#Elias Malmgren
herikutsugaaru · 10 months
They're friends :)
It's sad that Linnéa and Elias didn't get more time together before the events of Cirkeln because Linnéa seemed to be the only one who ever understood him :(
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 30 Group 146
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Chosen Ones: Vanessa Dahl, Linnéa Wallin, Ida Holmström, Minoo Falk Karimi, Elias Malmgren, Anna-Karin Nieminen, Rebecka Mohlin
Librarians: Eve Baird, Flynn Carsen, Jacob Stone, Cassandra Cillian, Ezekiel Jones, Jenkins aka. Sir Galahad
Submissions are now closed!
Chosen Ones:
They're witches ! Chosen ones !
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Imagine a magic library appoints some guy to be its keeper, then after a while realises the task has made him a strange and lonely man whose only friend is a sentient sword. Aiming to fix this, the library appoints a gaggle of likeminded yet very different people for him to interact with. The cast consists of: Flynn Carsen, the afformented man whose best friend is a sword and who thinks a day without an Indiana Jones style adventure is a day wasted. Eve Baird, a woman raised to be a soldier suddenly thrown into a world of wonder, magic and dangers she knows nothing of, now tasked with keeping 4 eccentric, genius minds from being killed by their curiosity. Cassandra Cillian, a math whiz genius who's lived an isolated life from being put on a pedestal as a child, who has since been diagnosed with brain cancer and is desperately trying to live life to the fullest for as long as she can. Dresses like Ms. Frizzle. Jacob Stone, yeehaw cowboy dude who publishes his groundbreaking art and architecture history papers under a pen name because he knows his yeehaw cowboy family wouldn't approve. He's got the brains AND brawn. Ezekiel Jones, Australian techie and professional thief. The guy lived the Carmen Sandiego life before being recruited. Tries to act tough and morally grey but is genuinely the least selfish out of them all. Youngest Sibling Vibes are Off the Chart. Jenkins aka. the actual sir. Galahad from the Arthurian legend is here also. He's just some grumpy immortal grandpa don't worry about it. They're all just a bunch of nerdy adults who didn't have any friends or loving families growing up who find themselves living the life they dreamed about as children and it doesn't take long for them to consider each other, and the library, home.
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svnsetromance · 2 years
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THE ENGLESFORS TRILOGY ▲ THE CHOSEN ONES              I am you. You are me. We are one.
@lgbtqcreators • creator bingo — blending
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sarabelfgren · 8 months
Shapeshifting powers are often associated with trans narratives, so I wonder if you have any thoughts to share on Elias Malmgren's gender identity if he'd ever been able to realize it? I know you can't confirm or deny anything and I don't want you to, but I think it would be very funny for the Circle's only "male" member to also grow up into a woman, haha, especially considering it was born from the trope of guys outnumbering girls in hero groups.
Hi there! Thank you for your question and sorry for taking so long! Tbh, I only thought about it when some readers began to interpret Elias as trans, and sometimes as someone to identify with in that respect. I found it interesting and still do! It wasn't a conscious choice on our behalf as writers when we created the character however. I hope I somewhat answered your question: :)
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transcharacters · 6 years
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Character: Elias (Lucretia) Malmgren
Fandom: The engelsfors trilogy
Gender: Trans woman
Why: Elias is the only one of the seven chosen ones who is “male”, which is suspicious in and of itself, as aside for him, it is implied the chosen one will be a girl. It is also mentioned after his death, that “if he was a girl” he’d like to be called Lucretia, implying he had been considering names. The person thinking about this also mentiones that it seemingly came out of nowhere. 
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Queer reviews: Sara B. Elfgren, Mats Strandberg, “The Engelsfors Trilogy” (The Circle, Fire, The Key).
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CW: graphic violence, mentions of suicide. 
Plot (book 1): On a night after the apparent suicide of high school student Elias Malmgren, a blood-red moon fills the night sky. Minoo wakes up outside her house, still in her pajamas, and is drawn by an invisible force to an abandoned theme park on the outskirts of town. Soon five of her classmates—Vanessa, Linnéa, Anna-Karin, Rebecka, and Ida—arrive, compelled by the same force. A mystical being takes over Ida’s body and tells them they are fated to fight an ancient evil that is hunting them. As the weeks pass, each girl discovers she has a unique magical ability. They begin exploring their powers. The six are wildly different and definitely not friends . . . but they are the Chosen Ones. 
10/10 on the Rainbow Scale™ 🌈: great horror series, the narration is gripping and fast-paced, you will literally burn through them. It has not one, not two, but THREE bisexual characters, two of them among the protagonists. It has a canon and happy wlw relationship (although they have their struggles) and almost no homophobia whatsoever. It's a bit graphic but nothing too triggering, can easily be read by YA readers.
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freytful · 6 years
Lucretia (Elias) Malmgren from The Circle is a closeted trans girl And You Cant Convince Me Otherwise
- while the prophecy ends up being inaccurate, in the movie it uses she/her pronouns, which makes it wierd that there would be a male chosen one
- Says that "if she was a girl she'd like her name to be Lucretia". Its mentioned that this came out of nowhere, and had nothing to do with what they were talking about
- At the start of the book shes uncomfortable looking in mirrors bc she doesnt feel what she's looking at is herself. I know its about magic but it feels like a dysphoria metaphor
- dies, and as we all know queer women always fucking die
- i said so
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fulltimehabibti · 8 years
anyway elias malmgren was trans
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herikutsugaaru · 1 year
Here's a little drawing I did of Linnéa and Elias from the Engelsfors Trilogy by Sara B. Elfgren🖤 (sorry for the massive pink smudge in the middle I drew this on the back of another drawing and only then decided I like it enough to post it)
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svnsetromance · 9 years
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elias malmgren | engelsfors characters → 4/8
He hopes that Linnéa will understand that he didn't choose this. Everyone else is going to think he killed himself, and that doesn't matter. As long as she doesn't ... He tries to keep thinking about Linnéa. Like when he was little, and thought he could escape his nightmares if he could just hold on to one bright thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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elektrisktmonster · 9 years
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the truth is out there based on that one gifset that i cant seem to find atm
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magicaeart · 10 years
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colour-coordinated babes
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queenflorence · 10 years
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"Alla andra kommer att tro att han tog livet av sig och det spelar ingen roll. Bara inte hon gör det."
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supernovanna · 10 years
Brother in everything but blood
Me and magicae realized today that Linnéa spends an entire weekend unaware of the fact that her best friend is dead. This required a fanfic. (And I already know I can't keep it short) ;)
Linnéa var arg sista gången hon pratade med Elias. Hon tyckte inte om att lämna det så. I vanliga fall hade hon antagligen ringt upp och sagt förlåt, men hon var fortfarande arg.
Han hade lovat att prata med henne på kvällen, men han kom aldrig. hennes första tanke var att han fått ännu ett återfall, och det var den tanken som hindrade henne från att försöka få tag på honom, och istället gå och lägga sig med allt dåligt som hänt under veckan som ett mörkt moln omkring sig.
Trots att de bråkat förväntade hon sig att han skulle komma hem till henne dagen därpå. De spenderade varje helg tillsammans, och ingen människa, inget dåligt humör, inte ens influensan kunde komma emellan dem.
Hon hade inte menat att låta riktigt så arg. Såklart att hon ville att han skulle skärpa sig, men att hon skulle kunna hata honom fanns inte ens i hennes värld. Han kunde väl inte tro att hon inte hade förlåtit honom än? Hon skulle förlåta honom för vad som helst.
Hon väntade på honom hela morgonen innan hon bestämde sig för att ringa honom. Otåligt väntade hon medan signalerna gick fram.
Hon fick inget svar. Inte första, inte andra, inte femte gången hon ringde. När hon provade hemnumret kunde hon inte stoppa den våg av besvikelse som sköljde över henne när det var Helena som svarade.
”Är Elias där?” frågade hon snabbt.
Det var ingen hemlighet att Elias föräldrar inte tyckte om henne. Hon hade aldrig förstått hur någon så fantastisk som Elias kunde ha skapats av någon som dem.
”Han är inte hemma”, svarade Helena kyligt.
Det var då Linnéa kände hur oron började växa sig fram. Elias skulle vara hos henne, så som han varit ända sedan de var små. Om han inte var det, och inte hemma hos sig...
Hon borde veta om han skulle någonstans. Varför hade han inte berättat för henne?
Hon insåg att hon väntat för länge med att säga något, men innan hon hann fortsätta hördes klicket på andra sidan linjen som skvallrade om att Helena lagt på.
Plötsligt visste Linnéa inte vart hon skulle göra av sig själv. Vad gör man en helg när man inte har Elias som sällskap? Utan honom är hon bara ensam. Utan honom...
Utan honom skulle hon lika gärna kunna försvinna.
Klumpen som bildades i halsen kom helt utan förvarning.
Tänk om det har hänt honom något?
Hon tvingade snabbt bort tankarna. Ensam i sin lägenhet och utan Elias skulle hon antagligen gå under om hon släppte efter för oron. Att erkänna, ens för sig själv, att hon var ledsen kändes alltid som en förlust.
Hon lyckades inte få tag på Elias på hela helgen, vilket resulterade i sömnlösa nätter och ett orört kylskåp. Hon övertalade sig själv om att allt skulle ordna sig när hon fick se honom i skolan. Där kunde han inte fortsätta undvika henne.
Tänk om hon hade vetat att hon aldrig skulle få se honom igen.
Eller, det fick hon ju. Hans kropp i alla fall. Trots att hon önskar att hon hade sluppit. Som om det inte räckte med tomheten, och det bottenlösa mörker han lämnade efter sig.
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sarabelfgren · 10 years
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Here he is. Elias (Gustav Lindh). Photo by Niklas Alexandersson. 
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elektrisktmonster · 9 years
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hahaha... ha...
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