#Eliza and Bob's baby
ylissebian · 5 months
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alannacouture · 9 months
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I’m still hanging out in The 100 universe! This time, it’s a S5 ending fix-it (sorta…). Guess who wakes up on Eligius early, with nothing but time and some serious issues they need to work through? We’re basically dealing with the aftermath of S5 and where the hell Bellamy & Clarke go now. (C’mon, they have years alone together on an empty ship. Sexy time shenanigans and more than a few adorable consequences of their actions will be happening. I can’t help that I’m Bellarke Baby Trash, okay?)
I tried something a little different with this story. The first half is written from Bellamy’s POV. The second half is video logs like Monty made chronicling their time onboard & how their lives change during the years they’re awake (again, adorable consequences of sexy times…). I am begging, pleading, asking with all my heart, that you leave comments or kudos so I know people are still hanging out in the fandom, reading whatever work is out there. I’ll appreciate you to no end if you take the time to just comment with an emoji! 🚀💖✨
PS A Sequel for I’ve got you for that is in the works!!!
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kizo2703 · 7 months
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(Adalynn's POV)(AN: Y'all I know i took a BREAK. It started small so I could work on my queue, but between my job, my new relationship, and life in general, it became an accidental hiatus. I've been lurking on my timeline with the different things happening, and I'm happy I can finally empty my drafts so I don't feel guilty for playing and not posting.)(Summary: Adalynn finally had her baby girl after 8 boys this summer, she's still friends with Eliza Pancakes, and still being fundie AF)
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Life has been busy busy busy! (When is it not) but we thank the Lord for his mercies! As we head into the winter months, the boys are practicing for their winter recital, I've kicked off holiday season planning (christmas cards, christmas dinner and fellowship) as well as the usual homeschooling, homemaking, and worship. I'm so thankful to the Lord for giving me a dear friend in sweet Eliza. She, Bob, and the kids have been doing amazingly.Being neighbours means that we can help each other whenever the other needs it, we've been helping each other with homeschooling recently as we both start planning for the holiday season, and more recently we've been having Zayden and Mia over for school because Eliza recently found out that she's expecting again!
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Eliza said that it genuinely was a surprise for her, after being uncharacteristically late for her cycle she decided to take a test and it was positive! This little one is due next autumn and we're already so excited to welcome them into the world! Bob and Eliza were talking about how if they'd never chosen to trust in the Lord and accept salvation, then they're be missing out on so many blessings (including little Zachary and this new little blessing)
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Little Zachary has been such a light in the Pancakes family, and they're so happy at being able to add another little blessing! When the older kids are at activities we'll have Zachary and Bethany play together, whilst my toddlers are having their nap time for the day. The older kids love to love on their little brother and are so excited that there's another sibling on the way! Mia says that she's praying for a little girl so that she can have a baby sister like little Bethany, she's always asking to hold her and play with her whenever she's near her and it's so precious to see a family nurture a love of children within their home.
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(AN: The hospital ultrasound pictures make no sense but i really like @pandasamacc's childbirth mod so I'm constantly using it for random gameplay shots)
Speaking of those with a love of children, Zoe announced that they're expecting another baby! She told us on a sisters group call one day, then went round video calling those who missed the groupcall. Since it's christmas card season, Zoe decided to send out their cards a little bit early so that they could include their precious announcement in their christmas card.
This little one will join older siblings Javier Jr [JJ](3) and little Cassie (almost 2), and by the time they join the family they should be ready to leave Windenburg. They're having little Cassie's 2nd birthday party at my parents house during Celeste's wedding weekend since we'll all be at the.
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elizataylordaily · 2 years
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elizajaneface: My little koala bear 🐨💕
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simmingwithkayla · 1 year
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Grow up Bob..
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depressimss · 1 year
。・゚゚・ JOKESTERS ・゚゚・。
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bob got a liddol promotion! so cuteee
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nenessi · 11 months
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eliza's graduation gift/surprise to bob <3
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graduate in culinary arts. can't wait for baby pancakes no. 2!
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april-showers86 · 2 years
Okay. Bob and Eliza need to get this for Henry. This is too stinking cute!!! 🥰🐧😢
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littledrummerangie · 2 months
whenever Bellamy and Clarke are on screen together, I just go:
🫶❤️ Mom and Dad ❤️🫶
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saytrtiara · 9 months
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Bob: Ha! I told you we'd have a boy
Eliza: Yeah yeah, laugh it up.
Bob: Oh I'm not laughing. I think we should have another one.
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Bob: What'd'ya say, Eliza? Two little boys running around?
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Eliza: Oh Bob. You're never right twice.
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enniewritesathing · 2 years
Eliza Pancakes, please stop calling about if you should raw dog Try for Baby with Bob.
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alannacouture · 11 months
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This is just a bunch of fluff wrapped up like a story because I really wanted to write something fluffy. I have no other excuse.
I’m seriously begging for kudos and/or comments. Knowing people are still engaged in this fandom is what continues to give me the motivation to write, so please let me know you’re reading.
And since I’m lazy & don’t want to create a moodboard for this story, here’s a Beliza edit that we’re going to pretend goes along with it. (This was Bob & Henry casually crashing one of Eliza’s Cameo’s. 🥰)
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kizo2703 · 1 year
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"Lunch time at the Morleys 🐣" 👶🤣🥰
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(Adalynn's POV)
It's been such a blessing to be able to be there for Eliza as we counted down the days in preparation of her giving birth to her and Bob's newest little one. In the 2 weeks before she gave birth I was over helping pack her hospital bag with everything necessary. Eliza preferred to give birth in a hospital as her midwife suggested it due to the 7 year gap between this pregnancy and her last.
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The kids were so excited for their newest sibling to come, Mia comes over with her brother multiple times a week and dotes so well on little Titus, as well as Jonah and Caleb as the next youngest. Having Mia come over shows me what life would be like had I been given a daughter, and whilst I'm thankful for my boys, I enjoy the little moments I get to enjoy with Mia.
Right on her due date, Eliza went into labour and 30 hours later gave birth to Zachary Pancakes. A little boy! She and bob hadn't chosen to find out the gender of the baby, so when the church ladies of Willowcreek Baptist did a sprinkle for her, we mainly focused on diapers and other baby items and got her gift cards so she could choose what clothes to buy for the baby herself.
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It's been the nicest few days welcoming Bob and Eliza's newest blessing and just taking in how precious life is. Eliza joked that she'd forgotten how hard yet rewarding the newborn stage is, Zayden and Mia have to be wrangled from staring at the baby to do their schoolwork. I've offered to have them over at our house during the day while they do school to give Eliza some quiet time to take care of herself and the baby. In fact, since camp is coming up in a few weeks, Zayden and Mia will be heading to Granite Falls with us to give the kids a chance to experience it as well we to give Bob and Eliza some bonding time with the baby.
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elizataylordaily · 2 years
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elizajaneface: Four generations together at last! Such a special day today 🥲💕✨
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