#Elixir Brewer
taytei · 3 months
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Tried my hand at putting my babies in the Hades art style. Definitely far from perfect, but I had a lot of fun trying it out!
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velvetwarfare · 8 months
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It would’ve been a peaceful afternoon — if not for the vampiress popping out of nowhere, dramatically bowing before beaming up at the other,
“ DEAREST DARLING ~ ! You look like someone who would desire a DARING touch to their scaly physique! Not to say you are not dashing enough already, because my, what a lovely leetle creature you are! “
Gotta butter them up first. Betty casually pulls out a glowing elixir from her bag, swishing the cerulean liquid around like wine.
“ I am an elixir brewer, you see. The finest of potions, guaranteed. This one here is my NEWEST formula — meant to strengthen the skeletal structure and give one a good shine that is sure to improve anyone’s popularity with appearance!
Trust me, I tested it just a bell ago! “
That’s a lie, she never tests any of her potions. But she’s going to play it off as truthfully as possible to win him over.
“ Would you make my perfect day in Hell by trying it out ~ ? Oh, how happy you would make me! “
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
What's the leadership like in the AS!Chain? Is it still Lily, Barren, and Soul? Is it adventure-coded with Bard, Cloud, and Cryptid? Secret third option??
Great question! The main leadership group is still Lily, Barren, and Soul, though Addie is also considered part of the leadership team with his adventuring expertise. Occasionally Cloud will chip in, but that’s mostly by calling out commands or warnings in battle, otherwise he tends to stay out of leading.
This did get me thinking though, so here’s how everyone would go about leading
(And a small reminder for anyone who wants an easy reference for the au nicknames: Sky is Cloud, Four is Champ, Time is Lily, Legend is Cryptid, Hyrule is Bard, Twilight is Soul, Wind is Addie, Warriors is Barren, and Wild is Loft)
Cloud can say with certainty that he didn’t enjoy his position as commander of the army. It felt more like a necessity than anything else: something he needed to step up and do because he was the chosen one and nobody else could. Learning that Cia’s main motivation was him above all else cemented that idea in his head. He hasn’t had much time to rest since the war, and he’s almost eager to let the others take the leader role. He’s tired of strategizing and was never very good at it anyway (Groose was always the brains of the operation). If he does take charge, it’ll usually be in the midst of battle. That’s where he feels the sharpest, and he often calls out things in his “commander voice” as the others call it. Despite not wanting a leadership role, Cloud’s the one who insists everyone do practice drills and has really helped them all learn to fight alongside one another (something that only he and Addie have proper experience with).
Champ doesn’t want to be on the leadership squad. He knows full well how much energy it takes to keep the colors in line enough to be a competent person, he’ll pass on leading everyone else. If it comes down to it, Champ is pretty good at leading. That is, so long as there’s someone with him to help make decisions. See, he’s good at the compromising part, but just because he can help the others compromise with one another doesn’t mean that he can compromise with the colors. He’d prefer to get his own head in order first before he tries leading everyone else. He’s an excellent potion brewer, though, and is always prepared to distribute elixirs and headpieces of his armor if it might give his companions a boost in whatever they’re doing.
Lily never intended to be a leader figure. He’s the youngest of many siblings, and he’s a subordinate on Captain Sheik’s ship (and he doesn’t want to undermine their authority unless he has to). He was genuinely startled to find everyone else looking to him for leadership. Was it because he’s the oldest? He’s guessing that’s why. He accepted the role given to him even if it was unexpected, because it wasn’t unwanted. The others generally listen to him, after all, and them seeing him as the stoic leader type makes it so much funnier to see them react when Lily acts like the gremlin he is.
Cryptid could lead, but quite frankly he won’t. At first he didn’t want to be a leader because that would put him in charge of them, and in the early days he had absolutely no intention of getting attached. See, his trauma around portals lead him to believe that he’d once again lost everything, and he kinda blamed the others for it even if they were victims as much as he was. As it became more obvious that the portals were taking them through time and would eventually return them to their own eras, he loosened up a bit, but also feared getting too close. They’ll be taken from him soon, he knows it. Eventually he decides he’ll enjoy having them while they’re here and grieve them when they’re gone, but in the time it took for him to reach that point, the leadership squad had already been established and Cryptid was perfectly content with it.
Bard doesn’t like the idea of leading. He’s got all sorts of magical songs to suggest when the others make plans (to the point that it’s a running joke that he has a song for any occasion), but beyond having them help with that, he doesn’t want to be leader. He doesn’t consider himself a hero like the rest, but not in a self deprecating way. He simply sees himself as a person doing the right thing. Bard firmly believes that any good person in his position would have at least tried to do what he’s done. Sure, he’s proud of his accomplishments and knows not just anybody could succeed, but he doesn’t think just doing the right thing makes him a hero. In a team full of heroes, he doesn’t think a simple adventurer would have much to contribute to the leadership squad. Besides, they seem to have it handled! Admittedly, Bard’s extended isolation throughout his adventures makes it hard for him to plan for a group, though he’s getting much better at it. He’ll leave the leadership to the others (and he has immense faith in Lily and really looks up to him!)
Soul is part of the leadership squad and is proud of his role in it. Where Lily is the voice of the group (so to speak), and the one the others typically look to, Soul takes on a slightly more passive role in leadership. He’s the one constantly doing a head count, making sure nobody’s wandered off, checking to be sure nobody’s hiding any injuries, and calling for snack breaks whenever he notices someone falling behind. The group’s welfare is his main priority. Midna is a second set of eyes and is always quick to update him if she notices anything he might’ve missed. He’s also usually the one who herds the wanderers back to the group, assuming Barren hadn’t gone with them (he’ll make sure they don’t get too lost).
Addie’s experience with both adventuring and fighting alongside others makes him a prime candidate for leader. He is kinda impulsive, though, and having the others also in a leadership position helps keep him from getting off task. He may be the youngest, but he’s been adventuring his whole life! Being so young meant he’s had many companions travel and fight by his side throughout all of them. Cooperating with and fighting alongside others is pretty natural for him. He’s also familiar with a lot of things, and knows how to handle being thrown into new situations when he isn’t. (Having the others respect him enough to consider him a leader is also really nice, even if he’s long since stopped caring about how people disregard him due to his age)
Barren is a strategist and a survivalist first and foremost. He’s always making plans. Part of it is anxiety drilled into him from a life on the run, always drafting up plans to help him survive. Part of it is his natural affinity for planning and strategizing. It’s a double edged sword. He may be able to whip out 6 different plans of attack for any given situation, but it also means he lays awake at night thinking and planning how he’d wake everyone up if they were to be attacked. He’s got a sort of charisma that helps him explain his plans to the others and helps him take charge in a more intense situation. All that being said, he does need someone like Soul to tell him when it’s time to rest before he works himself into a frenzy trying to account for any and all possibilities.
Loft isn’t the best fit for leading the group, and he’s perfectly fine with that. With amnesia that leaves him with many gaps in things others wouldn’t think twice about, a big helping of untreated adhd that makes understanding how others think difficult, and a general tendency to get distracted and wander off, Loft would not be the ideal leader. Could he do it if needed? Absolutely, but he knows others would be better suited for it. That won’t stop him from chiming in with a brilliant idea from time to time (though these ideas are also often referred to as “batshit insane”).
Some other little things about the group dynamic that I wanna note:
Cryptid’s mermaid form gives him perpetually dry skin, which also means frequent nosebleeds. Every time, without fail, Soul’s sensitive nose will pick up on blood and he’ll panic for the few seconds it takes before he realizes that there’s no hidden injuries, just Cryptid’s nose again.
The problem children are considered to be Champ, Bard, Addie, and Loft, but all for different reasons. Champ is impulsive and prone to getting roped into the others’ shenanigans (especially Loft’s). He can be the most responsible person there one moment to a lover of arson and chaos the next. It really depends. Bard isn’t usually the prankster and doesn’t tend to get into any particular trouble, but he does often wander off. He has a slight disregard for his personal well-being because “oh, I can just heal myself”, which stresses everyone else out. Addie can be trusted in dungeons and in the middle of battle. He knows his limits very well, and has shown that he’ll come to the group if he needs something. When there’s no adventuring to be had and they’re all resting? He can quickly turn into chaos gremlin supreme. Loft, meanwhile, is on the list of problem children for obvious reasons. Bard’s tendencies to wave off injuries pale in comparison to the absolutely buck wild stuff Loft gets into on the regular. Is it because he doesn’t think before he act? Did losing his memories mean he also lost a sense of pain? Who knows! The point is, he’s eager to run into danger and also eat random plants he finds. Somehow he hasn’t gotten sick yet, and despite the chaos he dives into headfirst he’s yet to earn any particularly serious injuries.
Lily tends to take a backseat when in his own era, though he doesn’t do it consciously. He’s pretty much never the leader back home. He’s the youngest of his siblings and gets absolutely 0 respect, Captain Sheik is obviously is captain of their ship, and he’s eager to do whatever Malon asks of him. He doesn’t really notice he’s doing it, admittedly, he’ll just take a step back even among the chain because back home he’s just not the boss.
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hiddenwinery · 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Brewer: Crafting a Delicious Mead Recipe
Mead, often referred to as "the nectar of the gods," is one of the oldest alcoholic beverages known to humanity. It's a drink steeped in history and myth, dating back thousands of years. If you've ever wondered about the art of making mead, you're in for a treat. In this article, we'll take you on a journey into the world of mead-making, providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to craft your own delectable mead recipe.
What is Mead?
The Historical Elixir
Mead is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey with water. It's believed to have originated in Africa, Asia, and Europe independently, with records of its consumption dating as far back as 7000 BC. It was cherished by the Vikings, who often referred to it as "honey wine" or "ambrosia."
The Mead-Making Process
Gathering Your Ingredients
Before you embark on your mead-making journey, you'll need to gather the essential ingredients:
1. Honey
Choose high-quality honey, as it will significantly impact the flavor of your mead. The type of honey you select, such as wildflower or clover, will influence the taste.
2. Water
Use clean, chlorine-free water for the best results. Spring water is an excellent choice.
3. Yeast
Yeast is responsible for fermentation. Select a yeast strain that complements the honey's sweetness, such as champagne yeast or ale yeast.
The Steps to Mead-Making
Now that you have your ingredients ready, let's dive into the mead-making process:
1. Sanitization
Begin by thoroughly sanitizing all your equipment. This step is crucial to prevent unwanted bacteria from spoiling your mead.
2. Mixing the Must
The must is the mixture of honey and water. Use the right ratio of honey to water to achieve your desired sweetness level.
3. Pitching the Yeast
Add the selected yeast strain to kickstart fermentation. Yeast consumes the sugars in the honey and converts them into alcohol.
4. Fermentation
Allow the mixture to ferment in a cool, dark place. This process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the recipe and desired flavor profile.
5. Racking
Transfer your mead to another container to separate it from any sediment that may have formed during fermentation.
6. Aging
Let your mead age gracefully in a sealed container. The longer you age it, the smoother and more refined the flavors will become.
Flavor Variations
Adding a Personal Touch
Mead can be customized with various ingredients to create unique flavors:
1. Fruits and Spices
Experiment with fruits like berries or spices such as cinnamon to impart distinctive tastes.
2. Oak Aging
Aging your mead in oak barrels can add complexity and depth to its flavor profile.
Crafting your mead recipe is a rewarding experience that connects you with an ancient tradition. Whether you're making mead for personal enjoyment or to share with friends and family, the art of mead-making is a journey worth embarking on.
1. How long does it take to make mead? The time it takes to make mead varies, but on average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more, depending on your recipe and desired flavor.
2. Can I use flavored honey for mead? Absolutely! Flavored honey can add an extra layer of complexity to your mead. Just be sure to choose a flavor that complements your other ingredients.
3. Is mead strong? Mead can vary in alcohol content, but it's typically around 8-20% alcohol by volume (ABV), similar to wine.
4. Can I drink mead immediately after making it? While it's technically drinkable after fermentation, mead benefits from aging, which mellows the flavors and enhances its overall quality.
5. Can I make mead without honey? Honey is the primary ingredient in mead, so it's essential for traditional mead-making. However, there are mead-like beverages that use other sweeteners if you're looking for alternatives.
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krujuice · 1 year
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Avocados: they're not just for plastering on toast and charging you an extra $2 at your favorite brunch spot. No, these wrinkly green wonders are like the Swiss Army knives of the fruit world—versatile, useful, and full of surprises. Just without the hidden toothpick and mini-scissors, of course.
Firstly, let's talk health benefits that everyone can enjoy, whether you identify as male, female, or a moody houseplant. Avocados are crammed full of good fats—specifically, monounsaturated fats. Now, despite being called "fat," these nutrients are not plotting against you in a secret underground lair. They actually help lower bad cholesterol levels, making your arteries as smooth as a jazz radio host's voice (Hu, F.B., Stampfer, M.J., Manson, J.E., et al., 1997, [Journal of the American Medical Association](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/417034)).
Fiber? Avocados have got it in spades. One avocado contains about 13.5 grams of fiber, which is roughly 45% of the daily recommended intake. It's like the fruit is telling your digestive system, "I've got you, buddy!" (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FoodData Central, 2019, [USDA Website](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/index.html)).
Now, for the gents out there concerned with testosterone levels: avocados have your back, or should I say, your glands. They're rich in zinc, a mineral that plays a critical role in testosterone production. So, no need to buy that "Macho Man Vitality Elixir" you saw advertised during late-night infomercials. Nature’s got you covered (Prasad, A.S., Mantzoros, C.S., Beck, F.W., Hess, J.W., Brewer, G.J., 1996, [Nutrition](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8875519/)).
For women, avocados come equipped with a hefty dose of folate, a key nutrient during pregnancy. It helps protect against neural tube defects in the developing fetus. It's like baby-proofing, but at the cellular level (Czeizel, A.E., Dudás, I., 1992, [New England Journal of Medicine](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199201163260301)).
So let's recap: avocados are fantastic for your heart, your digestion, they boost testosterone, and they're prenatal superheroes. If avocados had a LinkedIn profile, it'd be endorsed for "Skills in Nutritional Overachievement" by everyone.
And let’s not forget the micronutrients! Potassium, vitamins K, E, C, and various B-vitamins. Avocados are like the multi-level marketing scheme of nutrition, except they actually deliver on their promises and won’t make family gatherings awkward.
So, the next time you're grumbling about the extra charge for guacamole, just remember: you're investing in your health, one creamy, green scoop at a time.
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missouri-witchcraft · 2 years
Hello, Jasper!
I've been contemplating the difficulties of compiling local resources in my usual methods, and I was reminded of this project of yours! If I can't find a sufficient resource for all this stuff, I'll make my own as well.
I can easily find resources on flora and fauna in the scientific sense, and while I am lucky for that and use it much in my personal magic, it's harder finding magical resources that don't solely talk about sage (as it grows lots here in the southern cali desert).
Do you have advice for researching local folklore and magic, or for finding resources? I'm not sure if it's an easy question to answer, as our local communities and environments are very different in many ways, but I'm sure anything you have to share is helpful!
~ Lysanthiir (not really)
Hello, Lysanthiir!
When it comes to researching the magical properties of flora, fauna, crystals, and anything else, I have to draw a lot on the UPG of myself and others. I have *possibly thousands* of posts of correspondences saved on my computer, which is then compiled alongside stuff from books and folklore I can find on places like Wikipedia or Academia.edu.
A lot of local folk magic is passed down from person to person. There are a lot of strange rules regarding this passing of information, but some people follow the rules more loosely than others - especially because the rules vary based on place. I recommend just talking to people around you and asking about superstitions, local healers, and stuff like that. People get jumpy when you call it magic or witchcraft.
As for written works, try focusing on historical stuff for your most local area. For me, the best I usually get is the Ozarks, which I'm technically in but barely so.
@serpentandthreads has a Discord server for folk magic practices, so people in there may be able to help and guide you to other sources!
As for the non-local books I use, here's a list. I use these books for correspondences, so be aware that not all are up to par. I'll put an asterisk by the ones I really recommend for information beyond the correspondences.
Elements of Witchcraft series. Various authors. 2020-2021.
Grovedaughter Witchery*. Bree NicGarran. 2016.
Kitchen Table Magic*. Melissa Cynova. 2017.
Potions, Elixirs & Brews*. Anais Alexandre. 2020.
The Ancient Magick of Trees. Gregory Michael Brewer. 2019. (Helps with tree identification and focuses on American and British trees.)
The Crystal Zodiac. Judy Hall. 2004.
The Encyclopedia of Crystals. Judy Hall. 2006.
The Encyclopedia of Magickal Ingredients. Lexa Rosean. 2005.
Tree Magic. Sandra Kynes. 2021.
If you're interested in a look at Appalacian-based folk magic, I recommend Roots Branches & Spirits (H. Byron Ballard, 2021). If you're interested in city-based magic, I recommend City Witchery (Lisa Marie Basile, 2021). These two books can help you get a look at how things adapt and change in different places.
I hope this helps you, Lysanthiir!
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saberwitch · 2 years
the more I think about it the more I like the idea of a Bunny Acolyte/brewer. I kind of feel like Engi would be the way to go because elixirs and stuff, maybe a little on the nose but w/e
now I just have to come up with a look and a dye palette!
and a name I GUESS
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coffeeobsession · 1 year
Exploring the magic of coffee!
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I welcome you all to a blog devoted to our shared love of the alluring elixir know as- coffee! In this blog, we will take a lovely tour of the endearing world of coffee while honoring its delights, customs, and the sense of community it fosters. So lets take a seat back and explore the fascinating world of coffee with you all!
A lot of us fell in love with coffee the moment we took our first sip and this altered the path of our lives in some way. We couldn't resist the beautiful feeling it had to offer us along with the warmth and comfort it delivered to us. the burst of flavor on our tongues which created a magical experience which we wanted to feel again and again after that. And since then, I am sure of it, we have been committed coffee lovers, exploring this huge world of cherished brews just like a love story brewed in a cup.
Has anyone ever thought about how brewing coffee might be more than just a simple ritual that we perform everyday? Making an ideal cup of coffee is an exciting and joyful activity, whether we use an espresso machine or a traditional drip brewer or just mixing that pack of instant coffee for that matter. Coffee is like an inspiration for creativity. It's like it has a wonderful capacity to spark our imaginations. We tend to find comfort and inspiration in the presence of this beautiful elixir as artists or dreamers. Coffee has a world of diverse flavors to explore just like fine wine. The relationships we make, the creativity we unleash, along with the unadulterated delight we feel with every cup are more important than just the beans themselves. so lets together find the marvels of this lovely beverage!
Fun fact: You can eat coffee cherries as a food!
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nwbeerguide · 2 years
Alewife Brewing announces upcoming events during NYC Beer Week 2023.
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Press Release
Queens, NY...Alewife Brewing celebrates NYC Beer Week 2023 with an eclectic array of events, from the Opening Bash at Industry City along the scenic waterfront of Sunset Park, Brooklyn (Sat., Feb. 25, 12:30pm), heavy metal night at Bierwax Brooklyn (Feb. 28), to commemorating rock photographer Bob Gruen at Fool's Gold (March 1), and a special craft beer and artisanal cheese tasting with Fromagère Kristen Carbone at Alewife Brewing (March 1). Alewife features its unique and innovative beers including: Sunnyside Blonde Ale, Death to Ego Hazy IPA, Queens Blvd Double IPA, Thousand Stars German-Style Pilsner, 7 Line Amber, Mind Mist NE/Hazy IPA, Tripping on the Forest Floor Brown Ale, I Dream In Mango & Pineapple Fruited Sour IPA, Motueka Prophecy Cold IPA, and Altered State Double IPA.
Saturday, Feb. 25 is the biggest night in craft beer in New York City as 40 NYC Guild Member Breweries unite with more than 35 guest breweries at the Opening Bash at Building 8 in Industry City (LINK). Metal Night at Bierwax Brooklyn brings together Alewife Brewing with KCBC, Fifth Hammer, and Singlecut (556 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY; Feb. 28). Alewife Brewing and Talea Brewing celebrate rock photographer Bob Gruen at Fool's Gold (145 E Houston St, NYC; March 1).
On Wednesday, March 1, the brewers at Alewife Brewing collaborate with Fromagere Kristen Carbone for a special NYC Beer Week tasting event at their beloved brewery (41-11 39th Street, Queens, NY) featuring four exceptional cheeses perfectly paired with seasonal selections from Alewife Brewing. Carbone begins the cheese and craft beer pairing with a 101 intro the cheese education with an epic pairing journey to follow filled with fun and funk! Tickets can be purchased on Eventbrite.
Kristen Carbone is a Fromagere, Curd Nerd and Cheese Enthusiast who has over 6 years of experience in the plating, pairing, and tasting of cheese. From the cellars of Beecher's to the case at Casellula, her time in cheese has built on the solid foundation of tried-and-true pairings and expanded to the weird and the wonderful. For more info about Kristen Carbone, please visit: https://youmebrie.com.
Alewife Brewing’s expansive taproom features 18 Alewife beers on tap plus bottles and cans of saisons, lagers, IPAs, and stouts for on-premise enjoyment and to-go orders. The German beer hall vibe has classic arcade games, pinball, basketball, Street Fighter, corn hole, darts, a pool table, and a selection of kids’ games. Beer lovers can nosh on delicious artisanal items from a curated charcuterie and cheese menu, Fishwife tinned fish, snacks, and free popcorn. The huge outdoor area is perfect for spring, summer and autumn months.
For more information about Alewife Brewing, please visit: alewife.beer/alewife instagram.com/alewifebrewing
About Alewife Brewing Alewife Brewing is a small batch brewery located in the heart of the Sunnyside section of Queens, NY. We focus on brewing traditional and innovative styles of beer, using only the finest ingredients. Our goal is to provide a unique and enjoyable drinking experience for all who visit our taproom.
Alewife Brewing has fallen in love with the stories of ancient times and the roles women had in society. The peace they emulated through their beliefs and love towards nature and all species has inspired us to capture their magic in our beers and on our 16 oz. can labels. The latest historical findings suggest that wine was not the oldest elixir, but in fact, beer mixed with psychedelic substances used in shamanistic ceremonies dating back much further. Gathered and formulated, the Alewives were the makers of both spiritual and medicinal potions.
Through our journeys thus far in life, we’ve developed a deep love for ancient elixirs while brewing and traveling to learn ancient and modern techniques for exceptional beers brewed at our new home in Sunnyside, Queens.
Don't worry, it's just beer we make, no special additions!
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weeping-gospels · 2 years
Senses and other oddly specific headcanons ~
1. What does your muse smell like?
Not death, surprisingly. She goes above and beyond to rid of that horrid stench of decay. The pros of being an expert elixir brewer! Also using that shit as perfume. I’m talking DOUSING herself in it like gasoline. Her favorite choice of scents would be roses, lavender, or an earthy scent. These will all be given a distinct smell of fire as well due to her element — so. Charred earth. Burnt botany.
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
Her hands are almost always hidden by gloves to give them the artificial warmth a living creature would possess. Her body is frozen cold with visible veins.
3. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
Her first class of choice as a human was a bard. Prefers opera. Soft, sweet songs. Lullabies. When she carried a hatchet before Spinemangler folks nicknamed her ‘ Sleeping Hatchet ‘ . Betty still sings lullabies to herself every so often to either calm down during manic episodes or subconsciously — and on the rare occasion, to Skaven.
4. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Staring for long periods of time when observing, grinning with her fangs, rambling, her ears fidgeting. As the primal beast she grinds her teeth constantly and sometimes twitches uncontrollably. she probably has rabies honestly the fucking animal
5. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
Her usual crimson robes adorned with small, sigil - carved bells. If she’s feeling fancy she’ll wear a Victorian vampiric gown. Also red. Everything must be red.
6. Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so?
She likes to claim she isn’t but she definitely is immensely affection and touch starved. She’s constantly being ragdolled by Skaven. Searches for affection in them and 9/10 doesn’t get it. Unless it’s by Skreech, that’s different. Skreech is her big ol’ grizzly bear. 🖤
7. What position does your muse sleep in?
She doesn’t necessarily crave sleep. If she does, it’s only for a few hours — curled up in a fetal position tucked away in the shadows. She’s actually just afraid of being slain in her most vulnerable position so she’s overly careful in choosing where to rest. In closets, in the cellar, squeezed in corners, even in rooftops.
8. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Absolutely not — without her bells. If she’s in the predator mode and on the hunt then the bells are discarded and her footsteps are near mute. Walk like the dead. Lurking in the shadows, watching every step, listening to every breath, crawling along the walls and ceilings.
However if she wants to be heard then the bells are on for show and you can hear the jingling from doors over.
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Tagged by: no one I’m bored
Tagging: you bitch
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taytei · 4 months
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oc doodle dump
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velvetwarfare · 7 months
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Vermillion eyes stare down at the ruby cabochon necklace clasped tightly around her neck, running slender digits amongst the sheen surface absentmindedly. The absence of the vampire’s reflection only crescendoed her loneliness, eye bags becoming all the more noticeable to the public eye — but none to the cabaret performer.
Makeup artists or Velvette always tended to the beauty aspect of her career for this very reason — which only amplified the gut-wrenching feeling of being nothing more than a dress up doll. A wind up toy on stage in daylight hours, limbs mechanically moving to a rhythm Valentino created specifically for her — and an elixir brewer by night, conjuring up all sorts of concoctions involving his pheromones. A repetitive cycle that never ended, never changed, never swayed to a different melody.
It’s been so long since she visited her favorite district. Homesickness bit at Betty’s heart strings, anxiety gnawing away like a mole rat. How was she doing? Is she okay? Does she think of me still? Does she miss me? Is she looking for me?
A quiet sigh. The grip on the ruby strengthened in desperation, tears threatening to spill from the vampire’s eyes out of frustration. She had never gotten far when it came to visitation hours — a part of her pondered if Valentino knew about her feelings for the other woman and was attempting to drive them further apart. In a manner, it was a blessing in disguise — if their bond had been exploited, Betty wouldn’t know what to do in such a terrifying dilemma. It was for the best that she stayed away — for both of their safety.
Then again….they are both overlords. It would be so fucking refreshing to watch her TEAR VALENTINO APART LIMB FROM LIMB. That thought brought a bitter snicker.
“ Just you wait…I will be back, my darling, “
Betty muttered under her breath, long ears flicking at the sound of footsteps approaching her room,
“ …And when I return, I will give us the life of luxury and love we deserve. “
Tucking the necklace into her dress and quickly fixing on the one Valentino ‘gifted’ her, Betty groaned and headed out.
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Being so high up in the air on a spinning hoop was the most FREEING she’s felt since she signed that damn contract. Nobody could touch her, nobody could put their grubby hands on her — it was just she, flashing lights, and the large window displaying the LOVELY view of Hell outside. Everything outside the glass prison was no bigger than figurine-sized markings, but Betty had been around enough to pinpoint what each landmark was.
Swinging to and fro in dips and circles, the feelings of LONGING AND HEARTACHE SCREAMED FROM HER ANGERED SOUL, swallowing back the torrent of tears she desperately wanted to YELL OUT.
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The hoop YANKED the vampire away, glassy eyes widening as she felt herself get SHREDDED away from the glass pane.
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ofthesacredflame · 2 months
Fun little magic flavored Wild West dnd ideas I've spit out of my garbage brain as it rots:
Chimera's being a combination of Mountain lions, rattle snakes and donkeys.
Blink Coyotes!! Just blink dogs, but they're Coyotes.
Jumping Cactus creatures!!
Vulture Griffins
Gila monster drakes
Tumble weed assassin vines
Scarecrow mimic constructs
Silly little alchemist potions you can buy from peddlers that are based off the strange tonics and such you could find in the wild west. They're cheap and not very strong and depending on the brewer they might be a scam and not work.
Example: casts a Cone of cold with the elixir, and it's just called like Jedidiah's Heart burn be gone etc.
Dragon born from the east that are more like Chinese lungs vs. The traditional dragon archetype being European.
Sun down town that is actually a vampire town made for them to live in peace and not be discriminated against. They outsource blood from bigger cities, but for some reason the trains meant to deliver their source of food keep getting high jacked. The town slowly devolves into chaos as they go hungry and your adventuring team can figure out the mystery.
Idk, I'll post more as I think about it but I'm going feral for Wild West fantasy with ghosts and zombies and strange creatures of legend like the Chupacabra and tales of Aliens (Arizona has so many alien legends). But also like Elves and Orcs and Lizard folk tabaxi mountain lions
The list goes on...
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dayprowlercoffee · 4 months
The Allure of Toasted Almond Coffee: A Nutty Escape in Every Cup
Coffee, that glorious elixir that jumpstarts mornings and fuels late-night endeavors, is ever-evolving. While the classic dark roast and bold espresso remain timeless favorites, the world of flavored coffees offers an exciting playground for adventurous palates. Toasted almond coffee stands out among these enticing options, offering a unique and comforting twist on the traditional cup.
This delightful beverage isn't just about adding a splash of almond flavoring. Toasted almond coffee evokes the image of warm, caramelized almonds, their richness adding a subtle sweetness and a delightful nutty aroma to your coffee experience. The magic lies in carefully incorporating these almond notes into the coffee. This can be achieved through various methods, each imparting a slightly different character to the final brew.
One popular method involves infusing coffee beans with toasted almonds during the roasting process. The almonds release their fragrant oils as they toast alongside the coffee beans, creating a seamless and nuanced flavor profile. Alternatively, some coffee roasters may use natural or artificial almond extracts to achieve a more pronounced almond taste. This method offers a greater degree of control over the intensity of the flavor, catering to preferences for a subtler or more prominent almond presence.
But the allure of toasted almond coffee goes beyond just its enticing aroma and flavor. This unique brew offers a surprising versatility that caters to a wide range of coffee drinkers. For those who enjoy their coffee black, toasted almond coffee adds a subtle sweetness that can replace the need for added sugar, creating a naturally sweeter and more complex drinking experience. For those who prefer their coffee with milk or cream, the toasted almond notes pair beautifully with the richness of dairy, creating a comforting and luxurious latte or cappuccino.
The beauty of toasted almond coffee lies in its ability to elevate your coffee ritual without overpowering the inherent qualities of the coffee bean itself. Unlike some flavored coffees that can mask the taste of the coffee altogether, toasted almond coffee enhances the coffee experience by adding a complementary layer of flavor. This makes it a fantastic choice for those who appreciate the nuances of different coffee origins and roasts. Whether you enjoy a light and fruity Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or a bold and smoky Sumatran Mandheling, toasted almond coffee can complement these unique flavor profiles, adding a touch of warmth and nuttiness without detracting from the coffee's inherent character.
This versatility extends beyond just taste. Toasted almond coffee also offers a unique sensory experience. The warm, nutty aroma is undeniably inviting, creating a sense of comfort and inviting a moment of relaxation. This makes toasted almond coffee a perfect choice for a cozy afternoon pick-me-up or a calming evening brew to unwind after a long day.
If you're curious to explore the world of toasted almond coffee, there are many ways to embark on this nutty adventure. Many coffee roasters offer pre-flavored toasted almond coffee beans, allowing you to brew a delicious cup at home using your preferred method. Alternatively, some shops may offer toasted almond coffee as a seasonal or permanent menu item. Here you can enjoy professional baristas crafting lattes, cappuccinos, or even cold brews infused with the delightful toasted almond flavor.
For the adventurous home brewer, there are even DIY methods to create your own toasted almond coffee experience. You can experiment by adding a small amount of toasted almonds directly to your coffee filter basket alongside your ground coffee. Alternatively, you can try infusing your brewed coffee with a touch of almond extract for a more controlled approach.
Whether you're a seasoned coffee aficionado or simply looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy your morning cup, toasted almond coffee offers a delightful escape. Its unique flavor profile, versatility, and comforting aroma make it a must-try for anyone seeking a little nutty adventure in their coffee ritual. So, the next time you're looking to elevate your coffee experience, embrace the warmth and comfort of toasted almond coffee and discover a whole new world of flavor possibilities.
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maltextract123 · 9 months
Brewing Magic: Exploring the World of Malt Extracts
Welcome to the tantalising world of malt extracts – where brewing dreams come alive! Malt extracts, the backbone of many flavorful brews, come in various forms, each offering its unique touch to the art of brewing. From Liquid Malt Extract (LME) to Dry Malt Extract (DME), from malted milk food to malt based food, and the intriguing varieties like Diastatic and Non-Diastatic Malt Extracts, this article will be your guide to understanding, choosing, and elevating your brewing game with these magical extracts.
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Unveiling the Essence: Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
Liquid Malt Extract, provided by Mahalaxmi Malt Products Private Limited, is a concentrated syrup created by mashing barley malt and then reducing it into a thick, pourable form. Its viscosity and ease of use make it a preferred choice for many brewers, enhancing the body and flavour of beers while providing a spectrum of colour options to suit diverse brew styles.
The Power of Concentration: Dry Malt Extract (DME)
Picture this: the concentrated, powdered form of LME. Dry Malt Extract is produced by spray-drying the liquid extract, resulting in a powder with excellent shelf stability and ease of measurement. Its longer shelf life and the ability to precisely control fermentable sugars make it a go-to for both beginner and seasoned brewers.
Diastatic vs. Non-Diastatic: Decoding the Difference
Diastatic Malt Extract contains active enzymes that convert starches into fermentable sugars, promoting a robust fermentation process and contributing to the beer's body and mouthfeel. On the other hand, Non-Diastatic Malt Extract, lacking these enzymes, serves primarily as a source of flavour, colour, and body, offering unique possibilities for specialty brews.
Crafting the Perfect Brew: Using Malt Extracts
Whether you're aiming for a crisp lager, a hoppy IPA, or a rich stout, malt extracts offer versatility in crafting the perfect brew. From partial mash recipes to full extract brewing, these extracts provide a solid foundation, allowing brewers to experiment, innovate, and create signature flavours that tantalise taste buds.
Beyond the Basics: Tips and Tricks
Experiment with blending LME and DME for a nuanced flavour profile.
Use Diastatic Malt Extract for home baking or enhancing bread dough's fermentation process.
Explore Non-Diastatic Malt Extract for adding depth to sauces or glazes in culinary adventures.
Conclusion: Brew, Create, and Elevate
Malt extracts, in their diverse forms, are the secret ingredients behind countless successful brews worldwide. Whether you're an amateur brewer or a seasoned aficionado, understanding these extracts' nuances unlocks a world of possibilities in crafting flavorful, unique concoctions that leave a lasting impression on every sip. Cheers to unlocking the art of brewing excellence with these magical elixirs!
For more information about: Malt Extract Powder Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/
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thomasbartley · 9 months
The Role of Water Quality in Homebrewing Success
Water, the elixir of life, holds a pivotal role in the art and science of homebrewing. Its quality shapes the destiny of every brew, wielding influence over taste, aroma, clarity, and even the fermentation process itself. Within the sanctum of a home brewery, water transcends mere hydration, becoming a canvas upon which the alchemy of brewing unfolds.
Thomas Bartley
For Thomas Bartley Naperville, quality water is not merely a solvent. It behaves more like a conductor, orchestrating a complex symphony of flavors in each brew. Each mineral, each individual ion present in the water, contributes its own note to the harmony, or indeed, the discord in the brew's final outcome. An understanding and appreciation of the composition of water, therefore, becomes the pivotal first step towards mastering the timeless and intricate art of brewing. Recognizing the significance of each component, every seemingly minor detail in the water, opens the door to skillfully manipulating these elements to produce the desired flavor profiles, resulting in a brew that is both balanced and satisfying. In the world of brewing, water isn't simply an ingredient; it is the essence of the art itself.
Consider the impact of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sulfate. They are the silent architects, shaping the mouthfeel and character of beer. Calcium facilitates enzymatic reactions during mashing, while sulfate can enhance hop bitterness, accentuating certain styles like IPAs. Meanwhile, magnesium influences yeast health, crucial for a robust fermentation process.
In the realm of homebrewing, Thomas Bartley Naperville has observed that the pH level, often an overlooked factor, holds tremendous influence over the brewing process. This crucial parameter controls the enzymatic activity during the mashing stage, directly impacting starch conversion rates and the fermentability of the brew. By maintaining an appropriate pH balance in the brewing water, one sets the stage for yeast to perform optimally. This not only allows the yeast to flourish but also ensures that they impart the desired flavors into the final product, essentially sculpting the distinctive character and taste of the beer.
Chlorine and chloramine, commonly found in tap water, can pose as adversaries to the brewing process. These compounds, added for disinfection purposes, can produce off-flavors, tarnishing the purity of the brew. Eliminating these through filtration or chemical treatments becomes imperative for a pristine canvas.
Adaptation becomes a brewer’s ally. While some styles thrive in certain water profiles, others demand adjustments. Understanding the needs of the chosen brew and tweaking the water composition accordingly elevates the craft to an art form. It’s a delicate dance of chemistry and intuition, where a tweak in mineral content can transform a beer from ordinary to extraordinary.
Water quality extends its influence beyond taste; it shapes the very mechanics of brewing. Efficiency in the mashing process hinges on water composition. The presence of certain ions aids in the extraction of sugars from grains, ensuring a robust fermentable wort. The absence or imbalance of these ions can lead to inefficiencies, impacting the overall yield and quality of the brew.
Yet, achieving the perfect water profile isn’t a uniform quest. It’s an endeavor as diverse as the array of brews themselves. A pale ale might flourish in one water profile while a stout demands a completely different setting. This nuanced understanding underscores the craft’s complexity, demanding constant exploration and adaptation.
Homebrewing, a marriage of art and science, calls for a holistic approach. It’s not merely about the quality of the ingredients but the orchestration of their interactions. Water, often the overlooked maestro, conducts this symphony. Its quality becomes the silent partner in every step, guiding the transformation of raw ingredients into liquid poetry.
A brewer's journey, such as that of Thomas Bartley Naperville, is akin to embarking on a voyage of discovery and refinement. Experimentation is not just a process, but the anvil upon which new, unprecedented flavors are meticulously crafted and brought to life. Water quality, often a subtle aspect in brewing, emerges as a critical catalyst for brewing innovation. The precise manipulation of its composition paves the way to previously unexplored flavor landscapes, inviting the curious and passionate brewer like Thomas Bartley Naperville to challenge the conventional boundaries of taste and aroma in the pursuit of the perfect brew.
The reverence for water quality extends beyond the brew day. Storage and treatment of water maintain its integrity, ensuring consistency in each batch. Cleanliness becomes a mantra, guarding against contaminants that might compromise the sanctity of the brew. A meticulous approach from source to fermentation vessel upholds the reverence for water’s role.
The quest for brewing perfection hinges on a delicate equilibrium. Thomas Bartley Naperville understands that water quality is undeniably a significant influencer in the brewing process. Yet, an unyielding fixation on achieving absolute purity can inadvertently curb the creative journey that brewing essentially is. Sometimes, it's the seemingly 'imperfect' elements or conditions in the water that give birth to truly unique, defining characteristics which add an unexpected depth and complexity to the resultant brew. Recognizing these 'imperfections' and strategically incorporating them into the brewing process can lead to innovative discoveries that not only redefine established brewing standards, but also open up a whole new world of previously unexplored flavors and textures.
Brewing, a craft rooted in tradition, also evolves with technological advancements. Water testing kits, software for calculating water adjustments, and filtration systems have become indispensable tools in a brewer’s arsenal. These aids empower brewers, providing insights and precision to their craft, elevating homebrewing to new heights.
In the tapestry of homebrewing, where every thread contributes to the final masterpiece, water quality emerges as the foundational fiber. Its influence, subtle yet profound, weaves through every sip, reminding the brewer of the intricate dance between ingredients and the element that binds them. It’s a testament to the ceaseless quest for excellence that defines the soul of a brewer.
The role of water quality in homebrewing transcends its elemental nature. It embodies the essence of craftsmanship, guiding the alchemy that transforms humble ingredients into liquid art. Its influence, understated yet omnipresent, beckons the brewer on a perpetual quest for perfection, where each batch is a testament to the symphony orchestrated by water's quality.
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