential people. Make use of relevant hashtags to increase visibility and drive traffic to your blog.
#### Metadata for Monetization
There are many ways to change your style blog: 
Partner Marketing:
Purchase merchandise from style marks and earn a fee on sales made via your affiliate relationships. Participate in subsidiary initiatives like Amazon Partners or create clear organizations.
Supported Posts:
Help create posts featuring brands’ products. Your transparency and underwriting is paid for by the brands themselves. Make sure the supported content fits the audience and style of your blog.
Promotion Revenue:
Display ads on your blog using advertising networks such as Google AdSense. You get paid based on ideas or pix. Use layout logo management and direct advertising to boom sales prospects.
Item Sales:
Market your own digital publications, style manuals, or design line. This establishes you as an authority in your field and generates income.
Enrollment and Subscriptions:
You get paid based on ideas or pix. Use layout logo management and direct advertising to boom sales prospects. platforms such as Patreon allow you to provide your most devoted followers with special benefits.
####Electronic Commerce
Create an email digest to inform and connect your audience with new products, publications, or developments. Present a gift to entice new hires; think of it as a style guide. Personalized flyers can promote your adaptation efforts and increase traffic to your blog.
 #### Internet
Attend design events, participate in blogger get-togethers, and network with other influential people. Organizing makes it possible to work together on worthwhile projects, increases the visibility of your blog, and helps you stay up-to-date with market trends.
####Adaptation and Analysis
Screen your blog submissions using tools like Google Investigation. Monitor metrics such as traffic sources, well-known content, and customer loyalty. By reviewing this data, you can improve your approach, concentrate on what works, and continuously work on your blog.
### Concluding Generating revenue from style writing for a blog necessitates a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and consistent effort. You can turn your style blog into a profitable venture by picking a specialty, producing top-notch content, optimizing for website design enhancement, using web-based entertainment, and employing other adaptation approaches. Stay adaptable and constantly evolve with the trends to stay on top of your blog's relevance and success in the niche fashion market.
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toujokaname · 2 years
A Handsome Man In The Midst Of Good Luck / Episode 5
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Author: Chitose Umeda
Characters: Rei, HiMERU, Kaoru
"(ーWhat... is this?)"
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Season: Winter
Location: Sky Garden
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Rei: ...So. Since it would be good to have some material for the next recording, I shall accompany HiMERU-kun for a while.
HiMERU: ...Pardon?
Rei: It would be easier for me to MC if I have actually seen the good fortune that comes to HiMERU-kun, would it not?
If anything happens, we may be able to make an episode out of our day together.
HiMERU: ―Hm. It's an excellent proposal, and hard to refuse.
Kaoru: HiMERU-kun, sorry~ Rei-kun's way of doing things is very pushy.
I think that this person probably has the ulterior motive of preventing himself from facing more "simple misfortunes".
Rei: My, my, what are you talking about. I do not have the slightest intention of doing so.
Kaoru: No way, you're at the very least thinking about it.
HiMERU: Fufu. So pushy... Well, there already is someone in HiMERU's unit who is cunning and willing to use aggressive tactics...
So in that respect, HiMERU isn't concerned.
Kaoru: Ah~ I see. Someone persuasive.
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HiMERU: HiMERU was just thinking about what would happen if that person heard about his good fortune...
If he heard the rumors and found him, HiMERU would be forcibly dragged to wherever he wanted to go.
So, HiMERU is going into town in order to avert a crisis. If you still want to go with him, feel free to do so.
Rei: Kukuku. Then, I shall take his word for it and accompany HiMERU-kun ♪
Kaoru: Hmm~ Now that we've been together this long, I'm starting to get invested in what's going on here, too.
I don't want to intrude, but can I come with you?
HiMERU: Yes. HiMERU doesn't particularly mind, so do as you wish, Hakaze-senpai.
(―As for what's to come... HiMERU doesn't know how lucky he will be, nor does HiMERU believe in it.)
Location: Shopping Mall 1F
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HiMERU: (ーWhat... is this?)
(In the exact moment HiMERU stepped into the shopping mall... He thought he heard something in the sky above him, and then paper tape and confetti started falling...)
(From all directions, he can hear the sound of fanfare and crackers.)
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HiMERU: (What on earth did HiMERU do? No, what on earth, is happening to HiMERU...?)
Rei: Ohh... An enthusiastic welcome. This is the first time I have ever seen such a thing ♪
Kaoru: Me too, me too. It's amazing that the number of visitors reached five million~♪
Rei: Well, the most amazing of all is HiMERU-kun, who was the five millionth visitor.
HiMERU: ...Umm, and you are? Are you the general manager of this shopping mall?
You wish to gift HiMERU a bouquet of flowers and souvenirs? Sigh, thank you very much...
Rei: Instead of looking so confused, you should go "Yay! ☆" and be happier about it. After all, you're the five millionth visitor, correct?
HiMERU: To tell the truth, the applause and congratulations from the general public is confusing. Isn't HiMERU being obnoxious?
Kaoru: Under the circumstances, it's no wonder that you're the center of attention. More importantly, look, it seems that the general manager brought you a souvenir.
HiMERU: (―HiMERU cannot ignore them, so he will just take what he has to take and leave quickly.)
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HiMERU: ...... (Receives the souvenir)
―Thank you for your time. HiMERU wishes you great success in your shopping mall.
He will visit again.
Location: Downtown
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Rei: HiMERU-kun, what are you going to purchase in this store?
HiMERU: Socks. It has been especially cold recently, so HiMERU wanted to prepare two more pairs of socks for the winter.
Kaoru: Oh, it's that brand. I like it a lot. It's a good combination of design and functionality ♪
HiMERU: Yes. HiMERU also likes that.
―Ah, apologies. Payments are made through electronic money.
Rei: ...Mm? What was that sound?
HiMERU: It was HiMERU's smartphone. "Full Returns! Jackpot!"...?
Kaoru: Isn't that from the e-money campaign? Amazing, how is it possible to win the full amount of money back?
I've only ever won up to 5% of the returns. HiMERU-kun, you really are lucky today, aren't you?
HiMERU: ............
Location: Saison Avenue
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Rei: ...Hmm. HiMERU-kun was very good here as well.
I never thought anyone could win so many prizes in just a few attempts.
HiMERU: ...Sigh.
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HiMERU: (Why. Why do these strange things keep happening...?)
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akash-kang46 · 7 months
1.Energy conservation:
When it comes to energy conservation at Best Western hotels, they usually implement various strategies to reduce energy consumption. These may be encouraging visitors to reuse towels and linens, implementing electronic thermostats, and employing energy-efficient lighting.
2.Waste Transformation:
Best Western hotels do their role in waste transformation through recycling, composting, and minimizing single-use plastics. They're committed to sustainability.
3.Hazardous Substances Management:
Best Western hotels prioritize the management of hazardous substances by following strict regulations, proper storage, and disposal methods. They ensure a safe and environmentally friendly environment for guests and staff.
4. Sustainable Transport:
Best Western hotels promote sustainable transport by offering electric vehicle charging stations, encouraging public transportation use, and providing bike-friendly amenities. They're committed to reducing their carbon footprint.
5. Market Factors:
Best Western hotels consider market factors like customer preferences, competition, and economic conditions to make informed decisions and provide exceptional experiences to their guests. 
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sparrowsabre7 · 2 years
“I’ve been called a lot of things, nostalgic is not one of them.” That was the lie Tony had told Pepper some 13 years ago. Tony Stark, the man who had kept the – by his standards – rudimentary robots he had created back at MIT; who had his favourite race car converted into modern art after he crashed it during his battle with Ivan Vanko; who repaired and kept all the old models of his Iron Man armour (until they were destroyed by Aldrich Killian’s men). The man who had named his extensive and highly advanced A.I. system after his father’s butler, the man who had more or less raised him, who had been his sole confidant growing up in his father’s shadow, the man who was now stood no more than 20 feet from him helping his father into a car.
He had to go over, he had to say something, do something… he started forward but felt a hand grab his arm politely but firmly.
“Tony” said Steve gently. “We gotta go.”
“One minute, Rogers.”
“Tony…” he repeated, with a slightly sterner edge to his voice.
“One. Minute.” Tony shot back, locking eyes with Steve pointedly.
Catching that familiar resolve in Tony’s eyes, Steve looked over to the two men stood by the car and the realisation dawned. He released Tony’s arm, nodded and said quietly “One minute.”
 Hurrying to close the distance before the two men drove off, Tony tapped his watch twice and made a few complicated swiping motions over the face. SHIELD technology might be cutting edge for the 1970’s but to the technology of 2023, much less Stark tech, it was child’s play to break into and commandeer.
An electronic voice over the tannoy buzzed:
“Mr. Howard Stark to central briefing, Mr. Howard Stark to central briefing.”
Looking annoyed, Howard stepped back out of the car and headed back towards the main building, while Jarvis resumed his former position of standing elegantly alongside, awaiting his return.
 “Mr. Edwin Jarvis?” the neat older man looked startled to be addressed by his full name.
“Yes, how may I help you Mr…”
“Potts. Howard Potts.” Tony replied, extending his hand to shake Jarvis’s
“What a curious coinci-“
“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Tony cut in hurriedly. “I just wanted to…” he began, but he suddenly found for one of the rare instances in his life he was speechless. What could he say? What could he ever say to this man who made him, had fed him, clothed him, raised him from a baby to a young man, was more of a father to him than his own had ever been. Jarvis was always left to pick up the pieces after their many father-son shouting matches and was always the person happiest to see him return from boarding school. It was thanks to Jarvis that he’d managed to pull through the grief of his parents’ sudden death; it was Jarvis who had comforted him during the dark hours of the night; it was Jarvis who had been present at his graduation from MIT, ostensibly on instructions from Howard, but both butler and ward knew he would have happily fought a Hydra battalion to be there. And now here he was, stood in front of him, transporting Tony back to that lonely little boy whose own father had been absorbed with much bigger, more important things, yet who to Jarvis was his entire world, and found himself unable to speak. What could he possibly say? What words could be enough?
“I just- I wanted to tell you…” Tony swallowed, why was this so much harder than talking to his father? “I just wanted you to know how much I- how much the country” Tony caught himself “ appreciate all you did working with Agent Carter during SHIELD’s founding.”
Jarvis quickly fixed him with an electric stare.
“Director Carter” he corrected, sternly, “and I don’t believe my exploits with the director have ever been released publicly, nor even widely distributed within SHIELD, Mr. Potts. How does a visitor from MIT come to know such a thing.” Tony noted that Jarvis’s handshake had become somewhat tighter all of a sudden.
“Ah- I’m liaising with Mr. Stark’s team on a number of potential new projects, some of which involve some of the theory involved in the zero matter incident yourself and Ag- Director Carter were part of and so some of the old hands like to give the stories a little flavour, expound on the old days, tell tales.” Tony rattled off this thrown together excuse barely comprehending what he was saying, hoping it would be enough to dissuade further questions.
It seemed enough, Jarvis’s grip relaxed and released Tony’s hand.
“Ah I see, I must say it was a rather exciting time.” He said with a twinkle in his eye, before catching himself and donning a more sombre expression “Oh but of course, terribly dangerous, zero matter is not to be trifled with.”
Tony smiled, remembering that expression, trying to hide his excitement or delight at some new invention Tony had concocted behind a veneer of being a Very Serious Butler who would never dream of doing anything reckless in the presence of the boy he was charged with looking after.
“Of course. Though it sounds like you’re going to be having exciting times ahead soon too, with Mrs. Stark expecting.”
Jarvis brightened again.
“Yes, not too long to go now I believe. My wife, Anna and I we- “ Jarvis paused and swallowed “well, we always wanted children. Though I must say, whilst I would never tell Mr. Stark, I am frankly terrified.”
Tony blinked.
“Yes, I’ve never had to care for a child before, although” he said with a wry smile returning to his face, “I suppose I have taken care of Mr. Stark for long enough that it shouldn’t be much different. Perhaps easier”
Tony smiled broadly.
“I guess so.” He clasped Jarvis’s hand again. “Good to meet you Mr. Jarvis, I really should be going now.”
Jarvis returned the smile and handshake warmly.
“Yes, I expect Captain Rogers will be getting quite anxious, Master Anthony.”
Tony froze “How did-“
“Really Master Anthony, clearly I must get quite dull-witted in my old age if you believe a simple hat and sunglasses would be enough to fool me into not recognising perhaps this country’s greatest hero.”
“But, my name?”
“Your mother has been set on it for months. She tells your father Almonzo to pull his leg.” he said with a wink. “you have her smile, I recognised it immediately, I confess Mr. Stark has rarely been very perceptive when it came to faces.”
“Jarvis…” Tony managed to croak out, voice cracking, head bowing, finding it hard to look Jarvis in the eye all of a sudden  “I miss you, I wish I could tell you…”
“It’s alright.” Jarvis put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Your interrupting what I assume is a very important mission to spend five minutes talking to me speaks volumes.” Five minutes? Shit. Rogers was not going to be happy. Jarvis’s hand steadied his nerves, finally allowing Tony to breathe and find the words to speak again.
“Yeah, I better go save the world. But before I do I just wanted thank you and to let you know… My childhood, with you. With you by my side, I felt…” Tony swallowed his resolve, and looked into the kind smiling face of Edwin Jarvis.
“With you I felt Invincible.”
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Lady-killer in the Midst of Good Fortune/Chapter 5
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Rei: …Now then. It would be best if I get some material for the next recording, so I’ll be joining you for a short while, HiMERU-kun.
HiMERU: ...Sure?
Rei: Don’t you think it’ll make me a better host if I get to see HiMERU-kun’s good fortune?
If nothing happens, then nothing happens. If we spend a day together we might be able to get something good for the next episode.
HiMERU: —Fumu. A superb idea, one that HiMERU cannot refuse.
Kaoru: Sorry HiMERU-kun~. Rei-kun’s overbearing.
I think this guy has a secret ulterior motive because he doesn’t want keep experiencing bad luck.
Rei: Now, now, why would you say that? I don’t think to do things like that.
Kaoru: You very much do.
HiMERU: Fufu. Even more pushy… No, there’s someone in HiMERU’s unit who uses sly and aggressive tactics that he loathes.
Though, HiMERU isn’t interested in that.
Kaoru: Ah. right. Power of persuasion, hm?
HiMERU: Quite. HiMERU wonders what that person would do if they found out about HiMERU’s good fortune…
If they heard the rumours, HiMERU has no idea where they’d be dragged to.
So HiMERU can avoid a crisis, he will be heading into town. Feel free to tag along if you’d like.
Rei: Kukuku. Well if you insist, I’ll accompany you ♪
Kaoru: Uhuh. Since we’ve been hanging out already, I gotta see how this unfolds.
I won’t be annoying, so can I come with?
HiMERU: Sure. HiMERU won’t be much entertainment, but please do as you wish.
(—You’ve “gotta see how this unfolds.” HiMERU doesn’t know how lucky he is, nor does he believe he will receive any…)
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(—What is this?)
(The moment HiMERU steps into the shopping mall… he thinks, what’s the noise coming from above him?, and it's streamers and confetti…)
(And you can even hear fanfare and party poppers from all directions.)
(What the hell did HiMERU do? Or rather, what the hell’s happening to HiMERU…?)
Rei: Oh my...what a passionate reception. This is my first time seeing something like this ♪
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Kaoru: Me too me too. It’s crazy that five million people have visited here, right? ♪
Rei: Well, what’s more, it’s crazy that HiMERU-kun was the five millionth visitor.
HiMERU: …Uh, excuse me, are you the general manager of this mall?
You want to give HiMERU a bouquet and a momento? Ah, thank you…
Rei: Even if you’re not bewildered, you should give more of a uwaa ☆ reaction. Like, you’re the five millionth visitor?!
HiMERU: If HiMERU is honest, he’s more confused by the general public's applause and celebration. Isn’t HiMERU being obnoxious?
Kaoru: You can’t help but be the centre of attention in this sort of situation. Look, the general managers bringing you a memento.
HiMERU: (—HiMERU can’t ignore this all, so he’ll take the gifts and leave quickly.)
…(Takes the memento.)
—Thank you very much. HiMERU hopes this shopping mall flourishes.
He will be sure to visit again.
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Rei: HiMERU-kun, what are you going to buy from this shop?
HiMERU: Socks. It’s been especially cold as of late, so HiMERU is preparing with two more pairs of winter clothing.
Kaoru: Ah, I like that brand too. It’s good that it has both a nice design and functionality ♪
HiMERU: Yes, HiMERU agrees.
—Ah, excuse me. HiMERU will pay electronically.
Rei: …Hm? What was that sound?
HiMERU: HiMERU’s phone. “Full refund! You’ve won big!”...?
Kaoru: Isn’t that the electronic payment campaign? It's pretty cool that you can win a full refund.
The most I’ve got back was 5%. Seems that today HiMERU-kun’s lucky after all, hm?
HiMERU: ...
Rei: …Umu. HiMERU-kun’s doing well for himself.
Unbelievable, he won the special prize after only a few goes.
HiMERU: …Sigh.
(Just why. Why do these weird things keep happening…?)
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smartreceptions · 2 years
electronic visitor management
Single process performed in their optimized kiosk systems sounds awesome. Any icon or interaction button on the screen is extremely sensitive, enabling a high degree of user control and precision. For almost every automated kiosk they've built, this company has gotten better and better at electronic visitor management system design. With its complementary, well-motivated, and enthusiastic approach to an ideal guest experience, this organization, on the other hand, raises the bar for engaging reception architecture to new heights.
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trevlad-sounds · 11 months
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Sunday 29 October Mixtape 391 “Future Incraments EXCLUSIVE” Electronic experimental Uptempo Retro Wednesdays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to subscribe or tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Piero Umiliani-Dolomiti 00:31
Tim Blake-Metro / Logic 04:36
Pierric Gildas-Funiculaire Amoureux 10:50
The Science Fiction Corporation-Visitors of A.D. 2022 13:40
Timecop1983-Into the Night 15:30
SOFTWARE-Taste Of Future 19:34
Gilroy Mere-Just a River 25:19
The British Stereo Collective-Recurring Dream 29:48
The British Stereo Collective-The Nature of the Beast (Call of the Wild) 31:11
Bento-Intro 31:45
Augusto Martelli-Rito Polinesiano 32:21
Paul Ellis-Heron Rising 33:24
Oronzo De Filippi-Meccanizzazione agraria 39:50
Moray Newlands-Good Home Management 42:13
Everyday Dust-Grass Green Horn 45:32
The British Stereo Collective-Ascension 49:00
The Exorcist GBG-Doppler 53:15
Moray Newlands-Good Home Management 1:02:04
Salvatore Mercatante-Tempest 1:05:26
Ghost Power-Grimalkin 1:08:04
CN-Maat 1:12:55
HAWKSMOOR-On Netherfield Estate 1:17:18
Binaural Space-Impatient 1:21:04
Pbs'73-Antennas In Air 1:22:10
Moray Newlands-Are You A Quitter 1:26:32
Emeralds-Double Helix 1:29:44
TITLE-Afternoon Tea 1:32:34
Edgar Froese-Era Of The Slaves - 2012 Remaster 1:34:52
Jonathan Fitoussi / Clemens Hourrière-Murmuration 1:42:39
Sven Wunder-Prussian Blue 1:47:34
Lone Bison-Out of Phase Increments 1:51:29
Jarmodular-Dawn in industrial retreat 1:54:35
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asheewrites · 10 months
Sick Call for Healer 3
After two failed tries, Raphael finally managed to turn the doorknob. And then started to climb the stairs behind the door. The walls were… painted. Creative, in a way, certainly full of birds. In trees, bushes and other greenery.
Certainly not done by someone with much expertise in the matter. Simply glancing at them, the creatures were anatomically correct. But had no sense of artistry.
It looked like a sketchbook on a wall. Unfinished.
Quite a few different species, sometimes with annotations for proper identification or close ups of wings. On a wall.
The hungry-looking cardinal over the door on the upper floor was something else.
Asmodeus certainly had enough time to look at everything, since his ‘host’ was moving in a bit of a snails pace, holding up a finger to take a break, leaning against a wall.
This angel certainly was not healthy. And definitely had a fever, judging by the temperature she emitted alone. The second door was opened in one try. And they stumbled into… a room.
It had high ceilings, plants crawled up the walls, the whole ceiling was made of glass. It already felt cold just seeing it. It was cool, too.
At least there was a sofa on the side of the room. Clutter-free except for pillows and a blanket. A perfect place to deposit an ailing angel with a desperate need to sit down. He gently led her down to she cushions and sat down next to her, made sure she had a blanket to curl up in.
With a confused expression, she did take the blanket and wrapped herself in it, legs pulled up against her chest. The shoes fell on the floor sometime later.
Raphael might be able to talk a little bit later. Which presented an opportunity to observe… the room. The pull-out couch – facing a TV and some electronics - was the only place clutter-free. The room was not untidy – everything seemed to have a place. But apparently Raphael had hobbies.
The couch table was filled with half-filled journals, magazines and…a laminator. The first shelf was dedicated to textiles with a sewing machine, countless needles, a miniature loom (of all things), enough wool to produce several quilts, many unfinished projects – and quite a few finished ones. The next shelf? All kinds of artistic material – pencils, coal, acrylics, watercolours, canvases, scraps, scissors, glue. Next up: Pottery, airdrying plasticine. Funnily enough, he also spotted a 3D printer. It made him smirk. But there were lot of painted figurines next to it. The next shelf was filled with so many books. With annotations… Several pieces of sports equipment… something like a greenhouse…  and that was only what he spotted at first glance.
And then there were other rooms – one actually had a door. It went into a laboratory, she had said something along the lines. The other rooms simply had no doors. One was a bathroom, at least the tiles said so. One was a bedroom, at least according to the many pillows strewn about…
No kitchen.
A light cough next to him brought the attention back to the angel, she looked intensely miserable and said: “I… did not realize that letting you in… means you see this place.” She blinked slowly, looking very unhappy with herself. “It’s… it’s not for visitors.”
Asmodeus looked at her, looked at the mixture of certainly well used equipment all around them and chuckled: “The couch is big enough for two, is it not?”
Some tension left her already weak frame.
“Are you going to paint the walls in here, too?” They currently were still white.
And just like that, she relaxed completely, looking feverish, but more like her usual wide-eyed self and said: “Wanted to get… better before. Got distracted. I’m better with music than with pictures.” She coughed into the blanket, groaned and put her head on her knees.
“Well, time for soup”
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siddaling · 11 months
Advanced Techniques in Full-Stack Development
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Certainly, let's delve deeper into more advanced techniques and concepts in full-stack development:
1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG):
SSR: Rendering web pages on the server side to improve performance and SEO by delivering fully rendered pages to the client.
SSG: Generating static HTML files at build time, enhancing speed, and reducing the server load.
2. WebAssembly:
WebAssembly (Wasm): A binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. It allows high-performance execution of code on web browsers, enabling languages like C, C++, and Rust to run in web applications.
3. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Enhancements:
Background Sync: Allowing PWAs to sync data in the background even when the app is closed.
Web Push Notifications: Implementing push notifications to engage users even when they are not actively using the application.
4. State Management:
Redux and MobX: Advanced state management libraries in React applications for managing complex application states efficiently.
Reactive Programming: Utilizing RxJS or other reactive programming libraries to handle asynchronous data streams and events in real-time applications.
5. WebSockets and WebRTC:
WebSockets: Enabling real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and servers for applications requiring constant data updates.
WebRTC: Facilitating real-time communication, such as video chat, directly between web browsers without the need for plugins or additional software.
6. Caching Strategies:
Content Delivery Networks (CDN): Leveraging CDNs to cache and distribute content globally, improving website loading speeds for users worldwide.
Service Workers: Using service workers to cache assets and data, providing offline access and improving performance for returning visitors.
7. GraphQL Subscriptions:
GraphQL Subscriptions: Enabling real-time updates in GraphQL APIs by allowing clients to subscribe to specific events and receive push notifications when data changes.
8. Authentication and Authorization:
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect: Implementing secure authentication and authorization protocols for user login and access control.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Utilizing JWTs to securely transmit information between parties, ensuring data integrity and authenticity.
9. Content Management Systems (CMS) Integration:
Headless CMS: Integrating headless CMS like Contentful or Strapi, allowing content creators to manage content independently from the application's front end.
10. Automated Performance Optimization:
Lighthouse and Web Vitals: Utilizing tools like Lighthouse and Google's Web Vitals to measure and optimize web performance, focusing on key user-centric metrics like loading speed and interactivity.
11. Machine Learning and AI Integration:
TensorFlow.js and ONNX.js: Integrating machine learning models directly into web applications for tasks like image recognition, language processing, and recommendation systems.
12. Cross-Platform Development with Electron:
Electron: Building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), allowing developers to create desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
13. Advanced Database Techniques:
Database Sharding: Implementing database sharding techniques to distribute large databases across multiple servers, improving scalability and performance.
Full-Text Search and Indexing: Implementing full-text search capabilities and optimized indexing for efficient searching and data retrieval.
14. Chaos Engineering:
Chaos Engineering: Introducing controlled experiments to identify weaknesses and potential failures in the system, ensuring the application's resilience and reliability.
15. Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda or Azure Functions:
Serverless Architectures: Building applications as a collection of small, single-purpose functions that run in a serverless environment, providing automatic scaling and cost efficiency.
16. Data Pipelines and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Processes:
Data Pipelines: Creating automated data pipelines for processing and transforming large volumes of data, integrating various data sources and ensuring data consistency.
17. Responsive Design and Accessibility:
Responsive Design: Implementing advanced responsive design techniques for seamless user experiences across a variety of devices and screen sizes.
Accessibility: Ensuring web applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by following WCAG guidelines and ARIA practices.
full stack development training in Pune
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